mensaje del kernel

2000-09-14 Thread Santiago Fernandez
Desde que me actualicé a potato recibo cada 3 minutos el siguiente mensaje en /var/log/kern.log, además de en consola: sent an invalid ICMP error to a broadcast. Este es mi fichero /etc/network/interfaces (por si sirve de ayuda): iface eth0 inet static address

Re: Variables de entorno

2000-09-14 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Más o menos: man 5 environ man 7 environ Esta última trae más información. Las de las lenguas: man 7 locale La sección '7' de las páginas del manual es maravillosa para todo tipo de información de interés general. Desde los códigos VT102 hasta este tipo de cosas. Echad una ojeadilla,

Ayuda en TCP por favor

2000-09-14 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola, ayer mandé un mensaje a esta lista referente a un problema que tengo con la conexión ADSL. En vez de largaros el rollo otra vez os pongo un ejemplo. Si hago un traceroute a una máquina con mi antigua conexión por módem (el ISP es CTV) el resultado es el siguiente: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Ayuda en TCP por favor

2000-09-14 Thread Emilio Tejedor
Buenas. En mi opinión, hay un firewall a la salida de la red de Telefónica Data, que supongo que está haciendo las funciones de NAT (puesto que estás en un red privada). Pude que también exista un proxy por medio, supongo que para acelerar la descarga de páginas. Ese firewall, o si no el proxy,

Re: Ayuda en TCP por favor

2000-09-14 Thread Jaume Teixi
hola, la ip es una IP de tu LAN o bien es una IP de la WAN de la ADSL de la timo? estas sacando el paquete traceroute a internet con una IP de LAN no una IP valida de internet, en un momento dado deberías pasar por una máquina que te hace de traslado de IP (NAT) si el modem ADSL es

Re: Ayuda en TCP por favor

2000-09-14 Thread drequena
Hola, No he leído los mails anteriores así que no te puedo decir nada mas sobre el resto pero: ¿Qué está pasando aquí?. Si compruebo traceroute con otros hosts la salida es idéntica, todo * * * y 30 supuestas gateways, mucha casualidad ¿no?. El problema aquí es que no se trata de 30

Fetchmail actualizado

2000-09-14 Thread dbote
Hola compañeros. El otro día actualice la distro por Inet y todo fue estupendo. Ahora con el uso me voy dando cuenta de que hay cosas que fallan. Tengo con el cron unos scripts para bajar el correo y desde la actualización me da problemas fetchmail, diciéndome lo

Re: Fetchmail actualizado

2000-09-14 Thread Saxa Egea
Pq no haces: telnet localhost 25 y miras a ver q te responde y tb miras el log? Parece que tu sendmail o lo q uses no esta en marcha... Saxa At 14:12 14/09/00 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola compañeros. El otro día actualice la distro por Inet y todo

Re: Fetchmail actualizado

2000-09-14 Thread JFA
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 02:12:29PM +0200, Saxa Egea wrote: Pq no haces: telnet localhost 25 y miras a ver q te responde y tb miras el log? Parece que tu sendmail o lo q uses no esta en marcha... Saxa A mi me ocurre lo mismo, el telnet 25 ya lo he intentado y tengo el

Re: Fetchmail actualizado

2000-09-14 Thread dbote
Hola Saxa. He buscado en /var/log/syslog y pone lo siguiente. Sep 14 14:08:01 harnina /USR/SBIN/CRON[8698]: (mail) CMD ( if [ -x /usr/sbin/exim -a -f /etc/exim.conf ]; then /usr/sbin/exim -q /dev/null 21; fi) Esta parte no la entiendo mucho pues no programo pero no me gusta

qué significa???

2000-09-14 Thread TooMany
Buenas. ¿Podría decirme alguien, por favor, qué significa ésto: The following packages have been kept back??? Ocurre alguna vez que otra, después de hacer un upgrade del sistema (al menos con woody). Gracias por todo. -- \|/ \|/ Have a nice day

Copias de seguridad.

