Algo distinto esta llegando a la Argentina...

2000-10-22 Thread Tramps Argentina
Title: Tramps


distinto esta llegando...Tramps















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Re: your mail

2000-10-22 Thread Carles Pina i Estany

 No se si ustedes me pudieran ayudar emviendome alguna información sobre como 
 hacer un programa donde la entrada de información es por teclado y la salida  
 es la reproducción de la frase escrita  por voz, no tengo ni idea de como 
 empesar me gustaria mucho que me orientaran sobre información al respecto.
hace tiempo lo hice con un programa llamado festival, no sé si están en
potato, creo que no, pero lo podrás compilar


Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
   La violencia en el cine empieza por el atraco en la taquilla.


2000-10-22 Thread Jon Noble

El dom, 22 oct 2000 04:37:51 magdafne mendoza gutierrez escribió:
 No se si ustedes me pudieran ayudar emviendome alguna información sobre como
hacer un programa donde la entrada de información es por teclado y la salida  es
la reproducción de la frase escrita  por voz, no tengo ni idea de como empesar
me gustaria mucho que me orientaran sobre información al respecto.

Echale un vistazo al programa festival.

Un saludo,


Re: Debconf en Woody (Problemilla)

2000-10-22 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, oct 22, 2000 at 01:25:48 +0200, Amaya wrote:
 Can't locate object method value via package Debian::DebConf::Question at
 /usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 31.

¿Has probado a reinstalar debconf descargando el .deb y haciéndolo mediante
dpkg -i debconf...?. 
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:


2000-10-22 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Jon Noble 
  Cuando:   domingo, 22 de octubre del 2000, a las 11:28, 
  Qué:  Re: 

 El dom, 22 oct 2000 04:37:51 magdafne mendoza gutierrez escribió:
  No se si ustedes me pudieran ayudar emviendome alguna información sobre como
 hacer un programa donde la entrada de información es por teclado y la salida  
 la reproducción de la frase escrita  por voz, no tengo ni idea de como empesar
 me gustaria mucho que me orientaran sobre información al respecto.
 Echale un vistazo al programa festival.

cat | festival --tts --language spanish 2/dev/null

Esto funiona, aunque tiene un efecto secundario que no he podido
quitar. Cuando escribes una linea, no se ejecuta hasta que dejas
otra linea en blanco y pones, en la siguiente, la tercera, por
ejemplo un punto.

Como esto ha sido una prueba de no mas de 3 minutos, te toca a
ti seguir currandotelo ... :)


Mi frase del dia:

La pieza más delicada es la que cae al suelo.
-- Ley de Klipstein. 

Description: PGP signature

empezando con gtk...

2000-10-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola, estoy siguiendo el tutorial de gtk (1.2), el que esta en gnome-es, a la 
hora de compilar el primer ejemplo me sale:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gcc base.c -o base `gtk-config --cflags --libs`
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

?:( que es? que me falta?

desde ya muchas gracias.

Ricardo Rodríguez

Nettaxi MP3 Player, Burner, Ripper - NEW Version 2.0!!! DOWNLOAD IT FREE! (5MBs)

Re: Off Topic: MS se burla del pingüino

2000-10-22 Thread VerdeOliva
Muchas veces se paga justo por eso, por tu idea, es decir, que te animo a que la
lleves a cabo.

Se paga por tener un tiempo de respuesta determinado, y a veces, dependiendo del
nivel de la incidencia, por tener personal dedicado en exclusiva a su solución.
Eso en foros libres, por suerte, no es exigible  :-)
ya sé que aún así muchas veces se resuelve antes el problema que cuando se
exige, pero, ¿y cuando no?. Para algunas organizaciones los sistemas no pueden
estar en esa indefinición

Saludos, y ánimo para tirar pa'lante.


El dom, 22 de oct de 2000, a las 03:21:49 +0200, Chafar dijo:
 libre, el soporte, yo se lo iba a dar: no pague usted por un software
 malo 'con soporte', págueme a mí por el soporte a un software bueno y
 gratuíto. Porque los inteligentísimos hombres de negocios que pueblan el
 universo no se fían de nada que sea gratis, pero si les haces pagar,
 oye, eso ya es otra cosa, debe ser bueno, cuando cuesta me cuesta la
 pasta (estupidez supina cuando la mayor parte de ellos mismos venden
 cosas que cuestan más de lo que valen o que, definitvamente, no valen
 para nada).
---fin de respuesta a mensaje [EMAIL PROTECTED]---


VerdeOliva  -- Usuario Linux Registrado #189.304
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (Potato) 
Estamos condenados a ser libres -- Utiliza Debian


2000-10-22 Thread VerdeOliva

Hola, una preguntita:

Sólo quiero saber el número de mails que tiene una determinada cuenta de correo
en un proveedor. No quiero ni bajarlos dejando copia en el servidor, ni bajarlos
sin dejar copia...

Sólo saber el número de mails que hay en el servidor.

He mirado todas las opciones de fetchmail y he visto la 
opción -c que hace algo así como un chequeo. A parte de que no me funciona, no
me gusta, yo queiro una opción que se pueda poner en el archivo .fetchmailrc
junto con los datos de la cuenta y que fetchmail me diga lo que me dice siempre
que intento bajar correo y hay correo nuevo: Hay 14 mails nuevos en el
servidor. Pero que no siga bajándomelos.

No sé si me he explicado.

Muchas gracias de antemano.


VerdeOliva  -- Usuario Linux Registrado #189.304
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (Potato) 
Estamos condenados a ser libres -- Utiliza Debian

Re: Off Topic: MS se burla del pingüino

2000-10-22 Thread Jaume Sabater
Lo mejor de este anuncio es que si M$ lo ha hecho es porque tiene miedo. Es
buena propaganda para GNU :-)

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

[no subject]

2000-10-22 Thread jordi batlle


Re: ayudas diversas para acabar de configura mi debian

2000-10-22 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 05:03:55PM +0200, Alvaro Alea wrote:
 Tienes Netscape empaquetado para debian, (comunicator y navigator solo ) 
 como yo me lio por que son un monton de paquetes, y uso otro metodo, No se 

Hay 2 paquetes, llamados navigator y communicator que dependen de todo
lo que necesitas para una cosa o la otra.

apt-get install navigator, e instalado.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Debain no lleva el Spice?

2000-10-22 Thread Luis M. Arroyo
El spice - para los q no lo sepan- es un simulador de circuitos
electricos/electronicos, que yo creía q era free. Me podeis indicar si
no lo es, o el motivo de que no este en la distribucion?



Re: Debain no lleva el Spice?

2000-10-22 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, oct 22, 2000 at 09:44:12 +0200, Luis M. Arroyo wrote:
 El spice - para los q no lo sepan- es un simulador de circuitos
 electricos/electronicos, que yo creía q era free. Me podeis indicar si
 no lo es, o el motivo de que no este en la distribucion?

No está dentro de lo que las Guías de Software Libre de Debian [1] dicen que 
es software libre, de hecho tal como se puede leer en la página de licencia
de Spice [2], es únicamente libre para uso no comercial. Para más
información sobre este software puede dirigirse uno a la página
correspondiente de Scientific Applications on Linux o SAL [3].

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

[no subject]

2000-10-22 Thread xLoiro


2000-10-22 Thread cosmo
Fabricio de Oliveira Delocco

 Para eu fazer esse tipo de coisa no Red hat, altero o arquivo /etc/passwd, e 
 coloco como
 diretorio padrão do usuário o diretorio /var/www, só prestar atencao as 
 permissoes do
 para que o mesmo tenha permissão para escrever e para mandar/receber arquivos.

Nao eh bem assim o que eu estou querendo. O que eu estou querendo eh 
continuar com o
diretorio /home/usuario como padrao de cada usuario, mas quando for logar via 
ftp, alguns
poderao ia ao diretorio /var/www, outros nao. Para o usuario anonymous e 
consegui configurar
corretamente, qualquer usuario que se conectar via ftp anonymous, ira logar no 
/home/www. Mas ai esta um grande furo de seguranca, qualquer usuario pode fazer 
o que bem
quiser, apagar/alterar, no diretorio /home/www onde estao armazenadas as pagina.

- usuario anonymous - /home/public
- usuario cosmo - /var/www
- qualquer usuario - /home/usuario

Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
repreende os
colegas a quem deve dar assistencia 

Kevin Poulsen
[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

Bug no kernel???

2000-10-22 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Oi pessoal, 

Ontem após criar alguns scripts para atualização dinâmica do banco de
do apt-br (o robo do canal #debian-br de, eu notei que
executando operações extensivas com expressões regulares simplesmente 
causam problema em alguns aplicativos, enviando core dumps e em 1 em
cada 3 
core dumps, ocasiona o travamento total do sistema. As vezes o sistema 
continua operando com um comportamento muito estranho...

Para tirar minha dúvida, testei o script em outra máquina e o problema
questão voltou a acontecer: Após 5 a 30 minutos de extensivas operações
pesquisa de expressões regulares com o grep ou outro equivalente, ou a 
aplicação era interrompida ou o sistema travava de vez. Fiz todos os
testes como um usuário NORMAL do sistema. 

A minha máquina está corretamente configurada e fiz testes de
do sistema deixando o crashme rodando por mais de 8 horas sem causar
dano ao sistema ou sequer causar instabilidade. 

Dai eu pergunto: Como eu faço para relatar o acontecido a equipe do
junto com os logs do meu sistema? Eu costumo fazer testes de
estabilidade e 
segurança no sistema mas o que está acontecendo com as operações
em expressões regulares é realmente assombroso...

Eu tenho a Potato com as atualizações em proposed-updates, rodando o 
kernel 2.2.17 (ultimo patch) e rodando a versão mais nova da glibc6 (que 
propos a correção de um hack que explora expressões regulares). 

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

PCMCIA issues installing potato on an old laptop

2000-10-22 Thread Damon Muller
Hi gang,

I have an old 486 laptop, an NEC UltraLite VERSA, with 8m of RAM. Up
until today I'd been happily running bo (I think, a few releases ago
anyway) on it, mainly using it as a dumb terminal so I can lay in bed
and read my email. For a while I'd wanted to upgrade it, mainly because
I wanted a DHCP client on it and there is now no-where you can get
packages for the old version. 

I wanted to do a fresh install, mainly because there is so little HD
space to use apt to install. Also because I wanted to resize the swap

Anyway, I can get most of the way through the install, and PCMCIA card
services recognises both my pc card modem and network card. This should
be a good thing, as I need to install it over the network. However, when
I tell it to use DHCP to get an IP address, it says something like:

Hw address write mishap

(something like that, it scrolls away too quickly), then the screen
fills up with the following:

eth0: Mismatched read page pointers  1 vs  0.

And repeats ad-nauseum until the install program times out and kills it.
The same thing also happens if I try to anything network-y manually,
except I can't kill it.

I know this card works with debian, as I've been using it with an older
debian on the same machine for a long time (years, probably). I have
never had a problem with it before. cardmgr recognises the card as a
`Danplex EN-6200P2' if that helps anyone, and it's using the pcnet_cs.o
and 8390.o modules.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

Re: I/O to ZIP drive temporarily locks up machine

2000-10-22 Thread Alec Smith
No, ppa was used on some older models while imm is used on newer ZIps,
including 100MB drives manufactured after some date -- I believe its in
1997 or 1998. (See the PPA driver code for an exact answer)

Zip drives do seem to hang systems for awhile based on what I can
remember of my old Zip100 on Windows. When I switch to Linux, I ditched
the parallel drive in favor of SCSI which doesn't seem to hang.

