Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-04-01 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 El sistema que monte debera tener acceso POP3, para unos 120 usuarios
 (aunque crecera hasta unos 300), deberia ser facilmente configurable,
 tener todos los programas en paquetes Debian, que se puedan incluir
 utilidades del tipo de listas de correo, redireccionamiento del correo,

Como MTA la mejor opción hoy es Postfix. Para servir POP3, Cyrus es muy
buena idea, si además te interesa tener cuentas de correo que no sean
necesariamente usuarios del sistema (usando cualquier sistema de
autenticación por PAM, o en las versiones nuevas incluso SASL). De paso,
sirve IMAP también. Y para listas de correo, por supuesto, majordomo.


Re: rc.local para Debian

2000-04-01 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

¿Te referias a esto?


Pero lo que quieres hacer no es el tipo de cosas para las que el
'rc.boot' fue diseñado.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

03/31   Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. founded, Phila, 1946

Description: PGP signature

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-04-01 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 01 Apr 2000 a las 10:03AM +0200, Fernando Sanchez escribio:
  Retomando la cuestión: ¿cual de los MTAs que se incluyen en Potato es
  mejor, porqué y para qué?
 Postfix es con seguridad la opción más segura, rápida y respetuosa con el
 entorno :-) Está hecho para ser compatible 100% con Sendmail (para
 sustituirlo sin problemas, es decir), pero sobre todo con la seguridad como
 premisa. Es bonito :-), elegante, flexible, muy fácil de configurar, muy
 rápido (pero evitando saturar los sitios a los que manda correo, por
 ejemplo), robusto, muy bien documentado, es software libre, y el autor es
 Wietse Venema! ¿qué más se puede pedir? :-)))
 Para qué... pues está pensado para sitios grandes y mucho volumen de correo,
 pero en casa con una conexión normal por modem funciona perfectamente
 también. En fin, una maravilla, oooiga :-)

¡Me lo quedo! ¡Deme 2! Nos lo has vendido. Fantástico. Venga, y ahora,
¡donde lo consigo! Yo uso slink y no lo veo que esté ahí. ¿Estará en
Potato? o no está Debianizado?

Me pasa lo mismo con majordomo y Cyrus que dices en otro mensajes. No los
veo en Slink.

Saludos y gracias.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
04/01   People of superb intelligence, savoir-faire, etc. born this day.
04/01   Yourdon, Inc. founded, 1974  (It figures.)

Description: PGP signature

Re: He perdido algunos acentos

2000-04-01 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Roberto Lopez wrote:

   Hola Lista!
  Parece tonto pero es asi.
   Bueno no. Lo cierto es que no se que he hecho pero he perdido la
 capacidad de usar las teclas de acento en el teclado, solo en algunas
   No soy consciente de haber tocado ningun fichero critico en este
 aspecto, pero desde hace dos dias, que yo sepa, en los editores gvim y
 nedit cuando pulso la tecla de acento agudo directamente aparece la
 comilla esa mas inclinada. Si lo hago con el shift-' aparece la
 dieresis, lo mismo para circunflejo y acento grave. Consecuencia, no
 puedo escribir caracteres acentuados.
   Como dato de que no he perdido realmente el teclado decir que Xemacs,
 gnotepad y la terminal si admite las teclas. Con mc pasa algo mas raro,
 y es que en modo editor no reconoce las teclas y la combinacion 'a no
 escribe nada.
   Vuestras ideas seran bienvenidas. Sigo con slink. Y lo unico que he
 hecho ultimamente fue actualizar fvwm2, que no creo que tenga que ver.
 Roberto Lopez Lopez   I love this game!
 Optical Engineer, Technology Division  Tel#: +34 922 605200
 Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias   Fax#: +34 922 605210
 38200 - La Laguna[EMAIL 
 Tenerife, SPAIN
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Actualiza a Potato ! :).
O prueba a instalar y desinstalar paquetes como el locales yo tuve un
error parecido y así lo solucioné .
Espero haberte sido de ayuda. bye.

Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Re: Internet Linux-Win

2000-04-01 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Isaac Puch Rojo wrote:

 Hola Lista, tengo algún problema con mi conexión a Internet. En
 principio me puedo conectar perfectamente, pero en horas puntas no hay
 manera, el script da un error y sale. Pero reseteo, y Windows si puede,
 supongo que lo que habrá que subir es el tiempo de espera a una
 respuesta del servidor o algo así. Pero no se como se configura eso.
 ¿Alguna idea? Gracias de antemano. Por cierto uso el kernel 2.0.36, por
 si sirve de algo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Hay que usar el minicom ( que es un programa que viene con debian ) para
configurar el modem y cambiar el tiempo de espera a 1 minuto. Cómo se hace
es facil si lo sabes, pero yo no lo se. Lo siento .
Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Re: dselect pide /usr !!!

2000-04-01 Thread Roberto Meyer
Yo escribi, :-P

RMEl mensaje de error avisa que no encuentra /usr en fstab ni mtab...

Perdon, olvide decir que no tengo /usr separado en una particion...
De todos modos quedo solucionado en /etc/apt/apt.conf, comentando un
par de lineas en las que se remonta /usr... :-#


Re: Imagenes de Potato

2000-04-01 Thread Thoth
Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

Y para pasar las imagenes .raw a .iso ¿Como?
Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: #64938541  

Known Bugs: Works in MS-Windows :)

Linux User 90535Blaine En IRC-HISPANO
Usando kernel 2.2.14 y 2.3.47 En Linux/GNU Debian 2.2 (Potato)

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-04-01 Thread Thoth
Fernando Sanchez wrote:
 On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
  Retomando la cuestión: ¿cual de los MTAs que se incluyen en Potato es
  mejor, porqué y para qué?
 Postfix es con seguridad la opción más segura, rápida y respetuosa con el
 entorno :-) Está hecho para ser compatible 100% con Sendmail (para
 sustituirlo sin problemas, es decir), pero sobre todo con la seguridad como
 premisa. Es bonito :-), elegante, flexible, muy fácil de configurar, muy
 rápido (pero evitando saturar los sitios a los que manda correo, por
 ejemplo), robusto, muy bien documentado, es software libre, y el autor es
 Wietse Venema! ¿qué más se puede pedir? :-)))
 Para qué... pues está pensado para sitios grandes y mucho volumen de correo,
 pero en casa con una conexión normal por modem funciona perfectamente
 también. En fin, una maravilla, oooiga :-)

En barrapunto lo dejan claro, yo llevo usando sendmail mas de dos años,
incluso en un servidor con mas de 4000 cuentas de correo y se comportaba
bien, pero jeje, es una especie en lenta extincion.

La verdad es que postfix parece ser la nueva estrella.

Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: #64938541  

Known Bugs: Works in MS-Windows :)

Linux User 90535Blaine En IRC-HISPANO
Usando kernel 2.2.14 y 2.3.47 En Linux/GNU Debian 2.2 (Potato)

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-04-01 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

 Retomando la cuestión: ¿cual de los MTAs que se incluyen en Potato es
 mejor, porqué y para qué?

Postfix es con seguridad la opción más segura, rápida y respetuosa con el
entorno :-) Está hecho para ser compatible 100% con Sendmail (para
sustituirlo sin problemas, es decir), pero sobre todo con la seguridad como
premisa. Es bonito :-), elegante, flexible, muy fácil de configurar, muy
rápido (pero evitando saturar los sitios a los que manda correo, por
ejemplo), robusto, muy bien documentado, es software libre, y el autor es
Wietse Venema! ¿qué más se puede pedir? :-)))

Para qué... pues está pensado para sitios grandes y mucho volumen de correo,
pero en casa con una conexión normal por modem funciona perfectamente
también. En fin, una maravilla, oooiga :-)


Re: Ferramentas para desenvolvimento

2000-04-01 Thread Debian Linux User
Não, ele é italiano.

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: (eu acho)
 É feito por um brasileiro Mario Motta (eu acho)

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: GTK (Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine)

2000-04-01 Thread Lalo Martins
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 11:27:25PM -0300, Debian Linux User wrote:
 Exato, eu não só entrei na página, peguei as libs e instalei o gimp para
 windows, como tentei compilar com djgpp...
 O problema é que com djgpp + RSX não rolou...

DJGPP é pra DOS, não pra Windows. Não vai rolar _mesmo_.

 Parece que é possível usar o compilador da cygnus, mas não entendi
 direito como fazer e não achei o download... Não sei se tb é pago...

 Em sumo, é muita complicação, comparando com instalar um delphi e rodar
 um programa...
   Não sei até que ponto chega a ser uma solução viável...
   Talvez se existisse um HOW-TO... Isso seria tb uma boa idéia...

É complicado porque não está pronto. Historicamente, hackers
se preocupam primeiro em fazer funcionar, e só depois em
facilitar e documentar. :-)

Pra vcs fazerem uma idéia de quão longe de pronto... tem um
alemão que compila a maioria das versões do Freeciv com mingtk
pra rodar no Windows. A versão atual (1.10) ele compilou duas
vezes; uma rodava no Win95 mas não no 98, NT ou 2000. A outra
rodava e na hora de desenhar o mapa caia com erros no GDK. Aí
ele atualizou as bibliotecas, tentou de novo, e a coisa parou
de compilar.

