Probando xinetd (chuleta) ¿alguien lo usa?

2000-09-10 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

He estado mirandome el xinetd, y me gusta... ;-)

xinetd es un reemplazo del demonio de demonios inetd más asegurable, os adjunto
mi chuleta del tema ;-)

Un extracto de mi chuleta:

- La característica de seguridad que más nos interesa de xinetd es la
 posibilidad de restringir los interfaces en los que escuchan los demonios
- Es incluso posible tener en el mismo puerto diferentes servicios para cada
 interface (comprobado :-)
- Mecanismos de control de acceso incluidos (hosts.allow / hosts.deny como
 tcpwrapper, su propio control de acceso con only_from y por la hora)
- Posibilidad de nice de los servidores
- Posibilidad de logging personalizado para cada servicio
- Posibilidad de redirección de servicios

¿Alguien lo usa ya en producción? ¿Que tal va?

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)
I-xinetd: (0.04) (potato)
Instalar y asegurar xinetd, reemplazo mas seguro y flexible para inetd

*FALTA PROBAR INTENSIVAMENTE, ahora todo parece funcionar...*

- La característica de seguridad que más nos interesa de xinetd es la
 posibilidad de restringir los interfaces en los que escuchan los demonios
- Es incluso posible tener en el mismo puerto diferentes servicios para cada
 interface (comprobado :-)
- Mecanismos de control de acceso incluidos (hosts.allow / hosts.deny como
 tcpwrapper, su propio control de acceso con only_from y por la hora)
- Posibilidad de nice de los servidores
- Posibilidad de logging personalizado para cada servicio
- Posibilidad de redirección de servicios

- Archivo de configuración diferente (tipo named), se hace raro al principio
- Cada vez que convertimos la config de inetd a xinetd perdemos nuestras
- Al instalar nuevos servidores que requieren ser lanzados por inetd no se
 añaden a xinetd.conf (aunque he leído que se nos avisará)
- No hay configuración desde Linuxconf (para inetd si)


1) Instalar el paquete xinetd

- Do you want to convert inetd to xinetd?  YES

Los scripts de arranque se modifican automáticamente para que xinetd
reemplace a inetd, y xinetd queda funcionando tras la instalación

2) Limitar acceso a nuestra red y a interface de nuestra red

- Añadir al inicio de xinetd.conf:

*NOTA* Esta sección defaults no es estrictamente necesaria, ya que el xinetd
  de Potato respeta la configuración de tcpwrappers (lee POR DENTRO...) de
  /etc/hosts.allow y /etc/hosts.deny
only_from =  # Nuestra red local

- y a la sección de cada servicio añadir la opción

interface = # La IP de este servidor en el
# interface de nuestra red local

por ejemplo:

service smtp
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= mail
server  = /usr/sbin/exim
server_args = -bs
interface   =

esta misma linea en inetd.conf (sin limitación de interface) es:

smtp   stream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/exim -bs

3) Hacer que servidor de nombres netbios nmbd (samba) no finalice con el error:
 netbios-ns service was deactivated because of looping

- Añadir a la sección de netbios-ns un flags = REUSE quedando así:

# SERVIDOR DE NOMBRES NETBIOS port 137 (sin flags = REUSE peta)
service netbios-ns
socket_type = dgram
flags   = REUSE
protocol= udp
wait= yes
user= root
server  = /usr/sbin/nmbd
server_args = -a
interface   =

4) Activar los cambios de xinetd

a) /etc/init.d/xinetd stop
b) /etc/init.d/xinetd start

ATENCIÓN: reload no hace activas las limitaciones de interfaces,
 supongo que porque los sockets ya están abiertos...

NOTA: Asegurarse de los puertos/interfaces que debe usar xinetd están
 libres antes de activar xinetd para evitar problemas con netstat -tuna


comprobar que se escucha en el interface deseado ( y no en
todos ( en Local Address haciendo netstat -tuna

SUGERENCIA: Lee mi chuleta S-tcp-wrapper
desconectar de Internet (el cable físico)
desactivar cortafuegos
nmap a IP alias, a y a
(nmap -P0 -sT -sU -v -p 1-65535

telnet smtp (y a y a
activar cortafuegos
conectar a Internet


Re: Paquetes corregidos.

2000-09-10 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 08 Sep 2000 a las 07:54PM +0100, Luis Cabrera Sauco escribio:
 # Seguridad para Debian Potato
 deb potato updates/main updates/contrib 
 deb potato/non-US main contrib

Me da error. El servidor dice que no hay
/debian-non-US/dists/potato/non-US/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz ( y
tambien lo dice para main y non-free.

Estan en otro sitio o la linea está mal?

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mi pagina - Alamin GSM SMS Gateway
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.2 (potato), kernel 2.2.17 - Linux Registered User no. 113867
09/10   Gandalf escapes from Orthanc (LOTR)
09/10   Mountain Meadows Massacre.  Mormons kill Gentile wagon train, 1857

Re: Analizar Log de SMTP.

2000-09-10 Thread Ricardo
El Sat, 09 Sep 2000 13:29:36 Pablo Sabatino escribió:

 Queria hacer la siguiente consulta: Si yo quiero hacer un programa en C que
 procese on-line un archivo de LOG que se esta generando continuamente...
 como tengo que hacer el ciclo de lectura y/o como hago para que siempre este

 No se si me explique bien... pero la idea es analizar el log de un SMTP

Recuerda que el comando tail con la opcón -f muestra el contenido de un archivo 
a medida que
éste crece. Ejemplo: tail -f /var/log/mail.log

Un saludo,


Re: Paquetes corregidos.

2000-09-10 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Andres Seco Hernandez 
  Cuando:   domingo, 10 de septiembre del 2000, a las 05:16, 
  Qué:  Re: Paquetes corregidos. 

 El 08 Sep 2000 a las 07:54PM +0100, Luis Cabrera Sauco escribio:
  # Seguridad para Debian Potato
  deb potato updates/main updates/contrib 
  deb potato/non-US main contrib
 Me da error. El servidor dice que no hay
 /debian-non-US/dists/potato/non-US/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz ( y
 tambien lo dice para main y non-free.
 Estan en otro sitio o la linea está mal?

Extraño, puesto que a mi si que me funciona. ¿no la habrás
copiado mal ...?


Mi frase del dia:

La amistad, si se alimenta solo de gratitud, equivale a una fotografía que con 
el tiempo se borra.
-- Isabel de Rumania. (Carmen Sylva). (1843-1916) Escritora y 
Reina de Rumania. 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Paquetes corregidos.

2000-09-10 Thread Jon Noble

El dom, 10 sep 2000 17:16:05 Andres Seco Hernandez escribió:
  # Seguridad para Debian Potato
  deb potato updates/main updates/contrib
  deb potato/non-US main contrib
 Me da error. El servidor dice que no hay
 /debian-non-US/dists/potato/non-US/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz ( y
 tambien lo dice para main y non-free.

Yo las lineas que uso, sin problemas hasta ahora, son:

deb potato/updates main contrib
deb potato/non-US main contrib

Un saludo,


Re: Cual es la diferencia?

2000-09-10 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 05 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 09:23:41 +0200, Andres Herrera 

Si lanzas un programa en segundo plano y sales de la terminal, lo normal es
que el programa tambien desaparezca.

 Pues yo ejecuto mi ~/bin/stupid, salgo de la sesión y ahí sigue
 el programa.  Su controlling-terminal  ya no  es tty3,  sino ?.
 Otras veces salgo sin querer de la tty1 y me cargo las Xwindow, con
 todo lo que había ejecutándose (vmware por ejemplo :^)).

 El  ~/bin/stupid es  un simple  main(){while(1);}. Pensé  que
 nohup permitiría recuperar la tarea al hacer login de nuevo y 'fg',
 pero parece  que no.  No he encontrado  diferencia entre  'stupid 
 exit' y 'nohup stupid  exit'.

 [...] El  man habla de  hangup signals, supongo que  lo único
 que hace es filtrar la -SIGHUP para que no le llegue al programa.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Problemas con aptitude y capt

2000-09-10 Thread Manuel Resinas
Pues resulta que tengo la potato actualizada a woody y hace unos días
he detectado un problema con aptitude y console-apt:

yo selecciono los paquetes normalmente pero al darle a instalar me da el
siguiente error:

E: Internal Error, Pathname to install is not absolute 'gnap_0.1.5-3_i386.deb'
Ack!  Something bad happened while installing packages.  Trying to recover:
Press return to continue. refused by server

(donde, evidentemente gnap_0.1.5-3_i386.deb es el paquete que voy a instalar)

La configuración que tengo en el sources.list es la siguiente:
- los cuatro cd-roms de la potato
- las direcciones para actualizar la woody por internet y la de Helix
- un directorio local en el que voy metiendo todas las actualizaciones bajadas
con apt-get (lo hago mediante apt-move)

Lo curioso es que si hago apt-get install gnap, me lo instala sin ningún 

Por otro lado, también ocurre que si lo que intento instalar son varios 
paquetes cuyo origen está en varios CDs, en lugar de pedirme un CD, instalar
el paquete, el otro y instalar el otro paquete, sólo me pide uno y me da un
error al intentar instalar el paquete del otro.

He estado revisando el sources.list, el apt.conf, el /usr/lib/dpkg, el 
/var/state/apt y no he visto ningún problema.

Esto es todo, a ver si me podéis ayudar. Gracias.
Manuel Resinas

Re: ADSL y accesibilidad desde el exterior

2000-09-10 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 07 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 02:24:49 +0200, Andres Seco 
Hernandez contaba:

 1) No puedo entrar a IRC-Hispano, no se que le pasa. Por ejemplo,
intento acceder a y se queda en
*** Checking WinGate/SocksProxy security...
De eso no pasa.
Si lo intento en se queda en
Connected. Now logging in..
Tampoco pasa.

No se, no entiendo mucho de IRC y no se que hace el servidor tratando de
verificar algun rollo tuyo. He oido que usa identd.

 Usa ident, y además los servidores del irc-hispano verifican el
 puerto 1080  y no  dejan entrar  a quien lo  tiene abierto,  no sea
 que  un crackercillo  lo esté  usando  como bouncer  gracias a  las
 excelencias del  maravilloso wingate  (un conocido proxy  para la

 Vigu, si quieres un nmap no tienes más que pedirlo :^).

¿FTP? ¿Gnapster puede usar algo asi como el modo pasivo del ftp?

 Creo que se parece  más a HTTP que a FTP.  Vigu, prueba el modo
 push, si es que  existe algo así en el protocolo  de napster. En el
 de gnutella sí que existe y fulula genial.

