Tarjeta de red Link Sys dc-100 pci

2000-09-04 Thread tomkat


Tengo un pquen~o problema con una tarjeta de red.

Es una Link Sys Nc-100 o asi. He estado mirando por ahi y deberia rular con
el driver para tulip por ser de chipset DEC 21*1* o algo asi. He compilado
el nucleo con soporte para el pero no me aparece por ninguna parte.


Re: Configurar DNS en casa

2000-09-04 Thread David Charro Ripa
No veo la traducción del capítulo de DNS del manual de redes debian por
ningún sitio del cvs.

He dejado una copia de mi traducción en


Aunque está en sgml, no tengo ni idea del mismo.
Creo que hay una herramienta sgml2html pero me han dicho que no funciona
¿La habeis probado?




woody y users

2000-09-04 Thread Alejandro David Yashan


Hola gente como andan espero que bien, les cuento el jueves a la noche
termine de hacer el upgrade a woody via apt se instalaron todos los
paquetitos hasta alli todo bien, exepto por una cosa desde que woody esta
funcionando no puede entrar mas como user, me sale login incorrect y estoy
100 % seguro que pongo bien el password xDD pero el prob no es solo con
ese user que ya esta creado de antes, por que cree un user nuevo para ver
que pasaba y me da el mismo error.
para poder usar la cuenta de user tengo que entrar como root y poner su y
el user y recien alli puedo acceder a la cuenta.
alguna sugerencia? alguien sabe que pasa a que se debe?


Shalom ve Leitrahot

Alejandro David Yashan (GNU-Rex en IRC)

La contribucion mas grande y peligrosa que Micro$oft ha hecho a
la industria del software podria ser el nivel al que ha bajado las
expectativas de los usuarios.

Acentos y e#es omitidas deliberadamente para evitar problemas de lectura
con algunos clientes de e-mail
Linux Registered User #120401
LUGAr Miembro #409
POWERED BY GNU/Debian Woody Kernel 2.2.17
Linux is userfriendly, but is only a bit selective about its friends :-)

Re: Una webcam espía

2000-09-04 Thread tomkat

Hay programa para linux q usa el video 4 linux para capturar imagenes cuando
algo cambia en la imagen. Es decir si alguien entra empieza a grabar y crea
un mpg ademas puede mandar email y sms. creo q se llama emotion o algo asi
busca en freshmeat.
- Original Message -
From: Jaime E. Villate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 5:00 AM
Subject: Re: Una webcam espía

 31 wrote:
  Alguno de vosotros ha montado un sistema de seguridad-espía con una
  La historia es que tiene que grabar toda la noche y la webcam esta a
  20-30 metros del ordenador. ¿Existe forma de hacer algo económico y que
  de algun resultado?
  Nos han entrado a robar por 3º vez:(((

 Hola borxa,
 El año pasado tuve que hacer algo muy semejante para una installation
 party; la idea era que los que no pudieran asistir al evento tuvieran
 una imagen actualizada que pudieran consultar en la web, pero al mismo
 tiempo guardar un resumen de todo el evento para después hacer una
 película. El programa perl que hice es bastante simple y te lo pongo
 aquí para poder comentarlo:

 ($secs, $mins, $hour, $day, $mo, $year) = localtime (time);
 while (1){
   ($secs, $mins, $hour, $day, $mo, $year) = localtime (time);
   system('/usr/bin/qcam -q 75 -J/var/www/lip-image.jpg');
   unless ($i%4) {
   $dir = archive$hour;
   $file = $dir/image$hour:$mins:$secs.jpg;
   system('mkdir '.$dir) unless (-d $dir);
   system('cp /var/www/lip-image.jpg '.$file);
   sleep 1;
 (copialo en un fichero ejecutable)
 Lo que hace el programa es capturar una imagen cada segundo
 (aproximadamente, pues ademas de sleep 1 que espera un segundo, hay
 que sumar el tiempo de ejecución de los otros comandos). Esta imagen se
 coloca en /var/www/lip-image.jpg para que quede disponible en la web.
 Cada cuarta imagen (puedes controlar este parametro cambiando el $i%4)
 se graba en un directorio con nombre archiveXX, donde XX es la hora, y
 con un nombre imageHH:MM:SS.jpg, donde HH, MM, SS son la hora, minutos
 y segundos. Cada hora se crea un nuevo directorio.
 Con esos valores, en un pentium A6 166MHz, quedaron grabadas imagenes
 cada 3 segundos; cada imagen ocupó unos 10 kbytes y para cada hora
 necesité unos 10 Mbytes de espacio en disco. Lo mejor es que
 experimentes y veas que valores necesitas y que opciones para el qcam
 o el programa de captura que uses.


 P.S. Si pones las imagenes al vivo en la red, cuentanos para ayudarte
 con tu vigilancia. Y si atrapas al ladrón por favor cuentanos y
 muestranos la evidencia; ya me estoy imaginando una noticia espectacular
 en Barrapunto: Debian ayudó a descubrir a los ladrones!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

exim no arranca automaticamente

2000-09-04 Thread David Charro Ripa
He instalado el exim como pequeño servidor de correo.
Pero me he dado cuenta de que al reiniciar la máquina no me arranca el
exim automáticamente.
¿Porqué? ¿Algo de seguridad?
Como sería una buena forma de decirle que me arranque el exim al inicio.
¿Lo puedo meter en el inetd?




RE: [Quedada Universidad de Valencia] ERA: Re: Voy a Madrid

2000-09-04 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
  P.S: ¿Qué tal a mediados de Octubre?
 Por mi sin problema.

Lo mismo digo.

Ignacio García Fernández

Un matemático es un ciego, en un cuarto oscuro,
buscando un gato negro que no está allí.
  C. Darwin.
Ponga un matemático en su empresa.

Ayuda para Linux

2000-09-04 Thread Egidazu Amaia

Hola !!

Soy Amaia y os mando este e-mail en busca de ayuda!

Mi problema es el siguiente:

Me he creado una librería propia (libDM.so) y necesito usarla dentro
de un módulo (init_module...) en el espacio de Kernel, pero tengo problemas
en el linkage.  El linkage lo realizo de la siguiente forma:

RTL_MODULES: -L/lib/modules/2.2.12-4/misc

mod.o: $(OBJECTS)
-ld -shared -o mod.o $(OBJECTS) $(RTL_MODULES) -lDM

 ¿Qué puedo hacer para poder utilizar esa librería en el espacio de Kernel,
dentro de un módulo  ? ¿Cómo debo linkarlo?

Gracias por vuestra ayuda y hasta otra !!


Re: exim no arranca automaticamente

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater

La idea es la siguiente: ¿tu lo puedes iniciar haciendo /etc/init.d/exim
Si es asi, metele un ln -s /etc/init.d/exim /etc/rc2.d/Sxxexim a /etc/rc2.d
(suponiendo que tu default runlevel sea el 2). El nº entre la S y exim,
en /etc/rc2.d, indicará el orden en que se inician los distintos procesos
dentro de /etc/rc2.d.

At 09:23 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
He instalado el exim como pequeño servidor de correo.
Pero me he dado cuenta de que al reiniciar la máquina no me arranca el
exim automáticamente.
¿Porqué? ¿Algo de seguridad?
Como sería una buena forma de decirle que me arranque el exim al inicio.
¿Lo puedo meter en el inetd?




Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Configuración DHCP - No DHCP

2000-09-04 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, cuando me instalé Potato hace dos semanas creía que cuando me
viniera el técnico de Telefónica Data para configurarme el router ADSL la IP
se negociaría por DHCP tal como me habían dicho varias personas que ya
tenían el servicio pero al parecer cada uno hace lo que le viene en gana...
Telefónica Data es un caos, no es de estrañar.

En fin, que con mi Slink me apañaba la mar de bien con la configuración de
red pero con Potato necesito que alguien me eche un cable para hacer esta

1) Variar eth0 de IP negociada por DHCP a fija, la cosa está tal que así:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/network/interfaces 
# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
iface lo inet loopback

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian
installationiface eth0 inet dhcp

2) Variar los servidores de nombres de resueltos por DHCP a fijos, la cosa
está tal que así:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/resolv.conf
search domain.invalid

Se entiende ¿no?, se trata de variar la configuración de IP de DHCP a:
  * IP fija.
  * Máscara de subred.
  * Puerta de enlace.
  * DNS primario y secundario fijos.

Debe ser sencillísimo pero como soy novato en redes pues perdón por
semejante pregunta 0:-)

Saludos y gracias de antemano.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: exim no arranca automaticamente

2000-09-04 Thread David Charro Ripa
Hola Jaume:

 La idea es la siguiente: ¿tu lo puedes iniciar haciendo /etc/init.d/exim


 Si es asi, metele un ln -s /etc/init.d/exim /etc/rc2.d/Sxxexim a /etc/rc2.d
 (suponiendo que tu default runlevel sea el 2). El nº entre la S y exim,
 en /etc/rc2.d, indicará el orden en que se inician los distintos procesos
 dentro de /etc/rc2.d.

Lo que me extraña es que no esté por defecto este arranque de exim al
¿Porqué? ¿Algo de seguridad?

¿Y meterlo en el inetd? Así se iniciaría al detectar que alguien le
llama al puerto.
Sería más lento al iniciar, ¿verdad?




Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Holas otra vez, referente a la configuración de red preguntada antes por mi,
no se cómo decirle al sistema que mi sistema accede a Intet mediante
una puerta de enlace y una máscara de subred ( concrétamente) 
teniendo mi host una IP y este a su vez estando conectado a una serie de
equipos en red local, ¿cómo hago eso en Potato?.

¿Se puede volver a lanzar debconf para que te reconfigure la red?, sería
bastante cómodo.

Saludos, y perdón si me repito pero quien no llora no mama :)

Muchísimas gracias a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: Configuración DHCP - No DHCP

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater

At 09:36 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
Hola a todos, cuando me instalé Potato hace dos semanas creía que cuando me
viniera el técnico de Telefónica Data para configurarme el router ADSL la IP
se negociaría por DHCP tal como me habían dicho varias personas que ya
tenían el servicio pero al parecer cada uno hace lo que le viene en gana...
Telefónica Data es un caos, no es de estrañar.

Ya te han activado el adsl los de la timo? A mi me tardaron una semana
entre que me la instalaron y que empezó a responder al dhcp. Ellos te
activan la adsl remotamente (incluso puede que una vez la tengas rulando,
te deje de funcionar... llámalos de nuevo), una vez activada en principio
(y si las cosas no cambian) tendras una ip fija, puerta de enlace, etc...

En fin, que con mi Slink me apañaba la mar de bien con la configuración de
red pero con Potato necesito que alguien me eche un cable para hacer esta

1) Variar eth0 de IP negociada por DHCP a fija, la cosa está tal que así:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/network/interfaces 
# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

Buena idea, pues he oído (creo que en esta lista) que el dhcpd tiene bugs
de seguridad gordos. Creo, por eso, que el adsl no te da los servidores dns
automaticamente. Por lo menos yo tuve que llamar a ttd para pedirles los
servidores dns...

# The loopback interface
iface lo inet loopback

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian
installationiface eth0 inet dhcp

2) Variar los servidores de nombres de resueltos por DHCP a fijos, la cosa
está tal que así:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/resolv.conf
search domain.invalid

Se entiende ¿no?, se trata de variar la configuración de IP de DHCP a:
  * IP fija.
  * Máscara de subred.
  * Puerta de enlace.
  * DNS primario y secundario fijos.

Debe ser sencillísimo pero como soy novato en redes pues perdón por
semejante pregunta 0:-)

Saludos y gracias de antemano.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread David Charro Ripa
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Holas otra vez, referente a la configuración de red preguntada antes por mi,
 no se cómo decirle al sistema que mi sistema accede a Intet mediante
 una puerta de enlace y una máscara de subred ( concrétamente)
 teniendo mi host una IP y este a su vez estando conectado a una serie de
 equipos en red local, ¿cómo hago eso en Potato?.

