Re: hay alguna otra posibilidad??

2001-04-05 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el miércoles 4 de abril, Bru Anglés escribió: ?Qu? conexi?n ?s m?s r?pida por cable paralelo o mediante una ethernet? Ethernet, con mucha diferencia. En una ethernet puedes conseguir 10 Mb/s. Con uns conexión paralelo quizás 40 ó 50 Kb/s Saludos -- O / O O O O O / O / O / O

Teclado en consola se va al carajo con unstable

2001-04-05 Thread David Vaquero Santiago
hola lista: os escribo esto porque el teclado de mi portatil en la consola cuando bien le da se va al carajo y no escribe ni una sola letra esto pasa sin actualizar ningún paquete por si pudiera ser de eso tengo debian unstable (sid??) si embargo en las X funciona sin ningún problema a alguien le

Re: Cambio de CDROM

2001-04-05 Thread Adriel Cardenas G
Cual es el problema? Como puedo hacer que el nuevo cd me lo reconozca sin problemas? quizas en la primer instalacion no se alcanzo a crear la base de datos de apt, para efecto de que dselect haga la consulta de los paquetes, intenta con el comando: debuser# apt-cdrom add esto te solictara

isdnutils y conexión a internet

2001-04-05 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Hola a todos: Tengo una tarjeta rdsi, Hisax. He instalado isdnutil y todo funciona bien, pero tengo algunas dudas. Con modem, estoy acostumbrado a correr un script que lo hace todo de este estilo: pppd connect 'chat -v REPORT CONNECT ABORT BUSY ATM0 OK TDT0917433100 CONNECT ' \ debug

Re: Mover particiones

2001-04-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 02 de abril de 2001 a la(s) 23:30:51 +0200, Carlos Valdivia Yagüe contaba: Un parted más moderno. Ya hay 1.4.10. Si no puedes instalarlo, puedes usarlo con un disco de arranque. Eso sí, aclaro que no he probado a mover particiones con él. El print muestra Mb en lugar de

Re: isdnutils y conexión a internet

2001-04-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 05 de abril de 2001 a la(s) 08:01:09 +0200, Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide contaba: ¿Alguién tiene algún script en rdsi que funcione como pppd o no es trivial el tema?. El mío está a lo bruto. Viene de slink, lo tuve que retocar *bastante* para que funcionase en la

Re: Canon BJC-3000

2001-04-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 04 de abril de 2001 a la(s) 21:09:17 +0200, Hue-Bond contaba: En aparece como Mostly supported con una reseña que dice poor quality en color, cosa que no me atrae mucho, pero las otras ofertas que tengo por aquí salen peor paradas en

Problema con impresora

2001-04-05 Thread DEBIAN-USER
Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED], hace algunos meses hice una pregunta en la lista sobre cómo configurar mi impresora HP Deskjet 400. Las respuestas fueron acertadísimas, y gracias a la aplicación magicfilter la configuré. Hasta ahora todo había ido bien, podía imprimir texto plano e incluso

php3 + postgresql

2001-04-05 Thread gorgos
Hola a todos. No se si es la lista correcta para esta pregunta pero si alguien me puede ayudar... Resulta que he instalado el apache, php3 y postgresql usando 'apt-get'. El php funciona,el postgresql funciona perfectamente, pero al utilizar funciones de pgsql en php me devuelve un error

Re: php3 + postgresql

2001-04-05 Thread Rafael García Moreno
Yo uso SID y php4. Para usar postgrest tuve que instalar el paquete php4-pgsql. No se si para php3 habra un php3-pgsql o algo así. Saludos, __RAFA__ El 05 Apr 2001 11:16:54 +0200, gorgos escribió: Hola a todos. No se si es la lista correcta para esta pregunta pero si alguien me puede

Re: php3 + postgresql

2001-04-05 Thread A . Ramos
Tu problema reside en que ese php, no se si el paquete lo compilara en estatico o dinamico, esta compilado SIN pgsql, yo te recomiendo que te bajes los fuentes y compiles tu mismo chao! -- A. Ramos mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Existen dos productos importantes que salieron de Berkeley: LSD

