Re: ocr

2001-05-05 Thread fernand0

On Fri, 4 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pues que necesito un OCR y si está empaquetado en Debian mejor.
 He probado el gocr de la inestable y los resultados no me sirven.
 Tambien he probado en y tampoco me
 vale :-(

No lo conozco bien, pero puede ser una buena prueba OCRE:

Un saludo,


Re: Problema con Ximian Gnome

2001-05-05 Thread Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
El 05 May 2001 03:57:21 +0200, ^pi^ escribió:
 On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 03:47:58AM +0200, ^pi^ wrote:
  Cuando lo ejecuto:
  Error in loading shared libraries: 
  cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Hacer hacer ya he hecho (una animalada)
 apt-get install libgdk-pixbuf-*
 Y encima no se que paquete ha solucionado el fallo (se instalaron 16)
 Como deberia haber sabido que paquete faltaba? hay alguna lista en la
 web (yo no la he encontardo)

 Es un problema de dependencias. El paquete gnome-session debería
depender de libgdk-pixbuf-gnome2, que es el paquete que contiene la
librería en cuestión. El problema es que por alguna razón el paquete de
Ximian no contiene esa dependencia. Si las dependencias estuviesen
correctas no tendrías que haber tenido ningún problema, pues apt también
te hubiese bajado todos los paquetes necesarios.

 Que yo sepa no hay ninguna lista en la web que liste el contenido de
cada paquete, pues precisamente el modelo de dependencias que se usan en
el formato de paquetes .deb no lo necesita, al depender unos paquetes de
otros, en vez de lo que ocurre con los .rpm, que comprueban que tengas
instaladas las librerías, pero no te dicen en qué paquete(s) están esas


José Carlos García Sogo Seahorse(-bonobo) developer
jose jaimedelamo eu org

Key-Id: 0x90788E11 
Fingerprint = B06B 023F EAA6 37DC 1E62  B079 4BE0 5825 9078 8E11  


2001-05-05 Thread Krokoa

He visto q habías hecho una preg. de la SB 128 have 
mcho tiempo. Así q he aprovechado. Yo tengo probl. en el Win 2000. No tengo 
los drivers de la SB para el Win 2000. Sabes dónde están? Y q 


Re: Copiadora como no root

2001-05-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 05 de mayo de 2001 a la(s) 03:53:46 +0200, José Luis Fernández Barros 

El Jueves 03 Mayo 2001 06:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root cdwrite159024 abr 29  2000 cdrecord

   chmod +s `which cdrecord`

 Y también chmod o-x `which  cdrecord` para que sólo los señores
 del grupo cdwrite puedan ejecutarlo (y overflow'earlo).

 O simplemente  poner 4754  en el /etc/suid.conf,  que si  no al
 cabo de una semana el setuid desaparecerá solo.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Samba

2001-05-05 Thread Jon Bengoetxea
Hash: SHA1

¿probaste a crear el usuario elbasto con smbpasswd -a?


- - Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 4:42 AM
Subject: Samba

 Tenía configurado samba para acceso como guest, pero ahora me va a
 resultar mas util que la maquina windows se loguee como un usuario
 real de la maquina linux.
 Con mi configuración actual de samba voy a la parte de red en
 windows, y veo a la maquina de linux, pero si quiero entrar me pide
 el password de IPC$ que no se que es, y no se que password se pone
 Este es mi archivo de samba.
 workgroup = RED
 netbios name = SPV
 encrypt passwords = yes
 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 log file = /var/log/samba-log.%m
 max log size = 1000
 os level = 65
 invalid users = root
 comment = elbasto files
 path = /home/elbasto
 valid users = elbasto
 writeable = yes
 comment = Epson Stylus 400
 path = /tmp
 printable = yes
 printer = eps400
 Mi pregunta es esta mal mi configuración de samba o el password de
 IPC$ se setea en la maquina de linux? si se setea en la maquina
 linux, donde se hace?
 Gracias, saludos.

//   Santiago Pastorino   \\
   (   Debian GNU/LiNuX 2.2   )

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use


Re: Instalar paquetes de Debian Potato

2001-05-05 Thread Gerardo Lopez

Asunto: Re: Instalar paquetes de Debian Potato
Fecha: vie, may 04, 2001 at 01:45:44 +0100

Time to reply!

Citando a  first last ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

Empieza dselect y una vez en la seleccion de
  paquetes pulsa / (bucar) y teclea task (sin 
 comillas) y te saldra el primero. Para buscar los 
 demas pulsa \. Seleccionalos y ya esta' hecho, 
 paquetes normales desde sitios raros.

Quizás sea más sencillo y más adecuado a sus propósitos ejecutar tasksel
(creo que se instala por defecto) e ir marcando aquellos task que desee.
Un saludete.
  Gerardo López [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Need to get 1072B of archives. After unpacking 27.8MB will be freed (yuj)

modem supra interno

2001-05-05 Thread Juan Carlos Gmez Granados


llevo varias semanas 
en la lista, pero hasta ahora slo he estado como mirn,por mis pocos 
conocimientos con linux. En estas semanas me he estado bajando la potato r2 (si 
algo lo escribo mal agradezco vuestras correcciones :-). Pos bien, ya ha 
terminado y despus de pelearme varias horas con dselect la tengo instalada con 
lo que creo que me hace falta. Pero tengo el problema del modem, tengo un supra 
56i pci interno y despus de buscar por Internet y escribir a varias personas 
(mirar tambin en los archivos de la lista) en todos sitios veo o me dicen lo 
mismo: "cmprate uno externo". Hombre, yo creo que debe haber otra solucin, 
no?, seguro que a ms de uno le ha pasado lo que a m y ha conseguido 
configurarlo. Bueno, lo que os pido es que si sabis cmo tengo que hacerlo, os 
agradecera que me lo dijeseis, y si no pistas o algo sobre cmo puedo 
solucionar este problema sin tener que comprarme otro modem y tirar este, es un 
coazo que para Internet tenga que ir a gindos.

Muchas gracias de 

salu2 y enhorabuena 
a todos por la lista 


PD: dselect es un 
poco "coazo", pero la verdad es que me he instalado la distribucin con lo que 
creo que necesito y no me ha ocupado mucho, cosa que no pasa con otras 
distribuciones de linux, otro punto a su favor.

PD2: espero que 
dentro de poco pueda tambin solucionar yo algunos problemillas a los dems de 
esta comunidad.

Re: Problema con Ximian Gnome

2001-05-05 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 05 May 2001 03:47:58 +0200, ^pi^ wrote:
 Pos por eso de probar que lo he instalado, y me he 
 quedado sin gnome :(
 por el mensaje de error parece que me falta alguna libreria
 pero cual? xq si he instalado todo apt-get install gnome-core 
 Cuando lo ejecuto:
 Error in loading shared libraries: 
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Que puedo hacer ? 
te falta libgdk-pixbuf-gnome2



Más sobre KDE

2001-05-05 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano

Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] me he decidido instalarme KDE en Potato...
maravilla Hasta que quiero lanzarlo... Se carga automaticamente
gdm y no s como incluir esta sesin como auna opcin
mas en el men de
arranque Alguan idea?


Conversor de archivos en formato doc a latex

2001-05-05 Thread Conrado Ferrera

Hace algún tiempo di mis primeros pasos en esta 
lista pidiendo un manual de la distribución debian.
Lo primero de todo quisiera pedir disculpas por 
este correo hecho en microsoft outlook pero es que todavía no
se configurar bien internet en debian. Es lo único 
que me queda por hacer además de configurar la tarjeta de sonido.
El problema es que tengo un montón de archivos hechos con microsoft word de mi etapa en 
microsoft a la que espero que no
quede mucho tiempo y quisiera pasarlos a latex sin 
la incomodidad que me supondría tener que escribirlos de nuevo.
Espero que haya un programa que lo pase 
automáticamente si no tendré que encomendarme al libro de Sanguino
Bueno que ya me he enrollao bastante. Gracias por 

Re: Conversor de archivos en formato doc a latex

2001-05-05 Thread Maribel
On Sat 05 May 2001 18:46, Conrado Ferrera wrote:
 Hace algún tiempo di mis primeros pasos en esta lista pidiendo un manual de
 la distribución debian. Lo primero de todo quisiera pedir disculpas por
 este correo hecho en microsoft outlook pero es que todavía no se configurar
 bien internet en debian. Es lo único que me queda por hacer además de
 configurar la tarjeta de sonido. El problema es que tengo un montón de
 archivos hechos con microsoft word de mi etapa en microsoft a la que espero
 que no quede mucho tiempo y quisiera pasarlos a latex sin la incomodidad
 que me supondría tener que escribirlos de nuevo. Espero que haya un
 programa que lo pase automáticamente si no tendré que encomendarme al libro
 de Sanguino Bueno que ya me he enrollao bastante. Gracias por adelantado

Si te sirve, en linux puedes leer los archivos .doc con Abiword, a partir de 
ahi puedes hacer con ellos lo que quieras

Re: Conversor de archivos en formato doc a latex

2001-05-05 Thread Víctor Romero
El Sáb 05 May 2001 19:14, Maribel escribió:
 On Sat 05 May 2001 18:46, Conrado Ferrera wrote:
  Hace algún tiempo di mis primeros pasos en esta lista pidiendo un manual
  de la distribución debian. Lo primero de todo quisiera pedir disculpas
  por este correo hecho en microsoft outlook pero es que todavía no se
  configurar bien internet en debian. Es lo único que me queda por hacer
  además de configurar la tarjeta de sonido. El problema es que tengo un
  montón de archivos hechos con microsoft word de mi etapa en microsoft a
  la que espero que no quede mucho tiempo y quisiera pasarlos a latex sin
  la incomodidad que me supondría tener que escribirlos de nuevo. Espero
  que haya un programa que lo pase automáticamente si no tendré que
  encomendarme al libro de Sanguino Bueno que ya me he enrollao bastante.
  Gracias por adelantado

 Si te sirve, en linux puedes leer los archivos .doc con Abiword, a partir
 de ahi puedes hacer con ellos lo que quieras

Yo casi que mejor q Abiword o KWord recomendaria por ahora StarOffice, 
sus filtros de importacion/exportacion de Word son muy buenos.

