Re: Problema con la Debian policy

1999-11-03 Thread Han Solo
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 10:13:00AM +0100, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
 Han Solo wrote:
  Hola a todos.
  Necesito imprimir la Debian policy, y estoy intentando hacerlo a partir del
  fichero policy.sgml, pero me está dando mucha guerra.
  Lo primero que he hecho es intentar convertirlo a LaTeX con sgml2latex
 ¿Has probado con debiandoc2latex? Es posible que ese documento use un
 DTD distinto. Tienes debiandoc2latex en el paquete debiandoc-sgml

Pue esra eso, pero he de hacer una puntualización:

Es necesario tener -al menos para este fichero- un archivo adjunto llamado
version.ent, de la forma

 cat version.ent 
!entity version 2.6.0
!entity date11 February, 1999

...y pregunto yo, ¿por qué demonios no meten la fecha dentro del sgml
original?¿por qué la gente de debian se tiene que inventar un DTD qe se sale
tanto de la norma general?¿la capa de superman es realmente necesaria?

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.


1999-11-03 Thread AGUSTIN

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition


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De Playboy con la famosa actriz de los Angeles deCharly

problemas con lp y nuevos kernel 2.2

1999-11-03 Thread Pablo Faundez
Acabo de actualizar el kernel del 2.0.36 al 2.2.12, y al ejecutar
un dmesg esto es lo que me aparece entre otras cosas:
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2  hda5  hda3 hda4
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 44k freed
Adding Swap: 72288k swap-space (priority -1)
lp: driver loaded but no devices found 
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP: version 2.3.7 (demand dialling)
PPP line discipline registered. 

Lo importante es lo que dice la parte del lp. El kernel lo
compile con parport y lp (modulos), al ejecutar un lsmod me aparece lo
Module  Size  Used by
ppp20180   0  (unused)
slhc4132   0  [ppp]
lp  4216   0  (unused)
parport 6800   0  [lp]
vfat9036   1
fat29260   1  [vfat]  
y probando los tres dipositivos que tengo, con la manera màs simple que es:
cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp? con ?=0,1,2
me aparece lo siguiente:
debian:/home/acusman# cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp1
bash: /dev/lp1: Operation not supported by device
debian:/home/acusman# cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp0
bash: /dev/lp0: Operation not supported by device
debian:/home/acusman# cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp2
bash: /dev/lp2: Operation not supported by device

Espero alguien conozca la soluciòn al problem

Get free email and a permanent address at

problemas con lp y nuevos kernel 2.2

1999-11-03 Thread Faúndez

Acabo de actualizar el kernel del 2.0.36 al 2.2.12, y al ejecutar
un dmesg esto es lo que me aparece entre otras cosas:
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2  hda5  hda3 hda4
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 44k freed
Adding Swap: 72288k swap-space (priority -1)
lp: driver loaded but no devices found 
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP: version 2.3.7 (demand dialling)
PPP line discipline registered. 

Lo importante es lo que dice la parte del lp. El kernel lo
compile con parport y lp (modulos), al ejecutar un lsmod me aparece lo
Module  Size  Used by
ppp20180   0  (unused)
slhc4132   0  [ppp]
lp  4216   0  (unused)
parport 6800   0  [lp]
vfat9036   1
fat29260   1  [vfat]  
y probando los tres dipositivos que tengo, con la manera màs simple que es:
cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp? con ?=0,1,2
me aparece lo siguiente:
debian:/home/acusman# cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp1
bash: /dev/lp1: Operation not supported by device
debian:/home/acusman# cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp0
bash: /dev/lp0: Operation not supported by device
debian:/home/acusman# cat /etc/lilo.conf /dev/lp2
bash: /dev/lp2: Operation not supported by device

Espero alguien conozca la soluciòn el problem


Sound Blaster Live

1999-11-03 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Según me dijeron, la Sound Blaster Live no está soportada por el kernel. De
todas maneras, a fecha de hoy, acaba de salir un driver para ella. Se puede
localizar, así como documentaçao para su instalación, en:

El que tenga la suerte de tener una y quiera usarla, ya sabe... Y ya dirá
también algo sobre si va bien o no...

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: quedada

1999-11-03 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Hasta donde yo s'e, el motivo de tener dos logos es para
guardar uno para las distribuciones que cumplen excrupulosamente con 
Debian, esto es, para las distribuciones oficiales. Pero no me hag'ais 
mucho caso. Los temas de marcas y logos y propiedad intelectual son
bien complejos. Casi seguro que lo que quiere la gente de Debian en
que no pueda cojer su logo cualquiera, y pegarlo a un CD de cualquier
cosa. Tampoco estoy seguro de que no se pueda poner en
camisetas... Pero podr'ia ser as'i, claro.


Hue-Bond writes:
  El viernes 29 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 11:04:28 +0100, Jaime E. Villate 
  Te refieres a la espiral o a la botella con la espiral encima?
  De todas formas me parece ridículo que solo permitan a los
  desarrolladores usar alguno de los dos, especialmente cuando
  actualmente es casi imposible convertirse en desarrollador.
   Pues precisamente hay  dos por eso, uno para los  dioses y otro
   para los mortales.
  Por lo visto tendré que ir con un pinguino y un gnu en el pecho.
   Yo iría con el pingüino rojo, el anterior logo.
   Just do it.
  David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

Re: como se activa el /dev/dsp


 tengo una awe64, y antes, con los kernels 2.0, funcionaba, pero
 con los 2.2, ya no lo hace y activo exactamente lo mismo que antes
 la opcion del kernel /dev/dsp, porque no viene con las opciones.

 El kernel, hace la inicializacion del sonido, pero luego si hago un
 /dev/sndstat en la parte de Audio devices no trae nada, y el
 /dev/dsp cuando se tiene que utilizar da la respuesta Operacion no
 soportada por el dispositivo.

Puedes probar a borrar los dispositivos de audio y crearlos de nuevo
con MAKEDEV audio. Pero eso que te pasa es como si no estuviera bien
puesta la IRQ o la E/S de la tarjeta.

X-window y Staroffice

1999-11-03 Thread Diego Bote Barco
Hola Linuxeros

Os quería comentar un par de dudas

En la parte de consola tengo configurado el teclado bastante bien,
esto es, las cosas están en su sitio. Por el contrario bajo las X no lo están ni
el cierre de llaves } ni otras cosas. Creo que esto es cuestión de decir al
fichero de configuración del Xfree cuál es el teclado real pero no sé muy bien
cuál es la solución. ¿Alguna idea?

Otro asunto es la instalación de Staroffice. Me pide cantidades
inmensas, en torno a los cien megas, de memoria RAM, y de swap para
instalarse, incluso para partes separadas del programa. ¿Es esto lógico? Si es
así es más exigente que el otro office, el del evil.

Gracias como siempre por vuestra ayuda

Hasta pronto.


Re: sources.list para KDE ¿dónde?

1999-11-03 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Mon, Nov 01, 1999 at 05:56:14PM +0100, Agustin MuNoz escribió:
 ¡Ché All!

 #deb potato kde kde2 contrib rkrusty
 #deb potato kde kde2 contrib rkrusty
 #deb potato kde 
 kde2 contrib rkrusty
 #deb potato kde kde2 
 contrib rkrusty
 los dos primeros están KO y los otros dos al ser mirrors de los anteriores
 ya no se actualizan, agradecería cualquier pista :-)

Han cambiado de proveedor con el mismo nombre de dominio y, en efecto, han
tenido algun problema hace poco...

 De saber inglés le hubiera preguntado por mail directamente a rkrusty que es 
 quien prepara
 los debs pero no es el caso.. :(

... y precísamente ayer rkrusky (Ivan Moore) anunció en kde-debian que
vuelve a funcionar. Lo he comprobado, aunque iba lentísimo, será que era una
hora mala...

 Un Saludo.. ;-)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/201.9

Y otro,

Roberto Ripio

¿como es la quedada?

1999-11-03 Thread David Charro Ripa
Que si, que mi jefe me deja y me paga el viaje al congreso. ¡Como mola!
Espero poder entrar aunque no me haya registrado.

Lo interesante. ¿Como esta el asunto de la quedada debianera?
Preferi no leer los mensajes para no pasar envidia, pero ahora quiero
saber, quiero saberlo todo.
¿Puedo ir sin camiseta de debian? ¿Como quedo lo de debian-pueblo llano
vs debian-aristocracia?
¿Hay alguien ahi o estais todos en el bar de la translatrix?

Horas, direcciones, venga, venga, que me voy...


Re: ¿como es la quedada?

1999-11-03 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

La reuni'on en el congreso est'a planificada para el viernes
por la tarde. Pod'eis ver horario detallado en

En breve os env'io un peque~no resumen de lo que podemos hacer 
(adem'as de vernos las caras, que no es poco). La idea es que asistan
los desarrolladores que quieran, los usuarios que quieran, lo
simpatizantes que quieran, y los humanos que quieran ;-) En otras
palabras, una reuni'on para hablar sobre Debian, abierta a quien se
quiera arrimar.


