Re: compilation d'un pilote nvidia sur un e squeeze en 64bits[Résolu]

2010-04-11 Thread Mourad Jaber

Le 10/04/2010 19:49, David Prévot a écrit :

Hash: SHA1

Le 10/04/2010 13:17, Mourad Jaber a écrit :




Je suis en train de [...] compiler le
module nvidia proprio ne veut pas se compiler :(

J'utilise le module-assistant (toute autre méthode est la bienvenue si
ça aide !) et la compilation s'arrête en cours de route avec une erreur
plus qu'énigmatique pour moi !

Le plus énigmatique pour moi, c'est la commande lancée et les paquets
utilisés ;). Le paquet nvidia-kernel-source dans Squeeze est obsolète,
avec la version de Sid (190.53-4), ça devrait compiler sans problème :
un simple « $ sudo m-a a-i nvidia » et c'est terminé.



Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)



Bien vu !

J'ai réussit à configurer cette carte au chausse pied puique 
officiellement elle n'est pas encore supportée par les pilotes linux 
(310M) !

Par défaut, le pilote n'arrive pas à lire les informations EDID 
(géométrie et densité des pixels sur l'écran) et donc j'ai droit à un 
joli écran noir !

J'ai utilisé la solution décrite ici :

ça marche correctement maintenant, enfin, je n'ai pas encore essayé la 
prise hdmi et j'ai l'impression que ça va être une jolie partie de 
plaisir ça aussi !!



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Re: compilation d'un pilote nvidia sur une squeeze en 64bits

2010-04-11 Thread François Boisson
Le Sat, 10 Apr 2010 19:17:18 +0200
Mourad Jaber a écrit:

 Je suis en train de faire une install d'un machine avec moulte gigas de 
 ram et je me suis donc orienté vers une installation en 64bits.
 J'ai réussit à franchir pratiquement toutes les étapes (wifi (pas très 
 stable, mais ça marche!), flash et eclipse inside !) mais il me reste un 
 pas douloureux puisque pour l'instant ça foire, c'est de compiler le 
 module nvidia proprio ne veut pas se compiler :(
 J'utilise le module-assistant (toute autre méthode est la bienvenue si 
 ça aide !) et la compilation s'arrête en cours de route avec une erreur 
 plus qu'énigmatique pour moi !
 Ci-joint la trace de la compilation...
 Si quelqu'un a une idée, ce serai vraiment super !

Il y a un problème avec les headers qui sont répartis sur plusieurs
répertoires avec des liens. Je n'ai réussi à le faire qu'en unifiant les
headers en un seul répertoire puis en le déclarant comme répertoire souce et
build dans /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build et source.

Utilise tar pour ça, il y a une option qui suit les liens au lieu de les

François Boisson

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execution d'un script a la sortie de veille

2010-04-11 Thread Grégory Bulot

J'ai mon portable Acer Aspire one que j'utilise pas mal ces temps-ci.
J'utilise beaucoups l'alternance :
- utilisation de l'écran normal du portable (lvds) en extérieur en
- Utilisation d'un ecran externe en mode bureau (vga) en 1024x768

J'aimerais qu'en sortie de veille, ce soit l'écran interne actif
uniquement (lvds).

pour cela, j'ai créé un script /etc/acpi/resume.d/
/usr/bin/logger -t $0 video sur lvds en 1024x600

Si j'exécute /etc/acpi/resume.d/, j'ai bien ce que je
Si je passe en veille (pm-suspend), je relance, ce script ne semble pas
executé, l'affichage n'est pas modifié.

Mon problème n'est pas comment utiliser xrandr (je gère), mais bien
comment exécuter un script en sortie de veille


Grégory BULOT

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Re: /etc/hosts : pourquoi mettre le hostname sur un ip different que le localhost ?

2010-04-11 Thread Julien
Le samedi 10 avril 2010 à 10:49 +0200, giggz a écrit :
 Bonjour la liste,

 J'ai installé un lenny et durant l'install le hostname a été mis en Comme ça me posait problème avec mes configurations de mpd et
 de proxy, j'ai modifié la chose. mais maintenant j'essaye de faire
 fonctionner tout mon système avec 2 adresses IP. localhost hostname

Est-ce que ton système est relié à un réseaux quelconque ? As-tu bien 2
interfaces réseaux, quelle est la sortie de ifconfig ? Quel est le
contenu de ton fichier /etc/network/interfaces ?

Pourquoi ne pas utiliser une adresse de type 192.168.x.x, par exemple pour ta ligne hostname. C'est beaucoup plus lisible à mon
avis car ça ne ressemble pas à ton adresse loopback

Enfin, as-tu bien donné un nom à ta machine ou est-ce que ta machine
s'appelle hostname ? 

Il me semble que l'adresse est identique à, ça
pointe toujours vers ton interfaces loopback (lo).

Il faut mettre l'adresse IP de eth0 avec le nom de ta machine.

 Bonne journée ensoleillée!

ouais c'est cool le soleil !



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Re: UnionFS, aufs ou aufs2 pour des branches en NFS

2010-04-11 Thread Julien
Le vendredi 09 avril 2010 à 23:18 +0200, François Boisson a écrit :
 Le Fri, 09 Apr 2010 11:35:21 +0200
 Julien a écrit:
 unionfs marche très bien avec lenny. ClefAgreg
 ( ) fonctionne avec.

J'ai testé funionfs, la version FUSE de unionFS. ça ne convient pas dans
mon cas car je veux que le système de fichiers joint soit accessible par
plusieurs utilisateurs (www-data et des utilisateurs normaux). Par
contre la version non-fuse de unionFS m'intéresse beaucoup mais je ne
l'ai pas trouvé dans lenny ! Il existe bien des paquets
unionfs-modules-2.6-686 mais uniquement pour etch.

J'utilise pour l'instant aufs de lenny mais impossible de faire une
union de système de fichiers monté en NFS !

 Je peux te fournir un noyau qui va avec (2.6.31) et les utilitaires

Si c'est pas basé sur Fuse ça m'intéresse !

 Par contre je n'ai pas essayé avec un partage NFS

Je testerais...

 François Boisson

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Re: execution d'un script a la sortie de veille

2010-04-11 Thread Fanfan
Le Sunday 11 Apr 2010 à 12:24:49 (+0200), Grégory Bulot a écrit :
 pour cela, j'ai créé un script /etc/acpi/resume.d/
 /usr/bin/logger -t $0 video sur lvds en 1024x600

Salut copain AAO ! ;-)

Je pense que cela dépend des outils utilisés pour effectuer la mise en
veille/hibernation. Je n'ai pas de besoin similaire au tien, mais si
j'en avais un, je regarderais dans le répertoire suivante :


Et dans le fichier de log /var/log/pm-suspend.log

En espérant que ca puisse t'aider.

L'amour rend aveugle. L'amour doit rendre aveugle ! Il a sa propre
lumière. Eblouissante.  
   [ Daniel Pennac ]

Description: Digital signature

Re: execution d'un script a la sortie de veille

2010-04-11 Thread Grégory Bulot
Fanfan à écrit le Sun, 11 Apr 2010 13:25:19

 Salut copain AAO ! ;-)

Salut copain AAO :-D
Et merci pour les aides l'année dernière

 Je pense que cela dépend des outils utilisés pour effectuer la mise en
 veille/hibernation. Je n'ai pas de besoin similaire au tien, mais si
 j'en avais un, je regarderais dans le répertoire suivante :

j'avais pas pensé a modifier _avant_ la mise en veille craignant des
effets de bords, mais effectivement ... malgré que cela soit lancé a la
fois en mise en veille, et en sortie de veille

en déplaçant mon script dans /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/.

j'ai le résultat souhaité en sortie de veille !


Après une première année, j'en suis toujours content, quelques soucis
avec les switches écran/clavier/souris : après plusieurs heures
d'utilisation vga tombe, je repart en veille, après reboot ok.
Je vais voir pour l'année qui arrive ou il sera utilisé 7/7 jours et


Grégory BULOT

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Re: /etc/hosts : pourquoi mettre le hostname sur un ip different que le localhost ?

2010-04-11 Thread giggz
Julien a écrit :
 Le samedi 10 avril 2010 à 10:49 +0200, giggz a écrit :
 Bonjour la liste,
 J'ai installé un lenny et durant l'install le hostname a été mis en Comme ça me posait problème avec mes configurations de mpd et
 de proxy, j'ai modifié la chose. mais maintenant j'essaye de faire
 fonctionner tout mon système avec 2 adresses IP. localhost hostname
 Est-ce que ton système est relié à un réseaux quelconque ? As-tu bien 2
 interfaces réseaux, quelle est la sortie de ifconfig ? Quel est le
 contenu de ton fichier /etc/network/interfaces ?

ifconfig :
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0a:e4:54:e5:10
  inet adr:  Bcast:  Masque:
  RX packets:11949 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:8100 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000
  RX bytes:12354591 (11.7 MiB)  TX bytes:713320 (696.6 KiB)

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0e:35:63:17:e7
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
  Interruption:10 Adresse de base:0xe000 Mémoire:d0202000-d0202fff

irda0 Link encap:IrLAP  HWaddr e0:59:0f:ad
  UP RUNNING NOARP  MTU:2048  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 lg file transmission:8
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

loLink encap:Boucle locale
  inet adr:  Masque:
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:50036 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:50036 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 lg file transmission:0
  RX bytes:4489576 (4.2 MiB)  TX bytes:4489576 (4.2 MiB)

14:25 gi...@thor ~ % cat /etc/network/interfaces
# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# lo
# The loopback interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# eth0
#auto eth0
#allow-hotplug eth0

## configuration dhcp
iface eth0 inet dhcp

## configuration static type
#iface eth0 inet static

#ligne a ajouter pour configurer resolvconf

# eth1
#auto eth1
#iface eth1 inet dhcp
allow-hotplug eth1

## Roaming avec wpasupplicant :
## modifier le fichier ~/.wpa-roam.conf comme il faut
iface eth1 inet manual
wpa-roam /home/giggz/.wpa-roam.conf

## wpa-roam sort id_str comme identifiant de connexion. chaque
## connexion peut donc avoir une configuration propre. si aucune
## id_str n'est défini alors on utilise default qui fait du dhcp
iface default inet dhcp

# ppp
#iface dsl-provider inet static
#provider dsl-provider
# please do not modify the following line
# pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf
# name Type d'interface inconnu
iface dsl-provider inet ppp
provider dsl-provider

 Pourquoi ne pas utiliser une adresse de type 192.168.x.x, par exemple pour ta ligne hostname. C'est beaucoup plus lisible à mon
 avis car ça ne ressemble pas à ton adresse loopback

ben parce qu'apparemment c'est comme ça que ça se génère à l'install...

the /etc/hosts file associates IP addresses with hostnames contains
the following. localhost host_name.domain_name host_name

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

 Enfin, as-tu bien donné un nom à ta machine ou est-ce que ta machine
 s'appelle hostname ? 

j'ai donné un nom à ma machine.

 Il me semble que l'adresse est identique à, ça
 pointe toujours vers ton interfaces loopback (lo).


 Il faut mettre l'adresse IP de eth0 avec le nom de ta machine.

pourquoi ? quelle est la différence ? qu'est ce que ça apporte ?

merci d'avance,
Bye bye

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Re: execution d'un script a la sortie de veille

2010-04-11 Thread Fanfan
Le Sunday 11 Apr 2010 à 13:59:17 (+0200), Grégory Bulot a écrit :
 Après une première année, j'en suis toujours content, quelques soucis
 avec les switches écran/clavier/souris : après plusieurs heures
 d'utilisation vga tombe, je repart en veille, après reboot ok.
 Je vais voir pour l'année qui arrive ou il sera utilisé 7/7 jours et

Moi, mis à part XScreenSaver-GL qui se plante parfois en 3D, lorsque je
tapes sur une touche (freeze qui semble du au pilote video) et à ce
lecteur multicarte qui ne s'initialise pas si une carte n'est pas
insérée au moment du boot, c'est vraiment une super machine que je ne
regrette absolument en rien . Un excellent investissement, parfait pour
mon utilisation nomade. 

Quand certains sortent leur iPhone dans le train, je sors mon PC avec
autant de facilité. ;-)


La fin de la Politique sera le bien proprement humain.  
   [ Aristote ]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Fichier .muttrc pour gmail

2010-04-11 Thread Xavier Maillard
On Thu, 8 Apr 2010 12:00:15 +0200, Le Cerdocyon wrote:
 est-ce que l'un de vous utilise gmail avec mutt ?
 J'ai un truc bizarre, quand je poste à une liste le mail n'est pas tagué 
 comme nouveau, il est
 affiché comme lu.
 Curieux non ?

Euh, non. Pourquoi est-ce curieux ? C'est un message que tu
postes et tu dois donc avoir une regle qui dit que tout ce que tu
envoies est a considerer comme Lu, non ?


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2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel, llevo un
tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por falta de tiempo.
Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años, también Debian Maintaier [1]
en proceso para Debian Developer [2], también intento colaborar con
ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3]. Desde ahora voy a tener bastante más tiempo
así que espero poder colaborar con la lista y las dudas de la gente,
sobre todo en cuanto a empaquetado o procesos internos de Debian.

