Re: Squeeze : plus de wifi après mise à jour

2011-01-23 Thread pascatgm
Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :
 Le 22/01/11, a écrit :
 Je joins la sortie de dmesg relative à la carte réseau wifi :

 [   11.912187] iwl3945 :10:00.0: firmware: requesting
 [   11.969994] iwl3945 :10:00.0: loaded firmware version
 [   12.041035] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::radio
 [   12.041053] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::assoc
 [   12.041105] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::RX
 [   12.041121] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::TX
 [   12.053646] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
 [   15.628061] iwl3945 :10:00.0: Failed to get channel info for
 channel 140 [0]
 [   15.629756] wlan0: direct probe to AP  (try 1)
 [   15.632115] wlan0: direct probe responded
 [   15.632118] wlan0: authenticate with AP  (try 1)
 [   15.634218] wlan0: authenticated
 [   15.634254] wlan0: associate with AP  (try 1)
 [   15.636728] wlan0: RX AssocResp from  (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
 [   15.636731] wlan0: associated
 [   15.638342] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready

 et une ligne un peu plus bas qui se plaint de l'absence de routeur IPV6.
 C'est tout. Il me semble pas y avoir de problème à ce niveau...

 Oui chez moi ça dit pareil. Tentes pour voir de retirer temporairement
 ta protection wep et associe ta carte, ça enlèvera un paramètre gênant
 en moins pour voir si ta carte marche réellement et si tu n'as pas un
 pb dans ta config.

 Enfin ça n'est qu'une proposition comme une autre, peut-être quelqu'un
 a-t-il une astuce plus catholique pour tester.


Bon hé bien la désactivation de la sécurité sur la live box n'a rien
donné et je constate toujours le même comportement assez
incompréhensible malheureusrement.

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Re: Squeeze : plus de wifi après mise à jour

2011-01-23 Thread pascatgm
Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :
 Le 22/01/11, a écrit :
 Je joins la sortie de dmesg relative à la carte réseau wifi :

 [   11.912187] iwl3945 :10:00.0: firmware: requesting
 [   11.969994] iwl3945 :10:00.0: loaded firmware version
 [   12.041035] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::radio
 [   12.041053] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::assoc
 [   12.041105] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::RX
 [   12.041121] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::TX
 [   12.053646] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
 [   15.628061] iwl3945 :10:00.0: Failed to get channel info for
 channel 140 [0]
 [   15.629756] wlan0: direct probe to AP  (try 1)
 [   15.632115] wlan0: direct probe responded
 [   15.632118] wlan0: authenticate with AP  (try 1)
 [   15.634218] wlan0: authenticated
 [   15.634254] wlan0: associate with AP  (try 1)
 [   15.636728] wlan0: RX AssocResp from  (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
 [   15.636731] wlan0: associated
 [   15.638342] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready

 et une ligne un peu plus bas qui se plaint de l'absence de routeur IPV6.
 C'est tout. Il me semble pas y avoir de problème à ce niveau...

 Oui chez moi ça dit pareil. Tentes pour voir de retirer temporairement
 ta protection wep et associe ta carte, ça enlèvera un paramètre gênant
 en moins pour voir si ta carte marche réellement et si tu n'as pas un
 pb dans ta config.

 Enfin ça n'est qu'une proposition comme une autre, peut-être quelqu'un
 a-t-il une astuce plus catholique pour tester.


Ooops ! désolé j'ai posté trop vite ! Dans ma hâte d'expérimenter je me
suis reconnecté *avant* que la live box n'ait pris en compte le
changement de configuration...
Résultat : Bingo ! Ca marche...Mais alors je ne comprends plus rien car
la connexion s'est brutalement interrompue pendant une mise à jour il y
a plus d'une semaine alors qu'elle fonctionnait auparavant ! Et je n'ai
touché à aucun paramètre de configuration pendant...
Se peut-il qu'un changement quelque part fasse comprendre différemment
à la carte les paramètres de sécurité de la LB ?
Enfin, je ne peux laisser ouvert l'accès à la live box

Mais bon, on avance !


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Re: Squeeze : plus de wifi après mise à jour [Résolu]

2011-01-23 Thread pascatgm
Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :
 Le 22/01/11, a écrit :
 Je joins la sortie de dmesg relative à la carte réseau wifi :

 [   11.912187] iwl3945 :10:00.0: firmware: requesting
 [   11.969994] iwl3945 :10:00.0: loaded firmware version
 [   12.041035] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::radio
 [   12.041053] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::assoc
 [   12.041105] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::RX
 [   12.041121] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::TX
 [   12.053646] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
 [   15.628061] iwl3945 :10:00.0: Failed to get channel info for
 channel 140 [0]
 [   15.629756] wlan0: direct probe to AP  (try 1)
 [   15.632115] wlan0: direct probe responded
 [   15.632118] wlan0: authenticate with AP  (try 1)
 [   15.634218] wlan0: authenticated
 [   15.634254] wlan0: associate with AP  (try 1)
 [   15.636728] wlan0: RX AssocResp from  (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
 [   15.636731] wlan0: associated
 [   15.638342] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready

 et une ligne un peu plus bas qui se plaint de l'absence de routeur IPV6.
 C'est tout. Il me semble pas y avoir de problème à ce niveau...

 Oui chez moi ça dit pareil. Tentes pour voir de retirer temporairement
 ta protection wep et associe ta carte, ça enlèvera un paramètre gênant
 en moins pour voir si ta carte marche réellement et si tu n'as pas un
 pb dans ta config.

 Enfin ça n'est qu'une proposition comme une autre, peut-être quelqu'un
 a-t-il une astuce plus catholique pour tester.


Bon...Dans la configuration de la LB je suis passé de mixte WEP/WPA
qui était auparavant le défaut (et qui fonctionnait très bien) à WEP.
J'ai viré NM, installé wicd
configuré wicd, rebooté et Hô miracle le wifi fonctionne à nouveau.
Quant à savoir pourquoi la configuration de la LB n'a plus convenu
subitement... Mystère !
En tous les cas, merci pour votre aide à tous !
Bon dimanche...

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[limit HS : mélange lenny et ubuntu]Munin server Debian, Munin-node ubuntu pas de données

2011-01-23 Thread Grégory Bulot

J'ai un soucis avec munin : pas de mise à jour pour le munin-node
d'une ubuntu que j'ai ajouté hier (l'ubuntu, le reste tourne depuis
plusieurs mois).

Une recherche munin-node 1.4.5 1.2.6 incompati ne m'a pas fait avancer
Sur, je n'ais rien vu (y'a ptet
quand même)

Tout d'abord l'inventaire :
1  Munin   souslenny  en 1.2.6-10~lenny2
11 Munin-node sous lenny  en 1.2.6-10~lenny2
1  Munin-node sous ubuntu en 1.4.5-1ubuntu2

# grep -A 2 /etc/munin/munin.conf 
use_node_name no

J'ai les graphs des 11 nodes qui fonctionnent. Seul celui d'ubuntu
reste vide (sur la page web du serveur munin).

 # telnet 4949
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 # munin node at

 apache_accesses apache_processes apache_volume cpu df df_inode entropy
 forks fw_packets if_err_venet0 if_venet0 interrupts load memory
 open_files open_inodes proc_pri processes sendmail_mailqueue
 sendmail_mailstats sendmail_mailtraffic swap threads uptime users

 fetch cpu 
 user.value 1070 
 nice.value 0 
 system.value 2336
 idle.value 7903280
 iowait.value 2531
 irq.value 0
 softirq.value 0
 steal.value 0

Dans grep ubuntu /var/log/munin/*.log | more je n'ai vu aucun message

Que dois-je chercher, y'a-t-il un truc que j'ai oublié ?

Grégory BULOT

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Re: [limit HS : mélange lenny et ubuntu]Munin server Debian, Munin-node ubuntu pas de données

2011-01-23 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 23 Jan 2011 12:01:13 +0100,
Grégory Bulot a écrit :

 J'ai un soucis avec munin : pas de mise à jour pour le munin-node
 d'une ubuntu que j'ai ajouté hier (l'ubuntu, le reste tourne depuis
 plusieurs mois).
 Une recherche munin-node 1.4.5 1.2.6 incompati ne m'a pas fait
 avancer Sur, je n'ais rien vu
 (y'a ptet quand même)
 Tout d'abord l'inventaire :
   1  Munin   souslenny  en 1.2.6-10~lenny2
   11 Munin-node sous lenny  en 1.2.6-10~lenny2
   1  Munin-node sous ubuntu en 1.4.5-1ubuntu2
 # grep -A 2 /etc/munin/munin.conf 
 use_node_name no
 J'ai les graphs des 11 nodes qui fonctionnent. Seul celui d'ubuntu
 reste vide (sur la page web du serveur munin).
  # telnet 4949
  Connected to
  Escape character is '^]'.
  # munin node at
  apache_accesses apache_processes apache_volume cpu df df_inode
 entropy forks fw_packets if_err_venet0 if_venet0 interrupts load
 memory open_files open_inodes proc_pri processes sendmail_mailqueue
  sendmail_mailstats sendmail_mailtraffic swap threads uptime users
  fetch cpu 
  user.value 1070 
  nice.value 0 
  system.value 2336
  idle.value 7903280
  iowait.value 2531
  irq.value 0
  softirq.value 0
  steal.value 0
 Dans grep ubuntu /var/log/munin/*.log | more je n'ai vu aucun message
 Que dois-je chercher, y'a-t-il un truc que j'ai oublié ?
 Grégory BULOT

 rrd collect existe pour ton soucis ...


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Re: Certification d'un horodatage

2011-01-23 Thread mouss
Le 21/01/2011 20:01, Alain Vaugham a écrit :
 Le Friday 21 January 2011 19:17:16 Jean-Yves F. Barbier, vous avez écrit :
 S'il ne coopère pas, change de port (en Gal 443 reste ouvert.)
 C'est prévu. J'attends une machine basse conso pour la laisser 24/24 ON.
 Tout dépend si tu vends des paniers moules, auquel cas pas de PB, ou de la
 haute technologie, auquel cas GROS PB.
 Pour utiliser cet exemple très justement imagé, c'est justement sur les 
 paniers de moules qu'on perd du temps - parceque il y en a plus - alors que 
 sur les autres, là ou les enjeux sont très importants, il n'y a jamais de 
 problème. Les deux ne se traitent pas avec le même rythme.
 Je dirais qu'en l'état actuel des choses, soit tu sécurises *toute* la
 chaîne, avec logs signés, SMTP 'amis' only, etc; soit tu reste au même
 niveau, et dans ce cas, un logging de 'ntptrace' suffit largement puisqu'il
 te donne l'écart avec le svr ntp externe.
 Cette suggestion me plait beaucoup au sens que c'est autonome.
 Elle ne tiendra pas face à certains tiers en l'absence d'audit mais elle a 
 l'avantage de montrer qu'une action a été mise en place.

si le problème est de prouver au client que tu n'as rien reçu à la date
D, alors une solution est de lui envoyer un accusé de réception signé
avec une clé privée à toi, et au préalable:
- tu lui fournis la clé publique correspondante
- tu lui dis: pas d'accusé de réception, pas de garantie.

là du coup, c'est le client qui fait tierce partie (partielle).

bien sûr, il pourra prétendre que
- tu as reçu une commande et tu l'as jetée
- tu as reçu une commande et tu l'as mise de côté
- ...

mais y a rien à faire là. tu peux très bien arrêter ton postfix pendant
quelques heures, faire un filtrage sur le postfix pour retarder un mail,
... etc.

et pour réaliser un système avec preuve suffisante, va falloir vendre
beaucoup de moules, payer un tierce pêcheur (qui s'appelle Martin?) et
être affilié à une autorité de coquillages certifiés.

d'autant plus qu'en général, ce qui compte c'est la bonne foi et
l'intime conviction... et un bon avocat (mayonnaise?)

j'aime les Vendredis longs!