Re: Conversor de archivos en formato doc a latex

2001-05-05 Thread Gunnar Wolf
 Hace algún tiempo di mis primeros pasos en esta lista pidiendo un manual de 
 la distribución debian.
 Lo primero de todo quisiera pedir disculpas por este correo hecho en 
 microsoft outlook pero es que todavía no
 se configurar bien internet en debian. Es lo único que me queda por hacer 
 además de configurar la tarjeta de sonido.
 El problema es que tengo un montón de archivos hechos con microsoft word de 
 mi etapa en microsoft a la que espero que no
 quede mucho tiempo y quisiera pasarlos a latex sin la incomodidad que me 
 supondría tener que escribirlos de nuevo.
 Espero que haya un programa que lo pase automáticamente si no tendré que 
 encomendarme al libro de Sanguino
 Bueno que ya me he enrollao bastante. Gracias por adelantado

LaTeX y Word son *demasiado* diferentes al nivel que los veas. Lo más
cercano que puedes hacer es guardar tu .doc como texto y volverles a dar
formato con comandos de LaTeX. Habia por ahi un programita que intentaba
hacer esto, pero de nuevo, son demasiado diferentes como para que sea

En Linux puedes usar muchos procesadores de texto compatibles con el
formato Word, como el AbiWord y el KWord (ligeros, pequeños) o el
Staroffice (una suite completa).

 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Iztacala
   Jefatura de Sección de Desarrollo y Admon. de Sistemas en Red
   Departamento de Seguridad en Computo - DGSCA - UNAM

Teneis Ximian 1.4 en woody y funcionando?

2001-05-05 Thread 31
Os funciona?, que paquetes instalais?, yo ya al poner gnome-session ya
me da un error y no arranca.
   ___   ___   ____  _   ___
  | -  /   \ | -\/  / - \
  | _ \ | | | |   \   | | |
 SALUDOS  |___/ \___/ |_|\_\ _/\_ |_|_|

Glade y c++

2001-05-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

la, quisiera usar glade para hacer un proyecto en C++, pero al decile al 
programa que me construya las fuentes, si esta en C++ dice que nada, que 
necesita el glade-- , y no lo encuentro por ningun lado... alguien sabe cómo 
hacerlo / donde encontrarlo?

Luis M. Arroyo Egoscozabal

lmarroyo at overclk dot dhis dot org
lmae at bbvnet dot com

Re: Glade y c++

2001-05-05 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado  5 de mayo, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 la, quisiera usar glade para hacer un proyecto en C++, pero al decile
 al programa que me construya las fuentes, si esta en C++ dice que
 nada, que necesita el glade-- , y no lo encuentro por ningun lado...
 alguien sabe cómo hacerlo / donde encontrarlo?  Gracias   

apt-get install glademm

   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Re: Conversor de archivos en formato doc a latex

2001-05-05 Thread Luis M. García
El Sáb 05 May 2001 18:46, Conrado Ferrera escribió:
 Hace algún tiempo di mis primeros pasos en esta lista pidiendo un
 manual de la distribución debian. Lo primero de todo quisiera pedir
 disculpas por este correo hecho en microsoft outlook pero es que
 todavía no se configurar bien internet en debian. Es lo único que me
 queda por hacer además de configurar la tarjeta de sonido. El problema
 es que tengo un montón de archivos hechos con microsoft word de mi
 etapa en microsoft a la que espero que no quede mucho tiempo y quisiera
 pasarlos a latex sin la incomodidad que me supondría tener que
 escribirlos de nuevo. Espero que haya un programa que lo pase
 automáticamente si no tendré que encomendarme al libro de Sanguino
 Bueno que ya me he enrollao bastante. Gracias por adelantado

word2x te genera un archivo latex (entre otros formatos) a partir de un 
.doc, pero seguramente tendrás que retocarlo luego a mano. Como punto de 
partida puede servir, pero dependiendo del .doc, la conversión no es del 
todo exacta.


Re: Samba

2001-05-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
El Sat, May 05, 2001 at 01:12:38PM +0200, Jon Bengoetxea contaba:
 ¿probaste a crear el usuario elbasto con smbpasswd -a?

Lo acabo de hacer, pero mi duda es en la máquina windows me pide una
clave para IPC$, que es eso? es la clave que yo asigne con smbpasswd?
Yo lo que quiero hacer es que se puedan loguear como un usuario
existente y puedan usar sus archivos.
Gracias, saludos.

   //   Santiago Pastorino   \\
  (   Debian GNU/LiNuX 2.2   )

postgresql en non-US?

2001-05-05 Thread Rodrigo Moya

Estoy actualizando ahora mismo mi equipo, y veo que se está bajando
postgresql de:

Get:4 unstable/non-US/main postgresql
7.1release-3 [2188kB]




Re: Matrox G450+3D

2001-05-05 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 Le agregue la section DRI pero cuando hago glxinfo | grep dir me sale

  direct rendering: No
  OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect


 Y cuando quiero cargar el tuxracer me dice

 tuxracer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot load
 shared object file: No such file or directory

bueno, eso es de facil solución (espero):

xlibmesa3: /usr/lib/
xlibmesa3: /usr/lib/

instala el paquete xlibmesa3

(en woody está, en potato no sé)

 Yo tengo el kernel 2.2.19 pero con las opciones que me dijiste (las tiene
 todas) y probe con dos configuraciones de XF86Config-4 con salida de TV y sin
 salida de TV, poray me falta instalar algun paquete o algo por que no le
 encuentro la vuelta.

instala este paquete, a ver si soluciona algo

y en el kernel necesitas el agparts _y selecciona tu placa madre_ en el
submenú de agparts, quizás es esto, asegurate

Y debajo de agpparts tienes el Direct Redering Manager, selecciona la

Comenta por aquí qué era

suerte! :-)

 Gracias y saludos.

 On Saturday 05 May 2001 12:08, you wrote:
  On Fri, 4 May 2001, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez wrote:
   El tema de 3D es con el load glx y load dri algo mas hay que agregar
   en el XF86Config-4, y el kernel yo tengo el 2.2.19 compilado con agpgart
   y no se si hace falta alguna otra opcion en el kernel cualquier cosa
  te puede faltar:
  Section DRI
  yo lo hice con kernel 2.4.4. Soporte para agpart y para las Matrox en
  general (está debajo). Activa de paso el MTRR (creo que se llama así, así
  la cpu puede acceder a la memoria de video de la tarjeta más eficiente)
  Tambien, para saber que lo tienes activado, puedes jugar al tuxracer (si
  va bien está activado, sino pues no) o si haces:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ glxinfo |grep dir
  direct rendering: Yes
  direct rendering: No
  OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
  tienes que tener direct rendering: yes
  me sale dos veces por los dos monitores
  creo que en el segundo monitor no puedes tener aceleración ¿? pero no lo
  he mirado. Si lo tienes con xinerama te dará problemas (segun he leido en
   Gracias y saludos.
   On Friday 04 May 2001 20:45, you wrote:
On Fri, 4 May 2001, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez wrote:
 Al final funciono aqui te mando el fichero de configuracion.
ah, muy bien
tienes el tema de 3D? yo lo activé, no cuesta, si quieres te envio mi
fichero de configuración (si te interesa)
es eso y 2 opciones en el kernel
 Gracias y hasta la proxima.

 On Sunday 29 April 2001 12:54, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
  Estoy usando una Matrox G450, con DualHead y XFree 4.0.2
  Me gustaría activar la aceleración 3D.
  Creo que para activarlo tengo que:
  -compilar con el módulo agpgart.o
   D-compilar con el módulo mga.o
  -añadir glx, dri, etc. en XF86Config-4
  -instalar algun paquete ??? ¿?
  He compiltado con el Kernel 2.4.4 y soporte para agp y dri para
  matrox 200/400 (la 450 está incluida? no veo ninguna referencia)
  carles:~# insmod agpgart
  Using /lib/modules/2.4.4/kernel/drivers/char/agp/agpgart.o
  /lib/modules/2.4.4/kernel/drivers/char/agp/agpgart.o: init_module:
  No such device
  Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
  including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
  Eso es que no hay soporte para la g450???
  Hay algo en el Kernel que dependa de agpgart y se me ha escapado?
  Muchas gracias
  Carles Pina i Estany
 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #Linux User: 87347 || Nick:
  Pinux URL:
 Nuevo Guiness de MocoXoft al virus 95 más voluminoso!!!

Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Pinux URL:
   Debian Woody   Kernel 2.4.4 on Pentium II 450 MHz 128 MB with Reiser
   Debian Woody   Kernel 2.4.4 on Laptop Pentium 166 MHz 48 MB with
Reiser Debian Potato  Kernel 2.4.3 on Pentium 233 MHz 96 MB
   Fe de eratas: Donde pone eratas, debe poner erratas
  Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Pinux
 Debian Woody   Kernel 2.4.4 on Pentium II 450 MHz 128 MB with Reiser
 Debian Woody   Kernel 2.4.4 on Laptop Pentium 166 MHz 48 MB with Reiser
 Debian Potato  Kernel 2.4.3 on Pentium 233 MHz 96 MB
 Fe de eratas: Donde pone eratas, debe poner erratas

Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Pinux
   Debian Woody   Kernel 2.4.4 @ Pentium II 450 MHz 

Re: conexion ppp

2001-05-05 Thread JRamón Pinto
El sáb, may 05, 2001 at 12:49:00 +0200 Alberto Cerezo ha dit:

 En qué fichero se podía cambiar la
 página de arranque para Lynx?? thanks

/etc/lynx.cfg, en la línea que pone STARTFILE

Description: PGP signature

Re: postgresql en non-US?

2001-05-05 Thread Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
El 06 May 2001 00:20:31 +0200, Rodrigo Moya escribió:
 Estoy actualizando ahora mismo mi equipo, y veo que se está bajando
 postgresql de:
 Get:4 unstable/non-US/main postgresql
 7.1release-3 [2188kB]

Creo que es porque lo han compilado con soporte de SSL, y por tanto
depende de las libssl, y sólo tienes que echarle un vistazo a la
política para ver que tiene que ir en non-US. Sólo podría estar fuera de
non-US si pudiese funcionar sin SSL, aunque estuviese compilado el
soporte. El problema es que eso es bastante difícil de hacer si está
enlazado con una librería. Creo que es algo que estuvieron intentando,
pero al final no les ha quedado más remedio que incluirlo en non-US

 La única forma sería hacer lo que hacen muchos programas (como el
lynx), tener dos versiones, una compilada con soporte SSL y la otra no.
Así estaría una en main y la otra en non-US.

De la política de Debian

 2.1.5 The non-US sections

Some programs with cryptographic program code need to be stored on the
non-US server because of United States export restrictions. Such
programs must be distributed in the appropriate non-US section, either
non-US/main, non-US/contrib or non-US/non-free.

This applies only to packages which contain cryptographic code. A
package containing a program with an interface to a cryptographic
program or a program that's dynamically linked against a cryptographic
library should not be distributed via the non-US server if it is capable
of running without the cryptographic library or program.

