[OFFTOPIC] CD's de Potato

2000-07-06 Thread Joaquin Fenandez Piqueras

Por fin despues de 
muchiiisimo tiempo pidiendo a la gente que si por favor me podian pasar unos 
CD's de Potato aunque fueran de hace dos meses. El otro dia me decidi a buscarme 
las habichuelas por mi mismo y consegui milagrosamente descargar y crear unos 
CD's de Potato. Los he probado y aparte de un error de CRC en el Acrobat, el 
resto va bien. A mi por lo menos solo me interesa para tener la base de Potato y 
actualizarme por internet, asi que viendo que la base funciona... pa que 
quiero mas.
La cuestion es que de la lista solo hubo un debianero que se 
ofrecio a pasarmelo cuando lo tuviera, y ya que lo he conseguido yo antes que 
el, pensaba pasarselo, pero no se donde he dejado su direccn de correo. 
Bueno, menos rollo y a lo que vamos. Si a alguien le interesa, se quiere acercar 
a Barcelona y tiene posibilidades de hacer copias, podriamos ponernos de 
acuerdo, no?

La imagen que he utilizado es la que esta en ftp://ftp.kando.hu 

Para ponernos de acuerdo mejor mensajes en privado, no es 
cuestion de sobrecargar la lista.



-Mi peticin 
de drivers para Linux es la n 39921(Pasate por http://www.libranet.com/petition.html 

Dudas sobre shaper

2000-07-06 Thread Humberto . Morell

Segun lo que he leido para implementar el shaper hay que 
seleccionarlo en forma de modulo y esta incluido entre otros en 
linux 2.2 
Tengo el 2.2.16 y lo he compilado con firewall, masquerade etc pero 
no se me presenta el shaper para seleccionarlo como modulo.
Alquien me puede indicar como es que tengo que hacer para 

Otra duda sobre lo mismo en una parte de la documentacion dice que el 
shaper regula el caudal saliente, esto de saliente y entrante 
(rshaper) sin dar el punto de referencia me trae duda
Yo lo que deseo es limitar a una subred el consumo de ancho de banda 
o sea poder repartir mi ancho de banda adecuadamente.
Para lograr esto que tengo que usar el shaper o el rshaper ?

Saludos y gracias 

Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: GPG: Warning! use insecure memory

2000-07-06 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 05 de julio de 2000 a la(s) 01:15:49 +0200, Gerardo López contaba:

Buenas. Ese mensaje de arriba es lo que me dice gnupg cada vez que se
ejecuta. ¿Que significa? ¿Es grave? ¿Tiene solución?
Muchas gracias y saludos a todos.

 'man gpg':

   On many  systems  this  program  should  be  installed  as
   setuid(root).  This  is  necessary  to  lock memory pages.
   Locking memory pages prevents the  operating  system  from
   writing  memory  pages to disk. If you get no warning mes­
   sage about insecure memory your operating system  supports
   locking  without being root. The program drops root privi­
   leges as soon as locked memory is allocated.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Disco duro UDMA 66 en una controladora UDMA 33.

2000-07-06 Thread Toni Moragues

Hola a todos,

Recientemente he comprado un disco duro, un Fujitsu de 13.2 Gb
UDMA 66, tengo un PII 300 en una placa con chipset i440LX, he puesto el
disco como master en el primer canal y todo va bien, excepto que no
consigo que funcione en modo DMA, cuando le hago un hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda
se pone en modo DMA, pero al acceder al disco da un error, algo así como
Bad seek request y desactiva el modo DMA, lo que no se es si los discos
UDMA 66 pueden funcionar en UDMA 33 y el problema es del disco o si por el
contrario los discos UDMA 66 no funcionan en modo DMA con una controladora
UDMA 33, El otro disco que tengo, un Seagate de 10 Gb es UDMA 33 y
funciona sin problemas en modo DMA, y con un hdparm -t /dev/hdX me da mas
de 13 Mb/s mientras que el Fujitsu que no se quiere poner en modo DMA solo
funciona a 3.8 Mb/s.


Intranet Linux

2000-07-06 Thread JFreak
Hola lista
Mi jefe instalo la Corel Linux en una pc y la configuró como servidor
(con Ameba) yo uso la Debian y otros dos compañeros tambien utilizan la

Dado que todos somos novatos en Linux no tenemos ni idea de como
configurar una intranet, el entorno de la Corel es como el de winsos95
(utiliza fmw95) y es muy facil de usar, necesito de su ayuda para que me
ayuden a montar esta intranet, necesito empezar desde lo mas basico,
como configurar las tarjetas de red, ¿tengo que crear usuarios en el
servidor ? ¿ como se hace ?, la Corel trae algo asi como un entorno de
red muy parecido al de winsos pero yo uso la debian con wmaker+gnome,
¿que aplicaciones necesito para conectarme al servidor ? ¿como me
conecto al servidor ? ¿como se comparten aplicaciones?.

Por lo pronto me urge configurar las tarjetas de red y conectarme al
servidor para poder continuar con este proyecto de lo contrario van a
quitar el servidor y no se van a dar cuenta de la buena herramienta que
es Linux para una red.

La corel utiliza el kernel de Debian (creo que no es el Kernel porque
este debe ser Linux, lo que quiero decir es que se pueden instalar
archivos *.deb y utiliza estas opciones propias de Debian) por lo que
hay que aprovecharlas. gracias a todos de antemano.

Ayudenme a demostrar lo que se puede hacer con Debian !! :)

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

conflicto de hardware?

2000-07-06 Thread Hue-Bond
 En mi /proc/interrupts vemos esta línea:

  9:   69759179  XT-PIC  eth0, cmpci

 Sin embargo,  me funcionan perfectamente  tanto la red  como el
 sonido. ¿Cómo es posible?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-06 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 08:33:05AM -0500, JFreak wrote:
 Hola lista
 ¿que aplicaciones necesito para conectarme al servidor ? ¿como me
 conecto al servidor ? ¿como se comparten aplicaciones?.

AFAIK una intranet es simplemente una red local que usa las herramientas
típicas de internet (WWW, ftp, maillist, etc). Clientes para todas esas
herramientas las tienes a puñaos en Debian y en otras distros.

La conexión al servidor depende de la aplicación que vayas a usar, si
es con un navegador web, pues poniendo http://elnombredelservidordetujefe,

Pero vamos por partes,

 Por lo pronto me urge configurar las tarjetas de red y conectarme al
 servidor para poder continuar con este proyecto de lo contrario van a
 quitar el servidor y no se van a dar cuenta de la buena herramienta que
 es Linux para una red.

Para configurar la tarjeta ethernet tendrás que tener un fichero 
/etc/init.d/network tal que este:

ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 `hostname` netmask up
route add -net netmask dev eth0

donde deberás poner el número de IP de tu red en vez de

Como imagino que no tendréis un servidor de nombres ni cosas de esas 
necesitarás configurar el fichero hosts, donde pondrás algo como esto: localhost localhost.localdomain doramas.ainili-lp.net doramas speedy.ainili.net speedy piolin.ainili.net piolin coyote.ainili.net coyote silvestre.ainili.net silvestre correcaminos.ainili.net correcaminos jerry.ainili.net jerry tom.ainili.net tom

con los numeros de ip y los nombres de los pc de tu jefe, el tuyo y el
de tus compañeros.

Con esto ya deberías poder hacer ping a las máquinas de tu red.
Una vez que el ping te funcione ya tienes comunicación y empieza la
configuración de las aplicaciones, www, ftp, etc.

Para compartir ficheros puedes usar NFS, en este caso el/los PC que
vayan a compartir su espacio en disco deben tener un fichero /etc/exports
tal que este:

# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
#   to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
/cdrom  *.ainili.net
/floppy *.ainili.net

En este fichero se definen que directorios van a ser compartidos, 
quien va a tener acceso a ellos y que clase de acceso.

El usuario que quiera utilizar uno de estos recursos sólo tendría que 
ejecutar :

   mount maquinaremota:/cdrom /micdrom

Y ya se puede ver el contenido del cdrom del jefe, o de cualquier otro PC,
en el mundo Linux todos los PC son servidores y pueden compartir ficheros,
impresoras, etcétera.

 La corel utiliza el kernel de Debian (creo que no es el Kernel porque
 este debe ser Linux, lo que quiero decir es que se pueden instalar
 archivos *.deb y utiliza estas opciones propias de Debian) por lo que
 hay que aprovecharlas. gracias a todos de antemano.

Efectivamente el kernel es Linux, y la COLOS está basada en debian, por lo
que puedes usar los ficheros *.deb para actualizar. ¡A poco que hagas
algunas actualizaciones de paquetes en el PC de tu jefe, él también tendrá
una Debian!¡Y probablemente es lo mejor que le pueda pasar!

 Ayudenme a demostrar lo que se puede hacer con Debian !! :)

Estaremos encantados de ayudarte. Yo te sugeriría que ataques los problemas
uno por uno. También te sugeriría algunas de las guías de administración
de Linux que tienes en Internet, en muchos casos te resolverán las dudas
de forma más rápida.

Saludos y suerte.

Luis Arocha Hernandez data  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - SpainICQ UIN: 72307025
\ | / |  
-( )-/|\   
/ | \   /_|_\  
-\ o  o  o  )--
GNU/Linux Debian Potato,kernel 2.2.16,Toshiba 220CS.Usuario #69587

Re: Ayuda con ADSL

2000-07-06 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Javier,

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 10:37:36AM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Hola, me acaban de intalar el filtro, cablear hasta el PC y... dejado el
 router encima de la mesa sin configurar :(   Se supone que me iba a traer el
 instalador la tarjeta ethernet también pero Telefónica no le dió así que, en

A mi tampoco me la trajeron (pero ya tenia una esperando :-)

 Ya me hice yo con una tarjeta compatible ne2000 (PCI), enchufé el router y
 compilé creo que las opciones necesarias para ponerlo a funcionar pero sigo
 sin tener señales de vida de la conexión ADSL.

Prueba primero con un Windoze, que es facil, cuando lo tengas claro lo
haces con Linux que es potente y fiable

Te adjunto un chuletón de mi experiencia...

 * Configurar Debian para que mi tarjeta sea reconocida y con una dirección
   dada por DHCP.

Mira mi chuleta adjunta...

 * Configurar DHCP (el fichero por defecto '/etc/dhcp.conf', no me ayuda
   demasiado con sus #comentarios).

No me han cambiado la IP desde el 1 de Marzo, yo me compliqué mucho la vida
 para usar DHCP y ahora resulta que el cliente DHCP tiene una vulnerabilidad

 * Acceder al router y configurarlo. Desde Windows98 se accede mediante
   navegador a al menú de configuración pero desde Linux me dice
   Navigator que no conoce esa dirección... pescadilla que se muerde la 

Mi consejo es que no lo toques, consideralo como material de telefonica
(de hecho te lo alquilan) y piensa que no está en tu casa...