 En fin que de desorientado paso a estar un poco cabreado, ¿cómo puede hacer
 Telefónica semjante chapuza?, ¿acaso no saben que estas cosas y más pueden
 pasar?, :-|

 Es que (T) se llama (T) porque se dedica a hace chapuzas. Si no
 las hiciera, probablemente tendría otro nombre más digno.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: generador de passwords

2000-09-10 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 06 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:12:57 +0200, TooMany contaba:

¿Existe algún paquete que trabaje en conjunción con el adduser, y que
genere automáticamente una password para el usuario que se cree?
Lógicamente, al crearla deberá mostrarla (un poco estúpido el comentario,
pero por si las fly's)... ;)

 No trabaja con adduser, pero  como generador de claves creo que
 no tiene ningún desperdicio:

$ head -10c /dev/random | md5sum | head -8c

 Poblema: no genera letras mayúsculas ni caracteres especiales.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ADSL y accesibilidad desde el exterior

2000-09-10 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, sep 11, 2000 at 01:18:19 +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Vigu, si quieres un nmap no tienes más que pedirlo :^).

Si es que ni eso Hue, ufff... me explico.

El técnico de Telefónica configuró mi router ADSL (Efficent Networks 5660)
con DHCP server en disable. Leyendo
 veo que he de habilitar el servidor DHCP y variar la definición de IP y
máscara de red para el interfaz ethernet del router dado que como me lo
habían dejado era para una red privada de clase B con posibilidad de
conexión de un equipo al router. Yo lo he variado según las indicaciones de
dicho COMO y puesto como dirección del router y rango de IP's
para mi LAN: - El caso es que me queda por unir
el exterior con el interior aún (y no viceversa, que ya funciona), es decir,
poner en un host fuera de mi LAN la IP fija asociada al router y que por NAT
sea traducida a la IP donde está por ejemplo el servidor web, en mi caso y así con otros servicios que yo desee.

Pongamos que la IP pública de mi red, a la que son traducidas todas por NAT
o a la que se accede desde el exterior (DSL WAN IP Address creo aunque en el
COMO pone que es la Ethernet LAN IP Adrress, lo cual se contradice en otra
explicación del documento), sea Me falta hacer que al llamar
a desde un host exterior a mi LAN se llame al puerto 80
de de la LAN cuya IP es la accedida y compartida, igual si se
hiciese un nmap a esa IP (se estaria aciendo tal cual está ahora, un nmap al

En fin que como veis, el tema de deshacer el entuerto de la configuración
del router ADSL de Telefónica no es tan sencillo... todo provocado porque no
a todo el mundo le ponen la misma configuración, esto es LA CHAPUZA.

Saludos de alguien perdido en redes que necesita ayuda porque quiere pner a
fincionar su PC como servidor de contenidos para Inet... cuestiones de curro

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Variables de entorno

2000-09-10 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 07 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 21:49:06 +0200, Jordi Mallach 

Que programa era, por cierto? Lynx sí hace mención de http_proxy, pero links
y w3m no. No he mirado más.

 El man de wget sí que menciona http_proxy.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ADSL y accesibilidad desde el exterior

2000-09-10 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, sep 11, 2000 at 02:03:19 +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 hiciese un nmap a esa IP (se estaria aciendo tal cual está ahora, un nmap al
   estaría haciendo

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Paquetes corregidos.

2000-09-10 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 09 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 10:12:00 +0200, Juanmi contaba:

Vale, yo he actualizado esta noche mi potato y me ha parcheado la libc6.
Pero, si la libc6 está en uso, somo se lo monta para actualizarla?

 Supongo que  cambia el archivo  en disco  de forma que  sólo lo
 usan los programas que se ejecutan desde ese momento.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature


2000-09-10 Thread Benjamin Encuentra
Hola a todos. Soy MUY novato en linux, así que si mi pregunta es
evidente... disculpas.

He instalado Debian Potato, empezando por  los paquetes mínimos. He ido
añadiendo cosas y las X funcionan bien con el gestor de ventanas fwvm
(?). Bueno la cosa es que he instalado los paquetes de Gnome con el
dselect, pero ahora no sé que tengo que modificar para que me arranquen
las X directamente con el escritorio de gnome y sus menús, panel, etc.

Gracias anticipadas,
Benjamín Encuentra

como hacer un servidor de news

2000-09-10 Thread 31
que paquetes se necesitan y como se configuran para hacer un servidor de
news publico en un pc debian.
que tenga grupos propios y grupos linkados a usenet
lo he intentado on inn pero no soy capaz...
Saludos borxa ;)


2000-09-10 Thread José Tadeu Garcia Tommaselli

Caro amigo:

Sou um iniciante da "Ars Linux" (expressão minha). 
Já fiz algumas besteiras com o meu computador, mas como o intuito era aprender, 
consegui instalar um linux (Conectiva-BR, versão 5.0) interfaceado (gostei muito 
do KDE).
Tudo está funcionando legal, até consigo ver a 
minha partição windows!
Mas nem tudo é perfeito. Não consigo ativar o meu 

O meu modem (segundo o RWindows) é um 
"Motorola SM56- Voice Modem".
Você poderia me dar uma dica de como instalá-lo, ou 
pelo menos fornecer alguma inofrmação de como eu posso fazer isso?

Agradeço, antecipadamente 



2000-09-10 Thread José Tadeu Garcia Tommaselli

Caro amigo:

Sou um iniciante da "Ars Linux" (expressão minha). 
Já fiz algumas besteiras com o meu computador, mas como o intuito era aprender, 
consegui instalar um linux (Conectiva-BR, versão 5.0) interfaceado (gostei muito 
do KDE).
Tudo está funcionando legal, até consigo ver a 
minha partição windows!
Mas nem tudo é perfeito. Não consigo ativar o meu 

O meu modem (segundo o RWindows) é um 
"Motorola SM56- Voice Modem".
Você poderia me dar uma dica de como instalá-lo, ou 
pelo menos fornecer alguma inofrmação de como eu posso fazer isso?

Agradeço, antecipadamente 


Re: ajuda

2000-09-10 Thread Christoph Simon

 Tudo est=E1 funcionando legal, at=E9 consigo ver a minha parti=E7=E3o =
 Mas nem tudo =E9 perfeito. N=E3o consigo ativar o meu modem.

O relógio do seu computador está na hora local. Normalmente o temos em
hora GMT, deixando que o Linux faça o resto. Como vejo que você tem um
dual boot para Windows, não pode fazer isto, porque o Windows ficaria
confuso. No caso da Conetiva não sei, mas na Debian você poderia
editar o arquivo /etc/default/rcS e trocar o UTC=yes por UTC=no.

 O meu modem (segundo o RWindows) =E9 um  Motorola SM56- Voice Modem.
 Voc=EA poderia me dar uma dica de como instal=E1-lo, ou pelo menos =
 fornecer alguma inofrma=E7=E3o de como eu posso fazer isso?

Não conheço este modem em particular, mas a maioria dos modems, que
não são winmodems, oferecem pouca resistência. Primeiramente tentaria
ver se o kernel sabe que existe este modem. Pode olhar para as
mensagens do kernel com:

dmesg | less

Se você acha as linhas correspondentes, estamos em bom caminho; caso
contrário pode ser necessário brincar um pouco com o setserial (raras
vezes). Após isto, tentaria usar algum programa terminal para
conversar com o modem. Pessoalmente gosto do dip (opção -t) mas
existem muitos outros, também no modo gráfico. O modem deve responder
OK a um atz. Os ati seguidos por um dígito são as informações que
o Windows também mostra. Se isto não funciona, você não tem acesso ao
modem e deverá voltar para uma sessão com setserial, mudando IRQ's
etc. Se funciona, depende do que você pretende fazer para continuar.

Christoph Simon

Re: ajuda

2000-09-10 Thread André Luís Lopes

 José Tadeu Garcia Tommaselli wrote:
 Caro amigo:
 Sou um iniciante da Ars Linux (expressão minha). Já fiz algumas
 besteiras com o meu computador, mas como o intuito era aprender,
 consegui instalar um linux (Conectiva-BR, versão 5.0) interfaceado
 (gostei muito do KDE).

   OK, distribuição é escolha pessoal de cada um, mas, como você está
usando CL, porquê esá assinando essa lista sobre Debian ? Sem crise, só
gostaria de saber :-)
   Aliás, o que signifca essa sua invenção, Ars Linux ?

 Tudo está funcionando legal, até consigo ver a minha partição windows!
 Mas nem tudo é perfeito. Não consigo ativar o meu modem.
 O meu modem (segundo o RWindows) é um  Motorola SM56- Voice Modem.
 Você poderia me dar uma dica de como instalá-lo, ou pelo menos
 fornecer alguma inofrmação de como eu posso fazer isso?

   Cheque no site se o seu modelo é um modelo
suportado pelo Linux ou trata-se de um WinModem ainda não suportado.

 Agradeço, antecipadamente

   Sorte .

André Luís Lopes

Re: rdsi (isdn)

2000-09-10 Thread Cesar Cardoso
  On Mon, 04 Sep 2000, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra wrote:
 Mas já que você tocou nesse assunto, estou balançando entre o RDSI e o
   DSL.  No site da Telefônica não constam informações suficientes para uma
   boa comparação de preço e conveniência.  Com base em que você decidiu
   pelo RDSI?
 RDSI não da diretamente 128kbs; tem três canais, dois chamados B e um
 D. O D é um canal de controle, mas os dois B podemos usar; ou para uma
 ligação telefônica normal ou para uma conexão à Internet de 64kbs. Em
 teoria é possível combinar os dois canais para navegar a 128kbs, mas
 para isso é preciso a cooperação do outro lado, i.e., da
 telefônica. Teve RDSI faz anos e então não ofereciam isso; mas não
 sei o que fazem hoje.
Na verdade, a grande arma de propaganda do RDSI, pelo menos como a
Telemar o vende em sua area de atuacao (DVI) e' o bundling a 128Kbps.
Mais na verdade ainda, RDSI nao e' banda larga, mas o que deveria ser a
telefonia convencional hoje em dia :)

- Cesar

Re: kernel update?

2000-09-10 Thread Kenward Vaughan
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 04:09:36PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
 I just did an apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt downloaded the
 kernel2.2.17 sources. I've been running 2.2.16 because I had some
 trouble with the 2.2.17 kpkg that I set up.
 Question is, did apt configure 2.2.17 kernel to be the one that executes when 
 I reboot? If so will it have configured my modules and settings correctly?

No.  Apt wouldn't do that.  Hard enough to figure out what that would be for
any given system, and apt isn't brilliant enough to realize that you might
want to change a few things.  It's Good, but not That good.  :-)

You should find the 2.2.17 tarball in the /usr/src directory.  tar xzf it
and reset /ysr/src/linux to point to the new directory.

If you have your old .config file in the 2.2.16 source directory (saved
perhaps under some other name?) it can be read into the new sources and changes 
made as desired (at least under make menuconfig... it's been too long since 
I've used anything

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-10 Thread Art Edwards
I just purchased two Athalon-based systems, each with 768M of ram.
However, under debian (potato runnin kernel 2.2.17) the OS sees only 65
M of memory. I have tried to use the append command


but it still sees only 65 M? 

Does anyone have any ideas?

Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834


2000-09-10 Thread Parrish M Myers

I just got matroxfb working correctly and noticed that there is a frame
buffer console x server called XF68_FBDev.  Has anyone used this in
Debian?  If so are there any screenshots that show what it looks like? 
I am very interested to see what it can do.


Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
marks  -- (unknown source)|

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: PGP and Mutt

2000-09-10 Thread kmself
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 12:57:44PM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

 On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 wrote:
  If it helps, my .muttrc is attached.  Note that I've got gpg, not
  pgp, installed.  I'd recommend you use the same.  There is only one
  tag in my muttrc which appears relevant, that's the pgp_autosign
 I've got a bit of a followup question.  It's regarding verifying or
 decrypting signed or encrypted messages.  I'm having a horrible time
 getting valid signatures from messages that are signed by mutt's
 built-in gpg/pgp support.
 Say I'm using one of the many mailers that doesn't support gpg
 integration, so I need to save the message and key to disk and use gpg
 manually to check the signatures.  What parts of the message are
 signed, though???  for example, in Karsten's email, there were 3
 message sections: the text, the attached .muttrc, and the gpg sig.  

The signature applies to the entire contents, including attachments, of
the message.  So you have verification that I was the person who wrote
and signed all parts of the mail.  Makes more sense that way, no?

 So I save the message and key to my home dir, download the key, and
 run gpg on the key.  It asks me for the file name, which I provide.
 To this it responds that they signature is invalid.

Hmm...  The entire message or just the text?

 I've been trying to send myself signed message with the same results.
 I've read mutt's included docs, which didn't help me at all.  Have you
 got any suggestions???
 I must say, the old style of handling pgp/gpg with the inline sigs and
 stuff worked much better for me.  What are the advantages of sending
 the key as an attachment instead of inline?

Well, as an example, a signed message with MIME components shows up as
signed, and I'm told that the signature is valid and known, the sig is
valid but unknown, or that the signature is invalid.  Automajickally. 

For your message, I have to pipe the mail through GPG to verify it, eg:
in mutt:

|   # mutt -- pipe message
gpg --verify

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-10 Thread kmself
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:56:52PM -0600, Art Edwards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I just purchased two Athalon-based systems, each with 768M of ram.
 However, under debian (potato runnin kernel 2.2.17) the OS sees only 65
 M of memory. I have tried to use the append command
 but it still sees only 65 M? 
 Does anyone have any ideas?

Where are you applying the append command -- at the LILO boot prompt or
in /etc/lilo.conf?  If in lilo.conf, have you re-run lilo?

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Editing and storing encrypted files

2000-09-10 Thread Joey Hess
Wouter Hanegraaff wrote:
  Convert all text to encrypted text before writing
 autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre*.gpg   '[,']!gpg -e -r Wouter 2 

Or slightly more portable, s/-r Wouter/--default-recipient-self/

I like to add a -a too, YMMV.

Nice hack to avoid the temp files, BTW. :-)

see shy jo

Re: XF68_FBDev

2000-09-10 Thread brian moore
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 10:20:10PM -0700, Parrish M Myers wrote:
 I just got matroxfb working correctly and noticed that there is a frame
 buffer console x server called XF68_FBDev.  Has anyone used this in
 Debian?  If so are there any screenshots that show what it looks like? 
 I am very interested to see what it can do.

For the matrox, you probably don't want to use it: you'll lose your
acceleration for no real gain.  It's very useful for certain unsupported
video cards that are VESA2 compliant: they can use a the VESA
framebuffer and get X running without resorting to atrocities like

It looks like, well, X.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: /etc/rc.boot (new Q: 'outputting' manpage)

2000-09-10 Thread Sven Burgener
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 06:15:25PM -0700, wrote:
 You might also try:
 $ man foo | col -b output straight ascii.

Thanks, that's simple and nice.

The UNIX Guru's view of sex:
unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger
mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount

Extreme disappointment. :(

2000-09-10 Thread Shane Pearson
Hello all,

I have been using Linux for about 3 years including OpenBSD for about 1 year, 
so I hope that the problems I'm having with Debian 2.2 Potato are not due to my 
ignorance. After reading great things about Debian, and a 2.2 kernel version 
finally coming out as stable on CD from my local Linux shoppe, I was very 
excited to request it on CDR as my birthday present from my girlfriend.

Unfortunately, during install, I was getting many errors. I noticed Emacs19 
gets  future timestamp errors, gnome dependency errors, eventually an error 
stating something along the lines of E.Sub Process  /usr/bin/dpkg returned an 
error (1) some errors occurred while unpacking, plus many errors scroll past 
too quickly to note, eventually the install comes to a message stating 
Packages failed to install, retry?.

Once I had it installed, I fired up X and got into Enlightenment which 
promptly seg faulted! I know E is not the most reliable wm, but in Mandrake 7.0 
I have never had it seg fault, there were other X errors causing X to die back 
to the console.

At install, I noticed that what looks like an md5 sum (when CD1 is requested) 
states bad-1 at the end, reinforcing my belief that CD1 could be corrupt.

Can someone tell me how to check the CD so that I can prove to myself and the 
shop I bought it from that a replacement is required?

Many thanks,

Bye for now.

Re: how to turn off auto-fill-mode in XEmacs21?

2000-09-10 Thread Paul Huygen
Attila Csosz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to turn off the line wrappping (xemacs truncates the long lines at
 the end of line). I think this is the variable 'auto-fill-mode' but I
 can't turn it off. How to turn it off? 

I am not sure that I understand what you mean. Auto-fill-mode
generates automatically splits a line that is  longer than the value of
parameter fill-column. Emacs actually splits the line in the text file. The 
last word of the line, that sticks out,
becomes the first word of the new line. This feature can be toggled
on/off with the command M-x auto-fill-mode. If auto-fill mode is on,
the word fill appears omn the black status-line under the text. To
turn auto-fill on automatically for my emacs 19.34, I have the following line 
in my

(setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

But maybe, you refer to the way that the editor handles lines that are
too long to be displayed in the editor's window. My emacs displays
those lines wrapped, but does not necessarily split the line in the
text file. A backslash character indicates that the line is
continued on the next line. I don't know how to alter this behaviour.

Paul Huygen  

Re: Extreme disappointment. :(

2000-09-10 Thread Nate Amsden
Shane Pearson wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have been using Linux for about 3 years including OpenBSD for about 1 year, 
 so I hope that the problems I'm having with Debian 2.2 Potato are not due to 
 my ignorance. After reading great things about Debian, and a 2.2 kernel 
 version finally coming out as stable on CD from my local Linux shoppe, I 
 was very excited to request it on CDR as my birthday present from my 
 Unfortunately, during install, I was getting many errors. I noticed Emacs19 
 gets  future timestamp errors, gnome dependency errors, eventually an error 
 stating something along the lines of E.Sub Process  /usr/bin/dpkg returned 
 an error (1) some errors occurred while unpacking, plus many errors scroll 
 past too quickly to note, eventually the install comes to a message stating 
 Packages failed to install, retry?.
 Once I had it installed, I fired up X and got into Enlightenment which 
 promptly seg faulted! I know E is not the most reliable wm, but in Mandrake 
 7.0 I have never had it seg fault, there were other X errors causing X to die 
 back to the console.
 At install, I noticed that what looks like an md5 sum (when CD1 is requested) 
 states bad-1 at the end, reinforcing my belief that CD1 could be corrupt.
 Can someone tell me how to check the CD so that I can prove to myself and the 
 shop I bought it from that a replacement is required?

first, please wrap your lines at a reasonable length, even using
1600x1200 i still have to scroll to the right by 2-3 screens to see all
of your text!

second, check the Packages/Packages.gz files they contain md5sums for
all the packages, it is very very likely you have a bad cd. i have(along
with many others im sure) installed many potato systems without problems
like this. i strongly reccomend ditching the CD-R'd copy and getting a
real, pressed copy. even the copies i make on my own CD-R(i have used
about 6 different models/drives) do not work in all drives, only works
in some(does not work in more then it works in, same goes for all other
cds i burn not just debian) I am not sure how to automatically verify
the md5sums.

good luck getting a good copy of (anything) on CD-R. if you do return
it, get a pressed cd for best results.


ICQ: 75132336

Re: Extreme disappointment. :(

2000-09-10 Thread Shane Pearson

Re: Extreme disappointment. :(

2000-09-10 Thread Shane Pearson
Sorry about the long line lengths and blank message. I am emailing from telnet 
in Win98 (unfortunately). 'mail' is'nt very friendly as you know compared with 
a fuller featured...

Anyway, the store I bought the CD's from do not yet carry pressed Potsatoes.

I noticed that fsck /cdrom reveals the possibility of fsck.iso9660, so do you 
know where I can get that version of fsck? It is not installed by default.


Re: Extreme disappointment. :(

2000-09-10 Thread Shane Pearson
Of course I could always press return... :) sorry again./

Re: Gnome/X stuff

2000-09-10 Thread kmself
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 11:36:52PM -0400, Mark Simos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Somewhat OT, but reasonably close to this posting
 Is there a doc somewhere that describes window managers, display
 managers, etc.  and how they interact with each other, X,  and X
 programs?  I am windows person and not too familiar with the extra
 layer of separation / interaction that X allows for in the GUI. I have
 no problem doing the old fashioned RTFM, I just don't know which FM to
 R :)

There's the XWindow User HOWTO, try poking around in /usr/doc/HOWTO or  This is a bit old-fashioned, but describes
the fundamental layers of X to the windowmanager level.

For an explanation of what Gnome and KDE do, I'd suggest visiting the
appropriate websites: and

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gnome/X stuff

2000-09-10 Thread kmself

On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 01:02:30AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Sorry about the block of text.  Last night I had all sorts of this
 and that to stay awake, since I need to finish the Odyssey for school
 before it starts.  Anyway, I didn'y get to sleep until 6:00ish, so I'm
 still a little out of it.

Nada.  Now if you'll wrap lines at 72 and reply to list, we'll be

 For starting Gnome I'm just using 'startx' because I've worked
 gnome and my window manager into the Xsession file.  What I have is
 something like:
 path for window manager 
 That's not exactly right, the exit line I can't remember right
 now, but I did it out of a book so it should be fine.  

Actually, you don't need the exit, though it won't hurt.  You'll execute
'panel', then exit when it closes.

 So that's how I've been starting Gnome though.  And I pulled the panel
 command out when I was using icewm.
 As for when I said session manager, I meant to say session save.  
 Basically the whole bit that let's you start back up to your desktop
 just as you logged out of it.

Right.  I don't do Gnome (actually, just started messing with it for the
first time in months tonight).

 As for the menu package, that's what I was missing, thanks for
 that.  The sawfish package I did search for just as you said, but it
 didn't turn up, so I guess Linux Central didn't put it on the set.  Is
 it new?  I hadn't heard about it until this morning when someone said
 it worked well with Gnome without overlapping features.

sawfish was recently renamed from sawmill.  You might try looking at it
from there.