David Charro Ripa writes:
  Que si, que mi jefe me deja y me paga el viaje al congreso. ¡Como mola!
  Espero poder entrar aunque no me haya registrado.
  Lo interesante. ¿Como esta el asunto de la quedada debianera?
  Preferi no leer los mensajes para no pasar envidia, pero ahora quiero
  saber, quiero saberlo todo.
  ¿Puedo ir sin camiseta de debian? ¿Como quedo lo de debian-pueblo llano
  vs debian-aristocracia?
  ¿Hay alguien ahi o estais todos en el bar de la translatrix?
  Horas, direcciones, venga, venga, que me voy...
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

Re: problemas con lp y nuevos kernel 2.2

1999-11-03 Thread 31
Lo mismo me pasa a mi con el /dev/dsp para el sonido. En el 2.0 había la opcion 
de activar el
/dev/dsp como opcion del kernel, pero en los 2.2 ya no viene, y no se como 

lista debian-user-spanish en modo digest

1999-11-03 Thread ADnoctum

Me estaba preguntando si hay alguna forma de hacer que la lista llegue como
una recopilación de los mensajes del día(modo digest en otras listas),
porque me parece muy mamón recibir como 10 mensajes diarios que solo son de
la lista.

Ya envíe un help a [EMAIL PROTECTED] pero no
aparece allí lo que necesito. Si alguien sabe como hacerlo, por favor,
comuníquese conmigo.


PD: Lamento enviar este mensaje con Outlook, pero esta es la cuenta de la
empresa y aquí es puro Guindos... =(


Modo Suspend del monitor ...

1999-11-03 Thread Correcaminos

Ando en Potato...

Ultimamente me está pasando una cosa muy curiosa y me temo que sea
debido al mal funcionamiento de algún programa.

Lo que me ocurre es lo siguiente: Cuando el modo de ahorro de
energia se activa, hace que mi monitor (AcerView 76c) se ponga en modo
suspendido. Si pulso una tecla o muevo el ratón, normalmente el monitor
vuelve a activarse. Sin embargo, si pasan unas horas desde que se activa
hasta que lo intento despertar, resulta que el monitor no se vuelve a
activar. La única manera de conseguirlo es apagando y encendiendo el

¿Alguien más ha notado un comportamiento similar ?

En fin, gracias por los comentarios ... 

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Foro sobre Debian

1999-11-03 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Hola a todos,

Como muchos ya sabeis, como parte del II Congreso de
Hispalinux se va a celebrar un foro sobre Debian. A el estais
invitados todos los que esteis interesados en esta distribucion. Se
espera que acudan varios desarrolladores, y podremos vernos las caras
y charlar un rato.

El Congreso es en la Universidad Carlos III, en el campus de
Leganes. El foro sobre Deibain esta previsto para el viernes 5, a las
20:15, en el aula de grados. Pero pregunta alli mismo, por si hay
cambios de ultima hora.

El plan es hablar de las cosas que nos interesen, pero
propongo una lista tentativa:

. Congelacion de potato.
. Admision de nuevos desarrolladores.
. Traduccion de las paginas Web.
. Documentacion en espanol.
. Paquetes de localizacion para espanol
. Como realizar paquetes para Debian.
. El futuro de Debian.

Si alguien quiere realizar alguna presentacion sobre un tema
concreto relacionado con Debian (tiene que ser corta), por favor, que
me envie un mensaje o me busque en el Congreso.

Si os traeis vuestra clave PGP/GPG, seguramente un
desarrollador os la podra firmar.

En paralelo a este foro, se esta montando una quedada, que aun 
no me queda claro si es el viernes o el sabado, pero seguro que en
breve nos dan detalles.

Teneis informacion detallada sobre el Congreso, incluyendo
como llegar, alojamientos, hoirarios, etc. en

En fin, a ver si nos vemos muchos por alli. Que sea leve,


PS: Disculpad la falta de acentos y similare, pero estoy ahora mismo
en un teclado yanqui no muy bien configurado... :-(

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain


1999-11-03 Thread RaiViL

 sera que alguem pode me mandar o /etc/ppp/options



dselect hangs

1999-11-03 Thread Brian Stults
Dselect is hanging when I do an update.  I get the following:

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Merging Available information
Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.

And it just hangs there.  apt-get upgrade works fine, so I've been doing
that, but I wondered if anyone has any suggestions.  Also, when it hangs
and I try to kill it, I can't kill the following process using kill -9:

/usr/bin/dpkg --update-avail /var/cache/apt/available


Re: enlightenment themes

1999-11-03 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Justin Hagemeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have the unstable distribution of debian and enlightenment 16.1
 does not seem to want to display backgrounds when I introduce new
 themes.  Does anyone know what the problem is?

Checked the Background overrides theme box in Desktop background


PS: Please limit your line length to about 72 chars.

Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mutt / slang1 problem temp fix

1999-11-03 Thread Ben Lutgens
I managed to get mutt 1.0 to package for those of you who, like me, love mutt
and fouled it up during an upgrade. This package will install and run fine on
potato systems but should be replaced when the maintainer publishes a fix. I
am not a and/or the maintainer, but thought I'd be nice. If this is bad lemme
know and i'll remove them. Note: these are not official packages, nor are they
very professional.
Ben Lutgens   icq#10836629

If you love something set it free.  If it doesn't come back to you,
hunt it down and kill it.

licq 0.71 deb by me

1999-11-03 Thread Ben Lutgens
I packaged an licq 0.71 deb, I tried to include the qt stuff and licq-data
files in the postinst, get em here untill the maintainer gets one up on
potato, let me know if you have problems.

Ben Lutgens   icq#10836629

If you love something set it free.  If it doesn't come back to you,
hunt it down and kill it.

Re: dselect hangs

1999-11-03 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 02:23:51PM -0500, Brian Stults wrote:
 Dselect is hanging when I do an update.  I get the following:
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Merging Available information
 Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
 And it just hangs there.  apt-get upgrade works fine, so I've been doing
 that, but I wondered if anyone has any suggestions.  Also, when it hangs
 and I try to kill it, I can't kill the following process using kill -9:
 /usr/bin/dpkg --update-avail /var/cache/apt/available

Does ps show the process in a 'D' state? If so, then it means this is an
IO problem (most likely in the kernel).


Re: Debian user list

1999-11-03 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 03:35:30PM -0800, raymond ferrari wrote:

 I am receiving all my messages twice, or at least the responses to my
 questions, come back doubled up. Meaning, the person responding to my
 questions; on this list; help me by responding, but there message is
 there twice. ?What to do;.)Ray Ferrari

If it only happens on replies to you then the problem is probably that
instead of just replying to the list many people reply to both the list
and to the sender of the message they replied to[1].  There's not much
you can do about it other than filter out duplicate copies of messages.

If it happens for all messages, then you are probably either subscribed
twice or have a problem with your mail system.

[1] There are arguments in favour of doing this (eg, work around slow
lists) but I tend to disagree with them.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

ipmasq_3.2.5 breaks nameserver lookups

1999-11-03 Thread Curt Daugaard
The subject says it all.  I've gone through the docs, but
since the out-of-the-box config at least appears to have
broken a pretty average dialup ppp setup, I'm wondering
if others have run into the same problem and would be
willing to tell what fixed it.


Curt Daugaard


1999-11-03 Thread mike
Can you help me download debian for a 486 
or can you send it to me thank you


1999-11-03 Thread mike
can you send me debian for a 486 computer

Re: PPP to ISP

1999-11-03 Thread Greg Wooledge

 DestinationGateway  Genmask Flags  MSS   Win irtt Iface   UH   15000   0   ppp0 U35840   0   lo   UG   15000   0   ppp0

 My box is happy to send ping packets to anything else but claims 100%
 packet loss for returned packets ( despite fact that my modem led
 seems to indicate incoming packets).

Well, it doesn't appear to be a routing problem.  Your routing table
looks completely sound.

If you have any ipfwadm or ipchains commands, or if you have installed
the ipmasq package, try getting rid of them.  (I had nothing but problems
with the slink ipmasq package)  Otherwise, you may have to talk with
your ISP and see if they can help.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Trouble getting local ntp server working

1999-11-03 Thread Iain Lamb
Thank you very much, Thomas, that fixed it!


Thomas Keusch wrote:

If there currently is no time source available for xntpd to sync with,
the daemon will refuse to propagate its own unreliable time, until
it is in sync again.

On .1, add the following to the config:

It tells the daemon to consider the local clock as a time source with
a high stratum, so it will try to sync to its lower stratum upstream
servers, and, failing that, sync to the local clock instead until the
upstream servers are available again.

Thus it is synced at any time, not refusing to serve clients.

fudge stratum 10

Re: Trouble getting local ntp server working

1999-11-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
Iain Lamb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I have two machines:,
 I want to synchronize .2's time with .1's.  I've setup ntp on both.  On
 .2 I've specified as the server.

What did you specify on .1?  It would help to see the ntp.conf files.

  1 Nov 16:54:57 ntpdate[287]: no server suitable for synchronization found

Normally this means you're trying to sync with a server that isn't
confident in its own state.

 Do I need a special entry in inetd.conf for ntp?  I can't spot
 anything in the documentation that mentions this.

No, ntp runs as a standalone daemon process, not under inetd's control.

Iain Lamb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 stratum 16, precision -17, leap 11, trust 000
 It's like ntpdate doesn't consider .1 'suitable' or trustworthy to
 sync up with.  Maybe I need to find a way to bump up .1's advertised

That's it, precisely.

You need to tell .1 to consider *itself* a stratum 10 time source.
You do this as follows:

  fudge stratum 10

(The number is magic.  It means use the system clock.
Don't think of it as an IP address; pinging it will not work.)

After a few minutes, this box should advertise itself as a stratum 10
server when you ntptrace.  At that point, the client (.2) box can
run ntpdate and ntp can maintain synchronization.

aphro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] telnet galactica 123
 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

That's because ntp uses UDP, not TCP.  Telnet is a TCP/IP application.
If you want to connect to a UDP port, look into netcat.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Modem driver

1999-11-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
Tim Bedding ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Does anyone know of a driver for the modem Modular USB 56k?