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en  http://perso.wanadoo.es/manel3
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por http://www.libranet.com/petition.html ;-)
I-ADSL: (0.03)
Instalar ADSL de telefonica


Hay que asegurarse de que el router sea externo de conexión por red ethernet,
 ya que los internos no tienen drivers para Linux (al menos en Marzo de 2000)


Mi caso:

http://www.mundivia.es, lo instala telefónica y la red es de telefonica,
 mundivia te pone los servidores SMTP, POP3, y el espacio web...

Router ADSL:  Alcatel modelo Speed Touch Office


1) Te miden la capacidad de la linea en Mbits/sec, podria ser que aunque pidas
ADSL al estar muy lejos de la central (mas de 3km) o tener mucho ruido
en la linea no te lo puedan poner

2) Te montan la cajita separadora en la pared

3) Encienden, enchufan a la pared, y configuran el router (ellos le llaman
ATU-R) entrandole por un puerto serie (creo) desde un microportatil

4) A partir de este momento al encender el router, este hace un test de link,
sincroniza con la central y la luz naranja durante el test se pone verde

5) Prueban el ADSL con un microportatil de Toshiba, y navegan para asegurarse
de que todo esta bien...
6) Te dicen que en una semana vendrá alguien de Telefonica-Data y se van

7) ***NUNCA***, repito ***NNNUUUNNNCCCAAA*** vuelve a pasar nadie
ACLARACION: Yo contrate ADSL con Mundivia, si lo contratas con Teleline o
infonegocio no se...


¿Te han puesto el router Alcatel? En la caja viene un manual sencillito que te
explica como conectar un windoze.

En breve:
- Instalas la tarjeta de red, y seleccionas TCP/IP
- En las propiedades de TCP-IP dejas que te tome la IP por DHCP (el router
 tiene un servidor DHCP dentro)
- Arrancas el windoze y utilizas desde linea de comandos winipcfg
 desde esta aplicación puedes solicitar la IP, liberarla, renovarla, etc...
- Solicitas una IP y le das al botón de detalles para ver toda la info

Te apuntas todos los valores de las ventanitas que son los que necesitas para
 configurar luego el linux.
Cuando tengas que calcular la direccion de broadcast piensa que la mascara
 es un poco rara (estuve varios dias peleandome con esto).

Prueba a navegar desde el windoze para asegurarte que todo rula y flipa ;-)

Antes de salir del Windoze tienes que *LIBERAR* la IP para que el router
Alcatel te la pueda asignar luego a otra tarjeta de red, que es un puerco y se
acuerda de a que tarjeta se la asignó aunque lo apagues, y no vuelve a asignar
hasta una hora despues (timeout).


A pelo sin DHCP debe ser algo asin a añadir/modificar a /etc/init.d/network :


ifconfig $IFACE_ADSL inet $IPADDR_ADSL netmask $NETMASK_ADSL \

route add -net $NETWORK_ADSL

route add default gw $GATEWAY_ADSL metric 1

Los valores que te faltan los debes de sacar del DHCP de windows (lee mas
El broadcast creo que lo tienes que calcular tu mismo a partir de la IP y la
 mascara, y es MUY MUY importante que este bien para establecer la comunicación
 (la resolución arp de que ethernet 

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-06 Thread JFreak
Antes que nada quiero darte las gracias por la ayuda, encontre algunos 
problemas en los que
talvez puedas ayudarme:

Luis Arocha -data- ha escrito:
   Para configurar la tarjeta ethernet tendrás que tener un fichero
  /etc/init.d/network tal que este:
 ifconfig lo
 route add -net
 ifconfig eth0 `hostname` netmask up
 route add -net netmask dev eth0
donde deberás poner el número de IP de tu red en vez de

hice esto pero ¿como puedo probar si mi tarjeta esta configurada ?? hay algun 
comando o algo
parecido ??

Como imagino que no tendréis un servidor de nombres ni cosas de esas
necesitarás configurar el fichero hosts, donde pondrás algo como esto localhost localhost.localdomain doramas.ainili-lp.net doramas speedy.ainili.net speedy piolin.ainili.net piolin coyote.ainili.net coyote silvestre.ainili.net silvestre correcaminos.ainili.net correcaminos jerry.ainili.net jerry tom.ainili.net tom
con los numeros de ip y los nombres de los pc de tu jefe, el tuyo y el
de tus compañeros.
Con esto ya deberías poder hacer ping a las máquinas de tu red.
Una vez que el ping te funcione ya tienes comunicación y empieza la
configuración de las aplicaciones, www, ftp, etc.

hice esto pero no funcionó me parece que el problema es la tarjeta de red, 
cuando arranca
Debian recibo este mensaje:
Unknow Interface (refiriendose a la tarjeta de red  -- eth0) y cuando escribo 
ping recibo
este error: Network is unreachable.
hay algun lugar donde debian guarde los mensajes que da antes de iniciar la 
sesion ?? hay mas
mensajes pero no me alcanzo a copiarlos...

espero que puedas ayudarme, por lo pronto mañana voy a tener que reinstalar el 
CorelLinux en
el servidor porque mi jefe olvido el password de root y sin ese no puedo 
cambiar algunas cosas
que necesito, si sabes de alguna manera de obtener este password te lo 

Saludos y suerte.
una vez mas muchas gracias y suerte :)

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Conexion de internet con intranet

2000-07-06 Thread Lemus Moreno Jose A
Tengo conexion con mi ISP atraves de moden y jala ademas de que tengo
tarjeta de red y quiero conectar a una red interna para darle salida a
internet pero cuando doy de alta el dispositivo eth0 y si por alguna razon
me corta la lina ya no me toma el ppp0 sino el eth0 y de ahi no lo saco
pues usa la tarjeta de red y el moden ni lo pela es asi como lo tengo:

Red interna conectada  Red externa a mi ISP
al server por eth0 por moden 
Si alguien me puede ayudar 
Se los agradeceria mucho

C Corp

Re: Xfree86 4.0.1

2000-07-06 Thread Mike Werner
Corey Popelier wrote:
 I jumped the gun, assuming the fact that my apt-get -s upgrade this
 morning wanted to do an X upgrade. It appears its just gone from 3.3.6-8
 to 3.3.6-9.

S'alright.  I got a bit excited myself when I saw the XFree packages being
upgraded when I did my last dist-upgrade, so I know quite how you feel.
::grin::  Here's hoping they do come soon.

 Excuse me whilst I pop out and shoot myself.

Oh, I don't think anything quite *that* drastic is called for.  How about,
oh, say, 10 lashes with a piece of spaghetti (al dente, of course).
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: woody man segfaults when run as root

2000-07-06 Thread Brendan Cully
On Tuesday, 04 July 2000 at 20:21, Brendan Cully wrote:
 Hi all,
 I noticed that my up-to-date woody system (plus helixcode) has a man
 which segfaults when run as root, but works perfectly as an ordinary
 user. Anyone else seen this?
 man-db 2.3.17-1
 libc6 2.1.3-10
 libdb2 2.7.7-2

to follow up on my own post - the problem was in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
Apparently passwd and group need to be set to compat. I had db
files, presumably hanging about from before I debianised my system.

anyone know what is going on here, though?


was ist los? bist du krank?

Description: PGP signature


2000-07-06 Thread Larry Elmore
 From: Patrick Dahiroc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i'm switching window managers from enlightenment to scwm (it's about
 time i learn lisp).  i'm using gdm as my display manager, which -
 correct me if i'm wrong - simply runs gdmchooser, gdmlogin, and
 gnome-session or Xsession depending on which session i choose.
 (gnome-session is called by the script /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome)

You might want to take a look at Sawfish. I use the Sawfish that came with
Helix Gnome. Unlike scwm, Sawfish does work with Gnome. Also, Sawfish is
customized and extensible in Lisp. I think it complements Gnome quite well
(Sawfish is _just_ a window manager, unlike some out there (I've never used
scwm, so I can't comment on it much)).


Re: scp alternative

2000-07-06 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 09:50:40AM -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
 I've been using scp to copy the files from my production web server to my
 hosting companies web server. scp works well except that there is no way to
 prevent it coping files that already are up to date, and also, it requires a
 password every time.
 Is there a better alternative? My remote server does not allow rsync,
 although they say they will in the future.

you can use rsync over ssh, it requires nothing from the server except
a working sshd (which it obviously has)

rsync --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: woody man segfaults when run as root

2000-07-06 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 12:21:16AM -0400, Brendan Cully wrote:
 On Tuesday, 04 July 2000 at 20:21, Brendan Cully wrote:
  Hi all,
  I noticed that my up-to-date woody system (plus helixcode) has a man
  which segfaults when run as root, but works perfectly as an ordinary
  user. Anyone else seen this?
  man-db 2.3.17-1
  libc6 2.1.3-10
  libdb2 2.7.7-2
 to follow up on my own post - the problem was in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
 Apparently passwd and group need to be set to compat. I had db
 files, presumably hanging about from before I debianised my system.
 anyone know what is going on here, though?

/usr/bin/man is a wrapper that checks if you are root and if so it
does a setuid() to user man then executes /usr/lib/man-db/man

so something in the process of doing setuid() is broken, i would
suspect other things would be broken too.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel

2000-07-06 Thread virtanen
On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 It's a kernel problem, not a distribution problem.  Your kernel, as
 compiled, probably does not have the wd.o module.
 Try recompiling the kernel and select Western Digital/SMC cards
 in 'make menuconfig', either 'y' or 'm'.

  That doesn't admit wd module at all. So the network didn't start working. 

The wd module was there on the list, but install failed. 

I'll try to go back to 'slink' now. 


Re: Helix's gimp1.1 deb's and aalib1 out of date

2000-07-06 Thread Joey Hess
Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Trying to install gimp1.1 from the helix'es DEBs, I've run in a
 problem that it depends on aalib1 =1.2-29, but the aalib1 which is
 available is version 1.2-25.
 Any ideas where this package is available from for potato?

It's not, it's in unstable. You can grab it from there or forcing the
dependancy will probably work.

see shy jo, aalib maintainer

Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP)

2000-07-06 Thread Andrei Ivanov
One problem I had with that card is as follows:
Ethernet-HOWTO suggests and you turn off the PnP mode, and set it to a
specific IRQ/base. Until I did that, it would not work absolutely, and in
syslog I would get a message about Tx/Rx timing out, possible IRQ loss. 
I swapped card out of computer, put it into a windows machine, ran the
utility from SMC to set the card, put it back into Linux box, compile
support into kernel, and it worked perfect.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354

 For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG

Re: Pb with dselect/dpkg

2000-07-06 Thread Joey Hess
This was posted to the wrong list, redirecting.

Benoit NOSS wrote:
 In the installation process of the Debian 2.1 distribution, I missed an
 important step : I did something wrong and I could not choose an
 installation profile. I have a base system working. Can I use dselect
 with an option or something equivalent with dpkg in a shell to install
 with a profile or do I have to install the rest of my system package
 by package with deselect?
 Thank you in advance

For debian 2.1, no, you cannot.