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Re: HS: mdadm et grub2

2011-01-23 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 23/01/2011 05:14, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 18:13:14 +0100, daniel


je viens d'installer un serveur Dell T110 ayant 2 disques SATA et
incorporant le controleur suivant (lspci)

RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset SATA
RAID Controller (rev 05)

Le BIOS du serveur donne PERC S100 comme controleur RAID.

Tu n'y peux rien: d'abord ce n'est même pas un vrai ctrlr RAID (c'est le drv
qui fait le RAID, pas le hard), ensuite personne n'a réussi à le
faire fonctionner correctement en software RAID

Il me parait que raison t'es donnée: j'ai poussé mes tests, mon disque 
SATA qui était sda lors de l'installation démarre aussi bien en SATA0 
qu'en SATA1. Le second disque, celui en sdb lors de l'installation et 
qui semblait fonctionnel aux yeux de mdadm, ne démarre ni en SATA0 ni 
en SATA1 :-(

Bon ...


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Re: Squeeze : plus de wifi après mise à jour

2011-01-23 Thread corbie
Pour ma clé USB WiFi je passe par la méthode suivante :

/etc/network/interfaces :
allow-hotplug wlan0
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid de ta Box
wireless-key ta clé
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Je vérifie que le module est bien dans les processus,
chez moi rt73.

# ifup wlan0
la clé WiFi USB se met à clignoter ...
et ici, parfois, elle n'accroche pas le numéro IP.
Je fais :
# ifdown wlan0
Je la débranche puis la rebranche :
# ifup wlan0
et elle reçoit un n° IP de la Box.

Si je boote sous XP puis ensuite repasse à Debian,
je suis obligé de faire la manip ci-dessus.
(WiFi capricieux ...)
comme si la clé avait enregistré des infos Windows
qui ne convenaient pas à Linux.

Si ça peut t'apporter ...

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Re: HS: mdadm et grub2

2011-01-23 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 23/01/2011 13:06, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

Le 23/01/2011 05:14, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :
On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 18:13:14 +0100, daniel


je viens d'installer un serveur Dell T110 ayant 2 disques SATA et
incorporant le controleur suivant (lspci)

RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset 

RAID Controller (rev 05)

Le BIOS du serveur donne PERC S100 comme controleur RAID.
Tu n'y peux rien: d'abord ce n'est même pas un vrai ctrlr RAID (c'est 
le drv

qui fait le RAID, pas le hard), ensuite personne n'a réussi à le
faire fonctionner correctement en software RAID

Il me parait que raison t'es donnée: j'ai poussé mes tests, mon disque 
SATA qui était sda lors de l'installation démarre aussi bien en SATA0 
qu'en SATA1. Le second disque, celui en sdb lors de l'installation et 
qui semblait fonctionnel aux yeux de mdadm, ne démarre ni en SATA0 
ni en SATA1 :-(

Il y a quand même un truc qui me chiffonne: le RAID est désactivé dans 
le BIOS, j'ai mis AHCI mode ou ATA mode. Le raid logiciel devrait être 
fonctionnel ...


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Re: Commande find

2011-01-23 Thread Fabien LUCE
finalement y a pas grand chose qui pourrais me satisfaire finalement...

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 01:47:36AM +0100, Jeremie COURREGES-ANGLAS wrote:
 On Saturday 22 January 2011 à 10:36:57PM, Yves Rutschle wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 10:06:27PM +0100, Fabien LUCE wrote:
   je viens d'essayer un petit:
   tar cjvf test.tar.bz2 $(find . -mindepth 1 -name * -exec echo {} +)
 Y'a un gros souci là.
 Dans ton utilisation de find, tu ne résouds en rien le problème des noms de
 fichiers problématiques, pour une bonne raison : tu laisses le shell
 splitter la sortie de find, par la simple utilisation de $(...).
 Tu pourrais, en étant vraiment vicieux, utiliser find pour ta tâche :
 $ find . -mindepth 1 -exec tar cjvf test.tar.bz2 {} +
 Mais ce genre d'utilisation est déconseillée, car on crée ainsi des archives
 qui s'extraient dans le répertoire courant.
  J'ai peut-être raté un épisode, mais pourquoi ne pas faire
  un simple:
  tar cjvf test.tar.bz2 *
 Histoire de sauvegarder aussi les fichiers et répertoires cachés ?
 Ou pas...
  Sinon, j'aurais tendance à ajouter des guillements autour
  des noms de fichiers qui contiennent des espaces, donc:
  tar cjvf test.tar.bz2 $(find . -mindepth 1 -name * -exec echo \{}\ +)
 Inutile, le problème intervient lorsque le shell interprète la sortie de la
 substitution $(...).
 De manière générale, utiliser $(...) sans guillemets doubles autour est une
 Pas besoin de mettre des guillemets autour de {} : le shell n'interprète
 pas les noms de fichier car {} est une sémantique interne à find(1).
 find(1) passe directement par un appel à execvp(2) pour lancer la commande,
 donc les noms de fichiers représentés par {} ne sont pas interprétés.
  Pas testé, donc sans garantie.
 Free software, free society.
 Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas
 GPG key : 06A11494

Fabien LUCE
Jabber ID:

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Re: Squeeze : plus de wifi après mise à jour [Résolu]

2011-01-23 Thread Courrier Debian
Le dimanche 23 janvier 2011 11:57:10, pascatgm a écrit :
 Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :
  Le 22/01/11, a écrit :
  Je joins la sortie de dmesg relative à la carte réseau wifi :
  [   11.912187] iwl3945 :10:00.0: firmware: requesting
  [   11.969994] iwl3945 :10:00.0: loaded firmware version
  [   12.041035] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::radio
  [   12.041053] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::assoc
  [   12.041105] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::RX
  [   12.041121] Registered led device: iwl-phy0::TX
  [   12.053646] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
  [   15.628061] iwl3945 :10:00.0: Failed to get channel info for
  channel 140 [0]
  [   15.629756] wlan0: direct probe to AP  (try 1)
  [   15.632115] wlan0: direct probe responded
  [   15.632118] wlan0: authenticate with AP  (try 1)
  [   15.634218] wlan0: authenticated
  [   15.634254] wlan0: associate with AP  (try 1)
  [   15.636728] wlan0: RX AssocResp from  (capab=0x411 status=0
  aid=1) [   15.636731] wlan0: associated
  [   15.638342] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
  et une ligne un peu plus bas qui se plaint de l'absence de routeur IPV6.
  C'est tout. Il me semble pas y avoir de problème à ce niveau...
  Oui chez moi ça dit pareil. Tentes pour voir de retirer temporairement
  ta protection wep et associe ta carte, ça enlèvera un paramètre gênant
  en moins pour voir si ta carte marche réellement et si tu n'as pas un
  pb dans ta config.
  Enfin ça n'est qu'une proposition comme une autre, peut-être quelqu'un
  a-t-il une astuce plus catholique pour tester.
 Bon...Dans la configuration de la LB je suis passé de mixte WEP/WPA
 qui était auparavant le défaut (et qui fonctionnait très bien) à WEP.
 J'ai viré NM, installé wicd
 configuré wicd, rebooté et Hô miracle le wifi fonctionne à nouveau.
 Quant à savoir pourquoi la configuration de la LB n'a plus convenu
 subitement... Mystère !
 En tous les cas, merci pour votre aide à tous !
 Bon dimanche...
maintenant que tu as wicd essaies WPA sur ta livebox ,car je crois que la 
sécurité avec WEP est loin d'être optimum.

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Re: rsync

2011-01-23 Thread moi-meme
Le Sat, 22 Jan 2011 10:10:02 +0100, Fabien LUCE a écrit :

 est ce que rsync supprime les fichiers sur la destination qui ne sont
 pas sur la source? Dans mon cas cela se produit, y a t il moyen de lui
 dire de ne pas le faire?

dans grsync (GUI de rsync) il y a l'option 

donc elle doit exister pour rsync.

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Re: HS: mdadm et grub2

2011-01-23 Thread kaliderus
Le 22 janvier 2011 18:13, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :


 J'ai invalidé le Raid dans le BIOS pour ne faire que du RAID1 logiciel avec
 mdadm. Tout se déroule correctement

C'est à dire ? Je pense que tu devrai développer la procédure que tu as suivi.
As-tu bien regénéré le initramfs ?

 jusqu'au test du raid après
 installation: le serveur ne démarre pas si je débranche sda alors qu'il
 démarre si je débranche sdb!

 J'ai fait un grub-install sur /dev/sda /dev/sdb et /dev/md0 (partition Raid1
 pour /boot, /dev/md1 étant mon swap et /dev/md2 mon /)

Je ne vois pas pourquoi installer grub sur un périphérique raid, grub
se doit d'être sur /dev/sda et /dev/sdb

 Lorsque je démarre en ayant débrancher sda, je vois Welcome to GRUB puis
 le serveur redémarre. J'ai tenté de mettre set root=(hd1) en lieu et place
 de (md0) dans grub.cfg, rien n'y fait.

 Dans le BIOS, j'ai activer le boot à partir du second disque, le serveur
 démarre bien si sda est présent. Tout se passe donc comme si GRUB démarre
 sur sdb mais a besoin de sda pour le reste :-(

Sans le descriptif détaillé de la procédure que tu as suivi, j'aurai
du mal à t'aider.

 J'ai demander au BIOS de se comporter comme si les disques étaient en ATA,
 pas plus de résultat. Bref, j'en vient à penser que le contrôleur est en
 cause et interfère.

Je pense qu'il n'y a aucun rapport

 Merci pour toute suggestion ou histoire vécue et résolue ;-) qui me
 permettrai de sortir de cette impasse.

J'ai commencé un tutoriel sur le sujet, je te colle le brouillon :
peut être que quelques étapes ne sont pas dans l'ordre
L'idée est de partir d'un système standard à un système installé en
raid 1 en passant par une matrice raid 1 dégradée.
Les étapes à ne pas louper sont celle concernant le initramfs et le fstab.

Je n'ai pas utilisé l'installateur pour configurer le raid, je l'ai
fais une fois installé.
Je me base sur 2 disques identiques sda (disque source) et sdb (disque
cible), le système dans 1 unique partition + 1 swap (/dev/sda5 et

Les étapes à suivre :

Paquets Prérequis : mdadm

Disque source = /dev/sda
Disque cible = /dev/sdb

- Partitionner le disque cible en  Linux raid auto detect  pour / + 1 swap

- Créer le système raid 1 sur la partition cible en mode dégradé :
Seule la partition /dev/sdb1 est utilisée lors de cette étape :
mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 missing

- Créer un système de fichier (mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0) sur le disque cible

- Monter la future partition cible /dev/md0 sur /point_montage_md0/

- Copier les fichiers du système source sur le disque cible (cp -dprx
/dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1)

- Modifier /etc/madam/mdadm.conf sur le disque cible pour prendre en
compte la matrice raid (mdadm ---examine --scan

- Modifier /etc/fstab du disque cible pour qu'il utilise le nouveau
système de fichiers (/ sur /dev/md0)

- Générer le initramfs sur le disque cible : cd
/point_montage_md0/boot/ puis mkinitramfs -v -o ./leinitrdquivabien
sur le nouveau disque

- Modifier pour avoir la ligne kopt=/dev/md0 (de mémoire) dans menu.lst

- Installer Grub à partir de grub sur le disque cible : root (hd1,0) ,

- Installer Grub à partir de grub sur le disque source : root (hd1,0)
, setup(hd0)

- Là devrait être spécifié root comme /dev/md0 dans
/boot/grub/menu.lst sur le disque cible et source (les entrées dans le
menu grub), mais il faut aussi garder les autres menus au cas ou

- Démonter la partition cible /dev/md0

- On laisse les swap (1 sur chaque partition), on refera la
manipulation de création d'un disque /dev/md1 de swap par la suite,
pour le moment on peut continuer à utiliser /dev/sdb5

- Rebooter sur le nouveau disque sdb (md0) en mode dégradé (à
spécifier à partir du bios, ou changer les cavaliers des disques IDE)

- Vérifier que le système a bien monté / sur /dev/md0, sinon, on peut
supposer un mauvais paramétrage du grub

- Changer le type de partition de /dev/sda1 en  Linux raid auto detect 

- Intégrer le disque source dans la matrice raid : mdadm /dev/md0
--add /dev/sda1 ... et attendre la synchronisation

- Pour la swap, même idée, mais c'est plus simple, il suffit juste de
créer un disque raid 1 et le déclarer comme swap dans fstab  cible

- C'est fini

- Relancer pour vérifier le boot sur chacun des disques.