 I did look at /etc/init.d/README, but it pointed me toward getting
 the debian-policy package and reading section 3.3 on run levels.  I
 found a lot of info there, but it was so broad that I really had
 trouble getting what I needed to know.  When you're setting programs
 to run or not at boot (specifically X), is it a matter a moving files
 around or more of a command line option type thing?  

Here's the short answer:

- Various runlevels are specified in /etc/inittab.  This tells you
  what level your system starts at (initdefault).

- The directories /etc/rc?.d contain scripts starting S[0-9]* and
  K[0-9]*, which are symlinks to files in /etc/init.d/.  The 'S'
  scripts are started, the K scripts are stopped, when entering a

   - You can modify these scripts with the /usr/sbin/update-rc.d script.

 I found easily the files associated with X in init.d and various
 run-level folders, I just don't know what to do with them.  I'm new at
 Linux, and I know I should really just shut up and read more, which I
 have been doing, though I'm going to boarding school tomorrow and I'm
 really trying to get everything up as quickly as possible.  

If you want to run the services, leave them be.  If you don't want to,
remove the packages for now.  You may find that you want to look at
configuring them various ways later, it's probably too much detail for
you now.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Debian 2.2 or woody

2000-09-10 Thread Julio Merino

I'm going to install a new debian system at home (as I commented in
some other messages)... but I'm now wondering if installing the 2.2 or
woody version...

Since I discovered apt :-) in slink, I've been always using the
unstable distribution. I would use 2.2, but in that version there are
not the latest versions of some programs, for example, emacs, gnome,
etc. And the problem of this, is that if I want to get one of this
from the unstable I will have to download A LOT of dependencies that
will make my installation a 2.2/woody mixture.

Any good reasons to use one or another? If not, I'm going to install
woody as I've always done... :)


Do you really think win is easy to use?

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Running Debian GNU/Linux woody

Re: how to turn off auto-fill-mode in XEmacs21?

2000-09-10 Thread Julio Merino
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 11:13:43AM +0200, Paul Huygen wrote:

 But maybe, you refer to the way that the editor handles lines that are
 too long to be displayed in the editor's window. My emacs displays
 those lines wrapped, but does not necessarily split the line in the
 text file. A backslash character indicates that the line is
 continued on the next line. I don't know how to alter this behaviour.

Just easy: enable the hscroll-mode and you will be able to scroll the
screen horitzontaly. For me, it's annoying, but try it yourself.



 Paul Huygen  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal


Ethernet trouble

2000-09-10 Thread Nick Willson

Seeking help using a network card in a PC.  The card is a Linksys Etherfast 
10/100 LAN card.  The PC is a 'home-built' machine, using an Asus P3V4X 
motherboard.  BIOS is Award Medallion BIOS v6.0.  Debian is as installed 
from the 2.2 official CDs, plus a custom kernel in case it helped - no 
difference I can tell, the details below are while using the custom kernel.  
All help welcome, and I'd be happy to give more details.


Here is result of modprobe tulip:
/lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: insmod tulip failed

Here is result of lspci:
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C691 [Apollo PRO] (rev c4)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3 AGP]
00:04.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C596 ISA [Apollo PRO] (rev 23)
00:04.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586 IDE [Apollo] (rev 10)
00:04.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586B USB (rev 11)
00:04.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc.: Unknown device 3050 (rev 30)
00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Bridgecom, Inc: Unknown device 0985 (rev 11)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X 
(rev 5c)

Here is result of cat /proc/pci:
PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: VIA Technologies Unknown device (rev 196).
  Vendor id=1106. Device id=691.
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe400 [0xe408].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: VIA Technologies VT 82C598 Apollo MVP3 AGP (rev 0).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  Min Gnt=8.
  Bus  0, device   4, function  0:
ISA bridge: VIA Technologies VT 82C596 Apollo Pro (rev 35).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  
  Bus  0, device   4, function  1:
IDE interface: VIA Technologies VT 82C586 Apollo IDE (rev 16).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=32. 

  I/O at 0xb800 [0xb801].
  Bus  0, device   4, function  2:
USB Controller: VIA Technologies VT 82C586 Apollo USB (rev 17).
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 5.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xb400 [0xb401].
  Bus  0, device   4, function  3:
Host bridge: VIA Technologies Unknown device (rev 48).
  Vendor id=1106. Device id=3050.
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  
  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Unknown vendor Unknown device (rev 17).
  Vendor id=1317. Device id=985.
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.  
Latency=32.  Min Gnt=255.Max Lat=255.
  I/O at 0xb000 [0xb001].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe100 [0xe100].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: ATI Mach64 GB (rev 92).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  
Latency=64.  Min Gnt=8.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe200 [0xe200].
  I/O at 0xd800 [0xd801].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe180 [0xe180].

Here is result of dmesg:
Linux version 2.2.17 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.2 2220 (Debian 
GNU/Linux)) #1 Sun Sep 10 10:59:47 PDT 2000
Detected 805649 kHz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 1608.91 BogoMIPS
Memory: 257992k/262080k available (848k kernel code, 416k reserved, 2788k 
data, 36k init)
Dentry hash table entries: 32768 (order 6, 256k)
Buffer cache hash table entries: 262144 (order 8, 1024k)
Page cache hash table entries: 65536 (order 6, 256k)
CPU: Intel Pentium III (Coppermine) stepping 03
Checking 386/387 coupling... OK, FPU using exception 16 error reporting.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf0890
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: 00:20 [1106/0596]: Work around ISA DMA hangs (00)
Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds.
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux NET4.0.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
TCP: Hash tables configured (ehash 262144 bhash 65536)
Starting kswapd v 1.5 
Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.
Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 21
VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xb800-0xb807, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xb808-0xb80f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
hdc: CD-ROM Drive/F5A, ATAPI CDROM drive
ide0 at 

replace chars in filenames?

2000-09-10 Thread Lars Grobe

As I have had trouble with netatalk's character set, I have many
filenames containing nonsense-chars (resulting from non-translated
German Umlaute). So I have to find strings as :8a and replace them
with a char (ä). Is it possible to do this with find ?

Thank You, CU, Lars.

Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-10 Thread Julio Merino
On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 05:59:38PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:

 Thanks for the tip about hdparm -Y, looks like I had an old manpage sitting
 around.. OK, so I'm doing three things now in /etc/apm/event.d.
 One is 00hwclock (comes with apm). The second is 
 xset dpms force suspend (this turns off the monitor if I type it by hand,
 for some reason it does nothing when the script runs it, although both
 are running as root (I think) and I do set the DISPLAY before running 
 it in the script! The third is /sbin/hdparm -Y /dev/hda. Here's what
 the logs say when I type apm -s.  
 Sep  8 17:50:11 mi apmd[1744]: User Suspend
 Sep  8 17:50:13 mi kernel: apm: busy: Unable to enter requested state 
 Sep  8 17:50:18 mi kernel: apm: busy: Unable to enter requested state 
 Sep  8 17:50:21 mi kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
 Sep  8 17:50:23 mi kernel: apm: busy: Unable to enter requested state 
 Sep  8 17:50:24 mi kernel: ide0: reset: master: error (0x00?) 
 What happens is, the disk shuts down (woo!), the screen fails to blank 
 and about two seconds later the disk, and everything else, starts up 
 again.  Any ideas?  -chris

I've tryied to add the hdparm script in /etc/apm/suspend.d... the disk
shut down, but in a while wake up another time. I think it's because
the disk is powered down, but apm hasn't still finished it's job (it
runs the scripts, but has to do something else later), so it has to
access the drive another time... Don't know how to solve. Any ideas???


 On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Julio Merino wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 09:27:56AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
Try installing the apm daemon (apmd), but I think it won't do these
   Yeah I got the apm daemon, it's the debian/unstable version though, maybe
   I should get the latest sources?
  Don't know. apmd (as I know) is able to suspend and standby the
  computer, but I don't notice any difference between both options.
 The apm options I've configured are:

Ok, very close to my configuration... But when I simply suspend and I
try to reuse my computer, it COMPLETLY hangs.
  Correction: it randomly hangs. I remember that the last time I tried
  this it worked. I listened my computer beeping three times, but it
  only closed the screen...
   What's your configuration?
  # CONFIG_APM_DO_ENABLE is not set
  # CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set
  # CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS is not set
  I'm running on an Asus P2L97 AGP motherboard, with PII processor.
   When I type apm -s, one of two things happens:
   - The command pauses briefly, then decides to ignore me and returns to 
   the command prompt.
  Doesn't happened to me.
   - The system does indeed seem to stop. But the machine doesn't sound any
   quieter. The fan is still going and the hd's probably also.
  That's what happens to me... It shuts down the screen, but disks and
  fans are still working...
I tried to stop a drive (not the root linux one) and then I was unable
to wake it up and the system crashed...
   How did you try to do it? I've got /usr/sbin/hdparm -S 60 /dev/hda
  I think I did: hdparm -Y /dev/hdb
  and I listened how the drive went down. But another time: I was unable
  to wake it up again.
   in /etc/rc.boot/ and the machine hasn't hung yet; then again I haven't 
   noticed the HD stopping either. Is there a test program which will 
   stop the HD right away?
   In other news, my machine was hanging like crazy yesterday morning, 
   but maybe this is because I was trying out the 2.4-test7 kernel and
  Don't know... I still use 2.2.16.
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal


Re: /etc/rc.boot (new Q: 'outputting' manpage)

2000-09-10 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Sven Burgener  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How do I properly print out the contents of a manpage?

The printer should have no problems with manpages. And if you use
'man -t blabla' you even get nice postscript output.

When I do :r! man blabla in vi, I get funny characters at some places.
Using man's --ascii option didn't help.

If you mean you want to have plain text output, use man blabla | col -b

Deadlock, n.:
Deceased rastaman.

Re: German keys on console

2000-09-10 Thread Vee-Eye

I never had to set those (locale environment variables) to get the german
keyboard to work (I set them to get german messages, though), but it's quiet
interesting to know more about internals. 

My question is now: When you are prompted to choose a keyboard, you could
suppose it working after the selection, why to choose then, if it doesn't
influence the behaviour of the keyboard at all?  If you choose a non-US
keymap, the appropriate LC-variable (the charmap?) should be set too, shouldn't

PS: I hope it worked for you, Peter, à propos, I saw there are german and
keyboard-How-To's at
 That's got nothing to do with the keymap (which is fine.)
 Two things are important:
 1) in /etc/inputrc set 'convert-meta off' must be uncommented
(it maybe by default in 2.2r1, it wasn't in tc3. The metakey
 still works fine, BTW)
 2) The environment variable 'LANG' must be set to, i.e., 'de_DE',
which also lets
   LC_CTYPE(the culprit)
 default to 'de_DE'. If you're like me you'll like to override
 at least LC_MESSAGES back to 'en_US'.