Re: Proxy

2001-04-05 Thread A . Ramos
No, el sistema es igual que en un windows, por cada cliente, una configuracion :) usar proxys no transparentes es una ponzoña, te hace trabajar mas de la cuenta... chao! -- A. Ramos mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Existen dos productos importantes que salieron de Berkeley: LSD y UNIX. No

Problemas al instalar Netscape

2001-04-05 Thread Oscar Martin
Hola a todos, Estaba intentando instalar Netscape para poder realizar mis tareas de navegacion por internet y manejo de correo desde Linux (y asi empezar a sustituir a Windows), pero me he encontrado con el siguiente problema: Tengo recien instalado Debian 2.2 desde los CD?s de

[no subject]

2001-04-05 Thread Blas Jimenez, Daniel
Alguien sabe si hay un archivo que proporcione los superblocks de las particiones?, algo parecido al /var/adm/sbtab de HP-UX Salu2, Daniel Blas Jiménez Sener, Ingeniería y Sistemas C\ Severo Ochoa 4, 28760 Parque Tecnológico de Madrid Tres Cantos - MADRID

Re: Problemas al instalar Netscape

2001-04-05 Thread Santiago Vila
Oscar Martin: Tengo recien instalado Debian 2.2 desde los CD?s de HispaLinux + CD 1 de La Espiral. Cuando tecleo apt-get install netscape me devuelve lo siguiente: Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct

problema con amanda

2001-04-05 Thread gorgos
Hola. Estoy intentando configurar el sistema de copias de seguridad Amanda y al ejecutar amcheck para comprobar que todo está en orden me devuelve el mensaje de error 'access as backup not allowed from ...'. Solo me deja acceder con el usuario root y no con el usuario backup como debería. He

Impresora Epson 400

2001-04-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola tengo una epson stylus 400 y quisiera saber que tengo que hacer para que funcione, tengo compilado todo lo correspondiente al puerto paralelo en el kernel pero no tengo idea de como imprimir, lei por ahi de usar magicfilter pero lo probe y aparentemente no tiene soporte para la epson 400.

Sobre paquetes deb

2001-04-05 Thread Carlos Solano
Estoy haciendo un paquete deb que no necesita compilación alguna. Tengo que copiar una serie de ficheros en el /var/www. Eso lo hace bien, lo que pasa es que después de que instale el paquete quiero que ejecute un script en bash para configurarlo y no se que tengo que poner en el fichero rules

RE: php3 + postgresql

2001-04-05 Thread Imobach González Sosa
Debes instalar el paquete php3-pgsql y colocar la línea Si sigue sin funcionarte, crea un enlace simbólico de /usr/lib/ que se llame /usr/lib/ (no sé por qué, pero yo hice eso y me funcionó). Como prueba, si quieres antes de hacer enlaces, pon en tu script

Re: Sobre paquetes deb

2001-04-05 Thread Santiago Vila
Carlos Solano: Estoy haciendo un paquete deb que no necesita compilación alguna. Tengo que copiar una serie de ficheros en el /var/www. Eso lo hace bien, lo que pasa es que después de que instale el paquete quiero que ejecute un script en bash para configurarlo y no se que tengo que poner en


2001-04-05 Thread Oscar Renalias
Hola! Tengo un problemilla, y es que he instalado el OpenOffice build 619, y resulta que solo puedo ejecutar como root. Si lo hago como usuario parece que arranca pero luego se para, deja de cargar, y aqui se acabo todo. He mirado que no fuera problema del script soffice, que luego acaba

como es posible...

2001-04-05 Thread Rafael García Moreno
Hola, Tengo una pequeña dudilla desde hace algun tiempo: ¿como puede debian actualizar una libreria dinamica como por ejemplo la libc o la libgtk sin tener que parar los programas que la usan? Supongamos una actualizacion menor: = Normalmente se deberia

RE: Servidor XDMCP

2001-04-05 Thread Fernández Piqueras, Joaquín
OK, Ahora te capto, lo que te falla es habilitar el servidor XDMCP. pues olvidate del -query host-name (eso es lo que se ejecuta en el cliente (P133)) Para activar XDMCP en el servidor (K7) tienes varias posibilidades: Con XDM: Tienes que modificar el fichero /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess y deberias

Re: Creo que me quedé sin keymap ( ñyáéíóú)