... et ...

- Tester


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Re: HS: mdadm et grub2

2011-01-23 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 23/01/2011 15:45, kaliderus a écrit :

Je ne vois pas pourquoi installer grub sur un périphérique raid, grub
se doit d'être sur /dev/sda et /dev/sdb

Non, avec grub2 on peut l'installer sur le périphérique raid ainsi les x 
disques peuvent démarrer (le raid n'est pas forcément sur uniquement 
deux disques)

Sans le descriptif détaillé de la procédure que tu as suivi, j'aurai
du mal à t'aider.

Mon problème n'est pas l'installation du raid, je sais faire ;-).

J'ai demander au BIOS de se comporter comme si les disques étaient en ATA,
pas plus de résultat. Bref, j'en vient à penser que le contrôleur est en
cause et interfère.

Je pense qu'il n'y a aucun rapport

Et bien si: le perc s100 semble bien être la cause du problème

- Relancer pour vérifier le boot sur chacun des disques.

Et c'est la ou cela coince.


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Re: HS: mdadm et grub2

2011-01-23 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :
 Et bien si: le perc s100 semble bien être la cause du problème

Cette affirmation me semble en contradiction avec ton message de 13h06
relatant le résultat de la permutation des disques.

Le problème pourrait venir de la correspondance entre les noms de
périphérique pour Linux et le BIOS pour le second disque.

- A l'installation, sdb = second disque dur dans le BIOS (hd1 selon grub
1, mais il paraît que ça a changé avec grub 2).
- Si on enlève le premier disque, sdb devient premier disque donc hd0.
Si l'amorce de grub a été configurée pour aller chercher le reste sur
hd1, ça ne marche pas. Quand j'avais installé grub 1 sur deux disques en
RAID 1, j'avais dû installer l'amorce sur le second disque en déclarant
que pour le BIOS c'était le premier, car pour le BIOS le disque qui
boote est toujours le premier.

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Re: HS: mdadm et grub2

2011-01-23 Thread kaliderus
Le 23 janvier 2011 18:19, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :
 Le 23/01/2011 15:45, kaliderus a écrit :

 Je ne vois pas pourquoi installer grub sur un périphérique raid, grub
 se doit d'être sur /dev/sda et /dev/sdb

 Non, avec grub2 on peut l'installer sur le périphérique raid ainsi les x
 disques peuvent démarrer (le raid n'est pas forcément sur uniquement deux

Ah d'accord, et grub s'installe tout seul sur les x disques en question ?
Parceque le bios doit bien choisir a un moment sur lequel charger le système

 - Relancer pour vérifier le boot sur chacun des disques.

 Et c'est la ou cela coince.

Si tu passe par du raid logiciel, je ne comprends plus le soucis de
ton controleur.

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Re: HS: mdadm et grub2

2011-01-23 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 23/01/2011 18:39, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :


Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

Et bien si: le perc s100 semble bien être la cause du problème

Cette affirmation me semble en contradiction avec ton message de 13h06
relatant le résultat de la permutation des disques.

Je ne pense pas.  J'ai poussé plus loin en débranchant SATA0 et en 
faisant un installation fraiche sur le disque qui ne démarrait pas en le 
laissant connecté à SATA1 qui est bien devenu sda l'autre disque ayant 
été débranché: et bien cela a fonctionné! Chaque disque installé avec 
son OS démarre bien, SATA0 ou SATA1. J'en suis arrivé à la conclusion 
que le raid avec mdadm fait que l'ecriture a bien lieu sur le premier 
disque et pas sur le second. Cela explique pourquoi mon sdb ne démarrait 
pas puisqu'il ne devait en fait avoir rien d'écrit :-(

J'ai rebranché les deux disques, chacun comme il était connecté à la 
livraison. Un dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb est entrain de tourner. Je 
redémarrerai ensuite sur chaque disque pour voir si tout est ok, puis 
les remettrai dans l'espace raid. Je créerai ensuite un fichier puis 
retirerai le sda de la grappe et redémarrerai sur sdb: le résultat me 
dira déjà si j'ai vu juste.

De la lecture sur Internet, je suis pessimiste quant au résultat.

Le problème pourrait venir de la correspondance entre les noms de
périphérique pour Linux et le BIOS pour le second disque.

Il ne parle que de disque C: J'ai comme seul choix de dire celui que je 
veux pour représenter ce disque C: Un contrôleur à fuire, c'est la 
première fois que je me retrouve dans une telle situation :-(


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Accès à un disque SMB avec les droits de l'utilisateur connecté

2011-01-23 Thread vera . mickael

Un serveur sous debian fait tourner un serveur samba qui partage un répertoire.

J'accède à ce répertoire depuis un ordinateur sous windows en rentrant login et
mot de passe.

Maintenant je veux faire la même chose depuis mon poste linux, ça marche mais je
me rends compte que je dois rentrer le login et le mdp de l'utilisateur samba
dans le fichier /etc/fstab. Or je veux que l'utilisateur qui accède au disque
utilise ses droits personnels.

D'après ce que j'ai trouvé sur le net, ce n'est pas possible, pouvez-vous me
confirmer ?

Je me tourne donc vers une solution à la windows, chaque utilisateur effectue
son propre montage sur un point de montage dans son répertoire home par exemple
via un script.

Est-ce l'unique solution ?

Y a-t-il un moyen pour ne pas stocker en clair les mdp des utilisateurs dans un
fichier en clair ?

Merci d'avance pour toute réponse.


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Re: Accès à un disque SMB avec les droits de l'utilisateur connecté

2011-01-23 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 23 Jan 2011 23:29:13 +0100, a écrit :

 Un serveur sous debian fait tourner un serveur samba qui partage un
 J'accède à ce répertoire depuis un ordinateur sous windows en
 rentrant login et mot de passe.
 Maintenant je veux faire la même chose depuis mon poste linux, ça
 marche mais je me rends compte que je dois rentrer le login et le mdp
 de l'utilisateur samba dans le fichier /etc/fstab. Or je veux que
 l'utilisateur qui accède au disque utilise ses droits personnels.
 D'après ce que j'ai trouvé sur le net, ce n'est pas possible,
 pouvez-vous me confirmer ?
 Je me tourne donc vers une solution à la windows, chaque utilisateur
 effectue son propre montage sur un point de montage dans son
 répertoire home par exemple via un script.
 Est-ce l'unique solution ?
 Y a-t-il un moyen pour ne pas stocker en clair les mdp des
 utilisateurs dans un fichier en clair ?
 Merci d'avance pour toute réponse.

pourquoi ne pas employer les acl ?

autrement, il existe une solution payante : ZENworks


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Re: rsync

2011-01-23 Thread Fabien LUCE
J'ai fini partrouvé dans le man:

--delete fait exacement ce que je veux!


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 01:31:27PM +, moi-meme wrote:
 Le Sat, 22 Jan 2011 10:10:02 +0100, Fabien LUCE a écrit :
  est ce que rsync supprime les fichiers sur la destination qui ne sont
  pas sur la source? Dans mon cas cela se produit, y a t il moyen de lui
  dire de ne pas le faire?
 dans grsync (GUI de rsync) il y a l'option 
 donc elle doit exister pour rsync.
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Fabien LUCE
Jabber ID:

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Fwd / Terusan : Bisnis Tiket Pesawat Telah membagikan bonus untuk para mitranya sudah lebih dari SATU MILYAR RUPIAH...!!!

2011-01-23 Thread muhamad_ipango

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Re: ATI howto del wiki de Debian

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 22 Jan 2011 23:43:40 +0100, Agustin MuNoz escribió:

 El día 22 de enero de 2011 18:31, Camaleón escribió:
 No me queda claro qué driver estás usando ¿es el radeon, radeonhd o el
 propietario? ¿Qué versión del kernel tienes?
 el radeon a secas
 agustin@HAL-96:~$ uname -a
 Linux HAL-96 2.6.32-core2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 20 01:26:56 CET 2011
 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 el kernel es 2.6.32-5 recompilado por mi añadiendo lo siguiente:

¿Has probado con el kernel que trae Debian de serie?
 en Drivers / Graphics Support / Direct Rendering Manager --- # ATI
 y ya que estaba en ello puse también soporte para core duo:
 Processor type and features --- Processor family (Generic-x86-64) ---
 Core 2/newer Xeon
 y en Preemption Model (Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop)) ---
Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop) Timer frequency (250 HZ)
 lo cambie a 300
 La aceleración 3D parece funcionar correctamente pero ese mensaje
 mosquea, supongo que podría ir mejor.

Es posible que el soporte de las IRQ esté desactivado en el propio DRM 
para ese modelo de tarjeta o en esa versión concreta del kernel 
(2.6.32) :-?



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Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 22 Jan 2011 19:37:06 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:

 Quiero comentarles un comportamiento que estoy observando en Testing.
 Los movimientos de las ventanas arrastradas con el mouse son muy lentas,
 o sea, parece como una película cuadro a cuadro. 


Desactiva cualquier efecto 3D que tengas en el escritorio y asegúrate de 
que estás usando el driver apropiado para tu tarjeta gráfica.



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Permisos en directorios y archivos

2011-01-23 Thread Juan Pablo Alesandri
Hola gente, buenos dias! Necesito establecer que todos los directorios
creados dentro de un directorio en particular del sistema tengan
permisos 555(r-x r-x r-x) por defecto. En este caso umask tendria el
valor 222.
Una situacion similar se tiene que dar con todos los archivos creados
dentro de ese mismo directorio, los cuales deben tener permiso 444(r--
r-- r--). En este caso umask tendria el valor 200.

Esta situacion se debe dar para un unico directorio del sistema. Me
pueden dar una mano para poder hacer la configuracion correcta??
Desde ya muchas gracias

Juan Pablo Alesandri
GNU/Linux Registered User:#333844
GnuPG Public Key ID: 8A2B7F96

Description: Esto es una parte de mensaje firmado digitalmente

Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread Juan Pablo Alesandri
El dom, 23-01-2011 a las 11:30 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 22 Jan 2011 19:37:06 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:
  Quiero comentarles un comportamiento que estoy observando en Testing.
  Los movimientos de las ventanas arrastradas con el mouse son muy lentas,
  o sea, parece como una película cuadro a cuadro. 
 Desactiva cualquier efecto 3D que tengas en el escritorio y asegúrate de 
 que estás usando el driver apropiado para tu tarjeta gráfica.
Como se puede averiguar el driver apropiado para la tarjeta grafica?
Muchas gracias

Juan Pablo Alesandri
GNU/Linux Registered User:#333844
GnuPG Public Key ID: 8A2B7F96

Description: Esto es una parte de mensaje firmado digitalmente

Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 23 Jan 2011 09:35:03 -0300, Juan Pablo Alesandri escribió:

 El dom, 23-01-2011 a las 11:30 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 22 Jan 2011 19:37:06 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:
  Quiero comentarles un comportamiento que estoy observando en Testing.
  Los movimientos de las ventanas arrastradas con el mouse son muy
  lentas, o sea, parece como una película cuadro a cuadro.
 Desactiva cualquier efecto 3D que tengas en el escritorio y asegúrate
 de que estás usando el driver apropiado para tu tarjeta gráfica.
 Como se puede averiguar el driver apropiado para la tarjeta grafica?

En el registro de Xorg (/var/log/Xorg.0.log) aparece el driver que se 
está usando. Las gráficas intel tienden extrañamente a conmutar al driver 
vesa de un día para otro (si se tiene testing o sid), así que conviene 
revisarlo. Eso sucede si por algún motivo no está activado el KMS o hay 
algún problema con el driver intel.