Edita /etc/network/interfaces y le añades algo así
gateway númeroip.del.gate.guay

Por cierto, los routers ADSL son configurables. Parece ser que puedes
cambiarles las máscaras de red o redireccionar puertos al interior. En
fin, un peligro, pero puedes ponerte tu propio servidor web, o smtp, o
lo que quieras porque te dan la ip fija y rediriges los puertos del
router a tu red local por unas 6000 pelas al mes. Eso sí, 30.000 de
instalación y esperate unos meses sentadito hasta que te la hagan
funcionar. ¿Qué te voy a contar que no sepas ya?



Este verano, 12 pueblos de Teruel reciben agua en camiones
cisterna debido a la sequía que sufre Teruel.

Re: Ayuda para Linux

2000-09-04 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, you wrote:

   Me he creado una librería propia (libDM.so) y necesito usarla dentro
 de un módulo (init_module...) en el espacio de Kernel, pero tengo problemas
 en el linkage.  El linkage lo realizo de la siguiente forma:
 RTL_MODULES: -L/lib/modules/2.2.12-4/misc
 mod.o: $(OBJECTS)
   -ld -shared -o mod.o $(OBJECTS) $(RTL_MODULES) -lDM
  ¿Qué puedo hacer para poder utilizar esa librería en el espacio de Kernel,
 dentro de un módulo  ? ¿Cómo debo linkarlo?

Yo no sé mucho sobre las interioridades de Linux, pero me parece un
poco extraño que un módulo pueda usar una biblioteca dinámica externa,
así por la cara. ¿Has probado a enlazar estáticamente?

Re: exim no arranca automaticamente

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 11:06 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
Hola Jaume:

 La idea es la siguiente: ¿tu lo puedes iniciar haciendo /etc/init.d/exim


 Si es asi, metele un ln -s /etc/init.d/exim /etc/rc2.d/Sxxexim a /etc/rc2.d
 (suponiendo que tu default runlevel sea el 2). El nº entre la S y exim,
 en /etc/rc2.d, indicará el orden en que se inician los distintos procesos
 dentro de /etc/rc2.d.

Lo que me extraña es que no esté por defecto este arranque de exim al
¿Porqué? ¿Algo de seguridad?

Pues la verdad no lo se... pero ya me he encontrado varios paquetes que no
se inician automáticamente.

¿Y meterlo en el inetd? Así se iniciaría al detectar que alguien le
llama al puerto.
Sería más lento al iniciar, ¿verdad?

Sip. Eso depende del uso del smtp que tengas. Yo no uso el exim, sino el
sendmail (tengo 150 cuentas de correo, no se si el exim se saturaria...), y
como es un servicio muy usado lo tengo corriendo como demonio. Si lo vas a
usar solo para ti casi que lo pones en el inetd i ya está... Aunque como
dices, irá mas lento, pues exim debe iniciarse cada vez que lo usas.




 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater
Debes configurar route...

route add default gw

At 11:09 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
Holas otra vez, referente a la configuración de red preguntada antes por mi,
no se cómo decirle al sistema que mi sistema accede a Intet mediante
una puerta de enlace y una máscara de subred ( concrétamente) 
teniendo mi host una IP y este a su vez estando conectado a una serie de
equipos en red local, ¿cómo hago eso en Potato?.

¿Se puede volver a lanzar debconf para que te reconfigure la red?, sería
bastante cómodo.

Saludos, y perdón si me repito pero quien no llora no mama :)

Muchísimas gracias a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater

Por cierto, los routers ADSL son configurables. Parece ser que puedes
cambiarles las máscaras de red o redireccionar puertos al interior. En
fin, un peligro, pero puedes ponerte tu propio servidor web, o smtp, o
lo que quieras porque te dan la ip fija y rediriges los puertos del
router a tu red local por unas 6000 pelas al mes. Eso sí, 30.000 de
instalación y esperate unos meses sentadito hasta que te la hagan
funcionar. ¿Qué te voy a contar que no sepas ya?


1.- Segun tengo entendido SOLO los configura timofonika. Almenos yo no sé
(ni con el manual en mano) como se configura el mio... No responde a mis

2.- Segun me han dicho, el adsl tiene un ancho de banda de salida de 1K/s.
No se que hay de cierto en eso, no lo he probado... Prometo hacerlo prontito...

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: dpkg -l

2000-09-04 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 30 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 10:30:43 +0100, Arregui-García, 
Javier contaba:

Al hacer dpkg -l, no consigo ver los nombres completos de muchos paquetes,
pues la longitud fija reservada para el nombre se queda corta. ¿Hay alguna
manera de evitar esto? Es algo que me pregunto desde hace un montón de

 dpkg-1.6.14  (potato) tiene  en  cuenta el  ancho del  terminal
 antes de  mostrar la lista, de  forma que si en  Xwindow tienes una
 consola de más de 80 columnas,  puede que te salga bien. En consola
 de texto no se me  ocurre nada aparte del --get-selections|grep que
 ya te han comentado.

 Quizá los  debelopers (la  b es intencionada  jejeje) podrían
 añadir  un par  de opciones  a  usar junto  con dpkg  -l, para  que
 tuviéramos más  flexibilidad a la  hora de decidir lo  que queremos
 ver (por ejemplo, sólo paquete+versión y sólo paquete+descripción).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Puertos e identidad

2000-09-04 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 31 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 08:30:42 +0200, José Luis Ayala contaba:

El problema es que quiero conocer el
dominio asociado a dichas direcciones IP (maquina.dominio.es) pero soy
incapaz. He probado con host -a y ns -a, pero me da de resultado
xxx.xxx.xx.xx does not exist (Authoritative answer). Es decir, ¿cómo
puedo hacer una consulta al DNS para que me dé la identidad de esta IP?

 Si el administrador de ese dominio  no se ha tomado la molestia
 de crear las zonas de resolución inversa en su servidor de nombres,
 me temo que te puedes ir olvidando del tema.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

RE: dpkg -l

2000-09-04 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Gracias por las respuestas,

Lo de que dpkg tiene en cuenta el ancho del terminal es nuevo en potato,
¿no?  Juraría que en slink pasaba del tema...


Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 13:16 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
 1.- Segun tengo entendido SOLO los configura timofonika. Almenos yo no sé
 (ni con el manual en mano) como se configura el mio... No responde a mis

Marchando un manual de router-ADSL


Jodes David... Ese pedassso manual es una virgueria!!!

Ahora entiendo porque no me respondia a los telnets que le lanzaba... En el
manual dice que la IP del router es, pero claro, si los de timo la
cambiaban... Y con el password... Que vamos, que he accedido a él :-)

Se me han abierto las puertas del ADSL :-)

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Disquette de arranque lento y SIOCADDRT error

2000-09-04 Thread Gabriel Tabares Barreiro
Yo tengo el mismo problema con mi ordenador. Si uso un 486 el disco de arranque 
es instantaneo (todo lo que puede ser desde un diskette). Si uso el disco de 
arranque creado con Slink (o con Red Hat 5.2) en mi K6-2 pues se lleva 
timpo (como para irme a la cocina a hacerme un bocata) antes de arrancar.

   Una vez que esta funcionando montar el disco y eso sigue siendo igual de 
rapido que normalmente. Si hago un bzDisk tras compilar el kernel la cosa 
tambien va bastante rapida.

   ?Podria tener algo que ver con el formato del disco de arranque? (minix si 
no me equivoco).

   Una pregunta (que no tiene nada que ver con esto)... tengo mi Slink/Corel 
1.0 (trozos de ambos lados) al que le recompile el Kernel. Desde que lo he 
hecho me da un error SIOCADDRT no encontrado (en ingles) al arrancar. Por lo 
que yo se SIOCADDRT forma parte de protocolos de red (hice un grep en las 
fuentes del kernel y me salio en appletalk y algo mas, ninguno de los cuales 
esta incluido en mi kernel). ?Alguien tiene alguna idea sobre eso? Todo parece 
funcionar perfectamente (y supongo que se ira a pase cuando ponga Patata en 
el ordenador).

  Gracias anticipadas


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Re: Y más de red!

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 17:51 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:

Hoy os voy a saturar, lo se... pero bueno.

¿Cómo hago para lanzar ciertos procesos que antes se arrancaban al levantar
la conexión por módem a Inet al estar en /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ al levantar

Antes tomaba el correo de varios servidores POP y otras cosas pero ahora al
disponer de conexión permanente e IP fija no se dónde he de poner mejor
estos scripts de arranque.

Supongo que deberás ponerlo en el /etc/rc2.d (suponiendo que tu default
runlevel es el 2) teniendo en cuenta que el numero del enlace simbolico sea
superior al de networking (que creo que está en rcS.d), routed... p.ej:

$ ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*routed
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root  6 Jul 16 02:28 /etc/rc2.d/S20routed -

Vemos que el enlace se llama S20routed. Haz un symlink que sea
S30procesos_a_levantar a los procesos (seguramente los tendras en
/etc/init.d/, sino fuera asi, supongo que tendrias que hacerte un script
como los que hay en este directorio...). Al ser el numero mayor que el de
routed te aseguras de que la red estara funcionando cuando levantes estos

Lo otro (lo del correo frozen), ni papa.

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread drequena



Me he perdido el mail de David con el manual de marras..

Yo tambien tengo un router ADSL de Timofonica al que no puedo acceder ni por el
puerto de consola al estar protegido con contraseña. Ni que decir tiene que me
iria de perlas
esta información ;-)

El router es un SpeedStream 5660 Ethernet DSL Router de Efficient Networks Inc
si eso
sirve de algo.

Saludos cordiales.
David Requena
| |   Jaume Sabater | |
| |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |           To:  
| |   04/09/00 15.08|   sts.debian.org|
| | |           cc:   |
| | |   (bcc: David   |
| | |   Requena/PLZ/CSC)  |
| | |           Subject:  |
| | |   Re: Más de redes 0:-) |

At 13:16 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
 1.- Segun tengo entendido SOLO los configura timofonika. Almenos yo no sé
 (ni con el manual en mano) como se configura el mio... No responde a mis

Marchando un manual de router-ADSL


Jodes David... Ese pedassso manual es una virgueria!!!

Ahora entiendo porque no me respondia a los telnets que le lanzaba... En el
manual dice que la IP del router es, pero claro, si los de timo la
cambiaban... Y con el password... Que vamos, que he accedido a él :-)

Se me han abierto las puertas del ADSL :-)

    Jaume Sabater i Lleal
    Administrador de sistemes
        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Tel: 93 292 41 00
        Fax: 93 292 42 25
        Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038
        Recinte Poble Espanyol
        Barcelona - Catalunya

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Description: Binary data


2000-09-04 Thread TooMany

Vereis, me he instalado unos paquetillos de Alsa, incluido el esound-alsa (para 
proporcionar sonido en el Enlightenment). Como root oigo los cliks de los 
menús, etc. Pero como usuario, la cera me rezuma por las orejillas y no oigo 
nada de nothing... He mirado permisos, y /dev/audio tenía root:root. Lo he 
cambiado hábilmente :) a root:audio como los demás, y tengo el usuario dentro 
del grupo audio, pero sigo sin poder escuchar nada.
¿Algúna alma caritativa que me quiera echar una mano, que no al cuello?

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Borrado de mensajes en cola ¿cómo?