On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, Tyrin Price wrote:

  I don't know how to say  this properly.. when backing up files from
  my IDE  hard  drive  to  my  parallel  port  ZIP100  drive,  the
  machine occasionally  blocks: it's like  everything freezes  for
  about  half a minute before I can do anything  again. This only
  happens when the ZIP drive is  running (not  sure if  it's R or  W
  or  both). This  is with kernel 2.2.17,  using the  imm driver as 
  a module.  I've set  all the default safe  options for  the
  driver, like  slow and  reliable or whatnot.  Is this a  kernel
  bug?  IMM driver  bug? User  bug?
 Hmmm ... I thought the imm module was for the parallel port 250 and
 the ppa module is for the 100.  You may want to try loading ppa vice
 imm and see if this helps.
  -=[Ty]=-   =oo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: killing old netscapes

2000-10-22 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, Daniel Barclay wrote:

  From: Dwight Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [Netscape] is a piece of
  shoddy and amateurish programming that is a disgrace to the profession.

You have misquoted me, sir. I _never_ referred globally to Netscape as ... a
piece of shoddy and amateurish programming. That is emphatically not true
and I will not have you put those words in my mouth.

On the contrary, Netscape is a highly useful application with many
admirable features. It has been my exclusive Web browser over the past five
years and I have personally found it immensely useful. I have the greatest
respect for its programmers who, I am certain, are professionals of great
skill and experience.

_My_ reference was to one loop inside Netscape which hogs system resources
and can crash a system when it is unable to continue communication with
a remote host. Below is _precisely_ what _I_ said:

Netscape goes into a tight, infinite  and load crushing loop when it is
trying to access data from a remote Web site and the data it is expecting
does not come back for one reason or another. It may be because your ppp
connection died or for some reason the remote site is not sending the data.
A Netscape in this loop will not allow you to communicate with it by
clicking on its 'Stop' button or any other control. Such a process must
usually be dealt with using 'kill -s 9 PID' or it will eventually hog all
your system resources and force you to reboot. Sometimes you can get it to
stop and take an exception exit by killing your pppd.

... An infinite loop like this can easily be given a timeout and allow the
'Stop' event and other navigation events to take place. It is a piece of
shoddy and amateurish programming that is a disgrace to the profession.

Netscape for Linux has many problems, but we must be ever thankful to the
programmers who, working as volunteers and without pay, produced a free
Netscape for Linux from a time several years before Netscape open-sourced
its code and embraced the Free Software movement.

Dwight Johnson

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V100 #297

2000-10-22 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 09:46:16AM -0400, Chris Hansen wrote:
   I have a small problem, I would like to be taken off the
 debian users list but when I try to unsubscribe I do not find my email
 address on the list that I can choose from .  If anyone can help please let
 me know. 
   Great operating system, just made the mistake of signing up
 for the users list.
   Christopher Hansen
   Operations Administrator
   Continental Resources
   Wooddale, IL. 60191
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

hmm. your address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] which, with the dash
in the domain name, might cause fits if the debian listbot has a
less-than-robust regex it uses to check for sanctioned email address patterns.

of course, it may also be that you changed your email, or signed up using
account A and are trying to sign off from account B (not that i've
ever experienced THAT, mind you)...

self-reference, n: see self-reference.


Re: sources.list, installing via nfs.

2000-10-22 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 12:36:00PM +0200, hypo crite wrote:
 Hi all, hi will!


 Thanks for crafting that apt-get-intro! It´s helpfull, but I
 still have probs with my sources.list. Even after reading the
 man page(s)and the files in /usr/doc/apt/examples.

i kinda enjoyed crafting it. sometimes it helps clarify the
flotsam rattling around the cranium when you put it into words.

i can't believe that nobody saw the flaw, tho...

 When I choose the nfs-mounted directory, then apt-setup can´t
 find a lot of things. Of course it can´t, because I dont´t now
 how to arrange the data proper. Is there any documentation
 concerning that? Or any hints?

 Furthermore I tried to access a debian-ftp-mirror. I failed,
 cause I´m behind a proxy. I didn´t really understood the part
 with the ftp-proxy in the examples-section. Where do I
 configure the proxy-port?

for the directory structure, have a look at one of the FTP sites
that mirror a debian distribution. there's a list at to get you started.

scrounge around there to find a few common denominators between
different mirrors, and emulate that.

(this is what i'd do until i find that there is a document out
there that points the way. which will probably be about seven
minutes after i send this missive.)

for example: my cursory investigation shows --
+   potato/
+   Contents-*.gz
+   contrib/
+   binary-*/
+   source/
+   main/
+   binary-*/
+   source/
+   non-free/
+   binary-*/
+   source/
+   stable@ symlink to potato
+   unstable@ symlink to woody
+   woody/
+   Contents-*.gz
+   contrib/
+   binary-*/
+   source/
+   main/
+   binary-*/
+   source/
+   non-free/
+   binary-*/
+   source/

as far as massaging your /var/cache/apt/* stuff, that's
probably what apt-move is for, but i've not investigated
that just yet.


most of your clan don't advertise. (my sister-in-law
sure doesn't!)


self-reference, n: see self-reference.


Re: apt mini-intro

2000-10-22 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 04:48:20PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
   Subject: apt mini-intro
   Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 03:37:26PM -0500
 In reply to:will trillich
 Quoting will trillich([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  a friend-o-mine just got up with debian 2.2/potato, and i crafted
  this little intro to apt-get... your comments are welcome.
  Nice job Will!  As a dselect replacement and a pretty nice tool 
  itself, take a look at aptitude (Potato).  Sort of an
  apt-cache/apt-get rolled into one.

bask especially comments like that /bask

i can't wait for doogie/adam to develop a real interface for it!

$ apt-cache show aptitude
Package: aptitude
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 454
Maintainer: Adam Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 0.0.4a-4.1
Depends: libapt-pkg2.7, libc6 (= 2.1.2), libncurses5, libstdc++2.10
Architecture: i386
Size: 148126
MD5sum: 37e466011a34cd98b6b843f81ed36d78
Filename: dists/potato/main/binary-i386/admin/aptitude_0.0.4a-4.1.deb
Description: Console based apt frontend
 APTITUDE is the tentative name for a new curses-based frontend to apt. 
 this is just a prototype of a lot of differe apt-related UI elements  and 
 there is no central cohesion.  Despite this, I still find it to  be exciting
 enough to pursue.  Yes, my friends think I'm a strange person too :)

and luckily, there's an aptitude for potato! (hope it gets some
updates before moving on to the woody-only release...)

self-reference, n: see self-reference.


Re: changing file attribute colors

2000-10-22 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 04:32:25PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
   Subject: Re: changing file attribute colors
   Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 05:02:31PM -0500
 In reply to:will trillich
 Quoting will trillich([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 09:12:26PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 Subject: Re: changing file attribute colors
 Date: Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 06:10:25PM -0500
  i just discovered that mine is a bit off, too:
  % dircolors
  setenv LS_COLORS ''
  now THAT's helpful!
  but my 'ls' shows colors just fine. very odd!
  some of this may have a LOT to do with improperly-set TERM
  variables, which i'm investigating (and not discovering
 Sorry for the delay, my monitor died last night!  :-(
 But this new 17 monitor is Great!!
 Have you looked at your .dircolors file?  Do you have one?
 (dircolors --print-database  .dircolors)
 I never had a problem with ls showing colors, Will.  I have a problem
 with the 'Blink' option not working when I tell it to have a
 non-existent symlink blink red!  I have had that set up since 94-95
 IIRC, in Slackware and SuSe.  I no longer have any Slink systems
 around but I thought it worked there as well.


% dircolors
setenv LS_COLORS ''
% dircolors --print-database  ~/.dircolors
% dircolors !$
setenv LS_COLORS 'no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33.

much better.

now, understand, that /bin/ls -F --color always showed color for
me, but i had no control over it.

but i'm feeling much better, now.

self-reference, n: see self-reference.


Samba across a highly weird network setup.

2000-10-22 Thread Peter Good
Ok, need help guys. We're trying to configure here a network setup for

Say this is setup in 2 rooms.

1st room.
You have 3 machines, one that has a modem, and controls the connection,
2 workstations, on an external network (internet visible IP's), with a
network cable going to a 4th machine in the 2nd room

2nd room.
3 more machines, one with a gateway type setup (hence cable mentioned
above) which is also a wins server, and 2 machines using ip

Many may ask, WHY??? rofl, but situation is, we don't have enough ip's
to go around. only enough to cover the 3 machines in the 1st room, and
the gateway box in the 2nd.

Question is, how would we enable samba to work through the gateway from
the masq'd boxes to the machines on the external network. We can go
masqbox  external, but can't go external  masqbox. The machines on the
external network can see the names of the masq'd network, but can't
access them. Anyone know how to? short of getting more ip's or bunging
the whole lot on a masq'd connection?

Any hints or points in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Samba across a highly weird network setup.

2000-10-22 Thread C. Falconer

God thats one weird network set up.

Can I ask why the world visable IPs?  I mean - do you host web pages or 
something?  If so then those boxes should be either outside the firewall 
and not used as workstations, or put them inside the firewall and use port 
forwarding on the firewall to permit external people to access them.

Other than that - you need to decide why it is like it is, and decide what 
tasks are most important.  More IPs would help, but then they'd all be 
outside the masq firewall and naked and vulnerable.  Not a good look.

At 09:56 PM 10/22/00 +, you wrote:

Ok, need help guys. We're trying to configure here a network setup for

Say this is setup in 2 rooms.

1st room.
You have 3 machines, one that has a modem, and controls the connection,
2 workstations, on an external network (internet visible IP's), with a
network cable going to a 4th machine in the 2nd room

2nd room.
3 more machines, one with a gateway type setup (hence cable mentioned
above) which is also a wins server, and 2 machines using ip

Many may ask, WHY??? rofl, but situation is, we don't have enough ip's
to go around. only enough to cover the 3 machines in the 1st room, and
the gateway box in the 2nd.

Question is, how would we enable samba to work through the gateway from
the masq'd boxes to the machines on the external network. We can go
masqbox  external, but can't go external  masqbox. The machines on the
external network can see the names of the masq'd network, but can't
access them. Anyone know how to? short of getting more ip's or bunging
the whole lot on a masq'd connection?


Re: Samba across a highly weird network setup.

2000-10-22 Thread Peter Good
Couple of reasons for the world visables. Firstly, I got the ip's with
my connection. may as well use them. Secondly it's fun to try and tie
the router box, the one controlling the connection down tight enough
that they can't get to the external ip boxes. And if you spend a bit of
time on irc, or quake, the advantage of having a separate ip for each
box works wonders. I do host the odd webpage and my own mail server, but
nothing major, and that all runs off the router box.


C. Falconer wrote:
 God thats one weird network set up.
 Can I ask why the world visable IPs?  I mean - do you host web pages or
 something?  If so then those boxes should be either outside the firewall
 and not used as workstations, or put them inside the firewall and use port
 forwarding on the firewall to permit external people to access them.
 Other than that - you need to decide why it is like it is, and decide what
 tasks are most important.  More IPs would help, but then they'd all be
 outside the masq firewall and naked and vulnerable.  Not a good look.
 At 09:56 PM 10/22/00 +, you wrote:
 Ok, need help guys. We're trying to configure here a network setup for
 Say this is setup in 2 rooms.
 1st room.
 You have 3 machines, one that has a modem, and controls the connection,
 2 workstations, on an external network (internet visible IP's), with a
 network cable going to a 4th machine in the 2nd room
 2nd room.
 3 more machines, one with a gateway type setup (hence cable mentioned
 above) which is also a wins server, and 2 machines using ip
 Many may ask, WHY??? rofl, but situation is, we don't have enough ip's
 to go around. only enough to cover the 3 machines in the 1st room, and
 the gateway box in the 2nd.
 Question is, how would we enable samba to work through the gateway from
 the masq'd boxes to the machines on the external network. We can go
 masqbox  external, but can't go external  masqbox. The machines on the
 external network can see the names of the masq'd network, but can't
 access them. Anyone know how to? short of getting more ip's or bunging
 the whole lot on a masq'd connection?

