Re: [Total HS] Alerte Sécurité - GSM Samsung + PC = danger

2011-02-01 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:17:32PM +0100, François TOURDE wrote:
 Loin de moi l'idée de te jeter la pierre (quoi que... ^^), mais là,
 franchement, j'avoue que c'est un peu comme si je disais que mon
 portable sous Debian, que j'aime et que j'adore, transmet des ondes
 électro-magnétiques que des vilains peuvent capter pour surveiller ce
 que je fais.

Si, pasqu'avec Debian il suffit de faire:

apt-get install tempest-shield

Y.  :-)

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Re: Fwd: [HS]

2011-02-01 Thread C. Mourad Jaber

Le 30/01/2011 16:35, Jérôme a écrit :

Le dimanche 30 janvier 2011 à 15:24 +, ZLIGUI Hammou a écrit :

*De quoi s'agit il un fichier .dat ?
commant peut on l'ouvrir et modifier?
son rôle est de mettre on place des lumière de différant couleur pour
panneau de pub . *

.dat pour data c'est a dire un fichier généralement binaire généré par
un programme quelconque dans un format quelconque généralement
impossible à utiliser sans passer par le debugger pour en comprendre la

A tout hasard si je me trompe : file le_fichier
ça permet de voir s'il y a un type mime mais j'ai un très gros doute.

Il y a des chances que ce soit un format complètement propriétaire, les panneaux de pub ne 
sont pas réputés pour l'interopérabilité de leurs protocoles et de leurs formats...

C'est surement un fichier binaire encodés (.dat n'est pas un format de fichier, plutôt une 
indication que ce fichier contient les données !) d'une certaine façon pour donner des 
ordres au panneau... Il ne reste plus que l'ingénierie inverse pour décoder le 
fonctionnement de ce truc !

Bon courage !


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Re: [Total HS] Alerte Sécurité - GSM Samsung + PC = danger

2011-02-01 Thread mess-mate

On 02/01/2011 10:14 AM, Yves Rutschle wrote:

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:17:32PM +0100, François TOURDE wrote:

Loin de moi l'idée de te jeter la pierre (quoi que... ^^), mais là,
franchement, j'avoue que c'est un peu comme si je disais que mon
portable sous Debian, que j'aime et que j'adore, transmet des ondes
électro-magnétiques que des vilains peuvent capter pour surveiller ce
que je fais.

Si, pasqu'avec Debian il suffit de faire:

apt-get install tempest-shield

Y.  :-)

Sous squeeze il y pas de tempest-shield :(

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fichiers log manquants

2011-02-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Salut liste,

j'ai upgradé une machine vers squeeze mi-décembre (le 14 @ 22:11), et en
faisant une chtite revue des logs je m'aperçoit qu'il me manque des fichiers!
(la machine tourne 24/7)

auth.log.5.gz:   DE  =  2010-12-28  07:43  A  =  2011-01-11  07:44
daemon.log.5.gz: DE  =  2011-01-03  07:43  A  =  2011-01-13  07:44

Certains ont'il les mêmes PBs ou dois-je vraiment m'inquiéter?

69 + 69 = dinner for 4.

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Re: fichiers log manquants

2011-02-01 Thread steve
 j'ai upgradé une machine vers squeeze mi-décembre (le 14 @ 22:11), et en
 faisant une chtite revue des logs je m'aperçoit qu'il me manque des fichiers!
 (la machine tourne 24/7)
 auth.log.5.gz:   DE  =  2010-12-28  07:43  A  =  2011-01-11  07:44
 daemon.log.5.gz: DE  =  2011-01-03  07:43  A  =  2011-01-13  07:44
 Certains ont'il les mêmes PBs ou dois-je vraiment m'inquiéter?

Un copain s'est fait hacké ses machines durant cette période...

nan je déconne ;-)

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Re: fichiers log manquants [SOLVED?]

2011-02-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 13:38:30 +0100, Jean-Yves F. Barbier

 Salut liste,
 j'ai upgradé une machine vers squeeze mi-décembre (le 14 @ 22:11), et en
 faisant une chtite revue des logs je m'aperçoit qu'il me manque des fichiers!
 (la machine tourne 24/7)
 auth.log.5.gz:   DE  =  2010-12-28  07:43  A  =  2011-01-11  07:44
 daemon.log.5.gz: DE  =  2011-01-03  07:43  A  =  2011-01-13  07:44
 Certains ont'il les mêmes PBs ou dois-je vraiment m'inquiéter?

Apparemment il-y-a eu un changement de durée de rotation des logs de auth.log,
avec mnt une rotation sur 4 semaines; donc les logs ...6|7... doivent traîner
depuis un bon bout de temps (ce qui est zarb, c'est qu'ils n'affichent pas
d'année (2009, par ex.) lors d'un ls -al.
Mon port 22 était resté ouvert depuis début décembre suite à différentes
manips, mais je ne vois pas comment qqun aurait pu entrer sachant que sshd ne
marche que par clés RSA, que les clés en question font 8KB et que les modulis
ne commencent qu'à 4095 bits.

Donc il semblerait (??) que je doive dire: désolé pour le bruit.

Being against torture ought to be sort of a bipartisan thing.
-- Karl Lehenbauer

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Re: fichiers log manquants [SOLVED?]

2011-02-01 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 1 février 2011 à 15:42:58, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit 
  Salut liste,


  Certains ont'il les mêmes PBs ou dois-je vraiment

  J’ai une machine en Sid (jamais de serveur ouvert sur le 
monde, d’où le relâchement dans mes vérifs et le fait que les 
fichiers traînent encore (dit-il sans vergogne car ses autres 
machines sont propres, elles)) dont le dernier auth.log.6.gz 
date de novembre 2007 (pas de 5.gz) et le daemon.log.6.gz date 
de juin 2010 (pas de 5.gz non plus).

 Apparemment il-y-a eu un changement de durée de rotation des
 logs de auth.log, avec mnt une rotation sur 4 semaines; donc
 les logs ...6|7... doivent traîner depuis un bon bout de
 temps (ce qui est zarb, c'est qu'ils n'affichent pas d'année
 (2009, par ex.) lors d'un ls -al.

  ls -l ne donne l’année que pour les fichiers de plus de six 
mois. Donc puisque le changement semble dater de juin pour 
daemon.log en Sid, le changement en Squeeze peut dater de moins 
de six mois, surtout si tu n’y est passé qu’en décembre.


 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: fichiers log manquants [SOLVED?]

2011-02-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 16:41:43 +0100, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

 monde, d’où le relâchement dans mes vérifs et le fait que les 
 fichiers traînent encore (dit-il sans vergogne car ses autres 
 machines sont propres, elles)) dont le dernier auth.log.6.gz 
 date de novembre 2007 (pas de 5.gz) et le daemon.log.6.gz date 
 de juin 2010 (pas de 5.gz non plus).

ok, ben moizôssi j'avais relâché la vigilance, du coup j'ai changé le
logrotate de 4 à 13 semaines.

avant réinstall des packages à risques, les vérifs n'ont rien données
de positif.

mais je crois que quand je pourrais je me ferai une chtit machine avec une
soekris qui me servira uniquement de réceptacle pour les logs system, d'abord
c'est plus pratique, et c'est aussi plus sur:)

Q:  What do you call the scratches that you get when a female
sheep bites you?
A:  Ewe nicks.

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Re: fichiers log manquants [SOLVED?]

2011-02-01 Thread Frédéric Massot

Le 01/02/2011 16:41, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

   ls -l ne donne l’année que pour les fichiers de plus de six
mois. Donc puisque le changement semble dater de juin pour
daemon.log en Sid, le changement en Squeeze peut dater de moins
de six mois, surtout si tu n’y est passé qu’en décembre.

Pour visualiser les détails des dates tu peux utiliser la commande stat 

|  |
|   |

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Re: fichiers log manquants [SOLVED?]

2011-02-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 19:38:18 +0100, Frédéric Massot wrote:

Merci, je ne la connaissais pas celle-là; elle confirme que les auth.log 6  7
ont été changés le 19/1 @ 01:20:08 Z, et que /etc/rsyslog.conf l'a été le même
jour @ 01:20:07 - donc pas de réel soucis.

Dan'l'cochon, comme disent les Allemands:)

 Pour visualiser les détails des dates tu peux utiliser la commande stat 


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conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Je souhaite convertir un disque dur externe de ext3 vers ext4.
Si j'ai bien compris il suffit de faire:

tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/sdxy
fsck -pDf /dev/sdxy

mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk

find /mnt/disk -xdev -type f -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
find /mnt/disk -xdev -type d -exec chattr +e \{\} \;

Ai-je bon ? Des retours d'expérience ?


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Re: conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread mess-mate

On 02/01/2011 10:46 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:


Je souhaite convertir un disque dur externe de ext3 vers ext4.
Si j'ai bien compris il suffit de faire:

tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/sdxy
fsck -pDf /dev/sdxy

mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk

find /mnt/disk -xdev -type f -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
find /mnt/disk -xdev -type d -exec chattr +e \{\} \;

Ai-je bon ? Des retours d'expérience ?


mount  -t  ext4  /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk

|mount -t ext4 /dev/disk/by-uuid/TA-PARTITION-UUID /rép

attention pour la partition /boot
utiliser ||rootfstype=ext4


Re: conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Tue, 01 Feb 2011 23:07:51 +0100
mess-mate a écrit:

 On 02/01/2011 10:46 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Je souhaite convertir un disque dur externe de ext3 vers ext4.
  Si j'ai bien compris il suffit de faire:
  tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/sdxy
  fsck -pDf /dev/sdxy
  mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk
  find /mnt/disk -xdev -type f -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
  find /mnt/disk -xdev -type d -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
  Ai-je bon ? Des retours d'expérience ?
 mount  -t  ext4  /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk

Tu veux dire qu'il suffit de faire
mount  -t  ext4  /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk 
pour convertir en ext4 ?

 |mount -t ext4 /dev/disk/by-uuid/TA-PARTITION-UUID /rép
 attention pour la partition /boot
 utiliser ||rootfstype=ext4

Comme expliqué, c'est un disque externe donc pas de partition de boot.


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Re: conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread Thomas Blein
On Tuesday 01 February 2011 23:17:12 Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 Tu veux dire qu'il suffit de faire
 mount  -t  ext4  /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk
 pour convertir en ext4 ?

Pas vraiment. Mais tu peux monter un système de fichier ext3 en tant que ext4. 
De cette manière tu pourras profiter de certaines avancées de ext4 sans changer 
de système de fichier (amélioration des performances, limite de stockage, …).
Pour plus d'information en anglais, également pour la mise à jour d'un système 
ext3 vers ext4

Si tu veux profiter de toutes les fonctionnalités de ext4 la conversion est 
inévitable. Pour cela par contre je ne l'ai pas fait et je n'ai donc aucun 
retour dans ce sens.



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Re: conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread Fabien Givors (Debian packages)
Le 01/02/2011 22:46, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

 tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/sdxy
 fsck -pDf /dev/sdxy

Parmis les grands changements entre ext3 et ext4, il y a les extents et
la gestion de l'espace libre (accélération de la vérification du fs).
Activer ces fonctionnalités est un processus irréversible, qui nécessite
1) la ligne que tu as donnée avec le tune2fs, 2) puis un parcours du
système de fichier par fsck pour mettre à jour les informations
(notamment pour ce qui concerne les blocs d'espace libre).

