Sexto Encuentro de Psicoterapeutas y Actividades Andrew Cohen

2000-09-24 Thread Alejandro Celis
Estimados y estimadas,

Esta es para darles a conocer los pormenores del Sexto Encuentro de
Psicoterapeutas Humanistas y Transpersonales (abierto a todo público) y las
actividades del líder espiritual Andrew Cohen en Chile.

Más detalles se encontrarán en en los próximos días
(en este momento el servidor está caído, según se nos informó). Para más
detalles pueden preguntar al correo electrónico remitente.

Si alguno de ustedes no desea recibir este tipo de información en el futuro,
por favor discúlpenos y responda este correo colocando BORRAR MI CORREO en
la casilla de
asunto o en el texto del mensaje. Gracias.


14 de Octubre del 2000

Un poco de Historia

Los Encuentros de Psicoterapeutas Humanistas y Transpersonales se iniciaron
en 1995, a raíz de la iniciativa del Grupo de Psicoterapeutas Humanistas y
con el apoyo de la Escuela de Psicología de la Universidad Central. Desde
entonces se han realizado anualmente, constituyendo un espacio único en que
los interesados en el desarrollo de la consciencia humana -psicólogos o de
cualquier otra actividad- encuentran la posibilidad de compartir y de
conocer a diversos exponentes del tema. Los primeros dos Encuentros se
realizaron en Santiago y los siguientes tres en Viña del Mar, con el
generoso apoyo de la Universidad Educares.

Los temas centrales de estos Encuentros han girado cada vez más hacia el
ámbito espiritual, pues los tiempos requieren de respuestas radicales. En la
psicología y psicoterapia, el enfoque Transpersonal aporta dichas
respuestas, simplemente porque las interrogantes que se plantea son también
radicales. Connotados representantes de esta corriente son, por ejemplo, Ken
Wilber y Stanislav Grof. Quienes los inspiraron son la nutrida vertiente de
los místicos orientales y occidentales de todos los tiempos, así como
también precursores como Carl Gustav Jung, Víktor Frankl o Roberto

En el último Encuentro, el tema fue ¿Cuál es la Espiritualidad que
transforma?, escogido en el entendido de que la verdadera espiritualidad -de
la que hablan los verdaderos místicos- puede transformarnos en esta vida,
con nuestras circunstancias. Uno de los mitos en que hemos vivido considera
a la espiritualidad como un ámbito aparte, separado de lo que es nuestra
vida práctica de todos los días. Esto no es así. Y también es un mito que la
verdadera felicidad nos espere en un mítico paraíso posterior a nuestra vida
terrenal, como afirman varias de las religiones organizadas.

Así, también, existe cantidad de mitos, malos entendidos y simple ignorancia
respecto a la experiencia de Iluminación o Despertar Espiritual. Un nivel de
consciencia más expandido -y que nos proporciona mayor felicidad y disfrute
de esta vida- es enteramente posible para cualquiera que lo desee. Y a
veces, sin siquiera buscarlo, la experiencia mística o satori se presenta
espontáneamente, dejando un recuerdo imborrable en quien la experimenta.

Hemos invitado a este Encuentro a personas que se han dedicado
persistentemente, a través de sus vidas, a ser más conscientes y a
conectarse con la fuente del Todo. Presentaremos sus testimonios,
experiencias y perspectivas, en charlas y Talleres: no con el fin de
entregar un modelo de lo que cada asistente debe hacer en su vida para
conectarse con esta dimensión, sino para ofrecer distintos ejemplos y puntos
de vista directos que, esperamos, inspiren en los presentes un interés y una
forma propia de desarrollar su consciencia.

En esta ocasión contaremos con la visita del maestro espiritual
norteamericano Andrew Cohen, fundador y fuerza motriz de la revista What is
Enlightenment? (¿Qué es la Iluminación?), y autor de diez libros, entre
ellos La iluminación es un secreto, La Libertad no tiene Historia y
Autobiografía de un Despertar. Andrew recorre periódicamente el mundo dando
conferencias y talleres, y en este Encuentro dictará la charla inaugural.
También impartirá -como actividades separadas del Encuentro- una charla y un
Taller. Participarán también en el Encuentro los místicos norteamericanos
Tom Heckel y David Pawlak, la psiquiatra Lucy Krstulovic y los psicólogos y
psicoterapeutas transpersonales Ana María Noé, Alice Thomas y Alejandro
Celis, todos los cuales dictarán Talleres relativos al tema central que nos
reúne en esta ocasión: ¿Qué es la Iluminación?


Fecha: Sábado 14 de Octubre, de 9 a 19 horas
Lugar: Universidad Central, Carlos Silva Vildósola 9783 (Campus La Reina),


8:30 a 9.15 hrs. Inscripción, entrega de credenciales.
09:15 Hrs. Discurso de Bienvenida, presentación del Encuentro:
  Psic. Alejandro Celis
9:30 Hrs. Charla Inaugural: Andrew Cohen

11.00   Presentación de los Talleres por los diferentes conductores:
  Ana María Noé, Lucy Krstulovic, Alice Thomas, Tom Heckel,
  David Pawlak y Alejandro Celis.

Framebuffer para Riva TNT

2000-09-24 Thread Antonio
Hola, hace un par de días decidí probar la versión de desarrollo del
kernel 2.4.0.test8 para ver qué tal iba la cuestión del soporte de
framebuffer para mi Riva TNT. Probé primero a compilarlo dentro del
kernel y no funcionó; luego probé a compilarlo como módulo y a cargarlo
luego con insmod, obteniendo una resolución bastante cutre de 640x480
con 16 colores. Supongo que el mencionado módulo tendrá opciones de
carga para variar la resolución y la profundidad de color, pero por
mucho que he buscado no las he encontrado de momento. ¿Ha probado
alguien el soporte de framebuffer para este chip con más éxito que yo?
Si es así agradecería cualquier información.

Un saludo


Clave pública gnupg en
Usuario Linux registrado Nº 189536

Description: PGP signature

Re: primeros pasos en Debian 2.2

2000-09-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, sep 24, 2000 at 01:56:38 -0300, Andrés A. Rocchia wrote:
 - placa de sonido SoundBlaster 32 PNP

Configura el núcleo para ello, es reconocida.

 - impresora HP DeskJet 680C

Ejecuta 'magicfilterconfig' y toma como filtro el correspondiente a la HP690C.
Para poder hacer eso has de tener instalado maficfilter. Mira si lo tienes
con dpkg -l '*magicfilter*'.

 2- Durante la instalación configuré el wvdial para poder comunicarme
con mi provider. Luego cuando intento la conección todo parece
funcionar bien, pero al correr el lynx me dice que no se puede
conectar con la home page y se cierra, que puede estar pasando?
como puedo hacer para saber si estoy o no conectado?

Primero: No uses wvdial, te recomiendo que ya que estás en Debian uses
pon/poff para conectar/desconectar, previa configuración de la conexión con
'pppconfig'. Para ello has de tener al usuario que use la conexión en el
grupo dip (compruébalo con 'groups' y si no ves el grupo en cuestión lo
añades como root mediante 'adduser usuario dip', siendo usuario el
nombre del usuario en cuestión).

El problema con lynx es seguro que no tienes las líneas:  mipatata   localhost  mipatata

Ovbiamente los nombres de la máquina (mipatata) y el dominio ( serán
en tu caso los que sean :)

Si no sabe resolver los nombres de dominio exteriores a tu máquina (p.e: es que no tienes puestas las IP's de los DNS's primario y
secundario en /etc/resolv.conf, ejecuta 'pppconfig' que ya te será pedido.

 3- Antes de instalar potato en la misma partición tenia RH 5.2, como
también tengo instalado win95, usaba el fsdext2 para poder ver la
partición linux desde win, ahora que tengo debian, cuando intento
montar la partición con el fsdext2 se cuelga el win (no es que me
extrañe que se cuelgue :) pero antes no lo hacia) es que fsdext2
no funciona con debian? si es así que otro software puedo usar?

Yo me acuerdo que usaba uno, pero no era ese. Si quieres te lo busco pero
ante todo te doy un consejo:

   No accedas desde tu Windows diréctamente a la partición Linux porque
   corres serio riesgo de estropearla. Para acceder a Linux desde Windows
   lo suyo es por red no diréctamente, puede ser fatal.

 4- Quise instalar un paquete de los CDs pero cuando corro dselect
hay un montón de paquetes no instalados marcados para instalarse,
que no quiero que se instalen, ya se que los puedo deseccionar pero
me llama la atención el por que no se instalaron en la primera vez y
además no los quiero, esto es normal?

Puede ser normal en tanto en cuanto sean necesarios por otros paquetes que
hayas seleccionado alguna vez y no hayas terminado de instalar.

 5- al principio cuando arrancaba el linux aparecía el pingüino con
cerveza y arrancaba en modo texto, pero después de correr por
primera vez las X, no solo que en el arranque no apareció mas el
pinguinito, sino que arrancaba con una pantalla gráfica, lo
ultimo ya lo solucione comentando al linea en /etc/X11/xdm/xserver
(o algo así) pero que pasa con el pinguino, como hago para que vuelva?