2000-09-14 Thread Villanueva Tosquella, Pablo
Hola: Una consulta: Tengo que montar un sistema de backup para una red de PCs con win95/98 en la que los dferentes puestos copiarán sus datos en un servidor central y se harán las copias de ese servidor. También se usará para proporcionar servicios de correo interno y web de intranet.


2000-09-14 Thread Carlos López
Buenas a todos. Alguien ha intentado recompilar el paquete de heimdal (paquete libre en sustitución a kerberos v5) última versión ?? A mi resulta que me da errores en la parte de las aplicaciones bsd. Alguien sabe el porqué?? Gracias. _

Re: qué significa???

2000-09-14 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
TooMany wrote: Buenas. ¿Podría decirme alguien, por favor, qué significa ésto: The following packages have been kept back??? Ocurre alguna vez que otra, después de hacer un upgrade del sistema (al menos con woody). Yo lo interpreto como si los paquetes instalados, no se

Re: Copias de seguridad.

2000-09-14 Thread Jaume Sabater
Propuesta: - Servidor Linux Debian. - Compartir mediante Samba y seguridad=user para que no se puedan ver los directorios personales entre ellos. - Backup usando amanda o kbackup, todavía no lo tengo claro. Necesitaría uno con interface de línea de comandos (para

Re: Fetchmail actualizado (off-topic)

2000-09-14 Thread Sergio Mu~noz Venegas
Hola, perdon el off-topic, pero: On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Harnina-diego-/home/diego/Documentos/prueba-$ telnet localhost 25 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Conexión rehusada Harnina-diego-/home/diego/Documentos/prueba-$ telnet localhost

Re: Mount Cdrom

2000-09-14 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Si antes estaba en el primer ide, como esclavo, se supone que /dev/cdrom es un link a /dev/hdb. Para que te funcione ahora tendra que ser un link a /dev/hdc, asi que: ln -sf /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom Es decir, primer ide , maestro: hda esclavo: hdb segundo de, maestro: hdc esclavo:

Re: Mount Cdrom

2000-09-14 Thread Marcelo Scollo
El /dev/cdrom es un simlink a un /dev/hdx tenes que actualizarlo a la nueva ubicación del cdrom que si no entendi mal es /dev/hdb (rm /dev/cdrom ln \s (aca va un menos s y no se por que miercoles el soffice me pone \s) /dev/hdb /dev/cdrom Mensaje original El 9/14/00, 11:09:33 PM, JFreak

Sobre GRUB, no puedo arrancar Hurd

2000-09-14 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola. Estoy intentando arrancar por primera vez Debian GNU/Hurd siguiendo lo que se indica en;, en mi caso: Creé la partición para hurd con 'mke2fs -O sparse_super -o hurd /dev/hdb2', la monté y descomprimí

doc de swat inaccesible

2000-09-14 Thread David Charro Ripa
En potato no accedo a la ayuda que traía el paquete swat para administrar samba. Desde el navegador me manda siempre a la página inicial de swat pulse en el concepto que pulse. Es una pena porque es de lo más valioso del swat. La doc también me ha dado problemas porque por defecto, apache deniega

Re: doc de swat inaccesible

2000-09-14 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 20:03 14/09/00 +0200, you wrote: En potato no accedo a la ayuda que traía el paquete swat para administrar samba. Desde el navegador me manda siempre a la página inicial de swat pulse en el concepto que pulse. Es una pena porque es de lo más valioso del swat. Pues eso es lo que me debe haber

Problemas con apt

2000-09-14 Thread David
Buenas, estoy haciendo la actualización de 2.1 (slink) a 2.2 (potato) con Apt. En el archivo /etc/apt/sources.list he puesto la dirección correcta, lo he comprobado, y me dice que no encuentra los archivos Packages y Release pero con una dirección más corta a la que yo le he dado. ¿ A alguien le

Re: qué significa???

