Instalant El DNIE a la sid

2012-02-17 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
Des de fa temps volia instalar el Opendnie a la SID tenin en compte que es
un desenvolupament fet jun amb els de opensc, encara que no està incorporat
a la distribució.

els pasos son:

1. Baixar-me el font del Opensc
apt-get source opensc

2. Baixarme el fond del Opendnie al mateix directori que tinc que he baixat
el source del opensc

3. extreure el fitxers del opendnie sobre el opensc. Van aparar al mateix
directori que els fonts del openssc
tar xvf opensc-opendnie-0.12.2.tar.gz

4. compilar els fonts. Primer hi ha que actualitzar
dpkg-source --commit

5. Instal·lar si no està instalat el opensc
aptitude install opensc

6. Instalar el packet compilat ( amd64 en el meu cas). Acceptar que un noi fitxxer de configuracio.
dpkg -i opensc_0.12.2-2_amd64.deb

7. editar el /etc/opensc/opensc.conf i des-comentar les linies que afecten
al DNI (Nota hi ha que tenir el pinentry baixat)
# Special configuration data for dnie card driver
card_driver dnie {
   # Enable/Disable user consent on signing (default: enable)
   user_consent_enabled = true;
   # Path to pinentry application ( ignored for Windows build )
   user_consent_app = /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4;
8. des-comentar en el mateix fitxer la linea enable_pinpad = false;
# The following section shows definitions for PC/SC readers.
reader_driver pcsc {
# Limit command and response sizes.
# Default: n/a
# max_send_size = 255;
# max_recv_size = 256;
   # Enable pinpad if detected (PC/SC v2.0.2 Part 10)
# Default: true
enable_pinpad = false;
# Use specific pcsc provider.
# Default:
# provider_library =
9. Rearrancar el  pcscd
/etc/init.d/pcscd restart

10. Per el Chrome: amb un usuari normal i executat a un terminal
modutil -add DNIE -libfile /usr/lib/ -dbdir

He verificat amb les webs de la aeat i del deni-electronico i funciona

Els pasos que he fet son 1 bai
Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

com va anar la FOSDEM?

2012-02-17 Thread alex
doncs això ...

els/les que us vàreu apropar a Bèlgica, com va anar la FOSDEM 2012?


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Re: Pb d'installation de Code::Blocks sur Debian

2012-02-17 Thread Christophe Maquaire
On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 18:33:22 +0100
Karine Suignard wrote:

 Ci-dessous la déclaration de l'IDE sur un site de développeur
 Merci pour votre réponse.

Faire simple:

laisser tomber les docs citées et
aptitude install codeblocks
la version debian actuelle (testing) est la 10.05.

Christophe Maquaire 

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Re: grub ou est menu.lst ?

2012-02-17 Thread Georges
Le jeudi 16 février 2012 21:37:18, Guy Roussin a écrit :


  Mon deuxième disque est celui ou est installé ma Debian Sid et ou j'ai
  installé GRUB puis j'ai fait un grub-install /dev/sda pour recréer un MBR
  J'ai beau cherché dans la doc, il est fort probable que je ne l'ai pas
  vu, ou dois je trouver menu.lst .
  Es ce qu'un grand expert de GRUB peut éclaircir l'esprit embrouillé d'un
 Je suis pas spécialiste mais ce fichier n'existe plus avec grub2 / grub-pc
 le fichier de conf : /boot/grub/grub.cfg
 voir aussi /etc/default/grub
Voir ici

Le jour où tu découvre le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peu plus t'en passer ;-) 

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Re: grub ou est menu.lst ?

2012-02-17 Thread Georges
Le jeudi 16 février 2012 21:37:18, Guy Roussin a écrit :
  Mon deuxième disque est celui ou est installé ma Debian Sid et ou j'ai
  installé GRUB puis j'ai fait un grub-install /dev/sda pour recréer un MBR
  J'ai beau cherché dans la doc, il est fort probable que je ne l'ai pas
  vu, ou dois je trouver menu.lst .
  Es ce qu'un grand expert de GRUB peut éclaircir l'esprit embrouillé d'un
 Je suis pas spécialiste mais ce fichier n'existe plus avec grub2 / grub-pc
 le fichier de conf : /boot/grub/grub.cfg
 voir aussi /etc/default/grub
Chez moi /etc/default/grub

# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
## Entrée de menu sélectionnée par défaut
# 0 La première entrée est sélectionnée.
## Après combien de temps charger l'entrée par défaut (en sec.) ?
## Le nom de la distribution
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2 /dev/null || echo Debian`
## Options à passer aux entrées de menu des noyaux
# ... ajout perso = splash nomodeset acpi_backlight=vendor
# ... ou = acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor splash
## Options à passer aux entrées de secours
# ... 866 1366x768
# ... 773 1024x768 8 256 c

# Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs
# This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains
# the memory map information from GRUB (GNU Mach, kernel of FreeBSD ...)

# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)

## Notez que vous ne pouvez spécifier que des résolutions gérées par votre
## carte graphique par VBE. Pour découvrir les modes gérés par votre carte,
## exécutez la commande 'vbeinfo' dans une console GRUB.
## Décommentez et paramétrez pour utiliser une autre résolution. Par défaut,
## la résolution 640x480 est utilisée. x32 alors couleurs

# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass root=UUID=xxx parameter to Linux

# Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entries

# Uncomment to get a beep at grub start
#GRUB_INIT_TUNE=480 440 1

#Pour l'image de fond :
#GRUB_BACKGROUND=/chemin/vers/une/image (.png, .jpg ou .tga)640x480

### il faut mettre l'image au bon endroit ou indiquer le bon chemin

Si sa peu aider ;-)


Le jour où tu découvre le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peu plus t'en passer ;-) 

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Re: ssh : application veut accéder clé privée id_rsa mais elle est verrouillée

2012-02-17 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le jeudi 16 février 2012 à 20:36:58, 
a écrit :
 Cette commande va t-elle regénérer la clé et me proposer
 un nouveau passphrase ? :
 ssh-keygen -t dsa

  Non, cela va te proposer d’écraser¹ ta paire² de clefs DSA en 
en créant une nouvelle.

1. si tu en as une, puisque tu parlais d’une paire de clefs RSA, 
tu n’en a peut-être pas ; sinon, ça en crée une et ça ne change 
rien à ta paire de clefs RSA.

2. les clefs vont toujouns par paire, une privée et une 
publique ; on ne peut pas changer une seule clef d’une paire.

 Je préfère être prudent avant de le faire :-)

  En même temps, avoir une clef dont on ne peut pas se servir 
parce qu’on a oublié le mot de passe, ça sert pas à grand-chose, 
alors en faire une neuve n’est peut-être pas une mauvaise idée.
  Il faut juste ne pas oublier où l’on a collé la clef publique 
pour l’en supprimer (p.ex. les fichiers .ssh/authorized_keys).

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: ssh : application veut accéder clé privée id_rsa mais elle est verrouillée

2012-02-17 Thread andre_debian
Le Friday 17 February 2012 19:19:48 Sylvain L. Sauvage, vous avez écrit :
 Le jeudi 16 février 2012 à 20:36:58,
  Cette commande va t-elle regénérer la clé et me proposer
  un nouveau passphrase ? : ssh-keygen -t dsa

   Non, cela va te proposer d’écraser ta paire de clefs DSA en
 en créant une nouvelle.
 1. si tu en as une, puisque tu parlais d’une paire de clefs RSA,
 tu n’en a peut-être pas ; sinon, ça en crée une et ça ne change
 rien à ta paire de clefs RSA.
 2. les clefs vont toujours par paire, une privée et une
 publique ; on ne peut pas changer une seule clef d’une paire.
  Je préfère être prudent avant de le faire :-)
 En même temps, avoir une clef dont on ne peut pas se servir
 parce qu’on a oublié le mot de passe, ça sert pas à grand-chose,
 alors en faire une neuve n’est peut-être pas une mauvaise idée.
   Il faut juste ne pas oublier où l’on a collé la clef publique
 pour l’en supprimer (p.ex. les fichiers .ssh/authorized_keys).
  Sylvain Sauvage


La recréation d'une paire de clés va t-elle me proposer
un nouveau passphrase, car la fenêtre graphique me proposait
un mot de passe ? :

une application veut accéder à la clé privée id_rsa mais elle est 
 verrouillée : mot de passe : ..  RefuserValider

Si je me trompe sur cette action, plus d'accès possible au poste distant
qui est loin de chez moi ... (plus de connexions ssh).


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Re: Servidor Debian - 2 conexiones de internet

2012-02-17 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

 Yo intente lo mismo.. pero no pude... (incapaz, se le dice, jaja) pero
 bueno... encontre este y sali adelante
 es sobre RedHat o CentOS.

 quizas te sirva

 Saludos y suerte

 A mi me gustan los clásicos.
 Un saludo.


Ya que estamos. Yo he usado y uso el Zentyal, antes llamado ebox,
también permite balanceo y muchísimas cosas, es parecido al
clearfoundation, pero basado en ubuntu...

Ademas es una empresa española y su doc esta en ingles y

Un saludo

- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Empresarios a Ferias en China y Hong Kong

2012-02-17 Thread Misiones Asia

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Re: Problemas para iniciar virtuabox

2012-02-17 Thread Marioca
ya logre instalar de acuerdo al wiki pero me sale el siguiente error

The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox.
The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful.