2000-09-04 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola otra vez, tengo que borrar la cola de mensajes de correo pero no se cómo.
Antes cuando usaba sendmail lo hacía a las bravas con rm pero ahora no me
queda claro, alguien conoce un método más fino :)

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: Disquette de arranque lento y SIOCADDRT error

2000-09-04 Thread Humberto . Morell
 Re: Disquette de arranque lento y SIOCADDRT error
A mi tambienm me sucedido lo del arranque lento con disquete ya 
hace un tiempo, pero si mal no recuerdo fue en el paso en que se 
trata de  reconocer los dispositivos Scsi, por lo que supuse que el 
Kernel que esta en disquete tiene muchos de estos para chequea y de 
ahi la demora, cuando compile el kernel y elimine estos chequeos me 
funciono normal, chequea a ver si es eso
. SIOADDRT error
No se exactamente, pues aun no he encontrado una documentacion donde 
explique exactamente el problema, pero con el kernel 2.2 al parecer 
en network el comando que acostumbramos a poner para la ruta
route add -net y el de nuestra class, no funciona o no es 
necesario parece que con el ifconfig ya el sabe que es lo que tiene 
que hacer, fijate que por lo regular saca dos errores de este tipo

Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Como se encripta la clave en /etc/passwd?

2000-09-04 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Pretendo hacer un programilla en PHP que autentifique usuarios a través
de una copia reducida de /etc/shadows. 
Para ello utilizo la función de PHP 'crypt(contraseña, semilla)' y
comparo con el valor almacenado.  Mi gran duda es: ¿de dónde obtengo la
semilla?  He probado con los 2 primeros caracteres de la contraseña
encriptada, pero sólo me identifica las que está vacías :-(.  He buscado
documentación por muchos sitios (incluso he intentado leer las fuentes
de passwd.c), pero no lo acabo de ver.
Por otra parte, si algún usuario/programador más avezado en Apache/PHP
sugiere otro método de verificación de usuario/contraseña se agradece
Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Como se encripta la clave en /etc/passwd?

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 20:12 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
Pretendo hacer un programilla en PHP que autentifique usuarios a través
de una copia reducida de /etc/shadows. 
Para ello utilizo la función de PHP 'crypt(contraseña, semilla)' y
comparo con el valor almacenado.  Mi gran duda es: ¿de dónde obtengo la
semilla?  He probado con los 2 primeros caracteres de la contraseña
encriptada, pero sólo me identifica las que está vacías :-(.  He buscado
documentación por muchos sitios (incluso he intentado leer las fuentes
de passwd.c), pero no lo acabo de ver.
   Por otra parte, si algún usuario/programador más avezado en Apache/PHP
sugiere otro método de verificación de usuario/contraseña se agradece
Yo me encontré con ese mismo problema. Al final lo resolví haciendo una
base de datos en que cada user nuevo tenia que entrar la clave. De esta
forma controlé el proceso de encriptación. El problema es si tienes mushos
users, pues no creo que te sea viable llamarlos para que entren de nuevo su

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread José Carlos García Sogo
Jaume Sabater wrote:
 Por cierto, los routers ADSL son configurables. Parece ser que puedes
 cambiarles las máscaras de red o redireccionar puertos al interior. En
 fin, un peligro, pero puedes ponerte tu propio servidor web, o smtp, o
 lo que quieras porque te dan la ip fija y rediriges los puertos del
 router a tu red local por unas 6000 pelas al mes. Eso sí, 30.000 de
 instalación y esperate unos meses sentadito hasta que te la hagan
 funcionar. ¿Qué te voy a contar que no sepas ya?
 1.- Segun tengo entendido SOLO los configura timofonika. Almenos yo no sé
 (ni con el manual en mano) como se configura el mio... No responde a mis

 Necesitas un manual un poco mejor. Mira en www.volados.org, hay un
HOWTO sobre el tema muy curioso.

 Por cierto, prueba a conectarte con un navegador poniendo la dirección
IP del Router, a ver qué pasa :-)

 2.- Segun me han dicho, el adsl tiene un ancho de banda de salida de 1K/s.
 No se que hay de cierto en eso, no lo he probado... Prometo hacerlo 

 Supongo que será algo más. Normalmente el canal de salida está muy poco
saturado, pero a ver quién sabe ;-)


José Carlos García Sogo

Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater
Después del pedazo manual que nos ha pasado David Charro (mil millones de
gracias) ya he entrado al router adsl (via web, aunque tambien se puede via
telnet), me he grabado los archivos de configuración (via ftp) y he
empezado a trastear el router :-)

Evidentemente lo primero que he hecho ha sido meterle mano al password.
Aunque el pedazo-manual de David Charro dice que el router sólo es
accesible desde la intranet (internet no), por si las moscas lo he
cambiado, no sea que me entrasen por otro lado y le metan mano...

Trasteando he visto que el router está configurado para recibir 256K(¿bits
o bytes?) y mandar 128K... Parece que no se pueda tocar pero hay una opción
DSL Interface State puesta a UP, aligual si la pongo a DOWN invierto
esos parámetros. Lo que no se es si cambio estos parámetros me hará musho
caso... Aligual también se tiene que reconfigurar la centralita
telefónika... ¿Alguien tiene algun manual de centralitas de timofónika?

Aquí tengo diversión para rato :-) pues tiene una barbaridad de
posibilidades, el router ese... 

Y como dice David, es un peligro !!! Pero un poquitin de emoción en la vida
entra estupendamente :-)

De todas formas voy a verificar que el manual que tu dices es *distinto* al
pedazo-manual de David, aligual encuentro mas petroleo todavia :-)

At 16:08 04/09/00 +0200, you wrote:
Jaume Sabater wrote:
 Por cierto, los routers ADSL son configurables. Parece ser que puedes
 cambiarles las máscaras de red o redireccionar puertos al interior. En
 fin, un peligro, pero puedes ponerte tu propio servidor web, o smtp, o
 lo que quieras porque te dan la ip fija y rediriges los puertos del
 router a tu red local por unas 6000 pelas al mes. Eso sí, 30.000 de
 instalación y esperate unos meses sentadito hasta que te la hagan
 funcionar. ¿Qué te voy a contar que no sepas ya?
 1.- Segun tengo entendido SOLO los configura timofonika. Almenos yo no sé
 (ni con el manual en mano) como se configura el mio... No responde a mis

 Necesitas un manual un poco mejor. Mira en www.volados.org, hay un
HOWTO sobre el tema muy curioso.

 Por cierto, prueba a conectarte con un navegador poniendo la dirección
IP del Router, a ver qué pasa :-)

 2.- Segun me han dicho, el adsl tiene un ancho de banda de salida de 1K/s.
 No se que hay de cierto en eso, no lo he probado... Prometo hacerlo

 Supongo que será algo más. Normalmente el canal de salida está muy poco
saturado, pero a ver quién sabe ;-)


José Carlos García Sogo

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Más de redes 0:-)

2000-09-04 Thread Jaume Sabater
Me respondo a mi mismo:

De todas formas voy a verificar que el manual que tu dices es *distinto* al
pedazo-manual de David, aligual encuentro mas petroleo todavia :-)

Es el mismo. Si lo quereis...

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: exim no arranca automaticamente

2000-09-04 Thread Juanmi
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:48:51PM +0200, Jaume Sabater wrote:

 Sip. Eso depende del uso del smtp que tengas. Yo no uso el exim, sino el
 sendmail (tengo 150 cuentas de correo, no se si el exim se saturaria...), y
 como es un servicio muy usado lo tengo corriendo como demonio. Si lo vas a
 usar solo para ti casi que lo pones en el inetd i ya está... Aunque como
 dices, irá mas lento, pues exim debe iniciarse cada vez que lo usas.

Yo antes usaba sendmail, he alucinado con la facilidad de uso y la velocidad
de exim.


Re: Puertos e identidad

2000-09-04 Thread void

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Hue-Bond wrote:

 El jueves 31 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 08:30:42 +0200, José Luis Ayala 
 El problema es que quiero conocer el
 dominio asociado a dichas direcciones IP (maquina.dominio.es) pero soy
 incapaz. He probado con host -a y ns -a, pero me da de resultado
 xxx.xxx.xx.xx does not exist (Authoritative answer). Es decir, ¿cómo
 puedo hacer una consulta al DNS para que me dé la identidad de esta IP?
  Si el administrador de ese dominio  no se ha tomado la molestia
  de crear las zonas de resolución inversa en su servidor de nombres,
  me temo que te puedes ir olvidando del tema.

Bueno , un whois en ripe al menos te dira de quien tiene asignada la ip y
como contactar con ellos.

Un saludo

Re: Borrado de mensajes en cola ¿cómo?

2000-09-04 Thread Luis Clausell
Yep Javier!

El Mon, 04 de Sep de 2000 a las 06:59 PM, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez escribió:

 Hola otra vez, tengo que borrar la cola de mensajes de correo pero no se cómo.
 Antes cuando usaba sendmail lo hacía a las bravas con rm pero ahora no me
 queda claro, alguien conoce un método más fino :)


-Mrm   The arguments are interpreted as a list of  message
   ids,  and  each  message is completely removed from
   Exim's queue, and forgotten.  However,  if  any  of
   the  messages is active, its status is not altered.
   This option can be used only by an admin user or by
   the  user  who  originally caused the message to be
   placed on the queue.

 ##  ##  
   # ## #[EMAIL PROTECTED]2:346/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   # ## #
   ## ICQ UIN 1523792   Usuario Linux 94909##
 ##   Debian GNU/Linux   ##  

Re: Borrado de mensajes en cola ¿cómo?

2000-09-04 Thread Eduardo Diaz Comellas

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 Hola otra vez, tengo que borrar la cola de mensajes de correo pero no se cómo.
 Antes cuando usaba sendmail lo hacía a las bravas con rm pero ahora no me
 queda claro, alguien conoce un método más fino :)

Pues puedes borrarlo con rm :-) Ya no usas sendmail? Que formato de
spool usa el MTA que usas tu?


Re: Como se encripta la clave en /etc/passwd?

2000-09-04 Thread Eduardo Diaz Comellas

Jaime Fernández Martínez wrote:

 Para ello utilizo la función de PHP 'crypt(contraseña, semilla)' y
 comparo con el valor almacenado.  Mi gran duda es: ¿de dónde obtengo la
 semilla?  He probado con los 2 primeros caracteres de la contraseña

Pues el standard es usar para salt los dos primeros caracteres... asi que es
raro que no te funcione. Si te haces un programita en perl, verás que funciona

Por otra parte, el método más normal para limitar el acceso a un directorio
es usar el fichero .htaccess con algo así

AuthName Mi_directorio_restringido
AuthType   Basic
require valid-user
AuthUserFile /home/midir/archivo_con_claves

El archivo con claves se puede crear con el comando htpasswd.

Para que esto funcione tienes que configurar apache con la opción:

AllowOverride AuthConfig

afectando al directorio que quieres restringir.


ganate un Audi TT

2000-09-04 Thread Flia. Moyano

Favor inscribirme
Rafael Moyano

Cual es la diferencia?

2000-09-04 Thread Kion_
	Ayer leyendo y poniendo en practica un Libro sobre Unix, encontre el 
siguiente programa nohup, el cual te permite mantener ejecutando un proceso 
en segundo plano, aunque salieras de sesion actual. Bueno, aunque no soy 
usuario de una gran Red ni mucho menos Root de dicha gigantesca Red. Lo 
comprebe en mi caja Linux, ejecute el proceso con el programa nohup y lo 
puse en segundo plano y sali. Puede comprabar que el proceso seguia vivo, 
por que teclee ps aux como root. Pero mi pregunta recae, en cual es la 
diferencia en hacerlo con el programa nohup o sin el. Por que, realice lo 
mismo, pero sin el programa y me daba el mismo resulto.

Saludos y Gracias!!!.

Re: Problemas com CDR

2000-09-04 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

Olá Vinicius,

Mande o resultado do comando dmesg para que possamos analisar
melhor, isto se ainda não conseguiu resolver o seu problema.
Por exemplo, o meu é (as partes relevantes):

hdb: Hewlett-Packard CD-Writer Plus 8200, ATAPI CDROM drive
hda: ATAPI 44X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.56
scsi2 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
scsi : 3 hosts.
  Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 8200   Rev: 1.0f
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02

No meu lilo.conf eu tenho a mesma linha append mas com a
seguinte sintaxe:


Veja se isto resolve/ajuda!

Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21

Re: Problemas com CDR

2000-09-04 Thread Vinicius De Mario

Matou !!!
O problema era saber qual drive, como eu poderia ter descoberto que  o sr0
 ?, eu imaginava que seria sg0 (scsi generic) mas o sg eh drive de caracter
 e nao bloco, no meu caso.
Existe alguma documentao que especifica/clareia este tipo de coisa ?
Aproveitando, uma das dificuldades que tenho com linux  justamente saber
 quem  quem, o que eu uso para fazer o que. Eu tinha um documento do Rildo
 Pragana, que ajudava bastante, dava um bocado de exemplos, mas perdi o dito
 cujo e nao me lembro de onde eu peguei, fazem uns dois anos. Eu quase nao
 estava usando o Linux, mas agora tenho projetos de desenvolvimneto nesta
 plataforma e estou sentindo o drama ..

Anexo a saida do dmsg, onde ficou claro que o drive eh o /dev/sr0
Agradeo muito a ajuda, valeu 

--- corte aqui ---
hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLlct10 20, ATA DISK drive
hdc: HP CD-Writer+ 7200, ATAPI CDROM drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: 39876480 sectors (20417 MB) w/418KiB Cache, CHS=2482/255/63
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2  hda5 hda6  hda3 hda4
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
scsi : 1 host.
 Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 7200  Rev: 3.01
 Type:  CD-ROM   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
scsi : detected 1 SCSI cdrom total.
sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 6x/6x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.11

 corte aqui -

Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:

Ol Vinicius,

	Mande o resultado do comando dmesg para que possamos analisar
melhor, isto se ainda no conseguiu resolver o seu problema.
	Por exemplo, o meu  (as partes relevantes):

hdb: Hewlett-Packard CD-Writer Plus 8200, ATAPI CDROM drive

hda: ATAPI 44X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.56
scsi2 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
scsi : 3 hosts.
  Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 8200   Rev: 1.0f
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02

	No meu lilo.conf eu tenho a mesma linha append mas com a
seguinte sintaxe:


	Veja se isto resolve/ajuda!

Mario O.de Menezes"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails"
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (linux-br) Debian 2.2 e XFree 3.3.6

2000-09-04 Thread Cristiano Fernandes
hummm vc quer usa windowmaker ne vc crio a GNU... e uma pasta q o
windowmaker pede pra ser criada eu nao lembro o nome se alguem lembrar
fale aki e se nao tiver a pasta o X cai mesmo tenta usa o KDE se funcionar
e isso se nao eu nao sei...
Espero ter ajudado
SlackWare User

On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, cosmo wrote:

 Estou tendo problemas com o XFree 3.3.6. Depois de configurar o XFree 
 atraves do programa
 XF86Setup, que aparentemente deu tudo certo. Mas quando executo o comando 
 startx o XFree eh
 carregado, mas antes de carregar o Window Manager ele, o XFree,  cai e 
 aparece as seguintes
 mensagens !!
 XFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
 Release Date: January 8 2000
  If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
  than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
  problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Operating System: Linux 2.2.17pre10 i686 [ELF]
 Configured drivers:
   SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 1):
   GeForce DDR, Quadro, ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i, ET4000W32i_rev_b,
   ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a, ET4000W32p_rev_b,
   ET4000W32p_rev_c, ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, ET6100, et3000, pvga1,
   wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33, gvga, r128, ati,
   sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, sis86c215, sis86c225, sis5597,
   sis5598, sis6326, sis530, sis620, sis300, sis630, sis540, tvga8200lx,
   tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000,
   tvga9000i, tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi,
   tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660, tgui9680, tgui9682,
   tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388, cyber9397, cyber9520,
   cyber9525, 3dimage975, 3dimage985, cyber9397dvd, blade3d, cyberblade,
   clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426, clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430,
   clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5480, clgd5462, clgd5464, clgd5465,
   clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235, clgd7541, clgd7542, clgd7543,
   clgd7548, clgd7555, clgd7556, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e, cpq_avga, mga2064w,
   mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, mgag200, mgag100, mgag400, oti067,
   oti077, oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308,
   ali2401, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7, ark1000vl, ark1000pv,
   ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek, s3_savage, s3_virge, AP6422, AT24,
   AT3D, s3_svga, NM2070, NM2090, NM2093, NM2097, NM2160, NM2200,
   ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535, ct65540, ct65545, ct65546,
   ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6, ct68554, ct69000, ct64200,
   ct64300, mediagx, V1000, V2100, V2200, p9100, spc8110, i740, i740_pci,
   i810, i810-dc100, i810e, Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3, smi, generic
 (using VT number 7)
 XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
 (**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
 (**) XKB: rules: xfree86
 (**) XKB: model: pc101
 (**) XKB: layout: us
 (**) Mouse: type: Microsoft, device: /dev/ttyS0, baudrate: 1200
 (**) Mouse: buttons: 3
 (**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Primary Card
 (**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Primary Monitor
 (**) FontPath set to
 (--) SVGA: PCI: Trident TGUI 96xx rev 211, Memory @ 0xe000, 0xe040
 (--) Trident chipset version: 0xd3 (TGUI96xx)
 (--) SVGA: BIOS reports Clock Control Bits 0x0
 (--) SVGA: Detected a Trident 9680.
 (--) SVGA: Revision 1.
 (--) SVGA: Using Trident programmable clocks
 (--) SVGA: chipset:  tgui9680
 (**) SVGA: videoram: 2048k
 (**) SVGA: Using 16 bpp, Depth 16, Color weight: 565
 (--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 135.000 MHz
 (**) SVGA: Mode 800x600: mode clock =  40.000
 (**) SVGA: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  31.500
 (--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 800x600
 (--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
 (--) SVGA: Using Linear Frame Buffer at 0x0e000, Size 2MB
 waiting for X server to shut down
 A placa de video eh uma Trident 9668 !!
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 Assinantes em 04/09/2000: 2361
 Mensagens recebidas desde 07/01/1999: 77155
 Historico e [des]cadastramento: http://linux-br.conectiva.com.br
 Assuntos administrativos e problemas com a lista: 

Maint Guide

2000-09-04 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Ae pessoal!!!
Acabei o maint-guide!!
to mandando pra vcs darem uma olhada... tive uma 
idéia, também... me mandem aí o que já está traduzido
e o que está parcialmente (e quanto) para eu postar
na próxima debian-news!! =)
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Unidentified subject!

2000-09-04 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Ae pessoal desculpa... acho q num devia ter mandado 
o attach pras listas... foi a empolgacao... da proxima 
vez eu me controlo =)
desculpa mesmo

Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Re: Acentuacao funcionando!!?!

2000-09-04 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
   Talvez alguem que acompanhe o Debian mais de perto possa me
 dizer se o Debian incorporou o patch do Quinot (como a Conectiva
 jah fez) ou eh o StarOffice que estah cuidando dos acentos.
   Bem, o fato eh que tudo funciona perfeitamente...

Se nao me engano nao foi bem isso.  Eh que o StarOffice alterou a
forma de captura do teclado fazendo com que a propria aplicacao componha
os dead-keys.

[root ~]# ./helio --loureiro | mail -v [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemas com CDR

2000-09-04 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Eu coloquei diversos exemplos de associações de dispositivos no guia 
Foca Linux no capítulo Discos e partições:


Vinicius De Mario wrote:
 Matou !!!
 O problema era saber qual drive, como eu poderia ter descoberto que é
 o sr0 ?, eu imaginava que seria sg0 (scsi generic) mas o sg eh drive
 de caracter e nao bloco, no meu caso.
 Existe alguma documentação que especifica/clareia este tipo de coisa ?
 Aproveitando, uma das dificuldades que tenho com linux é justamente
 saber quem é quem, o que eu uso para fazer o que. Eu tinha um
 documento do Rildo Pragana, que ajudava bastante, dava um bocado de
 exemplos, mas perdi o dito cujo e nao me lembro de onde eu peguei,
 fazem uns dois anos. Eu quase nao estava usando o Linux, mas agora
 tenho projetos de desenvolvimneto nesta plataforma e estou sentindo o
 drama ..
 Anexo a saida do dmsg, onde ficou claro que o drive eh o /dev/sr0
 Agradeço muito a ajuda, valeu 
 --- corte aqui ---
 hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLlct10 20, ATA DISK drive
 hdc: HP CD-Writer+ 7200, ATAPI CDROM drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
 hda: 39876480 sectors (20417 MB) w/418KiB Cache, CHS=2482/255/63
 Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2  hda5 hda6  hda3 hda4
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
 scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
 scsi : 1 host.
   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 7200   Rev: 3.01
   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
 scsi : detected 1 SCSI cdrom total.
 sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 6x/6x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
 Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.11
  corte aqui -
 Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
  Olá Vinicius,
  Mande o resultado do comando dmesg para que possamos
  melhor, isto se ainda não conseguiu resolver o seu problema.
  Por exemplo, o meu é (as partes relevantes):
  hdb: Hewlett-Packard CD-Writer Plus 8200, ATAPI CDROM drive
  hda: ATAPI 44X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
  Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.56
  scsi2 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
  scsi : 3 hosts.
Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 8200   Rev: 1.0f
Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  No meu lilo.conf eu tenho a mesma linha append mas com a
  seguinte sintaxe:
  Veja se isto resolve/ajuda!
  Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart,
  IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
  http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

LiLo - Duvida

2000-09-04 Thread Daniel Longhi
Oi Galera,

Gostaria saber se tem jeito de trocar a versao do LiLo no 
momento da instalacao do POTATO e se é preciso?

O que acompanha a base2_2.tgz é a versao: 21.4.3-2
Me disseram q preciso da versao 24.4.3 ou superior para poder dar o BOOT
apos os 1024 cilindros do meu HD, pois existe uma Particao vfat
no inicio.

HD Quantum 10 giga, a BIOS reconhece 8 giga.
Esses 8 giga sao os primeiros 1024 Cilindros do HD ???
Os 8 giga que a BIOS reconheceram foram todos usados em uma particao
Com o Partition Magic fiz um reparticionamento nao-destrutivo e 
criei uma particao ext2 de 32 mega no final dessa FAT32 pensando em 
usa-la como o /boot no Linux.

A Duvida: Vou precisar do novo LILO para acessar essa ext2 que criei
com o PM?

O Objetivo é instalar o Linux nos 2 gigas que a BIOS nao reconheceu!!!

Desde ja obrigado!


Re: LiLo - Duvida

2000-09-04 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Voce pode fazer um disco de boot, enquanto nao atualiza o lilo pra 
Quoting Daniel Longhi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Oi Galera,
 Gostaria saber se tem jeito de trocar a versao do LiLo no 
 momento da instalacao do POTATO e se é preciso?
 O que acompanha a base2_2.tgz é a versao: 21.4.3-2
 Me disseram q preciso da versao 24.4.3 ou superior para poder dar o BOOT
 apos os 1024 cilindros do meu HD, pois existe uma Particao vfat
 no inicio.
 HD Quantum 10 giga, a BIOS reconhece 8 giga.
 Esses 8 giga sao os primeiros 1024 Cilindros do HD ???
 Os 8 giga que a BIOS reconheceram foram todos usados em uma particao
 Com o Partition Magic fiz um reparticionamento nao-destrutivo e 
 criei uma particao ext2 de 32 mega no final dessa FAT32 pensando em 
 usa-la como o /boot no Linux.
 A Duvida: Vou precisar do novo LILO para acessar essa ext2 que criei
 com o PM?
 O Objetivo é instalar o Linux nos 2 gigas que a BIOS nao reconheceu!!!
 Desde ja obrigado!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Maint Guide

2000-09-04 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Bom, eu já terminei de atualizar o sistema de instalação em Português e
Manual de instalação da Potato. Eles podem ser baixados de:


Fiz os testes com o sistema de instalação em Português e tudo funcionou 
corretamente conforme os passos e configurações seguindas na versão


Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Ae pessoal!!!
 Acabei o maint-guide!!
 to mandando pra vcs darem uma olhada... tive uma
 idéia, também... me mandem aí o que já está traduzido
 e o que está parcialmente (e quanto) para eu postar
 na próxima debian-news!! =)
 Gustavo Noronha Silva
 By Kov!!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Disco de boot

2000-09-04 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Quoting Daniel Longhi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Voce pode fazer um disco de boot, enquanto nao atualiza o lilo pra woody.
 Toda vez que eu quiser entrar no sistema, enquanto nao atualizar lilo
 para o woody eu terei q colocar o disco de boot?
 Dai eu estarei usando o kernel do disco de boot, vai funcionar legal?
Sim. Voce nao iria acabar usando mesmo o kernel q estava instalado no
 No manual de instalacao nao fala disso, por isso fico preocupado, nao 
 posso correr o risco de NAO poder usar o Windows, infelizmente o PC nao 
 é só MEU.
 Li o Guia Foca quase q completamente e as duvidas ainda prevalecem!
 Valeu PAULO!