También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y no
sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.

Un saludo!!!


PD: Participo en bastantes listas y la verdad que nunca habia visto el
nivel de salvajismo que se respira en ocasiones en esta lista, sólo es
 una anotación porque me sorprende bastante
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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 10:49:26 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
 Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel, llevo un
 tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por falta de tiempo.
 Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años, también Debian Maintaier [1]
 en proceso para Debian Developer [2], también intento colaborar con
 ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3]. Desde ahora voy a tener bastante más tiempo
 así que espero poder colaborar con la lista y las dudas de la gente,
 sobre todo en cuanto a empaquetado o procesos internos de Debian.


Hola :-)

Qué bueno tener por la lista a gente de dentro del proyecto. Quiero 
decir, en contacto directo con lo se cuece por las tripas de Debian (y 
de Ubuntu) ;-).

 También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
 pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y no
 sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.
 Un saludo!!!

Curioso nombre el del blog.
 PD: Participo en bastantes listas y la verdad que nunca habia visto el
 nivel de salvajismo que se respira en ocasiones en esta lista, sólo es
  una anotación porque me sorprende bastante

Muy cierto :-(



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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Arele
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:23:45 + (UTC)
Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 10:49:26 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
  Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel,
  llevo un tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por falta
  de tiempo. Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años, también
  Debian Maintaier [1] en proceso para Debian Developer [2], también
  intento colaborar con ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3]. Desde ahora voy
  a tener bastante más tiempo así que espero poder colaborar con la
  lista y las dudas de la gente, sobre todo en cuanto a empaquetado o
  procesos internos de Debian.
 Hola :-)
 Qué bueno tener por la lista a gente de dentro del proyecto. Quiero 
 decir, en contacto directo con lo se cuece por las tripas de Debian
 (y de Ubuntu) ;-).

Po zi...;)

  También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
  pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y no
  sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.
  Un saludo!!!
 Curioso nombre el del blog.

Y está muy bien...

  PD: Participo en bastantes listas y la verdad que nunca habia visto
  el nivel de salvajismo que se respira en ocasiones en esta lista,
  sólo es una anotación porque me sorprende bastante
 Muy cierto :-(

mmm ¿a qué nos referimos con salvajismo? Y lo digo sólo por entender
el comentario...

Un saludo

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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Javier Barroso

2010/4/11 Angel Abad
 Hash: SHA1

 Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel, llevo un
 tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por falta de tiempo.
 Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años, también Debian Maintaier [1]
 en proceso para Debian Developer [2], también intento colaborar con
 ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3]. Desde ahora voy a tener bastante más tiempo
 así que espero poder colaborar con la lista y las dudas de la gente,
 sobre todo en cuanto a empaquetado o procesos internos de Debian.
Mucha suerte en tu camino ! y muchas gracias por colaborar  en Debian!

 También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
 pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y no
 sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.
Estaría bien si lo pudieses añadir a y así
podremos seguir todas las historias de Debian de forma centralizada

Un saludo!

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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Arele escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:23:45 + (UTC)
 Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 10:49:26 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
 Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel,
 llevo un tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por falta
 de tiempo. Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años, también
 Debian Maintaier [1] en proceso para Debian Developer [2], también
 intento colaborar con ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3]. Desde ahora voy
 a tener bastante más tiempo así que espero poder colaborar con la
 lista y las dudas de la gente, sobre todo en cuanto a empaquetado o
 procesos internos de Debian.

 Hola :-)

 Qué bueno tener por la lista a gente de dentro del proyecto. Quiero 
 decir, en contacto directo con lo se cuece por las tripas de Debian
 (y de Ubuntu) ;-).
 Po zi...;)
 También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
 pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y no
 sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.

 Un saludo!!!

 Curioso nombre el del blog.
 Y está muy bien...

Me alegra que te parezca interesante. Lo del nombre es una larga
historia :-D

 PD: Participo en bastantes listas y la verdad que nunca habia visto
 el nivel de salvajismo que se respira en ocasiones en esta lista,
 sólo es una anotación porque me sorprende bastante
 Muy cierto :-(


 mmm ¿a qué nos referimos con salvajismo? Y lo digo sólo por entender
 el comentario...

Pues no me voy a poner a buscar en los archivos de la lista (que como
bien dijo alguien quedarán por los siglos de los siglos), pero si has
leido esta lista lista durante el ultimo mes me extraña que preguntes a
que me refiero, he visto insultos directos, brotes de machismo y
racismo (no se si es el termino adecuado).

Best Regards,

 Un saludo

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Javier Barroso escribió:
 2010/4/11 Angel Abad
 Hash: SHA1

 Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel, llevo un
 tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por falta de tiempo.
 Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años, también Debian Maintaier [1]
 en proceso para Debian Developer [2], también intento colaborar con
 ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3]. Desde ahora voy a tener bastante más tiempo
 así que espero poder colaborar con la lista y las dudas de la gente,
 sobre todo en cuanto a empaquetado o procesos internos de Debian.
 Mucha suerte en tu camino ! y muchas gracias por colaborar  en Debian!

Gracias por el apoyo, justo me acaba de llegar el primer examen de
Philosophy and Procedures, espero que se me dé bien...

 También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
 pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y no
 sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.
 Estaría bien si lo pudieses añadir a y así
 podremos seguir todas las historias de Debian de forma centralizada

Ya lo solicité en alioth, pero creo que la gente que se encarga de esto
esta demasiado ajetreada, así que toca esperar...

Un saludo!

 Un saludo!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: rotación de logs

2010-04-11 Thread Leonel Hernández Grandela

El 09/04/2010 14:51, Manuel Salgado T. escribió:

Nuevamente saludos:
Quisiera me aclararan qué parámetros debo darle -si es que es en este 
fichero- al logrotate.conf para que me genere los ficheros .html de 
sarg correctamente. Explico mejor lo que deseo. Trabajo con Sarg, y 
quiero organizar el resultados de los reportes de forma que me genere 
un index con las entradas a los accesos mensuales, semanales, y 
diarios. Este index se está generando correctamente, pero cuando voy a 
los reportes diarios, por ejemplo, no hay una cronología u orden 
consecutivo en los reportes, lo mismo ocurre con los semanales 
(weekly). Un amigo me ha dicho que es problema del logrotate.conf.

Agradezco y cuento como siempre con la ayuda de ustedes...

*Manuel Salgado T.*
*Administrador de Red*
*Empresa de Sistemas Automatizados (ALIMATIC-GRANMA)*
*phone: 44-1295 44-1253*

Servicio de correo electrónico de la UEB Informática y Automatización 
acá te pongo un ejemplo .. dentro de /usr/local/bin/  crea un archivo 
llamado ahi dentro de ese archivo vas a poner ..[sarg -i ] OJO 
sin las [] luego guardas el archivo y le das permiso de ejecución luego 
vas a editar el file /etc/crontab ahí dentro pondrás una línea así mas 
menos como esta .. al final del archivo ..

# Tarea para el Sarg
*/59   * * * * root /usr/local/bin/  /dev/null

esa tarea significa que ejecutará el comando sarg -i que hay en el file todas las horas del día en el minuto 59 por todo el resto del 
mes y todo el resto del año ... saludos y espero te sirva ;)


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Juan Pablo Alesandri
El sáb, 10-04-2010 a las 11:08 -0400, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 10 de abril de 2010 09:59, Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 10 Apr 2010 08:14:59 -0300, Juan Pablo Alesandri escribió:
  El vie, 09-04-2010 a las 23:45 -0400, Felix Perez escribió:
  Pues eso estimado, que el router escuche en la ip publica en el puerto
  22 y que mapee al puerto  de tu servidor ssh, esto generalmente se
  puede hacer en la misma configuración del router. Ahora como te
  mencioné y varios más también lo hicieron, debes preocuparte también
  por aplicar políticas mas agresivas en la seguridad.
  Nuevamente gracias Felix. Mi idea de cambiar el puerto corresponde a que
  por ej hay ciertos scripts que atacan directamente al puerto 22 que es
  el que se usa por defecto para ssh. Ahora viene mi inquietud: ¿de que me
  sirve que el router escuche en la ip publica en el puerto 22 y que mapee
  al puerto  de mi servidor ssh??? Disculpas por mi ignorancia, pero
  ¿de esta forma evito el problema de los scripts atacantes al puerto
  No te serviría de nada, los scripts que se lancen desde exterior al
  puerto 22 para intentar romperte el servicio ssh lo harán de igual forma.
 Como te han dicho no es una solución, pero si sigues con el empeño de
 cambiar el puerto y tu proveedor no lo permite lo cambias desde el
 router hasta adentro,  ahora bien nada impide que si alguien escanea
 puertos descubra que el ssh en vez del puerto 22 use el x,
 descubierto esto el ataque va al puerto x.
  Haciendo esto que propones, como me conectaria desde el exterior?
  ssh nombre_usua...@ip_publica (considero que esta es la opcion correcta)
  ssh -p  nombre_usua...@ip_publica ??
  Desde ya gracias y espero tu respuesta
  Con ambas, a tu elección:
  ssh nom...@ip (te saltaría la petición de credenciales del ssh)
  ssh -p 22 usua...@ip (te saltaría la petición de credenciales del ssh)
  El argumento -p sólo es relevante si cambias el puerto externo y
  accedes en remoto.
 o si mapeaste el puerto interno de tu ssh e intentas acceder desde
 dentro de tu red, es decir,  sin -p desde el exterior y -p  desde
 tu lan.
  ¿Has preguntado a tu proveedor si tiene alguna restricción en los puertos
  que puedes abrir?
 Esta pregunta es crucial para seguir probando e intentando cosas.

Nuevamente muchas gracias por responder. Definitivamente voy a consultar
a mi proveedor de internet si hay alguna restriccion a los puertos que
puedo abrir. Si la respuesta es SI no me va a quedar otra que trabajar
con el puerto 22 directamente, de lo contrario seguir invesigando que
Muchas gracias!

Juan Pablo Alesandri
GNU/Linux Registered User:#333844
GnuPG Public Key ID: 8A2B7F96

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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread d . sastre . medina
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 10:54:35AM -0300, Juan Pablo Alesandri wrote:
 Definitivamente voy a consultar
 a mi proveedor de internet si hay alguna restriccion a los puertos que
 puedo abrir. Si la respuesta es SI no me va a quedar otra que trabajar
 con el puerto 22 directamente

Si lo que te preocupa es securizar el servicio, el mejor método no es la
seguridad por oscuridad. 
Personalmente pienso que para sshd expuestos a internet, lo mejor es 
deshabilitar la autenticación user/password y habilitar la autenticación 
por par de claves. Utiliza DSA y no dejes la passphrase vacía. Si te
parece tedioso, siempre puedes usar ssh-agent. 
Como medidas accesorias, deberías deshabilitar el acceso ssh a root, 
y puedes también usar fail2ban. Estas medidas son más efectivas que 
cambiar sshd a otro puerto.
Todo depende de cómo y quién vaya a usar ese acceso. Creo que la
necesidad, o el diseño, son previos a la implementación de una
solución. No he releido todo el hilo, pero creo (perdón si no es así)
que no explicas en ningún momento el uso exacto que quieres darle a
ese servicio.

Un saludo.

Huella de clave = 943C D77F 0CB0 02FE 166E  E06F D13A A2E1 98A5 C953

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1 escribió:
 On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 10:54:35AM -0300, Juan Pablo Alesandri wrote:
 Definitivamente voy a consultar
 a mi proveedor de internet si hay alguna restriccion a los puertos que
 puedo abrir. Si la respuesta es SI no me va a quedar otra que trabajar
 con el puerto 22 directamente
 Si lo que te preocupa es securizar el servicio, el mejor método no es la
 seguridad por oscuridad. 
 Personalmente pienso que para sshd expuestos a internet, lo mejor es 
 deshabilitar la autenticación user/password y habilitar la autenticación 
 por par de claves. Utiliza DSA y no dejes la passphrase vacía. Si te
 parece tedioso, siempre puedes usar ssh-agent. 
 Como medidas accesorias, deberías deshabilitar el acceso ssh a root, 
 y puedes también usar fail2ban. Estas medidas son más efectivas que 
 cambiar sshd a otro puerto.
 Todo depende de cómo y quién vaya a usar ese acceso. Creo que la
 necesidad, o el diseño, son previos a la implementación de una
 solución. No he releido todo el hilo, pero creo (perdón si no es así)
 que no explicas en ningún momento el uso exacto que quieres darle a
 ese servicio.

Buenas! Tienes razón en la forma de securizar ssh, deshabilitar el
user/password es básico, y el acceso root por ssh también. Pero además
de eso cambiar el puerto no es una mala opción, y no por por seguridad
por oscuridad, simplemente por que si es un servidor público puedes
tener una enorme cantidad de ataques de diccionario al puerto 22 que
aparte de ralentizar la máquina puede hacer que leer los logs sea un
infierno y no te permita identificar ataques reales de ataques de
diccionario o script kidies.

Un saludo!

 Un saludo.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 16:52:13 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:

 Buenas! Tienes razón en la forma de securizar ssh, deshabilitar el
 user/password es básico, y el acceso root por ssh también. Pero además
 de eso cambiar el puerto no es una mala opción, y no por por seguridad
 por oscuridad, simplemente por que si es un servidor público puedes
 tener una enorme cantidad de ataques de diccionario al puerto 22 que
 aparte de ralentizar la máquina puede hacer que leer los logs sea un
 infierno y no te permita identificar ataques reales de ataques de
 diccionario o script kidies.