¿Pingüino?, tu usas frame buffer ¿verdad?. Si antes lo usabas y ahora no
(porque tu hardware gráfico no estuviera soportado por XFree 3.3.X y si por
3.3.Y, YX.) eso te pasa dado que al arrancar sin frame buffer no aparece.

  Bueno por ahora estas son las cosas mas urgentes que necesito,
  seguramente estaré necesitando mas de ustedes en el futuro.

Pues sin problemas, ya sabes dónde pedir ayuda, nosotros encantados :)

Saludos y suerte.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

¡Socorro!, problema con

2000-09-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez

Al correr dselect me encuentro con esto hoy:

The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libgnomeprint12 libunicode0 
  1 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  Need to get 0B/999kB of archives. After unpacking 2005kB will be used.
  Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
  /lib/ invalid dynamic linker option -1073743109
  E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt returned an error code
E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall again

Por favor, que alguien me eche un cable porque ando perdidín.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Voodoo en Linux

2000-09-24 Thread Roberto Saldivar


Una vez mas con un problema, ahora es mi Tarjeta 
de video Voodoo3 2000 que no se que caracteristicas
seleccionar cuando configuro el X-Window con el 
XF86Config si la pongo como Unsopported VGA Compatible
todo va bien pero solo me permite usar el 
servidor X86-VGA con ¡¡¡16 Colores!!!, la tarjeta es de 16Mb. AGP,
y no me da mas de 16 colores, y la resolucion de 
640x480, si la pongo de 800x600 tengo que hacer algo como
un scroll con el mouse en las orillas de la 
pantalla para recorrerla.

Ayudenme, por favor

Re: Voodoo en Linux

2000-09-24 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Roberto Saldivar wrote:

 Una vez mas con un problema, ahora es mi Tarjeta de video Voodoo3 2000
 que no se que caracteristicas seleccionar cuando configuro el X-Window
 con el XF86Config si la pongo como Unsopported VGA Compatible

¿Por qué no la seleccionas directamente? Si no aparece en la lista de
tarjetas de vídeo disponibles, esto puede significar que necesites
descargar una versión actualizada de tu servidor, o esperar hasta que haya
soporte para tu tarjeta de vídeo.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Other web pages:  -

Re: whodo

2000-09-24 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Fri, Sep 22, 2000,

  Así como con el who puedes ver quién hay en el
  sistema, con whodo usuario puedes ver lo que está
  haciendo. ¿Sabeis si existe algo por el estilo para

 w   :-)

Pues este comando  no ve los usuarios que  están presentes a
través de  `su'. Y parece que  los procesos lanzados  desde el
menú de  Window Maker tampoco. O  sea, los procesos que  no se
lanzan desde terminal...

Este comando  puede ser bastante engañoso. Desde  `top' sí que
parece  que  muestra  todo,  pero el  dichoso  `top'  solo  se
preocupa de lo que cabe en la pantalla. En fin,

$ ps uU usuario

es el que parece dar una información equivalente a `whodo'.


Cosme P. Cuevas - ICQ 86011094 - GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB

fonts TrueType

2000-09-24 Thread conservador
Hola lista
Tengo algunas dudas de como colocar las fuentes truetype en
Al parecer hay dos alternativas:
xfstt - TrueType Font Server for X11
xfs-xtt - X-TrueType font server
   Cual es la indicada?
En RedHat bastaba con tener instalado xfs y agregar el
directorio de las ttf en /etc/X11/fs/config previa confeccion del
fichero fonts.dir y fonts.scale con ttmkfondir (puede ser inexacto,
pero por ahi va).
En potato he probado los dos server anteriores y la utilidad
mkttfdir, pero sigo sin las ttf

   Cualquier idea es bien recibida


Nautilus .debs

2000-09-24 Thread Cesar Cardoso
Gente, sumiu os .deb do Nautilus que o Takao Kitame postava! Alguém sabe onde
posso encontrar .debs do Nautilus?

 ||  Cesar Cardoso - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ 32237133
 ||  Visite   - AIM MightyNobody
// || \\ Banda larga para quem nao usa Windows
What, me worry? - Alfred E. Neuman

Re: [ot] dns questions

2000-09-24 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 You guys seem to know everything... so I thought I'd ask my stupid question
 here even though it's not actually a debian question. I hope you don't mind.

As someone once said, There are no stupid questions.

 I want to buy a domain name,

You can't buy it; you rent it but NSI owns it and can do what they want
with it :(

 and use one of my debian boxen as the primary DNS server for it. I'm
 already running a caching-only DNS server, and I've read about how to
 add a domain to bind. However, it seems like there's a catch-22
 involved in the registration process. NSI wants me to already have a
 name server set up for the domain before I buy it. However, I thought
 I would have to own a domain before I added it to my name server. So
 how does one do this?

Add the domain to bind like you normally would.  It doesn't matter which
order you do it in (register with NSI vs setup DNS); just as long as your
primary DNS server is correctly configured and the root servers have been
set to send requests for your domain to your name server (NSI does that
part when you register with them) everything will work out fine.

It's also generally considered to be a good idea to add a secondary name
server (with a slave zone, to use bind 8.x terminology) for backup

 Also, I'm within a university network. Do you think the university net
 admins would have to do anything for me to get this set up? I guess I don't
 fully understand the system. *sigh*

It depends on their network infrastructure, particularly firewalls/proxy
servers.  As long as any host in the world can connect to port 53 (tcp and
udp) on your primary DNS server, they shouldn't need to do a thing.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [ot] dns questions

2000-09-24 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya 

-- i do not think one should have to buy a domain from
   someone else...especially if it costs um $35/yr on the high side

-- some domains are going for $10M now days.way out of line 
but guess people think there is value in things like,,, etc..etc..

-- to register your domains just have 2 DNS servers
- your own static ip# hopefully you have one
- many many people outthere provide free secondary DNS

-- if you have a dialup modem connection...than you'd need to 
   ask someone else to host it for you...
- networksolutions is a holding place
- others in the market started the ideato charge people
  extra for it..for hosting your domain name...

-- if you have a static ip# your DNS problem is trivial to solve...
- Primary DNS is your static ip# of your dsl line say at home...
- Secondary DNS is anybody_you talked to first...,, etc...etc..etc...
search the web...

...or gimma private email and i'll play secondary...
,,,just a one line item in my dns fils...

have fun

On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, Phil Brutsche wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  You guys seem to know everything... so I thought I'd ask my stupid question
  here even though it's not actually a debian question. I hope you don't mind.
 As someone once said, There are no stupid questions.
  I want to buy a domain name,
 You can't buy it; you rent it but NSI owns it and can do what they want
 with it :(
  and use one of my debian boxen as the primary DNS server for it. I'm
  already running a caching-only DNS server, and I've read about how to
  add a domain to bind. However, it seems like there's a catch-22
  involved in the registration process. NSI wants me to already have a
  name server set up for the domain before I buy it. However, I thought
  I would have to own a domain before I added it to my name server. So
  how does one do this?
 Add the domain to bind like you normally would.  It doesn't matter which
 order you do it in (register with NSI vs setup DNS); just as long as your
 primary DNS server is correctly configured and the root servers have been
 set to send requests for your domain to your name server (NSI does that
 part when you register with them) everything will work out fine.
 It's also generally considered to be a good idea to add a secondary name
 server (with a slave zone, to use bind 8.x terminology) for backup
  Also, I'm within a university network. Do you think the university net
  admins would have to do anything for me to get this set up? I guess I don't
  fully understand the system. *sigh*
 It depends on their network infrastructure, particularly firewalls/proxy
 servers.  As long as any host in the world can connect to port 53 (tcp and
 udp) on your primary DNS server, they shouldn't need to do a thing.
 - -- 
 - --
 Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
 GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
 GPG public key:
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

DHCP client discovering too many interfaces

2000-09-24 Thread Paul D. Smith
I just noticed something weird on my firewall Linux box (Debian
GNU/Linux 2.2 standard, plus fixes).

This box has 3 interfaces: lo of course, plus eth0 which is hooked to my
cablemodem (an external interface) and eth1 which is hooked to my
internal LAN.  Obviously eth1 has a static IP address; my cable company
wants me to use DHCP to discover the IP address for eth0, although I've
had the same one since installation on June 1.

Up until Sep. 9, it all worked fine and I'd see DHCPREQUEST notices in
my daemon.log every 30 minutes or whatever the default was, and no other
DHCP activity to speak of.

On Sep 9 I apparently installed a new security fix for dhcp-client, and
it restarted.  Ever since that moment, I've had DHCPDISCOVER requests
for both my lo and eth1 interfaces logged to daemon.log every few
seconds, per interface!

  Sep  9 10:54:54 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPDISCOVER on lo to 
port 67 interval 8
  Sep  9 10:54:56 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 17
  Sep  9 10:55:01 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPDISCOVER on lo to 
port 67 interval 19
  Sep  9 10:55:13 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 11
  Sep  9 10:55:20 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPDISCOVER on lo to 
port 67 interval 16
  Sep  9 10:55:24 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 17

Then every 6 minutes or so I'll see this, which I didn't used to get
before, either:

  Sep 24 00:46:27 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: No DHCPOFFERS received.
  Sep 24 00:46:27 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: No working leases in persistent 
database - sleeping. 
  Sep 24 00:46:27 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: No DHCPOFFERS received.
  Sep 24 00:46:27 homegw dhclient-2.2.x: No working leases in persistent 
database - sleeping. 

