Thanks, everybody for suggestions on how to get a debian box to NOT
renumber scsi disks on bootup:

One of our sharp debian guys found a way to build an /etc/scsi-alias
file that contains the scsi serial number of a disk, with entries for
each disk similar to:

Then in /etc/fstab, an entry for each disk like:
/dev/scsi/rawdsk1-p1 /rawdsk1 ext2 rw 0 2

And device files need to be created in /dev/scsi/ like:
brw------- 1 root  root  8,  32 Nov  9 22:06 rawdsk1
brw------- 1 root  root  8,  33 Nov  9 22:06 rawdsk1-p1

The serial number of the disk was found by:
scsiinfo -s /dev/scsi/<whatever>     or by:
scsiinfo -s /dev/sdX

Our unix guy also had to write an /etc/init.d/scsidev from scratch, and
copy /usr/sbin/scsidev to /sbin/scsidev, so that scsidev
can be run before /usr is mounted. 

This seems to work ok, with the disks being assigned the correct id on
reboots. Great thanks to the guy who figured this out!! 


> > Dave Felt wrote:
> > 2.  My debian box has several scsi disks on it, and if one is turned off
> > at boot time, the machine mounts the wrong disks on the defined
> > filesystems, even though they are listed correctly in /etc/fstab. Is
> > there a way to force the machine to mount a given disk on a given
> > filesystem?  Thanks!

> Ethan Benson wrote:
> i was looking at the fstab(5) man page the other day and noticed that
> you can specify instead of /dev/* a filesystem UUID or label, (which
> ext2 has) and the disks will be searched for a matching filesystem.
> this is intended to get away from the problem of changing /dev/
> nodes.  i don't know if it actually works or not, it could very well
> be unimplemented.

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