Mudando Debian de partición

2003-11-15 Thread Guillermo
Hola a todos: Desde hace unas semanas instalé Debian en una de mis particiones del disco rígido principal (hda6) mientras los probaba y mantenía mi Red Hat instalado. Ahora llegó el momento de abandonar el sombrero y dejar mi Debian. La partición raíz principal debería ser hdb1. Intenté copiar

Re: [mutt] ¿Es posible tener una firma para cada cuenta de un solo usuario?

2003-11-15 Thread Jaume Furor
On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 09:19:56AM +0100, pinchatrenes wrote: tengo varias cuentas de correo (como más de uno) utilizadas por el mismo usuario del sistema (idem) y quisiera saber si es posible que al seleccionar el from y luego abriera el editor estuviera la firma de cada cuenta. La firma

Re: semi[OT] Debian como estación de trabajo?

2003-11-15 Thread Aritz Beraza Garayalde
On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 05:09:59PM +0100, Ismael Fanlo wrote: El Sábado, 15 de Noviembre de 2003 16:25, Ricardo - Eureka! escribió: Colisteros: Pido disculpas anticipadas si voy a librar una guerra santa ... me gustaría su opinión sobre este artículo [1] Este mensaje está pidiendo un

Re: semi[OT] Debian como estación de trabajo?

2003-11-15 Thread Sergio Belkin
El Sáb 15 Nov 2003 15:25, Ricardo - Eureka! escribió: Tras el horror inicial, y poder contener mis deseos de mandarlo a la hoguera :) quisiera que me compartan sus opiniones. Ricardo, cada uno es libre de hacer lo que quiera no te parece? :)Ahora, mi opinión es la siguiente a pesar de la

RE: Re:ati inconfigurable (al fin solucionado)

2003-11-15 Thread Xabim
Bueno gracias a todos los que me han ayudado y a mi tarde de inspiración he podido llegar a configurar bien las X con mi monitor rulando a 75Hz y con la aceleración 3d rulando perfectamente, os comento: He tenido que poner en XF86Config-4 esto: Section Device Identifier Card0

Como averiguar la configuración de sonido con ALSA u OSS

2003-11-15 Thread Antonio Angel
Hola al grupo: Tengo una tarjeta de sonido ac97 con intel 810 en placa base. Como no usaba el sonido, no me he preocupado hasta ahora de él. Ahora estoy intentando montar una centralita de VoIP en el PC (asterisk). Viene con la distribución debian, pero he bajado los paquetes más modernos y

Como simular dos botones en un ratón con un solo botón

2003-11-15 Thread Antonio Angel
Hola al grupo, Tengo instalado debian en un powerbook de MAC. Y los ratones MAC solo tienen un botón (por lo menos este) y quisiera saber como podría simular el botón secundario pulsando, por ejemplo, la tecla Alt y el botón primario. Me gustaría saber como hacerlo tanto en entorno de consola

Re: Como averiguar la configuración de sonido con ALSA u OSS

2003-11-15 Thread R Leon
hola a todos oye antonio aprovechando el mensaje, yo tengo un motherboard igual al tuyo y tengo un pequeño problema con el sonido el sonido se escucha como si estuviera activado la funcion que se usa para cancelacion de voz, por tanto las canciones no se oyen bien. esto tambien me sucedia

Re: LIVE LONGER with H-uman..

2003-11-15 Thread R Leon
hola aprovechando el tema como se puede hacer para que no se vea o se modifique el correo de quien envia, para eso de evitar el spam :) saludos Emilio Santos wrote: Coordenadas temporales: Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 08:39:54AM -0600 Sujeto: Cuitlahuac Gomez Labougle Comunicaba sobre: Re: LIVE

Re: Mudando Debian de partición

2003-11-15 Thread Pablo Bitreras
Por otra parte, sigo teniendo algunos problemas con las fuentes que usan Mozilla-thunderbird y Mozilla-firebird. Thunderbird está instalado desde el .deb, aunque el Firebird no. Cuando el Firebird lo instalé desde el .deb se solucionó, pero todavía está la versión 0.6, y la 0,7 tiene

(sin asunto)

2003-11-15 Thread Rtequilasex

Re: (sin asunto)[OT]

2003-11-15 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El sáb, 15-11-2003 a las 17:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: QUE SON LAS SERIES DE TAYLOR no las vi, pero... yo podria comentarte las peliculas de wayne. Te sirve??