Re: (linux-br) Debian 2.2 e XFree 3.3.6

2000-09-04 Thread Leandro Martelli
Voce tem o arquivo ~/.xinitrc ?
Se voce configura nele o window manager, cuidado
pra nao colocar  no final da linha.
O ultimo comando no .xinitrc nao pode retornar,
pois senao o X termina.

Leandro Martelli

On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, cosmo wrote:

 Estou tendo problemas com o XFree 3.3.6. Depois de configurar o XFree 
 atraves do programa
 XF86Setup, que aparentemente deu tudo certo. Mas quando executo o comando 
 startx o XFree eh
 carregado, mas antes de carregar o Window Manager ele, o XFree,  cai e 
 aparece as seguintes
 mensagens !!
 XFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
 Release Date: January 8 2000
  If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
  than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
  problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Operating System: Linux 2.2.17pre10 i686 [ELF]
 Configured drivers:
   SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 1):
   GeForce DDR, Quadro, ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i, ET4000W32i_rev_b,
   ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a, ET4000W32p_rev_b,
   ET4000W32p_rev_c, ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, ET6100, et3000, pvga1,
   wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33, gvga, r128, ati,
   sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, sis86c215, sis86c225, sis5597,
   sis5598, sis6326, sis530, sis620, sis300, sis630, sis540, tvga8200lx,
   tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000,
   tvga9000i, tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi,
   tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660, tgui9680, tgui9682,
   tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388, cyber9397, cyber9520,
   cyber9525, 3dimage975, 3dimage985, cyber9397dvd, blade3d, cyberblade,
   clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426, clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430,
   clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5480, clgd5462, clgd5464, clgd5465,
   clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235, clgd7541, clgd7542, clgd7543,
   clgd7548, clgd7555, clgd7556, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e, cpq_avga, mga2064w,
   mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, mgag200, mgag100, mgag400, oti067,
   oti077, oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308,
   ali2401, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7, ark1000vl, ark1000pv,
   ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek, s3_savage, s3_virge, AP6422, AT24,
   AT3D, s3_svga, NM2070, NM2090, NM2093, NM2097, NM2160, NM2200,
   ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535, ct65540, ct65545, ct65546,
   ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6, ct68554, ct69000, ct64200,
   ct64300, mediagx, V1000, V2100, V2200, p9100, spc8110, i740, i740_pci,
   i810, i810-dc100, i810e, Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3, smi, generic
 (using VT number 7)
 XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
 (**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
 (**) XKB: rules: xfree86
 (**) XKB: model: pc101
 (**) XKB: layout: us
 (**) Mouse: type: Microsoft, device: /dev/ttyS0, baudrate: 1200
 (**) Mouse: buttons: 3
 (**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Primary Card
 (**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Primary Monitor
 (**) FontPath set to
 (--) SVGA: PCI: Trident TGUI 96xx rev 211, Memory @ 0xe000, 0xe040
 (--) Trident chipset version: 0xd3 (TGUI96xx)
 (--) SVGA: BIOS reports Clock Control Bits 0x0
 (--) SVGA: Detected a Trident 9680.
 (--) SVGA: Revision 1.
 (--) SVGA: Using Trident programmable clocks
 (--) SVGA: chipset:  tgui9680
 (**) SVGA: videoram: 2048k
 (**) SVGA: Using 16 bpp, Depth 16, Color weight: 565
 (--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 135.000 MHz
 (**) SVGA: Mode 800x600: mode clock =  40.000
 (**) SVGA: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  31.500
 (--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 800x600
 (--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
 (--) SVGA: Using Linear Frame Buffer at 0x0e000, Size 2MB
 waiting for X server to shut down
 A placa de video eh uma Trident 9668 !!
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 Assinantes em 04/09/2000: 2361
 Mensagens recebidas desde 07/01/1999: 77155
 Historico e [des]cadastramento: http://linux-br.conectiva.com.br
 Assuntos administrativos e problemas com a lista: 

rdsi (isdn)

2000-09-04 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


Estou prestes a receber uma instalação do RDSI da Telefônica (SP
- capital).
Pelo que pude constatar ligando para o suporte da telefônica,
eu não preciso de um modem ISDN.
Alguem por aqui ja esta utilizando ISDN da Telefonica
(SP-capital) sem modem ISDN (ou seja, apenas o seu modem normal)? 
Se sim, voce esta conseguindo os 128kbps prometidos?

Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21

/etc/networks line

2000-09-04 Thread Mike McNally
This morning I asked what needs to be in the /etc/networks file for a
box doing dialup via ppp and masquerading for a winbox via eth0.  I have
yet to receive an answer.

Maybe this will help.
cat /etc/networks
if you have a system somewhat as described above

then hit enter

then email a reply as to what comes up on your screen.

If you can't do that maybe you can help me try and translate this
gibberish plucked off the internet...

strace from the route command (watch the /etc/networks, /etc/hosts is
not there):
 execve(/sbin/route, [route], [/* 25 vars */]) = 0
brk(0)  = 0x8052984
 open(/etc/ld.so.preload, O_RDONLY)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or
 open(/etc/ld.so.cache, O_RDONLY)  = 4
 fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=18788, ...}) = 0
 old_mmap(NULL, 18788, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x40014000
   = 0
 open(/lib/libc.so.6, O_RDONLY)= 4
 fstat(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=886836, ...}) = 0
 read(4, \177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0t\213\1...,
4096) = 4096
 old_mmap(NULL, 901212, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) =
 0x40019000 mprotect(0x400ee000, 28764, PROT_NONE)  = 0
 old_mmap(0x400ee000, 16384, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 4, 0xd4000) = 0x400ee000 old_mmap(0x400f2000,
 0x400f2000 close(4)= 0
 munmap(0x40014000, 18788)  = 0
 personality(PER_LINUX)  = 0
 getpid()= 4171
 brk(0)  = 0x8052984
 brk(0x80529a4)  = 0x80529a4
 brk(0x8053000)  = 0x8053000
 open(/proc/net/route, O_RDONLY)  = 4
 fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0600, st_rdev=makedev(136, 1), ...}) = 0
 0x40014000 ioctl(1, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0
 write(1, Kernel IP routing table\n, 24) = 24
 write(1, DestinationGateway..., 78) = 78 fstat(4,
 st_size=0, ...}) = 0
 old_mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x40015000 read(4,
 Iface\tDestination\tGateway \tFlags..., 1024) = 512
 fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=465, ...}) = 0
 old_mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x40016000 read(5, #
 /etc/nsswitch.conf\n#\n# Example..., 4096) = 465
brk(0x8054000)  =
 read(5, , 4096)  = 0
 close(5)= 0
 munmap(0x40016000, 4096)= 0
 open(/etc/ld.so.cache, O_RDONLY)  = 5
 fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=18788, ...}) = 0
 old_mmap(NULL, 18788, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 5, 0) = 0x400f6000
   = 0
 open(/lib/libnss_files.so.2, O_RDONLY) = 5
 fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=31020, ...}) = 0
 read(5, \177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\ \0\000...,
4096) = 4096
 old_mmap(NULL, 34368, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 5, 0) =
 mprotect(0x40103000, 1600, PROT_NONE)  = 0
 old_mmap(0x40103000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED,
 5, 0x7000) = 0x40103000 close(5)= 0
 munmap(0x400f6000, 18788)  = 0
 gettimeofday({949069433, 669576}, NULL) = 0
 getpid()= 4171
 open(/etc/resolv.conf, O_RDONLY)  = 5
 fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=122, ...}) = 0
 old_mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x40016000 read(5, domain
 penguinpowered.com\nsearch..., 4096) = 122 read(5, ,
4096)  = 0
 close(5)= 0
 munmap(0x40016000, 4096)= 0
 open(/etc/networks, O_RDONLY)= 5
 fcntl(5, F_GETFD)  = 0
 fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)  = 0
 fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=19, ...}) = 0
 old_mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x40016000 read(5,
 4096)  = 19
 read(5, , 4096)  = 0
 close(5)= 0
 munmap(0x40016000, 4096)= 0
 write(1,  *  ..., 77) = 77
open(/etc/networks, O_RDONLY)= 5
 fcntl(5, F_GETFD)  = 0
 fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)  = 0
 fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=19, ...}) = 0
 old_mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x40016000 read(5,
 4096)  = 19
 read(5, , 4096)  = 0
 close(5)= 0
 munmap(0x40016000, 4096)= 0
 write(1,  *  ..., 77) = 77 write(1,

Re: Please remove me from the subscription list......

2000-09-04 Thread Mark Simos
perhaps simply a link that would show up in a standard graphical mailer 
(netscape or
outlook express , etc. )


or would that be too easy for them?

(I haven't figured out if that last comment is sarcastic or not... :)


I. Tura wrote:

 At 17.02 2/9/00 -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans ha escrit:
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Tell me, which of these sets of instructions is more clear?  Which is more
 helpful to a newbie with limited Unix/Linux experience who's probably
 never used shell redirection in his/her life?

 The first one.

 I'd bet that the user that asks for unsubscribing to other users, 
 does not
 have arrived to configure the email under Debian.

 But the second one is instructive and cool-debianist.


  From  Barcelona...  \   \\___
  /   / ___\_'_\
  Still nationalizing the LAN!   /\¬___/


 Do You Yahoo!?

 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Mark Anthony Simos, MCSE
Poet, Playwright, Swing Dancer

volume control?

2000-09-04 Thread William Jensen
Hey guys,

I am using xmms to play my mp3's but the difference in volume between
the tv/vcr/etc and the mp3's is noticable.  In fact my xmms volume is
at 0.  Moving it to 100 makes no difference.  What is it that I'm missing
that will allow control of the input/output?

I'm running woody, enlightenment WM, xmms is 1.2.2.  Thanks for any input.


Re: SysVinit prob... now runlevel question

2000-09-04 Thread Mark Simos
As I understand it, X86 hardware hardly ever uses anything but two levels. I 
know sun
hardware actually makes significant use of the runlevels, but I am made to 
that nobody ever really bothered to implement any more than two different 

(I think this is similar to windows progs running in user or kernel mode (ring 
0 or
ring [2?] of x86 processors)

does anybody have anything besides hearsay to confirm or deny this?



W. Paul Mills wrote:

 Bruce Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 : On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 10:12:33AM -0300, Henrique M Holschuh wrote:
 : This is ok, Debian doesn't use runlevels 3-5 for anything by default AFAIK,
 : and they're mostly equal to runlevel 2 (I think /etc/inittab has some stuff
 : which is different, simply to show it can do that).

 : I thought that might be the case but I'm still concerned about the
 : freezing ttys.  I can't believe that it's intended behaviour.

 Look at /etc/inittab. Find the section on getty's. There is your
 answer. Only one getty is run above runlevel 3.

 *** Running Debian Linux ***
 *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
 *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
 * W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
 * EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
 * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
 * pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Mark Anthony Simos, MCSE
Poet, Playwright, Swing Dancer

Re: configuring X

2000-09-04 Thread W. Paul Mills

As I recall, CTRL-ALT-F1, issued multiple times will break you out
of this. If you started from the first tty, you might have to use
CTL-ALT-F2. Then you can kill X from the console. Hope this helps.