Universal Serial Bus (USB) support is just getting underway in the 2.3
kernel tree.  I don't know about any specific devices.  Try looking
through recent messages in the linux-kernel archives, or asking there.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Perl termcap error during apt-get?

1999-11-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
Charles Lewis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Getting the following error during a recent dselect/apt-get:
 Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Term/ line 305

That's something you can safely ignore.  If you want it to go away,
you have to install termcap-compat or libtermcap or something like that
(I don't know the exact package name, since I don't have or want an
/etc/termcap file).

 Configuring packages...
 /tmp/fileCfnBOx: /user/share/debconf/confmodule: No such file or directory

I can't help with that error, but just in case you didn't make an error
in your transcription, /user should probably be /usr.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: libslang problem after upgrade to potato

1999-11-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
Neil Booth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or
 directory), skipping 
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or
 directory), skipping

Update the slang1-dev package.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Trouble getting local ntp server working

1999-11-03 Thread Iain Lamb
That did the trick, thank you very much, Greg!


Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Iain Lamb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 stratum 16, precision -17, leap 11, trust 000
 It's like ntpdate doesn't consider .1 'suitable' or trustworthy to
 sync up with.  Maybe I need to find a way to bump up .1's advertised

That's it, precisely.

You need to tell .1 to consider *itself* a stratum 10 time source.
You do this as follows:

  fudge stratum 10

(The number is magic.  It means use the system clock.
Don't think of it as an IP address; pinging it will not work.)

After a few minutes, this box should advertise itself as a stratum 10
server when you ntptrace.  At that point, the client (.2) box can
run ntpdate and ntp can maintain synchronization.


1999-11-03 Thread raymond ferrari
After re-installing Debian(I had a workstation)and change to dialup
during setup. Everything went great except when I bootup(I have a dual
boot system with win95, BootMagic) it hangs...LIL- is all I get...What's
up...please help. I had a perfectly good working relationship going, but
I had to add ethernet(which is now working), sound and video, not to
mention netscape. Please hurry. thanks.
Ray Ferrari.

Re: Strange network problems on ppp interface

1999-11-03 Thread Dylan Thurston
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 04:18:31PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I reported almost the exact same problem right about the time when kernel
 2.2.0 came out. At that time I was running 2.0.36+kerneli and had updated
 to 2.2.0, and didn't know a thing until our cable modem went out and I
 needed to use the Ricochet. I'm almost certain it's a kernel issue,
 because the same system worked fine with a Creative external modem on the
 same serial port.

I've been using kernel 2.2.12 or 2.2.13 since I got the modem, so I'm
fairly sure that the kernel isn't the problem here.  But you do give
interesting information, that it seems to be specifically related to
Ricochet's network.  I'll browse their web page.


--Dylan Thurston

Re: apt-get failed

1999-11-03 Thread Bob Nielsen
I linked /usr/share/debconf/ to
/usr/share/debconf/confmodule and then it worked (it was replaced when
debconf got installed).  I suppose that 'touch
/usr/share/debconf/confmodule' might have worked also.

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 05:49:27PM -0500, jack wrote:
 the error message is:
 debian:~# apt-get -f dist-upgrade
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Calculating Upgrade... Done
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
 The following packages have been kept back
   kbd libmime-base64-perl mixviews mon mutt perl-tk 
 76 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 1 to remove and 6 not upgraded.
 Need to get 0B/47.6MB of archives. After unpacking 13.4MB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
 100% [Scanning packages]
 Configuring packages ...
 /tmp/filekpETin: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule: No such file or directory
 E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (1)
 E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt
 Any idea?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: download

1999-11-03 Thread Andrei Ivanov
There is no difference between Linux for 486, Linux for 586 and so
on. Just download the base system, follow instructions and you should be
all set.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] the pages bundled together.
 UIN 12402354
Version: 2.6.2


Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?

1999-11-03 Thread John Miskinis


   I do not understand everything in the MSPLIT description, but
I am certainly willing to play around with it.  I'm surprised at
the few responses I got about my question.  I assumed lots of people
would be using ZIP disks for a backups/restores.

   This leads me to ask if most people just backup their important
files on linux, and if they lose their system, they reinstall from
scratch, then restore just their important (user modified) files?

   This is how I always worked on Windows 95.  If I had a builtin
CDROM, and linux was easier to install I might opt for this, but
on my Thinkpad 560, it took me 4-5 hours to get everything back.

   I still don't understand why I trashed my hard disk areas outside
of the /dev/hda5 partition, when trying to use cpio directly to try
to restore from the KBackup-Arc.arc files on my ZIP disks, that
multibuf and afio had problems with.

From: E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian
Subject: Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system?  

Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 13:29:38 +0100

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 11:56:05AM +0100, Wouter Hanegraaff wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 02:11:09AM -0800, John Miskinis wrote:
  I'm hoping to find a set of tools that will allow a linux system
  to be backed up, and restored, using ZIP disks.  I would really
  appreciate any advise on this subject, from anyone who has
  successfully restored a system from a multi-volume set.

 I've heard taper can work with zipdisks.
 However, if you have enough disk space you can just use tar and split to
 make a splitted (and gzip'd) tarfile in /tmp, and then just copy the 

 to your zipdisk.
[... description ...]

I wrote a little program that can do this without intermediate storage:

MSPLIT(1) Dividing output over multiple volumes.MSPLIT(1)

   msplit  -  a  utility to divide output over multiple flop­
   pies, zip disks, etc

   command | msplit mount dir output

   This manual page describes version 0.2 of msplit.

   Msplit reads data  from  the  standard  input  (usually  a
   pipe),  and  writes  it to files named output.num, where
   num is an increasing number, in a  directory  on  which  a
   removable  medium can be mounted.  Typical uses will be to
   distribute data over multiple floppies or zip disks.   You
   should  not  mount  anything  before  running the command.
   Msplit will ask the user to insert the  removable  volume,
   and  try to mount it with the command `mount mount dir'.
   Then it will open a file named output.0, and write until
   there is no more input or the volume is full.  If the lat­
   ter case applies, msplit will umount  the  directory,  ask
   for  another  volume (usually a disk), mount it, and start
   writing output.1.  This process continues until there is
   no  more  input.  Note that msplit does not erase any data
   found on the disks, it only adds to them.  This  makes  it
   more flexible than using regular split(1).  Another advan­
   tage above split is that no intermediary  files  are  cre­

The current version also lists the contents of the mounted volume, and
offers the possibility to erase everything.  Restoring without intermediate
files could also be done with a procedure like this (and this applies
also to archives made with regular split):

Open an xterm, and do

$ mkfifo tarfile
$ tar xvf tarfile

Open another xterm, and supposing you have used msplit and generated
files named backup.0 .. backup.2 on different zip disks, do something
like (this assumes you use bash)

$ exec 3tarfile
insert first zip disk
$ mount /zip; cat /zip/backup.0 13; umount /zip
insert second zip disk
$ mount /zip; cat /zip/backup.1 13; umount /zip
insert third zip disk
$ mount /zip; cat /zip/backup.2 13; umount /zip
$ exec 31

Be sure to do this from the right directory.  In between the cat
commands you can give any commands you like, but make sure to cat the
backup files to file descriptor 3 in the right order!  If I get around
it, one day I will write `mcat' which automates this procedure and
complements msplit.  Personally I use msplit mostly for floppies, so it
is in general not impossible to store the intermediate files.

If anyone is interested in `msplit' I can email it to them.  If anyone
feels like putting it in a debian package I'll tack on a GPL licence and
you can go ahead.  Of course there are no warranties ...

 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: problem in creating java executable

1999-11-03 Thread Greg Wooledge
paparao ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

   this is paparao from kachina. i have downloaded the file
 guavac_1.2.2.deb.deb from , can you please tell me how can i
 create java executable file with that, and one more thing is what is the
 type of this file and how can i open it.

I can't help much with Java stuff

The file is a Debian package.  If you are using a Debian GNU/Linux
system, you can install it with 'dpkg -i guavac_1.2.2.deb'.  If you
aren't using Debian, but you still want to extract the contents, you can
use 'ar xv guavac_1.2.2.deb', which will give you a data.tar.gz file.
You can extract that with gzip and tar (check their man pages).

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Strange network problems on ppp interface

1999-11-03 Thread ferret

On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Dylan Thurston wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 04:18:31PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I reported almost the exact same problem right about the time when kernel
  2.2.0 came out. At that time I was running 2.0.36+kerneli and had updated
  to 2.2.0, and didn't know a thing until our cable modem went out and I
  needed to use the Ricochet. I'm almost certain it's a kernel issue,
  because the same system worked fine with a Creative external modem on the
  same serial port.
 I've been using kernel 2.2.12 or 2.2.13 since I got the modem, so I'm
 fairly sure that the kernel isn't the problem here.  But you do give
 interesting information, that it seems to be specifically related to
 Ricochet's network.  I'll browse their web page.

H. Maybe whatever it was got fixed in the more recent kernels, if it
was actually a kernel problem. I was running stock Debian 2.1 (I don't
think I have my disc any longer) with a kernel built from
Were you running a stock slink without any of the unofficial updates
before you upgraded to potato?

-- Ferret no baka

Secure Networks?