For debian frozen, yes you can. If you want to upgrade to frozen, which
is quite usable now, you can then apt-get install tasksel; tasksel,
and choose from the list. The profiles have changed some though.

see shy jo

Re: how can my program interact with dpkg

2000-07-06 Thread kmself
On Mon, Jul 06, 1992 at 04:54:48AM -0700, a wrote:

Fix your system clock.

 my C program starts dpkg by exec. How can my program know when dpkg prompts
 user for input (e.g. dpkg execute a installation script) and how to send
 user input to dpkg?

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/mtab wiped clean after mke2fs is run

2000-07-06 Thread kmself
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 01:57:08PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 This is weird.
 On potato, running mke2fs wipes out the existing /etc/mtab file
 (it's zero size) such that `df' and `mount' have no record of any
 mounted filesystems.
 Anyone else seen this?


You can copy /proc/mounts to /etc/mtab to restore the data.  It's
possible to create a symlink from /proc/mounts to /etc/mtab, but certain
filesystems, eg:  loopback and RAM, IIRC, don't get freed properly if
this is the case.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Securing telnet

2000-07-06 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

Hash: SHA1

Just PuTTY can be a good one too, check:


At 22.32 4/7/00 +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 01:23:49PM -0700, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

  I'd also look into ssh clients for Windows.  I know there are Java
  clients available.

I can recommend TeraTerm with the SSH extension for this. Forgot the
link, search on google.com for it.

S. Burgener
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Re: Supported Hardware.

2000-07-06 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega



u'll have a complete list of supported hardware (with a

At 08.48 5/7/00 +1000, Carl Burton wrote:
I'm about to quote
on a number of servers with Intel's ISP1100 1RU rack mount servers.
I need compatiblity for debian linux for:
Adaptec 29160LP Low Profile PCI Ultra 160 SCSI
Matrox* Millennium

Intel Pro100+ 10/100 Ethernet

Intel Pro1000 100/1000 Ethernet


Description: PGP signature

Re: TkDesk problem

2000-07-06 Thread Andre Berger
Larry Elmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've been a fan of TkDesk for 3-4 years now, but since switching to Debian,
 I've had a very annoying problem with it, and I was wondering if anyone
 could help me solve them?
 I'm using 'woody' and the TkDesk .deb. The problem is that TkDesk keeps
 reverting to its default settings at apparently random intervals. Sometimes
 I can get through 1 or even 2 entire sessions without any problems, and then
 1 minute into another Linux session, it suddenly reverts to its default
 settings (doesn't matter whether I'm logged in as root or as a user). I've
 tried recompiling from sources to no avail. Does anyone have any idea what
 might be causing this? Help!

Strange, fortunately never had that with TkDesk 1.2 on potato. Well
you should be able to force TkDesk to use a certain configuration.
man tkdesk says: 

   -configdir dir
  By  default  TkDesk  reads its configuration either
  from  the  files   contained   in   the   directory
  ~/.tkdesk  (see  section  FILES  below), or if it
  does not exist,  from  TkDesk's  library  directory
  (usually  /usr/local/lib/TkDesk).   This  options
  lets  TkDesk  load  its  configuration  files  from
  directory dir.

Also notice:

  Let  TkDesk read its configuration from its library
  directory.  This means that TkDesk will start using
  the default configuration.

Andre Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] from Bonn, Germany
No computer was harmed during the making of this message.

Re: Image copy of a floppy, how?

2000-07-06 Thread pseelig
On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

 But is not enough yet, since it is not clear how I put the contents of
 the boot floppy into file.

Try to understand this here:

--- snip 

# diskcopy

echo diskcopy - physical copy of floppy disks

echo -n Insert source disk and hit ENTER 
read eingabe

dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/diskcopy_tmp$$


while [ $aktiv -eq 1 ]; do

   echo -n Insert destination disk and hit ENTER 
   read eingabe

   dd if=/tmp/diskcopy_tmp$$ of=/dev/fd0

   echo -n Ready. Another duplicate? [y/n] 
   read eingabe

   if [ $eingabe != y ]; then


rm /tmp/diskcopy_tmp$$
--- snip 
 Cheers, P. *8^)
    Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- http://ntama.uni-mainz.de 

Re: Network (internet) problems

2000-07-06 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

Hash: SHA1

Are u sure that is a local problem?

I was working on a ISP which havent any control over the modem-pool (just 
sub-renting this ones) and sometimes we detected some problems just with that.
The problem was on the asscend in that case (poll of modems) ... this could 
be the same.

At 16.15 5/7/00 +0400, Alex V. Toropov wrote:
Hi, all

Some time ago I find out that I have some kind of communication problems
over internet
with some hosts.

It looks like dead connection.
for example: I open a pop3 connection to some host with telnet.
I can login and retr small messages with no problem. (small = 10k)
I can even retr such messages several times in sequence so that total
traffic come up to 100k. But if I try to retr a large message (30k) after
amount of packets other side stop responding. I use tcpdump and notice that
the last packet of hanged session was sent by my host. But after few
minutes I receive
response from other side say that connection from my host was closed due to

While all this is taking place I can still reach that host by ping or
opening another session and work
without any problems (if I'm not tring to retr large messages).

I'm a newbye in tcp connection internals so I can't enterprete tcpdump's
output well.
May be some one can show me where I can get info on how all this internet
connections are
constucted. Any other advise on how to solve that problem

TIA alex

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Re: Kernel upgrade

2000-07-06 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

Hash: SHA1

At 10.06 5/7/00 -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
Hello Group,
I decided to upgrade my kernel from 2.2.12 to 2.2.15 and ran into a
problem. This is what Im doing.
I extract the kernel while im in the /usr/src/ directory. Then I
made a directory /usr/src/linux-2.2.15 and then cd /usr/src/linux-2.2.15
and ln -s linux-2.2.15 linux.
After doing that I cd /usr/src/linux and run make menuconfig. That
seems to work fine and I save the kernel. After saving I use
make deb;make clean;make bzImage;make modules;make modules_install.
and that seems to compile fine. Now here is the problem.
I cd /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot  then
cp bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15 but I get file or directory does not
exist. Apparently the vmlinuz-2.2.15 isnt there. I can see the old
vmlinuz-2.2.12 but thats it. I have compiled many systems this way
before. Any idea's on what Im doing wrong? Im running potato if
that helps.

Ok, try make bzlilo

U'll get vmlinux and System.map instaled on '/'

just move /vmlinuz to /boot/vmlinux-2.2.15 and same with System.map
Dont forget remak the symlinks on /boot directory

just remove /boot/vmlinux and add a ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.15 /voot/vmlinuz
(same with System.map)

relaunch lilo. and reboot.

Thanks again

It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with 

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Re: sawmill is a herring bone screen

2000-07-06 Thread kmself
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 02:52:21PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
  Not sure of Sawmill's default behavior, but the herringbone is the
  default X Windows background (there's a reason for it, lost in the mists
  of time).
 Not particularly lost. Such a display makes it easy to see moire
 patterns if your monitor is subtly out of tuns, and correct them.

Thanks.  Suspected that or similar.

Probably made more sense when BW monitors where the mainstay.
Three-dot color doesn't tend to generate moires quite the same way,
though I've found that flatscreen (and presumably laptop) screens can be
distracting to the extreme.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: X is out of resources

2000-07-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i recompiled 2.2.16 without the openwall patch and hope it fixes it! i
think it will..

thanks for the response :)


On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Mike Werner wrote:

reznae [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
reznae  Anyone know what might cause this:
reznae  X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for
reznae  operation)
reznaeMajor opcode of failed request:  53 (X_CreatePixmap)
reznaeSerial number of failed request:  1017
reznaeCurrent serial number in output stream:  1053
reznae  it seems i get it often when i try to run netscape and XMMS together 
reznae  the same time..in this case netscape crashed and can't re load, 
reznae  when i quit xmms, netscape loads fine, but then i cant load xmms 
(till i
reznae  restart X)
reznae  using a P3-500 Linux 2.2.16+ow1 Debian woody netscape is 4.73/glibc 
reznae  is 1.0.1 i believe. been happening a lot, never experienced this as 
reznae  as it is occuring before.
reznae  128MB ram, 120MB swap:
reznae   total   used   free sharedbuffers 
reznae  Mem:113820 104952   8868  57152   3972  
reznae  -/+ buffers/cache:  49712  64108
reznae  Swap:   120452   7012 113440
reznae  maybe its that ow1 patch ...ive sofar only used it on servers havent 
reznae  it on many workstations yet(www.openwall.com/linux)
reznae  anyone else experience similar symptoms ?
reznae I use those two apps frequently - listening to XMMS right this moment, 
reznae of fact - and have never had that type of problem.  I'm using an 
reznae woody box, PII 300, 64 megs RAM, kernel 2.2.16, Netscape and XMMS 
package are:
reznae ii  navigator-base-4 4.72-16  Navigator base support for 
version 4.72
reznae ii  navigator-smotif 4.72-16  Netscape Navigator 4.72 (static 
reznae ii  netscape-base-4  4.73-32  Popular World-Wide-Web browser 
software (base su
reznae ii  netscape-base-47 4.72-16  4.72 base support for netscape
reznae ii  netscape-java-47 4.72-16  Netscape Java support for version 
reznae ii  xmms 1.2.1-helix3 Versatile X audio player that 
looks like Winamp
reznae The XMMS package is from Helixcode - I'm using Helix Gnome with 
reznae The Netscape packages are straight off Debian's site via apt-get -  I 
reznae gone to 4.73 but had problems with it so went back to 4.72.
reznae Just to be sure of myself, I just fired up Netscape.  Got it grabbing 
reznae weather radar loop now.  XMMS is also playing - Mason William's 
reznae Gas - without a hitch.  Looks like it just might be that patch giving 
reznae problems.
reznae -- 
reznae Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
reznae   |  As far from Redmond as possible!
reznae '91 GS500E|
reznae Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.
reznae -- 
reznae Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

12:35am up 26 days, 11:09, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Re: Upgrade advice

2000-07-06 Thread John Gould
You don't need woody, potato is fine. The upgrade from the existing
archive or CD's is sweet, see Anne's doc's on the upgrade. Works really

Regards JohnG

John Gould - Systems Support Engineer
Power Innovations Limited
Tel: +44 1234 223002 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Windows here, 's very dark!
32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, [iso-8859-1] Gu?mundur Erlingsson wrote:

 Hi there,
 I've put slink on my laptop and it's been sweet so far. I'd like to upgrade
 it to a newer version, with newer kernel, but I'm not sure which is best.
 Should I go for frozen or would Woody be safe? The thing is, I'd like to try
 out Helix Gnome, and have to have Woody installed to be able to do that, but
 I don't think it would be worth the hazzle if the unstable version of Debian
 is, well, too unstable. What do y'all think?
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Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP)

2000-07-06 Thread virtanen
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

 One problem I had with that card is as follows:
 Ethernet-HOWTO suggests and you turn off the PnP mode, and set it to a
 specific IRQ/base. Until I did that, it would not work absolutely, and in
 syslog I would get a message about Tx/Rx timing out, possible IRQ loss. 
 I swapped card out of computer, put it into a windows machine, ran the
 utility from SMC to set the card, put it back into Linux box, compile
 support into kernel, and it worked perfect.

