Hi all,

Recently I built a 2.6 kernel and switch to using ALSA for sound

But, I notice that if I'm playing sound, doing gui things causes
playback to stutter.

Eg, if I scroll in windows, or change tabs, or drag a window around on
the desktop, or even hold down cursor keys in gnome-terminal.

If I drag a window around for long enough, it sometimes doesn't recover
and continues to stutter even after I've stopped doing this and I have
to pause playback and start again.

It happens using both realplayer and rhythmbox. Both worked fine when I
was using OSS on a 2.4 kernel.

In other respects, I'm running an uptodate sid box with gnome as my DE -
albeit on fairly old hardware: PIII, 550MHz, 256MB RAM, but the CPU
isn't maxed out or anything.

Any ideas? It's quite annoying :(



David Purton
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
                                 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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