Si se tiene una gráfica ati y el radeon va lento, se puede probar con el 
driver cerrado. Lo mismo para nvidia (se puede pasar del nouveau al 



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Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread serpeanetto

Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 22 Jan 2011 19:37:06 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:


Quiero comentarles un comportamiento que estoy observando en Testing.
Los movimientos de las ventanas arrastradas con el mouse son muy lentas,
o sea, parece como una película cuadro a cuadro.


Desactiva cualquier efecto 3D que tengas en el escritorio y asegúrate de
que estás usando el driver apropiado para tu tarjeta gráfica.


Gracias Camaleón, pero no tengo ningún efecto 3D activado, estoy usando 
LXDE. El driver que estoy usando es el Intel, en el /var/log/Xorg.o.log 
y en el Xorg.conf me aparece el driver intel en Card0, igual que en mis 
otras distros con la que no tengo problemas. ¿Puede que haya algún 
servicio o programa que no estoy usando y que esté corriendo en 
background de forma que está consumiendo recursos de video?

Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
twitter: @sergiobess
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 23 Jan 2011 07:30:36 -0300, serpeanetto escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:

 Desactiva cualquier efecto 3D que tengas en el escritorio y asegúrate
 de que estás usando el driver apropiado para tu tarjeta gráfica.

 Gracias Camaleón, pero no tengo ningún efecto 3D activado, estoy usando

Lxde también puede usar compiz ¿no? :-?

 El driver que estoy usando es el Intel, en el /var/log/Xorg.o.log
 y en el Xorg.conf me aparece el driver intel en Card0, igual que en mis
 otras distros con la que no tengo problemas. ¿Puede que haya algún
 servicio o programa que no estoy usando y que esté corriendo en
 background de forma que está consumiendo recursos de video?

Puede ser... ejecuta top y ordena los resultados por consumo de memoria 
(shitf+M) o de cpu (shift+P), a ver si te aparece algún proceso desbocado.



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Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread Sergio Bess

Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 23 Jan 2011 07:30:36 -0300, serpeanetto escribió:


Camaleón escribió:

Desactiva cualquier efecto 3D que tengas en el escritorio y asegúrate
de que estás usando el driver apropiado para tu tarjeta gráfica.


Gracias Camaleón, pero no tengo ningún efecto 3D activado, estoy usando

Lxde también puede usar compiz ¿no? :-?


El driver que estoy usando es el Intel, en el /var/log/Xorg.o.log
y en el Xorg.conf me aparece el driver intel en Card0, igual que en mis
otras distros con la que no tengo problemas. ¿Puede que haya algún
servicio o programa que no estoy usando y que esté corriendo en
background de forma que está consumiendo recursos de video?

Puede ser... ejecuta top y ordena los resultados por consumo de memoria
(shitf+M) o de cpu (shift+P), a ver si te aparece algún proceso desbocado.


De acuerdo, Camaleón, pero no tengo instalado Compiz, justamente porque 
quería tener una Debian pura sin cositas raras, o sea que no tengo 
ningún efecto de escritorio instalado y activado.
Haciendo Top aparecen pocos procesos de usuario y otro tanto de root, el 
que más consume CPU es un proceso llamado plugin-containe que se come un 
promedio de 23% de la CPU pero nada más, los demás no pasan del 5%. El 
informe de recursos que aparece arriba del top me dice que tengo memoria 
de sobra y hasta la swap no está siendo utilizada. Todo parece indicar 
que está trabajando bastante descansada y cómoda. Pero me acabo de dar 
cuenta de otra cosa. Las ventanas de terminal se mueven con total 
fluidez y rapidez en la pantalla, a lo sumo dejan una pequeña estela 
pero eso es por el refresco, cuando abro, por ejemplo, pcmanfm, el 
movimiento es como describía antes, o sea, muy lento y torpe.

Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
twitter: @sergiobess
Linux counter: 486274

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Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread Emiliano M. Rudenick
 Me pasó en netbook y lo solucione así:

 marca o desmarca la siguiente opción:
 Aplicaciones  Herramientas de sistema  Editor de Configuración
 No recuerdo si debes reiniciar las X.  Prueba y nos cuentas.

Compositing viene por defecto desactivado en Gnome, así que si vos no lo
activaste nunca no te hagas drama. Y no hay que reiniciar.
Por otro lado, lo mejor sería saber el modelo de la placa de video, sino
se hace muy dificil...


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Re: Movimientos en pantalla lento

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:06:16 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:

 Lxde también puede usar compiz ¿no? :-?

 El driver que estoy usando es el Intel, en el /var/log/Xorg.o.log y en
 el Xorg.conf me aparece el driver intel en Card0, igual que en mis
 otras distros con la que no tengo problemas. ¿Puede que haya algún
 servicio o programa que no estoy usando y que esté corriendo en
 background de forma que está consumiendo recursos de video?
 Puede ser... ejecuta top y ordena los resultados por consumo de memoria
 (shitf+M) o de cpu (shift+P), a ver si te aparece algún proceso

 De acuerdo, Camaleón, pero no tengo instalado Compiz, justamente porque
 quería tener una Debian pura sin cositas raras, o sea que no tengo
 ningún efecto de escritorio instalado y activado. 

Descartado, pues.

 Haciendo Top aparecen pocos procesos de usuario y otro tanto de root,
 el que más consume CPU es un proceso llamado plugin-containe que se
 come un promedio de 23% de la CPU pero nada más, los demás no pasan del

plugin-container podría ser el gestor de plugins de firefox pero ese es 
normal que tenga un consumo elevado de CPU.

 El informe de recursos que aparece arriba del top me dice que tengo
 memoria de sobra y hasta la swap no está siendo utilizada. Todo parece 
 indicar que está trabajando bastante descansada y cómoda. Pero me acabo
 de dar cuenta de otra cosa. Las ventanas de terminal se mueven con
 total fluidez y rapidez en la pantalla, a lo sumo dejan una pequeña
 estela pero eso es por el refresco, cuando abro, por ejemplo, pcmanfm,
 el movimiento es como describía antes, o sea, muy lento y torpe.

Okay... estoy pensando que podrías probar una cosa, si es posible en 
lxde. En GNOME hay una opción en el centro de control donde puedes 
decirle que al mover las ventanas no redibuje el contenido y que muestre 
sólo la estructura (wire mode, se llama, modo alambre), lo cual hace 
que mejore el rendimiento considerablemente. Quizá tengas una opción 
similiar en lxde :-?



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Re: Bajar solo las cabeceras en kmail (como lo hace Evolution)

2011-01-23 Thread Alejandro Pando (gmail)
On Friday 21 January 2011 17:13:42 Felix Perez wrote:
 El día 21 de enero de 2011 17:07, AlePando escribió:
  2011/1/21 Agustin MuNoz
  El día 21 de enero de 2011 20:04, AlePando escribió:
  ¿Como le puedo indicarle al kmail que solo baje las cabeceras de los
  mensajes?... para no tener que bajar los mas de 2 gigas de la lista de
  si kmail no puede hacerlo por pop3 intentalo configurando como IMAP
  En evolution en configuraciones elegi la opción de bajar solo la
  cabecera de los mensajes... entonces, como estoy usando IMAP la misma
  carpeta que tengo en gmail web se creo en las subcarpetasd en
  evolutiuon... entonces solo me ha bajado las cabeceras de los mail de
  esta lista... y solo cuando quiero leer uno al pinchar en el en ese
  momento solo baja ese mail en particular.
 Debiste partir por ahí, usas IMAP
  En kmail, tambien lo configure con IMAP y me ha creado las mismas
  subcarpetas... pero se ha puesto a bajar el mensaje completo (o eso es
  lo que se aprecia por el tiempo que toma)... entonces va mi pregunta:
  como hago que kmail baje solo las cabeceras aligual lo hace
  ecolution? reviso todas las configuraciones de kmail y doy con la
  forma de decirle que 'baje solo las cabeceras de los mail.
 En evoluton, Claws y sylpheed y supongo que en todos los clientes  lo
 que hace la primera ves es sincronizar la carpeta local con la carpeta
 imap del servidor, asi que supongo que eso es lo que esta haciendo.
 Yo no sería ta impaciente.

Tenias toda la razon... me entro el panico por que se demoraba mucho y 
pense que se estaba bajando los mas de 2 Gigas de mail que tengo esta 
cuenta de gmail... pero no, solo estaba bajando las cabeceras y ordenandolos 
en sus respectivas carpetas gracias al IMAP... como son muchos y la velocidad 
de internet en esta ciudad no es de lo mejor.

Decir que kmail me ha sorprendido mucho y ha satisfecho con creces lo que yo 

Salu2 y gracias por vuestras respuestas

Alejandro pando G.
Constructor Civil - UTFSM

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Re: OT Preguntas inteligentes

2011-01-23 Thread Alejandro Pando (gmail)
On Saturday 22 January 2011 00:18:24 consul tores wrote:
 El día 21 de enero de 2011 18:50, Alejandro Pando (gmail) escribió:
  No creo que todos se comporten como talibanes
 Esto es un comentario despectivo, que solo muestra tu odio reprimido.

Perdon... pero ha sido a mi al que han intimidado con apedrearme si me atrevo 
a preguntar sin haber encontrado la respuesta en gmail

  Prefiero creer que la mayoria pensara  este muchacho no busco bien... le
  dare una pista total para eso es la lista, ṕara ayudar
 Te equivocas completamente, esta NO ES, una lista de ayuda; ESTA ES,
 una lista para COMPARTIR conocimiento y experiencias. La
 participacion, es voluntaria y esta regulada por las normas de la
 lista y sus usuarios. Los beneficios, estan plasmados en el historico
 de la lista.
En la misma web de www, dice claramente:
6.2. Cómo conseguir ayuda
[...] 6.2.1. Listas de correo electrónico

A si que desde tiempos inmemoriales que recurro a esta lista para conseguir la 
ayuda necesaria para resolver algun problema con mi distro favorita cuando no  
he sido capaz de resolverlo por mi cuenta (googe, web especializadas, FAQ, 
man, listas ubuntu, amigos no por que no conozco a nadie que use Linux)

 Y, te aclaro que yo no soy informatico, Hago lo mismo que hacemos la
 mayoria; primero, reviso la documentacion en el SO; segundo, busco en
 el historico; tercero, hago pruebas y busco en Google; cuarto,
 pregunto en la lista. Y, la mayoria de las veces, no llego ni siquiera
 a buscar en Google!

Yo tambien hago lo mismo... solo cuando me veo muy afligido y no he sido capaz 
de resolver el problema yo solo recurro a esta lista... y creo que todos hacen 
lo mismo... claro que deben haber excepciones, pero son los menos...

  Mi consejo, dista mucho de lo que escribio el Sr. Gilbe arriba, si no
  buscas, no lees, y solo te dedicas a que te solucionen los problemas,
  poco aprenderas.
 Este comentario, de otro usuario; me parece muy sensato, deberias
 considerarlo, Alejandro.

Todos estamos en eso... solo que no creo que existan iluminados capaces de 
saber lo que uno se ha esforzado y de buenas a primeras te tratan de flojo... 
primero debemos respetar y creer en las personas... en todas, sin discriminar 
a nadie.

Alejandro pando G.
Constructor Civil - UTFSM

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Re: Permisos en directorios y archivos

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:54:40 -0300, Juan Pablo Alesandri escribió:

 Hola gente, buenos dias! Necesito establecer que todos los directorios
 creados dentro de un directorio en particular del sistema tengan
 permisos 555(r-x r-x r-x) por defecto. En este caso umask tendria el
 valor 222.
 Una situacion similar se tiene que dar con todos los archivos creados
 dentro de ese mismo directorio, los cuales deben tener permiso 444(r--
 r-- r--). En este caso umask tendria el valor 200.
 Esta situacion se debe dar para un unico directorio del sistema. Me
 pueden dar una mano para poder hacer la configuracion correcta?? Desde
 ya muchas gracias

En recursos samba eso se consigue jugando con los ACL y los valores de 
umask sobre los directorios. ¿Has pensando en usar ACL? Quizá, en este 
caso sea lo más sencillo.