Re: Como averiguar la configuración de soni do con ALSA u OSS

2003-11-15 Thread Antonio Sanz
At 14:03 15/11/2003 -0600, R Leon wrote: Si has instalado ALSA usa el paquete aumix, el alsamix no funciona bien (o por lo menos a mí no me funciona bien), sin embargo con el aumix puedes controlar todos los controles y va bien (bueno, yo solo he usado el volumen y el balance creo). Esto me lo

Bachelor's Diploma, Master's, or PhD - No Classes Necessary...greer

2003-11-15 Thread Essie Burch
Academic Qualifications available from prestigious NON–ACCREDITTED universities. Do you have the knowledge and the experience but lack the qualifications? Are you getting turned down time and time again for the job of your dreams because you just don't have the right letters after your name?

Re: (sin asunto)

2003-11-15 Thread SoTaNeZ
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 15:36:07 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: == QUE SON LAS SERIES DE TAYLOR == Unas series en las que la Super Vaca vencía siempre al malvado Taylor. Saludos.

Error en modem

2003-11-15 Thread Omar Murray
Hola lista: Me sale este error (ver PPP-logfile) cuando intento conectarme.que joraca puede ser ??? Aguardo impaciente sus sugerencias slds -- OM /\ /\ \\W// _|0 0|_ +-oOOO-(___o___)-OOOo+ | . . . . . . . .U U

el kernek se me resiste

2003-11-15 Thread sagredo
nada que no consigo compilar el kernel en un .deb se me resiste. me da el siguiente fallo: bueno quiero instalarme un nuvo kernel porque tiene soporte para mi tarjeta de sonido entre otras cosas. Para hacerlo he seguido un manula que hay en la pagina pero despues de darle para que me haga el


2003-11-15 Thread snow
debian-user-spanish:! DEGOO Opt-in-pays Linkburst 001 Opt-in-pays +,,: paypal//egold. : 50%-25%-12.5%-6.25%-3.125 ,,,N..LINK2CASH, read e_mails : Linkburst 1.: 2.$0 3.: egold 4.: 20%-10%-5%-2.5% ??

Re: (sin asunto)

2003-11-15 Thread Ruben Raya
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 15:36:07 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: QUE SON LAS SERIES DE TAYLOR Chavalote, si quieres aprender matematicas, creo que te has equivocado de lista. Comprate un buen libro de calculo.

Fallo en teclado unknown scancode e0 64

2003-11-15 Thread Borxa Varela Bouzas
Uso sarge, y cuando intento poner tildes, tengo que tener pulsada la tecla de tildes y la vocal a la vez, si no, no la pone, y en los terminales de texto, cada vez que pulso una tecla, escribe la letra, pero justo al soltar la tecla, sale por pantalla keyboard: unknown scancode e0 64. Ya hace

Openoffice solo sale en ingles

2003-11-15 Thread Borxa Varela Bouzas
Tengo instalados los paquetes de openoffice español, pero no arranca en español, siempre sale en ingles, ponga lo que ponga en LANG o LC_ALL.. es, es_ES, es_ES:euro Me ha pasado desde la última actualización que he hecho de sarge, que me instalo el paquete

make new kinds of mo.ney now jnvocf

2003-11-15 Thread R Lewis
Here's your chance for Cash Freedom England, every 32,000 inhabitants produces a Fellow of the Royal Again Napoleon brought out his snuffbox, paced several times up 2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own

auct.ions give you fina.ncial jdbxbwz

2003-11-15 Thread D Jackson
Why don't you change your life and Bid for your new Money in Auctions more educated classes of the metropolis, have been, and continue my rage and vengeance returned, and like a mighty tide, the Sayer of the Law, M'ling, and a satyr-like

we can supply you with R-X you want ypxw

2003-11-15 Thread K. Johnson
High quality, Big Results from United States Medi.cations: Tell us to go away: which to get the sodium, and a coal-mine to supply the coal. When I found this,

pos eso..