Pero para eso tienes varias opciones ya implementadas y que funcionan muy 
bien a nivel de iptables (fail2ban o denyhosts, por poner dos ejemplos).



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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 16:52:13 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
 Buenas! Tienes razón en la forma de securizar ssh, deshabilitar el
 user/password es básico, y el acceso root por ssh también. Pero además
 de eso cambiar el puerto no es una mala opción, y no por por seguridad
 por oscuridad, simplemente por que si es un servidor público puedes
 tener una enorme cantidad de ataques de diccionario al puerto 22 que
 aparte de ralentizar la máquina puede hacer que leer los logs sea un
 infierno y no te permita identificar ataques reales de ataques de
 diccionario o script kidies.
 Pero para eso tienes varias opciones ya implementadas y que funcionan muy 
 bien a nivel de iptables (fail2ban o denyhosts, por poner dos ejemplos).

Si, es cierto que hay buenas soluciones, pero si configuras un puerto
alto que solo concozcan l...@s sysadmin te evitas esas capas de software,
cuantas más capas de software tengas mas dificil es administrarlas y mas
dificil detectar donde está el fallo en caso de error.



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bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Luis Damián Martín Blanco

hola lis...@s
estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y  
hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de  
algunos usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo, el tema es que  
ni idea, se como aplicarlo para todos, pero no se me ocurre como  
hacerlo para algunos dominios solamente.

cualquier sugerencia agradecida
Gracias anticipadas

UNIX es simple. Lo que ocurre es que hace falta ser un genio para  
entender su simplicidad.

-- Dennis Ritchie
Lic. Luis Damián Martín Blanco
Administrador Principal
CICom RIMED Palma Soriano

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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:09:27 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:

 Pero para eso tienes varias opciones ya implementadas y que funcionan
 muy bien a nivel de iptables (fail2ban o denyhosts, por poner dos
 Si, es cierto que hay buenas soluciones, pero si configuras un puerto
 alto que solo concozcan l...@s sysadmin te evitas esas capas de software,
 cuantas más capas de software tengas mas dificil es administrarlas y mas
 dificil detectar donde está el fallo en caso de error.

Ten en cuenta que lo ideal es tener alguna de estas opciones habilitadas, 
independiente de donde tengas escuchando el servidor ssh, sobre todo si 
el servicio ssh es público y accesible desde Internet.

La mayoría de los scripts automatizados que hay por ahí hacen un escaneo 
de todos los puertos, y cuando encuentran uno escuchando, lo acribillan.

Es decir, conocer de antemano (o no) el puerto al que tienes asociado un 
servicio a día de hoy resulta casi inútil. Hace 10 años, vale, pero ahora 
hay herramientas que hacen de todo automáticamente y en apenas unos 
segundos :-)



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Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1


Luis Damián Martín Blanco escribió:
 hola lis...@s
 estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y
 hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de algunos
 usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo, el tema es que ni idea, se
 como aplicarlo para todos, pero no se me ocurre como hacerlo para
 algunos dominios solamente.

Quizás haya alguna opción para bloquear totalmente los adjuntos, no lo
se. Pero yo a veces he usado bloqueos basado en los mime types, echa un
vistazo a:

Igual jugando con regexp puedes conseguir lo que quieres.


 cualquier sugerencia agradecida
 Gracias anticipadas
 UNIX es simple. Lo que ocurre es que hace falta ser un genio para
 entender su simplicidad.
 -- Dennis Ritchie
 Lic. Luis Damián Martín Blanco
 Administrador Principal
 CICom RIMED Palma Soriano

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Luis Damián Martín Blanco

El abr 11, 2010, a las 11:22 a.m., Angel Abad escribió:

Hash: SHA1


Luis Damián Martín Blanco escribió:

hola lis...@s
estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y
hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de  
usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo, el tema es que ni  
idea, se

como aplicarlo para todos, pero no se me ocurre como hacerlo para
algunos dominios solamente.

Quizás haya alguna opción para bloquear totalmente los adjuntos, no lo
se. Pero yo a veces he usado bloqueos basado en los mime types, echa  

vistazo a:
sip, pero implementarlo de ese modo solo me deja bloquear a todos los  
dominios, no a dominios específicos de donde vienen las cadenas.

mime_header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/mime_header_checks.regex

ws[fh]|xl))?\s*$/ REJECT Adjunto no permitido

Igual jugando con regexp puedes conseguir lo que quieres.


cualquier sugerencia agradecida
Gracias anticipadas

   UNIX es simple. Lo que ocurre es que hace falta ser un genio para
entender su simplicidad.

   -- Dennis Ritchie
Lic. Luis Damián Martín Blanco
Administrador Principal
CICom RIMED Palma Soriano

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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UNIX es simple. Lo que ocurre es que hace falta ser un genio para  
entender su simplicidad.

-- Dennis Ritchie
Lic. Luis Damián Martín Blanco
Administrador Principal
CICom RIMED Palma Soriano

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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:09:27 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
 Camaleón escribió:
 Pero para eso tienes varias opciones ya implementadas y que funcionan
 muy bien a nivel de iptables (fail2ban o denyhosts, por poner dos
 Si, es cierto que hay buenas soluciones, pero si configuras un puerto
 alto que solo concozcan l...@s sysadmin te evitas esas capas de software,
 cuantas más capas de software tengas mas dificil es administrarlas y mas
 dificil detectar donde está el fallo en caso de error.
 Ten en cuenta que lo ideal es tener alguna de estas opciones habilitadas, 
 independiente de donde tengas escuchando el servidor ssh, sobre todo si 
 el servicio ssh es público y accesible desde Internet.

Por supupesto, estoy de acuerdo contigo y como he dicho antes, tengas el
ssh en el puerto que lo tengas es un servicio crítico que hay que
securizar y si además le añades seguridad adicional como fail2ban, mejor
que mejor...

 La mayoría de los scripts automatizados que hay por ahí hacen un escaneo 
 de todos los puertos, y cuando encuentran uno escuchando, lo acribillan.

No estoy de acuerdo, los scripts automatizados buscan puertos abiertos,
pero por lo general un script kiddie no va a buscar un puerto abierto en
el 1 y si lo encuentra es raro que se tire a hacer un desafio
usuario/contraseña de forma automática en ese puerto.

 Es decir, conocer de antemano (o no) el puerto al que tienes asociado un 
 servicio a día de hoy resulta casi inútil. Hace 10 años, vale, pero ahora 
 hay herramientas que hacen de todo automáticamente y en apenas unos 
 segundos :-)

Tampoco estoy de acuerdo, la verdad que no tengo argumentos, pero por
experiencia... Cuando he tenido servers con el ssh en el puerto 22 logs
eran un infierno, un montón de ataques de diccionario al dia. Cambiarlos
al 222** y desde ese dia puedes ver los logs y no tienes mil intentos de
usuario/contraseña. Como te digo no tengo argumentos para decirte por
que, pero si tienes servidores públicos prueba a cambiar el puerto y
verás la diferencia en tu /var/log/auth.log



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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Julio
El dom, 11-04-2010 a las 10:49 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:

 Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel...

Hola y bienvenido :)
Y también gracias por el esfuerzo en hacer lo que Debian es.

 PD: Participo en bastantes listas y la verdad que nunca habia visto el
 nivel de salvajismo que se respira en ocasiones en esta lista, sólo es
  una anotación porque me sorprende bastante

Completamente de acuerdo. También leo unas cuantas listas, muchas de
ellas de Debian y el nivel de susceptibilidad a cualquier comentario,
con la consiguiente sarta de insultos, violencia, ataques personales...
es realmente salvaje en esta lista.

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:35:10 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:

 Ten en cuenta que lo ideal es tener alguna de estas opciones
 habilitadas, independiente de donde tengas escuchando el servidor ssh,
 sobre todo si el servicio ssh es público y accesible desde Internet.
 Por supupesto, estoy de acuerdo contigo y como he dicho antes, tengas el
 ssh en el puerto que lo tengas es un servicio crítico que hay que
 securizar y si además le añades seguridad adicional como fail2ban, mejor
 que mejor...


Es que se tiende a pensar que el cambio de puerto te proporciona 
seguridad y más bien lo que hace es lo contrario: genera un efecto de 
falsa seguridad que hace que te olvides de implementar otras medidas, más 
realistas y efectivas.
 La mayoría de los scripts automatizados que hay por ahí hacen un
 escaneo de todos los puertos, y cuando encuentran uno escuchando, lo
 No estoy de acuerdo, los scripts automatizados buscan puertos abiertos,
 pero por lo general un script kiddie no va a buscar un puerto abierto en
 el 1 y si lo encuentra es raro que se tire a hacer un desafio
 usuario/contraseña de forma automática en ese puerto.

Ah, pero ¿todavía se utilizan los métodos manuales para acceder los 
sistemas? Yo pensaba que eso ya era cosa del pasado :-)
 Es decir, conocer de antemano (o no) el puerto al que tienes asociado
 un servicio a día de hoy resulta casi inútil. Hace 10 años, vale, pero
 ahora hay herramientas que hacen de todo automáticamente y en apenas
 unos segundos :-)
 Tampoco estoy de acuerdo, la verdad que no tengo argumentos, pero por
 experiencia... Cuando he tenido servers con el ssh en el puerto 22 logs
 eran un infierno, un montón de ataques de diccionario al dia. Cambiarlos
 al 222** y desde ese dia puedes ver los logs y no tienes mil intentos de
 usuario/contraseña. Como te digo no tengo argumentos para decirte por
 que, pero si tienes servidores públicos prueba a cambiar el puerto y
 verás la diferencia en tu /var/log/auth.log

A mí me atacan el puerto 110 (servidor pop3), supongo que para obtener la 
contraseña y poder enviar a través del servidor smtp (que implementa smtp 
auth). No puedo cambiarlo, es un servicio universal, sólo puedo 
asegurarlo (por medio de reglas en el cortafuegos que desconecten a los 
scripts automatizados a los x intentos fallidos)) y vigilarlo muy de 
cerca. Obviamente, forzar una política de contraseñas seguras, para que 
los usuarios no me usen sunombre01 y cosas así :-)



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Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Luis Damián Martín Blanco escribió:
 El abr 11, 2010, a las 11:22 a.m., Angel Abad escribió:
 Luis Damián Martín Blanco escribió:
 hola lis...@s
 estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y
 hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de algunos
 usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo, el tema es que ni idea, se
 como aplicarlo para todos, pero no se me ocurre como hacerlo para
 algunos dominios solamente.
 Quizás haya alguna opción para bloquear totalmente los adjuntos, no lo
 se. Pero yo a veces he usado bloqueos basado en los mime types, echa un
 vistazo a:
 sip, pero implementarlo de ese modo solo me deja bloquear a todos los
 dominios, no a dominios específicos de donde vienen las cadenas.
 mime_header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/mime_header_checks.regex
 REJECT Adjunto no permitido

Como te decía antes no estoy seguro de si funcionará, pero es una
expresión regular (en este caso asociada al Content-*). Quizás no sea la
mejor forma de hacerlo pero puedes jugar con el regexp para hacer
coincidir otras cabeceras. No estoy seguro que funcione, pero yo probaría...


 Igual jugando con regexp puedes conseguir lo que quieres.
 cualquier sugerencia agradecida
 Gracias anticipadas

UNIX es simple. Lo que ocurre es que hace falta ser un genio para
 entender su simplicidad.

-- Dennis Ritchie
 Lic. Luis Damián Martín Blanco
 Administrador Principal
 CICom RIMED Palma Soriano


- --
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 UNIX es simple. Lo que ocurre es que hace falta ser un genio para
 entender su simplicidad.

 -- Dennis Ritchie
 Lic. Luis Damián Martín Blanco
 Administrador Principal
 CICom RIMED Palma Soriano

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Julio
El dom, 11-04-2010 a las 11:13 -0400, Luis Damián Martín Blanco
 hola lis...@s
 estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y  
 hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de  
 algunos usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo

¿Cual es el servidor de correo (exim...) que usas...?

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Julio escribió:
 El dom, 11-04-2010 a las 11:13 -0400, Luis Damián Martín Blanco
 hola lis...@s
 estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y  
 hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de  
 algunos usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo
 ¿Cual es el servidor de correo (exim...) que usas...?

Upps, perdón, he dado por supuesto que usabas postfix, deformación
profesional :-D

 Un saludo

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Julio
El dom, 11-04-2010 a las 17:48 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
 Upps, perdón, he dado por supuesto que usabas postfix, deformación
 profesional :-D

Ningún problema. En el hilo que seguía, y que yo todavía no había leido
O:) ya quedaba claro que era postfix. Y respecto al tema, el único que
conozco es exim desde hace unos cuantos años, pero de postfix no tengo
ni la mas remota idea...

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:46:08 +0200, Julio escribió:

 El dom, 11-04-2010 a las 11:13 -0400, Luis Damián Martín Blanco
 hola lis...@s
 estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y
 hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de
 algunos usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo
 ¿Cual es el servidor de correo (exim...) que usas...?

