RE: imagen potato?

2000-07-18 Thread Joaquin Fenandez Piqueras

encontraras imagenes .raw, pero le cambias la extensión y yastá


Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 39921
(Pasate por ;-)

en donde puedo conseguir las imagenes iso de potato?

desde ya, muchas gracias


RE: prob. con mesajes a la lista

2000-07-18 Thread Matias, Enrique
Esto era porque el servidor de correo de tu ISP era un relay abierto, que
fue (ab)usado para enviar correo comercial no solicitado (SPAM) desde él.

Debian tiene instalados 2 sistemas anti-spam (RBL y RSS).
Cuando un usuario recibe SPAM lo reporta, indicando su procedencia.
Seguidamente se avisa al administrador de ese sistema para que solucione el
problema. Si no lo hace en un determinado plazo (una semana, creo) se
bloquea el correo procedente de él.
En tu caso parece que tu administrador tardó en hacerlo, y por ello durante
un tiempo no se permitió la entrada de mensajes procedentes de tu ISP,
incluyendo los tuyos.

Este es el historial de tu servidor de correo en la lista RSS: is NOT currently on the RSS list. 

 RSS Entry/Removal History:
 Added Wed Jan  5 10:49:37 PST 2000 (relay)
 Removed Fri Jun  2 19:52:56 PDT 2000 (manual)
 Added Sun Jun 11 01:47:26 PDT 2000 (relay)
 Removed Wed Jul 12 19:07:06 PDT 2000 (manual)

Un saludo.

-Mensaje original-
De: daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: lunes 17 de julio de 2000 19:09
Para: gdebian
Asunto: prob. con mesajes a la lista

hace unas semanas atras, cuando queria mandar un mensaje a la lista, el
mensaje rebotaba, con lo que aparece mas abajo. alguien me podria comentar
+/- cual era el problema?  era por mi provedor de correo? o el serv. de la


(como ven, ya no tengo dicho problema)

The original message was received at Tue, 11 Jul 2000 19:39:23 GMT
from []

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 550- Mail Rejected.
 550- Your host's name
 550- or its IP address
 550- corresponds to an internet site that has been
 550- unsuccessful in preventing its customers from
 550- sending e-mail spam. The administration of
 550- this site has chosen to block all e-mail from
 550- suspected spammers. Please refer this to your
 550- system manager.
 550- If you are indeed sending unsolicited e-mail
 550- advertising, please remove all addresses at this
 550- site from your mailing list, and please make
 550- sure that addresses at this site will not be
 550- added to your mailing list again in the future.
 550- Please have your system manager contact Debian
 550- at  if he or she feels your site
 550- was unjustly blocked from mail delivery.
550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-07-18 Thread Matias, Enrique

Pues en mi Corel venía con el KDE, pero rápidamente dejé de usar KDE en
favor de WindowMaker.

Con Debian puedes configurar facilmente las conexiones PPP lanzando
pppconfig desde la shell.

-Mensaje original-
De: Diego Mariani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: lunes 17 de julio de 2000 14:25
Asunto: KDE KPPP


El kppp se instala con el KDE o debo bajarlo de algun lado?


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Como escribir documentacion para man

2000-07-18 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 Estoy perdido. Creo que con el sgml se pueden hacer paginas man. He usado
 sgml para escribir howtos, pero no tengo ni idea ni donde hay informacion
 de como hacer paginas man.
 ¿Hay algun otro método?
 Tengo que hacer 2 para un programa nuevo que tengo sin documentar.

Después de ensayar vários métodos como sgml, escribir directamente en
troff, etc, llegué a la conclusión que la mejor forma de hacer páginas
de manual es usando perl. No es nada complicado ni es necesario saber
nada de perl.
El perl viene con un utilitario llamado pod2man (además de pod2html,
pod2tex y pod2text). pod quiere decir Plain Old Documentation.
Por ejemplo, para escribir la página de manual de un programa que me
convierte un glosario en código sgml para docbook (programa
dict2docbook, ftp://quark/pub/orca/) escribí lo siguente en un fichero

=head1 NAME

dict2docbook - Creates a SGML (DocBook) version of glosario.dict


Sdict2docbook filename


This programs reads the glosario.dict text file and creates a SGML
version of it, conforming to the DocBook DTD.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jaime Villate Elt[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt.


Después he hecho:
  pod2man ejemplo-pod ejemplo-pod.1
para crear la página de manual, que después puede ser leída con:
  man -l ejemplo-pod.1 

La sintaxis completa del pod está explicada en man perlpod, y es
bastante simple. El único paquete que necesitas es perl (o sea, hoy en
día en Debian, perl-5.004 o perl-5.005). Si el programa que quieres
documentar está escrito en perl, el código pod puede estar dentro del
mismo programa y puede servir tanto para documentar el código fuente,
como para crear la documentación adicional.

Jaime Villate

Re: Actualizar kernel

2000-07-18 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, luis wrote:
  He actualizado mi kernel al que viene con potato a traves de
  apt-get install kernel-image , se ha actualizado bien, pero no reconoce
  la impresora ¿ A qué es debido ?

Como ya te han respondido Santiago y otros, tu problema puede ser que
estas buscando la impresora en el dispositivo errado; pero si el kernel
ni siquiera te detecta la impresora en la puerta paralela (busca
parport0 en la salida de dmesg) tu problema puede ser que compilaste
mal el kernel. Te envio copia de un mensaje que envié a esta lista en

Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:
  Compilé el kernel con soporte para impresión por el puerto paralelo y
  probé con /dev/lp1 y tb con /dev/lp0 pero seguía diciendo (al mirar la cola
  de impresión) que no podía abrir el dispositivo, que la operación no está
  soportada. Luego miré los mensajes de arranque y vi que ponía:
  lp: driver loaded but no devices found.
 Me parece que puede ser que no has compilado el kernel bien.
 Antiguamente bastaba con activar una opción para la impresora paralela.
 En los nuevos kernel se tiene que activar la impresora en las secciones
 General y Character Devices, pues el módulo que se encarga de
 detectar la impresora depende de la arquitectura de tu máquina. Revisa
 tu fichero .config para ver si tienes algo parecido a esto:
 # General setup
 # Character devices
 Con la arquitectura PC (i386) el programa update-modules (paquete
 modutils) pone algo asi al final /etc/modules.conf
 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
 y este es el responsable de detectar la impresora al arrancar:
   parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP,ECP,ECPPS2]
   parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to enable interrupt-driven
   parport0: no IEEE-1284 device present.

(cuando tienes la impresora conectada, realmente aparece algo así:
parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP,ECP,ECPPS2]
parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to enable interrupt-driven
lp0: using parport0 (polling).

Espero que esto sea la solución de tu problema.
Jaime Villate

Netscape y los acentos (n-ésima parte)

2000-07-18 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

 Uso Debian Potato y me gustaría saber cómo poder escribir acentos
encima de las vocales con el netscape.

 Gracias miles a todos.


Re: Menu LILO

2000-07-18 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Fco.Javier Sánchez wrote:
 - Tras instalar en mi Pc la distribuicion Debian Hamm y
 configurar el Lilo de linux para que sea el quien arranque Linux  o
 w95, mi pregunta es que fichero tengo que modificar para poder añadir
 un minimenu que me permita elegir entre w95 o linux, ahora tengo que
 pulsar alt despues de la Bios para poder arrancar el w95, ya que por
 defecto arranca linux.

Como me parece que nadie te ha respondido aún, te respondo: tienes que
usar el comando message en el fichero /etc/lilo.conf para indicarle
donde está el menú (message) que quieres poner en la pantalla. Por
ejemplo en mi caso tengo lo siguiente al principio de /etc/lilo.conf

timeout = 180
message = /root/lilo.prompt

el timeout es para que espere 180 segundos antes de cargar la primera
imagen definida a continuación, pero puedes cambiarlo. En el fichero
/root/lilo.prompt tengo lo siguiente:


 1 - windows

 2 - linux

Para que el usuario pueda escribir 1 o windows y los dos sean
reconocidos, usé algo así en /etc/lilo.conf

other = /dev/hda1
  label = windows
  alias = 1
  table = /dev/hda

Y en la definición de la imagen linux hice algo semajante, definiendo
un alias con valor 2. Después ejecutas lilo para re-crear el sector de
arranque y yá está.

Jaime Villate

Re: Netscape y los acentos (n-ésima parte)

2000-07-18 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote:
  Uso Debian Potato y me gustaría saber cómo poder escribir acentos
 encima de las vocales con el netscape.

Hola Virgilio.
Los acentos funcionan bien con las versiones de netscape compiladas con
libc6; pero como al compilar con libc6 netscape daba muchos errores, el
encargado del paquete decidió volver a compilar con libc5 lo cual nos
deja sin acentos. Después de varias protestas, parece que las últimas
versiones de netscape en Debian están otra vez compiladas con libc6. Yo
uso communicator-smotif-45 y me vá muy bien con los acentos.



2000-07-18 Thread Fco . Javier Sánchez
Muy agradecido!
- Original Message -
From: Jaime E. Villate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Fco.Javier Sánchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: Menu LILO

  Fco.Javier Sánchez wrote:
  - Tras instalar en mi Pc la distribuicion Debian Hamm y
  configurar el Lilo de linux para que sea el quien arranque Linux  o
  w95, mi pregunta es que fichero tengo que modificar para poder añadir
  un minimenu que me permita elegir entre w95 o linux, ahora tengo que
  pulsar alt despues de la Bios para poder arrancar el w95, ya que por
  defecto arranca linux.

 Como me parece que nadie te ha respondido aún, te respondo: tienes que
 usar el comando message en el fichero /etc/lilo.conf para indicarle
 donde está el menú (message) que quieres poner en la pantalla. Por
 ejemplo en mi caso tengo lo siguiente al principio de /etc/lilo.conf

 timeout = 180
 message = /root/lilo.prompt

 el timeout es para que espere 180 segundos antes de cargar la primera
 imagen definida a continuación, pero puedes cambiarlo. En el fichero
 /root/lilo.prompt tengo lo siguiente:


  1 - windows

  2 - linux

 Para que el usuario pueda escribir 1 o windows y los dos sean
 reconocidos, usé algo así en /etc/lilo.conf

 other = /dev/hda1
   label = windows
   alias = 1
   table = /dev/hda

 Y en la definición de la imagen linux hice algo semajante, definiendo
 un alias con valor 2. Después ejecutas lilo para re-crear el sector de
 arranque y yá está.

 Jaime Villate

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Red Hat Certified Engineer...

2000-07-18 Thread Saxa Egea
Parece q RH ha puesto en marcha un sistema para dar una titulacion a 
personal preparado sobre su distro.

Sabeis si Debian ha preparado algo por el estilo?

Estoy en una empresa en la que empezamos a apostar fuerte por Linux, y la 
verdad, seria muy tener algo que demostrara a los posibles clientes que 
estamos preparados para ello...


Solucion [RedHat Certified Enginner]

2000-07-18 Thread Saxa Egea

Gracias de todas maneras... ya lo he encontrado.

