Re: connexió VPN Cisco

2012-06-17 Thread xavi

i com puc activar el registre (logs) per l'vpnc?



Al 16/06/12 00:10, En/na Daniel Salmeron ha escrit:

Hola de nou, el mateix client que fas servir hauria de disposar d'un 
registre que, un cop activat, ens dongui l'error que ens impedeix de 
poder connectar.


El 15/06/2012 20:11, xavi escribió:

gràcies per la resposta. Espero que tinguis raó perquè em fa molta
ràbia haver d'instal·lar el client oficial. On puc localitzar els
events i logs per poder analitzar-los? Serviria si em connectés
des d'una màquina windows i busqués algun fitxer de log en alguna


Al 15/06/12 21:02, En/na Daniel Salmeron ha escrit:

Hola Xavier, es provable que si la teva empresa ha fet canvis et
calgui canviar els paràmetres de conexió, fins i tot pot haver
canviat el tipus de vpn en relació al protocol de xifratge. No
crec que sigui problema del client. Sigui com sigui, els clients
et permeten sovint guardar el registre d'events o log, i a partir
d'aquest ho podem analitzar.

Dani Salmerón.

El 15/06/2012 19:52, xavi escribió:

estic tenint problemes de connexió VPN contra la meva
empresa. Fa 1 mes que han canviat el servidor VPN al qual
sempre hi havia accedit via VPNC sense cap mena de problema,
però ara sembla que, necessàriament, em caldrà fer servir el
Client Cisco oficial. Després d'aconseguir el client per
GNU/Linux x84 em trobo que no hi ha manera d'instal·lar-lo.
Vaig trobar el següent enllaç que em donava alguna pista de
la resolució però tampoc m'ha funcionat:

A la meva empresa treballen, per norma general, amb
programari privatiu i dec ser dels pocs que usa GNU/Linux per
connectar-se via VPN.

Algú de vosaltres s'hi ha trobat?

Moltes gràcies


Us passo la sortida de terminal:
debi vpnclient2 # uname -a
*Linux debi 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Mar 4 22:48:17 UTC 2012
x86_64 GNU/Linux*
debi vpnclient2 # ./vpn_install
Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 4.8.02 (0030) Linux Installer
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

By installing this product you agree that you have read the
license.txt file (The VPN Client license) and will comply with
its terms.

Directory where binaries will be installed [/usr/local/bin]

Automatically start the VPN service at boot time [yes]

In order to build the VPN kernel module, you must have the
kernel headers for the version of the kernel you are running.

Directory containing linux kernel source code

* Binaries will be installed in /usr/local/bin.
* Modules will be installed in
* The VPN service will be started AUTOMATICALLY at boot time.
* Kernel source from /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/build will
be used to build the module.

Is the above correct [y]

Shutting down /opt/cisco-vpnclient/bin/vpnclient: module
cisco_ipsec is not running.
Stopped: /etc/init.d/vpnclient_init (VPN init script)
Making module
In file included from /usr/include/linux/netdevice.h:28:0,
 from linuxcniapi.c:18:
/usr/include/linux/if.h:179:19: error: field ‘ifru_addr’ has
incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if.h:180:19: error: field ‘ifru_dstaddr’
has incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if.h:181:19: error: field ‘ifru_broadaddr’
has incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if.h:182:19: error: field ‘ifru_netmask’
has incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if.h:183:20: error: field ‘ifru_hwaddr’
has incomplete type
In file included from linuxcniapi.c:20:0:
/usr/include/linux/if_arp.h:110:19: error: field ‘arp_pa’ has
incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if_arp.h:111:19: error: field ‘arp_ha’ has
incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if_arp.h:113:25: error: field
‘arp_netmask’ has incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if_arp.h:118:19: error: field ‘arp_pa’ has
incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if_arp.h:119:19: error: field ‘arp_ha’ has
incomplete type
/usr/include/linux/if_arp.h:121:25: error: field
‘arp_netmask’ has incomplete type
linuxcniapi.c:22:26: fatal error: linux/skbuff.h: El fitxer o
directori no existeix
compilation terminated.
interceptor.c:17:26: fatal error: linux/module.h: El fitxer o
directori no existeix

dpkg apt-get

2012-06-17 Thread philippe L

J'ai 110 mises à jour à faire ( c'est une preuve de bonne administration
;-) :
J'ai une ou des erreurs comment y remédier ?



110 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
24 partiellement installés ou enlevés.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 0 o/274 Mo dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 4 147 ko d'espace disque seront libérés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer [O/n] ? O
Lecture des fichiers de modifications (« changelog »)... Terminé
Extraction des modèles depuis les paquets : 100%
Préconfiguration des paquets...
Paramétrage de initscripts (2.88dsf-13.1+squeeze1) ...
insserv: warning: script 'K50ccpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (2 S) of script
`' overwrites defaults (S).
insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 3 4 5 6) of script
`' overwrites defaults (empty).
insserv: warning: script 'ccpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop at service ccpd if started
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and theconfigured to not write
apport reports
 refore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system

Re: dpkg apt-get

2012-06-17 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le 17/06/2012 11:22, philippe L a écrit :



Paramétrage de initscripts (2.88dsf-13.1+squeeze1) ...
insserv: warning: script 'K50ccpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (2 S) of script
`' overwrites defaults (S).
insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 3 4 5 6) of script
`' overwrites defaults (empty).
insserv: warning: script 'ccpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop at service ccpd if started
insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!

J'essayerais déjà de régler ces quelques problèmes en mettant à jour
les paquets qui contiennent les scripts :
- ccpd
- rmnologin

Un simple aptitude install paquet mettra à jour le paquet et ça 

peut-être initscripts à se paramétrer.


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Re: dpkg apt-get

2012-06-17 Thread philippe L

Non, ne ressoud pas les erreurs, déjà ccpd, c'est driveur de canon, qui n'a
jamais fonctionné ...
Je me demande aussi pourquoi il me parle rmnologin, çà à l'air
d'être l’authentification automatique au démarrage ?
Donc en quoi ces services gène, la mise à jour du noyau et autre ?

J'ai toujours une pléthore d'erreurs, dois je stopper les services, le
script ne le fait plus ?



Le 17 juin 2012 11:48, Sébastien NOBILI a écrit :

 Le 17/06/2012 11:22, philippe L a écrit :



  Paramétrage de initscripts (2.88dsf-13.1+squeeze1) ...
 insserv: warning: script 'K50ccpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
 insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (2 S) of script
 `' overwrites defaults (S).
 insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 3 4 5 6) of script
 `' overwrites defaults (empty).
 insserv: warning: script 'ccpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
 insserv: There is a loop at service ccpd if started
 insserv: Starting ccpd depends on rmnologin and therefore on system
 facility `$all' which can not be true!

 J'essayerais déjà de régler ces quelques problèmes en mettant à jour
 les paquets qui contiennent les scripts :
- ccpd
- rmnologin

 Un simple aptitude install paquet mettra à jour le paquet et ça aidera
 peut-être initscripts à se paramétrer.


 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :**FrenchLists

 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

pas de son sur carte 9500 GS

2012-06-17 Thread blanchart

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Re: OpenOffice WAS: Squeeze sur un vieux Toshiba

2012-06-17 Thread Bernard

jean-pierregiraud wrote:

Le 17/06/2012 00:55, jean-pierregiraud a écrit :

Le 17/06/2012 00:46, Bernard a écrit :

Merci pour cet avis. Mais où trouver jre 1.6.6_21 ?   Je n'ai su 
trouver que la jre !   sur mes anciens systèmes, sur 
lesquels OpenOffice_BASE fonctionne parfaitement, j'avais jre 
1.6.0_0. Sans doute devrais-je tenter de recopier les fichiers 
1.6.0_0 d'un ordi sur l'autre... Je vous tiendrai au courant des 

Là par exemple 


Désolé je suis allé un peu trop vite.

en fait il faut aller sur le site d'oracle, puis ouvrir un compte
puis aller à Oracle technology Network / Java/ Java se support/ 
download : 

et télécharger le fichier bin qui va.

Merci. Avant d'avoir eu l'opportunité de lire cette info, j'ai un peu 
travaillé sur l'un de mes systèmes, sur l'ASUS tournant sous Squeeze sur 
lequel OOo3.1 version Debian tournait si mal avec base (53 minutes pour 
aller de la première à la dernière ligne d'une table MySQL (indexée) de 
118000 éléments, et 6 minutes pour aller de la première à la dernière 
ligne d'une table HSQL de seulement 263 éléments). Sur ce même PC, 
j'avais réinstallé OOo 2.4 en local d'après les archives de Apache, et 
çà tournait exactement aussi mal, avec à peu près les mêmes performances 
ou absence d'icelles... alors que, sur mon vieux Desktop sous Lenny 
ainsi que sur un vieux DELL sous Ubuntu 8.04, OOo 2.4_Base fonctionnait 
- fonctionne toujours - à merveille.

