Hi Nathan,

 Basically, I'd like to avoid duplication download the file
 itself if the symbolic link is available.

  Example 1: Link within the rsync tree.

     ..../main/binary-main/base/adduser_3.11.1.deb -> 

     In this case, I'd like the rsync to just do the symlink
     for me.  Instead, it currently copies adduser_3.1.1.deb
     twice.  One in .../binary-main/base/. and one in

  Example 2: Link outside the rsync tree.

     ..../main/binary-i386/x11/x2x_1.27-5.deb ->

     In this case, I'd like rsync to copy the file to 
     and since, slink/main/binary-i386/.... is not in the
     rsync tree, then it would not be copied.

  I've been playing with the option --copy-unsafe-links.
  When omitting the option, the example 1 would work.
  However, the case in example 2 would not.

  when include the --copy-unsafe-links, then example 2 would
  work but not example 1.

  Here is the rsync script again. TIA.



# Get in the right directory and set the umask to be group writable
cd $HOME
umask 002

set +e

rsync \
     --recursive \
     --links \
     --copy-unsafe-links \
     --times \
     --verbose \
     --compress \
     --archive \
     --delete \
     --delete-excluded \
     --stats \
     --progress \
     --partial \
     --exclude="Contents-alpha.gz" \
     --exclude="Contents-arm.gz" \
     --exclude="Contents-m68k.gz" \
     --exclude="Contents-powerpc.gz" \
     --exclude="Contents-sparc.gz" \
     --exclude="binary-alpha/" \
     --exclude="binary-arm/" \
     --exclude="binary-m68k/" \
     --exclude="binary-powerpc/" \
     --exclude="binary-sparc/" \
     --exclude="disks-alpha/" \
     --exclude="disks-arm/" \
     --exclude="disks-m68k/" \
     --exclude="disks-powerpc/" \
     --exclude="disks-sparc/" \          
     --exclude="source/" \
     $DEBUG \
     $FROM $TO > rsync.log 2>&1
savelog rsync.log > /dev/null 2>&1

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