  Hack and Roll  ( )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the personal page

Brazil of Darkness (RPG)---

Re: GTK (Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine)

2000-04-01 Thread Debian Linux User
Lalo Martins wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 11:27:25PM -0300, Debian Linux User wrote:
  Exato, eu não só entrei na página, peguei as libs e instalei o gimp para
  windows, como tentei compilar com djgpp...
  O problema é que com djgpp + RSX não rolou...
 DJGPP é pra DOS, não pra Windows. Não vai rolar _mesmo_.

Você pode fazer programas Windows usando o DJGPP com RSX. Veja na
página da delorie.

  Parece que é possível usar o compilador da cygnus, mas não entendi
  direito como fazer e não achei o download... Não sei se tb é pago...
Eu fui lá... Cadê o download?

  Em sumo, é muita complicação, comparando com instalar um delphi e rodar
  um programa...
Não sei até que ponto chega a ser uma solução viável...
Talvez se existisse um HOW-TO... Isso seria tb uma boa idéia...
 É complicado porque não está pronto. Historicamente, hackers
 se preocupam primeiro em fazer funcionar, e só depois em
 facilitar e documentar. :-)
Exato... Se cada rogramador da sua empresa precisar ser um hacker para
que sua empresa possa criar um programa... Não é viável... Ou seja, é
uma solução legal, mas ainda precisa ser mais melhorada pra maioria das
aplicações comerciais de verdade...
Com Qt a coisa já rola melhor...

 Pra vcs fazerem uma idéia de quão longe de pronto... tem um
 alemão que compila a maioria das versões do Freeciv com mingtk
 pra rodar no Windows. A versão atual (1.10) ele compilou duas
 vezes; uma rodava no Win95 mas não no 98, NT ou 2000. A outra
 rodava e na hora de desenhar o mapa caia com erros no GDK. Aí
 ele atualizou as bibliotecas, tentou de novo, e a coisa parou
 de compilar.
Pois é... Será que esse porte do gtk para windows tem futuro? O cara
que fez o porte fez porque gostava do gimp e o scaner dele não
funcionava no linux...

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
Do you visit GamesNow today??
Autronix - Tecnologia em Automação Industrial

Re: (eh?) Perl library shifted...?

2000-04-01 Thread Jeff Gordon
On Sat, 1 Apr 2000 03:29:09 +0100, Paul J. Keenan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Net::POP3 is also part of libnet-perl.  I would make sure you have
 the -2 version, if it's still a problem, post the exact error msg.

 I ran

   perl -MNet::POP3 -e 'Net::POP3-new()'

 without any problems.

(Ah.)  Thanks, Paul. The module's there; Perl is finding it -- but something 
changed within it at the recent update, leading to the thwarting of the little 
program in question.  All better now, thanks to your helpful thinking-out-loud 
with me. :-)

All the best,

 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread Hilary Hertzoff

Thanks everyone.

Eventually I'm going to remove xdm from the startup script, but I'm
finding it handy while I'm learning the system to use the windows until I
feel comfortable using other ways to get around the system.   The reason I
asked about leaving it was because I read somewhere that it was better not
to upgrade with X running.

The browser I'd been using is Opera and if I had been able to find a .deb
version I would have used it.  I'm not sure what I'll find when I unzip
it; the Opera website was unhelpful and I haven't gotten a newsreader set
up yet to read the Opera/Linux newsgroup for tips.

And thanks again for answering my questions so quickly.  I've just read so
much documentation lately that if I never see another man page or HOWTO it
will be way too soon.


Hilary L. Hertzoff  From here to there,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   a bunny goes where a bunny must.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Little Bunny on the Move
  by Peter McCarty

Re: Quake2 libs

2000-04-01 Thread Jakob 'sparky' Kaivo
Brian Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 First, thanks to the good folks that helped me get my Debian green card.
 I'm in the process of moving a quake2 server over from a Red Hat machine to 
 a Debian machine for the better of all humanity.
 I realize that there are probably packages for this, but I don't need to 
 run a client on the Debian machine, just the server and it's needed 
 cfgs/libs/binaries, and I'd rather do it this way.
 I'm creating an ISO to make this easier, but first I have moved everything 
 over from Red Hat to Debian, and placed it in /usr/games/quake2. Everything 
 is ready to go, except for the libs.
 % ldd quake2 = /lib/ (0x4000a000) = not found = not found = not found
 I'm running Potato, and I want to make sure that I don't hose something 
 because I'm still wet behind the ears. ;-)
 I'm guessing the second two that were not found are libc5? OK to `apt-get 
 install libc5' on Potato?


 What is the `apt-get install libm5' (If its even a package, I 
 haven't checked)?

libm is part of libc. Getting libc5 should get as well.

Jakob 'sparky' Kaivo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread Pollywog

On 01-Apr-2000 00:02:07 Hilary Hertzoff wrote:
 Thanks everyone.
 Eventually I'm going to remove xdm from the startup script, but I'm
 finding it handy while I'm learning the system to use the windows until I
 feel comfortable using other ways to get around the system.   The reason I
 asked about leaving it was because I read somewhere that it was better not
 to upgrade with X running.

You could, when you decide you no longer want xdm to start when you boot the
machine, either remove the links (using update-rc.d) or just put 
'exit 0' at the top of the script, below 

That is what I did, so I can undo it easily in case I ever want to start xdm.
I did not remove xdm because it was a dependency for something else I had


AMD PCNET PCI Ethernet question

2000-04-01 Thread syed huq

(absolute Newbie to Linux):
Using Slink and trying to setup my eth0 for the first time. I am reading
the Ethernet-HOW-TO and have a few ques.

When I did dmesg | more, it did not show any eth'N' messages so my first
installation did not see the card.

I looked under /lib/modules/2.0.36/ and found pcnet32.o which is what
the HOW-TO says as being the correct driver for AMD PCNET PCI.

if I do a ifconfig as root, I still do not see the eth0. 
if I do a modprobe eth0, I don't get anything.

Can you help me detect my Ethernet Card without having to compile my
kernal(cause I don't know how and don't want to get into that if I can
avoid it).

If I have to edit the /etc/conf.module, what exactly should I add/edit ?

Thanks in advance,

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: Sun 3 xterminal debs?

2000-04-01 Thread John Hasler
C. Falconer writes:
 It is obviously a better thing to use a deb package if available, but
 what damage might I be causing if I install something from source?

None as long as you either install in /usr/local or build your own local
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Neighbor table overflow

2000-04-01 Thread Alex McCool


What is neighor table overflow??

I'm getting this after changing the IP addr of a 

I changed /etc/network/interface from to

I had seen this before when I switched a diff machine to a 
192.168.100 addr, but I never found a solution


Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread John Hasler
Hilary Hertzoff writes:
 Eventually I'm going to remove xdm from the startup script, but I'm
 finding it handy while I'm learning the system to use the windows until I
 feel comfortable using other ways to get around the system.

Removing xdm does not remove X or render it inaccessible.  Just log in on a
VC and start X with 'startx'.

 The reason I asked about leaving it was because I read somewhere that it
 was better not to upgrade with X running.

I've never had a problem.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI for bo?

2000-04-01 Thread Tom Kuiper
I'm trying to install StarOffice 5.1, which is said to be compatible with
my linux 2.0.30.  However, when I try to run the setup program:

./setup: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Indeed, the version of on my system is 1.8.12.  Is there a way
to upgrade without upgrading to a newer version of Debian?  A search on
libdl with dselect of the available bo packages turned up nothing, but
I suppose libdl is included implicitly in another package.

Thanks and regards

Tom Kuiper

p.s. In case you wonder, I haven't upgraded because my system works
wonderfully, and I don't want to mess with it until I can spare some time
for dealing with unexpected problems.
Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (
SnailMail:  Jet Propulsion Lab 169-506, Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone/fax:  (818) 354-5623/8895

Re: Neighbor table overflow

2000-04-01 Thread Neil Booth
Hi Alex,

This is almost always caused by not having a loopback interface.  If
you haven't, make sure the first interface you configure is lo.


Alex McCool wrote:-
 What is neighor table overflow??
 I'm getting this after changing the IP addr of a machine
 I changed /etc/network/interface   from  to
 I had seen this before when I switched a diff machine to a 192.168.100 addr, 
 but I never found a solution

Re: Help with module problems on Upgrade to 2.1

2000-04-01 Thread Gregory Guthrie

Bob, thanks for the help.

I tried it, to little avail.

(session below). I can't tell if 
1) just better tool usage is needed,
2) my configuration is broken, and if so how to recover,
3) the tools are broken (less likely..)

But, how does one probe into the details of:
pre-removal script returned error exit status?

Any more ideas, I'm stuck!


csgrg.root(501)  dpkg -r
(Reading database ... 15436 files and directories currently
Removing samba ...
dpkg: error processing samba (--remove):
subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

csgrg.root(503)  dpkg --force-depends -r samba
(Reading database ... 15436 files and directories currently
Removing samba ...
dpkg: error processing samba (--remove):
subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
csgrg.root(504)  exit

csgrg.root(501)  apt-get check
Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...dependency error
Checking system integrity...dependency error
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have
 samba: Depends:libpam0

At 03:58 PM 03/31/2000 -0500, Bob Hilliard wrote:
Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 At 02:19 PM 03/30/2000 -0500, Bob Hilliard wrote:
 Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I took a new CDrom (2.1) and did re-deselect, which did a
lot of upgrades
   to various stuff.
   dependency problems - not removing
   Errors were encountered while processing:
  Try `dpkg --force-depends --purge
libpam0 libpam-util', then do
 apt-get install samba
 -- Bob, thanks, I tried it, and now get: (see below).