: X is a big meanie :-)

: Okay, well actually it's my own inability to configure my video properly (I 
: *think* that's what's going on at least.)  So my setup:  I'm using Debian 
: 2.2.  I just did a full upgrade of whatever Debian's newest of everything is, 
: so I'm not quite sure what version of X I've got, but I'm pretty much 
: positive it's 3.6 or greater.  My computer is a Compaq Presario 1800XL 190 
: Laptop.  My video card is an ATI Rage Mobility AGP, although when you really 
: get into the diagnostics it's listed as ATI Rage Mobility p, which is one 
: of the cards I can choose when using xf86config.  I've been told what refresh 
: rates to use by several people, and I haven't fried my monitor, so I'm set 
: there.  As far as RAMDAC, I'm a little stuck there, the closest I found was a 
: diagnostic that read DAC: Internal but I just type 'q' for that one since 
: it says it can generally auto-detect.  Clockchip I do without, and I use the 
: Mach-64 server, which is what my card is meant to be used with.  So the 
: problem is really simple to describe :-)  I type 'startx' and I get a nice 
: little flicker of what's probably X for aprox .5 seconds, and then the screen 
: goes blank.  I can't power off my computer, so I have to yank the powercord 
: and the battery out.  Ctrl + Alt + Backspace also does not work.  Any help is 
: much appreciated!

: -Chris

: -- 
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*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: stupid question (threadkill)

2000-09-04 Thread Mark Simos
I sort of got around it by doing a shutdown now which put me in a state good 
to mess with it.

I am not 100% that it really was in use. I could have been misunderstanding the 
or vi could have stolen some of my crack and smoked it 8^)

In any case, I thank you very much for you help. I learned of other stuff that I
didn't know from your responses.


Danny Pansters wrote:

 On Sun, 03 Sep 2000, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  If going back and forth between 'in X' and 'at a text console, but with X
  still running offscreen' is good enough for you, try Ctrl-Alt-Fn (for n =
  1-6)i and Alt-F7 to get back to X.  If you feel the need to go between
  'in X' and 'X not running', then getting rid of *dm is appropriate (though
  you could also use `/etc/init.d/*dm stop`, do your console stuff, and
  `/etc/init.d/*dm start`).

 Exactly, then you can kill your xdm and your X and look into the problem at
 the first place. (then apt-get remove xdm ;-)

 Danny Pansters

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Mark Anthony Simos, MCSE
Poet, Playwright, Swing Dancer

non-root login causes X (gnome) to restart itself

2000-09-04 Thread Mark Simos
Weird behavior, I am guessing permissions, but don't know which would
affect it in this way:

I can log in through X as root no problem,
If I login in on the same screen with username and password:
   -it goes blank
   -flashes back to the console for a moment
   -restarts X back at the login prompt

both account log into a console fine of course


Mark Anthony Simos, MCSE
Poet, Playwright, Swing Dancer

RE: crontab control?

2000-09-04 Thread Andrew McRobert

it is controlled by /etc/crontab, one possibility why it's not running may
be the execute permissions on either the /etc/cron.daily directory or the
specific scripts ...


Andrew McRobert LLB B.Sc(Comp. Sci)
IT Liaison Officer, School of Law
Perth, Western Australia
Ph: [+61 8 9360 6479]
Fax: [+61 8 9310 6671]
Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

-Original Message-
From: Ron Farrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 11:00 PM
To: Debian User
Subject: crontab control?


What controls when '/etc/cron.daily/*' gets run? I thought it was
'/etc/crontab' but for some reason it doesn't run at the times I


Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home:  http://www.farrer.net/~rbf/
ICQ: pulsar 26276320
Debian GNU/HURD on Alpha: http://hurd-alpha.sourceforge.net/

RE: ssh from nt? - Port forwarding

2000-09-04 Thread Andrew McRobert
hi all

I tried a little while back to forward VNC connections through an SSH tunnel
(by telling SSH to listen for connections on local port *X1* and forward
them to foreign port *Y3* -- and then VNC-ing to *X1*). However, I got an
error from Teraterm Pro (with TSSH ext.), along the lines of application
tried to connect to forwarded port, and then it terminates. Does anyone
have any experience with this?


Andrew McRobert LLB B.Sc(Comp. Sci)
IT Liaison Officer, School of Law
Perth, Western Australia
Ph: [+61 8 9360 6479]
Fax: [+61 8 9310 6671]
Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 9:46 AM
To: William Jensen; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: ssh from nt?

There are three that I know of:

* TeraTerm
* SecureCRT
(to complete the list)
* F-secure SSH

Note, however, that TeraTerm and PuTTY will only work with SSH v1; if you
need SSH v2 your only choice (that I know of) is SecureCRT.

f-secure does ssh2 also, but if I had the choice, I=B4d go for teraterm,
much easier to configure, use and *free*.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien /

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: non-root login causes X (gnome) to restart itself

2000-09-04 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

when you first login into Xchange it to KDE ... under sessions
and see if it works

than try it under gnome. if it still flashes...
you need to create .xinitrc and/or .xsession
or equiv for gnome whatever default its looking for...
- some gnomes works on mine...some fails...

i tend to use kde anywayless crashes when i have 20-40 xterms running

have fun

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Mark Simos wrote:

 Weird behavior, I am guessing permissions, but don't know which would
 affect it in this way:
 I can log in through X as root no problem,
 If I login in on the same screen with username and password:
-it goes blank
-flashes back to the console for a moment
-restarts X back at the login prompt
 both account log into a console fine of course
 Mark Anthony Simos, MCSE
 Poet, Playwright, Swing Dancer
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: volume control?

2000-09-04 Thread Andrei Ivanov
That means your user can not write to /dev/mixer...I think. At least thats
the problem I had.

First there was Explorer...
Then came Expedition.
This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
Andrei Ivanov

Trimming down of /var/log/messages

2000-09-04 Thread USM Bish
With time, the size of /var/log/messages keeps on growing,
till it really becomes really huge, with information no
longer needed. Since syslogd is constantly monitoring and writing on to
it, I have never attempted initialising a fresh /var/log/messages on a
running machine.

Is there a recommended way wherein I keep the log for the
last seven days only, with some process at boot-up or cron ?

USM Bish

Re: SysVinit prob... now runlevel question

2000-09-04 Thread brian moore
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:25:57AM -0400, Mark Simos wrote:
 As I understand it, X86 hardware hardly ever uses anything but two levels. I 
 know sun
 hardware actually makes significant use of the runlevels, but I am made to 
 that nobody ever really bothered to implement any more than two different 
 (I think this is similar to windows progs running in user or kernel mode 
 (ring 0 or
 ring [2?] of x86 processors)
 does anybody have anything besides hearsay to confirm or deny this?


SysV run levels have precisely nothing to do with hardware or things
like 'kernel mode' and ring 0.

Runlevels are a SystemV 'enchancement' over the older method (still used
by Slackware as well as The BSD's, last I checked) of having just one
known boot state.

The older method is run a script on boot that starts everything ... it
may want to exec /etc/rc.local to allow local changes.  on shutdown run
a similar script, though that's usually just the usual kill, kill -9,
unmount, halt.

SysV run levels allow for more flexibility -- on most Linux systems
(ie, RH, SuSE, Caldera and even Slack, which does it via inittab), one
runlevel is differentiated from the others because X starts.

Solaris does use runlevels a bit differently, but not vastly different:
on Solaris, run level 2 is for things brought up when we want to play
nice on the network but aren't fully awake.  So the clienty things
usually go in rc2.d (such as nfs.client) while the serverish things
(like nfs.server).  From 'man init' on Slugaris:

 2 Put the system in multi-user mode.  All multi-user
   environment  terminal  processes  and  daemons are
   spawned.  This state is commonly  referred  to  as
   the multi-user state.

 3 Extend multi-user mode by making  local  resources
   available over the network.

 4 Is available  to  be  defined  as  an  alternative
   multi-user  environment  configuration.  It is not
   necessary for system operation and is usually  not

Does Solaris really distinguish greatly?  Nope... the main difference on
my Suns is that rc3.d has nfs.server in it.

Unlike RH or other popular distributions, Debian does -not-
distinguish between the useful run levels (as opposed to the special
ones like on-the-way-up-or-down ones).  Instead, it leaves the choice of
the differences to be up to the local administrator.

Where Solaris has deigned a put things in this way ruleset like that
above, with Debian you're encouraged to use the run levels any way you
see fit.  Perhaps you'd do something like make level 4 a backup mode,
which is almost like single user but allows for some common services
like basic networking and sshd so that you have a relatively quiet file
system for a nice snapshot without forcing console access.  Or maybe you
want to have an easy way to swap between an X config at 1024x768 or
640x480 so you can use that external video-out connectoer for a
projection display what you do with it is up to you.

It has nothing to do with hardware: Debian run levels are identical on
X86, SPARC, Alpha and any other port   and Solaris run levels are
identical on X86 and SPARC.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: Trimming down of /var/log/messages

2000-09-04 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya

make sure cron is runningit already rotates log files
weekly/monthly... at least on the 1u raid5 debian box
i poke around in

if you want to manually rotate your logs

kill syslogd or sysklogdthan move it aside...
but you must also kill things like the web server
too that logs stuff into /var/log/httpd/ and more stuff to retart

simple silly way...that will always work...
- mv /var/log /var/log.old ; mkdir /var/log
- reboot
- and it should all be cleaned up by itself

- if you want to preserve uptimeinit 1 instead of reboot
  move the files around...than init 3 or whatever level you want

c ya

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, USM Bish wrote:

 With time, the size of /var/log/messages keeps on growing,
 till it really becomes really huge, with information no
 longer needed. Since syslogd is constantly monitoring and writing on to
 it, I have never attempted initialising a fresh /var/log/messages on a
 running machine.
 Is there a recommended way wherein I keep the log for the
 last seven days only, with some process at boot-up or cron ?
 USM Bish
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Re: Trimming down of /var/log/messages

2000-09-04 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen

 With time, the size of /var/log/messages keeps on growing,
 till it really becomes really huge, with information no
 longer needed. Since syslogd is constantly monitoring and writing on to
 it, I have never attempted initialising a fresh /var/log/messages on a
 running machine.
 Is there a recommended way wherein I keep the log for the
 last seven days only, with some process at boot-up or cron ?

Seems like logrotate will fit your bill.

  Package: logrotate
  Priority: important
  Section: admin
   /etc/logrotate.conf 70593fe48cb39133328b42a560b5a8cf
  Description: Log rotation utility
   The logrotate utility is designed to simplify the administration of
   log files on a system which generates a lot of log files.
   Logrotate allows for the automatic rotation compression, removal
   and mailing of log files.  Logrotate can be set to handle a log
   file daily, weekly, monthly or when the log file gets to a certain
   size.  Normally, logrotate runs as a daily cron job.

Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

samba / smbmount problems

2000-09-04 Thread Mathew Johnston
I have a mixed windows/linux network, and am looking to do file sharing
over my LAN.  Samba seems pretty good, except that mounted smb shares
(in linux) sometimes lose connectivity.  It really liked to do it when
xmms crashed as I tried to add a directory to my playlist that was
inside an smb share.  If I tried to get a directory listing or change to
the smb moutned directory, it would say input/output error.  Has anyone
seen this sort of problem before? I'd like to use samba, as I dont think
that nfs is really very well supported in windows.  Ideas? :)

Mathew Johnston

Re: samba / smbmount problems

2000-09-04 Thread Nate Amsden
yes ive seen it everytime ive used smbmount its very unstable. the only
workaround i could find was to umount and remount it from time to time.
there are NFS servers available for win* ...dunno if they are any good

ideas..get a bigger hd :)


Mathew Johnston wrote:
 I have a mixed windows/linux network, and am looking to do file sharing
 over my LAN.  Samba seems pretty good, except that mounted smb shares
 (in linux) sometimes lose connectivity.  It really liked to do it when
 xmms crashed as I tried to add a directory to my playlist that was
 inside an smb share.  If I tried to get a directory listing or change to
 the smb moutned directory, it would say input/output error.  Has anyone
 seen this sort of problem before? I'd like to use samba, as I dont think
 that nfs is really very well supported in windows.  Ideas? :)
 Mathew Johnston
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336

Re: volume control?