  Un saludo

José Carlos García Sogo Seahorse(-bonobo) developer
jose jaimedelamo eu org

Key-Id: 0x90788E11 
Fingerprint = B06B 023F EAA6 37DC 1E62  B079 4BE0 5825 9078 8E11  

Problema con disco

2001-05-05 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Despues de compilar el kernel cuando ejecuto el lilo
me da 
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
Added Linux *
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
Added backup (alias b)
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
Added experimental (alias e)

un monton de renglones pone los added linux y el lilo lo ejecuta bien pero 
algo me parece que esta pasando con el disco 
Con el dmesg me fije y en un lugar dice lo siguente

hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hda: Write Cache FAILED Flushing!
hda: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hda: Write Cache FAILED Flushing!

No se que puede ser (espero no sea falla de disco)

Gracias de antemano y saludos.

PD tengo una potato y tengo instalado en el apt los paquetes de progeny y la 
kernel 2.2.19


2001-05-05 Thread Fabian
Hola a todos,

Una dudua, en la seccion 2 del spanish-Howto donde comenta brevemente las 
distribuciones distribuciones de linux(/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt), dice
que Debian no es un sistem operativo completo, y que mientras tanto,
ofrece un Unix integrado por el nucleo del Linux y el software GNU.
Esto es asi, o el howto esta desactualizado.

Saludos Fabian


Ad Augusta per Angusta

Description: PGP signature

Re: Spanish-HOWTO

2001-05-05 Thread Andres Herrera

El Sat, May 05, 2001 at 07:05:33PM -0300, Fabian disidio iscribir:
 Una dudua, en la seccion 2 del spanish-Howto donde comenta brevemente las 
 distribuciones distribuciones de linux(/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt), dice
 que Debian no es un sistem operativo completo, y que mientras tanto,
 ofrece un Unix integrado por el nucleo del Linux y el software GNU.
 Esto es asi, o el howto esta desactualizado.

Ambas cosas. Debian no es sólo linux. Debian es (creo no equivocarme) el
proyectode crear un SO GNU (el centro de antención es Hurd), pero como el
núcleo proyectado iba para largo se utilizó el de linux.

La idea, si no me equivoco mucho, es proyectar la filosofía debian sobre varios
núcleos. Tenemos Debian Linux y Debian Hurd, aunque imagino que tendría una
gran aceptación algún tipo de Debian BSD.

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | N.Reg: 66054
Debian Potato  | bqp/AndresHE
Clave GPG:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Samba

2001-05-05 Thread Imobach González Sosa
Yo no soy ningún experto en el tema de samba, pero creo que lo que debes hacer 
es crear un
con smbpasswd al que le das un nombre y una contraseña.

Entonces, en el login de red de windows (cuando te pregunta usuario y 
contraseña al
principio) pones
ese usuario y esa contraseña, y al acceder a entorno de red no te saldrá más lo 
del IPC.



 Tenía configurado samba para acceso como guest, pero ahora me va a
 resultar mas util que la maquina windows se loguee como un usuario real
 de la maquina linux.
 Con mi configuración actual de samba voy a la parte de red en windows, y
 veo a la maquina de linux, pero si quiero entrar me pide el password de
 IPC$ que no se que es, y no se que password se pone ahí.
 Este es mi archivo de samba.
 workgroup = RED
 netbios name = SPV
 encrypt passwords = yes
 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 log file = /var/log/samba-log.%m
 max log size = 1000
 os level = 65
 invalid users = root
 comment = elbasto files
 path = /home/elbasto
 valid users = elbasto
 writeable = yes
 comment = Epson Stylus 400
 path = /tmp
 printable = yes
 printer = eps400
 Mi pregunta es esta mal mi configuración de samba o el password de IPC$
 se setea en la maquina de linux? si se setea en la maquina linux, donde
 se hace?
 Gracias, saludos.

//   Santiago Pastorino   \\
   (   Debian GNU/LiNuX 2.2   )

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Microsoft falando mal do GNU/Linux =)

2001-05-05 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Alô Eitch sumido =)

como anda o Eitchdot?

eu to te escrevendo pra solicitar uma matéria pro pontobr e uma pro
slashdot... queria que você escrevesse-as pois tem o talento =)

uma delas é mostrar a informação errada apresentada nesse texto:

que pergunta quem se responsabilizaria se o linux não desse boot no
ano de 2000... coloca no texto que a licença do windows diz que o 
software está sendo licensiado para você e não vendido e que isso
te tira o direito legal de reclamar por danos causados pelo software
em questão (windows...)

outra coisa... mostre a nossos usuários que o pessoal que escreveu
falando mal do Software Livre e do GNU/Linux em particular usa
Apache na sua própria página: 
experimente para ver =) o meu nmap
me deu a seguinte informação sobre o site:

Interesting ports on  (
Remote OS guesses: Linux 2.1.122 - 2.2.16, Linux kernel 2.2.13, Linux 2.2.14

se der pra você fazer uma grande divulgação disso pra nós eu vou
ficar muito feliz =) talvez mandar uma cópia pra info exame, uma
pra a pcmaster, uma pra revista do linux... pra veja... pra istoé...
quem sabe não conseguimos uma grande pancada na mídia? =) Seria

o pessoal das listas está mais que convidado a dar uma ajudinha 
nessa divulgação =) fiquei com vontade de mandar essa mensagem
pro autor do texto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), mas resolvi mandar uma
separada só pra ele =)


   Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux - A matter of quality |
| : :'  : |Debian-BR enlarging frontiers|
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!|
|   `-| Think globaly, act localy!   |

Software Livre. Precisamos do seu apoio.

2001-05-05 Thread Emerson Val Silva

Sou Emerson Val, e moro em Feira de Santana no interior da Bahia. Gostaria em 
nome dos militantes do software livre no Brasil e em nome da democracia lhe 
fazer algumas sugestões e contar um pouco da história, que acho, você irá se 

Há um movimento mundial sobre a questão dos softwares proprietários. Softwares 
proprietários são programas de computador em que o usuário deve pagar por cada 
cópia, dessa forma o programa não é de quem paga, mas da empresa que o 
desenvolveu. O usuário paga por uma licença de uso, e caso perca essa licença 
terá que comprar outra pra não cometer pirataria. Ninguém a não ser a empresa 
que o criou pode alterá-lo ou revendê-lo sem o consentimento dos fabricantes, e 
se houver falhas somente os fabricantes poderão consertá-las ou ocultá-las com 
propagandas enganossas se achar conveniente. Isso é o que a Microsoft, a mega 
empresa de Bill Gates, faz. A Microsoft é a ponta do bloco de gelo do monopólio 
de softwares.
Certa vez ouvi dizer que no seu programa foi um escritor, que dizia não gostar 
de computadores devido às telinhas azuis, as falhas inesperadas. Esse é um 
defeito antigo do Windows, que perdura desde a primeira versão do Windows 95, e 
que ainda existe. A Microsoft não consertou nada, mas faz muito marketing pra 
tentar denegrir a reputação do software livre.

O Movimento ao qual me refiro é o movimento de defesa ao software livre fundado 
pela Free Software Foundation (, e que tem boas bases no 
Brasil pelo Comitê de Insentivo ao Software GNU e Alternativo 
Software livre é todo software que é distribuído com código-fonte aberto e sem 
restrições ao uso e modificação, e que normalmente é distribuído junto a uma 
licença de software que se chama GPL General Public License, ou Licença Pública 
Geral. Essa licença evita que o software seja patenteato e consequentemente que 
tenha um dono, então software livre quer dizer software sem proprietários, e 
apesar da contradição isso significa software para todos.
Nós, militantes do software livre, acreditamos que assim como na matemática, 
onde podemos utilizar formulas criadas por mestres da matematica como Tartaglia 
e Einstein, o software deve ter sua distribuição livre, com seu código aberto e 
sem proprietários. Se essa lei  de software  fosse aplicada à matemática então 
seríamos  obrigados a pagar uma licença de uso sempre que fossemos  resolver 
nossa lição de casa, mas é isso que um software é, matemática, algorítimos que 
são transformados  em codigo de máquina, cálculos e interpretações lógicas.

O sistema de patentes atrasa a humanidade. Se todos os governos tivessem a 
integração que a comunidade GNU tem, com certeza estaríamos anos luz afrente do 

Segundo estimativas o governo brasileiro gasta quase 2 (dois) Bilhões de Reais 
por ano em renovação de software. Se o software fosse livre, então teríamos 
quase 2 Bilhões pra poder aplicar à saúde ou aumentar o salário mínimo. O 
Software livre tem qualidade superior ou igual aos softwares proprietários, e 
pra quase todo software proprietário existe um similar livre.

Uma proposta do deputado Walter Pinheiro do PT da Bahia está no congresso e 
ninguém toma a iniciativa de pô-la em votação. Essa proposta visa a utilização 
de software livre em todos os órgãos do governo e em todos os níveis.

Uma das cláusulas da licitação de aquisição de software do governo é de que a 
empresa proprietária deve ter sede em Brasília, mas só a Microsoft tem sede em 
Brasília. Um amigo do time Debian (http://www.debian,org) me disse que o 
contrato que a Microsoft tem com o governo termina só em 2026.

Reclama-se que o Brasil não tem mão-de-obra especializada e ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, 
ba, ba. Tem sim, mas o governo só vê futuro fora daqui, é o Brasil fortalecendo 

Segundo o que te escrevo, sugiro para que entreviste algum dos militantes do 
software livre, como Djalma Valois Filho do CIPSGA, Richard Stallmam da Free 
Software Foundation, ou até mesmo o Deputado Walter Pinheiro.

Por favor, mande um e-mail para o Djalma: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ou procure mais 
informações em
Interessante também seria acessar os sites e

Esse e-mail foi inteiramente escrito utilizando software livre.