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Re: Permisos en directorios y archivos

2011-01-23 Thread Juan Pablo Alesandri
El dom, 23-01-2011 a las 16:31 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:54:40 -0300, Juan Pablo Alesandri escribió:
  Hola gente, buenos dias! Necesito establecer que todos los directorios
  creados dentro de un directorio en particular del sistema tengan
  permisos 555(r-x r-x r-x) por defecto. En este caso umask tendria el
  valor 222.
  Una situacion similar se tiene que dar con todos los archivos creados
  dentro de ese mismo directorio, los cuales deben tener permiso 444(r--
  r-- r--). En este caso umask tendria el valor 200.
  Esta situacion se debe dar para un unico directorio del sistema. Me
  pueden dar una mano para poder hacer la configuracion correcta?? Desde
  ya muchas gracias
 En recursos samba eso se consigue jugando con los ACL y los valores de 
 umask sobre los directorios. ¿Has pensando en usar ACL? Quizá, en este 
 caso sea lo más sencillo.

Gracias por responder Camaleon. Me pondre a investigar sobre ACL(lista
de control de acceso???) porque no tengo ni idea que es y luego vere si
me sirve esta alternativa. Mi idea original era hacer un script que se
fije cada cierto periodo de tiempo si hay algo nuevo dentro del
directorio en cuestion y si es asi cambiarle los permisos pero no me
convence mucho esta ideatiene que haber otra alternativa

Juan Pablo Alesandri
GNU/Linux Registered User:#333844
GnuPG Public Key ID: 8A2B7F96

Description: Esto es una parte de mensaje firmado digitalmente

Re: ATI howto del wiki de Debian

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
El 2011-01-23 a las 18:26 +0100, Agustin MuNoz escribió:

(reenvío a la lista)

 El día 23 de enero de 2011 12:26, Camaleón escribió:
  el kernel es 2.6.32-5 recompilado por mi añadiendo lo siguiente:
  ¿Has probado con el kernel que trae Debian de serie?
 si claro, pero el de serie no lleva DRM y la aceleleración gráfica va solo por
 software, en el wiki de debian ya lo explica así, hay que recompilar si 
 aceleración por hardware

Hum... en la página de la wiki dice:

Configuring the kernel

You will need Direct Rendering Manager as well as Accelerated Graphics 
Port support in your kernel, preferably as modules. If you are using 
the stock Debian kernel, you should already have these. To check for 
DRM support, issue this command: 

Es decir, o al menos así lo entiendo, que el kernel que viene con 
Debian ya tiene activado el DRM y el AGP. De hecho, en la squeeze que 
tengo por aquí viene activado... y ahora que lo miro, en lenny también 

  Es posible que el soporte de las IRQ esté desactivado en el propio DRM
  para ese modelo de tarjeta o en esa versión concreta del kernel
  (2.6.32) :-?
 buscando el error en google veo bugs etc sobre el tema y que alguien contesta
 que estaría parcheado en el 2.6.28, los mensajes que encuentro son
 todos antiguos,
 supongo que toca esperar otro kernel.
 De todas formas el escritorio me va perfecto, he puesto compiz y van todas las
 chorraditas gráficas sin problemas y muy rápido. solo tenia curiosidad :)

Okis :-)



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Re: ATI howto del wiki de Debian

2011-01-23 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El día 23 de enero de 2011 19:30, Camaleón escribió:

 Es decir, o al menos así lo entiendo, que el kernel que viene con
 Debian ya tiene activado el DRM y el AGP. De hecho, en la squeeze que
 tengo por aquí viene activado... y ahora que lo miro, en lenny también

yo debo ser especial jaja, no en serio, segui los pasos y al comprobar DRM
con la orden que dice el wiki me decia que no estaba, como me has hecho
dudar he boteado con el kernel que me instaló squeeze bajada de las imagenes
semanales y esto es lo que dice:

agustin@HAL-96:~$ uname -a
Linux HAL-96 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 03:40:32 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

agustin@HAL-96:~$ grep DRM_RADEON /boot/config-$(uname -r)

en el wiki pone If this value is n, then you will have to rebuild your kernel.

uff madre mia justo ahora al pegar esto me doy cuenta, tienes razón O:)
es una M supongo que de modulos y no una N que dice el wiki de no instalado

me confundió ese kms its not set y no me fije bien que era una M y no una N

y lo mejor de todo es que ya no sale el error O:)

agustin@HAL-96:~$ glxinfo | grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R600 (RV770 9442) 20090101  TCL DRI2

muchas gracias, tu perseverancia me ha hecho ver el fallo al final :-)

un saludo

-- (sin actualizar desde 1998)
... Solo es posible el progreso si se infringen reglas inteligentemente

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Re: OT: Smarphone o BlackBerry

2011-01-23 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El día 5 de enero de 2011 23:01, EULALIO LOPEZ escribió:

 Que tal listeros, yo se que la pregunta puede parecer tonta o necia y que
  habra respuestas muy obvias de que si es una lista de software libre, pero
 bueno el caso es que voy a adquirir un celular nuevo, pero no se si
 comprarme una blackberry o un smarphone con android(claro esta que el iphone

Yo tengo desde hace cosa de un mes un HTC Wildfire con android, pasate por
este foro de smartphones para ver todo lo que le puedes hacer a tu android .)

está centrado en HTC pero hay información de otros :)

un saludo
-- (sin actualizar desde 1998)
... Solo es posible el progreso si se infringen reglas inteligentemente

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Dropbox en Debian Squeeze

2011-01-23 Thread Agustin MuNoz
Hola a todos!

¿es seguro instalar un deb para ubuntu en debian squeeze o puede
causar algún problema ?

Quiero instalar dropbox para tener acceso común a algunos archivos
desde otro ordenador win y un smartphone, me falta la parte de debian,
en Dropbox tienen esto:

deb para ubuntu, rpm para fedora y el fuente.

Me leo bien el readme y lo compilo yo mismo o instalo el deb de ubuntu?
en caso de compilar hay algún sitio que explique como hacerlo lo mas
estilo debian posible ?

un saludo

-- (sin actualizar desde 1998)
... Solo es posible el progreso si se infringen reglas inteligentemente

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Re: Permisos en directorios y archivos

2011-01-23 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El dom, 23-01-2011 a las 08:54 -0300, Juan Pablo Alesandri escribió:
 Hola gente, buenos dias! Necesito establecer que todos los directorios
 creados dentro de un directorio en particular del sistema tengan
 permisos 555(r-x r-x r-x) por defecto. En este caso umask tendria el
 valor 222.
 Una situacion similar se tiene que dar con todos los archivos creados
 dentro de ese mismo directorio, los cuales deben tener permiso 444(r--
 r-- r--). En este caso umask tendria el valor 200.
 Esta situacion se debe dar para un unico directorio del sistema. Me
 pueden dar una mano para poder hacer la configuracion correcta??
 Desde ya muchas gracias

Montalo como solo lectura y listo

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Re: Dropbox en Debian Squeeze

2011-01-23 Thread Antonio Insuasti

Dropbox esta en los repositorios de sid
yo creo que esos te van mucho mejor que los de ubuntu...


Enviado desde mi Nokia N900 con maemo

Re: Dropbox en Debian Squeeze

2011-01-23 Thread david martinez
Yo he instalado el deb de ubuntu en debian squeeze, y funciona sin

El 24 de enero de 2011 01:16, Agustin MuNoz escribió:

 Hola a todos!

 ¿es seguro instalar un deb para ubuntu en debian squeeze o puede
 causar algún problema ?

 Quiero instalar dropbox para tener acceso común a algunos archivos
 desde otro ordenador win y un smartphone, me falta la parte de debian,
 en Dropbox tienen esto:

 deb para ubuntu, rpm para fedora y el fuente.

 Me leo bien el readme y lo compilo yo mismo o instalo el deb de ubuntu?
 en caso de compilar hay algún sitio que explique como hacerlo lo mas
 estilo debian posible ?

 un saludo

 -- (sin actualizar desde 1998)
 ... Solo es posible el progreso si se infringen reglas inteligentemente

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Re: Why is Debian not secure by default?

2011-01-23 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-01-23 07:29 +0100, Rico Secada wrote:

 After having brushed up on some technical aspects of security I would
 like to understand why Debian isn't secure be default.

 As we all know a lot of security breaches occur because of overflow
 errors. Difference protective measurements has been developed for
 example such as executable space protection.

 As seen in this list of comparison both Fedora and SUSE are running
 with some method of protection enabled by default whereas Debian isn't.

 Another example is stack checking in GCC where for example OpenBSD
 ships with this setting as enabled-by-default whereas it is
 off-by-default on Debian.

 I would like to understand why Debian is running with this policy of
 security is off by default?

Basically because the developers cannot agree where the hardened
compiler options should be implemented.  You can get more information by


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Re: no popup window with kdialog

2011-01-23 Thread godo

On 01/23/2011 08:52 AM, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:

kdialog --yesno 'raju'

On Squeeze kdialog --yesno 'raju' work.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: no popup window with kdialog

2011-01-23 Thread godo

Forgot to say, I have the same version.
Maybe some conflict with Lenny-Squeeze?

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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stange error

2011-01-23 Thread


I am getting the following line in my /var/log/messages, but no any other:

Jan 23 06:25:23 algol rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=1500 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.

What does it mean?


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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread

Sorry: my system is squeeze amd64

On 2011.01.23. 10:04, wrote:


I am getting the following line in my /var/log/messages, but no any 

Jan 23 06:25:23 algol rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd 
swVersion=4.6.4 x-pid=1500 x-info=;] 
rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.

What does it mean?


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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 01/23/2011 02:39 PM, wrote:

Sorry: my system is squeeze amd64

On 2011.01.23. 10:04, wrote:


I am getting the following line in my /var/log/messages, but no any 

Jan 23 06:25:23 algol rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd 
swVersion=4.6.4 x-pid=1500 x-info=;] 
rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.

What does it mean?


maybe its the same as this ?


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Re: Debian Squeeze Installation

2011-01-23 Thread Greg Madden

On Saturday 22 January 2011 08:10:16 pm godo wrote:
 On 01/23/2011 05:56 AM, Roman Gelfand wrote:
  When installing Squeeze, I chose standard system install and desktop
  environment.  However, it boots in line mode.  How can I check if
  desktop, in fact was installed?  how to enable it?  what is the name
  of the of the gnome or kde packages?
  Thanks in advance

 When you log in try 'startx' if you have some desktop environment it
 should be started.
 I gues you are download standard .iso without choosing DE so it is Gnome.

'dpkg -s 'gnome-desktop-enviroment' will show whether gnome was installed.

If it was a complete standard install, 'startx' should produce error messages 
to why X failed to start, video driver issue, etc. If you don't see it on the 
screen, read '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' for error messages.



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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread Mihira Fernando

On 01/23/2011 02:39 PM, wrote:

Sorry: my system is squeeze amd64

On 2011.01.23. 10:04, wrote:


I am getting the following line in my /var/log/messages, but no any 

Jan 23 06:25:23 algol rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd 
swVersion=4.6.4 x-pid=1500 x-info=;] 
rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.

What does it mean?

the same problem is discussed in some detail there. Appears the problem 
is related to rsyslogd log file's permissions. Maybe you're having the 
same problem ?


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sequence of screenshots?

2011-01-23 Thread Kenward Vaughan
I want to capture a rotating figure in a window and make a movie of it.
I've Googled several ways to take screenshots with programs (gimp,
shutter, imagemagick, etc.) but have seen no way to do this consistently
every 0.X seconds... 

fbcat looked hopeful until I realized that nvidia doesn't seem to have
aan fb device under /dev.

Is there a way to do this?? Thoughts are welcome!



In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be 
_teachers_ and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, 
because passing civilization along from one generation to the next 
ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone 
could have. - Lee Iacocca

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Re: sequence of screenshots?

2011-01-23 Thread Charlie
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 02:05:20 -0800 Kenward Vaughan shared this with us all:

I want to capture a rotating figure in a window and make a movie of it.
I've Googled several ways to take screenshots with programs (gimp,
shutter, imagemagick, etc.) but have seen no way to do this
consistently every 0.X seconds... 

fbcat looked hopeful until I realized that nvidia doesn't seem to have
aan fb device under /dev.