2001-04-05 Thread Monkiki
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 El Dom 01 Abr 2001 20:40, Carlos Valdivia Yagüe escribió: Mira a ver si se arregla con: # install-keymap /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/es.kmap.gz Pos no, sigue igual. - -- -

Re: Cambio de CDROM

2001-04-05 Thread Toni B
A Dijous 05 Abril 2001 08:08, Adriel Cardenas G va escriure: Cual es el problema? Como puedo hacer que el nuevo cd me lo reconozca sin problemas? quizas en la primer instalacion no se alcanzo a crear la base de datos de apt, para efecto de que dselect haga la consulta de los paquetes,

Problema con HP720C

2001-04-05 Thread Oscar Renalias
Hola! He estado intentando configurar el lpd para poder imprimir desde Debian unstable con una HP 720C. Para ello he instalado el magicfilter y el pnm2ppa, pero no hay manera. Lo unico que consigo es que aparezca este mensaje en los logs: Apr 5 19:39:04 alderaan lpd[3610]: lp: filter 'f'

Re: isdnutils y conexión a internet

2001-04-05 Thread Anglés
Mira a ver si te sirve el script que adjunto. El jue, 05 abr 2001, Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide escribió: Hola a todos: Tengo una tarjeta rdsi, Hisax. He instalado isdnutil y todo funciona bien, pero tengo algunas dudas. Con modem, estoy acostumbrado a correr un script que lo hace todo de

Re: problema con amanda

2001-04-05 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [20010405 16:40] gorgos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia: Hola. Estoy intentando configurar el sistema de copias de seguridad Amanda y al ejecutar amcheck para comprobar que todo est? en orden me devuelve el mensaje de error 'access as backup not allowed from ...'. Solo me deja acceder con el

Problemas con PCMCIA

2001-04-05 Thread jvicente
A ver que me pueden decir de esto: Al bootear: --8-- Intel PCIC probe: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:03.0 PCI: The same IRQ used for device 00:03.1 PCI: The same IRQ used for device 01:00.0 PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:03.1 PCI: The same IRQ used for device 00:03.0 PCI: The same IRQ used

Re: checkeo de discos de potato

2001-04-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carlos wrote: Con eso consigues chequear cada archivo por separado. Si lo haces con head --bytes `isosize /dev/cdrom`/dev/cdrom|md5sum consigues chequear toda la imagen de golpe (tardas menos) Saludos Carlos Eso me da siempre lo siguiente head: isosize /dev/cdrom: el número de bytes no es

2 eth

2001-04-05 Thread ^pi^,,,
Hay alguna cosa especial que activar a nivel de Kernel o que se yo para que se me levanten las dos interfaces ? Tenia una unica eth0 (funcionando perfectamente) y le añadia al equipos una segunda tarjeta, como no levantaba la segunda interface lo que hice fue comprobar el estado de las


2001-04-05 Thread Carlos Martinez
Has probado con dd? -Mensaje original-De: Blas Jimenez, Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Enviado el: jueves, 05 de abril de 2001 15:47Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.orgAsunto: Alguien sabe si hay un archivo que proporcione los superblocks de las particiones?,

RE: checkeo de discos de potato

2001-04-05 Thread Carlos Martinez
Mira a ver si es que no tienes el isosize instalado. Si lo tienes, mira a ver que te devuelve isosize /dev/cdrom. Carlos -Mensaje original- De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: jueves, 05 de abril de 2001 17:08 Para:

Re: 2 eth

2001-04-05 Thread ^pi^,,,
^pi^,,, wrote: Hay alguna cosa especial que activar a nivel de Kernel o que se yo para que se me levanten las dos interfaces ? Tenia una unica eth0 (funcionando perfectamente) y le añadia al equipos una segunda tarjeta, como no levantaba la segunda interface lo que hice fue comprobar el


2001-04-05 Thread Marcelo L. Coelho
Olá a todos Já tive muitas dores de cabeça com esta placa porêm a minha é OnBoard SiS 6326 AGP OnBoard 8MB de memória NÃO compartilhada com a memória RAM tem realmente 8MB de memória. Na versão 3.3.3 do XFree eu tinha que desabilitar manualmente a opção no accel do arquivo de conf. e pelo que me