Ayant reçu l'avis de Jean Pierre concernant le rôle que pourrait jouer 
ma version de Java, et ne sachant pas encore où télécharger celle qu'il 
suggérait, j'ai entrepris de tenter d'installer, sur l'ASUS, la version 
de Java dont je dispose sur ceux des PC sur lesquels OOo_base tourne bien.

Cà n'a pas été une mince affaire. J'ai observé sur quels répertoires 
pointait le java de ma vieille installation, j'ai recopié les 
répertoires d'un PC sur l'autre, en renommant parfois les anciens 
dossiers avec l'extension _old. J'ai galéré un certain temps, car il y 
avait des fichiers 'links', simples liens vers d'autres fichiers et 
répertoires qu'il a fallu également copier... et ainsi de suite, et 
ainsi de suite... Au final, çà fonctionne... mais seulement avec 
l'installation en local que j'ai faite de OOo-2.4 d'après les archives 
d'Apache... Sur OOo-3.1, OpenOffice ne reconnaît pas l'emplacement 
sélectionné comme un emplacement valide pour une machine java. Mais j'ai 
réussi à ce que çà fonctionne sur cette nouvelle install de 2.4. Les 
temps d'accès à la petite table HSQL sont quasiment instantanés, ainsi 
que la navigation, et, s'agissant de la grosse table MySQL de 118000 
éléments, c'est autour de 5 secondes, contre 53 MINUTES avec l'ancienne 
installation Java !  Par ailleurs, les formulaires s'affichent 
instantanément, sans défaut d'affichage... c'est un vrai bonheur 
retrouvé !  Dommage qu'il faille en venir à réinstaller un vieux 
tromblon... mais au moins c'est fonctionnel !

Il est évident que je vais faire l'essai de la machine java que suggère 
Jean Pierre, en espérant que, peut-être, elle permettra à mon OOo-3.1 de 
fonctionner avec les mêmes performances que le 2.4 !

Je vous tiendrai au courant, et vous dirai également quels résultats 
j'obtiens sur le vieux Toshiba Satellite qui n'a que 512k de RAM... sur 
lequel, pour l'instant, les performances de Base étaient aussi mauvaises 
- mais pas pires... que sur l'Asus avec ses 2 CPU et ses 2 GB de RAM. 
Enfin, là je ne compare que les performances sur la petite base HSQL de 
263 éléments, car je n'ai pas installé MySQL  sur le Toshiba.

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Re: Sérieuses inquiétudes pour OpenOffice/LibreOffice..._BASE !

2012-06-17 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 17 Jun 2012 00:40:12 +0200
Bernard a écrit:

 Bonsoir à tous,
 [..libreoffice marche mal..]

J'utilise openbase comme interface avec mysql pour une base de données
moyenne (en gros 3000 enregistrements pour la plus grande table et une
trentaine de tables). J'ai plusieurs requêtes. Cette base existe depuis
openoffice version 1.2 et j'ai plutôt noté que les performances allaient en
s'améliorant. Ne serait ce pas du plutôt à un problème avec le connecteur JDBC
à la base mysql

Quel est la version du paquet libmysql-java ??

François Boisson

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Mailman : changer le groupe d'exécution des CGI

2012-06-17 Thread Dominique Asselineau

sous Debian Squeeze, j'ai installé Mailman et il semble qu'il impose
que les CGI s'exécutent sous le groupe par défaut d'Apache, à savoir

Je n'ai pas vu le moyen de configurer ce groupe sans être obligé de
recompiler Mailman.

Dans le rép. /etc/mailman, je n'ai rien trouvé concernant ce réglage.
Quelque chose m'a-t-il échappé ou dois-je être contraint de
réorganiser ma config Apache ?

Merci de vos éclaircissements.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: pas de son sur carte 9500 GS

2012-06-17 Thread zuthos

blanchart a écrit :

Effectivement, d'ici je n'entend rien.


M : Emmerdez les bourgeois ! Chiez dans les trous de golf !

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Re: Mailman : changer le groupe d'exécution des CGI

2012-06-17 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 21:12:57 +0200
Dominique Asselineau wrote:

 Je n'ai pas vu le moyen de configurer ce groupe sans être obligé de
 recompiler Mailman.

C'est la seule façon de changer les groupes utilisés par Mailman.
 Dans le rép. /etc/mailman, je n'ai rien trouvé concernant ce
 réglage. Quelque chose m'a-t-il échappé ou dois-je être contraint
 de réorganiser ma config Apache ?

Pourquoi? Tous les svrs http sont censés tourner s/s usr/grp www-data
dans Debian…

The greatest love is a mother's, then a dog's, then a sweetheart's.
-- Polish proverb

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: pas de son sur carte 9500 GS

2012-06-17 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 11:54:44 +0200
blanchart wrote:

Je crois que je vois un bruit blanc ]-:)

I told my kids, Someday, you'll have kids of your own.  One of
them said, So will you. -- Rodney Dangerfield

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Mailman : changer le groupe d'exécution des CGI

2012-06-17 Thread Dominique Asselineau
Bzzz wrote on Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 09:41:51PM +0200
 On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 21:12:57 +0200
 Dominique Asselineau wrote:
  Je n'ai pas vu le moyen de configurer ce groupe sans être obligé de
  recompiler Mailman.
 C'est la seule façon de changer les groupes utilisés par Mailman.
  Dans le rép. /etc/mailman, je n'ai rien trouvé concernant ce
  réglage. Quelque chose m'a-t-il échappé ou dois-je être contraint
  de réorganiser ma config Apache ?
 Pourquoi? Tous les svrs http sont censés tourner s/s usr/grp www-data
 dans Debian???

Comme je ne souhaitais pas que le rép. du web (DocumentRoot) soit sous
root pour qu'il puisse être modifié par un compte autre que root, j'ai
installé un serveur virtuel (VirtualHost) hors de /var/www, dans
/home/www précisément et du coup j'ai voulu que ça tourne sous un
compte différent de www-data:www-data.  Pour que ça soit cohérent, il
aurait fallu que je maintienne un VirtualHost standard associé à
/var/www et sous www-data, ce que je n'ai pas encore fait, n'ayant pas
de nom d'hôte à ma disposition pour ça.

Dans l'urgence je vais donc tout faire exécuter sous www-data et on
verra après pour le fignolage.

Merci de ta réponse en tout cas.


 The greatest love is a mother's, then a dog's, then a sweetheart's.
   -- Polish proverb
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

| P-mail:| E-mail:|
|   TELECOM ParisTech - Dep. TSI | |
|   Dominique Asselineau | Phone: (33/0) 1 45 81 78 91|
|   46, rue Barrault |   Fax: (33/0) 1 45 81 37 94|
|   75634 PARIS Cedex 13 ||
| France ||

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Mailman : changer le groupe d'exécution des CGI

2012-06-17 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 22:09:53 +0200
Dominique Asselineau wrote:

 Comme je ne souhaitais pas que le rép. du web (DocumentRoot) soit
 sous root pour qu'il puisse être modifié par un compte autre que
 root, j'ai installé un serveur virtuel (VirtualHost) hors
 de /var/www, dans /home/www précisément et du coup j'ai voulu que
 ça tourne sous un compte différent de www-data:www-data.

C'est normalement ce qu'il faut faire: owner=root et group=www-data
plus le minimum de droits, à l'exception des fichiers/dirs qui
doivent rester modifiables par les applis web.

 Dans l'urgence je vais donc tout faire exécuter sous www-data et on
 verra après pour le fignolage.

Pour ce qui est du groupe, si tu veux (ou dois) absolument rester
s/s www-data, le plus rapide c'est de re-compiler mailman pour qu'il
colle à tes besoins (pas sûr que sans ça il tourne correctement,
vu que c'est du hard-coding).

BOFH excuse #436:
Daemon escaped from pentagram

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
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Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)


Tengo Debian Wheezy y Gnome 3.