'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'

may correct this. Make sure that you do not mix the OSE version and
the PUEL version of VirtualBox.

ya ejecute

# /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

y sigo sin iniciar mi maquina virtual con mi SO.-

El 16/02/12, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 16 de febrero de 2012 16:38, Marioca
 2012/2/16, skorky duarte
 intenta realizando esto a ver

 # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

 # modprobe vboxdrv

 Ya probe todo eso pero no pasa nada, # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup me
 sale que no existe este fichero tal ves se debe crear no se como ??
 Por favor estimado evite el top posting.  Gracias.

 Me acaba de suceder lo mismo, abri un terminal de root (gnome.xcfe)
 como ya había iniciado sesion de root para otra cosa no me pidió
 contraseña y le dí el /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup y el mismo error tuyo.

 Abro un terminal normal de usuario, luego digito su me pide contraseña
 de root se la doy y ejecuto el  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup, me
 actualiza los drivers del Vbox y listo.  Ojo que debes tener
 instalados los headers correspondientes a tu kernel.


 El 16 de febrero de 2012 12:42, Marioca

 Buenas lista, tengo instalado el virtualbox 3.2.10_ose r_66523 y al
 iniciar el servicio de una maquina virtual me sale el siguiente error:

 Please install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and execute 'modprobe
 vboxdrv' as root.

 Ya instale el virtualbox-ose-dkms, ejecute dpkg-reconfigure
 virtualbox-ose-dkms y
 # modprobe vboxdrv; mi kernel es  2.6.32-5-amd64.

 Espero contar con la ayuda de uds. y desde ya muchas gracias.-

 Per quanto riguarda

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 Debian is 'the rock upon which Ubuntu is built'.
 Linux User # 483582
 Skype: skorkyduarte
 Móvil: +58.0412.804.34.67

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 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Gnome-shell en VirtualBox (era: gnome-shell en testing)

2012-02-17 Thread Javier Silva
El día 12 de noviembre de 2011 10:36, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 11 Nov 2011 21:13:42 +0100, Javier Silva escribió:

 El día 11 de noviembre de 2011 20:21, Javier Silva
 ¿Y dices que sí te funciona gnome-shell en la vm con el controlador
 gráfico de virtuabox? Pues no sé qué podría probar... con otro usuario
 me dice lo mismo, que no ha podido cargar gnome-shell porque
 seguramente el sistema no admite la aceleración 3D.

 Acabo de montar una nueva VM partiendo de 0 con la netinst de hace unos
 días (tal y como se puede ver en la imagen) y esta vez ya me arranca sin
 dar el primer mensaje que te comentaba, lo hace del tirón.

 La instalación es muy básica, si quieres miro algo más y te lo digo.

 Con saber que funciona es suficiente. Me debe de estar mordiendo algún
 bug porque veo esto en el archivo ~/.xsession-errors:

 test@debian:~$ cat .xsession-errors
 /etc/gdm3/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
 gnome-session-is-accelerated: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is too small.
 gnome-session-check-accelerated: Helper exited with code 256
 x-session-manager[1816]: WARNING: Session 'gnome' runnable check failed:
 Salió con el código 1

 Te paso algo de información de mi sistema:

 Tengo 2 tarjetas gráficas en el sistema, una es el IGP RS780 y la otra
 es una PCIe Radeon HD4550, con 3 monitores, aunque actualmente sólo
 tengo activo 1 de ellos.


 Gracias :-)

 Mi tarjeta es mucho más antigua (x1400) pero no creo que eso sea un
 problema. Y también veo en el registro de Xorg lo mismo que tú.

 Voy a ver qué encuentro sobre ese error que veo en el xsession-errors,
 pero vaya, bueno es saber que funciona.

Pudiste solucionar el problema?

Haciendo pruebas hoy con una VM, me he dado cuenta que cuando le pongo
32MB de RAM a la gráfica en el sistema invitado con Debian Wheezy, se
niega a arrancar el Shell correctamente. Apago la máquina y le pongo
128MB y me funciona sin problemas.

He comprobado la máquina con la que hice las pruebas de la captura de
pantalla y también tiene 128MB la gráfica del invitado.

Javier Silva.



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Re: Problemas para iniciar virtuabox

2012-02-17 Thread Felix Perez
El día 17 de febrero de 2012 14:55, Marioca escribió:
 ya logre instalar de acuerdo al wiki pero me sale el siguiente error

 The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox.
 The installation of VirtualBox was apparently not successful.

Entiendes lo que te esta diciendo?

 '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'

 may correct this. Make sure that you do not mix the OSE version and
 the PUEL version of VirtualBox.

Pues me huele a que tienes una mezcla de versiones de Vbox OSE y el de Oracle

Has una instalación limpia ya sea del OSE o el de Oracle y prueba nuevamente.

 ya ejecute

 # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

 y sigo sin iniciar mi maquina virtual con mi SO.-

Por favor estimado, le pido nuevamente evitar el top posting.


 El 16/02/12, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 16 de febrero de 2012 16:38, Marioca
 2012/2/16, skorky duarte
 intenta realizando esto a ver

 # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

 # modprobe vboxdrv

 Ya probe todo eso pero no pasa nada, # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup me
 sale que no existe este fichero tal ves se debe crear no se como ??
 Por favor estimado evite el top posting.  Gracias.

 Me acaba de suceder lo mismo, abri un terminal de root (gnome.xcfe)
 como ya había iniciado sesion de root para otra cosa no me pidió
 contraseña y le dí el /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup y el mismo error tuyo.

 Abro un terminal normal de usuario, luego digito su me pide contraseña
 de root se la doy y ejecuto el  /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup, me
 actualiza los drivers del Vbox y listo.  Ojo que debes tener
 instalados los headers correspondientes a tu kernel.


 El 16 de febrero de 2012 12:42, Marioca

 Buenas lista, tengo instalado el virtualbox 3.2.10_ose r_66523 y al
 iniciar el servicio de una maquina virtual me sale el siguiente error:

 Please install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and execute 'modprobe
 vboxdrv' as root.

 Ya instale el virtualbox-ose-dkms, ejecute dpkg-reconfigure
 virtualbox-ose-dkms y
 # modprobe vboxdrv; mi kernel es  2.6.32-5-amd64.

 Espero contar con la ayuda de uds. y desde ya muchas gracias.-

 Per quanto riguarda

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Debian is 'the rock upon which Ubuntu is built'.
 Linux User # 483582
 Skype: skorkyduarte
 Móvil: +58.0412.804.34.67

 Per quanto riguarda

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Yosvany Hechavarria Infante
Hola a todos

Tengo un problema para ustedes, trate de darle solucion con el ejemplo
que pongo debajo pero no me da nada.
El problema es
Tengo una internet pobre, de solo 128 kb/s y esta esta picada en dos,
una para correo y la otra para internet, tengo 9 usuarios que se
conectan a ella, de ellos 3 abusan del ancho de banda con sitios como
Facebook, Youtube, loveprix. etc.
lo que deseo es que en los horarios
mañana 09:00-12:00
tarde 13:00-15:00

no se puedan entrar en estos sitios,
aqui lo puse pero no parece estar trabajando

alguien me ayuda, o me da nuevas ideas,

P.D: no quiero cerrarlo del todo, solo quiero que no se accedan a
estos en los horarios que les puse arriba, por lo demas la internet es
libre, salvo que estes en el trabajo e interfiera con el trabajo de



#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl manana time MTWHF 09:00-12:00
acl tarde time MTWHF 13:00-17:00
acl musica urlpath_regex \.mp3$
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios
acl usuariost proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow usuariost !musica
http_access allow usuariost manana !sitios
http_access allow usuariost tarde !sitios

http_access deny all

# Squid normally listens to port 3128
http_port 3128

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Re: Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 14:02:27 -0500
Yosvany Hechavarria Infante wrote:


yo solucione en un ciber en mexico con mas de 14 puestos.

con esta guía

Lo que consume banda son los contenidos dinámicos; Videos, archivos de skydrive 
, etc.

Tal vez como otra idea te sirva no se.


Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
Web Hosting :.
Red Social :.

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Re: Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Juan Antonio

El 17/02/12 20:02, Yosvany Hechavarria Infante escribió:

Hola a todos

Tengo un problema para ustedes, trate de darle solucion con el ejemplo
que pongo debajo pero no me da nada.
El problema es
Tengo una internet pobre, de solo 128 kb/s y esta esta picada en dos,
una para correo y la otra para internet, tengo 9 usuarios que se
conectan a ella, de ellos 3 abusan del ancho de banda con sitios como
Facebook, Youtube, loveprix. etc.
lo que deseo es que en los horarios
mañana 09:00-12:00
tarde 13:00-15:00

no se puedan entrar en estos sitios,
aqui lo puse pero no parece estar trabajando

alguien me ayuda, o me da nuevas ideas,

P.D: no quiero cerrarlo del todo, solo quiero que no se accedan a
estos en los horarios que les puse arriba, por lo demas la internet es
libre, salvo que estes en el trabajo e interfiera con el trabajo de



#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl manana time MTWHF 09:00-12:00
acl tarde time MTWHF 13:00-17:00
acl musicabout:homea urlpath_regex \.mp3$
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios
acl usuariost proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow usuariost !musica
http_access allow usuariost manana !sitios
http_access allow usuariost tarde !sitios

http_access deny all

# Squid normally listens to port 3128
http_port 3128


sin haber revisado detenidamente las ACL ¿has añadido la regla de 
PREROUTING para reenviar el tráfico web a squid?

Un saludo.