2000-09-14 Thread Rodolfo García
Saludos, si no me equivoco significa que ese paquete se mantiene en el sistema, aunque existen paquetes o pueden existir paquetes mas modernos que ese, no se instalarán. Es una funcion que se activa con dselect por ejemplo para no bajar paquetes grandes que no necesitas, por ejemplo

Configuracion Tarjeta De Red

2000-09-14 Thread JFreak
Hola a todos nuevamente, vuelvo a molestarlos, ahora es con la terjeta de sonido, resulta que tengo una tarjeta Mediamagic ISP-16 pero vi en la lista de hardware y esta no esta, pero cuando la instalo en winsos puedo usar la siguiente configuracion: IRQ 5 I/O Port 220 DMA 1 Cd-Rom Brand :

services de netbase y ssl

2000-09-14 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola Mi sistema es ahora un potato actualizado desde slink actualizado desde hamm. Al instalar el diald (0.99.1) el fichero standard.filter incluye referencia al servicio ssl que se supone que tenia que aparecer en el /etc/services, pero no es así. Como tengo un sistema tan migrado me pregunto

Re: códigos de error de wget

2000-09-14 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 14 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 01:48:43 +0200, David Muriel contaba: Mi problema está en que quiero que para cada fichero que se intente bajar lo ponga en una lista si lo baja bien, y en otra si da algún error. Me he mirado la página de manual y el info de wget y no he encontrado

Re: Ayuda en TCP por favor

2000-09-14 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 14 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 14:03:14 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba: El problema aquí es que no se trata de 30 gateways si no de sino de 30 *intentos* de llegar al siguiente gateway.. 30 intentos de llegar a los 30 siguientes gateways. Diagnostico: O bien el

Re: Ayuda en TCP por favor

2000-09-14 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 14 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 12:33:00 +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez contaba: [EMAIL PROTECTED] traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets 1 ( 1.680 ms 0.737 ms 0.761 ms 2 * * * 3 * * *

Re: no AR!

2000-09-14 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Mas isso é bom demais! :-) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oi Gente, conversei com o pessoal da Unicamp e eles aprovaram que eu matasse o antigo que ninguém mais mantinha e o transformasse num mirror oficial debian, mudei no DNS para apontar pra lá. Vou no AR!

2000-09-14 Thread thecore
Oi Gente, conversei com o pessoal da Unicamp e eles aprovaram que eu matasse o antigo que ninguém mais mantinha e o transformasse num mirror oficial debian, mudei no DNS para apontar pra lá. Vou começar a fazer o mirror. --macan

Re: no AR!

2000-09-14 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
Olá Maçan, Excelente notícia!!! Boa sorte e no que precisar estamos aqui! []s, Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: no AR!

2000-09-14 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Oi Gente, conversei com o pessoal da Unicamp e eles aprovaram que eu matasse o antigo que ninguém mais mantinha e o transformasse num mirror oficial debian, mudei no DNS para apontar pra lá. Vou começar a fazer o mirror. E a lista? Não esta,

Re: pump replacing dhcpcd?

2000-09-14 Thread Gary Hennigan
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Why was pump made the default DHCP client ? I have been unable to get pump working with my @Home setup. dhcp-client, however, works very well. dunno, apparently it was small or something. Plus if it worked for Red Hat Just to be fair,

Re: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread John L . Fjellstad
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:16:06PM -0400, Bob Billson wrote: I do have a question. What is a good POP server to use with maildir mailboxes? I have few users who want to use POP instead of imap. Any suggestions? Check out qmail's website at There is a default pop

Re: Debian Menu with Sawfish (Helix)

2000-09-14 Thread Ian Zimmerman
Rino == Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Rino On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 04:01:46PM +0200 or thereabouts, Kai Rino Weber wrote: Kai has anyone the same experience with (all packages up-to-date) Kai HelixGnome and Sawfish: Kai Kai The middle mouse button, which brings up sawfish's root menu

