Re: imprimir mediante samba

2001-01-26 Thread Ivan Lopez
gracias por la respuesta Enzo :)

instale lprng de sid y probe una configuracion similar a la tuya, pero no me
pasaba los jobs de una cola a la otra... para que lo hiciera he tenido que

  :[EMAIL PROTECTED]:lpd_bounce

de hecho, no he encontrado el parametro bq en la documentacion de lprng :?

el problema es que no ejecuta el filtro de la primera cola (ni magicfilter
ni cualquiera que le ponga en el if), simplemente lo rebota a la otra cola
que tiene el filtro smbprint, y esta ultima saca el trabajo por la impresora
remota, pero sin haber sido tratado :(

he probado parando la impresion de la primera cola, enviando un pdf desde
gv, se queda en esta cola sin filtrar, lo trato yo a mano con gs, arranco la
impresion en esta cola, y lo envia a la otra y sale esta vez perfectamente
formateado por la impresora remota, por lo que es problema unicamente de que
no se ejecuta el parametro :if= de la primera cola

alguna pista¿?


 El problema de usar smbprint es que no puedes usar
 otro filtro (el que necesitaría el magicfilter).

 Lo puedes arreglar con las bounce queues que están soportadas
 por el lprng. La idea es que configuras tu impresora en una
 cola con el filtro de magicfilter y haces rebotar el job
 para que vaya a parar a otra cola, la que tiene el smbprint.

 El /etc/printcap quedaría más o menos así (tomado literalmente
 de mi printcap, para una EPSON Stylus color 600 conectada por
 samba, el servidor tiene booteo dual, a veces está en linux
 y a veces en windows 98, los clientes ni se enteran):
 ech|esc600h|EPSON Stylus Color 600 High Res:\
 :if=/etc/magicfilter/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\

 ec-r|esc600-rem|EPSON Stylus Color 600 remota:\

 Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
 8400-S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
 Web page:

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Re: Una para empaquetadores ...

2001-01-26 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 09:17:04PM +, Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
 MANIFEST check failed; please see debian/README
 make: *** [debian/stampdir/install] Error 1

Hola Luis,
Pues yo no tengo mucha experiencia como empaquetador, pero me da la impresión
de que el problema es que un fichero que aparece listado en el fichero MANIFEST
no se encuentra en donde debería estar. Mira el MANIFEST a ver si descubres
cual es y para donde se ha ido, o si es algo que no parece importante lo
quitas del MANIFEST.
Espero que esto te resuelva el problema. Por curiosidad: ¿por que estas
re-empacando el X 4?

Un saludo,

Re: [curiosidad] Re: Particiones

2001-01-26 Thread Jaume Sabater
Digamos que no escribe logs. No he podido probar el logrotate, alguna vez
que me ha pasado lo he solucionado a mano.

At 22:43 25/01/01 +0100, you wrote:
El mar, 23 de ene de 2001, a las 06:58:54 +0100, Jaume Sabater dijo:
 Ten en cuenta que si tienes muchos servicios te pueden hacer un ataque
 (voluntario o involuntario) y llenarte los logs a saco: Si usas ipchains
 tienes varios windozes en la red, veras como se te llena
 con DENYs a broadcast por los puertos 137 y 138... Eso te hace crecer
 logs que da gusto. (Los ISP deberian prohibir que los servidores NT
 repartiesen paquetes NetBeui, los tendrian que aislar)
Una pregunta, si se te llena la particion donde tienes /var con mensajes
basura por culpa de ataques DoS o cualquier otra cosa, que hace el
sistema? un logrotate y borra las copias mas viejas? ocupa otras particiones 
y/o discos? se queda frito y ya no loggea nada? NS/NC?

Gracias de antemano.
Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

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 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: No me arranca con ATA100

2001-01-26 Thread Jaume Sabater
Hombre! Los parámetros los debes sacar de tu /proc/pci!!! Yo puse esos
porque son los que vi en mi /proc/pci, pero seguramente son distintos a los
tuyos... De todas formas te recomiendo que vayas a
http://mi.buscador.favorito y busques por ata100 y linux... Yo encontré un
howto que explica muy bien como hacer encontrar esos parámetros.

At 18:24 25/01/01 +0100, you wrote:
No he tenido mas opcion que instalar en windoze :( para intentar obtener
Lo curioso es que detecta el ATA100 como un dispositivo scsi.  He hecho mil
pruebas (ide2=0xb400,0xb800) y aunque lo detecta luego lo dice irq lost
y lo
desactiva :(.
¿No me quedará  más remedio que cambiar la placa base por una Asus?

Me acabo de comprar un cacharro (PB Abit KT7 con soporte raid + un disco
de 20 Gb).
Cuando coloco el primer disco de instalación (potato) le meto 
linux ide2=0x9000,0x8802
pero da un error de que no encuentra la irq no se que mas (casi que no lo
Los parámetros de arranque los saqué de un mail que circulaba por aquí para
Asus K7, así que me imagino que están mal. El problema es que si miro en el
(arrancando con LinuxCare) no encuentro ninguna io para la ide2 e ide3.
Estoy desesperado. No quiero cargar el puñetero Windoze.

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 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Problema con fetchmail

2001-01-26 Thread 430036
On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 06:40:07PM +, Carlos Pérez Pérez wrote:
 [sobre fetchmail]
 Bueno, yo uso otro formato, pero voy a ver si ayudo:

A ver, a ver...

 Por esta zona, ¿si pones flush? debería no dejara a nadie
 con vida.

Mm, pues me pasa lo mismo. Os paso el log (recortado) de fetchmail
(con el flush).

perolo:~# fetchmail -v
fetchmail: 5.3.3 interrogando (protocolo POP3) en Fri, 26
Jan 2001 10:22:20 +0100 (CET)
fetchmail: POP3 +OK QPOP mod CCUZ98 (version 2.4) at
fetchmail: POP3 USER 430036
fetchmail: POP3 +OK Password required for 430036.
fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 430036 has 64 messages (241705 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 STAT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 64 241705
fetchmail: POP3 LAST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0 is the last read message.
64 mensajes para 430036 at (241705 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 LIST

Y a partir de ahi empieza a bajarse los 64 mensajes tantas veces como llame
a fetchmail.

 Si quieres puedo pasarte el que yo uso, pero no sigue el mismo formato.

Bueno, si funciona con esa version no me importa cambiar de formato.
Cuando t vaya bien me lo mandas, fale??


 Si todo viene hacia usted es que se ha equivocado de carril.
   Ley del camino de la vida

NO estoy de acuerdo. Tal vez se equivoquen todos menos tu.  ;-)

Fdo: Juande Egido

Re: Debian Hamm y cliente DHCP

2001-01-26 Thread antonioangel . sanzarrospide

Yo en Hamm con una línea ADSL no conseguí hacer funcionar el dhcp de
ninguna de las maneras. Al final lo solucioné porque la me dí cuenta que la
dirección ip que asignaba a un PC Windows era siempre la misma y se la puse
fija. Pero con ONO no sé si esto valdrá. Aunque muchos asignadores de
direcciones ip asignan la misma por un tiempo en base a la dirección
ethernet de la tarjeta.

Sin embargo con una distribución de doslinux con un núcleo igual al que
usaba en la distribución hamm, sí me funcionaba correctamente el dhcp. En
potato ya no he hecho más investigaciones, pero alguien de la lista nos
podría comentar si el dhcp funciona bien en potato y lo están usando.


Re: Debian Hamm y cliente DHCP

2001-01-26 Thread Christoph Simon
On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 10:29:29 +0100

 Yo en Hamm con una línea ADSL no conseguí hacer funcionar el dhcp de
 ninguna de las maneras. Al final lo solucioné porque la me dí cuenta que la
 dirección ip que asignaba a un PC Windows era siempre la misma y se la puse
 fija. Pero con ONO no sé si esto valdrá. Aunque muchos asignadores de
 direcciones ip asignan la misma por un tiempo en base a la dirección
 ethernet de la tarjeta.
 Sin embargo con una distribución de doslinux con un núcleo igual al que
 usaba en la distribución hamm, sí me funcionaba correctamente el dhcp. En
 potato ya no he hecho más investigaciones, pero alguien de la lista nos
 podría comentar si el dhcp funciona bien en potato y lo están usando.

No lo he probado, pero sé que el pump funcionó a la primera en potato,
woody e sid.

Christoph Simon

Re: Activar teclado numerico en las Xs [uso con Blender]

2001-01-26 Thread Santiago Romero
El vie, 26 de ene de 2001, a las 12:11:51 +0100, Lluis Vilanova dijo:
   puess eso, que estoy jugando un poco con el blender y no consigo cambiar
   de camara pq utiliza los numeros del teclado numerico, y por mucho que los
   pulso no hay manera, puesto que el piloto Num_Lock esta siempre apagado en
   las Xs (aunque en las terminales de texto puedo activarlo y desactivarlo
   tantas veces como quiera).

 Ultima opción (algo estúpida). En mi BIOS hay una opción para decirle
 el estado del teclado numérico (ON/OFF) cuando arranca el PC (para que
 se quede así despues :)...

 ¿No te sirve eso?
Principio fundamental de la impresión: justo cuando se empieza a 
imprimir la última hoja ves un error en el encabezado de todas ellas.
   / NoP / Compiler   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ #98602813 \
   \ Linux Debian 2.2 | - #74.821 /

Re: Videos

2001-01-26 Thread Santiago Romero
El jue, 25 de ene de 2001, a las 09:04:52 -0300, Santiago Pastorino dijo:
 Que buen programa para ver videos hay que venga con Debian.

 zzplayer, mtv, xanim, kaction, xmps.
 Y existe alguno que reproduzca mp4?

Tu ISP esperará al 99% de la descarga para cortar la conexión.
   / NoP / Compiler   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ #98602813 \
   \ Linux Debian 2.2 | - #74.821 /


2001-01-26 Thread Martínez
hola a todas y todos:

Estoy usando el WebAlizer para crear las estadísticas del dominio, pero tengo 
(fundamentalmente) dos problemas. El primero es que no consigo hacer 
desaparecer los top, las páginas más visitadas, más descargadas, etc... y es 
que tengo un usuario llamado nulo que siempre se deja ver ;).

Y el segundo es que no me aparecen detallados los paises desde los que se 
accede, como en la página de LE.

Bueno, casi se me olvida, el webalizer es el que trae la debian dice algo como 

Webalizer V1.30-04 (Linux 2.2.17) English
Copyright 1997-1999 by Bradford L. Barrett

Gracias por anticipado
Diego Martínez Castañeda
Responsable Técnico CDSAT Valnalón
Ciudad Industrial Valnalón
C/ Altos Hornos, s/n
33930 La Felguera - Langreo
Tel. +34 985 69 22 27 (ext 413)
Fax. +34 985 68 31 93
Videoconferencia +34 985 67 87 58

Re:Error al compilar el kernel 2.4

2001-01-26 Thread c d
¿Has probado a quitarle la opción para P3 de las opciones del núcleo?

--- Mensaje Original ---
De: Enrique Factor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tema: Error al compilar el kernel 2.4

Al intentar compilar el kernel 2.4 me da el siguiente error:
net/network.o: In function `ftp_nat_expected':
net/network.o(.text 0x30c26): undefined reference to `ip_nat_setup_info'
net/network.o: In function `delete_sack':
net/network.o(.text 0x31058): undefined reference to `ip_nat_cheat_check'
net/network.o: In function `help':
net/network.o(.text 0x31389): undefined reference to `ip_nat_cheat_check'
net/network.o(.text 0x3139c): undefined reference to `ip_nat_cheat_check'
net/network.o: In function `init':
net/network.o(.text.init 0x101f): undefined reference to
net/network.o(.text.init 0x1032): undefined reference to
net/network.o(.text.init 0x1045): undefined reference to
make[1]: *** [vmlinux] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.0'
make: *** [stamp-build] Error 2

¿Alguien sabe porque me pasa?


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_  Gratuito, latino y en español.

Re: webalizer

2001-01-26 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 01:37:54PM +, Diego Martínez Castañeda wrote:

 Estoy usando el WebAlizer para crear las estadísticas del dominio, pero tengo 
 (fundamentalmente) dos problemas. El primero es que no consigo hacer 
 desaparecer los top, las páginas más visitadas, más descargadas, etc... y es 
 que tengo un usuario llamado nulo que siempre se deja ver ;).
 Y el segundo es que no me aparecen detallados los paises desde los que se 
 accede, como en la página de LE.