Re: Introduction.

2000-10-22 Thread Jeremy Gaddis
 Probably wan't to make sure you've got an address. Here's one variant.
 $  /sbin/ifconfig ppp0 | grep 'inet addr:' | sed 's=.*inet
 That's all one line. It shouldn't return anything if you don't have an
 inet addr for ppp0.  Otherwise, it'll return the address.

if [ -e /var/run/ ] ; then
echo Your PPP connection is up.
echo Your PPP connection is down.



Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: /boot

2000-10-22 Thread Matthias Mann
Hi, you will need the files in /boot bevore cylinder 1024, because your BIOS
can´t read anything after this border. And the BIOS starts the booting. If
you like to install Linux and another OS like M$-Windows on one harddisk, it
is recommended to create an own partition for /boot. I have 8 MB for this.
That is more then enough cause the files in /boot takes 1 MB. If you like to
install only  Debian on your harddisk you don´t need this /boot-partition.
But you must set the partition / at the beginnig of your harddisk. This is
neccessary. Cause this is then the bootpartition too and needs a beginning
bevore cylinder 1024.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 2:50 AM
Subject: /boot


 First of all, hi to everyone!
 I've finished my download of CD-Binary 1 and i'm ready to install Debian
 Potato. I'm reading the manuals and, after some How-tos I intend to
 it. (Erase the Red Hat and put it on; leaving Win);
 I have a little question and I hope someone from the list could help me
 Even with the boot in before the 1024cil,  is it recomended to to create a
 /boot partion?
 Is it good, bad or it does not matter? What about it's size. 10Mb is

 Custodio, L. C. - Brazil!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


2000-10-22 Thread Matthias Mann
Preface : This is a little story to think about. It could change your mind,
 cause it´s useful to save life. Author is unknown. This story was
translated on saturday october 21´th 2000 by MatMan. I´m very
sorry if they are some mistakes into text. I´m a german boy (29 yet,
but i have to learn!) There seems to be no copyright : Copy it. So
much you like!

Death Of The Innocent Girl

I went to a nice party dear ma,
i recogniced what you said.

You warned me nothing to drink dear ma,
so i drunk tablewater instead of  alcoholic drinks.

I feeled me great and proud dear ma,
like your prophecy.

I didn´t drunk to drive home by car dear ma,
altough others said, there is nothing that could go wrong.

I know that i all did right dear ma,
i know you had right all times.

Now the party is finished dear ma,
and all guests are driving away.

I went into my car dear ma,
and i knowed that i will come home fast and secure.

Because you teached me your breeding very well daer ma,
responsible and with great love.

I drived my car into the road traffic dear ma,
and then there was the traffic light on a big crossing.

The traffic light shows me a green light, the right to drive dear ma,
and there was a driver who don´t saw his red light.

This driver had seen nothing of his read light and me dear ma,
he drives simply about me and my car.

This carsh catapulted me to the hard asphalt dear ma,
and i heared the words of the police man.

The other driver was drunken dear ma,
And i will pay for it.

I´m dying dear ma.
I wish that you are here.

How could that happen dear ma?
My life bursted like a balloon.

All around me is blood dear ma,
the most of it is me.

I hear the words of the doctor dear ma,
She will die.

I only would say to you dear ma,
I swear it, i drunk nothing.

The others had done it dear ma,
the others not thought about this.

He was on the same party.
The only different is that he drunk.
And i will die.

Why the people get drunk dear ma?
It can destroy their whole life.

Now i feel strong pain dear ma,
it stabs like a knife.

The boy who drives about me is going dear ma,
and i mean this is not fair.

I´m here and be dying dear ma,
and all what he can do is to stare at me.

Say my brother he shall not weep dear ma,
please write Pas Girl on my grave.

Someone should told him dear ma,
no alcohol for the driver.

If they did this dear ma,
i would be alife.

My breath will be very slow dear ma,
i´m so afraid.

Please don´t weep about me dear ma,
you was altimes here for me when i needed you.

I have only a last question dear ma,
bevore i will dismiss.

I don´t drived drunk,
so why i am the one who dies?

Epilog : Sombody made the work to write this message. And i
spend my time to translate it. Please send this message to so
much people you can do. We will see whether we can build a
chain around the world. A chain that can show all poeples :
Alcohol and driving car does not match to each other.


Re: /boot

2000-10-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 10:50:36PM -0200, ColdWater wrote:
 First of all, hi to everyone!
 I've finished my download of CD-Binary 1 and i'm ready to install Debian
 Potato. I'm reading the manuals and, after some How-tos I intend to install
 it. (Erase the Red Hat and put it on; leaving Win);
 I have a little question and I hope someone from the list could help me with
 Even with the boot in before the 1024cil,  is it recomended to to create a
 /boot partion?
 Is it good, bad or it does not matter? What about it's size. 10Mb is enough?

i think its a better idea to split off /var /usr /home and /tmp as
their own partitions, then make / 64MB or less, then it will fall
under the 1024 cyl mark.  

if you have reasonably recent hardware then the lba32 option to
potato's lilo should allow booting past that mark anyway.  GNU grub
also supports this.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature


2000-10-22 Thread Martin Fluch
Hi Matthias,

to send _any_ type of chain letters is anything else but a good thing,
_especialy_ on mailing lists. For mor information (in German) see

or more precisely

Please don't send any chain letters of any type here (or anywhere). Nobody
want's them. Nobody needs them.


On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Matthias Mann wrote:

 Preface : This is a little story to think about. It could change your mind,
  cause it´s useful to save life. Author is unknown. This story was
 translated on saturday october 21´th 2000 by MatMan. I´m very
 sorry if they are some mistakes into text. I´m a german boy (29 yet,
 but i have to learn!) There seems to be no copyright : Copy it. So
 much you like!


 Epilog : Sombody made the work to write this message. And i
 spend my time to translate it. Please send this message to so
 much people you can do. We will see whether we can build a
 chain around the world. A chain that can show all poeples :
 Alcohol and driving car does not match to each other.

Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

For public GnuPG-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bash_history

2000-10-22 Thread Matthias Mann
Thanx for your trie to help me. I checked the HIST* variables and all was
ok. Then i made this discovery : By typing exit for a normal logout the
bashhistory will be saved. But if i use Strg+Alt+Del for a reboot or
if i use the command shutdown -h now, the bashhistory will not be saved.
This was not so than i used RadHat and SuSE, which i tested bevor i get the
meaning that Debian is the right thing for me. Is there any possibility to
tell the bash that she shall save the history by using Strg+Alt+Del
and shutdown -h now?


- Original Message -
From: Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: bash_history

   I think you can turn saving of the history on/off, see man bash:

   The number of commands to remember in  the  command
   history  (see HISTORY below).  The default value is

   The name of the file in which  command  history  is
   saved  (see  HISTORY  below).  The default value is
   ß/.bash_history.  If unset, the command history  is
   not saved when an interactive shell exits.

   The  maximum  number  of  lines  contained  in  the
   history file.  When this  variable  is  assigned  a
   value, the history file is truncated, if necessary,
   to contain no more than that number of lines.   The
   default  value  is  500.   The history file is also
   truncated to this size after  writing  it  when  an
   interactive shell exits.
is  overwritten.   If HISTFILE is unset, or if the history
file is unwritable,  the  history  is  not  saved.   After
saving  the  history,  the  history  file  is truncated to
contain no more than HISTFILESIZE lines.  If  HISTFILESIZE
is not set, no truncation is performed.


 Matthias Mann wrote:
  Yes this is a typo! Do you have any answere of my questions?
  - Original Message -
  From: Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 10:30 PM
  Subject: Re: bash_history
  Matthias Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Is there a bug in bash (Debian 2.2.0 potato)? When i go as root into
   system the bash don´t save anything to /root/bash_history.
  Is this a typo? Bash's history should be in ~/.bash_history.
  /* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Use Mozilla M18 (was Re: killing old netscapes)

2000-10-22 Thread Ard Righ
([ On 21 Oct 2000, some witty mortal wrote: ])

  [Netscape] is a piece of
  shoddy and amateurish programming that is a disgrace to the

 Whether there are bugs in the NS 4.x or not, and whether you like the 
way it was programmed as a side-thought or not, you should defintely be 
taking a very interested close look at the Mozilla project, and the 
open-source, standards compliant browser they have been working on for 
the past 2 or so years.

 People tend to easily forget that Netscape as a company moved away 
from developing NS 4.x and it's bugs and what-not, to resourcing the 
Mozilla project in a more productive manner.

 When I use Win98, the first thing I did was get 98lite Professional to 
remove the IE engine from my machine. I replaced it with Opera and 
Mozilla, and haven't looked back since.

 Mozilla M18 is very very nice... I expect the end product to be one of 
the greatest cross-platform browsers known to mankind, and women folk 
too ;o)

 Ard Righ

 S' Rioghal Mo Dhream!



2000-10-22 Thread Matthias Mann
Dear Martin!

I respect you and your meaning. I looked at and thik this: Ok, a chain
letter could contain a virus. And i know that somebody don´t like letters
like this. But have this people the right to say chain letter are always

Some people like to make big panic at media. Every day this happens on
radio, tv and also in the internet. If i would beleve al this informaitions
i had always fear to get a virus (equal whether i get it on compuer or my
body) or another very bad thing will happen with me. And i´m not stupid,
cause i look for the best i can do to prevent the bad result. In this case i
checked my computer for viruses and nothing would be find. The chain letter
seems to be clean. And don´t forget : Nobody is perfect. So please respect
me if i made a mistake.

I you where the owner of this newsgroup i would respect your request and you
would see no more chain letters of me here. And if i think about sending
another chain letter to this place i will think on you. If here are more
then one people who ton´t like those letters i think it is better for all to
let it be. And i think i will not send another chain letter again into this
newsgroup. I got much of chain letters in the last three years and this was
the only one that i liked to send it others, cause it has an important

Are you shure that nobody wants and needs some chain letters? I think much
of these letters are unnecessery. However not all! Isn´t it the content that
will decide if it is unnecessery or not and not the fact that it is a chain


- Original Message -
From: Martin Fluch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Matthias Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: TO ALL!

Hi Matthias,

to send _any_ type of chain letters is anything else but a good thing,
_especialy_ on mailing lists. For mor information (in German) see

or more precisely

Please don't send any chain letters of any type here (or anywhere). Nobody
want's them. Nobody needs them.


On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Matthias Mann wrote:

 Preface : This is a little story to think about. It could change your
  cause it´s useful to save life. Author is unknown. This story was
 translated on saturday october 21´th 2000 by MatMan. I´m very
 sorry if they are some mistakes into text. I´m a german boy (29 yet,
 but i have to learn!) There seems to be no copyright : Copy it. So
 much you like!


 Epilog : Sombody made the work to write this message. And i
 spend my time to translate it. Please send this message to so
 much people you can do. We will see whether we can build a
 chain around the world. A chain that can show all poeples :
 Alcohol and driving car does not match to each other.


Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

For public GnuPG-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


2000-10-22 Thread kmself
on Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 11:38:05AM +0200, Matthias Mann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Preface : This is a little story to think about. It could change your mind,
  cause it´s useful to save life. Author is unknown. This story was
 translated on saturday october 21´th 2000 by MatMan. I´m very
 sorry if they are some mistakes into text. I´m a german boy (29 yet,
 but i have to learn!) There seems to be no copyright : Copy it. So
 much you like!
 Death Of The Innocent Girl

Is this the same idiot who was asking us for spam software last week?

He's earned his way into my killfile.  Fool me twice, shame on me

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature


2000-10-22 Thread C. Falconer

At 01:36 PM 10/22/00 +0200, you wrote:

Dear Martin!

I respect you and your meaning. I looked at and thik this: Ok, a chain

Too much mail chokes up my email servers - email without a definite purpose 
is just a waste of time and space.  If its not useful to me and I didn't 
ask for it then I don't want it.