2003-11-15 Thread Hector Bautista
sayonara -- NEU FÜR ALLE - GMX MediaCenter - für Fotos, Musik, Dateien... Fotoalbum, File Sharing, MMS, Multimedia-Gruß, GMX FotoService Jetzt kostenlos anmelden unter +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More! +++

happy holidays it grew 3 in.ches swan

2003-11-15 Thread K L Harris
Give her a present guys, make it Larger for Her no more large mail for me: paraphrase, or in other words, wrote a commentary on it. On the what is called Clinical lectures, which means lectures on the

Problemer med postfix og ldap

2003-11-15 Thread Lars Lystrup Christensen
Hejsa nørder... Jeg har lidt problemer med at få Postfix til at virke... Jeg har sat den op til at køre op imod ldap, og det virker bare ikke helt... Nedenstående er uddrag fra min syslog, når jeg forsøger at sende en mail til en lokal bruger på systemet. Infos om systemet: - Debian 3.0

Re: fetchmail+popsneaker+procmail

2003-11-15 Thread caio ferreira
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 15:11:02 -0200 Marcio de Araujo Benedito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: poll proto pop3 user usuário pass senha preconnect '/usr/bin/popsneaker' Esta aparecendo a seguinte mensagem de erro: fetchmail: comando de pré-conexão falhou com status 256

Re: Re: compilar o kernel

2003-11-15 Thread caio ferreira
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 19:30:22 -0300 nunes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: se você tiver configurado o kernel de acordo com o seu hardware e tiver compilado com sucesso, de dentro dos fontes do kernel vc faria o seguinte: cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/linux-2.4.x ; cp

Boost Your Car's Gas Mileage 27%+.....kermit

2003-11-15 Thread Alvaro Stern
FUEL SAVER PRO This revolutionary device Boosts Gas Mileage 27%+ by helping fuel burn better using three patented processes from General Motors. Take a test drive Today - PROVEN TECHNOLOGY A certified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laboratory recently

Re: gnome (?) não deixa desmontar o cd-rom...

2003-11-15 Thread Luis Alberto Garcia Cipriano
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 15:41:55 -0200 Rodrigo Gruppelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oi pessoal. Por um acaso o gnome do sid tem algum problema quanto a nã o deixar desmontar um cdrom? Digo isso pq, se eu monto o cd-rom clicando no botão direito, discos, cd-rom não consigo mais desmontar depois, nem

Ssh sem usuario root

2003-11-15 Thread Vinicius Vasconcellos
Bom dia a todos! Pessoal implementei um firewall e uso o ssh para conexões remotas, mas gostaria de saber como posso bloquear o usuario root de se logar pelo serviço ssh. Melhorando a segurança do servidor, ou seja, eu faria o acesso com o usuario normal e depois entro com o su. Alguem

Re:Squid !!!!

2003-11-15 Thread Vinicius Vasconcellos
Bom dia! sqiud na empresa onde trabalho e acontece o seguinte , preciso bloquear TODOS os sites e so liberar so alguns sites ... alguem pode me ajudar ..? Está parte e um pouco mais complexa sugiro que de uma lida sobre os acl´s do squid. Da uma olhada no link abaixo que com certeza sera de

Re: Ssh sem usuario root

2003-11-15 Thread José Antonio Boyd Cardoso
Câmbio Vinícius ! Usando o seu editor favorito, abra o arquivo /etc/ssh/sshd_config e procure a linha: PermitRootLogin yes Troque yes por no e reinicie o sshd. Além do firewall, você também pode usar o tcpd para restringir o acesso ao ssh (e mais alguns serviços), da sua máquina, a

Re: Ssh sem usuario root

2003-11-15 Thread caio ferreira
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 08:42:51 -0200 Vinicius Vasconcellos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Melhorando a segurança do servidor, ou seja, eu faria o acesso com o usuario normal e depois entro com o su. Em vez do su você poderia utilizar o aplicativo sudo. Com isso você não precisaria divulgar a

Re: NVIDIA e modversions.h

2003-11-15 Thread Kairo F. de Araújo
* caio ferreira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) escreveu: Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 19:54:48 -0200 From: caio ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: X-Mailer: Sylpheed version 0.9.7 (GTK+ 1.2.10; i386-pc-linux-gnu) Subject: Re: NVIDIA e modversions.h On Fri, 14 Nov 2003