Pues acabo de subir al CVS el fichero de configuración del webalizer que
usamos en LE para que compares con el tuyo; lo encuentras en:

 Bueno, casi se me olvida, el webalizer es el que trae la debian dice algo 
 como esto:
 Webalizer V1.30-04 (Linux 2.2.17) English

Pues si quieres el Webalizer V1.30-04 (Linux 2.2.17) Español que hemos
re-empacotado (lo he llamado webalizer-es), lo tienes en:

Jaime Villate

webalizer (y II)

2001-01-26 Thread Martínez
hola a todas y todos...

continuo pegándome con el webalizer, sólo que ahora me lo bajé y lo estoy 
instalando. La compilación, después de instalar tres o cuatro paquetes, 
funcionó, pero al ejecutarlo, me aparece este mensaje 

portatil:/# /usr/local/bin/webalizer 
Webalizer V2.01-06 (Linux 2.2.17) Spanish
Utilizando historico /var/log/apache/access.log (clf)
Creando informe en /var/web/webalizer/
El nombre de maquina en el informe es 'portatil'
Leyendo archivo... webalizer.hist
Generando informe de Enero 2001
gd-png:  fatal libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and 
Segmentation fault

y no genera la página.

Diego Martínez Castañeda
Responsable Técnico CDSAT Valnalón
Ciudad Industrial Valnalón
C/ Altos Hornos, s/n
33930 La Felguera - Langreo
Tel. +34 985 69 22 27 (ext 413)
Fax. +34 985 68 31 93
Videoconferencia +34 985 67 87 58

Re: Activar teclado numerico en las Xs

2001-01-26 Thread Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Lluis Vilanova wrote:
 El jue, 25 de ene de 2001, a las 01:30:24 +, Sergio Valdivielso Gomez 
  create un fichero por ejemplo bloq_num en /etc/init.d/bloq_num
  for tty in $INNITTY
setleds -D +num  $tty
  y listo.
 y no hay que linkarlo con update-rc.d?
 de todas formas, ahora estoy en las Xs, he escrito el fichero, lo he
 ejecutado, y nada de nada :?
 Corolario de Farnsdick
 - Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
   el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Cierto no activa el block_num de las X, y luego tienes que linkarlo en
/etc/rcS.d/S99block_num (para que lo ejecute en el arranque). Estoy
viendo la manera que tambien se activen en las X, cuando lo consiga te
lo mando.
Un saludo
Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Usuario Linux Registrado : 150750
Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato Kernel 2.2.18
Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza.

Re: Videos

2001-01-26 Thread Gerardo Lopez

Asunto: Re: Videos
Fecha: Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 11:28:49AM +0100

Time to reply!

Citando a  Santiago Romero ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

  Y existe alguno que reproduzca mp4?
¿Aviplay esta empaquetado en deb? ¿Si es asi en que direccion se puede

Un saludo.
___  (o_  __ | _ 
 //\ | 
 V_/\?  ···o_| 

Re: Videos

2001-01-26 Thread Gerardo Lopez

Asunto: Re: Videos
Fecha: Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 03:59:19PM +0100

Time to reply!

Citando a  Gerardo Lopez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Y existe alguno que reproduzca mp4?
 ¿Aviplay esta empaquetado en deb? ¿Si es asi en que direccion se puede

Mierda, demasiado lerdo como para darme cuenta de que más abajo tenía la
respuesta a mi pregunta, y demasiado lento como para borrar el mensaje de la
cola del exim antes de que fuera a la lista. Sorrys.

 ___  (o_  __ | _  
  //\ |
  V_/\?  ···o_|  

Re: webalizer (y II)

2001-01-26 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 02:32:18PM +, Diego Martínez Castañeda wrote:

 continuo pegándome con el webalizer, sólo que ahora me lo bajé y lo estoy 
 instalando. La compilación, después de instalar tres o cuatro paquetes, 
 funcionó, pero al ejecutarlo, me aparece este mensaje 
 gd-png:  fatal libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and 
 Segmentation fault

Que versión de libpng2 tendrás? Yo tengo:

libpng21.0.3-1PNG library - runtime

Si te funciona, cuentame, para modificar webalizer-es, pues en este momento no
exige ninguna versión en particular de libpng2.


Re: Informix 4GL

2001-01-26 Thread jmimora
On Wed, Jan 24, 2001 at 08:06:53PM +0100, Miguel Rodríguez Penabad wrote:
 Ramon Alonso wrote:
  Pues que un amigo me ha preguntado si se puede instalar Informix en su 
  Existe algun paquete debian ? Es dificil de configurar? Alguna URL para
 Por lo que sé es comercial y no hay paquetes... y además la última vez
 que consultamos con informix nos dijeron que estaba el servidor, pero
 recordar que de 4GL nada de nada. En cuanto a la configuración (básica
 y en Solaris) es bastante sencilla. Si lo compra y puedo ayudar, avisa.
 PD: Y casi menos mal, porque yo estaba ahora mismo trabajando en 4GL en
 Solaris, y no sé de donde sacaron el 4, a no ser que sea suspenso,
 este lenguaje es de cuarta generacion como el dbase II :)

Hace años jugué un poco con él y me pareció divertido. Quizá su punto
más flaco, en aquellos tiempos, era la interfase de usuario, con un menú 
asqueroso. Sigue siendo igual?


pkg mime-support (+ BTS)

2001-01-26 Thread José Esteban

He apreciado inconsistencias en el paquete mime-support que no sé si considerar 
bugs o qué. 

En primer lugar, man mutt hace referencia a mailcap(5), que no existe en mi 
potato. dpkg -S mailcap hace a mime-support responsable de /etc/mailcap, que 
supongo que debería ser el responsable de mailcap(5) si es que hubiese de 
existir. ¿Falla mutt(1) en su referencia a mailcap(5) o mime-support al no 

Por otra parte, a punto he estado de no encontrar la documentación de 
mime-support (donde sí viene un buen documento sobre mailcap), porque 
/usr/share/doc/mime-support/ no existe; solo por casualidad he mirado en 
/usr/doc, acostumbrado como estoy a la debian policy en este sentido.

Supongo que esto sí que es un error reportable. Mi duda sobre BTS es: Si no me 
aparece nada sobre esto en ¿puedo confiar 
en que el error no ha sido reportado? La verdad es que habiendo oído la gran 
cantidad de bugs pendientes, no me gustaría colaborar con reportes innecesarios.

Otra duda respecto a esto es que puede que el mantenedor ya haya corregido el 
error en versiones correspondientes a testing o unstable. ¿Es habitual 
comprobar esto antes de enviar el comunicado o esas correcciones pasan a 

En fin, otras veces, he sugerido el error para que alguien más enterado 
decidiera sobre todo esto, pero no vamos a estar siempre igual.


He pedido drivers para Linux. Nº 00073030:

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.


2001-01-26 Thread Jorge Sanchez Pelaez

unsuscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Que pasa con el ftp y los mirros de debian

2001-01-26 Thread Lemus Moreno Jose A

Que onda lista resulta que he querido darle un update y me esta saliendo

W: Couldn't stat source package list '
potato/non-US/main Packages'
stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list '
potato/non-US/contrib Packages'
stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list '
potato/non-US/non-free Packages'
stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these missing files

Y las direciones estan bien pues hace dos dias no tuve problema

C Corp

Re: Problemas para imprimir

2001-01-26 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
-Original Message-
From: Christoph Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 22:23:32 -0200
To: Fermín Manzanedo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problemas para imprimir
 ¿Qué te da
   ls /usr/bin/recode
hago ls /usr/bin/recode y me devuelve No such file or directory.

Anoche cambié el printcap por este otro:
# This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
lp|eps640|Epson 640:\
:if=/etc/magicfilter/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\

Pero nada de nada. Lo más que pasa es que se me pone el trabajo en cola de 
impresión, como si la impresora no estubiera en linea, pero si lo está... :(( y 
no imprime ni por esas.

Un saludo,

Fermín Manzanedo | Badajoz - Spain 
Desde Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
Usuario Linux #184967

Correo gratuito en
(Solo para amantes de la astronomia :)
Visita AstroRED en

Powered by Instant Portal


2001-01-26 Thread Perestroi
Hola, un saludo a todos, mi problema es el siguiente
Tengo una Voodoo2 de la marca Creative, necesito contactar con algun
Debianero que me pueda ayudar o aconsejar para poder configurar mi
tarjeta en Debian Potato, creo que el sistema al arrancar no me la
reconoce, si alguien me puede ayudar me haria un gran favor ya que tengo
Potato desde hace tiempo y no he conseguido que me funcione, gracias y
un saludo.

Re: Problema con fetchmail

2001-01-26 Thread Christian García
El jue 25 ene 2001 17:55:46 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 El caso es q hasta hace 4 dias todo iba de cine, pero ultimamente fetchmail
 me vuelve a bajar los mensajes viejos cada vez q me conecto al servidor pop.
 Para borrar los tropezientos mensajes pendientes he tenido que recurrir a
 bajarlos con MS Outlook (aun se me revuelven las tripas).
 Uso Debian Potato, con fetchmail v 5.3.3
 Os paso el .fetchmailrc (con las password cambiadas, of course) por si os
 sirve de algo.
 set postmaster postmaster
 #set bouncemail
 #set properties 
 #set daemon 900
 #set syslog
 poll with proto POP3
 user 430036 there with password laquesea is zaforas here
 poll with proto POP3
 user jdegido there with password laquesea is zaforas here
 --fin del .fetchmailrc
 Ah! no lo he dicho, pero fetchmail no escupe errores, ni warnings ni nada
 ni en modo verbose.
Yo tengo la misma versión que tú, y lo único que me sobra es lo de 'nokeep'.
Se supone que ese es el comportamiento por defecto, pero prueba a
ejecutar fetchmail -V para que te diga con qué opciones se ejecuta.

Re: Problemas para imprimir

2001-01-26 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Fermín Manzanedo 
  Cuando:   viernes, 26 de enero del 2001, a las 06:43, 
  Qué:  Re: Problemas para imprimir 

 -Original Message-
 From: Christoph Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 22:23:32 -0200
 To: Fermín Manzanedo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Problemas para imprimir
  ¿Qué te da
  ls /usr/bin/recode
 hago ls /usr/bin/recode y me devuelve No such file or directory.

apt-get install recode


Mi frase del dia:

Los discursos inspiran menos confianza que las acciones.
-- Aristóteles. (384-322 A.C.) Filósofo griego. 

Linux elsa 2.2.18correcaminos #1 Sun Jan 14 10:42:49 WET 2001 i686 unknown

___   _
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Re: unsuscribe

2001-01-26 Thread Antonio
On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 12:26:13AM -0500, Jorge Sanchez Pelaez wrote:
 unsuscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola, creo que te equivocas en lo de unsubscribe ;-))
Un saludo.

Clave pública gnupg en
Usuario Linux registrado nº 189536

Description: PGP signature

Re: Videos

2001-01-26 Thread Diego Bote
On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Santiago Romero wrote:

 El jue, 25 de ene de 2001, a las 09:04:52 -0300, Santiago Pastorino dijo:
  Que buen programa para ver videos hay que venga con Debian.
  zzplayer, mtv, xanim, kaction, xmps.
  Y existe alguno que reproduzca mp4?

?Y para pasar VHS o senales en general a esos formatos? ?Cual
seria el procedimiento y el hard necesario? Si alguien lo hace me podria
decir que resultados obtiene. La idea seria pasarlos a CD.



Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: Videos

2001-01-26 Thread Christoph Simon
On Sat, 27 Jan 2001 00:32:17 +0100 (CET)
Diego Bote [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Santiago Romero wrote:
  El jue, 25 de ene de 2001, a las 09:04:52 -0300, Santiago Pastorino dijo:
   Que buen programa para ver videos hay que venga con Debian.
   zzplayer, mtv, xanim, kaction, xmps.
   Y existe alguno que reproduzca mp4?
   ?Y para pasar VHS o senales en general a esos formatos? ?Cual
 seria el procedimiento y el hard necesario? Si alguien lo hace me podria
 decir que resultados obtiene. La idea seria pasarlos a CD.