Don't fret though - everything is a learning experience.


Book Recommendations...

2000-10-22 Thread MarkEmmanuel
Hi all!!!  I installed Debian Linux on my Macintosh and I was looking for
book recommendations for a beginner user.  The most I know about Linux/Unix
are the basic commands like ls, chmod, and cd. (I love shell accounts...)
I'm getting really tired of switching to MacOS so I can use the Internet as
a reference and there are many common questions I'm sure the book can answer
that the community doesn't have to.

Also, XFree86 3.3.6, FB_Dev, and Gnome doesn't seem to work properly when I
try to run X Window.  Is there a configuration script I need to edit or

please email me privately if this does not benefit the list. Thanks.


-o)  Anima Sana In Corpore Sano  (o-
/\\Markemmanuel F. Rodriguez   //\

gmc 4.5.51 problem

2000-10-22 Thread Alexey Kakunin
I have debian 2.2 installed with glibc updated to 2.1.95 and gnome update to 
last packages.
And I have problem with gmc (4.5.51-6) - then I try to start it, I get message:

gmc --sm-client-id .
No response to the SaveYourself command.
The program may be slow, stopped or broken.
You may wait for it to respond or remove it.

There is the problem and how I can solve it?
Best Regards.
Alexey Kakunin, M.Sc.

Really strange problems with package handeling

2000-10-22 Thread Ikarus
I've got a really strange problem using dpkg apt-get and other package
handeling tools when I attempt to do anyting (like: apt-get install
apache) it gives the following error: shell-init: could not get current 
directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
What does this error mean and what can I do about it
Also I've got in my syslog and message log a lot of messages like:
Oct 21 01:10:13 Mercury kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
Oct 21 01:10:13 Mercury kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for bitchx...
And many more for every program I'm running. Its also allmost at the
exact time I'm installing/removing packages could this be related and
if so how do I fix it everything seems to be going wrong on my machine

 Ikarus  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Book Recommendations...

2000-10-22 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 05:40:55AM -0500, MarkEmmanuel wrote: 

 Hi all!!!  I installed Debian Linux on my Macintosh and I was looking for
 book recommendations for a beginner user.  The most I know about Linux/Unix
 are the basic commands like ls, chmod, and cd. (I love shell accounts...)
 I'm getting really tired of switching to MacOS so I can use the Internet as
 a reference and there are many common questions I'm sure the book can answer
 that the community doesn't have to.

If you want to learn about commands have a look at Linux in a
Nutshell from O'Reilly (IMHO O'Reilly is always a good choice) 
But there is also much documentation on the Web i.e
 Also, XFree86 3.3.6, FB_Dev, and Gnome doesn't seem to work properly when I
 try to run X Window.  Is there a configuration script I need to edit or

You should describe more precisely what goes wrong.
The main config-file for XF86 is /etc/X11/XF86Config. It is generated
by programs like XF86Setup.
If XF86 works then gnome should work out of the box. I don't know much
about Framebuffers, sorry.

cgi-bin security

2000-10-22 Thread Thomas R. Shemanske
I administer a couple of linux machines (potato based), and have a user
which want to run cgi-bin scripts, and I would like to know if there are
security concerns.

Currently all cgi-bin scripts which run are in /usr/lib/cgi-bin and
owned by root.  As far as I can tell Apache is configured to look only
there for such scripts.  My recollection is that is used to be
otherwise.  There is apparently an Apache option to allow users to run
cgi scripts called suEXEC, but this looks like I could open myself for
trouble than it is worth.

On the other hand, there appears to be an easy solution, but I am
unclear as the the security implications.  Here is the proposed

To allow userX to execute cgi scripts from ~userX/public_html/cgi-bin, 

(As root)
cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin
mkdir userX
cd userX
ln -s ~userX/public_html/cgi-bin cgi-bin

Then userX can access her scripts via http://

Since apache runs as www-data, does www-data own the cgi script?  Does
the user own the script?  If the script executes rm -rf /*, what

Thanks for any advice.

Thomas R. Shemanske
Department of Mathematics
Dartmouth College

Installing tar files

2000-10-22 Thread Shel Johnson
I'm attempting to install a .tar.gz file.. I've successfully gunzip the
file, but I've forgotten how to complete the rest of the installation
process.. HELP!!!

ICQ- 23454126

Trying to master Storm Linux 2000

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

XDV -thorough and greyscaling

2000-10-22 Thread David Purton

Hi - I've noticed a strange problem with xdvi under potato and slink using
the svga X server (XFree86 3.3.6 and Diamond stealth Rendition chipset
vidio card).

when using using xdvi with the thorough flag set to true, tables lines and
other line graphincs do not appear - only text shows.  If I then toggle
grey scaling with the G option in xdvi then turn grey scaling back on
again (ie pressing G twice) - the page displays correctly.

I found one work around for this problem suggested by someone one the
debian developer's list I think:  using the -copy option instead of
-thorough, but the display does not properly handle overprinting of text
on lines (not good for musixtex)

Another post I read somewhere else suggested this might be a bug in the
svga X server, so does any one running XF86 version 4 also have this

has anyone else who has had this problem found a neater work around.

Pressing G twice is not a major hassle, but I would prefer it to display
properly first time :)


Today people in droves hurry up past Heumoz to Villars 
on the road to the ski hills, so they can rush down them
as fast as possible, so they can hurry up again in order
to rush down again.  In a way this is funny,...

Francis A Schaeffer

David Purton

lpr broken by woody package

2000-10-22 Thread Johann Spies
I wanted to use woody's rpm and apt-get upgraded my libc.  Now lpr is
no longer working.

How do I get it back?

I have tried magicfilterconfig but although the file is spooled,
connection to /dev/lp1 is refused.  I have also tried /dev/lp0 without

J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336
 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss 
  for Christ. Philippians 3:7 

ext2 (kernel 2.2) view from Windows?

2000-10-22 Thread Dan Pomohaci

Are any programs in Windows to mount an ext2 partition (kernel 2.2)?
After I installed a potato system with kernel 2.2.12 (formating the
ext2 partitions) the old Windows ext2fs don't work. 

Dan Pomohaci

Re: mv multiple files w/wildcard

2000-10-22 Thread Colin Watson
Lance Hoffmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a number of subdirectories where I have files with - such as 
name - title.txt and I wish to convert them to:
name: title.txt

In bash I tried:

for i in *-*;do mv $i `echo $i | sed -e 's/ - /:/'`'done 

but this gives me an error about moving multiple files and needing a directory

You need some additional quoting:

  for i in *-*; do mv $i `echo $i | sed -e 's/ - /: '`; done

... works for me.

I also tried on e-line perl script

perl -we '($new=$_) =~tr/\s-\s/:\s/  rename _$,$new'
   ^^ Did you mean $_ here?
but I get uninitialized value errors.

Yes, because Perl doesn't normally automatically iterate over its input;
you can do it manually, or various switches, like -n, cause it to do so.
tr/// is the wrong operator to use, too; see 'perldoc perlop'.

This works:

  ls -1 | perl -wne 'chomp; ($new=$_) =~ s/ - /: / and rename $_, $new'

You could also opendir() and readdir() yourself, though that's probably
too much effort for a one-liner. And, as somebody else has said, you
might as well just use the rename(1p) utility that comes with Perl.

Also, how would I use these for multiple subdirectories at once?

Look for the recent discussion on this list on the use of find and


Re: Installing tar files

2000-10-22 Thread Colin Watson
Shel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm attempting to install a .tar.gz file.. I've successfully gunzip the
file, but I've forgotten how to complete the rest of the installation
process.. HELP!!!

'tar xzvf filename.tar.gz' is the usual incantation; run 'tar tzvf
filename.tar.gz' first to find out where it's going to put things. If
you've already gunzipped it, leave out the 'z' flag.


Re: ext2 (kernel 2.2) view from Windows?

2000-10-22 Thread Colin Watson
Dan Pomohaci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Are any programs in Windows to mount an ext2 partition (kernel 2.2)?
After I installed a potato system with kernel 2.2.12 (formating the
ext2 partitions) the old Windows ext2fs don't work. 

I believe works,
but I can't remember whether I tried it out before or after starting to
use 2.2-formatted filesystems. It looks promising, though, from an entry
in the changelog:

# version 1.00 pre 2e
#   - 27-4-2000
#   [...]
#   - added detection of features (based on kernel 2.2.14)


Re: Installing tar files

2000-10-22 Thread Shel Johnson

--- Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm attempting to install a .tar.gz file.. I've successfully gunzip the
 file, but I've forgotten how to complete the rest of the installation
 process.. HELP!!!
 'tar xzvf filename.tar.gz' is the usual incantation; run 'tar tzvf
 filename.tar.gz' first to find out where it's going to put things. If
 you've already gunzipped it, leave out the 'z' flag.
Ok, I've run the tar tzvf filename.tar.gz command.. what's next??.. isn't
there some kind of an 'install' command??

ICQ- 23454126

Trying to master Storm Linux 2000

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: gmc 4.5.51 problem

2000-10-22 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Alexey == Alexey Kakunin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alexey I have debian 2.2 installed with glibc updated to 2.1.95 and
Alexey gnome update to last packages.  And I have problem with gmc
Alexey (4.5.51-6) - then I try to start it, I get message:

Alexey gmc --sm-client-id .
Alexey No response to the SaveYourself command.
Alexey The program may be slow, stopped or broken.
Alexey You may wait for it to respond or remove it.

libc6 problem I believe. Complain to the glibc maintainer.

Also compare with 

It seems that something is really broken now, because I logged in as a
root into my workstation from there I logged with my normal account
into NFS server, removed metadata.db (and metadata.lock
directory), tried to login with my normal account and now I can't even
start gmc. Well, I can start it, but nothing comes on screen and after
a while I get No response to SaveYourserlf command 

Actually, when I was finalizing this letter, I noticed that gmc
icons started to pop-up one by one, but its still so slow that its
practically useless. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if some
libraries get updated or new versions pop up from gnome packages. As
last resort, I can always downgrade myself back to stable...

He recompiled the package himself, and this fixed it.


Re: Installing tar files

2000-10-22 Thread Colin Watson
Shel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm attempting to install a .tar.gz file.. I've successfully gunzip the
 file, but I've forgotten how to complete the rest of the installation
 process.. HELP!!!
 'tar xzvf filename.tar.gz' is the usual incantation; run 'tar tzvf
 filename.tar.gz' first to find out where it's going to put things. If
 you've already gunzipped it, leave out the 'z' flag.

Ok, I've run the tar tzvf filename.tar.gz command.. what's next??.. isn't
there some kind of an 'install' command??

Not a generic one, no; this is what packaging systems are for. Read the
documentation in the tarball to find out how to install it. There's
often an INSTALL file. A common sequence of commands for building and
installing from source is:

  make install (this one needs to be done as root, the others don't)

... but check the contents of the tarball first.


Re: Installing tar files

2000-10-22 Thread Vee-Eye
 Ok, I've run the tar tzvf filename.tar.gz command.. what's next??.. isn't
 there some kind of an 'install' command??

Normally there isn't an unique install command, like unix isn't unique ...

Change to the newly created directory (cd xxx) and read the README (yes) or 
there. A frequent procedure is
1) ./configure 
2)  make
3)  make install (you have to be become root to install your compiled



1) I don't know which program you're going to install, but make sure there
isn't a debian package yet.

2) Maybe a basic book on linux could clarify those procedures (for free you
could have a look at before)

(Dr.) Michael Hummel
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518

Description: PGP signature

Re: gcc file : specs ; need infos

2000-10-22 Thread Colin Watson
Matthias Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I like to understand the specs file of gcc. In man gcc i had found no
information about that. Do you know a HOWTO or another document where i can
find an explanation of this file?

'info gcc', Target Macros, Driver.