Re: Microsoft falando mal do GNU/Linux =)

2001-05-05 Thread Flavio Alberto

-Mensagem original-
De: Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Sábado, 5 de Maio de 2001 05:29
Assunto: Microsoft falando mal do GNU/Linux =)

Alô Eitch sumido =)

como anda o Eitchdot?

eu to te escrevendo pra solicitar uma matéria pro pontobr e uma pro
slashdot... queria que você escrevesse-as pois tem o talento =)

uma delas é mostrar a informação errada apresentada nesse texto:

que pergunta quem se responsabilizaria se o linux não desse boot no
ano de 2000... coloca no texto que a licença do windows diz que o
software está sendo licensiado para você e não vendido e que isso
te tira o direito legal de reclamar por danos causados pelo software
em questão (windows...)

outra coisa... mostre a nossos usuários que o pessoal que escreveu
falando mal do Software Livre e do GNU/Linux em particular usa
Apache na sua própria página:
experimente para ver =) o meu nmap
me deu a seguinte informação sobre o site:

Interesting ports on  (
Remote OS guesses: Linux 2.1.122 - 2.2.16, Linux kernel 2.2.13, Linux

se der pra você fazer uma grande divulgação disso pra nós eu vou
ficar muito feliz =) talvez mandar uma cópia pra info exame, uma
pra a pcmaster, uma pra revista do linux... pra veja... pra istoé...
quem sabe não conseguimos uma grande pancada na mídia? =) Seria

o pessoal das listas está mais que convidado a dar uma ajudinha
nessa divulgação =) fiquei com vontade de mandar essa mensagem
pro autor do texto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), mas resolvi mandar uma
separada só pra ele =)


   Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux - A matter of quality
| : :'  : |Debian-BR enlarging frontiers|
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!
|   `-| Think globaly, act localy!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Bash: Substituição de variável dentro de outra

2001-05-05 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Estou programando um bash script que necessita do seguinte recurso (como
host:~# export VARIAVEL1=SHELL
host:~# echo ${VARIAVEL1}
host:~# echo $${VARIAVEL1}
host:~# echo `echo $${VARIAVEL1}`
O que quero é ao invés de sair $SHELL saia /bin/bash como se usasse o 
comando echo $SHELL diretamente. Estive pesquisando na página de 
manual do bash em procura de alguma referência sobre outras formas 
de exibição de variáveis mas não tive muito sucesso...

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Eu cnsigo diigtar 400 caractreres pro minuo1.

Bash: Expansão de variável dentro de variável

2001-05-05 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Estou programando um  programe em shell script que necessita do seguinte
(como exemplo):

host:~# export 

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

* A diferença entre o possível e o impossível está na vontade humana.

Re: [OT] Bash: Substituição de variável dentro de outra

2001-05-05 Thread Christoph Simon
On Sat, 05 May 2001 09:07:37 -0400
Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Estou programando um bash script que necessita do seguinte recurso (como
 host:~# export VARIAVEL1=SHELL
 host:~# echo ${VARIAVEL1}
 host:~# echo $${VARIAVEL1}
 host:~# echo `echo $${VARIAVEL1}`
 O que quero é ao invés de sair $SHELL saia /bin/bash como se usasse o 
 comando echo $SHELL diretamente. Estive pesquisando na página de 
 manual do bash em procura de alguma referência sobre outras formas 
 de exibição de variáveis mas não tive muito sucesso...

A expressão

echo $${VARIAVEL1}

vai expandir no sinal $ ($), no valor de ${VARIABLE1} (SHELL) e na
cadeia vazía . É isso é o que o shell lhe deu. Provavelmente não é a
solução ótima, mas essencialmente pode fazer para forçar a segunda

echo `eval echo $W`
V=outra cadeia
echo `eval echo $W`
outra cadeia


Christoph Simon

Re: Maquina sem No-break

2001-05-05 Thread Itamar Grochowski Rocha
Edson Lima Monteiro escreveu em Fri, May 04, 2001 at 04:46:21PM -0300:
  Boa tarde pessoal.
  Tenho uma maquina que esta atuando como servidor mas esta sem no-break.
  Apos muitas quedas de energia cheguei a um estado em que sempre que a
 maquina volta ela pede a senha de root e pede para fazer um  fsck na
 particoes... Isso ja aconteceu eu outra maquina e, a cada nova queda de
 energia, o tempo que eu passava pressionando yes para o fsck aumentava
 mais e mais.
  Gostaria de saber se existe uma forma de contornar isso ate' que eu
 consiga sensibilizar alguem de que o no-break e' imprescindivel.

Acho que deixar o último campo do /etc/fstab (e.g. [1]) igual a 0
resolve o seu problema no sentido de impedir que o disco seja checado na 
inicialização, entretanto se existem erros no seu disco eles continuarão
lá ;-)

Se isto não funcionar: man tune2fs . Acho que lá você consegue controlar
a freqüência em que seu disco é checado.


[1] /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdb1  /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro  0  0

Itamar Grochowski Rocha

Fortune cookie for you:

Não entro nos negócios para continuar pobre

--Jack Nicholson

Re: Problemas com Modem e Instalação do Mozilla

2001-05-05 Thread HSO.suporte

Como vc. é novo em Debian permito não responder exatamente o que vc. quer e
sugerir uma alternativa: porque vc. quer o Mozilla ? Ele não está pronto
uso final, é beta software. Porque não instala Netscape 4.75 ? Instala-se
desta forma :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  apt-get install communicator

A primeira linha conecta vc. a internet ( eu presuponho que vc. já tenha
configurado o ppp com pppconf ) e a segunda instala o communicator.
Fernando Fraga e Silva - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Undergraduated Mechanical Engineering Student from University of São Paulo
Não sou  novo no linux sou novo no debian , quero o mozilla porque ele é GPL
(ou algo que o valha não me lembo bem). mas o problema maio meu (como eu
disse nooutro email) é o modem , que funcionava no SuSE e agora se recusa a
operar com  Debian(eu mantive os arquivos de configuração), eu puxei o
mozilla pelo ruindows , mas já to cheio de usar essa porcaria para mandar
meus emails (lê os fontes deste email p/ vc ver) e fazer downloads.

Re: Software Livre. Precisamos do seu apoio.

2001-05-05 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 5 May 2001 07:15:38 -0300
Emerson Val Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Sou Emerson Val, e moro em Feira de Santana no interior da Bahia. Gostaria em 
 dos militantes do software livre no Brasil e em nome da democracia lhe fazer
 algumas sugestões e contar um pouco da história, que acho, você irá se 
parabéns amigo =), c pegou o espírito =), esta é uma ótima hora para nós
reforçarmos esse tipo de investida para acabar com as lorotas e propagandas
falsas da MS!

Assim como o ACM, o Arruda e o Jader tornaram o senado um antro de 
mentira, a MS transformou a industria do software em marketing puro,
mentiras, erros encobertos por palavras bonitas. Está na hora de
caçarmos o mandato dela... =)


   Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux - A matter of quality |
| : :'  : |Debian-BR enlarging frontiers|
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!|
|   `-| Think globaly, act localy!   |

Re: Bash: Expansão de variável dentro de variável

2001-05-05 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Esbarrei sem querer na tecla de atalho :-)

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Estou programando um  programe em shell script que necessita do seguinte
 (como exemplo):
 host:~# export
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
 * A diferença entre o possível e o impossível está na vontade humana.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

* As vezes é preciso parar e olhar para longe, para podermos enxergar o
que está perto de nós.

Re: [OT] Bash: Substituição de variável dentro de outra

2001-05-05 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Você nem imagina o quanto me ajudou a resolver este problema, me poupou
mais de 
120 linhas em um shell script e isto vai facilitar bastante as
atualizações do 

Muito obrigado mesmo, não achava alternativas para solucionar este
problema :-)


Christoph Simon wrote:
 On Sat, 05 May 2001 09:07:37 -0400
 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Estou programando um bash script que necessita do seguinte recurso (como
  host:~# export VARIAVEL1=SHELL
  host:~# echo ${VARIAVEL1}
  host:~# echo $${VARIAVEL1}
  host:~# echo `echo $${VARIAVEL1}`
  O que quero é ao invés de sair $SHELL saia /bin/bash como se usasse o
  comando echo $SHELL diretamente. Estive pesquisando na página de
  manual do bash em procura de alguma referência sobre outras formas
  de exibição de variáveis mas não tive muito sucesso...
 A expressão
 echo $${VARIAVEL1}
 vai expandir no sinal $ ($), no valor de ${VARIABLE1} (SHELL) e na
 cadeia vazía . É isso é o que o shell lhe deu. Provavelmente não é a
 solução ótima, mas essencialmente pode fazer para forçar a segunda
 echo `eval echo $W`
 V=outra cadeia
 echo `eval echo $W`
 outra cadeia
 Christoph Simon

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

* Quem jamais amou, vê com maus olhos as coisas do amor

Acentuacao no Mozilla

2001-05-05 Thread Lalo Martins
tá tá tá... eu sei que o lagarto ainda é instável :-)

Bom... em casa ele não acentua. Mozilla 0.8.1, XFree4.0.2-13.

No trabalho, mesma versão do Mozilla e do XFree, ele acentua,
mas quando eu copio HTML ele renderiza e cola como texto -
tipo por exemplo se eu copiar amp; ele cola . Quem mexe
com Zope deve imaginar como isso é fantástico pra trabalhar com
DTML ;-)

Agora... mesma versão das duas coisas... é esse tipo de
problema sobrenatural que me deixa encafifado :-) será alguma
coisa na minha configuração do X? Ou do lagarto? Ou ambos?

   I say a prayer now our love's departed
That you'll come back to stay
  Bring back the perfect day[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key:

Brazil of Darkness (RPG)  ---


2001-05-05 Thread Greg Steele
I am having a difficult time compiling the device3dfx driver.

Part of the problem, I'm sure, is my lack of knowledge of how to
correctly setup the kernel-header and kernel-source directories
under Debian.

I am running kernel-2.2.19-ide.

I have

and  a link from /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.19

I issue  the following commands

KSRC=/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19-ide ./buildpkg

from /usr/src/modules/device3dfx/debian

for one, it cannot find the Makefile since this is in kernel-sources

The big problem is that I get the following compilation errors

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/modules/device3dfx'
gcc -O2 -m486 -fomit-frame-pointer -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__
-I/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19-ide/include -pipe -fno-strength-reduce
-malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -c -o 3dfx.o
In file included from
 from 3dfx_driver.c:119:
/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19-ide/include/asm/smp.h: In function
/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19-ide/include/asm/smp.h:209: `APIC_BASE'
undeclared (first use in this function)
/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19-ide/include/asm/smp.h:209: (Each
undeclared identifier is reported only once
/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19-ide/include/asm/smp.h:209: for each
function it appears in.)
/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19-ide/include/asm/smp.h:209: `APIC_ID'
undeclared (first use in this function)
make[1]: *** [3dfx.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/modules/device3dfx'
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 2

Can you tell me what I am doing incorrectly.

I have tried compile with setting KSRC=/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.19.

This dies even quicker because in cannot find version.h


P.S. /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.19/include/asm is linked to

Re: Slow Cable Modem Revisited

2001-05-05 Thread Brandon High
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 11:21:12AM -0400, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 Suddenly it occurred to me that the slowdown I'd started seeing with my
 @home service began occurring right arounf the time I took my LinkSys
 Etherlink II card (uses ne2k-pci driver) out and replaced it with a D-Link
 DFE-530TX+ (uses rtl8139 driver.)  So I put it back in and lo and behold!
 my connection is zipping along again.