Para quien le interese.

Professional Certification for the Linux Community

Saxa Egea

Re: Menu LILO

2000-07-18 Thread Luis Clausell
Yep Jaime!

El Tue, 18 de Jul de 2000 a las 11:05 AM, Jaime E. Villate escribió:

Por si le hace gracia a alguien os adjunto mi /etc/lilo.msg

 ##  ##  
   # ## #[EMAIL PROTECTED]2:346/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   # ## #
   ## ICQ UIN 1523792   Usuario Linux 94909##
 ##   Debian GNU/Linux   ##  

quitar salvapantallas de terminales

2000-07-18 Thread Miquel

¿alguien sabe si hay algun modo de desactivar de modo permanente el
salvapantallas negro que las terminales tienen por defecto? Sé que con
setterm se puede desactivar, pero para ello has de hacer login y 
yo quiero que incluso antes de hacer login la terminal no se quede nunca
en negro...

gracias y un saludo,


Re: Apresentacao.

2000-07-18 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos wrote:

 estou precisando fazer uma apresentacao. Alguem sugere um pacote simples
 para confeccionar, e, se possivel, apresenta-lo.

o Rubens Queiroz falou em uma das msg da Dicas-L sobre o PrestiMel. Eu o
compilei (para o potato) e gerei o .deb. A homepage do programa é:

e o .deb você pode pegar em:

Eu só consegui fazer o .deb porque o autor já deixou as 'rules'
prontas; ai foi só fazer debian/rules binary e 'voila'!

Eu não utilizei o programa e não sei como é!

Outro programa que você pode utilizar é o SlideDraw (procura no
kachinatech que tem um link). Lá tem vários outros!

( seção CAD, Drawing  Painting

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

installation startup problems...

2000-07-18 Thread Screwy Squirrel
Howdy all!  I'm trying to get Debian installed on my new system.  It is an
800Mhz Athlon on an Asus motherboard.  Anyways, when I try to boot off of
the CD(I have Debian 2.1 CDs from LSL, and a 2.1 CD from the Sams book),
the boot up never finishes.

The line where it stops reads:
md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

Anyone out there have any ideas what might be wrong?

|John E. Holeman   |   OSU Computer Science|
|754-3450  |OSU Atmospheric Science|
| Wind in the leaves in the trees outside whispers of moonlight beyond |
| Come walk for a while with me - In the dark all your dreams are reality |
| If you want, all your wishes come true, but then, so may your nightmares|

Re: network/ethernet card configuration problem?

2000-07-18 Thread John Pearson
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 02:55:54PM -0300, James Polson wrote
 I'm completely new to Linux, so the solution to my problem
 may be trivial to all of you experienced Debian Linux users
 (so I hope!). 
 I'm trying to install Debian Linux (mostly with success), but
 I think that I'm having problems connecting with the ethernet
 card in my computer.
 The symptoms are:
 (1) A message during booting that is something like network is
   unreachable (I don't know what log file to look for to get the
   exact wording).
 (2) When I type ifconfig -a, I should see listings for two 
   interfaces, lo and eth0, but the second one (the ethernet
   one) is not there.
 (3) Not surprisingly, telnet, ftp, etc. can't be used.
 (4) In the /var/log/syslog file, there is a message:
   cardmgr[189]: starting, version is 3.0.5
   cardmgr[189]: no sockets found!
   cardmgr[189]: exiting
   I think that this problem reported is related.

These lines relate to the PCMCIA support software; if you have
no PCMCIA slots (which is what the card manager seems to believe)
then it isn't a problem; you can ignore these messages, or be rid
of them by removing the pcmcia-* packages.

 Information about my system:
 (1) I have a D-Link DE 220 card.
 (2) I have the NC2000 driver in /lib/modules/2.0.36/net
   This is the appropriate driver for the card, according
to the D-Link website.

The correct way to proceed depends on which version of Debian you are
using (slink (2.1), potato (2.2), etc.); which is it?

You can check if things are going to work out for you by trying the
following commands as root:

# lsmod

This lists the driver modules currently loaded.  
If the ne or ne2k-pcidriver is loaded then you 
should see it listed in the output to this command,
like so:
ne2k-pci4136   1

Assuming it isn't loaded, try loading it by hand.
If your NIC is a PCI card you should use the ne2k-pci
driver, like so:
# modprobe ne2k-pci

PCI cards shouldn't need any extra parameters.

If it's an ISA card you will need to use the ne module,
and will need to pass at least the IO port as a parameter,
with a command like this:
# modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=10

You can skip the IRQ parameter, but if you know what it is
then it makes things a little more bullet-proof.  If you don't
know what IO address the card is using, the Windows Device Manager
(under System in Control Panels) will probably tell you.

If the card is a bona-fide ISA/PNP card (as opposed to a
traditional ISA card) then this will fail after a cold boot, and
you will need to set the card up using isapnp before you can
use it under Linux.

The way modules are handled changed a couple of times in older
(pre-2.1) Debian releases; you should check if the following files
 /etc/modutils/  (a directory)

This won't get you on the network, but it will tell you what you
need to go further.

Get back to us when you've tried this and let us know what Debian
release you're using, and you should get some better-targeted

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: telnet vs ssl

2000-07-18 Thread John Pearson
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 02:09:03PM -0400, Ethan Pierce wrote
 Hi, im wondering about the security of telnet - people say its really
 unsecure...does this mean that someone would need to be running a network
 sniffer on my ip to catch the data?
 I telnet to my ISP from work, (only telnet available) then run SSH from
 ISP shell to home machineis this just as insecure as a straight
 connection via telnet right to my home machine?

Maybe, it depends how your data gets from work to your ISP.

If you're dialling up your ISP from work it's not so bad,
because only machines on your ISP's net can see the traffic from
your telnet session; if you're telnetting from your corporate
LAN across the Internet to your ISP then it's no better than
using Telnet alone.

You don't need an SSH server to use SSH from your workplace:
there are at least a couple of free Windows terminal programs
(teraterm pro and putty) that can use SSH, and you could
probably run them off a floppy.  Of course, your workplace may
be paranoid about you using or installing unauthorised software,
in which case you should try to persuade them to authorise one
of these (if they are across the security issues it shouldn't be
a problem, provided they don't mind you using your home machine
on work time).


John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Re: Cloning an installation

2000-07-18 Thread Daniel Free

Just copy the disks.

cp -ax / /mnt/

i think its ax anyhow. i should be more certain considering how many times 
i have done this, you will need to copy partition by partition, eg if you 
have /home on a different partition you will have to make a seperate 
partition on the second drive and mount that on /mnt after you have 
finished copying /

cp -ax /home /mnt

or something like that, then jsut boot from a floppy and run lilo when the 
drives are around the right way, it can be rather complicated at times and 
im to lazy to type muych more than this.

At 14:54 17/07/00 -0700, Pascal Martin wrote:

I have the following problem: I have one fully installed computer,
and I want to install a second one the exact same way.

I would like to avoid selecting all the packages manually.

Is any automated way exists ? Something like listing all packages
from the existing system and generating an installation script for
the new one out of it ?


-=|  Daniel Free Earthlight Communications LTD|=-
-=|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ#15707938 |=-
-=|  Cellular # 021 258 3389 HTTP://   |=-

Re: Getting apache, PHP3, and PostgreSQL working together.

2000-07-18 Thread Remco Rijnders
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Alberto Brealey wrote:
   Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function pg_connect() in on line 90

did you try


before using any pgsql functions? (you have to do this 'cuz pgsql is loaded
as a module, not compiled into php interpreter).

No, I didn't try that. As I understand it that is not required when
you specify in the php3.ini file that this should be auto loaded. The
auto load for mysql support for example works without a flaw on this
same machine.

Thank you for the suggestion though :)

Remco Rijnders, ICQ: 760542 | Linux adanidas 2.2.14 is up 51 days,  7:45| Reporter: Mr Gandhi, what do you think of
Phone:(+31) 70 3467809  |   Western Civilization?
Cellular: (+31) 6 22091723  | Gandhi:   I think it would be a good idea.

difference between running perl from command line and web

2000-07-18 Thread Shao Zhang
I am using the latest perl in potato. Can anyone help me with this



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shao Zhang)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: difference between running perl from command line and web
User-Agent: slrn/ (Linux)
Date: 18 Jul 2000 14:18:22 +1000
X-Trace: 18 Jul 2000 14:18:22 +1000,
Lines: 24
Path: news!shao
Xref: news comp.lang.perl.misc:319361

I am having some strange problems with perl.

For example:

$output = `echo name=value | lynx -post_data -dump`;

Now, with earlier perl versions, this works from both command line and
web(as an cgi program). However, recently, I upgraded to perl5.005 and
now it only works from command line and not web anymore.

Any ideas?



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 


2000-07-18 Thread brian moore
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 07:47:47PM -0500, Pat Mahoney wrote:
 I was under the impression that one could advertise on the list for a
 donation (I forgot the exact price, something like $1000 American).

And you think the spammers are paying that?

 I hope debian doesn't lose money by me saying this, but if someone
 does advertise, paying or not, all subscribers could add the address
 to procmail or whatever and send it to /dev/null.  Any further ads
 would then be useless.

Not likely.  Very few pay the posted rates.  (Loki did, as I recall,
a few months ago... can't recall anyone else that has paid, and I
thought Loki was cool enough for that I mailed them a thank you note:
Loki has a ton of ways to place 'free' ads (ain't PR fun?), but they
chose to donate money to Debian.)

 But I have not seen any ads except the few that have lately appeared.

They're just spam.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.


2000-07-18 Thread Andrew McRobert

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the above kernel, if it exists?

I'm trying to build boot disks for my Debian laptop, which only seems to
boot off the Tecra kernel image , of which I have v2.0.36, but that kernel
version doesn't load any PCMCIA drivers (ie. it can't find
/var/lib/modules/2.0.36/pcmcia ...). My root partition does have all the
correct drivers (including PCMCIA), for 2.2.12 version kernels.


Andrew McRobert LLB B.Sc(Comp. Sci)
IT Officer, School of Law
Perth, Western Australia
Ph: [+61 8 9360 6479]
Fax: [+61 8 9310 6671]
The lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread William T Wilson
On 18 Jul 2000, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:

 I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
 and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.

There are no anti-virus programs because there are no viruses.  There are
a variety of security holes that crop up from time to time, but Windows is
far worse.

 If I can't convince some people here at work, I'm about to be told to
 disconnect from the net or use (heaven forbid!) Windows for any kind
 of internet activity beyond our firewall.  And that seems to include

This shows a remarkable lack of cluefulness on the part of your network
staff.  I wish you luck, but they appear to be so stupid that you will
probably not have much success.

is busy

2000-07-18 Thread David Densmore
I was editing a text file with vi when I accidently hit some unknown
key combination which caused a single line of text to fill the entire
screen.  I couldn't figure out how to exit vi from that state so I
logged on to another terminal and killed vi.