Este  es mi problema, al intentar actualizar con aptitudes o con 
Synaptic, no me deja. Descarga los paquetes a actualizar pero cuando los 
quiere instalar aparece  la siguiente frase: E: Internal Error, No file 
name for libtinfo5

A continuación pongo todo lo que aparece:
root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude safe-upgrade
Resolviendo las dependencias...
Se instalarán los siguiente paquetes NUEVOS:
  libaqbanking34{a} libaqbanking34-plugins{a} shotwell-common{a}
Se ELIMINARÁN los siguientes paquetes:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
  abiword abiword-common abiword-plugin-grammar abiword-plugin-mathview
  alacarte apt apt-listchanges apt-utils at-spi2-core bsdmainutils dbus
  dbus-x11 fakeroot fonts-lohit-taml gir1.2-atspi-2.0 iso-codes libaa1
  libabiword-2.9 libapt-inst1.5 libapt-pkg4.12 libaqbanking-data
  libaqbanking-plugins-libgwenhywfar60 libaqhbci20 libaqofxconnect7
  libatspi2.0-0 libcwidget3 libdbus-1-3 libicu48 libjpeg62 libjpeg62-dev
  liblqr-1-0 libncurses5 libqca2 libraw1394-11 libroar-compat2 libroar2
  libsensors4 libsystemd-daemon0 libsystemd-login0 libusb-1.0-0 libv4l-0
  libv4lconvert0 libx11-protocol-perl ncurses-base ncurses-term
  notification-daemon obexd-client procmail python python-evolution
  python-gnomekeyring python-gtkspell python-minimal python-pyatspi2
  python-reportbug python-rsvg python-wnck reportbug shotwell vim-common
Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente 

  libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev libtinfo5
61 paquetes actualizados, 3 nuevos instalados, 1 para eliminar y 0 sin 
Necesito descargar 38,0 MB de ficheros. Después de desempaquetar se 
usarán 907 kB.

¿Quiere continuar? [Y/n/?] Y
Des: 1 testing/main libncurses5 i386 
5.9-8 [117 kB]
Des: 2 testing/main libroar2 i386 
1.0~beta2-1 [212 kB]
Des: 3 testing/main libapt-pkg4.12 i386 
0.9.6 [877 kB]
Des: 4 testing/main apt i386 0.9.6 
[1.028 kB]
Des: 5 testing/main ncurses-base all 
5.9-8 [198 kB]
Des: 6 testing/main libapt-inst1.5 i386 
0.9.6 [161 kB]
Des: 7 testing/main libaa1 i386 
1.4p5-39.1 [62,5 kB]
Des: 8 testing/main libabiword-2.9 i386 
2.9.2+svn20120603-1 [3.432 kB]
Des: 9 testing/main libdbus-1-3 i386 
1.6.0-1 [174 kB]
Des: 10 testing/main libatspi2.0-0 i386 
2.5.2-1 [59,8 kB]
Des: 11 testing/main libicu48 i386 [8.208 kB]
Des: 12 testing/main libjpeg62-dev i386 
6b1-3 [197 kB]
Des: 13 testing/main libjpeg62 i386 
6b1-3 [95,6 kB]
Des: 14 testing/main liblqr-1-0 i386 
0.4.1-2 [28,5 kB]
Des: 15 testing/main libqca2 i386 
2.0.3-4 [415 kB]
Des: 16 testing/main libraw1394-11 i386 
2.0.9-1 [53,0 kB]
Des: 17 testing/main libsensors4 i386 
1:3.3.2-2 [53,9 kB]
Des: 18 testing/main libusb-1.0-0 i386 
2:1.0.11-1 [40,6 kB]
Des: 19 testing/main libv4l-0 i386 
0.8.8-2 [55,2 kB]
Des: 20 testing/main libv4lconvert0 
i386 0.8.8-2 [98,5 kB]
Des: 21 testing/main apt-utils i386 
0.9.6 [370 kB]
Des: 22 testing/main bsdmainutils i386 
9.0.3 [205 kB]
Des: 23 testing/main libcwidget3 i386 
0.5.16-3.3 [396 kB]
Des: 24 testing/main vim-tiny i386 
2:7.3.547-1 [382 kB]
Des: 25 testing/main vim-common i386 
2:7.3.547-1 [164 kB]
Des: 26 testing/main python all 
2.7.3~rc2-1 [179 kB]
Des: 27 testing/main python-minimal all 
2.7.3~rc2-1 [40,4 kB]
Des: 28 testing/main apt-listchanges 
all 2.85.10 [88,5 kB]
Des: 29 testing/main ncurses-term all 
5.9-8 [602 kB]
Des: 30 testing/main procmail i386 
3.22-20 [154 kB]
Des: 31 testing/main reportbug all 6.4 
[126 kB]
Des: 32 testing/main python-reportbug 
all 6.4 [136 kB]
Des: 33 testing/main 
abiword-plugin-grammar i386 2.9.2+svn20120603-1 [737 kB]
Des: 34 testing/main 
abiword-plugin-mathview i386 2.9.2+svn20120603-1 [834 kB]
Des: 35 

Re: OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-17 Thread JulHer
El sáb, 16-06-2012 a las 17:18 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
 ¿Tiene sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook? ¿Alcanzarías al
 menos un rendimiento similar? 

A lo largo de los años he instalado diversas versiones de Debian en
máquinas Apple y en general pudo decir que van muy bien y que estoy muy
contento con ese hardware.

OJO, puede ser un dolor de cabeza hacer que funcione todo cuando las
máquinas son muy recientes por falta de controladores, o que estos
todavía están verdes...

Y hay otras opciones para usar software libre en esas máquinas, por
ejemplo virtualizando un Debian (o lo que sea) completo o bien
utilizando herramientas como fink[0] o macports[1].


Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Montaje de servidor web Debian con ciertas limitaciones

2012-06-17 Thread JulHer
El sáb, 16-06-2012 a las 19:07 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:
 Sí, ya sé que dirán que puedo instalarlo desde un
 pendrive, ¡pero el BIOS ni lo acepta! O sea, sin CD, sin USB, sólo
 con un disco duro disponible, ¿qué otras opciones proponen? 

Si la BIOS lo admite se puede también instalar a través de la red.
Tendrás que preparar un servidor dhcp y tftp para ello. En el manual de
instalación viene como hacerlo.

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread JulHer
El dom, 17-06-2012 a las 09:29 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:
 Cuando aparece la última línea  E: Internal Error, No file name for 
 libtinfo5  se para y no continua.
 En Synaptic aparece como rotos, si le digo que lo corrija me aparece
 misma frase.
 Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.
 He buscado en Google, pero no encuentro nada o yo no se buscar.
 Me pueden ayudar a solucionar este problema, gracias de antemano. 

Intenta desisntalar esos paquetes con

# apt-get remove --purge paquete 

a ver que dice...

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 16 Jun 2012 17:18:57 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Es simplemente eso, si MacOSX es basado en Unix, a nivel de performance
 en varios sentidos como multiproceso y manejo de memoria RAM, ¿Tiene
 sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook? 

No sólo del rendimiento vive el usuario, también de la libertad.

 ¿Alcanzarías al menos un rendimiento similar?

A nivel de rendimiento apostaría a que un MacOS predeterminado (sin 
adulterar) funciona mucho que mejor que cualquier otro sistema operativo 
predeterminado (sin adulterar igualmente). Esa es precisamente una de sus 

 Obviamente los aspectos de libertad y posesión real de mi equipo son los
 que me animarían a hacer algo así, pero que tanto perderías en
 funcionalidad y rendimiento?

Hombre, no creo que la diferencia sea apreciable para un uso convencional.

 Nota: todavía no tengo una MacBook.

Pues sigue así :-)



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Re: Montaje de servidor web Debian con ciertas limitaciones

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:07:35 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema bastante particular. A ver,
 veamos, abro un hilo nuevo, no uso HTML, lo envío desde el webmail
 Gmail, ¿no falta más nada? OK, sigamos.

Ahhh, suena a gloria en mis oídos :-)
 Tengo una PC bastante antigua, un tantito, digamos, 8 años. Quiero
 implementar un servidor casero Debian, y para ello haré uso de la guía
 que comparto acá [1]
 La única limitante que tengo es con respecto a la instalación. Justo el
 día que quería hacer la instalación del susodicho, ¡KATAPLAM KATABUM
 quedé sin
 instalarlo. Sí, ya sé que dirán que puedo instalarlo desde un pendrive,
 ¡pero el BIOS ni lo acepta! 

Puedes usar PLOP¹, un gestor de arranque que en teoría te permite 
arrancar desde una llave USB aunque tu BIOS no lo admita, es así de 

 O sea, sin CD, sin USB, sólo con un disco duro disponible, ¿qué otras
 opciones proponen? 

La instalación por red (local o remota), pero necesitarás descargar una 
imagen mínima para poder arrancar desde un disquete.

 Por cierto, el disco duro tiene Windows XP, aparte de otros datos que
 ya pasé a una PC más moderna, y que no necesito, así que, a la hora de
 instalar, ¡PUUFF!, ¡adiós a los datos!

No entiendo esto :-?

 Por cierto, si visitan el sitio [2], podrán encontrar muchas más cosas
 para hacer con un servidor basado en GNU/Linux. Y hablando de eso,
 aparte de [1], ¿qué otras cosas proponen que pueda agregar a un servidor

Pues no sé... las sugerencias dependerán del uso que le quieras a dar.