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RE: Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Yanier Salazar Sanchez
Muestranos el contenido de sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios

-Original Message-
From: Yosvany Hechavarria Infante [] 
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:02 PM
Subject: Una duda sobre el squid

Hola a todos

Tengo un problema para ustedes, trate de darle solucion con el ejemplo que
pongo debajo pero no me da nada.
El problema es
Tengo una internet pobre, de solo 128 kb/s y esta esta picada en dos, una
para correo y la otra para internet, tengo 9 usuarios que se conectan a
ella, de ellos 3 abusan del ancho de banda con sitios como Facebook,
Youtube, loveprix. etc.
lo que deseo es que en los horarios
mañana 09:00-12:00
tarde 13:00-15:00

no se puedan entrar en estos sitios,
aqui lo puse pero no parece estar trabajando

alguien me ayuda, o me da nuevas ideas,

P.D: no quiero cerrarlo del todo, solo quiero que no se accedan a estos en
los horarios que les puse arriba, por lo demas la internet es libre, salvo
que estes en el trabajo e interfiera con el trabajo de otros.



#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst acl manana time MTWHF
09:00-12:00 acl tarde time MTWHF 13:00-17:00 acl musica urlpath_regex \.mp3$
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios
acl usuariost proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow usuariost !musica
http_access allow usuariost manana !sitios http_access allow usuariost tarde

http_access deny all

# Squid normally listens to port 3128
http_port 3128

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Ave de los Deportes, esq. Circunvalación Norte
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Re: Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Francisco Antonio

El 17/02/12 18:50, Juan Antonio escribió:

El 17/02/12 20:02, Yosvany Hechavarria Infante escribió:

Hola a todos

Tengo un problema para ustedes, trate de darle solucion con el ejemplo
que pongo debajo pero no me da nada.
El problema es
Tengo una internet pobre, de solo 128 kb/s y esta esta picada en dos,
una para correo y la otra para internet, tengo 9 usuarios que se
conectan a ella, de ellos 3 abusan del ancho de banda con sitios como
Facebook, Youtube, loveprix. etc.
lo que deseo es que en los horarios
mañana 09:00-12:00
tarde 13:00-15:00

no se puedan entrar en estos sitios,
aqui lo puse pero no parece estar trabajando

alguien me ayuda, o me da nuevas ideas,

P.D: no quiero cerrarlo del todo, solo quiero que no se accedan a
estos en los horarios que les puse arriba, por lo demas la internet es
libre, salvo que estes en el trabajo e interfiera con el trabajo de



#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl manana time MTWHF 09:00-12:00
acl tarde time MTWHF 13:00-17:00
acl musicabout:homea urlpath_regex \.mp3$
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios
acl usuariost proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow usuariost !musica
http_access allow usuariost manana !sitios
http_access allow usuariost tarde !sitios

http_access deny all

# Squid normally listens to port 3128
http_port 3128


sin haber revisado detenidamente las ACL ¿has añadido la regla de 
PREROUTING para reenviar el tráfico web a squid?

Un saludo.

no se por que tanto atado para bloquear la internet. se nota la poca 
experiencia, casi todos los  navegadores traen proxy integrado es solo 
llegar y configurar y limitarlos o esconder la configuración para que no 
puedan navegar libre.-?¡

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Cómo optimizar mi trabajo en excel

2012-02-17 Thread Rodolfo Olmos Carcamo
Ercka camacho
Cordial saludo,

Deseo obtener el folleto gratuito con la información completa con relación
al asunto de la referencia.
 Mis datos son:
Empresa: independiente
Nombre: Rodolfo Olmos Cárcamo
Ingeniero civil
Tel. (095) 6522521 Cartagena - Colombia
-online en vivo 28 de febrero.




Re: Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Felix Perez
El día 17 de febrero de 2012 18:16, Francisco Antonio escribió:
 El 17/02/12 18:50, Juan Antonio escribió:

 El 17/02/12 20:02, Yosvany Hechavarria Infante escribió:

 Hola a todos

 Tengo un problema para ustedes, trate de darle solucion con el ejemplo
 que pongo debajo pero no me da nada.
 El problema es
 Tengo una internet pobre, de solo 128 kb/s y esta esta picada en dos,
 una para correo y la otra para internet, tengo 9 usuarios que se
 conectan a ella, de ellos 3 abusan del ancho de banda con sitios como
 Facebook, Youtube, loveprix. etc.
 lo que deseo es que en los horarios
 mañana 09:00-12:00
 tarde 13:00-15:00

 no se puedan entrar en estos sitios,
 aqui lo puse pero no parece estar trabajando

 alguien me ayuda, o me da nuevas ideas,

 P.D: no quiero cerrarlo del todo, solo quiero que no se accedan a
 estos en los horarios que les puse arriba, por lo demas la internet es
 libre, salvo que estes en el trabajo e interfiera con el trabajo de



 #Recommended minimum configuration:
 acl all src all
 acl manager proto cache_object
 acl localhost src
 acl to_localhost dst
 acl manana time MTWHF 09:00-12:00
 acl tarde time MTWHF 13:00-17:00
 acl musicabout:homea urlpath_regex \.mp3$
 acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios
 acl usuariost proxy_auth REQUIRED

 http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
 http_access allow usuariost !musica
 http_access allow usuariost manana !sitios
 http_access allow usuariost tarde !sitios

 http_access deny all

 # Squid normally listens to port 3128
 http_port 3128


 sin haber revisado detenidamente las ACL ¿has añadido la regla de
 PREROUTING para reenviar el tráfico web a squid?

 Un saludo.

 no se por que tanto atado para bloquear la internet. se nota la poca
 experiencia, casi todos los  navegadores traen proxy integrado es solo
 llegar y configurar y limitarlos o esconder la configuración para que no
 puedan navegar libre.-?¡

Cierto... se nota la poca experiencia

Lo que hay que leer en estos días.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Canu

El 17/02/12 16:02, Yosvany Hechavarria Infante escribió:

Hola a todos

Tengo un problema para ustedes, trate de darle solucion con el ejemplo
que pongo debajo pero no me da nada.
El problema es
Tengo una internet pobre, de solo 128 kb/s y esta esta picada en dos,
una para correo y la otra para internet, tengo 9 usuarios que se
conectan a ella, de ellos 3 abusan del ancho de banda con sitios como
Facebook, Youtube, loveprix. etc.
lo que deseo es que en los horarios
mañana 09:00-12:00
tarde 13:00-15:00

no se puedan entrar en estos sitios,
aqui lo puse pero no parece estar trabajando

alguien me ayuda, o me da nuevas ideas,

P.D: no quiero cerrarlo del todo, solo quiero que no se accedan a
estos en los horarios que les puse arriba, por lo demas la internet es
libre, salvo que estes en el trabajo e interfiera con el trabajo de



#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl manana time MTWHF 09:00-12:00
acl tarde time MTWHF 13:00-17:00
acl musica urlpath_regex \.mp3$
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios
acl usuariost proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow usuariost !musica
http_access allow usuariost manana !sitios
http_access allow usuariost tarde !sitios

http_access deny all

# Squid normally listens to port 3128
http_port 3128

Hace un tiempo pasé por algo parecido. Tenía una red local con un límite 
muy grande de transferencia y sufría de lo mismo que mencionas.
Como no quería tener que bloquear sitios utilicé las pools de retardo 
de squid para balancear el ancho de banda en mi red.

Te paso el link para que veas si te sirve de algo:

Es muy básico, asi que no deberias tener problemas para aplicarlo, 
modificarlo, etc.

Saludos, espero que te ayude en algo.

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Re: Una duda sobre el squid

2012-02-17 Thread Canu

El 17/02/12 16:02, Yosvany Hechavarria Infante escribió:

Hola a todos

Tengo un problema para ustedes, trate de darle solucion con el ejemplo
que pongo debajo pero no me da nada.
El problema es
Tengo una internet pobre, de solo 128 kb/s y esta esta picada en dos,
una para correo y la otra para internet, tengo 9 usuarios que se
conectan a ella, de ellos 3 abusan del ancho de banda con sitios como
Facebook, Youtube, loveprix. etc.
lo que deseo es que en los horarios
mañana 09:00-12:00
tarde 13:00-15:00

no se puedan entrar en estos sitios,
aqui lo puse pero no parece estar trabajando

alguien me ayuda, o me da nuevas ideas,

P.D: no quiero cerrarlo del todo, solo quiero que no se accedan a
estos en los horarios que les puse arriba, por lo demas la internet es
libre, salvo que estes en el trabajo e interfiera con el trabajo de



#Recommended minimum configuration:
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl manana time MTWHF 09:00-12:00
acl tarde time MTWHF 13:00-17:00
acl musica urlpath_regex \.mp3$
acl sitios url_regex /etc/squid/sitios
acl usuariost proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow usuariost !musica
http_access allow usuariost manana !sitios
http_access allow usuariost tarde !sitios

http_access deny all

# Squid normally listens to port 3128
http_port 3128

Hace un tiempo pasé por algo parecido. Tenía una red local con un límite 
muy grande de transferencia y sufría de lo mismo que mencionas.
Como no quería tener que bloquear sitios utilicé las pools de retardo 
de squid para balancear el ancho de banda en mi red.

Te paso el link para que veas si te sirve de algo: 

Es muy básico, asi que no deberias tener problemas para aplicarlo, 
modificarlo, etc.

Saludos, espero que te ayude en algo.

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Re: knoppix vs grml (free software mini pi)

2012-02-17 Thread Joe
On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 14:56:44 -0600
green wrote:

 Joe wrote at 2012-02-16 13:50 -0600:
  A lot of the time, Knoppix will run a 'difficult' bit of hardware,
  but using mainstream modules that the Debian installer has not seen
  the need for. It is (mostly) then a matter of tweaking the Debian
  installation to match.
 Do you consider Knoppix hardware detection better than in grml?