Re: Java no MozillaFirebird

2003-11-15 Thread José Oliveira
Em Sex, 2003-11-14 às 23:40, Gilberto F da Silva escreveu: #!/bin/sh # Instala Java 1.4 # Receira do Roberson, postada no forum. # Ajusta permissao para execucao sudo chmod +x j2re-1.4.1-01-linux-i586-gcc3.2.bin # Copia o arquivo para outro diretorio sudo cp

Problemas com o GDM

2003-11-15 Thread Max M. Velasques
Eu tinha o Debian 3.01 e a atualizei para o unstable usando o apt-get dist-upgrade Ele atualizou tudo incluindo o Gnome para a versão 2.4. Porém o quando ele vai instalar o GDM sempre ocorre um erro dizendo que não foi possível instalá-lo. Tudo funciona OK, com excessão do GDM. Antes de atualizar

Re: Problemas com o GDM

2003-11-15 Thread José Oliveira
Em Sáb, 2003-11-15 às 10:24, Max M. Velasques escreveu: Eu tinha o Debian 3.01 e a atualizei para o unstable usando o apt-get dist-upgrade Ele atualizou tudo incluindo o Gnome para a versão 2.4. Porém o quando ele vai instalar o GDM sempre ocorre um erro dizendo que não foi possível

Re: velox não funciona nem a pau! =[

2003-11-15 Thread Guilherme Mesquita Gondim
Não uso o pppoe e sim o rp-pppoe (dá quase na mesma!). O que vc habilitou no kernel ? Além do ppp over ethernet, vc tem que habilitar algumas outras coisas como ASYNC, etc.. Veja mais no site:] Still, meu caro. Já habilitei de


2003-11-15 Thread Gustavo V. Goulart
-- Gustavo V. Goulart Debian User 197404 SysAdmin. UFF/IF Debian 3.0r0 FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE

Re: First Official Debian-installer beta Available

2003-11-15 Thread Andre Luis Lopes
On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 12:42:47AM -0200, Luis Alberto Garcia Cipriano wrote: On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 16:16:48 -0300 Caio Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All Vi no site da OSNews[1] que saiu a primeira versão de teste do instalador do debian. Fui no site que[2] estava mensionado na

Re: Assinante causando inc ômodo

2003-11-15 Thread Felipe Guerco Oliveira
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 08:54:03AM -0200, Carlos Eduardo Araujo Vieira wrote: E alguém tem regra com a mesma função mas para o .procmailrc? Eu tenho a seguinte regra: # anexos executáveis do windows :0 HB * ^Content-(type|disposition).*name=.*\.(exe|bat|lnk|scr|pif|com) /dev/null --

Re: compilar kernel

2003-11-15 Thread Felipe Guerco Oliveira
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 06:17:19PM -0200, caio ferreira wrote: como atualizo o meu modutils?? Edite seu /etc/apt/sources.list Mude para o mirror sid. Depois apt-get update; apt-get install modutils Fazendo isso ele já vai fazer as atualizações necessárias. Sera que e

Re: Configurar Epson LX-300

2003-11-15 Thread antonio
Estou tendo problemas para imprimir, pois toda vez que preciso imprimir tenho que desligar e ligar a impressora.Em todos os programas Uso windows me e office XP

Re: velox nã o funciona nem a pau! =[

2003-11-15 Thread Still
Semente; * Musashi corta a msg que Guilherme Mesquita Gondim enviou para Still: Still, meu caro. Já habilitei de tudo no kernel... to no 2.4.22 agora, sei que o modem adsl tá funcionando. ainda nao aparece ppp0. tenho um modem hsp aqui tambem, mas nao ta configurado, tem algum problema?

Re: Configurar Epson LX-300

2003-11-15 Thread Andre
po amigo sem comentarios.. mas acho que essa lista ´´e de linux... preferencial mente debian na minha opinião nao seui se rola isso aqui.. mas eu nem te responderia! - Original Message - From: antonio To: Sent: Saturday,


2003-11-15 Thread Cleiton Araujo
TESTE -- | SEJA LIVRE |*Cleiton A. Carvalho - cl31t0n* | |USE | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | LINUX! | *GNU/Linux User #327284 ICQ#130482457* |