Personnellement, lors de la migration de mes partitions, j'ai lancé la
première ligne et ai du faire un fsck avant de pouvoir utiliser mes
partitions, donc je suppose qu'elle est nécessaire.

 mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk
 find /mnt/disk -xdev -type f -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
 find /mnt/disk -xdev -type d -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
Jamais vu cette ligne, on dirait qu'elle sert à activer les extents pour
les fichiers et dossiers déjà existants. En tout cas, elle n'est pas

 Ai-je bon ? Des retours d'expérience ?
Aucun problème pour moi, mais que ça ne te dispense pas de sauvegarder
tes données critiques ;)



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Tue, 01 Feb 2011 23:59:39 +0100
Fabien Givors (Debian packages) a écrit:

  mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/disk
  find /mnt/disk -xdev -type f -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
  find /mnt/disk -xdev -type d -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
 Jamais vu cette ligne, on dirait qu'elle sert à activer les extents pour
 les fichiers et dossiers déjà existants. En tout cas, elle n'est pas

J'ai tiré tout cela de cette page:

Si j'ai bien compris sans ces deux lignes il n'y aura pas les extents pour les
anciens fichiers ...

  Ai-je bon ? Des retours d'expérience ?
 Aucun problème pour moi, mais que ça ne te dispense pas de sauvegarder
 tes données critiques ;)

Pas de soucis c'est un de mes 3 disques de sauvegarde. Donc si je le foire
j'en ai encore deux autres. ;)


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Re: conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread Fabien Givors (Debian packages)
Le 02/02/2011 00:14, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 find /mnt/disk -xdev -type f -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
 find /mnt/disk -xdev -type d -exec chattr +e \{\} \;
 Si j'ai bien compris sans ces deux lignes il n'y aura pas les extents pour les
 anciens fichiers ...

Si on croise
« There's another thing that must be mentioned. All your existing files
will continue using the old indirect mapping to map all the blocks of
data. The online defrag tool will be able to migrate each one of those
files to a *extent format* (using a ioctl that tells the filesystem to
rewrite the file with the extent format; you can use it safely while
you're using the filesystem normally) »

«  Les lettres « acdeijstuADST » sélectionnent les nouveaux attributs
des fichiers ; ajout uniquement (a : append), compressé (c : com‐
 pressed),  pas pour dump (d : no dump), *format étendu*
(*e : extent format*), immuable (i : immutable), journalisation des
données (j :
 data journalling), suppression sécurisée (s : secure deletion), pas de
fusion des fins de fichiers (t : no tail-merging),  non  sup‐
 primable  (u :  undeletable),  pas de mise à jour de la date d'accès (A
: no atime updates), mises à jour synchrones des répertoires
 (D : synchronous directory updates), mises à jour synchrones (S :
synchronous updates) et répertoire racine (T :  top  of  directory
 hierarchy). »
(man 1 chattr)

Alors on dirait bien que c'est cela oui :)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: conversion ext3 vers ext4 disque dur externe

2011-02-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 22:46:00 +0100, Gaëtan PERRIER

Si mes souvenirs de test sont bons, ext4 introduit un méchant délai dans les
écritures, donc t'as intérêt à onduler aussi le HD ext.

 Je souhaite convertir un disque dur externe de ext3 vers ext4.
 Si j'ai bien compris il suffit de faire:

May cause drowsiness.

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Re: Problème pour créer un paquet deb

2011-02-01 Thread François Boisson
Le Mon, 31 Jan 2011 09:47:28 +0100
steve a écrit:

  checkinstall trappe l'installation des paquets et en fait un paquet,
  checkinstall n'est pas prévu pour supporter la compilation et peut
 Merci pour l'information, je pensais naïvement qu'elle permettait de
 créer un paquet « facilement ». J'ai donc choisi la méthode classique
 (dh_make etc...) et ça marche très bien (il reste quelques ajustements,
 mais le gros est fait.)

C'est le cas, il suffit de faire le ./configure et make avant de lancer

# checkinstall make install

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Re: dudas servidor de correo

2011-02-01 Thread Juan Antonio
El 01/02/11 03:45, daniel escribió:
 saludos, revise los log de mail y esto es lo que me dice

 Jan 31 20:40:24 pc imapd: Connection, ip=[:::]
 Jan 31 20:40:24 pc imapd: chdir Maildir: No such file or directory
 Jan 31 20:40:45 pc postfix/pickup[7651]: fatal: open
 /etc/postfix/ No such file or directory
 Jan 31 20:40:45 pc postfix/qmgr[7652]: fatal: open
 /etc/postfix/ No such file or directory
 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning: process
 /usr/lib/postfix/pickup pid 7651 exit status 1
 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning:
 /usr/lib/postfix/pickup: bad command startup -- throttling
 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning: process
 /usr/lib/postfix/qmgr pid 7652 exit status 1
 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning:
 /usr/lib/postfix/qmgr: bad command startup -- throttling


Pues esta bastante claro, tienes mal configurada la ruta al Maildir de
los usuarios en la configuración de courier imap. Asegurate que estas
entregando correo en formato Maildir y en la ruta correcta en la
configuración de tu MDA, (postfix, procamail, maildrop ...) y que es la
misma que busca courier.

Postfix también te esta dando un error y probablemente no este
entregando correo.

Un saludo.

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redirigir con iptables para llegar a otra red

2011-02-01 Thread Walter Osoria
saludos a todos, tengo la siguiente situación: estoy en la red
y necesito llegar a la red a un webserver en el port 8080

Servidor debian 1
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   UG0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth0 UG0  00 eth0

de aqui un ping a la red sin problemas,
ahora esta es la red en otro server

Servidor debian 2
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface   U 0  00 eth1   U 0  00 eth0   UG0  00 eth1   U 0  00 lo

desde aqui es como llego al webserver (  sin problemas
ahora como logro llegar desde debian 1 al webserver de debian 2 ...
desde ya muchas gracias

   Walter G Osoria - Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
Linux registered user #124360
GnuPG Public Key:
FingerPrint: F4F5 2C8C 4721 8B7E 412E  8AA8 8369 8387 F736 5358

Re: redirigir con iptables para llegar a otra red

2011-02-01 Thread fernando sainz
El día 1 de febrero de 2011 14:02, Walter Osoria escribió:
 saludos a todos, tengo la siguiente situación: estoy en la red
 y necesito llegar a la red a un webserver en el port 8080

 Servidor debian 1
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref    Use
 Iface   UG    0  0    0 eth0   U 0  0    0 eth0 UG    0  0    0 eth0

 de aqui un ping a la red sin problemas,
 ahora esta es la red en otro server

 Servidor debian 2
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref    Use
 Iface   U 0  0    0 eth1   U 0  0    0 eth0   UG    0  0    0 eth1   U 0  0    0 lo

 desde aqui es como llego al webserver (  sin problemas
 ahora como logro llegar desde debian 1 al webserver de debian 2 ...
 desde ya muchas gracias

No creo que necesites iptables para llegar de un ordenador a otro. Si
no llegas será porque no tienes bien las rutas, usa traceroute para
comprobarlo. (Tiene que haber rutas de ida y vuelta)
(Si no tienes NAT en la red, como es el caso, creo que no es necesario
redirigir puertos.)


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Re: redirigir con iptables para llegar a otra red

2011-02-01 Thread Ernesto Crespo

El 1 de febrero de 2011 08:32, Walter Osoria walter.oso...@gmail.comescribió:

 saludos a todos, tengo la siguiente situación: estoy en la red
 y necesito llegar a la red a un webserver en el port 8080

 Servidor debian 1
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface   UG0  00
 eth0   U 0  00
 eth0 UG0  00

 Si tienes entre las 2 redes una red pública deberías usar nat, si no es así
es simplemente un problema de enrutamiento.

de aqui un ping a la red sin problemas,
 ahora esta es la red en otro server

 Servidor debian 2
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface   U 0  00
 eth1   U 0  00
 eth0   UG0  00
 eth1   U 0  00 lo

 desde aqui es como llego al webserver (  sin problemas
 ahora como logro llegar desde debian 1 al webserver de debian 2 ...
 desde ya muchas gracias

Saludos, Ernesto Crespo

Re: redirigir con iptables para llegar a otra red

2011-02-01 Thread Juan Antonio
El 01/02/11 14:02, Walter Osoria escribió:
 saludos a todos, tengo la siguiente situación: estoy en la red
 y necesito llegar a la red a
 un webserver en el port 8080

 Servidor debian 1
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref   
 Use Iface   UG0  0   
 0 eth0   U 0  0   
 0 eth0 UG0  0   
 0 eth0

 de aqui un ping a la red sin
 ahora esta es la red en otro server

 Servidor debian 2
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref   
 Use Iface   U 0  0   
 0 eth1   U 0  0   
 0 eth0   UG0  0   
 0 eth1   U 0  00 lo

 desde aqui es como llego al webserver (  sin problemas
 ahora como logro llegar desde debian 1 al webserver de debian 2 ...
 desde ya muchas gracias

Walter G Osoria - Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
 Linux registered user #124360
 GnuPG Public Key:
 FingerPrint: F4F5 2C8C 4721 8B7E 412E  8AA8 8369 8387 F736 5358

En servidor 1

ip ro add via ip_servidor2_en_la_red_1 dev eth0

Un saludo.

Re: redirigir con iptables para llegar a otra red

2011-02-01 Thread Walter Osoria
saludos a todos y gracias por responder no he podido arreglar el ruteo para
llegar desde mi red a http://192.168.12.xx:8080, pero alternativamente
use un tunel al servidor que quiero llegar por http  tengo con que

debian 1 debian 2webserver   192.168.12.xx

ssh -L 8081:192.168.12.xx:8080, es cierto que me dura
mientras no cierre la sesion, pero desde debian 1 puedo hacer
http://localhost:8081 y me conecta a http://192.168.12.xx:8080

   Walter G Osoria - Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
Linux registered user #124360
GnuPG Public Key:
FingerPrint: F4F5 2C8C 4721 8B7E 412E  8AA8 8369 8387 F736 5358

El 1 de febrero de 2011 11:24, fernando sainzó:

 El día 1 de febrero de 2011 14:02, Walter Osoria escribió:
  saludos a todos, tengo la siguiente situación: estoy en la red
  y necesito llegar a la red a un webserver en el port
  Servidor debian 1
  Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
  Iface   UG0  00
 eth0   U 0  00
 eth0 UG0  00
  de aqui un ping a la red sin problemas,
  ahora esta es la red en otro server
  Servidor debian 2
  Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
  Iface   U 0  00
 eth1   U 0  00
 eth0   UG0  00
 eth1   U 0  00
  desde aqui es como llego al webserver (  sin
  ahora como logro llegar desde debian 1 al webserver de debian 2 ...
  desde ya muchas gracias

 No creo que necesites iptables para llegar de un ordenador a otro. Si
 no llegas será porque no tienes bien las rutas, usa traceroute para
 comprobarlo. (Tiene que haber rutas de ida y vuelta)
 (Si no tienes NAT en la red, como es el caso, creo que no es necesario
 redirigir puertos.)


