hi users/readers,

thanks for helping with removed libstdc++.so previously. if anyone can help
with the following problem, i would be very grateful.

i am trying to run a CAD program named Octree which many linux users needing
CAD use, i have worked through some shared library - libcurses.so & libtermcap -
problems with help from this list and the octree list, and i now receive the
following error message when trying to launch the program:

        $ /usr/local/octre/bin/Linux/2.0g/ix86/graphics: error in loading
shared libraries: undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

octree (via a posting to dejanews) suggested a that this symbol belongs 
to one of the libstdc++.so* libraries, but 

        $ nm/usr/lib/libstdc++* | grep __register_frame_info

returns  libstdc++.so*: no symbols  for 9 different libraries. if i

        $ nm /usr/lib/lib* | grep __register_frame_info,

another +/- 40 libraries return  *: no symbols.

i have checked on various lists and it seems there are refernces to
"__register_frame_info", but i am unable to correctly determine what to do.

i am running slink/2.0.36, and i reinstalled libstdc++2.9-dev_2.91.60-5

any ideas will be appreciated, and if this is a simple problem arising from
simple ignorance, then, apologies from a new user. thanks very much, peter

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