NE2000 is about the worst design out there. If I remember correctly, it was
a reference design never intended to see tha light of day. Then people
started marketting and selling them.

The Netgear PCI card (tulip chipset) is pretty decent, supports full duplex
100Mbps, and only costs about $15-$25 even at Best Buy.

 I still think @home are up to some funny business but for now I'm happy.

I was never really happy with their service, but I'm not really happy with
my Pac Bell DSL either. I guess I'm just too damned picky.


I feel like I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

Re: athome funny business [was Slow Cable Modem Revisited]

2001-05-05 Thread idalton
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 12:23:31PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 09:04:57AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 11:21:12AM -0400, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
   Suddenly it occurred to me that the slowdown I'd started seeing with my
   @home service began occurring right arounf the time I took my LinkSys
   Etherlink II card (uses ne2k-pci driver) out and replaced it with a D-Link
   DFE-530TX+ (uses rtl8139 driver.)  So I put it back in and lo and behold!
   my connection is zipping along again.
   I still think @home are up to some funny business but for now I'm happy.
  Hehe. Speaking of funny business, I just had @home set up, and the cable
  installer never left me a modem manual, and 3com is sarcasmbeing their
  usually helpful self again/sarcasm about offering content obscured in
  So I emailed support to ask for a user manual. I'm sent back an
  'individual' boilerplate response suggesting I power-cycle the modem and
  reboot my computer. Yeh...
 What exactly are you hoping to accomplish by acquiring a user manual
 for your cable modem?
 Cable modems are completely unlike DSL modems regarding user-tunable
 bits.  For better or for worse, most of the cable modem's
 functionality is meant to be controlled by the cable operator.

Let's see.. There are status lights marked with incomprehensable
symbols. I think I've puzzled three of them out, but the fourth remains
unlit and I have no idea what it means. I also want to turn off the LOUD
chiming sound it makes when it syncs to the cable. The installer guy
said it was a user-settable option.

 BTW, I don't believe @Home is forcing anyone to use a proxy (though
 they like it if you do; it lowers their aggregate demand for external
 bandwidth.)  IMO, most funny business with @Home is a result of
 their rapid growth.  Besides, @Home has to depend on the local cable
 operator to uphold quality considerations for the last mile.

I like using a proxy too. Heck, I HAVE to run a proxy on my firewall box
for my internal machines. And I like the idea of keeping external
aggregate bandwidth down. Hopefully it'll help keep me off their
'naughty' list for daring to have mail-transport-agent and ssh-server
installed so I can actually USE my computer. ;)

-- Ferret

RE: More Sid/unstable wierdness.

2001-05-05 Thread Marc Wilson
devpts is the Unix98 Pty (pseudo-tty) support that more and more
applications are coming to depend upon.  You want this.  There's a script in
/etc/init.d that will mount it for you if you do not explicitly do it in

And of course everyone knows what /proc is.

Marc Wilson

 -Original Message-
From:   frosty [mailto:frosty]  On Behalf Of John Foster
Sent:   Friday, May 04, 2001 9:42 AM
To: Debian Users
Subject:More Sid/unstable wierdness.

I am still battling a recent Sid upgrade that fried my test site file
system. My main problem is that the kernel boots into runlevel2 with the
/ file system mounted as read-only. I tried several ideas (thanks Osamu)
to remount the system to no avail. I decided to try to find exactly what
is going on by getting all of the mount info.
/dev/hdc1 on / type ext2 (rw, errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type pts (rw, gid=5, mode=620)
---stuff snipped--
The rest of the output looked ok. What is the last line? I have not ever
seen that before. I have NOT installed/enabled any other file system
than ext2 for my kernel. I seem to remember avoiding something like this
when I compiled the kernel, so what is it doing in my system? Any ides.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: logitech first wheel mouse

2001-05-05 Thread Raghavendra Bhat
May 05, 2001 at 05:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Anydoes who owns a mouse like this and makes scrolling 
 work in netscape pls kindly tell me how you did it.

Keeping the  Air-Waves FREE...Amateur Radio
Keeping your Software  FREE.the GNU Project
Keeping the  W W W FREEDebian GNU/${kernel}

Re: How to find uptime stats after a reboot

2001-05-05 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 04:55:11PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 I just had a power loss that brought down a Potato server. Is there any 
 way to find out now what the uptime was prior to the unannounced shutdown?

I've installed ud:

00:30 $ ud -d
- Uptime for peon -
Now  : 97 day(s), 10:48:07 running Linux 2.2.16
One  : 97 day(s), 10:47:51 running Linux 2.2.16, ended Sat May  5 00:31:18 2001
Two  : 91 day(s), 02:47:39 running Linux 2.2.16, ended Sun Dec 10 17:24:13 2000
Three: 61 day(s), 21:21:36 running Linux 2.2.14, ended Tue Jul 18 19:57:18 2000

although that just keeps the three highest, don't know where/if to
find data on the most recent.


Horner's Five Thumb Postulate:
Experience varies directly with equipment ruined.

Re: attempted windows install, linux won't boot

2001-05-05 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 07:20:52PM -0700, Forrest English wrote:
 1. i tried to install win98 to play games
 2. it decided it wouldn't get through the setup. locked 4 times.
 3. so, i put in my debian cd
 3. rescue root=/dev/hda5
 4. it boots up, all good...
 5. login, re-run lilo
 6. lilo seems to work fine.
 7. i reboot
 8. I9990305   is all that apears where i expect to see:
 9. so i use the rescue disk again.  i try loging in and doing fdisk /mbr,
 it reports, unable to open mbr.   uh, greeet  
I think (could be wrong) that fdisk /mbr is the syntax for the DOS
version (which is why it works in the next step).  You would get this
message unless you had a hard disk device file named mbr in your /
directory.  Perhaps you should try fdisk /dev/hda.

 10.  reboot using the win98 cd to dos.fdisk /mbr.  it doesn't complain
 11. do the reboot, rescue, lilo thing again.
 12. stare at I9990305 again.


It's a summons.
What's a summons?
It means summon's in trouble.
-- Rocky and Bullwinkle

Re: Example of date sytax to return a date in the past?

2001-05-05 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, May 04, 2001 at 12:26:08PM -0500, Nathan E Norman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 12:09:11PM -0400, Stan Brown wrote:
  I know thta it's possible to sue the GNU version of date, as provided with
  Debian to return a dat, say 30 minutes in the past.
  However I can't seem to get the syntax quie correct. From the man page,
  it's apparent that I need the --date option, but what is the STRING
 Lines 47-133 of the date(1) man page describe the string format in
 excruciating detail.

The date output format directives are described in detail, but not the
syntax requested by Stan Brown.  For this, it's necessary to dig through
the info page.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to copy the binary image of a dos floppy ?

2001-05-05 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, May 04, 2001 at 04:30:50PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 02:48:35PM -0500, B Thomas wrote:
 :I have dos and debian installed on my system . I would like to backup the 
 ddevice drivers that came on dos floppies with my system. I know I need to 
 use the dd command to make a binary image of the floppy. But I do not know 
 the exact parameter to pass . Could you please show me a sample command line .
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] dd if=/dev/fd0 of=floppy.img bs=72k

I'm not sure where you're getting your bs= value.

I tend to use:

$ dd if=/dev/fd0 of=floppy.img bs=1024 count=1440

...though you may not want to set a count if you aren't sure of the size
of the image.  Though most 3.5 floppies are 1.4MB, other sizes are

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: device3dfx

2001-05-05 Thread Andrei Ivanov
I'm sure this is not the fix you are looking for, but I used to have the
same problem with 2.2.18. After I built the 2.4.3 kernel, however, the
module compiled beautifully. I guess you'd have to make bzImage, and tehn
make modules, and try to build the device3dfx afterwards.

First there was Explorer...
Then came Expedition.
This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
Andrei Ivanov

Re: device3dfx

2001-05-05 Thread Greg Steele
I was hoping that it would be something simpler than that.


On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 12:42:22AM -0500, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
 I'm sure this is not the fix you are looking for, but I used to have the
 same problem with 2.2.18. After I built the 2.4.3 kernel, however, the
 module compiled beautifully. I guess you'd have to make bzImage, and tehn
 make modules, and try to build the device3dfx afterwards.
 First there was Explorer...
 Then came Expedition.
 This summer
   Coming to a street near you..
   Ford Exterminator.
 Andrei Ivanov
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Query RE: chroot command line syntax

2001-05-05 Thread John Foster
Here is what I want to do; I have a dual boot system with partitions:
/stable and partition /unstable. I want to mount /unstable to directory
/stable/unstable  after doing so I issue command; 
'chroot /unstable apt-get update'
'chroot /unstable apt-get upgrade'

What happens is that all of the proper files on /unstable are downloaded
and cached in /unstable/var/cache/apt/ far, so good. Then I
get an error message saying

E: Failure running script /usr/bin/apt-listchanges --apt || test $? -ne

How do I get past this? If this can be overcome, I think we will have a
remote installation method and recovery method. Any ideas??


Re: speedup nvidia?

2001-05-05 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Fri, 4 May 2001 13:23:54 -0700
Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm running 2.2.17, agpart wasn't introduced until 2.2.18, IIRC.

Not a direct reply, but thought I'd chip in this thread.

I tried enabling the NVIDIA and the kernel agp support (separately, of
course) - in both cases support was loaded up OK, but I found I was
getting a few crashes where my screen just froze and I couldn't enable
another console to kill off an errant process. In my experience, these
sorts of freezes are often graphics-card/driver related, so I tried
disabling agp support. So far I haven't had a crash yet.

I am using a VIA KT133 chipset and Athlon 800 CPU. I run on a 2.4.3 kernel
with XFS support.

Phillip Deackes
Using Progeny Debian Linux

Re: speedup nvidia?

2001-05-05 Thread Benjamin Black

  Driver  nvidia
 Option NvAgp 1
 to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

where is this documented?  i can find nothing in the README and
Installation Guide on nvidia's site.


|_|_ | _  _ |_   PGP public key:
|_) . |_)|(_|(_ |\  Never rub another man's rhubarb. -- Joker

Description: PGP signature

Re: device3dfx

2001-05-05 Thread Robert Voigt
On Saturday 05 May 2001 05:58, Greg Steele wrote:
 I am having a difficult time compiling the device3dfx driver.

 Part of the problem, I'm sure, is my lack of knowledge of how to
 correctly setup the kernel-header and kernel-source directories
 under Debian.

