Hi, everyone
I installed smail on my linux server. I didn't do a lot of configuration on smail and I am able to send email through smail. However, I can't receive any email from outside of domain.Here is the details.The domain is called snacker.net
Here is my DNS record looks like.
mail.snacker.net. IN A
snacker.net. IN MX 10 mail.snacker.net.
smail has been isntalled on mail.snacker.net. If there is a user called guest on the domain and someone send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. How smail receives the emails.I don't know what I need to configure to make it work.
Does anyone has any suggestions.
My next step is to setup POP3 on mail.snacker.net. I appreciate you give any suggestion on installation and configuration on POP3 or point me to some good documents on how to setp up mail server or pop server. I haven't found any good practical documents yet.
Thanks a lot

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