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Re: redirigir con iptables para llegar a otra red

2011-02-01 Thread Ernesto Crespo

El 1 de febrero de 2011 11:35, Walter Osoria walter.oso...@gmail.comescribió:

 saludos a todos y gracias por responder no he podido arreglar el ruteo para
 llegar desde mi red a http://192.168.12.xx:8080, pero alternativamente
 use un tunel al servidor que quiero llegar por http  tengo con que

 debian 1 debian 2webserver   192.168.12.xx

 Habilitaste el reenvio de paquetes en el kernel?
Saludos, Ernesto Crespo

Re: Montar un servidor de correo (era: dudas servidor de correo)

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 01 Feb 2011 00:09:48 +0100, Edgar Vargas escribió:

 El día 31 de enero de 2011 23:51, Camaleón escribió:


 Creo recordar que en esdebian tenían una faq-guía:

 Yo recien le entro a servidores y he leido por ahi que se debe
 configurar bien el servicio DNS, para que vaya bien, aunq supongo sin
 dns tambien funciona, de hecho q si solo con ip,  eso creo :O; 

Sí, sin un servidor de DNS funciona perfectamente, aunque hay algunos 
servicios como spamassassin que pueden tener problemas debido a la 
cantidad de peticiones que hacen a servidores dns remotos :-/

 bueno lo q en mente tengo para servidor de correo  despues de leer
 alguno tutos es, tener postfix o sendmail, 

Postfix es muy sencillo, flexible y potente.

 aunque en debian esta exim
 pero solo uno de los tres, 

Con Exim aún no he hecho migas. Lo tengo instalado en algunos equipos de 
escritorio pero en los servidores uso Postfix.

 tambien necesitaran  dovecot (para pop3 imap
 o smtp) 

O Cyrus o Courier-imap, al gusto.

 squirremail (via web), 

O Roundcube, que a la gente le gusta mucho la interfaz que tiene :-)

 tambien necesitaria servicio web
 correindo, y dns, estoy en lo correcto?¿ o algo falta? intento hacer yo
 tambien uno

¿Para un servidor de correo? No, ni servidor web (excepto si quieres 
webmail) ni servidor dns.



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Re: dudas servidor de correo

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 31 Jan 2011 21:45:19 -0500, daniel escribió:

 saludos, revise los log de mail y esto es lo que me dice
 Jan 31 20:40:24 pc imapd: Connection, ip=[:::] 
 Jan 31 20:40:24 pc imapd: chdir Maildir: No such file or directory 

Como te comenta Juan Antonio, tienes un problema con los directorios 
maildir de los usuarios. O no los has creado o no tienen el formato 
adecuado o tienen mal los permisos...

 Jan 31 20:40:45 pc postfix/pickup[7651]: fatal: open 
 /etc/postfix/ No such file or directory 
 Jan 31 20:40:45 pc postfix/qmgr[7652]: fatal: open 
 /etc/postfix/ No such file or directory 

Y estos son dos errores importantes de Postfix, que no encuentra el 
archivo al que hace referencia y no puede enrutar el mensaje, 
comprueba a ver si lo tienes y con qué permisos.

 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning: process 
 /usr/lib/postfix/pickup pid 7651 exit status 1 
 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/pickup: 
 bad command startup -- throttling 
 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning: process 
 /usr/lib/postfix/qmgr pid 7652 exit status 1 
 Jan 31 20:40:46 pc postfix/master[7513]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/qmgr: bad 
 command startup -- throttling

Y esto básicamente te indica que Postfix aborta la ejecución de los 
procesos pickup y qmgr, la recogida del correo y la administración 
de la cola, respectivamente



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acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread juan alejandro martines linares
Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread lesthack
2011/2/1 juan alejandro martines linares
 Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
 accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
 cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
 donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
 acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
 o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
 trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano


Primero: Checa en tu configuración del Firewall, es probable que no tengas
 abierto el puerto de escuchar de MySQL (Puerto: 3306)
Segundo: Mira en la configuración de MySQL (/etc/mysql/my.cnf) por si
  tienes alguna restricción (que no creo)
Tercero: Estas seguro que el usuario con el que intentas acceder desde un
  lugar remoto tiene permisos para hacerlo ?

Cuarto: Esta lista es de Debian, cuando toques un tema no relacionado
con Debian, por favor, en el Subject especifica que se trata de un OT.

Saludos !!

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Re: acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread Marc Aymerich
2011/2/1 juan alejandro martines linares
 Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
 accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
 cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
 donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
 acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
 o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
 trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano

Estas tratando de acceder a un servidor remoto poniendo la dirección o lo he entendido mal?


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Debian Lenny, ALSA y archivos de configuracion

2011-02-01 Thread Bruno
Hola gente,

Hace algún tiempo pregunté por problemas que tenia en Lenny con respecto
a una tarjeta de sonido. Desistí e instalé la última versión de Ubuntu
en el sistema.

Por requisitos de la red en la que se encuentra este equipo, y otros con
el mismo problema, todos los *workstations* tienen que llevar Lenny.

Los datos relevantes acerca del equipo, Kernel, controlador ALSA, etc
los puedes encontrar en

He conseguido, con ayuda de amigos en la lista ALSA, que la salida de
audio se oiga a través de los altavoces pero ha desaparecido el applet
que controla ¿alsamixer? y el la salida de audio en la parte frontal
para los cascos (headphones) no se oye nada.

El applet desapareció después de ejecutar el comando *alsaconf* y
finalizar el proceso.

Para hacerlo funcionar, aparte de compilar e instalar la versión 1.0.24
del controlador ALSA, que se ha liberado hoy :-), he creado el
archivo/script */etc/asound.conf* con las siguientes lineas

  type plug
  slave {
pcm hw:1,0
channels 2

Supongo que existe algún proceso por que el Debian Lenny busca el
controlador automáticamente.

Me gustaría cuales son los archivos de configuración que tengo que
atacar para que todo funcione automáticamente o casi. xD

De momento, usando el applet de sonido, he fijado como valor *ALSA* en
todos los campos de la pestaña *Dispositivos*. Que también supongo habrá
un archivo de configuración para fijar estos valores.

He buscado en el wiki de Debian pero existe muy poca información al
respecto... creo. Igual no busqué bien.


Un saludo,

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Re: acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread Yoandy Melero
 2011/2/1 juan alejandro martines linares
 Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
 accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
 cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
 donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
 acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
 o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
 trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano

 Estas tratando de acceder a un servidor remoto poniendo la dirección o lo he entendido mal?


me parece que lo que decea hacer es lo sgte:

tiene en un servidor mysql. desde esta ip accede puede acceder 

y quiere acceder al sql que esta en  desde

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Re: acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread Jesus Armando Paul Cespedes
1.- Checa las restricciones del firewall
2.- La linea bind-address = ip_del_equipo no debe tener localhost o
3.- Cuando creas tus usuarios en mysql debe ser de la siguiente manera:

grant all on BD.* to USUARIO@%;
use mysql;
update user set Password = PASSWORD(pass_usuario) where User = usuario;
flush privileges;


El 1 de febrero de 2011 09:31, juan alejandro martines linares escribió:

 Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
 accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
 cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
 donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
 acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
 o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
 trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano


 Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que
 ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema
 Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de
 usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread Walter O. Dari

El 01/02/11 23:51, Jesus Armando Paul Cespedes escribió:

1.- Checa las restricciones del firewall
2.- La linea bind-address = ip_del_equipo no debe tener localhost o
3.- Cuando creas tus usuarios en mysql debe ser de la siguiente manera:

grant all on BD.* to USUARIO@%;
use mysql;
update user set Password = PASSWORD(pass_usuario) where User = usuario;
flush privileges;


El 1 de febrero de 2011 09:31, juan alejandro martines linares escribió:

Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano

Me parece más sencillo acceder por ssh al servidor y allí accedes al mysql


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Re: Montar un servidor de correo (era: dudas servidor de correo)

2011-02-01 Thread Edgar Vargas
El día 1 de febrero de 2011 14:19, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 01 Feb 2011 00:09:48 +0100, Edgar Vargas escribió:

 El día 31 de enero de 2011 23:51, Camaleón escribió:


 Creo recordar que en esdebian tenían una faq-guía:

 Yo recien le entro a servidores y he leido por ahi que se debe
 configurar bien el servicio DNS, para que vaya bien, aunq supongo sin
 dns tambien funciona, de hecho q si solo con ip,  eso creo :O;

 Sí, sin un servidor de DNS funciona perfectamente, aunque hay algunos
 servicios como spamassassin que pueden tener problemas debido a la
 cantidad de peticiones que hacen a servidores dns remotos :-/

 bueno lo q en mente tengo para servidor de correo  despues de leer
 alguno tutos es, tener postfix o sendmail,

 Postfix es muy sencillo, flexible y potente.

 aunque en debian esta exim
 pero solo uno de los tres,

 Con Exim aún no he hecho migas. Lo tengo instalado en algunos equipos de
 escritorio pero en los servidores uso Postfix.

 tambien necesitaran  dovecot (para pop3 imap
 o smtp)

 O Cyrus o Courier-imap, al gusto.

 squirremail (via web),

 O Roundcube, que a la gente le gusta mucho la interfaz que tiene :-)

 tambien necesitaria servicio web
 correindo, y dns, estoy en lo correcto?¿ o algo falta? intento hacer yo
 tambien uno

 ¿Para un servidor de correo? No, ni servidor web (excepto si quieres
 webmail) ni servidor dns.

Amiga camaleon ese webmail, he visto por ahi que luego que configuran
todo ponen, ese funciona tanto con
squerremail y roundcube?, si pongo cualquiera siempre pondre
/webmail?, disculpa mi ignorancia...

Acerca de DNS, si digamos quiero tener un dns llamado, lo configuro en mi maquina, pero para salir a
internet no me vale, verdad?, he oido algo de registrar en la red
cientifica aqui en peru para q si funcione, eso se compra?, osea si
configuro un dns en mi debian y deseo que desde cualquier parte del
mundo tambien lo vean, debo comprar permiso a alguien?, cuando
compraba hosting y dominio habeces me vendian los dos, en otras tenia
que comprar aparte el hosting y el diminio, en caso que yo desee
montar mi servidor casero, pero com dominio hecho en mi pc, debo
registrar mi dominio? en donde?, disculpas si mi pregunta es un poco
basica, saludos...