Dudo mucho que esto sea posible hoy con PC's de sobremesa, por lo menos
no en tiempo real. Pero tal vez haya alguien...

Christoph Simon

Re: Xfree 4.0 e SiS620

2001-01-26 Thread Fernando Fraga e Silva
On Thursday 25 January 2001 17:38, Fernando Fraga e Silva wrote:

 Estou com problemas para configurar um dispositivo de video SiS620 com o
 Xfree 4.0.2 disponível na release unstable. Tenho um monitor LG 520Si e
 disponibilizei 4Mb de RAM para o dispositivo.

Gostaria em primeiro de agradecer a atenção de todos com a minha 
correspondência. O problema de (EE) No devices detected. foi resolvido com 
a troca do string Driver sis_drv.o por Driver sis , isto é um bug que 
eu devo tentar reportar ao mantenedor do driver , uma vez que ambas as 
sintaxes carregam o driver, mas, somente uma é a correta e a errada não gera 
erro e nem termina o X.

O problema que enfrento agora é quanto ao comportamento do driver, mas , 
acredito que isto não possa ser resolvido com configuração, mas, sim com 
debugging do driver. O problema consiste em uma série de pontos desenhados 
aleatóriamente na tela , i.e., problema no driver. O problema quase é 
resolvido com o uso de duas opções simultâneamente NoAccel e 
FastVram, porém , ao rodar o driver a tela fica negra e somente o ponteiro 
aparece. Tenho então que ctrl-alt-F1 e ctrl-alt-F7 , ie. , mudar o modo de 
vídeo e a partir de então o X4 funciona maravilhosamente.

A quem possa interessar envio o arquivo de configuração e de log do X 4 .

Alguém consegue usar o X 4 com sucesso com o chipset SiS620 ?
XFree86 Version 4.0.2 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6400)
Release Date: 18 December 2000
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.2.18 i686 [ELF] 
Module Loader present
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Thu Jan 25 20:14:28 2001
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (??) unknown.
(==) ServerLayout XFree86 Configured
(**) |--Screen Screen0 (0)
(**) |   |--Monitor Monitor0
(**) |   |--Device Card0
(**) |--Input Device Mouse0
(**) |--Input Device Keyboard0
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/ does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to 
(**) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
(**) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
(++) using VT number 7

(WW) Cannot open APM
(II) Module ABI versions:
XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
XFree86 Video Driver: 0.3
XFree86 XInput driver : 0.1
XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.2
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: bitmap
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.2
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: pcidata
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.3
(II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
(II) PCI: Config type is 1
(II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x8148, mode1Res1 = 0x8000
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 1039,0530 card , rev 02 class 06,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:00:1: chip 1039,5513 card 1039,5513 rev d0 class 01,01,8a hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 1039,0008 card , rev b3 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:01:1: chip 1039,0009 card , rev 00 class ff,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:02:0: chip 1039,0001 card , rev 00 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:0a:0: chip 1274,1371 card 1274,1371 rev 06 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 1039,6306 card 1039,6306 rev a2 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) LoadModule: scanpci
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Module scanpci: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.3
(II) UnloadModule: scanpci
(II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (-1,0,0), BCTRL: 0x00 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
[0] -1  0x - 0x (0x1) IX[B]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1  0x - 0x (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1  0x - 0x (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,-1,0), BCTRL: 0x00 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus -1 I/O range:
(II) Bus -1 non-prefetchable 

Re: agpgart, i810, utah

2001-01-26 Thread Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos
Meu caro,

este tem sido meu intento ultimamente ... acho que ajuda dar uma olhada na 
da Debian (procura por i810) ... vc. achar o Strike Force ... tem lá o agpgart
... também acho uma boa dar uma olhada no site da Intel ...
( ... lá tem
um manual de como instalar isto pra linux (tenho aqui impresso, não tenho a
versão eletrônica) ...

Só que até o momento estou apanhando ... se precisar de alguma coisa neste meio
tempo estou por aqui ...

Um abraço,


 alguem pode me ajudar a instalar minha placa de video no debian ?? ela é
 uma i810, ela precisa de um modulo chamado agpgart e outor chamado utah
 se não me engano, só q naum consigo achar eles e nem sei usalos !

 Obrigado pela atenção
 Lourival Neto

 ___ O e-mail que vai aonde você está.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalação do Cable Modem(Virtua)

2001-01-26 Thread Luciano Lopes
---Reply to mail from Fernando Fraga e Silva about Instalação do Cable 

 On Tuesday 23 January 2001 18:18, Daniel Tiziani Silva wrote:

 Amanhã o pessoal do Virtua virá instalar o cable modem aqui na minha
 maquina, e eu queria uma ajuda para configurá-lo no debian.
 Alem de configurar algumas informacoes no /etc/net/interfaces , o que mais
 devo fazer?

 Deve editar o /etc/net/interfaces segundo o manual e ter instalado
 dhcpclient. Eu somente não me recordo se na silvia ( computador com Virtua
 ) o script que faz o parse do interfaces é o mesmo que chama o dhcpclient -i
 eth0 ou se foi criado um script para rodar o dhcpclient.

 Vc. também precisará de um browser com suporte a flash para a cada 2 semanas
 autenticar o número MAC da sua placa de rede no servidor de login
 (, ou vc. somente poderá acessar o site . O técnico irá explicar sobre isto.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eu somente configurei a placa para boot dhcp,
n preciso autentificar a cada duas semanas o numero MAc da placa de
rede,n precisei de um browser com flash,...nem acessar o site da
virtua,...pelo menos foi assim q fiz funcionar aqui em porto alegre,...

§   Luciano Lopes§
§Linux User Nº 125718§
§  ICQ UIN 9183461   §
§ Porto Alegre - RS  §

Re: agpgart, i810, utah

2001-01-26 Thread Edson Y. Fugio
Qual a versão do kernel vc esta usando? 
Se vc esta usando versões anteriores a 2.2.18, 2.2.18pre21, baixe o
modulo de ,
compile, instale (make install), sincronize o modutils (depmod -a), crie
o device com mknod -m 666 /dev/agpgart c 10 175 e configure o xfree
3.3.6 (não pode ser outro) normalmente.
Tb tem um documento da Intel sobre i810 com linux em


 alguem pode me ajudar a instalar minha placa de video no debian ?? ela é
 uma i810, ela precisa de um modulo chamado agpgart e outor chamado utah
 se não me engano, só q naum consigo achar eles e nem sei usalos !
 Obrigado pela atenção
 Lourival Neto
 ___ O e-mail que vai aonde você está.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

libc6 2.2-4

2001-01-26 Thread Tomasz Barszczak

Does anyone know how can I find package libc6 version 2.2-4?
Version 2.2-4 of libc6 is no longer available in unstable.
Is there a general way to find older packages?

I am investigating a possible break-in.
Yes, I know, I should have run tripwire, but I didn't :(.


Re: multi os boot and sys commander

2001-01-26 Thread Coronya
Oh yes I did experience that often. When you use Partition Magic to resize a
linux partition (or move it), it looks like LILO get broken in the process.
To restore LILO, simply boot with your debian cd, choosing the normal
kernel. When you are in the installation, select a free virtual console
and press enter, it will activate it. You must now mount your main linux
partition with the regular command:
mount /dev/___ /mnt
(you replace the ___ with your config)

then you simply enter:
chroot /mnt

then you type

tada! Lilo is back into business. Not that hard, wasn't it?

Hope this helps!

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, hanasaki wrote:
 Anyone have experience with moving / resizing / del partitions and Linux
 failing to boot?  how did you fix it?

 Ken Weingold wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 25, 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:
   hi, how is it possible to tripple boot dos/win/linux?  what i have done so
   far is:
   1.  installed dos
   2.  changed the fs type for fat16 to xenix, and windows then installs fine
   since it doesn't find dos.
   3. installed linux.
   4. now, i can boot either windows or linux fine.
   5. if i now change xenix back to fat16 i cannot boot either dos or 
   what i require is a way, in lilo.conf for example, for hiding the dos
   partition when windows loads and hiding the windows partition when dos
   loads. how is this possible? could you send a sample lilo.conf?
   dos is on hda1, win on hda2, linux on hda3 and swap is hda5 (extended.
  I would highly recommend System Commander.  It is a boot manager that
  will deal with all this seamlessly.  You can even have it hide
  partitions, so you can install Windows with DOS already there.  Right
  now I have running on my system: DOS 6.22, Win95 OSR2, Windows 2000,
  and Linux.  All running just fine.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: About Debian documentation

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# For example, Why are so many packages from older version of programs.
# For example X-chat, wwwoffle ,ncftp and even XFree's packages are from
# very old versions of the actual programs.
# I believe dpkg is the absolute best in terms of packaging system (I
# from RedHat's rpm). That's why I think twice to install a new non-deb
# version of some program, even when I need some of the new features
# XFree 4). So what do you recommend?

Debian is split up into three distributions: Potato/stable,
Woody/testing, Sid/unstable. Potato is the stable distribution, and is
generally meant for servers. When you install Potato, you can be sure
that nothing will be changed out from underneath you. You can run
'apt-get update  apt-get upgrade' without worry.

Woody/testing and Sid/unstable are generally what people run on their
desktops. Woody is safer than Sid, in that new/updated packages are
uploaded to the Sid repositories before they're automatically added to
Woody(a few conditions have to be met; the package in Sid can't have
been updated for at least two weeks, the package in Sid has to have a
lesser or equal number of bugs, and a few other things). Woody is
actually fairly up-to-date. glibc 2.2, GNOME 1.2, KDE2, lots of goodies.
XFree86 4.0.x hasn't made it in, and the Linux kernel 2.4.0 hasn't been
packaged yet. Sid has XFree86 4.0.2, but the kernel is still 2.2.x.
However, you can upgrade to 2.4.0 easily(if you run Sid).

So, if you want more recent packages, you should change all references
to stable or potato in your /etc/apt/sources.list to either
testing or unstable.

You can also add a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources.list pointing
to unstable. Then, whenever you 'apt-get source package', you'll be
getting the unstable version of that package. You can then use
'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b' (as root, in the directory(ies) created by
the 'apt-get source') to get binary .debs for your system. This isn't a
guaranteed solution, but it has always worked for me.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: SOLVED: Re: ~/.xsession causes X to restart (infinite loop)

2001-01-26 Thread Coronya
You don't need that  following the window manager. It can even prevent a
window manager from working. Try that with window maker and you'll be bombed
straight to the console.

Debianized for now 37 days

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Pollywog wrote:

 On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 10:22:51 -0800 (PST), Xucaen said:

   does anyone know why creating .xsession causes
   fvwm to NOT load anymore? I'd really like to know

 I don't think you need the  following your window manager.


Re: building pine from debs

2001-01-26 Thread Coronya
I never liked mutt much either :). I have found that using the packages from
Mandrake Cooker works pretty well. Just be sure to grab pine AND openssl.
You convert them with alien (alien filename) and you install them like you
always do with deb.

If you're interested:
 (you must download pine and openssl)

Hope this helps!

Debianized for now 37 days

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Romain Lerallut wrote:
 Sorry if it's a usual problem, but I can't find info in the archives.
 Here it is
 (it's pine 3-96)

 apt-get source -b pine

 fetching data...OK

 and then:

 install bin/pine debian/tmp/usr/bin
 install: cannot stat `bin/pine': No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [binaryPine] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pine-3.96M'
 make: *** [binary-arch] Error 2
 Build command 'cd pine-3.96M  dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed.

 Thanks for any help, I don't like mutt that much (besides, I'm used to

Re: How can I install VMware inside Debian?

2001-01-26 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Hi Aldo,
I've installed it from the tar.gz without encountering any problems
and it's working fine for me. I used the default setup or the files
but you can customize (as i remember) some of them during the


Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
 I used VMware without problems inside RH 6.2. Now I just upgraded to
 Debian 2.2, and I'm looking forward to reinstall my VMware. Is there any
 guide to how to do this inside debian?. I will try the, but maybe
 there exists some installer like the real-player's one. Thanks for any
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Bill Bell
Hello all,

I have a dual NIC system using two 3c509 cards.  This configuration has
been working well under sid with a 2.2.18 kernel (my current system).
I have been trying to move up to a 2.4.0 kernel and I am having

My problem is when booting with the 2.4.0 kernel, both NIC cards have
the wrong media port enabled.  The boot message is saying something
like Coax port instead of 10baseT port.