But when I tried to re-open the file I was working on I got this message:

 is busy

How do I fix this without rebooting?

David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help compiling Xlib

2000-07-18 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 09:37:13PM +0300, Lehel Bernadt wrote:
 On 17-Jul-2000 Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:
  I am trying to compile a simple X application but I
  keep getting the folloeing error:
  gcc -g -o testapp test1.c -lX11
  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  Any suggestions? What are the Xlib libraries called
  under Linux.  Thanks.
 You'll need xlib6g-dev.

The X11 libs aren't normally in gcc's search path, you need both the
search path *and* the library to link:

$ gcc -g -O2 -o bar foo.c -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Dear Debians,
 I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
 and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
 If I can't convince some people here at work, I'm about to be told to
 disconnect from the net or use (heaven forbid!) Windows for any kind
 of internet activity beyond our firewall.  And that seems to include
 sending email like this to the list.  Gack!

It sounds like they're trying to give you an excuse to make life easier
for Microsoft administrators by getting rid of Linux.

The fact is that viruses are almost unheard of on Linux.  I've only heard
of 2 Linux-specific viruses in the last 3 years; neither has been seen
since 1997.  Viruses are really only a concern on Windows systems where
there is no security (or the security mechanisms are set very lax by
default with no one around to know to tighten up the system...) to keep
any program from doing anything they want to the computer.

There are antivirus programs that run under Linux - McAfee (now Network
Associates) makes one, for example.  However, due to the lack of
Linux/UNIX viruses, these anti-virus programs are meant to be run on
servers - mail servers, file servers, or anything else that has to
interact with Windows PCs.

The biggest problem relating to viruses on Linux is running untrusted
scripts on your machine, just like on Windows.  However, there is one very
important differece between Linux and Windows in this regard: unlike
Windows email programs, Linux email programs *do not* execute programs
recieved as attachments automatically - you need to 1) save the program to
disk and 2) manually execute it before any damage can be done.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
William T Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 18 Jul 2000, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
  I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
  and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
 There are no anti-virus programs because there are no viruses.

The followup by Phil Brutsche says otherwise.

 There are a variety of security holes that crop up from time to
 time, but Windows is far worse.

No need to convince me.  Why do you think I use Debian?

  If I can't convince some people here at work, I'm about to be told to
  disconnect from the net or use (heaven forbid!) Windows for any kind
  of internet activity beyond our firewall.  And that seems to include
 This shows a remarkable lack of cluefulness on the part of your network
 staff.  I wish you luck, but they appear to be so stupid that you will
 probably not have much success.

I wouldn't call the network folks stupid, but the managers are another
matter completely.  Not saying they are, though ;-)

Thanks for your reply anyway.
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  Dear Debians,
  I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
  and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
  If I can't convince some people here at work, I'm about to be told to
  disconnect from the net or use (heaven forbid!) Windows for any kind
  of internet activity beyond our firewall.  And that seems to include
  sending email like this to the list.  Gack!
 It sounds like they're trying to give you an excuse to make life easier
 for Microsoft administrators by getting rid of Linux.

Don't think so.  I'm administering the Debian boxes myself.  It seems
their prime concern (for the moment?) is anti-virus software.  A
system that runs any version of Windows 95 or better (is there? ;-)
and has Norton Anti-Virus installed and running at least once a month
is okay with them.

 The fact is that viruses are almost unheard of on Linux.  I've only heard
 of 2 Linux-specific viruses in the last 3 years; neither has been seen
 since 1997.

Do you have any pointers?

 There are antivirus programs that run under Linux - McAfee (now Network
 Associates) makes one, for example.  However, due to the lack of
 Linux/UNIX viruses, these anti-virus programs are meant to be run on
 servers - mail servers, file servers, or anything else that has to
 interact with Windows PCs.

Thanks for this pointer.  I'll look into it.

 The biggest problem relating to viruses on Linux is running untrusted
 scripts on your machine, just like on Windows.  However, there is one very
 important differece between Linux and Windows in this regard: unlike
 Windows email programs, Linux email programs *do not* execute programs
 recieved as attachments automatically - you need to 1) save the program to
 disk and 2) manually execute it before any damage can be done.

And then they only run under the user id and with the permissions you

Thanks for your reply,
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: esd says unable to bind port 16001

2000-07-18 Thread Raghavendra Bhat
Louis F. Melahn posts:

 I installed Helix Gnome on my Potato Debian system.

Please check and see whether U have the lo device up and
running in ur system by doing an 'ifconfig'.  

 whenever I invoke it, I get the following message, Unable to
 bind port 16001 and then it aborts. What does that mean, 
 and how do I fix it?

Helix Gnome uses the loop-back device and a similar problem
was fixed in my friend's Debian system by getting the lo
device section in /etc/network/interfaces uncommented/added
'iface lo inet loopback'. Restart networking  inetd services.

YMMV and I maybe totally wrong here..

Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W FREE..Debian GNU/Linux

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Matthew Dalton
Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
 William T Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On 18 Jul 2000, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
   I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
   and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
  There are no anti-virus programs because there are no viruses.
 The followup by Phil Brutsche says otherwise.

For all intention's purposes, there are no Linux virui. Strickly
speaking this is not true -- there have been virii created for Linux in
the past, but they are not 'in the wild'.

Here are some links to Linux virus information:
Stoag - the first known Linux virus

Bliss - the second known Linux virus

These are the only Linux virii in the F-Secure database. (F-Secure are
the makers of the F-Prot virus software for windows. The also make an
SSH terminal program).

I would say that %99.999 of Linux users have not seen either of these
virii (I know I haven't). The F-Secure site says that it believes that
Stoag is not in circulation. I would think the same for Bliss as well.

Can you count the number of Windows virii on one hand?

No anti-virus software is required, even with 2 Linux virii. The 'bliss'
virus even has a command line switch that causes it to remove itself!


Subject: Re: anyone knowledgeable enough pls help!

2000-07-18 Thread Joseph de los Santos
Hi Pavel,

  Thank you. I would really appreciate it if you can send me your
programs... if you don't mind that is :)

Pavel M. Penev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This here is absolutely wrong. The X11 system uses its own signals,
transported via TCP/IP. Clicking File-Quit is just like clicking any
other button. Netscape is responsible for handling the event, and it has
no reason to kill its parent if run by a system()-like function, or run by
exec*() function it will have its own signal-handling table. I have
written two small programmes (one for GTK, and one to call it and trap
signals). I can send them if you wish.

Printer using Cyan instead of Black

2000-07-18 Thread Horacio MG
I just set up a Xerox DocuPrint C15 printer with kind help from Björn
Brill (thanks) and others.  Now I can print plain text and postscript, but
postscript keeps using cyan instead of black (whereas plain text files
print ok).


- Xerox DocuPrint C15 colour printer

- can emulate HP DeskJet 500C, 550C and 690C (and, according to Xerox
  helpline, others... )

- software installed: lpr/lpd, gs-aladdin 5.50-8 and magicfilter 1.2-39

- My /etc/printcap (right now it's using the 690 filter, but I've tried
  all dj* filters):

lp|xerox|XeroX Docuprint C15:\

Now, for postscript, both printing from GV and from the command line
through 'lpr' give me CYAN.  Same thing for pdf files through
acrobat.  I also tried printing a file.html from netscape, and the
result is the same:  if I choose colour I get cyan for the black, and if
grayscale cyan for everything.

Can anyone help with this, please?

Horacio Anno MMDCCLIII A.U.C.

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

Problem with Samba after upgrade to frozen

2000-07-18 Thread BEL List Manager

After upgrading to 'frozen' at the weekend, I can't get samba to work.

Whenever anyone tries to connect, I get an error logged, complaining that
samba can't change the group id (this is in /var/log/smb). It appears to be
trying to change to the group of the user that is trying to connect.

Can anyone offer any advice?

Many thanks.


I need help please

2000-07-18 Thread Melissa Stirling
I have a customer who would like to purchase a Toshiba from me and intends to 
run Debian Linux as the operating system.

His question is this:

He will either buy the Satellite Pro 4320 or 4270 which have with an AGP or PCI 
3D Savage graphics card built in, does Debian support this hardware please?

He also intends to use a 3Com PCMCIA 10/100BaseT Ethernet card with it to, 
model no. 3CCFE575BT.  Do you know if this is also supported?

Please could you let me know either way ASAP as he would like to place his 
order today.

Kindest regards, Melissa.
Melissa Stirling
Regional Office
185 East Road, Cambridge, CB1 1BG
Tel :01223 350216  Fax : 01223 350230 
website:  Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

All prices quoted are subject to Vat @ 17.5%
We reserve the right to revise any quoted price as a consequence of currency
fluctuations, product price increases or increased costs outside our control.

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
William T Wilson wrote:
  On 18 Jul 2000, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
   I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
   and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
  There are no anti-virus programs because there are no viruses.  There are
  a variety of security holes that crop up from time to time, but Windows is
  far worse.

The main reasons there are no viruses is, first, that few have been
written, and second, that Linux is not so favourable an environment for
infection.  It is, however, a delusion to think that Linux/Unix viruses
are impossible.  The more we get clueless users who run everything as
root, the more likely we are to see viruses spreading.

To make a comparison with human health, good security is like good
hygiene, and people who live in filth are likely to get diseases.

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only 
  begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should 
  not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 

RE: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Ted Harding
Hi Olaf,

On 18-Jul-00 Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
 Dear Debians,
 I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
 and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
 If I can't convince some people here at work, I'm about to be told to
 disconnect from the net or use (heaven forbid!) Windows for any kind
 of internet activity beyond our firewall.  And that seems to include
 sending email like this to the list.  Gack!

As other have pointed out, there are almost no known viruses for
UNIX/Linux as such, and the two or three ever heard of are (as far as I
know) almost never encountered. For some reason, hackers don't bother
to attack UNIX systems that way (probably there's more mileage in other
types of attack).

A line of virus which might well be possible, and platform-independent,
is the planting of Java in HTML. This could hit UNIX/Linux and Windows
equally, though I haven't heard of it on Linux. A lot of Linux MUAs
can open HTML attachments in Netscape, though usually not automatically
(the user has to choose).

DOS/Windows viruses are another matter, in these days when people
routinely mail each other Word/Excel etc attachments in the name of
communication. Even Linux folk have to deal with these things, which
usually means running Windows on another machine, or in WABI or WINE or
VMWare, and opening the file (though most Word docs can be handled in
Linux-native WordPerfect which should not be vulnerable to a Word macro
virus, for instance).

Once you have done that, your Windows installation may be messed up
(though the Linux part of your installation should survive). In any case,
if you subsequently forward the attachment to a colleague you will be
sending the virus on, whether your Linux system is immune to it or not.

These add up to arguments for virus-checking incoming mail, even on
a UNIX/Linux system.

Clearly, plain-text and similar emails don't need checking, and usually
attachments are not opened automatically either, so there should be
no need to virus-check every mail (which, if it's done on delivery,
really slows things down).