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-05 Thread Emerson Val Silva
On Wed, 04 Apr 2001 21:19:44 -0300, wrote: Em Quarta 04 Abril 2001 18:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Estou com iMac aqui. Rodando o YellowDog em uma particao e o Mac OS em outra (arghhh!). O fato eh que o meu CD do Debian nao boota e o iMac tb

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-05 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
Desculpe as perguntas idiotas mas... 1) Você tem certeza que é um CD para PowerPC ? 2) Como ele foi gravado/onde ele foi comprado? Eu já instalei o potato numas PowerPC IBM daqui, ele bootava, mas por problemas da placa mãe da máquina não ia adiante, mas bootava. O Debian PPC e


2001-04-05 Thread Leandro Alves
Caros Amigos... Primeiramente gostaria de agradecer a ajuda de todos que me enviram dicas sobre a magnifica placa SiS 6326.. Mas infelizmente ainda não consegui configurá-la corretamente... e olha que nao foi por falta de pesquisa e nem de tentativas... :-) Acredito e com muita certeza que nao

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-05 Thread ADBAAMD
Fernando Fraga e Silva wrote: Em Quarta 04 Abril 2001 18:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Estou com iMac aqui. Rodando o YellowDog em uma particao e o Mac OS em outra (arghhh!). O fato eh que o meu CD do Debian nao boota e o iMac tb nao tem drive de disquete... Estou perdido... simplesmente

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-05 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Procure no historia da debian-powerpc Em Thu, 05 Apr 2001 10:03:43 -0400, ADBAAMD [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Fernando Fraga e Silva wrote: Em Quarta 04 Abril 2001 18:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Estou com iMac aqui. Rodando o YellowDog em uma particao e o Mac OS em outra

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-05 Thread ADBAAMD
Emerson Val Silva wrote: Procure no CD se existe alguma vers do loadlin pra PPC, deve haver, jque esse utilitio t il e n requer que seja rebootado. Existe e chama-se BootX, não lembro se está no CD. Mas aí você tem de manter uma partição HFS (HFS+ não funciona). -- _ / \ Leandro

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-05 Thread ADBAAMD
Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote: Desculpe as perguntas idiotas mas... 1) Você tem certeza que é um CD para PowerPC ? 2) Como ele foi gravado/onde ele foi comprado? Eu já instalei o potato numas PowerPC IBM daqui, ele bootava, mas por problemas da placa mãe da máquina não ia

Re: Substituindo o Yellowdog pelo Potato

2001-04-05 Thread ADBAAMD
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: Procure no historia da debian-powerpc Não, o documento era genérico para todas as plataformas. Em Thu, 05 Apr 2001 10:03:43 -0400, ADBAAMD [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Fernando Fraga e Silva wrote: Em Quarta 04 Abril 2001

[ Re: [linuxbh] Window Maneger feito com o Kylix!!!]

2001-04-05 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)
alo meu povo! heh... pra vcs verem como andam as coisas... pelo menos ainda temos caras na nossa lista (linux-bh), que usam Debian e Window Maker com conviccao =) o lado evil da coisa estah tomando conta das massas sedentas por novidades... temos de apregoar a filosofia nesses caras... Convido a

Re: [ Re: [linuxbh] Window Maneger feito com o Kylix!!!]

2001-04-05 Thread ADBAAMD
Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) wrote: do chega ao nivel de ignorancia de dizer que linux Realmente, é tanta inguinorança que o cara não se tocou que muito mais que fazer um novo gestor de janelas seria útil para quem quiser migrar que ele colaborasse com Gnome, KDE ou qualquer

Por que o Kylix não vai dar certo

2001-04-05 Thread ADBAAMD
Este seu artigo está tão cheio de erros que nem vou tentar listá-los todos agora... Para começo de conversa, o GNU/Linux tem sim APIs, inclusive várias alternativas de APIs. E o programinha que você usou para travar o Linux não tem nada a ver com Linux em si mas com o bash, você deve ter

Re: inicialização

2001-04-05 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Os scripts de inicialização na Debian estão localizados em /etc/init.d A Debian também possui o diretório /etc/rc.boot que executa todos os scripts nele uma só vez, após o boot do kernel. Lucianno A. Ramalho wrote: Alguém poderia me dizer o (s) arquivos (s) de inicialização q é (são)