 It looks like you got rid of libpam0 and
libpam-util. apt-get is
picky about having a broken system, but dpkg is less so, especially
with the forcing options. You might try dpkg -i pathsamba*
apt, dpkg requires a full pathname to the .deb for installation, 
just the package name for purge, remove, or configure).

 I don't have a recent slink Packages file.
In the one I have,
samba has no dependencies other than netbase and libc6. If that is
longer true, it should tell you what dependencies it needs. You
append them to the dpkg command line above.

 It might be necessary to remove samba with `dpkg
-r samba'. If
dpkg refuses, try ` dpkg --force-depends -r samba'. If this
work look at `dpkg --help' and `dpkg --force-help' for other

 After samba is removed, `apt-get install samba'
should work,
automatically installing any missing dependencies. 

 |_) _ |_ Robert D.
 |_) (_) |_) Palm City, FL

Dr. Gregory Guthrie
(515)472-1125 Fax: -1103
 Computer Science
 College of Science and
 Maharishi University of
 (Maharishi International University

Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread John Anderson
I found the easiest way to deactivate XDM on startup was to simply rename
xdm to xdm.d in the dir /etc/init.d.  Now when the computer starts up,
it stays in the text mode until a user wishes to enter x by typing
startx. All you have to do is enter the /etc/init.d directory and type
mv xdm newname, newname being any name.  The computer will not recognise
it and xdm will fail to startup on boot.  This is the easiest way I
figured out how to use the text mode and X interchangeably.

Hope this helps.

Re: (eh?) Perl library shifted...?

2000-04-01 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 01:42:42PM -0500, Jeff Gordon wrote:
  If you're talking about Net::FTP being unable to locate method
  Net::FTP-requires_firewall(), it was a bug in libnet-perl which
  has been fixed with version 1.0703-2, now in the archives.
 (Good thought, but no: Net::POP3 is what went wandering off; 
 needed for a little program I have that POP's my ISP's server 
 before exim relays outgoing mail to it.)
  -- Jeff --

Net::POP3 is also part of libnet-perl.  I would make sure you have
the -2 version, if it's still a problem, post the exact error msg.

I ran

perl -MNet::POP3 -e 'Net::POP3-new()'

without any problems.


Re: Boot disk quit working after second install

2000-04-01 Thread Erik Ryberg

Lehel Bernadt wrote:

 On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Erik Ryberg wrote:
  I have a 6 gig hard drive with debian on the first 4 gigs.  I installed an 
  old SUSE last
  night on the last 2 gigs in order to try out MySQL which allegedly came 
  with that
  I boot debian with a boot disk as I have, sigh, Windows on another drive 
  and I had a
  scary experience once with LILO that I don't care to repeat.
  Now I can't boot anything on my Linux drive.  My boot disk (and backup boot 
  disks) runs
  in the A drive but windows 95 starts right up each time.

 What kind of boot disk do you have :
 ext2+lilo, fat+syslinux, loadlin or just the raw kernel ?
 What is its configuration ?
 I understand that you use the same disk for debian  suse. How did you altered
 the config to boot suse instead of debian ?

U. . .. I don't know.  It was a boot disk I made during the install.  I 
seem to recall
seeing loadlin come up but I confess I didn't pay that much attention when it 
was booting.
When I booted my computer some text would come up with the word boot and 
almost immediately
it would say booting the kernel or something like that, then it would scroll 
through the
various drives and so forth and then I would be in Debian, and it would ask for 

I hope you can help with this.


Re: for bo?

2000-04-01 Thread Paul J. Keenan
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 05:14:19PM -0800, Tom Kuiper wrote:
 ./setup: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Indeed, the version of on my system is 1.8.12.  Is there a way
 to upgrade without upgrading to a newer version of Debian?  A search on
 libdl with dselect of the available bo packages turned up nothing, but
 I suppose libdl is included implicitly in another package.

You find out which package a file is in by doing the following :

funkiest:/home/paul# dpkg -S libdl
ldso: /lib/
libc6-dev: /usr/lib/libdl.a
libc6: /lib/
ldso: /lib/
libc6: /lib/
libc6-dev: /usr/lib/

Which shows it's in libc6.  Since upgrading a C-library can affect a lot
of packages, you would probably get less problems by upgrading the whole
lot to potato, which should be stabilising nicely.


sound hell

2000-04-01 Thread james

i'm currently running potato (upgraded from slink) and am finding it absolutely 
impossibe to get sound working. i've never had this problem w/ my last 2 debian 
machines. the only difference being those two had SB AWE64 cards, and this one 
has a SB PCI128.

in the past i've always just downloaded and installed OSS w/ no problems. this 
time however, is different. it's given me a billion errors. i seem to have 
fixed most of them by downloading the kernel source (which wasn't there after 
the initial install), making some changes in xconfig, saving them and doing a 
'make dep'.

finally i've got it down to only one error during installatio of oss:

*** 'sndshield' version error ***
See /usr/lib/oss/Readme for more info.

in which it mentions:

 means that the active kernel sources have to be in /usr/src/linux. If
 compiling sndshield fails it usually means that you have installed,
 configured or compiled the kernel incorrectly.

which they're not. fine. recompile time. yet, a good ways through make 
bzImage it dies w/ this:

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -E -D__BIG_KERNEL__ -traditional 
-DSVGA_MODE=NORMAL_VGA  bootsect.S -o bbootsect.s
as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
make[1]: as86: Command not found
make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
make: *** [bzImage] Error 2

grr.. so my question is:

1. am i just stupid?
2. am i making this way too complicated
3. is there an easier way?

all of the HOWTO's end up mentioning isapnptools which does me no good since 
it's a PCI card. i'd be willing to do a re-install if i have to (btw, i got 
lazy and installed a preconfigured setup this time around. the dialup machine 
option, if that matters).

i absolutely can NOT do w/o sound and afraid i'll have to wipe out this drive 
in favor of Corel this weekend (damn it! why can't debian adopt corel's 
sound_setup program. it works so nicely!), which i really don't wanna do. so 
if anyone has ANY suggestions, i'd be SO grateful.

thanks in advance,

Re: lm-sensors: can't access /proc file

2000-04-01 Thread Gerhard Schromm
* Marc == Marc Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 But, when I invoke sensors itself, it tells me that it couldn't access
 /proc file, and I don't have /proc/sensors. Also, the /dev/i2c nodes
 the docs mention seem to be missing.

 What am I doing wrong?

Do you have the modules loaded? On my computer (with a p5a-board too),
it was necessary to add the modules listed below to /etc/modules:


With this it works.

bye Gerhard
Hi! I'm a .signature *virus*! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: Help

2000-04-01 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: Robert Mognet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Let's don't make the operating system 'dumber'.  Let's have users
 who are willing to learn. 

We're not talking about making the operating system dumber.
We're not talking about the operation system at all.
We're talking about the mailing list.

Subscribers shouldn't have to learn Unix/Linux just to unsubscribe
from a mailing list.

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome: )

Re: sound hell

2000-04-01 Thread Sean Johnson
apt-get install bin86


Re: can I execute a shell during booting?

2000-04-01 Thread William T Wilson
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, john smith wrote:

   I would like to know if there is a way to execute a bash shell or
 whatever shell during booting or bootstrapping of the kernel. i.e.

No, it's not.  You'll have to boot off a floppy, and go fix whatever you

Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-01 Thread Jeff Gordon
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000 14:47:20 -0600, matt garman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for all the help!  But unfortunately it's not working.

You're probably really, really close to succeeding. :-)  

It -sounds- like all the bits are working, but 'forwarding' is not fully 
activated; that your roommate's requests are not getting out the door because 
they don't know where the door is.  That can be either a glitch in your routing 
setup, or 'forwarding' itself is not enabled.  Do:

 cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

...and see if 1 is the result.  If not, re-do the 'echo' command that puts 
1 there:

 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

If no success after that, do:

 ipchains -L

...and you should see (policy ACCEPT) for the three 'chains'. If that's okay, 

 ipchains -M -L

...and see if the MASQ entry is still present -- dunno why yet, but we're 
experiencing that entry's disappearance from time to time; 'diald' or somebody 
is deleting it, I think, when being taken down, and not putting it back up 

Also useful:  Your roommate's computer should have a 'hosts' file and a 
'resolv' file (or whatever Mr. Gates may have used in place of those :-).

 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.


2000-04-01 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 09:45:35AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 03:55:39AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  I suggest you close bugs filed by such people without comment.
  Call it the Malicious Blacklist User Behavior Modification System.
 Of course, you could always just get the work done and email back
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; since it'll go through Debian the
 email will indeed arrive just fine.

Blacklisters may have the right to speak and *say* what they think I should
do, but they have no right to be heard.

If you have the right to refuse to listen to me on my terms, I have the
right to refuse to listen to you on yours.

  There are many options available for blacklist-employing Debian users that
  require only minimal additional effort on their part.  If they are using an
  ISP that employs the DUL and have no ability to opt out of it, perhaps they
  should explore using a different ISP.  There are lots of them, you know.
 That's pretty hypocritical coming from you lot who claim you can't find
 another ISP -- you're the ones with the broken ISP after all.
 My regualr email address rejects on RSS, RBL and DUL (I configured
 it that way myself) -- you can still email me at just fine though.

You have a staggering inability to perceive rhetorical congruence.

