Ok ..

I got this 3Dfx voodoo banshee card..(PCI) it works fine in my Celery
system, but when i put it in my Socket 7 (i430TX chipset) system, and try
to start X with the same X server i get:

Fatal server error:
xf86MapVidMem: Could not mmap framebuffer (Device not configured)

The only X server i can get to work with it iss XF86 3.4 from creative
labs.  But Glide doesnt want to work with it for some reason(segfaults and
claims it cannot access the banshee, the kernel module is loaded)

I'm running it on corel linux 1.0 w/custom 2.2.12 kernel using XF86_SVGA:

XFree86 Version 3.3.5 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: August 23 1999

on a K6-2 300 (o/c to 366) on an AOpen AP5T-3 i430TX august 98 bios.  can
anyone possibly expain the nature  of the error?  if you need more info i
can provide it.



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