This is the lilo.conf append line I use to get both cards working for
the 2.2.18 kernel.

append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1

When I remark out this append line, run lilo, and boot the 2.4.0 kernel,
eth0 gets configed correctly with the 10baseT port enabled, but eth1
is not found.

Some of the things I have tried-
RTFM docs under /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking
searching the debian user list archives
searching documentation
other various FAQs on the web

Possible problems as a guess-
1) I am missing a new append ether='parameter'
2) There is a better way to use the ether= line
3) 2.4.0 kernel has a bug in the 3c509 driver (?)

More info-
I have PnP turned off in both the BIOS and on both NICs.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

-- Bill
C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

Re: Compiling source .debs

2001-01-26 Thread Martin Albert
 Anyway to get this to work with 'apt-get --compile source pkgname'?  
 It would be really nice if there were a way to override the default 
 compile flags on a system wide basis.

Have a look at the simple doings of the pentium-builder pkg.
The idea is quite extendable.

greetings, martin

Is there a key combination to make sure IE will reload a page?
Oh, yes and You Know It!

Re: tripple booting dos/win/linux

2001-01-26 Thread USM Bish
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 12:29:09 -0500 (EST)
Christopher W. Aiken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for this post. Just downloaded it last night. Scarcely 70 kb.
Excellent !

USM Bish

 On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:
 -|hi, how is it possible to tripple boot dos/win/linux?  what i have done so
 Multiple bootloader is FREE and works from floppy or
 your HD.  I used the floppy to boot until I made sure
 everything worked OK. Then used HD.  Keep floppy for
 emergency booting.

Re: How can I install VMware inside Debian?

2001-01-26 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Thanks. I was trying doing this (installing in /usr/local/ directories)
but now it says my kernel-headers don't match my kernel. I got
kernel-headers-2.2.18-1 and a custom-kernel compiled from
kernel-source-2.2.18-1. What do you think?

Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
 Hi Aldo,
 I've installed it from the tar.gz without encountering any problems
 and it's working fine for me. I used the default setup or the files
 but you can customize (as i remember) some of them during the
 Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
  I used VMware without problems inside RH 6.2. Now I just upgraded to
  Debian 2.2, and I'm looking forward to reinstall my VMware. Is there any
  guide to how to do this inside debian?. I will try the, but maybe
  there exists some installer like the real-player's one. Thanks for any

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Re: I'm lost without

2001-01-26 Thread Coronya
Install device3dfx sources and tar zxfv it. Then read the doc in

For your convenience, here are the instructions:
mknod /dev/3dfx c 107 0
(set permissions on /dev/3dfx, up to you)
apt-get install device3dfx-source
tar zxfv /usr/src/device3dfx*gz  # I don't remember the name! :)
cd /usr/src/modules/device3dfx
cp 3dfx.o /lib/modules/kernel version/misc
(add the module 3dfx)

And you're done!

Hope this helps.

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Cameron Matheson wrote:

 I just got done formatiing/re-installing my computer (various reasons,
 none important), and I was starting to set up my 3dfx card, but I can't
 remember how to do the device file, and I can't find it in the 2.4
 kernel docs.  I remember it was in a subdirectory, and the file was
 called card0 (i think), but I don't know device numbers etc.  Please
 supply me all needed info

 Cameron matheson

Re: About Debian documentation

2001-01-26 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Ok. So, I understand I can make the change and dselect will just get the
new versions as updates without any problem?
I will install debian in another (workstation) machine. Can I install
directly the woody version on it? Thanks for your help

David B. Harris wrote:
 To quote Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 # For example, Why are so many packages from older version of programs.
 # For example X-chat, wwwoffle ,ncftp and even XFree's packages are from
 # very old versions of the actual programs.
 # I believe dpkg is the absolute best in terms of packaging system (I
 # from RedHat's rpm). That's why I think twice to install a new non-deb
 # version of some program, even when I need some of the new features
 # XFree 4). So what do you recommend?
 Debian is split up into three distributions: Potato/stable,
 Woody/testing, Sid/unstable. Potato is the stable distribution, and is
 generally meant for servers. When you install Potato, you can be sure
 that nothing will be changed out from underneath you. You can run
 'apt-get update  apt-get upgrade' without worry.
 Woody/testing and Sid/unstable are generally what people run on their
 desktops. Woody is safer than Sid, in that new/updated packages are
 uploaded to the Sid repositories before they're automatically added to
 Woody(a few conditions have to be met; the package in Sid can't have
 been updated for at least two weeks, the package in Sid has to have a
 lesser or equal number of bugs, and a few other things). Woody is
 actually fairly up-to-date. glibc 2.2, GNOME 1.2, KDE2, lots of goodies.
 XFree86 4.0.x hasn't made it in, and the Linux kernel 2.4.0 hasn't been
 packaged yet. Sid has XFree86 4.0.2, but the kernel is still 2.2.x.
 However, you can upgrade to 2.4.0 easily(if you run Sid).
 So, if you want more recent packages, you should change all references
 to stable or potato in your /etc/apt/sources.list to either
 testing or unstable.
 You can also add a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources.list pointing
 to unstable. Then, whenever you 'apt-get source package', you'll be
 getting the unstable version of that package. You can then use
 'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b' (as root, in the directory(ies) created by
 the 'apt-get source') to get binary .debs for your system. This isn't a
 guaranteed solution, but it has always worked for me.
 David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
 Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: tripple booting dos/win/linux

2001-01-26 Thread Coronya
Hmmm... System Command is not a BAD boot manager... [...]. I was typing too
fast so I didn't notice that the sentence was missing a word.

Oops! ;)

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Coronya wrote:
 System Commander is not a boot manager but if you're considering using it
 then beware! I lost a ext2 partition because of this program. I wasn't able to
 know what exactly happened but even superblocks seemed to be damaged. This
 was the last partition of my harddisk. So if you go on with your idea of
 using system commander, then backup!

 On the other hand, I would like to suggest XOSL for that job. It has very
 nice features and can be installed on a dedicated partition or a normal dos
 partition. It has many features and has been very reliable (I've used it for
 a couple of months). Even better, it is free and under the GPL. I can't
 suggest enough you take a look at this program since I got nothing but
 trouble from system commander.

 If you're interested:

 PS. Did I mention XOSL is very good looking? ;)

 Debianized for now 37 days!

 On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Ken Weingold wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 25, 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:
   hi, how is it possible to tripple boot dos/win/linux?  what i have done so
   far is:
   1.  installed dos
   2.  changed the fs type for fat16 to xenix, and windows then installs fine
   since it doesn't find dos.
   3. installed linux.
   4. now, i can boot either windows or linux fine.
   5. if i now change xenix back to fat16 i cannot boot either dos or 
   what i require is a way, in lilo.conf for example, for hiding the dos
   partition when windows loads and hiding the windows partition when dos
   loads. how is this possible? could you send a sample lilo.conf?
   dos is on hda1, win on hda2, linux on hda3 and swap is hda5 (extended.
  I would highly recommend System Commander.  It is a boot manager that
  will deal with all this seamlessly.  You can even have it hide
  partitions, so you can install Windows with DOS already there.  Right
  now I have running on my system: DOS 6.22, Win95 OSR2, Windows 2000,
  and Linux.  All running just fine.

Re: About Debian documentation

2001-01-26 Thread kmself
on Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 12:57:56AM -0600, Dr. Aldo Medina ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 David B. Harris wrote:
  To quote Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   For example, Why are so many packages from older version of
   programs.  For example X-chat, wwwoffle ,ncftp and even XFree's
   packages are from very old versions of the actual programs.  I
   believe dpkg is the absolute best in terms of packaging system (I
   come from RedHat's rpm). That's why I think twice to install a new
   non-deb version of some program, even when I need some of the new
   features (like XFree 4). So what do you recommend?
  Debian is split up into three distributions: Potato/stable,
  Woody/testing, Sid/unstable. Potato is the stable distribution, and is
  generally meant for servers. When you install Potato, you can be sure
  that nothing will be changed out from underneath you. You can run
  'apt-get update  apt-get upgrade' without worry.
  Woody/testing and Sid/unstable are generally what people run on their
  desktops. Woody is safer than Sid, in that new/updated packages are
  uploaded to the Sid repositories before they're automatically added to
  Woody(a few conditions have to be met; the package in Sid can't have
  been updated for at least two weeks, the package in Sid has to have a
  lesser or equal number of bugs, and a few other things). Woody is
  actually fairly up-to-date. glibc 2.2, GNOME 1.2, KDE2, lots of goodies.
  XFree86 4.0.x hasn't made it in, and the Linux kernel 2.4.0 hasn't been
  packaged yet. Sid has XFree86 4.0.2, but the kernel is still 2.2.x.
  However, you can upgrade to 2.4.0 easily(if you run Sid).
  So, if you want more recent packages, you should change all references
  to stable or potato in your /etc/apt/sources.list to either
  testing or unstable.
  You can also add a deb-src line in your /etc/apt/sources.list pointing
  to unstable. Then, whenever you 'apt-get source package', you'll be
  getting the unstable version of that package. You can then use
  'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b' (as root, in the directory(ies) created by
  the 'apt-get source') to get binary .debs for your system. This isn't a
  guaranteed solution, but it has always worked for me.
  David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
  Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)
 Ok. So, I understand I can make the change and dselect will just get the
 new versions as updates without any problem?

In theory.  But yeah, that's the general idea.  The further back from
the edge you stay, the less likely things are to blow up.

 I will install debian in another (workstation) machine. Can I install
 directly the woody version on it? Thanks for your help

I'd recommend sticking to stable initially.  It's better to track by
release status than by distribution name -- you'll gracefully upgrade to
the next release when it becomes stable, rather than being stuck on
potato forever.  If you decide that dealing with the occasional wart
is an acceptable compromise for having newer packages, move to testing.
I run one box on stable, one on unstable (this was the old split).
Haven't looked to testing yet, though I suspect my laptop will be headed
that way shortly.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: cpqarray issue

2001-01-26 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- Eric == Eric N Valor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Anyone got any bright ideas?  Something interesting is that if I do a
 depmod -a, I get a rash of unresolved symbols but if I depmod the
 modules individually it seems to work fine.

I had to manually create the /dev/ida directory, and then run MAKEDEV
from inside /dev
This will probably make the machine complain of no space left on
device, at which point you will do a
rm /dev/ida/c0d[1234]* 
You will be left with a bunch of devices all ending in - (for example
c0d0p1-) which are not recognized by the install process. You'll have
to rename them without the dash.
At this point you can continue as usual.
Hope this helps

Remember, all the above stuff is not in / but rather in /target :-)



 Pierfrancesco Caci | ik5pvx | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -
  Firenze - Italia  | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.4.0 #1 Sat Jan 6 14:27:38 CET 2001 i686 unknown

Re: tripple booting dos/win/linux

2001-01-26 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
When I first tried my current PIII 800 with a WD 30Gb and a Seagate
20Gb, both ATA66, I got troubles that yield me to repartition my
secondary master (Seagate), using SC. I then switched to PQ, which
worked fine until now.

