I'm trying to use amd unoficial patch lev 102 under debian 1.2
could some other users please post their amd configuration files, with
copious comments? As far as I can tell from the error messages, the
NFS systems are never mounted anywhere in any way.  Trafshow tells me
that no udp requests even leave the computer when I start up amd. 
When I cd to the map mount directory, however (/amd as below), i get
the message nfs_return_code_116 The startup command I use has changed
a lot, but the one I have now seems to be the best according to how I
understand the docs.  I'll remove the -D test when it's working. I
start amd on computer arvs.cimc.com with the command (using a text 
file map)

amd -a /tmp_amd -D test -r -x all -d cimc.com /amd /etc/amd/amd.arvs1

and my configuration file (amd.arvs1) is 

# want to access the floppy drive in such a way that removing it
# without unmounting will not cause a kernel panic.
flop        type:=link;fs:=/mnt/floppy

mnt/floppy  type:=ufs;fs:=${autodir}/${key};dev:=/dev/fd0

# beowulf and joe are 2 other hosts on the network, want to
# mount their entire file systems.
mnt/beowulf -opts:=rw,grpid,nosuid,intr,soft \

mnt/ljoe    -opts:=rw,grpid,nosuid,intr,soft \

This is my configuration  at the moment (/etc/amd/amd.arvs1) 
- I have gone through many
configurations.  My understanding is that under /amd  amd will create
symbolic links to /mnt/floppy, /mnt/joe. and /mnt/beowulf.  When I cd
to or ls /mnt/floppy or /mnt/joe or /mnt/beowulf, amd will catch the
reference and if that filesystem is not mounted, amd will mount it.

And here is the other bit of debugging that seems relevant.  After
starting amd, here's the interaction:

# cd /amd
# ls
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug: getattr:
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug:    retry=116
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug: Select waits for 106s
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug: getattr:
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug:    retry=116
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug: Select waits for 106s
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug: readdir:
May 26 07:26:28 arvs amd[692]/debug: Select waits for 106s

other configurations I have tried include putting the floppy mounts at
the end of the file, so maybe amd will get to the nfs mounts first
(maybe it's crapping out on the link mount). Other things I've tried
include specifying 

type:=nfs;fs:=/mnt/joe       for the joe system....

/defaults      opts:=rw,soft,intr,timeo=10,retrans=5 

This used to be the top line of the amd.arvs1 map.

Is my understanding wrong (is ${autodir}/$key}   mounting stuff other
places?   then why didn't specifying fs:=/an/absolute/path    not
work?    I searched dejanews, but could not find anything pertinent.
Any help appreciated, TIA

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