When mounting /usr over a link, we locked our Debian Linux and ended all 
network mounts for Linux SunOS and Solaris.

For two years, we have tailored RedHat Linux. We boot up with a minimal /usr.  
We then mount a large Linux /usr directory from a Sun's disk drive.  We use 
this /usr in common on several Linux computers.  More specifically, we have on 
each RedHat Linux computer
    /usr  --> /usr-mounts/usr
    /usr-mounts/usr --> /usr-at-boot   [the minimal /usr during boot]
When booting finishes, we mount the full /usr,
    mount -type nfs  cramer:/export/redhat-linux/usr /usr-mounts/usr  
We usually did this via amd.  Indeed, amd is the whole reason for the 
complexity, since amd takes over whole directory structures including the 
parent directory, so we could not use amd to automount /usr.  This all worked 
well with RedHat.

Removing Redhat Linux from one computer, we installed from scratch Debian 
Linux. We tried the same arrangement as for RedHat above, including
    mount -type nfs cramer:/export/debian-linux/usr /usr-mounts/usr
We tried five times, getting the same response.
We locked our Debian Linux operating system;
and the Sun computer (cramer) from which we mounted would no longer accept 
mounts, then all computers which subsequently tried mounts off this Sun 
(cramer) would lock their immediate xterm window.  The Sun problems would 
clear only when we rebooted the initial Sun computer (cramer).

Since RedHat Linux continues to work well in this scheme, I do not believe our 
Sun computer is at fault, though I am disappointed at its frailty.

For each time we tried the above Debian Linux scheme,  before we tried the 
remote mount of /usr, we installed Debian Linux up through the hamm update.  
We followed the libc5-to-libc6 recommendations, so the kernel was 2.0.30.

Does anyone know:
1. What might cause our Debian mount of /usr to network-wide ruin nfs?
2. Since sharing /usr this way is involuted, is there a better way to share 
/usr between several Debian Linux computers?

Jim Burt, NJ9L,         Fairfax, Virginia, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.mnsinc.com/jameson

"It is not the shortcomings of others, nor what others have done or not
 done that one should think about, but what one has done or not done oneself."
--Dhammapada   ["dp" command for quotes from the Dhammapada, in Linux]

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