Things still _appear_ to be working OK, but my log files are getting
absolutely enormous with all this extra stuff.  And it seems like
unnecessary work on the part of my firewall system.  And maybe even
extra traffic on my local LAN?

I see (in the man page for dhcp-client) where I specify what interfaces
dhcp-client should attempt to manage on the command line, but that would
involve changing the /etc/init.d script, which I'm loathe to do since it
would mean maintaining that through package updates, etc.

Isn't there some kind of configuration option I can specify in
dhclient.conf to tell dhcp-client to manage eth0 only, and ignore all
other interfaces?  I tried the dhclient.conf man page but couldn't
really come up with the proper syntax.  There doesn't seem to be
anything relevant in the DHCP mini-HOWTO, there're no docs to speak of
in the ISC page, and I can't get to to check the mailing
list archives :-/.

Also, does anyone have any idea why this suddenly started happening when
I updated DHCP?  I've since rebooted and still see this.  Or, was it
always doing this but not logging it before?

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.


2000-09-24 Thread Li Wei
I still use Debian 1.2 and Debian 2.2 isn't available in China. Is there
anyone willing to donate Debian 2.2?

Re: Some help with e-mail setup

2000-09-24 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 02:35:44PM +1000, Kieren Diment wrote:


 I need these to be configure these so that the from and reply to 
 fields are :  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s_domain_name.
 I would like a default so that I can simply have a properly working e-
 mail system independent of what mua is used, that is 
 customisable for different users of this machine so that they can 
 basically forge their own headers.

At the bottom of my /etc/exim.conf, in the Address Rewriting section:


My hostname is carrera.  Since I am the only user, I want everything
rewriten.  Ffsr tells it which headers to rewrite (From, sender, reply-to). 
Install the exim docs package and read the info page.

 Thanks in anticipation.


linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
([EMAIL PROTECTED] put this on Tshirts in '93)

Re: beg

2000-09-24 Thread Andrei Ivanov
I have a spare set.

First there was Explorer...
Then came Expedition.
This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
Andrei Ivanov

Re: beg

2000-09-24 Thread steph
What, you can't download it? The internet install is much improved since 1.2.


Re: DHCP client discovering too many interfaces

2000-09-24 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I just noticed something weird on my firewall Linux box (Debian
 GNU/Linux 2.2 standard, plus fixes).
 This box has 3 interfaces: lo of course, plus eth0 which is hooked to my
 cablemodem (an external interface) and eth1 which is hooked to my
 internal LAN.  Obviously eth1 has a static IP address; my cable company
 wants me to use DHCP to discover the IP address for eth0, although I've
 had the same one since installation on June 1.

The IP number one gets on their cable modem very rarely changes, but it
can happen.  Don't count on it being the same 24/7, even though it is.

 Up until Sep. 9, it all worked fine and I'd see DHCPREQUEST notices in
 my daemon.log every 30 minutes or whatever the default was, and no other
 DHCP activity to speak of.
 On Sep 9 I apparently installed a new security fix for dhcp-client, and
 it restarted.  Ever since that moment, I've had DHCPDISCOVER requests
 for both my lo and eth1 interfaces logged to daemon.log every few
 seconds, per interface!


 I see (in the man page for dhcp-client) where I specify what interfaces
 dhcp-client should attempt to manage on the command line, but that would
 involve changing the /etc/init.d script, which I'm loathe to do since it
 would mean maintaining that through package updates, etc.

No need to change /etc/init.d/dhcp-client.  See below.

 Isn't there some kind of configuration option I can specify in
 dhclient.conf to tell dhcp-client to manage eth0 only, and ignore all
 other interfaces?  I tried the dhclient.conf man page but couldn't
 really come up with the proper syntax.  There doesn't seem to be
 anything relevant in the DHCP mini-HOWTO, there're no docs to speak of
 in the ISC page, and I can't get to to check the mailing
 list archives :-/.

This is what I usually do:

1) take away the symlink /etc/rcS.d/S20dhcp-client (or something like
2) use /etc/network/interfaces to configure all interfaces.

 Also, does anyone have any idea why this suddenly started happening when
 I updated DHCP?  I've since rebooted and still see this.  Or, was it
 always doing this but not logging it before?

When the package dhcp-client gets installed it (and upgraded) it starts
dhclient (which promptly tries to get IP numbers for all interfaces) and
creates a symlink under /etc/rcS.d, causing dhclient to get IP numbers for
all interfaces at boot time.

Very annoying behavior.  IIRC there's an effort going on to fix this in a
generic way for woody.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: DHCP client discovering too many interfaces

2000-09-24 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  pb This is what I usually do:

  pb 1) take away the symlink /etc/rcS.d/S20dhcp-client (or something like
  pb 2) use /etc/network/interfaces to configure all interfaces.

Ah!  I see.  So, in my /etc/network/interfaces I have:

  iface eth0 inet dhcp
  up /etc/network/firewall-up

and that's all I need; I don't need to start dhcp-client at boot time?
The dhcp above will DTRT for eth0 only?


 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Helix gnome on debian 2.2....

2000-09-24 Thread Rus

Hi, an introduction.. my name's Rus.. I've been 
using RedHat for a bit.. and now I'm making the jump to debs.. :-)

Anyways... I'm just wondering if their is anything 
I should know about installing Helix gnome on top of Debian 2.2? I don't just 
want to 'upgrade what ive got'.. I'd also like all the new 
programs/utilities/etc. that make up the Helix install...

Also would i be correct in saying that I shouldn't 
have gnome running while I download and install?

I dunno.. I just don't want to kill of my Debian 
install.. whilse also being able to have the funky looking verison of gnome that 
my RedHat mate has!! :-)

Anyways, thankyou very much for you 



2000-09-24 Thread Idimmu Xul
Sorry people.. my first post to this mailing list was sent in html. :-( How
am i ever going to live this down Here's a repost.. and im truely very
sorry for ths spam!


Hi, an introduction.. my name's Rus.. I've been using RedHat for a bit.. and
now I'm making the jump to debs.. :-)

Anyways... I'm just wondering if their is anything I should know about
installing Helix gnome on top of Debian 2.2? I don't just want to 'upgrade
what ive got'.. I'd also like all the new programs/utilities/etc. that make
up the Helix install...

Also would i be correct in saying that I shouldn't have gnome running while
I download and install?

I dunno.. I just don't want to kill of my Debian install.. whilse also being
able to have the funky looking verison of gnome that my RedHat mate has!!

Anyways, thankyou very much for you time,


Re: Sorry..

2000-09-24 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Idimmu Xul [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ix Also would i be correct in saying that I shouldn't have gnome
  ix running while I download and install?

I've never known it to be a problem if you're using an app you upgrade
with apt-get.  It Just Works.

  ix I dunno.. I just don't want to kill of my Debian install.. whilse
  ix also being able to have the funky looking verison of gnome that my
  ix RedHat mate has!!  :-)

IMO the best way to get Helix GNOME is to add their Debian site to your
APT source list.

Once your system is installed, edit /etc/apt/sources.list file (you must
be root, of course) and add these lines:

  # Helix GNOME
  deb unstable main
  deb ./
  deb-src unstable main

Those are the locations for Helix GNOME binaries, sources, and the
binaries for the prerelease of Evolution (in case you want to play with

Now, run apt-get update as normal (or, however you normally update
your package list), and it'll grab the latest package info.

Now you can install it however you like; go get everything including
the kitchen sink you can apt-get install task-helix-gnome.  If you
just want the basics, try apt-get install task-helix-core, then you
can apt-get install other specific utilities as you like.

Of course, from now on a simple apt-get update  apt-get upgrade will
give you all the latest versions.

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

What's with

2000-09-24 Thread Christian Pernegger
The whole domain seems to have vanished - I
tried a nslookup from various servers including murphy, it
is just not there anymore!

Anyone know WTH is up?



Re: Citius Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

2000-09-24 Thread Taupter
 Soy un novatillo que he intentado instalar la distribución mencionada en
 el apartado [asunto].

Escuse mis errores de español, pues soy brasileño... :)

 Todo marcha bien pero al llegar al intentar instalar alguno de los perfiles
 por defecto (para evitar el temido dselect) no me reconce mi seleccion.

Qual opción seleccionastes? Dame más datos.

 En un foro he leido que el problema reside en el software distribuido por
 Citius  que sin embargo no ocurre en la Debian original, en caso 
 es una cabronada pues el mencionado paquete me costo un riñon.

Comprastes la distribuición de Citius?
Yo no tuve ningún problema en instalar la Debian 2.1 o 2.2 (bajé los
archivos .ISO y creé los CDs oficiales en mi casa...). De cualquier
forma, doy-te una palavra: compres y instales la Debian 2.2.



Re: beg

2000-09-24 Thread Li Wei
the download cost is very high! my connection is modem and ISP charges me
7.2 yuan or US$0.9 per hour.
 What, you can't download it? The internet install is much improved since

Re: beg

2000-09-24 Thread steph
I understand now...although the internet install is remarkably fast, if you're 
running less than a 56K modem, the costs would be exhorbitant.