Dialpad through IPchains

2000-09-14 Thread Ray Percival
Has anyone gotten Dialpad to work through ipchains and if so do you happen to have any recipes? Thanks very much. Ray

pgp vs. mutt

2000-09-14 Thread Will Trillich
after i got tired of seeing /usr/bin/pgp: Command not found in mutt for months on end, i did apt-get install pgp-us and went back into mutt to read my email. now i see [-- PGP output follows (current time: Wed Sep 13 22:56:26 2000) --] ^GUnsupported packet format

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread Krzys Majewski
Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I use sudo, logged in as a regular user. It's generally considered a security risk to be logged in as root, and a bit less of a risk to use sudo or fakeroot. Aha. I only started using sudo seriously about an hour ago. Funny, but 'sudo echo $PATH'

Re: Dialpad through IPchains

2000-09-14 Thread John Bagdanoff
There were some pretty good instructions in their help section for linux firewalls: I had to recompile the kernel to include autofw John On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 09:59:51PM -0600, Ray Percival wrote: Has anyone gotten Dialpad to work through ipchains

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 09:23:30PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote: Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I use sudo, logged in as a regular user. It's generally considered a security risk to be logged in as root, and a bit less of a risk to use sudo or fakeroot. Aha. I only started

Re: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread Brian May
Daniel == Daniel Jacobowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Daniel Well, cucipop has had a couple reliability issues for me Daniel lately (it has a tendency to deadlock on its status Daniel database), but is otherwise good. courier-imap is supposed Daniel to be very nice, although I've

gdi (WinDos-only?) printer

2000-09-14 Thread Robert Waldner
Hi! I just bought a cheap laser-printer, according to the homepage HP PCL6-compatible, with it´s own (2 MB) RAM, but now the manual states: this is a GDI printer; it cannot be used with UNIX, OS/2, DOS etc. I couldn´t find anything useful in the archives (and via altavista), so I hope anyone

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread kmself
I'll have to think a bit before I say it's really bad. I think it's not a *good* idea, and I almost certainly wouldn't do that. Immediate problems: - If you've created seperate partitions for / and /home, you won't have a root home directory when mounting just the root partition.

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 08:56:32PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote: I use sudo, logged in as a regular user. It's generally considered a security risk to be logged in as root, and a bit less of a risk to use sudo or fakeroot. well it depends on how you setup sudo, IMO letting your non-privileged

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 09:23:30PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote: Really? My PATH is something like this: then you changed it, this is not default. /home/krzys/shell:.:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games ^ that is VERY

cron.daily and slrnpull

2000-09-14 Thread Anthony Campbell
I configured slrnpull to run only on demand, but cron.daily keeps trying to run it every morning. As I am only connected to my ISP intermittently this is wrong. How do I change this (apart from deleting the entry in cron.daily, which doesn't seem to be right)? Anthony -- Anthony Campbell -

Re: Debian vs. Red Hat

2000-09-14 Thread Rino Mardo
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 04:59:01PM -0300 or thereabouts, Ariel Manzur wrote: How about the fact that it's more stable and doesn't need to be reinstalled every time there's a new version? I had to reinstall my debian last time a new version came out.. reinstalled?!?? your missing alot. i've

Re: Debian vs. Red Hat

2000-09-14 Thread George Bonser
Shoot, I ran from Buzz to Potato on one system until its disk died. Never even rebooted except when the power failed. On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Rino Mardo wrote: On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 04:59:01PM -0300 or thereabouts, Ariel Manzur wrote: How about the fact that it's more stable and doesn't need

Re: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 11:45:41AM +1100, Peter Muirhead wrote: I have been using courier-imap 0.31-1 on potato and you are right, it is peachy. I have also been having reliability problems with cucipop too... just to keep on topic i have used qpopper and it works fairly well, though when a

Re: Debugging /bin/sh scripts?