Is there a way to do this?? Thoughts are welcome!

Maybe wink?

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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread
I have read the thread, BUT. It says to change the ownership of log 
files to syslog, and set the $FileOwner variable to syslog in 
I do not have syslog user in my system. Shall i create one for this 
purpose? This bug is ratger old (2009. septembe), has not been fixed yet?

On 2011.01.23. 10:22, Mihira Fernando wrote:

On 01/23/2011 02:39 PM, wrote:

Sorry: my system is squeeze amd64

On 2011.01.23. 10:04, wrote:


I am getting the following line in my /var/log/messages, but no any 

Jan 23 06:25:23 algol rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd 
swVersion=4.6.4 x-pid=1500 x-info=;] 
rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.

What does it mean?

the same problem is discussed in some detail there. Appears the 
problem is related to rsyslogd log file's permissions. Maybe you're 
having the same problem ?


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Re: sequence of screenshots?

2011-01-23 Thread Javier Barroso
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
 I want to capture a rotating figure in a window and make a movie of it.
 I've Googled several ways to take screenshots with programs (gimp,
 shutter, imagemagick, etc.) but have seen no way to do this consistently
 every 0.X seconds...
Maybe with imagemagick, with import:

import -window root -delay 0.2 -snaps 3 myfile.png


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Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

From: Chris Jones

I ran the above test and after grepping out the /sys  /proc's, I came
up with just one file... Xorg.0.log..!

So it looks like this setting is remembered somewhere outside the file

At least in my experience, xrandr modes are *not* remembered. I have to 
rerun it everytime X is started or configure Xorg.conf. Curious that in 
your system the settings persist. 

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Re: Let's talk about compression rates

2011-01-23 Thread Jochen Schulz
S Mathias:
 real  6m43.608s
 user  10m1.092s
 sys   0m3.957s
 real  10m40.788s
 user  10m33.363s
 sys   0m2.106s

Apparently, 7z uses multiple cores, while xz doesn't. Otherwise,
performance is mostly the same.

I wish I could do more to put the sparkle back into my marriage.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: sequence of screenshots?

2011-01-23 Thread Roman Khomasuridze
You can achieve this by installing scrot and executing simple bash script
with infite loop

while :
sleep 2   # the interval between screenshots you need



Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:40:18 -0200, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

 From: Chris Jones
 I ran the above test and after grepping out the /sys  /proc's, I came
 up with just one file... Xorg.0.log..!

 So it looks like this setting is remembered somewhere outside the file

That was the conclusion I reached. 

And I find it very dangerous, if something got messed up you'll need many 
doses of patience and more than a basic knowdledge of your system to 
restore the correct resolution.
 At least in my experience, xrandr modes are *not* remembered. I have to
 rerun it everytime X is started or configure Xorg.conf. Curious that in
 your system the settings persist.

Yes, they do... and so I asked :-)

I also thought the resolution would be forgotten when restarting the 
system but that did not happened.

To discard a problem within the VM environment, I run the same xrandr 
commands on a openSUSE box I keep installed over real irons (external 
USB device) and I got the same result: xrandr settings are automatically 
remembered after reboot.

I can do more testing but if someone can confirm the problem (do not try 
on production machines), I can open a bug report on this.



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Re: latest ppp does not connect

2011-01-23 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Hans-J. Ullrich a écrit :
 I am getting problems with the latest version of running ppp from squeeze. As 
 the version before was running well, I get no success in a connectio with the 
 latest version. I am using umtsmon which is calling ppp with some switches, 
 but it is the same, if I use pon, kppp, kde-ppp or similar - the latest ppp-
 version does not work.

It could be helpful that you provide some pppd logs, preferably with the
'debug' option.

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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 10:04:06 +0100, wrote:

 I am getting the following line in my /var/log/messages, but no any
 Jan 23 06:25:23 algol rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd
 swVersion=4.6.4 x-pid=1500 x-info=;] rsyslogd
 was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.
 What does it mean?

I read it as rsyslog daemon received a hup signal in the mode 
lightweight (kinda soft-restart, maybe it was re-engaded on demand by a 
script in logrotate :-?)

Are you getting new entries in the rest of the logs (/var/log/syslog, 
etc...). messages log file is not very verbose in Debian.



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Re: Debian Squeeze Installation

2011-01-23 Thread Joe
On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 23:56:45 -0500
Roman Gelfand wrote:

 When installing Squeeze, I chose standard system install and desktop
 environment.  However, it boots in line mode.  How can I check if
 desktop, in fact was installed?  how to enable it?  what is the name
 of the of the gnome or kde packages?
 Thanks in advance

I hate to say this, but in my experience, when this happens it's
because X is broken. I've never known a Debian installer to 'forget'
to install a desktop, but I've often had initial problems with X. As
already stated, try startx, but my guess is that won't work either.

It's probably something minor like the video card driver, but it's very
frustrating because of course the installer always manages to drive X
reasonably, using the basic frame buffer system.

Try cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log which is the latest log file on Sid, I
assume it's the same on Squeeze.

My preference is to immediately install mc (Midnight Commander) on a new
system, as it's a reasonably powerful file manager linked to a text
editor. If you use a desktop exclusively, getting around and fixing
things without it is heavy going.


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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread


Yes, there is some new events in my syslog, so it means this message is 
by design?
My old ETCH box, does not getting this message, thats why i asked You. 
(also using logrotate, logcheck, logwatch)

On 2011.01.23. 13:13, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 10:04:06 +0100, wrote:

I am getting the following line in my /var/log/messages, but no any

Jan 23 06:25:23 algol rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd
swVersion=4.6.4 x-pid=1500 x-info=;] rsyslogd
was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.

What does it mean?

I read it as rsyslog daemon received a hup signal in the mode
lightweight (kinda soft-restart, maybe it was re-engaded on demand by a
script in logrotate :-?)

Are you getting new entries in the rest of the logs (/var/log/syslog,
etc...). messages log file is not very verbose in Debian.


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Re: sequence of screenshots?

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 02:05:20 -0800, Kenward Vaughan wrote:

 I want to capture a rotating figure in a window and make a movie of it.


What is the source of the animation? Animated gif, streaming video...?

You can use a video screen capture program.

You have many choices, starting from ffmpeg (command line based) and with 
GUI there is istanbul or recordmydesktop.

A more basic approach can be automating gnome-screenshot or its KDE 
counterpart in a bash script to take snapshots (images) every x 
seconds, but adding pauses in the capture will render badly the movement 
of the animation.



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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 13:30:12 +0100, wrote:
 On 2011.01.23. 13:13, Camaleón wrote:

 I read it as rsyslog daemon received a hup signal in the mode
 lightweight (kinda soft-restart, maybe it was re-engaded on demand by
 a script in logrotate :-?)

 Are you getting new entries in the rest of the logs (/var/log/syslog,
 etc...). messages log file is not very verbose in Debian.

 Yes, there is some new events in my syslog, so it means this message is
 by design?
 My old ETCH box, does not getting this message, thats why i asked You.
 (also using logrotate, logcheck, logwatch)

Let me check it in my squeeze...

root@debian:~# cat /var/log/messages* | grep lightweight
Jan 23 13:12:31 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=869 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 
Jan 18 12:04:20 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=874 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 
Jan 19 20:59:28 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=865 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 
Jan 22 13:05:52 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=872 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 
Jan 23 13:12:30 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=869 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 

Yes, it seems that message is normal :-)

Just ensure your rotated messages (messages.1, messages.2.gz, etc...) contain 
additional data.



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Re: stange error

2011-01-23 Thread

On 2011.01.23. 13:49, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 13:30:12 +0100, wrote:

On 2011.01.23. 13:13, Camaleón wrote:

I read it as rsyslog daemon received a hup signal in the mode
lightweight (kinda soft-restart, maybe it was re-engaded on demand by
a script in logrotate :-?)

Are you getting new entries in the rest of the logs (/var/log/syslog,
etc...). messages log file is not very verbose in Debian.

Yes, there is some new events in my syslog, so it means this message is
by design?
My old ETCH box, does not getting this message, thats why i asked You.
(also using logrotate, logcheck, logwatch)

Let me check it in my squeeze...

root@debian:~# cat /var/log/messages* | grep lightweight
Jan 23 13:12:31 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=869 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.
Jan 18 12:04:20 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=874 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.
Jan 19 20:59:28 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=865 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.
Jan 22 13:05:52 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=872 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.
Jan 23 13:12:30 debian rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4 
x-pid=869 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type 'lightweight'.

Yes, it seems that message is normal :-)

Just ensure your rotated messages (messages.1, messages.2.gz, etc...) contain
additional data.


I have aready checked, every log.n cotains one message, so it is 
logrotate! :)


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putting /tmp to memory help

2011-01-23 Thread kellyremo
to memory means: mounting a ~2 GByte filesystem [ tmpfs?, or ramfs? ], and 
put the /tmp on it. [ e.g.: 4 GByte ram in the pc ]. what to write in the 

I would like to collect the [ answers too:P ]:

- Memory is way faster then HDD/SSD, so it could speed things up
- SSD amortization is less

- Security? [ how to set this up to be secure? any clear howtos/links regarding 
it? :O ]

Really thank you for any good help...

Re: putting /tmp to memory help

2011-01-23 Thread

hey, i am also intertested... :)

On 2011.01.23. 14:47, kellyremo wrote:
to memory means: mounting a ~2 GByte filesystem [ tmpfs?, or ramfs? 
], and put the /tmp on it. [ e.g.: 4 GByte ram in the pc ]. what to 
write in the /etc/fstab?

I would like to collect the [ answers too:P ]:

- Memory is way faster then HDD/SSD, so it could speed things up
- SSD amortization is less

- Security? [ how to set this up to be secure? any clear howtos/links 
regarding it? :O ]

Really thank you for any good help...


Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011, Camaleón wrote:
  At least in my experience, xrandr modes are *not* remembered. I have to

The X server certainly isn't supposed to store it anywhere.

 Yes, they do... and so I asked :-)

So, something is trying to be too smart in your desktop environment
(KDE/gnome most likely).  Find it, Nuke it, and file a bug report :)

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: putting /tmp to memory help

2011-01-23 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011, kellyremo wrote:
 to memory means: mounting a ~2 GByte filesystem [ tmpfs?, or ramfs? ],
 and put the /tmp on it. [ e.g.: 4 GByte ram in the pc ]. what to write
 in the /etc/fstab?

tmpfs   /tmptmpfs   defaults,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777,size=1G

In squeeze, edit /etc/default/tmpfs:

(adjust to your needs).

 Disadvantages: - Security? [ how to set this up to be secure? any clear
 howtos/links regarding it? :O ]

tmpfs does not support security labels in 2.6.32, which limits SELINUX
heavily.  There is no workaround (unless Debian backported the support to
2.6.32, I didn't check).  Switch to per-user TMP directories is recommended.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: a problem on crontab time format

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 00:14:01 -0500, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:
 Hi people,

 How does the following crontab line run: * 1 * * * * my_command
 Every minute of every 1 o'clock? Or only once of every 1 o'clock?

 Sorry, the crontab line is:
  * 1 * * * my_command

It will run my_command (just once) every day at 01:00 am o'clock.



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Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 12:02:31 -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

 Yes, they do... and so I asked :-)
 So, something is trying to be too smart in your desktop environment
 (KDE/gnome most likely).  Find it, Nuke it, and file a bug report :)

That's what I wanted to do but... any clue on how to find out the 
culprit? :-)

I am using stock GNOME (the one that comes with squeeze).



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Re: putting /tmp to memory help

2011-01-23 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 23. 01. 2011 15:08:27 je Henrique de Moraes Holschuh napisal(a):

On Sun, 23 Jan 2011, kellyremo wrote:
 to memory means: mounting a ~2 GByte filesystem [ tmpfs?, or  
ramfs? ],
 and put the /tmp on it. [ e.g.: 4 GByte ram in the pc ]. what to  

 in the /etc/fstab?

tmpfs   /tmptmpfs

In squeeze, edit /etc/default/tmpfs:

(adjust to your needs).