1999-11-03 Thread Andrew Clark
I have a quick question.  I have two networks in different locations, is
there any way to have all traffic between the two networks encrypted (by
the gateway machines I'd assume) ie so that I can just use telnet
between the two networks and it'll be encrypted (as well as all http,
ftp etc)

If this is possible, where would I find information?

Andrew Clark.

Pls CC me, I'm not on the list ATM.

Re: dselect hangs

1999-11-03 Thread Brian Stults
Ben Collins wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 02:23:51PM -0500, Brian Stults wrote:
  Dselect is hanging when I do an update.  I get the following:
  Reading Package Lists... Done
  Building Dependency Tree... Done
  Merging Available information
  Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
  And it just hangs there.  apt-get upgrade works fine, so I've been doing
  that, but I wondered if anyone has any suggestions.  Also, when it hangs
  and I try to kill it, I can't kill the following process using kill -9:
  /usr/bin/dpkg --update-avail /var/cache/apt/available

 Does ps show the process in a 'D' state? If so, then it means this is an
 IO problem (most likely in the kernel).


Yes, ps shows a 'D' state.  Do you suggest recompiling the kernel?


Re: dselect hangs

1999-11-03 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 05:46:33PM -0500, Brian Stults wrote:
 Ben Collins wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 02:23:51PM -0500, Brian Stults wrote:
   Dselect is hanging when I do an update.  I get the following:
   Reading Package Lists... Done
   Building Dependency Tree... Done
   Merging Available information
   Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
   And it just hangs there.  apt-get upgrade works fine, so I've been doing
   that, but I wondered if anyone has any suggestions.  Also, when it hangs
   and I try to kill it, I can't kill the following process using kill -9:
   /usr/bin/dpkg --update-avail /var/cache/apt/available
  Does ps show the process in a 'D' state? If so, then it means this is an
  IO problem (most likely in the kernel).
 Yes, ps shows a 'D' state.  Do you suggest recompiling the kernel?

If this is a 2.3.x kernel, I suggest reporting the bug to the kernel
list, and then switching back to a known good kernel (2.2.x prefered).


Re: dselect hangs

1999-11-03 Thread Brian Stults
Ben Collins wrote:

 If this is a 2.3.x kernel, I suggest reporting the bug to the kernel
 list, and then switching back to a known good kernel (2.2.x prefered).


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

The kernel is 2.2.10.  Should I still fill out a bug report, or chalk it up to a
problem with my system or compilation, and just recompile.

Thanks for the advice,

GUI for Samba

1999-11-03 Thread Brant Wells

Hi all...

Does anyone know of a GUI config program for Samba??


Brant Wells

Seek ye first the Kindom of God, and His righteousness, and all these 
things shall be added to you as well...  Matthew 6:33

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Strange network problems on ppp interface

1999-11-03 Thread Dylan Thurston
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 07:29:44PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 H. Maybe whatever it was got fixed in the more recent kernels, if it
 was actually a kernel problem. I was running stock Debian 2.1 (I don't
 think I have my disc any longer) with a kernel built from
 Were you running a stock slink without any of the unofficial updates
 before you upgraded to potato?

The update was basically from potato, version 25 October, to potato,
version 30 October, if I have my chronology straight.

Another update: ppp (still) works fine over my combo ethernet/modem
PCMCIA card.  The problem seems to be Ricochet-specific.

--Dylan Thurston

Help: configuring exim as a smart host

1999-11-03 Thread ferret

I'm trying to configure exim to act as a smarthost relay for my network.
I've read through the html documentation for exim, set what look like the
right options, but I still don't get any relaying. On the client machine I
get a 'permission denied' and a 'lookup failed in smarthost router', and
the smarthost shows nothing in its log.

I know this problem has been brought up before on the list. I've tried
searching the list archives, but I'm not getting anything coming up there.
Could someone point me to a howto that explains how to set up exim as a
smarthost, that's easier to read than the HTML documentation, or possibly
talk me through it?

BTW, the smarthost is running slink (2.1r3) and the clients are mostly
running potato at various snapshots.

-- Ferret no baka

Re: Debhelper for slink

1999-11-03 Thread XRDLAB
On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

What was the error message?

Script started on Wed Nov  3 11:24:08 1999
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ cd debhelper-2.0.67
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/debhelper-2.0.67$ fakeroot ./debian/rules binary
sh -e debian/fixlinks
touch link-stamp
rm -f debian/substvars debian/postinst.debhelper 
debian/postrm.debhelper debian/preinst.debhelper debian/prerm.debhelper
rm -rf debian/debhelper
rm -f debian/files
find . -type f -a \( -name \#\*\# -o -name \*\~ -o -name DEADJOE -o 
-name \*.orig -o -name \*.rej -o -name \*.bak -o -name .\*.orig -o -name 
.\*.rej -o -name .SUMS -o -name TAGS -o -name core -o \( -path \*/.deps/\* -a 
-name \*.P \) \) -exec rm -f {} \;
DH_VERSION=10 perl -MTest::Harness -e 'runtests grep { ! /CVS/ } @ARGV' t/*
t/dh_linCan't locate in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl . 
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at t/dh_link 
line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/dh_link line 2.
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
FAILED--1 test script could be run, alas--no output ever seen
make: *** [test] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/debhelper-2.0.67$ exit

Script done on Wed Nov  3 11:24:38 1999

Package: perl
Status: install ok installed
Version: 5.004.04-7


Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Re: GUI for Samba

1999-11-03 Thread John Foster
Brant Wells wrote:
 Hi all...
 Does anyone know of a GUI config program for Samba??
 Brant Wells
I use webmin for this and several other things.

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Debian and the Pine license

1999-11-03 Thread Matthew Dalton
Hi there,

Can anyone tell me, in 500 words or less, what it is about the Pine
license that Debian includes it only as source and in non-free?


Re: Strange network problems on ppp interface

1999-11-03 Thread ferret

The only other thing I can think of checking is your radio's firmware. Not
having access to a Ricochet network right now I can't do any testing.

On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Dylan Thurston wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 07:29:44PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  H. Maybe whatever it was got fixed in the more recent kernels, if it
  was actually a kernel problem. I was running stock Debian 2.1 (I don't
  think I have my disc any longer) with a kernel built from
  Were you running a stock slink without any of the unofficial updates
  before you upgraded to potato?
 The update was basically from potato, version 25 October, to potato,
 version 30 October, if I have my chronology straight.
 Another update: ppp (still) works fine over my combo ethernet/modem
 PCMCIA card.  The problem seems to be Ricochet-specific.

Re: Debian and the Pine license

1999-11-03 Thread Matthew Dalton
Ignore this request... I just searched the Debian archives...

Matthew Dalton wrote:
 Hi there,
 Can anyone tell me, in 500 words or less, what it is about the Pine
 license that Debian includes it only as source and in non-free?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: GUI for Samba

1999-11-03 Thread Chia-Sheng Chang
On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Brant Wells wrote:

 Hi all...
 Does anyone know of a GUI config program for Samba??
 Brant Wells
 Seek ye first the Kindom of God, and His righteousness, and all these 
 things shall be added to you as well...  Matthew 6:33
 Get Your Private, Free Email at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

You may want to try gnomba of the Gnome project.

Chia-Sheng Chang
Institute of Communications Engineering
College of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan 10617

Sound support enabled in 2.2 kernel deb package?

1999-11-03 Thread Chia-Sheng Chang
Hi, all,

I am considering installing ALSA Sound drivers for my Ultrasound
MAX card. However, ALSA drivers require the general sound support  be
enabled in the 2.2 series kernel (I personally use 2.2.10). So is there
anyone can tell me if this general sound support enabled by default in
the 2.2 series kernel deb package?  Thanks in advance. 

Best regards,

Chia-Sheng Chang
Institute of Communications Engineering
College of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan 10617

RAID 0 1 UDMA 66 For Linux

1999-11-03 Thread Paolo Rudelli

Some body know one Raid 0  1 card Udma 66 
working with linux???

Re: Japanese?

1999-11-03 Thread Shao Zhang
Have you tried the package cjk-latex??

Tracheotomy Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know if a full Japanese character set is available for TeX?
 This job's too hard for us!   - Andy and Randy Pig
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

xserver-3dlabs - libc6 (slink vs. potatoe)?

1999-11-03 Thread Serge Rey
I'm trying to get x configured and I have a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro
card. This requires xserver-3dlabs_3_3_5-1.deb, but when I downloaded
and tried to install that package, it was not configured due to
dependencies on more recent versions of libc6 and xserver common. These
new versions of libc6 and xserver common appear to be only available in
potatoe, while my base installation is in slink. I'd like advice on the
following questions:

1) If I install the newer versions of libc6 and xserver common, will
this allow for the installation of the 3dlabs package?

2) Is it not a great idea to update the libc6 package, without
installing the rest of potatoe?

3) If this is a bad idea, is there an alternative way for me to get x
configured for this card?

Thanks in advance,



1999-11-03 Thread virtanen
On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, raymond ferrari wrote:

 After re-installing Debian(I had a workstation)and change to dialup
 during setup. Everything went great except when I bootup(I have a dual
 boot system with win95, BootMagic) it hangs...LIL- is all I get...What's
 up...please help. I had a perfectly good working relationship going, but
 I had to add ethernet(which is now working), sound and video, not to
 mention netscape. Please hurry. thanks.
 Ray Ferrari.

You seem to have to have some misconfiguration of LILO... 
It might be best to purge LILO and reinstall it... 

Can you still anyhow start Debian?


Re: Kernal Upgrade and WINE questions

1999-11-03 Thread Onno

Doesn't VMware make wine obsolete?



How do I change the post-configuration interface/method for Debian packages?