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 04:55:49PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote: What's a good way to debug /bin/sh scripts? I thought there was an interpreter option which would run the code line by line, prompting after each line, but I looked through the man/info pages and found nothing, or am I blind? I

Re: remote backspace/delete problems

2000-09-14 Thread Ian Zimmerman
loren == loren jan wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: loren i have debian 2.2 installed to my computer (a very recent loren install via ftp). when i make a remote connection via ssh or loren telnet to a solaris box or a redhat box, my backspace/delete loren keys don't work in nvi/vim. this is

Last attempt, Debian 2.2 with X, on a UltraSPARC 5, with a Type 6 keyboard

2000-09-14 Thread Andrew Pollock
Hi, If I can't get this resolved soon I'm going to be forced to hose Debian and go back to Solaris (weep). I've installed Debian on my Ultra 5. Not a problem in the world. Installed X. Started X. The keyboard mapping is all messed up (mainly the bottom line). I've tried playing with xkeycaps.

OT: shell prompt tip

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
Hi all, NOTE that this is OFFTOPIC. would you like to recognize fastly if you're a normal user or root? Change the default debian PS1 to something like this for your user: PS1='\[\e[22m\e[40m\e[32m\]\h:\w\$\[\e[22m\e[40m\e[37m\] ' and for the user root change the 32 to 31. Just easy ;-)

Redhat faster than Debian??

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
Hi all, I've just installed RedHat because my Debian installation crashed (kernel panic) and I needed to repair it from another working system... Well, I've already removed RedHat (really don't like it) but when I used it I noticed something I didn't like... I started emacs for first time and

kernel 2.4.0

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
Hi all, does the 2.4 kernel will work without problems on potato? I think modutils should be updated and some other things from woody, though. Isn't it ? Thanks! -- Do you really think win is easy to use? --- Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Potato install fails to load ROOT image

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 04:41:33PM -0400, Stuart Ballard wrote: Sorry to reply to myself, but I've come to the conclusion after further testing that my floppy drive is 100% busted and I'm not going to be able to do anything useful off it. I also can't (practically) replace it. I do have a

Re: kernel 2.4.0

2000-09-14 Thread George Bonser
modconf will not work at all so if you rely on it to select boot-time modules, you are going to have to edit the modules files by hand. Note that modprope works fine ... just the Debian modconf script can not handle the structure of the new /lib/modules/`uname -r` directory in 2.4 Otherwise ...

Re: Debugging /bin/sh scripts?

2000-09-14 Thread Daniel E. Wilson
What's a good way to debug /bin/sh scripts? I thought there was an interpreter option which would run the code line by line, prompting after each line, but I looked through the man/info pages and found nothing, or am I blind? I already know about sh -x and sh -v, but these by

Re: Install of Applixware 5.0

2000-09-14 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden
Hi, On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Bill Ramsey wrote: The instructions assume rpm. There is an install.bsh script but it doesn't work. Support sent me a different script and that doesn't work either. Has anyone else installed applix 5.0 from CD ?? I had a similar problem with Applixware 4 under

DNS + SQL?...

2000-09-14 Thread Max Lock
Hi Folks, I'm interested in setting up a DNS server which will store _all_ of it's information in an SQL database of some kind. Are there any good references/code for doing this that anyone knows of?... There's a bind 8 patch on Freashmeat, but it's not supported/developed anymore, and I

Re: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread Jason Quigley
I use Cyrus IMAP. It's a very high performer. Cheers, Jason. --On Wednesday, September 13, 2000 19:57 -0400 Daniel Jacobowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 10:04:10AM +1100, Brendan J Simon wrote: I need to install some IMAP and POP3 servers so users can read mail via