¿El que indica en el asunto? ;-)



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Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Julio
El dom, 11-04-2010 a las 15:54 +, Camaleón escribió:
  ¿Cual es el servidor de correo (exim...) que usas...?
 ¿El que indica en el asunto? ;-)

Juas, menudo fallo XD. Si es que tengo que poner gafas... 

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Arele
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 12:11:44 +0200
Angel Abad escribió:
 Hash: SHA1
 Arele escribió:
  El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:23:45 + (UTC)
  Camaleón escribió:
  El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 10:49:26 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
  Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel,
  llevo un tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por
  falta de tiempo. Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años,
  también Debian Maintaier [1] en proceso para Debian Developer
  [2], también intento colaborar con ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3].
  Desde ahora voy a tener bastante más tiempo así que espero poder
  colaborar con la lista y las dudas de la gente, sobre todo en
  cuanto a empaquetado o procesos internos de Debian.
  Hola :-)
  Qué bueno tener por la lista a gente de dentro del proyecto.
  Quiero decir, en contacto directo con lo se cuece por las tripas
  de Debian (y de Ubuntu) ;-).
  Po zi...;)
  También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
  pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y
  no sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.
  Un saludo!!!
  [3] [4]
  Curioso nombre el del blog.
  Y está muy bien...
 Me alegra que te parezca interesante. Lo del nombre es una larga
 historia :-D
  PD: Participo en bastantes listas y la verdad que nunca habia
  visto el nivel de salvajismo que se respira en ocasiones en
  esta lista, sólo es una anotación porque me sorprende bastante
  Muy cierto :-(
  mmm ¿a qué nos referimos con salvajismo? Y lo digo sólo por
  entender el comentario...
 Pues no me voy a poner a buscar en los archivos de la lista (que como
 bien dijo alguien quedarán por los siglos de los siglos), pero si has
 leido esta lista lista durante el ultimo mes me extraña que preguntes
 a que me refiero, he visto insultos directos, brotes de machismo y
 racismo (no se si es el termino adecuado).

Entendido y totalmente de acuerdo
Gracias por la aclaración

 Best Regards,
  Un saludo
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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Angel Abad
Hash: SHA1

Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:35:10 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:
 Camaleón escribió:
 Es que se tiende a pensar que el cambio de puerto te proporciona 
 seguridad y más bien lo que hace es lo contrario: genera un efecto de 
 falsa seguridad que hace que te olvides de implementar otras medidas, más 
 realistas y efectivas.

Al final estamos diciendo lo mismo :-D por supuesto que cambiar el
puerto no te permite olvidarte de todos los demás mecanismos de
seguridad, es un servicio crítico, lo primero es securizarlo y después
ya cambiar el puerto.

 La mayoría de los scripts automatizados que hay por ahí hacen un
 escaneo de todos los puertos, y cuando encuentran uno escuchando, lo
 No estoy de acuerdo, los scripts automatizados buscan puertos abiertos,
 pero por lo general un script kiddie no va a buscar un puerto abierto en
 el 1 y si lo encuentra es raro que se tire a hacer un desafio
 usuario/contraseña de forma automática en ese puerto.
 Ah, pero ¿todavía se utilizan los métodos manuales para acceder los 
 sistemas? Yo pensaba que eso ya era cosa del pasado :-)

No, pero la mayoria de los scripts que buscan usuario/contraseña se
tiran al puerto 22, al igual que los que buscan vulnerabilidades en
wordpress, joomla, etc, se tiran al 80 o 443.


 A mí me atacan el puerto 110 (servidor pop3), supongo que para obtener la 
 contraseña y poder enviar a través del servidor smtp (que implementa smtp 
 auth). No puedo cambiarlo, es un servicio universal, sólo puedo 
 asegurarlo (por medio de reglas en el cortafuegos que desconecten a los 
 scripts automatizados a los x intentos fallidos)) y vigilarlo muy de 
 cerca. Obviamente, forzar una política de contraseñas seguras, para que 
 los usuarios no me usen sunombre01 y cosas así :-)

Pues eso, que al final decimos lo mismo, si pudieras cambiarlo te
evitarias problemas, pero el pop no puedes cambiarlo (el ssh si). Por
que la mayoria de los scripts destinados a robar contraseñas de correo
se van a tirar al 110 o al 143, si lo tuvieras en el 11134 no tendrias
ni un 1 por ciento de los intentos que tienes ahora, con el ssh igual.



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Re: Problema con conexion a ssh

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 17:58:55 +0200, Angel Abad escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:


 A mí me atacan el puerto 110 (servidor pop3), supongo que para obtener
 la contraseña y poder enviar a través del servidor smtp (que implementa
 smtp auth). No puedo cambiarlo, es un servicio universal, sólo puedo
 asegurarlo (por medio de reglas en el cortafuegos que desconecten a los
 scripts automatizados a los x intentos fallidos)) y vigilarlo muy de
 cerca. Obviamente, forzar una política de contraseñas seguras, para que
 los usuarios no me usen sunombre01 y cosas así :-)
 Pues eso, que al final decimos lo mismo, si pudieras cambiarlo te
 evitarias problemas, pero el pop no puedes cambiarlo (el ssh si). Por
 que la mayoria de los scripts destinados a robar contraseñas de correo
 se van a tirar al 110 o al 143, si lo tuvieras en el 11134 no tendrias
 ni un 1 por ciento de los intentos que tienes ahora, con el ssh igual.

Je, je... pero aunque pudiera cambiar de puerto, tendría que seguir 
implementando las mismas medidas de prevención. 

Lo que quiero decir es que el número de ataques que sufra en un puerto 
(cero o cien mil) no deber ser un condicionante para configurar el 
servicio correctamente. Hoy puedo tener cero intentos de acceso, pero 
mañana pueden ser cien mil :-P



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Re: bloqueo de envio de adjuntos con postfix en debian

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Apr 2010 11:13:31 -0400, Luis Damián Martín Blanco escribió:

 estoy tratando de bloquear el envío de adjuntos desde mi servidor y
 hacia este, pero solo a algunos dominios para evitar el abuso de algunos
 usuarios del ancho de banda del que dispongo, el tema es que ni idea, se
 como aplicarlo para todos, pero no se me ocurre como hacerlo para
 algunos dominios solamente. cualquier sugerencia agradecida
 Gracias anticipadas

Las únicas formas que he leído (en listas y foros) para hacer esto 
(limitar el tamaño de los adjuntos por usuario) es a través de policyd 
o del uso de las políticas del Postfix (las mismas que usa para hacer el 



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Proyecto Musical

2010-04-11 Thread Marcel Caraballo
Buen día a todos, saludos cordiales

les escribo para presentarles un proyecto que tengo en mente desde hace
algún tiempo atrás:

Documentar todo el proceso creativo de una banda musical utilizando
herramientas libres.

La pagina del proyecto, que aun esta muy verde, es la siguiente:

En ella podrán encontrar una mejor explicación de lo que pretendo hacer.
(En el enlace de Wiki o en los Foros)

Cualquier tipo de ayuda es bienvenida, mucha gracias a todos. Un abrazo.

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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Gerardo Rogelio Flores

El 11/04/2010 03:49 a.m., Angel Abad escribió:

Hash: SHA1

Buenas lis...@s, me presento, como pone en mi email soy Angel, llevo un
tiempillo leyendo esta lista pero sin participar por falta de tiempo.
Soy Sysadmin desde hace unos cuantos años, también Debian Maintaier [1]
en proceso para Debian Developer [2], también intento colaborar con
ubuntu todo lo que puedo[3]. Desde ahora voy a tener bastante más tiempo
así que espero poder colaborar con la lista y las dudas de la gente,
sobre todo en cuanto a empaquetado o procesos internos de Debian.

También mantengo un modesto blog[4] con traducciones de manuales y
pequeños howtos de mi experiencia. Si teneis howtos/tutoriales y no
sabeis donde ponerlo estaré encantado de publicarlos.

Un saludo!!!


PD: Participo en bastantes listas y la verdad que nunca habia visto el
nivel de salvajismo que se respira en ocasiones en esta lista, sólo es
  una anotación porque me sorprende bastante
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Hola Angel Abad, que bueno que participes y estes colaborando a que 
debian sea mejor cada día.

Bienvenido :) !!!
Con gusto visitare tu blog y sobre la lista, pues si llevas tanto tiempo 
en ella... siempre hay temporadas en las que nos aceleramos, y me incluyo.

Gerardo Rogelio Flores.

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RE: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Edwin Quijada

Esta bueno eso de salvajismo aunqe es verdad a veces esta comunidad es 
demasiada pedante, altanera pero seguimos aqui.

Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread sergio bess

Edwin Quijada wrote:

Esta bueno eso de salvajismo aunqe es verdad a veces esta comunidad es 
demasiada pedante, altanera pero seguimos aqui.


El problema es que el precio que hay que pagar para participar de la 
lista y recibir algún tipo de ayuda técnica es que haya un forro que te 
basuree y te vapulee como quiera. Ya que no se paga con dinero, se paga 
con humillación.

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: Presentación

2010-04-11 Thread Piratamarck

Edwin Quijada wrote:
 Esta bueno eso de salvajismo aunqe es verdad a veces esta comunidad es 
 demasiada pedante, altanera pero seguimos aqui.
problema es que el precio que hay que pagar para participar de la lista
y recibir algún tipo de ayuda técnica es que haya un forro que te
basuree y te vapulee como quiera. Ya que no se paga con dinero, se paga
con humillación.
En mi segundo mensaje en esta lista no hace mucho; por no haber leído algunas 
normas importantes del uso de listas de mensajes, hasta de imbecil me trataron 
(en seco). Pero como dice Edwin son humillaciones que uno debe pagar. Que pena 
por no ser Linus Torvalds; pero ahí vamos, la idea no es llegar rápido sino 
saber llegar.

Marcos Amaris Gonzalez - Linux Counter #462840

No al SPAM! ^_^


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Necesita una lista de suscriptores?

2010-04-11 Thread GRUPO13D

Si usted ha estado intentado conseguir tráfico para su
Sitio Web, entonces seguramente anduvo por el mismo camino
de decepción y caída en que yo he estado.

Acabo de recibir un correo de un amigo mío sobre un gran
sitio que esta haciendo un IMPACTO GRANDE en la industria
del internet marketing.

Básicamente, las personas que diseñaron el SistemaViral,
tienen configurado un completo sistema de publicidad
gratuita para todos y cada uno de nosotros y no necesitamos
pagar un solo centavo!

- Creación de Listas
- Anuncios de Textos
- Banners
- Dominios
- Software Viral

… simplemente es espectacular!

Me tomó aproximadamente 90 segundos registrarme y yo ya
estoy consiguiendo nuevos suscriptores.

El sistema es tan simple de usar, y es gratis. Necesito
decir más?

Lo veo dentro de SistemaViral,


P.D. Cuántas veces usted ha deseado tener una sistema de
publicidad gratuita? Pues bien, aquí esta!

P.P.D. Una vez que usted se registra gratis, tenga sus
ojos bien abiertos para el Upgrade Secreto. Es
absolutamente increíble, pero sólo aparece una vez en su
pantalla y  no hay una manera de volver a esta

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Grafik för Intel 855GM trasigt i Squeeze/testing.

2010-04-11 Thread Mats Erik Andersson

Jag skulle vilja trycka på i rätt kretsar, att grafiskstödet
med kärnmodul i915 på grund av den nya KMS-åtkomsten gör det
helt omöjligt att använda Xorg när grafikkretsen är Intels
855GM i en bärbar dator. Datorn eller åtminstone skärmen
låser sig helt efter en liten stund. Första felloggen nämner
att modulen fbcon saknas i kärna 2.6.32, så Xorg avlutar
på grund av vägrad åtkomst till grafikminne.

Kan någon av er nämna vilka kretsar som skulle vara mottagliga
för påtryckningar. Felrapporterna för


har flera påminnande rapporter, men det är i egentlig mening
i kärnans framebuffer-drivning där problemet ligger.

Från och med nu kan jag aldrig mer rekommendera någon att
nyttja Debian för oprövade maskiner. Den gamla stabiliteten
är bortblåst och nu råder rena experimentverkstaden om grafik
på intelsystem. På min bärbara där jag installerade Squeeze
har jag tvingats köra helt i textläge. Den var hur lätt som
helst att inrätta för Sarge, Etch och Lenny, men Squeeze är
rena skämtet. Dock, samma Squeeze är strålande fager när jag
har en äldre maskin med Intel i815-krets. Det tycks som om
utvecklarna menar att nVidia och liknande är det enda av värde.

Av omsorg om Debian vill jag verkligen lösa denna bråte.
Uppslag eller färdiga lösningar?