I simply take the precaution of running a virus check only on a mail
containing a possibly suspicious attachment and leaving the rest alone
(having been caught once by a macro virus in a Word/Win-3.1 document
which caused my WABI/Win-3.1 Word to send it on whenever I subsequently
used this Word).

The program I use is VirusScan ('uvscan') from Network Associates:
see in the first place and, in particular,

along with the MacAfee virus database (though you can use others). It
seems to work quite well. You can configure it to be run standalone
rather than as a filter for incoming mail: then, if you see a mail
attachment that you think might need a check, you just feen that
attachment to the virus checker (My MUA, XFMail, has a flexible MIME menu
which allows you to View As any attachment; and you can set one of the
As options to be a pipe to the checker).

Phil Brutsche in this thread said that there is one very
important differece between Linux and Windows in this regard: unlike
Windows email programs, Linux email programs *do not* execute programs
recieved as attachments automatically - you need to 1) save the program to
disk and 2) manually execute it before any damage can be done.

This is not quite true, either in principle or in fact.

First, nothing stops someone from developing an email program (MUA)
which _could_ automatically (without user selection) open an attachment
it thought it knew how to handle (though I don't know of one; but
a naive user could set this up in the rules for filtering incoming mail,
I dare say).

Secondly, when you receive an email consisting (in effect) solely of
an attachment with no other significant information, all you can usefully
do is open the attachment. In many MUAs this is simply a matter of
clicking on the attachment bar and the rest is then automatic;
the scope for user discrimination is almost nil (with the exception
of running a virus check on it).

Now, although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, in XFMail at least
you could have one of your MIME entries of the form

  type/subtype  extn   command
  application/prog   exe   exec

which would have the effect of executing the attachment as a program.

I hope this helps. Olaf's situation is not as straightforward as he
might wish!


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 284 7749
Date: 18-Jul-00   Time: 10:55:45
-- XFMail --

Re: kerneld message / Workaround

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, brian moore wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 11:51:06AM +0100, Jonathan Heaney wrote:
  David Wright wrote:
   The scripts /etc/init.d/{kerneld,modutils} have to be able to handle
   both 2.0 and 2.2 kernels with kerneld or kmod. You will see they do
   this by testing for the presence of /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe which
   only exists under 2.2.
 But doesn't -always- exist on 2.2:
 [narvi:/etc/init.d] 11:26:37am 136 % ls -l /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe
 ls: /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe: No such file or directory
 [narvi:/etc/init.d] 11:26:39am 137 % uname -a
 Linux narvi 2.2.16 #6 Fri Jun 23 13:51:08 PDT 2000 i686 unknown
 You need to have 'CONFIG_KMOD' set in your kernel build to have it,
 which I don't.
 Seems to me that the logic on that is broken.  /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe
 is not a good way to determine whether kerneld should be run.

What I think is that you are wrong. If you have compiled your kernel with
'CONFIG_KMOD' defined, then you would have kmod built into your
kernel. kmod is a REPLACEMENT for kerneld, remember?
 Perhaps you should file a bug on it?

Don't be that fast.


Re: Help compiling Xlib

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:

 I tried all sorts of combinations but don't seem to be
 able to get it going. What is the name of the Xlib
 library files? Here are the things I tried. Any other
 --- Pavel M. Penev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:
   I am trying to compile a simple X application but
   keep getting the folloeing error:
   gcc -g -o testapp test1.c -lX11
   /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
   collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
   Any suggestions? What are the Xlib libraries
   under Linux.  Thanks.
  xlib6g installs its libraries under /usr/X11R6/lib/
  (try dpkg --largemem
  -L xlib6g) and are trying to have names compatible
  with all other
  distributions. I think the problem is that xlib6g
  does not make
  /usr/lib/X11 to be a symlink to /usr/lib/X11R6 where
  ld likes to look for
  the libraries. Either make the symlink, or give ld
  (gcc will pass
  appropriate arguments to ld) a -L/usr/X11R6/lib
  This is for now,
  Pavel M. Penev

And what you should have tried is:

gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 other gcc options file.c

Sorry for misleading you in a way.

Hope you suceed this time,

Re: How do I get mail archives?

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Bolan Meek wrote:

 Pavel M. Penev wrote:
  (I know you like to help, so here is something to make you feel good... )
 Well, thank you for the opportunity!
  Can you, please, inform me on what is the procedure of getting a mail
  archive? What I have found is at; in
  section Commonly Requested Addresses:
  Mailing List Archives
 Is this what you need: ?

Yes, that fits greatly.

  (... or at least make you laugh :))
 Whew!  Oh, no:  this would heap up bad karma.

A huge thanks,

I need help please

2000-07-18 Thread Melissa Stirling
I have a customer who would like to purchase a Toshiba from me and intends to 
run Debian Linux as the operating system.

His question is this:

He will either buy the Satellite Pro 4320 or 4270 which have with an AGP or PCI 
3D Savage graphics card built in, does Debian support this hardware please?

He also intends to use a 3Com PCMCIA 10/100BaseT Ethernet card with it to, 
model no. 3CCFE575BT.  Do you know if this is also supported?

Please could you let me know either way ASAP as he would like to place his 
order today.

Kindest regards, Melissa.
Melissa Stirling
Regional Office
185 East Road, Cambridge, CB1 1BG
Tel :01223 350216  Fax : 01223 350230 
website:  Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

All prices quoted are subject to Vat @ 17.5%
We reserve the right to revise any quoted price as a consequence of currency
fluctuations, product price increases or increased costs outside our control.

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread C. Falconer
Okay - call it a Martian[1] solution, but the only way your linux box could 
hold a virus is if the data was writeable by users.

I have 18 Gb of CDROMS shared via samba - the entire partition is mounted 
read only, and clients can't write to the share anyway.

OR the other solution is to run your standard windows virus checker on the 
contents of the share  And you won't need another license cos you're 
running an existing license.  The drawback there is every infectable file 
will have to be read over the network  but thats what schedualled birus 
checks are good for.

[1] I can call it a martian solution - theres no martians around to 
object :)

At 03:03 PM 7/18/00 +0900, you wrote:

Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

  Dear Debians,
  I'm looking for any kind of info on vulnerability to viruses on Debian
  and/or Linux.  Pointers to anti-virus programs are also very welcome.
  If I can't convince some people here at work, I'm about to be told to
  disconnect from the net or use (heaven forbid!) Windows for any kind
  of internet activity beyond our firewall.  And that seems to include
  sending email like this to the list.  Gack!

 It sounds like they're trying to give you an excuse to make life easier
 for Microsoft administrators by getting rid of Linux.

Don't think so.  I'm administering the Debian boxes myself.  It seems
their prime concern (for the moment?) is anti-virus software.  A
system that runs any version of Windows 95 or better (is there? ;-)
and has Norton Anti-Virus installed and running at least once a month
is okay with them.

 The fact is that viruses are almost unheard of on Linux.  I've only heard
 of 2 Linux-specific viruses in the last 3 years; neither has been seen
 since 1997.

Do you have any pointers?

 There are antivirus programs that run under Linux - McAfee (now Network
 Associates) makes one, for example.  However, due to the lack of
 Linux/UNIX viruses, these anti-virus programs are meant to be run on
 servers - mail servers, file servers, or anything else that has to
 interact with Windows PCs.

Thanks for this pointer.  I'll look into it.

 The biggest problem relating to viruses on Linux is running untrusted
 scripts on your machine, just like on Windows.  However, there is one very
 important differece between Linux and Windows in this regard: unlike
 Windows email programs, Linux email programs *do not* execute programs
 recieved as attachments automatically - you need to 1) save the program to
 disk and 2) manually execute it before any damage can be done.

And then they only run under the user id and with the permissions you

Thanks for your reply,
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Turn off delay after failed login?

2000-07-18 Thread Philipp Schulte
I tried to turn off the delay after a failed login. I changed the line
in /etc/login.defs to this:


But it is not working. To me it seems like setting it to 1 results
in a delay of about two seconds. Is it possible to turn it off or
set it to exactly one second?

Re: Dialpad - debian firewall

2000-07-18 Thread John Bagdanoff
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 10:00:16PM -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
 I'm using Debian 2.2.15 as a firewall, configuring IPCqHAINS with
 PMfirewall. I would  like to be able to use Dialpad from my windows machines
 but after reading all the info I could find I cannot get it to work. Anyone
 ever succeed? Any expert on the subject available to help?

I got it to work on my wife's win98 machine.  There are instructions
on their web site for using dialpad through a firewall.  I had to add: 

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 51200 51201 -c tcp 7175

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 51210 51210 -c tcp 7175

then recompile the kernel to enable autofw.

Not sure it was worth it though, the connections were mostly poor, you
can't hear if an answering machine answers.  The lag with a cable
modem isn't too bad though.  


 Chris Mason
 Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
 Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
 USA Fax (561) 382-7771
 Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
 Find out more about NetConcepts
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Using Linux

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Olaf Meeuwissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Don't think so.  I'm administering the Debian boxes myself.  It seems
 their prime concern (for the moment?) is anti-virus software.  A
 system that runs any version of Windows 95 or better (is there? ;-)
 and has Norton Anti-Virus installed and running at least once a month
 is okay with them.

At least once a month is *not* enough -- our computer department
recommends updating the virus database once a *week*! (But then
consider that the anti-virus software can't detect new viruses like
the I LOVE YOU virus.)

  The fact is that viruses are almost unheard of on Linux.  I've only heard
  of 2 Linux-specific viruses in the last 3 years; neither has been seen
  since 1997.
 Do you have any pointers?

Have a look at the AMaViS homepage, they have a fine link list
there at the bottom.


Eterm Backspace and Del?

2000-07-18 Thread John Conover
What does one put in MAIN for Eterm to control Backspace and Del




631 Lamont Ct.  Tel. 408.370.2688
Campbell, CA 95008  Fax. 408.379.9602

Re: simple grep command twister

2000-07-18 Thread Frodo Baggins
john smith scripsit:
  mind twister break?
how to use grep to show all the paladrome words in the linux dictionary?

grep '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\3\2\1' \usr\dict\words partly works?

You simply can't. period. palindrome (not palandrome) is a
context-free concept, that is to say you can't express it with regular 
expression. See any good book on compilers or better still forma
languages to understand why.

Leo TheHobbit Cacciari

I am the ILOVEGNU signature virus. Just copy me to your signature.
This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public

Re: [Debian]:was machen wenn *.deb zu alt ist?

2000-07-18 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Im meinem speziellen Fall geht es um alsa. Ich wuerde mir gerne
 die 0.5.8 installieren als debianpacket gibt es nur die 0.4.1

$ dpkg -l alsa-base
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   VersionDescription
ii  alsa-base  0.5.8b-2   ALSA driver common files

Allerdings keine Ahnung, ob dies auch potato ist.


Re: What is SIOCSIFFLAGS, and when will he be back?

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Raymond L. Zarling wrote:

 Yes, I have booted linux both from a cold start and after running windows,
 with no difference.  But I guess that indicates some kind of Plug and Play
 problem.  I don't think that's what's going on in my case, since the dmesg
 output (recorded below) says to me that the kernal is talking to the card
 just fine.
 Does anyone, please, know how I could research this problem farther?  Prove,
 for instance, whether it is or is not a Plug and Play problem?