1999-11-03 Thread Phillip Deackes
A while back when I did my regular apt-get upgrade on unstable, I got
asked a question about the format I wanted to display post-config
messages for packages. I chose gtk. Unfortuantely the last couple of
times I upgraded, the gtk interface had crashed and the packages (slrn
and slrnpull) are showing 'F' when I do dpkg -l slrn, for example.

How on earth do I change back to a command-line option? Has anyone else
had the same problem? Was I daft to choose the gtk option?


Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

Re: Secure Networks?

1999-11-03 Thread Nico De Ranter

Yes it is possible. Look for Virtual Private Network (VPN).


On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Andrew Clark wrote:

 I have a quick question.  I have two networks in different locations, is
 there any way to have all traffic between the two networks encrypted (by
 the gateway machines I'd assume) ie so that I can just use telnet
 between the two networks and it'll be encrypted (as well as all http,
 ftp etc)
 If this is possible, where would I find information?
 Andrew Clark.
 Pls CC me, I'm not on the list ATM.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data.  
 Guess which has occurred.

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: Urgent: How do I relay mail

1999-11-03 Thread Nico De Ranter

Unfortunately only sendmail was installed on that system (MkLinux, not
Debian :-( ). Anyway I got smtpd somewhere and compiled it myself. Now
it works perfect :-).  Thanks anyway.


On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Mark Brown wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 02:43:57PM +0100, Nico De Ranter wrote:
  no mail at all (only from the localhost).  How can I convince
  my mailserver to start relaying mail?
 Which MTA are you using?  With exim (the default for Debian), you can 
 set the relay_domains parameter in exim.conf to include the local 
 domain (eg, relay_domains = * would allow all Debian
 machines to relay).
 For postfix, look at the relay_domains and mynetworks configuration
  Note: I'm running MkLinux on a Mac but that shouldn't be an issue
  I guess.
 They may use a different MTA by default - sendmail seems likely.
 Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

 Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data.  
 Guess which has occurred.

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Description: PGP signature

Re: Runtime kernel parameters configuration

1999-11-03 Thread Onno

man proc is an outline that gives a quick tour through
the /proc... and it was written in July 1996...

/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sysctl/* and

are a better source of information, but they are
a little behind on the current situation :(

All I want to know is where changes like the kernel
are documented (default value's, reading and
writing interface, etc)



At 10:14 PM 11/2/99 +0100, Thomas Keusch wrote:

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 03:12:39PM +0100, Onno wrote:

 Here is the silly question:

 Where are all /proc/sys/* options described???
 (or all the /proc/* entries for that matter)

man proc



RE: GUI for Samba

1999-11-03 Thread Paul McHale
See this page:

-Original Message-
Of John Foster
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 6:57 PM
To: Brant Wells
Subject: Re: GUI for Samba

Brant Wells wrote:

 Hi all...

 Does anyone know of a GUI config program for Samba??


 Brant Wells
I use webmin for this and several other things.

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units.
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Sound support enabled in 2.2 kernel deb package?

1999-11-03 Thread Frank Barknecht
Chia-Sheng Chang hat gesagt: // Chia-Sheng Chang wrote:

   I am considering installing ALSA Sound drivers for my Ultrasound
 MAX card. However, ALSA drivers require the general sound support  be
 enabled in the 2.2 series kernel (I personally use 2.2.10). So is there
 anyone can tell me if this general sound support enabled by default in
 the 2.2 series kernel deb package?  Thanks in advance. 

I don't know, but you can have a look in the Config-Files under /boot
e.g /boot/config-2.2.13 
Search for CONFIG_SOUND!
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: html to postscript converter

1999-11-03 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 16:03:45 -0500, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 $ dpkg -s html2ps

html2ps quite buggy. Personally, I've found 'htmldoc' very useful.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?

1999-11-03 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 06:29:45PM -0800, John Miskinis wrote:


 This leads me to ask if most people just backup their important
 files on linux, and if they lose their system, they reinstall from
 scratch, then restore just their important (user modified) files?

Not even that.  I only safeguard my own products (TeX files, fractals,
programs).  The rest I have on CD, and the second time I install
something I usually configure things faster.  Sometimes it is nice to
try some new settings.

 This is how I always worked on Windows 95.  If I had a builtin
 CDROM, and linux was easier to install I might opt for this, but
 on my Thinkpad 560, it took me 4-5 hours to get everything back.

It probably would take me the same amount of time.  But then again, it
doesn't happen a lot.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?

1999-11-03 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 02 Nov 1999, John Miskinis wrote:
 I do not understand everything in the MSPLIT description, but
 I am certainly willing to play around with it.  I'm surprised at
 the few responses I got about my question.  I assumed lots of people
 would be using ZIP disks for a backups/restores.
 This leads me to ask if most people just backup their important
 files on linux, and if they lose their system, they reinstall from
 scratch, then restore just their important (user modified) files?
 This is how I always worked on Windows 95.  If I had a builtin
 CDROM, and linux was easier to install I might opt for this, but
 on my Thinkpad 560, it took me 4-5 hours to get everything back.
 I still don't understand why I trashed my hard disk areas outside
 of the /dev/hda5 partition, when trying to use cpio directly to try
 to restore from the KBackup-Arc.arc files on my ZIP disks, that
 multibuf and afio had problems with.

I do the above. I have an Iomega Zip; I backup my /home/ac and /etc
(should probably do /usr/local as well). If I had to reinstall I would
do it from the CD.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux - Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Alternative email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's no go the Yogi Man, it's no go Blavatsky. - Louis MacNeice

installation and such

1999-11-03 Thread Mock Ko
I'm pretty much now at the give-up point in trying to
install debian.

This is indeed a very hard thing for me to do, since I
used to install 68k bsd systems manually (building
scripts to mknod all the devices and such).

I have now downloaded the ENTIRE debian tree, hoping
that would help, but all I've done is waste download

If I select update and then try to install, it looks
for dpkg-perl part 1 and then fails when it can't find
it (it says I am looking for version   of dpkg-perl
- i.e. there is something seriously screwy with the
If I don't select update, it installs a bunch of the
programs that were selected, but it fails in the
configuration phase of a bunch of them (this happens
even when I select a basic setup such as
workstation-std in the quick-select program).

This is now my 6th attempt at installing debian.  I
have so far not made it past the dselect phase even

All I want to do is install a base system with tcp-ip
and ipx networking, dhcpcd, X, and a basic window
manager, so that I can go and get the latest kde, run
some kind of GUI package manager, and then install any
other things as I need them.
I have no need for sendmail, ftpd, httpd, emacs, tex,
and just about 98% of the other stuff that seems to
get installed anytime you select anything besides the
base install.

Is there any way I can do this with Debian, or should
I be seeking a different distribution?


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

RE: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?

1999-11-03 Thread Paul McHale
Yet another recommendation for backing up system configuration only.  I
guess we should be keeping root log files which we use to describe when and
what we changed.  That way, when we break something, it is easier to
backtrack.  Use this to tell changed files in the OS and back those up only.
Another way I use is to copy a file to .org whenever I modify it for the
first time.  I.e. exim.conf would copy to  Then use locate
and find all of the .org files.  These files are not real useful in
themselves.  Instead back up the corresponding file (I.e.

I just copy the files to a user home directory and FTP them to another
machine for backup.  This is a potential security issue due to the ease of
FTP access, but on my isolated network it's no problem.  If it is an issue,
you could tar, compress and encrypt if it is worth the trouble.

This must be done manually, but only needs to be done when you change the


-Original Message-
From: E.L. Meijer (Eric) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 3:37 AM
To: debian
Subject: Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system?

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 06:29:45PM -0800, John Miskinis wrote:


 This leads me to ask if most people just backup their important
 files on linux, and if they lose their system, they reinstall from
 scratch, then restore just their important (user modified) files?

Not even that.  I only safeguard my own products (TeX files, fractals,
programs).  The rest I have on CD, and the second time I install
something I usually configure things faster.  Sometimes it is nice to
try some new settings.

 This is how I always worked on Windows 95.  If I had a builtin
 CDROM, and linux was easier to install I might opt for this, but
 on my Thinkpad 560, it took me 4-5 hours to get everything back.

It probably would take me the same amount of time.  But then again, it
doesn't happen a lot.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Install of Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E

1999-11-03 Thread Christian Ericsson
I want to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E. Is it possible?

The following hardware that I think could be a problem is listed here:

Graphic: NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV with AGP, 13.3 TFT XGA (1024x768)
Network: 3Com Megahertz 10/100 LAN Cardbus PC Card, Model 3CCFE575BT

I think the NeoMagic chip is OK, but what about AGP? Does the 2.0.x kernel
(Debian GNU/Linux 2.1) support AGP?

I also checked the network PC-Card, and the Hardware-HOWTO list tell me
that the 3c575 driver maybe work in 10Mbit mode with the newest
PCMCIA-package version 3... (something). But what about 100Mbit mode? Is
there another PCMCIA network card running at 100Mbit knowing to work and
possible to buy today?

Please answer be directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I'm not
currently subscriber of this mailing list!)


Problem with mailing lists

1999-11-03 Thread Serge Gavrilov

I am sorry for this letter. Beginning from yesterday (Nov 2) I receive no mail
from debian-user, debian-devel. 
I cannot understand what is the problem.  Does my mail received by debian-user 


Serge Gavrilov 
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Hydroelasticity,
St.Petersburg, Russia |  URL:

USB support in Linux?