Re: [debian] Re: Problemas com o GDM

2003-11-15 Thread Max M. Velasques
Eu tentei remover mas eu não consigo é sempre retornada a mensagem: dpkg: erro processando gdm (--configure): subprocesso post-installation script retornou código de saída de error 1 Erros foram encontrados durante processamento de: gdm E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Eu

Re: velox não funciona nem a pau! =[

2003-11-15 Thread Guilherme Mesquita Gondim
Semente; * Musashi corta a msg que Guilherme Mesquita Gondim enviou para Still: Still, meu caro. Já habilitei de tudo no kernel... to no 2.4.22 agora, sei que o modem adsl tá funcionando. ainda nao aparece ppp0. tenho um modem hsp aqui tambem, mas nao ta configurado, tem

Re: init 2

2003-11-15 Thread Gilberto F da Silva
Sao Bernardo do Campo SP Brazilo Stela dato: 2.452.959,476 Loka tempo: 2003-11-15 21:26:01 Somera Horaro Saluton! No dia 22/09/03, 17:04:53, Marcio de Araujo Benedito [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema Re: init 2: Mauricio de Ávila wrote: Como faço para que meu micro não

Re: Colocar 2 placas de rede na mesma máquina para não usar HUB - SOLUÇÃO

2003-11-15 Thread Leandro Ferreira
Pessoal Resolvi o problema com as dicas dos colegas e lendo a documentação de O problema: Conectar 3 micros usando cabo UTP com conectores RJ45 sem um hub. Micro1, 2 placas de rede, modem 56k, conexão discada: eth0 =, eth1 =,

É viável instalar debian num notebook com 16MB de RAM, sem CDROM?

2003-11-15 Thread Leandro Ferreira
Pessoal Comprei faz poucos dias um notebook compaq armada 1120, bem velhinho. Processador pentium 120, 16 MB RAM, HD 2GB. Já estive dando uma lida na internet e não achei algo 100% certo sobre como instalar debian nesse note. Sei que posso criar um disquete para instalação via rede, e montar o

Re: Colocar 2 placas de rede na mesma máquina para não usar HUB - SOLUÇÃO

2003-11-15 Thread Claudio Juliano
Configurei o nat da seguinte forma: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward Nessa parte ainda tenho dúvidas, não sei se a segunda

加入以下网赚 一个月轻松100元

2003-11-15 Thread snow
debian-user-portuguese:您好! 本人从事网赚已半年,这半年几乎所有的公司都做过,比如:钱友、小站、冲浪的DEGOO、。 但是我觉得那些效率都不高,所以自己研究了最好的以下几个网赚公司,都是收到钱 更多赚钱网站 请到 咨询 如果你对网络赚钱 有所怀疑 那么请用以下 两个公司 Opt-in-pays Linkburst 都是只要你账户里面有0。01美元 就付款的 ☆Opt-in-pays 邮件+点击,无最小付款,付款方式: paypal/支票/egold. 下线提成:

Re: 加入以下网赚 一个月轻松100元

2003-11-15 Thread Gilberto F da Silva
Sao Bernardo do Campo SP Brazilo Stela dato: 2.452.959,578 Loka tempo: 2003-11-15 23:52:26 Somera Horaro Saluton! No dia 16/11/03, 02:24:14, snow [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema =?GB2312?B?vNPI69LUz8LN+NesINK7uPbUwsfhy8kxMDDUqg==?=: debian-user-portuguese:ÄúºÃ!

Configurando o mouse no X via gpm

2003-11-15 Thread Luis Alberto Garcia Cipriano
Alô, Aqui vai minha primeira colaboração para o FAQ. Resolvi escrevê-lo por já ter respondido muitas vezes essa pergunta especialmente no #debian-br. Abraços, Luis Alberto. 10.5 Como faço para o mouse funcionar no X? Esta é uma saída que funciona em 99% dos casos. Você deve executar o

Re: init 2

2003-11-15 Thread José Oliveira
Em Sáb, 2003-11-15 às 17:26, Gilberto F da Silva escreveu: Mauricio de Ávila wrote: Como faço para que meu micro não inicie mais com o modo gráfico? Desative o gerenciador grafico de loguin (kdm,xdm,gdm) na inicializacao. Toda vez que ligo ele, o init é 5... eu gostaria de mudar