My machine has still got windows, too. 

Where can I get that 'utility from SMC'?


Re: Image copy of a floppy, how?

2000-07-06 Thread Gianluca Montecchi
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 08:02:34PM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
= I created a boot floppy during my kernel upgrade, but I would like to
= create another copy-backup in case a problem occurs with my only boot
= floppy. I am not sure how to do it, I read that:

A quick method can be:

# cat /dev/fd0  floppy.img
# cat floppy.img  /dev/fd0



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If we have to file a thousand lawsuits a day, we'll do it.
It's less expensive than losing CONTROL of YOUR creative works.
---Jack Valenti, President and CEO, Motion Picture Association of America

Re: [NEWBIE] Japanese keyboard

2000-07-06 Thread Christophe Jasiak

Thanks for your answer, i think that it will help but i'm trying to fix the
kana key to directly use the hiragana keys ( ta, te, i, su, ka, n...). So if
anybody know how to do this (if it's possible)...

Thanks a lot for your help!

Christophe Mettez un pingouin dans votre PC Jasiak

- Original Message -
From: Katsunori Hizawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Christophe Jasiak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [NEWBIE] Japanese keyboard


 My reply is not directly related to your query, but all
 you want to do is to be able to input Japanese from your
 keyboard, I can tell you how I do it.

 I use XEmacs-mule-canna-wnn and the keyboard setup is the
 US keyboard.  I run Canna.  After starting XEmacs,
 Mule  Select input method.  Then type in japanese-canna
 (without quotes).  Canna will be initialzed.  After that
 I start typing the text phonetically and the program will
 convert what I type into hiragana first automatically.
 When I want Kanji, I press SPACE and I get what I want.
 Simple, enough?

 Katsunori Hizawa ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

old libraries

2000-07-06 Thread tom
howdy guys,

in launching an application, I get the following error:

error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

I installed  the termcap-compat package, and the app simply crashed.
What am I missing? (the app is REBOL, btw)




2000-07-06 Thread Hans Gubitz
How can I install a sreensaver for gdm?

Hans Gubitz

Can i run solaris binaries under Debian Linux/SPARC ?

2000-07-06 Thread Heinrich Rebehn

Sorry, if this is a FAQ, but can i run Solaris binaries under Debian 
provided that i got the needed Solaris libraries and licenses ?


Heinrich Rebehn
Have disk - will travel
University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :-3341

Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel

2000-07-06 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 08:39:20AM +0300, virtanen wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  It's a kernel problem, not a distribution problem.  Your kernel, as
  compiled, probably does not have the wd.o module.
  Try recompiling the kernel and select Western Digital/SMC cards
  in 'make menuconfig', either 'y' or 'm'.
   That doesn't admit wd module at all. So the network didn't start working. 
 The wd module was there on the list, but install failed. 

The latest set of boot disks is missing the 8390 module which is
loaded before the wd module.  That should be fixed soon.

Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7http://home.midco.net/~nnorman/
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP); Slink, Potato, Corel

2000-07-06 Thread virtanen
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Nathan E Norman wrote:

  The wd module was there on the list, but install failed. 
 The latest set of boot disks is missing the 8390 module which is
 loaded before the wd module.  That should be fixed soon.

Meanwhile, what could I do? 
What kind of packet to install to get it working?

(It happened so that when I went back to 'slink' and had the Corel LILO
installed... the machine could not boot into win98 at all (It is on
another disk, I need it for some work to do) and so I went back to Corel,
which is otehrwise working now... And now I can boot to Corel or win.
From Corel the 8930 module seems to be missing too.)


apache php

2000-07-06 Thread Allan Andersen


I'm trying to install apache and php - all of it
seems to be installed correct and works ok. But
when I try to load the site it would like to download
the page instead of viewing it. Any ideas ?

Best Regards

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: apache php

2000-07-06 Thread Robert Waldner

the following did it for me:

ka:/home/waldner# grep php /etc/mime.types
application/x-httpd-php phtml pht php
application/x-httpd-php3-source phps
application/x-httpd-php3-preprocessed   php3p
ka:/home/waldner# grep php /etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp3.so
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
ka:/home/waldner# grep html /etc/mime.types
text/html   html htm shtml


On Thu, 06 Jul 2000 16:26:25 EST, Allan Andersen writes:

I'm trying to install apache and php - all of it
seems to be installed correct and works ok. But
when I try to load the site it would like to download
the page instead of viewing it. Any ideas ?

Best Regards

Can't Write To Temporary User Settings Files During Install

2000-07-06 Thread A. Scott White
I compiled a new kernel that included Compaq Smart Array support. I ran the
following rdev files on it (I got these from looking at the rdev.sh file on
the rescue floppy):

rdev -R linux 1
rdev -r linux 0
rdev -v linux -1
rdev linux /dev/ram0

I then copied the kernel onto the rescue floppy.

The install runs (and recognizes my smart array controller). When the setup
scripts start, however, it asks me for my keyboard type. When I try to
select it, I get the error:

   Can't write to temporary user settings file

I assume it means that it cannot write to the RAM disk (it wouldn't try to
write to the floppy, and the hard drive isn't even partitioned yet).

Any clues as to what's up?


A. Scott White
Director of Information Systems and Product Strategy
ACS Healthcare Solutions Group

RE: apache php

2000-07-06 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
I've seen this a couple of times now.  If you are using potato, and 
apache and php3, check to make sure that apache has loaded the php module.
For php3, In your /etc/apache/httpd.conf you need a line similar to:

LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp3.so

But of course your mileage may vary.  It seems that the installation
scripts don't do this for you. :(  However, it's an easy enough fix.

Have fun,


P.S.  I am CCing this to Gergely Madarasz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) the PHP3 package
maintainer for future reference.

 -Original Message-
 From: Allan Andersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 11:26 AM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: apache  php


 I'm trying to install apache and php - all of it
 seems to be installed correct and works ok. But
 when I try to load the site it would like to download
 the page instead of viewing it. Any ideas ?

 Best Regards
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: [NEWBIE] Japanese keyboard

2000-07-06 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah

I am trying to setup a keyboard for a phonetic
language (an Indian language) but have been
unsucessful in getting the keyboard programmed. The
issue is that the the current output keycode will not
only depend on the current key pressed, but also on
the previous key pressed. Do you know how I can get
the keyboard program to remember this? Any help/advice
on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

--- Christophe Jasiak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks for your answer, i think that it will help
 but i'm trying to fix the
 kana key to directly use the hiragana keys ( ta, te,
 i, su, ka, n...). So if
 anybody know how to do this (if it's possible)...
 Thanks a lot for your help!
 Christophe Mettez un pingouin dans votre PC Jasiak
 - Original Message -
 From: Katsunori Hizawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Christophe Jasiak
 Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 12:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [NEWBIE] Japanese keyboard
  My reply is not directly related to your query,
 but all
  you want to do is to be able to input Japanese
 from your
  keyboard, I can tell you how I do it.
  I use XEmacs-mule-canna-wnn and the keyboard setup
 is the
  US keyboard.  I run Canna.  After starting XEmacs,
  Mule  Select input method.  Then type in
  (without quotes).  Canna will be initialzed. 
 After that
  I start typing the text phonetically and the
 program will
  convert what I type into hiragana first
  When I want Kanji, I press SPACE and I get what I
  Simple, enough?
  Katsunori Hizawa ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: apache php

2000-07-06 Thread Allan Andersen

From: Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the following did it for me:
ka:/home/waldner# grep php /etc/mime.types
application/x-httpd-php phtml pht php
application/x-httpd-php3-source phps
application/x-httpd-php3-preprocessed   php3p
ka:/home/waldner# grep php /etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp3.so
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
ka:/home/waldner# grep html /etc/mime.types
text/html   html htm shtml

Thanks a lot, I'll try it as soon as get home from work.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Advansys 3940UA Ultra-SCSI controller recommended?

2000-07-06 Thread Peter S Galbraith

I can get this controller from buy.com for CDN$79 so it's very
cheap.  I intent to use it mostly for external devices (CDRW,
Zip, and an Ultra-SCSI ORB 2.2 GB removable-media drive).
Anyone have comments or better suggestions? 


BTW, I already have an Adaptec 2940U Ultra-SCSI controller, but
lately a disk has been acting up and I'm getting reset errors,
and this tends to happen more if I connect my external devices.
Anyway, I'm thinking my next computer (at work) won't be using
SCSI disks anymore, so I'll need a controller for the external
SCSI I'll move over.  So why no buy it now?  (The Adaptec will
stay in the current computer, which will be cascaded down to
another employee).


[no subject]

2000-07-06 Thread Petró Zoltán

Hello azt szeretnm megtudni, hogy a Debian linuxos CD 
-je mennyibe kerl s, hogy, hogy kell fizetni. Előre is 

Tistelettel Smirnof

Yamaha 4416SX! Re: Advansys 3940UA Ultra-SCSI controller recommended?

2000-07-06 Thread Peter S Galbraith

I wrote regarding the Advansys 3940UA Ultra-SCSI controller:
 I can get this controller from buy.com for CDN$79 so it's very
 cheap.  I intent to use it mostly for external devices (CDRW,
 Zip, and an Ultra-SCSI ORB 2.2 GB removable-media drive).
 Anyone have comments or better suggestions? 

I see on the manufacturer's web page:


 Yamaha CD-RW drives, including model 4416S, may cause Linux
 to hang during initialization. This can be avoided by
 disabling the CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN option in the Linux
 kernel. Newer Linux kernels have this option enabled by

I'm using an external Yamaha 4416SX !
I can't disable multiple LUNs as I need that for a SCSI-emulated

Does anyone have this Yamaha CDRW and Advansys SCSI card?
Is this still a problem?


Re: Mustek 12000SP (SANE)

2000-07-06 Thread Bjoern Brill

On Tue, 04 Jul 2000 Sven Richter wrote

 I try to configure my MUSTEK 1200SP and 
 cat /proc/scsi/scsi
 shows this
 Attached devices: 
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
   Vendor: YAMAHA   Model: CRW8424S Rev: 1.0f
   Type:   CD-ROM   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
   Vendor: SCANNER  Model:  Rev: 1.03
   Type:   Scanner  ANSI SCSI revision: 01 CCS
 but still - scanimage -L can't find a device.
 Does anybody has any idea how to go on ??


assuming that
a. you're talking about a (ScanExpress) 12000SP (as in the subject line)
   and not a 1200 something
b. it's one of the newer models (namely those called 12000SP+)
I've had the same problem.

Cause: the SANE Mustek backend looks for a model id signature in the
device information it gets from the scanner to decide which specific
Mustek model this is. Mustek have changed this signature in recent 12000SP
models and so the backend won't recognize the scanner.

You can check if this really is your problem by turning on debugging
(environment vars SANE_DEBUG and SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK, IIRC - try
man sane-mustek) and look at what scanimage says. If you see a message
starting attach: unknown model, it is.