G. Branden Robinson|If you wish to strive for peace of soul,
Debian GNU/Linux   |then believe; if you wish to be a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |devotee of truth, then inquire. |-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: PGP signature

Re: AMD PCNET PCI Ethernet question

2000-04-01 Thread Joseph A. Martin
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, syed huq wrote:

 I looked under /lib/modules/2.0.36/ and found pcnet32.o which is what
 the HOW-TO says as being the correct driver for AMD PCNET PCI.
 if I do a ifconfig as root, I still do not see the eth0. 
 if I do a modprobe eth0, I don't get anything.

eth0 is a semi-virtual interface. There is not actual eth0 driver,
rather eth0 is provided by the actual ethernet driver. I may be
wrong here (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I am) but I
believe you can do a 'modprobe pcnet32' and then do

ifconfig eth0 up

Otherwise add the following line to /etc/modules.conf:

alias eth0 pcnet32

the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

mirroring subset of debian files with rsync

2000-04-01 Thread Phil Howard
I'm trying to mirror a subset of the debian files (specifically everything
for sparc in the potato release).  In order to minimize the load on the
server I was trying to use rsync.  But it seems rsync's include/exclude
facility is either broken, or incorrectly documented.  I've tried quite
a number of different combinations of options, and I get either no files
at all, or it tries to download everything.

Before I give up on rsync and start using mirror via FTP (which I know
works because I use it in ways similar to this already), I thought I
would ask here to see if anyone had any idea how to make rsync actually
do what I want.

Here's the command I'm using now:

rsync --block-size=8192 --verbose --stats --recursive --compress --links 
--perms --times --timeout 300 --delete --delete-excluded --include 
'/dists/potato/main/binary-all/**' --include 
'/dists/potato/main/binary-sparc/**' --include 
'/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/**' --include '/dists/potato/main/source/**' 
--include '/dists/potato/contrib/binary-all/**' --include 
'/dists/potato/contrib/binary-sparc/**' --include 
'/dists/potato/contrib/source/**' --include 
'/dists/potato/non-free/binary-all/**' --include 
'/dists/potato/non-free/binary-sparc/**' --include 
'/dists/potato/non-free/source/**' --exclude '/**' 
'' 'data/'

As seen from the list, I'm trying to include every file that matches the
includes, and exclude whatever gets by all of them unmatched.  It's as
if rsync isn't doing the sequential match test like the docs say it does.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN | My current boycotts: Amazon.Com, DVDs, Mattel, Sony
| Dallas - Texas - USA | My current websites:,

Re: mirroring subset of debian files with rsync

2000-04-01 Thread Brian May
 Phil == Phil Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Phil Here's the command I'm using now:

Phil rsync --block-size=8192 --verbose --stats --recursive
Phil --compress --links --perms --times --timeout 300 --delete
Phil --delete-excluded --include
Phil '/dists/potato/main/binary-all/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/main/binary-sparc/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/main/source/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/contrib/binary-all/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/contrib/binary-sparc/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/contrib/source/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/non-free/binary-all/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/non-free/binary-sparc/**' --include
Phil '/dists/potato/non-free/source/**' --exclude '/**'
Phil ''
Phil 'data/'

Phil As seen from the list, I'm trying to include every file that
Phil matches the includes, and exclude whatever gets by all of
Phil them unmatched.  It's as if rsync isn't doing the sequential
Phil match test like the docs say it does.

I am afraid I really can't help you with your problem, but this
is what I would do:

1. That is a very long command line. I think it would simplify it a
lot if you could use --exclude-from=FILE and --include-from=FILE (not
tested). A simpler command line is easier to debug...

2. Try to test very simple commands on a smaller filesystem, perhaps
even on the same system. eg

rsync ... /tmp/mytest /tmp/out --include /tmp/mytest/a \
  --exclude '/tmp/mytest/**'

(not tested, I don't often use rsync, so beware!)

3. look at other programs that use rsync, eg apt-move. From memory,
apt-move uses rsync in a similar way.


Re: installing a single package

2000-04-01 Thread kmself
dpkg -i packagfile

Or, perhaps more useful and simpler:

apt-get install some-package

...which also gets it for you.

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 10:33:21PM +0200, FreeMan wrote:
 I've downloaded the swat-package file. But I don't know how to 
 install it. I tried it with dselect, but it seems to that with dselect it's 
 just possible to install packages which came with the distribution. 
 Can anybody tell me what I have to do? have to do?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

[no subject]

2000-04-01 Thread boot100
Title: Network Blitz


Re: GUI FTP package

2000-04-01 Thread Kari Ruohonen
I have used Caitoo - found it from freshmeat.


On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Alex Kwan wrote:

 I am looking for a GUI FTP download software
 with resume broken download fuction 
 (like Gozilla under MS Windows),
 Does anybody know which and where?

Re: Make/makefiles

2000-04-01 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sat, 01 Apr 2000, Bart Friederichs wrote:
 Can anybody tell me how to make a *simple* makefile? Or a URL where I can
 find more info? The manpages aren't very clear, and *way* too extensive.
 I have a small project with 3 source code files, and I don't want to compile
 all of them every time.

Check the make-doc package.

Re: Boot disk quit working after second install

2000-04-01 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sat, 01 Apr 2000, Erik Ryberg wrote:
 Lehel Bernadt wrote:
  What kind of boot disk do you have :
  ext2+lilo, fat+syslinux, loadlin or just the raw kernel ?
  What is its configuration ?
  I understand that you use the same disk for debian  suse. How did you 
  the config to boot suse instead of debian ?
 U. . .. I don't know.  It was a boot disk I made during the install.  I 
 seem to recall
 seeing loadlin come up but I confess I didn't pay that much attention when it 
 was booting.
 When I booted my computer some text would come up with the word boot and 
 almost immediately
 it would say booting the kernel or something like that, then it would 
 scroll through the
 various drives and so forth and then I would be in Debian, and it would ask 
 for login 

If this is the disk you've created when installing debian, then it is syslinux.
You can check the disk from dos (because it's a fat fs). There should be a file
named ldlinux.sys. The config file is syslinux.cfg. It has a line like :
APPEND root=/dev/hda2 ro
This tells the kernel from what partition to mount the root fs.
If you haven't modified the config file, I really don't know how gets windows
loaded. Maybe you should check the disk with scandisk.

Re: sound hell

2000-04-01 Thread james

heh, well, no. but seriously.
after installing bin86, the kernel did, indeed compile correctly.
after many tries, the soundcard still wouldn't work (i did select sound support 
for Ensoniq pci 97... the chipset for my card).

i swapped it w/ a SB AWE64 i had in another machine and xconfig'ed again and 
selected support for it and, upon reboot, it worked fine. though, nothing i did 
w/ my PCI 128 ever worked. does anyone have a success story for this card? 
perhaps i still did something wrong(?)

well, as a last resort i installed OSS again which WAS a asuccess w/ the PCI 
128 card w/o any probs. so, while not a perfect solution (i'd rather have it 
compiled into the kernel), i have sweet, sweet sound emanating from my 
speakers, nonetheless.

so, while i'm here, i have one last thing until this whole setup is perfect.
does anyone know about the current support for USB devices?
i have an Epson Stylus Color 740 w/ USB i'm trying to get to work. though no 
luck so far. can't find a HOWTO for the life of me on this.

thanks again,

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 10:36:44PM -0500, Sean Johnson wrote:
 apt-get install bin86
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

unlink or kernel error?

2000-04-01 Thread Tadeusz Bak

Hi all,

Sorry, my problem is probably not Debian specific... I tried to run under
slink with the 2.0.36 kernel the following program:

#define RUN /tmp/
#include stdio.h
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include fcntl.h
#include unistd.h
  printf(File created\n);
  printf(File removed\n);

After the message File created I can see that there is a file
in /tmp directory. After File removed that file disappears. But
according to unlink man page it should exist up to the message Finish
because it is not closed. Only after terminating the program kernel
closes all open files and should be removed. Does anybody have
an idea what's going on here? Thanks!


Re: unlink or kernel error?

2000-04-01 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sat, 01 Apr 2000, Tadeusz Bak wrote:
 Hi all,
 Sorry, my problem is probably not Debian specific... I tried to run under
 slink with the 2.0.36 kernel the following program:
 #define RUN /tmp/
 #include stdio.h
 #include sys/types.h
 #include sys/stat.h
 #include fcntl.h
 #include unistd.h
   printf(File created\n);
   printf(File removed\n);
 After the message File created I can see that there is a file
 in /tmp directory. After File removed that file disappears. But
 according to unlink man page it should exist up to the message Finish
 because it is not closed. Only after terminating the program kernel
 closes all open files and should be removed. Does anybody have
 an idea what's going on here? Thanks!
The thing that happens is that the file name is deleted
from the directory, but its inode is kept until the program closes the

Latest version of babel

2000-04-01 Thread Anthony Campbell
Anyone know where I can find the latest version of babel (for Greek,

I can only find 3.7j but I know there are more recent ones. I thought it
was part of TeX but I just downloaded the latest version of this and it
isn't there.

Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles: http://www.freethinker/

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards

Re: sound hell

2000-04-01 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 after many tries, the soundcard still wouldn't work (i did select sound 
 support for Ensoniq pci 97... the chipset for my card).
 i swapped it w/ a SB AWE64 i had in another machine and xconfig'ed again 
 and selected support for it and, upon reboot, it worked fine. though,
 nothing i did w/ my PCI 128 ever worked. does anyone have a success
 story for this card? perhaps i still did something wrong(?)
a far as i understand, you are talking about a cratvie sb 128 pci, today
called sb 16 pci (at least in germany) - right? well ... the chipset
from this board (at least mine) is the es1371 ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: sound hell

2000-04-01 Thread Brian May
 james == james  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

james so, while i'm here, i have one last thing until this whole
james setup is perfect.  does anyone know about the current
james support for USB devices?  i have an Epson Stylus Color 740
james w/ USB i'm trying to get to work. though no luck so
james far. can't find a HOWTO for the life of me on this.