(Dr.) Michael Hummel
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ethernet trouble

2000-09-10 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 03:50:20AM -0700, Nick Willson wrote: 

 Here is result of modprobe tulip:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
 invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o failed
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: insmod tulip failed

Are you sure your card works with the tulip-module?
If yes, try the old_tulip module instead of tulip during

 hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM20.5, 19595MB w/1900kB Cache, CHS=2498/255/63
 hdc: ATAPI 48X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache

Looks like you have not activated UDMA. Have a look at #man hdparm


Re: Debian 2.2 or woody

2000-09-10 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 12:41:43PM +0200, Julio Merino wrote: 

 Since I discovered apt :-) in slink, I've been always using the
 unstable distribution. I would use 2.2, but in that version there are
 not the latest versions of some programs, for example, emacs, gnome,
 etc. And the problem of this, is that if I want to get one of this
 from the unstable I will have to download A LOT of dependencies that
 will make my installation a 2.2/woody mixture.

Depends on your system. If it is just a workstation at home with no
important servers running on it and you can live with the fact that
you are running an unstable system then I don't see any problems of
getting new woody-packages.


Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-10 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 05:59:38PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote: 

 Sep  8 17:50:11 mi apmd[1744]: User Suspend
 Sep  8 17:50:13 mi kernel: apm: busy: Unable to enter requested state 

I get the exact message. I am sure it is a BIOS problem here. Did you
enable APM in your BIOS? What does /proc/apm say?

 What happens is, the disk shuts down (woo!), the screen fails to blank 
 and about two seconds later the disk, and everything else, starts up 
 again.  Any ideas?  -chris

Well, the disk starts again, if it has to read or write
something. Maybe your system is swapping and that causes the disk to
start up?

BTW: Please wrap your lines after 68-70 columns. And write _below_ the
qouted stuff, just qoute the important things. Thanks


.tar [Rookie question]

2000-09-10 Thread Shel Johnson
I want to update Netscape Communicator to 4.75.. I've downloaded the
.tar.gz file.. I ran the tar command that extracted the files [thinking it
would be like an .exe file in Mr Gate's OS].. My question is: what do I do 

ICQ- 23454126
AIM- CacheMonet

Trying to master Storm Linux 2000

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: .tar [Rookie question]

2000-09-10 Thread jakbyto

On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 04:45:06AM -0700, Shel Johnson wrote:
 I want to update Netscape Communicator to 4.75.. I've downloaded the
 .tar.gz file.. I ran the tar command that extracted the files [thinking it
 would be like an .exe file in Mr Gate's OS].. My question is: what do I do
Next you must read README and INSTALL files. There you will find all infos
you need to install and configure your program. But remember - read these
files with great attention. Installing tarballs (*tar.gz files) on linux
isn't as easy as clicking on setup.exe in winshit. 


Re: [SLU] .tar [Rookie question]

2000-09-10 Thread Phillip Deackes
Shel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to update Netscape Communicator to 4.75.. I've downloaded the
 .tar.gz file.. I ran the tar command that extracted the files
 [thinking it
 would be like an .exe file in Mr Gate's OS].. My question is: what do
 I do next??...

You forget that download and fetch Netscape correctly using apt-get
install. On the command line do 'apt-get update' then, when that has
finished, do 'apt-get install communicator' and after a while you will
have Netscape Communicator installed on your system.

Always check for a Debian version of any software you want - only use a
tar.gz version if you absolutely must or need to.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

Re: how to turn off auto-fill-mode in XEmacs21?

2000-09-10 Thread Attila Csosz
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 12:21:36PM +0200, Julio Merino wrote:

I'm beginner using xemacs. How to turn this mode on?
So, i don't want 'auto-fill-mode', I'd like a horizontal scrollbar in XEmacs
under X-Window to see the long lines.


 On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 11:13:43AM +0200, Paul Huygen wrote:
  But maybe, you refer to the way that the editor handles lines that are
  too long to be displayed in the editor's window. My emacs displays
  those lines wrapped, but does not necessarily split the line in the
  text file. A backslash character indicates that the line is
  continued on the next line. I don't know how to alter this behaviour.
 Just easy: enable the hscroll-mode and you will be able to scroll the
 screen horitzontaly. For me, it's annoying, but try it yourself.
  Paul Huygen  
- Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian 2.2 Linux  / 2.2.13 / exim-
- Get my PGP key: gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0x2cc33acb -

Re: Debian VS. Red Hat

2000-09-10 Thread Chris Jenks
At 11:45 PM 9/8/00 -0700, John L . Fjellstad wrote:
On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 12:05:32PM -0500, Wayne Sitton wrote:
 OK guys, I think you've gotten off the subject that I needed.  Although
 what you have given me is great, what I need now is kind of like stories
 of thing that have happened to show why Debian would be better.  Or,
 even links to stories about the benefits of Debian over Red Hat.

I always found this kind of zealotry interesting.

Preface: I've used RedHat for over 4 years.  Just installed Debian
last month, and I'm really happy with it.

From what I have seen since this thread started, IMHO, is that a lot of RH
users that have
switched to Debian enjoy Debian more.  Now this might be geek like, or gump
like I'm not
sure, but what it seems to me is it's the DD approach to role playing.
They start with
DD, and some stay with it for ever, but most move on to other game
systems, because DD
is either lacking, or it's to finite, and the users want more thus move to
other systems. I
prefer to think of Debian like the Linux version of GRUPS. :)

Which also goes back to Wayne's comment on RH being better because it's
more popular. R H,
like DD has better marketing droids working for it, no offence intended to
anyone on here
that does marketing.  It's more widely known because it's out there on the
front line
screaming, and that screaming is what brings people into it.

Chris Jenks
Ok, I go away now.

Re: Debian for kids

2000-09-10 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 12:27:06PM -0300, Leonardo Dutra wrote:
:Somebody would know to say me where can find information about the Debian for
:kids project ?
:I would like to install it so that my son uses Linux since small  :)

There is some info on the web site (under projects I
think), and a mailing list.

I haven't had the time to really follow what they've been doing (much
less contribute to the effort), however I have two children (ages 2.5
and 4.5) who've been using Debian for some time already.

I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you may have.


Re: PGP and Mutt

2000-09-10 Thread Bruce Richardson

Description: PGP message

Description: PGP signature

Re: kde or gnome?

2000-09-10 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 09:49:49AM +0518, USM Bish wrote:
 Just a small clarification sought :  
 What exactly is meant by Gnome or KDE compliance ? 
 Is it the capability of running Gnome or KDE apps ?

No.  Window managers don't run apps, they just manage the way they are
placed on the screen etc.  As long as the right libraries are on your
system, you can run Gnome/KDE apps under any window manager.  In fact,
you can run any X app with *no* window manager: you can get xinit to run
a single X app in the same way that windows can be set to run a single 
program instead of Windows Explorer.  

Compliance with Gnome or KDE means that a wm can detect and comply with
the hints that the desktop environment gives, signals which tell a
window manager how to behave so that it is acting in sync with all the
bloatware that Gnome and KDE run.


I see a mouse.  Where?  There, on the stair.  And its clumsy wooden
footwear makes it easy to trap and kill.
-- Harry Hill

Re: Debian 2.2 or woody

2000-09-10 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 12:41:43PM +0200, Julio Merino wrote:
 I'm going to install a new debian system at home (as I commented in
 some other messages)... but I'm now wondering if installing the 2.2 or
 woody version...

I can't give you a definitive answer since I've only been using Debian
since potato came out.  But I've converted my home machine from RH to
Debian and have needed to upgrade a few things beyond potato to get some
important (to me) features that aren't in the potato versions of some

The reason to use potato is stability.  You know that the system has
been tested as a whole, not just as an assortment of apps.  If you keep
up with the updates then the system should actually get more stable
with time.  If you don't value that, go ahead and use woody all over but 
you know that'll be a constantly shifting surface to stand on.  You 
don't lose out on the security front by using potato since the Debian 
maintainers back-propagate security/bug fixes.

So far I've had no problems with the bits I've added from woody, though
I've been compiling from the source packages.  Compiling from source not
only lets me do any personal config I need but also avoids the problems
that would be caused by a binary compiled on a woody system with minor
differences in set-up to a potato system.  And if there were a major
incompatibility, the compilation process will fail meaningfully, in a
way that tells me what I might do to fix it.  The binary would likely
just core dump.


Remember you're a Womble.

debian-user-digest down?

2000-09-10 Thread Kent Pirkle
I've not received the debian-user-digest or debian-devl-digest for
the last couple of days. Is anyone else having this problem?

Please respond to my email address, as I can't see it otherwise.


Re: Family proofing a Debian box

2000-09-10 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 10:00:04AM -0500, Bryan K. Walton wrote:
:This is a general question for the list.  I have a computer at home that I 
want to make availble for the family to use.  However I want to try and ensure 
that they won't be able to do anything that could cause damage to the OS.  What 
is the list's thoughts regarding what should I make sure is off-limits to the 
users.  If they don't have root, are there things that I should make off-limits 
that might not be on a stock Debian 2.2 system?

If they're not actively trying to exceed their permissions...

The worst they can do is hit the power button (you can easily
disconnect this internaly on most modern computers)

The second worst thing is that they can take up all the space in
/home.  You can implement quatas or make a separate partition for

If they are trying to get root an have physical access to the box for
get about it, one floppy will get me root on any x86 Linux box I have
physial access to.


# include legit_use.h

As a sysadmin in an environment where users have root on their
workstations, they can change the root password and then graduate
leaving behind a box noone has root on.

Re: Gnome/X stuff

2000-09-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

You might want to check out
for a pretty good overview of what's available and what the features of
various window managers and desktop environments are.  It seems to do a
pretty good job of covering the options; I'm not sure what level of detail
they get into.


On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Mark Simos wrote:

 Somewhat OT, but reasonably close to this posting
 Is there a doc somewhere that describes window managers, display
 managers, etc. and how they interact with each other, X, and X
 I am windows person and not too familiar with the extra layer of
 separation / interaction that X allows for in the GUI. I have no
 problem doing the old fashioned RTFM, I just don't know which FM to R

| Web:
| PGP Public Key: 

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv


stale/defunt sessions in debian

2000-09-10 Thread William Jensen
Is the following a product of how debian sets up the system or is it a kernel
deal or what...

If I telnet to my home box remotely, then just kill the session instead of
logging out it often leaves that connection up in my ps even though I know
it's gone.  Who cleans those types of things up?  Is there anything that debian
or linux in geneal does to clean stale things up?


Description: PGP signature

Re: PGP and Mutt

2000-09-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000 wrote:

  Say I'm using one of the many mailers that doesn't support gpg
  integration, so I need to save the message and key to disk and use gpg
  manually to check the signatures.  What parts of the message are
  signed, though???  for example, in Karsten's email, there were 3
  message sections: the text, the attached .muttrc, and the gpg sig.  
 The signature applies to the entire contents, including attachments, of
 the message.  So you have verification that I was the person who wrote
 and signed all parts of the mail.  Makes more sense that way, no?