Sorru if my original query came off badly...sheepish grin we're pretty 
spoiled in North America, with stuff like affordable DSL, etc.


xdvi always generates the fonts

2000-09-24 Thread Gernot Bauer
I'm using debian 2.2 and when I start xdvi it always generates the fonts
(although I looked at the file for many times and the fonts should be
there...). Could that be a not-enough-rights-for-the-user-thing?

Does anybody have a clue?

Thanx, Gery
Gernot Bauer, University of Linz, Austria
The answer is yes, me.

Re: built-in bash functions

2000-09-24 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 01:44:49PM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 Hey guys. When I do a type -p ls, nothing is output. which ls returns
 /bin/ls, but does the failure of the type -p signify that it's a shell
 built-in? If so, how does that work wrt installing a new version of ls? There
 are some tools built into bash, are there not?

Maybe you have ls aliased:

$ type -p ls
$ alias ls='/bin/ls -l'
$ type  ls
ls is aliased to /bin/ls -l'
$ type -p type
$ type -a ls
ls is aliased to /bin/ls -l'
ls is /bin/ls


Re: screen being blanked every 2 or 3 seconds?

2000-09-24 Thread Frederik

On 24 Sep 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
 Did anyone else have this problem?

I experienced the same problem yesterday, bit I had to reboot to make it
go away. I have: Celeron 300, SiS 630 graphics, Dell monitor, kernel
2.2.17, Woody (updated through apt-get almost daily).

I ran into this problem yesterday morning. When I woke up, X had crashed,
so I ctrl-C'd out of X in vt1, and restarted by typing startx. That's when
the problem you described occured.

Hope this helps tracking it down... (although it didn't bother me that
much, since this is just my home PC)


Re: OT: IRC the ~

2000-09-24 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 23-Sep-2000 William Jensen wrote:
 Running a vanilla identd is a Bad Thing IMHO. It helps attackers
 usernames and find out under what UIDs daemons are running (eg. if
 is running as root).
 Is there a secure way of providing the information an IRC server wants,
 rejecting the cracker's attempts?

I've pointed out oidentd in a previous post. It can be configured to return
a random string instead of the username.

Re: beg

2000-09-24 Thread Rino Mardo
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 01:11:07PM +0800 or thereabouts, Li Wei wrote:
 I still use Debian 1.2 and Debian 2.2 isn't available in China. Is there
 anyone willing to donate Debian 2.2?

I have the complete 3 CD set. I can snail mail 'em for you.

Is it illegal in China to get the 3 CD set?


Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Re: Helix gnome on debian 2.2....

2000-09-24 Thread Rino Mardo
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 07:20:49AM +0100 or thereabouts, Rus wrote:
 Hi, an introduction.. my name's Rus.. I've been using RedHat for a bit.. and 
 now I'm making the jump to debs.. :-)
 Anyways... I'm just wondering if their is anything I should know about 
 installing Helix gnome on top of Debian 2.2? I don't just want to 'upgrade 
 what ive got'.. I'd also like all the new programs/utilities/etc. that make 
 up the Helix install...
 Also would i be correct in saying that I shouldn't have gnome running while I 
 download and install?
 I dunno.. I just don't want to kill of my Debian install.. whilse also being 
 able to have the funky looking verison of gnome that my RedHat mate has!! :-)
 Anyways, thankyou very much for you time,

you need this in your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb woody main

then do:

1. apt-get update
2. apt-get install task-helix-gnome
3. make coffee
4. sit back and watch

doing this in console is better since you need to restart your X when it's


Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Re: beg

2000-09-24 Thread james tsang
I can post to you. where are you.
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: beg

 the download cost is very high! my connection is modem and ISP charges me
 7.2 yuan or US$0.9 per hour.

  What, you can't download it? The internet install is much improved since

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Problem with dpkg

2000-09-24 Thread Boris Boutillier
Does anyone know what to do when dpkg give such an output when
installing a package :

Unpacking libpaperg (from libpaperg_1.0.3-13.deb) ...
Leaving `diversion of /usr/bin/paperconf to /usr/bin/paperconf.libc5 by
Adding `diversion of /usr/sbin/paperconfig to
/usr/sbin/paperconfig.libc5 by libpaperg'
dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/sbin/paperconfig.libc5'
  different file `/usr/sbin/paperconfig', not allowed
dpkg: error processing libpaperg_1.0.3-13.deb (--install):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

I don't know how to solve this problem. I just installed the patato and
had this problem. I think there should be an option but can't find which


[no subject]

2000-09-24 Thread Agentile

Re: screen being blanked every 2 or 3 seconds?

2000-09-24 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 11:20:40 +0200 (CEST), Frederik [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 I experienced the same problem yesterday, bit I had to reboot to make it
 go away. I have: Celeron 300, SiS 630 graphics, Dell monitor, kernel
 2.2.17, Woody (updated through apt-get almost daily).

 I ran into this problem yesterday morning. When I woke up, X had crashed,
 so I ctrl-C'd out of X in vt1, and restarted by typing startx. That's when
 the problem you described occured.

Ah, then it's some of the packages recently upgraded. Now, I wonder if
it's easy to find a list of the recently upgraded packages, so it'll
be easier to trck down the problem?



Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: package kernel-image

2000-09-24 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: package kernel-image
Date: Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 01:48:10PM -0400

In reply to:Joey Tsai

euoting Joey Tsai([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 After compiling my own kernel and making a kernel-image package from it, each
 time I do a apt-get dist-upgrade apt wants to replace my custom kernel with 
make-kpkg --revision 3:local.kernel-version kernel_image
should do it.

I am a computer, dumber than any human and smarter than any

How to get rid of unused libs?

2000-09-24 Thread Kai Weber

is there a way, how I can find unused library packages which no package
needs longer? If I install a new package (e.g. for testing) sometimes a
lot of new libs are installed. But when removing the package, the libs
stay on system.

Someone has a solution? I think, I could hack a script for myself, but
let's see what the others say.

+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

Re: How widely is Debian used for production?

2000-09-24 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 17:27:02 +, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
 Cistron Internet and Cistron Telecom in the Netherlands run on Debian
 only. All servers, databases, webserver, mail, even Telecom billing run on
 Debian and open source databases.

Unfortunately, as we also do some consultancy, I've had the misfortune to
have to deal with Oracle's installer, which happily coredumps when e.g. one
of its thirty or so environment variables isn't set, or when the IP number
of its host had changed. *brrr*

I'm sure there are application areas for which a free RDBMS like PostgreSQL
isn't scalabale or mature enough yet, but I'm happy to say it performs fine
for our Telecom billing system (which isn't exactly small).

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

Unidentified subject!

2000-09-24 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls

udp or tcp?

2000-09-24 Thread Sven Burgener

Is the following a tcp or a udp packet?  How do I tell?

Sep 24 15:20:25 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 \
PROTO=17 \
L=576 S=0x00 I=9145 F=0x4000 T=32 (#11)

This seems to be a broadcast by the DHCP server of my cable provider,

Windows does *not* have bugs. It just develops random features.

OT HTML tutorial?

2000-09-24 Thread Glyn Millington


This is totally off-topic, but here goes.

Can anyone recommend an HTML tutorial ? On line or off.  I'd like
to learn how to do write it without relying on a program like

Thank for any thoughts on this

Glyn M.

   * The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

Re: Searching in dselect

2000-09-24 Thread Jesse Goerz
Just hit the / key and then type in what your searching for and hit Enter.
I don't think the search supports wildcards.

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Helgi Örn wrote:
 Hi all Debian's

 How can I search for a package in the dselect program?

 Helgi Örn

Re: Problem with dpkg

2000-09-24 Thread Leen Besselink
On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Boris Boutillier wrote:

 Does anyone know what to do when dpkg give such an output when
 installing a package :
 dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/sbin/paperconfig.libc5'
   different file `/usr/sbin/paperconfig', not allowed
 I don't know how to solve this problem. I just installed the patato and
 had this problem. I think there should be an option but can't find which

Well if you mean you want to overwrite you should take a look at:
dpkg --force-help and what it says is, you can use this option to

dpkg --force-overwrite -i file.dpkg


Re: Branden confuses me with his recommendations for XF86 4.01 debs

2000-09-24 Thread Shaul Karl
   Dear colleagues,
   I have a computer that its videocard seems to require XFree86 4.01. I 
   I searched for stuff available, and when I decided to use the binary
 packages, while looking for info related to Debian with XF 4.01, I found a
 letter in XF86 page mailing lists by Branden Robinson (the maintainer of
 the XFree86 debianized packages) that said the following:
 Debian users may prefer to try my preliminary XFree86 4.0.1 .debs instead
 of installing from the XFree86 tarballs.
   This is very nice, but in the X Strike Force page, maintained by him, I 
 Phase 2 .debs of XFree86 4.0 are now available. These are retrievable with
 apt, and should upgrade smoothly from version 3.3.6 of XFree86, *but please
 note that they are for testing, not general-purpose use,* 
   Branden continues:
 and the library packages should definitely should not be used to compile
 packages for upload to Debian.
   Well, I am newbie. What do I do? I won't upload anything to Debian, but 
 consider I'll give Xfree86 a general-purpose use.

I believe that if your video card is not supported by 3.3.6 then you have no 
choice. Otherwise, until 4.01 will be more mature you might settle for 3.3.6.