I have had a similar problem (though it DID fix with soft booting). I have
browsed through the drivers source (I think it was kernel 2.2.15?). What I
have found is that the card and the driver have poor media
autosensing. The log shows you are trying to autosense. Also, on a 3com
card (its driver's author is the same) I had some headaches, for the card
seemed PnP, but it lied (you had to programme its parameters via
3c5x9setup). I suggest that you should look for a tool like 3c5x9 for your
card and try programming its IRQ and I/O settings to those autodetected by
the driver, also don't rely on the driver's autosensing.

  ** dmesg **
  Linux version 2.2.12 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #2 Thu Aug 
  11:46:26 PDT 1999
  tulip.c:v0.91g 7/16/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  eth0: Digital DS21143 Tulip rev 65 at 0x6100, 00:C0:F0:3B:F7:91, IRQ 0.
  eth0:  EEPROM default media type Autosense.
  eth0:  Index #0 - Media MII (#11) described by a 21142 MII PHY (3) block.
  eth0:  MII transceiver #1 config 3000 status 7829 advertising 01e1.
  ** ifconfig -a **
  eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:F0:3B:F7:91  
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
   Base address:0x6100 
  loLink encap:Local Loopback  
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
   RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
  ** lsmod **
  Module  Size  Used by
  nls_cp437   3548   1  (autoclean)
  tulip  29060   0  (unused)
  serial 18412   1 
  parport 6600   0  (unused)
  vfat8972   1 
  umsdos 22768   0  (unused)

Hopefully helpful,

Command line setting of background in helix gnome

2000-07-18 Thread The Flying Hamster
Anyone know of a command line tool to set the background under


The Flying Hamster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well not so much flying as sitting on the tube...

All computers are evil, just remember that. -- Me.

Re: kerneld message / Workaround

2000-07-18 Thread David Wright
Quoting brian moore ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 11:51:06AM +0100, Jonathan Heaney wrote:
  David Wright wrote:
   The scripts /etc/init.d/{kerneld,modutils} have to be able to handle
   both 2.0 and 2.2 kernels with kerneld or kmod. You will see they do
   this by testing for the presence of /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe which
   only exists under 2.2.
 But doesn't -always- exist on 2.2:
 [narvi:/etc/init.d] 11:26:37am 136 % ls -l /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe
 ls: /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe: No such file or directory
 [narvi:/etc/init.d] 11:26:39am 137 % uname -a
 Linux narvi 2.2.16 #6 Fri Jun 23 13:51:08 PDT 2000 i686 unknown
 You need to have 'CONFIG_KMOD' set in your kernel build to have it,
 which I don't.

Thanks for finding that out. Of course, the 2.2 kernel documentation
does say that you should configure kmod.

 Seems to me that the logic on that is broken.  /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe
 is not a good way to determine whether kerneld should be run.
 Perhaps you should file a bug on it?

Maybe, but I tend towards the idea that if you decide to go your own
way on this, it's not a lot to expect you to have to modify the
startup script too.

  And what about 2.4test kernels (that I'm running) ?  I don't have a
  /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe - what should I do?  How do the magic
  scripts in /etc/init.d deal with that
 They run kerneld.  Wrongly.

Ditto. (Maybe,
   ... too.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

About Staroffice

2000-07-18 Thread nianwei xing
Hi, there:
Anyone know where to find the commands for StarMath? I
use StarOffice 3.1.
Thanks in advance!


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Re: Remote Apps

2000-07-18 Thread David Wright
Quoting Ethan Pierce ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Id like to be able to run ftp and telnet to my home machine from 
 work...normally this works fine.  Today I thought I would just boot up my 
 home machine to the login and leave it there to save some 
 processor...theoretically this is supposed to work?  I called another friend 
 (this is b4 I left for work) and had him log in...this worked.  I left for 
 work and when I arrived couldnt log in...hmm

What do you mean by couldn't log in?

 Called my girlfriend and had her log in I could get in again 
 from work...weird
 I logged out remote , then came back an hour later...couldnt connect to or 
 ping my machine...called her up again and had her startx thinking maybe I 
 needed something running full time to have the remote network access.  Now 
 things are working remotely without the hitch.

What do you mean by couldn't connect to my machine?

 Now, my questions are:
 1)Does remote network access depend on users logged in locally?


 2) If a user is logged in locally and times out so to speak from not doing 
 anything will this cut off remote access?


The problem is, you say nothing about how you're trying to connect.
Are you on cable, or are you using the telephone?
Did the telephone get answered? On each occasion?

Rather than post exactly what happened and what didn't, you seem to
have decided that it's something to do with other users on the machine.
I don't know why.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Subject: Re: anyone knowledgeable enough pls help!

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:

 Hi Pavel,
   Thank you. I would really appreciate it if you can send me your
 programs... if you don't mind that is :)
 Pavel M. Penev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This here is absolutely wrong. The X11 system uses its own signals,
 transported via TCP/IP. Clicking File-Quit is just like clicking any
 other button. Netscape is responsible for handling the event, and it has
 no reason to kill its parent if run by a system()-like function, or run by
 exec*() function it will have its own signal-handling table. I have
 written two small programmes (one for GTK, and one to call it and trap
 signals). I can send them if you wish.

Have you still not received the tarball?!


Re: Getting apache, PHP3, and PostgreSQL working together.

2000-07-18 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 05:31:15AM +0200, Remco Rijnders wrote:

 So now with the cause pinned down, what can I do to fix this? I'd like
 to run potato on this machine but really need version 7.* of
 postgreSQL because of the foreign key support. Would upgrading just
 the php3-pgsql package work, or would I then also need to upgrade
 apache and all other things?

The PHP3 packages from woody seem to work fine.  If you upgrade them,
though, you'll get an upgraded apache, too.  And apache-ssl from woody
conflicts with ssh, so if you need ssh, you can't have apache-ssl for now.

You could compile the potato version of PHP against postgres 7.  That's what
I did.  Just add a sources line to your sources.list.

 Last question... If this is a known incompatibilty, shouldn't the
 debian packaging mechanism prevent me from making oopsies like this by
 pointing out the dependencies to me?

I don't know.  I do know that you can install the php3-pgsql package without
having PostgreSQL installed, so apparently there is no dependency.

Andrew Sullivan  Computer Services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Burlington Public Library
+1 905 639 3611 x158   2331 New Street
   Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 1J4

Re: modem dialin init string

2000-07-18 Thread Kai Weber

 Anybody has a good init string for a v.90 rockwell based modem(dlink
 dfm-56E)? this will be used for dialin purposes.

Mr. Modem should have one for you:

+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

Re: installation startup problems...

2000-07-18 Thread Kai Weber
+ Screwy Squirrel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Howdy all!  I'm trying to get Debian installed on my new system.  It is an
 800Mhz Athlon on an Asus motherboard.  Anyways, when I try to boot off of
 the CD(I have Debian 2.1 CDs from LSL, and a 2.1 CD from the Sams book),
 the boot up never finishes.
 Anyone out there have any ideas what might be wrong?

It seems to be a problem with the old 2.0.x kernel used for slink. Some
Athlon specific things I guess. I did not solve the problem with slink -
I switched to potato and it works.

It should be possbile to get a newer kernel and use it at install. But I
am not experienced with this... I stopped trying with slink as fast as
potato was in the 2nd test cycle.

+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

Re: [Q] virus susceptibility data

2000-07-18 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 04:24:42PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

 For all intention's purposes, there are no Linux virui. Strickly
 speaking this is not true -- there have been virii created for Linux in
 the past, but they are not 'in the wild'.

For those who like a pointless bit of language trivia, Tom Christiansen has
a long rant on why the plural of virus is 'viruses', and most especially, is
not 'virii':

Andrew Sullivan  Computer Services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Burlington Public Library
+1 905 639 3611 x158   2331 New Street
   Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 1J4

Re: Getting apache, PHP3, and PostgreSQL working together.

2000-07-18 Thread Remco Rijnders
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andrew Sullivan wrote:
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 05:31:15AM +0200, Remco Rijnders wrote:

 So now with the cause pinned down, what can I do to fix this? I'd like
 to run potato on this machine but really need version 7.* of
 postgreSQL because of the foreign key support. Would upgrading just
 the php3-pgsql package work, or would I then also need to upgrade
 apache and all other things?

The PHP3 packages from woody seem to work fine.  If you upgrade them,
though, you'll get an upgraded apache, too.  And apache-ssl from woody
conflicts with ssh, so if you need ssh, you can't have apache-ssl for now.

You could compile the potato version of PHP against postgres 7.  That's what
I did.  Just add a sources line to your sources.list.

I managed to solve the problem (thanks to your pointer earlier). In
the end I have downloaded php3-pgsql, php3 and apache-common from
woody. All other packages I could keep at the potato version,
including the main apache package.

The program I needed this for now works like a champ :) A thank you to
you and everyone else who attempted to help me. It is very much


Remco Rijnders, ICQ: 760542 | Linux adanidas 2.2.14 is up 51 days,  8:52| Reporter: Mr Gandhi, what do you think of
Phone:(+31) 70 3467809  |   Western Civilization?
Cellular: (+31) 6 22091723  | Gandhi:   I think it would be a good idea.

Re: anyone knowledgeable enough pls help! (fwd)

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

Subject: Re: anyone knowledgeable enough pls help!

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:

 On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Pavel M. Penev wrote:
  On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:
   For the starting of x-windows, I guess you could but startx in .login in
   the users home-dir.
   The netscape part it quite a bit more difficult ( I guess you can start it
   using .Xsession or something, but you'll have to check the docs of that
   for more info), the closing part, here the idea I got on that ( I can't
   provide it to you because I'm not good at c):
   Create a c-program that starts netscape and include signal.h that
   intercepts the SIGTERM, when the SIGTERM arrives the user is prompted for
   a password (netscape will be closed at that moment), if the
   password is correct, the program is terminated and netscape isn't running
   anymore, if the password is incorrect, netscape is restarted. 
   Perhaps this can be of any help.
   Ron Rademaker
  This here is absolutely wrong. The X11 system uses its own signals,
  transported via TCP/IP. Clicking File-Quit is just like clicking any
  other button. Netscape is responsible for handling the event, and it has
  no reason to kill its parent if run by a system()-like function, or run by
  exec*() function it will have its own signal-handling table. I have
  written two small programmes (one for GTK, and one to call it and trap
  signals). I can send them if you wish.
 Didn't know that... I would like to take a look at those programmes,
 Ron Rademaker

Here you are the sources,

Description: Here they are.

RE: Problem with Samba after upgrade to frozen

2000-07-18 Thread Lewis, James M.