Of course.  My problem is that with the old way of handling
signing/encrypting, the beginning and ending of the signed/encrypted text
is clearly marked for both the user and the gpg app.  I suspect that the
reason I keep getting bad sigs is that gpg doesn't know what part of the
text to check.  For example, I saved your message (the one to which I'm
replying now) to a file in my home dir: msg.pgp.  I saved the key to
msg.key.  I then ran gpg msg.key and was prompted for the external data
file.  I told it where to find the file, it went through the verification
process, and informed me that it was a bad signature:

gpg msg.key
Detached signature.
Please enter name of data file: msg.pgp
gpg: Signature made Sun Sep 10 01:47:15 2000 EDT using DSA key ID 55F2B9B0
gpg: BAD signature from Karsten M. Self

I've never had such problem with the traditional inline signature.  But
when sigs are sent as attachments the exact opposite is true: I've never
found a single mailer other than mutt that handles them.  That really
seems to defeat the purpose.

  So I save the message and key to my home dir, download the key, and
  run gpg on the key.  It asks me for the file name, which I provide.
  To this it responds that they signature is invalid.
 Hmm...  The entire message or just the text?

When verifying a sig using the manner described above, gpg doesn't even
offer the option of using multiple data files, so I've only been using the
main message text with no attachements...

  I must say, the old style of handling pgp/gpg with the inline sigs and
  stuff worked much better for me.  What are the advantages of sending
  the key as an attachment instead of inline?
 Well, as an example, a signed message with MIME components shows up as
 signed, and I'm told that the signature is valid and known, the sig is
 valid but unknown, or that the signature is invalid.  Automajickally. 

Sure, in mutt it's great.  As I said, I've yet to see it work anywhere


| Web:
| PGP Public Key: 

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv


qt2 =2.0.1-0

2000-09-10 Thread john gennard
I've just installed Potato and added KDE1.1.2 from .debs produced for
Potato. Everything goes fine except kdegames which need qt2 =2.0.1-0
or better. I used the same versions of KDE1.1.2, that had been compiled 
as .debs for Slink and kdegames there only required qt1.44.

I don't understand why this state of affairs should be so, and have
been unable to find .debs of qt 2 for Potato (although I believe
someone is proposing to produce for Woody).

At this time I don't want to use KDE2.

I'll be grateful if someone can point me to a source for the
.debs I need - that's assuming they exist.

Regards, John.

Re: Debian 2.2 or woody

2000-09-10 Thread Preben Randhol
Julio Merino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/09/2000 (14:37) :
 Since I discovered apt :-) in slink, I've been always using the
 unstable distribution. I would use 2.2, but in that version there are
 not the latest versions of some programs, for example, emacs, gnome,
 etc. And the problem of this, is that if I want to get one of this
 from the unstable I will have to download A LOT of dependencies that
 will make my installation a 2.2/woody mixture.

Get Debian 2.2. Get HelixGnome. Drop Emacs use vim! ;-) And fetch the
other packages you absolutely need from woody. Then you'll have a stable

Preben Randhol - Ph.D student -
i too once thought that when proved wrong that i lost somehow
   - i was hoping, alanis morisette

Re: PGP and Mutt

2000-09-10 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 03:23:20PM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 This is why the gpg maintainers get so sniffy about mutt.  The mime/pgp
 attachments are not widely supported *at all*.  So there's been an
 option, since 1.2.3 I think, to do it the standard way.  Put
 set pgp_create_traditional
 in your muttrc.  

Which would have been more impressive if my message had been correctly
signed.  E-mail misconfiguration, forgive me, this was a RH box two days


The ice-caps are melting, tra-la-la-la.  All the world is drowning,
-- Tiny Tim.

Re: Family proofing a Debian box

2000-09-10 Thread J.P. Larocque
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 10:26:23AM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
 If they are trying to get root an have physical access to the box for
 get about it, one floppy will get me root on any x86 Linux box I have
 physial access to.

There are a few ways to physically secure a box, that should work on almost any
Intel-architecture system:

* Disable booting from anything but the hard disk in the CMOS/BIOS setup.
  Put a password for the setup program, not the whole computer.

  1) Lock the shell/cover on your computer.  There's sometimes a tab that's
 attached to a computer's chassis that comes through a slot in the
 metal shell, in the back of the computer.  This tab has a hole in it.
 You could put a small pad lock on it to keep someone from being able
 to remove the shell and clear the CMOS setup (or just the password if
 your motherboard permits).  AFAIK, the only way to get around that is
 to pick or cut the lock, or cut open the shell somehow.

  2) Some systems have a button on the back of the chassis that's usually
 pressed in when the shell is on.  If it's removed an alarm could be
 sent over a network, possibly to a secured server that could page you
 or something.  Also have yourself be paged if the network connection
 from the computer is lost from a cut/removed cable or computer power

* If you can't do either of these, you may want to remove the floppy and/or
  CD-ROM drives.  Of course, if your family is REALLY evil they could
  remove the hard disk and put it in a computer they have full control
  over.  =)

Of course, these methods are for extreme cases, and I would imagine your family
wouldn't be so motivated to hack* your box that you would need to secure it
like I suggested.

And to Jon, if you can bypass the first method of security without damaging the
lock, or just simply hacking* the box in a more conventional way, while only
using a floppy disk, please share some insight.  =)

 J.P. Larocque, known online as piranha
 Fidonet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:346/6 (The Garage, 509-326-4609)
 Obscenity is whatever gives the Judge an erection.

* What I call hacking someone such as Eric S. Raymond would call cracking, so
  shoot me.

Re: help with compiling qt examples?

2000-09-10 Thread Gernot Bauer

Im a bit behind in reading the debian-digest, so I dont know if anybody
already answered your question. 

Did you install zlib1g-dev? That was my fault (I had the same problems).


Strange syslog messages on console

2000-09-10 Thread ferret

I'm getting these funny messages broadcast to all open shells on my
machine. I think it started happening after I disabled denied packet
logging in ipchains (having 8MB compressed logfiles isn't fun)
I think this is the third time happening, and it doesn't seem to follow
any known pattern.

Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Sat Sep  9 22:26:20 2000 ...

Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Sat Sep  9 22:27:12 2000 ...
tarot last message repeated 2 times

dselect error

2000-09-10 Thread W.T. Boman
I believe I have a slink base system installed and functioning well but
have not been successful installing X.  Attempts to run dselect from
cdrom or internet result in the
followin error:
  running dpkg - pending-configure...
 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libncurses4:

 libncurses4 depends on libc6 (=2.0.7u-6);however;version of
libc6 on system is 2.0.7t-1.
dpkg:error processing libncurses4 (--configure):dependency
problems - leaving unconfigured.
Errors were encountered while processing libncurses4.
   dpkg -- configure returned error exit status 1.

How can I find the package  with the proper version of libc6?
Can I download and install that package using apt-get without screwing
up the existing installation using the old libc6??
What is the smoothest (cleanest) way to install X ???Thanks for any

Re: Ethernet trouble

2000-09-10 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Seeking help using a network card in a PC.  The card is a Linksys Etherfast 
 10/100 LAN card.

Do you know what revision (ie v1 vs v2 vs v3 vs v4) of card this is?


 Here is result of modprobe tulip:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
 invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o failed
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/tulip.o: insmod tulip failed
 Here is result of lspci:
 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C691 [Apollo PRO] (rev c4)
 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3 AGP]
 00:04.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C596 ISA [Apollo PRO] (rev 23)
 00:04.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586 IDE [Apollo] (rev 10)
 00:04.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586B USB (rev 11)
 00:04.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc.: Unknown device 3050 (rev 30)
 00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Bridgecom, Inc: Unknown device 0985 (rev 11)
 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X 
 (rev 5c)


   Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
 Ethernet controller: Unknown vendor Unknown device (rev 17).
   Vendor id=1317. Device id=985.
   Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.  
 Latency=32.  Min Gnt=255.Max Lat=255.
   I/O at 0xb000 [0xb001].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe100 [0xe100].

The entire problem is that the card is not supported by the tulip driver
2.2.x kernel series :( It is, however, directly supported by the
2.4.0-testx/2.4.x series of kernels.

It's a long story as to why the driver is so far out of date.

You can get an updated driver from  I've never been able to get
these drivers (off the scyld web pages) to work for me, but it's been a
while since I've tried.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstien
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine


Re: stale/defunt sessions in debian

2000-09-10 Thread J.P. Larocque
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 09:47:07AM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
 Is the following a product of how debian sets up the system or is it a kernel
 deal or what...

AFAIK, this is a general Linux problem, probably a general UNIX problem...

 If I telnet to my home box remotely, then just kill the session instead of
 logging out it often leaves that connection up in my ps even though I know
 it's gone.  Who cleans those types of things up?

Um, the system administrator.  =)

 Is there anything that debian
 or linux in geneal does to clean stale things up?

Depends on the stale thing.  In this case, I don't think Linux would
automatically kill stale login sessions, unless there was a total time or idle
time limit for that user, or of course the system was restarted or the init
runlevel was changed.  However, it's trivial to fix this problem.

If you have the Debian package 'slay' installed, and the owner of the stale
session is only logged in through that or other stale sessions, issue slay
staleuser to kill all that user's processes.  Of course, if that user is
logged in doing real work, then his or her session will be terminated.

A less easy but more direct approach is to kill all processes running on the
tty that holds the stale login session with the SIGTERM signal, so as any
important programs should exit cleanly.  After a few seconds, issue a SIGKILL
signal to the person's login shell.

Here's a step-by-step example.  Say the stale login is owned by 'piranha'.  =)
Issue the 'w' command.  You may see something like:

  9:58pm  up  27 years, 4 users,  load average: 1.14, 1.12, 1.09
root tty1   4:33pm  2:00m  2.50s  2.50s  -bash 
piranha  ttyp8omega 9:58pm  5:16m  0.17s  0.05s  -bash 
phed ttyS0  7:46pm  1.00m  0.19s  0.19s  lynx
piranha  ttyp2omega 8:32am  9.00s  0.14s  0.04s  zile

You'll see the first listing for piranha is the most idle, at 5 hours, and
that he's on ttyp8.  This is the login you'll want to kill.  So type
'ps aux | grep '^.\{37\} p8 '' (excluding outermost single-quotes), and you
might see:

piranha   7220  0.0  1.9  1888  1268  p8 S08:32   0:00 -bash 
piranha  12432  0.7  1.0  1100   656  p8 S08:38   0:00 /usr/bin/zile /home/p

(Note, in that command, 'p8' is for ttyp8.  Put whatever comes after the
'tty'.  If it's one letter/digit, put a space before it, as in '...\}  1 '.)

So to be nice, give zile a chance to exit cleanly, by issuing 
'kill -TERM 7220 1243'.  You should put every PID number (second column of 'ps
...' output) on the command-line with 'kill -TERM'.  Wait a few seconds, and
now issue 'kill -KILL 7220', since 7220 is the login shell (it starts with a
hyphen).  Now the user should be logged out.

You can perform the above steps as the named user, or root, of course.

