On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, you wrote:

> I ahve all of these xpm packages installed and my wp8 works just fine, so
> for simplicity, do what I do, grab everything with xpm in the name
> ii  xpm-bin         3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries - associated
> binaries
> ii  xpm4-altdev     3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries (for libc5) -
> development
> ii  xpm4.7          3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries (for libc5) -
> runtime
> ii  xpm4g           3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries (for libc6) -
> runtime
> ii  xpm4g-dev       3.4j-0.6       X Pixmap libraries (for libc6) -
> development

Well, I had it all, but it didn't work.  I decided to remove all of the libc5
stuff, delete WP8, then reinstall libc5, xlib6, and xpm4 then wp8.  It worked! 
My guess is I installed some of the libs, then wp8, then the rest of the libs,
and something got munged.  Either that or some apt-get update munged the
libraries (it happened to my X fonts).

Thanks so much everyone, you've all helped a lot!

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