Re: lpr broken by woody package

2000-10-22 Thread Bob Nielsen
I had a similar problem.  My old printer broke and the libc upgrade
happened before I installed a new one, so I don't know if there is a
connection or not.  When I installed the new printer and magicfilter I
got the same type of error.  I then tried replacing lpr with lprng and
the printer started working.  I assumed I had some sort of
configuration problem, but possibly it is related to lpr and the new
libc in woody.  You might try using lprng.


On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 03:58:15PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
 I wanted to use woody's rpm and apt-get upgraded my libc.  Now lpr is
 no longer working.
 How do I get it back?
 I have tried magicfilterconfig but although the file is spooled,
 connection to /dev/lp1 is refused.  I have also tried /dev/lp0 without
 J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336
  But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss 
   for Christ. Philippians 3:7 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bainbridge Island, WA


2000-10-22 Thread Bob Bernstein
 kms == kmself writes:

kms Is this the same idiot who was asking us for spam software
kms last week?

That's one thread I'm glad I missed!

I can't believe anyone is taking even five seconds to dialogue with
this nitwit! Sheesh. Throw him off the list. Period. Easy. 

kms He's earned his way into my killfile.  Fool me twice, shame
kms on me

I hear ya.

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA


2000-10-22 Thread Stephan Kiesel
I'm debian newby and have set up a linux box running debian 2.2  (potato)
with kernel 2.2.17. Furthermore I have set up an isdn interface teles16.3
non-pnp running with hisax  on ippp0.
The following problem occured:
On starting the system and the isdn services, my ippd0
establishes a connection to my isp nameserver (IP-address:port 53) every 10
minutes without any user activity. I have configuration files in /etc/isdn
but no idea which flag to set. Can anybody help?
thx stephan

Re: Introduction.

2000-10-22 Thread USM Bish
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 02:31:18AM -0500, Jeremy Gaddis wrote:
  Probably wan't to make sure you've got an address. Here's one variant.
  $  /sbin/ifconfig ppp0 | grep 'inet addr:' | sed 's=.*inet
  That's all one line. It shouldn't return anything if you don't have an
  inet addr for ppp0.  Otherwise, it'll return the address.
 if [ -e /var/run/ ] ; then
   echo Your PPP connection is up.
   echo Your PPP connection is down.
 Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The above script works fine .

   A third option is to use  pon  itself with  some
   dedicated  program for monitoring the connections. 

   There is a nice  program which has  come out quite  
   recently called pppstatus  which I got from  the  links  (author: Gabriel Montenegro) 
   This is a nice  console based  program,which gives 
   you all the functions you  need to monitor an  ISP 
   line. Features  include  connect notification,  IP 
   address, current  speed, top  speed,  online time,  
   Tx and Rx packets, bytes received/ transmitted and  
   errors.You can have this running constantly either 
   on a  console or on  an x-term throughout your net 
   I can  mail the  source  tarball in  personal mail 
   (13322 bytes).

USM Bish

Re: Mail not configured. Best mail program?

2000-10-22 Thread Arcadio A. Sincero Jr.
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
I tried to find it, but it does not exist as deb package. Does any body know 
where the
debs are for pine?

Yes, what you need to do is get the pine4-src package (which is in
the non-free section, so update your sources.list file to include the
non-free stuff).  Then after, you install that type the command build-pine
(I think, can't remember the exact command off the top of my head) and a deb
for Pine will be built.

Arcadio A. Sincero Jr.
Computer Science Major at the University of Maryland Baltimore County,
Linux systems administrator, wanna-be Windows and Linux software developer,
amateur competitive bodybuilder and all-around nice guy.

E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Only *I* can prevent narcissism!

Re: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'No such device or address'

2000-10-22 Thread USM Bish
Check dmesg. Re-confirm where your lp device is polled.

USM Bish

On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 02:35:59AM +0200, Moritz Schulte wrote:
 Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'No such device or address',
   attempt 2, sleeping 20 at 07:47:26.313
 Hmm, you know that since Linux 2.2, the first printer is /dev/lp0?
 /* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-10-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 01:36:10PM +0200, Matthias Mann wrote:
 Are you shure that nobody wants and needs some chain letters? I think much
 of these letters are unnecessery. However not all! Isn´t it the content that
 will decide if it is unnecessery or not and not the fact that it is a chain

This mailing list (not newsgroup, by the way) is for discussion of Debian and
related topics.

Your chain letter has nothing to do with Debian, nor even unix or computers
in general.

Therefore, based on the content of your chain letter, it was not appropriate

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+


2000-10-22 Thread Mike wrote:
 on Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 11:38:05AM +0200, Matthias Mann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Preface : This is a little story to think about. It could change your mind,
   cause it´s useful to save life. Author is unknown. This story was
  translated on saturday october 21´th 2000 by MatMan. I´m very
  sorry if they are some mistakes into text. I´m a german boy (29 yet,
  but i have to learn!) There seems to be no copyright : Copy it. So
  much you like!
  Death Of The Innocent Girl
 Is this the same idiot who was asking us for spam software last week?

Yup.  Same guy.

 He's earned his way into my killfile.  Fool me twice, shame on me

And now mine.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: (Psion) plptools compilation error

2000-10-22 Thread Colin Watson
Has anyone managed to compile plptools (unfortunately there's no
Debian package)? I found no email address, and I couldn't even find
out who's the author.

Where can we get the source code?

I get this error on my up-to-date potato system:

Making all in plpftp
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/andre/plptools-0.6/plpftp'
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../include -I../lib-O2 -Wall -c In function `int checkAbortHash(long int)': implicit declaration of function `int printf(...)' `stdout' undeclared (first use this function)

Looks like somebody forgot to #include stdio.h.


Re: isdn-problem

2000-10-22 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 06:37:38PM +0200, Stephan Kiesel wrote: 

 On starting the system and the isdn services, my ippd0
 establishes a connection to my isp nameserver (IP-address:port 53) every 10
 minutes without any user activity. I have configuration files in /etc/isdn
 but no idea which flag to set. Can anybody help?

Look at /etc/isdn/device.ippp0 and search for DIALMODE.
This should be set to manual unless you know what you are doing.

I need a specific for AC/DC Adaptor for VD56SM modem

2000-10-22 Thread Tommaso Finizio
I need a specific for AC/DC Adaptor for VD56SM modem:
output voltage and current

Recording mp3 files to a CD

2000-10-22 Thread Bob Nielsen
I've been trying to record a few audio .mp3 files to a CD-R.  The
CD-Writing-HOWTO says to use mpg123 with a --cdr option to create the
correct format, which can then be written to the CD with cdrecord,
however the version of mpg123 in potato (0.59r-6) does not appear to
support this and I can't find a new version.  I tried decoding the mp3
without --cdr and was able to write to a CD-R disc. When I attempt
to play it back the tracks are recognized but there is no audio output.

I also tried using freeamp with the waveout.pmo plugin to create a .wav
file from a .mp3 file.  This is supposed to cause the .wav file to be
written in ~/MyMusic, but nothing appears there.

Has anyone on the list figured out how to record mp3 to a CD?   Is
there a version of sox which supports the mp3 format?

Bainbridge Island, WA

DSL dns problems

2000-10-22 Thread steve
Hello, I wonder if anyone has any input on some serious dns problems I'm
having w/ swbell's dsl service.

I'm using dhcpcd, and over the last week or so (after a new system
install) I'm having serious speed/name resolution problems.

Pings and traceroutes are running from 50ms up to 200ms, if I can even
get to the targets at all.

My question is, could this be some configuration problem on my end, or
are their dns servers having serious problems?

Does anyone have any ideas on anything I should check, before
complaining to swbell?

Thanks for any input.



2000-10-22 Thread will trillich
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 01:36:10PM +0200, Matthias Mann wrote:
 Some people like to make big panic at media. Every day this happens on
 radio, tv and also in the internet. If i would beleve al this informaitions
 i had always fear to get a virus (equal whether i get it on compuer or my
 body) or another very bad thing will happen with me. And i´m not stupid,
 cause i look for the best i can do to prevent the bad result. In this case i
 checked my computer for viruses and nothing would be find. The chain letter
 seems to be clean. And don´t forget : Nobody is perfect. So please respect
 me if i made a mistake.

don't propagate a chain letter through a list group. not cool.
we all signed up to exchange information about debian and its
related software. rudness of the first degree, to use that
forum to broadcast unrelated junk.


 I you where the owner of this newsgroup i would respect your request and you
 would see no more chain letters of me here. And if i think about sending
 another chain letter to this place i will think on you. If here are more
 then one people who ton´t like those letters i think it is better for all to
 let it be. And i think i will not send another chain letter again into this
 newsgroup. I got much of chain letters in the last three years and this was
 the only one that i liked to send it others, cause it has an important

i don't own the newsgroup. nobody really does -- it's a community of folk
who want to share info regarding debian.

if you insist on stumping for your pet projects, please have the decorum
to send it directly to people you know, who aren't likely to be offended
by your efforts.

 Are you shure that nobody wants and needs some chain letters? I think much
 of these letters are unnecessery. However not all! Isn´t it the content that
 will decide if it is unnecessery or not and not the fact that it is a chain

i can't say i speak for everybody, but i can say with certainty
that *I* do not like them, want them, appreciate them, or
tolerate them. i don't know of anyone (over the age of 13)
who even thinks they are entertaining.

unless it's a chain-letter spoof, that's well executed.
but even then, it would not belong on this list.

people on a newsgroup have a lot of control over the messages
they receive, and several of the posts that followed your
message indicated that you're in their killfile. that means
they AUTOMATICALLY delete any messages coming from you.
so if you're asking for help, you won't get it, because you
already encouraged them to tune you out.

debian-user is for debian information exchange. think, THEN act.

self-reference, n: see self-reference.


Re: cgi-bin security

2000-10-22 Thread will trillich
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 09:06:48AM -0400, Thomas R. Shemanske wrote:
 I administer a couple of linux machines (potato based), and have a user
 which want to run cgi-bin scripts, and I would like to know if there are
 security concerns.
 Currently all cgi-bin scripts which run are in /usr/lib/cgi-bin and
 owned by root.  As far as I can tell Apache is configured to look only
 there for such scripts.  My recollection is that is used to be
 otherwise.  There is apparently an Apache option to allow users to run
 cgi scripts called suEXEC, but this looks like I could open myself for
 trouble than it is worth.
 On the other hand, there appears to be an easy solution, but I am
 unclear as the the security implications.  Here is the proposed
 To allow userX to execute cgi scripts from ~userX/public_html/cgi-bin, 

DirectoryMatch ^/home/.*/public_html
order allow,deny
allow from all
Options +Indexes +Includes -FollowSymLinks
DirectoryMatch ^/home/.*/public_html/cgi
Options +ExecCGI
SetHandler cgi-script

or maybe

DirectoryMatch ^/home/.*/public_html
FilesMatch \.cgi$
Options +ExecCGI
SetHandler cgi-script

there are other methods (tmtowtdi). don't cut  paste
unless you understand the security implications!

 Then userX can access her scripts via http://

better yet,  or
http://the.server/~login/something.cgi  respectively.

 Since apache runs as www-data, does www-data own the cgi script?  Does
 the user own the script?  If the script executes rm -rf /*, what

users should have ownership of their own scripts, so that their
scripts can do no more damage than they can at the shell. also
be conscious of group membership for your users, and the consequences.

% groups someusername
see who's in which groups
# usermod
change default and auxiliary groups for any user (as root)
% ls -l directory/
see user/group ownership per file

self-reference, n: see self-reference.