 I am running kernel-2.2.19-ide.

 I have

 and  a link from /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.19

I'm not an expert, but I think if you have the kernel sources, you don't need 
the kernel-headers. The headers are included in the source. 
I don't know if that's written somewhere. At least you didn't find it. 
People should be able to use debian even if they don't know what headers and 
sources are, no?

file audit

2001-05-05 Thread Benjamin Black
hello everyone,

recently for some unknown reason my /usr partition was corrupted.
running it through fsck, i answered 'y' to fix many, many errors.  my
system now appears to be fine, however there are scattered files that
had their permissions, sizes, owners, etc. changed to various strange
things.  as i've been updating packages, i'm finding these files and
fixing them, but i'm wondering if there might be a faster way.  dpkg
--audit seems to only check for the existence of files, not their
correct sizes/permissions/etc.  does anyone know of a way to do a
thorough audit of all installed packages, short of manually
uninstalling/reinstalling them?


|_|_ | _  _ |_   PGP public key:
|_) . |_)|(_|(_ |\  Never rub another man's rhubarb. -- Joker

Description: PGP signature


2001-05-05 Thread Ardy -- Not Entered --
Hai There =)

hai.. i need help from you guys out there.. please , the problem is after i was 
defragment my Windows 98 , and then when i boot my computer into Linux , 
suddendly some directory/link was broken , and this is what is like in the 

/dev/hdb1 contain a file system with error
directory inode 101911, block 0, ofset 0: Directoy corrupted

/dev/hdb1: unexpected inconsystency: run fsck manualy
   (without -a or -p option)

Please note that the root file system is currently mounted read-only, to 
remount it Read-Write:
# mount -n -o remount,rw /

(none):~# ps x  - i was try to do this in the concole

error: /proc must be mounted
  to mount /proc at boot time you need an /etc/fstab line like:
  /proc /proc proc defaults

in the meantime, mount /proc /proc -t proc
segmentaion fault

please i need help to fix that , so i can use  my linux again like before 
normaly , what should i do?


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Re: how to zip/compress a directory?

2001-05-05 Thread Colin Watson
john smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
nope. it won't work..

[EMAIL PROTECTED] share]$ tar czvf pixmaps.tar.gz pixmaps
tar (child): pixmaps.tar.gz: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Broken pipe
is that permission problems

You do need to be able to write to the directory where you're trying to
store the compressed file. Like the other respondent said, put it in
your home directory.


User permissions for an ext2 partition

2001-05-05 Thread Viktor Lakics
Hi Debian gurus,

I have a data partition mounted in /data. I want to read and write
the whole partition as a regular user. What should I put into my

Right now I have:
# file systemmount pointtype  options   dump  pass

/dev/hda9 /ext2 defaults,errors=remount-ro  0   1

/dev/hda10  noneswapsw  

proc/proc   procdefaults
0   0

/cdrom/cdromsupermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom   0  0

/floppy   /floppy   supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd00  0

/dev/hda6 /home  ext2 rw0   

/dev/hda7 /usr/local ext2 rw0   

/dev/hda8 /mandrake  ext2 rw0   

/dev/hda1 /win   vfat user,showexec,quiet,umask=0 0 0

/dev/hda5 /data  ext2  rw  0 2

The last line is the partition I want to read and write as a normal
user. Just like what I did with /dev/hda1, the umask option solves
this issue, but that is only for fat partitions. What is the
equivalent for ext2?

Thanks in advance. -- Viktor 

xmms and audio cd playing

2001-05-05 Thread Viktor Lakics
Hi All,

I used xmms with Mandrake for playing almost everything, mp3, audio
CD, oggs wavs etc.

Under Debian, I cannot play Audio CDs with xmms. (dedicated CD
players work!).

Xmms has a audio CD plugin, which I enabled, set the cdrom pointing
to the right dir, and now what? How can I tell xmms to play the
audio CDs? Play file shows nothing, play directory ditto, play
location seems doing nothing as well.

Under Mandrake, I was even able to mount the audio cd (in the
playlist it showed the sounds as track_n_.cda, theerfore I just
played them as files (play directory or file).

This lead to us to a more general question: what is the difference
of audio an data cds? Even before I patched the kernel for supemount
under Debian I could not mount audio CDs (got the message wrong
fstype, bad option blablalabla..), while data cds are mounted fine.

Anyone has the answer?

Thanks in advance. -- Viktor 


2001-05-05 Thread Anthony Lau

At 4:35 PM +0800 5/5/2001, Ardy -- Not Entered -- wrote:

Hai There =)

/dev/hdb1: unexpected inconsystency: run fsck manualy
   (without -a or -p option)

Please note that the root file system is currently mounted 
read-only, to remount it Read-Write:

# mount -n -o remount,rw /

(none):~# ps x  - i was try to do this in the concole

Well, it booted you into a minimal shell so that you can run fsck 
manually as it suggested. Instead of trying to look at running 
processes, type

fsck /dev/hdb1

at the root prompt. This will run fsck manually on your root 
partition (I guess).

Then, just exit (logout). Your boxen will reboot automatically.

Hopefully, it will work like before.

Anthony Lau

Re: User permissions for an ext2 partition

2001-05-05 Thread Robert Voigt
On Saturday 05 May 2001 10:48, Viktor Lakics wrote:

man fstab

Re: logitech first wheel mouse

2001-05-05 Thread stimpy
On (05/05/01 05:56), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anydoes who owns a mouse like this and makes scrolling work in netscape pls
 kindly tell me how you did it.


Simon Hooper
GnuPG 1024D/F3D1353A 64AF 1419 4B67 CE13 E312  7C80 CFB0 9414 F3D1 353A

Re: xmms and audio cd playing

2001-05-05 Thread Robert Voigt
On Saturday 05 May 2001 10:59, Viktor Lakics wrote:

 Under Debian, I cannot play Audio CDs with xmms. (dedicated CD
 players work!).

Don't mount the CD if it's an audio CD.
And put yourself in the group your CD drive (/dev/cdrom, not the directory 
where you mount cdroms) belongs to, otherwise you don't have permission to 
access the drive. 
This is one of those things you're supposed to know if you want to use debian 

Re: Gnus: two questions -- first one solved

2001-05-05 Thread Johann Spies
Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I can read the newsgroups, but not post to them.

Removing (gnus-agentize) from .gnus solved the problem.

I am stil looking for a solution for my second question which I could
rephrase like this:

How can I read the articles in the column indicated here below?

 [35!  0?] 14/ 1090: comp.text.tex
 [ 2!  0?]  1/   38: comp.lang.python
*[ 4!  0?]  0/   26: comp.lang.python.announce
*[ 5!  0?]  0/   44: comp.os.linux.announce
*[ 4!  0?]  0/  160: gnu.emacs.gnus


J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336.  Posbus 4668, Tygervallei 7536
 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do
  what is right in the eyes of all men. 
Romans 12:17 

reply in lista

2001-05-05 Thread Davide
come si fa affinchè mutt, quando premo rispondi a un messaggio
di questa lista, risponda effettivamente a
e non all'autore del messaggio?
sulle altre liste funziona, con questa no, anche se ho messo
subscribe nel mio muttrc..
A presto,
Davide Cavallari
My mind is a potato field ...

Re: Gnus: two questions -- first one solved

2001-05-05 Thread Glyn Millington
On 05 May 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I can read the newsgroups, but not post to them.
 Removing (gnus-agentize) from .gnus solved the problem.
 I am stil looking for a solution for my second question which I could
 rephrase like this:
 How can I read the articles in the column indicated here below?
  [35!  0?] 14/ 1090: comp.text.tex
  [ 2!  0?]  1/   38: comp.lang.python
 *[ 4!  0?]  0/   26: comp.lang.python.announce
 *[ 5!  0?]  0/   44: comp.os.linux.announce
 *[ 4!  0?]  0/  160: gnu.emacs.gnus

In the Group Buffer


so here we are then
   Running Debian/Gnu Linux  
  10:50am  up  2:54,  2 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.29, 0.18

Re: speedup nvidia?

2001-05-05 Thread Thomas Hess

On 05 May 2001 03:45:28 -0400, Benjamin Black said:

Driver  nvidia
   Option NvAgp 1
   to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
  where is this documented?  i can find nothing in the README and
  Installation Guide on nvidia's site.

look at the Nvidia-Install-Guide at (it's also
in the driver-tarball) - it is mentioned there at (app-f) APPENDIX F:
also helpfull is the Troubleshooting Guide from the developers at

Thomas Hess mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem with Joystick and devfs

2001-05-05 Thread Jeremy Rosen

Hello everybody

I am using a testing debian with a 2.4.3 kernel, and devfs installed, but I 
can't make my joystick work. 
My joystick is installed on the gameport of my sound card : sb 64 pci

devfs dosn't seem to detect it. Here are the few clues I have.

I think I have installed the proper drivers in the kernel :
the one for my sound blaster pci 64
the one for core input
the one for core joystick
My analogous joystick two button
a game port which seemed to be mine (ns 558)

I have found a few more things : When I compile the sound driver as a module, I 
have a message telling me that the joystick is not installed. I can have a 
message telling me that it is installed when I load the module with the proper 
option, but I still dont have any joystick device in my /dev or /dev/input

any idea ?



Packages to run kernel 2.4.x on potato (release 12)

2001-05-05 Thread Adrian Bunk

I have prepared the packages needed to run kernels up to 2.4.4 on a Debian
2.2r3 (potato) system. Please read [1] for more information.

Changes since the last release:

  + added: isdnutils
Binary packages:
   o ipppd
   o isdnactivecards
   o isdneurofile
   o isdnlog-data
   o isdnlog
   o isdnutils-doc
   o isdnutils-xtools
   o isdnutils
   o isdnvbox
   o isdnvboxclient
   o isdnvboxserver
   o libcapi20
   o pppdcapiplugin
  + added: kernel-image-2.4.4-i386
Binary packages:
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4-386
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4-586
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4-586tsc
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4-686
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4-686-smp
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4-k6
   o kernel-headers-2.4.4-k7
   o kernel-image-2.4.4-386
   o kernel-image-2.4.4-586
   o kernel-image-2.4.4-586tsc
   o kernel-image-2.4.4-686
   o kernel-image-2.4.4-686-smp
   o kernel-image-2.4.4-k6
   o kernel-image-2.4.4-k7
  + added: kernel-source-2.4.4
Binary packages:
   o kernel-doc-2.4.4
   o kernel-source-2.4.4
   o mkcramfs
  + patched util-linux with the international kernel patch
  + removed: kernel-image-2.4.3-i386
  + removed: kernel-source-2.4.3




Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind wagen wir sie nicht,
sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen sind sie schwierig.

postfix not easy to install

2001-05-05 Thread mdevin
I am having trouble getting postfix to install on my potato 2.2r3

It did work initially but then after rebooting the computer, it won't
start again.