Coronya wrote:
 Hmmm... System Command is not a BAD boot manager... [...]. I was typing too
 fast so I didn't notice that the sentence was missing a word.
 Oops! ;)
 On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Coronya wrote:
  System Commander is not a boot manager but if you're considering using it
  then beware! I lost a ext2 partition because of this program. I wasn't able 
  know what exactly happened but even superblocks seemed to be damaged. This
  was the last partition of my harddisk. So if you go on with your idea of
  using system commander, then backup!
  On the other hand, I would like to suggest XOSL for that job. It has very
  nice features and can be installed on a dedicated partition or a normal dos
  partition. It has many features and has been very reliable (I've used it for
  a couple of months). Even better, it is free and under the GPL. I can't
  suggest enough you take a look at this program since I got nothing but
  trouble from system commander.
  If you're interested:
  PS. Did I mention XOSL is very good looking? ;)
  Debianized for now 37 days!
  On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Ken Weingold wrote:
   On Thu, Jan 25, 2001, Saqib Shaikh wrote:
hi, how is it possible to tripple boot dos/win/linux?  what i have done 
far is:
1.  installed dos
2.  changed the fs type for fat16 to xenix, and windows then installs 
since it doesn't find dos.
3. installed linux.
4. now, i can boot either windows or linux fine.
5. if i now change xenix back to fat16 i cannot boot either dos or 
what i require is a way, in lilo.conf for example, for hiding the dos
partition when windows loads and hiding the windows partition when dos
loads. how is this possible? could you send a sample lilo.conf?
dos is on hda1, win on hda2, linux on hda3 and swap is hda5 (extended.
   I would highly recommend System Commander.  It is a boot manager that
   will deal with all this seamlessly.  You can even have it hide
   partitions, so you can install Windows with DOS already there.  Right
   now I have running on my system: DOS 6.22, Win95 OSR2, Windows 2000,
   and Linux.  All running just fine.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Joris Lambrecht

Isn't this just a netconfiguration issue ?

At install of a debian system you can pass parameters to the module such as
the media port (bnc,utp) i think you should read something on that instead.

Don't really know where you should configure that. Dive into those How-To's



-Original Message-
From: Bill Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 7:28 AM
Subject: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

Hello all,

I have a dual NIC system using two 3c509 cards.  This configuration has
been working well under sid with a 2.2.18 kernel (my current system).
I have been trying to move up to a 2.4.0 kernel and I am having

My problem is when booting with the 2.4.0 kernel, both NIC cards have
the wrong media port enabled.  The boot message is saying something
like Coax port instead of 10baseT port.

This is the lilo.conf append line I use to get both cards working for
the 2.2.18 kernel.

append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1

When I remark out this append line, run lilo, and boot the 2.4.0 kernel,
eth0 gets configed correctly with the 10baseT port enabled, but eth1
is not found.

Some of the things I have tried-
RTFM docs under /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking
searching the debian user list archives
searching documentation
other various FAQs on the web

Possible problems as a guess-
1) I am missing a new append ether='parameter'
2) There is a better way to use the ether= line
3) 2.4.0 kernel has a bug in the 3c509 driver (?)

More info-
I have PnP turned off in both the BIOS and on both NICs.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

-- Bill
C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Console question (2x)

2001-01-26 Thread Sebastiaan

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, ktb wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 04:07:48PM -0500, Mike McGuire wrote:

 1. I have heard that its possible to run console in multiple 
 How do I do this in debian, specifically?

 2. How can I have more console windows than the default 6? I want to 
 up tty7 and above used for X. Also, what happens if I want more 
 than 12? There are only 12 function keys!

 I am running debian testing (maybe it matters). I am untrained in the
 mystic ways of the console. Any help would be appreciated. :)

Put vga=ask in your /etc/lilo.conf run /sbin/lilo and you will be
given a choice of resolution on boot.
   I added vga=ask and I got no such choice option at boot time. yes. I did
   run lilo after i edited the conf file. Also, I tried vga=extended and that
   doesnt work either. There are no errors and the 'normal' mode is always
   used. Here is the response from dmesg:
   Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
   Any ideas?
  I'm fairly sure you need kernel support for the additional vga modes. and I 
  think it needs to be compiled in, since this stuff happens way before the 
  modules. anyway, from the kernel config help:
  Video mode selection support
This enables support for text mode selection on kernel startup. If
you want to take advantage of some high-resolution text mode your
card's BIOS offers, but the traditional Linux utilities like
SVGATextMode don't, you can say Y here and set the mode using the
vga= option from your boot loader (lilo or loadlin) or set
vga=ask which brings up a video mode menu on kernel startup. (Try
man bootparam or see the documentation of your boot loader about
how to pass options to the kernel.)
 I'm running 2.2.17 stock kernel that came with potato and the vga=ask
 option works fine.  I don't remember ever compiling it into any kernel.
 Course I don't know what the original poster is running.
with 2.4.0 you can (handy for netboot images).

 I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem with spanish characters in terminal

2001-01-26 Thread Martin Würtele
On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 10:26:41PM -0600, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
 I just installed Debian 2.2, using a spanish keyboard (selected in the
 If I type some spanish character, like ñ or á, in Netscape or vi, it
 displays just fine. However, if I type it in console mode, or in a
 terminal inside X, it just beeps and doesn't show anything. Where could
 my problem be?

make shure, in /etc/inputrc you have the line 
set convert-meta off 

(at least this helped for germen characters in the console)

if less complains about a binary file when viewing a file with spanish
characters try setting
LC_CTYPE=es_ES ISO-8859-1
or whatever codepage you use.

hth martin
30DC 1D28 1D79 32F5 5E67  3ABB 28EE B35A 3E8D CCC0

Re: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Sebastiaan

is it vital that both cards are loaded at boottime? What happens when you
insmod the second card? How does the kernel behave when compiling the
cards in? Perhaps you can try to leave the ',eth0' and ',eth1' at the
bootline and let the kernel figure it out itself?


On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Bill Bell wrote:

 Hello all,
 I have a dual NIC system using two 3c509 cards.  This configuration has
 been working well under sid with a 2.2.18 kernel (my current system).
 I have been trying to move up to a 2.4.0 kernel and I am having
 My problem is when booting with the 2.4.0 kernel, both NIC cards have
 the wrong media port enabled.  The boot message is saying something
 like Coax port instead of 10baseT port.
 This is the lilo.conf append line I use to get both cards working for
 the 2.2.18 kernel.
 append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1
 When I remark out this append line, run lilo, and boot the 2.4.0 kernel,
 eth0 gets configed correctly with the 10baseT port enabled, but eth1
 is not found.
 Some of the things I have tried-
 RTFM docs under /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking
 searching the debian user list archives
 searching documentation
 other various FAQs on the web
 Possible problems as a guess-
 1) I am missing a new append ether='parameter'
 2) There is a better way to use the ether= line
 3) 2.4.0 kernel has a bug in the 3c509 driver (?)
 More info-
 I have PnP turned off in both the BIOS and on both NICs.
 Thanks for any and all suggestions.
 -- Bill
 C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ntpd not setting time

2001-01-26 Thread Nicolas Kowalski
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, brian moore wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 01, 1992 at 01:27:39AM -0600, hanasaki wrote:
  it is serving the time fine to others but:
  it wont set my server's time from another time server
  I have entered server...  lines into /etc/ntp.conf
 If your time is too far off, ntpd will not know whether to trust the
 remote sites or yours and will refuse to change the time.

Exact. In this case you should install the ntpdate package. It will be
run just before xntpd to set a correct time (not too far), then xntpd
will synchronize as usual. Don't forget to edit /etc/init.d/ntpdate
before attempting to run it.


Re: 2.4 kernel, problems shutting down eth0 interface

2001-01-26 Thread Russell Coker
On Friday 19 January 2001 15:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yesterday I compiled a 2.4 kernel using make-kpkg.  All seems to have gone
 well.  I used the pcmcia features in the kernel, and chose not to
 separately compile pcmcia modules.  All seems to work well, I boot fine,
 start up pcmcia fine, get a dhcp address fine.   However, I do have one
 problem, I can't shut down or reboot without cutting the power to the
 laptop.  When I try, I get the following error:

 Shutting down PCMCIA services: cardmgrunregister_netdevice waiting for
 eth0 to become free.  Usage count = 0

I always have to eject my PCMCIA or CardBus network card before attempting to 
suspend.  As far as I recall I had this problem on 2.2 kernels too.

I have read reports about people configuring their APM daemons to unconfigure 
their network device before suspend which can apparently solve such problems.

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: Linuxdoc DTD under Potato?

2001-01-26 Thread kmself
on Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 05:07:21PM -0800, 
( wrote:
 I'm trying to parse some LDP SMGL source docs on Potato, but am told by
 Emacs that DTD LINUXDOC isn't found.  Is it generally available for
 Potato, and as what?  Package sgmltools-2 (installed) claims to be the
 package formerly known as Linuxdoc-SGML.  But it doesn't appear to
 provide the Linuxdoc DTD.
 Who's go the cluestick?

Thanks to Bob Bernstein.  It's part of the sgmltools package.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: jpeg bad bitmap format file (was: xsetroot -bitmap)

2001-01-26 Thread Erdmut Pfeifer
On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 12:04:09PM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
 --- Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I just tried it and I got an error message
   bad bitmap format file
  Heh, don't know... sorry ;-(
  I've seen the program xv suggested before,
  but many get all worked up
  'cause it's not a *free* program in the Debian
  sense of the word free.
  What does xsetroot say if you use a jpg file
  you downloaded from
 I didn't try this, but I think it wn't work.
 someone else on the user list told me that a
 bitmap is 2(?) colors and that xsetroot expects a
 2(?) color bitmap. anything else won't work.
 I just discovered a program called xpmroot which
 uses an .xpm. but so far I haven't found anything
 that will use a .jpg. how are you doing it?

xli -- as has already been suggested.

$ xli -onroot -quiet your.jpg


Erdmut Pfeifer
science+computing gmbh

-- Bugs come in through open windows. Keep Windows shut! --

A little sed

2001-01-26 Thread Hans
Three questions for the expers:

- I need to clean up a bunch of html files from SCRIPT /SCRIPT tags. I
tried sed -e s/\SCRIPT.*SCRIPT\// file.html  file.html2, but it only
deletes the first line, not the whole script. The /m modifier doesn't seem
to work. How do I go about it.

- Is it possible to overwrite the original file, not redirect to an
alterate file? 

- How do I process a bunch of files at once? sed -e s/foo/bar/ *.html 
*html2 doesn't seem to do it. Or need it be something like for $i in *
do? I can't seem to get this to work either.



Re: A little sed

2001-01-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
Hans wrote:
  Three questions for the expers:
  - I need to clean up a bunch of html files from SCRIPT /SCRIPT tags. I
  tried sed -e s/\SCRIPT.*SCRIPT\// file.html  file.html2, but it only
  deletes the first line, not the whole script. The /m modifier doesn't seem
  to work. How do I go about it.

If it only deletes the first line, the other lines don't match the 
given pattern.  sed operates on each line in turn.
Your pattern will remove SCRIPTanythingSCRIPT from any individual
line.  It won't work with multilines; since you don't show the data
you're operating on, I can't be precise.

Come to think of it, your problem may be that you aren't quoting the
editing instruction, so the * will be replaced by a list of files
in the current directory; I'm surprised you don't get a whole lot
of errors from that.

Use single quotes around the editing instruction, so you won't need
to escape anything inside it:

  sed -e 's/SCRIPT.*SCRIPT//'

  - Is it possible to overwrite the original file, not redirect to an
  alterate file? 

  - How do I process a bunch of files at once? sed -e s/foo/bar/ *.html 
  *html2 doesn't seem to do it. Or need it be something like for $i in *
  do? I can't seem to get this to work either.

for f in *.html
   echo Processing $f
   sed -e 's/foo/bar/' $f  $$
   mv $$ $f
Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me 
  from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions; and 
  my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, 
  have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight...
   Psalms 51:2-4 

Mbox mailbox -- postfix?...

2001-01-26 Thread Max Lock

 Hi folks,

 I've got an mbox format mailbox file, which I want to reprocess through
postfix. Does anyone know of a lump of perl etc. that's already been
written that'll split-up and create the necessary mail files that I can
dump into postfix's incoming mail dir?

 Long shot I know, I've got 211Mb of mail to get thru!! :)


Max Lock, Linux Systems Administrator, TELE2 uk. http://3558031516

Linux like wigwam. No windows, no gates, Apache inside.