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Re: acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread Edgar Vargas
El día 1 de febrero de 2011 10:31, juan alejandro martines linares escribió:
 Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
 accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
 cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
 donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
 acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
 o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
 trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano

Hola, yo hace dias instale un LAMP en debian 5.0.7 por defecto tiene
acceso a phpmyadmin y l servidor web desde cuaquier pc de la lan, lo
unico que hice fue configurar los parametros de red, en
/etc/network/interfaces, le puse estatico; si el servidor esta en tu
red deberia funcionar, te lo digo porque yo lo probe..., ahora tambien
verifica las reglas iptables, yo probe bloqueando el acceso a
apache..., ahora revisa la configuracion de phpmyadmin, en apache,
peude ser que solo permita acceso a localhost o a 127,0.0.1, se
deberia comentar eso, pero como reitero en debian no paso eso, no tuve
problemas, en fedora si lo tiene bloquedo por defecto y hay que
coemntar esas lineas.
Ahora intenta ver las reglas, por eejemplo iptables -L -n, y prueba
iptables -A INPUT -p tpc -dport 3306 j ACCEPT


 Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
 ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
 Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de 
 usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread Juan Antonio
El 02/02/11 04:23, Walter O. Dari escribió:
 El 01/02/11 23:51, Jesus Armando Paul Cespedes escribió:
 1.- Checa las restricciones del firewall
 2.- La linea bind-address = ip_del_equipo no debe tener localhost o
 3.- Cuando creas tus usuarios en mysql debe ser de la siguiente manera:

 grant all on BD.* to USUARIO@%;
 use mysql;
 update user set Password = PASSWORD(pass_usuario) where User =
 flush privileges;


 El 1 de febrero de 2011 09:31, juan alejandro martines linares escribió:

 Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el
 mysql y
 accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
 cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la
 donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da
 error de
 acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
 o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya
 cuando se
 trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de

 Me parece más sencillo acceder por ssh al servidor y allí accedes al


Quizá sea una necesidad acceder en remoto a mysql, porque use un cliente
determinado o bien una aplicación que ataca una BD remota.

Lo que si es mas sencillo es

grant privilegios on BD.* to 'usuario'@'ip' identified by 'contraseña';
flush privileges;

te ahorras un par de líneas y me parece mas facil de recordar.

Un saludo.

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Re: acceso a Mysql remotamente

2011-02-01 Thread Adrian Chapela
Busca el fichero my.cnf, creo que está en /etc/mysql/my.cnf o  /etc/my.cnf.

Comenta la línea skip-networking.

Luego crea los usuarios tal y como te han dicho.


En 01/02/11 16:31, juan alejandro martines linares escribiu:
 Hola amigos, tengo una duda, yo tengo instalado en mi trabajo el mysql y
 accedo a el sin problemas localmente incluso con el phpmyadmin pero
 cuando trato de acceder a el desde otra maquina diciéndole la dirección
 donde se encuentra y su puerto , nada de nada, no me deja me da error de
 acceso, ayudeneme que podría ser, al parecer con la dirección
 o localhost no da ningún problema desde la misma pc pero ya cuando se
 trata de acceder desde otra pc me da error,ayudeneme gracias de antemano


 Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
 ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
 Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de 
 usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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[off-topic] Procurando gravador DVD externo - interface USB - Linux compatível

2011-02-01 Thread Vinicius
Necessito adquirir um gravador DVD externo, com interface USB. Andei 
pesquisando, mas não encontrei nenhum que explicitamente fosse 
compatível com Linux (Debian Lenny ou Squeeze).

Experimentei um Samsung SE-S084, mas não funcionou no Squeeze.

Alguem da lista comprou recentemente e poderia indicar?

agradeço a ajuda


Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
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3 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários. Dificulte 
assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

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Re: [off-topic] Procurando gravador DVD externo - interface USB - Linux compatível

2011-02-01 Thread Thalysson Sarmento
Fala vinicius,

Segue um link para te auxiliar.


***Thalysson Sarmento*
Consultor de TI - Sys admin Linux/FreeBSD
Consultor Oficial Debian GNU/Linux e OpenBSD/Unix
Member Team Ubuntu Brazilian Translators
FreeBSD Community Member - FUG-ID:#2142
Linux User: #501009
Fone: +55 (82) 8812-1095
Skype: sarmento.bsd

salvar arquivos em formato corel draw

2011-02-01 Thread Fred Maranhão

Tem alguma forma de eu criar arquivos de desenho e salvar em formato
do coreldraw no debian?

preferencialmente no stable, mas se a solução só existir no testing ou
unstable, é viável eu subir a versão.


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Re: salvar arquivos em formato corel draw

2011-02-01 Thread Renato S. Yamane
Em 01-02-2011 18:10, Fred Maranhão escreveu:
 Tem alguma forma de eu criar arquivos de desenho e salvar em formato
 do coreldraw no debian?

Eu desconheço.
Mas... Você pode salvar em SVG, pois o Corel é compatível com essa extensão.


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Desempenho da Rede

2011-02-01 Thread Fernando Moreno
Boa Noite a todos, gostaria de saber  de voces, algum software que rode em
um ambiente misto(Linux, Windows), preciso fazer algumas analises referente
a rede, banda disponivel de um host a outro, se esta ocorrendo muita perda
de pacotes dentro outros dados.

Estou utilizando no momento o iperf, acho muito bom, gostaria de saber mais




Re: Desempenho da Rede

2011-02-01 Thread Rodrigo Nascimento Hernandez
Olá Fernando, boa noite.


Não sei se isso resolve pra você mas andei testando o Cacti e achei bastante interessante.

Basicamente o Cacti é uma interface via web onde você o configura para se
conectar a servidores rodando o protocolo SNMP. Desta forma de um só local
pode monitorar outras máquinas, roteadores e outros dispositivos que dispões
de SNMP.

Com isso, de um só lugar, você monitora e gera relatórios.

Não sei ao certo se o cacti oferece todas as funcionalidades que você
precisa pois sou novato nele, contudo, parece que sim.


Espero ter ajudado.


Rodrigo Nascimento Hernandez

Eng. Florestal

(31) 2551-5452

(31) 9188-4986


What's up debian

2011-02-01 Thread csharp221
hello debian, have you stayed on track with your New Year's resolution? Do you 
want to be rich like me? I started making money the same day I got into the 
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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Re: OT: Make Windows act like Debian and copy text just by markingit

2011-02-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Lu, 31 ian 11, 18:46:36, Dr. Ed Morbius wrote:
 Otherwise, the question is OT for this list.

It is already marked as such ;)

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Finding packages installed from experimental

2011-02-01 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In ii8dn0$t58$, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
  aptitude search '~S~i~Aexperimental'

on my system does not list the packages from experimental which are

The spaces I included were not optional, at least I don't think they are.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Can't reboot after power failure (RAID problem?)

2011-02-01 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Hello, a écrit :
 My system went down because of a power failure, and now it won't start.  I
 use RAID 1, and I don't know if that's related to the problem.  The screen
 shows the following.
 Loading, please wait...
 Gave up waiting for rood device.  Common problems:
 - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
   - Check rootdelay- (did the system wait long enough?)
   - Check root- (did the system wait for the right device?
 - Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)
 ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/47173345-34e3-4ab3-98b5-f39e80424191 does not exist.
 Dropping to a shell!
 I don't know if that uuid is an MD device, but it seem likely.  Grub is
 installed on each disk, and I previously tested the RAID 1 arrays by
 unplugging each disk one at a time and was able to boot to either.

The kernel and initramfs started, so grub did its job and does not seem
to be the problem.

Are the disks, partitions and RAID devices present in /proc/partitions
and /dev/ ? What does /proc/mdstat contain ? Any related messages in dmesg ?

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Re: which is at fault? iceweasel or drupal?

2011-02-01 Thread Russell L. Harris
* Camaleón [110201 00:45]:
 On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 22:00:14 +, Russell L. Harris wrote:
 Run top and sort by CPU usage to find the culprit.

Three instances of gtk-gnash are at the head of the list, followed by
Xorg and gnome-terminal.

 Drupal per se cannot be the culprit. It's quite wide and plenty of 
 modules. Most probably is that a concrete combination of some scripting 
 or DOM techniques used within the portal is giving headaches to your 
 browser. Modern (and the most up-to-date) browsers tend to handle better 
 such situations.

Firefox/Iceweasel is misbehaving again, on other sites; this is in Squeeze RC1.
perhaps my Firefox installation is broken.

But now that I have discovered Konqueror, I may tell apt-get to remove
Firefox; life is too short to mess around with a problematic package
when there is a good alternative.



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imapsize / imapfs

2011-02-01 Thread Mathieu Malaterre
Hi all,

  I am looking for an open source (available on debian) software which
would provide the same functionalities as IMAPSize, I need to know
where are the large email in my gmail box.

  As a side note has anyone tried imapfs ?




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Critical Xen bug on Debian Squeeze, suspecting package xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64

2011-02-01 Thread Olivier LAMBERT

First, I will explain quickly the problem : on updated version
Squeeze, I can't boot **any** DomU's, it hangs.

Two cases:
1) HVM DomU's : xm create sends a command to qemu, the parameter
'-vcpu_avail'. But on newer version of qemu, parameters had changed
(it's only 'vcpu_avail'): so HVM domain cannot be started.
Here is the error line :
/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm: invalid option -- '-vcpu_avail'

2) Others DomU's (include pvops domains ! so not it's not the kernel):
they freeze at startup, with cpu @ 100%. No specific logs, no errors
reported, just only r status on xm list and no boot with cpu at max.

Then, in my case, it's obvious these are regression on squeeze. Why ?
Because on my 3 dom0's, only 2 of them are updated. And the old one
works *perfectly*, both for HVM and Pvops DomU's. Dom0 are similar
(same hardware, dell 2970 with  opteron 2423 HE)

On old working Dom0 :

$ aptitude show xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64
Version : 4.0.1-1

$ aptitude show qemu-system
Paquet : qemu-system
Version : 0.12.5+dfsg-2

On updated Dom0's :

$ aptitude show xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64
Version : 4.0.1-2

$ aptitude show qemu-system
Version : 0.12.5+dfsg-3

I know this report is general, so if you want further details,
I'llbe ready to do some tests today.

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Re: USB3.0 problem: xhci_hcd not found

2011-02-01 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Camaleón wrote:
 You mean the message about a connected device when there is none attached 
 to any of the USB ports? Yep, that seems to be common:
 sm01@stt008:~$ dmesg | grep -i new | tail -5
 [   10.588574] usb usb7: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
 [   10.615825] usb usb7: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, 
 [   10.751925] ehci_hcd :00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus 
 number 8
 [   10.991769] usb usb8: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
 [   11.003876] usb usb8: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, 

The above messages are about the USB root hub.

If they're showing up all the time *repeatedly* and not just once at
module load time, file a bug against the kernel. 

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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opera copy/paste

2011-02-01 Thread Paul Cartwright
I have a problem with Chrome not working right. I click on a link  it 
does nothing( something about  a plugin missing). So I started up Opera 
11.01 build 1190. when I get to the page I want, I tried to COPY the URL 
 PASTE into an email. Didn't paste. nada,zip, empty. Tried it a few 
times, nothing. Tried to copy the URL from the Opera
bar to Chrome, nothing. Started up gedit, copied the URL in opera, 
pasted to gedit, THERE IT IS! copied that ( yes, a fresh CTRL-C ) and 
did a CTRL-V into email and there it is.. So why/how can opera 
copy/paste be this weird? I tried CTRL-C/V and also tried the menus ( 

ii  opera   
11.01.1190   A fast and secure web browser and 
Internet suite
ii  google-chrome-stable
8.0.552.237-r70801   The web browser from Google

ii  gedit   
2.22.3-1+lenny1  official text editor of the GNOME 
desktop environment

yes, running gnome on lenny.

