On 01/02/2016 10:06 AM, Glenn English wrote:

Beats me, but it's working.

I modified the line in /etc/exports (all on one line) to:


That isn't exactly as suggested, but there were mild complaints about not having anything about subtree_check.

and in fstab on the client:

/home/ghe/Finances      nfs     user,nfsvers=3,exec,_netdev00

I'm thinking that 'nfsvers=3' might have done it, or maybe hand writing the export line containing the dotted quads for the IP/mask. Or maybe that I printed many pages of documentation. I really don't know; it just magically started working. I hate it when variables > 1.

Anyway, thank you all. I got my gnucash file in one place, on one server, but available to me everywhere on the LAN. And the next file will be a whole lot easier...

Glenn English

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