Don't know, I haven't tried that one. So far, Knoppix and the Debian
install CD have done everything I've needed. We move on when we find a
need to...


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Re: Bind errors in syslog

2012-02-17 Thread Tony van der Hoff

On 16/02/12 18:02, Bob Proulx wrote:

Tony van der Hoff wrote:

 From time to time, folloing appears in my syslog. Always in pairs,
always 10 mins apart:

Feb 16 13:44:41 tony-lx inetd[1870]: tftp/udp: bind: Address already in use
Feb 16 13:54:41 tony-lx inetd[1870]: tftp/udp: bind: Address already in use

Any suggestions as to what I can do to track down the cause of these

Thanks for your detailed reply, Bob.

First, look in /etc/inetd.conf for a line configuring tftp. You might
find a line there that looks similar to this:

   tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s 

Yes, indeed:
tony@tony-lx:~$ grep tftp /etc/inetd.conf
tftp   dgram   udp waitroot  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd 
/usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot

Then additionally you have probably installed one of the available
tftpd packages in Debian and it started a daemon standalone.

   dpkg -l | grep tftp

tony@tony-lx:~$ dpkg -l |grep tftp
ii  tftpd-hpa5.0-18 
   HPA's tftp server

For example you may have installed tftpd-hpa.  In which case it is
already running a daemon.

   $ ps -e | grep tftp
2154 ?00:00:00 in.tftpd

Er, no:
tony@tony-lx:~$ ps -e | grep tftp

So, how to proceed from here?
Thanks again, Tony

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Julien Groselle

After peel the web to find any information about how to add / remove hard
drive on Debian.
My Hardware is HP  ProLiant DL380 G7, with HP Smart Array P410i Controller
version 3.50.

I had preferred soft RAID solution with mdadm. But the only bad point for
me is the Hot Plug.
Could some one help me to add / remove hard drive disk from my server ?

I have tested many solution with rescan, and i think the solution is not
so far...

I'm sure that at least one Debian user use this hardware and want use hot
If not, I'm listening for any information about hot plug on any hardware.

Have all a good day.


Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Frank
If you use the onboard controller there is no need to do some software voodoo. 
Just replace a faulty drive by a new one. The rebuild starts automatically.

Your device is /dev/cciss/c0d0


Am 17.02.2012 um 11:35 schrieb Julien Groselle

 After peel the web to find any information about how to add / remove hard 
 drive on Debian.
 My Hardware is HP  ProLiant DL380 G7, with HP Smart Array P410i Controller 
 version 3.50.
 I had preferred soft RAID solution with mdadm. But the only bad point for me 
 is the Hot Plug.
 Could some one help me to add / remove hard drive disk from my server ?
 I have tested many solution with rescan, and i think the solution is not so 
 I'm sure that at least one Debian user use this hardware and want use hot 
 If not, I'm listening for any information about hot plug on any hardware.
 Have all a good day.

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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Julien Groselle
Hello Frank,

Fist of all, thank you for your fast answer.

I use Soft Raid... and not Hard. So the disk array present me all the disks
without any RAID or control.
So if i want to remove a HDD, i have to set it faulty and logical remove
from mdadm before hard remove HDD physically.

And when i want add the new one... my system doesn't detect it... So i need
a little voodoo solution to force Debian see the HDD :)


Le 17 février 2012 11:46, Frank a écrit :

 If you use the onboard controller there is no need to do some software
 voodoo. Just replace a faulty drive by a new one. The rebuild starts

 Your device is /dev/cciss/c0d0


 Am 17.02.2012 um 11:35 schrieb Julien Groselle

  After peel the web to find any information about how to add / remove
 hard drive on Debian.
  My Hardware is HP  ProLiant DL380 G7, with HP Smart Array P410i
 Controller version 3.50.
  I had preferred soft RAID solution with mdadm. But the only bad point
 for me is the Hot Plug.
  Could some one help me to add / remove hard drive disk from my server ?
  I have tested many solution with rescan, and i think the solution is
 not so far...
  I'm sure that at least one Debian user use this hardware and want use
 hot plug.
  If not, I'm listening for any information about hot plug on any hardware.
  Have all a good day.

Re: Since I've installed Firefox in ~, every update results in a reset

2012-02-17 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1

Claudius Hubig writes:

 Merciadri Luca wrote:
Quite everything is in the title. I'm running Debian Lenny (yes, I
know, time to switch..., but haven't had time yet), and I precedently
installed Firefox in ~/ for various reasons.

The problem is not here. The problem is that every time an update is
done, or even quite often (I don't know if each time this happens this
is an update as it would mean updates are very frequent!) the Firefox
starts as if it was installed for the first time (e.g. no history, no
bookmarks, etc.), except that
1) my plugins/add-ons are still recognized and used,
2) my default webpage (start page) is still OK.

 Firefox can be configured to forget history (and maybe bookmarks?) on
 exit. Maybe you did configure it this way?
On exit, I do not generally forget history/bookmarks. Thanks anyway
for the answer.

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

If it's too good to be true, then it probably is.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1


When opening PDFs documents in Firefox (e.g. by clicking on a PDF link
in a webpage), it sometimes happens to my Firefox to stuck when
loading the PDF. The PDF seems to be completely downloaded, but does
not load in the acrobat plug-in. However, Firefox is still stable and
responds correctly in other tabs.

It looks like there's some issue with the Firefox-acrobat reader
plugin. I noticed this on other computers running Linux and Firefox,
even on different distros and acroread versions.

I am running Firefox 10.0.1., but have got the same problem on Firefox
10.0. I am running acroread 9.0 but tried with other versions as well.

Thanks for any info.
- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

It is better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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Laptop Battery problem

2012-02-17 Thread Lorenzo Sutton
I am running XFCE 4.8 on debian wheezy on my laptop and since about two 
weeks the xfce Power Manager gets the battery charge percentage wrong, 
the most critical problem being that the machine shuts off without any 
previous warning.

I wonder where the problem might be.

Indeed this  battery is getting old (3 years now) and less efficient, 
but I can't explain why suddenly Xfce Power Manager is getting it so 
wrong given that it was working like a charm (even giving a pretty 
accurate esteem of remaining time). I imagine Power Manager is relying 
on some lower level (software, kernel?)features, maybe in the kernel?

Of course I imagine this could also be a hardware problem, as I guess 
there must be some electronics communicating the battery charge?

I am a little confused by the many, somewhat mixed and not-so-clear 
sources on the net addressing 'battery calibration' in various ways. Let 
alone 'battery revitalising' by putting it in the fridge etc. The 
current focus would be about getting an - at least reliable - estimate, 
and what's more warning, about battery power left avoiding the machine 
to abruptly shut off.

Any suggestion etc. appreciated.


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Re: Laptop Battery problem

2012-02-17 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 01:10:31PM +0100, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
 I am running XFCE 4.8 on debian wheezy on my laptop and since about
 two weeks the xfce Power Manager gets the battery charge percentage
 wrong, the most critical problem being that the machine shuts off
 without any previous warning.
 I wonder where the problem might be.
 Indeed this  battery is getting old (3 years now) and less
 efficient, but I can't explain why suddenly Xfce Power Manager is
 getting it so wrong given that it was working like a charm (even
 giving a pretty accurate esteem of remaining time). I imagine Power
 Manager is relying on some lower level (software, kernel?)features,
 maybe in the kernel?

I believe this is a common failing with batteries. I might be wrong
here, but as they age, the discharge profile of a battery changes such
that the monitoring hardware tends to over-estimate the remaining
capacity. This typically manifests as normal discharging down to, say,
10 or 15%, followed by a sudden step to 0%.

Now, most power profiles are set up to warn of low battery at, say 10%
and treat 5% as critical. If the battery capacity suddenly drops past
the warning level into the critical level, the system has no choice but
to take emergency measures.

As for where this information comes from: XFCE Power Manager will query
the ACPI daemon which is running in the background. That will talk to
the kernel's ACPI subsystem will, in turn, will talk to the ACPI
implementation in the BIOS. That, ultimately, is what decides what the
battery level is. Only the BIOS really knows what the battery charge
currently is, what a 'full charge' is and what 'zero charge' is. It MAY
be possible to re-teach the BIOS about the current charge profile of the
battery, but it's generally just easier to increase the warning level in
Power Manager.

Darac Marjal

Description: Digital signature

Re: Laptop Battery problem

2012-02-17 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

Hi Darac,

Thanks for the very insightful information...

On 17/02/12 13:38, Darac Marjal wrote:

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 01:10:31PM +0100, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

I am running XFCE 4.8 on debian wheezy on my laptop and since about
two weeks the xfce Power Manager gets the battery charge percentage
wrong, the most critical problem being that the machine shuts off
without any previous warning.

I wonder where the problem might be.

Indeed this  battery is getting old (3 years now) and less
efficient, but I can't explain why suddenly Xfce Power Manager is
getting it so wrong given that it was working like a charm (even
giving a pretty accurate esteem of remaining time). I imagine Power
Manager is relying on some lower level (software, kernel?)features,
maybe in the kernel?

I believe this is a common failing with batteries. I might be wrong
here, but as they age, the discharge profile of a battery changes such
that the monitoring hardware tends to over-estimate the remaining
capacity. This typically manifests as normal discharging down to, say,
10 or 15%, followed by a sudden step to 0%.

Now, most power profiles are set up to warn of low battery at, say 10%
and treat 5% as critical. If the battery capacity suddenly drops past
the warning level into the critical level, the system has no choice but
to take emergency measures.

