In case any developers are reading that are interested, I thought I'd
mention the problems I had during install of potato from floppies.

First, the reason why I chose to install potato, is because I was unable to
install debian after buing two different books with slink on them.

I downloaded the rescue and driver floppies from, and began
the installation. After being prompted to configure modules, I setup the
tulip driver for my Kensington KNE110TX ethernet card. This allowed me to
download base2_2.tgz using http during the install.

When setting up lilo, I asked to install lilo in the MBR.

After rebooting, linux didn't boot. I used my boot floppy, and found that
lilo.conf was setup with boot=/dev/hda6 instead of boot=/dev/hda.
Also, the modules I setup were not included in /etc/modules, and
/etc/init.d/network was not setup (/etc/resolv.conf had been setup).

After fixing the above problems, and rebooting, I used the simple task
installer to install almost every task. After, the packages were installed,
I was presented with a login prompt. Is this the normal way that the install
ends? The tasks I chose apparently didn't include man.  I think this is less
than optimal for a new user.

While I'm ranting, I'd like to warn any new users about two debian books
that I bought:

The 1st edition of a book from New rider has the wrong CD in it, so you
can't install debian without sending in for a replacement CD.

The debin book from SAMS that I got has corrupted driver and base archives
on it.


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