I get the following in my mail.log file:
postfix-script: warning: /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf and
/etc/resolv.conf differ
postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system
postfix/master[1011]: fatal: bind port 25: Address already in

The first error seemed weird since both
/var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolv.conf were essentially
the same but not exactly:
# cat /etc/resolv.conf



# cat /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf

Note the difference in spacing.  So I copied the /etc/resolv.conf to
/var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf and then this error dissappeared -
but I think this will recur every time I reboot - so how do I fix this

But still the other error remained about port 25 already in use.  I did
ps aux and no exim running.  I have never had any other smtp daemon on
this system other than exim.  I even tried stopping inetd and starting
postfix but still no worky and same error: fatal: bind port
25: Address already in use.

I had to reinstall exim to post this email but would really like to give
postfix a go.

Any ideas people using postfix?



Re: file audit

2001-05-05 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 04:26:09AM -0400, Benjamin Black wrote:
 hello everyone,
 recently for some unknown reason my /usr partition was corrupted.
 running it through fsck, i answered 'y' to fix many, many errors.  my
 system now appears to be fine, however there are scattered files that
 had their permissions, sizes, owners, etc. changed to various strange
 things.  as i've been updating packages, i'm finding these files and
 fixing them, but i'm wondering if there might be a faster way.  dpkg
 --audit seems to only check for the existence of files, not their
 correct sizes/permissions/etc.  does anyone know of a way to do a
 thorough audit of all installed packages, short of manually
 uninstalling/reinstalling them?

Have a look at the debsums package. It uses the md5sums.  Permissions
is another matter...

Eric G. Miller

Stopping vim from auto-indenting

2001-05-05 Thread mdevin
When I use vim to edit a file, then copy and paste some text into this
file, the text gets automatically indented more than it should.  Take
the following example:
Edit an empty file with vim, then try an paste in the following text:
  Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
  Btn1Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
  Btn2Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
  ~ShiftBtn1Up:   ActivateLink()  \n\
  ~ShiftBtn2Up:   ActivateLink(new-window)  \
  ShiftBtn1Up:ActivateLink(save-only)  \

And it ends up looking like:
  Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
Btn1Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
  Btn2Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
~ShiftBtn1Up:   ActivateLink()  \n\
ActivateLink(new-window)  \
ActivateLink(save-only)  \

How do you stop this from happening?

Re: Stopping vim from auto-indenting

2001-05-05 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 09:20:15PM +1000, mdevin wrote:
 When I use vim to edit a file, then copy and paste some text into this
 file, the text gets automatically indented more than it should.  Take
 the following example:

:set noautoindent

Eric G. Miller

timeout waiting for DMA

2001-05-05 Thread Michael P. Soulier
Hey people. 

I'm trying to enable DMA on my wife's harddrive. Here's some info.

poohbear:/proc# hdparm -i /dev/hda
 Model=FUJITSU MPF3102AT, FwRev=0031, SerialNo=05601857
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs }
 RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=4
 BuffType=0(?), BuffSize=512kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=16
 DblWordIO=no, OldPIO=2, DMA=yes, OldDMA=2
 CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=20015856
 tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1 mword2
 IORDY=yes, tPIO={min:240,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4
 UDMA modes: mode0 mode1 mode2 mode3 *mode4

Now, when I try to enable DMA...

poohbear:/proc# hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/hda

 setting using_dma to 1 (on)
 setting xfermode to 34 (multiword DMA mode2)
 using_dma=  1 (on)

I get this in the syslog:

May  5 07:17:16 poohbear kernel: hda: timeout waiting for DMA
May  5 07:17:16 poohbear kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady
SeekComplete DataRequest }
May  5 07:17:16 poohbear kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
May  5 07:17:16 poohbear kernel: hda: DMA disabled
May  5 07:17:16 poohbear kernel: hda: drive not ready for command
May  5 07:17:17 poohbear kernel: ide0: reset: success

Any ideas on this? Could this also be related to why I can't get her sound
to work?

Thanks, I'd love to get this working for her.


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a
good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be
dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead. -- RFC 1925

Description: PGP signature

Re: Stopping vim from auto-indenting

2001-05-05 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 09:20:15PM +1000, mdevin wrote:
 When I use vim to edit a file, then copy and paste some text into this
 file, the text gets automatically indented more than it should.  Take

This is not Vim specific. This will happen in any Vi where you have
autoindent turned on. 

:set noai


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a
good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be
dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead. -- RFC 1925

Description: PGP signature

Re: Stopping vim from auto-indenting

2001-05-05 Thread Romain Lerallut
On Sat, 5 May 2001, mdevin wrote:

 When I use vim to edit a file, then copy and paste some text into this
 file, the text gets automatically indented more than it should.

:set noai

(ai=auto-indent) should work


Re: Getting realplayer streams to disk files

2001-05-05 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Check vsound, it is supposed to do what you want.

Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Fri, May 04, 2001 at 02:43:20AM -0700, asdfasf asfasf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  This is getting ridiculous. I've been trying for many hours over many
  days now to save realplayer broadcasts to files on my disk and have
  been completely unable to do so. It almost seems as if the realplayer
  software has been _designed_ so that you can't save content you view
  through the player to disk. (I can't actually confirm or deny this
  though through google searches.)
 Yes, a design intent of RealPlayer is to obfuscate the process of saving
 audio streams to disk.
 There are two forms of Realplayer media sources:  files and streams.
 You _can_ save the realplayer files (usually *.ram extension).
 Realplayer streams (*.ra) are slightly trickier.
 There are a few utilities which set up a proxy sound device and redirect
 (or split) output to a file.  I've experimented with these but with
 little luck.
 Better to advocate open alternative streaming technologies.  MP3 is one
 Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: How to copy the binary image of a dos floppy ?

2001-05-05 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 10:17:13PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:

: [EMAIL PROTECTED] dd if=/dev/fd0 of=floppy.img bs=72k
:I'm not sure where you're getting your bs= value.

Ok, I admit it's just what we use here, I don't know if there's any
particular reason for it.  To an extent the larger the block size the
quicker the dd goes, though floppies are so slow anyway, I don't think
it matters much.

BTW bs=72k results in a count=20 on a 1.44 floppy

That is the inverse of the command I use to make boot floppiesa and
it's worked well.  This is not to say anything against bs=1440 :)


Re: Stopping vim from auto-indenting

2001-05-05 Thread patrick q

--- mdevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I use vim to edit a file, then copy and paste some text into
 file, the text gets automatically indented more than it should.  Take
 the following example:
 Edit an empty file with vim, then try an paste in the following text:
   Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
   Btn1Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
   Btn2Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
   ~ShiftBtn1Up:   ActivateLink()  \n\
   ~ShiftBtn2Up:   ActivateLink(new-window)  \
   ShiftBtn1Up:ActivateLink(save-only)  \
 And it ends up looking like:
   Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
 Btn1Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
   Btn2Down:   ArmLink()   \n\
 ~ShiftBtn1Up:   ActivateLink()  \n\
 ActivateLink(new-window)  \
 ActivateLink(save-only)  \
 How do you stop this from happening?

:set noautoindent


- Mary had a little lamb.  With mint.

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install screensaver with setuid root

2001-05-05 Thread Alex Suzuki
Hi all,

I'm running testing/woody and recently downloaded the xscreensaver package,
including a very cool screensaver called sonar. It is able to ping other
hosts and show the distance in a sonar-like style. The problem is that it
can only do that if it has been installed setuid root.

here's what it's manpage says:
 In order to use the ping sensor, this program must be
  installed as setuid root, so that it can create an ICMP socket.

How do I do that?

Thanks for any help.

Alex Suzuki | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
To send me an email, remove NOSPAM from the above address

Re: timeout waiting for DMA

2001-05-05 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 07:26:09AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 Hey people. 
 I'm trying to enable DMA on my wife's harddrive. Here's some info.

I'm not sure if this is of any help to you, but I did the same here, and
I used this article as a guide:

Maybe you're missing a parameter somewhere.

Alex Suzuki | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
To send me an email, remove NOSPAM from the above address

Flightgear with joystick

2001-05-05 Thread Christoph Simon

I'm trying to run flightgear with an USB Sidewinder on debian sid. I
installed the joystick package and provided the relevant drivers in a
custom kernel 2.4.4. First I ran jstest which seemed to react
properly, although showing for the first two axis in a range of 2^10
rathern than that of 2^16 as I was told should be. Than I ran jscal
but get the answer:

jscal: wrong version
JsCal was compiled for driver version: 2.0.0
Current running driver version: 2.1.0

I'm not sure which version it meant; it can't be the kernel driver as
sidewinder.c has version 1.18. Then I installed jscalibrator which
seemd to work nicely and generated a ~/.joystick file. As this didn't
work in flightgear, I asked on that mailing list where I was told that
the problem is with plib. Sid seems to have plib version 1.2 and 1.3
available, where 1.2 is said to replace 1.3, but both can be
installed. This wouldn't help anything, as flightgear depends
explicilty on version 1.2.

As I don't know which package is actually wrong, I also don't know
against which package I should file a bug. Any ideas?

Christoph Simon

Re: Stopping vim from auto-indenting

2001-05-05 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach mdevin (on Sat, 05 May 2001 09:20:15PM +1000):
 How do you stop this from happening?

actually, set noautoindent won't cut it if you have smartindent or
cindent set. however, vim has a feature:

:set paste

then paste your text, then

:set nopaste

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i assume full responsibility for my actions,
except the ones that are someone else's fault.

wait till end of write, how?

2001-05-05 Thread Alexander Steinert
Given that a W2k client copies a large file into a samba share on a
Linux server, how can a process (e.g. shell script) that will read this
file wait until the file is totally transfered?

The problem is that the file is (on the server) accessible for reading
from the moment the client starts to copy.

My first guess is to try something like `echo   file' and hope that
linux throws an error, because file is already opened for writing by the
samba daemon. But maybe samba writes large files in blocks (i.e. opens
and closes the file several times), who knows?



Re: Work-needing packages report for May 4, 2001

2001-05-05 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 12:22:01AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
  And anybody who thinks wget is a good replacement for snarf hasn't read  8^)
 I hope that's a joke, because, based _solely_ on that comparison table, the
 reason one should use snarf over wget is because it has a cool progressbar. 
 rather have the recursive download support that wget has and snarf lacks.. 
 take a look at snarf, anyway, it might be nicer than wget here and there.