Paul Cartwright

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RE: Critical Xen bug on Debian Squeeze, suspecting package xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64

2011-02-01 Thread Mike Viau

 On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 11:47:30 +0100 wrote:
 First, I will explain quickly the problem : on updated version
 Squeeze, I can't boot **any** DomU's, it hangs.
 Two cases:
 1) HVM DomU's : xm create sends a command to qemu, the parameter
 '-vcpu_avail'. But on newer version of qemu, parameters had changed
 (it's only 'vcpu_avail'): so HVM domain cannot be started.
 Here is the error line :
 /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm: invalid option -- '-vcpu_avail'
 2) Others DomU's (include pvops domains ! so not it's not the kernel):
 they freeze at startup, with cpu @ 100%. No specific logs, no errors
 reported, just only r status on xm list and no boot with cpu at max.
 Then, in my case, it's obvious these are regression on squeeze. Why ?
 Because on my 3 dom0's, only 2 of them are updated. And the old one
 works *perfectly*, both for HVM and Pvops DomU's. Dom0 are similar
 (same hardware, dell 2970 with  opteron 2423 HE)
 On old working Dom0 :
 $ aptitude show xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64
 Version : 4.0.1-1
 $ aptitude show qemu-system
 Paquet : qemu-system
 Version : 0.12.5+dfsg-2
 On updated Dom0's :
 $ aptitude show xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64
 Version : 4.0.1-2
 $ aptitude show qemu-system
 Version : 0.12.5+dfsg-3
 I know this report is general, so if you want further details,
 I'll be ready to do some tests today.

Have you filed a bug over on the Debain BTS for what you believe to be a bug in 
the package xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64?

Can you test if this behaviour exist in the i386 package?


Squeeze installation fdisk bug

2011-02-01 Thread Siju George

I installed Debian Squeeze on a server with 2 Disks on RAID 1
The second disk failed and I was trying to replace it with a new one.
And I found this in the partition table

root@vmsrv:~# fdisk -l /dev/sda

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x0009e3c2

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   1  37  291840   fd  Linux raid
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2  37 159  976896   fd  Linux raid
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda3 159222516601088   fd  Linux raid
/dev/sda42225   60802   470515712   fd  Linux raid

The disk has only 60801 cylinders but the ending cylinder is 60802 for the
4th partition :-(

The end of a partion and the begining of the following one are identical.

If i try to create the same on another identical disk using fdisk I get the
value out of range error.

Finally I did

#sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk -f /dev/sdb

and got the hard disk added to raid.

Is this partitioning dangerous?

How should I rectify it?



which DVD to download?

2011-02-01 Thread Zachary Uram
I want to install onto my laptop which has no network connectivity yet
at home. Wanted to install basic system and then download the rest at
a net cafe.

Which DVD(s) are sufficient?



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How To Temporarily Suspend Network Traffic

2011-02-01 Thread Volkan YAZICI

I want to temporarily suspend the network traffic on a particular
interface -- if possible, in microsecond granularity. For this purpose,
ifup/ifdown ioctl() calls doesn't work. That is, for wireless,
connection isn't get recovered; for wired, it takes at least 2 seconds
to recover. I tried using tc, but it doesn't accept rate 0 parameter.
Neither iwconfig wlan0 rate 0 has any effect. (Moreover, in iwconfig
manual it is told that values below 1000 are card specific and are
usually an index in the bit-rate list.) Do you have any suggestions? Or
can you point me to some other resource/mailing-list that I can consult?


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Re: Critical Xen bug on Debian Squeeze, suspecting package xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64

2011-02-01 Thread Olivier LAMBERT
Please advise that I'm not alone :

Downgrade seems the only solution :/

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Re: How To Temporarily Suspend Network Traffic

2011-02-01 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 03:56:05PM +0200, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
 I want to temporarily suspend the network traffic on a particular
 interface -- if possible, in microsecond granularity. For this purpose,
 ifup/ifdown ioctl() calls doesn't work. That is, for wireless,
 connection isn't get recovered; for wired, it takes at least 2 seconds
 to recover. I tried using tc, but it doesn't accept rate 0 parameter.
 Neither iwconfig wlan0 rate 0 has any effect. (Moreover, in iwconfig
 manual it is told that values below 1000 are card specific and are
 usually an index in the bit-rate list.) Do you have any suggestions? Or
 can you point me to some other resource/mailing-list that I can consult?

It depends on exactly what behavior you're aiming for. If you just want all
packets going in or out on that interface to be dropped, you can do it
pretty effectively with iptables. The following will drop all packets
coming in through the wlan0 interface:

iptables -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j DROP

This will drop all packets destined to be sent out the wlan0 interface:

iptables -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j DROP

You can remove each rule by changing the -A to a -D.

Now, those are the actual commands to run from the shell. You aren't going
to get microsecond granularity that way. You can, however, dig into the
iptables source and see what system calls it's making as a result of those
options and use it in your own code. I don't know if that will get you to
microsecond granularity, but you'll have to do your own profiling to check.


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Re: panning using xrandr

2011-02-01 Thread T o n g
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 12:20:49 +, Camaleón wrote:

 How to do panning using xrandr? . . . 
 Don't guess; ask your device: xrandr -q will tell you the name of

Perfect, thanks a lot. 

Now the question that I really want, 

How can I reduce the size of my display to a smaller size, while keep the 
virtual size of my display to my current size, using panning to view all 
virtual display. I tried below, but it didn't work as I expected:

 xrandr -s 640x480 --output VGA-1 --panning 1920x1080


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Critical Xen bug on Debian Squeeze, suspecting package xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64

2011-02-01 Thread Olivier LAMBERT
Sorry, I can't test for x86 only.

And no, I didn't report the bug so far..

And about downgrade, it's not a solution for me : the kernel which
made disappear the regression have a bug with kernel oops when I made
vgchange for LVM (which is corrected in current version).




On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Olivier LAMBERT wrote:
 Please advise that I'm not alone :

 Downgrade seems the only solution :/

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Re: Finding packages installed from experimental

2011-02-01 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Spaces make no difference in the old aptitude search form and the new
search form leads to the same result:

on another mixed system I get

  apt-show-versions | grep -c /experimental

  aptitude search '~S ~i ~Aexperimental' | wc -l

  aptitude search '~S~i~Aexperimental' | wc -l

  aptitude search ?narrow(?archive(experimental),?installed) | wc -l

An example of a package not found by these aptitude search commands is
(output from apt-show-versions)
xserver-xorg-core/experimental *manually* upgradeable from 2:
to 2:
Best regards,

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[SOLVED] Re: APC ES-550 almost works perfectly

2011-02-01 Thread Curt Howland
Hash: SHA1

Dear Debian-user,

And the answer is, It doesn't do that. It's a failure of the USB 
connected UPS, which I guess means that's just the way it is.

Thank you for all the help and advice, may your power never spike,


Paul Cartwright wrote:
6.3 Creating the UPS Powerdown Script

 Normally, the last thing that needs to happen before the system
 shuts down is to power off the UPS.  Unfortunately, one of the 
 limitations of apcupsd interfacing to a USB UPS is that the
 --killpower option to apcupsd doesn't work, which means that it 
 not possible to power off a USB UPS.  Although the apcupsd
 documentation states that the UPS should shut itself down one to 
 minutes after the system, I did not observe this in my testing.  
 my case, the UPS continued to supply power to the computer until 
 batteries drained to a critically low level.  Of course, this 
 a problem because the system had already been shut down.

- -- 
Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end,
for they do so with the approval of their consciences.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: USB3.0 problem: xhci_hcd not found

2011-02-01 Thread Krzysztof Bieniasz
Dnia Tue, 01 Feb 2011 13:00:01 +0100, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

 On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Camaleón wrote:
 You mean the message about a connected device when there is none
 attached to any of the USB ports? Yep, that seems to be common:
 sm01@stt008:~$ dmesg | grep -i new | tail -5 [   10.588574] usb usb7:
 New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [   10.615825] usb
 usb7: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [
 10.751925] ehci_hcd :00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus
 number 8 [   10.991769] usb usb8: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b,
 idProduct=0002 [   11.003876] usb usb8: New USB device strings: Mfr=3,
 Product=2, SerialNumber=1
 The above messages are about the USB root hub.
 If they're showing up all the time *repeatedly* and not just once at
 module load time, file a bug against the kernel.
   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond where
   the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot Henrique Holschuh

You mean my messages or Cameleón's? The ones you quoted aren't mine. But
mine are related to the hub (i guess) and they are showing up all the time
repeatedly. Should I file a bug report to the Debian maintainer or to the
linux kernel team?


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Re: Can't reboot after power failure (RAID problem?)

2011-02-01 Thread David Gaudine

On 11-01-31 8:47 PM, Andrew Reid wrote:

On Monday 31 January 2011 10:51:04 wrote:

I posted in a panic and left out a lot of details.  I'm using Squeeze, and
set up the system about a month ago, so there have been some upgrades.  I
wonder if maybe the kernel or Grub was upgraded and I neglected to install
Grub again, but I would expect it to automatically be reinstalled on at
least the first disk.  If I remove either disk I get the same error

I did look at /proc/cmdline.  It shows the same uuid for the root device
as in the menu, so that seems to prove it's an MD device that isn't ready
since my boot and root partitions are each on MD devices.  /proc/modules
does show md_mod.

   What about the actual device?  Does /dev/md/0 (or /dev/md0, or whatever)

   If the module is loaded but the device does not exist, then it's possible
there's a problem with your mdadm.conf file, and the initramfs doesn't
have the array info in it, so it wasn't started.

   The easy way out is to boot from a rescue disk, fix the mdadm.conf
file, rebuild the initramfs, and reboot.

   The Real Sysadmin way is to start the array by hand from inside
the initramfs.  You want mdadm -A /dev/md0 (or possibly
mdadm -A -uyour-uuid) to start it, and once it's up, ctrl-d out
of the initramfs and hope.  The part I don't remember is whether or
not this creates the symlinks in /dev/disk that your root-fs-finder
is looking for.

   It may be better to boot with break=premount to get into the
initramfs in a more controlled state, instead of trying to fix it
in the already-error-ed state, assuming you try the initramfs
thing at all.

   And further assuming that the mdadm.conf file is the problem,
which was pretty much guesswork on my part...

-- A.

I found the problem.  You're right, mdadm.conf was the problem, which is 
amazing considering that I had previously restarted without changing 
mdadm.conf.  I edited it in the initramfs, then did mdadm -A /dev/md0 
as you suggested and control-d worked.  I assume I'll still have to 
rebuild the initramfs; I might need handholding, but I'll google first.

I think what went wrong might interest some people, since it answers a 
question I previously raised under the subject

RAID1 with multiple partitions
There was no concensus so I made the wrong choice.