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Re: teclado e mouse travam na instalação

2010-04-11 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em Sat, 10 Apr 2010 21:44:40 -0300,
Elias Diniz escreveu:

 Baixei a imagem businesscard desse link[1]  e quando aparece a tela
 para escolha de idioma, o teclado e mouse travam.
 O estranho é que na primeira tela da instalação o teclado/mouse
 funcionam, consigo escolher o modo de instalação (expert install)
 e quando o sistema mostra a tela para escolha do idioma, o teclado e
 mouse param de funcionar.
 Tentei usar outro cd com uma imagemdo netinst antiga e aconteceu a
 mesma coisa. Independente se inicio a instalação em modo texto e
 gráfico, nos dois casos o problema aconteceu.
 O teclado é um Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 5000. Não acho que
 seja problema de hardware pois o teclado funciona normalmente com o
 debian instalado.
 O problema está sendo numa nova instalação.
 Alguém tem alguma sugestão ?

instale usando tecladomouse mais simples e configure os wireless



...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paran__ - Brasil

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Re: Res: aptitude nao atualza no squeeze

2010-04-11 Thread Márcio Pedroso
acredito que eles continuam com dificuldades nos servidores, pois voltou a
nao ter atualizaçoes disponives nos ultimos dois dias. alguem tem noticias

Em 4 de abril de 2010 14:49, Márcio Pedroso sarrafocapoe...@gmail.comescreveu:

 confirmado, hoje tinha 61 atualizaçoes

 Em 3 de abril de 2010 18:07, Ricardo Esdra escreveu:

 Márcio Pedroso escreveu:

 concordo, somente o multimidia esta ok.. os outros repositorios estao
 dando como ingnorados..
 imagina a porrada de coisas pra atualizar depois

 Em 1 de abril de 2010 10:57, Gunther Furtado gunfurt...@gmail.commailto: escreveu:

Em 1 de abril de 2010 10:50, Gerson Haus

 Pessoal,  parece que voltou.

 Hoje houve atualizações (ffmpeg e outros)

Você tem em suas fontes de pacotes o depósito (repositório é
consagrado mas é snob) debian-multimedia?

Eles não apresentaram problemas, se não me engano.





...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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 linux user nº 432194

 Eu sou livre e você?

 conforme cominucado feito a lista debian-devel a máquina voltou.


 if you read our debian-devel list you might already have noticed[1]:

 Yesterday late night (UTC) I told the world that our ftp-master machine
 is back alive. Let me cite some of that mail here, as it was only on

 #  Ricardo Esdra #
 #  linux user n° 446011  #

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 linux user nº 432194

 Eu sou livre e você?

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 10 April 2010 22:12:04 Dotan Cohen wrote:
 On 10 April 2010 00:42, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  Stephen Powell put forth on 4/8/2010 9:38 PM:
  For some reason, this well-known proverb is going through my head:
     Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
     Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
  I'd rather learn to fish.
  This is exactly the reason I chose Debian 10 years ago when I was looking
  for my first Linux distro.
  I only use Linux for non-GUI servers.  I don't use desktop Linux.  All my
  admin'ing requires knuckle busting. ;)  And I like it that way.

 But you do understand that desktop users _don't_ want to learn about
 their OS, correct? 

Recently I was trying to show my 15 year old granddaughter, who runs Open SuSU 
11 on her laptop, how to do some small admin job.  She said that she didn't 
want to know.  When I queried this, she said:

When I am at school, the IT department does it for me.  When I am at home 
here, you do it for me.  When I am in Japan, Daddy does it for me.  Why do I 
need to know how to do it?


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Console font turned cyan

2010-04-11 Thread Phil Requirements
 I don't know when it happened but it must have been during some
 aptitude upgrade run lately: My console font turned from white to
 cyan. At first I thought that the red VGA signal had a bad contact,

I was recently experimenting with framebuffer settings, and when I tried certain
settings, I got something very similar to what you are describing. Specifically,
I got the pale green text when I chose a framebuffer setting of a certain bit
depth, and it had the multi-color smeary looking distortion.

I wanted my framebuffer to be nice because I use some console apps and I
don't always like to run X. I was experimenting with lots of settings. When I
tried 1024x768x24, it looks nice. 1024x768x32 is also nice.

But when I tried 1024x768x16 or 1024x768x8, the colors were all wrong, and the
main console font was a sickly green color. Not quite cyan, but similar.

Your framebuffer could have gone on the fritz with your recent update if you
changed from grub-legacy to grub-pc (the new grub). The new grub has a different
way of setting up framebuffers, you can't use vga=795 any more.

If you want to try to chase down a new-grub framebuffer problem, try looking
at these:

GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x32 (or whatever you choose)

These are just some ideas that I thought might be helpful.


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Boot / LVM best practices

2010-04-11 Thread M.Lewis

I have a machine running Lenny with a 250GB IDE HD in it. The HD is on 
its last legs giving S.M.A.R.T. errors.

I have a question about how best to divide things up in the new setup. 
The current 250GB IDE HD has two partitions on it:

/dev/hda1 = linux (~80 MB)
/dev/hda2 = linux LVM (~249.92 GB)

I'm thinking to replace this IDE drive with two SATA HDs. One as small 
as I can get. Say 100GB or so and make that the boot drive. And a second 
HD say 500GB or so and moving the LVM over to that.

Would it be better to move the LVM to a larger SATA drive and migrate 
the boot drive on to a new small IDE HD? I've even thought to set it up 
to boot from a flash drive. Not sure that would be wise either.

My question is is this a 'wise' thing. If not, why not and what would be 
the better approach?



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  02:10:01 up 3 days,  7:18,  5 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.04, 0.00

 Linux Registered User #241685

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Lisi put forth on 4/11/2010 1:56 AM:
 On Saturday 10 April 2010 22:12:04 Dotan Cohen wrote:
 On 10 April 2010 00:42, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Stephen Powell put forth on 4/8/2010 9:38 PM:
 For some reason, this well-known proverb is going through my head:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

 I'd rather learn to fish.

 This is exactly the reason I chose Debian 10 years ago when I was looking
 for my first Linux distro.
 I only use Linux for non-GUI servers.  I don't use desktop Linux.  All my
 admin'ing requires knuckle busting. ;)  And I like it that way.

 But you do understand that desktop users _don't_ want to learn about
 their OS, correct? 
 Recently I was trying to show my 15 year old granddaughter, who runs Open 
 11 on her laptop, how to do some small admin job.  She said that she didn't 
 want to know.  When I queried this, she said:
 When I am at school, the IT department does it for me.  When I am at home 
 here, you do it for me.  When I am in Japan, Daddy does it for me.  Why do I 
 need to know how to do it?

That sound like a perfect teachable moment.

How did you answer your granddaughter?


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Re: Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Rolf Kutz

On 11/04/10 07:56 +0100, Lisi wrote:

Recently I was trying to show my 15 year old granddaughter, who runs Open SuSU 
11 on her laptop, how to do some small admin job.  She said that she didn't 
want to know.  When I queried this, she said:

When I am at school, the IT department does it for me.  When I am at home 
here, you do it for me.  When I am in Japan, Daddy does it for me.  Why do I 
need to know how to do it?

I really think this would be the right approach
for many, even windows and macos users. If your
car needs maintenance most people ask a mechanic
or at least somebody who knows what (s)he is

have a nice day

... Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' ...

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Dotan Cohen
 But you do understand that desktop users _don't_ want to learn about
 their OS, correct?

 Recently I was trying to show my 15 year old granddaughter, who runs Open SuSU
 11 on her laptop, how to do some small admin job.  She said that she didn't
 want to know.  When I queried this, she said:

 When I am at school, the IT department does it for me.  When I am at home
 here, you do it for me.  When I am in Japan, Daddy does it for me.  Why do I
 need to know how to do it?

That is the kind of user who can learn! If the small admin job had
been diagnose kernel crashes and her answer would have been I am a
brain surgeon, not a computer scientist. I fix the brain, you fix the
computer. Today is the one day off that I have to spend with my family
and I don't want to spend it with the computer instead. then her
reluctance would have been valid.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread godo

But you do understand that desktop users _don't_ want to learn about
their OS, correct? They want the computer to be as transparent as
possible in their workflow.

If they don't wont to learn they don't have. That's way there is PC service.
Tell me how much of them know solution for some bigger Ms Windows 
problem? Are they bitching around how Ms Windows is hard to use? No they 
call PC service to fix their problem and that is perfectly normal, but 
when it is the same situation with Linux then Linux is OS for sys 
admins, hackers, etc.

Can you remember how are you feel when you got first box?
I can. I was wondering what means little picture of house in IE, and I 
was to afraid to click because I didn't know would it make some black 
magic and fuck up my box :-)

My first Linux was Debian Lenny Beta. And now I wasn't frighten to click 
that little house in Konqueror. And also I notice if you put your right 
mouse on something that there is Copy, Paste, Delete...
I was start to thinking why people talk that Linux is so different and 
hard to learn? Why people talk that Debian is one of the harder Linux 

And yes I was pissing blood for 2 days because I didn't know how to tell 
Lenny that there is new HDD in box. But finally I find solution.
How many Ms Windows end users know to put HDD in box, format, set up 
jumpers etc.?

What is difference in clicking on VLC (or Firefox, OO, GIMP) in Linux or 
Windows? Are they born with knowledge of using Ms Office? No they learn 
to use it.

Second example:
My friend is 43yo. He got first box (Windows XP) before 2y. I learn him 
how to use it because he didn't know absolutely nothing. Before 3 month 
he both laptop and I install Squeeze. I was just say to him Look here 
is 'K' this is 'Start from XP' and here are all programs.
After few days he told me Woow it's much easer to use and it is much 
faster, there is no reboot, no manual app. installation and loop of 
Next. That Linux is really good!
Of course he doesn't know how to do some sys. stuff but he is just end 
user. Does he know install Ms Windows? No, he is end user.

So whats the point or conclusion?
If you are end user it's the same. If something go to hell call your 
friend or PC service. If you wont more than that learn it. If you can 
learn it in Ms Windows you can on Linux to.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: What prevents mounting of USB devices?

2010-04-11 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 19:20:42 +0200, Clive McBarton wrote:
 I run KDE and normally mount usb devices with the Storage Media applet
 in the task bar. Recently I have been getting strange errors and
 mounting failed:

Which version of KDE, 3.x or 4.x? (I don't remember a task bar applet
for mounting removable media from my KDE 3.x days - I always triggered
mounting via the icons that appeared on the desktop for removable media
- but I might simply not know about alternatives.)

 Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type=method_call,
 sender=:1.21 (uid=101 pid=13921 comm=kded [kdeinit] --new-startup )
 interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume member=Mount error
 name=(unset) requested_reply=0 destination=org.freedesktop.Hal
 (uid=0 pid=11879 comm=/usr/sbin/hald )) 

Mounting worked for you earlier, so I assume that your users are all
members of the plugdev group already. I would like to see the output

  awk '/policy group=plugdev/,/\/policy/' /etc/dbus-1/system.d/hal.conf

 Mounting as root on the commandline still works, but it's a hassle for
 the user who wants to simple use their usb stick.

It would be interesting to know if regular users can mount USB sticks
using pmount or pmount-hal on the command line. 

 And the UUID of the usb stick is even listed in /etc/fstab so that it is
 supposed to mount automatically when plugged in (though that does not
 seem to work). But that may be an unrelated issue.

AFAIK, you should not have any entries in fstab for removable devices
that you want to be handled by KDE/Gnome/whatever_other_DE via the
dbus/hal mechanism. In any case, I would avoid trying to mix different

 Another (possibly also unrelated) issue is that when several X are
 running (different users, all with KDE) then it seems that only one of
 them can mount and unmount, usually the wrong user.

I have seen that complaint before, also for systems on which mounting
worked perfectly for single-user sessions, and I am not sure if a
satisfactory solution exists. (I have no need for running multiple KDE
sessions on the same machine, therefore I do not know much about this
 Is it worth digging into hal to correct this? Given that hal won't be in
 Debian much longer.

Well, it is a problem for you right now, so why not try to solve it?
Besides, udisks has the same main developer as hal, so I doubt that it
will be so radically different that hal know-how will become useless. I
have played around a bit with udisks yesterday, it seems to follow the
same basic concepts as hal. AFAICT, udisks-daemon is simply an upgraded
version of hald that is specialized on block devices, as one part of a
more modular approach to hardware abstraction.

  Florian   |

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Re: Boot / LVM best practices

2010-04-11 Thread Cecil Knutson

I have a question about how best to divide things up in the new setup.

I'm thinking to replace this IDE drive with two SATA HDs. One as small  
as I can get. Say 100GB or so and make that the boot drive. And a second  
HD say 500GB or so and moving the LVM over to that.

Would it be better to move the LVM to a larger SATA drive and migrate  
the boot drive on to a new small IDE HD?

 I've even thought to set it up

to boot from a flash drive. Not sure that would be wise either.
Only if you really doubt the integrity of your HD, or want to install onto  
a system too small to include the kernel.  Bootable flash drives are  
invaluable if you have to get into a system that will not boot from the HD  
for some reason.  But make sure the flash drive will mount all HDs it  
finds or be prepared to manually mount them after boot.

My question is is this a 'wise' thing. If not, why not and what would be  
the better approach?