Solution: get the sources of latest official SANE release (1.0.2, I think)
from http://www.mostang.com/sane/, upgrade the Mustek backend source
to a more up-to-date version from SANE Mustek Backend Homepage
http://www.swb.de/~vortex/sane/ (current is 1.0-88, but anything up from
0.74 should do) and build SANE yourself. Deinstall sane .debs first,
and put your build under /usr/local.


Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013

2000-07-06 Thread Andrei Ivanov
You should have the disk with drivers for your card. On that disk could be
something called ezstart (or of the kind), thats a program to setup the

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354

 For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG

Kernel question

2000-07-06 Thread Walter Williams

I have subscribed to this list server to find
out more about non-Red Hat derivatives.
Is the Debian distribution of the type that I 
can,  when I want to update the kernel, 
download a complete kernel tar ball or a patch
file from what ever web site I choose, install it,
and have things function properly? 

The last coupe of times I did this to my current
distro things went a muck. Fortunate for me I
saved my current kernel and was able to boot
from it. I didn't have too much problems with
previous distro when I built custom kernels 
with it. I was able to get a kernel update from
anywhere and go to town with it.

I am basically shopping for a new distro.

Walt Williams

Re: Samba Setup

2000-07-06 Thread Kent West
Jay Kelly wrote:
 Hello All,
 I thought I would take a crack at Samba so I installed Samba. Now
 what do I need to do for my window98 clients to log in to samba? What
 change to my network setting will I need to make? Will my Primary Network
 Login be Microsoft Family or Client for Microsoft Networks? Do I need
 to change my Domain to point to Sambe?
 Any help would be greatly appeciated.

I'm not sure how to set up Samba to function as a domain
controller, which your question implies you're trying to do.
However, if you're just trying to share out stuff, like hard
drives, folders, and printers, do the following.

You'll need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to define your
shares; with the comments sprinkled throughout, it's fairly
intuitive for the basics. (You can also use SWAT (apt-get install
swat) for a web-based configuration tool, but I've never had any
success with it.)

Then, IIRC, you'll need to run smbpasswd to assign a
username/password to the people you want to give access to.

Finally, on the Windows box, you would simply map a drive to
\\YourLinuxComputer'sName\TheShareDefinedInSmb.conf. Your logon
will probably need to be Client for Microsoft Networks, but I'm
not sure.

Kent West

Tekram DC310U? Re: Advansys 3940UA Ultra-SCSI controller recommended?

2000-07-06 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Hi again,

I can get a Tekram DC310U PCI Ultra-SCSI controller (based on the
Symbios Logic SYM53C860 SCSI-3 Chip) for the same price as
the Advansys 3940UA.  It uses the sym53c8xx.o driver.

Should I go for that instead?

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546

Re: Kernel question

2000-07-06 Thread brian moore
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 12:14:13PM -0600, Walter Williams wrote:
 I have subscribed to this list server to find
 out more about non-Red Hat derivatives.
 Is the Debian distribution of the type that I 
 can,  when I want to update the kernel, 
 download a complete kernel tar ball or a patch
 file from what ever web site I choose, install it,
 and have things function properly? 


 The last coupe of times I did this to my current
 distro things went a muck. Fortunate for me I
 saved my current kernel and was able to boot
 from it. I didn't have too much problems with
 previous distro when I built custom kernels 
 with it. I was able to get a kernel update from
 anywhere and go to town with it.

If you use 'make-kpkg' to build the kernel (basically, it invokes all
the 'make bzImage  make modules' stuff for you, then spits out a .deb
with the new kernel and modules), you'll have a kernel that can be
installed or removed with 'dpkg (-i|-r) kernel-image-whatever.deb'.

You could do it the old fashioned way as well, but I hate hunting down
bzImage out of arch/i386

 I am basically shopping for a new distro.

Debian is a pleasure to use and maintain.  I've now formatted Slack off
two machines, RH off two and Mandrake off another.  (Okay, so the Mandrake
one booted precisely once with Mandrake and lasted a total of 10 minutes
or so before I formatted it... :))

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: Kernel question

2000-07-06 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
Walter Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have subscribed to this list server to find
 out more about non-Red Hat derivatives.
 Is the Debian distribution of the type that I 
 can,  when I want to update the kernel, 
 download a complete kernel tar ball or a patch
 file from what ever web site I choose, install it,
 and have things function properly? 

In my experience, it is. The laptop I'm using has a 2.4.0-test3
kernel and the machine at home, dual Pentium 133MHz also runs a
custom compiled kernel. I usually get the kernel tar balls from
ftp.funet.fi. The Debian package system does not force me to use a
precompiled kernel-image from a Debian package.

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Debian Printing

2000-07-06 Thread rickloga

I've been installing Debian for a month now and at the point
where I want to print.  I have the Debian shrink wrap distribution
put out by VA Linux, O'Reilly, and SGI.  It includes a book published
by O'Reilly.  There is nothing in the book about installing printers.
 I've read the 50 page HOWTO on printing and read the mailing
list archives.  I have read about lpr, lpd, magicfilter, apsfilter,
printcap, and several other details but have found nothing on
how to print.  What do I do first?  Do I use modconf to tell
whatever that there is a parallel port?  Do I edit the printcap
file?  If so, what do I say in it for my HP LaserJet 4P?  Do
I type in magicfilterconfig and answer questions?  So far I
have the command line only.  I'm reluctant to try the install
of X windows as it sounds very complicated with several choices.
 If I install X windows first, is there a GUI print configure
program?  Eventually I want to install the HP LaserJet as a network
printer but for now a printer directly attached to the Linus
parallel port is OK. 

Sent using MailStart.com ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: Kernel question

2000-07-06 Thread Mike Werner
Walter Williams wrote:
 I have subscribed to this list server to find
 out more about non-Red Hat derivatives.
 Is the Debian distribution of the type that I 
 can,  when I want to update the kernel, 
 download a complete kernel tar ball or a patch
 file from what ever web site I choose, install it,
 and have things function properly? 

Sure can.  Fact is , that's how I been doing it.  There's also the proper
Debian method, called make-kpkg.  If you go that route, make *sure* to add
the epoch to the version number, or you'll wind up with the package
management system trying to replace your kernel at some point.

 The last coupe of times I did this to my current
 distro things went a muck. Fortunate for me I
 saved my current kernel and was able to boot
 from it. I didn't have too much problems with
 previous distro when I built custom kernels 
 with it. I was able to get a kernel update from
 anywhere and go to town with it.
 I am basically shopping for a new distro.

Yeah, I've dealt with RedHat a couple of times.  I put it onto my laptop,
where it lasted all of about an hour before I got rid of it and went back to
Debian.  I find the package management under Debian - using apt - to be
*much* easier than dealing with rpm's.  apt also has far better dependancy
handling than what I saw with RedHat.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Looking for a package, but don't know what to call it

2000-07-06 Thread Mike Werner
Hiya folks.  Got a bit of a question - not exactly sure how to phrase this
so please try and bear with me.

At the university I attend, the CS department has a central server named
naur.  There are CS labs scattered around the university, including some
across town.  Now, from any of those labs when you logon, you basically get
connected automatically to naur.  All of the account info is (I presume)
stored on naur as well.

What I'm wondering is:
1) What's this sytem called?
2) Is this doable with Linux? (I'm guessing it is)
3) Is this doable with Debian using regular packages that are apt-getable?

I've got my desktop box here that I want to make the server for this. 
Various other boxes will be the clients, starting with my laptop.

I'm sorry to ask such a vague question.  I'd go search myself, but I don't
know where to start.  If I could get even just the name of this system,
that'd be a huge help - at least I'd know what to search on. ::grin::
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Debian Printing

2000-07-06 Thread Taupter
 I've been installing Debian for a month now and at the point
 where I want to print.  I have the Debian shrink wrap distribution
 put out by VA Linux, O'Reilly, and SGI.  It includes a book published
 by O'Reilly.  There is nothing in the book about installing printers.
  I've read the 50 page HOWTO on printing and read the mailing
 list archives.  I have read about lpr, lpd, magicfilter, apsfilter,
 printcap, and several other details but have found nothing on
 how to print.  What do I do first? 

man magicfiterconfig

I configured my HP850c just running properly magicfilterconfig and
nothing more...

 Do I use modconf to tell
 whatever that there is a parallel port?

If you are using the onboard paralel port and your kernel is configured
acordingly, there is no need to.

 Do I edit the printcap file?

Let magicfilterconfig do the dirty job for you.

 If so, what do I say in it for my HP LaserJet 4P?  Do
 I type in magicfilterconfig and answer questions?

Nice option. Trust me.

 So far I have the command line only.

Once your printer is configured, it will work for console and X-based

 I'm reluctant to try the install
 of X windows as it sounds very complicated with several choices.
 If I install X windows first, is there a GUI print configure

printop, but it only allows you to _manage_ de lpd, not to _configure_
the printer.


apt-move, merge ??

2000-07-06 Thread Pann McCuaig
apt-move rocks! The idea of building a partial local mirror using debs
downloaded by apt-get is right on.

But here's the deal. I have multiple debian (potato) machines on my
network, and only one with the disk space for a mirror. It's a server
and doesn't have X installed. However, pretty much all the other Linux
boxen on the net will have X installed.

So how do I download those packages only once?

Obviously I have room to build a temporary mirror on a client box (or
apt-get wouldn't work in the first place). Is there a straightforward
way to merge the debs on the client box into my partial mirror on my

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\
http://www.ourmanpann.com/linux/ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: Kernel question

2000-07-06 Thread James Green
Walter Williams wrote:
 I have subscribed to this list server to find
 out more about non-Red Hat derivatives.
 Is the Debian distribution of the type that I
 can,  when I want to update the kernel,
 download a complete kernel tar ball or a patch
 file from what ever web site I choose, install it,
 and have things function properly?

Yeah, that's what I do. I never trust packages to correctly edit LILO
etc., so I do it all myself :)

 The last coupe of times I did this to my current
 distro things went a muck. Fortunate for me I
 saved my current kernel and was able to boot
 from it. I didn't have too much problems with
 previous distro when I built custom kernels
 with it. I was able to get a kernel update from
 anywhere and go to town with it.

RedHat is well-known for having an odd setup when  it comes to kernel
compilation, using symlinks and all manner of strange things. Took me a
few hours to work it all out first time I tried cmopiling a kernel
(which happened to be under RH5.2).

 I am basically shopping for a new distro.

If you can stand the installation routine which may seem a little old
and unconventional (installing a base system then configuring your main
apps from there), then you'll have no problems.

James Green
LinuxNewbie.com LNC   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for a package, but don't know what to call it

2000-07-06 Thread Markus Fischer
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 02:53:18PM -0400, Mike Werner wrote : 
 Now, from any of those labs when you logon, you basically get
 connected automatically to naur.  All of the account info is (I presume)
 stored on naur as well.

