REPLACE approx with chrony in the following;
> Also years ago, and still today, there is approx which does a much
> more sophisticated analysis of the data stream of repeated queries of
> an ntp server. In addition to setting the local clock to the
> same time as the external reference clock as is done by both ntp and
> ntpdate, approx computes an estimate of *rate* of ticking of the local
> clock. Properly used, in a stable HVAC environment, it can keep the
> local clock synced with internet time with as few as one reading per
> week of the external internet time.
> It is my experience that internet time is vastly inferior to the
> precision of proper laboratory grade atomic clocks of a decade or two
> ago. Furthermore, no one really wants his computer clock to be
> scientifically correct to the point of being useful for running the
> data links to the space probe to Pluto. What everyone should want is
> just that their computer clock agrees with the computer clocks of the
> web sites with which they communicate. THAT is largely determined by
> social convention, which cares very little about logical scientific
> correctness.
> Here we see an example of a further meta-question concerning the
> socially correct words to use in covering up the underlying technical
> complexity. ;-)
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Paul E Condon           

Paul E Condon  

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