As for where this information comes from: XFCE Power Manager will query
the ACPI daemon which is running in the background. That will talk to
the kernel's ACPI subsystem will, in turn, will talk to the ACPI
implementation in the BIOS. That, ultimately, is what decides what the
battery level is. Only the BIOS really knows what the battery charge
currently is, what a 'full charge' is and what 'zero charge' is. It MAY
be possible to re-teach the BIOS about the current charge profile of the
battery, but it's generally just easier to increase the warning level in
Power Manager.
HP advices a procedure (Windows only) to 'recalibrate' the battery [2] I 
guess this could be reporduced in similar fashion. In particular Option 
two could probably simply be boot into grub and let it stay there until 
it completely discharges (so no power-management stuff goes on) and see 
how it goes.

I'll have to look deeper into acpi which I guess could come in handy to 
try and gather some better information as soon as I'm back at the laptop 
and maybe report some results here.

Thanks for now,


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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread frank
On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 12:02 +0100, Julien Groselle wrote:

 I use Soft Raid... and not Hard. So the disk array present me all the
 disks without any RAID or control.
 So if i want to remove a HDD, i have to set it faulty and logical
 remove from mdadm before hard remove HDD physically.

Have you tried to rescan the scsi bus? If so, how have you done it?


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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Julien Groselle
First, we use Soft Raid because we like mdadm so much ! ;)
We have amazing performances and a nice supervision on all the RAID status.

We will keep Software RAID.

The only weak point is that HotPlug.
To Frank, I have tried that :
# echo rescan  /proc/driver/cciss/cciss0
And I have a write error : invalid argument

So no, I didn't rescan anything... It's just what I need (a command line to
recan all HDD device)


Le 17 février 2012 14:00, frank a écrit :

 On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 12:02 +0100, Julien Groselle wrote:

  I use Soft Raid... and not Hard. So the disk array present me all the
  disks without any RAID or control.
  So if i want to remove a HDD, i have to set it faulty and logical
  remove from mdadm before hard remove HDD physically.

 Have you tried to rescan the scsi bus? If so, how have you done it?


All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread brian
I've just switched my wife and myself to Debian because I got fed up 
with reinstall-type upgrades. We're both running Wheezy, all updates 
applied, my wife on an AMD Athlon X2, my PC is a Phenom X4. She's 
using KDE, I'm using XFCE.

The problem we're both having is that all Flash videos play FAR too 
quickly - maybe (guesstimate) by a factor of three or four.

I've tried removing and reinstalling the flashplugin package. I've 
tried downloading the latest player from Adobe. I've tried IceWeasel, 
Chromium and Epiphany. Nothing helps.

I've tried doing searches, and obviously I'm not the only one to have 
seen this problem, but I can't find anything which gives a solution 
for Debian.

Has anyone managed to solve this?



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Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 07:32, brian wrote:
 I've just switched my wife and myself to Debian because I got fed up with
 reinstall-type upgrades. We're both running Wheezy, all updates applied, my
 wife on an AMD Athlon X2, my PC is a Phenom X4. She's using KDE, I'm using

 The problem we're both having is that all Flash videos play FAR too quickly
 - maybe (guesstimate) by a factor of three or four.

 I've tried removing and reinstalling the flashplugin package. I've tried
 downloading the latest player from Adobe. I've tried IceWeasel, Chromium and
 Epiphany. Nothing helps.

 I've tried doing searches, and obviously I'm not the only one to have seen
 this problem, but I can't find anything which gives a solution for Debian.

 Has anyone managed to solve this?

Never heard of it.

You say you have tried Flash 11 direct from Adobe (single .so)?
That has given me the least trouble of any version.

Check FF/IW about:plugins to verify that that is really the only Flash
it is seeing.

What video cards and drivers do you have?
Is this all 64 bit?

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 03:22, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 When opening PDFs documents in Firefox (e.g. by clicking on a PDF link
 in a webpage), it sometimes happens to my Firefox to stuck when
 loading the PDF. The PDF seems to be completely downloaded, but does
 not load in the acrobat plug-in. However, Firefox is still stable and
 responds correctly in other tabs.

 It looks like there's some issue with the Firefox-acrobat reader
 plugin. I noticed this on other computers running Linux and Firefox,
 even on different distros and acroread versions.

 I am running Firefox 10.0.1., but have got the same problem on Firefox
 10.0. I am running acroread 9.0 but tried with other versions as well.

 Thanks for any info.

My first two questions are:
1) Do you really need Adobe Reader features or will Evince or Okular
or similar work for you? Poppler-based PDF readers are really very
good nowadays.

2) Why are you opening in the browser? I have never ever found that to
work well, with any combo of OS, browser and PDF reader. I either
launch the PDF reader as a separate process from the browser, or
save the PDF and then open it. PDF-as-plugin is just plain flaky.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Since I've installed Firefox in ~, every update results in a reset

2012-02-17 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 13:22, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 Quite everything is in the title. I'm running Debian Lenny (yes, I
 know, time to switch..., but haven't had time yet), and I precedently
 installed Firefox in ~/ for various reasons.

Better to drop it in /usr/local/

 The problem is not here. The problem is that every time an update is
 done, or even quite often (I don't know if each time this happens this
 is an update as it would mean updates are very frequent!) the Firefox
 starts as if it was installed for the first time (e.g. no history, no
 bookmarks, etc.), except that
 1) my plugins/add-ons are still recognized and used,
 2) my default webpage (start page) is still OK.

 What could explain this problem? Thanks.

Watch the places file (~/.mozilla/firefox/$PROFILE.default/places.sqlite)
and see what happens to it on exit. (Places stores bookmarks and history)

Kelly Clowers

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Re: free software mini pc

2012-02-17 Thread Stefan Monnier
 Of course, the manufacturer distributes the GNU/Linux version of the
 product with a proprietary driver which is hell to get working on
 anything else than that specific Xorg+kernel combination.
 I like to avoid that head-banging experience and the associated why did I 
 ever purchase this garbage.

So do I.  FWIW the Fit-PC3 seems much more promising in this regard,


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Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread brian

On 02/17/2012 10:51 AM, Kelly Clowers wrote:

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 07:32,  wrote:

I've just switched my wife and myself to Debian because I got fed up with
reinstall-type upgrades. We're both running Wheezy, all updates applied, my
wife on an AMD Athlon X2, my PC is a Phenom X4. She's using KDE, I'm using

The problem we're both having is that all Flash videos play FAR too quickly
- maybe (guesstimate) by a factor of three or four.

I've tried removing and reinstalling the flashplugin package. I've tried
downloading the latest player from Adobe. I've tried IceWeasel, Chromium and
Epiphany. Nothing helps.

I've tried doing searches, and obviously I'm not the only one to have seen
this problem, but I can't find anything which gives a solution for Debian.

Has anyone managed to solve this?

Never heard of it.

Hi Kelly,

I'll gather together the other information as soon as I can (i.e. 
later today, hopefully) but if you plug flash too fast Debian into a 
Google search box, you will see plenty of other reports of the 
problem, dating from 2006 onwards.

For some reason, Mint 9 (our previous distro, based on Ubuntu) didn't 
show the problem, using exactly the same hardware. There seems little 
doubt that it's the installation of Debian which has caused us both 
the problem - either that or it's an unbelievable coincidence.

And yes, this is all 64-bit, and I did try the Flash 11 downloaded 
direct from Adobe. Neither of us have separate video cards, Pat's mobo 
claims to emulate an nVidia GeForce 6150 SE, I'll have to dig a little 
to find mine as my box doesn't carry a sticker giving the details.


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Re: Re: rm -rf is too slow on large files and directory structure(Around 30000)

2012-02-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Christofer C. Bell wrote:
 cbell@circe:~/test$ time find rm -type f -exec rm {} \+

There isn't any need to escape the '+' character.

  time find rm -type f -exec rm {} +

 It doesn't seem possible to run a similar test for unlink as it
 appears it only operates on 1 file at a time.  So it does seem that rm
 with the find and/or xargs options you provided is the best way to go
 (at least for this test case).

I definitely recommend using -exec rm {} + over using xargs because
the find method has been incorporated into the POSIX standard.  All
operating systems will have it.  The xargs -0 method is a GNU
extension and won't be available portably.

Once you decide to use GNU extensions (such as xargs -0) then you
might as well use a different GNU extension and use -delete instead.
In for a penny, in for a pound.  Using -delete is almost certainly the
fastest method since it doesn't spawn any external processes.

  time find rm -type f -delete


Description: Digital signature

Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread frank
On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 15:04 +0100, Julien Groselle wrote:

 So no, I didn't rescan anything... It's just what I need (a command
 line to recan all HDD device)
On Lenny:

apt-get install scsiadd

scsiadd -s

On Squeeze:

apt-get install scsitools



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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Julien Groselle wrote:

 So no, I didn't rescan anything... It's just what I need (a command line to
 recan all HDD device)

Apparently it's as easy as this:

echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

Where 0 is the the controller number.  This information is taken from here:


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Re: Bind errors in syslog

2012-02-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Tony van der Hoff wrote:
 Yes, indeed:
 tony@tony-lx:~$ grep tftp /etc/inetd.conf
 tftp   dgram   udp waitroot  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd 
 /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot

Comment out that line.  Send a SIGHUP to the inetd.

 tony@tony-lx:~$ dpkg -l |grep tftp
 ii  tftpd-hpa5.0-18HPA's tftp server


 For example you may have installed tftpd-hpa.  In which case it is
 already running a daemon.
$ ps -e | grep tftp
 2154 ?00:00:00 in.tftpd

 Er, no:
 tony@tony-lx:~$ ps -e | grep tftp
 So, how to proceed from here?