Re: (off-topic) Indo para o Rio

2001-04-05 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
E ai? Voce vem ou nao? Em Mon, 2 Apr 2001 15:30:16 -0300, Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Salve lista, Não tem muito a ver, mas estou indo para o Rio de Janeiro (a trabalho). Ficaria feliz em poder encontrar

Re: (off-topic) Indo para o Rio

2001-04-05 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
E ai? Voce vem ou nao? Não vou... ainda. É que recebi uma placa ATM para instalar aí, mas veio sem o conector. Vou daqui duas semanas se o conector chegar... -- Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel.: + 55 11 6224-1795 Division Multiservice Networks -

kernel 2.5.x

2001-04-05 Thread Cosmo
All Encontei na net varios textos sobre o novo kernel, 2.5.x. Depois de ler os textos, em especial o texto abaixo, me veio a seguinte duvida na cabeca. Eu como o meu Pentiun 166 Mhz vou precisar de um kernel desse ?!?!? Pelo que eu pude perceber o novo kernel esta sendo construido para

Re: kernel 2.5.x

2001-04-05 Thread Rodrigo Souza de Castro
Não existe o kernel 2.5 ainda. Foram discutidas idéias no Linux 2.5 Kernel Summit para quando eles decidirem iniciar essa nova versão de desenvolvimento. A 2.2 provavelmente vai ser mantida ainda mais um tempo razoável, como aconteceu com o 2.0 na época em que saiu o 2.2. E o 2.5 não será

Re: kernel 2.5.x

2001-04-05 Thread Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
Em Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 08:40:18PM -0300, Rodrigo Souza de Castro escreveu: Não existe o kernel 2.5 ainda. Foram discutidas idéias no Linux 2.5 Kernel Summit para quando eles decidirem iniciar essa nova versão de desenvolvimento. A 2.2 provavelmente vai ser mantida ainda mais um tempo

[Fwd: /dev/dsp]

2001-04-05 Thread Mircea Luca
Price, Tim wrote: I'm not Jeff either, but have you considered catting you /dev/sndstat? This often contains a clue as to what is misconfigured! Good luck -tim -Original Message- From: Mircea Luca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, 5 April 2001 13:20 To:

Re: [attn] ... security is Down

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 07:37:18PM -0500, Bud Rogers wrote: On Wednesday 04 April 2001 19:22, John Bacalle wrote: Been trying to 'apt-get update' for an hour, but the process hangs at the unresponsive security URI. for an hour, but the process hangs at the unresponsive security URI. I

RE: Power off Button

2001-04-05 Thread Dumb
I don't really have an answer, but sometimes on my machine I have to hold the button for like 5 seconds before it shuts off, and at other times it just shuts off with no problem. -- He that is giddy thinks the world turns round. -- William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew

Re: ResiserFS?

2001-04-05 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 08:11:07PM -0400, Adam Bender wrote: OK, so I get the digest version of this list, which has the nasty habit of leaving some messages out sometimes. I missed the recent messages about ReiserFS. Could anyone give me a recap of what that was about? I was planning

Re: Power off Button

2001-04-05 Thread Matthew Bryant Baxa
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 09:26:26PM -0700, Dumb wrote: I don't really have an answer, but sometimes on my machine I have to hold the button for like 5 seconds before it shuts off, and at other times it just shuts off with no problem. It very likely could be a BIOS issue. It sounds like on

Re: /etc/network/interfaces

2001-04-05 Thread Mircea Luca
Stephen E. Hargrove wrote: On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Mircea Luca wrote: Stephen E. Hargrove wrote: At startup, I get the following message: Configuring network interfaces: /etc/network/interfaces: option without interface The module for the NIC seems like the most likely

Corrupted partions?

2001-04-05 Thread SoftHome
I am trying to load windows on a separate partition so my 4 year old can play a Blue's Clues game he received as a present. Everytime I try to format the partition with the window's setup, the format program dies at the end and says there is something wrong with the partition. So I booted back

Re: where is libnewt0 ?