 After upgrading to 'frozen' at the weekend, I can't get samba to work.
 Whenever anyone tries to connect, I get an error logged, complaining that
 samba can't change the group id (this is in /var/log/smb). It appears to
 trying to change to the group of the user that is trying to connect.
 Can anyone offer any advice?
IIRC, that is a bug with the 2.0.x kernels and the newer samba.
If you are running a 2.0.x kernel, try changing to a 2.2.x one.
Someone recompiled samba for 2.0 kernels and posted a url for
the debs.  I have since lost it.  I think it was Jens Jorgensen.
Anyone else have a pointer?

 Many thanks.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

What is /dev/log ?

2000-07-18 Thread etienne grossmann


  would anyone know where the file /dev/log comes from? 

 ls -l /dev/log
srw-rw-rw-1 root root0 Jul 18 07:46 /dev/log

  RTFM is an acceptable answer, especially if the man page is



Re: kerneld message / Workaround

2000-07-18 Thread brian moore
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 01:05:42PM +0300, Pavel M. Penev wrote:
 On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, brian moore wrote:
  On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 11:51:06AM +0100, Jonathan Heaney wrote:
   David Wright wrote:
The scripts /etc/init.d/{kerneld,modutils} have to be able to handle
both 2.0 and 2.2 kernels with kerneld or kmod. You will see they do
this by testing for the presence of /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe which
only exists under 2.2.
  But doesn't -always- exist on 2.2:
  [narvi:/etc/init.d] 11:26:37am 136 % ls -l /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe
  ls: /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe: No such file or directory
  [narvi:/etc/init.d] 11:26:39am 137 % uname -a
  Linux narvi 2.2.16 #6 Fri Jun 23 13:51:08 PDT 2000 i686 unknown
  You need to have 'CONFIG_KMOD' set in your kernel build to have it,
  which I don't.
  Seems to me that the logic on that is broken.  /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe
  is not a good way to determine whether kerneld should be run.
 What I think is that you are wrong.

Well, you're allowed your own opinions, even if they are boneheaded and
not backed up by facts.

 If you have compiled your kernel with
 'CONFIG_KMOD' defined, then you would have kmod built into your
 kernel. kmod is a REPLACEMENT for kerneld, remember?

Yes, and 'kerneld' is for 2.0, -NOT- 2.2.

|kerneld is obsolete as of  Linux  kernel  2.1.90,  it  was
|replaced  by  the kmod kernel thread and cron entries.  Do
|not even think of using kerneld unless you are  running  a
|2.0 kernel.

See that?  It says DO NOT run kerneld on anything but 2.0.  NOT.  BAD.

Got it?

Now, the logic in /etc/init.d/kerneld -WILL- run it if you build a 2.2
(remember that number?) kernel with 'CONFIG_KMOD' undefined.  See, in
that case, /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe will NOT exist, which is how
/etc/init.d/kerneld determines the version of your kernel.

Go check the source.  The /proc entry for sys/kernel/modprobe is in

{KERN_MODPROBE, modprobe, modprobe_path, 256,
 0644, NULL, proc_dostring, sysctl_string },

See the #ifdef?  Yep, /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe only exists if KMOD is

  Perhaps you should file a bug on it?
 Don't be that fast.

Why not?  A bug is a bug.  'man kerneld' is quite clear that kerneld
should -not- be run on a 2.2 kernel.  Yet /etc/init.d/kerneld is quite
happy to run it on a 2.2 kernel because it uses an incorrect method for
testing the version of the kernel.

Why is that not a bug?

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: Command line setting of background in helix gnome

2000-07-18 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 01:21:02PM +0100, The Flying Hamster wrote:

 Anyone know of a command line tool to set the background under

have a look at /usr/X11R6/bin/setup-background from the fvwm-common
package. it's windowmanager independend.

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

RE: Problem with Samba after upgrade to frozen

2000-07-18 Thread BEL List Manager

 IIRC, that is a bug with the 2.0.x kernels and the newer samba.
 If you are running a 2.0.x kernel, try changing to a 2.2.x one.

I am running a 2.0.x kernel. If it's as simple as that, then I'll certainly
do it (one of the reasons for moving up to frozen was go use the 2.2 kernel

As an aside, what changes are required to use a 2.4 kernel? Anything?

Thanks for the info.


Re: I need help please

2000-07-18 Thread Ashley Clark
* Melissa Stirling in I need help please dated 2000/07/18 10:22
* wrote:

 I have a customer who would like to purchase a Toshiba from me and
 intends to run Debian Linux as the operating system.
 His question is this:
 He will either buy the Satellite Pro 4320 or 4270 which have with an
 AGP or PCI 3D Savage graphics card built in, does Debian support this
 hardware please?

To the programs running there's not much difference between AGP/PCI but
the S3 Savage is listed in the XFree cards database, so yes it should

 He also intends to use a 3Com PCMCIA 10/100BaseT Ethernet card with
 it to, model no. 3CCFE575BT.  Do you know if this is also supported?

I've had only good luck with the 3Com PCMCIA cards, so I would suspect
it will work w/no problem.

You should look at the Linux Laptop page (url not handy) for some real
information though.

Ashley Clark

GCS/M d- s:-- a-- C++$ UL$ P L+++ E W++ N+ o K++ w O M V--
PS+(++) PE(++) Y+ PGP++(+++) t* 5+ X+ R* tv b+ DI++ D G e* h* r++ y+

finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG public key

Description: PGP signature

Re: What is /dev/log ?

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, etienne grossmann wrote:

   would anyone know where the file /dev/log comes from? 
  ls -l /dev/log
 srw-rw-rw-1 root root0 Jul 18 07:46 /dev/log
   RTFM is an acceptable answer, especially if the man page is

See the manual pages of syslogd and klogd.

Hope you get satisfied,

Re: kerneld message / Workaround

2000-07-18 Thread Pavel M. Penev

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, brian moore wrote:

   Perhaps you should file a bug on it?
  Don't be that fast.
 Why not?  A bug is a bug.  'man kerneld' is quite clear that kerneld
 should -not- be run on a 2.2 kernel.  Yet /etc/init.d/kerneld is quite
 happy to run it on a 2.2 kernel because it uses an incorrect method for
 testing the version of the kernel.
 Why is that not a bug?

I guess the developers have just left the user decide whether to use
kerneld or not. You are right to think that they could have done it nicer
by using uname, for example. So, I agree -- send a bug report (with
severity of about whishlist) if you would.


RE: Problem with Samba after upgrade to frozen

2000-07-18 Thread Lewis, James M.
  IIRC, that is a bug with the 2.0.x kernels and the newer samba.
  If you are running a 2.0.x kernel, try changing to a 2.2.x one.
 I am running a 2.0.x kernel. If it's as simple as that, then I'll
 do it (one of the reasons for moving up to frozen was go use the 2.2
 As an aside, what changes are required to use a 2.4 kernel? Anything?
I don't know.  Never tried the 2.4 kernel.

 Thanks for the info.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: network/ethernet card configuration problem?

2000-07-18 Thread James Polson

Thanks to all who answered my call for help! This message here is in
response to the one from John Pearson.

 Date:  Tue, 18 Jul 2000 13:15:56 +0930
 From:  John Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Re: network/ethernet card configuration problem?

 The correct way to proceed depends on which version of Debian you are
 using (slink (2.1), potato (2.2), etc.); which is it?

It is slink (2.1)

 You can check if things are going to work out for you by trying the
 following commands as root:
 # lsmod
 This lists the driver modules currently loaded.  
 If the ne or ne2k-pcidriver is loaded then you 
 should see it listed in the output to this command,
 like so:
 ne2k-pci4136   1

It was not loaded!

 Assuming it isn't loaded, try loading it by hand.
 If your NIC is a PCI card you should use the ne2k-pci
 driver, like so:
 # modprobe ne2k-pci
 PCI cards shouldn't need any extra parameters.
 If it's an ISA card you will need to use the ne module,
 and will need to pass at least the IO port as a parameter,
 with a command like this:
 # modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=10
 You can skip the IRQ parameter, but if you know what it is
 then it makes things a little more bullet-proof.  If you don't
 know what IO address the card is using, the Windows Device Manager
 (under System in Control Panels) will probably tell you.
 If the card is a bona-fide ISA/PNP card (as opposed to a
 traditional ISA card) then this will fail after a cold boot, and
 you will need to set the card up using isapnp before you can
 use it under Linux.

The full name of the card is D-Link DE220 ISA PnP -- is this
a bona-fide ISA/PNP adaptor?

I tried using the command

# modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=03(these are the proper settings)

and it didn't complain. However, I infer from your remarks that
I will have to use 'isapnp'. I guess that this means I will have to
edit (properly!) the /etc/isapnp.conf file. I looked at the website

and it looks like I will need a line in the file like:

(CONFIGURE EDI0119/236861364 ( ...  etc.

The code 'EDI0119' identifies the ethernet card -- but how can
I find what code to use for my card?

Please let me know if there is anything else I have to know about

 The way modules are handled changed a couple of times in older
 (pre-2.1) Debian releases; you should check if the following files
This one wasn't there!
  /etc/modutils/  (a directory)
 Get back to us when you've tried this and let us know what Debian
 release you're using, and you should get some better-targeted

Looking forward to it!

James Polson

Howto start X server on psuedo-tty or a FIFO

2000-07-18 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah

Is it possible to start the X server (and hence all
the apps that run under it) on a psuedo-tty or a FIFO
device? When X starts up, it run on tty1 or something
like that. I would like to run on a psuedo-tty or a
FIFO so that it can receive all input from them.



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Old Macs

2000-07-18 Thread Sear, Mick
I have 2 old Macs I'd like to install Linux on:

1) PowerMac 7100 (NuBus)
2) Beige G3

My questions:

1) Does anyone know if Linux can be installed on the 7100?
2) The built-in ethernet isn't working on the G3, so I want to use a PCI
card.  I have an Intel 10/100 Pro card that I'd like to use.  Anyone know if
I can get drivers for this?


Re: Old Macs

2000-07-18 Thread John S Jacobs Anderson
on 7/18/00 11:05 AM, Sear, Mick at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1) Does anyone know if Linux can be installed on the 7100?

MkLinux will work on that box, if I'm not mistaken. See

 2) The built-in ethernet isn't working on the G3, so I want to use a PCI
 card.  I have an Intel 10/100 Pro card that I'd like to use.  Anyone know if
 I can get drivers for this?

Should just work with the drivers in the kernel, I'd think -- PCI is PCI,
after all.

Good luck,
   [ John S Jacobs Anderson ]--URL:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ Genehack: Not your daddy's weblog ]--URL:

asking x not to listen on an interface

2000-07-18 Thread Mathew Johnston
I've been lookin in the docs, and I cant find any info on how to do
this... I want to stop X from listening on a particular interface... or
even stop it from listening on any tcp port at all.  I'd prefer that it
just use a unix socket or something - something non public.

Any ideas? Thanks
Mathew Johnston

[OFFTOPIC] Eudora mail client behind MASQ'ing debian?