Idea: Master Debian FAQ (newbie-centric)

2000-10-22 Thread William Jensen
Greetings folks,

As a newcomer to Debian I, like many since I've joined this list, ask typical
newbie questions about the some basic things.  If we take a step back and look
at the big picture there is a basic group of things new users want to get
accomplished.  For example most users want to send mail to other people.  While
we could say to them go RTFM! that is hardly what they are asking for.  If
they did take that RTFM many of them do you think would stay
around?  Not a lot likely.  HOWTO's, README's, etc are fine and dandy and
very informative once you have a base knowledge under your belt and you can 
appreciate what they are.  But for someone that is brand new it is just
overwhelming.  What I'm getting around to saying is how can we, the Debian
community, set up some newbie FAQ's that are tailored specifically at the
very new person trying out linux and doesn't want every switch explained
in detail.  Most people, if I am not mistaken, want easy to understand
documentation that gets them up and running fast with concrete examples of
the cmd in action for a variety of most used scenarios.  Take the following

email, ssh, http, sound, xwindows, security, word processors, tar

Each one of those topics probably has a handful of how do I associated with
it that a very new user would typically ask to this list.  First off I'd like
to ask if someone has already gathered a FAQ like this for Debian.  If not,
I'd like to volunteer my time in creating (when I have the knowledge) parts
of the FAQ.  Some basic questions come up though and these I throw out to you,
the Debian community:

1. Who would house/display the FAQ so it is always available.
2. Who can contribute and how?
3. Who does quality control checks?
4. How do you submit an article to be included?
5. What would be a successful structure/format?
6. Would the Debian main page hold a link to this if it's done well and tailored
   toward Debian?

Again, I'd like to be part of this and am willing do devote some of my time
to getting easy to understand documentation out to newbies...of which I still
consider myself a member.  I have several other newbie friends that I provide
tech support to on linux and most of the time I end up referring them to a
spot on my home website that I have documented how I was able to get things
working for myself.

If your interested in this project or have suggestions please feel free to 
contact me on the list here or privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  It would
be a shame to let all the talent that people on this list have stored in their
heads go to waste by being burned out by constant repeats of the same question.


Bill Jensen

Re: lpr broken by woody package

2000-10-22 Thread Johann Spies

 libc in woody.  You might try using lprng.

Thanks.  It worked!


J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336
 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss 
  for Christ. Philippians 3:7 

VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed

2000-10-22 Thread Angelo Cano

I have a few questions:

1) Has anyone out there managed to fix the kernel VM problem by 
upgrading to the 2.4 kernel?

Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for rxvt...
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for netstat...

Other people have reported this problem on the list and it was recommended
that they upgrade to 2.2.18, but searching around with google and
dejanews I found a few 2.2.18 people who were still having the same problem.

2) How do you know if you are running a pre kernel version?

In order to upgrade to 2.2.18 I think I have to apply Alan Cox's patch
against 2.2.17pre20 or something, but I have no idea where to get
2.2.17pre20.  At they didn't list pre kernels, just
2.2.15, 2.2.16, 2.2.17, etc.  I assumed that the listings at
where the the final versions, so I gave 2.2.17 a shot.  It seems
to work a little better than the stock Debian 2.2 kernel (2.2.17pre6 ?) 
in that it doesn't crash as much, but the VM problem is still there.

I just don't understand the whole pre thing.

3) Isn't 'dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.17_custom.1.0_i386.deb' supposed to
install a kernel named /boot/vmlinuz_2.2.17-Custom.1.0 ???
Instead, it simply overwrote my previous kernel image (/boot/vmlinux-2.2.17):

{acano} [~]$ ls -l /vm*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   20 Oct 19 14:24 /vmlinuz - 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   19 Sep 16 07:10 /vmlinuz.old - 

Debian FAQ section 9.2:

* Install the package created.

 * `Run dpkg --install /usr/src/kernel-image-VVV_Custom.N.deb'
   to install the kernel itself.  The installation script will:

  * run the boot loader, LILO (if it is installed),

  * install the custom kernel in
/boot/vmlinuz_VVV-Custom.N, and set up appropriate
symbolic links to the most recent kernel version.

  * prompt the user to make a boot floppy.  This boot
floppy will contain the raw kernel only.  See Section
9.3, `How can I make a custom boot floppy?'.

4) Will I need to upgrade anything else if I move up to the 2.4 kernels?

Thanks :)

Re: DSL dns problems

2000-10-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 10:22:42PM -0500, steve wrote:
 Pings and traceroutes are running from 50ms up to 200ms, if I can even
 get to the targets at all.
 My question is, could this be some configuration problem on my end, or
 are their dns servers having serious problems?

Verify that nothing in your local config has changed, try pinging several
different hosts in different areas (if the problem is just with one host or
subnet, the problem could be on their end), then call your telco.

If this were a DNS problem, there would be a delay before the first ping
was sent (while DNS does hostname-to-IP translation), but the ping times
would be unaffected (since they're sent to the IP address, not the hostname).

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed

2000-10-22 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 15:40:58 -0500, Angelo Cano wrote:
 2) How do you know if you are running a pre kernel version?

Run uname -r.

 In order to upgrade to 2.2.18 I think I have to apply Alan Cox's patch
 against 2.2.17pre20 or something, but I have no idea where to get
 2.2.17pre20.  At they didn't list pre kernels, just
 2.2.15, 2.2.16, 2.2.17, etc.

It does, but in a different location: /pub/linux/kernel/people/alan/ .

Alan's release notes for 2.2.18pre17 include
:Must fix stuff left to do for 2.2.18final
:-   Get to the bottom of the VM mystery if possible

 I just don't understand the whole pre thing.

What's there to understand? Linus is focussing on 2.4; Alan and others are
still working on the 2.2.x series; Alan bundles their patches and makes them
available as prereleases; once they're sufficiently stable, they may get
Linus' blessing and be released as an official 2.2.x kernel.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: Introduction.

2000-10-22 Thread Erik Steffl
Rick Hayner wrote:
 Hello to all here.
 I am a very new debian user, and I have some questions, as well as I
 want to introduce myself.
 My name is Rick Hayner, and I am 52 years of age, totally blind since
 birth, and also have mild Cerebral Palsy.
 I have been a debian user since sunday.  I'm looking for some
 information concerning the /etc directory structure.  because of the
 way the confituration utility is written, i am having some problems
 using it, so I would like to be able to find out where the
 configuration files for different packages are installed.  Any

  just read the files, mostof the packages have the config file the same
(or similar) to either package name or program name. Config files for X
programs are (mostly?) under /etc/X11

  I think you're just going to have to go through the files, read them,
read the comments etc... at least that's what I do.

  it often helps to use dpkg -L packageName to find out which files were

  note that some config files are automatically generated from files
that each package provides - for example /etc/modules.conf

 documentation concerning this would be emencely helpful.  I have been
 using slackware for a year and a half, but now that I've used apt-get,
 there is no way I'm ever changing distros again.
 I have one other comment.  I had to have pon modified, because when it
 is run as it is installed, there is nothing echoed to the terminal or
 the console to tell me whether my connection succeded or failed.  I
 it in the background solved this problem for me.  If anyone has a
 better suggestion, I'd like to hear about it.


  tail -f /var/log/ppp.log

  it won't notify you automatically but if you read it you will see
what's going on...


Re: Book Recommendations...

2000-10-22 Thread kmself
on Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 05:40:55AM -0500, MarkEmmanuel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hi all!!!  I installed Debian Linux on my Macintosh and I was looking for
 book recommendations for a beginner user.  The most I know about Linux/Unix
 are the basic commands like ls, chmod, and cd. (I love shell accounts...)
 I'm getting really tired of switching to MacOS so I can use the Internet as
 a reference and there are many common questions I'm sure the book can answer
 that the community doesn't have to.

My standard book plug follows.

Linux Books mini-FAQ

Karsten M. Self
Written:  Saturday October  7, 2000
Modified:  Saturday October  7, 2000

In response to the perennial read any good books lately question,
vis-a-vis Linux and Unix, I've compiled the following.  Prices are

General Linux  getting started guides.

Mark G. Sobell, _A Practical Guide to Linux_, Addison-Wesley, © 1997 
ISBN 0-201-89549-8, US$40

Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman, _Running Linux, 3rd Edition_  O'Reilly, ©
2000.  ISBN 1-56592-151-8, US$30

General Linux/Unix system administration -- more advanced topics.  Each
of these references is a classic.  You don't need all three (though I've
got a copy of each), but you'll find within each the distilled wisdom of
experienced system administrators.

AEleen Frisch, _Essential System Administration : Help for Unix
System Administrators_, O'Reilly, © 1996, 788 pages.  ISBN
1-56592-127-5. US$35

Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, Trent R. Hein _UNIX System
Administration Handbook_ (Bk\CD ROM), Prentice Hall, © 1995, 780
pages, ISBN: 0-13151-051-7. US$75

M. Carling, Stephen Degler,  James Dennis, _Linux System
Administration_, New Riders, © 2000, 337 pages. ISBN 1-56205-934-3.

It was the following two books (actually, the earlier _UNIX in a
Nutshell_) which put me over the hump in becoming familiar and
experienced with Unix and Linux.  I still refer frequently to each text
when trying to accomplish a complex system task or needing command
syntax and examples that the man pages just don't provide.

Brief command and system reference:

Ellen Siever, Stephen Spainhour, Stephen Figgins, Jessica P. Hekman
_Linux in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition_, O'Reilly, © 2000, 650 pages,
ISBN 1-56592-167-4. US$35

Shell and tools cook book:

Jerry D. Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides, _UNIX Power Tools, 2nd
Edition_, O'Reilly, © 1997, 1120 pages, ISBN: 1-56592-260-3, US$55

You want to reach out and touch someone?  The NAG, as it's
affectionately known, is available online in electronic format, but you
can take the hardcopy to your favorite cafe, the beach, or that most
popluar of technical reading environments, the WC.


 Olaf Kirch, Terry Dawson, _Linux Network Administrator's Guide_
 (2nd Edition), O'Reilly, © 2000, 474 pages, ISBN  1-56592-400-2.

...when you're tired of people reaching out and touching you...
Garfinkel and Spafford is a classic, though slightly time-worn.  Its
emphasis on philosophy over specific toolsets, and a strong vision on
the part of the authors makes it a worthwhile read even now.

Sonnenreich and Yates have published an excellet guide not just to
building a firewall (this Debian GNU/Linux fan highly recommends the
OpenBSD route), but some excellent front-matter on contemporary elements
and aspects of network security.  Be sure to look at the companion
website as it contains up-to-date information concerning recent changes
to software and distributions, and more advanced firewalling,
monitoring, and proactive security tools.


Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford, _Practical Unix and Internet
Security_, O'Reilly, © 1996, 1004 pages, ISBN: 1-56592-148-8 

Wes Sonnenreich, Tom Yates, _Building Linux and OpenBSD Firewalls_,
John Wiley  Sons, © 2000, 384 pages.  ISBN: 0-47135-366-3.  US$40

As Richard Stallman says, using vi isn't a sin, it's a pennance.  This
handy pocket guide will give you (or answer) a prayer.

Arnold Robbins, _vi Editor Pocket Reference_, O'Reilly, ISBN
1-56592-497-5, US$6.95

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: ntpdate

2000-10-22 Thread kmself
on Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 01:40:29AM +0200, Philipp Schulte ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 04:55:09PM -0500, Larry Shields wrote: 
  Try this, first off, comment out the first two lines as it tells you to do,
  then use this:
  From the command line, or added it to the script...
  ntpdate -b -s
  ntpdate -b -s
  Hope this helps...
 No, unfortunaly it didn't but now I am pretty sure it's because
 ntp-Requests get blocked by our local firewall.
 Thanks for your answers.

You might want to enquire as to whether or not there is a local
timeserver machine on your network.  This is freuquently (though not
always) the case.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

apt-get question

2000-10-22 Thread Wayde C Gutman
This what I have gone through so far,

First tried to apt-get dist-update with the following in
/ect/apt/sources.list, 0.3.19
also tried,

Result: E: Malformed line 9

Per instruction at the,

Took a look at the /var/state/apt/lists/partial/
Found the following,

Once again, E: Malformed line 9

What seems to me is wrong is the second _dists_ in the
Tried to fire up the editor to edit that out, couldn't bring up and I am
at /root

What am I not seeing and how to get this box to upgrade to potato/kernel
2.2.17 ?