The cause of the problem is, I set up my system under a temporary 
hostname and then changed the hostname.  The hostname appeared at the 
end of each ARRAY line in mdadm.conf, and I didn't know whether I should 
change it there because I didn't know if whether it has to match the 
current hostname in the current /etc/host, has to match the current 
hostname, or is just a meaningless label.  I changed it to the new 
hostname at the same time that I changed the hostname, then shut down 
and restarted.  It booted fine.  I did the same thing on another 
computer, and I'm sure I restarted that one successfully several times.  
So, I foolishly thought I was safe.  After the power failure it wouldn't 
boot.  After following your advice I was sufficiently inspired to edit 
mdadm.conf back to the original hostname, mount my various md's, and 
control-d.  I assume I'll have to do that every time I boot until I 
rebuild the initramfs.

Thank you very much.  I'd already recovered everything from a backup, 
but I needed to find the solution or I'd be afraid to raid in future.


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Re: Squeeze installation fdisk bug

2011-02-01 Thread
On the 01/02/2011 14:13, Siju George wrote:
 I installed Debian Squeeze on a server with 2 Disks on RAID 1
 The second disk failed and I was trying to replace it with a new one.
 And I found this in the partition table
 root@vmsrv:~# fdisk -l /dev/sda
 Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x0009e3c2
Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sda1   1  37  291840   fd  Linux raid
 Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
 /dev/sda2  37 159  976896   fd  Linux raid
 Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
 /dev/sda3 159222516601088   fd  Linux raid
 /dev/sda42225   60802   470515712   fd  Linux raid
 The disk has only 60801 cylinders but the ending cylinder is 60802 for
 the 4th partition :-(
 The end of a partion and the begining of the following one are identical.
 If i try to create the same on another identical disk using fdisk I get
 the value out of range error.
 Finally I did
 #sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk -f /dev/sdb
 and got the hard disk added to raid.
 Is this partitioning dangerous?
 How should I rectify it?

Hello, fdisk also always gives me this kind of warning on the raid1, use
parted -l instead.

Regarding sfdisk -d, if you ran this command with a filesystem already
on the source drive you'll run into problems due to the filesystem
boundaries being misplaced. You would be better of starting again with
unformatted partitions, then format the md* devices.

Or you can correct the problem by running a e2fsck -cc on the affected
raid devices, then a resize2fs, and you should be fine. It's a time
consuming process on large partitions though. It's supposed to be
harmless for the data, but of course you should check your backup first.

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Re: Can't reboot after power failure (RAID problem?)

2011-02-01 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 10:38 AM, David Gaudine wrote:
 On 11-01-31 8:47 PM, Andrew Reid wrote:
 On Monday 31 January 2011 10:51:04 wrote:

 I posted in a panic and left out a lot of details.  I'm using Squeeze,
 set up the system about a month ago, so there have been some upgrades.  I
 wonder if maybe the kernel or Grub was upgraded and I neglected to
 Grub again, but I would expect it to automatically be reinstalled on at
 least the first disk.  If I remove either disk I get the same error

 I did look at /proc/cmdline.  It shows the same uuid for the root device
 as in the menu, so that seems to prove it's an MD device that isn't ready
 since my boot and root partitions are each on MD devices.  /proc/modules
 does show md_mod.

   What about the actual device?  Does /dev/md/0 (or /dev/md0, or whatever)

   If the module is loaded but the device does not exist, then it's
 there's a problem with your mdadm.conf file, and the initramfs doesn't
 have the array info in it, so it wasn't started.

   The easy way out is to boot from a rescue disk, fix the mdadm.conf
 file, rebuild the initramfs, and reboot.

   The Real Sysadmin way is to start the array by hand from inside
 the initramfs.  You want mdadm -A /dev/md0 (or possibly
 mdadm -A -uyour-uuid) to start it, and once it's up, ctrl-d out
 of the initramfs and hope.  The part I don't remember is whether or
 not this creates the symlinks in /dev/disk that your root-fs-finder
 is looking for.

   It may be better to boot with break=premount to get into the
 initramfs in a more controlled state, instead of trying to fix it
 in the already-error-ed state, assuming you try the initramfs
 thing at all.

   And further assuming that the mdadm.conf file is the problem,
 which was pretty much guesswork on my part...

                                        -- A.

 I found the problem.  You're right, mdadm.conf was the problem, which is
 amazing considering that I had previously restarted without changing
 mdadm.conf.  I edited it in the initramfs, then did mdadm -A /dev/md0 as
 you suggested and control-d worked.  I assume I'll still have to rebuild the
 initramfs; I might need handholding, but I'll google first.

 I think what went wrong might interest some people, since it answers a
 question I previously raised under the subject
 RAID1 with multiple partitions
 There was no concensus so I made the wrong choice.

 The cause of the problem is, I set up my system under a temporary hostname
 and then changed the hostname.  The hostname appeared at the end of each
 ARRAY line in mdadm.conf, and I didn't know whether I should change it there
 because I didn't know if whether it has to match the current hostname in the
 current /etc/host, has to match the current hostname, or is just a
 meaningless label.  I changed it to the new hostname at the same time that I
 changed the hostname, then shut down and restarted.  It booted fine.  I did
 the same thing on another computer, and I'm sure I restarted that one
 successfully several times.  So, I foolishly thought I was safe.  After the
 power failure it wouldn't boot.  After following your advice I was
 sufficiently inspired to edit mdadm.conf back to the original hostname,
 mount my various md's, and control-d.  I assume I'll have to do that every
 time I boot until I rebuild the initramfs.

 Thank you very much.  I'd already recovered everything from a backup, but I
 needed to find the solution or I'd be afraid to raid in future.

If you'd like to have homehost in mdadm.conf be the same as the
hostname, you could break your boot in initramfs and assemble the
array with
mdadm --assemble /dev/mdX --homehost=whatever --update=homehost /dev/sdXX.

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Re: Finding packages installed from experimental

2011-02-01 Thread
On the 01/02/2011 15:43, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
 Spaces make no difference in the old aptitude search form and the new
 search form leads to the same result:
 on another mixed system I get
   apt-show-versions | grep -c /experimental
   aptitude search '~S ~i ~Aexperimental' | wc -l
   aptitude search '~S~i~Aexperimental' | wc -l
   aptitude search ?narrow(?archive(experimental),?installed) | wc -l
 An example of a package not found by these aptitude search commands is
 (output from apt-show-versions)
 xserver-xorg-core/experimental *manually* upgradeable from 2:
 to 2:
 Best regards,

Strange, here it gives me the exact same result :

apt-show-versions | grep -c /experimental

aptitude search ~S~i~Aexperimental | wc -l

Maybe it's because some packages are no longer seen as being in
experimental, they are listed as none (obsolete or locally installed)
in the archive field. Maybe they will reappear with:

aptitude search ~S~i\(~Aexperimental\|~Anone\) | wc -l

but then you will also list locally installed packages.

Here I pin experimental at 101 to get automatic upgrade only on
already installed packages.

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Re: Finding packages installed from experimental

2011-02-01 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 15:43:50 +0100, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
 Spaces make no difference in the old aptitude search form and the new
 search form leads to the same result:
 on another mixed system I get
   apt-show-versions | grep -c /experimental
   aptitude search '~S ~i ~Aexperimental' | wc -l
   aptitude search '~S~i~Aexperimental' | wc -l
   aptitude search ?narrow(?archive(experimental),?installed) | wc -l
 An example of a package not found by these aptitude search commands is
 (output from apt-show-versions)
 xserver-xorg-core/experimental *manually* upgradeable from 2:
 to 2:

I think the above aptitude searches do not list such packages because
the ~A string is empty for their installed version, which is no longer
in experimental.

I use

  aptitude search '~S~i!~Ae'

to find all my outdated packages that came from experimental. This will
also list the obsolete (~o) packages and it relies on the fact that all
archive names from stable to experimental contain at least one e. You
can combine this with '!~o' to exclude the standard obsolete packages;
I use the above search string as a display limit in interactive mode,
where these two types of packages are listed in different categories
anyway (upgradable and obsolete, respectively).

  Florian   |

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Re: VM speed benchmark

2011-02-01 Thread shawn wilson
On Feb 1, 2011 10:37 AM, T o n g wrote:

 Thanks everyone who replied.

 On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 00:43:46 -0500, shawn wilson wrote:

  benchmarks cost too much time and money to do right and someone always
  wants to argue with them. . .

 I know it's against vmware licensing policy to publish benchmark data.
 But all I was asking was kind of friend-to-friend recommendation, not
 something you publish seriously on you blog.

I would like to know this too. However

In fact, all I wanted to
 know was a quick

  /sbin/hdparm -t /dev/sda

 test result inside and outside vm.

 Using VirtualBox as an exmample, I don't think there will be a great
 difference between the result of an expert and mine, of the comparative
 figure between vm and host (but I could be wrong).

So, when you say benchmark, you're talking about some type io data over
time. This is all good until you consider being inside a vm. If you want to
know about timing inside of a vm, look at Google. Also look at Google
results for sending a fax with asterisk in a vm, or precision ntp servers in
a vm.

My point here is that you're looking at inaccurate benches.

 It's all evident based and it's a quick gauge, not some serious
 measure. . . Anyway, it's totally OK for someone not give such result,
 just trying to explaining my point here.

I'm writing this hoping that someone will take the time to do some accurate

The proper way of doing it would be to setup a default install on a host and
install one vm. You would need to setup the guest for each vm and store your
disk file (to be copied back for each test). You could of course convert
that image for the different host formats however I'm not sure what extra
baggage comes with that conversion.

You would need to have the host start a process on the guest and use the
host's polling facility to find your results.

A few more considerations are: guest OS, amount of processor time the host
gives the guest, where the guest's disk file is placed on the physical hdd
(inner or outer sector), making sure that each host does the same polling of
the guest (same interval, same data, etc). If you are doing a real world
test, you also need to make sure the 'tools' for that environment are
properly installed. It might be appropriate to make sure that the same types
of services and processes are running on each host. However, doing so might
make of it less of a real world test. Ie, if a service is a security
vulnerability on a host it will probably be disabled in production, if a
service is needed for centralized monitoring it might be enabled in
production.  Lastly, if you add hyperv into your tests, normalization
becomes harder since you might have to adopt different tools for sampling
your results.

... obviously you'd want each environment on the same hardware and maybe do
tests on amd vs Intel since they have slightly different instruction sets.

If anyone knows of any unbiased tests, I would be interested.

Re: which DVD to download?

2011-02-01 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Zachary 
Uram wrote:
I want to install onto my laptop which has no network connectivity yet
at home. Wanted to install basic system and then download the rest at
a net cafe.

Which DVD(s) are sufficient?

Just the first should be fine.  It is possible it might not contain exactly 
what you are used to using the internet with, but it should have sufficient 
programs available to get you online and downloading others.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: How To Temporarily Suspend Network Traffic

2011-02-01 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 07:40:06PM +0200, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
 On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 09:16:16 -0500, Gregory Seidman writes:
 Thanks Greg, but there is a small anomaly with this method. For
 instance, if I
 1. issue
  $ pv -q -L 10k /tmp/200k.dat | nc 7000
from terminal A,
 2. and after a few seconds issue
  # iptables -A OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP  \
   sleep 2  \
   iptables -D OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP
command (pay attention that I used OUTPUT chain instead of
{PRE,POST}ROUTING), as expected, transfer hangs up for 2 seconds, and
finishes without a problem.

I note that you are only doing this once, so there is a 2 second
interruption as expected.