You will need Linux 2.3.x (still in development), or wait until 2.4.x
is released.

Re: unlink or kernel error?

2000-04-01 Thread Brian May
 Lehel == Lehel Bernadt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lehel The thing that happens is that the file name is deleted
Lehel from the directory, but its inode is kept until the program
Lehel closes the descriptor.

Yes. Now for some really weird behaviour, try the same thing program
on NFS (and use ls -a to show files starting with a period).

NFS doesn't support the same mechanism Unix does for this feature,
so it has to be hacked in. Different OS are slightly different in how
they behave here (eg some OSs allow you to delete the deleted file,
others don't), so experiment!

Re: Basic PPP dialup to ISP question

2000-04-01 Thread Alex Kwan

I have configured the ppp dialup connection with pppconfig,
(for example the connection named: MYISP), 
Now how do I establish and shut down the ppp dialup connection
(not under GNOME)?



Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 05:38:02PM -0500, Phoenix Amon wrote:
  Why would you want to close X? You can also switch to a 
  virtual terminal
  from X at any time using alt-ctrl-F1 to F6 (there are six virtual
  terminals at default).

 Well, for instance... if what you want to do from the terminal is upgrade 
 your X server. :) Trying to do this from within X can be a Very Bad Thing, or 
 so I hear. It certainly doesn't sound like a good idea to me. But of course 
 I'm mostly clueless. ;)

not really, the only time upgrading X while its running could be bad
is if you have {x,w,k}dm set to restart automatically after the
upgrade, in which case the curent X session will be killed
unexpectedly would might annoy the user.  i do not have wdm set this
way and have upgraded X many times behind the users back (i ssh in to
maintain the system) never had a problem, except that i cannot remount
the /usr filesystem back to read-only until the user logs out so i can
restart the X server.  *nix unlike other braindamaged OSes allows
files which are in use to be replaced/deleted without causing
breakage.  the existing file remains accessable to whoever is using it
until its closed, then its really removed from the disk.   

i do tend to agree its better to run major upgrades from the console
just in case X dies you can still monitor the upgrade and answer any

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-01 Thread Bill
Try something like this with your IP No's  in   /etc/init.d/network

#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net
#ethernet card
ifconfig eth0
route -add net
route -add net gw
ifconfig ppp ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a acc -m -b -S -D

- Original Message -
From: matt garman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2000 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: ipmasq and howto

 On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 07:52:01AM -0500, Jeff Gordon wrote:
  The answer seems to be, Yes...sort of. :-)  See if this helps:

 Thanks for all the help!  But unfortunately it's not working.

 I double checked the IP-Masquerading howto to make sure I have all the
 necessary kernel components compiled in.  I also installed the ipmasq
 package and rebooted.  When I establish a PPP connection, however, I
 cannot see the external network (i.e. the internet) from my roommate's
 computer (e.g. cannot ping outside of 192.168.*, cannot load web pages).

 By the way, I do have my roommate's computer recognizing mine and mine
 seeing his (I've got samba working to share files between the two
 computers also).

 I also tried following your steps, still no luck.  I've got a network
 traffic monitor utility called wmnet running on both my modem and ethernet
 card.  I had my roommate watch these programs for activity while I tried
 pinging, telnetting and httping from his computer.  He said he saw
 activity on both monitors, but still I couldn't get productive results on
 his computer.  He's running Windows 98.

 Anyone have any ideas?  Are there any config files I could post that would
 be useful in diagnosing the problem, or output of any particular program?


 I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
  the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
  done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
  But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
  guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Xfree update for slink 2.1

2000-04-01 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I have mirrored the whole directory at
to avoid having to download it every time I do a fresh installation from
my official cds.
What command will upgrade it, shoud I run apt-get upgrade xfree or so
from within the directory where the files are?

Re: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread Colin Watson
Phoenix Amon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Hillary. I'm about a week newer to Linux that you are... I know your
bewilderment well. :)

 1. Is there a way to exit X without halting the computer?  The methods
 I've tried have either shut down the computer correctly or 
 brought me back
 to the X login prompts.

If you're in the login screen and you haven't yet logged in, you should
be able to CTRL-ALT-Backspace to exit to the plain terminal. This worked
for me with plain XDM. It did not work with KDM however, and I deleted
KDM in frustration. :)

I think xdm is the one that's broken here (on your installation); kdm's
behaviour here is what's supposed to happen with both. Ctrl-Alt-F1 to
Ctrl-Alt-F6 is the way you get to a virtual console, or '/etc/init.d/xdm
stop' if you want to close down X altogether. ('/etc/init.d/xdm start'
restarts it.)

Have a look in /var/log/xdm.log and see if you can find out why xdm
isn't restarting the X server (or perhaps you've deliberately set it
that way somewhere in /etc/X11/xdm?).

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Questions from a new debian user

2000-04-01 Thread Phoenix Amon
 Have a look in /var/log/xdm.log and see if you can find out why xdm
 isn't restarting the X server (or perhaps you've deliberately set it
 that way somewhere in /etc/X11/xdm?).

Thanks, Colin, but I can't. I zapped both XDM and KDM to dust. :) And actually 
even if it was broken (it was a straight install from the CD as part of my 
initial debian install process so I don't know why it would be) I preferred the 
way XDM was letting me force it to go away. With KDM I felt like I wasn't 
allowed to ever exit to the plain old ordinary terminal and I was trapped in X 
forever whether I wanted it or not. Granted it might not be necessary to ever 
leave X at all... but sometimes I just want out of it. A graphical login struck 
me as unnecessary because it only saved me having to type startx and for the 
sake of typing 6 characters, why have a whole program installed? :) I like X a 
whole lot. I like my pretty little icons and I'm a real point-n-click gal... 
but when Enlightenment sends my pagers into another dimension and Eterm crashes 
3 times in a row, I want to be able to shut the bloody thing down and retreat 
to my plain grey characters on my plain black screen.


Re: Basic PPP dialup to ISP question

2000-04-01 Thread dyer
Alex Kwan wrote:


 I have configured the ppp dialup connection with pppconfig,
 (for example the connection named: MYISP),
 Now how do I establish and shut down the ppp dialup connection
 (not under GNOME)?

note that if you only use one ISP, you can use the name 'default' for the 
and only need to issue the command:



Re: Basic PPP dialup to ISP question

2000-04-01 Thread John Hasler
Alex writes:
 I have configured the ppp dialup connection with pppconfig, (for example
 the connection named: MYISP), Now how do I establish and shut down the
 ppp dialup connection

Type 'pon' to establish the connection and 'poff' to shut it down.  'plog'
will show you the status.

 not under GNOME

If you have Gnome and want pointy-clicky ppp control install gpppon from
unstable.  It's a gnome wrapper around pon and poff.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

auto dial on startup

2000-04-01 Thread Bill
Hi all

I'm using wvdial from command line only on my Debian (woody) box,
can someone please tell me how to get it to dial automaticaly when the
computer is started.

Thanks in advance


The Mind is like a parachute;
   it works much better when it's open.

Re: Basic PPP dialup to ISP question

2000-04-01 Thread John Hasler
dyer writes:
 pon MYISP

Which is what I should have written in my previous response.

 note that if you only use one ISP, you can use the name 'default' for the
 connection and only need to issue the command: pon

Not 'default', 'provider'.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Kernel building fault...

2000-04-01 Thread Mikael Grahn

I'm using the woody release of Debian and have had a problem the last part
of this month.
I've had IRQ problems and problems with the kernel not recognising how much
mem i have in the machine.
I've been thinking i've had harware problems and been trying to find the
fault. Now i've noticed that it was the kernel which was the error. I
looked back at my old kernals and found that the last working kernel which
gave me no problems. I tried to compile that same kernel again and i
noticed those problems occured again. So my guess is that some part of the
packages needed to build my kernal generate faulty code. gcc, binutils,
libc6... those are my best guesses.
The latest working kernel i have is from the 13th of march. So some package
after that should make the difference...

Am i the only one with this problem ??

/Mikael 'Nik' Grahn - Mindkiller Systems -

Re: Basic PPP dialup to ISP question

2000-04-01 Thread dyer
  note that if you only use one ISP, you can use the name 'default' for the
  connection and only need to issue the command: pon

 Not 'default', 'provider'.

whoops! Need more coffee!

Re: auto dial on startup

2000-04-01 Thread John Hasler
Bill writes:
 I'm using wvdial from command line only on my Debian (woody) box, can
 someone please tell me how to get it to dial automaticaly when the
 computer is started.

Run pppconfig and set up the connection named 'provider' (that's the
default).  Then go to /etc/ppp and rename the file no_ppp_on_boot to
ppp_on_boot .
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: serial ports faster that 38.4K?

2000-04-01 Thread John Hasler
John writes:
 How do you make the serial ports in 2.1 go faster than 38,400?

By telling them to.  Speeds to 115200 are supported.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: auto dial on startup

2000-04-01 Thread Bill
Than you,  works well

- Original Message -
From: John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2000 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: auto dial on startup

 Bill writes:
  I'm using wvdial from command line only on my Debian (woody) box, can
  someone please tell me how to get it to dial automaticaly when the
  computer is started.