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Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:29:05 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 Tengo Debian Wheezy y Gnome 3.
 Este  es mi problema, al intentar actualizar con aptitudes o con
 Synaptic, no me deja. Descarga los paquetes a actualizar pero cuando los
 quiere instalar aparece  la siguiente frase: E: Internal Error, No file
 name for libtinfo5
 A continuación pongo todo lo que aparece:

 root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude safe-upgrade 

Yo siempre actualizo wheezy con apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-
upgrade para que haga y deshaga lo que prefiera.


 Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente
libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev libtinfo5

Este parece ser el origen del problema, esos paquetes no están instalados 


 Des: 64 testing/main libsystemd-daemon0 i386 
 44-2 [12,8 kB]

¿Has probado con un repositorio distinto del francés? Lo comento porque 
parece que usan ipv6 e independientemente de que tenga no relación con 
este problema, sí te puede jorobar en el futuro.

sm01@stt008:~$ host is an alias for has address has IPv6 address 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2

 Descargados 38,0 MB en 1min. 19seg. (480 kB/s) E: Internal Error, No
 file name for libtinfo5
 Cuando aparece la última línea  E: Internal Error, No file name for
 libtinfo5  se para y no continua.
 En Synaptic aparece como rotos, si le digo que lo corrija me aparece la
 misma frase.

¿No se ha podido actualizar ningún paquete?

 Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.

Pon la salida completa de ese comando y también la de apt-get -f install.



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Re: Montaje de servidor web Debian con ciertas limitaciones

2012-06-17 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El sáb, 16-06-2012 a las 19:07 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió: 
 Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema bastante particular. A ver,
 veamos, abro un hilo nuevo, no uso HTML, lo envío desde el
 webmail Gmail, ¿no falta más nada? OK, sigamos.
 Tengo una PC bastante antigua, un tantito, digamos, 8 años. Quiero
 implementar un servidor casero Debian, y para ello haré
 uso de la guía que comparto acá [1]
 La única limitante que tengo es con respecto a la instalación. Justo
 el día que quería hacer la instalación del susodicho,
 DE CD! Y pues, me quedé sin
 instalarlo. Sí, ya sé que dirán que puedo instalarlo desde un
 pendrive, ¡pero el BIOS ni lo acepta! O sea, sin CD, sin USB, sólo
 con un disco duro disponible, ¿qué otras opciones proponen? Por
 cierto, el disco duro tiene Windows XP, aparte de otros datos
 que ya pasé a una PC más moderna, y que no necesito, así que, a la
 hora de instalar, ¡PUUFF!, ¡adiós a los datos!
 Por cierto, si visitan el sitio [2], podrán encontrar muchas más cosas
 para hacer con un servidor basado en GNU/Linux. Y
 hablando de eso, aparte de [1], ¿qué otras cosas proponen que pueda
 agregar a un servidor así?
de nada (en realidad nunca lo probé, pero decía que servía para arrancar
un netinstall, en todo caso, el README está para algo)

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Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 17/06/12 10:07, JulHer escribió:

apt-get remove --purge paquete


Gracias por contestar:

Aplicando ese comando sale lo siguiente:

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get remove --purge libtinfo5
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Tal vez quiera ejecutar «apt-get -f install» para corregirlo:
Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
 alsa-utils : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 aptitude : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 bash : PreDepende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 brltty : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 bsdmainutils : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 dialog : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 gettext : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 guile-1.8-libs : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 guile-2.0-libs : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 info : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 lame : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 less : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 libcaca0 : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 libcwidget3 : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 libedit2 : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 libncurses5 : Depende: libtinfo5 (= 5.9-7) pero no va a instalarse
   PreDepende: libtinfo5 (= 5.9-3) pero no va a instalarse
 libncurses5-dev : Depende: libtinfo5 (= 5.9-8) pero no va a instalarse
   Depende: libncurses5 (= 5.9-8) pero 5.9-7 va a ser 

 libncursesw5 : Depende: libtinfo5 (= 5.9-8) pero no va a instalarse
 libncursesw5-dev : Depende: libtinfo5 (= 5.9-8) pero no va a instalarse
 libreadline6 : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 libtinfo-dev : Depende: libtinfo5 (= 5.9-8) pero no va a instalarse
 libvte-2.90-9 : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 libvte9 : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 libwine-bin : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 mencoder : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 mutt : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 ncurses-bin : PreDepende: libtinfo5 (= 5.9-3~) pero no va a instalarse
 procps : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 psmisc : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 python-vte : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 python2.7 : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 samba-common-bin : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 smbclient : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 testdisk : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 util-linux : PreDepende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 vim-tiny : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 w3m : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 xterm : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
E: Dependencias incumplidas. Intente «apt-get -f install» sin paquetes 
(o especifique una solución).


Como se ve sigue igual

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 17/06/12 12:29, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:29:05 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

Tengo Debian Wheezy y Gnome 3.

Este  es mi problema, al intentar actualizar con aptitudes o con
Synaptic, no me deja. Descarga los paquetes a actualizar pero cuando los
quiere instalar aparece  la siguiente frase: E: Internal Error, No file
name for libtinfo5

A continuación pongo todo lo que aparece:

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude safe-upgrade

Yo siempre actualizo wheezy con apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-
upgrade para que haga y deshaga lo que prefiera.


Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente
libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev libtinfo5

Este parece ser el origen del problema, esos paquetes no están instalados


Des: 64 testing/main libsystemd-daemon0 i386 
44-2 [12,8 kB]


¿Has probado con un repositorio distinto del francés? Lo comento porque
parece que usan ipv6 e independientemente de que tenga no relación con
este problema, sí te puede jorobar en el futuro.

sm01@stt008:~$ host is an alias for has address has IPv6 address 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2

Descargados 38,0 MB en 1min. 19seg. (480 kB/s) E: Internal Error, No
file name for libtinfo5

Cuando aparece la última línea  E: Internal Error, No file name for
libtinfo5  se para y no continua.

En Synaptic aparece como rotos, si le digo que lo corrija me aparece la
misma frase.

¿No se ha podido actualizar ningún paquete?

Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.

Pon la salida completa de ese comando y también la de apt-get -f install.



Gracias por contestar.

Poniendo aptitude install -f ,  aparece lo siguiente:
root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude install -f
Se instalarán los siguiente paquetes NUEVOS:
  libaqbanking34 libaqbanking34-plugins libreoffice-evolution
  libreoffice-help-en-us shotwell-common unoconv
Se ELIMINARÁN los siguientes paquetes:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
  libaqbanking-data libncurses5 shotwell
Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente 

  libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev libtinfo5
3 paquetes actualizados, 6 nuevos instalados, 1 para eliminar y 58 sin 
Necesito descargar 0 B/15,4 MB de ficheros. Después de desempaquetar se 
usarán 23,5 MB.

¿Quiere continuar? [Y/n/?] Y
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5


Y si pongo apt-get - f install,  aparece lo siguiente:

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get -f install
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Corrigiendo dependencias... Listo
Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes extras:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
1 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 60 no actualizados.
5 no instalados del todo o eliminados.
Se necesita descargar 0 B/117 kB de archivos.
Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de disco adicional después de esta operación.
¿Desea continuar [S/n]? S
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5

Con  Synaptic,  si le digo que lo actualice sale la frase que indique 
antes, y solo esa frase: E: internal Error, No file name for; y si le 
digo que lo borre completamente, me indica que me borrara un montón de 
paquetes, prácticamente gnome entero. No puedo poner aquí la lista ya 
que Synaptic no me lo deja copiar para después pegarlo aquí.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Re: OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-17 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El sáb, 16-06-2012 a las 17:18 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
 Es simplemente eso, si MacOSX es basado en Unix, a nivel de performance
 en varios sentidos como multiproceso y manejo de memoria RAM, ¿Tiene
 sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook? ¿Alcanzarías al menos un
 rendimiento similar?
 Obviamente los aspectos de libertad y posesión real de mi equipo son los
 que me animarían a hacer algo así, pero que tanto perderías en funcionalidad
 y rendimiento?
 Nota: todavía no tengo una MacBook.

IMHO tiene mucho sentido, hasta sería mas eficiente que con macosx:
debian me evitaría tener que aprender algo diferente

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Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:36:42 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 El 17/06/12 12:29, Camaleón escribió:

 Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.
 Pon la salida completa de ese comando y también la de apt-get -f

 Gracias por contestar.
 Poniendo aptitude install -f ,  aparece lo siguiente:


Me gusta más apt, lo veo más comprensible :-)

 Y si pongo apt-get - f install,  aparece lo siguiente:

 root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get -f install Leyendo lista de paquetes...
 Creando árbol de dependencias
 Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho Corrigiendo dependencias...
 Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes extras:
 Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
 1 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 60 no actualizados. 5
 no instalados del todo o eliminados. Se necesita descargar 0 B/117 kB de
 archivos. Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de disco adicional después de
 esta operación. ¿Desea continuar [S/n]? S
 E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5 

Algo raruno le pasa con ese paquete...