Comment out the tftp line in /etc/inetd.conf.  Restart tftpd-hpa.

  # service tftpd-hpa start

Observe any errors in the syslog.  Review /etc/default/tftpd-hpa .


Description: Digital signature

Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 08:16, brian wrote:


 And yes, this is all 64-bit, and I did try the Flash 11 downloaded direct
 from Adobe. Neither of us have separate video cards, Pat's mobo claims to
 emulate an nVidia GeForce 6150 SE, I'll have to dig a little to find mine as
 my box doesn't carry a sticker giving the details.

Well, it isn't emulation. If it says that, it has a GeForce 6150 chip on
the motherboard. It is odd, but not unheard of, to have an nVidia chipset
and an AMD CPU.

I am suspecting the drivers, though it could be some library or something if
all of those browsers you tried where the Debian versions. Have you tried
any of the upstream versions? (e.g. FF tarballs, Google's Chromium repos)

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Julien Groselle
 On Squeeze:
 apt-get install scsitools

Humm... Nice ! For now i can't install this tools because of too many
unwanted dependencies,
but after installed it on a test server, it seems to give great results.

Thank you for all your answer.
I will make a return about the entire test later.

Maybe you have reduce my work time for this night :P


Le 17 février 2012 17:10, frank a écrit :

 On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 15:04 +0100, Julien Groselle wrote:

  So no, I didn't rescan anything... It's just what I need (a command
  line to recan all HDD device)
 On Lenny:

 apt-get install scsiadd

 scsiadd -s

 On Squeeze:

 apt-get install scsitools



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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread frank
On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:26 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

Have you tried it? Or just copied and pasted?

echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

-bash: /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan: No such file or directory
# uname -a
Linux xxx 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 21 03:36:44 UTC 2011 x86_64


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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Julien Groselle
I already have seen this blog, and the folder /sys/class/scsi_host/ is not
populated (on my server, ofc) :
# l /sys/class/scsi_host
total 0


Le 17 février 2012 17:34, frank a écrit :

 On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:26 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

  echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

 Have you tried it? Or just copied and pasted?

 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

 -bash: /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan: No such file or directory
 # uname -a
 Linux xxx 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 21 03:36:44 UTC 2011 x86_64


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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:34 AM, frank wrote:
 On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:26 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

 Have you tried it? Or just copied and pasted?

 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

 -bash: /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan: No such file or directory
 # uname -a
 Linux xxx 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 21 03:36:44 UTC 2011 x86_64

I cut and pasted it out of a blog after verifying the command looked
reasonable if it were to be run on my own system.  I have no need to
rescan my SCSI bus.

cbell@circe:/sys/class/scsi_host$ ls -l *
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host0 -
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host1 -
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host2 -
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host3 -
cbell@circe:/sys/class/scsi_host$ ls -l * */scan
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host0 -
--w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:25 host0/scan
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host1 -
--w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:51 host1/scan
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host2 -
--w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:51 host2/scan
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host3 -
--w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:51 host3/scan
cbell@circe:/sys/class/scsi_host$ uname -a
Linux circe 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Perhaps your kernel is too old?  You realize Lenny is unsupported now, yes?


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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread frank
On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:26 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Julien Groselle wrote:
  So no, I didn't rescan anything... It's just what I need (a command line to
  recan all HDD device)
 Apparently it's as easy as this:
 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan

Sorry, wrong host. It's working too :)


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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Julien Groselle
I'm sure my kernel is not so old :)

# uname -r ; cat /etc/debian_version

Le 17 février 2012 17:55, Christofer C. Bell
christofer.c.b...@gmail.coma écrit :

 On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:34 AM, frank wrote:
  On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:26 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
  echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
  Have you tried it? Or just copied and pasted?
  echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
  -bash: /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan: No such file or directory
  # uname -a
  Linux xxx 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 21 03:36:44 UTC 2011 x86_64

 I cut and pasted it out of a blog after verifying the command looked
 reasonable if it were to be run on my own system.  I have no need to
 rescan my SCSI bus.

 cbell@circe:/sys/class/scsi_host$ ls -l *
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host0 -
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host1 -
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host2 -
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 17 10:24 host3 -
 cbell@circe:/sys/class/scsi_host$ ls -l * */scan
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host0 -
 --w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:25 host0/scan
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host1 -
 --w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:51 host1/scan
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host2 -
 --w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:51 host2/scan
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 Feb 17 10:24 host3 -
 --w--- 1 root root 4096 Feb 17 10:51 host3/scan
 cbell@circe:/sys/class/scsi_host$ uname -a
 Linux circe 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64

 Perhaps your kernel is too old?  You realize Lenny is unsupported now, yes?


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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-17 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Julien Groselle wrote:
 I'm sure my kernel is not so old :)

 # uname -r ; cat /etc/debian_version

Oh, not you, Julien.  I was addressing Frank who is running Lenny's
kernel.  That said, he seems to have sorted things out on his end, as
well, and it's working for him now. :-)  I don't know the state of
support for this feature in Lenny, I only have my own system to look
at which is on Squeeze.


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Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 07:59:49AM -0800, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 03:22, Merciadri Luca wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  When opening PDFs documents in Firefox (e.g. by clicking on a PDF link
  in a webpage), it sometimes happens to my Firefox to stuck when
  loading the PDF. The PDF seems to be completely downloaded, but does
  not load in the acrobat plug-in. However, Firefox is still stable and
  responds correctly in other tabs.
  It looks like there's some issue with the Firefox-acrobat reader
  plugin. I noticed this on other computers running Linux and Firefox,
  even on different distros and acroread versions.
  I am running Firefox 10.0.1., but have got the same problem on Firefox
  10.0. I am running acroread 9.0 but tried with other versions as well.
  Thanks for any info.
 My first two questions are:
 1) Do you really need Adobe Reader features or will Evince or Okular
 or similar work for you? Poppler-based PDF readers are really very
 good nowadays.

This is my recommendation.
acroread is non-free.
Install evince or xpdf, and tell ICEWEASEL to use that.
Works great here.


all tony, all the time!

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Re: Since I've installed Firefox in ~, every update results in a reset

2012-02-17 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1

Kelly Clowers writes:

 On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 13:22, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 Quite everything is in the title. I'm running Debian Lenny (yes, I
 know, time to switch..., but haven't had time yet), and I precedently
 installed Firefox in ~/ for various reasons.

 Better to drop it in /usr/local/

 The problem is not here. The problem is that every time an update is
 done, or even quite often (I don't know if each time this happens this
 is an update as it would mean updates are very frequent!) the Firefox
 starts as if it was installed for the first time (e.g. no history, no
 bookmarks, etc.), except that
 1) my plugins/add-ons are still recognized and used,
 2) my default webpage (start page) is still OK.

 What could explain this problem? Thanks.

 Watch the places file (~/.mozilla/firefox/$PROFILE.default/places.sqlite)
 and see what happens to it on exit. (Places stores bookmarks and history)

Thanks for the trick. I'll do so.

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

It is better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees.
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Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1

Kelly Clowers writes:

 On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 03:22, Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 When opening PDFs documents in Firefox (e.g. by clicking on a PDF link
 in a webpage), it sometimes happens to my Firefox to stuck when
 loading the PDF. The PDF seems to be completely downloaded, but does
 not load in the acrobat plug-in. However, Firefox is still stable and
 responds correctly in other tabs.

 It looks like there's some issue with the Firefox-acrobat reader
 plugin. I noticed this on other computers running Linux and Firefox,
 even on different distros and acroread versions.

 I am running Firefox 10.0.1., but have got the same problem on Firefox
 10.0. I am running acroread 9.0 but tried with other versions as well.

 Thanks for any info.

 My first two questions are:
 1) Do you really need Adobe Reader features or will Evince or Okular
 or similar work for you? Poppler-based PDF readers are really very
 good nowadays.
Generally, another would suffice, yes.

 2) Why are you opening in the browser? I have never ever found that to
 work well, with any combo of OS, browser and PDF reader. I either
 launch the PDF reader as a separate process from the browser, or
 save the PDF and then open it. PDF-as-plugin is just plain flaky.
Okay. But that's a pity anyway.

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

If it's too good to be true, then it probably is.
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Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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debtags shows error

2012-02-17 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hello list,

I am getting a strange errror, and I believe, the reason might be caused by 
the debian server.

Running aptitude update is showing me;:

gn stable/non-free Translation-de
Hole: 55 stable/non-free Translation-en
Ign stable/non-free Translation-en
W: Der debtags-Aktualisierungsprozess (/usr/bin/debtags update --local) wurde 
mit einem Fehler beendet (Code 1).

I ran strace debtags update --local and this showed me the following:

futex(0x7fa4ff8323c4, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 2147483647) = 0
close(5)= 0
munmap(0x7fa500b5c000, 4096)= 0
close(4)= 0
unlink(/var/lib/debtags/package-tags.QrRMvq) = 0
close(3)= 0
munmap(0x7fa500b5d000, 4096)= 0
write(2, separator character ends the lin..., 63separator character ends the 
line. Context:
Parsing line 48) = 63
write(2, \n, 1
)   = 1
exit_group(1)   = ?

I examined package-tags, but could not see something weird, so I moved it 
away, and let it new create - with the same result. IMO the reason is in the 
debian server. BTW, in the past I got often lots of warnings, as some packages 
(like cnews) got wrong syntax for its version.

Maybe you could take a look at it?