 On the other hand, in the 2nd step, if I issue
   # while /bin/true; do \
iptables -A OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP  \
usleep 10  \
iptables -D OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP
 command (usleep is a small C program I wrote, see the attachment),
 transfer hangs after some point and stops for ~30-40secs and finishes
 when I stop the while loop. Do I miss anything? Any suggestions?

Here you are interrupting for 100,000 usecs (which is 100msecs, I believe),
but you don't sleep at all between interruptions in the while loop. That
means that it only has the time between the execution of the iptables
command at the end of the loop and the execution of the iptables command at
the beginning of the loop to actually transmit any packets. It is
unsurprising that it hangs. Make sure you sleep for a while after removing
the iptables rule.


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Re: How To Temporarily Suspend Network Traffic

2011-02-01 Thread Volkan YAZICI
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 13:15:15 -0500, Gregory Seidman writes:
 On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 07:40:06PM +0200, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
   # while /bin/true; do \
iptables -A OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP  \
usleep 10  \
iptables -D OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP
 command (usleep is a small C program I wrote, see the attachment),
 transfer hangs after some point and stops for ~30-40secs and finishes
 when I stop the while loop. Do I miss anything? Any suggestions?

 Here you are interrupting for 100,000 usecs (which is 100msecs, I believe),
 but you don't sleep at all between interruptions in the while loop. That
 means that it only has the time between the execution of the iptables
 command at the end of the loop and the execution of the iptables command at
 the beginning of the loop to actually transmit any packets. It is
 unsurprising that it hangs. Make sure you sleep for a while after removing
 the iptables rule.

Indeed, sleeping more than I want is what I try to avoid. In other
words, I'm inclined to believe that running iptables externally doesn't
provide an interruption mechanism in milli/microsecond granularity. Any
other suggestions?


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Re: which DVD to download?

2011-02-01 Thread Brian
On Tue 01 Feb 2011 at 08:22:36 -0500, Zachary Uram wrote:

 I want to install onto my laptop which has no network connectivity yet
 at home. Wanted to install basic system and then download the rest at
 a net cafe.
 Which DVD(s) are sufficient?

The netinst.iso would seem ideal for your purposes.

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Re: How To Temporarily Suspend Network Traffic

2011-02-01 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 08:26:53PM +0200, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
 On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 13:15:15 -0500, Gregory Seidman writes:
  On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 07:40:06PM +0200, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
# while /bin/true; do \
 iptables -A OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP  \
 usleep 10  \
 iptables -D OUTPUT -i wlan0 -j DROP
  command (usleep is a small C program I wrote, see the attachment),
  transfer hangs after some point and stops for ~30-40secs and finishes
  when I stop the while loop. Do I miss anything? Any suggestions?
  Here you are interrupting for 100,000 usecs (which is 100msecs, I believe),
  but you don't sleep at all between interruptions in the while loop. That
  means that it only has the time between the execution of the iptables
  command at the end of the loop and the execution of the iptables command at
  the beginning of the loop to actually transmit any packets. It is
  unsurprising that it hangs. Make sure you sleep for a while after removing
  the iptables rule.
 Indeed, sleeping more than I want is what I try to avoid. In other
 words, I'm inclined to believe that running iptables externally doesn't
 provide an interruption mechanism in milli/microsecond granularity. Any
 other suggestions?

Well, I suggested before that you look into the iptables code and make the
system calls it does rather than executing it externally.


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Re: [OT] Gmail's not-that-fancy features (was: USB3.0 problem: xhci_hcd not found)

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 23:25:05 +, Krzysztof Bieniasz wrote:

 Ah, I thought you were having problems to check if your message reached
 the list becasue Gmail gracefully hides the copy sent by the mailing
 list server.
 Then, why are you having problems to check your e-mails? :-?
 I don't think I follow you. I'm posting with a standalone newsreader.
 This has nothing to do with my email except for the fact that I had to
 subscribe to linux-gate with it and send an email before the first post
 to l.d.u.

Didn't you know about that Gmail feature? It's a pretty well-know 
annoyance by anyone using Gmail's smtp service and mailing lists. Not 
your case, though, as you are using an external nntp gateway.

 Anyway, if in doubt, checking mailing list archive can help to diagnose
 Doesn't the archive show posts that are already published? My problem
 was that I wasn't sure if my post ever reached the news server because
 there were some problems with connection.

Forget about your nntp server: if the e-mail is in the mailing list 
archive, anyone subscribed to this mailing list has received it. Your 
nntp server may have another internal problems (I know because I also use 
an nntp server and weird things happens...) but not related with the 
mailing list itself.

 No, Google groups are most like forums.
 Well yes, you're right. But I'm sure you're aware that Google archives
 all the news groups. And the archives can be accessed uniformly through
 Google groups -- and they let you post as well. But it's not very
 comfortable really.

Yes, you can post via Gmail's Groups but you are forced to use their web 
interface or an e-mail client (afaik, Google Groups do no use nntp) and I 
don't like that way.
 I mean posting through a nntp
 server, like Gmane... and know that I see, like your news
 server. Glad to know this list is also available from another news
 server :-)
 I think it's accessible through quite many other servers as well.
 Perhaps some of them have less issues then the others. Gmane maybe is
 safer and has better spam filtering (as far as I understand it) but then
 again it doesn't carry most of the interesting groups. But I guess it's
 pretty useful for the GNU/Linux developers?

Yes, there are some mailing lists that are not being archived by Gmane, 
but like you, in my case Gmane handles all the ones I want to follow :-)



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Re: which is at fault? iceweasel or drupal?

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 09:09:18 +, Russell L. Harris wrote:

 * Camaleón [110201 00:45]:

 Run top and sort by CPU usage to find the culprit.
 Three instances of gtk-gnash are at the head of the list, followed by
 Xorg and gnome-terminal.

Gnash means your browser is running a flash movie/animation and that 
indeed can hog your CPU or that the plugin went nuts. Try by disabling it.

 Drupal per se cannot be the culprit. It's quite wide and plenty of
 modules. Most probably is that a concrete combination of some scripting
 or DOM techniques used within the portal is giving headaches to your
 browser. Modern (and the most up-to-date) browsers tend to handle
 better such situations.
 Firefox/Iceweasel is misbehaving again, on other sites; this is in
 Squeeze RC1. perhaps my Firefox installation is broken.

You can try to start with an empty Firefox profile. But I'd say that is 
not an uncommon behaviour, many of us suffer from that, every day...
 But now that I have discovered Konqueror, I may tell apt-get to remove
 Firefox; life is too short to mess around with a problematic package
 when there is a good alternative.

Just note that konqueror is not very well welcomed in some websites ;-(



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Re: USB3.0 problem: xhci_hcd not found

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 22:49:04 +, Krzysztof Bieniasz wrote:

 You mean the message about a connected device when there is none
 attached to any of the USB ports? Yep, that seems to be common:
 sm01@stt008:~$ dmesg | grep -i new | tail -5 


 Besides, the unable to enumerate USB device on port 5 is harmless
 unles once you connect the device an isn't working.
 Maybe it's harmless but it's not normal. On my old laptop there were no
 such issues. This is clearly connected with the usb 3.0 port. 

I've read some reports about that same issue on common USB 2.0 host 
controllers, so it hasn't to be necessarily a USB 3.0 problem.

 And the new full speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address X should
 only appear *once* and only after I actually connect something. 

I neither have any USB device connected and got that messages at start up.

 Instead dmesg is *flooded* with them. Every couple of seconds there is
 a new message with a different address -- they go up to 127 and then on
 again from 4. They stop only after I turn ehci off. In fact they can
 make reading dmesg output very problematic if I needed it in the
 future. Clearly something is wrong here and I need to resolve it

Yes, not normal but most of the time you'll get those messages go away 
after a kernel update.

If you are being annoyed enough by them, maybe you can remove those 
entries by means of rsyslog filtering facilities :-?



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Re: which DVD to download?

2011-02-01 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In 20110201181038.GJ32679@desktop, Brian wrote:
On Tue 01 Feb 2011 at 08:22:36 -0500, Zachary Uram wrote:
 I want to install onto my laptop which has no network connectivity 
 at home. Wanted to install basic system and then download the rest at
 a net cafe.
 Which DVD(s) are sufficient?

The netinst.iso would seem ideal for your purposes.

I question this advice.  Last I checked, the netinst installer pulled 
all packages from the network and basically just contains d-i and 
configuration files.

It may contain enough .debs to prepare a very minimal system, but it 
certainly won't have X11 or any other nice-to-have packages.

I only recommend the netinst to users that are likely to have Internet 
while d-i is running.  That's most users now since many types of 
connections are supported from within d-i.  But, the OP specifically 
mentioned that they would likely not have Internet during the d-i run.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Debian SID - Source Package: etoile (0+20080616+dfsg-2)

2011-02-01 Thread Csanyi Pal

I have installed Debian SID.

There is a  Source Package: etoile (0+20080616+dfsg-2) in the repository
regarding the web page here:

How can I install this source package using aptitude?

I have sources.list with lines:
deb sid main
deb-src sid main

and after I run 'sudo aptitude update' I still can't find etoile with
'aptitude search etoile'. Why?

Best Regards,
Paul Chany

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Re: panning using xrandr

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 14:31:55 +, T o n g wrote:

 Now the question that I really want,
 How can I reduce the size of my display to a smaller size, while keep
 the virtual size of my display to my current size, using panning to view
 all virtual display. I tried below, but it didn't work as I expected:
  xrandr -s 640x480 --output VGA-1 --panning 1920x1080

Hum... if I understood correctly the xrandr man page, you should run 
something like:

xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode 640x480 --fb 1920x1080 --panning 1920x1080



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Re: Debian SID - Source Package: etoile (0+20080616+dfsg-2)

2011-02-01 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-02-01 22:26 +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 There is a  Source Package: etoile (0+20080616+dfsg-2) in the repository
 regarding the web page here:

 How can I install this source package using aptitude?

You can't.  Only binary packages can be installed, not source packages.

 I have sources.list with lines:
 deb sid main
 deb-src sid main

In this case, apt-get source etoile will download and unpack the
source package into the current directory.  You don't need root rights
for that operation.

 and after I run 'sudo aptitude update' I still can't find etoile with
 'aptitude search etoile'. Why?

Because aptitude only deals with binary packages, and the etoile source
package builds a binary package named


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Re: which DVD to download?

2011-02-01 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-02-01 21:16 +0100, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 In 20110201181038.GJ32679@desktop, Brian wrote:
On Tue 01 Feb 2011 at 08:22:36 -0500, Zachary Uram wrote:
 I want to install onto my laptop which has no network connectivity 
 at home. Wanted to install basic system and then download the rest at
 a net cafe.
 Which DVD(s) are sufficient?

The netinst.iso would seem ideal for your purposes.

 I question this advice.  Last I checked, the netinst installer pulled 
 all packages from the network and basically just contains d-i and 
 configuration files.

Isn't it the businesscard installer who does this?  The netinst CDs do
contain quite a few .debs.

 It may contain enough .debs to prepare a very minimal system, but it 
 certainly won't have X11 or any other nice-to-have packages.

AFAIK the base system (= packages of priority ≥ important) is included,
plus one or more kernels and related packages.  Still not too useful for
most people, especially without network access.


