Re: usb-disk path change and idle spindown

2018-12-12 Thread segfredo
ok found uas as the perpetator and 'options usb-storage quirks=0bc2:61b7:u' in modprobe.conf as a workaround, making the disks appear as ata-drives again. hdparm is also happy once more and disks spindown as usual :) would still be glad for any references/context or even a 'real fix' cheers

usb-disk path change and idle spindown

2018-12-11 Thread segfredo
Hello it sems some recent update made my usb-disks appear as /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Seagate_M3_Portabable... indstead of /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000LM024... nbd BUT they no longer spindown automatically and hdparm throws some error # hdparm -S55 /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Seagate_M3_Portable_...