Re: pgp vs. mutt

2000-09-14 Thread Damon Muller
Hi Will, A lot of people on this list are probably using GnuPG (gpg), which is a GNU replacement for PGP. As long as you have a non-us line in your apt cources.list do an apt-get install gnupg. The pgp you have installed is quite old, and certainly doesn't support gpg and the newer pgp's. If

RE: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread Christian Pernegger
-Original Message- From: Brendan J Simon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 1:04 AM To: debian-user; debian-powerpc Subject: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ? I need to install some IMAP and POP3 servers so users can read mail via Netscape/Outlook on other

RE: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread Alec Smith
I've been using QPopper for many years now without any problems to speak of. Once installed, you can forget its even there since its very well behaved. Debian includes an older v2.53, so you may want to check and download v3.0.2 and compile/install. On Thu, 14 Sep 2000,

RE: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread Davide Libenzi
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Alec Smith wrote: I've been using QPopper for many years now without any problems to speak of. Once installed, you can forget its even there since its very well behaved. Debian includes an older v2.53, so you may want to check and download v3.0.2 and

Re: A new install guide

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 10:32:17AM +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote: Neal H Walfield writes: Hi All, I have developed a new install guide as the easy guide has become quite out of date. This one was written in the texinfo format so it is Hm. I've been working on some updates - do

Re: Last attempt, Debian 2.2 with X, on a UltraSPARC 5, with a Type 6 keyboard

2000-09-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
I've heard on the grapevine, with very little detail, that there isn't a problem with Type 6 keyboards under Redhat, so what's the problem with Debian? 1) grab the keymap file from redhad (or maybe from woody?). or 2) make heavy use of xmodmap (see /etc/X11/Xmodmap) both should work ... hth

sendmail: Domain must resolve

2000-09-14 Thread Neil L. Roeth
Add this to /etc/mail/, then run make in the same directory. FEATURE(accept_unresolvable_domains)dnl But are you sure you need this? If you just want this particular address to resolve, just stick it in your /etc/hosts file and make sure your /etc/mail/service.switch file has the

OT: One .emacs file for both Emacses

2000-09-14 Thread Neil L. Roeth
Yes. I have this ~/.emacs: --;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*- (setq debug-on-error nil) (setq debug-on-signal nil) (setq my-lisp-path /home/neil/elisp) (setq load-path (cons my-lisp-path load-path)) (if running-xemacs

Re: Exim rewrite question

2000-09-14 Thread Neil L. Roeth
The sendmail docs describe the feature always_add_domain: Include the local host domain even on locally delivered mail. Normally it is not added on unqualified names. However, if you use a shared message store but do not use the same user name space everywhere, you may need the host name on

Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-14 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 09:33:11PM +0200, Floods wrote: I have an Athlon-based system too and grub sees all my 192M. This is my linux section in menu.lst file: title linux kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 vga=2 mem=192m initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img

Re: Ayuda en TCP por favor

2000-09-14 Thread Jaume Teixi
hola, la ip es una IP de tu LAN o bien es una IP de la WAN de la ADSL de la timo? estas sacando el paquete traceroute a internet con una IP de LAN no una IP valida de internet, en un momento dado deberías pasar por una máquina que te hace de traslado de IP (NAT) si el modem ADSL

Sendmail and fetchmail problem

2000-09-14 Thread Jorge David Ortiz Fuentes
Hi all, We are migrating to a new mailserver and I would like to download all my messages from the old server to localmail. To do so I am using fechmail with this config file: - set syslog poll mi.imap.server protocol imap: user Jorge Ortiz is jorge password

samba lock problem

2000-09-14 Thread Christopher Clark
My /var/log/syslog is filing up with lots of: Sep 14 10:24:16 hurricane nmbd[1753]: ERROR: nmbd is already running. File /var/lock/samba/ exists and process id 1546 is running. Sep 14 10:24:16 hurricane inetd[205]: /usr/sbin/tcpd: exit status 0x1 Sep 14 10:24:16 hurricane nmbd[1754]:

Kernel panic; help!