2001-04-05 Thread Thomas Wegner
Hi Colin! On 04-Apr-2001 Colin Watson wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I wanted to upgrade from potato to woody. So I led apt-get downlaod the required packages but the download stopped at the last 2 packages (libnewt0_0.50.8-2 and libnewt_dev_0.50.8-2) because of missing these files in the woody

Re: Power off Button

2001-04-05 Thread Matthew Dalton
Dumb wrote: I don't really have an answer, but sometimes on my machine I have to hold the button for like 5 seconds before it shuts off, and at other times it just shuts off with no problem. I don't have an answer either, but I have had interesting experiences wrt auto power off. Windows

Re: Power off Button

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 03:28:33PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote: So you could try: - compiling your own 2.2 kernel - upgrading to a 2.4 kernel Here's a fairly painless idea. If you're using the stock debian kernel-image, add a line to your /etc/lilo.conf: append=apm=on and run lilo as

Re: dist-upgrade to woody

2001-04-05 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Patrick Mauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Help. pop. I wasn't sure which list to send this to, since this is a user question, but from what I understand, woody is a debian-devel issue. Hopefully no one kills me for posting to both I have potato installed on my machine. When I upgraded to

Re: [attn] ... security is Down

2001-04-05 Thread Rob VanFleet
Other Non-US mirrors are listed here: Ironically enough, there is a United States mirror. -Rob On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 11:11:34PM -0500, Nathan wrote: On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 07:37:18PM -0500, Bud Rogers wrote: On Wednesday 04 April 2001 19:22, John

Re: dist-upgrade to woody

2001-04-05 Thread Greg Gilbert
* Olaf Meeuwissen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Patrick Mauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Did something similar over the weekend (reinstall potato base, dist-upgrade to testing and then install task-x-window-system). The thing is that xserver-xfree86 does *neither* create a config file *nor*

Maildir performance with IMAP ?

2001-04-05 Thread Eugene van Zyl
Hi, Can anyone tell me wether there's a noticable performance hit when using IMAP with maildirs vs the flat file formats? Read the UW-IMAP docs which indicated that this was the case - anyone with experience that can comment? Plan to use Exim with either courier-imap or uw-imap (debian version

Re: ResiserFS?

2001-04-05 Thread Brian May
Adam == Adam Bender [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Adam OK, so I get the digest version of this list, which has the nasty Adam habit of leaving some messages out sometimes. I missed the recent Adam messages about ReiserFS. Could anyone give me a recap of what that Adam was about? I

Re: ResiserFS?

2001-04-05 Thread Matthew Dalton
Brian May wrote: I have heard rumours of it causing data corruption on 2.4.x kernels, including 2.4.3. That's interesting. Where did you hear about the corruption under 2.4.3? I have never had a problem with it myself though... I haven't had any problems with it either, but I haven't

probleme de carte graphique

2001-04-05 Thread aajc
J'ai installe debian2.2 sur PC mais mon port de carte graphique n'est pas PCI ; C'est une carte ATI rage 128 . La configuration, du coup, ne se fait pas et je n'ai pas accs gnome . J'ai assay d'installer Xfree86 pour trouver un autre moyen d'environnement graphique mais une ligne du

Re: SMTP transaction error

2001-04-05 Thread garyjones
Am Wed, 04 April 2001 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]: My problem is that fetchmail won't deliver. [...] I'm sure I've got some simple thing - as likely as not in another program such as exim - badly configured, and I'm sure someone out there can guess what it might be. Perhaps the following

Re: GLUG: Maildir performance with IMAP ?

2001-04-05 Thread Neil Blakey-Milner
On Thu 2001-04-05 (08:48), Eugene van Zyl wrote: Can anyone tell me wether there's a noticable performance hit when using IMAP with maildirs vs the flat file formats? Read the UW-IMAP docs which indicated that this was the case - anyone with experience that can comment? Sam Varshavchik

Re: Keyboard lockup

2001-04-05 Thread Andre Berger
* Casey Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED], 20010405 09:10 +0200: LILO comes up and I hit Enter to boot linux. The boot process proceeds in the normal fashion. No error messages, everything is fine. Then the GDM login box comes up so I can log in to X. At this point the keyboard doesn't work. I

[OT] AMD Athlon fan

2001-04-05 Thread jh
Hello all. I am setting up an AMD Athlon box and have a question about the cpu fan. There is no brand name info on the fan box but the unit itself says it is an ARX. My question concerns how the heatsink side mounts to the processor. There seems to be white paper on that side that is really

Broken Fujitsu 95 compiler...