 Con  Synaptic,  si le digo que lo actualice sale la frase que indique
 antes, y solo esa frase: E: internal Error, No file name for; y si le
 digo que lo borre completamente, me indica que me borrara un montón de
 paquetes, prácticamente gnome entero. No puedo poner aquí la lista ya
 que Synaptic no me lo deja copiar para después pegarlo aquí.

Podrías intentar con dpkg --audit y depende de lo que te diga (p. ej., 
que hay un paquete a medio configurar) intentarlo con dpkg --configure --

Un poco más a lo bruto que sería renombrar el/los archivos que te dan 
guerra (deben estar por /var/lib/dpkg/info/libtinfo5* y/o /var/lib/
dpkg/info/libncurses5*) y volver a intentar la actualización, a ver qué 



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Re: OT: Tiene sentido instalar Debian en una MacBook?

2012-06-17 Thread David Reese

El 17/06/12 00:53, Felix Perez escribió:

El día 16 de junio de 2012 23:00, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco  escribió:

El día 16 de junio de 2012 20:47, Fernando C. Estrada  escribió:

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 05:18:57PM -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco wrote:

Es simplemente eso, si MacOSX es basado en Unix, a nivel de performance
en varios sentidos como multiproceso y manejo de memoria RAM, ¿Tiene
sentido trabajar con Debian en una MacBook?

Si, lo que no tiene sentido es trabajar sin Debian.

¿Alcanzarías al menos un rendimiento similar?

No veo porque no.

Obviamente los aspectos de libertad y posesión real de mi equipo son los
que me animarían a hacer algo así, pero que tanto perderías en funcionalidad
y rendimiento?

¿Porque habrías de perder funcionalidad y rendimiento?

Nota: todavía no tengo una MacBook.

Yo tampoco.

Fernando C. Estrada

moshez  ok, I will not marry Jo-Con-El's cow.

Podría perder rendimiento ya que estas máquinas son optimizadas para el OSX
y se supone una pérdida de rendimiento si entras a trabajar con otros
en fin.

Creo que es al reves el OSX es optimizado para esas y solo para esas
máquinas, según entiendo apple ya no fabrica o manda a fabricar
hardaware específico como lo hacía antes.


Estoy de acuerdo con el amigo Felix, Apple ya no fabrica Hardware, todo 
el Hardware de las MacBooks está basado en Intel, en realidad es el SO 
el que está optimizado para el hardware.
Ahora también, tomando en cuenta el hecho de que los controladores 
libres tanto como los controladores privativos en linux tardan un poco 
más en salir, si consigues una Macbook muy nueva probablemente tengas 
problemas con los controladores y en consecuencia y también muy 
probablemente tengas consecuencias en la performance.
Si quieres una Macbook y quieres intentar debian te recomendaria 
averiguar primeramente las versiones de Macbook con mayor compatibilidad 
con sistemas linux, un poco de Google y lo encuentras.
Y compartes de la misma forma tu sistema Debian con el OSX de la 
Macbook. Entonces lo comprobarás tu mismo, gran parte de los resultados 
que obtengas estarán basados en el juego de Hardware + Controlador.

Feliz Dia!


David H. Reese M.
Investigación y Desarrollo
Dirección Nacional de Contrataciones Públicas
Asunción - Paraguay
Teléfono: 595 971 351390

Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread Roberto Quiñones

El 17/06/2012 10:36, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 17/06/12 12:29, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:29:05 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

Tengo Debian Wheezy y Gnome 3.

Este  es mi problema, al intentar actualizar con aptitudes o con
Synaptic, no me deja. Descarga los paquetes a actualizar pero cuando los
quiere instalar aparece  la siguiente frase: E: Internal Error, No file
name for libtinfo5

A continuación pongo todo lo que aparece:

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude safe-upgrade

Yo siempre actualizo wheezy con apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-
upgrade para que haga y deshaga lo que prefiera.


Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente
libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev libtinfo5

Este parece ser el origen del problema, esos paquetes no están instalados


Des: 64 testing/main
libsystemd-daemon0 i386 44-2 [12,8 kB]


¿Has probado con un repositorio distinto del francés? Lo comento porque
parece que usan ipv6 e independientemente de que tenga no relación con
este problema, sí te puede jorobar en el futuro.

sm01@stt008:~$ host is an alias for has address has IPv6 address 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2

Descargados 38,0 MB en 1min. 19seg. (480 kB/s) E: Internal Error, No
file name for libtinfo5

Cuando aparece la última línea  E: Internal Error, No file name for
libtinfo5  se para y no continua.

En Synaptic aparece como rotos, si le digo que lo corrija me aparece la
misma frase.

¿No se ha podido actualizar ningún paquete?

Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.

Pon la salida completa de ese comando y también la de apt-get -f



Gracias por contestar.

Poniendo aptitude install -f ,  aparece lo siguiente:
root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude install -f
Se instalarán los siguiente paquetes NUEVOS:
   libaqbanking34 libaqbanking34-plugins libreoffice-evolution
   libreoffice-help-en-us shotwell-common unoconv
Se ELIMINARÁN los siguientes paquetes:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
   libaqbanking-data libncurses5 shotwell
Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente
   libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev libtinfo5
3 paquetes actualizados, 6 nuevos instalados, 1 para eliminar y 58 sin
Necesito descargar 0 B/15,4 MB de ficheros. Después de desempaquetar se
usarán 23,5 MB.
¿Quiere continuar? [Y/n/?] Y
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5


Y si pongo apt-get - f install,  aparece lo siguiente:

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get -f install
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Corrigiendo dependencias... Listo
Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes extras:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
1 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 60 no actualizados.
5 no instalados del todo o eliminados.
Se necesita descargar 0 B/117 kB de archivos.
Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de disco adicional después de esta operación.
¿Desea continuar [S/n]? S
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5

Con  Synaptic,  si le digo que lo actualice sale la frase que indique
antes, y solo esa frase: E: internal Error, No file name for; y si le
digo que lo borre completamente, me indica que me borrara un montón de
paquetes, prácticamente gnome entero. No puedo poner aquí la lista ya
que Synaptic no me lo deja copiar para después pegarlo aquí.

Como te ha dicho Camaleon, has probado con otro repositorio, ojo que el 
que funcione el repo frances con Ipv6 no afecta ya que también funciona 
por Ipv4, pero eso no es el punto, podrias probar a usar un repo 
distinto al fr y limpiar la instalación y hacerlo desde aptitude.


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Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread JulHer
El dom, 17-06-2012 a las 15:22 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:
 El 17/06/12 10:07, JulHer escribió: 
  apt-get remove --purge paquete
 Gracias por contestar:
 Aplicando ese comando sale lo siguiente:
 root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get remove --purge libtinfo5
 Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
 Creando árbol de dependencias   
 Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
 Tal vez quiera ejecutar «apt-get -f install» para corregirlo:
 Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
  alsa-utils : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
  aptitude : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
  bash : PreDepende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
  brltty : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
  ... eliminado...
  w3m : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
  xterm : Depende: libtinfo5 pero no va a instalarse
 E: Dependencias incumplidas. Intente «apt-get -f install» sin paquetes
 (o especifique una solución).
 Como se ve sigue igual

Parece que hay un buen lío... 

Bueno, puedes probar a ejecutar un

#apt-get -f install

justo después del apt-get remove, sin mezclarlo con otros intentos de
aptitude o similares.

Y si sigue igual, y ya que parece que el paquete libtinfo5 estña dando
problemas... pues puedes intentar reinstalarlo con

#apt-get install --reinstall libtinfo5

y después volver a probar la actualización

No se me ocurre otra cosa, pero... me da que algo pasó por el camino
para que el sistema de paquetes quedará así... ¿Se interrumpió alguna
actualización...? ¿algún apagado a las bravas...?

Un saludo


 Un saludo, 
 José Manuel 
 Gran Canaria/España 
 Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto: 
 no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!! 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 17/06/12 16:00, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:36:42 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 17/06/12 12:29, Camaleón escribió:

Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.

Pon la salida completa de ese comando y también la de apt-get -f

Gracias por contestar.

Poniendo aptitude install -f ,  aparece lo siguiente:


Me gusta más apt, lo veo más comprensible :-)

Y si pongo apt-get - f install,  aparece lo siguiente:
root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get -f install Leyendo lista de paquetes...
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho Corrigiendo dependencias...
Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes extras:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
1 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 60 no actualizados. 5
no instalados del todo o eliminados. Se necesita descargar 0 B/117 kB de
archivos. Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de disco adicional después de
esta operación. ¿Desea continuar [S/n]? S
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5

Algo raruno le pasa con ese paquete...