This basically sounds like NIS (Network Information


Markus Fischer,  http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/
PGP Public  Key: http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/C2272BD0.asc
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

RE: RE: Samba Setup

2000-07-06 Thread Walter Williams

I setup and got Samba working with a Win95 machine.
Under the My Computer you right click on the item
you want to share and select Sharing from that
menu and set up the item for sharing. It's pretty
easy to understand. In the Control Panel, Network,
setup your you'r Windows system to have the same 
Workgroup name that you are in on your Linux system.
And give your Windows box a unique Computer name.
Then you have to edit your samba.conf file on your 
Linux system according to the instructions. I was
able to edit most of this without looking at the 
instructions much, as most of the file samba.conf 
file is setup in a logical fashion. I used a text 
editor. You can even set up your Linux home 
directory as a share. Then when you login on 
Windows and click on Network Neighborhood 
you will have access to your home directory. 
You can even setup your home directory to be seen 
from My Computer be doing a little drive mapping.
FYI, you have to have your Windows network setup 
with an IP address and NetEUI for all this to work.

The thing I never did figure out how to do was to 
access the windows shares from Linux. This was 
because my wife started whining about how since
I setup a network that it was slowing down her

Well I hope this helps
Walt in Colorado

-Original Message-
From: Kent West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 06 July, 2000 12:12 PM
To: Jay Kelly
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Samba Setup

Jay Kelly wrote:
 Hello All,
 I thought I would take a crack at Samba so I installed Samba. Now
 what do I need to do for my window98 clients to log in to samba? What
 change to my network setting will I need to make? Will my Primary Network
 Login be Microsoft Family or Client for Microsoft Networks? Do I need
 to change my Domain to point to Samba?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure how to set up Samba to function as a domain
controller, which your question implies you're trying to do.
However, if you're just trying to share out stuff, like hard
drives, folders, and printers, do the following.

You'll need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to define your
shares; with the comments sprinkled throughout, it's fairly
intuitive for the basics. (You can also use SWAT (apt-get install
swat) for a web-based configuration tool, but I've never had any
success with it.)

Then, IIRC, you'll need to run smbpasswd to assign a
username/password to the people you want to give access to.

Finally, on the Windows box, you would simply map a drive to
\\YourLinuxComputer'sName\TheShareDefinedInSmb.conf. Your logon
will probably need to be Client for Microsoft Networks, but I'm
not sure.

Kent West

Re: Mounting AFFS R/W?

2000-07-06 Thread Lee Elliott
Michael Fedrowitz wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 01:28:57 -0500, Alan wrote:
  The mount for the removable, even R/O, always fails with this message:
  mount -t affs -o ro /dev/sdc /mnt
 the partition number is missing (probably 1, though Zips like to use 4,
 just look what it says in the partition check).

I've found that MS-DOS formatted ZIP100s come in at 4 (/dev/sdb4) but my
AFFS ZIP100s come in at 1 (/dev/sdb1).  I think this is due to the
MS-DOS formatting command creating a logical partition in an extended
drive whereas my Amiga ZIP partitions are all primary partitions.



...or something

Re: Compaq ProLiant ML350

2000-07-06 Thread Lee Elliott
A. Scott White wrote:
 Thanks to everyone who has helped me with this. I'm getting closer.
 I compiled a 2.2.15 kernel with Compaq Smart Array2, placed it onto the
 Rescue floppy and ran the following rdev commands on the kernel image: The
 install can now see the controller and the 1 logical drive (YES).
 rdev -R linux 1
 rdev -r linux 0
 rdev -v linux -1
 rdev linux /dev/ram0
 However, I fear there is a problem with the kernel I compiled. I included
 all the features required by
 -boot-floppy-techinfo.en.html#s-rescue-replace-kernel but, after I select my
 Keyboard type, I get the message:
 Can't write to temporary user settings file /tmp/keybd_settings.
 I assume it means that it cannot write to the Ram Disk (it wouldn't try to
 write to the floppy, and the disk isn't even partitioned yet).
 Any clues as to what's up? I think I'm pretty close.

Don't know here - IIRC identifying the keyboard is the second step in
the installation after setting colour or monochrome.  Disk partitioning
comes after that, and until the disk is partitioned and formatted, it
can't be used so the installation must have to use the ram disk.  It
shouldn't have any trouble writing to the ram disk but is, so I'd guess
that although it should be trying to write to the ram disk, it's
actually trying to write somewhere else and that's why it's erroring.

Can you try a df at this point, to see what filesystems are mounted and
where?  Permissions on /tmp ?  Can you create a file in /tmp ?



...or something

Re: Helix Gnome vs Debian Gnome -- worth the upgrade?

2000-07-06 Thread Lee Elliott
Kent West wrote:
 Nathan E Norman wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 01:15:34PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
   I tried to install HelixGNOME via the instructions for Debian on
   the helixcore website (lynx -source blah blah blah), and chose
   option 3 (full install), and it looked like everything was going
   fine, until I got a dependency error that libsound is apparently
   not available. I haven't been able to find this package anywhere
   .deb form, so I've just put HelixGNOME on the back burner for
  Erm, Helix supplies debs.  They work, too.
  # Helix GNOME
  deb http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main
  deb-src http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main
  Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
  GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7http://home.midco.net/~nnorman/
  Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7
 Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature
 My bad. Although I had the first line in my sources.list file,
 when I did the install gdm was installed, only it came up broken
 (explanation below). So I tried to use kdm to see what effect it
 had and it was broken, so I did an apt-get install kdm, which
 then complained about the missing libsound package.
 So like the idiot that I am, I added my problem with Helix to
 this discussion, not thinking straight enough to realize that my
 problem was with KDE, not Helix.
 I reckon I need to get one of them Stupid signs to display.
 So here's my real problem with Helix: when I run gdm, it brings
 up a gnome login screen that if I accept the default X session of
 Gnome, dumps me into a screen with a Gnome-ish file-browser-type
 window that is partially off the screen and with a Gnome Tips
 window. I can close the tips window, but I can't access the title
 bar of the file-browser to move it or close it, etc. There is not
 Gnome taskbar (with the foot and other icons), and clicking on
 bare desktop background doesn't bring up any pop-up menus, no
 matter which button I use. So it appears that the install is
 broken on my machine.
 If anyone knows the solution, great; if not, no biggie; like I
 said, I've just put HelixGNOME on the back burner for now.

Sounds like there's no window manager running.  If I use the Gradient
theme for Sawmill, the Sawmill window manager eventually crashes out and
leaves all my windows in this state.  I can close them via the File
menu, if present.  What I do, apart from not using the Gradient theme,
is to select another window manager via the Gnome Control Centre, try
it, and revert back to Sawmill to restart it.  Mind you, I run a Gnome
session, so I still have the Gnome Panel when Sawmill crashes.



...or something

Re: Mustek 12000SP (SANE)

2000-07-06 Thread Lee Elliott
Lee Elliott wrote:
 Sven Richter wrote:
  I try to configure my MUSTEK 1200SP and
  cat /proc/scsi/scsi
  shows this
  Attached devices:
  Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
Vendor: YAMAHA   Model: CRW8424S Rev: 1.0f
Type:   CD-ROM   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
Vendor: SCANNER  Model:  Rev: 1.03
Type:   Scanner  ANSI SCSI revision: 01 CCS
  but still - scanimage -L can't find a device.
  Does anybody has any idea how to go on ??
 I specified /dev/sg0 in the /etc/sane.d/epson.comf for my Epson
 GTX-5500.  A symlink to /dev/scanner should work though.  Check your
 /var/log/syslog after booting (with the scanner turned on) to check
 which /dev/sg to use.

I think your device should be /dev/sg5.  Check you have permissions to
it.  Also check that mustek hasn't been commented out of



...or something

Re: Kernel Source Code [New User]

2000-07-06 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jul 05 2000, Corey Popelier wrote:
 Umm, yes and no. Kernel 2.2.15-3 is patched against those
 vulnerabilities. 2.2.15-2 and previous are not.

Humm... Sorry... I wasn't refering to kernels from Debian
(and, to be honest, I don't use them), so I really don't know
(I only use stock kernels from Linus/Alan with a select set of
patches applied by hand like André Hedrick's and Reiser FS).

But thank you for your information. I guess that I'll have a
closer look to the ones distributed by Debian.

 From what I've read, 2.2.16 was kinda rushed, and 2.2.17 (once out
 of Pre) will be considered the better way to go.

Indeed. Alan Cox even talks about 2.2.17pre having better
stability than 2.2.16.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/
 Nectar homepage: http://www.linux.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/nectar/

RE: Can't Write To Temporary User Settings Files During Install

2000-07-06 Thread A. Scott White
I hate to be a pain in the @ss, but if anyone could possibly help me with
this I would really appreciate it.

I compiled a new kernel that included Compaq Smart Array support. I ran the
following rdev files on it (I got these from looking at the rdev.sh file on
the rescue floppy):

rdev -R linux 1
rdev -r linux 0
rdev -v linux -1
rdev linux /dev/ram0

I then copied the kernel onto the rescue floppy.

The install runs (and recognizes my smart array controller). When the setup
scripts start, however, it asks me for my keyboard type. When I try to
select it, I get the error:

   Can't write to temporary user settings file

I assume it means that it cannot write to the RAM disk (it wouldn't try to
write to the floppy, and the hard drive isn't even partitioned yet).

Any clues as to what's up?


A. Scott White
Director of Information Systems and Product Strategy
ACS Healthcare Solutions Group

Re: RE: Samba Setup

2000-07-06 Thread Mike Werner
Walter Williams wrote:
 The thing I never did figure out how to do was to 
 access the windows shares from Linux. This was 
 because my wife started whining about how since
 I setup a network that it was slowing down her

If the Windoze box is called winbox and the shared drive is C, then on the
Linux box to mount that share at the mount point /mnt/winc do (as root):
smbmount //winbox/c /mnt/winc
You'll then be prompted for a password.  If no password was specified on the
Windoze machine, just hit enter.  Otherwise enter the password.

This is presuming that the Windoze machine has an entry in the /etc/hosts
file on the Linux box.  Otherwise, the Windoze machine's hostname can be
replaced by its numeric IP.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: exim question

2000-07-06 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 09:11:37PM +0200, Ron Rademaker wrote
 How can I use multiple domains with exim, eg both the domains domain.com
 and otherdomain.com run on a machine and I want this:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user foo
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user bar
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user hello
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user bar

Here's how I do it.
The virtual hosts (www.mydomain.com, mail.mydomain.com)
all have 'A' records pointing to my mail/web server;
CNAME records don't work as well, because stupid mail
programs/systems put the CNAME host in the envelope.

My exim.conf contains (all single lines, however your mail client displays

Main section:

local_domains = 

A new director, to handle the virtual hosts:

  driver = aliasfile
  except_domains = localhost:my.met.au:*.my.net.au
  domains = partial3-lsearch;/etc/exim/clients/domains
  file = /etc/exim/clients/$domain_data
  search_type = lsearch*

All other directors have a line like

  domains = localhost:my.net.au:*.my.net.au

so that they aren't applied to the virtual hosts.

/etc/exim/clients/domains contains lines like

*.mydomain.com.au: mydomain

The second field is just an identifier, and for each
identifier there is another file, e.g., /etc/exim/clients/mydomain,
which works like a regular alias file, e.g.:


This setup is for virtual domains with three parts in their
domain name (e.g., *.mydomain.com.au); minor adjustment is
required if you use American style domains (e.g.,
*.somewhere.com), and you can mix them easily enough (with a
longer local_domains line and a further director).


