I apologize if this is slightly off topic.  I can't
seem to find an answer elsewhere, having tried the
more appropriate newsgroups.

When printing color on my HP 692C the color pictures
are much to dark.  The Printing HOWTO suggests appending
a file, gamma.ps, right before the file name in the
gs command.  I've created this file as follows:

{0.3 exp} {0.3 exp} {0.3 exp} {0.3 exp} setcolortransfer

I've tried running this from the command line and
inserting gamma.ps at the end of the gs command line
in the magic filter configuration file, all with no
noticable results.

I've tried changing the values to various numbers but
whatever I do I see no change in print darkness.  Does
anyone know how to lighten the print when using magicfilter?

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but after two full
days of tinkering I still haven't discovered what!  If
someone out there has succesfully lightened their print
in this situation I would love to know what did the trick.

I'm using the current /hamm versions of gs and magicfilter.

Any hints, pointers, etc would be most appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

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