Con  Synaptic,  si le digo que lo actualice sale la frase que indique
antes, y solo esa frase: E: internal Error, No file name for; y si le
digo que lo borre completamente, me indica que me borrara un montón de
paquetes, prácticamente gnome entero. No puedo poner aquí la lista ya
que Synaptic no me lo deja copiar para después pegarlo aquí.

Podrías intentar con dpkg --audit y depende de lo que te diga (p. ej.,
que hay un paquete a medio configurar) intentarlo con dpkg --configure --

Un poco más a lo bruto que sería renombrar el/los archivos que te dan
guerra (deben estar por /var/lib/dpkg/info/libtinfo5* y/o /var/lib/
dpkg/info/libncurses5*) y volver a intentar la actualización, a ver qué



Gracias Camaleón por contestar.

Aquí te pongo lo que  salio con dpkg --audit

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# dpkg --audit
Los siguientes paquetes han sido desempaquetados pero no configurados aún.
Deben ser configurados mediante dpkg --configure o la opción `configure'
en dselect para que funcionen:
 libncurses5-dev  developer's libraries for ncurses
 libtinfo-dev:i386developer's library for the low-level terminfo 
 libncursesw5:i386shared libraries for terminal handling (wide 
character su

 libncursesw5-dev developer's libraries for ncursesw
 libtinfo5:i386   shared low-level terminfo library for terminal 

The following packages are missing the md5sums control file in the
database, they need to be reinstalled:
 slib Portable Scheme library
 gcj-4.6-jre  Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
 bogofilter   fast Bayesian spam filter (dummy package)
 gcj-4.4-jre  Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
 doc-debian   Debian Project documentation and other documents
 cups-driver-gutenprint transitional dummy package for gutenprint 
printer drive

 gcj-jre  Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
 g++  GNU C++ compiler
 doc-debian-esDebian FAQ translated to Spanish
 gcj-jre-headless Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath 
(headless ve

 libaudio2:i386   Network Audio System - shared libraries
 interact Turns your wall or whiteboard into an interactive 

Y con el comando dpkg --configure --pending

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# dpkg --configure --pending
dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de libncurses5-dev:
 libncurses5-dev depende de libncurses5 (= 5.9-8); sin embargo:
  La versión de `libncurses5:i386' en el sistema es 5.9-7.
dpkg: error al procesar libncurses5-dev (--configure):
 problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
Configurando libtinfo5:i386 (5.9-8) ...
Configurando libtinfo-dev:i386 (5.9-8) ...
Configurando libncursesw5:i386 (5.9-8) ...
Configurando libncursesw5-dev (5.9-8) ...
Se encontraron errores al procesar:

Como se ve me sigue dando problemas.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 17/06/12 17:02, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

El 17/06/2012 10:36, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 17/06/12 12:29, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:29:05 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

Tengo Debian Wheezy y Gnome 3.

Este  es mi problema, al intentar actualizar con aptitudes o con
Synaptic, no me deja. Descarga los paquetes a actualizar pero 
cuando los
quiere instalar aparece  la siguiente frase: E: Internal Error, No 

name for libtinfo5

A continuación pongo todo lo que aparece:

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude safe-upgrade

Yo siempre actualizo wheezy con apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-
upgrade para que haga y deshaga lo que prefiera.


Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente
libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev 
Este parece ser el origen del problema, esos paquetes no están 



Des: 64 testing/main
libsystemd-daemon0 i386 44-2 [12,8 kB]


¿Has probado con un repositorio distinto del francés? Lo comento porque
parece que usan ipv6 e independientemente de que tenga no relación con
este problema, sí te puede jorobar en el futuro.

sm01@stt008:~$ host is an alias for has address has IPv6 address 2a01:e0c:1:1598::2

Descargados 38,0 MB en 1min. 19seg. (480 kB/s) E: Internal Error, No
file name for libtinfo5

Cuando aparece la última línea  E: Internal Error, No file name for
libtinfo5  se para y no continua.

En Synaptic aparece como rotos, si le digo que lo corrija me 
aparece la

misma frase.

¿No se ha podido actualizar ningún paquete?

Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.

Pon la salida completa de ese comando y también la de apt-get -f



Gracias por contestar.

Poniendo aptitude install -f ,  aparece lo siguiente:
root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude install -f
Se instalarán los siguiente paquetes NUEVOS:
   libaqbanking34 libaqbanking34-plugins libreoffice-evolution
   libreoffice-help-en-us shotwell-common unoconv
Se ELIMINARÁN los siguientes paquetes:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
   libaqbanking-data libncurses5 shotwell
Se configurarán los siguientes paquetes que están ahora parcialmente
   libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 libncursesw5-dev libtinfo-dev libtinfo5
3 paquetes actualizados, 6 nuevos instalados, 1 para eliminar y 58 sin
Necesito descargar 0 B/15,4 MB de ficheros. Después de desempaquetar se
usarán 23,5 MB.
¿Quiere continuar? [Y/n/?] Y
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5


Y si pongo apt-get - f install,  aparece lo siguiente:

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get -f install
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Corrigiendo dependencias... Listo
Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes extras:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
1 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 60 no actualizados.
5 no instalados del todo o eliminados.
Se necesita descargar 0 B/117 kB de archivos.
Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de disco adicional después de esta 

¿Desea continuar [S/n]? S
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5

Con  Synaptic,  si le digo que lo actualice sale la frase que indique
antes, y solo esa frase: E: internal Error, No file name for; y si le
digo que lo borre completamente, me indica que me borrara un montón de
paquetes, prácticamente gnome entero. No puedo poner aquí la lista ya
que Synaptic no me lo deja copiar para después pegarlo aquí.

Como te ha dicho Camaleon, has probado con otro repositorio, ojo que 
el que funcione el repo frances con Ipv6 no afecta ya que también 
funciona por Ipv4, pero eso no es el punto, podrias probar a usar un 
repo distinto al fr y limpiar la instalación y hacerlo desde aptitude.




Utilizo el de Francia, por la cercanía a España.  De todas formas cuál 
me recomendáis.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Error al manejar particiones

2012-06-17 Thread Miguel Matos
Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema que requiere una solución
inmediata, porque me urge recuperar unos datos. Este es el problema.
Quise eliminar una partición para poder instalar otra distribución;
sin embargo, en Debian no se dejaba operar (el error no me acuerdo, y
para ello generé una captura de pantalla, la que guardé en la
partición que acabo de perder), así que pensé en operarlo sobre
Windows 7; pero no me fijé a qué le di y elegí Eliminar volumen
sobre la partición lógica completa, perdiendo dos particiones
extendidas, la que tiene mi data, y es imprescindible que la recupere.
¿Conocen de alguna manera que pueda recuperarla? Acoto que sólo escogí
eliminar la partición lógica, y con el pánico no puedo aportar más
datos, sólo recurrir a ustedes para que me guien en su recuperación.

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Error al manejar particiones

2012-06-17 Thread Fernando C. Estrada
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 07:00:42PM -0430, Miguel Matos wrote:
 Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema que requiere una solución
 inmediata, porque me urge recuperar unos datos. Este es el problema.
 Quise eliminar una partición para poder instalar otra distribución;
 sin embargo, en Debian no se dejaba operar (el error no me acuerdo, y
 para ello generé una captura de pantalla, la que guardé en la
 partición que acabo de perder), así que pensé en operarlo sobre
 Windows 7; pero no me fijé a qué le di y elegí Eliminar volumen
 sobre la partición lógica completa, perdiendo dos particiones
 extendidas, la que tiene mi data, y es imprescindible que la recupere.
 ¿Conocen de alguna manera que pueda recuperarla? Acoto que sólo escogí
 eliminar la partición lógica, y con el pánico no puedo aportar más
 datos, sólo recurrir a ustedes para que me guien en su recuperación.

Alguna vez tuve un problema parecido (no utilizaba particiones lógicas),
y TestDisk [0] incluído en SystemRescueCD [1] me ayudó.


Fernando C. Estrada

To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Error al manejar particiones

2012-06-17 Thread Miguel Matos
El día 17 de junio de 2012 19:00, Miguel Matos escribió:
 Saludos a la lista. Tengo un problema que requiere una solución
 inmediata, porque me urge recuperar unos datos. Este es el problema.
 Quise eliminar una partición para poder instalar otra distribución;
 sin embargo, en Debian no se dejaba operar (el error no me acuerdo, y
 para ello generé una captura de pantalla, la que guardé en la
 partición que acabo de perder), así que pensé en operarlo sobre
 Windows 7; pero no me fijé a qué le di y elegí Eliminar volumen
 sobre la partición lógica completa, perdiendo dos particiones
 extendidas, la que tiene mi data, y es imprescindible que la recupere.
 ¿Conocen de alguna manera que pueda recuperarla? Acoto que sólo escogí
 eliminar la partición lógica, y con el pánico no puedo aportar más
 datos, sólo recurrir a ustedes para que me guien en su recuperación.