	My experience with both Windows and Linux is: the more partitions the  
better.  They not only allow you to organize all the files, but, more  
importantly, any maintenance that needs to be done will take a much  
shorter time.  This is critical in Windows, but not so much in Linux.  The  
Linux books I have also say it is good to separate /var and /temp as these  
are most likely to fill and separating them prevents the HD from being  
inadvertently filled.  They also agree that, if ever needed, it is much  
easier to reinstall the system if you only have to clear the /boot, /usr  
and / partitions.  Their recommendations are: /boot (about 50-100MB,  
depends mainly on the size of the kernel); /swap (twice the system RAM);/  
(150-300MB); /usr (at least 300MB); /home (300MB for a single user is  
okay, but 500MB is better); /var (200-300MB); /temp (200-300MB).  Putting  
the /boot, /, /usr partitions on one HD makes sense to me.  All other  
mount points would be on other HDs.
	I have never heard or read of anyone advising one to get anything other  
than the largest HD they could for the money they have.  Why would you  
want a 100MB SATA HD?  Just for a small /boot?  Partitioning the drive is  
as good as separate drives if all you're concerned about is the size of  
the /boot partition.  More to the point, I have not seen any new SATA HD  
less than 80GB.  You are swimming upstream (to say the least) if you want  
less than a GB of capacity in a SATA HD.  Look at the $/GB for HDs and buy  
accordingly.  LVM does not require multiple HDs, so 1.5TB divided into  
several partitions can still use LVM.  LVM simply makes adding more HDs  
easy.  Having more than one HD simply means that you only stand to lose  
the files on one HD at a time, instead of losing everything upon one  
failure.  RAID is the only insurance against HD failure, but most agree  
that only servers really need RAID.  Put your critical personal files and  
hardware drivers on a Flash drive, if nothing else.

Hope this helps.

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Re: About USB hard drives and errors

2010-04-11 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat,10.Apr.10, 16:24:45, Paul E Condon wrote:
 The errors that I am experiencing are all similar. The first
 indication of a problem is a message from the kernel (I think). An
 example is:
 kernel: [78454.939948] journal commit I/O error
 When this happens, all the USB drives (3 of them) disappear from
 /dev/disks/by-label (they are all labeled by me). I have not

Just a long shot, bun since you are connecting 3 USB drives to the same 
computer you might experience power issues. If you connect only one 
drive do you get the same issues? Or you could try a powered USB hub if 
you have one.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Dotan Cohen
 But you do understand that desktop users _don't_ want to learn about
 their OS, correct? They want the computer to be as transparent as
 possible in their workflow.

 If they don't wont to learn they don't have. That's way there is PC service.
 Tell me how much of them know solution for some bigger Ms Windows problem?
 Are they bitching around how Ms Windows is hard to use? No they call PC
 service to fix their problem and that is perfectly normal, but when it is
 the same situation with Linux then Linux is OS for sys admins, hackers, etc.

No, these are normal everyday people who don't know what Windows or
what Linux is. They have a problem, they call me. No bitching, no

Dotan Cohen

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Re: gforce 9400

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 09:53:20 +0200, steef wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:


   So I would
 test with the nvidia Debian drivers. If they do not work, you can
 always come back and activate the Intel one.

 that is what i did when the nvidia drivers from *their site* worked out

I fear newer drivers. 

The first time I installed nvidia proprietary drivers was 3/4 years ago. 
In that time I was running openSUSE 10.1 and hopefully, nvidia provided 
rpm drivers in their site so installation went straightforward (very easy 
and worked fine: I needed 3D for running Google Earth and Twinview setup 
for the two displays I had attached).

That time (and that time was 4 years ago) I installed the same drivers I 
have nowadays (173.xx). Why I have not updated to the latest ones 
(195.x)? Because if it works, don't touch it and I don't needed to do 
fancy things in that computer and the old version was (and is still) 
working without glitches.
 I'll look into that wiki (again),

 it is almost like the old days of potato and woody. had to fresh up my
 old brain again.   so i installed nvidia-glx and the other required
 packages. that 's nowadays much easier than in the wiki thanks to apt if
 you start with sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx

Yes, I have also encountered the Debian-way plain easy. I thought 
installing nvidia drivers was going to be a headache but truly was not :-)

 after that i put the appropriate sections in my /etx/X11/xorg.conf.
 nvidia instead of in tel and i made a module section with Load glx in
 i restarted the X-server and now *everything is working like a charm*
 he camaleón, i really owe you, man! you really helped me out.
 many regards,

Glad you got it working! :-D

You're welcome.



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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 11 April 2010 09:02:49 you wrote:
  But you do understand that desktop users _don't_ want to learn about
  their OS, correct?
  Recently I was trying to show my 15 year old granddaughter, who runs Open
  SuSU 11 on her laptop, how to do some small admin job.  She said that she
  didn't want to know.  When I queried this, she said:
  When I am at school, the IT department does it for me.  When I am at
  home here, you do it for me.  When I am in Japan, Daddy does it for me.
   Why do I need to know how to do it?

 That is the kind of user who can learn! 

Of course!  That is why I was trying to show her.

 If the small admin job had 
 been diagnose kernel crashes and her answer would have been I am a
 brain surgeon, not a computer scientist. I fix the brain, you fix the
 computer. Today is the one day off that I have to spend with my family
 and I don't want to spend it with the computer instead. then her
 reluctance would have been valid.

I was, I thought, supporting your view that most/many people simply don't 
_want_ to know.  Why does their reluctance have to be valid?

Are you saying that only those who want to learn to administer it should be 
allowed to use Linux?


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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread godo

No, these are normal everyday people who don't know what Windows or
what Linux is. They have a problem, they call me. No bitching, no

In that case there is no really meter what they have. Only you will do 
him a big favor if you put Debian because in that case they will be much 
 safer from virus's and it's much easier to open synaptic, hit refresh 
button, upgrade and apply then manually download all app. and next, 
next, next, reboot.

From my experience it is really much easier to have Debian then Windows.
They will call you less :-)
Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun,11.Apr.10, 12:15:53, godo wrote:
 In that case there is no really meter what they have. Only you will
 do him a big favor if you put Debian because in that case they will
 be much  safer from virus's and it's much easier to open synaptic,
 hit refresh button, upgrade and apply then manually download all
 app. and next, next, next, reboot.
 From my experience it is really much easier to have Debian then Windows.
 They will call you less :-)

Sure, but first you have to take care at least of these issues:

* proprietary drivers (if applicable and/or needed)
* multimedia stuff (add debian-multimedia repos)
* backports for:
  - wicd or network-manager (if applicable, especially since 
network-manager in lenny is too old)
  - flashplugin-nonfree
  - newer apps if needed (OOo, ...)

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Dotan Cohen
 Are you saying that only those who want to learn to administer it should be
 allowed to use Linux?

No, no, not at all. It may have been like that once, but today anyone
can pick it up and use it. Maintain and fix it, no, but use it until
problems arise, most certainly. And for some distros, there are much
fewer problems per usage hour than even the Big W.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Dotan Cohen
 No, these are normal everyday people who don't know what Windows or
 what Linux is. They have a problem, they call me. No bitching, no

 In that case there is no really meter what they have. Only you will do him a
 big favor if you put Debian because in that case they will be much  safer
 from virus's and it's much easier to open synaptic, hit refresh button,
 upgrade and apply then manually download all app. and next, next, next,
 From my experience it is really much easier to have Debian then Windows.
 They will call you less :-)

That is exactly what I do! However, I use a Debian derivative as it
has slightly better hardware support out of the box and more
up-to-date packages than straight Debian. That is exactly what this
thread is about.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: Boot / LVM best practices

2010-04-11 Thread Stan Hoeppner
M.Lewis put forth on 4/11/2010 2:19 AM:

 I'm thinking to replace this IDE drive with two SATA HDs. One as small
 as I can get. Say 100GB or so and make that the boot drive. And a second
 HD say 500GB or so and moving the LVM over to that.

First, LVM isn't a thing you move.  LVM is a tool to manage drives and
partitions.  For most single user machines, such as a desktop or laptop, LVM
isn't necessary.  It depends on personal preference and how you like to
monkey with your free space.  I personally don't use LVM.  Others swear by it.

 Would it be better to move the LVM to a larger SATA drive and migrate
 the boot drive on to a new small IDE HD? I've even thought to set it up
 to boot from a flash drive. Not sure that would be wise either.

What would be better is to buy two equal size drives and mirror them with
mdadm, keeping your current partition layout or something similar.  Having a
separate /boot partition is always a good idea.  If you're going to buy two
drives, you'd be stupid to not use mirroring for fault tolerance and a
little added read performance here and there (depends on application).  And
yes, booting from a pen drive is a dumb idea.

 My question is is this a 'wise' thing. If not, why not and what would be
 the better approach?

I just mentioned it above.  You can get two WD 320GB 7200 RPM SATA 3Gb/s
drives for $100 from Newegg or two 500GB drives for $112:

I have one of the 500GB drives and have been very pleased with it.  It's
whisper quiet and one of the fastest 7200 RPM drives on the market because
it's a single platter drive with only two heads.

Do you have SATA on your motherboard or do you need a SATA card?  If you
need one this Koutech isn't bad.  It's what I'm running my WD on.  I get
about 85MB/s sequential sustained running benchies, but the system is really
old, an Intel 440BX with PC100 memory.


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Re: Is it safe to update-rc.d remove defaults ntp with dependency boot in place?

2010-04-11 Thread Steve Fishpaste
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 01:24:23AM +0200, Regid Ichira uttered:
   As some of you might know, the transition to dependency based
 boot / insserv is causing the following lines:
     insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 6) of script `ntp'
     overwrites defaults (empty).
   Is it safe for the system administrator to issue
     update-rc.d remove defaults ntp
     update-rc.d remove start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 20 0 1 6 . ntp
 ?  That is, will such commands break something?
   Some references are bugs 568974 and 183460.

Bump I'd like to know this to!

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread godo

Sure, but first you have to take care at least of these issues:

* proprietary drivers (if applicable and/or needed)
* multimedia stuff (add debian-multimedia repos)
* backports for:
  - wicd or network-manager (if applicable, especially since 
network-manager in lenny is too old)

  - flashplugin-nonfree
  - newer apps if needed (OOo, ...)


Of course but it is necessary step with Windows or any other OS also. 
But after that anybody can update with Synaptic.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Nuno Magalhães
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 11:49, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 That is exactly what I do! However, I use a Debian derivative as it
 has slightly better hardware support out of the box and more
 up-to-date packages than straight Debian. That is exactly what this
 thread is about.

For personal use i prefer Debian, i really dislike the sudo approach
and all the pampering (as dislike big desktop environments regardless
of my über hardware). Wanting to look under the hood is why i tried
Linux in the first place (some old redhat i didn't like).

Distros like Ubuntu are good in that they are much more end-user
friendly and are good advertising tools -  provided the issues Andrei
Popescu mentioned are dealt with; as people already stated, end-users
don't care about open source or GPL or the evil Mr Gates, they want
stuff that Just Works™. As long as the user is willing to tolerate a
slight aesthetic change, it's a go. However, the more these distros
become windows-ised the more i get this eerie feeling i can't quite
name, maybe history repeating?

My 2¢

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Nuno Magalhães
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 12:29, godo wrote:

 Sure, but first you have to take care at least of these issues:

 * proprietary drivers (if applicable and/or needed)
 * multimedia stuff (add debian-multimedia repos)
 * backports for:
  - wicd or network-manager (if applicable, especially since
 network-manager in lenny is too old)
  - flashplugin-nonfree
  - newer apps if needed (OOo, ...)


 Of course but it is necessary step with Windows or any other OS also. But
 after that anybody can update with Synaptic.

No. In windows this is 100% transparent to the user, since all the
hardware vendors provide all the drivers. Seldom does a winuser have
to do any hardware config or so much as use the installation CD.
Windows update will do it for them. (Correct me if i'm wrong but
didn't Red Hat some 10years ago have a tray icon for updates like XP
now does?)

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread godo

Nuno Magalhães wrote:

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 12:29, godo wrote:

Sure, but first you have to take care at least of these issues:

* proprietary drivers (if applicable and/or needed)
* multimedia stuff (add debian-multimedia repos)
* backports for:
 - wicd or network-manager (if applicable, especially since
network-manager in lenny is too old)
 - flashplugin-nonfree
 - newer apps if needed (OOo, ...)


Of course but it is necessary step with Windows or any other OS also. But
after that anybody can update with Synaptic.

No. In windows this is 100% transparent to the user, since all the
hardware vendors provide all the drivers.

Correct, but that doesn't mean that drivers will perfectly work and easy 
to install and configure for average user.

 Seldom does a winuser have

to do any hardware config or so much as use the installation CD.
Windows update will do it for them. 

Unless Windows update broke your Windows :-) Remember SP2 and SP3 on XP?
Or your Vista think that Lenovo WiFi drivers are evil and block them.

(Correct me if i'm wrong but

didn't Red Hat some 10years ago have a tray icon for updates like XP
now does?)

I wish i know before 10y what is Red Hat!

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: ditching mutt

2010-04-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 06:08:22PM -0700, Michael Elkins wrote:

 Both sup ( and notmuch ( are
 interesting works-in-progress that are based off the Xapian search
 engine, and have curses-based interfaces.  For people who like the gmail
 interface, this might be of interest.

sup has a curses interface (notmuch has a command-line interface and an
Emacs front-end).

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best|| friend

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Re: What prevents mounting of USB devices?