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
Hi all, Some days ago I was playing with noflushd/apmd and such things, and I got a kernel panic. I rebooted. Debian was completly a mess, complaining about libncurses5 was failing. I need to remove /bin/sh and link it to ash to be able to boot. Then, I reinstalled libncurses5 and at last I was

Re: Debian vs. Red Hat

2000-09-14 Thread Florian Friesdorf
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 11:49:04PM -0700, George Bonser wrote: Shoot, I ran from Buzz to Potato on one system until its disk died. Never even rebooted except when the power failed. btw: Is it possible to switch kernels without rebooting. I cannot believe that's possible, however I cannot

How to get proposed updates?

2000-09-14 Thread Frodo Baggins
Hi debianers, In the dist/proposed-updates directory there is a README file stating Debian is committed to providing security updates to the stable distribution as quickly as possible, but we also need time to thoroughly test such updates to ensure that they meet our high standards.

Re: Install of Applixware 5.0

2000-09-14 Thread b.j. halfkann
Has anyone else installed applix 5.0 from CD ?? login as root start X open Xshell mount -r -t iso9600 /dev/[cdrom] /mnt/cdrom cd /mnt/cdrom ./setup ...that's all regards bernward

Re: Kernel panic; help!

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 02:00:13PM +0200, Julio Merino wrote: Hi all, Some days ago I was playing with noflushd/apmd and such things, and I got a kernel panic. I rebooted. Debian was completly a mess, complaining about libncurses5 was failing. I need to remove /bin/sh and link it to ash to

Re: Debian vs. Red Hat

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 02:01:14PM +0200, Florian Friesdorf wrote: On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 11:49:04PM -0700, George Bonser wrote: Shoot, I ran from Buzz to Potato on one system until its disk died. Never even rebooted except when the power failed. btw: Is it possible to switch kernels

Using rsync to mirror Debian

2000-09-14 Thread G.Angely
Hello, I currently use lftp to mirror some parts of the debian tree to a local mirror. As I stand behind a firewall, my lftp.conf has this line: set ftp:proxy firewall:21 This is the only tuning done to lftp.conf. It runs fine (very simple to set up). I want now to give a try to rsync.

Sendmail and fetchmail problem

2000-09-14 Thread Jorge David Ortiz Fuentes
Hi all, We are migrating to a new mailserver and I would like to download all my messages from the old server to localmail. To do so I am using fechmail with this config file: - set syslog poll mi.imap.server protocol imap: user Jorge Ortiz is jorge password

Re: horde: install problem

2000-09-14 Thread Harald Weidner
Hello, This mail is quite some days old, but perhaps someone is still interested in that issue. Joel Gautschi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: if i try to install the horde debian package (horde 2:1.2.0-12) for debian unstable i get the following warning: --- Working, please wait...Checking non-HORDE

Re: How to get proposed updates?

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 02:01:31PM +0200, Frodo Baggins wrote: Hi debianers, In the dist/proposed-updates directory there is a README file stating [snip] You can access this directory with apt by adding deb dists/proposed-updates/ to your

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread Nate Bargmann
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 10:54:17PM -0500, Will Trillich wrote: in my thinking, that reason would be: home directory for user 'root' is /root. :) You caught me! What I meant was that Bash looks for .profile in /root instead of .bash_profile as with normal users. Yes, I'm well

Re: How to get proposed updates?

2000-09-14 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 02:01:31PM +0200, Frodo Baggins wrote: [...] You can access this directory with apt by adding deb dists/proposed-updates/ ^^^ to your /etc/apt/sources.list Well, I done

[OT] Switching kernels without reboot (was: Re: Debian vs. Red Hat)

2000-09-14 Thread Leen Besselink
btw: Is it possible to switch kernels without rebooting. I cannot believe that's possible Actually, I think someone was working on that. Well, first he wants to make it so you can build an other kernel in userspace or something (this is already possible with special kernels). I think Solaris

RE: Which IMAP and POP3 servers ?