   I'd like to know if this is a decent question. Some days before I sent
 here a question that actually was very stupid, because the answer was in
 the docs (thanks to all repliers!). I take very seriously the large amount
 of questions posted here and I'd like to reduce my trash sent at the minimum.

If you have made a reasonable effort to find the answer by yourself then any 
question is decent. Keep trying and post more questions in case you have ones.

   Thanks for your attention,
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Re: Obsolete packages

2000-09-24 Thread Shaul Karl
 just upgraded my system from a mix of Test 1 and Test 3 to the full 2.2 
 release.  Noticed that I now appear to have alot of Obsolete/local Optional 
 packages now showing in dselect.  According to the docs the best way to get 
 rid of this (as these packages are the current versions) is to run apt-get 
 [packages] or remove and reinstall them.  apt-get doesn't seem to work, tells 
 me that the most up to date version of installed (this error didn't supprise 
 me).  Anyone got a easier hack to do this via a script of something, or any 
 ideas as to how I can sort this out.

Perhaps you should post a partial list of these packages over here?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Donate free food to the world's hungry: see


2000-09-24 Thread DMGrant
I am new and trying to install debian 2.0
I did the fips thing on my fat32 (V.2.0) and now have the following on a
total disk space of 3682 MB:

Partition 1non dos299MB
Partition 2non dos201MB (I don't know where these came from,
they were there when I got here)
Partition C: 3 PRI DOS  1512 MBFAT32  41%usage
Partition D: 4 PRI DOS   1666MB UNKNOWN   45%usage

I only put this here to see if I get any feedback

then I boot up with the debian 2.0 cd in and it asks me to boot and I press
It huims along and seems to be having a great time and shortly after the
hda and hdb lines, this one comes up and the machine freezes:

md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

any suggestions what I should be looking for?

Thanks for any help

This is funI'm clueless but it's still fun.


Re: udp or tcp?

2000-09-24 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Sep 24 15:20:25 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 \
   PROTO=17 \
   L=576 S=0x00 I=9145 F=0x4000 T=32 (#11)
proto=17 - look at /etc/protocols - yes, udp

 This seems to be a broadcast by the DHCP server of my cable provider,
:68 - look at /etc/services - bootp - similar to dhcp.


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 

Re: OT HTML tutorial?

2000-09-24 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Can anyone recommend an HTML tutorial ?
 Thank for any thoughts on this
ANY thoughts? so here we go ...
but it's in german ... :-)=)


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 


2000-09-24 Thread Valentín Alba
I have configured my Samba Server and all PCs in diferent NT domains are
able to access my Samba Server.
The only computers that cannot access the Samba Server are those with
Windows 2000 installed.
Does anyone know anything about it?

Re: How to get rid of unused libs?

2000-09-24 Thread Jens Luedicke
hi there ...


This debian-tool finds orphaned and packages that are
not longer used... 

with friendly regards
jens luedicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Support the Theory of Evolution;
400 Billion Amphibians can't be wrong!

Q: What is the difference between Texas and yogurt?
A: Yogurt has culture.

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Kai Weber wrote:

 is there a way, how I can find unused library packages which no package
 needs longer? If I install a new package (e.g. for testing) sometimes a
 lot of new libs are installed. But when removing the package, the libs
 stay on system.
 Someone has a solution? I think, I could hack a script for myself, but
 let's see what the others say.
 + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +
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Re: How to get rid of unused libs?

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Kai!

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Kai Weber wrote:

 is there a way, how I can find unused library packages which no package
 needs longer? If I install a new package (e.g. for testing) sometimes a
 lot of new libs are installed. But when removing the package, the libs
 stay on system.
 Someone has a solution? I think, I could hack a script for myself, but
 let's see what the others say.

The solution is deborphan.

Description: Find orphaned libraries.
 deborphan finds orphaned packages on your system.
 It determines which packages have no other packages
 depending on their installation, and shows you a list of
 these packages. It is most useful when finding libraries,
 but it can be used on packages in all sections.

% apt-get install deborphan


KDE2 for potato

2000-09-24 Thread Marc Meier
I am looking for qt2.2/ kde2 for potato.

I have still visit the usual resources for KDE-debs but can't find up to date 



Re: udp or tcp?

2000-09-24 Thread Jeremy Gaddis
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 03:30:28PM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:

 Is the following a tcp or a udp packet?  How do I tell?
 Sep 24 15:20:25 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 \
   PROTO=17 \
   L=576 S=0x00 I=9145 F=0x4000 T=32 (#11)

The key here is the PROTO= part:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:pts/2:~]$ grep udp /etc/protocols
udp 17  UDP # user datagram protocol

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:pts/2:~]$ grep tcp /etc/protocols
tcp 6   TCP # transmission control protocol

 This seems to be a broadcast by the DHCP server of my cable provider,

67 == BOOTP server, 68 == BOOTP client.

It appears to be a machine ( broadcasting a
request for an IP address (DHCP).


Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: udp or tcp?

2000-09-24 Thread Sven Burgener
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 05:33:09PM +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
  Sep 24 15:20:25 host kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 \
  PROTO=17 \
  L=576 S=0x00 I=9145 F=0x4000 T=32 (#11)
 proto=17 - look at /etc/protocols - yes, udp
  This seems to be a broadcast by the DHCP server of my cable provider,
 :68 - look at /etc/services - bootp - similar to dhcp.

Thanks, good answer.

Windows does *not* have bugs. It just develops random features.

Re: your mail AKA @home, NICs and windows

2000-09-24 Thread Mike Phillips
 Uh ok this is a braindead reply but did you try
 turning off
 the modem for a few minutes. I had a hard time
 getting my new
 machine to work with cable, it suddenly worked on the
 third network card (a 3c905b). -chris

Not as brain dead as you may think, a lot depends upon how you
cable modem provider sets up their system. On my [EMAIL PROTECTED],
which used to Garden State [EMAIL PROTECTED], they use static ip's
(woo hoo :) tied to the cable modem serial #. Even so, before I
put the gateway/firewall in I was continually swapping machines
connected to the cable modem (mac, windoze, linux, hp-ux) and the
local cable modem segment would get very confused with the 
different mac addresses trying to use the same ip. Power cycling
the cable-modem box would fix this. 

Even now with the gateway in place, the cable modem needs to be
power-cycled every now and then if the local segment goes haywire.

If your provider ties the ip directly to the mac on the network
card then you can use a different card but you have to tell
the provider about it (a quick, oooh lightning took out my
network cards should be a sufficient reason for them.)


Fw: puzzler

2000-09-24 Thread DMGrant

 To: debianuser
 Subject: puzzler
 Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:50 AM
 I am new and trying to install debian 2.0
 I did the fips thing on my fat32 (V.2.0) and now have the following on a
 total disk space of 3682 MB:
 Partition 1non dos299MB
 Partition 2non dos201MB (I don't know where these came from,
 they were there when I got here)
 Partition C: 3 PRI DOS  1512 MBFAT32  41%usage
 Partition D: 4 PRI DOS   1666MB UNKNOWN   45%usage
 I only put this here to see if I get any feedback
 then I boot up with the debian 2.0 cd in and it asks me to boot and I
 It huims along and seems to be having a great time and shortly after the
 hda and hdb lines, this one comes up and the machine freezes:
 md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
 any suggestions what I should be looking for?
 Thanks for any help
 This is funI'm clueless but it's still fun.

Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Timothy Bedding
I am trying to get my Sound Blaster card working.

Can anyone suggest a simple test program that I can
run to prove that it is working?

I seem to have four different possible sockets
for the speakers.

black, green, red, blue

Any idea which of these is the one to use?


Junkbuster not setting HTTP_REFERER environment variable

2000-09-24 Thread Phillip Deackes
I noticed a recent thread on Junkbuster and am hopin g someone can help
with this one:

I use certain sites which do not work with Junkbuster. I get the
following error:

Your HTTP_REFERER environment variable is not being set.

How do I set up Junkbuster so that the HTTP_REFERER environment variable
is set?

Many thanks.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread Bob Edwards
Does anyone have a suggestion for a book with a comprehensive list of
debian linux commands and explanations of what each command dos?  I'm
new with liunux, and have just changed to debian from Corel linux. I
have a lot to do so I have to do something to cut down my learning


Bob Edwards
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Re: Junkbuster not setting HTTP_REFERER environment variable

2000-09-24 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 How do I set up Junkbuster so that the HTTP_REFERER environment variable
 is set?
in /etc/junkbuster/config:
referer .

good luck!

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 

Re: udp or tcp?

2000-09-24 Thread Sven Burgener
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 10:57:06AM -0500, Jeremy Gaddis wrote:
[snip protocol stuff]

Thanks, informative.

  This seems to be a broadcast by the DHCP server of my cable provider,

 67 == BOOTP server, 68 == BOOTP client.

 It appears to be a machine ( broadcasting a
 request for an IP address (DHCP).

Yes, because the packet is destined for the /server/ port, right.

I will just ignore such packets (silently because I hate them 
appearing all over the logs).

Windows does *not* have bugs. It just develops random features.

Re: How do I remove/unload isapnp?

2000-09-24 Thread Shaul Karl
 I suspect that isapnp may be conflicting with the 5.9c ALSA drivers I'm 
 trying to load.  How do I configure the system so that I save my 
 configuration files, but isapnp doesn't run?