Re: jpeg bad bitmap format file (was: xsetroot -bitmap)

2001-01-26 Thread Justin B Rye
Xucaen wrote:
 Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  somewhere else instead of one you made with
  gimp ?? Speaking of gimp,
  how are you telling it what format to use ?? I
  think you have to tell
  gimp to use jpg or bmp format ... just
  naming it that way *may* not
  do it.
 correct. I tell it specifically which format to
 save as. I have saved as jpeg and as bmp
 ah well.. at least I can play around with xpmroot

You might also want to test that it really has saved it as that
format, not just with the extension .bmp - you can check this
quickly and easily with file:

$ file foo.bmp
foo.bmp:PC bitmap data, Windows 3.x format, 256 x 256 x 24

But they're right, don't use .bmp!
Justin B Rye - writing from but not for Datacash Ltd

HELP! Debconf does not work

2001-01-26 Thread Preben Randhol
I installed a new version of debconf on my off-line computer and debconf
asked me if I wanted dialog, slang, text etc.. I chose slang, but it
appears that there is some perl module missing so that I cannot get
that. Why doesn't debconf check this before it give me the choice?
Subsequently I cannot install the rest of the packages, because I cannot
figure out where debconf puts it's config file so that I can hand edit

So my problem is: 1. I cannot uninstall debconf as too many packages
need it. And reinstalling it does not work as the config files are still

What do I do?

Thanks for any hint in advance!

PS: Never ever try installing a unstable Debian on a off-line machine.
There are sooo many packages with basic faults that you will use days
to get things working!

Preben Randhol --- --
 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

raid problems

2001-01-26 Thread Knud Sørensen
I have a raid1 device for which fsck returns a error.
It says that the physical size of the device is 26000k but
that the superblock says that the size is 26066k.

if I run mkraid --upgrade it tells me that
the physical size is 26066k and that the superblock
starts at 26000k.

What should i do to make fsck successful?



change IRQ

2001-01-26 Thread Fernando Carvajal

does anyone know how can i change irq number for a soundblaster Live 1024
soundcard that uses the Alsa emu10k1 driver ? On booting it set IRQ 10 that
it's shared  with my ethernet card.
In modules.conf i set options snd_irq=5; but if i do a cat /proc/interrupts
i see IRQ 10 or so it seem.


Jose Fernando Carvajal Vión
SOLUZIONA Software Factory
Servicios Profesionales de Unión Fenosa
C/ Pedro Teixeira, 8 - 28020 Madrid
Teléfono: +34 91 555 33 61  Fax: +34 91 597 05 62


Re: Console question (2x)

2001-01-26 Thread Diego Biurrun
Hello !

Have a look at the file /etc/inittab. There you should find a few lines like

# /sbin/getty invocations for the runlevels.
# The id field MUST be the same as the last
# characters of the device (after tty).
# Format:
#  id:runlevels:action:process
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty6

This defines how many gettys and thus consoles are get started in each
runlevel. Just add something like

7:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty7
8:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty8
9:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty9

and enjoy having more consoles. I do not know what happens to X in this
case, though. Maybe it will get started on the 10th console, maybe not.
Can somebody answer this?

I do not know what happens if you have more than 12 consoles. Probably
you can still cycle through them with Alt-- and Alt--.

Enjoy your consoles

Diego Biurrun

On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 10:25:23PM -0500, RAccess wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, ktb wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 04:07:48PM -0500, Mike McGuire wrote:
  2. How can I have more console windows than the default 6? I want 
  to bump
  up tty7 and above used for X. Also, what happens if I want more 
  than 12? There are only 12 function keys!

PS to HTML Conversion

2001-01-26 Thread Daniel de los Reyes
Does anybody know if there is anything avaliable to convert a PS document to 

Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Selling Soluciones
Valencia Spain
Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r2

Re: About Debian documentation

2001-01-26 Thread Diego Biurrun
Hi !

Why should it be preferable to track release status?

You might accidentally upgrade your mission critical server to a new
distribution when you just wished to install the newest security 
patches. A few details always break or have to be modified by hand.
I think it is much safer to track release names and do such an upgrade
on purpose.


Diego Biurrun

On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 11:12:17PM -0800, wrote:
 I'd recommend sticking to stable initially.  It's better to track by
 release status than by distribution name -- you'll gracefully upgrade to
 the next release when it becomes stable, rather than being stuck on
 potato forever.  If you decide that dealing with the occasional wart

Re: change IRQ

2001-01-26 Thread Christoph Simon
On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 13:04:09 +0100
Fernando Carvajal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 does anyone know how can i change irq number for a soundblaster Live 1024
 soundcard that uses the Alsa emu10k1 driver ? On booting it set IRQ 10 that
 it's shared  with my ethernet card.
 In modules.conf i set options snd_irq=5; but if i do a cat /proc/interrupts
 i see IRQ 10 or so it seem.

Don't know this card, but if it's ISA, you can use isapnp, if it's PCI
actually you can't do anything but play with the BIOS trying to force
some settings, I had success with this very few times. A better
alternative might be to use a kernel with APIC for mono-processor
machines (non SMP), which allowes for sharing IRQ's (if I understood
right that point). I do use it, have a BIOS which is not particularly
smart about IRQ distribution, and I'm not experiencing any problems.


Christoph Simon

Upgrade process halted

2001-01-26 Thread Brian Furry
Does anyone have any advice of how to fix a system that:

during an upgrade to debian 2.2 the /usr partition becomes full and apt-get
unpacking software due to the fact that their is no more space left on the

Part of the system is upgraded, but about 20 packages still need to be
How do you find out which packages are not mission critical vs which ones
are optional so the non-essential packages could be purged to allow the
upgrade to

Thanks in advance for the help
Brian R. Furry
Department of Mathematics  Computer Science
Watchung Hills Regional High School
108 Stirling Road
Warren,  NJ  07059

(908) 647 - 4800 x5919
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Re: PS to HTML Conversion

2001-01-26 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 01:31:17PM +0100, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
 Does anybody know if there is anything avaliable to convert a PS document to 

Look at pstoedit.


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
PGP Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: HELP! Debconf does not work

2001-01-26 Thread Robert Waldner
have you tried `dpkg --configure debconf` ?

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 12:41:41 +0100, Preben Randhol writes:
I installed a new version of debconf on my off-line computer and debconf
asked me if I wanted dialog, slang, text etc.. I chose slang, but it
appears that there is some perl module missing so that I cannot get
What do I do?

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: PS to HTML Conversion

2001-01-26 Thread Daniel de los Reyes
El Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 07:43:30AM -0500, Michael P. Soulier dijo:
-| On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 01:31:17PM +0100, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
-|  Does anybody know if there is anything avaliable to convert a PS document 
to HTML?
-| Look at pstoedit.

This is a PS to vector format conversion utility, no HTML output.

-| Mike
-| -- 
-| Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-| ...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
-| of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
-| PGP Public Key:

Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Selling Soluciones
Valencia Spain
Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r2

netscape 4.76

2001-01-26 Thread Howell Caton

I installed netscape 4.76 using apt-get install navigator.  It installed
error messages, but now when I run /usr/bin/X11/netscape, I get
no recognized font charset!  What do I do now?  Thanks!

Re: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Bill Bell
Hello Sebastiaan,

I have the 3c509 driver compiled into the kernel.  One of the early
problems I had with this system is that if I tried to use a loadable
module for these cards, I could not get them both to be reconized.
I seem to remember that a 2.2.x kernel read-me (or even 2.0.x) told
me to fix this by loading the driver from the kernel and using lilo.conf
to pass in the correct parameters.  It is very possible that by moving
to the 2.4.0 kernel, my original problem has gone away without my
trying to find out.

I will reconfigure my system tonight and try loading them as modules.

Thanks for the ideas,

-- Bill
C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

Quoting Sebastiaan

 is it vital that both cards are loaded at boottime? What happens when
 insmod the second card? How does the kernel behave when compiling the
 cards in? Perhaps you can try to leave the ',eth0' and ',eth1' at the
 bootline and let the kernel figure it out itself?
 On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Bill Bell wrote:
  Hello all,
  I have a dual NIC system using two 3c509 cards.  This configuration
  been working well under sid with a 2.2.18 kernel (my current
  I have been trying to move up to a 2.4.0 kernel and I am having
  My problem is when booting with the 2.4.0 kernel, both NIC cards
  the wrong media port enabled.  The boot message is saying something
  like Coax port instead of 10baseT port.
  This is the lilo.conf append line I use to get both cards working
  the 2.2.18 kernel.
  append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1
  When I remark out this append line, run lilo, and boot the 2.4.0
  eth0 gets configed correctly with the 10baseT port enabled, but eth1
  is not found.
  Some of the things I have tried-
  RTFM docs under /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking
  searching the debian user list archives
  searching documentation
  other various FAQs on the web
  Possible problems as a guess-
  1) I am missing a new append ether='parameter'
  2) There is a better way to use the ether= line
  3) 2.4.0 kernel has a bug in the 3c509 driver (?)
  More info-
  I have PnP turned off in both the BIOS and on both NICs.
  Thanks for any and all suggestions.
  -- Bill
  C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

Re: raid problems

2001-01-26 Thread Knud Sørensen
Solved the problem myself.

And found a alternative way to set up raid.

I have to identical disk hda, hdc.

Install debian on hda.


config raidtab with hdc af failed.
md0 for boot
md1 for root

config fstab and lilo.conf
md0 for boot
md1 for root

clone the disk   
dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc 
This take some time.

5) start raid
raidstart /dev/md0
raidstart /dev/md1

6) write new superblock
mke2fs -S /dev/md0
mke2fs -S /dev/md1

7) change /boot to md0
umount /boot
mount /dev/md0 /boot

8) run lilo

9) reboot and test
(when up again)
this should give

10) hotadd some disk
remove failed-disk from  /etc/raidtab 
raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdc1
raidhotadd /dev/md1 /dev/hdc2

This works for me.


Knud Sørensen wrote:
 I have a raid1 device for which fsck returns a error.
 It says that the physical size of the device is 26000k but
 that the superblock says that the size is 26066k.
 if I run mkraid --upgrade it tells me that
 the physical size is 26066k and that the superblock
 starts at 26000k.
 What should i do to make fsck successful?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Bill Bell
Hello Joris,

I am sure all the NIC network config paramerters are good under
/etc/network/interfaces.  You are correct though, I am trying to
find the correct option to send in from the lilo.conf append= line
to force the the 10baseT media port on, (if there is one :-).  This
has been the target of my searchs and RTFMs so far.


-- Bill
C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

Quoting Joris:

 Isn't this just a netconfiguration issue ?
 At install of a debian system you can pass parameters to the module such
 the media port (bnc,utp) i think you should read something on that
 Don't really know where you should configure that. Dive into those
 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 7:28 AM
 Subject: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid
 Hello all,
 I have a dual NIC system using two 3c509 cards.  This configuration
 been working well under sid with a 2.2.18 kernel (my current system).
 I have been trying to move up to a 2.4.0 kernel and I am having
 My problem is when booting with the 2.4.0 kernel, both NIC cards have
 the wrong media port enabled.  The boot message is saying something
 like Coax port instead of 10baseT port.
 This is the lilo.conf append line I use to get both cards working for
 the 2.2.18 kernel.
 append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1
 When I remark out this append line, run lilo, and boot the 2.4.0
 eth0 gets configed correctly with the 10baseT port enabled, but eth1
 is not found.
 Some of the things I have tried-
 RTFM docs under /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking
 searching the debian user list archives
 searching documentation
 other various FAQs on the web
 Possible problems as a guess-
 1) I am missing a new append ether='parameter'
 2) There is a better way to use the ether= line
 3) 2.4.0 kernel has a bug in the 3c509 driver (?)
 More info-
 I have PnP turned off in both the BIOS and on both NICs.
 Thanks for any and all suggestions.
 -- Bill
 C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

Re: change IRQ

2001-01-26 Thread romain lerallut

I have this card and I chose the IRQ from the PnP menu in my BIOS. Linux can't 

Go to the BIOS Setup and then to the PnP menu. (If your BIOS isn't too old, 
there is one :)
somewhere there is an listing of the devices. Check out the one that says 
Device or something similar. You should also have Display Controller, 
Network Controller,
etc  (names might change, but the function is the same).

For each device there is setting for IRQ that was on auto and that you can 
change to
whatever you want.

Also remember to switch the PnP OS enabled OFF so that the BIOS _does_ 
configure the
PCI devices. If you leave it on, it won't configure anything except keyboard, 
video and hard
drive (I think).

 Begin Original Message 
 From: Christoph Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 10:30:20 -0200
To: Fernando Carvajal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: change IRQ

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 13:04:09 +0100
Fernando Carvajal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 does anyone know how can i change irq number for a soundblaster Live 1024
 soundcard that uses the Alsa emu10k1 driver ? On booting it set IRQ 10 that
 it's shared  with my ethernet card.
 In modules.conf i set options snd_irq=5; but if i do a cat /proc/interrupts
 i see IRQ 10 or so it seem.