John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

RE: apache php

2000-07-06 Thread Wesley A. Wannemacher

You need to specify a mime type for your
php docs.

on our server I have:

AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps

in the srm.conf


Wesley A. Wannemacher
Instructor, Network Administrator
Northwestern College

-Original Message-
From: Allan Andersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 12:26 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: apache  php


I'm trying to install apache and php - all of it
seems to be installed correct and works ok. But
when I try to load the site it would like to download
the page instead of viewing it. Any ideas ?

Best Regards

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[no subject]

2000-07-06 Thread Todd Suess
Howdy Folks,

I tried to do a dist-upgrade about 3 or 4 days ago, and I got the
messages, which are still happening today.

The following NEW packages will be installed:
 alsa-base libasound1 
The following packages have been kept back
 kdeadmin kdebase kdegames kdegraphics kdenetwork kdeutils kdm
1 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not
Need to get 43.8kB/83.4kB of archives. After unpacking 152kB will be
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
woody/main alsa-base 0.5.8a-4 [20.8kB]
Err ftp://ftp.us.debian.org woody/main alsa-base 0.5.8a-4
 Unable to fetch file, server said '/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/sound/
alsa-base_0.5.8a-4.deb: No such file or directory. '
Get:2 ftp://ftp.us.debian.org woody/main anacron 2.3-1 [23.0kB]
Err ftp://ftp.us.debian.org woody/main anacron 2.3-1
 Unable to fetch file, server said '/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/admin
/anacron_2.3-1.deb: No such file or directory. '
Failed to fetch ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/sound
 Unable to fetch file, server said '/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/sound/
alsa-base_0.5.8a-4.deb: No such file or directory. '
Failed to fetch ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/admin/
 Unable to fetch file, server said '/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/admin/
anacron_2.3-1.deb: No such file or directory. '

These files seem to be nowhere to be found in the debian file base, anyone else running into this
also? Apparently the database has the above versions of the files, but the files themselves have
been misplaced, etc.
and if I do a apt-get install libasound1 I get the above message about alsa-base, so I guess libasound1
is part of alsa-base or something, not really sure what is going on.

Any clues?


Version: 3.12
GAT d- s:++ a C UL P+ L++ E W++ N++ o-- K- w 
O- M-- V-- PS+ PE Y++ PGP 5++ X++ R* tv+ b+ DI++ D++ 
G e h--- r+++ y+++ 

Quake2 debs?

2000-07-06 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
Where can i find quake2 debs for unstable? I remember using debs once
before, but i can't find any now (except for 2.0, which don't work).

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have the metabolism of a dead turtle.
 --David Austin

Description: PGP signature

Problems with Apt-get dist-upgrade.

2000-07-06 Thread Todd Suess

Howdy Folks,

I tried to do a dist-upgrade about 3 or 4 days ago, and I got the following
messages, which are still happening today.

The following NEW packages will be installed:
  alsa-base libasound1
The following packages have been kept back
  kdeadmin kdebase kdegames kdegraphics kdenetwork kdeutils kdm sced
1 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.
Need to get 43.8kB/83.4kB of archives. After unpacking 152kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
Get:1 ftp://ftp.us.debian.org woody/main alsa-base 0.5.8a-4 [20.8kB]
Err ftp://ftp.us.debian.org woody/main alsa-base 0.5.8a-4
  Unable to fetch file, server said 

alsa-base_0.5.8a-4.deb: No such file or directory.  '
Get:2 ftp://ftp.us.debian.org woody/main anacron 2.3-1 [23.0kB]
Err ftp://ftp.us.debian.org woody/main anacron 2.3-1
  Unable to fetch file, server said 

/anacron_2.3-1.deb: No such file or directory.  '
Failed to fetch 

  Unable to fetch file, server said 

alsa-base_0.5.8a-4.deb: No such file or directory.  '
Failed to fetch 

  Unable to fetch file, server said 

anacron_2.3-1.deb: No such file or directory.  '

These files seem to be nowhere to be found in the debian file base, anyone 
else running into this
also?  Apparently the database has the above versions of the files, but the 
files themselves have

been misplaced, etc.
and if I do a apt-get install libasound1 I get the above message about 
alsa-base, so I guess libasound1

is part of alsa-base or something, not really sure what is going on.

Any clues?


Upgrade to woody

2000-07-06 Thread Jay Kelly
Hi Guys,
What should the /etc/apt/sources.list point so I can upgrade from 
slink to woody?


It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with fdisk 

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux. 

Re: Securing telnet

2000-07-06 Thread John Galt


On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, Sven Burgener wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 01:23:49PM -0700, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
  I'd also look into ssh clients for Windows.  I know there are Java
  clients available.
 I can recommend TeraTerm with the SSH extension for this. Forgot the
 link, search on google.com for it.

The Internet must be a medium for it is neither Rare nor Well done!
a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]John Galt /a

Control of relaying on local domains

2000-07-06 Thread andreas palsson

I'm using Listar as mailinglistsmanager on a Slink system, and I had to
modify 'exim.conf' a little to allow relaying from Listar:

#sender_host_reject_relay = *
sender_net_accept_relay =

This works fine now, but I'm little concerned about security.

Have I opened a hole here?
Is it better to use the actual IP of the machine instead of localhost?

Any ideas or comments are much appreciated.
   == andreas pålsson == [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==

bad package install help!!

2000-07-06 Thread Nick

hello list:

recently i tried to install ipmasqadm from a tar

i ran into some dependency issues and decided to look for a deb
i couldn't so i turned a rpm into a deb w/ alien

the problem i have now is that the ipmasqadm.deb package will not install 
properly because of my previous attempt of installing the tar.  I have 
tried to remove all the link and folders, but can't get it to install 
right.  I look good, no errors, but it doesn't create the folders or 

How do i force an install with dpkg?
also, where can i see if i had errors?

Re: Offering external services, rlogins, smtp etc: how does it work?

2000-07-06 Thread Mark Phillips
Andrew Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 09:56:11AM +0930, Mark Phillips wrote:
  Suppose for example you want to allow exteral rlogins to your
  computer.  I presume you modify the inetd.conf file to include the line:
  login stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.rlogind
 Aaarrgh!  Not the dreaded r-services!  Don't allow them.  Shut them
 off.  They are evil, and a great source of amusement to all
 crackers.  Use ssh, or telnet, if you must (although that's just as

I've heard it said that rlogin has security problems, but I don't
understand why?  And surely if there are problems, these would be
fixable?  Isn't Debian supposed to be extra security fix aware?

Now you say to use ssh or telnet, but then say this is just as risky!
Why not use rlogin if it is no more risky than the alternatives?

The point is that I need to offer the functionality of rlogin.  When I
am elsewhere and I want to do a remote login to my machine, then I
need rlogin or some equivalent.  If rlogin is currently insecure, why
don't people make it secure?  What makes it so hard?


P.S. Please cc all replies to me as I read this list via the archives,
involving a delay of a few days.

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

help on telnetd problem

2000-07-06 Thread zhaoway
I cannot telnet to my system, neither
remotely or locally, see below:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnetd: getpty: Permission denied
Connection closed by foreign host.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ cat hosts.allow
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ cat /etc/hosts.deny 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ cat /etc/inetd.conf|grep telnet
telnet  stream  tcp nowait  telnetd.telnetd /usr/sbin/tcpd 

Please help! TIA! Please Cc: me!

Re: help on telnetd problem

2000-07-06 Thread YeMa
I have met same problem, 555

zhaoway wrote:

 I cannot telnet to my system, neither
 remotely or locally, see below:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ telnet localhost
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 telnetd: getpty: Permission denied
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ cat hosts.allow
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ cat /etc/hosts.deny
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $ cat /etc/inetd.conf|grep telnet
 telnet  stream  tcp nowait  telnetd.telnetd /usr/sbin/tcpd
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp1 ~ $

 Please help! TIA! Please Cc: me!

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Offering external services, rlogins, smtp etc: how does it work?

2000-07-06 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Andrew Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Aaarrgh!  Not the dreaded r-services!  Don't allow them.  Shut them
  off.  They are evil, and a great source of amusement to all
  crackers.  Use ssh, or telnet, if you must (although that's just as

 Now you say to use ssh or telnet, but then say this is just as risky!
 Why not use rlogin if it is no more risky than the alternatives?

I think Andrew  was only referring to telnet.   It sends your password
in clear text over the net.

 The point is that I need to offer the functionality of rlogin.  When I
 am elsewhere and I want to do a remote login to my machine, then I
 need rlogin or some equivalent.  If rlogin is currently insecure, why
 don't people make it secure?  What makes it so hard?

I'm not sure, but think the main insecurity of rlogin (and sisters) is
that these send everything in clear text.  Depending on your situation
this may be a security risk.  Any known security holes should be fixed
in the deb.  Holes and risks are not quite the same, I guess.

If you need rlogin functionality, install ssh and slogin, scp or ssh
instead of rlogin, rcp and rsh.
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

dropping support for cvsweb in debian

2000-07-06 Thread Joey Hess
Hi, I'm the maintainer of the cvsweb package for Debian.

Since I took on maintaining cvsweb, I have fixed about 10 very stupid
bugs. Several of these could be security holes. Cvsweb is great in
concept, but the implementation is quite lacking. The design is such
that I expect security holes and stupid bugs will contine to crop up
unless a fuill rewrite is done.

Luckily, we have such a rewrite. It's called viewcvs and is already a
part of debian unstable. I've been playing around with it for a few
hours, and it is a near exact clone of cvsweb's user interface, and
seems to not be vulnerable to any of the problems I've found in cvsweb.

So I'm thinking about dropping cvsweb from Debian unstable entirely.
Viewcvs could then Replace it. 

I'd like to know what any interested parties feel about this plan.

see shy jo

Re: scp alternative

2000-07-06 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 09:09:06PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote
 On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 09:50:40AM -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
  I've been using scp to copy the files from my production web server to my
  hosting companies web server. scp works well except that there is no way to
  prevent it coping files that already are up to date, and also, it requires a
  password every time.
  Is there a better alternative? My remote server does not allow rsync,
  although they say they will in the future.
 you can use rsync over ssh, it requires nothing from the server except
 a working sshd (which it obviously has)
 rsync --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh 

Not meaning to be a killjoy, but it also requires that the rsync
binary be available on the remote machine.

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

menuconfig won't start

2000-07-06 Thread Philipp Schulte
I just wanted to get a new kernel for my Debian-Potato. I downloaded
2.2.16 and wanted to configure it but menuconfig aborts with this

nepomuk:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
-DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c -o lxdialog.o lxdialog.c
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

It seems like curses.h is misssing. Does anyone know why this
happens and how it can be solved?
Thanks a lot,

Re: menuconfig won't start

2000-07-06 Thread ktb
Philipp Schulte wrote:
 I just wanted to get a new kernel for my Debian-Potato. I downloaded
 2.2.16 and wanted to configure it but menuconfig aborts with this
 nepomuk:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts/lxdialog all
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
 -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c -o lxdialog.o lxdialog.c
 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 It seems like curses.h is misssing. Does anyone know why this
 happens and how it can be solved?
 Thanks a lot,

I did a dpkg -S curses.h and it looks like on my Slink system the file
is in libncurses4-dev  I would install that.