2000-09-04 Thread William Jensen
I added myself to the audio group but no luck.

On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 11:44:24PM -0500, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
 That means your user can not write to /dev/mixer...I think. At least thats
 the problem I had.
 First there was Explorer...
 Then came Expedition.
 This summer
   Coming to a street near you..
   Ford Exterminator.
 Andrei Ivanov

Re: volume control?

2000-09-04 Thread Andrei Ivanov
What I did was a crude fixI just chown'ed mixer device to the user. On
a single-user system it doesnt make any difference. Or you might just give
775 permissions to the device and see if it works.

First there was Explorer...
Then came Expedition.
This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
Andrei Ivanov

apt-get pkg not upgraded?

2000-09-04 Thread William Jensen
I recently did a apt-get update  apt-get upgrade and I saw:

The following packages have been kept back
  0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

Why would this package be 'kept back'?  And if there's a newer version why
wouldn't it upgrade it? 


Re: SysVinit prob... now runlevel question

2000-09-04 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Sun, 03 Sep 2000, brian moore wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:25:57AM -0400, Mark Simos wrote:
  As I understand it, X86 hardware hardly ever uses anything but two levels. 
  I know sun
  hardware actually makes significant use of the runlevels, but I am made to 
  that nobody ever really bothered to implement any more than two different 
  (I think this is similar to windows progs running in user or kernel mode 
  (ring 0 or
  ring [2?] of x86 processors)
  does anybody have anything besides hearsay to confirm or deny this?

[snip -- nice explanation on sysv runlevels]

As for the user or kernel mode (the hardware runlevels), linux uses only
2: it uses ring 0 (kerneland ;-) ) and ring 3 (userland). Other ring levels
(1  2) aren't used because it takes just too much time to switch rings in
most (all?) x86 CPUs... They'd be useful for kernel drivers if not for this
fatal drawback.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Description: PGP signature

Re: volume control?

2000-09-04 Thread William Jensen
My bad...I rebooted and it worked.  So adding myself to the audio group
had the intended affect.  My question now is why did it take a reboot and
isn't there a way that I could have 'restarted' something instead of a reboot?

Thanks for the idea though Andrei!


On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:23:28AM -0500, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
 What I did was a crude fixI just chown'ed mixer device to the user. On
 a single-user system it doesnt make any difference. Or you might just give
 775 permissions to the device and see if it works.
 First there was Explorer...
 Then came Expedition.
 This summer
   Coming to a street near you..
   Ford Exterminator.
 Andrei Ivanov

general backup question/tar

2000-09-04 Thread Robert Waldner


At the moment I´m cycling through a few tapes doing backups every 
week or so with
  tar cvz --exclude /proc --exclude /dev --exclude /tmp / /dev/st0

Are there any precautions I should take that I have forgotten/not yet 
heard about? I can do a recover to someplace (eg /tmp/recover) and get 
the files I need but is this considered good practice or am I missing 

Also, is there a possibility to find out (rather than trying through 
tar tv(Iz)) if a tape is tar.gz, tar.bz2 or plain tar?

Thanks for any advice,
/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: how to run pppd as a user?

2000-09-04 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 02 Sep 2000, John Anderson wrote:
 As root go into the pppconfig program.  Then I believe under the heading
 of advanced options or the like their is a place to adduser to the
 pon/poff utility.  That way you can add as many users as you like to have
 access to the internet.
 John Kerr Anderson 
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   

Doesn't seem to work here. I have to use sudo.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/bookreviews/
Skeptical articles: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/freethinker/

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards

Re: general backup question/tar

2000-09-04 Thread Nate Amsden
Robert Waldner wrote:

 Also, is there a possibility to find out (rather than trying through
 tar tv(Iz)) if a tape is tar.gz, tar.bz2 or plain tar?

use the file command
file file
will tell you what kind of file the system thinks file is


ICQ: 75132336

Re: volume control?

2000-09-04 Thread Nate Amsden
it didn't..you have to log out and back in again for group changes to
take effect :)

to monitor your group settings use the 'id' program it shows you your
current membership and id numbers.


William Jensen wrote:
 My bad...I rebooted and it worked.  So adding myself to the audio group
 had the intended affect.  My question now is why did it take a reboot and
 isn't there a way that I could have 'restarted' something instead of a reboot?
 Thanks for the idea though Andrei!
 On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:23:28AM -0500, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
  What I did was a crude fixI just chown'ed mixer device to the user. On
  a single-user system it doesnt make any difference. Or you might just give
  775 permissions to the device and see if it works.
  First there was Explorer...
  Then came Expedition.
  This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
  Andrei Ivanov
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336

Re: envelope/label printing program

2000-09-04 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 03 Sep 2000, John Anderson wrote:
 Does anyone know of a program that can print on envelopes, labels, roledex
 cards, etc.  I have a wonderful one for Dos called Envelopes Plus, but I
 cannot find one for Linux/Unix.  I would like to find one so I wouldn't
 have to use DOS at all.  Any suggestions?

It's fairly trivial to make a template to do this in Latex.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/bookreviews/
Skeptical articles: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/freethinker/

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards

Re: volume control?

2000-09-04 Thread Chris Gray
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:40:13AM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
 My bad...I rebooted and it worked.  So adding myself to the audio group
 had the intended affect.  My question now is why did it take a reboot and
 isn't there a way that I could have 'restarted' something instead of a reboot?

You should have been able just to log out (completely) and log back in.
To see what groups you are in, use the 'groups' command.  


Re: general backup question/tar

2000-09-04 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

my favorite topic for flame warsnext to dns flames...

I like tar for backups
- and i dont worry about restore too much...
since if you need to restore...something else is probably
(seriously) wrong too

- restoring a file from tape is too too painful...

since tapes are expensive compared to $100 for 20Gb of disks
I only use disks for backup of systems...
- disks backups are fast and can be almost hot swappable

- remember too that you have stuff on the original cdrom
so i rarely if ever backup /usr/X11R6 /lib etc..etc...

I run incremental and full backups from cron:

- Backups should be done on a different machineand 
  different disk than the system disk
/mnt/Backup.daily is the daly backup disks on system1
/mnt/Backup.weekly is the weekly backup disk on system2
/mnt/Backup.monthly is the montly backup disk on system3

for full backups i remove modified files from find


from cron...i call a script that does...something like this..

- daily incremental
  tar zcf /Backup.daily/month_date_week.tgz
 ` find /home /etc /root /var -mtime -2 -prnt`

- change -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7 for each
successive daily incremental backup

- weekly incremental
  tar zcf /Backup.weekly/month_date_week.tgz
 ` find /home /etc /root /var -mtime -7 -prnt`
- reset counters

- monthly incremental
  tar zcf /Backup.monthly/month_date_week.tgz
 ` find /home /etc /root /var -mtime -32 -prnt`


also keep in mind incremental backups is only good if 
the previous incremental backup was good and saved too...
so incremental backups is alwys done since last full bckup

Reasons for backup failures...
- disks gets full
- network fails
- tape was not changed
- bad media

have fun linuxing

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Robert Waldner wrote:

 At the moment I´m cycling through a few tapes doing backups every 
 week or so with
   tar cvz --exclude /proc --exclude /dev --exclude /tmp / /dev/st0
 Are there any precautions I should take that I have forgotten/not yet 
 heard about? I can do a recover to someplace (eg /tmp/recover) and get 
 the files I need but is this considered good practice or am I missing 
 Also, is there a possibility to find out (rather than trying through 
 tar tv(Iz)) if a tape is tar.gz, tar.bz2 or plain tar?
 Thanks for any advice,
 / Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
 \KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Potato splitvt not working

2000-09-04 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 06:09:25PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
 Wayne Topa wrote:
Does anyone have splitvt running on Potato?  I have it running fine
  on Slink but when I run it on Potato I get the error: 
  No available pseudo terminals
  That is on a console or an xterm.
  CONFIG_UNIX98_PTY_COUNT=256 in the kernel (2.2.16  .17).  I also
  have /dev/ptyp[0-9].  These are all set on Slink as well as Potato.
 Does mount show /dev/pts is mounted?

It seems that splitvt on potato (1.6.3-7.1) doesn't use /dev/pts :(
On my system it allocates /dev/tty[a-z][0-9a-f] devices.


mere sambaaccess horror

2000-09-04 Thread Deim Agoston
Hi !

Thanks the responses to everyone who helped me to solve the mapping
problem. But this Access stuff sucks ! I'm going mad. When I want to
access the databases stored on the server frm more then one client it
rejects to map the drive and the access program gives me the Runtime
error message. The dialog box says that the file is in use so it can't
open or do anything with it. It seems to me that the Samba locks the file
(or the client program wants to do it and Samba allows this ***
behaviour). How can I resolove this. Either to reject the locking or not
to lock the files natively. Any help appriciated. SOS !

Re: general backup question/tar

2000-09-04 Thread Robert Waldner
On Sun, 03 Sep 2000 23:53:36 PDT, Alvin Oga writes:
my favorite topic for flame warsnext to dns flames...


I like tar for backups
   - and i dont worry about restore too much...
   since if you need to restore...something else is probably
   (seriously) wrong too

   - restoring a file from tape is too too painful...

Hmm, restoring is a pita regardless from where ;-) . I have enough temp 
 space to be able to do a full restore in case of trouble

since tapes are expensive compared to $100 for 20Gb of disks

I agree that they´re not *that* much cheaper (at least DDS-2 tapes - 
 large EIDE-disks) but a factor of 5 is a factor of 5 (90m DDS-2 tape 
 (2GB) is about USD 2, eg USD 1/GB tape - USD 5/GB disk). Then 
 there´s reliability (not a single tape has failed me in 7 years, but 
 at least 10 disks have. and I have had *much* more tapes than disks).

I only use disks for backup of systems...
   - disks backups are fast and can be almost hot swappable

I don´t worry about speed, the box has all night ;-) . Also if I would 
 like to have hot-swappable disk-backup _and_ at least 8 full backups, 
 I´d have to buy 8 disks. And USD 1k is out of the question for me. My 
 DDS-2 drive, refurbished, costs ~ USD 70...

   - remember too that you have stuff on the original cdrom
   so i rarely if ever backup /usr/X11R6 /lib etc..etc...

I like *full* backups, no hassles, no problems with different versions 
 etc pp.

I simply do a full backup every week or so, cycling through (at the 
moment) 8 tapes.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

gethostbyaddr( failed: 1

2000-09-04 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
Hey everyone,

since two days I've got the following problems on the mailserver of a
customer :

Sep  4 08:54:10 smtp sendmail[3726]: IAA03726: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
delay=00:00:02, mailer=esmtp, stat=queued
Sep  4 08:54:34 smtp sendmail[3737]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1 
Sep  4 08:55:03 smtp popper[3738]: Stats: dustal 0 0 0 0
Sep  4 08:55:04 smtp sendmail[3737]: IAA03726: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=edv 
(502/100), delay=00:00:56, xdelay=00:00:30, mailer=esmtp, 
relay=relay.xlink.net. [], stat=Deferred: Network is unreachable

As the machine is running in a completely different IP-area
(172.16.X.X) I would really like to know if someone of you can help me
with this problem, especially as the machine did work quite well until
Friday... ?!

With best regards,


Mit freundlichem Gruss  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oliver Schoenknecht Join us at http://www.kapa.de

KOSTENLOS! Online-Auktion bei KAPA! 
Teilnahme unter: http://www.flohmarkt.kapa.de

Re: networking problem

2000-09-04 Thread Mike McNally
Nope. irq conflict with sound card.