 Run pppconfig and set up the connection named 'provider' (that's the
 default).  Then go to /etc/ppp and rename the file no_ppp_on_boot to
 ppp_on_boot .
 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Install XFree86 4.0 on Potato

2000-04-01 Thread Alex Kwan
Hi! Debian Friends,

Thank you all the help of yours, the ppp dial-out now work!

Now I have another lesson to learn, it's install the XFree86 4.0
(non .deb packages) on Potato.

I have already download the necessary binary files of Free86 4.0
(following to the XFree86's document), but I am afraid that if I
follow the instruction of XFree86 to install (us Xinstall), it will make
the dkpg system confuse (my debian box do not have X Window right
now), which way is the better way to install the XFree86 4.0  on Potato?

Thanks and have a nice weekend!



2000-04-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 11:19:40PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 09:45:35AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

  Of course, you could always just get the work done and email back
  to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; since it'll go through Debian the
  email will indeed arrive just fine.

 Blacklisters may have the right to speak and *say* what they think I should
 do, but they have no right to be heard.

 If you have the right to refuse to listen to me on my terms, I have the
 right to refuse to listen to you on yours.

You should at the very least mention why you're closing the bug report.
It may, for example, be the case that user is unaware that their usual
mail system uses the DUL or whatever.  Randomly closed bugreports will
just annoy people without actually helping them realise that you find 
yourself unable to talk to them and what they can do to work around this

Not that I would advocate doing this in the first place.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xfree update for slink 2.1

2000-04-01 Thread Colin Watson
Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have mirrored the whole directory at
to avoid having to download it every time I do a fresh installation from
my official cds.
What command will upgrade it, shoud I run apt-get upgrade xfree or so
from within the directory where the files are?

If you've mirrored the Packages.gz file as well, then add a line to
/etc/apt/sources.list pointing at that directory like this (assuming
you've put them in /home/username/debian/xfree-update):

deb file:/home/username/debian xfree-update/

(The / at the end is important.)

After you've done that, 'apt-get update', and then 'apt-get upgrade'.
'apt-get install xbase' would probably also do the job instead of
upgrade, but I'm not sure exactly what the recommended way is.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Keys in Emacs

2000-04-01 Thread Rodrigo Castro

I am running the lastest version of Potato and I have the
following problem. All my programs have right key configurations,
except Emacs, when in Xterm. My END key doesn't work in Emacs in
XTERM, but works fine when I am in console or in X. Any idea? 

Thank you,
Rodrigo Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo

I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
-- Isaac Asimov

Re: Install XFree86 4.0 on Potato

2000-04-01 Thread Colin Watson
Alex Kwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Now I have another lesson to learn, it's install the XFree86 4.0
(non .deb packages) on Potato.

I have already download the necessary binary files of Free86 4.0
(following to the XFree86's document), but I am afraid that if I
follow the instruction of XFree86 to install (us Xinstall), it will make
the dkpg system confuse (my debian box do not have X Window right
now), which way is the better way to install the XFree86 4.0  on Potato?

It will probably confuse dpkg somewhat, yes, although perhaps not too
badly if you don't have X installed already. Don't expect dependencies
to work without some fiddling around with the equivs package. You might
be able to build and install it into /usr/local or /usr/local/X11R6 if
you then symlink /usr/bin/X11, /usr/include/X11, and /usr/lib/X11 to the
appropriate places, but at your own risk.

The best way if you don't already know what you're doing is probably to
wait for the Debian XFree86-4.0 packages to be released for woody; at
that stage you'll probably still be able to install woody packages on
potato without too much trouble. See:

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IDE/DMA/VIA chipset question (compiling new kernel)

2000-04-01 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini


  Before anything else, I'd like to thank the people who have helped
  me before. This has been really nice... And so far, support here in
  this list has been really efficient. Thank you all.

  Ok - now, to my little problem:

  I have a Pentium II 400Mh with 64Mb RAM;  my motherboard and HD both
  support DMA/66, the CD-rom drive also supports DMA/33.

  I'm running potato now, and I've compiled a new kernel
  (2.3.47), optimized for my box... But at a certain point when
  running make xconfig I had one doubt... 

  According to the help box, I shouldn't choose to use DMA by default
  when available is I have a VIA VP2 chipset. Well, I have a VIA
  693/596 chipset in my motherboard (which has 2 PCI IDE interfaces
  on-board)... And I don't know if my chipset would be somehow
  related or derived from the VP2, or whatever... In short, I
  don't know if it's safe to use DMA by default... So I've compiled it
  without it.

  Now... My questions are:

1) How much difference would that option  make?

2) Would it be safe to compile the kernel with that option?

Thanks a lot!

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

3 questions. Please, HELP ME!

2000-04-01 Thread José María Pongilioni López
Hi! I'm a Debian Linux 2.1 'slink' user, and I have 3 questions:

1.  I have compiled the version 2.2.4-intl of Linux Kernel and, at boot
time, my screen shows the following message:
SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument

I have read the documentation, and says that is a bug in pppd
versions 2.2.0 and earlier. I have currently installed pppd v2.3 patch
level 5.
Why does occur this? How can I patch the kernel?

2.  My distribution doesn't make some device files, such as /dev/modem,
/dev/audio, /dev/mixer, /dev/sndstat (I cannot use my SoundBlaster PCI
and I use my modem with device file /dev/ttyS1 directly). How can I
workaround this?

3. I have the defrag utility. How can I defragment my Linux partition,
since a mounted drive cannot be defragmented?

Please, send your reply at [EMAIL PROTECTED], as soon as possible.

Thanks very much for your support!!

Re: 3 questions. Please, HELP ME!

2000-04-01 Thread Philip Lehman
On Sat, 1 Apr 2000, José María Pongilioni López [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi! I'm a Debian Linux 2.1 'slink' user, and I have 3 questions:

1.  I have compiled the version 2.2.4-intl of Linux Kernel and, at boot
time, my screen shows the following message:
SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument

I have read the documentation, and says that is a bug in pppd
versions 2.2.0 and earlier. I have currently installed pppd v2.3 patch
level 5.
Why does occur this? How can I patch the kernel?

I *think* this occurs when running a 2.2.x kernel with slink, because
the /etc/init.d/network script tries to add a route to the loopback
interface (lo). This is not neccessary any more with a 2.2.x kernel.
Look for a line starting with route add ... in /etc/init.d/network,
comment it out and see if that helps.

2.  [...]

3. I have the defrag utility. How can I defragment my Linux partition,
since a mounted drive cannot be defragmented?

There is no need to 'defrag' ext2 filesystems, you don't have to worry
about that.



2000-04-01 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 11:19:40PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 Blacklisters may have the right to speak and *say* what they think I should
 do, but they have no right to be heard.
 If you have the right to refuse to listen to me on my terms, I have the
 right to refuse to listen to you on yours.

Yes, but you have not the right (what loaded words!) to close the bug
reports. Feel free to ignore them, but don't close them without a better

Someone else might want to take alook into it, and listen to the submitter.
(And be able to contact him).

Also, it might be that the submitter reads the bug archive to correspond
with you.

I don't know if you were serious or not, but I think the whole discussion
got well out of hands.


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian Check Key server 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNUhttp://www.gnu.orgfor public PGP Key 

Re: sound hell

2000-04-01 Thread Colin Watson
Oswald Buddenhagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[attribution lost]
 after many tries, the soundcard still wouldn't work (i did select sound 
 support for Ensoniq pci 97... the chipset for my card).
 i swapped it w/ a SB AWE64 i had in another machine and xconfig'ed again 
 and selected support for it and, upon reboot, it worked fine. though,
 nothing i did w/ my PCI 128 ever worked. does anyone have a success
 story for this card? perhaps i still did something wrong(?)

a far as i understand, you are talking about a cratvie sb 128 pci, today
called sb 16 pci (at least in germany) - right? well ... the chipset
from this board (at least mine) is the es1371 ...

Same with mine, and it works fine. (Though I've never succeeded in
getting recording working ... are there any particular tricks to this?)

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sound hell

2000-04-01 Thread Colin Watson
i absolutely can NOT do w/o sound and afraid i'll have to wipe out this
drive in favor of Corel this weekend (damn it! why can't debian adopt
corel's sound_setup program. it works so nicely!),

What's the licence like? If it's free, then maybe we could integrate it.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome mimetype and /etc/mailcap

2000-04-01 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 09:12:51 +1200, Hunter H Marshall wrote:
 My mutt claims no handler for image/jeg. There is no entry for image/jpeg
 in /etc/mailcap. ok. But gnome control center mimetypes has extensive
 mime.type/mailcap info and in particular has an eeyes entry for image/jpeg.

This is a bug in eeyes; I've filed a bug report for it.

Obsig: developing a new sig

dhcp-client not working with att @home cable modem

2000-04-01 Thread matt garman

I'm trying to get ATT @home cable modem service working on my system.
From what I have gathered, it seems as though it should be as easy as
installing a dhcp client package, and let dhcp get everything working for

I installed Debian's dhcp-client package.  It runs, looks as though it's
trying to get an IP address but fails.

Also, I have the IP I've been assigned, so I don't think I really *need*
dhcp, but I forgot to ask the tech the address of the nameserver(s).