 Disadvantages: - Security? [ how to set this up to be secure? any  

 howtos/links regarding it? :O ]

tmpfs does not support security labels in 2.6.32, which limits SELINUX
heavily.  There is no workaround (unless Debian backported the  
support to
2.6.32, I didn't check).  Switch to per-user TMP directories is  

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Isn't messing with volatile /tmp somewhat a moot point, given that the  
Linux memory manager manages virtual memory anyway? I mean, if /tmp is  
heavily used by your system, it will be cached in memory anyway. With 4  
GB of RAM (as mentioned by kellyremo), you'll end with probably your  
entire payload (and not just your /tmp) running from RAM. So what's to  
be gained with a /tmp in RAM, really? In addition, there is a  
possibility that dedicating 2 GB of RAM to /tmp, you could end up  
forcing your system to start swapping out. Which would instantly defeat  
any speed improvement(s) you might have gained. Linux memory management  
is quite competent all-round IMHO, and it would take an extremely  
specific/border/particular user case to warrant moving /tmp to a RAM  

Any opinions?

Certifiable Loonix User #481801  Please reply to the list, not to  

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NOD32 on Linux

2011-01-23 Thread kellyremo
Anyone using it?

What are the experiences? Does it slows down the pc? Do we need it?

Re: a problem on crontab time format

2011-01-23 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le dimanche 23 janvier, Camaleón écrivit :

 On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 00:14:01 -0500, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:
  Hi people,
  How does the following crontab line run: * 1 * * * * my_command
  Every minute of every 1 o'clock? Or only once of every 1 o'clock?
  Sorry, the crontab line is:
   * 1 * * * my_command
 It will run my_command (just once) every day at 01:00 am o'clock.

No, for what you want, you should use :
0 1 * * * my_command

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Problem with Realtek's driver r8168

2011-01-23 Thread Mario Trangoni
Hi List, I'm new here and want to ask about a problem with my network driver
r8168. I've compiled the offical one from Realtek, I can see that the
driver recognize the card but it doesnt work. I've no connection. It's a
pity because I've only problems with thats, the other things are working
properly with a Debian Squeeze.

I've a industrial motherboard with 2 network's board.

03:00.0 *Ethernet controller*: *Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd*. *RTL8111/8168B
PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller* (*rev 01*)
04:00.0 *Ethernet controller*: *Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd*. *RTL8111/8168B
PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller* (*rev 01*)

If someone knows something about it I will appreciate the answer.

Thanks in advance.

Mario Trangoni

Re: NOD32 on Linux

2011-01-23 Thread Gilbert Sullivan

On 01/23/2011 05:57 AM, kellyremo wrote:

Anyone using it?

What are the experiences? Does it slows down the pc? Do we need it?

Disclaimer: My experience with NOD32 is all on the Windows side, and it 
ended around two years ago. The sad story below is only my own story, 
but I can honestly testify that it wasn't an unusual one among corporate 
NOD32 users at one point in time. I very much hope that ESET has put 
that part of its history well behind it by now.

I can tell you that version 2.7 (2.732, if memory serves) was a light, 
effective anti-malware solution for Windows. It was the only such 
software that I ever found that I could run on the heavily laden Windows 
application and file servers at work without causing severe performance 
issues. (Symantec AV and others I tested even caused spontaneous 
rebooting of some types of servers which were, admittedly, running 
horrendously bad software.)

Then ESET improved NOD32 -- first with version 3, and then with 
version 4. Both versions (I imagine much earlier builds than the one you 
are considering) were a gigantic step backward, as far as my servers and 
I were concerned. These versions were beset with ridiculous bugs and 
caused huge performance penalties (not as bad as SAV or McAfee, but 
still...). I felt that ESET were essentially marketing software in its 
alpha (no, not even beta) stage of development.

I stuck with version 2.7xx for a couple of years, but come budget time 
one day we decided to ditch it, since ESET would NOT guarantee continued 
support for the old version for any specified length of time.

Versions 3 and 4 of NOD32 were total rewrites of the software from 2.732 
and constituted a complete change in the way the software examined 
processes in memory. And by the time I finished configuring all of the 
special file system locations their support people told me to exempt 
from scanning, I might as well not have been running the software at 
all. Even after extreme special configuration effort versions 3 and 4 
were still causing performance bottlenecks due to myriad file handles 
issues on the servers. Workstations running version 4 were okay, but not 
as happy as they had been with the 2.7xx version.

Furthermore, the way the user interface was implemented on these later 
versions showed either ignorance of, or a disregard for, the way 
security works (such as it is) for Windows user accounts (XP, Vista).

NOD32 used to be light and iron-stove reliable. The last I saw of it -- 
which I admit was quite a while ago -- the new versions were anything but.

And their user support model was ludicrous -- a user forum, with 
moderators from their support group -- was about all that was available 
from the central part of the company. Unfortunately, the VAR I used 
wasn't any better, and was harder to reach.

What started out for me as a few years (3, I think) of extraordinarily 
good experiences with ESET, turned into one of the bigger 
disappointments I've had with a software company in almost 40 years of 
computing experience.

I hope, for their and their customers' sakes, I was just seeing them in 
the throes of corporate expansion difficulties. But it really wasn't 
looking good. They were one of the more important of several major 
reasons (besides Windows itself) why I finally threw up my hands in 
horror and walked away from Windows.

Whether or not you need something like NOD32 -- or any anti-virus / 
anti-malware at all -- under GNU/Linux would depend largely upon the use 
of the system, particularly with respect to whether or not it has to 
handle a lot of mail / files / network traffic for Windows systems. I 
couldn't be much help in assessing that since I'm not troubling myself 
with Windows very much these days. I limit myself to not allowing my few 
Windows users to transfer executables or image files onto Windows 
systems from anywhere other than a vetted source, and totally 
prohibiting Internet contact of any kind for Windows production systems, 
with the exception of plain text e-mail. That's not a practical approach 
for many companies, but it happens to work beautifully for this place.

Anti-virus probably isn't usually very high as a priority for most 
GNU/Linux systems, except in certain cases, though there are certainly 
other precautions that a prudent user of such a system should use.

Good luck!


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Re: a problem on crontab time format

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 16:23:55 +0100, Gilles Mocellin wrote:

 Le dimanche 23 janvier, Camaleón écrivit :
 On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 00:14:01 -0500, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:
  Hi people,
  How does the following crontab line run: * 1 * * * * my_command
  Every minute of every 1 o'clock? Or only once of every 1 o'clock?
  Sorry, the crontab line is:
   * 1 * * * my_command
 It will run my_command (just once) every day at 01:00 am o'clock.
 No, for what you want, you should use : 
 0 1 * * * my_command

And you're totally right!

*Correction*: an asterisk in the minutes column would make the task to be 
run once every minute starting from the selected hour (1 am) until the 
next hour (1:59 am).



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Re: putting /tmp to memory help

2011-01-23 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 23 ian 11, 15:46:20, Klistvud wrote:
 Any opinions?

No, just facts ;)

$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   20596521847748 211904  0 153008 885512
-/+ buffers/cache: 8092281250424
Swap:   975204  0 975204
$ df -hT
FilesystemTypeSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 ext39.2G  4.8G  4.0G  55% /
tmpfstmpfs   1006M 0 1006M   0% /lib/init/rw
udev tmpfs   1004M  228K 1004M   1% /dev
tmpfstmpfs   1006M 0 1006M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2 ext3 19G  6.5G   11G  38% /home
/dev/sda8  xfs104G  102G  2.4G  98% /home/amp/big
/dev/sda7 ext39.2G  4.5G  4.3G  52% /var
tmpfstmpfs   1006M  364K 1006M   1% /tmp

$ uptime
 18:07:19 up 1 day, 19:56, 10 users,  load average: 0.57, 0.77, 0.67

$ ps aux | grep wc -l

And to answer OP's question:

Boot from a live CD or so, and then:

# mv /tmp /oldtmp
# mkdir /tmp
echo tmpfs tmp tmpfs  /etc/fstab

If you're satisfied with the results you can 

# rm /oldtmp -rf

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: putting /tmp to memory help

2011-01-23 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Klistvud a écrit :
 Isn't messing with volatile /tmp somewhat a moot point, given that the  
 Linux memory manager manages virtual memory anyway? I mean, if /tmp is  
 heavily used by your system, it will be cached in memory anyway. With 4  
 GB of RAM (as mentioned by kellyremo), you'll end with probably your  
 entire payload (and not just your /tmp) running from RAM. So what's to  
 be gained with a /tmp in RAM, really?

Save some useless write operations to the disk ? That could be useful is
the disk is busy.

 In addition, there is a  
 possibility that dedicating 2 GB of RAM to /tmp, you could end up  
 forcing your system to start swapping out. Which would instantly defeat  
 any speed improvement(s) you might have gained. Linux memory management  
 is quite competent all-round IMHO,

Tmpfs can be swapped out too, and if, according to you, Linux memory
management is quite competent, why not let it decide what is most worth
writing to disk or keeping in RAM ?

 and it would take an extremely  
 specific/border/particular user case to warrant moving /tmp to a RAM  

Tmpfs is not a RAM disk (RAM-based block device), it is a filesystem in
virtual memory.

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Re: sequence of screenshots?

2011-01-23 Thread Jimmy Johnson

Kenward Vaughan wrote:

I want to capture a rotating figure in a window and make a movie of it.
I've Googled several ways to take screenshots with programs (gimp,
shutter, imagemagick, etc.) but have seen no way to do this consistently
every 0.X seconds... 

fbcat looked hopeful until I realized that nvidia doesn't seem to have
aan fb device under /dev.

Is there a way to do this?? Thoughts are welcome!

How about RecordMyDesktop it's in the Debian repos.

Jimmy Johnson

Saline OS 1.0 - KDE 4.5.3 - EXT4 at sda7
Registered Linux User #380263

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Missing files in home-directory

2011-01-23 Thread Matthias Andersson
Hash: SHA1


My dad called me yesterday regarding a problem on his machine running
Debian Lenny. He said he had installed the updates sometime last week
and noticed that all of his files (.pdf, music and photos) went missing
from his home-directory. I had him burn debian livecd and check the
drives with gparted and that did not result in any errors.

What could be the problem?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: Missing files in home-directory

2011-01-23 Thread Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
Ummm... he deleted them?

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 18:22, Matthias Andersson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 My dad called me yesterday regarding a problem on his machine running
 Debian Lenny. He said he had installed the updates sometime last week
 and noticed that all of his files (.pdf, music and photos) went missing
 from his home-directory. I had him burn debian livecd and check the
 drives with gparted and that did not result in any errors.

 What could be the problem?

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Problem with Realtek's driver r8168

2011-01-23 Thread Wayne Topa

On 01/23/2011 10:28 AM, Mario Trangoni wrote:

Hi List, I'm new here and want to ask about a problem with my network driver
r8168. I've compiled the offical one from Realtek, I can see that the
driver recognize the card but it doesnt work. I've no connection. It's a
pity because I've only problems with thats, the other things are working
properly with a Debian Squeeze.

Don't know which (etch, lenny, squeeze) your are running but I have the 
same interface running on squeeze with linux-image-2.6.32 an it works fine.

But, I did not have to download the 'offical' one from Realtek as the 
driver is included in the Debian kernel.

I also installed the firmware-realtek package.  Maybe that is what you 
are missing.


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Re: Problem with Realtek's driver r8168

2011-01-23 Thread shawn wilson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Mario Trangoni mjtrang...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi List, I'm new here and want to ask about a problem with my network
 driver r8168. I've compiled the offical one from Realtek, I can see that
 the driver recognize the card but it doesnt work. I've no connection. It's a
 pity because I've only problems with thats, the other things are working
 properly with a Debian Squeeze.

 I've a industrial motherboard with 2 network's board.

 03:00.0 *Ethernet controller*: *Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd*. 
 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller* (*rev 01*)
 04:00.0 *Ethernet controller*: *Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd*. 
 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller* (*rev 01*)

basic hardware: do they light up? flash green (or whatever rt says is the ok
color)? if you have a switch that supports it, do you see the mac address?

software: have you loaded the rt driver? (in my experience, most rt, intel,
and linksys boards Just Work) what does modinfo or insmod say? does ifconfig
-a show any interfaces you weren't expecting?

and as wayne mentioned, you shouldn't have to build this. it should be in
the stock kernel of most distros (one of the reasons i like these cards).