You can --remove the package as opposed to --purge it.
However in your case you might simply put
exit 0
right after the
#! /bin/sh
line in /etc/init.d/isapnp.
There are probably other/better ways to do what you want as well.
Note that the above requires you to reboot. Undoing isapnp actions without 
rebooting is probably possible but is more complicated.

 I'm hoping that ALSA can't configure the drivers because isapnp already 
 activated the card.  However, if I'm wrong, I don't want to lose the work I 
 spent configuring isapnp.

Do not know about the ALSA thing.

 Thanks in advance for your help!
 Steve Trandahl
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


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Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Can anyone suggest a simple test program that I can
 run to prove that it is working?
cat /bin/bash /dev/audio   :-)=)
this sound really rocks! *lol*

 I seem to have four different possible sockets for the speakers.
 black, green, red, blue
 Any idea which of these is the one to use?
there are usually tiny icons engraved into the plate the sockets stick out.
my card uses the black one for speaker output.

good luck!

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
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Re: book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread Reilink
- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: Bob Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: zondag 24 september 2000 18:11
Onderwerp: book suggestions

 Does anyone have a suggestion for a book with a comprehensive list of
 debian linux commands and explanations of what each command dos?  I'm
 new with liunux, and have just changed to debian from Corel linux. I
 have a lot to do so I have to do something to cut down my learning

You could start with these :

Linux in a Nutshell
Author: Ellen Siever
ISBN: 1565925858
Publisher: O'Reilly
Cover Price: $24.95

Learning Debian GNU/Linux
Author: Bill McCarty
ISBN: 1565927052
Publisher: O'Reilly
Cover Price: $34.95 (cd-rom included)

You can find them at : / / and probably more sites

(list with some more interessting books : , page is in Dutch)


Digital Overdrive
Dutch Security Information Network /\ \\|// /\ / Life is a lesson, \
e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] / you'll learn it when you're through.
IRCnet : #dsinet / #h4h  \/   \/

Re: Junkbuster not setting HTTP_REFERER environment variable

2000-09-24 Thread Phillip Deackes
Oswald Buddenhagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How do I set up Junkbuster so that the HTTP_REFERER environment
  is set?
 in /etc/junkbuster/config:
 referer   .
 good luck!

Cheers, Oswald. That worked fine.

BTW, I am using JunkEx, your version of Junkbuster.

What is the difference between this and the original version? I can't
find it documented anywhere.

Thanks again.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

Re: beg

2000-09-24 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 01:47:03PM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 01:11:07PM +0800 or thereabouts, Li Wei wrote:
  I still use Debian 1.2 and Debian 2.2 isn't available in China. Is there
  anyone willing to donate Debian 2.2?
 I have the complete 3 CD set. I can snail mail 'em for you.

This is so cool. It's great that we can help out our less priviledged
linux users across the world. ;-) 
If you have a burner Li, be sure to copy those and pass them out, assuming
you're not going to get yourself in trouble. 


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: What's with

2000-09-24 Thread Robert Waldner
On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 09:42:48 +0200, Christian Pernegger writes:
The whole domain seems to have vanished - I
tried a nslookup from various servers including murphy, it
is just not there anymore!

Anyone know WTH is up?

No idea, therefore I´ve cc´ed the SOA ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Judging from the ser# (292305) there was a change in the zonefile 
 yesterday. As is still in the list at I don´t think it vanished on 

Master of Hosts, could you shed a little light on this?

[waldner:~]  host -t any does not exist at (Authoritative answer)
[waldner:~]  host -t any does not exist at (Authoritative answer)

rspeaking for at least 2 Austrians I think ;-)w
/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 05:08:30PM +0100, Timothy Bedding wrote:
 I am trying to get my Sound Blaster card working.
 Can anyone suggest a simple test program that I can
 run to prove that it is working?

I'm not sure but I think you can just cat a .wav file and redirect it to
the device. Personally I just went all the way and tried xmms on an MP3.

 I seem to have four different possible sockets
 for the speakers.
 black, green, red, blue
 Any idea which of these is the one to use?

No idea. Mine has text inscribed under the ports. Doesn't yours?


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 11:11:21AM -0500, Bob Edwards wrote:
 Does anyone have a suggestion for a book with a comprehensive list of
 debian linux commands and explanations of what each command dos?  I'm
 new with liunux, and have just changed to debian from Corel linux. I
 have a lot to do so I have to do something to cut down my learning

90% of the commands, at least, are basic Unix commands, not specific to
Linux or Debian. O'Reilly's Unix in a Nutshell, or Linux in a Nutshell,
should do fine as a simple reference. Personally I find Unix Power Tools to
be my bible of Unix black magick. 
If you want to go the free route, just use the man pages. For some silly
reason, GNU prefers info *shudder* pages, so a lot of manpages will tell you
to read the info pages instead. Someday I think I'll start fixing that...

man -k keyword to search on a specific topic.


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Timothy Bedding
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote

 cat /bin/bash /dev/audio   :-)=)
 this sound really rocks! *lol*

What does this sound like?

I have no /dev/audio. What do I do?

 there are usually tiny icons engraved into the plate the sockets stick out.
 my card uses the black one for speaker output.

Yes, I have those icons but I cannot make much sense of them.

What does the icon next to your black look like?


Re: Junkbuster not setting HTTP_REFERER environment variable

2000-09-24 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 BTW, I am using JunkEx, your version of Junkbuster.
cool - so somebody actually uses it  :-))

 What is the difference between this and the original version?

it supports body filtering, i.e. cutting unwanted sections of text.
so you may define some rules for the pages you often visit to make them
more readable.
additionally it should be even possible to kill popups using this feature
(without disabling javascript at all).

 I can't find it documented anywhere.
look harder next time! ;-)
but i must admit, that not everything is documented in an obvious way.
just uploaded a version with a sligtly changed version of cfg/bfilter,
which is the config file for the body filtering feature.


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 

Re: book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread Mike Leone
90% of the commands, at least, are basic Unix commands, not specific to
Linux or Debian. O'Reilly's Unix in a Nutshell, or Linux in a Nutshell,
should do fine as a simple reference. Personally I find Unix Power Tools to
be my bible of Unix black magick. 

But won't tell you about the BEST reason to switch to Debian - apt, dpkg, etc. 
I think this is what he means - distribution specific.

Michael Leone 
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

Re: OT HTML tutorial?

2000-09-24 Thread I. Tura
At 15.53 24/9/00 +0100, Glyn Millington ha escrit:
Can anyone recommend an HTML tutorial ? On line or off.  I'd like
to learn how to do write it without relying on a program like

In one of these addresses there is a tutorial of HTML. Regretabily, 
it's a
tar of 10 MB because it also has documentation for Perl, JavaScript, etc.
Anyway, it's very good.

There is another HTML manual on

that's Windoze oriented but also useful. It's also for newbies in
everything but it does not insult anyone.

If the last link is dead, try keywords 'Joe Barta' and 'WebTutor'



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Re: book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread I. Tura
At 11.11 24/9/00 -0500, Bob Edwards ha escrit:
Does anyone have a suggestion for a book with a comprehensive list of
debian linux commands and explanations of what each command dos?  I'm
new with liunux, and have just changed to debian from Corel linux. 

I changed also from Corel. Debian is 100 times better.



as far as I remember, there is a quite good book, 'Learning
Debian-GNU/Linux', by O'Reilly. In some of its pages there is an useful
summary of commands.



P.S. Don't know what happens, but this is the fifth time I give that
addresses for different questions. Really useful sites!

 From  Barcelona...  \   \\___
 /   / ___\_'_\
 Still nationalizing the LAN!   /\¬___/

Do You Yahoo!?
Achetez, vendez! À votre prix! Sur

Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
  cat /bin/bash /dev/audio   :-)=)
  this sound really rocks! *lol*
 What does this sound like?
similar to a modem ...

 I have no /dev/audio. What do I do?
not good ... try /dev/dsp
if you miss this one too, then something is wrong with your setup.
then you should have a look at MAKEDEV.

 What does the icon next to your black look like?
it's an idealized speaker, iirc (can't see the back side without moving
loads of crap):

|_ |
good luck!

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 


2000-09-24 Thread Atila Nemet
I was wanted to install the qweb web browser, but it was asking for
some qt1 package which I could not find in the debian 2.2
distribution. Where can I find this qt1 package?


Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 05:41:33PM +0100, Timothy Bedding wrote:

 What does this sound like?

Like hell, I'm sure. ;-)

 I have no /dev/audio. What do I do?

You've probably got a newer soundcard like most of us. Use /dev/dsp


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 06:22:40PM +0200, Reilink wrote:

 Learning Debian GNU/Linux
 Author: Bill McCarty
 ISBN: 1565927052
 Publisher: O'Reilly
 Cover Price: $34.95 (cd-rom included)

Actually, skip this one. It sucks the big one, and the CD-ROM is _not_
Debian 2.1, no matter what it says. All of my initial problems with Debian
were caused by the crappy distro on that CD. As soon as I grabbed the real
thing from the ftp site, everything worked. 

Thank you very much VA Linux systems...


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX


2000-09-24 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I have configured my Samba Server and all PCs in diferent NT domains are
 able to access my Samba Server.
 The only computers that cannot access the Samba Server are those with
 Windows 2000 installed.
 Does anyone know anything about it?