Re: ext2 (kernel 2.2) view from Windows?

2000-10-22 Thread kmself
on Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 05:08:38PM +0300, Dan Pomohaci ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Are any programs in Windows to mount an ext2 partition (kernel 2.2)?
 After I installed a potato system with kernel 2.2.12 (formating the
 ext2 partitions) the old Windows ext2fs don't work. 

A Google search for Windows Linux filesystem explorer brings up a
number of results for both Win9x and WinNT.

I've no experience with any of these tools.

Another option is to export a Samba filesystem from a GNU/Linux box,
though I suspect you're trying to access ext2fs partition(s) from a
dual-boot system.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re[2]: Really strange problems with package handeling

2000-10-22 Thread Ikarus
Sunday, October 22, 2000, 10:38:38 PM, you wrote:

BS On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Ikarus wrote:
 I've got a really strange problem using dpkg apt-get and other package
 handeling tools when I attempt to do anyting (like: apt-get install
 apache) it gives the following error: shell-init: could not get current 
 directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or 
 What does this error mean and what can I do about it

BS That the program (bash) is in a dir the user running it does not have
BS read permission for; I've had it happen when su-ing around or if I
BS delete a dir a user is working in.  Don't worry about it unless some
BS program is bombing out because of it.

The first problem was because of some nice effects with su like you
said I found that out just now

 Also I've got in my syslog and message log a lot of messages like:
 Oct 21 01:10:13 Mercury kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
 Oct 21 01:10:13 Mercury kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for bitchx...
 And many more for every program I'm running. Its also allmost at the
 exact time I'm installing/removing packages could this be related and

BS You are low on virtual memory (VM) and the kernel is failing when it
BS tries to free some for the programs running... either get more RAM, make
BS another (or larger) swap partition, create a swap file, or shutdown some
BS of the programs running when you are installing packages.  The messages
BS are not a problem unless running programs are being killed when you try
BS to use them.

I thought 60 VM would be enough with 32 MB ram but then I'll just have
to make even more swapspace availible

 if so how do I fix it everything seems to be going wrong on my machine

BS such as...

I had some problems related to Apache + PHP4 + mysql that I thought
where related to these problems but I'm working on that one with a
friend of mine.



 Ikarusmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing tar files

2000-10-22 Thread kmself
on Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 07:50:19AM -0700, Shel Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 --- Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Shel Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm attempting to install a .tar.gz file.. I've successfully gunzip the
  file, but I've forgotten how to complete the rest of the installation
  process.. HELP!!!
  'tar xzvf filename.tar.gz' is the usual incantation; run 'tar tzvf
  filename.tar.gz' first to find out where it's going to put things. If
  you've already gunzipped it, leave out the 'z' flag.
  Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ok, I've run the tar tzvf filename.tar.gz command.. what's next??.. isn't
 there some kind of an 'install' command??

Expanding on several other responses.

A tar archive isn't a sofware packaging format, it's a structure for
archiving a set of files to be easily transportable or saved to backup
media.  Essentially, you're putting everything into a box.

In the same sense that a box can hold a wide range of things (cookies,
clothes, furniture, books, live chickens, an exotic dancer), a tar
archive can hold files, programs, data, system backups, or possibly a
build tree for some software.

Usually there are instructions either at the site from which you
obtained the file or in the top-level directory of the archive itself
which tell you how to proceed once you've received the archive.
Typically, this will be a file named README or INSTALL.

Check the archive itself, the site you received it from, or provide
specific details on what it is you've downloaded and/or are trying to do
with it.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: exim help needed

2000-10-22 Thread Carel Fellinger
Hai Krzys,

sorry to bud in so late, and for breaking the thread referencing
but it was only after I deleted the whole thread from within mutt
that I realised that I might offer some help. I picked up your
first request from the muc.list.debian.user netnews copy of debian-user.

 Newsgroups: muc.lists.debian.user
 OK I've given up on sendmail. On  to exim now. Here are the features I
 want. Right now, it looks like sending mail fails silently.
 -  cron   jobs  can   send  mail  to   root,  who  forwards   them  to
 - remote machines can't send mail to my machine (ie don't run a daemon
 on port 25)
 - outgoing mail  (e.g. from Mutt) send via  localhost:6025 which is port
 forwarded to

As was pointed out to you, and you already started doing, you have to
reconfigure exim to use a smart-host. Then do some editing in /etc/exim.conf:

  Add a transport in the Transport section:

   driver = smtp
   port = 6025

  Start the Router section with:

   driver = domainlist
   transport = tunneled_smtp
   self = send
   route_list = * localhost byname

And of you go! That is, if the port is forwarded in time.
It works here, but I give no garantees:)

Just curious, what tricks do you use to create this port forwarding?
And is it created on the fly?

groetjes, carel

IPCHAINS and potato

2000-10-22 Thread Burkhard Zombronner
Does anybody can give me an advise if the box standard kernel 2.2 from potato 
supports already ipchains+masquerading and how can I find out?

Thanks and regards

Burkhard Zombronner

Re: Recording mp3 files to a CD

2000-10-22 Thread mike

On Sun, 22 Oct 2000 12:00:39 -0700, Bob Nielsen said:

 I've been trying to record a few audio .mp3 files to a CD-R.  The
  CD-Writing-HOWTO says to use mpg123 with a --cdr option to create the
  correct format, which can then be written to the CD with cdrecord,
  however the version of mpg123 in potato (0.59r-6) does not appear to
  support this and I can't find a new version.  I tried decoding the mp3
  without --cdr and was able to write to a CD-R disc. When I attempt
  to play it back the tracks are recognized but there is no audio output.
  I also tried using freeamp with the waveout.pmo plugin to create a .wav
  file from a .mp3 file.  This is supposed to cause the .wav file to be
  written in ~/MyMusic, but nothing appears there.
  Has anyone on the list figured out how to record mp3 to a CD?   Is
  there a version of sox which supports the mp3 format?

I have used 'gtoaster' which is a gui that uses all the standard
programs including mp123 but has a drag and drop
panel to select cd's and mp3's.
Also you can use 'xmms' and its DirectWriterPlugin to convert mp3 to
wav files and then just use 'cdrecord' on the
cmd line. Read  about this at

gEEk||dOOd^Deb+ianXFce$everything goesPronto(-_-)

Re: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed

2000-10-22 Thread C. Falconer

1) Has anyone out there managed to fix the kernel VM problem by
upgrading to the 2.4 kernel?

Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for rxvt...
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
Oct 22 03:11:26 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for netstat...

Other people have reported this problem on the list and it was recommended
that they upgrade to 2.2.18, but searching around with google and
dejanews I found a few 2.2.18 people who were still having the same problem.

On a similar but different note - I get this booting the potato disks on a 
laptop with 4 Mb ram, but its

Oct 20 14:22:55 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for init...
Oct 20 14:22:55 debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapper...

Can you free up ram by running sync periodically?

Is there something common in swap partition configs?

4) Will I need to upgrade anything else if I move up to the 2.4 kernels?

Modutils comes to mind straight away


Re: IPCHAINS and potato

2000-10-22 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 23:11, Burkhard Zombronner wrote:

 Does anybody can give me an advise if the box standard kernel 2.2 from potato 
 supports already ipchains+masquerading and how can I find out?

Alas, there are several box stock kernels in potato, depending on how
you installed. But, all will do the following for you:

$ ls /boot  chain.bmbr.bvmlinuz-2.2.17
boot.b config-2.2.17  os2_d.b

And then you can have a look:

$ grep FIRE /boot/config-2.2.17

$ grep MASQ /boot/config-2.2.17

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: What windows ssh client you use?

2000-10-22 Thread Chris Baker
Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using PuTTY from windows to ssh to my debian box but I find that it
 disconnects my session after some idle time.
 Is it a ssh setting (coz I can't find it) or it's my ssh client?

I used to use putty, but now cygwin includes openssh, so I use that.
If you like unix but need to use win32, you *really* should install
cygwin anyway:

Best wishes,


Re: perl and ssmtp

2000-10-22 Thread phiLLip maDDux II
I ended up using the Reply-To: in the header... that works and is an okay 
solution, but
I'm still waiting to hear from other sources of help about why From: is not 

Timmy Douglas wrote:

 i think that is all you have to do.
 the only thing that i can think of is
 that you might have the same option equal
 to no earlier in the file that might mess
 it up but i'm not sure...

 On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 05:01:27PM -0400, phiLLip maDDux II wrote:
  Unfortunately adding that line to my ssmtp.conf did not work.
  sSMTP does not run as a process so I assume this file is parsed each time 
  mail is
  sent... so I should not have to do anything but add the line, save the 
  file, and try
  it again correct?
  Timmy Douglas wrote:
   On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 03:31:04PM -0400, phiLLip maDDux II wrote:
I have a perl program that makes a call to ssmtp on the system to send
out an email. When I send out the email I specify the from:  however it
does not work, it always makes it look like the email came from
Does anybody have any suggestions of what I should look for? Do I need
to give more info to help determine the problem?
Thank you!
   is this in your /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf?
   # Set this to never rewrite the From: line (unless not given) and to
   # use that address in the from line of the envelope.
   i think that should work.
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Re: Recording mp3 files to a CD

2000-10-22 Thread Mike
Bob Nielsen wrote:
 Has anyone on the list figured out how to record mp3 to a CD?   Is
 there a version of sox which supports the mp3 format?

I'll throw in a second for gtoaster.  I've been looking for something to do
MP3 - Audio CD myself, and gtoaster fits the bill nicely.  I just got done
making my first CD with it - listening to it as I type this - and I'll say
it was well worth the download.

When you install gtoaster, it'll install a whole bunch of other utils that
it uses.  Things like mpg123, sox, cddawav, and a whole slew of others. 
Basically it seems to be just a GUI front-end to all those others.  But
gtoaster certainly makes it easy to put it all together.

The only bobble I had with getting it running was I wound up having to set
the prog SUID root.  As this is a single user system, I'm not worried.  But
others might be.  I'm sure there's a better way than just doing SUID root,
but I was too impatient.  Later, I *will* be checking out how to get it
running without being SUID.  But for now I'm happy - it *works*.

Oh yeah.  gtoaster is a Gnomeified package.  As such, it depends on a number
of Gnome libraries.  The docs made it sound like it can be built from source
so that it does *not* depend on Gnome, but I didn't check that too closely
as I do use Gnome.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recording mp3 files to a CD

2000-10-22 Thread Brian Stults
I put all the mp3's in a directory and from that directory I run the
following script.  Use the argument clean to first erase the cd if
it's CDRW.


if [[ $1 == clean ]]
cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0 blank=fast

for I in *.mp3
mpg123 --cdr - $I | cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0 -audio -nopad
-nofix -
cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0 -fix

Mike wrote:
 Bob Nielsen wrote:
  Has anyone on the list figured out how to record mp3 to a CD?   Is
  there a version of sox which supports the mp3 format?
 I'll throw in a second for gtoaster.  I've been looking for something to do
 MP3 - Audio CD myself, and gtoaster fits the bill nicely.  I just got done
 making my first CD with it - listening to it as I type this - and I'll say
 it was well worth the download.
 When you install gtoaster, it'll install a whole bunch of other utils that
 it uses.  Things like mpg123, sox, cddawav, and a whole slew of others.
 Basically it seems to be just a GUI front-end to all those others.  But
 gtoaster certainly makes it easy to put it all together.
 The only bobble I had with getting it running was I wound up having to set
 the prog SUID root.  As this is a single user system, I'm not worried.  But
 others might be.  I'm sure there's a better way than just doing SUID root,
 but I was too impatient.  Later, I *will* be checking out how to get it
 running without being SUID.  But for now I'm happy - it *works*.
 Oh yeah.  gtoaster is a Gnomeified package.  As such, it depends on a number
 of Gnome libraries.  The docs made it sound like it can be built from source
 so that it does *not* depend on Gnome, but I didn't check that too closely
 as I do use Gnome.
 Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
   | everything is of great understanding,
 '91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
 Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: fetchmail

2000-10-22 Thread Ross Boylan
Some of these problems might be from the mail server, not the
fetchmail client.  I know mail servers can do things like making a
complete copy of your spool file before + after processing.  So there
can be quite a delay for them to get going.