2001-04-05 Thread Karsten Bolding
Yesterday I upgraded my system with the result my Fujitsu 95 compiler does not work. When I run a freshly compiled program I get: gotm_prod_FUJITSU: error while loading shared libraries: /opt/FFC/lib/ undefined symbol: fstat Now my question where can 'fstat' have gone Karsten --

Re: Keyboard lockup

2001-04-05 Thread Andrew Sione Taumoefolau
, 2001 6:04 PM Subject: Re: Keyboard lockup * Casey Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED], 20010405 09:10 +0200: LILO comes up and I hit Enter to boot linux. The boot process proceeds in the normal fashion. No error messages, everything is fine. Then the GDM login box comes up so I can log in to X

Re: RFC: Removing SVGA support from Ghostscript packages

2001-04-05 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 09:35:14PM -0400, Ben Collins wrote: I think it'd be really nice if you could get framebuffer support, since svga doesn't even relate to most of my systems anyway :) Right, that would be a nice replacement to svga support. I am looking into it. Thanks Torsten

testing upgrade now problems with X

2001-04-05 Thread Rob Zietlow
I just upgraded to testing. I rebooted, and then logged in fine. Now when I try and start X I get this error message. X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or Directory), aborting. giving up Xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server xinit: No such process (errno 3):

Re: Saving some real radio file

2001-04-05 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 07:56:06AM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: I want to save some real files, but this option is not allowed when you run real player, is there any way of doing it? I figure dumping or piping it, what would be the way of calling the executable for real

cd music can not play, need help

2001-04-05 Thread eric
Mircea Luca wrote: Price, Tim wrote: I'm not Jeff either, but have you considered catting you /dev/sndstat? This often contains a clue as to what is misconfigured! Good luck -tim Dear Tim or any linux -debian expert: I tried cat /dev/sndstat, but get cat: /dev/sndstat: No such

Re: IMAP server recommendations ?

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Ollerenshaw
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Eugene van Zyl wrote: Hi, Any recommendations for a IMAP server (on Debian 2.2)? IMAP4.7c (I think this is UW IMAP?) On Solaris, I've had a great amount of success with the Courier-IMAP suite. Courier-IMAP only uses Maildirs, which is a newer mailbox storage format that

Re: qpopper weirdness

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Ollerenshaw
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, MaD dUCK wrote: hey, i am using qpopper for pop3 access. one of my users hasn't been reading mail in two weeks, and now her mailbox is 16Mb. that's not a lot, no. however, she uses microcrap software, which is not succeeding at downloading whereas a direct POP3

Re: Maildir POP3 server

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Ollerenshaw Courier-IMAP contains a POP3 server, which works rather well. On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, MaD dUCK wrote: hey, anyone know of a POP3 server capable of serving out of $HOME/Maildir/ and which isn't part of qmail? martin; (greetings from the heart of

Re: qpopper weirdness

2001-04-05 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Nathan Ollerenshaw (on Thu, 05 Apr 2001 11:45:18AM +0100): Yeah, qpopper does that. Try running it in server mode (I forget the correct switch) or switch to cucipop which doesn't play around with the mailbox so much. tried both, but with no success. so i ended up converting the

Re: Maildir POP3 server

2001-04-05 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Nathan Ollerenshaw (on Thu, 05 Apr 2001 11:48:14AM +0100): Courier-IMAP contains a POP3 server, which works rather well. yes, however i ended up with spop3d because Courier-POP3 is in unstable and given that i just don't want to deal with the implications, i refrain from using

RE: testing upgrade now problems with X...solved somewhat

2001-04-05 Thread Rob Zietlow
Ok. I have figured it out, for the server. I had to link my X server to /etc/X11/X but now xdm is acting funky. xdm will only bring up a login prompt after I login as root, and then close the X session. Any ideas as to what would be causing this, and how to resolve it? -Original

OT: PHP3 vs PHP4

2001-04-05 Thread Petr Danek
Hi list, is it posible to have both PHP3 and PHP4 installed from binary debs on the same machine ? Thanks Petr

vim tab space

2001-04-05 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Hi, This is not really debian topic, but since I got the idea from dpkg-scanlibs thread from debian-devel two months ago. In vim, what is the setting to use tab for indent and space for alignment? I couldn't figure it out since vim always try to use tab instead of space. e.g. when I use ts=4,

problems with lstat and fstat from libc6 (2.2.2-4)