1999-11-03 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

My research group is considering developing of simple A/D converter 
for USB bus. Of course I'd like to provide it with the Linux support.
I'm interested if the USB is supported by Linux?
Where can I get the info about writing the drivers for USB devices for
Linux (on-line preferred)?
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Free DOS for free people!

Re: Sources of linux documentation

1999-11-03 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 21:21:32 +0200, Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
  Where can I download the Latex/EPS source of this package from?

 Same as with all source: do a dpkg --print-avail on the package so you have
 the source package name, and download that from your friendly neighbourhood
 mirror. Or use apt, and put in deb-src entries, then do apt-get source

Two questions:
1) How can I know the source package name from the output of the command dpkg
--print-avail debian-guide?

cambados:~# dpkg --print-avail debian-guide
Package: debian-guide
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Installed-Size: 7223
Maintainer: John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Version: 1.0.0
Size: 4667528
Description: Text from: Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
 This package will install the full text in HTML and PostScript formats
 from the book Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage by
 Debian developers John Goerzen and Ossama Othman (ISBN 0-7357-0914-9).
 You can find the installed items under /usr/doc/debian-guide.

2) I have been reading the man for apt-get and sources.list looking for the
sintax of a deb-src entry in the /etc/apt/sources.list file, but I have found no
documentation about it. Where can I find this information? Which is the sintax 
this type of entry?

This is the version of apt installed in this Debian box:

cambados:~# dpkg --print-avail apt
Package: apt
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 1068
Maintainer: APT Development Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 0.1.9
Replaces: deity
Depends: libc6 (= 2.0.7u), libstdc++2.9
Conflicts: deity
Filename: dists/stable/main/binary-i386/admin/apt_0.1.9.deb
Size: 319114
MD5sum: fe1aee4c9f2a2c95e2b6ad1ca807b09d
Description: Front-End for dpkg
 This is Debian's next generation front-end for the dpkg package manager.
 It provides the apt-get utility and APT dselect method that provides a
 simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages.
 APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability
 and several other unique features, see the Users Guide in

Thanks in advance,

Manuel Arenaz

hall of mirrors

1999-11-03 Thread Paul Acciavatti
I get this weird problem trying to install from the CD included in the
book from New Riders Publishing. To wit:

I mount the provided CD:

mount -a /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

and get the root directory, as expected.. yet when I cd to /debian, I get
the same directory when I do an ls. So then I cd to debian again... and
again, and still get the same directory listing. I pwd, just to make sure
I'm not being silly, but I get:


Just for the hell of it, I cd to debian a few more times, hoping beyond
hope that the *.tgz file is in there somewhere. 

Nope. Just:


What gives? Am I doing something obviously dumb, or do I just have a bum
cd? Please let me know.


Re: apt-get failed SOLVED

1999-11-03 Thread Thorsten . Manegold
I had the same error. Upgrading debconf by hand solved it.


On 02-Nov-99 Joey Hess wrote:
 Upgrade debconf by hand to the current version in unstable.
 jack wrote:
 the error message is:
 debian:~# apt-get -f dist-upgrade
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Calculating Upgrade... Done
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
 The following packages have been kept back
   kbd libmime-base64-perl mixviews mon mutt perl-tk 
 76 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 1 to remove and 6 not upgraded.
 Need to get 0B/47.6MB of archives. After unpacking 13.4MB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
 100% [Scanning packages]
 Configuring packages ...
 /tmp/filekpETin: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule: No such file or directory
 E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (1)
 E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt
 Any idea?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 see shy jo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 03-Nov-99
Time: 12:00:59

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?

1999-11-03 Thread John Miskinis


  Thanks for the replies, it's really nice to know how others
deal with the backup issue(s).

  I'm really hoping to implement a backup strategy that will allow
me to backup/restore my entire linux system.  Over the last 10
hours or so, I have been researching taper as a means.  I checked
out a couple others, but one needed libc5 libraries, and I wasn't
sure if the other would work with multiple volumes.

  Taper seems to be quite slick.  I did a full backup, which only
spanned 2 volumes, instead of 3 with kbackup.  Unfortunately I
can't seem to fit taper on my rescue disk.  It has library
dependencies (curses? forms?) but allows static building.  But
the static binaries become QUITE large.

  I tried pruning down my rescue system as small as possible, but
I think I need to start from scratch again.  I use zdisk which
is also quite slick.  It copies a specified kernel (mine!) and an
MSDOS filed filesystem (compressed).  The MSDOS file system actually
includes an ext2 filed filesystem (compressed) and syslinux.  It was a 
little trickly to figure it out, but I did, and am impressed.  BUT, I think 
my MSDOS filed filesystem is not compressing as small as it

should, because I have changed it REPEATEDLY.

  I remember seeing some notes somewhere about this (bootkit?) and
why the /dev/zero is used as the input file when creating a file
to be used as a loop device.

  I think it may actually be possible to use zdisk to create a 1
floppy boot/root disk, that will allow a taper restore to happen.
My brain is a little fried after the last 10 hours or so on this
project, but I will be persuing this again in the near future.

  I may have to resort to having the taper and bg_restore
binaries on a seperate floppy.

  If I ever get this working, I would be interested to know if
people would benefit from a web page on all of this stuff.  I
planned to have a linux on IBM Thinkpad 560 up at some point
anyway, as it's very tricky to get linux on this machine with
no network connectivity and no builtin CD!


From: E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian
Subject: Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:37:07 +0100

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 06:29:45PM -0800, John Miskinis wrote:


 This leads me to ask if most people just backup their important
 files on linux, and if they lose their system, they reinstall from
 scratch, then restore just their important (user modified) files?

Not even that.  I only safeguard my own products (TeX files, fractals,
programs).  The rest I have on CD, and the second time I install
something I usually configure things faster.  Sometimes it is nice to
try some new settings.

 This is how I always worked on Windows 95.  If I had a builtin
 CDROM, and linux was easier to install I might opt for this, but
 on my Thinkpad 560, it took me 4-5 hours to get everything back.

It probably would take me the same amount of time.  But then again, it
doesn't happen a lot.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: installation and such

1999-11-03 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello and good day.

You need not more then the following 28 Floppy-Disks

Sorry, I have the Floppy not at me, and I do not know, which libs are on 
the last two Floppys.

This is the Minimum, but the full set contains 60 Floppy-Disks  ;-))
And I am working on the setup (Pre-Select after the Base-Installation)

I hope this helps

Webmistress Michelle

1)  Setup and Rescue
2)  Drivers
10) F DHCPCD_0.DEB;1dhcpcd_0.70-5.deb67 kByte

11) F XBASE-CL.DEB;1xbase-clients_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   891 kByte
F XSERVER-.00A;1xserver-common_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  364 kByte

12) F XF86SETU.DEB;1xf86setup_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   584 kByte
F XLIB6G-S.DEB;1xlib6g-static_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   857 kByte

13) F XLIB6G_3.DEB;1xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  921 kByte
F XTERM_3_.DEB;1xterm_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   152 kByte

14) F XSERVER-.000;1xserver-w32_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 704 kByte
15) F XSERVER-.001;1xserver-vga16_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   755 kByte
16) F XSERVER-.002;1xserver-svga_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   1157 kByte
17) F XSERVER-.003;1xserver-s3v_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 845 kByte
18) F XSERVER-.004;1xserver-s3_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  941 kByte
19) F XSERVER-.005;1xserver-p9000_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   769 kByte
20) F XSERVER-.007;1xserver-mach64_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  790 kByte
21) F XSERVER-.008;1xserver-mono_3.3.2.3a-11.deb747 kByte
22) F XSERVER-.009;1xserver-mach32_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  747 kByte
23) F XSERVER-.00B;1xserver-i128_3.3.2.3a-11.deb849 kByte
24) F XSERVER-.00C;1xserver-agx_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 760 kByte

25) F XSERVER-.006;1xserver-mach8_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   693 kByte
F XSERVER-.DEB;1xserver-8514_3.3.2.3a-11.deb689 kByte

26) F FVWM-COM.DEB;1fvwm-common_2.0.46-BETA-3.deb   274 kByte
F FVWM2_2_.DEB;1fvwm2_2.0.46-BETA-3.deb 370 kByte
F FVWM95_2.DEB;1fvwm95_2.0.43ba-8.deb   536 kByte
F FVWM_1_2.DEB;1fvwm_1.24r-25.1.deb 210 kByte

27) some libs...
28) some libs...

[Debian: Install] How to change the Pre-Select-Script

1999-11-03 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello and good day.

Since Monday I have a Notebook without CD-Rom.
It is a 486dx4-100 with 32 MByte of Ram.

Now I have created 60 Floppy-Disks for a minimal Installation.

My problem is, How can I create a package Database of the Packages
and how can I make the Script, which install it.

I like to Pre-Select (after the Base-Installation) 

1)  Workstation with Dial-Out
2)  Workstation with Network
3)  Server
4)  Select Tasks

For any help I will be very lucky.