 J.P. Larocque, known online as piranha
 Fidonet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:346/6 (The Garage, 509-326-4609)
 If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good. -Bill Gates

PS: Yes, the uptime example from 'w' is a -tad- unrealistic...

Re: Strange syslog messages on console

2000-09-10 Thread Terry Boon
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 08:36:29AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm getting these funny messages broadcast to all open shells on my


 Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Sat Sep  9 22:26:20 2000 ...
 Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Sat Sep  9 22:27:12 2000 ...
 tarot last message repeated 2 times

It *may* be evidence of someone trying the rpc.statd buffer overflow
(this based on my extrapolation from a mesage David Wright posted on
Wednesday 6 September -- if I'm wrong, blame me, not him!)

The subject was Strange broadcast message from syslogd; the mailing
list archives should have more details.  See for more information of
the exploit.

Best wishes,
Terry Boon
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5


Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-10 Thread Krzys Majewski
Here's the latest update. I've got my drive to enter standby mode 
for extended periods by mounting all my partitions with the sync
and noatime options. AFAIK, the first option causes data to be
flushed to disk synchronously, and the second prevents file access
time updates from being flushed to disk (or maybe just delays this).
I then wrote a little script which runs hdparm -C /hda every second.
The output from last night follows. Note that the drive was suspended
for a good 5 hours (woo!). Another thing is that my hdparm -S settings
seem to be  completely ignored! It looks like, left to its own devices,
the drive will enter standby mode after ten minutes. However, I tried
doing a hdparm -S 1 (standby after five seconds) and other short intervals,
in single user mode (where there are nearly no processes running which
might write to disk), and the given interval passed every time with nothing
happening. Finally, in my xconsole logs I see the following relevant items:

Sep 10 06:25:01 mi /USR/SBIN/CRON[19620]: (root) CMD (test -e /usr/sbin/anacron 
|| run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily)
Sep 10 06:47:01 mi /USR/SBIN/CRON[23582]: (root) CMD (test -e /usr/sbin/anacron 
|| run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly)
Sep 10 07:30:01 mi /USR/SBIN/CRON[31328]: (root) CMD (test -x /usr/sbin/anacron 
 /usr/sbin/anacron -s)
Sep 10 07:30:01 mi anacron[31330]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2000-09-10
Sep 10 07:30:01 mi anacron[31330]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 5 min.
Sep 10 07:30:01 mi anacron[31330]: Jobs will be executed sequentially

In other words, all the times that the drive started up during the night
are accounted for. The last timestamp below, 9:09 AM, is the time that
I got out of bed this morning and started writing this mail..

Having the drive enter standby mode (I think this means it stops spinning,
although it still has power going to it) makes an audible difference.
Now if only I could get the fan to stop...


Drive is now in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 01:25:24 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to exit standby mode...
Drive is now NOT in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 06:25:08 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to enter standby mode...
Drive is now in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 06:35:23 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to exit standby mode...
Drive is now NOT in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 06:47:13 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to enter standby mode...
Drive is now in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 06:57:28 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to exit standby mode...
Drive is now NOT in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 07:30:04 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to enter standby mode...
Drive is now in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 07:55:34 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to exit standby mode...
Drive is now NOT in standby mode
Sun Sep 10 09:09:05 PDT 2000
Waiting for drive to enter standby mode...

Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-10 Thread Jaume Teixi
just type exactly

append mem=768M

on a line in lilo.conf
then on / run lilo

reboot, what free command shows to you?

  but it still sees only 65 M?
  Does anyone have any ideas?

 Where are you applying the append command -- at the LILO boot prompt or
 in /etc/lilo.conf?  If in lilo.conf, have you re-run lilo?

Jaume Teixi
Administrador de Sistemes
6TEMS - Ducform, SA

Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-10 Thread Krzys Majewski
On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Philipp Schulte wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 05:59:38PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote: 
  Sep  8 17:50:11 mi apmd[1744]: User Suspend
  Sep  8 17:50:13 mi kernel: apm: busy: Unable to enter requested state 
 I get the exact message. I am sure it is a BIOS problem here. Did you
 enable APM in your BIOS? What does /proc/apm say?

It says, quote: 1.13 1.2 0x07 0x01 0xff 0x80 -1% -1 ?

  What happens is, the disk shuts down (woo!), the screen fails to blank 
  and about two seconds later the disk, and everything else, starts up 
  again.  Any ideas?  -chris
 Well, the disk starts again, if it has to read or write
 something. Maybe your system is swapping and that causes the disk to
 start up?

I've improved this significantly by mounting all partitions with 
sync and noatime. 

The screen blanking problem I can live with because it does eventually 
blank on its own (I think the xset +dpms defaults to standby and 
suspend after 1200 and 1800 seconds, respectively. 

What I would like now is for the cpu fan to shutdown 
(presumably after the cpu has entered a sufficiently low-power 
mode or shut down completely), although I don't even know if
this is possible with APM. Sometimes I really wish manpages 
were written by people with less clue, sigh.

sound interrupts

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier

Hey guys. How do I raise the priority of the interrupt that the
soundcard is on so that music doesn't stutter during heavy disk


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

gnapster problems

2000-09-10 Thread Dale Morris
When I try to use gnapster, I get a message: disconnected. When I select
connect to official server or last server there's some network activity,
but then it shows disconnected. Is there a problem with napster? More
legal problems? or is it my system?
Here's what I've changed since the last time it worked..
changed sources.list in apt to woody and did the apt-get update, apt-get
upgrade. I'm runnin Helix gnome and after the upgrade I had gdm(gnome
display manager) for login. When I removed gdm, the system removed gdm
*and* helix-core.. don't know if this is the problem or not.
I also wonder if it is some sort of security issue, but licq and
gnomeicu are both working fine. Any suggestions?


Re: replace chars in filenames?

2000-09-10 Thread Krzys Majewski
Here's a csh hack for doing this. I didn't write it (csh? ugh) 
it but I do use it from time to time. 
disclaimerMaybe test it first to make sure it does 
what you want/disclaimer. -chris

#!/bin/csh -f
# Performs search  replace on the given files

if ( $#argv  3 ) then
echo Usage: replace string with file-list
exit 0

if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
sed s/$1/$2/g
exit 0


set list=($argv[3-])
set list=`grep -l $1 $list`

mkdir replace.back

foreach file ( $list )
echo Replacing in: $file
cp -f $file $file.back
cat $file.back | sed s/$1/$2/g ! $file
mv -f $file.back replace.back   
rm -f $file.back

echo DONE.

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Lars Grobe wrote:

 As I have had trouble with netatalk's character set, I have many
 filenames containing nonsense-chars (resulting from non-translated
 German Umlaute). So I have to find strings as :8a and replace them
 with a char (ä). Is it possible to do this with find ?
 Thank You, CU, Lars.
 Sent through GMX FreeMail -
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Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-10 Thread Krzys Majewski
Oh yeah according to my docs you should be adding stuff to 
/etc/apm/event.d, /etc/apm/suspend.d is deprecated.. -chris

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Julio Merino wrote:
 I've tryied to add the hdparm script in /etc/apm/suspend.d... the disk
 shut down, but in a while wake up another time. I think it's because
 the disk is powered down, but apm hasn't still finished it's job (it
 runs the scripts, but has to do something else later), so it has to
 access the drive another time... Don't know how to solve. Any ideas???

Re: gnapster problems

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier
On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Dale Morris wrote:

 When I try to use gnapster, I get a message: disconnected. When I select
 connect to official server or last server there's some network activity,
 but then it shows disconnected. Is there a problem with napster? More
 legal problems? or is it my system?
 Here's what I've changed since the last time it worked..
 changed sources.list in apt to woody and did the apt-get update, apt-get
 upgrade. I'm runnin Helix gnome and after the upgrade I had gdm(gnome
 display manager) for login. When I removed gdm, the system removed gdm
 *and* helix-core.. don't know if this is the problem or not.
 I also wonder if it is some sort of security issue, but licq and
 gnomeicu are both working fine. Any suggestions?

I get the same thing. I'm currently on by connecting to one of the
opennap servers. I'm not sure what's wrong either. 


Re: gnapster problems

2000-09-10 Thread Dale Morris
It's probably a gnapster issue then..

Michael Soulier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Dale Morris wrote:
  When I try to use gnapster, I get a message: disconnected. When I select
  connect to official server or last server there's some network activity,
  but then it shows disconnected. Is there a problem with napster? More
  legal problems? or is it my system?
  Here's what I've changed since the last time it worked..
  changed sources.list in apt to woody and did the apt-get update, apt-get
  upgrade. I'm runnin Helix gnome and after the upgrade I had gdm(gnome
  display manager) for login. When I removed gdm, the system removed gdm
  *and* helix-core.. don't know if this is the problem or not.
  I also wonder if it is some sort of security issue, but licq and
  gnomeicu are both working fine. Any suggestions?
   I get the same thing. I'm currently on by connecting to one of the
 opennap servers. I'm not sure what's wrong either. 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Know thyself..

Re: Debian 2.2 or woody

2000-09-10 Thread Mike Werner
Julio Merino wrote:
 I'm going to install a new debian system at home (as I commented in
 some other messages)... but I'm now wondering if installing the 2.2 or
 woody version...
 Since I discovered apt :-) in slink, I've been always using the
 unstable distribution. I would use 2.2, but in that version there are
 not the latest versions of some programs, for example, emacs, gnome,
 etc. And the problem of this, is that if I want to get one of this
 from the unstable I will have to download A LOT of dependencies that
 will make my installation a 2.2/woody mixture.
 Any good reasons to use one or another? If not, I'm going to install
 woody as I've always done... :)

Like a few others have said, it really depends on what the system will be
used for.  If a production server, I'd say stay with potato as much as
possible.  If a home workstation, I'd say go with whichever strikes your

I've been running woody for a few months now with very few problems.  Every
now and then a package will get a bit bollixed, but usually gets straightened
out in fairly short order.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Error: undelivered email - recipient email storage limit exceeded (fwd)

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier

Maybe someone should do something about this? ;-)


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 00:50:02 +0800
Subject: Error: undelivered email - recipient email storage limit exceeded

Dear Sir/Madam

Your message cannot be delivered to the recipient because his/her mail box 
storage limit has exceeded.

The summary of your previous message:
Sent Date:2000/9/11 AM 12:49:08
Subject:  Re: gnapster problems
On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Dale Morris wrote:

 When I try to use gnapster, I get a message: disconnected. When I select
 connect to official server or last server there's some network activity,
 but then it shows disconnected. Is there a problem with napster? More
 legal problems? or is it my system?
 Here's what I've changed since the last time it worked..
 changed sources.list in apt to woody and did the apt-get update, apt-get
 upgrade. I'm runnin Helix gnome and after the upgrade I had gdm(gnome
 display manager) for login. When I removed gdm, the system removed gdm
 *and* helix-core.. don't know if this is the problem or not.
 I also wonder if it is some sort of security issue, but licq and
 gnomeicu are both working fine. Any suggestions?