Re: init 2

2003-11-15 Thread Gilberto F da Silva
Sao Bernardo do Campo SP Brazilo Stela dato: 2.452.959,641 Loka tempo: 2003-11-16 01:22:38 Somera Horaro Saluton! No dia 16/11/03, 03:36:12, José Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema Re: init 2: Toda vez que ligo ele, o init é 5... eu gostaria de mudar esse padrão

Re: ____________ __________100_

2003-11-15 Thread Douglas A. Augusto
No dia 15/11/2003 às 22:52, Gilberto F da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Sao Bernardo do Campo SP Brazilo Stela dato: 2.452.959,578 Loka tempo: 2003-11-15 23:52:26 Somera Horaro Saluton! No dia 16/11/03, 02:24:14, snow [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema

Re: ____________ __________100_

2003-11-15 Thread Gilberto F da Silva
Sao Bernardo do Campo SP Brazilo Stela dato: 2.452.959,702 Loka tempo: 2003-11-16 02:50:49 Somera Horaro Saluton! No dia 16/11/03, 05:10:07, Douglas A. Augusto [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema Re: __100_:

Sistema lento

2003-11-15 Thread Rodolfo Alves Barbosa
Olá! Meu sistema está apresentando sinais de lentidão extrema. Não posso se que copiar um arquivo ao ouvir uma MP3 que a música começa a falhar e se eu tendo movimentar o mouse o ponteiro do mesmo simpresmente fica parado na tela até que a cópia do arquivo termine. Não estou conseguindo

Re: Sistema lento

2003-11-15 Thread José Oliveira
Em Dom, 2003-11-16 às 01:40, Rodolfo Alves Barbosa escreveu: Olá! Meu sistema está apresentando sinais de lentidão extrema. Não posso se que copiar um arquivo ao ouvir uma MP3 que a música começa a falhar e se eu tendo movimentar o mouse o ponteiro do mesmo simpresmente fica parado na

Re: Spamassassin, keep feeding messages for bayes?

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:19:01PM +0100, Benedict Verheyen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hi, my Spamassassin's bayes stuff finally kicked it as i now see bayes_00 and similar stuff in the headers. Do i need to keep feeding spam and ham to sa-learn? Not necessarially (to contradict everyone

Re: k3b 1.0 ?

2003-11-15 Thread Paul William
email the k3b maintainer On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 09:39, Joan Tur wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hallo! I'd like to try the DVD burning capability of version 1.0 of k3b... do you know when is it going to be in SID ? 8-? Thanks ;) - -- Joan Tur. Eivissa-Spain

Re: Installation Help: SATA Drive

2003-11-15 Thread Elie De Brauwer
On Saturday 15 November 2003 02:15, Justin Burke wrote: Hi All, I could use some help getting Debian installed on a new machine with a SATA drive. I've downloaded CD images for both sarge and sid, and both installation methods hang at the same point: Loading kernel modules Detected module

Re: where can I get koffice

2003-11-15 Thread Mihalis I. Tsoukalos
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 11:17:27AM -0900, Greg Madden wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Friday 14 November 2003 10:52 am, you wrote: On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 10:45:10AM -0900, Greg Madden wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Friday 14

Re: Preventing Forkbombs

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 02:56:37PM -0800, Tom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: How does one prevent a non-root user from locking up the system with: perl -e while(1){fork} System seems to become utterly unresponsive. (It's a loaded question, I know.) Please no answers like: don't do that or

Re: unsubscribe

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten M. Self

Re: gcc problem - can't create executable

2003-11-15 Thread Rob Weir
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 03:31:13PM -0600, Lucas Bergman said James W. Thompson, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I am trying to build the mono runtime environment and get the message that the C compiler can't create executables...I have attached the configuration log file in case that will

Re: window manager recomendation

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 03:51:10AM +0200, Micha Feigin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hello, Hoping this won't turn into a flame war, I am looking for recommendations for a window manager. I tried quiet a few but none seem to fit the bill yet. I need a window manager with the following - As

Re: Installing modem.

2003-11-15 Thread Aaron Hsu
Alright, it doesn't look like we are getting very far, so I am going to throw in the way I would diagnose this issue. *sigh* pppd, this is about the best way I can think of to get things done. It's a little harsh, but nothing a good man page can't handle. I am including exerts from the pppd

Re: Opium [was: Re: freelance sysadmining -- superlong -- [WAS: Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers]]

2003-11-15 Thread Ron Johnson
On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 23:07, ben wrote: On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 10:14:38 -0800 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 11:39:31AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote: [snip] whatever about the rest, a theocracy in a century! bush has already made public statements about how god instructed him to

Re: What is required to deliver system mail locally ???