Anyway, here is the output of dhcp-client; eth0 is the card that is
plugged into the cable modem:

Listening on LPF/eth0/00:60:08:15:9d:e2
Sending on   LPF/eth0/00:60:08:15:9d:e2
Listening on LPF/lo/null
Sending on   LPF/lo/null
Listening on LPF/eth1/00:a0:cc:5b:dd:f8
Sending on   LPF/eth1/00:a0:cc:5b:dd:f8
Sending on   Socket/fallback/fallback-net
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 3
DHCPDISCOVER on lo to port 67 interval 3
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 6
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7
DHCPDISCOVER on lo to port 67 interval 7
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 12
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7
DHCPDISCOVER on lo to port 67 interval 9
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 20
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 9
DHCPDISCOVER on lo to port 67 interval 19
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 12
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 8
DHCPDISCOVER on lo to port 67 interval 20
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 12
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 12
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 3
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 1
No DHCPOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

Any ideas?


I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
 the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
 done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
 But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
 guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule

Re: 3 questions. Please, HELP ME!

2000-04-01 Thread John Hasler
José María Pongilioni López writes:
 I use my modem with device file /dev/ttyS1 directly). How can I
 workaround this?

Don't.  You should use /dev/ttyS1 directly: /dev/modem is a bad idea (and
it isn't a device file: it's just a link to /dev/ttyS1).
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: 3 questions. Please, HELP ME!

2000-04-01 Thread Andrei Ivanov
1. [snip]

 2.  My distribution doesn't make some device files, such as /dev/modem,
 /dev/audio, /dev/mixer, /dev/sndstat (I cannot use my SoundBlaster PCI
 and I use my modem with device file /dev/ttyS1 directly). How can I
 workaround this?

Those devices, some of htem, are just symlinks. For example, /dev/modem/
is a symlink to /dev/ttyS1, so if you run ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem, it
will make the symlink for you.
As far as audio goes, to create those devices you need to go to /dev and
./MAKEDEV audio
However, prior to that you have to include sound support into kernel, and
with PCI card I am not sure hwo to do that (I think it is PnP, then you
are sorta screwed.)
Read Sound-HOWTO and Kernel-HOWTO for that. You can find them at

 3. I have the defrag utility. How can I defragment my Linux partition,
 since a mounted drive cannot be defragmented?

Well, one way is to unmount the partition (umount /zip , f.e) and defrag
it. If its a /usr or /, then if you really wan to defrag it, then you have
to do some more worka LOT more work. So dont worry about it. How big
is the defragmentation, how many files you have and how big the partition


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -| -||   --All the pages bundled together.
 UIN 12402354

 For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG

Re: dhcp-client not working with att @home cable modem

2000-04-01 Thread matt garman
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 11:02:55AM -0600, matt garman wrote:
 I'm trying to get ATT @home cable modem service working on my system.
 From what I have gathered, it seems as though it should be as easy as
 installing a dhcp client package, and let dhcp get everything working for

Sorry, I was a bit hasty on the mailing list.  I overlooked information on
my paperwork.

I'm on line.

Thanks again,

I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
 the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
 done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
 But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
 guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule

Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-01 Thread matt garman
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 11:02:15PM -0500, Jeff Gordon wrote:
 ...and you should see (policy ACCEPT) for the three 'chains'. If
 that's okay, do:
  ipchains -M -L
 ...and see if the MASQ entry is still present -- dunno why yet, but
 we're experiencing that entry's disappearance from time to time; 'diald'
 or somebody is deleting it, I think, when being taken down, and not
 putting it back up again.

I executed ipchains -P forward ACCEPT for the three default chains
(forward, output, intput), so that I could in fact have (policy ACCEPT)
for all three chains.

But when I do the ipchains -M -L I have no entries, even after
executing the following line:

ipchains -A forward -s -d 0/0 -j MASQ

I even went through and did a ipchains -F chain for all chains
(output, input, forward).  The I re-did the line above, so my output of
ipchains -L looks like the following:

Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
target prot opt sourcedestination   ports
MASQ   all  --  home/24  anywhere  n/a
Chain output (policy ACCEPT):

But still when I do ipchains -M -L I don't get anything.

Any ideas?

Thanks as always,

I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
 the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
 done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
 But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
 guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule

xemacs and the docbook 3.1 dtd's

2000-04-01 Thread Aaron Van Couwenberghe
Hey people -

  I'm just trying to edit docbook here, and it's quite obvious that emacs
doesn't know to look for DTDs. I've found that  emacs has a number
of options for setting custom search paths for these kinds of files, but I
can't decide what to set... It's somewhere under:


Any ideas? thanks in advance for any help.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe... [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux:

A witty saying proves nothing.
-- Voltaire

Re: Help with module problems on Upgrade to 2.1

2000-04-01 Thread Bob Hilliard
Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Bob, thanks for the help.
 I tried it, to little avail.
 (session below). I can't tell if
 1) just better tool usage is needed,
 2) my configuration is broken, and if so how to recover,
 3) the tools are broken (less likely..)
 But, how does one probe into the details of:
subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status?

 You can look at the prerm script with `less
/var/lib/dpkg/info/samba.prerm'.  If you can see a line in the script
that appears to be causing the problem, you can comment it out.  If
you can't see the cause of the problem, you could insert `exit 0' at
the top of the script.  Then try `dpkg --force-depends -r samba'

 I am not familiar with samba, but I see it has a _lot_ of files.
By-passing the prerm might leave some directories, or even files, on
your disk that would otherwise be removed.  Since you intend to
re-install samba, that probably won't be a be a problem, but you could
always run cruft (../admin/cruft_*.deb) to locate files that aren't

 In general, using --force options to dpkg, and/or modifying the
maintainer scripts, have the potential to damage your system.  In the
present case, samba is already broken, so I don't see much chance of
damaging anything but samba.

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: EMERGENCY: LILO can't load Win95 / Mount fails

2000-04-01 Thread Angus Claydon
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Stefan Baums ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 hda1 contains what cfdisk calls Win95 FAT32 (LBA) (the lost
 Win95 partition)
 hda4 contains a Debian 2.0 base system
  LILO was set up to automatically boot Win95.  The only major thing we
  did was install Ghostscript 6.01 for Windows, then next day when we
  turned the computer back on, LILO got stuck in booting after printing
  LI on screen.
  I then went into the Debian 2.0 system with a rescue disk, wrote a
  series of lilo.conf's, ran lilo, rebooted.  The result was always that
  LILO got to the point where it told me
  Then I tried to mount the Win95 partition from GNU/Linux to save the
  most important data, but the result of mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt
 Just a thought, but does Debian 2.0 (this is hamm, released July 98)
 support FAT32 in its vfat, or only FAT16 with long filenames?
 Fat32 support seemed to creep rather quietly into linux kernels,
 judging by rgrep -i -r fat32 *
 Ie, have you mounted the partition successfully before from linux?
I've been grateful to learn about the fdisk /mbr thing though in my case its 
closing the door after the horse has bolted ... result of using an immature
bootloader with poor documentation.

I do regularly browse my win95 files mounting thusly:
mount -t msdos /dev/sdb1 /mnt 

angus claydon
 _   _  
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|_| \_|\___| \_/\_/   |_|  |_|_|_|_|\___|_| |_|_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|


2000-04-01 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 06:32:50PM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
 Yes, but you have not the right (what loaded words!) to close the bug
 reports. Feel free to ignore them, but don't close them without a better

I would close such bugs if I need further information (and can't reproduce 
them without).


   Debian Developer and Quality Assurance Committee Member

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help with module problems on Upgrade to 2.1

2000-04-01 Thread Gregory Guthrie

At 12:11 PM 04/01/2000 -0400, Bob Hilliard wrote:
Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bob, thanks for the help.
- again!
 But, how does one probe into the details of:
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error
exit status?

 You can look at the prerm script with 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/samba.prerm'. If you can see a line in the
that appears to be causing the problem, you can comment it out.
you can't see the cause of the problem, you could insert `exit 0' 
the top of the script. Then try `dpkg --force-depends -r
again.-- I checked the file, and found out that the problem
is (was) that the pre-rm script was trying to stop two daemons, neither
of which was running, so it would exit(1), and nothing else would work.
This seems like an install error to me, if the daemons are not running it
is OK to remove it.

Anyway, I added the -oknodo to the stop commands, and then it removed
fine. But now I cannot re-install it.

Then, dselect to install samba
reports that there is a dependency problem,
that Samba depends on libpam0 (=0.56-1)
but libpam0 does not exist.
(I am using a 2.1 CDROM)

More details below.

Thanks, as now apt-get is happy, and dselect, but samba won't

I find this curious as you reported that your samba only had libc6 and
netbase dependencies; and I am surprised that anything ins 2.1 is libc5
dependent. Perhaps I have some old dselect files on the system from


csgrg.root(504)  apt-get
install samba
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
E: Package samba has no installation candidate

csgrg.root(501)  dselect
Debian Linux `dselect' package handling frontend.

--- Xtr net
samba 1.9.16p11-3
samba removed (configs
remain); remove (was: remove). Extra
samba - no description available.

description of samba
Package: samba
Status: deinstall ok config-files
Priority: extra
Section: net
Installed-Size: 1455
Maintainer: Klee Dienes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 1.9.16p11-3
Config-Version: 1.9.16p11-3
Depends: netbase (= 2.02), ldso (= 1.8.0-0), libc5 (=
5.4.0-0), libpam0 (= 0

csgrg.root(501)  apt-get install samba
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
E: Package samba has no installation candidate

csgrg.root(501)  apt-get update
stable/contrib Packages
Get stable/non-US Packages
Get stable/main Packages
Get stable/non-free Packages
Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok

csgrg.root(502)  apt-get check
Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok

csgrg.root(503)  apt-get -f dist-upgrade
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

csgrg.root(504)  apt-get install samba
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
E: Package samba has no installation candidate

Dr. Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125 Fax: -1103
 Computer Science Department
 College of Science and Technology
 Maharishi University of Management
 (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)

apt-get dpkg-preconfigure problems

2000-04-01 Thread Mark Symonds

Whenever trying to apt-get install any packages, I now get:

E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt exited unexpectedly
E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt

This happened when I was installing the lynx package.  Any help 
much appreciated, using frozen recent within the last hour.