2000-07-18 Thread Alberto Brealey

i have a client going trough the roof cause she can't send any mail with
Eudora (v3.01 or around there). her machine is behind a debian box (potato
not-so-current, k2.2.14) which masq's. that potato box is behind another one
that masq's her (same potato), which in turn is behind a really old POS
slakware 4.0, kernel 2.0.33 which masq's everything to the net.

i remember that like 3 months ago (when we installed their network) she had
the same prob, i read around a bit, remember seeing something about eudora
having probs behind masq'ing boxen running linux. but then she stopped
complaining and told us the prob was fixed, so we didn't care. a week ago
she starts calling again, bitchin every five minutes. so the question is: is
there a prob with eudora? or should i look in the linux boxen?

more info: if she dials-up, she can send mail. with outlook express i can
send mail. her box got rebuild like two weeks ago, and since then eudora
craps out ('Connection Refused' error) when sending mail. i can send mail
telnetting to port 25 of her mail server, so the rules are fine (i guess).


Alberto Brealey.

Debian + Windows98 on the same large disk problem

2000-07-18 Thread Dimitris Dracopoulos

I have recently got a new hard disk 40GB, in which I decided to install both
Windows98 and Debian, FreeBSD. 
(I never wanted to install this Win98 stuff on my machine but job matters

I repartitioned the hard disk using slink Debian's cfdisk into a first FAT32
partition of 12GB and 3 more partitions (second is 12GB BSD, and the other
two, 10 and 5GB Linux). For the cfdisk to work properly with my large disk,
I had to specify the disk geometry that FreeBSD's fdisk returned to me.

Following that I installed Windows98 on the first partition of 12GB. I
checked with the Windows98 fdisk program, and indeed it finds the 4
partitions mentioning that the 3 last ones are non-DOS. 

The problem is that when I use the Windows explorer to see what is the
available space for my C drive (FAT32 partition), I get that available for C
are 39GB, i.e. the whole of my hard disk and not just the FAT32 partition.
Despite that, it reports the C volume label to be the same name as that
reported by the Windows98 fdisk!

So, I wonder what is happening? Is it just a bug in the Windows Explorer or
the actual Windows will expand further than their allocated 12GB partition
when they have no space and delete my Debian and FreeBSD stuff when I
install them there?

Has anyone installed both Debian and Windows98 on the same large disk and
came across anything similar?



Problems with the shaper modules.

2000-07-18 Thread Gianluca Montecchi


i am trying to set up the shaper modules, following the istructions that
I found with the linux kernel, without any success, so I have some questions:

- I need in any case two or more network adapter ? (there is nothing 
  to say yes or not into the docs)

- I configured ip_alias, ip_forward and traffic shaper, there is anything else
  I need to activate in the kernel ?

- I follow the man pages and use this options:

shapecfg attach shaper0 eth0
shapecfg speed shaper0 64000
ifconfig shaper0 [my_ip] netmask [my_netmask] broadcast [my_broad] up
route add -net [my_net] netmask [my_mask] dev shaper0

but it does not work.

The main difference is that I am trying on the eth0 dev, and the docs say to
use eth1, so I think I need two network adapters, Am I correct ?

Someone can suggest at least some documentation about this problem (i already
check the kernel documentation and the docs of the shapecfg program).

Thanks in advance


Home Page   Contro i brevetti del sw Boicotta Microsoft 

If we have to file a thousand lawsuits a day, we'll do it.
It's less expensive than losing CONTROL of YOUR creative works.
---Jack Valenti, President and CEO, Motion Picture Association of America

Servlets and Apache

2000-07-18 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi guys

I am looking for starting pointers on setting up Servlets on Apache.
Anyone got some useful links handy for that?

From what versions on is Apache servlet-capable?

The UNIX Guru's view of sex:
unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger
mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount

Background mail transfers

2000-07-18 Thread Barry Samuels
I normally work within a window manager environment (mostly KDE) when
using Debian Potato and have used KMail to download mail directly from my
ISP pop3 accounts.

I recently decided to setup fetchmail to poll my pop3 mail servers in the
background, download any waiting mail and pass it on to procmail for
sorting into appropriate folders and then access these folders using KMail.

This works well but I have realised recently that, because this is now
happening in the background, if I disconnect from my ISP without
thinking I can cut a mail download off in mid-stream. I have half an
e-mail to prove it.

Can anyone suggest a way to prevent this apart from running Fetchmail

Barry Samuels

How stable is WINE?

2000-07-18 Thread Cameron Matheson

I'm waiting for the new Debian to come out, and I need some information
about WINE.  In Potato, how stable is WINE?  Does it run better than
windoze?  Also, What's the speed like, is it as fast as the app would
run in windoze?

Cameron Matheson

RE: Problem with Samba after upgrade to frozen

2000-07-18 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

  IIRC, that is a bug with the 2.0.x kernels and the newer samba.
  If you are running a 2.0.x kernel, try changing to a 2.2.x one.
 I am running a 2.0.x kernel. If it's as simple as that, then I'll certainly
 do it (one of the reasons for moving up to frozen was go use the 2.2 kernel
 As an aside, what changes are required to use a 2.4 kernel? Anything?

No changes are needed for kernel 2.3.x/2.4.x (kernel 2.4 is still under
heavy development, despite being called 2.4), as long as you use potato.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien

Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-18 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Barry Samuels wrote:

 I normally work within a window manager environment (mostly KDE) when
 using Debian Potato and have used KMail to download mail directly from my
 ISP pop3 accounts.
 I recently decided to setup fetchmail to poll my pop3 mail servers in the
 background, download any waiting mail and pass it on to procmail for
 sorting into appropriate folders and then access these folders using KMail.
 This works well but I have realised recently that, because this is now
 happening in the background, if I disconnect from my ISP without
 thinking I can cut a mail download off in mid-stream. I have half an
 e-mail to prove it.
 Can anyone suggest a way to prevent this apart from running Fetchmail
 Barry Samuels

Well, I'm sure there are a lot of ways around this. What I do is to use
diald to allow on demand connections to my ISP. I then have a cron job
that runs fetchmail periodically to get the mail about 4 times a day.
Additionally I wrote a little perl script that runs when I log in (started
by kde) that will get mail if the network connection is up every 10
minutes. diald is a nice solution as you are not controlling connection.  
When fetchmail, or any other application requiring network access, is
finished, diald will end the connection. diald allows one to do other
things automatically also. I run leafnode so my machine is a USENET news
server. leafnode gets the news in the middle of the night and I can read
it from a local disk whenever I want to and not have to put up with
downloading news in real time.

Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-18 Thread John Hasler
Barry Samuels writes:
 ...if I disconnect from my ISP without thinking I can cut a mail download
 off in mid-stream.

This should not cause any problems as fetchmail will not tell the server to
delete the message until it has received the whole thing and successfully
delivered it.  Truncated messages will be fetched again at the next

 I have half an e-mail to prove it.

Was it delivered to the user at your end?  Was it deleted from the server?
If so, you've found a bug.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Background mail transfers

2000-07-18 Thread Simon Michael
hmm.. surely fetchmail normally would take this in stride, re-fetching
the message next time ?

Re: difference between running perl from command line and web

2000-07-18 Thread Michael Urman
I've been having this difficulty as well, although i'm not convinced
it's a pre 5.005 - 5.005 change (i think i've been at 5.005 the entire
time).  What i would suggest (and did in my case) was to change from
using a `lynx` to using the LWP modules.  perldoc LWP::UserAgent.


On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 02:32:55PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
   $output = `echo name=value | lynx -post_data -dump`;
   Now, with earlier perl versions, this works from both command line and
   web(as an cgi program). However, recently, I upgraded to perl5.005 and
   now it only works from command line and not web anymore.

gpg: 1024g/55C56706 : C3D7 2A8F 6261 3DE4 F544  6DC3 A1D5 BEF6 156F 65A4
mwr#debian bsd is also responsible for porn nets, then, too? Groovy.

Re: How stable is WINE?

2000-07-18 Thread Krzys Majewski
I tried the potato wine a few days ago and it was basically useless.
The only thing it could sort of run was the windows calculator 
and even then it had trouble. Anyone had better luck? -chris

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Cameron Matheson wrote:

 I'm waiting for the new Debian to come out, and I need some information
 about WINE.  In Potato, how stable is WINE?  Does it run better than
 windoze?  Also, What's the speed like, is it as fast as the app would
 run in windoze?
 Cameron Matheson
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: How stable is WINE?

2000-07-18 Thread Andrei Ivanov
If it helps at all, I tried WINE few month ago off their site, building
from source. Had quite a good success with it (Was able to run Starcraft,
MS Word95). Not sure what version potato has, though. If you want the
latest one, try it off the

First there was Explorer.
Then came Expedition.
This summer
coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354

 For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG

Re: Howto start X server on psuedo-tty or a FIFO

2000-07-18 Thread David Z. Maze
Dinesh Nadarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DN Is it possible to start the X server (and hence all
DN the apps that run under it) on a psuedo-tty or a FIFO
DN device?

This doesn't make sense.  What are you really trying to do?

DN When X starts up, it run on tty1 or something like that.

Normally, the XFree86 server grabs a virtual console, since its
display needs to go *somewhere*.  There's not really a way to get
around this, nor should there be.[1]

DN I would like to run on a psuedo-tty or a FIFO so that it can
DN receive all input from them.

Normally, the X server gets input from a keyboard, and a mouse, and
whatever X clients connect to this.  There's no way to funnel all of
this over a single FIFO.  So...?

[1] The Xvfb server has no display at all, so it doesn't need a tty.
The Xnest server displays to a window; it's both an X client and
an X server.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Enlightenment and X

2000-07-18 Thread Sven Burgener

(Pardon my newbie-ness on this topic)

1) I can get into enlightenment fine; after having executed
I have some basic KDE stuff installed also. Is that necessary?

2) In enlightenment, the screen looks somewhat unclear; it 'flicker' 
slightly. How to solve that? This is visible particularly when having 
some (white-ish) options pane open.

I have an ATI Rage Pro 8MB card which should be just fine for X /
Enlightenment, right? I mean in terms of performance.

3) Are there any *good* apps that I *need* to have? :)
AFAIS, I just *love* eterm. Great stuff! :)

Thanks in advance
MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs

Re: How stable is WINE?