Yes, that was mostly a joke, though the much smaller file size is nice.
But snarf still is my first choice for such a program.

I don't know that I'll end up adopting the package, though.  From the
changelog  control file it looks like somebody else already tried to
adopt it, and made an upload, though they never sent an ITA or closed
the wnpp bug.  How annoying.


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Description: PGP signature

Re: timeout waiting for DMA

2001-05-05 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 02:21:46PM +0200, Alex Suzuki wrote:
 I'm not sure if this is of any help to you, but I did the same here, and
 I used this article as a guide:
 Maybe you're missing a parameter somewhere.

Yeah, I used it too. It just doesn't seem to like DMA. 

Would that prevent a soundcard from working, or is that a different kind
of DMA?


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a
good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be
dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead. -- RFC 1925

Description: PGP signature

Re: User permissions for an ext2 partition

2001-05-05 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 09:48:27AM +0100, Viktor Lakics wrote:
 Hi Debian gurus,

 The last line is the partition I want to read and write as a normal
 user. Just like what I did with /dev/hda1, the umask option solves
 this issue, but that is only for fat partitions. What is the
 equivalent for ext2?

ext2 supports file permissions and ownership like any decent *nix

man chown
man chgrp
man chmod

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

can't install debian after freebsd?

2001-05-05 Thread fg007
   I cannot reinstall debian because debian cann't recognize my
partitions correctly.
   I have installed freebsd in /dev/hda2
(including its own partition wd0s1a,dawd0s1b,wd0s1e,wd0s1f).
   If I plan to install debain in /dev/hda5,the installing program
will mistake /dev/hda5 for /dev/hda8
   To install debian correctly I have to install debian firstly and
install freebsd secondly.
   The problem can be slovled by hiding the freebsd partition,too.
   However I can  not find a proper tool to hide the freebsd partiotion.
   Is this a known bug?

maybe i not express the problem clearly

normal   debian installing program
/dev/hda1 --/dev/hda1

Best regards,

Postfix or Exim for Controlling Headers

2001-05-05 Thread mdevin
Which of Postfix or Exim is easier to customise?

Basically, I started looking into this when I noticed that headers from
my emails contain local usernames.  I have setup address rewriting in
Exim (currently) and tried with Postfix also.

Currently in exim.conf I have this rule for rewriting addresses:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
{$value}fail} Ffrsw
This rewrites the envelope From field, as well as the From, Reply-To,
and Sender headers.
And the w flag makes it rewrite the whole address not just the working

I have this in /etc/email-addresses:

But still, if I send mail with mailx from the command line like:
cat file.txt | mailx -s Subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I get headers like this:
Subject: Subject
From: algemon,,, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How do I stop the from field containing the login name?  I want it to
just be [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Would it be easier to do this with
Postfix or Exim?



Re: install screensaver with setuid root

2001-05-05 Thread John Hasler
Alex Suzuki writes:
 here's what it's manpage says:
 In order to use the ping sensor, this program must be
  installed as setuid root, so that it can create an ICMP socket.

 How do I do that?

Don't.  X programs should not be setuid root.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: speedup nvidia?

2001-05-05 Thread Karsten Bolding

I did the nvidia thing yesterday without to many problems:

I used the 'debian-way' installed:
nvidia-glx-src and nvidia-kernel-src
Followed the instructions in:

I got nvidia-glx_0.9.769-1_i386.deb and nvidia-kernel-2.4.4_0.9.769-1_i386.deb 
which I installed.

Next step - in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 - I now have:
Section Device
  Identifier  Generic Graphics Device
  Driver nvidia
  Option NvAgp 1

orca:~#  cat /proc/nv/card0
- Driver Info - 
NVRM Version: 1.0-769
-- Card Info --
Model:Riva TNT2
IRQ:  11
-- AGP Info ---
AGP status:   Enabled
AGP Driver:   NVIDIA
Bridge:   AMD Irongate
SBA:  Supported [disabled]
FW:   Unsupported [disabled]
Rates:2x 1x  [2x]

Sofar no problems.


PS: Actually I had the added benefit that the screen now fits perfectly to my 
display - or is it the display that fits to the screen?.

Karsten Bolding
Via Adda 31 Phone: +39 0332 225090
I-21100 Varese(VA) - Italy  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gnome Packages annoyances

2001-05-05 Thread Preben Randhol
Why is there always problems with files being in two gnome packages.  I
only ask to get a rationale, not to blame the packagers. Gnome is a
big complex system, but I'm just wondering why this seem to always

Preben Randhol --- --
 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

modular kernels

2001-05-05 Thread Hugo van der Merwe

I believe one of the advantages of making lots of modules when compiling
a kernel, is not having to reboot when you need a new feature, as long
as that feature can be compiled as a module. How can I compile a new
module and install it without rebooting? (I'm using make-kpkg for
everything so far...)

Hugo van der Merwe

p.s. I'll appreciate a CC:

To send me private (non-world-readable) mail, GPG encrypt it.
1024D/60715698: 5F2E 8EC2 E0A4 5D25 0569  F281 4A6C D76D 6071 5698

Description: PGP signature

custom packages

2001-05-05 Thread MaD dUCK
so i would like to customize the fetchmail build i use - and then make
a package out of it. i successfully 'apt-get source fetchmail'ed and
now i am browsing the fetchmail directory hierarchy, looking at
fetchmail_5.3.3-1.1.dsc and fetchmail-5.3.3/debian/* for information
where I can specify additional ./configure options such that I can
build my own package of the modified fetchmail.

any tips? please?

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
kill ugly radio
-- frank zappa

installing horde/imp+pgSQL

2001-05-05 Thread Romain Lerallut

Hello List

I'm trying to install horde/imp with postgresql.
(horde 2.4-7 , postgres_6.5.3 both out of testing)
I am not familiar with databases, and I admit I'm a bit lost, with no man
pages, no how-to describing this bloody installation.(the FAQ at
is useless)

when I do dpkg-reconfigure horde I answer questions and then I get:

pgsql extension for php3 found.
The user www-data is already trusted by Exim
Include of /etc/horde/apache.conf found in apache config files.
index.php settings in /etc/apache/srm.conf found!
index.php3 settings in /etc/apache/srm.conf found!
Error when trying to connect to the pgsql database.
This error can occur if you have no database to connect to, or
if the password was incorrect.
use: dpkg-reconfigure -plow packagename to reconfigure.
Error when trying to connect to the pgsql database.
This error can occur if you have no database to connect to, or
if the password was incorrect.
use: dpkg-reconfigure -plow packagename to reconfigure.

I have similar messages if I try to connect to my_server/horde/imp:

Warning: Unable to connect to PostgresSQL server: FATAL 1: Database horde
does not exist
in pg_database in /etc/horde/ on line 40

Warning: 0 is not a PostgresSQL link index in /etc/horde/ on
line 52
Warning: 0 is not a PostgresSQL link index in /etc/horde/ on
line 55
Warning: 0 is not a PostgresSQL link index in /etc/horde/ on
line 67
Warning: Unable to connect to PostgresSQL server: FATAL 1: Database horde
does not exist
in pg_database in /etc/horde/ on line 40

I've tried to fill /etc/horde/ correctly but I may be wrong...

php+apache+postgres seem to see each other: phpinfo() outputs some things
about postgresql.

Also my_server/horde/test.php3 looks nice, it sees php, phplib and it is
able to create a HordeSession.
But the PHPlib test fails...

Thanks in advance for any help,

unfair competition, n.:
Selling cheaper than we do.

canon bjc 2100

2001-05-05 Thread Frédéric de Villamil
I have a canon bjc 2100 printer and I want to use cups as a printer sever, 
but it's not directly supported as cups only support epson and hp printers. 
Does someone knows which printeR i got to select to use my canon?
thx in advance
Trace ta route sans compromissions

Re: reply in lista

2001-05-05 Thread Giuliano Grandin
Davide wrote:
 come si fa affinchè mutt, quando premo rispondi a un messaggio

lo fa anche Netscape Messenger


Dov'è la caverna del drago?
Mentre stamane sonnecchiavo nel Palazzo
Del Signore Sunyata, ho udito l'usignolo
La brezza primaverile disperde
I fiori del pesco

Question about Apt-???

2001-05-05 Thread Jim Darrough

Is there a concise list of apt-??? commands I can access? And for tasksel?
I am intrigued by this functionality. I will stay with Debian and try to
learn it.

Jim Darrough, ARS KI7AY

Re: Question about Apt-???

2001-05-05 Thread freedman
On Sat, May 05, 2001, Jim Darrough wrote:
 Is there a concise list of apt-??? commands I can access? And for tasksel?
 I am intrigued by this functionality. I will stay with Debian and try to
 learn it.
 Jim Darrough, ARS KI7AY


Check out Dwarf's Guide to Debian:

Also, in practical daily use I almost always stay with either
'apt-get' or 'dpkg', though other people will have different personal
preferences.  So you might also want to just read 'man apt-get' and
'man dpkg'.  Also see contents of '/usr/share/doc/apt/'.

Hope this helps,


Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

Sound problems

2001-05-05 Thread V.Suresh
I run potato r3. I use mp3blaster, xmms to play mp3s, audio cds
 play fine. But Gnome doesn't recognise my sound devices. It keeps 
 /dev/dsp -- no such device, and Tries esound for many rates, and
 errors saying NO supported rates found come up. Also the mixer
 program of Gnome don't work, saying no mixer found. But i am able
 to listen to audio cds, mp3s with mp3blaster/xmms. (mpg123 also
 doesnt work saying no supported rates found). Help.

--Powered by Debian--
 10:13pm  up  2:50,  3 users,  load average: 1.00, 0.97, 0.82

Re: athome funny business [was Slow Cable Modem Revisited]

2001-05-05 Thread Stephen E. Hargrove
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 4 May 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I like using a proxy too. Heck, I HAVE to run a proxy on my firewall box
 for my internal machines. And I like the idea of keeping external
 aggregate bandwidth down. Hopefully it'll help keep me off their
 'naughty' list for daring to have mail-transport-agent and ssh-server
 installed so I can actually USE my computer. ;)

i installed portsentry to deal
with this situation.  when @home scans my machine for 'naughty' (i.e.
functional) ports, the request gets dropped into the bit bucket.  still
need to do some tweaking but seems to be working so far.  combined with
psionic's logcheck, i get emails of any portscanning activity, too.

- -- 
 ) ,_)
(-(__ -|- __
 ) | (/_\/(/_
| mailto : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| linux  : |
| mozart :|
| buck   :  |
| Rule the Empire through force. -- Shogun  |
| Tokugawa  |
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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