The dpkg-preconfigure manpage says that the default priority
can be permanently changed by:

   dpkg-reconfigure --priority=medium debconf

I type that at the command line and get:

newport:/home/mark# dpkg-reconfigure --priority=medium debconf
Illegal instruction

Hopefully someday dpkg-reconfigure will get a little more verbose...


Sell your Microsoft stock while you 
   still have the chance!

Re: ipmasq and howto

2000-04-01 Thread matt garman
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 12:14:52PM -0600, matt garman wrote:
 I executed ipchains -P forward ACCEPT for the three default chains
 (forward, output, intput), so that I could in fact have (policy ACCEPT)
 for all three chains.

Problem solved, all of my roommates and I are connected!

Thank you very much all of you that helped me out!


I was just reading the interview with Korn in _Guitar_World_, and one of
 the guitarists said they don't play guitar solos because they've been
 done.  Well, I guess that's true if you stick with what's been done.
 But you have to look beyond that; there's a lot more left to say on the
 guitar.  -- Warren Haynes of Gov't Mule


2000-04-01 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 04:02:43PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 You should at the very least mention why you're closing the bug report.
 It may, for example, be the case that user is unaware that their usual
 mail system uses the DUL or whatever.  Randomly closed bugreports will
 just annoy people without actually helping them realise that you find 
 yourself unable to talk to them and what they can do to work around this

Did you bother to read my close message?  Obviously not.  I did in fact
include an explanation of why I was closing the bug.

 Not that I would advocate doing this in the first place.

Fine; if you want to have a conversation with people who refuse to listen
to you, that's your right.  I see communication as a bidirectional process,

G. Branden Robinson|   One man's magic is another man's
Debian GNU/Linux   |   engineering.  Supernatural is a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   null word. |   -- Robert Heinlein

Description: PGP signature


2000-04-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 04:00:57PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 04:02:43PM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:

  You should at the very least mention why you're closing the bug report.

 Did you bother to read my close message?  Obviously not.  I did in fact
 include an explanation of why I was closing the bug.

I didn't look at any particular bug report.  When you said that you would 
close such bugs without comment I assumed that you meant exactly that.  
Apparently this is not the case - my apologies.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: xemacs and the docbook 3.1 dtd's

2000-04-01 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 11:03:14AM -0800, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:
 Hey people -
   I'm just trying to edit docbook here, and it's quite obvious that
   emacs doesn't know to look for DTDs. I've found that  emacs has a
   number of options for setting custom search paths for these kinds of
   files, but I can't decide what to set... It's somewhere under:
 Any ideas? thanks in advance for any help.

I put these variables in my .bashrc which I source with .xsession.


I also have these lines in ~/.emacs

(autoload 'sgml-mode psgml Major mode to edit SGML files. t)
(autoload 'xml-mode psgml Major mode to edit XML files. t)

I had problems a while back where psgmls wasn't getting byte compiled
for Xemacs, though it was for emacs -- so it'd only work with Emacs. The
problem was fixed, I think.  I use LaTeX and vim mostly, so...

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Gnu/Linux 2.1 Install from the CD contained in Debian Gnu/Linux Guide to installation and usage

2000-04-01 Thread Steve White


I have been following the directions in the manual 
I bought meticulously, but cannot get the base system installed. First, the disk 
was purchased from Linux Central along with the book. Next, the directory 
structure implied by the text in the book is not even close to that on the CD. 
The book also refers to the rawrite2 program and the resc1440.bin and 
drv1440.bin files, which were not on the CD either. I got around this little 
problem by downloading the proper files from the HOWTO site, and hoped that the 
remainder of the install would go well. Alas, this does not turn out to be the 

I have tried both options in the install program: 
letting the program find base2_1.tgz, and supplying a path for it manually. 
However, the automatic option returned a message saying an appropriate path was 
not found, and when did a filefind on the CD on my other computer, I could not 
find it either.

What is going on? Have I gotten the wrong CD, or 
have I purchased something other than the Debian GNU/Linux Release 

Any and all help will be appreciated.

Best Regards,


2000-04-01 Thread Chris Mason
How do I force the machine to renew it's DHCP IP allocation? I've changed 
parameters on the DHCP server and I want the machine to reflect those changes.
Also, how do I get a Linux machine to be a DHCP server?

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts

Re: Help with module problems on Upgrade to 2.1

2000-04-01 Thread Bob Hilliard
Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 At 12:11 PM 04/01/2000 -0400, Bob Hilliard wrote:
 Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Bob, thanks for the help.
 - again!
   But, how does one probe into the details of:
  subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status?
   You can look at the prerm script with `less
 /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba.prerm'.  If you can see a line in the script
 that appears to be causing the problem, you can comment it out.  If
 you can't see the cause of the problem, you could insert `exit 0' at
 the top of the script.  Then try `dpkg --force-depends -r samba'
 -- I checked the file, and found out that the problem is (was) that the 
 pre-rm script was trying to stop two daemons, neither of which was running, 
 so it would exit(1), and nothing else would work. This seems like an 
 install error to me, if the daemons are not running it is OK to remove it.
 Anyway, I added the -oknodo to the stop commands, and then it removed fine. 
 But now I cannot re-install it.
 Then, dselect to install samba reports that there is a dependency problem,
 that Samba depends on libpam0 (=0.56-1)
 but libpam0 does not exist.
 (I am using a 2.1 CDROM)

 It sounds like the samba on the CD has bad dependencies, or the
library versions changed between when that samba was built and when
the CD was made.

 I think your best bet is to download the current slink version of
samba.  At the present, that is 2.0.5a-1.  It depends on samba-common
and libc6. 

 The apt-get update messages you quote indicate you have in sources.list, but you say you are using the 2.1
CD.  If you have the mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list, and are still on
line when you do apt-get install samba, apt should download samba and
samba-common, and then install them.  Since you have removed the old
samba, apt-get update would not retrieve the samba packages.

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Problem with Oracle 8i on potato

2000-04-01 Thread Matt Surico

Has anyone tried to get Oracle 8i running on potato? I am having a
segmentation fault problem with certain binaries: svrmgrl, sqlplus,
sqlldr, imp, exp, dbv, to mention a few, immediately seg fault upon
execution yet a couple of others (lsnrctl, tkprof) work fine.  I
initially tried with glibc 2.1.3-5; I installed the latest (2.1.3-7)
but it's still no good.

I have already installed the latest Oracle patch for this version of
the database ( plus have run their relinking tool; I also
have verified that I am referencing the correct Oracle libraries in my

Seems like current versions of Slackware, RedHat and SuSE don't have
any problems at all getting 8i running.

Any help would be most appreciated; I can send copies of strace run
against several of the faulty binaries to anyone who wishes to see



Matt Surico | 
Oracle Certified| 
Database Administrator  |  -- Mummenschanz

How to fix missing modules after kernel update?

2000-04-01 Thread Christian Pernegger
I'm running an up-to-the-minute potato box. Today I compiled a custom 2.2.14
using dkpg-make. It installs and boots fine, except for errors produced by
some things that were modules in the standard kernel (nic driver, NLSs,...)
and are not modules anymore (either built in or not compiled at all).

Those modules are reported not found during bootup. I suspect they are still
scheduled for auto-load somewhere, but obviously I can't de-select them in
modconf because they are not available in the new kernel...

Is there any clean way to resolve this?

Thanks a lot


Re: 3 questions. Please, HELP ME!

2000-04-01 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
  3. I have the defrag utility. How can I defragment my Linux partition,
  since a mounted drive cannot be defragmented?
 Well, one way is to unmount the partition (umount /zip , f.e) and defrag
 it. If its a /usr or /, then if you really wan to defrag it, then you have
 to do some more worka LOT more work. So dont worry about it. How big
 is the defragmentation, how many files you have and how big the partition
you need a separate /boot partition or a zImage and loadlin on a dos
go to single-user mode (init s).
unmount all partitions, remount / read-only.
defrag all (but /boot and /) partitions. then defrag / at last.
reboot the system as soon as possible, as the filesystem data in memory
will not be consistent with the one on disk any more (as / is still
if you have a separate /boot partition, then after the reboot everything
should be fine. now you may unmount /boot, defrag it, remount, AND DON'T
if your /boot is on /, then you need to boot with loadlin from dos, as the
lilo map file will be made invalid by the defragmentation. first thing
after booting: run lilo. then all should be fine.
everything herein without any warranty!! it's your data! ;-)

final notes: i don't thing, that the whole thing is worth the effort. the
only partition on my system, that ever reaches fragmentation above 5% is
/var, so it is sensible to defrag only that one (if any). you have a
separate /var, don't you? :-)
however - defragmentation is usually useless on ext2 as a) it keeps
fragmentation low by nature and b) it spreads data all over the disk, so
even defragmenting won't make the filesystem faster (only reading large
files will be somewhat faster, but there are not many big files on a
linux system, that need fast access and ever get fragmented). correct me,
if i'm wrong ...


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