I didn't succeed yet to share my portable 1GB SCSI-HD with Debian 1.1
(w/updates up to 1.1.8) to run Linux on two different boxes:
Box 1) Non-internet connected (although planning and intranet).
       clone PC w/ i486/DX33 + 16MB RAM + 540MB  SCSI HD (SCSI ID-1)
       + NE2000 NIC clone 
Box 2) Internet connected box at work.
       Compaq i586/90Mhz  + 16MB RAM + PCI-IDE 633MB HD
       PCI-Ethernet AM79C970KC on board.

I have problems in my connection to the local network when at work.
The same applies to mail (can send but not receive mail).
Cannot ftp either except to localhost.
I can ping localhost but I can't see any other host in the net. 
I am sure is a config problem as I managed to see the network in a previous 
install on the same machine. I read the documentation but I am still 

What output would you like to see to be able to help me?
or Where should i start looking to solve the problem? 
Is there any post-installation "netconfig" script? by now 
I modified the config files manually (/etc/init.d/network I guess
and /etc/resolv.config i my memory serves me).

Has anybody tried this "sharing the whole file-system in a HD" approach?
I am sure there can be additional details to take into account 
if one goes for two different root systems (one on his own partition).

Some reflections:
- At home I have an ISA AHA 1542CF SCSI adapter while at work 
I have a ISA AHA 1542CP SCSI adapter (plug & play aware) so
the fs can live on /dev/sda without any problem. 
- I also managed to make Linux to recognize the PCI ethernet chip 
onboard AM79C970KC. The NE2000 at home is also recognized without 
problem. I don't think the different cards can make a problem
as far as the kernel recognizes both.

Thank you for your help,


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