Mike McNally wrote:
 route add -host lo
 success (but isn't this supposed to be done by a bootup script ifup?)
 ifconfig eth0 netmask up
 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable
 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable
 Maybe pty/kernel_config problem?

Re: /etc/networks line

2000-09-04 Thread Mike McNally
I'm still concerned about the /etc/networks line as route -n never shows
an lo line as it used to.  But I can ping/browse everywhere including
ping loopback.  Shouldn't there be an lo line in the routing tables if I
can ping the loopback device?


Mike McNally wrote:
 This morning I asked what needs to be in the /etc/networks file for a
 box doing dialup via ppp and masquerading for a winbox via eth0.

Re: Trimming down of /var/log/messages

2000-09-04 Thread USM Bish
On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 09:56:36PM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
 hi ya
 make sure cron is runningit already rotates log files
 weekly/monthly... at least on the 1u raid5 debian box
 i poke around in

I need to do some reading on 'cron', and actually do
some fine-tuning.  I have 'cron' running but it does
not seem to rotate my log files as routine. The size
of my messages file is over 1 mb and it has not been
rotated at all.

If someone can give an input in this direction .. it
would be of great help.

 if you want to manually rotate your logs
 kill syslogd or sysklogdthan move it aside...
 but you must also kill things like the web server
 too that logs stuff into /var/log/httpd/ and more stuff to retart

Oh No! For a non-techie like me that would surely be
a nightmare !

 simple silly way...that will always work...
 - mv /var/log /var/log.old ; mkdir /var/log
 - reboot
   - and it should all be cleaned up by itself

No, this simple hack is not the answer. I did try it
out because of its simplicity. However, the /var/log
directory has other stuff which are  needed by other
programs. The following went kaput:

a. dwww.
b. Apache server of my two computer local network at
c. news.

There may be more, but I did not try others out, and 
restored the system back with the old /var/log.

Thanks for the hint anyway!  The stupid old me never
thought of doing it at shut-down, with a fix on cron
and boot-up.  This lit up a spark in me though.  The 
following had no problems with multiple reboots:

   # --
   # Script to rotate /var/log/messages
   # to be run with root privileges
   # --
   rm -rf /var/log/messages.old
   mv /var/log/messages /var/log/messages.old
   touch /var/log/messages
For a quick hack, this works. I think I will keep a
tag on fast growers in the /var/log subdir, and try 
to attack specific files rather than move the whole 

USM Bish

 On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, USM Bish wrote:
  Is there a recommended way wherein I keep the log for the
  last seven days only, with some process at boot-up or cron ?
  USM Bish

Re: Trimming down of /var/log/messages

2000-09-04 Thread USM Bish

On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 01:51:50PM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
  Is there a recommended way wherein I keep the log for the
  last seven days only, with some process at boot-up or cron ?
 Seems like logrotate will fit your bill.
   Package: logrotate
   Priority: important
   Section: admin
/etc/logrotate.conf 70593fe48cb39133328b42a560b5a8cf
   Description: Log rotation utility
The logrotate utility is designed to simplify the administration of
log files on a system which generates a lot of log files.
Logrotate allows for the automatic rotation compression, removal
and mailing of log files.  Logrotate can be set to handle a log
file daily, weekly, monthly or when the log file gets to a certain
size.  Normally, logrotate runs as a daily cron job.

Thanks for the input. I'll try to do an apt-get
for logrotate if I get a Slink binary on one of
the debian mirrors.  Should be a handy thing to
try out.

USM Bish

WARNING: potato has horrible broken locales

2000-09-04 Thread Mirek Kwasniak

Some time ago I discoverd a problem with sort (from textutils). It doesn't
work for me :(. Maintainger of textutils package wrote me that is problem
only with my (pl_PL) locale. After that he discovered that even en_AU locale
is broken.

This bug (#69544) has been reassigned to libc6.

Today I've trying (in bash):

  ls /dev/tty[a-z]0

and answer has unexpected /dev/ttyI0 and /dev/ttyS0 followed by  /dev/tty[a-z]0

Than I wrote simple script (attached at the end) to generate file with
characters from  to 0377 range (one per line with octal number, like:
c101=A). Than it seeks (using grep) for [a-c] range with all locales (locale
-a) and counts lines.

Only locales listed below give count=3 (this may be also not correct):

C ca cs da de el en eo eo_EO es es_AR es_DO es_GT es_HN es_MX es_PA es_PE
es_SV et eu fi fr ga gl gl_ES hr hu id it ja ja_JP.sjis ja_JP.ujis japanese
japanese.euc ko lt nl no [EMAIL PROTECTED] pl POSIX pt ro ru sk sl sr sv tr uk 
wa X
zh zh_CN zh_TW.Big5

All other give different values.

For 'pl_PL' count is 15, proper value is 4 (a a_ogonek b c) also 3 (a b c)
could be acceptable. 

'de' gives 3 but 'de_*' and 'deutsch' give also 20 - as I know proper value
is 4 (a a_umlaut b c).

I think that even all 'en_*' locales are broken (count=20), proper value
should be 3.

I'll fill grave bug against libc6 - it breaks all potato - I'm stupid?

Please comment.



unset LANG
unset LC_ALL
unset LC_CTYPE
unset LC_TIME

for c in `seq 0 3`; do 
for b in `seq 0 7`; do 
for a in `seq 0 7`; do

  echo -e c$c$b$a=\\$c$b$a

done; done; done /tmp/char.list

for l in `locale -a`; do 

  export LANG=$l
  c=`grep -a '=[a-c]' /tmp/char.list |wc -l` 
  echo $c $l;

done  /tmp/lang.list

Re: WARNING: potato has horrible broken locales

2000-09-04 Thread Peter Makholm
Mirek Kwasniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Today I've trying (in bash):
   ls /dev/tty[a-z]0
 and answer has unexpected /dev/ttyI0 and /dev/ttyS0 followed by
 /dev/tty[a-z]0 entries.

I've seen this comming up a lot of places the past few months. It
looks like somebody wants to redefine [a-c] to mean [aAbBcC] instead
of [abc].

I don't like this change, but it looks like it's is going to be either
posix standard of locale dependent (by posix standard) in the future.

It will break scripts, but it doesn't seem like anyone cares about
that (Ohhh, I imagine there is a major flamer war going on
somewhere). The future proof and locale portable way to do the above

ls /dev/tty[[:lower:]]0

On pandora I just did the following:
$ touch a b c A B C
$ echo [[:lower:]]
a b c
$ echo [[:upper:]]
$ echo [a-c]
a b c


Re: WARNING: potato has horrible broken locales

2000-09-04 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:50:07PM +0200, Peter Makholm wrote:
 It will break scripts, but it doesn't seem like anyone cares about
 that (Ohhh, I imagine there is a major flamer war going on
 somewhere). The future proof and locale portable way to do the above
 ls /dev/tty[[:lower:]]0
 On pandora I just did the following:
 $ touch a b c A B C
 $ echo [[:lower:]]
 a b c
 $ echo [[:upper:]]
 A B C
 $ echo [a-c]
 a b c

Yes, you have unset|C|POSIX locale.

$ touch a b c A B C
$ echo [[:lower:]]
a b c
$ echo [[:upper:]]
$ export LC_ALL=pl_PL;
$ echo [a-c]
a A b B c
$ export LC_ALL=en_US;
$ echo [a-c]
a B b C c


See what a wonderful sort (from bug my report #69544):

$ sort



Re: how to run pppd as a user?

2000-09-04 Thread John Hasler
Anthony writes:
 Doesn't seem to work here.

Do you mean that pppconfig doesn't work, that you are unable to add users
with it, or that you can but it doesn't help?  What version of pppconfig do
you have (pppconfig --version)?


adduser username dip

as root.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: how to run pppd as a user?

2000-09-04 Thread ktb
On Sun, 03 Sep 2000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 02 Sep 2000, John Anderson wrote:
  As root go into the pppconfig program.  Then I believe under the heading
  of advanced options or the like their is a place to adduser to the
  pon/poff utility.  That way you can add as many users as you like to have
  access to the internet.
  John Kerr Anderson 
  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   
 Doesn't seem to work here. I have to use sudo.
Add yourself to the dip group.
Got to the file /etc/group
find the line that says dip
add your username to the end of that line.

What is nscd?

2000-09-04 Thread Peter Kim
I'm currently setting up several linux machines.

When I leave my machines for awhile - a few hours - the terminal screen
fills with the message:

nscd: 222: while accepting conection: Cannot allocate memory.

My screen is completely filled with this error message.  Each machine
displays a different number in place of 222.

I've figured out that the 222 is a process id.  I've discovered that there's
a /usr/sbin/nscd.

I've tried man nscd and I get the following error:
man: warning: /usr/share/man/man8/sigfetch.8.gz: whatis parse for
sigfetch(8) fariled
No manual entry for nscd

I've tried apropos nscd  and  I get:
there's nothing appropriate

What is nscd and why is it giving me these messages?

Any ideas?


RE: [ILUG] mere sambaaccess horror

2000-09-04 Thread Kenn Humborg
 Thanks the responses to everyone who helped me to solve the mapping
 problem. But this Access stuff sucks ! I'm going mad. When I want to
 access the databases stored on the server frm more then one client it
 rejects to map the drive and the access program gives me the Runtime
 error message. 

Huh?  Access doesn't map drives.  Windows Explorer or the 'net use'
command map drives.

 The dialog box says that the file is in use so it can't
 open or do anything with it. 

Access needs to create a .ldb file alongside the .mdb for locking
info.  Make sure that the access permissions and file modes
allow this.  Use smbstatus to make sure that the connection is
being made with the user account that you expect.

 It seems to me that the Samba locks the file
 (or the client program wants to do it and Samba allows this ***
 behaviour). How can I resolove this. Either to reject the locking or not
 to lock the files natively. Any help appriciated. SOS !

It's been a while since I looked at the Samba docs, but a few years
ago there was a portion of the Readme (or install, or bugs, or
something) that dealt specifically with MS Access.  Grep for it.


Unidentified subject!

2000-09-04 Thread Alain LE-CONTELLEC

digest from bounce-debian-user-digest

2000-09-04 Thread Carel Fellinger

since I think sunday I get my debian-user digest from


I've temporarilly done stupid things with my proc/fetchmail setup,
but corrected it. Do I need to do something to get the digest of
the 'bounce'?  Or has it nothing to do with my setup and is this
again a mysterious change in digest policy?

groetjes, carel

Re: What is nscd?

2000-09-04 Thread Gregg C
do a dpkg -s filename and it dpkg will report what package the file came 
from, assuming it was part of a debian package, that is.

nscd is a daemon to cache answers to DNS lookups.

To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: What is nscd?
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 21:55:39 +0900

I'm currently setting up several linux machines.

When I leave my machines for awhile - a few hours - the terminal screen
fills with the message:

nscd: 222: while accepting conection: Cannot allocate memory.

My screen is completely filled with this error message.  Each machine
displays a different number in place of 222.

I've figured out that the 222 is a process id.  I've discovered that 

a /usr/sbin/nscd.

I've tried man nscd and I get the following error:
man: warning: /usr/share/man/man8/sigfetch.8.gz: whatis parse for
sigfetch(8) fariled
No manual entry for nscd

I've tried apropos nscd  and  I get:
there's nothing appropriate

What is nscd and why is it giving me these messages?

Any ideas?


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Re: apt-get pkg not upgraded?

2000-09-04 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 12:27:51AM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
 I recently did a apt-get update  apt-get upgrade and I saw:
 The following packages have been kept back
   0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
 Why would this package be 'kept back'?  And if there's a newer version why
 wouldn't it upgrade it? 

Either it requires a another package to be installed, or it requires a
current package to be removed. Apt wont do this by default. Either run
apt-get dist-upgrade, or apt-get install code-crusader.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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