Vale, ya he superado por fin el pánico del borrado accidental de las
y sí, las he restaurado haciendo uso del Hirens Boot CD, ¡muy práctico
para esos casos casuales! Luego de como 5 intentos de ensayo y error,
finalmente el Test Disk me ayudó a restaurar las particiones perdidas. Pero
ahora surge la contra al usar estas herramientas: la pérdida del GRUB y el
aislamiento de la partición Debian. Luego probaré accesar a ellas y les comento
mis progresos y posible solución.

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

marcar sectores o bloques dañados de un Disco Duro

2012-06-17 Thread J.Alejandro Martinez Linares

Hola gente ,
tengo una duda y me gustaria la aclaran si pueden , es que tengo un 
amigo que tiene un disco duro con sectores malos y a cada rato le pasa 
alguna herramientas que corrige esos sectores, pero me da la impresion 
de que hay algunos sectores que vuelven a caer por ser defectuosos, 
entonces mi duda es si hay alguna forma de marcar definitivo sectores 
dañados para cualquier sistema de archivos de un disco o por lo menos 
los mas conocidos y usados, ext4, ext3, ext2, fat32, ntfs.

gracias de antemano a todos.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: marcar sectores o bloques dañados de un Disco Duro

2012-06-17 Thread Walter O. Dari


On 17/06/12 19:00, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares wrote:

Hola gente ,
tengo una duda y me gustaria la aclaran si pueden , es que tengo un
amigo que tiene un disco duro con sectores malos y a cada rato le pasa
alguna herramientas que corrige esos sectores, pero me da la impresion
de que hay algunos sectores que vuelven a caer por ser defectuosos,
entonces mi duda es si hay alguna forma de marcar definitivo sectores
dañados para cualquier sistema de archivos de un disco o por lo menos
los mas conocidos y usados, ext4, ext3, ext2, fat32, ntfs.

Generalmente esos daños son progresivos, si va corrigiendo y siguen 
apareciendo ahí tienes la confirmación de que es así.

No se si te convenga perder tiempo con ese disco.

gracias de antemano a todos.


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Problemas con libtinfo5 en Wheezy

2012-06-17 Thread Francisco Rafael Del Roio

El 17/06/12 19:15, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 17/06/12 16:00, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:36:42 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 17/06/12 12:29, Camaleón escribió:

Si pongo aptitude install -f  aparece la misma frase.

Pon la salida completa de ese comando y también la de apt-get -f

Gracias por contestar.

Poniendo aptitude install -f ,  aparece lo siguiente:


Me gusta más apt, lo veo más comprensible :-)

Y si pongo apt-get - f install,  aparece lo siguiente:
root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get -f install Leyendo lista de paquetes...
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho Corrigiendo dependencias...
Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes extras:
Se actualizarán los siguientes paquetes:
1 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 60 no 
actualizados. 5
no instalados del todo o eliminados. Se necesita descargar 0 B/117 
kB de

archivos. Se utilizarán 0 B de espacio de disco adicional después de
esta operación. ¿Desea continuar [S/n]? S
E: Internal Error, No file name for libtinfo5

Algo raruno le pasa con ese paquete...

Con  Synaptic,  si le digo que lo actualice sale la frase que indique
antes, y solo esa frase: E: internal Error, No file name for; y si le
digo que lo borre completamente, me indica que me borrara un montón de
paquetes, prácticamente gnome entero. No puedo poner aquí la lista ya
que Synaptic no me lo deja copiar para después pegarlo aquí.

Podrías intentar con dpkg --audit y depende de lo que te diga (p. ej.,
que hay un paquete a medio configurar) intentarlo con dpkg 
--configure --


Un poco más a lo bruto que sería renombrar el/los archivos que te dan
guerra (deben estar por /var/lib/dpkg/info/libtinfo5* y/o /var/lib/
dpkg/info/libncurses5*) y volver a intentar la actualización, a ver qué



Gracias Camaleón por contestar.

Aquí te pongo lo que  salio con dpkg --audit

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# dpkg --audit
Los siguientes paquetes han sido desempaquetados pero no configurados 

Deben ser configurados mediante dpkg --configure o la opción `configure'
en dselect para que funcionen:
 libncurses5-dev  developer's libraries for ncurses
 libtinfo-dev:i386developer's library for the low-level terminfo 
 libncursesw5:i386shared libraries for terminal handling (wide 
character su

 libncursesw5-dev developer's libraries for ncursesw
 libtinfo5:i386   shared low-level terminfo library for terminal 

The following packages are missing the md5sums control file in the
database, they need to be reinstalled:
 slib Portable Scheme library
 gcj-4.6-jre  Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
 bogofilter   fast Bayesian spam filter (dummy package)
 gcj-4.4-jre  Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
 doc-debian   Debian Project documentation and other documents
 cups-driver-gutenprint transitional dummy package for gutenprint 
printer drive

 gcj-jre  Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath
 g++  GNU C++ compiler
 doc-debian-esDebian FAQ translated to Spanish
 gcj-jre-headless Java runtime environment using GIJ/classpath 
(headless ve

 libaudio2:i386   Network Audio System - shared libraries
 interact Turns your wall or whiteboard into an 
interactive whitebo


Y con el comando dpkg --configure --pending

root@PAPA:/home/eb8cxw# dpkg --configure --pending
dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de 

 libncurses5-dev depende de libncurses5 (= 5.9-8); sin embargo:
  La versión de `libncurses5:i386' en el sistema es 5.9-7.
dpkg: error al procesar libncurses5-dev (--configure):
 problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
Configurando libtinfo5:i386 (5.9-8) ...
Configurando libtinfo-dev:i386 (5.9-8) ...
Configurando libncursesw5:i386 (5.9-8) ...
Configurando libncursesw5-dev (5.9-8) ...
Se encontraron errores al procesar:

Como se ve me sigue dando problemas.

Hola. Yo te recomiendo que uses el repo de EE.UU (, o 
el repo base (

Ambos son muy rápidos, y dudo mucho que tengan problemas.

Francisco rafael del roio

attachment: francipvb.vcf

Flash plugin not working in Epiphany

2012-06-17 Thread Razvan Deaconescu

I'm using Debian Wheezy, updated, on AMD64, with Gnome 3.4,
flashplugin-nonfree 2.8.3. Flash plugin is working in Iceweasel and
Midori but not under Epiphany.

I've followed the steps here[1] but with no success.

Could you please point me to a solution to this issue?



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Re: Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/06/12 06:36, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 06:23 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:

Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be rotating (and cleaning Xorg
log files).  I've just noticed /var/log contains about 540 versions of
the log

Wow, fortunately my X logs for Debian are limited to

spinymouse@precise:~$ ls /media/avlinux/var/log/X*
/media/avlinux/var/log/Xorg.0.log  /media/avlinux/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old

But on Ubuntu I get
spinymouse@precise:~$ ls .goutputstream-*

each time I log out there's a new useless file called .goutputstream-*.

If you aren't able to find the reason why, add a script to delete this
crap, or manually delete it, as I do.

Is there any information in those log files, that really refers to a

If you shouldn't know, please post one of your X log files.

- Ralf

All the recent ones terminate like this

[ 32068.411] (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: 

i810-dc100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 854, 852GM/855GM, 865G, 915G,
E7221 (i915), 915GM, 945G, 945GM, 945GME, Pineview GM, Pineview G,
965G, G35, 965Q, 946GZ, 965GM, 965GME/GLE, G33, Q35, Q33, GM45,
4 Series, G45/G43, Q45/Q43, G41, B43, B43, Clarkdale, Arrandale,
Sandybridge Desktop (GT1), Sandybridge Desktop (GT2),
Sandybridge Desktop (GT2+), Sandybridge Mobile (GT1),
Sandybridge Mobile (GT2), Sandybridge Mobile (GT2+),
Sandybridge Server, Ivybridge Mobile (GT1), Ivybridge Mobile (GT2),
Ivybridge Desktop (GT1), Ivybridge Desktop (GT2), Ivybridge Server
[ 32068.412]
Fatal server error:
[ 32068.412] xf86OpenConsole: Cannot find a free VT
[ 32068.412]
[ 32068.412]
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
 for help.
[ 32068.412] Please also check the log file at /var/log/Xorg.543.log 
for additional information.