Don't know this card, but if it's ISA, you can use isapnp, if it's PCI
actually you can't do anything but play with the BIOS trying to force
some settings, I had success with this very few times. A better
alternative might be to use a kernel with APIC for mono-processor
machines (non SMP), which allowes for sharing IRQ's (if I understood
right that point). I do use it, have a BIOS which is not particularly
smart about IRQ distribution, and I'm not experiencing any problems.


Christoph Simon

 End Original Message 

   Romain's Other Mail Agent on the InterNet

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RE: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Joris Lambrecht
let's have a look ... 

Did you try ... ? 

Also, if i'm correct you would be able to set this parameter with netconf or
would at least find the dox when you use 

man netconf



-Original Message-
From: Bill Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

Hello Joris,

I am sure all the NIC network config paramerters are good under
/etc/network/interfaces.  You are correct though, I am trying to
find the correct option to send in from the lilo.conf append= line
to force the the 10baseT media port on, (if there is one :-).  This
has been the target of my searchs and RTFMs so far.


-- Bill
C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

Quoting Joris:

 Isn't this just a netconfiguration issue ?
 At install of a debian system you can pass parameters to the module such
 the media port (bnc,utp) i think you should read something on that
 Don't really know where you should configure that. Dive into those
 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 7:28 AM
 Subject: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid
 Hello all,
 I have a dual NIC system using two 3c509 cards.  This configuration
 been working well under sid with a 2.2.18 kernel (my current system).
 I have been trying to move up to a 2.4.0 kernel and I am having
 My problem is when booting with the 2.4.0 kernel, both NIC cards have
 the wrong media port enabled.  The boot message is saying something
 like Coax port instead of 10baseT port.
 This is the lilo.conf append line I use to get both cards working for
 the 2.2.18 kernel.
 append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1
 When I remark out this append line, run lilo, and boot the 2.4.0
 eth0 gets configed correctly with the 10baseT port enabled, but eth1
 is not found.
 Some of the things I have tried-
 RTFM docs under /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking
 searching the debian user list archives
 searching documentation
 other various FAQs on the web
 Possible problems as a guess-
 1) I am missing a new append ether='parameter'
 2) There is a better way to use the ether= line
 3) 2.4.0 kernel has a bug in the 3c509 driver (?)
 More info-
 I have PnP turned off in both the BIOS and on both NICs.
 Thanks for any and all suggestions.
 -- Bill
 C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

RE: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Joris Lambrecht
I guess this is the one you really need

-Original Message-
From: Bill Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid

Hello Joris,

I am sure all the NIC network config paramerters are good under
/etc/network/interfaces.  You are correct though, I am trying to
find the correct option to send in from the lilo.conf append= line
to force the the 10baseT media port on, (if there is one :-).  This
has been the target of my searchs and RTFMs so far.


-- Bill
C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

Quoting Joris:

 Isn't this just a netconfiguration issue ?
 At install of a debian system you can pass parameters to the module such
 the media port (bnc,utp) i think you should read something on that
 Don't really know where you should configure that. Dive into those
 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 7:28 AM
 Subject: 3c509 with 2.4.0 kernel and sid
 Hello all,
 I have a dual NIC system using two 3c509 cards.  This configuration
 been working well under sid with a 2.2.18 kernel (my current system).
 I have been trying to move up to a 2.4.0 kernel and I am having
 My problem is when booting with the 2.4.0 kernel, both NIC cards have
 the wrong media port enabled.  The boot message is saying something
 like Coax port instead of 10baseT port.
 This is the lilo.conf append line I use to get both cards working for
 the 2.2.18 kernel.
 append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1
 When I remark out this append line, run lilo, and boot the 2.4.0
 eth0 gets configed correctly with the 10baseT port enabled, but eth1
 is not found.
 Some of the things I have tried-
 RTFM docs under /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking
 searching the debian user list archives
 searching documentation
 other various FAQs on the web
 Possible problems as a guess-
 1) I am missing a new append ether='parameter'
 2) There is a better way to use the ether= line
 3) 2.4.0 kernel has a bug in the 3c509 driver (?)
 More info-
 I have PnP turned off in both the BIOS and on both NICs.
 Thanks for any and all suggestions.
 -- Bill
 C.R.E.A.M.  Dark Angel

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Debian - Testing network (FS105/FA311/10T-2)? CMD/SiS IDE?

2001-01-26 Thread hogan
I'm convinced there's something fishy going on with either my Windows98
machine, or some of the network components I'm using..

My network consists of:
-Compaq 575e Pentium 75 w/ Win95 + 10Base2/T card
-PPro 200 w/ Win98SE + 10/100BaseT FA311 card
-P133 w/ Debian Linux 2.2.17 (Testing) + 10/100 RTL8139B
-NetGear FS105 5 port 10/100 switched hub

I seem to experience problems maintaining speed. All systems correctly acquire
details via DHCP from Debian box ( net)..

However, frequently after a connection is started, Win98 box will slow to a
crawl on network access and/or time out. SSH seems unaffected, other protocols
(SMB, HTTP, POP3) are affected.

Noticed this tonight, rebooted windows98 box.. All seems fine now..

How can I test each component within my network thoroughly?
Ie. Cabling, switch, RTL8139, FA311 + old 10T/2 card

I suspected cable from switch to 98 machine.. now I suspect 98 machine, but
wish to eliminate network components from equation. I've posted messages about
this before, but up until this point suspected Debian box until I noticed
problems connecting to Win95 box from Win98 box...

Also - anyone have dummy-proof instructions on compiling and installing
modules for FA311 network adaptor? I've had no luck trying manufacturer
(FA311.c) or (natsemi.c) drivers. Do I need to compile a custom
kernel with some of the symbols options etc. turned on? Would like to get
RTL8139 out of network, or at least out of Debian box into Compaq and 10T/2
card out of Compaq.

Also have a second Compaq 575e - would like to configure this for Debian
Linux, but Debian seemed to choke on onboard CMD IDE controller after setup
completed - I hear that these (CMD IDE) are horrid things for Linux - any

Have SiS IDE controller in my current Debian box - it says something about
bus-mastering disabled in bios, running in a more basic mode. Leave it be? Try
to enable it? I can't see any option in the bios that would affect this unless
bios is hard coded to disable it.


Re: A little sed

2001-01-26 Thread N. Raghavendra
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 11:19:53AM +0100, Hans wrote:

 - I need to clean up a bunch of html files from SCRIPT
 /SCRIPT tags. I tried sed -e s/\SCRIPT.*SCRIPT\// file.html
  file.html2, but it only deletes the first line, not the whole
  script. The /m modifier doesn't seem to work. How do I go
  about it.

 - Is it possible to overwrite the original file, not redirect
 to an alterate file? 

 - How do I process a bunch of files at once? sed -e s/foo/bar/
 *.html  *html2 doesn't seem to do it. Or need it be something
 like for $i in * do? I can't seem to get this to work


You could use the shell scripts 'overwrite' and 'replace' in
Kernighan and Pike, The UNIX programming environment, Chapter 5,
Section 5.5, pages 154-155.


N. Raghavendra [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Another year is gone -
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | A travel hat on my head,
GnuPG public key at:| Straw sandals on my feet. |  -- Matsuo Basho

Re: netscape 4.76

2001-01-26 Thread Hall Stevenson

 I installed netscape 4.76 using apt-get install navigator.
 It installed without error messages, but now when I run
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape, I get no recognized font
 charset!  What do I do now?  Thanks!

Did you have any version of Netscape installed before ?? If so, mv
your existing .netscape/ dir to .netscape.saved/ and try it again. It
could be a problem with your existing preferences.

If this works, copy your bookmarks.html, cookies file, etc into the new

Just confirmed this with Netscape's KB... ;-)

Hall Stevenson

Re: change IRQ

2001-01-26 Thread Hall Stevenson
  does anyone know how can i change irq number for
  a soundblaster Live 1024 soundcard that uses the
  Alsa emu10k1 driver ? On booting it set IRQ 10 that
  it's shared  with my ethernet card. In modules.conf
  i set options snd_irq=5; but if i do a cat /proc/interrupts
  i see IRQ 10 or so it seem.

That entry in /etc/modules.conf only tells the kernel *where* to look.
It doesn't use that to assign the IRQ.

It's also likely that your BIOS is set up for a PnP Operating System
(i.e. Win9x). It's letting your sound card and NIC share IRQs and
letting your OS sort it out. In the case of Linux, it can't do that
without help. The simplest thing to do is turn off that BIOS option,
if it exists.


Re: Upgrade process halted

2001-01-26 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Brian Furry [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# How do you find out which packages are not mission critical vs which
# are optional so the non-essential packages could be purged to allow
# upgrade to
# finish.

There are some semi-automated tools to do this(deborphan comes to
mind), but there's no substitude for system administrator knowledge.
Your best bet would be to use a tool like 'dselect' or 'stormpkg', to go
through the list of installed packages, reading the titles and
descriptions, and deciding which ones  you need, and which ones you can
chuck out the window.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: change IRQ

2001-01-26 Thread Sebastiaan

if you really need to change pci irq's (for example in combination with
isa cards), you can try to put the (pci)cards in a different order in your
pci slots. You can also look in the bios and try to change irq-channels.
(I belive it was IRQ #A and IRQ #B or something).

A little of what I know about pci and irq's: there are a couple of irq
lines, each line connected to two(?) pci slots. So putting the card in a
different slot might change the irq. Also the combination of the cards may
have influence on the bios' irq settings.


On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Fernando Carvajal wrote:

 does anyone know how can i change irq number for a soundblaster Live 1024
 soundcard that uses the Alsa emu10k1 driver ? On booting it set IRQ 10 that
 it's shared  with my ethernet card.
 In modules.conf i set options snd_irq=5; but if i do a cat /proc/interrupts
 i see IRQ 10 or so it seem.
 Jose Fernando Carvajal Vión
 SOLUZIONA Software Factory
 Servicios Profesionales de Unión Fenosa
 C/ Pedro Teixeira, 8 - 28020 Madrid
 Teléfono: +34 91 555 33 61  Fax: +34 91 597 05 62
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apt-get install / remove / install looses files

2001-01-26 Thread Rick Loga
See the following article:

--- hanasaki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I did an:

apt-get install squid
messed some things up
apt-get remove squid
rm /etc/squid.conf since it was left behind
apt-get install squid

/etc/squid.conf was not installed this time.

How do i get squid to fully install again?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want a new web-based email account ? ---

Does esd run with 2.4.0?

2001-01-26 Thread Richard Black
Has anyone had any success getting esd and 2.40 running?

I am getting the following error when esd (tries) to start:

error: Invalid argument: in snd_pcm_channel_params
Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 16bit failed
Trying 44.1Khz, 8bit stereo.

I'm not positive the problem is with esd--although I can play sound as
root when I don't use esd which makes me think esd is the problem.

I am using the latest (woody) versions of 2.4.0-1, alsa (compile), and

confirmations of success or (better yet!) help would be much
appreciated.  cheers


org:Algorithmics Inc
adr:;;185 Spadina Avenue;Toronto;Ontario;M5T 2C6;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Financial Engineer
fn:Richard Black

Open ports security

2001-01-26 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
A quick question, if you please.  I am trying to tighten up security on 
box that may be exposed to some security risk.  In doing so, I have been
trying to get rid of anything that might prove detrimental to security
(ftpd, telnetd, and other things).  I have been running nmap against my
machine, and I've come down to just a few open ports left that I have at
least mild concern about.  They are:

9   discard
13  daytime
37  time
111 sunrpc

Now, I know that 9 will just throw away anything it gets, and that 13 
37 just return the time (in one form or  other), so I am only trivially
concerned about them.  But what about 111?  Something in my gut says that
remote procedure call can't be all that good.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Mbox mailbox -- postfix?...