Best regards


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Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Curt
On 2012-02-17, Kelly Clowers wrote:

 2) Why are you opening in the browser? I have never ever found that to
 work well, with any combo of OS, browser and PDF reader. I either

I have found it to work very well in google-chrome, with the latter's
built-in pdf reader (should I say the latter when there's no former?  Oh

 launch the PDF reader as a separate process from the browser, or
 save the PDF and then open it. PDF-as-plugin is just plain flaky.

I find it superior to invoking a separate process; opening a pdf in
chrome is as smooth as opening a regular html page.

YMMV (and has and does, apparently).

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Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread brian

On 02/17/2012 11:38 AM, Kelly Clowers wrote:

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 08:16,  wrote:


And yes, this is all 64-bit, and I did try the Flash 11 downloaded direct
from Adobe. Neither of us have separate video cards, Pat's mobo claims to
emulate an nVidia GeForce 6150 SE, I'll have to dig a little to find mine as
my box doesn't carry a sticker giving the details.

Well, it isn't emulation. If it says that, it has a GeForce 6150 chip on
the motherboard. It is odd, but not unheard of, to have an nVidia chipset
and an AMD CPU.

Hardware's not my strong point - I didn't know whether it was just 
something claiming to be compatible with the GeForce 6150, nor that 
it was a chip rather than a card.

Pat's PC is a eMachines/Wal-Mart model, so no doubt it's slightly 
cheaper to have that combination, unusual though it might be.

I am suspecting the drivers, though it could be some library or something if
all of those browsers you tried where the Debian versions. Have you tried
any of the upstream versions? (e.g. FF tarballs, Google's Chromium repos)

No, the browsers are all from the Wheezy repositories. Now you mention 
it, IceWeasel does seem to be based on a rather old version of 
Firefox. I'll try grabbing at least Firefox and Chromium direct from 
the sites. Watch this space...


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Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 17 feb 12, 11:16:17, brian wrote:
 And yes, this is all 64-bit, and I did try the Flash 11 downloaded
 direct from Adobe. Neither of us have separate video cards, Pat's
 mobo claims to emulate an nVidia GeForce 6150 SE, I'll have to dig a
 little to find mine as my box doesn't carry a sticker giving the

$ lspci -nn | grep VGA

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: debtags shows error

2012-02-17 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 17 feb 12, 19:02:25, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 Hello list,
 I am getting a strange errror, and I believe, the reason might be caused by 
 the debian server.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Curt wrote:
 Kelly Clowers wrote:
  2) Why are you opening in the browser? I have never ever found that to
  work well, with any combo of OS, browser and PDF reader. I either
 I have found it to work very well in google-chrome, with the latter's
 built-in pdf reader (should I say the latter when there's no former?  Oh

But since that is nonfree it isn't in the free Chromium.  AFAIK only
the nonfree Chrome has the builtin Flash and Adobe and other such
components.  AFAIK that is the difference between Chrome and Chromium.


Description: Digital signature

Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread brian

On 02/17/2012 01:12 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Vi, 17 feb 12, 11:16:17, brian wrote:

And yes, this is all 64-bit, and I did try the Flash 11 downloaded
direct from Adobe. Neither of us have separate video cards, Pat's
mobo claims to emulate an nVidia GeForce 6150 SE, I'll have to dig a
little to find mine as my box doesn't carry a sticker giving the

$ lspci -nn | grep VGA

OK, that made life easy. :)

My PC is an ATI Technologies Inc RS780 [Radeon HD 3200]


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Recommendations for how to watch Linux desktop from remote Windows?

2012-02-17 Thread keitho
Quick question (I think...):

Can you recommend a free and easily available software package that will
allow a Windows user to see my Linux desktop?

My brother is in another state, and I want him to be able to see my
desktop, not necessarily control it. He only uses Windows, my system is
Debian using i3wm.

Would skype do the trick? I have no experience with it. I have a pretty
low bandwidth connection...

We don't need video, or audio for that matter, since we could do this
while on the phone, if that makes it work faster.

I'm sure he doesn't want to have to load anything too complicated or
intrusive on his Windows machine...

Keith Ostertag

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Re: Recommendations for how to watch Linux desktop from remote Windows?

2012-02-17 Thread The_Ace
On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 12:29 AM, wrote:

 Quick question (I think...):

 Can you recommend a free and easily available software package that will
 allow a Windows user to see my Linux desktop?

 My brother is in another state, and I want him to be able to see my
 desktop, not necessarily control it. He only uses Windows, my system is
 Debian using i3wm.

 Would skype do the trick? I have no experience with it. I have a pretty
 low bandwidth connection...

 We don't need video, or audio for that matter, since we could do this
 while on the phone, if that makes it work faster.

 I'm sure he doesn't want to have to load anything too complicated or
 intrusive on his Windows machine...

 Keith Ostertag

Have you tried teamviewer ?

Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:03, Curt wrote:
 On 2012-02-17, Kelly Clowers wrote:

 launch the PDF reader as a separate process from the browser, or
 save the PDF and then open it. PDF-as-plugin is just plain flaky.

 I find it superior to invoking a separate process; opening a pdf in
 chrome is as smooth as opening a regular html page.

 YMMV (and has and does, apparently).

Well, I have never used Chrome enough to use it's PDF reader.

I am very conservative when it comes to browser UI, the more
it is like the Mozilla (not FF) Modern theme circa 1.0, the
happier I am, so Chrome is right out, and SeaMonkey is in ;-)

But FF2-4, IE6-9, Moz1-SM2.0 on Linux and Windows
have all given me problems when running PDFs in the
browser. Others my be luckier.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread Richard Owlett

brian wrote:


Hi Kelly,

I'll gather together the other information as soon as I can (i.e. later
today, hopefully) but if you plug flash too fast Debian into a Google
search box, you will see plenty of other reports of the problem, dating
from 2006 onwards.

I added bug to your search
led to (among other)

I cannot follow further as I'm on dialup and do not have 
debian installed



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Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Curt
On 2012-02-17, Bob Proulx wrote:

 But since that is nonfree it isn't in the free Chromium.  AFAIK only
 the nonfree Chrome has the builtin Flash and Adobe and other such
 components.  AFAIK that is the difference between Chrome and Chromium.

I was responding to an unqualified statement (I didn't see the nonfree
restriction, if it existed).

google-chrome in linux has no builtin Flash (at least not in the 64 bit
version), nor does it have builtin Adobe. The pdf reader it uses by
default, is, well, the Chrome PDF Viewer, a builtin house plugin.  

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Re: Recommendations for how to watch Linux desktop from remote Windows?

2012-02-17 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:59 -0800, wrote:
 Quick question (I think...):
 Can you recommend a free and easily available software package that will
 allow a Windows user to see my Linux desktop?
I would recommend X2Go - It is based upon NX and is far
faster than any other method I've seen.  Good luck - John

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Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Curt
On 2012-02-17, Kelly Clowers wrote:

 But FF2-4, IE6-9, Moz1-SM2.0 on Linux and Windows
 have all given me problems when running PDFs in the browser. Others my
 be luckier.

Well, the built-in, home-made Chrome PDF Viewer plugin is quite nice and
smooth, and is even capable of filling in fillable forms, which you
cannot print directly for some reason (all the fields will be empty),
but which you can save (along with the info you've typed into the form,
I mean) by printing the document with the option Print to Pdf.

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Re: free software mini pc

2012-02-17 Thread green
green wrote:
 The Fit-PC3 requires non-free fglrx for radeon hardware?

Stefan Monnier wrote at 2012-02-17 10:10 -0600:
 No.  The Free `radeon' driver should work just fine for those AMD Fusion 

Hey, that is great news; thanks.  I was not aware of the free radeon driver.  
I have found the support matrix page:
and will do some more research on the Fit-PC3.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Recommendations for how to watch Linux desktop from remote Windows?

2012-02-17 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 17 feb 12, 10:59:40, wrote:
 My brother is in another state, and I want him to be able to see my
 desktop, not necessarily control it. He only uses Windows, my system is
 Debian using i3wm.


Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Walter Hurry
On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 12:01:57 -0500, Tony Baldwin wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 07:59:49AM -0800, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 03:22, Merciadri Luca wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  When opening PDFs documents in Firefox (e.g. by clicking on a PDF
  link in a webpage), it sometimes happens to my Firefox to stuck when
  loading the PDF. The PDF seems to be completely downloaded, but does
  not load in the acrobat plug-in. However, Firefox is still stable and
  responds correctly in other tabs.
  It looks like there's some issue with the Firefox-acrobat reader
  plugin. I noticed this on other computers running Linux and Firefox,
  even on different distros and acroread versions.
  I am running Firefox 10.0.1., but have got the same problem on
  Firefox 10.0. I am running acroread 9.0 but tried with other versions
  as well.
  Thanks for any info.
 My first two questions are:
 1) Do you really need Adobe Reader features or will Evince or Okular or
 similar work for you? Poppler-based PDF readers are really very good
 This is my recommendation.
 acroread is non-free.
 Install evince or xpdf, and tell ICEWEASEL to use that.
 Works great here.

+1 for Evince (never tried xpdf).

I'm not having any bloated proprietary crapware Ad*be Acr*bat here, thank 
you very much. Nor any G**gle Chr*me.

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Singapore Taxation (19 April 2012)

2012-02-17 Thread Layna Francisco
Budget 2012 Summary, Tax Changes, Emerging Issues and Impact on Business

Thursday, 19th April 2012 | 9:00am-5:00pm | Prince Hotel  Residence Kuala

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Adopting a semi-territorial basis of taxation, Singapore only taxes
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Services of PricewaterhouseCoopers Services LLP will keep you abreast of
the recent Singapore tax developments and will provide practical tax
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-   Corporate Tax
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Tel: (65) 63348311 / (603) 78032514 
Fax: (65) 63348511 / (603) 78032168 

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Re: Recommendations for how to watch Linux desktop from remote Windows?