2000-07-18 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Potato Wine package can be very outdated.
Quoting Andrei Ivanov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 If it helps at all, I tried WINE few month ago off their site, building
 from source. Had quite a good success with it (Was able to run Starcraft,
 MS Word95). Not sure what version potato has, though. If you want the
 latest one, try it off the
 First there was Explorer.
 Then came Expedition.
 This summer
 coming to a street near you..
 Ford Exterminator.
  Andrei S. Ivanov  
  UIN 12402354
  For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

bugs during install of Potato TC2

2000-07-18 Thread Manuel Segura
Package: boot-floppies
Version: kernel 2.2.15, potato test cycle 2 i386
Architecture: i386
model: PII 233MHz, chipset 440BX
RAM: 128MB
SCSI: Adaptec Ultra 160

In CD1 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato - test-cycle-2 i386
french doc: Installer Debian Linux 2.2 sur Intel x86 version 2.2.15, 06

I have found some mistakes:
- Page 10, Chapter 2.5.3, the line containing the ftp url does not fit in the
page and is
- Page 24, Chapter 5.3 the line containing the http url
does not fit in the page and is truncated
- Page 26, Chapter 5.3 the line describing fdisk.txt and cfdisk.txt does not fit

in the page.
- Page 32, chapter 6.1 the end of the line speaking about IBP PS/1 does not
fit in the page: hd=cylindres,têtes,secteurs.
- Page 34, chapter 6.6 the line containing the email address
does not fit in the page.
- Page 34, chapter 6.6 some lines when describing a bug report does not fit in
the page:
the line that contains scsi: nom de votre controleur...
the line that contains cd-rom: modèle de votre cdrom ...
the line that contains carte réseau: ...
- Page 42, chapter 7.16: Le moment de vérité:
.In case of installing from a CDROM, you must say to the user to eject the
floppy and
the cdrom
.you must say something about MD5 menu
.you must say something about Shadow passwords menu: the chapter 7.19 is
in the document, because Debian installer asked to me about shadow password
asking for a root password.
- Page 44, chapter 7.21: a little mistake in the french text: replace
Ensuite, vous allez arrivé by Ensuite, vous allez arriver
- Page 44, chapter 7.21: a little mistake in the french text: replace
souvenez de passer l'étape by souvenez vous de passer l'étape
- Page 44, chapter 7.21: a little mistake in the french text, in the
line containing Sinon, vous pouvez quitter dselect et reprendre plus tard on
word tard
and in the next sentence: une fois que vous aurez récupéré les paquets Debian
votre système in the word sur
- Page 45, chapter 7.23, a little mistake in the french text: replace
diificulté by difficulté
- Page 45, chapter 7.23, le line speaking  on /etc/chatscripts does not fit in
the page.
- The chapter 7.23 on PPP is misplaced: I have been asked on PPP configuration
after PCMCIA (chapter 7.20)
- A chapter about Apt configuration should be written, after the new PPP
The chapters order should be: PCMCIA,PPP,Apt configuration

- A big problem: During install, I have never seen a menu for choosing

Thank you for your good work

Manuel Segura
Responsable Informatique de l'ESCPI

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Eudora mail client behind MASQ'ing debian?

2000-07-18 Thread C. Falconer

Eudora 4.3 sounds like the best option.

Please - why so many masqerading layers?  Who is dialing-up who?  Where is 
her mail server in relation to the masq boxes?

At 09:44 AM 7/18/00 -0600, you wrote:

i have a client going trough the roof cause she can't send any mail with
Eudora (v3.01 or around there). her machine is behind a debian box (potato
not-so-current, k2.2.14) which masq's. that potato box is behind another one
that masq's her (same potato), which in turn is behind a really old POS
slakware 4.0, kernel 2.0.33 which masq's everything to the net.

i remember that like 3 months ago (when we installed their network) she had
the same prob, i read around a bit, remember seeing something about eudora
having probs behind masq'ing boxen running linux. but then she stopped
complaining and told us the prob was fixed, so we didn't care. a week ago
she starts calling again, bitchin every five minutes. so the question is: is
there a prob with eudora? or should i look in the linux boxen?

more info: if she dials-up, she can send mail. with outlook express i can
send mail. her box got rebuild like two weeks ago, and since then eudora
craps out ('Connection Refused' error) when sending mail. i can send mail
telnetting to port 25 of her mail server, so the rules are fine (i guess).


Alberto Brealey.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-18 Thread Sven Burgener

Yet more Qs:

1) How to get the middle mouse working in enlightenment? I had it
working under KDE before. (Logitech PS/2 mouse)

2) How do I choose backgrounds from those -theme-whatever packages? They
are installed, yet I can't find a way to choose them. It seems I cannot
do that in Desktop Background Settings.

eterm is really cute.

The program required me to install Windows 95 or better ...
... so I installed Linux.

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-18 Thread Sven Burgener
God, sorry this'll be the last time I post another mail on the same
topic without waiting for answers. :)

1) Is there any browser I can use in enlightenment? I dont particularly
*like* Netscape, so are there any other options? (not lynx - I *need* 
/ want graphics)

2) Is there any way to 'enhance' mutt slightly within X? I mean, do you
guys just start it within a console in X or what?

Again, thanks.
L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\
 of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

minicom connection to router

2000-07-18 Thread michelle wood

looking for some help in making minicom 1.82.1. connect via a serial
connection to cisco router.  hope i don't offend anyone because i'm using
redhat.  a friend i work with raves about debian and suggested this

*running redhat 6.1
*when launching minicom, modem in initialized.  modem is on /dev/ttyS3
and able to dial out through minicom just fine.
*have tried going into minicom -s and changing serial setup to ttyS1 and
ttyS2 with no luck.
*have tried seyon with no better results--but not sure about setup in

thanks for any help!


Michelle Wood
5520 Research Park Drive
Madison, WI 53711
Phone (608)288-3000
Fax (608) 288-3007

Berbee...Putting the E in Business!

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-18 Thread Ashley Clark
* Sven Burgener in Re: Enlightenment and X dated 2000/07/18 21:13
* wrote:

 Yet more Qs:
 1) How to get the middle mouse working in enlightenment? I had it
 working under KDE before. (Logitech PS/2 mouse)

Are you starting X differently? xdm vs. startx maybe? But it should be
defined in your /etc/X11/XF86Config, meaning it should work whether
you're using KDE, Gnome, Enlightenment, fvwm, or any other WM.

 2) How do I choose backgrounds from those -theme-whatever packages? They
 are installed, yet I can't find a way to choose them. It seems I cannot
 do that in Desktop Background Settings.

When I click my middle mouse button and go to the Desktop menu there is
an option called backgrounds. This menu is built when E starts based on
the files under ~/.enlightenment/backgrounds, so you can place any
personal images there and restart E to have it load them.

Ashley Clark

GCS/M d- s:-- a-- C++$ UL$ P L+++ E W++ N+ o K++ w O M V--
PS+(++) PE(++) Y+ PGP++(+++) t* 5+ X+ R* tv b+ DI++ D G e* h* r++ y+

finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG public key

Description: PGP signature

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-18 Thread Ethan Pierce
Hey Sven, yes Enlightenment ownsif you can get your middle working in E
let me know, I have the same ps/2 mouseman + and cant for the life of me get
it working in E or any other WM for that matter.

For desktop backgrounds drop the jpgs or bmps in
~/.enlightenment/backgrounds...then you can right click and choose desktop
options or something and change it there.
- Original Message -
From: Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian Users
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: Enlightenment and X


 Yet more Qs:

 1) How to get the middle mouse working in enlightenment? I had it
 working under KDE before. (Logitech PS/2 mouse)

 2) How do I choose backgrounds from those -theme-whatever packages? They
 are installed, yet I can't find a way to choose them. It seems I cannot
 do that in Desktop Background Settings.

 eterm is really cute.

 The program required me to install Windows 95 or better ...
 ... so I installed Linux.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Enlightenment and X

2000-07-18 Thread Ashley Clark
* Sven Burgener in Re: Enlightenment and X dated 2000/07/18 21:18
* wrote:

 1) Is there any browser I can use in enlightenment? I dont particularly
 *like* Netscape, so are there any other options? (not lynx - I *need*
 / want graphics)

You can try Mozilla, I've been using the one in woody now for the last
couple of months with only a few annoyances. Mainly, secure sites don't
work and occasionally if I push it hard enough it will come tumbling

 2) Is there any way to 'enhance' mutt slightly within X? I mean, do you
 guys just start it within a console in X or what?

Personally I use a translucent Eterm that automatically starts mutt
with some predefined menus, look in the /usr/share/Eterm/themes/mutt
directory for an example to start with.

Ashley Clark

GCS/M d- s:-- a-- C++$ UL$ P L+++ E W++ N+ o K++ w O M V--
PS+(++) PE(++) Y+ PGP++(+++) t* 5+ X+ R* tv b+ DI++ D G e* h* r++ y+

finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG public key

Description: PGP signature

X Terminals

2000-07-18 Thread Matt Kopishke
Hi, I am trying to set up an x terminal.  The way I used to do this is
install xdm on the host, then run X -query host on the client.  Now on
my potato machines I get XDMCP fatal error: Manager unwilling Host

Any ideas?


Re: X Terminals

2000-07-18 Thread Matt Kopishke
Never mind, I found it, I had to edit Xaccess.

Thanks anyways,


On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Matt Kopishke wrote:

 Hi, I am trying to set up an x terminal.  The way I used to do this is
 install xdm on the host, then run X -query host on the client.  Now on
 my potato machines I get XDMCP fatal error: Manager unwilling Host
 Any ideas?

Upgrade openssl .deb? or purge old ver and install new?

2000-07-18 Thread montefin

Just hoping for a little guidance before I upgrade both ssl and ssh.

With a new (Potato-based, linux-2.2.16) firewall in place between my
SDSL connection and my internal network, I now want to open a secure
telnet connection (port 22) to and from the outside, and to close the
regular telnet connection (port 23).

To accomplish that, I've downloaded openssh-2.1.1p4 from Since that requires openssl-9.9.5a, I also
added woody/non-US main contrib
non-free to my /etc/apt/sources.list so I can apt-get it.

Currently, I have openssh-1.2.3-8, openssl-0.9.4-5, apache-ssl, and
apache-perl on the firewall -- all installed via apt-get.

I've run 3 apt-get simulations:

1.) apt-get --simulate install openssl -- which says it will upgrade
openssl and add 1 required library, libssl095a.

2.) apt-get --simulate remove openssl -- which says it will remove
apache-perl, apache-ssl and openssl, and install php3, apache-dev and

3.) apt-get --simulate remove ssh -- which says it will just remove ssh.

The only fly in the ointment (that I can see) is that I accepted the
default expiration on the temporary certificate I made for apache-ssl
back in April, so it has expired.

--- Okay, here's my question(s): Since there is no .deb file (AFAICT)
for openssh-2.1.1p4, I'm going to have to apt-get remove (or dpkg
--purge) ssh anyway and install the new version from source. Would there
be any advantage to going to the extra trouble of removing/purging and
re-installing openssl, apache-ssl and apache-perl? Besides, that is,
getting the opportunity to create new certificates and keys now that I
know a little more about how to do that? Of course, if the openssl
upgrade gave me the same opportunity, that would clinch it for me.

And one bug-a-boo, I _know_ I have seen a version of the openssl tookit
saying it _includes_ the ssh functionalities, but for the life of me I
can't re-locate that source. Was I dreaming?

Any guidance would be vastly appreciated -- especially if there are
better, simpler ways to go about updating the security features on the
firewall which, btw, is a 486DX, 64Mb RAM, 514Mb HDD machine running
Potato on a 2.2.16 kernel (with vague notions of bumping up to
2.4.0-test5, which is humming along nicely on my P II box, because I
_love_ them iptables).

Thanks in advance for any help, and for your patience with


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