2001-01-26 Thread MaD dUCK
  I've got an mbox format mailbox file, which I want to reprocess through
 postfix. Does anyone know of a lump of perl etc. that's already been
 written that'll split-up and create the necessary mail files that I can
 dump into postfix's incoming mail dir?

run something like

formail -s sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  mailbox

this will send it all to localhost port 25 and postfix will process

[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
no, 'eureka' is greek for 'this bath is too hot.'
-- dr. who

Re: problem playing audio cd's

2001-01-26 Thread Scott Patterson

Hi, I had the same problem as Phillip. I was advised to add the user to
audio and disk ...

I have already undone this, after reading the post. My problem is I do not
seem to have /dev/cdrom
To get gtcd to play I had to change the device from /dev/cdrom to /dev/hdc.

Looking through the /etc/group file I noticed that I have a cdrom group.

Any ideas?

Intermediate newbie :)

As root, type ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom.


Re: poff doesn't exit connection properly (was: Problems with apt-get and pppd)

2001-01-26 Thread Christoph Groth
Frank Preut [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  1) i use pon/poff for my dialup connection.. the problem with this is
  that poff somehow doesn't seem to completely close the connection or
  something because when i try to re-connect with pon nothing happens..
  that's also the reason why dial on demand isn't feasible.. i have to
  repeat poff twice to be able connect again.. i have checked syslog but
  the last message is pppd: exit..
 okay to elaborate further on this: again i work on potato and haven't
 fiddled with the ppp stuff other than setting up the connection with
 pppconfig.. since the problem *might* be related to some modem issues: i
 have an elsa microlink 56k.. i don't see this problem when i use, for
 instance, wvdial, but i don't want to use wvdial and i would like to use
 dial on demand..
 any pointers to a possible solutions appreciated,

Hey, I experience exactly the same problem!  What modem do you have?
My is an ELSA MicroLink 56k.

This behavior didn't appear with my old Creatix SG2843 28.8k modem.  A
week ago I changed my mainboard (overclocking apparently _does_
shorten the lifespan, but it was old nevertheless...) and my modem to
a 56k one and now that little nuisance irks me too.

I'm not sure whether it's the modem's or the mainboard's fault, but I
don't think that the board has anything to do with it.

I have a suspicion that the reason might be poff not waiting for the
final OK after hangup.  Let's have a look at two snippets from my

The beginning of a successful pon run:
Jan 26 12:55:58 mother pppd[613]: pppd 2.3.11 started by cwg, uid 1000
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: abort on (BUSY)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: abort on (VOICE)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: send (ATZ^M)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: expect (OK)
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: ATZ^M^M
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: OK
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]:  -- got it 
Jan 26 12:55:59 mother chat[615]: send (ATD000^M)
Jan 26 12:56:00 mother chat[615]: expect (CONNECT)
Jan 26 12:56:00 mother chat[615]: ^M
Jan 26 12:56:30 mother chat[615]: ATD000^M^M
Jan 26 12:56:30 mother chat[615]: CONNECT
Jan 26 12:56:30 mother chat[615]:  -- got it 
Jan 26 12:56:30 mother chat[615]: send (\d)
Jan 26 12:56:31 mother pppd[613]: Serial connection established.

The beginning of a failed pon run:
Jan 24 11:14:37 mother pppd[393]: pppd 2.3.11 started by cwg, uid 1000
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: abort on (BUSY)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: abort on (VOICE)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: send (ATZ^M)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: expect (OK)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: ^M
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: OK
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]:  -- got it 
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: send (ATD000^M)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: expect (CONNECT)
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: ^M
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: ATZ^M^M
Jan 24 11:14:38 mother chat[394]: OK^M
Jan 24 11:14:50 mother pppd[393]: Terminating on signal 15.
Jan 24 11:14:50 mother pppd[393]: Connect script failed

It seems that poff doesn't read the final OK from the modem.  When
pon says ATZ, it gets that old OK from the modem and the second
OK (from ATZ this time) is interpreted as the answer to the ATD...
command.  As chat expects CONNECT and gets OK the script fails.

IIRC my old modem said NO CARRIER on hangup, but I'm not sure.
Maybe the poff only waits for this and ignores OK.

A solution could be to change the chatscript in some way so that it
eats up an OK before beginning its conversation with the modem.  A
short glimpse at the chat manpage didn't reveal to me how to do it.
And as this problem is not cruical I currently don't have more time to
spend on it.  If you or someone else on the list knows a solution,
please do let me know.


Re: A little sed

2001-01-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 11:19:53AM +0100, Hans wrote:
 - I need to clean up a bunch of html files from SCRIPT /SCRIPT tags. I
 tried sed -e s/\SCRIPT.*SCRIPT\// file.html  file.html2, but it only
 deletes the first line, not the whole script. The /m modifier doesn't seem
 to work. How do I go about it.

Can't say much on this without seeing the data you're trying to mung.

 - Is it possible to overwrite the original file, not redirect to an
 alterate file? 
 - How do I process a bunch of files at once? sed -e s/foo/bar/ *.html 
 *html2 doesn't seem to do it. Or need it be something like for $i in *
 do? I can't seem to get this to work either.

I can help you with these two, though.  Below, you'll find, a perl
script I hacked up for a similar situation (sedding a bunch of C source
files, in my case).  Usage is simply sed -e 'your regex here' *.html

--- begin script ---

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $cmd = shift;

while (my $filename = shift) {
  # Perform operation to new file.  Exit on error.
  # TODO:  On error, report command that caused problem and the resulting
  #error message before dying.
  if (`$cmd $filename 21 $`) { die };

  # If the output is different than the input, replace the old version with
  # the new one.  If nothing was changed, discared the new version and leave
  # the old one untouched.
  if (`diff $ $filename`) {
rename $, $filename;
  } else {
unlink $;

--- end script ---

SGI products are used to create the 'Bugs' that entertain us in theatres
and at home. - SGI job posting
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r y+

Re: PS to HTML Conversion

2001-01-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 01:31:17PM +0100, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
 Does anybody know if there is anything avaliable to convert a PS document to 

I just asked this same question a couple days ago.  Someone on the local LUG
mailing list pointed me at, but I haven't tried
it out yet.

SGI products are used to create the 'Bugs' that entertain us in theatres
and at home. - SGI job posting
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r y+

Re: Open ports security

2001-01-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 08:28:51AM -0600, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
 But what about 111?  Something in my gut says that
 remote procedure call can't be all that good.

NIS and NFS need sunrpc (aka portmapper) running on the server, but you
should be able to shut it off if you're not using either of them.

SGI products are used to create the 'Bugs' that entertain us in theatres
and at home. - SGI job posting
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r y+

Re: Mbox mailbox -- postfix?...

2001-01-26 Thread Max Lock

-- MaD dUCK wrote:
   I've got an mbox format mailbox file, which I want to reprocess through
  postfix. Does anyone know of a lump of perl etc. that's already been
  written that'll split-up and create the necessary mail files that I can
  dump into postfix's incoming mail dir?
 run something like
 formail -s sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  mailbox
 this will send it all to localhost port 25 and postfix will process

 not quite, that'll send the file to one person, I need to pull each
mail from out of the mbox file, and send it to the `to' address in the

 -Ta Max.

Max Lock, Linux Systems Administrator, TELE2 uk. http://3558031516

Linux like wigwam. No windows, no gates, Apache inside.

can't access cd-rw after switch to ide-scsi

2001-01-26 Thread Timothy H. Keitt
I'm having an access permission problem with my cd-rw drive.  I switched 
it to ide-scsi (added hdc=ide-scsi to boot parameters) and now I can 
write to the drive with cdrecord, but only as root.  Similarly, I can 
only rip tracks from the drive as root.  I can mount data cd's and read 
them as a regular user (configured user in fstab).  Before I switched 
to ide-scsi, I could rip cd's just fine as a regular user with group 
cdrom premissions.  /dev/scd0 has read/write permissions for group 
cdrom, but still I can only use grip, cdrecord as root.  Anyone know 
how to fix this?  Thnx.


P.S. Hmmm... just noticed that all /dev/sg* devices have only root 
permissions... should I chgrp them to disk and add group rw 
permissions?  Create a scsi group?


Timothy H. Keitt
Department of Ecology and Evolution
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Phone: 631-632-1101, FAX: 631-632-7626

help: Removing a package with dselect -- pre-removal fails

2001-01-26 Thread Lukas Ruf
What do I need to do to remove a package that was broken during the
installation process ?  Below, please find the trials I already run

Thanks in advance for any help!



dselect - Install reports:
Removing spong-client ...
Stopping spong client programs: spong-clientdpkg: error processing
spong-client (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

dpkg -r spong-client
(Reading database ... 81180 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing spong-client ...
Stopping spong client programs: spong-clientdpkg: error processing
spong-client (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

dpkg -r  --force-remove-reinstreq spong-client
(Reading database ... 81180 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing spong-client ...
Stopping spong client programs: spong-clientdpkg: error processing
spong-client (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

Lukas RufSwiss Federal Institute of Technology
Office: ETZ-G61.2 Computer Engineering and
Phone: +41/1/632 7312Networks Laboratory (TIK)
Fax:   +41/1/632 1035  ETH Zentrum
PGP 2.6: ID D20BA2ED;Gloriastr. 35
Fingerprint 6323 B9BC 9C8E 6563  B477 BADD FEA6 E6B7CH-8092 Zurich

Differences between woody and sid

2001-01-26 Thread Florian Nykrin

has woody shrinked in the last two weeks? When I search for example
for the task-kde-packages they aren't availible any more (two weeks
ago they were still there).
Or is there something wrong with my apt-get?

MfG, Florian.

Re: Open ports security

2001-01-26 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 08:28:51AM -0600, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
 machine, and I've come down to just a few open ports left that I have at
 least mild concern about.  They are:
 9 discard
 111   sunrpc
   Now, I know that 9 will just throw away anything it gets, and that 13 
 37 just return the time (in one form or  other), so I am only trivially
 concerned about them.  But what about 111?  Something in my gut says that
 remote procedure call can't be all that good.
   Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Port 111 is the portmap daemon, used by NFS and NIS (anything else?).
It doesn't look like you're using NFS or NIS (if so you'd have other
ports open) so you can probably shut it off.  If you do want to keep it
on, it might be worth it to use something like ipchains or iptables to
filter access from the internet.  You can also use /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}
to restrict access to the portmap daemon.

Also, I know of no services that use discard, time, or daytime, so
there's no reason for them to be on.  Of course, there's no *known*
reason to turn them off, either, but...


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Description: PGP signature

Re: help: Removing a package with dselect -- pre-removal fails

2001-01-26 Thread Rick Loga
Read the following at

What do I need to do to remove a package that was broken during the
installation process ?  Below, please find the trials I already run

Thanks in advance for any help!



dselect - Install reports:
Removing spong-client ...
Stopping spong client programs: spong-clientdpkg: error processing
spong-client (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

dpkg -r spong-client
(Reading database ... 81180 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing spong-client ...
Stopping spong client programs: spong-clientdpkg: error processing
spong-client (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

dpkg -r  --force-remove-reinstreq spong-client
(Reading database ... 81180 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing spong-client ...
Stopping spong client programs: spong-clientdpkg: error processing
spong-client (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

Lukas RufSwiss Federal Institute of Technology
Office: ETZ-G61.2 Computer Engineering and
Phone: +41/1/632 7312Networks Laboratory (TIK)
Fax:   +41/1/632 1035  ETH Zentrum
PGP 2.6: ID D20BA2ED;Gloriastr. 35
Fingerprint 6323 B9BC 9C8E 6563  B477 BADD FEA6 E6B7CH-8092 Zurich

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want a new web-based email account ? ---

kernel 2.4 woes

2001-01-26 Thread ocorrain
Dear All,

Having successfully compiled 2.4 for my desktop PC (a Compaq Deskpro
w/ 500 mhz Penium), I decided to do the same for my laptop (compaq
armada with 233 mhz mmx). Everything seemed to be going happily until
I tried to boot (after editing lilo.conf and running lilo -v),
whereupon the computer loaded the kernel, announced 'Ok, booting the
kernel', and stopped dead in its tracks. I have the uptodate versions
of ppp, modutils and so forth, and am (against advice) compiling under
gcc 2.95, which produced no problems on the desktop machine.

Has this happened to anyone else. Any advice? I was tempted to think
that it was something wrong with lilo, until I noticed that the
version on the laptop was actually more recent than the desktop,

Help much appreciated


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