2001-04-05 Thread Karsten Bolding
Earlier today I wrote about a broken Fujitsu F95 compiler. I did a bit more testing: First I did: strings | grep fstat and got fstatfs fstatvfs __fstatfs64 fstatvfs64 fstatfs64 __fstatfs __fstatvfs64 fstat failed I wonder what this means Then I did a strace on an old

Re: cd music can not play, need help

2001-04-05 Thread eric
Dear Shawn: it still did not work after apt-get remove autofs Shawn Garbett wrote: I haven't gotten my soundcard working, but I've gotten the cd player happy to the point it thinks it's squirting data to the soundcard. I was getting read errors trying to play cd music initially. Got

pon / pppd

2001-04-05 Thread redgirl
Hi, I have an embarrassing problem with pon. It dials, negotiates and then exits on NO CARRIER. I've set up the connection with pppconfig, using CHAT authenitcation. It seems not to start pppd, because ifconfig doesn't mention ppp0, and ping doesn't work. I had it working before a system

install loop

2001-04-05 Thread Ari Sigurðsson
hi, in was installing with rescue disk because my system was broken, I am now able to boot with lilo but I always get Debian Configuration and I want to configure the system myself or use existing configuration as much as possible. But debian config. won't let me exit or finish, it goes in loop!

Re: [OT] AMD Athlon fan

2001-04-05 Thread Bob Brown
The Athelon cpu runs very hot. I had one on an Asus MB that toasted the whole shooting match cause the fan (came with the cpu in OEM packaging) broke off the socket and melted down the cpu. I have since taken to installing monster fans and heat sinks. That works fine. When in doubt, throw

telnetd slow to respond

2001-04-05 Thread Bill Fowler
I'm having difficulty telnetting into my system. It appears that I get a connection right away, but it takes a long time to receive the login prompt and often I don't receive a prompt at all. Any advice would be appreciated. Bill

Debian GNU Linux Bible ?release date?

2001-04-05 Thread Abner Gershon
Amazon has a book listed, Debian GNU Linux Bible, as not yet published but availability expected in Febuary 2001. Does anyone have any knowledge about when this is to be published and what if any version of Debian distro will accompany book. Thanks.

RE: telnetd slow to respond

2001-04-05 Thread Jason P. Holland
This is normally associated with DNS problems. check and make sure you have /etc/resolv.conf setup correctly. Also, if you need a static entry or two, add them to /etc/hosts. Jason I'm having difficulty telnetting into my system. It appears that I get a connection right away, but it takes

Re: pon / pppd

2001-04-05 Thread John Hasler
redgirl writes: I have an embarrassing problem with pon. Post /etc/chatscripts/provider, /etc/ppp/peers/provider, and the output of the plog command. Munge passwords. -- John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler) Dancing Horse Hill Elmwood, WI

Re: vim tab space

2001-04-05 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 09:37:58PM +1000, Chanop Silpa-Anan wrote: Hi, This is not really debian topic, but since I got the idea from dpkg-scanlibs thread from debian-devel two months ago. In vim, what is the setting to use tab for indent and space for alignment? I couldn't figure it

Re: Webcam in potato (stable)

2001-04-05 Thread Ailbhe Leamy
On (09/03/01 21:06), Keith Johnson wrote: I have a cpia compatible webcam connected to my parallel port and I have downloaded webcam from stable. Problem is, it does not work, and I don't know where to even begin sorting it out. Running the webcam program results in the following:

Re: [OT] AMD Athlon fan

2001-04-05 Thread Kevin C. Smith
On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 08:37:08AM -0400, Bob Brown wrote: The Athelon cpu runs very hot. I had one on an Asus MB that toasted the whole shooting match cause the fan (came with the cpu in OEM packaging) broke off the socket and melted down the cpu. I have since taken to installing monster

Re: Debian GNU Linux Bible ?release date?

2001-04-05 Thread Kevin C. Smith
On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 05:36:50AM -0700, Abner Gershon wrote: Amazon has a book listed, Debian GNU Linux Bible, as not yet published but availability expected in Febuary 2001. Does anyone have any knowledge about when this is to be published and what if any version of Debian distro will

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