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Upgrade to 2.6.32-5-amd64 failing miserably

2011-02-01 Thread lrhorer
I have been attempting to upgrade a Debian Squeeze Linux box from
2.6.32-3-amd64 to 2.6.32-5-amd64, but the upgrade is a non-starter. 
GRUB2 comes up just fine, but when I select the new kernel version, a
number of announcements flash by too fast to seen.  I am not 100%
certain, but I believe the initrd starts to load OK. Some text flies by
far too quickly to be seen, but then an error pops up concerning an
address space collision of some PCI device. Then it shows three errors
for RAID devices md1. md2, and md3, saying they are already in use.
Immediately thereafter the system shows errors concerning  the RAID
targets being already in use, after which point the system complains it
can't mount / (md2), /dev, /sys, or /proc (in that order) because the
sources do not exist (if /dev/md2 does not exist, how can it be busy?). 
Thereafter, of course, it fails to find init, since / is not mounted. 
It then tries to run BusyBox, but Busybox complains:

/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

After that, it attempts to put up an initramfs prompt, but of course
with no tty access, it just hangs completely.  Not surprisingly,
recovery mode doesn't boot, either.  It gives a bit more detail in the
output, but nothing illuminating.  The old kernel (2.6.32-3-amd64)
boots just fine.

Obviously there is a problem in the initramfs, probably with mdadm, but
what?  What should I try to manipulate in the initrd so I can find out
what is failing?

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Re: [SOLVED] Re: Problem with dns-search option with dhclient

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
El 2011-01-31 a las 23:47 +, Mike escribió:

(resending to the list)

 On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 04:58:34PM +, Camale?n wrote:
  Maybe you have to enclose the domain names with quotes and separate them 
  by comma ,:
  option domain-search,;
 Spot on.  Thank you very much.



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Release file expired

2011-02-01 Thread Joe Riel
Ran apt-get update today and received

E: Release file expired, ignoring (invalid
since 6h 36min 31s)

Do I have to install/update an ssh key?

Joe Riel

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Re: Release file expired

2011-02-01 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hello Joe,

On 01/02/11 21:58, Joe Riel wrote:

Ran apt-get update today and received

E: Release file expired, ignoring (invalid
since 6h 36min 31s)

Do I have to install/update an ssh key?

Have you tried an other mirror ?


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Re: imapsize / imapfs

2011-02-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 10:06:25 +0100, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

   I am looking for an open source (available on debian) software which
 would provide the same functionalities as IMAPSize, I need to know where
 are the large email in my gmail box.
   As a side note has anyone tried imapfs ?

Hum... maybe not the response that you expect, but you can search for big 
e-mails from your MUA (at least Iceweasel allows to search messages by 
file size).



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Re: Upgrade to 2.6.32-5-amd64 failing miserably

2011-02-01 Thread S D
--- On Tue, 2/1/11, lrhorer wrote:

 Obviously there is a problem in the initramfs, probably
 with mdadm, but
 what?  What should I try to manipulate in the initrd
 so I can find out
 what is failing?

When I was running mdadm, I'd usually rebuild initramfs manually after a kernel 
upgrade. That would include all the necessary drivers into the initrd image.

Make sure you backup your working /boot/initrd.img, then run

# update-initramfs -ut -k 2.6.32-5-amd64


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Re: Release file expired

2011-02-01 Thread Joe Riel
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 22:03:32 +0100
Jerome BENOIT wrote:

 Hello Joe,
 On 01/02/11 21:58, Joe Riel wrote:
  Ran apt-get update today and received
  E: Release file expired, ignoring (invalid
  since 6h 36min 31s)
  Do I have to install/update an ssh key?
 Have you tried an other mirror ?

That fixed it.  Sorry for the bother.  Thanks for the solution.

Joe Riel

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Re: Backlight off or dimmed in Squeeze after upgrade

2011-02-01 Thread Steven Rosenberg

On 01/31/2011 11:30 PM, Remco Rijnders wrote:


Yesterday I upgraded my Samsung netbook running Squeeze. I got all
updates released for installed packages since last thursday. After this
upgrade, my desktop in X looks very dark as if the backlight is not on
or strongly dimmed. I do not recall making any changes to my setup that
would have caused this other than upgrading those packages above.

Unfortunately I have no idea where to start to fix this issue. Any
pointers on where to look or commands to try?



I've had the backlight fail on three laptops in the past year (I have a 
LOT of near-dead laptops; they don't last forever, that's for sure).

It was hardware every time (two LCD inverters, one bad power brick).

Are you sure it's software and not hardware failure?

If so, what happens when you try to increase the backlight brightness in 
the settings?

If you're running GNOME, you can adjust brightness via System - 
Preferences - Power Management with the Set Display Brightness to 
slider. Does that do anything?

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Re: Upgrade to 2.6.32-5-amd64 failing miserably

2011-02-01 Thread lrhorer
S D wrote:

 --- On Tue, 2/1/11, lrhorer wrote:
 Obviously there is a problem in the initramfs, probably
 with mdadm, but
 what?  What should I try to manipulate in the initrd
 so I can find out
 what is failing?
 When I was running mdadm, I'd usually rebuild initramfs manually after
 a kernel upgrade. That would include all the necessary drivers into
 the initrd image.
 Make sure you backup your working /boot/initrd.img, then run
 # update-initramfs -ut -k 2.6.32-5-amd64

Thanks.  I had already tried that, more than once. Just for giggles, I
tried again.  No joy.

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Re: How To Temporarily Suspend Network Traffic

2011-02-01 Thread lrhorer
Volkan YAZICI wrote:

 I want to temporarily suspend the network traffic on a particular
 interface -- if possible, in microsecond granularity. For this
 purpose, ifup/ifdown ioctl() calls doesn't work. That is, for
 wireless, connection isn't get recovered; for wired, it takes at least
 2 seconds to recover. I tried using tc, but it doesn't accept rate 0
 parameter. Neither iwconfig wlan0 rate 0 has any effect. (Moreover,
 in iwconfig manual it is told that values below 1000 are card specific
 and are usually an index in the bit-rate list.) Do you have any
 suggestions? Or can you point me to some other resource/mailing-list
 that I can consult?

I have to ask.  Why are you wanting to do this?  It seems a truly
bizarre request.

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Re: USB3.0 problem: xhci_hcd not found

2011-02-01 Thread Jimmy Johnson

Krzysztof Bieniasz wrote:

Dnia Tue, 01 Feb 2011 13:00:01 +0100, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh

On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Camaleón wrote:

You mean the message about a connected device when there is none
attached to any of the USB ports? Yep, that seems to be common:

sm01@stt008:~$ dmesg | grep -i new | tail -5 [   10.588574] usb usb7:
New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 [   10.615825] usb
usb7: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 [
10.751925] ehci_hcd :00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus
number 8 [   10.991769] usb usb8: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b,
idProduct=0002 [   11.003876] usb usb8: New USB device strings: Mfr=3,
Product=2, SerialNumber=1

The above messages are about the USB root hub.

If they're showing up all the time *repeatedly* and not just once at
module load time, file a bug against the kernel.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond where
  the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot Henrique Holschuh

You mean my messages or Cameleón's? The ones you quoted aren't mine. But
mine are related to the hub (i guess) and they are showing up all the time
repeatedly. Should I file a bug report to the Debian maintainer or to the
linux kernel team?

Something I was reading in your posts started me thinking that maybe in 
your hast you started adding more usb software thinking that you may 
accidentally solve the problem, so could the problem be too much 
software has been installed?

Jimmy Johnson

Saline OS 1.0 AMD64 - KDE 4.5.3 - EXT4 at sda7
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: which DVD to download?

2011-02-01 Thread Brian
On Tue 01 Feb 2011 at 14:16:24 -0600, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 I question this advice.  Last I checked, the netinst installer pulled 
 all packages from the network and basically just contains d-i and 
 configuration files.

Are you confusing netinsi.iso with the netboot mini.iso, which does get
the base system from the network?
 It may contain enough .debs to prepare a very minimal system, but it 
 certainly won't have X11 or any other nice-to-have packages.

It doesn't. But it does have what Zachary Uram wants. (Unless, of course, he
regards X as being basic part to the install).
 I only recommend the netinst to users that are likely to have Internet 
 while d-i is running.  That's most users now since many types of 
 connections are supported from within d-i.  But, the OP specifically 
 mentioned that they would likely not have Internet during the d-i run.

The netinst iso doesn't require a net connection to get Debian up and

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Re: USB3.0 problem: xhci_hcd not found

2011-02-01 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011, Krzysztof Bieniasz wrote:
 You mean my messages or Cameleón's? The ones you quoted aren't mine. But


 mine are related to the hub (i guess) and they are showing up all the time
 repeatedly. Should I file a bug report to the Debian maintainer or to the
 linux kernel team?

Well, test the device in a regular EHCI port, just to make sure it is not
half-broken.  As soon as you're sure it is not the device, it is time to
file a bug against the kernel.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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alternatives for gcc

2011-02-01 Thread Joe Riel
Why are there no alternatives, configurable with update-alternatives,
for gcc? Seems like I should be able to configure whether /usr/bin/gcc
is linked to gcc-4.3, gcc-4.4, etc.   Of course I can just set the link
manually (which I do), but ...  

Joe Riel

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Re: alternatives for gcc

2011-02-01 Thread Andrew Reid
On Tuesday 01 February 2011 20:11:31 Joe Riel wrote:
 Why are there no alternatives, configurable with update-alternatives,
 for gcc? Seems like I should be able to configure whether /usr/bin/gcc
 is linked to gcc-4.3, gcc-4.4, etc.   Of course I can just set the link
 manually (which I do), but ...

  Can't you set up new alterantives within the update-alternatives 

  I have never done this, but it was one of the options I was
considering a while ago to control which version of an app 
was the default -- as it turned out, I was able to use the
stow mechanism to good effect, because it was a non-packaged
app, so I only got as far as reading the update-alterantives

  The man-page says that the --install option sets up a new
batch of alternatives.
  I don't know if this will interact constructively with the 
package manager.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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[SOLVED] squeeze mplayer autocomplete -dvd-device path

2011-02-01 Thread Bob

On 01/28/2011 10:07 AM, Bob wrote:

I tend to watch my DVDs off my nas box as my HTPC has no moving parts 
I don't want a whining optical drive in the room.

I use a command like

mplayer -aid 128 -channels 6 -af hrtf -dvd-device /mnt/smb_rip/ dvd://1

or if I'm not using my headphones

mplayer -aid 128 -afm hwac3, -dvd-device /mnt/smb_rip/ dvd://1

on Lenny I paste that line into terminal  then go to the end of the
dvd-device option hit tab twice and get a list of all my pending DVDs,
this no longer works on squeeze.

Does anyone know how to re-enable autocomplete for mplayer in squeeze?


OK after some digging around and a night that nearly went like this

I've modified the dvd  cdrom-device sections of
/etc/bash_completion.d/mplayer so it now looks like this

return 0
return 0

I think this probably casts the net a bit wide as it gives you the 
opportunity to play anything but it's better.

Hope that helps future searchers, yay autofill

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