2010-04-11 Thread Clive McBarton
Hash: SHA1

Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 19:20:42 +0200, Clive McBarton wrote:
 I run KDE and normally mount usb devices with the Storage Media applet
 in the task bar. Recently I have been getting strange errors and
 mounting failed:
 Which version of KDE, 3.x or 4.x? (I don't remember a task bar applet
 for mounting removable media from my KDE 3.x days - I always triggered
 mounting via the icons that appeared on the desktop for removable media
 - but I might simply not know about alternatives.)

3.x, Lenny default. Probably 3.5.10 if I see correctly. The task bar
applet is called Storage Media or Media Applet. The right-click
options in the taskbar are Move Storage Media, Remove Storage Media,
Configure Storage Media, About Storage Media. When I bring up its
preferences it has different ideas about its name and now says Media
Applet Preferences - KDE Panel. The About says using KDE 3.5.10.

 Mounting worked for you earlier, so I assume that your users are all
 members of the plugdev group already. 

Yes they are.

 I would like to see the output of:
   awk '/policy group=plugdev/,/\/policy/' /etc/dbus-1/system.d/hal.conf


  policy group=plugdev
allow send_interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume
allow send_interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.Crypto

By looking at the modify time, I see that this file has not been
modified since I installed Debian, so it must still be in the default state.

 It would be interesting to know if regular users can mount USB sticks
 using pmount or pmount-hal on the command line. 

Good idea. I never used pmount before. I just tried it with one user
(insert USB stick, pmount it as the user) and it works. Thanks!

Meanwhile, the KDE applet would not have worked, it does not even
display an icon indicating that the USB stick has been plugged in at all.

 And the UUID of the usb stick is even listed in /etc/fstab so that it is
 supposed to mount automatically when plugged in (though that does not
 seem to work). But that may be an unrelated issue.
 AFAIK, you should not have any entries in fstab for removable devices
 that you want to be handled by KDE/Gnome/whatever_other_DE via the
 dbus/hal mechanism. In any case, I would avoid trying to mix different

I would avoid that too, if any single one of them would work, but
neither did. I did not try pmount so far, that would actually have worked.

 Another (possibly also unrelated) issue is that when several X are
 running (different users, all with KDE) then it seems that only one of
 them can mount and unmount, usually the wrong user.
 I have seen that complaint before, also for systems on which mounting
 worked perfectly for single-user sessions, and I am not sure if a
 satisfactory solution exists. (I have no need for running multiple KDE
 sessions on the same machine, therefore I do not know much about this

That is why I made the fstab entries, so I can write the correct user in
it, in the case when a certain device is known to belong to a particular
user. I was hoping that they could mount it then.

 Is it worth digging into hal to correct this? Given that hal won't be in
 Debian much longer.
 Well, it is a problem for you right now, so why not try to solve it?
 Besides, udisks has the same main developer as hal, so I doubt that it
 will be so radically different that hal know-how will become useless. I
 have played around a bit with udisks yesterday, it seems to follow the
 same basic concepts as hal. AFAICT, udisks-daemon is simply an upgraded
 version of hald that is specialized on block devices, as one part of a
 more modular approach to hardware abstraction.

Good to know. So far, I was always staying far away from hal for fear of
completely wasting my time. But if hal knowledge will still be useful
after hal is gone, that makes me reconsider.
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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 07:56:10AM +0100, Lisi wrote:
 On Saturday 10 April 2010 22:12:04 Dotan Cohen wrote:
  On 10 April 2010 00:42, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
   Stephen Powell put forth on 4/8/2010 9:38 PM:
   For some reason, this well-known proverb is going through my head:
      Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
      Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
   I'd rather learn to fish.
   This is exactly the reason I chose Debian 10 years ago when I was looking
   for my first Linux distro.
   I only use Linux for non-GUI servers.  I don't use desktop Linux.  All my
   admin'ing requires knuckle busting. ;)  And I like it that way.
  But you do understand that desktop users _don't_ want to learn about
  their OS, correct? 
 Recently I was trying to show my 15 year old granddaughter, who runs Open 
 11 on her laptop, how to do some small admin job.  She said that she didn't 
 want to know.  When I queried this, she said:
 When I am at school, the IT department does it for me.  When I am at home 
 here, you do it for me.  When I am in Japan, Daddy does it for me.  Why do I 
 need to know how to do it?
The best answer I can think of is so that you don't get financially
abused by the people who do know how to do it.  

Whenever kids ask why they need to learn math, I tell them at the very
least, you need to know that the person behind the counter at McDonald's
is giving you the correct change.  

Learning something doesn't mean you have to be an expert, or that you have to 
do it all the time.  But knowledge is power, and it seems silly to
actively avoid knowledge, as so many people seem to do.  (By the way,
Lisi, this is not directed at your granddaughter -- your post just got me


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Re: About USB hard drives and errors

2010-04-11 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 23:48:51 -0600
Paul E Condon wrote:


 Your comment was/is helpful to me. Thanks. Please don't drop off this
 thread because I'm sometimes too terse. Following some links from article

No offense taken - I just didn't want you to get your expectations up
of the likelihood of much more in the way of any helpful contributions
to this thread from me ;)

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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Clive McBarton
Hash: SHA1

Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
 mount the new device (mount -odev /dev/newdevice), and do a
  rsync -ax / /media/newdevice.

What exactly is the advantage of this approach over cp -a or mv?

I would have suggested mv. It has the useful property that you can
easily spot aborted transfers by the fact that the original device is
not empty afterwards.
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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 04/11/2010 10:11 AM, Clive McBarton wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:

mount the new device (mount -odev /dev/newdevice), and do a
  rsync -ax / /media/newdevice.

What exactly is the advantage of this approach over cp -a or mv?

Over mv? That you keep the original files.

Over cp? That you can resume from where you left off in case the 
transfer is stopped for any reason.

Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
-- Rich Kulawiec


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Re: Automating xmodmap keymaps

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 21:31:08 +0530, Disc Magnet wrote:

 Everytime I log into GNOME, I run this command in my home directory.
 xmodmap keymaps
 How can I automate this?

Mmmm, not sure if this will work. 

You can try by creating a .desktop file under ~/.config/autostart and 
put there the command to load when user logs in.



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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Clive McBarton
Hash: SHA1

Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
 mount the new device (mount -odev /dev/newdevice), and do a
   rsync -ax / /media/newdevice.
 What exactly is the advantage of this approach over cp -a or mv?

 Over mv? That you keep the original files.

Of course. But in this case the OP said migrate.

 Over cp? That you can resume from where you left off in case the
 transfer is stopped for any reason.

Useful point. With cp you'd have to start over.

What are the disadvantages of rsync? E.g., doesn't it compress and
decompress everything, hence hogging the CPU and possibly slowing transfers?

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Re: Console font turned cyan

2010-04-11 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 3:01 AM, Phil Requirements wrote:
 I don't know when it happened but it must have been during some
 aptitude upgrade run lately: My console font turned from white to
 cyan. At first I thought that the red VGA signal had a bad contact,

 I was recently experimenting with framebuffer settings, and when I tried 
 settings, I got something very similar to what you are describing. 
 I got the pale green text when I chose a framebuffer setting of a certain bit
 depth, and it had the multi-color smeary looking distortion.

 I wanted my framebuffer to be nice because I use some console apps and I
 don't always like to run X. I was experimenting with lots of settings. When I
 tried 1024x768x24, it looks nice. 1024x768x32 is also nice.

 But when I tried 1024x768x16 or 1024x768x8, the colors were all wrong, and the
 main console font was a sickly green color. Not quite cyan, but similar.

 Your framebuffer could have gone on the fritz with your recent update if you
 changed from grub-legacy to grub-pc (the new grub). The new grub has a 
 way of setting up framebuffers, you can't use vga=795 any more.

 If you want to try to chase down a new-grub framebuffer problem, try looking
 at these:

 GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x32 (or whatever you choose)

Just in case you are running grub2, the /etc/grub/default variables
for framebuffer are

There used to be a warning about using vga=resolution as a
have been removed or my eyes are too slow to see it) and advice to use
GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD, but the latter has now been superceded by the above
payload variable.

Do you still have this font-color problem if you comment out
(and reboot after running update-grub)?

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 06:49:45 -0400 (EDT), Dotan Cohen wrote:
 I use a Debian derivative as it
 has slightly better hardware support out of the box and more
 up-to-date packages than straight Debian. That is exactly what this
 thread is about.

No, that is not what this thread is about.  I am the OP of this
derivative of the thread
[OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a
different version name and *I* decide what this thread is about.
Please don't hijack my thread.
If you want to start a thread that says Ubuntu is better than Debian,
then go over to the *Ubuntu* forum and start one.  This is *my* thread,
and I clearly stated the topic in my original post.

I acknowledge that there are people in this world who don't want to
know the details of how to administer a computer OS.  In fact, that
probably describes the majority of desktop users.  I'm not condemning
them.  If they have problems, they can ask a personal friend who is
willing to help them, or they can get a paid support contract.  But
this forum is not for them.  This forum is for *Debian* users who
*do* want to know how their system works and are *willing* to work at
it *and* help others.  It is not for Ubuntu users who don't know enough
about their system to administer it, can't get adequate help from their
fellow Ubuntu users on their own forum, and are too cheap to get a paid
Ubuntu support contract.

If you want to run Ubuntu, then run Ubuntu.  The choice is yours.  But
don't come over here if you have problems.  Get help on the Ubuntu
forum, ask a friend who also runs Ubuntu, or buy an Ubuntu support contract.
*That's* what this thread is about!  This forum is, to paraphrase Abraham

  ... A forum *of* the Debian users *by* the Debian users *for*
  the Debian users.

You're welcome to search our archives.  But don't post here unless you
run Debian, want to know how your system works, and are willing to help
others as well as yourself.  I'm not trying to be unkind.  I have nothing
against you personally.  But it is not fair for you to run another OS and
then come over here asking for free help.  This is not a forum for users
of all 250+ Debian-derived distributions.  This is a *Debian* forum.

  .''`. Stephen
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:46:45 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:

 You're welcome to search our archives.  But don't post here unless you
 run Debian, want to know how your system works, and are willing to help
 others as well as yourself.  I'm not trying to be unkind.  I have
 nothing against you personally.  But it is not fair for you to run
 another OS and then come over here asking for free help.  This is not a
 forum for users of all 250+ Debian-derived distributions.  This is a
 *Debian* forum. Period.

Uh, that hurts :-(

I join another distribution mailing lists and is not so uncommon to see 
questions coming from another OS (linux based).

We are all in the same boat.

I acknowledge every list has it own rules but true is that some questions 
are so wide that are also valid for any kind of linux flavour and every 
list user will get benefit from the responses.

And Ubuntu and Debian are almost cousins. Well, I think you already  
know my personal point of view about this.



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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread godo

Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:46:45 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:


You're welcome to search our archives.  But don't post here unless you
run Debian, want to know how your system works, and are willing to help
others as well as yourself.  I'm not trying to be unkind.  I have
nothing against you personally.  But it is not fair for you to run
another OS and then come over here asking for free help.  This is not a
forum for users of all 250+ Debian-derived distributions.  This is a
*Debian* forum. Period.

Uh, that hurts :-(

I join another distribution mailing lists and is not so uncommon to see 
questions coming from another OS (linux based).

We are all in the same boat.

I acknowledge every list has it own rules but true is that some questions 
are so wide that are also valid for any kind of linux flavour and every 
list user will get benefit from the responses.

And Ubuntu and Debian are almost cousins. Well, I think you already  
know my personal point of view about this.


We can talk about everything not just Linux OS on

Why not ask there?

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-11 08:11, Clive McBarton wrote:

Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:

mount the new device (mount -odev /dev/newdevice), and do a
 rsync -ax / /media/newdevice.

What exactly is the advantage of this approach over cp -a or mv?

I would have suggested mv. It has the useful property that you can
easily spot aborted transfers by the fact that the original device is
not empty afterwards.

One note is that I've had issues where symlinks remain pointing to 
the  old drive.  (That was a long time ago, though, and maybe I did 
something wrong.)

tar might also work, given the appropriate flags.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 16:51:01 +0200, godo wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:

 I acknowledge every list has it own rules but true is that some
 questions are so wide that are also valid for any kind of linux flavour
 and every list user will get benefit from the responses.
 And Ubuntu and Debian are almost cousins. Well, I think you already
 know my personal point of view about this.
 We can talk about everything not just Linux OS on
 Why not ask there?

Because I sincerely think that things like i.e., how to read kernel 
messages or log files are issues that also fit fine here, regardless the 
linux distribution being in play.



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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-11 08:29, Clive McBarton wrote:

Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

mount the new device (mount -odev /dev/newdevice), and do a
  rsync -ax / /media/newdevice.

What exactly is the advantage of this approach over cp -a or mv?

Over mv? That you keep the original files.

Of course. But in this case the OP said migrate.

O.  Remind me never to have you work on my computer.

Never destroy the original until you know the copy works!

Over cp? That you can resume from where you left off in case the
transfer is stopped for any reason.

Useful point. With cp you'd have to start over.

What are the disadvantages of rsync? E.g., doesn't it compress and
decompress everything,

Only if you want it to.

   hence hogging the CPU

You won't be doing anything else at the time...

and possibly slowing transfers?