Re: Tekram DC310U? Re: Advansys 3940UA Ultra-SCSI controller recommended?

2000-07-06 Thread John Pearson
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 02:15:10PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote
 Hi again,
 I can get a Tekram DC310U PCI Ultra-SCSI controller (based on the
 Symbios Logic SYM53C860 SCSI-3 Chip) for the same price as
 the Advansys 3940UA.  It uses the sym53c8xx.o driver.
 Should I go for that instead?

I don't know, but I've used a couple and they worked fine for me.

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: Kernel question

2000-07-06 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Thu, 06 Jul 2000 21:22:06 +0300, Heikki Vatiainen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 In my experience, it is. The laptop I'm using has a 2.4.0-test3
 kernel and the machine at home,

Where did you get a 2.4.0-test3 kernel? The last one I saw was
test2.. There was also a test2-ac22, in Alan's directory, but I
found no test3 anywhere...

Was that a typo, or did I not really find the (actually existent)
test3 kernel?


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

anyone know ipmasqadm

2000-07-06 Thread Nick

anyone know how to setup ipmasqadm?
so far i got a hold of a rpm package and aliened it

installed it and i have problems using it.

no man
no ipmasqadm utiliy

what gives?

anyone know of a deb that works???

RE: RE: Samba Setup

2000-07-06 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \(Patrick\)
That's easy..i.e. viewing and accessing a Windows 95/98/NT share from a
Linux box. Use smbclient or smbmount. For example, say you have a shared
directory on the M$ Windows box (c:\My Documents on the computer
Windoze), on your Linux box, execute the following to make sure the share
is available for either viewing/ accessing or mounting:

 smbclient -U% -L windoze

I can't quite recall how the output screen looks like (since I am writing
this using a M$ Windoze program...yup would you believe it! The company
which I work for does not allow any other OS! [EMAIL PROTECTED]) but it should 
show you
the the available shares on Windoze and also the names of other computers on
the same subnet (domain?).

To access the shared directory (similar to using ftp) issue the following

 smbclient //windoze/My Documents -U username(Note the inverted
commas as the path includes a space)

You will be prompted for a password:


Type in the corresponding password for the user username.

You should then see the smb prompt:


The commands should be similar to ftp commands.

If you want to skip the password step, execute the following:

 smbclient //windoze/My Documents -U username -P password

But this allows someone overlooking you shopulder to view your password in
clear text (which is why I prefer the latter without the -P).

For mounting a smb share, execute the following:

 smbmount -o username=username,password=password //windoze/My Documents
/mount point/

To check that the mount was successful, do a:
 df -h

I use this quite frequently in my previous company for performing backup of
Windoze boxes to Linux boxes using Samba!

Patrick Cheong


 -Original Message-
 From: Walter Williams [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 3:23 AM
 To:   Debian ListServer (E-mail)
 Subject:  RE: RE: Samba Setup
 I setup and got Samba working with a Win95 machine.
 Under the My Computer you right click on the item
 you want to share and select Sharing from that
 menu and set up the item for sharing. It's pretty
 easy to understand. In the Control Panel, Network,
 setup your you'r Windows system to have the same 
 Workgroup name that you are in on your Linux system.
 And give your Windows box a unique Computer name.
 Then you have to edit your samba.conf file on your 
 Linux system according to the instructions. I was
 able to edit most of this without looking at the 
 instructions much, as most of the file samba.conf 
 file is setup in a logical fashion. I used a text 
 editor. You can even set up your Linux home 
 directory as a share. Then when you login on 
 Windows and click on Network Neighborhood 
 you will have access to your home directory. 
 You can even setup your home directory to be seen 
 from My Computer be doing a little drive mapping.
 FYI, you have to have your Windows network setup 
 with an IP address and NetEUI for all this to work.
 The thing I never did figure out how to do was to 
 access the windows shares from Linux. This was 
 because my wife started whining about how since
 I setup a network that it was slowing down her
 Well I hope this helps
 Walt in Colorado
 -Original Message-
 From: Kent West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 06 July, 2000 12:12 PM
 To: Jay Kelly
 Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Re: Samba Setup
 Jay Kelly wrote:
  Hello All,
  I thought I would take a crack at Samba so I installed Samba. Now
  what do I need to do for my window98 clients to log in to samba? What
  change to my network setting will I need to make? Will my Primary
  Login be Microsoft Family or Client for Microsoft Networks? Do I need
  to change my Domain to point to Samba?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 I'm not sure how to set up Samba to function as a domain
 controller, which your question implies you're trying to do.
 However, if you're just trying to share out stuff, like hard
 drives, folders, and printers, do the following.
 You'll need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to define your
 shares; with the comments sprinkled throughout, it's fairly
 intuitive for the basics. (You can also use SWAT (apt-get install
 swat) for a web-based configuration tool, but I've never had any
 success with it.)
 Then, IIRC, you'll need to run smbpasswd to assign a
 username/password to the people you want to give access to.
 Finally, on the Windows box, you would simply map a drive to
 \\YourLinuxComputer'sName\TheShareDefinedInSmb.conf. Your logon
 will probably need to be Client for Microsoft Networks, but I'm
 not sure.
 Kent West
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Kernel bugs in 2.2.x

2000-07-06 Thread Dragon
I've just read from http://geocrawler.com/lists/3/Linux/35/150/3977992
Alan Cox admitted that there are faults in 2.2.x VM, that would affect
transaction at high load.

I'm developing a database server on Debian which is presently upgraded to
woody, and the kernel is 2.2.x. The result of this development project
would affect my company's impression on Linux as a whole. Had it failed,
my company would forget adopting Linux forever.

Since it's too late to rollback to slink, can I just recompile the
2.0.3.x kernel on this already-upgraded-server and left the packages in
woody distribution untouch?

Please kindly advise. Your advise would save the future of Linux here.



Re: Kernel bugs in 2.2.x

2000-07-06 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 09:32:51AM +0800, Dragon wrote:
 I've just read from http://geocrawler.com/lists/3/Linux/35/150/3977992
 Alan Cox admitted that there are faults in 2.2.x VM, that would affect
 transaction at high load.
 I'm developing a database server on Debian which is presently upgraded to
 woody, and the kernel is 2.2.x. The result of this development project
 would affect my company's impression on Linux as a whole. Had it failed,
 my company would forget adopting Linux forever.
 Since it's too late to rollback to slink, can I just recompile the
 2.0.3.x kernel on this already-upgraded-server and left the packages in
 woody distribution untouch?

You would actually be better off checking some of Andrea's VM patches.
2.0.x isn't even comparable to 2.2.x's speed, even if the VM is more


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Looking for a package, but don't know what to call it

2000-07-06 Thread Mike Werner
Markus Fischer wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 02:53:18PM -0400, Mike Werner wrote : 
  Now, from any of those labs when you logon, you basically get
  connected automatically to naur.  All of the account info is (I presume)
  stored on naur as well.
   This basically sounds like NIS (Network Information

It does seem to be what I was looking for ... thanks for the pointer.  Now
I've another question - how in the hell does this thing work?!?  The docs
that come with the package are a joke.  I've read and reread the NIS-HOWTO a
number of times now to no avail.  Everything seems to be running, but I just
can *not* figure out how to get my laptop (the NIS client) to realize that
the login I'm trying to do is over on the desktop box (the NIS server).  I
went through and did the adduser on the desktop, did the diddling with
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow as per the HOWTO, but the laptop still gives me
the Login incorrect message every time.  I'm not even seeing an attempt at
network traffic from the laptop when I try and login.

Anyone here ever gotten NIS working?  I sure can't.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

IPMasq problems

2000-07-06 Thread Daniel Free
	ipmasq: In my flat my k6 200 running debian 2.2 is the firewall/gateway 
box. dialing up with a 33k modem etc. I have installed the package ipmasq 
and it worked sweetly.
the only problem i have is on the client machines (1 or 2 windows depending 
on the day and 1 or 2 linux also depnding) napster wont download. ppl can 
download from the clients through the firewall without a problem and have 
been doing so, however when we try top get a file (un copyrighted clasical 
music of course) it will start stop retry and the say its unavailable.
I am also unsure as to what logs i would be looking in for entries about 
what is happening here, any assitance would be great.

Apach mod_include

2000-07-06 Thread Daniel Free
One of the web servers here (Debian 2.2 apache 1.3 (i think) ) has a perl 
script/cgi that is a basic text counter. we have had it running on previous 
servers but i cant seem to get it running on this one.
the script requires mod_include which i have uncommented in 
/etc/apache/httpd.conf and then done a /etc/init.d/apache restart. all to 
no avail. i have made a small page to test if it works and it hasnt so far. 
page consists of

this is the counter brbr

!--#exec cgi=/cgi-bin/counter.pl--
!--#exec cmd=/bin/echo Hey there--
!--#printenv --


Which should give at least a little output to let me know its working, 
unfortunately it doesnt.


2000-07-06 Thread Oki DZ


SGI says that XFS is a 64-bit journaling filesystem.
So basically XFS can't be used on Pentiums.
I'm missing something, right...?


Re: anyone know ipmasqadm

2000-07-06 Thread Bob Nielsen
ipmasqadm is contained in the Debian netbase package (for potato, at

On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 05:58:50PM -0700, Nick wrote:
 anyone know how to setup ipmasqadm?
 so far i got a hold of a rpm package and aliened it
 installed it and i have problems using it.
 no man
 no ipmasqadm utiliy
 what gives?
 anyone know of a deb that works???

Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

Making my own /etc/init.d/local and setting up links

2000-07-06 Thread Mark Phillips
Debian really should automatically set up for you, a /etc/init.d/local
file with all the appropriate links to /etc/rc*, but it doesn't.

So I want to set up my own.  But I'm a bit unsure about what links I
should put where.  Can anyone tell me?



P.S. Please cc replies to me as I read this list via the archives, so
there is a few days delay.

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Apach mod_include

2000-07-06 Thread Daniel Free

What doesn't output? If just the counter doesn't output it would be because
your path to the cgi-bin had the leading slash so it is an absolute path.
Have you made sure that the script executable and the log file or whatever
it is that the script uses is writable?

!--#printenv --

is the part that should give some output regardless of the script (its an 
include type html thing tthat should disply the environment paramaters

Apache default configuration?

2000-07-06 Thread Chris R. Martin

I've installed Apache 1.3.9-13.1 (from frozen)

I can access the default page from my windoze box, but any other page 
(including the links on the default page) gives 403 Forbidden. I've check 
and all the directories and files should be world accessible.

Why is the debian package configured like this by default? How can I set it 
up so it works normally ?

Chris Martin
I chose not to choose Life. I chose something else.
-- Renton, Trainspotting

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