Do you have Samba 2.0.7 installed?  That release has compatibility fixes
for Win2K.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread I. Tura

90% of the commands, at least, are basic Unix commands, not specific to
Linux or Debian. O'Reilly's Unix in a Nutshell, or Linux in a Nutshell,
should do fine as a simple reference. Personally I find Unix Power Tools to
be my bible of Unix black magick. 

If you want to go the free route, just use the man pages. 


I have all books you mention from the sites I provided in a previous 
in HTML version... I remember the 'Open Publication license' that appeared
in 'Learning Debian GNU/linux', but don't know if applies to the other books.

I would not to make dirty the name of Debian recommending bookwarez 
this list.

Can anyone give some light on this?


 From  Barcelona...  \   \\___
 /   / ___\_'_\
 Still nationalizing the LAN!   /\¬___/

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dselect query

2000-09-24 Thread Debian User

just upgraded my system from a mix of Test 1 and Test 3 to the full 2.2 release.
Noticed that I now appear to have alot of Obsolete/local Optional packages
now showing in dselect.  According to the docs the best way to get rid of this
(as these packages are the current versions) is to run apt-get [packages] or
remove and reinstall them.  apt-get doesn't seem to work, tells me that the
most up to date version of installed (this error didn't supprise me).  Anyone
got a easier hack to do this via a script of something, or any ideas as to how
I can sort this out.



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- End forwarded message -

Fw: Error: undelivered email - recipient email storage limit exceeded

2000-09-24 Thread DMGrant

 Subject: Error: undelivered email - recipient email storage limit
 Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 9:05 AM
 Dear Sir/Madam
 Your message cannot be delivered to the recipient because his/her mail
box storage limit has exceeded.
 The summary of your previous message:
 Sent Date:2000/9/25 AM 12:25:48
 Subject:  Fw: puzzler
  To: debianuser
  Subject: puzzler
  Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:50 AM
  I am new and trying to install debian 2.0
  I did the fips thing on my fat32 (V.2.0) and now have the following on
  total disk space of 3682 MB:
  Partition 1non dos299MB
  Partition 2non dos201MB (I don't know where these came
  they were there when I got here)
  Partition C: 3 PRI DOS  1512 MBFAT32  41%usage
  Partition D: 4 PRI DOS   1666MB UNKNOWN   45%usage
  I only put this here to see if I get any feedback
  then I boot up with the debian 2.0 cd in and it asks me to boot and I
  It huims along and seems to be having a great time and shortly after
  hda and hdb lines, this one comes up and the machine freezes:
  md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
  any suggestions what I should be looking for?
  Thanks for any help
  This is funI'm clueless but it's still fun.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Stay tuned at NETVIGATOR ( for more surprises!

Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Timothy Bedding
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote

 not good ... try /dev/dsp
 if you miss this one too, then something is wrong with your setup.
 then you should have a look at MAKEDEV.

I have created audio. Now I get

~ cat /bin/bash  /dev/audio
/dev/audio: Device not configured.

Any ideas?

Is it possible that I need something extra configured in
my kernel?


OT: SCSI woes?

2000-09-24 Thread William Jensen
As some of you know, I've recently converted to a full scsi system.  I compiled
a 2.4.0-test8 kernel with the following options:

SCSI support
SCSI disk support
SCSI CD-ROM support
SCSI generic support
SCSI low-level-drivers ---Adaptec AIC7xxx support
SCSI low-level-drivers ---Enable Tagged Command Queuing

Thats it.  When I boot up things appear normal at first:

(scsi0) Adaptec AIC-7892 Ultra 160/m SCSI host adapter found at PCI 0/9/0
(scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 32/255 SCBs
(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 392 instructions downloaded
scsi0 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.2.1/5.2.0
   Adaptec AIC-7892 Ultra 160/m SCSI host adapter
scsi : 1 host.
(scsi0:0:0:0) Synchronous at 160.0 Mbyte/sec, offset 63.
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST318451LWRev: 0003
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 03
Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
(scsi0:0:1:0) Synchronous at 20.0 Mbyte/sec, offset 8.
  Vendor: PLEXTOR   Model: CD-R   PX-W124TS  Rev: 1.05
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
scsi : detected 1 SCSI cdrom 1 SCSI disk total.
sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.11
SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 35843671 [17501 MB] [17.5 GB]
Partition check:
  sda: sda1 sda2 sda3

If I'm reading this right, it found my host adapter, found the HD, and the 
CD-ROM.  The partition check shows sda1 sda2 sda3.  All which appears right
to me.  Then the follow appears further down the dmesg sequence:

SCSI device sdb: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 35843671 [17501 MB] [17.5 GB]
 sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb3

Excuse me?  sdb?  I only have one HD in the system which is broken into three
partitions.  Windoze, swap, linux.  What does the second entry mean?

OK, finally onto the woes part.  When I run cdparanoia -B (burn the entire cd
into individual files) I get the following interesting error:

Checking /dev/cdrom for cdrom...
  Testing /dev/cdrom for cooked ioctl() interface
/dev/sr0 is not a cooked ioctl CDROM.
  Testing /dev/cdrom for SCSI interface
No generic SCSI device found to match CDROM device /dev/sr0

Well, isn't that interesting? My user account belongs to the cdrom group so I
should have access to the following:

stimpy:~$ ls -l /dev/sr0
brw-rw2 root cdrom 11,   0 Jul  5 12:44 /dev/sr0

stimpy:~$ ls -l /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 Sep 22 07:11 /dev/cdrom - sr0

So /dev/cdrom is pointing to the right place and I have access to sr0, dmesg
is showing that it recognizes the cdrom, I've included generic scsi support
in the kernel, why on earth isn't cdparanoia able to use it?  I hope I'm
missing something terrible simple because I'd hate to have spent all that money
to convert to a scsi system and not be able to use it. :(



Re: xdvi always generates the fonts

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McCloskey

| I'm using debian 2.2 and when I start xdvi it always generates the
| fonts (although I looked at the file for many times and the fonts
| should be there...). Could that be a
| not-enough-rights-for-the-user-thing?

Did you try running the `allneeded' script? This script takes a
directory-tree as argument, it searches the tree for .dvi files and
runs dvips on them (with output sent to /dev/null). The interesting
consequence of this is that dvips calls MakeTeXPK to create the needed
fonts and all the .dvi files currently on your system should then be
processable without the need to call Metafont again.  Unless you
frequently create documents with a lot of new fonts (and most people
don't), this might speed things up.

I suppose you'd also want to run texhash (as root) afterwards (unless
it's already set up as a cron job on your system),


Re: xdvi always generates the fonts

2000-09-24 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 24 Sep 2000, Gernot Bauer wrote:
 I'm using debian 2.2 and when I start xdvi it always generates the fonts
 (although I looked at the file for many times and the fonts should be
 there...). Could that be a not-enough-rights-for-the-user-thing?
 Does anybody have a clue?
 Thanx, Gery
 Gernot Bauer, University of Linz, Austria
 The answer is yes, me.

I had this problem once and it took a long time to track down. It turned
out that I'd managed to install two versions of xdvi in different
directories; the one that was being used was incorrect. Possibly you've
also done something like this?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles:

Palo y tente tieso. (Spanish proverb)
Free translation: Holdfast is your only dog.

Re: OT: SCSI woes?

2000-09-24 Thread Leen Besselink
 As some of you know, I've recently converted to a full scsi system.  I
 compiled a 2.4.0-test8 kernel with the following options:
 SCSI device sdb: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 35843671 [17501 MB]
[17.5 GB]
  sdb: sdb1 sdb2 sdb3
 Excuse me?  sdb?  I only have one HD in the system which is broken into three
 partitions.  Windoze, swap, linux.  What does the second entry mean?

I also had this with test8, but I can't yet remember why, I switched back
to the last good test version I was using (2, was the last time I tried a
test version, didn't have the time for any others). Not just because of
this but also because the whole kernel modules directory structure (in
/lib/modules/ you know what I mean (?)) changed and I didn't feel like
playing with the /etc/modutils/ again.

I would be interrested in hearing why this is though, but I think it's
just some kind of test8 specific bug (it's still fun having so many
harddisks though ;) you can even access them over those dual devices !
Atleast I could (I tried to startup cfdisk or something I think).

(I just looked it up a bit in the kernel archives) seems they also turned
some things around in the SCSI initialitation code. There was a whole
thread about SCSI scanning so, I'm sure they are working on it.

Try using a test9pre kernel, maybe that works better. Or go back to 2.2.17
or something (for now). All I can suggest.

About your other issues I don't know.

Re: OT: SCSI woes?

2000-09-24 Thread William Jensen

This is information about the cdparanoia issue.  I poked around on the
cdparanoia site and it said I needed the corret /dev/sg device.  Well low and
behold I do not have one.  I'm guessing this is the problem.  So I:

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV -v sg

This output:

create sg0  c 21 0 root:root 0600
create sg1  c 21 1 root:root 0600
create sg2  c 21 2 root:root 0600
create sg3  c 21 3 root:root 0600
create sg4  c 21 4 root:root 0600
create sg5  c 21 5 root:root 0600
create sg6  c 21 6 root:root 0600
create sg7  c 21 7 root:root 0600
create sg8  c 21 8 root:root 0600
create sg9  c 21 9 root:root 0600
create sg10 c 21 10 root:root 0600
create sg11 c 21 11 root:root 0600
create sg12 c 21 12 root:root 0600
create sg13 c 21 13 root:root 0600
create sg14 c 21 14 root:root 0600
create sg15 c 21 15 root:root 0600
create sg16 c 21 16 root:root 0600

Still same no generic SCSI device found.