2000-09-14 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Christian Pernegger wrote: [...] Hello, I'm the Debian imap/ipopd maintainer. Outlook 2k crashes when told to use this server. :( At work, I use outlook 2000 with UW's imapd and it doesn't crash for me. Mind you I'm not doing anything complicated with it. I've got to

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 07:38:27AM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote: On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 10:54:17PM -0500, Will Trillich wrote: in my thinking, that reason would be: home directory for user 'root' is /root. :) You caught me! What I meant was that Bash looks for .profile in

[OT] Switching kernels without reboot (continued) (was: Re: Debian vs. Red Hat)

2000-09-14 Thread Leen Besselink
I've not been at the OLSymposium but I did remember reading this about Werner Almesberger: Booting Linux: The History and the Future The IA-32 Linux boot process has since 1991 evolved from using boot floppy to Shoelace and now LILO. We will

Re: DNS -- caching server inside firewall?

2000-09-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
Dumb question dept.: Is there anything I have to restart on the OpenBSD box to update the resolver settings after editing /etc/resolv.conf? (i think, that ...) the resolver is part of the c library, so programs started after the change should already use the correct config. the network

Kernel 2.2.15 and SCSI CD

2000-09-14 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
Hi: I was using slink with 2.2.1 with scsi hard disk and a scsi cd (SONY-CDU-76S) and everything was fine. I recently upgraded to potato and left the kernel at 2.2.1 and everything was OK. I thenk installed 2.2.15 which was on the CD and now the SCSI hard disk is recognized and so

RE: DNS + SQL?...

2000-09-14 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
There is a package ddt-server (and ddt-client) in Woody that uses Bind 8's dynamic addressing that reports to store the information in an postgresql database. I don't know if this would be useful, but it's a start! Brooks -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL

Re: bash login for root

2000-09-14 Thread brichardson
From: Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] actually i think bash looks for ~/.profile first and ~/.bash_profile last. and iirc only uses one, not both. Not according to the man page: Login shells: On login (subject to the -noprofile option): if /etc/profile exists,

OT: abbreviations

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
Hi all, because I'm not english I don't understand all the abbreviations you use in the mail... can anybody explain to me ? :) IMHO, BTW, AFAIK, etc etc etc Thanks. -- Do you really think win is easy to use? --- Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A new install guide

2000-09-14 Thread Julio Merino
Ooopss. I mistaked again of list. Sorry. Anybody can help? When using mutt and hitting reply in a message from a mailing list it sets the to: field to the person who wrote it... How can I change this behavivour to make it sent to the mailing list instead to the other author ? Thanks. On Thu,

Re: Sendmail and fetchmail problem

2000-09-14 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
Organization: Hewett Packard ^ you're really sure, that this is correct? ;-) not that i would care much ... in regard to your question: maybe adding the host to /etc/hosts would help - at least the server from the log does not exist in the world-accessible dns, what could

X, GNOME, and Debian

2000-09-14 Thread Jeffry Smith
Thanks to all the suggestions. Checking .gnome-errors showed that gnome couldn't find gnome-session. Ran apt-get install gnome-session, let it install gnome-session + dependencies, and GNOME came up just fine. Don't know why gnome-session didn't install the first time from the debian CD, but if

Re: Dialpad through IPchains

2000-09-14 Thread Ray Percival
This is going through floppyfw (which btw is based on Debian). I have sat up the stuff that they have on the website. My question is what would a decent rule opening the right ports look like. I'm very new to writing ipchains rules. Thanks all. -- Original Message

RE: Potato install fails to load ROOT image

2000-09-14 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Sorry to reply to myself, but I've come to the conclusion after further testing that my floppy drive is 100% busted and I'm not going to be able to do anything useful off it. I also can't (practically) replace it. I Floppy drives are about $10 now aren't they?

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