Re: Missing files in home-directory

2011-01-23 Thread Slicky Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 18:22:27 +0200
Matthias Andersson wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 My dad called me yesterday regarding a problem on his machine running
 Debian Lenny. He said he had installed the updates sometime last week
 and noticed that all of his files (.pdf, music and photos) went
 missing from his home-directory. I had him burn debian livecd and
 check the drives with gparted and that did not result in any errors.
 What could be the problem?

Have him email you the output of 'find /home  email-to-son.txt'
Look for where he hid them.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20110123_115724, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:40:18 -0200, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
  From: Chris Jones
  I ran the above test and after grepping out the /sys  /proc's, I came
  up with just one file... Xorg.0.log..!
  So it looks like this setting is remembered somewhere outside the file
 That was the conclusion I reached. 
 And I find it very dangerous, if something got messed up you'll need many 
 doses of patience and more than a basic knowdledge of your system to 
 restore the correct resolution.
  At least in my experience, xrandr modes are *not* remembered. I have to
  rerun it everytime X is started or configure Xorg.conf. Curious that in
  your system the settings persist.
 Yes, they do... and so I asked :-)
 I also thought the resolution would be forgotten when restarting the 
 system but that did not happened.
 To discard a problem within the VM environment, I run the same xrandr 
 commands on a openSUSE box I keep installed over real irons (external 
 USB device) and I got the same result: xrandr settings are automatically 
 remembered after reboot.
 I can do more testing but if someone can confirm the problem (do not try 
 on production machines), I can open a bug report on this.

I have no special knowledge. Just a suggestion on reading this thread.
Outside the file system, but still on disk, is the swap space. 
I have always supposed that swap space was always wiped clean and 
fully re-initialized on boot, but I don't know. Short of that, I suppose
something can be written into the boot rom. But that seems harder to
do than something involving creative (crazy?) use of swap space.

Paul E Condon

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Re: sequence of screenshots?

2011-01-23 Thread Kenward Vaughan
On Sun, 2011-01-23 at 08:20 -0800, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
 Kenward Vaughan wrote:
  I want to capture a rotating figure in a window and make a movie of it.
  I've Googled several ways to take screenshots with programs (gimp,
  shutter, imagemagick, etc.) but have seen no way to do this consistently
  every 0.X seconds... 
  fbcat looked hopeful until I realized that nvidia doesn't seem to have
  aan fb device under /dev.
  Is there a way to do this?? Thoughts are welcome!
 How about RecordMyDesktop it's in the Debian repos.

Wow.  I didn't know which response to use!  All of these seem to be
great suggestions--I was wondering if something like scrot or import
could be used in a script, but it was around 2 am and I was getting
really hazy...

The screencast approach is almost certainly the direction I'1l go in, as
my intent is a YouTube like movie for my students, showing various
concepts in chemistry.  (My source is the motion of molecules displaying
various features in modeling apps I use.)  

Audio overlay would be nice as a built-in feature.  The one thing I'll
be looking for in addition is possible text overlays.  The simpler
script approaches might be the way to go for that if it turns out to be
too much in the comprehensive apps.

I have my own homework now.  Thanks for all the help!

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we
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Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 05:24:54 -0700, Paul E Condon wrote:

 On 20110123_115724, Camaleón wrote:


 I can do more testing but if someone can confirm the problem (do not
 try on production machines), I can open a bug report on this.
 I have no special knowledge. Just a suggestion on reading this thread.
 Outside the file system, but still on disk, is the swap space. I have
 always supposed that swap space was always wiped clean and fully
 re-initialized on boot, but I don't know. Short of that, I suppose
 something can be written into the boot rom. But that seems harder to do
 than something involving creative (crazy?) use of swap space.

Crazy things happen all time so I tried your suggestion. 

I disabled /swap from /etc/fstab and restarted the VM. My current 
resolution is 1280x1024. After booting  I checked that no /swap 
partition was in use and tried the same steps by running xrandr to change 
the mode to 800x600 and restarted the machine but the last selected mode 
(800x600) was kept after restarting with no /swap at all.

This is getting very weird. How can this setting prevail between 
bootings? Even this is something involving VM guest additions module it 
should be saved in some place.



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Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 12:02:31 -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
  Yes, they do... and so I asked :-)
  So, something is trying to be too smart in your desktop environment
  (KDE/gnome most likely).  Find it, Nuke it, and file a bug report :)
 That's what I wanted to do but... any clue on how to find out the 
 culprit? :-)

Find whatever dialog box is used to configure multiple monitors and
resolutions, and check that.

I don't use gnome, so I can't really help you there.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: Where are xrandr settings stored?

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 16:05:25 -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

 On Sun, 23 Jan 2011, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 12:02:31 -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
  Yes, they do... and so I asked :-)
  So, something is trying to be too smart in your desktop environment
  (KDE/gnome most likely).  Find it, Nuke it, and file a bug report :)
 That's what I wanted to do but... any clue on how to find out the
 culprit? :-)
 Find whatever dialog box is used to configure multiple monitors and
 resolutions, and check that.

No application involved, I just manually typed the raw xrandr commands.

 I don't use gnome, so I can't really help you there.

gnome-display-properties creates its own file under ~/.config/
monitors.xml but this file is not generated when invoking xrandr from 
console. In fact, as I said in my first post, I deleted the 
monitors.xml file but there was no change :-(



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Re: Debian Squeeze Installation

2011-01-23 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Joe wrote:

On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 23:56:45 -0500
Roman Gelfand wrote:

When installing Squeeze, I chose standard system install and desktop
environment.  However, it boots in line mode.  How can I check if
desktop, in fact was installed?  how to enable it?  what is the name
of the of the gnome or kde packages?

Thanks in advance

I hate to say this, but in my experience, when this happens it's
because X is broken. I've never known a Debian installer to 'forget'
to install a desktop, but I've often had initial problems with X. As
already stated, try startx, but my guess is that won't work either.

It's probably something minor like the video card driver, but it's very
frustrating because of course the installer always manages to drive X
reasonably, using the basic frame buffer system.

Try cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log which is the latest log file on Sid, I
assume it's the same on Squeeze.

My preference is to immediately install mc (Midnight Commander) on a new
system, as it's a reasonably powerful file manager linked to a text
editor. If you use a desktop exclusively, getting around and fixing
things without it is heavy going.

I wholeheartedly agree. Except that the current mc for squeeze and sid 
is 4.0.7 which is very unfriendly in that it has moved to skin support 
of which there are none. Better stick with lenny which is 4.6.2 which is 
much friendlier.


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Re: Missing files in home-directory

2011-01-23 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 23. 01. 2011 17:25:34 je Tshepang Lekhonkhobe napisal(a):

Ummm... he deleted them?

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 18:22, Matthias Andersson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 My dad called me yesterday regarding a problem on his machine  
 Debian Lenny. He said he had installed the updates sometime last  
 and noticed that all of his files (.pdf, music and photos) went  

 from his home-directory. I had him burn debian livecd and check the
 drives with gparted and that did not result in any errors.

 What could be the problem?

That, or:
1. he might have inadvertently moved them to some odd location (on my  
kids' accounts, I frequently find mp3 files moved, say, from the  
Desktop to the Gnome task bar, or to Trash.) With a file manager, and  
with some help from a jerky mouse or a jerky hand, you can move files  
to the strangest of places.
2. the partition currently mounted under the /home mount point is some  
other home (from another Linux install or whatever). May happen after  
ghosting partitions and ending with two partitions having the identical  
3. oddly configured file manager configured not to show certain file  
types, or to show them in white text on white background or something  
like that.


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[OT] AV engines (was: NOD32 on Linux)

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 02:57:07 -0800, kellyremo wrote:

 Anyone using it?

Not in linux, but from time to time I run online tests on windows 
machines and use Eset's scanning service. I find it reasonably good.
 What are the experiences? Does it slows down the pc? Do we need it?

I generally don't like how current AV are engined, neither in windows nor 
linux. Most of them still base their core detection on static firm files 
and todays threats are a bit more complicated and hard to detect.

AVs (now called Security Suites) under windows environments tend to 
slow down the whole system a lot and on linux I only use ClamAV for 
scanning some samba specific shared files and within Postfix e-amil 
server (for scanning user's e-mails). Still, I recommend its use for 
windows home users.

My every-day Debian systems do not have any anti-threat software 



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Re: putting /tmp to memory help

2011-01-23 Thread Klistvud

Dne, 23. 01. 2011 17:19:41 je Pascal Hambourg napisal(a):

Tmpfs is not a RAM disk (RAM-based block device), it is a filesystem  

virtual memory.

Didn't know that. Damn clever. I stand corrected.


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Re: Cannot turn on bell in xterm

2011-01-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 09:39:00 -0800, Joe Riel wrote:

 On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 16:56:44 + (UTC) Camaleón wrote:
 What does amixer show on PC Speaker?
 I don't see any entries for PC Speaker:
 $ amixer | grep control


Hum... in fact, while I have a PC speaker entry in squeeze, I've just 
checked in lenny and there is none (but the beep works).

Just a silly question... have you somehow disabled the sytem bell under 
your DE? In GNOME there is a checkbox you can toggle on/off.



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Re: Missing files in home-directory

2011-01-23 Thread Matthias Andersson
Hash: SHA1

On 01/23/2011 07:03 PM, Slicky Johnson wrote:
 Have him email you the output of 'find /home  email-to-son.txt'
 Look for where he hid them.

He is the only user on that computer. He tried the search function to
look for *.pdf but it gave no results. He says he didn't touch anything
but you never know.

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Re: Let's talk about HTTPS Everywhere

2011-01-23 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 13:20:47 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:


 Let me put a simple and illustrative example with the Googe search 
 engine. To avoid using their instant search facility, you can:
 - Accept a cookie
 - Use this URI:

Or, of course, disable JavaScript (go, NoScript!).

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Re: Cannot turn on bell in xterm

2011-01-23 Thread Joe Riel
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 19:47:51 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 09:39:00 -0800, Joe Riel wrote:
  On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 16:56:44 + (UTC) Camaleón wrote:
  What does amixer show on PC Speaker?
  I don't see any entries for PC Speaker:
  $ amixer | grep control
 Hum... in fact, while I have a PC speaker entry in squeeze, I've
 just checked in lenny and there is none (but the beep works).
 Just a silly question... have you somehow disabled the sytem bell
 under your DE? In GNOME there is a checkbox you can toggle on/off.

Where would that be?  

I just installed Debian 6 on a different computer, with vastly
different hardware, and it behaves the same way, that is no bell.

Joe Riel

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Re: Did I find a bug? If so, where to file?

2011-01-23 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 01:39:02 -0600
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:


 Most of the time Debian bugs should be filed using the reportbug binary from 
 the reportbug package.  Stuff like this really should have been caught by the 

Nitpick - reportbug is a python script, not a binary.

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Re: a problem on crontab time format

2011-01-23 Thread Kejia柯嘉
Thanks a lot. I just think it's at least a `weak' bug: Any crontab
item specifying the minute slot as `*' may be a potential disaster.

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 00:32, elbbit wrote:
 On 23/01/11 05:14, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Kejia柯嘉 wrote:
 How does the following crontab line run:
 * 1 * * * * my_command
 Every minute of every 1 o'clock? Or only once of every 1 o'clock?
 Sorry, the crontab line is:
  * 1 * * * my_command

 You need to understand how cron(8) matches the time code you set in the
 configuration file.  To re-iterate the man page available with man 5

    field          allowed values
    -          --
    minute         0-59
    hour           0-23
    day of month   1-31
    month          1-12 (or names, see below)
    day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

 A field may be an asterisk (*), which always stands for ``first-last''.

 So, using the above as a guide, I approximate a translation of your
 configuration line as saying: at every minute of the hour 1 on every
 day of month and during every month and on every day of the week please
 run command my_command

 Hope this helps.



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