2012-02-17 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 02:47:53PM -0500, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
 On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:59 -0800, wrote:
  Quick question (I think...):
  Can you recommend a free and easily available software package that will
  allow a Windows user to see my Linux desktop?
 I would recommend X2Go - It is based upon NX and is far
 faster than any other method I've seen.  Good luck - John
I have tried FreeNX in the past and found it to be very good.  These
days I think I would try x2go.  If it as fast as FreeNX, you will be


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Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Curt wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  But since that is nonfree it isn't in the free Chromium.  AFAIK only
  the nonfree Chrome has the builtin Flash and Adobe and other such
  components.  AFAIK that is the difference between Chrome and Chromium.
 I was responding to an unqualified statement (I didn't see the nonfree
 restriction, if it existed).

But by now you should know that advocates of free(dom) software [such
as myself] can be an annoying bunch.  Like a preacher where every day
is Sunday sermon day we will try to keep people from sliding down the
slippery slope without thinking about it[1].  :-)

So obviously when I heard you extolling the virtues of a nonfree
program I didn't want it to go unnoticed that it was nonfree.  It is
an important distinction that should not go unnoticed.  After all this
is a Debian mailing list and Debian is all about free(dom) software.

 google-chrome in linux has no builtin Flash (at least not in the 64 bit
 version), nor does it have builtin Adobe. The pdf reader it uses by
 default, is, well, the Chrome PDF Viewer, a builtin house plugin.  

I did not know that.  Thanks for the information.  On Windows that was
one of their original talking points about Chrome was that it was
fully integrated and so didn't need to keep external components such
as Flash upgraded separately.  It was supposed to be one stop
shopping.  And therefore more secure since Chrome would upgrade itself
and therefore the entire Internet bundle would be always up to date.
I assumed it was the same on GNU/Linux versions too.  If it isn't then
I wonder what is the real difference then?  What makes Chrome nonfree?

In Chromium if I open a pdf document it will open an external document
viewer to handle it.  Evince in my case.


[1] The gates of Hell are open night and day; Smooth the descent and
easy is the way.  But to return, and view the cheerful skies,
In this the task and mighty labor lies.  -- Virgil, The Aeneid 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Firefox and PDF incompatibility

2012-02-17 Thread Curt
On 2012-02-17, Bob Proulx wrote:

 [1] The gates of Hell are open night and day; Smooth the descent and
 easy is the way.  But to return, and view the cheerful skies,
 In this the task and mighty labor lies.  -- Virgil, The Aeneid=20

Matthew 5:38 and 39: 

...resist not evil...

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Re: Mount external USB NTFS HD automatically

2012-02-17 Thread Josep

The right process for me was:

Install ntfs-3g

Add fuse module to /etc/modules file

Add user/s to fuse group

Install kernel from squeeze backports...and all is ok, is a problem of squeeze 
kernel with my moterboard:(

Greetings and thanks to all people who answered me.


 De: Camaleón
Enviado: Jueves 9 de febrero de 2012 16:01
Asunto: Re: Mount  external USB  NTFS HD automatically
On Thu, 09 Feb 2012 11:24:48 +, Josep wrote:

 I use squeeze stable with gnome, I have several USB external HD in NTFS
 format, I need this format for compatibility purposes.


 I want mount and dismount  external usb NTFS disks  from Gnome
 automatically, in the same way than Knoppix or Fedora does, without have
 to add nothing to /etc/fstab
 What must I change or add?

If you have ntfs-3g and fuse, nothing, it should be automatically handled 
by your DE (gnome).

I'd take a look at dmesg when you connect the disk, it could be a 
permission problem.



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Re: Recommendations for how to watch Linux desktop from remote Windows?

2012-02-17 Thread Wayne Topa

On 02/17/2012 01:59 PM, wrote:

Quick question (I think...):

Can you recommend a free and easily available software package that will
allow a Windows user to see my Linux desktop?

My brother is in another state, and I want him to be able to see my
desktop, not necessarily control it. He only uses Windows, my system is
Debian using i3wm.

Would skype do the trick? I have no experience with it. I have a pretty
low bandwidth connection...

We don't need video, or audio for that matter, since we could do this
while on the phone, if that makes it work faster.

I'm sure he doesn't want to have to load anything too complicated or
intrusive on his Windows machine...

The synergy package for debian then get the windows version.

Works fine here for my desktop --- IBM-t40 laptop.



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Re: All flash videos playing far too quickly

2012-02-17 Thread brian

On 02/17/2012 02:40 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

brian wrote:


Hi Kelly,

I'll gather together the other information as soon as I can (i.e. later
today, hopefully) but if you plug flash too fast Debian into a Google
search box, you will see plenty of other reports of the problem, dating
from 2006 onwards.

I added bug to your search

led to (among other)

I cannot follow further as I'm on dialup and do not have debian installed

Thanks, Richard. I have found one other suggested fix which involved a 
couple of parameters in the bootup. I'll give both of them a try 
either this evening or tomorrow morning and report back, they're both 
quicker tweaks than installing new versions of software so I'll put 
the latter on hold.


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Resolved: Recommendations for how to watch Linux desktop from remote Windows?

2012-02-17 Thread keitho
 On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 10:59 -0800, wrote:
 Quick question (I think...):

 Can you recommend a free and easily available software package that will
 allow a Windows user to see my Linux desktop?
 I would recommend X2Go - It is based upon NX and is far
 faster than any other method I've seen.  Good luck - John

Thanks everyone very much for your quick responses.

John- For some reason I couldn't find the x2go server app, even after
following their directions for editing my sources.list, keys, etc. I could
only find the client software, not sure why...

So I decided to go with teamviewer as recommended by The Ace. Easy to
install and fast to use.

I also want to try x11vnc sometime Andrei, soon perhaps...


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CUPS on Sid printing blank sheets

2012-02-17 Thread Nate Bargmann
I just noticed that my Sid box is printing blank sheets from CUPS to my
Brother HL-5240 printer.  It is connected to the network using an Axis
540+ print server which provides an LPD interface.  I can print a text
document using a2ps but anything from Iceweasel or LibreOffice results
in a blank sheet.  It seems as though printing to PDF is working using
the cups-pdf package.

Printing is working fine on my Wheezy laptop, using the same printer and
PPD file, so this seems like a Sid issue at the moment even with the
latest PPD from

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re (5): Display on IBM ThinkPad A22m

2012-02-17 Thread peasthope
From:   Andrei POPESCU
Date:   Thu, 16 Feb 2012 23:29:05 +0200
 Same problem, it's using some default values for the vertical refresh 
 and the horizontal sync ranges, which don't match your hardware. I would 
 suggest you put the correct ones in a file under /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
 Section Monitor
 Identifier  Panel
 HorizSync   xx-yy
 VertRefresh xx-yy
 DisplaySize xx yy # optional, the size in mm

Bravo!  HorizSync is enough.  I made a fresh xorg.conf with Xorg -configure 
and with the following additional lines get this display. 
Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor0
DisplaySize  305 229

The HorizSync range is based upon the calculation mentioned in the Wikipedia.  
HorizSync = RefreshRate x VerticalResolution x 1.05.  I had assumed 
VerticalResolution = 1400, the largest value in the IBM specs.  Successful 
operation at 1400x1050 is more than I expected.

DisplaySize can be measured accurately with a ruler.  It might improve 
the aspect ratio slightly and is unlikely to be harmful.  

What command will give all extant monitor parameters during operation?
xset reports on keyboard, mouse, colors and fonts but not the monitor.

Given that X configuration is meant to be automatic, this story should warrant 
a bug report.

Thanks for the help,   ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  bcc: peasthope ... 

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Problem Installing libc6 (eglibc) from netboot image

2012-02-17 Thread Chris Hiestand
It seems that during a preseeded installation today my squeeze VM installed a 
proposed update when it shouldn't have:

 root@test:/usr/share/doc# dpkg -l |grep 2.11.3-3
 ii  libc-bin2.11.3-3 Embedded 
 GNU C Library: Binaries
 ii  libc6   2.11.3-3 Embedded 
 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
 ii  locales 2.11.3-3 Embedded 
 GNU C Library: National Language (locale) data [support]
 ii  nscd2.11.3-3 Embedded 
 GNU C Library: Name Service Cache Daemon

This breaks dependencies:

 root@test:/# apt-get install build-essential
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  build-essential : Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or
Depends: g++ (= 4:4.4.3) but it is not going to be 
 E: Broken packages

following the chain down…

 root@test:/etc# apt-get install libc6-i386
  libc6-i386 : Depends: libc6 (= 2.11.3-2) but 2.11.3-3 is to be installed

Now this is odd because squeeze (stable) is only supposed to be installing 

2.11.3-3 is available in proposed updates:

And is downloadable:

And of course, my sources.list is a squeeze-only list and does not contain 
proposed updates. I think this is supported because apt-cache showpkg libc6 
shows the new version (already installed) and the old version in the 
repository. So I think the netboot installer somehow incorrectly installed the 
proposed-update. Or maybe a repository temporarily contained the new version 
when it shouldn't have. Or maybe the new version is being rolled out right now 
but all the mirrors haven't been updated yet.

Or maybe I'm messed something up. This doesn't effect me too terribly right 
now, I just wanted to post this in case someone else was having a similar 


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