Hah.  Speeding up transfers is more likely, since the wire is always 
the bottleneck, and compression means it will be carrying more bits 
per bit.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: Boot / LVM best practices

2010-04-11 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-11 02:19, M.Lewis wrote:

I have a machine running Lenny with a 250GB IDE HD in it. The HD is on 
its last legs giving S.M.A.R.T. errors.

I have a question about how best to divide things up in the new setup. 
The current 250GB IDE HD has two partitions on it:

/dev/hda1 = linux (~80 MB)
/dev/hda2 = linux LVM (~249.92 GB)

I'm thinking to replace this IDE drive with two SATA HDs. One as small 
as I can get. Say 100GB or so and make that the boot drive. And a second 
HD say 500GB or so and moving the LVM over to that.

Sounds eminently reasonable to me.

Would it be better to move the LVM to a larger SATA drive and migrate 
the boot drive on to a new small IDE HD?

You could do that, too.

Or reinstall fresh to the new IDE drive.  Debian is great enough 
that you *never must* reinstall, but it helps by clearing out old 
cruft, etc.

 I've even thought to set it up 
to boot from a flash drive. Not sure that would be wise either.

Booting from flash and having the mechanical drives as /home and 
data would also work.

Except... /var and /tmp.  They volatile enough that flash probably 
isn't the best place for them to be.  You should put them on small 
mechanical partitions.

My question is is this a 'wise' thing. If not, why not and what would be 
the better approach?

Sure.  lvm even has a utility to move a PV from one partition to 
another (even though I've never gotten it to work).

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: Automating xmodmap keymaps

2010-04-11 Thread Andrea Ganduglia
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Disc Magnet wrote:
 Everytime I log into GNOME, I run this command in my home directory.

 xmodmap keymaps

 How can I automate this?

You can try with .xinitrc and/or .xsession, it should work.
Alternatively, you can try with .bachrc file, but in this way command
will be execute every time you open a shell session (i.e. open a
terminal): I suggest you to prevent this with a little bit code:

if [ `cat /tmp/$USER-keymaps.load` -ne 1 ]; then
   xmodmap keymaps
   echo 1  /tmp/$USER-keymaps.load

-- - Idee per il software libero

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 14:59:48 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 16:51:01 +0200, godo wrote:


  We can talk about everything not just Linux OS on
  Why not ask there?
 Because I sincerely think that things like i.e., how to read kernel 
 messages or log files are issues that also fit fine here, regardless the 
 linux distribution being in play.

I agree with Camaleón.  This list is for:

Support for Debian users who speak English.

I think that the things she mentions certainly qualify, even if they
are not Debian specific.

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a different version name)

2010-04-11 Thread Dotan Cohen
 I use a Debian derivative as it
 has slightly better hardware support out of the box and more
 up-to-date packages than straight Debian. That is exactly what this
 thread is about.

 No, that is not what this thread is about.  I am the OP of this
 derivative of the thread
 [OT] Ubuntu vs Debian forums (was recompiling the kernel with a
 different version name and *I* decide what this thread is about.
 Please don't hijack my thread.
 If you want to start a thread that says Ubuntu is better than Debian,
 then go over to the *Ubuntu* forum and start one.  This is *my* thread,
 and I clearly stated the topic in my original post.

Sorry for stepping on your toes there, buddy. You can have your thread
back, I did not intend to misinterpret, hijack, or declare Foo better
than Bar.

 I acknowledge that there are people in this world who don't want to
 know the details of how to administer a computer OS.  In fact, that
 probably describes the majority of desktop users.  I'm not condemning
 them.  If they have problems, they can ask a personal friend who is
 willing to help them, or they can get a paid support contract.  But
 this forum is not for them.  This forum is for *Debian* users who
 *do* want to know how their system works and are *willing* to work at
 it *and* help others.  It is not for Ubuntu users who don't know enough
 about their system to administer it, can't get adequate help from their
 fellow Ubuntu users on their own forum, and are too cheap to get a paid
 Ubuntu support contract.

 If you want to run Ubuntu, then run Ubuntu.  The choice is yours.  But
 don't come over here if you have problems.  Get help on the Ubuntu
 forum, ask a friend who also runs Ubuntu, or buy an Ubuntu support contract.
 *That's* what this thread is about!  This forum is, to paraphrase Abraham

I'm a Debian user, helping other users. I ask on the Ubuntu list when
appropriate and I ask on the Debian list when appropriate. Other than
this pointless thread, I do not post such off topic nonsense and
everything I ask here is applicable to Debian. I do not ask about the
Ubuntu installer or wallpaper.

  ... A forum *of* the Debian users *by* the Debian users *for*
  the Debian users.

Thank you, that's me.

 You're welcome to search our archives.

Thanks for being so generous. I thoroughly abuse those archives, don't
worry. I post only when my question is not answered there.

 But don't post here unless you
 run Debian, want to know how your system works, and are willing to help
 others as well as yourself.

If you haven't noticed, exactly what I am doing is learning how Debian
systems work in order to help others.

 I'm not trying to be unkind.  I have nothing
 against you personally.

I know, you did not attack me personally. I'm not sensitive, don't
worry! Some idiot on the kde-usability list did attack me personally
just yesterday, and I simply asked why the personal attack but in
this case I understand that your frustration is aimed at Ubuntards
dragging down the Debian list, not Dotan Cohen.

 But it is not fair for you to run another OS and
 then come over here asking for free help.

I disagree that I am:
1) running another OS
2) coming over here asking for free help

I ask Debian-related questions, and make an effort to learn. I then
apply that knowledge to help users of a Debian-based distro. I'm not
the one ruining your list, I promise.

 This is not a forum for users
 of all 250+ Debian-derived distributions.  This is a *Debian* forum.

I therefore ask only Debian-related questions, and even then only
after extensively searching tfa and stfw. Where I apply that knowledge
is irrelevant.

Dotan Cohen

Please CC me if you want to be sure that I read your message. I do not
read all list mail.

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Asterisk in Debian/Lenny without support?

2010-04-11 Thread Darshaka Pathirana

Asterisk in Debian/Lenny claims to be bristuffed, not? At least the
the Debian patch tracking system shows the bristuff-patches:


We have a QuadBRI-Card and recently needed support from
but they refused telling us there is no bristuff installed because of
the show version output:

*CLI show version
Asterisk built by pbuilder @ grnetbox on a  
x86_64 running Linux on 2009-12-14 19:04:56 UTC

Why was the bristuffed line removed? Debian/Etch did have that

After telling them Debian/Lenny IS bristuffed they said this
installation method is not supported. Huh?!
Does anyone has a comment on this?

 - Darsha

P.s.: X-Posted to debian-user and asterisk-user list.

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Re: About USB hard drives and errors

2010-04-11 Thread Ron Johnson

On 2010-04-08 19:44, Paul E Condon wrote:

I want to use the low cost high capacity hard drives that are
for sale in places like Best Buy and Costco. I have put ext3 on
several of them and started experimenting. The results so far
are puzzling.
As for USB and FireWire (IEEE 1394) disks and tape drives,
the news is not good. They appear to the operating system
as SCSI devices but their implementations do not usually
support those SCSI commands needed by smartmontools.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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Re: Boot / LVM best practices

2010-04-11 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 3:19 AM, M.Lewis wrote:

 I have a machine running Lenny with a 250GB IDE HD in it. The HD is on its
 last legs giving S.M.A.R.T. errors.

 I have a question about how best to divide things up in the new setup. The
 current 250GB IDE HD has two partitions on it:

 /dev/hda1 = linux (~80 MB)
 /dev/hda2 = linux LVM (~249.92 GB)

 I'm thinking to replace this IDE drive with two SATA HDs. One as small as I
 can get. Say 100GB or so and make that the boot drive. And a second HD say
 500GB or so and moving the LVM over to that.

 Would it be better to move the LVM to a larger SATA drive and migrate the
 boot drive on to a new small IDE HD? I've even thought to set it up to boot
 from a flash drive. Not sure that would be wise either.

Given the current size of HDs, dedicating a full one to /boot is a
waste since 250MB will be amply sufficient.

You should use either one HD to replicate your current system on a
larger disk or two and set up mdadm to use RAID 1 array.

At work, someone (probably a project manager who convinced the
powers-that-be that we were misallocating san resources) convinced
management that we shouldn't slice up our Solaris boxes with the usual
/, swap, /var, /usr, /opt, and /export/home. This decision carried
over to our RHEL servers and I have followed suit in my private and
moonlighting habits and I split up my disks into / and /home (and
/boot if using mdadm and/or lvm). We have 1,000s of servers and get
the occasional root is over 90% alert but it has been a mostly
painless change.

If you really want separate partitions for /usr and /var, check your
current usage with du -sh /usr; du -sh /var and use those values
plus a decent margin to set up a new layout.

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Re: Boot / LVM best practices

2010-04-11 Thread thib

I think the main question you should ask yourself is:  Do I want redundancy?

* Yes?  Now you know the drives should have equal size, reflecting your 
needs.  It's also a good idea to get identical drives.

You'll then probably create a big volume group over the entire RAID.

* No?  Then you're free to get whatever you need in addition to your 
existing drive (why throw it away?  well, okay.)

You'll just have to create some new logical volumes on the new drive, and 
assign them to your existing volume group, effectively expanding it.  That's 
where LVM really shines, by the way.

As others have said, there's no reason for the boot drive to be as small as 

Also, GRUB2 supports RAID and LVM [1], so you can even put the /boot 
partition on a logical volume.  Some people will probably say that makes 
recovery harder;  which is true only if you have inappropriate recovery 
tools.  I really see no problem with that, and it makes more sense to 
integrate it with everything else, IMO -- not doing that looks like a hack.

I still agree with the others about your filesystems layout, but maybe you 
want to just ask yourself the same question I asked myself some weeks ago: 
Up to where is it worth the trouble? [2].


PS  Do your backup and start incrementals every hour now :-)


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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread thib
Others suggested using filesystem-level tools, which is really fine. 
Alternatively, you can shrink the filesystem and move the entire block at once.

Each method probably has its pros and cons.


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Re: [asterisk-users] Asterisk in Debian/Lenny without support?

2010-04-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 07:45:34PM +0200, Darshaka Pathirana wrote:
 Asterisk in Debian/Lenny claims to be bristuffed, not? At least the
 the Debian patch tracking system shows the bristuff-patches:
 We have a QuadBRI-Card and recently needed support from
 but they refused telling us there is no bristuff installed because of
 the show version output:
 *CLI show version
 Asterisk built by pbuilder @ grnetbox on a  
 x86_64 running Linux on 2009-12-14 19:04:56 UTC
 Why was the bristuffed line removed? Debian/Etch did have that

Simple answer:

So they are mostly bristuff. However they include other fixes (including
some fixes that were never accepted by Junghanns due to bad

There are some other changes apart from the bristuff fixes and we can't
simply call it bristuffed.

 After telling them Debian/Lenny IS bristuffed they said this
 installation method is not supported. Huh?!

I cannot comment on that, for obvious reasons.

 P.s.: X-Posted to debian-user and asterisk-user list.

(Answering both, as I'm on both, though I prefer asterisk-users)

   Tzafrir Cohen

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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman
Clive McBarton schreef:
 Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
 mount the new device (mount -odev /dev/newdevice), and do a
  rsync -ax / /media/newdevice.
 What exactly is the advantage of this approach over cp -a or mv?
Added to the points others make the don't cross filesystem
borders-option (-x), which makes it useful for the task at hand. Then
again, now probably somebody will reply that cp can do that too...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Clive McBarton
Hash: SHA1

Ron Johnson wrote:
Never destroy the original until you know the copy works!

In my earlier days I would have avoided mv for exactly that reason. But
when copying (including rsync), you cannot easily see that it worked
from the emptyness of the original file system. And comparing large
filesystem trees (not just 4GB as in this case) is trickier than most
people realize. At least a simple diff -r will be far from doing it.
Maybe you have some good way of comparing FS trees?

hence hogging the CPU
 You won't be doing anything else at the time...

The OP didn't say that. Maybe you would do it that way. Maybe me too.
Not that it matters once compression is disabled.

 and possibly slowing
 Hah.  Speeding up transfers is more likely, since the wire is always the
 bottleneck, and compression means it will be carrying more bits per bit.

There's no mention of wire transfer anywhere in this thread, and in fact
for most people the upload of 4GB would be too much anyway. I presume
he has both drives build into the same computer. Note that he talks
about migrating / .

Cases of remote transfer (transferring / to a remote machine, which must
hence already have a / ) are theoretically possible but probably not
relevant here.

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Re: Migrate OS to smaller drive?

2010-04-11 Thread Sjoerd Hardeman
Ron Johnson schreef:
 On 2010-04-11 08:11, Clive McBarton wrote:

 Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
 mount the new device (mount -odev /dev/newdevice), and do a
  rsync -ax / /media/newdevice.

 What exactly is the advantage of this approach over cp -a or mv?

 I would have suggested mv. It has the useful property that you can
 easily spot aborted transfers by the fact that the original device is
 not empty afterwards.
 One note is that I've had issues where symlinks remain pointing to the 
 old drive.  (That was a long time ago, though, and maybe I did something
I thought symlinks keep point via a file location memo, like look at
/usr/share/the/file/you/want, which is the old location just after
copying, but the new location when you boot from your new device and
that becomes root.


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