2003-11-15 Thread Andreas Janssen
Hello John L. Fjellstad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: On Saturday 15 November 2003 01:42, Michael D Schleif wrote: I do not want exim, nor its ilk, on open port 25. I do want system mail (cron, error messages, c.) to be delivered to root. Is exim required? If I uninstall exim, will system

ATI Radeon 9800 freezes after using X :1

2003-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
if I run another instance of X the system freezes when I try to switch back to the first one (completely, does not respond to keyboard, mouse or network connections). This only happens if I have two monitors (VGA and DVI). Any ideas what's the problem? system: debian unstable kernel

Re: What is required to deliver system mail locally ???

2003-11-15 Thread Tom
On Saturday 15 November 2003 01:42, Michael D Schleif wrote: I do not want exim, nor its ilk, on open port 25. Is there any reason why exim has to listen on all IP addresses by default? I think it would be reasonable to ask during eximconf whether or not one wants to listen on

Re: Anaconda, where's the beef?

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:05:59PM -0500, Fraser Campbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hi, Apologies since this isn't really a Debian question but does anyone know where a person can download the anaconda port for Debian? I saw the announcement a while back from Progeny but there were no

Re: What is required to deliver system mail locally ???

2003-11-15 Thread Andreas Janssen
Hello Tom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: On Saturday 15 November 2003 01:42, Michael D Schleif wrote: I do not want exim, nor its ilk, on open port 25. Is there any reason why exim has to listen on all IP addresses by default? I think it would be reasonable to ask during eximconf whether

Re: ATI Radeon 9800 freezes after using X :1

2003-11-15 Thread Nicos Gollan
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 00:17:06 -0800 Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: when I run X :1 there are some error messages about not being able to initialize DRI (X :0 can initialize DRI without problems, openGL programs work): (II) fglrx(0): VisualConfigs initialized (EE) fglrx(0): Failed to

Re: Escape sequences displaying in man pages

2003-11-15 Thread Curt Daugaard
Bill Marcum wrote: On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 06:18:13AM -0600, Curt Daugaard wrote: Hi, I'm running unstable and use the most package as pager for man pages. After an upgrade the color output broke and I see instead the raw escape sequences. Running update-alternatives, I noticed the pager

Debian based working distribution

2003-11-15 Thread Otto Wyss
Since the current Debian sarge installation doesn't work (see debian-boot list) and I need an installation fast I'm looking for alternatives. So far I've tested Knoppix from the newspaper ct (has no root access), Morphix (doesn't run on my system). Any others? O. Wyss -- See

Re: Opium [was: Re: freelance sysadmining -- superlong -- [WAS: Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers]]

2003-11-15 Thread cr
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 15:06, Ron Johnson wrote: On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 15:41, ScruLoose wrote: On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 02:09:27PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote: On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 12:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 01:35:20PM -0500, Alfredo Valles wrote: I don't

Re: Debian based working distribution

2003-11-15 Thread Aaron Hsu
Have you perhaps tried Debian-stable or testing? Aaron Hsu On Saturday, November 15, 2003, at 04:42 AM, Otto Wyss wrote: Since the current Debian sarge installation doesn't work (see debian-boot list) and I need an installation fast I'm looking for alternatives. So far I've tested Knoppix from

Debian based working distribution

2003-11-15 Thread Otto Wyss
Since the current Debian sarge installation doesn't work (see debian-boot list) and I need an installation fast I'm looking for alternatives. So far I've tested Knoppix from the newspaper ct (has no root access), Morphix (doesn't run on my system). Any others? O. Wyss -- See

Re: k3b 1.0 ?