Webmistress Michelle

1)  Setup and Rescue
2)  Drivers


10) F DHCPCD_0.DEB;1dhcpcd_0.70-5.deb67 kByte

11) F XBASE-CL.DEB;1xbase-clients_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   891 kByte
F XSERVER-.00A;1xserver-common_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  364 kByte

12) F XF86SETU.DEB;1xf86setup_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   584 kByte
F XLIB6G-S.DEB;1xlib6g-static_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   857 kByte

13) F XLIB6G_3.DEB;1xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  921 kByte
F XTERM_3_.DEB;1xterm_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   152 kByte

14) F XSERVER-.000;1xserver-w32_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 704 kByte
15) F XSERVER-.001;1xserver-vga16_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   755 kByte
16) F XSERVER-.002;1xserver-svga_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   1157 kByte
17) F XSERVER-.003;1xserver-s3v_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 845 kByte
18) F XSERVER-.004;1xserver-s3_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  941 kByte
19) F XSERVER-.005;1xserver-p9000_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   769 kByte
20) F XSERVER-.007;1xserver-mach64_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  790 kByte
21) F XSERVER-.008;1xserver-mono_3.3.2.3a-11.deb747 kByte
22) F XSERVER-.009;1xserver-mach32_3.3.2.3a-11.deb  747 kByte
23) F XSERVER-.00B;1xserver-i128_3.3.2.3a-11.deb849 kByte
24) F XSERVER-.00C;1xserver-agx_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 760 kByte

25) F XSERVER-.006;1xserver-mach8_3.3.2.3a-11.deb   693 kByte
F XSERVER-.DEB;1xserver-8514_3.3.2.3a-11.deb689 kByte

26) F FVWM-COM.DEB;1fvwm-common_2.0.46-BETA-3.deb   274 kByte
F FVWM2_2_.DEB;1fvwm2_2.0.46-BETA-3.deb 370 kByte
F FVWM95_2.DEB;1fvwm95_2.0.43ba-8.deb   536 kByte
F FVWM_1_2.DEB;1fvwm_1.24r-25.1.deb 210 kByte

27) some libs...
28) some libs...


1999-11-03 Thread Stephen . Murphy
Apologies if you already got this and especially to anyone
that replied - but e-mail was broken here yesterday and
I think I was automatically unsubscribed. So I am
still off-line with my Debian box...

Further to PPP to ISP saga - 

once the PPP connection is up netstat -nr gives (this is copied by hand so 
excuse formatting) ...

DestinationGateway  Genmask Flags  MSS   Win irtt Iface   UH   15000   0   ppp0 U35840   0   lo   UG   15000   0   ppp0 is the dynamically assigned IP address for the far end
of the PPP link.

To reiterate the problem I only get ping responses from the IP address
at the far end of the connection (in this case .

My box is happy to send ping packets to anything else but claims 100%
packet loss for returned packets ( despite fact that my modem led
seems to indicate incoming packets).

RE: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?

1999-11-03 Thread Paul McHale
I would definitely be interested in the web page !  Something else I use
Disk Image.  It creates a complete image of your HD saving all partitions to
a file on another hard drive.  This file can be restored later and presto,
you have a complete system the way you left it :)  This was intended for
commercial outfits like Dell.  They configure a system once and then
duplicate the HD.

If you do, any disk will work as a secondary disk and the whole program fits
on one floppy !  You still need a boot floppy.  I burned a CDROM and have a
boot floppy that will boot almost any system (in DOS) and give a menu of
most all the available CDROM drivers.  I then put CDROM in and restore the
saved image.

This is probably not practical for routine backups.


-Original Message-
From: John Miskinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system?


   Thanks for the replies, it's really nice to know how others
deal with the backup issue(s).

   I'm really hoping to implement a backup strategy that will allow
me to backup/restore my entire linux system.  Over the last 10
hours or so, I have been researching taper as a means.  I checked
out a couple others, but one needed libc5 libraries, and I wasn't
sure if the other would work with multiple volumes.

   Taper seems to be quite slick.  I did a full backup, which only
spanned 2 volumes, instead of 3 with kbackup.  Unfortunately I
can't seem to fit taper on my rescue disk.  It has library
dependencies (curses? forms?) but allows static building.  But
the static binaries become QUITE large.

   I tried pruning down my rescue system as small as possible, but
I think I need to start from scratch again.  I use zdisk which
is also quite slick.  It copies a specified kernel (mine!) and an
MSDOS filed filesystem (compressed).  The MSDOS file system actually
includes an ext2 filed filesystem (compressed) and syslinux.  It was a
little trickly to figure it out, but I did, and am impressed.  BUT, I think
my MSDOS filed filesystem is not compressing as small as it
should, because I have changed it REPEATEDLY.

   I remember seeing some notes somewhere about this (bootkit?) and
why the /dev/zero is used as the input file when creating a file
to be used as a loop device.

   I think it may actually be possible to use zdisk to create a 1
floppy boot/root disk, that will allow a taper restore to happen.
My brain is a little fried after the last 10 hours or so on this
project, but I will be persuing this again in the near future.

   I may have to resort to having the taper and bg_restore
binaries on a seperate floppy.

   If I ever get this working, I would be interested to know if
people would benefit from a web page on all of this stuff.  I
planned to have a linux on IBM Thinkpad 560 up at some point
anyway, as it's very tricky to get linux on this machine with
no network connectivity and no builtin CD!


From: E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian
Subject: Re: Does anyone use ZIP disks to backup/restore their system? How?
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:37:07 +0100

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 06:29:45PM -0800, John Miskinis wrote:


  This leads me to ask if most people just backup their important
  files on linux, and if they lose their system, they reinstall from
  scratch, then restore just their important (user modified) files?

Not even that.  I only safeguard my own products (TeX files, fractals,
programs).  The rest I have on CD, and the second time I install
something I usually configure things faster.  Sometimes it is nice to
try some new settings.

  This is how I always worked on Windows 95.  If I had a builtin
  CDROM, and linux was easier to install I might opt for this, but
  on my Thinkpad 560, it took me 4-5 hours to get everything back.

It probably would take me the same amount of time.  But then again, it
doesn't happen a lot.


  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

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Re: Secure Networks?

1999-11-03 Thread Robert Varga

On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Andrew Clark wrote:

 I have a quick question.  I have two networks in different locations, is
 there any way to have all traffic between the two networks encrypted (by
 the gateway machines I'd assume) ie so that I can just use telnet
 between the two networks and it'll be encrypted (as well as all http,
 ftp etc)
 If this is possible, where would I find information?

Look at Free S/WAN project, and in general the IPSec security.

It provides encoding of the IP layer.

Free S/WAN Project Homepage:

Robert Varga

Re: hall of mirrors

1999-11-03 Thread shoggoth
Some CD vendors (possibly all) make /debian a link to /. Don't ask me why.
Look in the root of the CD, You should find there what you need (On one of
my CD's I did)...

Version: 3.1
GCS/GS d- s++:- a--- C UL P+ L+++ E- W+ N+ o+ k+ w--- O-
M- U- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP+++ t(++) 5(++) X(+++) R(++) tv(--) b++()
DI+ D+ G++ e- h-- r-- y--

Hi! I'm a signature virus!
Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Paul Acciavatti wrote:

 I get this weird problem trying to install from the CD included in the
 book from New Riders Publishing. To wit:
 I mount the provided CD:
 mount -a /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
 and get the root directory, as expected.. yet when I cd to /debian, I get
 the same directory when I do an ls. So then I cd to debian again... and
 again, and still get the same directory listing. I pwd, just to make sure
 I'm not being silly, but I get:
 Just for the hell of it, I cd to debian a few more times, hoping beyond
 hope that the *.tgz file is in there somewhere. 
 Nope. Just:
 What gives? Am I doing something obviously dumb, or do I just have a bum
 cd? Please let me know.
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Re: ipmasq_3.2.5 breaks nameserver lookups--workaround

1999-11-03 Thread Curt Daugaard
The Slink version was the problem.  I installed the one from
Potato and the nameserver problem is fixed.


On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 06:56:35PM -0600, Curt Daugaard wrote:
 The subject says it all.  I've gone through the docs, but
 since the out-of-the-box config at least appears to have
 broken a pretty average dialup ppp setup, I'm wondering
 if others have run into the same problem and would be
 willing to tell what fixed it.
 Curt Daugaard
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1999-11-03 Thread virtanen

My Cron Daemon is bombarding me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with these

-- Forwarded message --
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
 Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/bin/python 
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 13:40:00 +0200

/usr/bin/python: can't open file '/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news'


How to stop it?
What is wrong?
What (the hell) is gate_news?

Basically my mail is working. 
There shouldn't be any news programs installed. 


Re: xserver-3dlabs - libc6 (slink vs. potatoe)?

1999-11-03 Thread John Bagdanoff
If I remember right, what I did was find the XF86_3DLabs binary on the
net (suse, I think), download it to /usr/bin/X11/ and edit your
/etc/X11/Xserver to point to it.  This way you can avoid upgrading
before you're ready to.

Serge Rey wrote:
 I'm trying to get x configured and I have a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro
 card. This requires xserver-3dlabs_3_3_5-1.deb, but when I downloaded
 and tried to install that package, it was not configured due to
 dependencies on more recent versions of libc6 and xserver common. These
 new versions of libc6 and xserver common appear to be only available in
 potatoe, while my base installation is in slink. I'd like advice on the
 following questions:
 1) If I install the newer versions of libc6 and xserver common, will
 this allow for the installation of the 3dlabs package?
 2) Is it not a great idea to update the libc6 package, without
 installing the rest of potatoe?
 3) If this is a bad idea, is there an alternative way for me to get x
 configured for this card?
 Thanks in advance,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


* Window users:  Move up to Linux  * 
* Linux users:   Move up to Debian *

Re: How do I change the post-configuration interface/method for Debian packages?

1999-11-03 Thread David Z. Maze
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
PD A while back when I did my regular apt-get upgrade on unstable, I got
PD asked a question about the format I wanted to display post-config
PD messages for packages. I chose gtk. Unfortuantely the last couple of
PD times I upgraded, the gtk interface had crashed and the packages (slrn
PD and slrnpull) are showing 'F' when I do dpkg -l slrn, for example.
PD How on earth do I change back to a command-line option?