Any ideas?

Re: OT: SCSI woes?

2000-09-24 Thread William Jensen
Another followup on my own dealings:

As root, cdparanoia now runs after I setup the /dev/sg's.  Great, but my local
useraccount still cannot use it.

So...I chmod 4755 (as someone else pointed out) the cdparanoia binary and now
my useraccount can use it fine.  My question now is, what group is the right
group to have /dev/sg's set to?  It's currently at root.

For example cdrom, audio?  Would this break anything else?


On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 12:45:42PM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
 This is information about the cdparanoia issue.  I poked around on the
 cdparanoia site and it said I needed the corret /dev/sg device.  Well low and
 behold I do not have one.  I'm guessing this is the problem.  So I:
 cd /dev
 ./MAKEDEV -v sg
 This output:
 create sg0  c 21 0 root:root 0600
 create sg1  c 21 1 root:root 0600
 create sg2  c 21 2 root:root 0600
 create sg3  c 21 3 root:root 0600
 create sg4  c 21 4 root:root 0600
 create sg5  c 21 5 root:root 0600
 create sg6  c 21 6 root:root 0600
 create sg7  c 21 7 root:root 0600
 create sg8  c 21 8 root:root 0600
 create sg9  c 21 9 root:root 0600
 create sg10 c 21 10 root:root 0600
 create sg11 c 21 11 root:root 0600
 create sg12 c 21 12 root:root 0600
 create sg13 c 21 13 root:root 0600
 create sg14 c 21 14 root:root 0600
 create sg15 c 21 15 root:root 0600
 create sg16 c 21 16 root:root 0600
 Still same no generic SCSI device found.
 Any ideas?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: OT: SCSI woes?

2000-09-24 Thread William Jensen
I'm afraid that last msg wasn't too clear...

I'd like to not use the chmod 4755 method if I can.

Is there a group I could use on the /dev/sg devices that would allow my user
account access yet not break anything (for example xcdroast).  I already
have chmod 660 /dev/sg* to allow the addition of a group.

On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 12:59:13PM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
 Another followup on my own dealings:
 As root, cdparanoia now runs after I setup the /dev/sg's.  Great, but my local
 useraccount still cannot use it.
 So...I chmod 4755 (as someone else pointed out) the cdparanoia binary and now
 my useraccount can use it fine.  My question now is, what group is the right
 group to have /dev/sg's set to?  It's currently at root.
 For example cdrom, audio?  Would this break anything else?
 On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 12:45:42PM -0500, William Jensen wrote:
  This is information about the cdparanoia issue.  I poked around on the
  cdparanoia site and it said I needed the corret /dev/sg device.  Well low 
  behold I do not have one.  I'm guessing this is the problem.  So I:
  cd /dev
  ./MAKEDEV -v sg
  This output:
  create sg0  c 21 0 root:root 0600
  create sg1  c 21 1 root:root 0600
  create sg2  c 21 2 root:root 0600
  create sg3  c 21 3 root:root 0600
  create sg4  c 21 4 root:root 0600
  create sg5  c 21 5 root:root 0600
  create sg6  c 21 6 root:root 0600
  create sg7  c 21 7 root:root 0600
  create sg8  c 21 8 root:root 0600
  create sg9  c 21 9 root:root 0600
  create sg10 c 21 10 root:root 0600
  create sg11 c 21 11 root:root 0600
  create sg12 c 21 12 root:root 0600
  create sg13 c 21 13 root:root 0600
  create sg14 c 21 14 root:root 0600
  create sg15 c 21 15 root:root 0600
  create sg16 c 21 16 root:root 0600
  Still same no generic SCSI device found.
  Any ideas?
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Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread steph
dress it in black. 8)


Re: Message saying this lists's mailbox is full

2000-09-24 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 02:50:49PM -0500, will trillich wrote:

 would this be an evil idea?

It's generally considered a bad idea to do things like that - it's just
tit for tat network abuse and isn't likely achieve anything.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Message saying this lists's mailbox is full

2000-09-24 Thread Mark Brown
On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 12:24:23PM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:

 2. senders to this list should not receive their own emails.

 i don't know about the 2nd one for the rest but i do received my own emails
 which is annoying.

It's the standard behaviour for all the MLMs I'm familiar with, although
some make it optional.  It's partly a historical thing springing from
the way mailing lists have been implemented in the past (as /etc/alias
entries), partly for verification (I know my message went out - I can
see it) and partly there for some kinds of processing of lists.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Unidentified subject!

2000-09-24 Thread Jeff Woodford
unsubscribe debian-user-digest

Emacs SSH... You have no controlling tty

2000-09-24 Thread Christian Lemer

Debian potato
GNU Emacs 20.7.2
SSH Version OpenSSH-1.2.3, protocol version 1.5.

I recently installed Debian on my laptop and I'm very happy with it.

Unfortunately, I cannot use my favorite editor to check the cvs status
of files that are accessible only through a ssh connection.

My friend has the same laptop with RedHat, and when he uses VC or
PCL-CVS to examine the status of the files, Emacs simple ask him its
password on the other machine... when mine fails with the message

Message: cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages 
if any)
Message:  Parser Error: 'You have no controlling tty.  Cannot read passphrase.'

I took a lot of time trying to understand better the default
configuration of ssh (which is more in Debian that it is in
RedHat ... at least is seems so) but I couldn't figure why it fails.

In fact, it may or may not be related to ssh.


Christian Lemer
Service de Conformation des Macromolecules Biologiques et de Bioinformatique
Universite Libre de Bruxelles   Brussels Free University
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +32.2.648.52.00

Re: book suggestions

2000-09-24 Thread Mike Werner
Mike Leone wrote:
 90% of the commands, at least, are basic Unix commands, not specific to
 Linux or Debian. O'Reilly's Unix in a Nutshell, or Linux in a Nutshell,
 should do fine as a simple reference. Personally I find Unix Power Tools to
 be my bible of Unix black magick. 
 But won't tell you about the BEST reason to switch to Debian - apt, dpkg,
 etc. I think this is what he means - distribution specific.

I was at a Borders just last night, and took a look at the newest edition of
Linux in a Nutshell - it now does covers apt-get, dpkg, dselect, and a few
others.  Soon as my paycheck comes through I'll be picking up a copy.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sound testing

2000-09-24 Thread Michael Merten
On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 17:08:30 +0100, Timothy Bedding  wrote:
I am trying to get my Sound Blaster card working.

Can anyone suggest a simple test program that I can
run to prove that it is working?

I seem to have four different possible sockets
for the speakers.

black, green, red, blue

I don't know if there are 'standards' in place here, but my
motherboard has a green (line out), red (violet, actually, mic
in), and blue (line in).  It has no amplified output for
speakers, which is what your black jack is (i believe).  I use
the green jack with a pair of cheapo amplified speakers.
As I said, this is on a new motherboard, not a Soundblaster
card, so your results may vary.

Any idea which of these is the one to use?




Michael Merten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Support Engineer
Raytheon Technical Services Co.
Joint Readiness Training Center
Fort Polk, Louisiana

Re: Branden confuses me with his recommendations for XF86 4.01 debs

2000-09-24 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 12:06:40AM +0200, I. Tura wrote:

   Well, I am newbie. What do I do? I won't upload anything to Debian, but 
 consider I'll give Xfree86 a general-purpose use.

The not for general-purpose use bit is in part there because these
packages are still works in progress.  There will be things that aren't
quite right and perhaps even things that are outright broken.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

List archives

2000-09-24 Thread Timothy Bedding
 It's broken.  The administrators know about it.

Is searching the archives likely to be fixed soon?
I have problems when I do not select the latest quarter.

If not, is this due to lack of time to fix the bugs?
If so, would it be possible to volunteer to help
fix the bugs?


Fw: Error: undelivered email - recipient email storage limit exceeded

2000-09-24 Thread DMGrant

 Subject: Error: undelivered email - recipient email storage limit
 Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:46 AM
 Dear Sir/Madam
 Your message cannot be delivered to the recipient because his/her mail
box storage limit has exceeded.
 The summary of your previous message:
 Sent Date:2000/9/24 PM 11:50:40
 Subject:  puzzler
 I am new and trying to install debian 2.0
 I did the fips thing on my fat32 (V.2.0) and now have the following on a
 total disk space of 3682 MB:
 Partition 1non dos299MB
 Partition 2non dos201MB (I don't know where these came from,
 they were there when I got here)
 Partition C: 3 PRI DOS  1512 MBFAT32  41%usage
 Partition D: 4 PRI DOS   1666MB UNKNOWN   45%usage
 I only put this here to see if I get any feedback
 then I boot up with the debian 2.0 cd in and it asks me to boot and I
 It huims along and seems to be having a great time and shortly after the
 hda and hdb lines, this one comes up and the machine freezes:
 md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
 any suggestions what I should be looking for?
 Thanks for any help
 This is funI'm clueless but it's still fun.
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