I get the same thing. I'm currently on by connecting to one of the
opennap servers. I'm not sure what's wrong either. 


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Stay tuned at NETVIGATOR ( for more surprises!

Re: gnapster problems

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier

Makes me wonder what it could be. It was working fine before.


On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Dale Morris wrote:

 It's probably a gnapster issue then..
 Michael Soulier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Dale Morris wrote:
   When I try to use gnapster, I get a message: disconnected. When I select
   connect to official server or last server there's some network activity,
   but then it shows disconnected. Is there a problem with napster? More
   legal problems? or is it my system?
   Here's what I've changed since the last time it worked..
   changed sources.list in apt to woody and did the apt-get update, apt-get
   upgrade. I'm runnin Helix gnome and after the upgrade I had gdm(gnome
   display manager) for login. When I removed gdm, the system removed gdm
   *and* helix-core.. don't know if this is the problem or not.
   I also wonder if it is some sort of security issue, but licq and
   gnomeicu are both working fine. Any suggestions?
  I get the same thing. I'm currently on by connecting to one of the
  opennap servers. I'm not sure what's wrong either. 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Know thyself..

To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

nuking old man pages?

2000-09-10 Thread Krzys Majewski
Anyone else have this problem where old manpages refuse to die
and provide confusing outdated information? I just had this
with hdparm and mount. In the first case, there was an old
manpage in /usr/man/ which took precedence over the new one
in /usr/share/man. In the second case, there was a
/usr/man/man8/mount.8 from 1996(!) which took precedence over
a more recent /usr/man/man8/mount.8.gz.  I did write a script
a while back which goes through the manpage hierarchy looking
for duplicates, but not sure if this is the way to do it..


RE: sound interrupts

2000-09-10 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 10-Sep-2000 Michael Soulier wrote:
  Hey guys. How do I raise the priority of the interrupt that the
 soundcard is on so that music doesn't stutter during heavy disk

Use irqtune from the hwtools package.

no ping

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier

Hey guys. How do you block ping responses, if you so chose? I
don't see a ping service in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/services.


To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
-- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

shut down cpu fan on suspend?

2000-09-10 Thread Krzys Majewski
Has anyone managed to have their cpu fan shut down when they
(and/or their machine) go to sleep? Can APM do this? I
realize there is also ACPI but it looks like the linux impl
doesn't yet cover all the bases. -chris

Re: no ping

2000-09-10 Thread ktb
Michael Soulier wrote:
 Hey guys. How do you block ping responses, if you so chose? I
 don't see a ping service in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/services.
 To listen to the words of the learned, and to instill into others the
 lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.
 -- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


Before you save and close the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, we want to keep
the system from responding to ICMP requests, such as ping
and traceroute, so we add the following lines right after the #!/bin/sh

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies



Neurosis is the way of avoiding non-being by avoiding being. 
- Paul Tillich, American theologian (1886-1965).

Re: Extreme disappointment. :(

2000-09-10 Thread Nate Amsden
Shane Pearson wrote:
 Sorry about the long line lengths and blank message. I am emailing from 
 telnet in Win98 (unfortunately). 'mail' is'nt very friendly as you know 
 compared with a fuller featured...
 Anyway, the store I bought the CD's from do not yet carry pressed Potsatoes.
 I noticed that fsck /cdrom reveals the possibility of fsck.iso9660, so do you 
 know where I can get that version of fsck? It is not installed by default.

im not sure what you are asking... you trying to run fsck on a CDROM ??
since it is a read only media, there is no way to repair errors on it.


ICQ: 75132336

Re: shut down cpu fan on suspend?

2000-09-10 Thread Nate Amsden
Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Has anyone managed to have their cpu fan shut down when they
 (and/or their machine) go to sleep? Can APM do this? I
 realize there is also ACPI but it looks like the linux impl
 doesn't yet cover all the bases. -chris

the bios should have an option to do this, mine do, although i never
turn my machines off i havent tested it.


ICQ: 75132336

Re: Weird messages after kernel compiling...

2000-09-10 Thread John L . Fjellstad
On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 05:22:45PM -0700, Gutierrez Family wrote:
 I saw a whole screen-full of *** Unresolved symbols in
 /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/module name.o

I usually delete the /lib/modules/2.2.17 directory, before I do
a 'make modules_install'. Try that.

email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
icq: thales @ 17755648

#  I'm subscribed to this list, no need to cc:  ##

Description: PGP signature

Re: XF68_FBDev

2000-09-10 Thread Lee Elliott
Parrish M Myers wrote:
 I just got matroxfb working correctly and noticed that there is a frame
 buffer console x server called XF68_FBDev.  Has anyone used this in
 Debian?  If so are there any screenshots that show what it looks like?
 I am very interested to see what it can do.

IIRC this is just for use with the m68k arch systems - I used this when
I was running Debian on my Amigas.


...or something

Re: Weird messages after kernel compiling...

2000-09-10 Thread Rino Mardo
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 10:50:34AM -0700 or thereabouts, John L . Fjellstad 
 On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 05:22:45PM -0700, Gutierrez Family wrote:
  I saw a whole screen-full of *** Unresolved symbols in
  /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/module name.o
 I usually delete the /lib/modules/2.2.17 directory, before I do
 a 'make modules_install'. Try that.

for me i'd rename it to /lib/modules/2.2.17-old in case i need 'em back ;-)


Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Re: gnapster problems

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier

Except that I rebooted into *shudder* windoze to see if the
official napster client was still working, and it was. I rebooted into
Linux and gnapster was having the same problems. Maybe part of napster is
shut down and I got lucky in windoze? Don't know...
It'd be cool to continue on the private servers even if they shut
down napster, but how long before those private servers are nailed
too? Seems to me that gnutella is the next target. Granted, they transfer
everything there, but they could be forced to screen mp3s. I mean, we'd
have the change the file extensions during transfer. ;-)


On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Dale Morris wrote:

 Mike, I wouldn't be surprised if it were some sort of decision to
 shutdown for a while. I believe Thursday or Friday the Fed judge ruled
 against, although their case is a little different. Costs will
 run somewhere around 350 million for mp3 if they lose. I'm sure they
 will appeal, though. This is really interesting, we're seeing things
 unfold right before our eyes on the digital frontier. These ruling will
 affect the future of copyright laws. Of course, I'm sure the
 'old-fashioned-old technology' judge doesn't realize there are many ways
 around his ruling. If gnapster goes down, it can be done privately on
 individually hosted servers. I am not sure but I think gnutella and free
 serve both work this way. More will be revealed..

Re: no ping

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier
On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, ktb wrote:

 Before you save and close the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, we want to keep
 the system from responding to ICMP requests, such as ping
 and traceroute, so we add the following lines right after the #!/bin/sh
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies

Ok cool. So, is it a security improvement to block these then?


Re: no ping

2000-09-10 Thread Michael Soulier
On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, ktb wrote:

 Before you save and close the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, we want to keep
 the system from responding to ICMP requests, such as ping
 and traceroute, so we add the following lines right after the #!/bin/sh
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies

Well, there is no such animal on my system. Debian doesn't use an
rc.local file, does it? 
However, looks like this is being done already:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4
conf   ip_forwardtcp_max_ka_probes
icmp_destunreach_rate  ip_local_port_range
icmp_echo_ignore_all   ip_masq_debug
icmp_echoreply_rateip_no_pmtu_disc   tcp_retries2
icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses  ipfrag_high_threshtcp_rfc1337
icmp_paramprob_rateipfrag_low_thresh tcp_sack
icmp_timeexceed_rate   ipfrag_time   tcp_stdurg
igmp_max_memberships   neigh tcp_syn_retries
ip_always_defrag   route tcp_syncookies
ip_autoconfig  tcp_fin_timeout   tcp_timestamps
ip_default_ttl tcp_keepalive_probes
ip_dynaddr tcp_keepalive_time

They're there already. However, a ping localhost still works...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] msoulier]$ ping localhost
PING localhost.localdomain ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms

--- localhost.localdomain ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.1 ms

Is the loopback interface special, or should it not be responding
to these?


kernel 2.4.0-test7

2000-09-10 Thread lbredeso
I upgraded from potato to woody and installed the newest kernel.
However, when I boot with the new kernel, it locks up when it tries to
start inetd.  If I boot with the old kernel, everything loads
perfectly.  Does anyone know what this could be?


My orphaned packages.

2000-09-10 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom

 [ CC me in replies; I am not subscribed right now. ]

 I do not have time anymore to work on the packages I once maintained
 for Debian.  I'm sorry that I did not properly orphan them.  I just
 don't have time for it.  My health is most important, followed by
 studies.  I cannot live in a chair anymore, and I have to spend my
 computer time working on homework assignments and reading.

 `scsh' ought to be taken over by someone who actually uses it.  I've
 not even looked at it in over a year.

 I've got some work begun on packaging XEmacs-21.2.  It should be
 looked over by anyone interested in continuing it.

 Perhaps after college I will take up some packages again.

 Time to go for a run, then hook on down to the gym for a workout.

RE: kernel 2.4.0-test7

2000-09-10 Thread Pollywog

On 10-Sep-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I upgraded from potato to woody and installed the newest kernel.
 However, when I boot with the new kernel, it locks up when it tries to
 start inetd.  If I boot with the old kernel, everything loads
 perfectly.  Does anyone know what this could be?

This happened to me and the cure was to upgrade the modutils package.


root access for rdist

2000-09-10 Thread Erik van der Meulen
I need to use rdist to sync some system files from one machine to
another. I am unable to access the second machine as root. I have made
a .rhosts in the second machines /root dir and tried to put
ALL: local in /etc/hosts.allow. Both machines are rather verbatim
Debian 2.2
I assume root is prevented from logging in some where, but I am
unable to find just were. What am I missing here?

Thanks a lot!

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It Must be the Matrox G400

2000-09-10 Thread Paul T. McNally
I did a reinstall. The first time I installed potato, the mouse was
all fd up, it sticks to the bottom of the screen and refuses to
com up. I can see the tip of the pointer on the bottom edge of the
screen. When that happened, I ran XF86Setup and changed
a couple settings on the mouse and I think the meer using XF86Setup
set the mouse right. Honestly I don't think it matttered what I
picked in XF86Setup, as long as I was not too far off based.

Now I'm a bit frustrated because XF86Setup won't even come up.
I can manipulate the window menu system with key combinations
from the keyboard, but when I choose XF86Setup, the hard drive grinds
a little bit and then nothing. I started XF86Setup from the command line
and I get X11TransSocket UNIX Conect:can't connect: errno=111

and I get the message unable to communicate with X server

I'm using the svga X Server for my card.

The other really frustrating thing is when I bring up windows in XWindows,
top 1/4 to 1/3 of the window is above the top of my screen.

I have not found anything to remedy this.

Again, on the first install, I was able to run XF86Setup and it fixed this
crap. Any help would be appreciated.


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