Run (as root) 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf', which changes the
configuration options for the debconf package.  Note that debconf is a
relatively new configuration system, and only a couple packages have
been converted to use it at this point.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: installation and such

1999-11-03 Thread virtanen
On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Mock Ko wrote:

 This is now my 6th attempt at installing debian.  I
 have so far not made it past the dselect phase even
 All I want to do is install a base system with tcp-ip
 and ipx networking, dhcpcd, X, and a basic window
 manager, so that I can go and get the latest kde, run
 some kind of GUI package manager, and then install any
 other things as I need them.
 I have no need for sendmail, ftpd, httpd, emacs, tex,
 and just about 98% of the other stuff that seems to
 get installed anytime you select anything besides the
 base install.
 Is there any way I can do this with Debian, or should
 I be seeking a different distribution?

Sure there must be, if your hardware insn't too strange. 
If you'll manage to get the base system installed... 

Start dselect and the correct 
(A)ccess method for you.


In the select phase select first 
Xservers (, check which one you'll need according to your hardware)
and a basic windowmanager such as wmaker. That selection will force you to
install some other packages... Just pick the ones, which you will really
need and then take the ones, which are needed because of dependencies...


Try to get X working. 
But: Try to get network working first!


If you managed to get your network working apt method should be the
correct one for you for installing.

You can get kde this way: 

Add deb slink kde contrib rkrusty  

to your



There isn't any very handy GUI package manager available for debian (?),
but dselect is really handy non-GUI one. 
Even I've managed to kde working in this system. I'm never using it
anyway, bewcause it is eating so much memory... 


RE: xserver-3dlabs - libc6 (slink vs. potatoe)?

1999-11-03 Thread Norris, Greg
Have you tried the X packages from  If I
remember correctly, they're compiled specifically for slink...

If that doesn't help, you should be able to snarf the precompiled
server directly from the XFree86 site, and use it with the slink version of
X (I've had to do that in the past, and I have the same video card that you
do).  They should co-exist without causing any trouble.

 -Original Message-
 From: Serge Rey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 03 November, 1999 5:44 AM
 Subject: xserver-3dlabs - libc6 (slink vs. potatoe)?
 I'm trying to get x configured and I have a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro
 card. This requires xserver-3dlabs_3_3_5-1.deb, but when I downloaded
 and tried to install that package, it was not configured due to
 dependencies on more recent versions of libc6 and xserver 
 common. These
 new versions of libc6 and xserver common appear to be only 
 available in
 potatoe, while my base installation is in slink. I'd like 
 advice on the
 following questions:
 1) If I install the newer versions of libc6 and xserver common, will
 this allow for the installation of the 3dlabs package?
 2) Is it not a great idea to update the libc6 package, without
 installing the rest of potatoe?
 3) If this is a bad idea, is there an alternative way for me to get x
 configured for this card?
 Thanks in advance,
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: USB support in Linux?

1999-11-03 Thread John Gay

USB support is still in development. It has come a long way in the 2.3.xx series
of Kernels. The best starting point is none other than
I've been trying to get a USB scanner and modem working, and I've found the
people on the mailing list to be most supportive!


 John Gay

icq under firewall

1999-11-03 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I've set a firewall box with 2.2.13. 
What do I need to get ICQ working under it? I already have
ip_masq_cuseeme loaded. 
The default policy is deny for all chains (input, forward,
All other things are working correctly. I suppose :-)) At least
I've hadn't any complaint from my users, except about ICQ.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

hosed libc6 install workarounds?

1999-11-03 Thread tmh31
Anyone figured this out yet? Its going on 2 weeks now that I
haven't been able to use my box properly. :(. I'm very close to trying the
MS style fry and reinstall solution.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cache/apt/archives#dpkg -i libc6_2.1.2-9_i386.deb
(Reading database ... 33145 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libc6 2.1.2-5 (using libc6_2.1.2-9_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libc6 ...
/etc/cron.daily/find has a new format.
Consider using the new /etc/cron.daily/find
and modifing /etc/updatedb.conf
Old versions of /etc/cron.daily/find may not work
dpkg: error processing libc6_2.1.2-9_i386.deb (--install):
 unable to install (supposed) new info file `/var/lib/dpkg/':
Is a directory
Errors were encountered while processing:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cache/apt/archives#


Re: Install of Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E

1999-11-03 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
I just want to note that my thinkpad570, with same NeoMagic chip and pcmcia
card work without any trouble at all. I use the potato (unstable) version of
debian, though. Consider it if that's an option.

Wed, 03 Nov skrev Christian Ericsson:
 I want to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E. Is it possible?
 The following hardware that I think could be a problem is listed here:
 Graphic: NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV with AGP, 13.3 TFT XGA (1024x768)
 Network: 3Com Megahertz 10/100 LAN Cardbus PC Card, Model 3CCFE575BT
 I think the NeoMagic chip is OK, but what about AGP? Does the 2.0.x kernel
 (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1) support AGP?
 I also checked the network PC-Card, and the Hardware-HOWTO list tell me
 that the 3c575 driver maybe work in 10Mbit mode with the newest
 PCMCIA-package version 3... (something). But what about 100Mbit mode? Is
 there another PCMCIA network card running at 100Mbit knowing to work and
 possible to buy today?
 Please answer be directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I'm not
 currently subscriber of this mailing list!)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Åsmund Ødegård
-- auto sig --
HEB 9 25 og heller ikke forat han flere ganger skulde ofre sig selv,
  således som ypperstepresten hvert år går inn i helligdommen med
  fremmed blod;

EDI Libraries/De/encoders?

1999-11-03 Thread ^chewie
Does anyone know of any GPL or BSD or even any Open Source projects
for creating EDI (Electronic Document Interchange) translators?  EDI
is a form of electronic invoicing, purchasing, etc.  I'm interested in
taking our text-based EDI docs and ripping out the data to a flat file
suitable for database upload, as well as the reverse.  Maping data
from the database to an EDI document template.

I would imagine PERL would be my first language choice, but I'm open
to writing C/C++ apps, too.  If no one knows of such a tool, anyone
willing to collaborate on a new GPL project? :)



| Chad Walstrom   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
| ICQ: 9985127 |
 Need a new truck?  Check out my '97 Explorer 2-door
   Sport at

Re: html to postscript converter

1999-11-03 Thread Peter S Galbraith

J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\) wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 16:03:45 -0500, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
  $ dpkg -s html2ps
 html2ps quite buggy. Personally, I've found 'htmldoc' very useful.

I've been meaning to try 'htmldoc' (for postscript generation of
mh-book), but the poster asked for a slink package and htmldoc is
a potato package.



1999-11-03 Thread Tony Schonfeld
hello , 

I need to know if i can find and where a iso cdimage for the complete
debian tree ( main, non-free, contrib ) ?
If this it's not available i hope to create them with debian-cd from

Many thanks

telnet not working on home LAN

1999-11-03 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

Just put Debian on a second PC and having problems telnetting in from work.

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Anyone know why I'm not getting a login?  Is there a way to use the
connection...perhaps telnetd isn't installed but I thought it was.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Kernal Upgrade and WINE questions

1999-11-03 Thread Tom Allard

 Doesn't VMware make wine obsolete?

VMware is not Free software.  Not only is it not free, but it costs
quite a bit!  And not only do you have to buy VMware, but you then ALSO
need to buy your guest OS from Redmond.

If you really need a full Windows setup, then VMware might be the
answer for you, but it's not yet at the point where it can even make
dual-booting obsolete for everyone since it does not support MIDI sound,
joysticks, or 3-D graphics cards.

VMware is kinda heavy on the requirements side, too (minimum 96MB
memory recommended).  If you just need to run an app or two, VMware is

I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.

Re: telnet not working on home LAN

1999-11-03 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Patrick Kirk wrote:

 : Hi all,
 : Just put Debian on a second PC and having problems telnetting in from work.
 : Trying
 : Connected to
 : Escape character is '^]'.
 : Connection closed by foreign host.
 : Anyone know why I'm not getting a login?  Is there a way to use the
 : connection...perhaps telnetd isn't installed but I thought it was.

  $ dpkg -l telnetd 

will verify your assumption

To solve your problem, comment out the line ALL: PARANOID from

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: telnet not working on home LAN

1999-11-03 Thread Blazej Sawionek
1. dpkg --status telnetd
   if not installed = install
   (in my case this was the problem - apparently by default it is not installed)

2. check /etc/inetd.conf for lines:
ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  
telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  
if commented = uncomment and send SIGHUP to inetd

3. Wait for other answers ;-)


RE: telnet not working on home LAN

1999-11-03 Thread John Davis

I think its because 10.x.x.x domains are not routable.


 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan E Norman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 10:18 AM
 To:   Patrick Kirk
 Cc:   Debian User List
 Subject:  Re: telnet not working on home LAN
 On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Patrick Kirk wrote:
  : Hi all,
  : Just put Debian on a second PC and having problems telnetting in
 from work.
  : Trying
  : Connected to
  : Escape character is '^]'.
  : Connection closed by foreign host.
  : Anyone know why I'm not getting a login?  Is there a way to use the
  : connection...perhaps telnetd isn't installed but I thought it was.
   $ dpkg -l telnetd 
 will verify your assumption
 To solve your problem, comment out the line ALL: PARANOID from
 Nathan Norman
 MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
 finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)
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