On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 01:40:20PM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 18 Oct 2000, Rino Mardo wrote:
  it means either the name was not resolving at the exact time and date OR
  that it timedout while checking for mails.
  sounds crazy i know but that's my experience with fetchmail having used it 
  over two years now.  anyway, i'm open to more reasonable explanation.
  Who's watching the watchmen?
 I still get problems intermittently with fetchmail pausing for a long
 time while getting the first messsage. I thought I'd fixed it by editing
 /etc/hosts but it still happens sometimes. At other times it works
 Anthing else worth checking?
 Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
 Over 100 book reviews:
 Skeptical articles:
 Palo y tente tieso. (Spanish proverb)
 Free translation: Holdfast is your only dog.
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Re: Help: S3 Savage4

2000-10-22 Thread csj
Maybe it's because you're using woody. Potatoes should be more edible :)

On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Chris Gray wrote:
 OK.  I've installed woody on my home system and set up X with the SVGA
 server and it works fine, but I still have the same problem I had under
 slink:  when I exit the Xserver in any way (Alt+Ctl+F#, Alt+Ctl+Backspace,
 Logout, Restart the window manager) the screen goes black with the click
 of the video card switching modes and after that the system responds only
 to the reset button.  I can switch screen resolutions fine.
 Is part of the problem that I don't know the exact model of my card?
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2000-10-22 Thread doppo
I was used to work with slackware + blackbox (last version) when I had
discovered this amazing distro called Debian.
The install works fine, couldn't be better, but after installing blackbox on
it, I found something strange:
There's a blackbox bar and in debian it became huge, I think it's because of
the font set in X, but I'm not sure.
Any suggestions?



Re: apt-get question

2000-10-22 Thread Colin Watson
Wayde C Gutman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This what I have gone through so far,

First tried to apt-get dist-update

That should be dist-upgrade, I hope ...

with the following in /ect/apt/sources.list, 0.3.19
also tried,

This isn't the format that sources.list lines need to be in. Generally
speaking, apt-get is intelligent enough that you don't need to specify
as many details as you have. In fact, you can't specify as many details
as you have, or at least not in that way. :) Read 'man 5 sources.list'
if you want to write that file yourself.

For general use in potato, retrieving all sections, you need lines like

deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato non-US/main non-US/contrib 

... and the same with 'deb' replaced by 'deb-src' if you want to get
sources as well as binaries.

However, the particular file you're trying to get is not in an
apt-gettable repository. To install it, just download it with your
favourite FTP client and do 'dpkg -i apt_0.3.19_i386.deb' - simple as
that. apt-get won't get confused by you doing things with raw dpkg.

Took a look at the /var/state/apt/lists/partial/
Found the following,

Once again, E: Malformed line 9

What seems to me is wrong is the second _dists_ in the

Yes, indeed. Looks like you tried to say something like:

  deb potato main contrib non-free

... or something strange like that [1]. It won't work - use the lines

[1] Even that would give you an extra 'main_' in the filename above ...

Tried to fire up the editor to edit that out, couldn't bring up and I am
at /root

What were you trying to edit? Normally you wouldn't use an editor to
change filenames in a directory, well, unless you fired up a shell from
inside emacs or something. :)


vtwm won't show icon manager no way no how

2000-10-22 Thread Krzys Majewski
I  broke  my vtwm!  It  will no  longer  automatically  show the  icon
manager, no matter what nice things  I say to it. 
Anybody else had this?

### file .twmrc
# $XConsortium: system.twmrc,v 1.7 89/12/01 11:23:47 jim Exp $
# Default twm configuration file; needs to be kept small to conserve string
# space in systems whose compilers don't handle medium-sized strings.
# Sites should tailor this file, providing any extra title buttons, menus, etc.
# that may be appropriate for their environment.  For example, if most of the
# users were accustomed to uwm, the defaults could be set up not to decorate
# any windows and to use meta-keys.

ClearBevelContrast 25
BorderBevelWidth 2
BorderWidth 0
Zoom 0
DefaultFunction Main Menu
# IconManagerGeometry 169x138-0+0 1
IconManagerGeometry 400x138-0+0 1
#IconRegion 1000x100-0-0 South West 1 1
MoveDelta 1
XorValue 65535
IconDirectory /usr/X/include/X11/bitmaps
#IconDirectory /usr/local/mouseX/include/bitmaps
#IconDirectory /usr/openwin/include/X11/bitmaps
UnknownIcon xlogo32

# First select your fonts
#IconManagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-80-*-*-*
#IconManagerFont -adobe-times-*-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*
#IconManagerFont -adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-14-130-*-*-*-74-*-*
IconManagerFont 7x13
#MenuFont   -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
#MenuFont   -adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-14-130-*-*-*-74-*-*
ResizeFont  -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
#TitleFont  -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
TitleFont   -adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-14-130-*-*-*-74-*-*

# Next your colors
BorderColor grey35
#   BorderColor white
#   {
#   xclock   black
#   xbiffblack
#   xloadblack
#   xconsole black
#   TWM  black
#   TWM Icon Manager black
#   TimeTracker 1.98  black
#   }
#   BorderTileBackground grey50
#   BorderTileForeground grey15
BorderTileBackground black
BorderTileForeground black
TimeTracker 1.98  black
DefaultForeground grey50
DefaultBackground black
IconBackground black
IconBorderColor black
IconForeground black
IconManagerBackground black
#   IconManagerForeground grey35
IconManagerForeground green
IconManagerHighlight grey50
MenuBackground black
MenuForeground green
#   MenuForeground grey50
MenuShadowColor black
MenuTitleBackground grey50
MenuTitleForeground black
TitleBackground grey35
TitleForeground black
DesktopDisplayBackground black

Frame top_left_arrow
Title top_left_arrow
Icon  top_left_arrow
IconMgr   top_left_arrow
Move  fleur
Menu  sb_left_arrow
Wait  spider
Destroy   pirate

WindowRing {



#  IconManagerDontShow
#  {
#  #xconsole
#  xlassie
#  tkbiff
#  Cardfiler
#  Calculator
#  Composition
#  Information
#  xbiff
#  xcalc
#  oclock
#  xclock
#  xbuffy 
#  session
#  xdir
#  xload
#  xpostit
#  swisswatch
#  TimeTracker 1.98 
#  #   Netscape: __fox
#  }

xfig  xfig.icon
rxvt rxvt.icon

#  NoRaiseOnWarp
#  {
#   session
#  }
#  NoTitle
#  {
##  rxvt
#TimeTracker 1.98 
#  TWM
#VTWM Icon Manager
#TWM Icon Manager
#  }

  VTWM Icon Manager
# Unfortunately, the following applies to man pages as well as the browser:

#   Netscape: Find
Netscape: Bookmark Properties
VTWM Icon Manager

#  WarpCursor { 
#   Netscape: Find
#  }


Function mo-twink
f.exec exec twink

Function mo-tin
f.exec rxvt -iconic -T news -n news -e tin 

Function mo-netscape
#f.exec netscape -iconic 

Re: Recording mp3 files to a CD

2000-10-22 Thread Bob Nielsen
That worked just fine; thanks.  It's almost the same as the script in
the HOWTO, but I think I must have had something set up wrong when
I tried that one.

On Sun, Oct 22, 2000 at 06:51:32PM -0400, Brian Stults wrote:
 I put all the mp3's in a directory and from that directory I run the
 following script.  Use the argument clean to first erase the cd if
 it's CDRW.
 if [[ $1 == clean ]]
 cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0 blank=fast
 for I in *.mp3
 mpg123 --cdr - $I | cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0 -audio -nopad -nofix -
 cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0 -fix
 Mike wrote:
  Bob Nielsen wrote:
   Has anyone on the list figured out how to record mp3 to a CD?   Is
   there a version of sox which supports the mp3 format?
  I'll throw in a second for gtoaster.  I've been looking for something to do
  MP3 - Audio CD myself, and gtoaster fits the bill nicely.  I just got done
  making my first CD with it - listening to it as I type this - and I'll say
  it was well worth the download.
  When you install gtoaster, it'll install a whole bunch of other utils that
  it uses.  Things like mpg123, sox, cddawav, and a whole slew of others.
  Basically it seems to be just a GUI front-end to all those others.  But
  gtoaster certainly makes it easy to put it all together.
  The only bobble I had with getting it running was I wound up having to set
  the prog SUID root.  As this is a single user system, I'm not worried.  But
  others might be.  I'm sure there's a better way than just doing SUID root,
  but I was too impatient.  Later, I *will* be checking out how to get it
  running without being SUID.  But for now I'm happy - it *works*.
  Oh yeah.  gtoaster is a Gnomeified package.  As such, it depends on a number
  of Gnome libraries.  The docs made it sound like it can be built from source
  so that it does *not* depend on Gnome, but I didn't check that too closely
  as I do use Gnome.
  Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
| everything is of great understanding,
  '91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
  Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

 Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature
 Brian J. Stults
 Doctoral Candidate
 Department of Sociology
 University at Albany - SUNY
 Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bainbridge Island, WA

How to iconify a window programatically?

2000-10-22 Thread Krzys Majewski
Anyone know how to iconify a window non-interactively? 
I'm running vtwm. Either a .vtwmrc or /bin/sh solution will do. 

X11 freezes

2000-10-22 Thread Chris Ison
I have a problem with x11 in woody freezing when switching from a
terminal to X leaving with a black screen and locked keyboard. This
occures usually after about the 4-5 switching from a terminal to X
(ctrl+alt+f7) and never the other way. The Xservers give no clue as
their output is what I would expect for when running normally.

XF86_SVGA and XSiS_SVGA (from sis site) both have this problem

Video Card: SiS6326 4mb
CPU: 200mmx
Ram: 64megs + 128meg swap
Debian Dist: Woody
Xserver version: 3.3.6 (debian build 11)

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.

Chris Ison

Netscape color problem ..

2000-10-22 Thread Shaji N V

I have a peculiar problem running Netscape 4.75 on my potato box.
Netscape comes up with all icons in monochrome. It is really not a color
map problem as all the sites/pages are rendered in color !! All of the
netscape icons ( like back/forward/home etc ) are all in monochrome. I
downloaded 4.73 version also from Debian site, it has the same problem.
( I have Helix gnome also on my box, but the problem is there even if I
have an icewm environment). Has anyone faced this problem?


Re: Netscape color problem ..

2000-10-22 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Thats a problem with netscape and 24 bpp color. Use 16bpp colormap.

First there was Explorer...
Then came Expedition.
This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
Andrei Ivanov

RE: /boot

2000-10-22 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
Yes, it should be more than enough unless you intend to keep numerous copies
of your kernel for diferrent purposes...10mb should be more than

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 8:51 AM
 Subject:  /boot
 First of all, hi to everyone!
 I've finished my download of CD-Binary 1 and i'm ready to install Debian
 Potato. I'm reading the manuals and, after some How-tos I intend to
 it. (Erase the Red Hat and put it on; leaving Win);
 I have a little question and I hope someone from the list could help me
 Even with the boot in before the 1024cil,  is it recomended to to create a
 /boot partion?
 Is it good, bad or it does not matter? What about it's size. 10Mb is
 Custodio, L. C. - Brazil!
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