Quite often when I am connected to the internet using pppd the connection
will spontaneously terminate, with pppd reporting that it received a SIGHUP
(see syslog extract below).

I changed a line in my /usr/bin/pon script from 'exec pppd' to 'exec nohup
pppd' but this hasn't helped. Anyone know what's going on?

Aug 20 14:02:59 iceberg pppd[17380]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Aug 20 14:02:59 iceberg pppd[17380]: Modem hangup
Aug 20 14:03:00 iceberg pppd[17380]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down started (pid
Aug 20 14:03:00 iceberg pppd[17380]: Connection terminated.


ps. please cc replies to me if you can

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