2003-11-15 Thread Joan Tur
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Es Dissabte 15 Novembre 2003 08:24, en Paul William va escriure: email the k3b maintainer Already done so ;) On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 09:39, Joan Tur wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hallo! I'd like to try the DVD

Re: Night mare to set day light savings time

2003-11-15 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 07:11:10PM -0600, John Hasler wrote: Colin Watson writes: $ cat /etc/debian_version 3.0 $ which tzsetup /usr/sbin/tzsetup It doesn't show up on the Stable system I'm using right now. Some people uninstall base-config after they're finished with the

Re: Nessus portscan takes loooooong

2003-11-15 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 12:03:04PM +0100, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote: However, the initial portscan takes an extremely long time... Actually, I haven't seen it finish, because I had to turn my computer off at night... :-) But something like 10 hours, it seems like it would need to do a

Re: Anaconda, where's the beef?

2003-11-15 Thread David Palmer.
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 01:30:12 -0800 Karsten M. Self [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: on Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:05:59PM -0500, Fraser Campbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hi, Apologies since this isn't really a Debian question but does anyone know where a person can download the anaconda port

Re: Debian based working distribution

2003-11-15 Thread David Palmer.
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 11:53:24 +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Otto Wyss) wrote: Since the current Debian sarge installation doesn't work (see debian-boot list) and I need an installation fast I'm looking for alternatives. So far I've tested Knoppix from the newspaper ct (has no root access), Morphix

Re: window manager recomendation

2003-11-15 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 03:32:38PM -0500, Bill Marcum wrote: Some other small window managers are aewm, aewm++ and flwm. (What is Installed-Size anyway?) It is a field for the debian package, representing disk space used when the package is unpacked. It provides a rough idea of how much

RE: No to wine! (was:Red Hat recommends...)

2003-11-15 Thread adcarlson
I was an avid OS/2 user at one time, until technology moved on and the logical switch for most OS/2 users was Linux. Your thoughts on using Win3.1 and OS/2 are interesting...except that Win3.1 was known to run better under OS/2. The reason was problem because IBM did a work-around for the bugs

Re: window manager recomendation

2003-11-15 Thread Tom
On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 11:41:44AM +, Jonathan Dowland wrote: On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 03:32:38PM -0500, Bill Marcum wrote: Some other small window managers are aewm, aewm++ and flwm. (What is Installed-Size anyway?) It is a field for the debian package, representing disk space used

Re: Opium [was: Re: freelance sysadmining -- superlong -- [WAS: Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers]]

2003-11-15 Thread ben
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 02:05:15 -0600 Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 23:07, ben wrote: On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 10:14:38 -0800 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 11:39:31AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote: [snip] whatever about the rest, a theocracy in a

Newbie packages question

2003-11-15 Thread Vanh Phom
Hi All, I'm trying to compile the new Kdevekop3 to be used as dev GUI. But I run head on to the following problems. Here the output from configure: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/kde3src/kdevelop$ ./configure --enable-debug=full --prefix=$KDEDIR

Re: window manager recomendation

2003-11-15 Thread michf
Quoting Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED]: On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 11:41:44AM +, Jonathan Dowland wrote: On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 03:32:38PM -0500, Bill Marcum wrote: Some other small window managers are aewm, aewm++ and flwm. (What is Installed-Size anyway?) It is a field for the debian


2003-11-15 Thread Ed and Pat Reilly
HI, I have setup debian on my pc along with windows 98 se. I've had redhat and suse before and they recognized my cable connection and set it up. How can I get debian to recognize my internet connection? Thank you, Ed Reilly

Re: Anaconda, where's the beef?

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 08:00:55PM +0800, David Palmer. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 01:30:12 -0800 Karsten M. Self [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: on Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:05:59PM -0500, Fraser Campbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hi, Apologies since this isn't

Re: Opium [was: Re: freelance sysadmining -- superlong -- [WAS: Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers]]

2003-11-15 Thread ben
sorry, that should have been ben -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Swen reporting scripts

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten M. Self
I've prepared a couple of scripts which I'm using to report swen headers and body to originating ISPs. I don't know if it's a result of this or not, but my received Swen has fallen of significantly Friday 14 Nov. compared with the 24 hours preceding. Do *not* trust the scripts to fully automated

Re: Spamassassin, keep feeding messages for bayes?

2003-11-15 Thread Steve Lamb
Karsten M. Self wrote: SA has an autolearn feature, where mail scoring above 6, and below 0.1, will be autolearned as spam and ham. That is, the Baysian classifier will train on these mails. However these only are what SA would have caught already without the Bayesian score. It discards

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