Can't find anything on this going back 1 yr+ in the Debian, Ubuntu, and
Fedora list archives. A web search turned up little of use except a
reference to it being a kernel problem. The problem is intermittent. 
Can't reproduce it at will. Cursor moves with the mouse but no keyboard
response except for the function keys (ctrl+alt+Fx). Thankfully I can
still open a shell.

The only work around I've found is to stop and restart gdm3. This, of
course, loses whatever was open on the desktop.

It's hard to believe this problem hasn't hit a mail list, but I sure can't
find it.

I'm running squeeze with a 3.2.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 kernel.

Any pointers appreciated.

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
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