[ 32068.412]

But it all seems to be fine otherwise

Now I've looked more closely the numbering isn't contiguous.  
Xorg.398.log exists, then the next one is - but then they 
continue as a series all the way up to Xorg.544.log

Alan Chandler

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Re: Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-17 Thread Thilo Six

Excerpt from Ralf Mardorf:

 On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 06:23 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be rotating (and cleaning Xorg 
 log files).  I've just noticed /var/log contains about 540 versions of 
 the log
 Wow, fortunately my X logs for Debian are limited to
 spinymouse@precise:~$ ls /media/avlinux/var/log/X*
 /media/avlinux/var/log/Xorg.0.log  /media/avlinux/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old
 But on Ubuntu I get
 spinymouse@precise:~$ ls .goutputstream-*

i suspect this some gnome/gdm/gvfs related thing:

With kdm i do not get those.

 each time I log out there's a new useless file called .goutputstream-*.
 If you aren't able to find the reason why, add a script to delete this
 crap, or manually delete it, as I do.
 Is there any information in those log files, that really refers to a
 If you shouldn't know, please post one of your X log files.
 - Ralf


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Re: Syslogd message...............

2012-06-17 Thread keith
On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 22:31 +1000, Charlie wrote:

 It changes the device from /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sdd1 and back again.
 I am now mounting it as /dev/sdb1. That's what it has always been, and
 then it started to drop out while I was looking through the files and
 wouldn't mount and came up as /dev/sdd1 etc..
 It keeps shifting, but it's working without error for now.
 It's connected to a laptop, it's a laptop drive in an enclosure. Anyway
 it's mounting again now.
 Interesting. I'll just have to see if it drops out again.
Had the same problem with an external enclosure; Try a different data

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Re: Syslogd message...............

2012-06-17 Thread Charlie
 On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 10:45:26 +0100 keith suggested

On Sat, 2012-06-16 at 22:31 +1000, Charlie wrote:

 It changes the device from /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sdd1 and back again.
 I am now mounting it as /dev/sdb1. That's what it has always been,
 and then it started to drop out while I was looking through the
 files and wouldn't mount and came up as /dev/sdd1 etc..
 It keeps shifting, but it's working without error for now.
 It's connected to a laptop, it's a laptop drive in an enclosure.
 Anyway it's mounting again now.
 Interesting. I'll just have to see if it drops out again.
Had the same problem with an external enclosure; Try a different data

Thanks Keith,

Have tried that, but will try it again. It's working with everything
the same at the moment. It does have a problem making the connection
every now and again.

Thank you,
**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **
Registered Linux User:- 329524

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.
--Sengstan Third Zen Patriarch

Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic

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Re: Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 08:07 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:

 [snip] (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets:
 [snip] Fatal server error:
 [ 32068.412] xf86OpenConsole: Cannot find a free VT

Did you read one of the Google hits regarding to Cannot find a free VT
that unfortunately are not related to Intel? I didn't read them
completely, so I don't know if they're helpful for you, anyway, there
are several hits for ATI. For one thread Camaleón mentioned 3D, dunno if
it was the culprit, since I didn't read all mails.


On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 10:02 +0200, Thilo Six wrote:
 spinymouse@precise:~$ ls .goutputstream-*
 i suspect this some gnome/gdm/gvfs related thing:
 With kdm i do not get those.

Thank you,

but display manager for Ubuntu Studio's Xfce4 is lightdm.
GLib here is 2.32.3, not GLib 2.18 and GVfs here is 1.12.1, not GVfs
1.0.4. and it happens always for a shutdown, restart, perhaps logout
too. Perhaps it's related to the fact, that I removed pulseaudio,
without any trick as e.g. a dummy package, it was simply removed by the
package management, there were no dependency issues.

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AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Claudius Hubig

I am running Testing/Sid amd64 with Multi-Arch enabled (i. e. Acrobat
Reader and Skype from i386) on a single-user machine and here’s what
I want to achieve:

- Programs that process data ‘from the internet’ are only allowed to
  access the files they strictly need to access, plus a $HOME/Desktop
  (to share files with other such processes etc.)
- The same restrictions apply to childs of these processes
- All other processes are allowed to do whatever their standard Unix
  permissions allow them to do.

In the past, I achieved this via AppArmor and custom profiles for
Pidgin, Opera, Iceweasel and Skype[1,2]. However, I just noticed that
there don’t appear AppArmor profiles to be around for Kernel 3.3 or
3.4, and, aside from that, only Ubuntu appears to use it, while
SELinux is much more common. A bit more reading in the Debian
Handbook then illustrated that SELinux is apparently more powerful
but also more complex than AppArmor.

My question is: Would it make sense to deploy SELinux on my system to
achieve the tasks mentioned above?

I know that security cannot be absolute, but I would feel much more
comfortable if an exploit in the MSN handler of Pidgin or a plugin
gone wild in Opera wouldn’t make my private SSH keys accessible to
the world :-)

Best regards  many thanks,


[1] Not Claws Mail because it needs to read my mail anyways and
there’s little that needs more protection on my computer than my mail.
[2] Writing these profiles was relatively straight-forward,
especially since I didn’t care about stuff outside of /home and /tmp.

Never trust a child farther than you can throw it.  telnet 4242

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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
AFAIK openSUSE and Ubuntu by default do ship with AppArmor.

Dunno why our Linux installs get spammed with all that crap, such as
AppArmor, ConsoleKit etc..

Reminds me to remove AppArmor from my latest Ubuntu Studio.

In cases of paranoia I recommend to consult a shrink instead of
installing AppArmor, perhaps some Russian spam sells neuroleptics :p.
Missing for the spam I get, they usually sell serotonin reuptake
inhibitor only. IMO Mary and Jane are the better help.

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Re: [OT] Documenting new stuff (was: /tmp is too small)

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 22:34:09 +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 09, 2012 at 08:10:39PM +, Camaleón wrote:


 Although there's more info at the usual path
 /usr/share/doc/initscripts/ README.Debian I still find it a bit
 intimidating for the newcomers.
 As mentioned in the header of both these files, you should take a look
 at the rcS(5) and tmpfs(5) manual pages, both of which go into much more
 detail.  The files themselves only contain one line comments; there's no
 point duplicating the entire manual page in the configuration file.

Already read those man pages (well, only the former because the other does 
not even exist :-P) but they lack the information I'm referring to, I mean, 
something more conceptual (why should I go with this?) than practical (how 
can I go with this?).

 If you would like additional information adding, please do file bugs,
 patches if you have proposed text.  It's all in the public git repo.

I don't see the need for a bug now because:

1/ TMPFS is not going to be a default setting.

2/ Debian wiki can be editable by any user meaning I can create such a page 
but I still don't know what to put there because I lack the required knowledge 
for this.



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Re: Installing squeeze in Virtual box

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 06:01:14 +0530, L V Gandhi wrote:

 Any blog or tutorial for installing squeeze in virtual box of windows? 

For something special? I mean, it works as usual :-?

 How to make virtual partitions for root and swap in virtual box?

What do you mean by virtual partitions? You partition the virtual disk 
in the same way you'd do for a hardware based install.



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Re: Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 06:23:44 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:

 Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be rotating (and cleaning Xorg
 log files).  I've just noticed /var/log contains about 540 versions of
 the log

I experienced something similar in my Wheezy system... IIRC it happened 
when I was testing different settings in xorg.conf and the X server 
crashed. I manually removed the extra log files and until now I have 
not experienced the problem again.



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Re: Flash plugin not working in Epiphany

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:50:10 +0300, Razvan Deaconescu wrote:

 I'm using Debian Wheezy, updated, on AMD64, with Gnome 3.4,
 flashplugin-nonfree 2.8.3. Flash plugin is working in Iceweasel and
 Midori but not under Epiphany.
 I've followed the steps here[1] but with no success.
 Could you please point me to a solution to this issue?

First, ensure the about:plugins lists the Adobe Flash plugin.

Then run this command an send here the output:

update-alternatives --display


Wait... the above links seems to point that the newer Epiphany is based 
in GTK3 and thus cannot work with Adobe Flash Player which is GTK2 based 
so it needs nspluginwrapper. I wonder if this really the problem 
here :-?



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any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread Jude DaShiell
Script started on Sun 17 Jun 2012 08:26:58 AM EDT
jude@stmarys:~$ mdir a:/
plain_io: Input/output error
plain_io: Input/output error
init A: could not read boot sector
Cannot initialize 'A:'
jude@stmarys:~$ exit

Script done on Sun 17 Jun 2012 08:27:37 AM EDT

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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Re: Flash plugin not working in Epiphany

2012-06-17 Thread Razvan Deaconescu
Camaleón writes:
 On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:50:10 +0300, Razvan Deaconescu wrote:

 I'm using Debian Wheezy, updated, on AMD64, with Gnome 3.4,
 flashplugin-nonfree 2.8.3. Flash plugin is working in Iceweasel and
 Midori but not under Epiphany.
 I've followed the steps here[1] but with no success.
 Could you please point me to a solution to this issue?

 First, ensure the about:plugins lists the Adobe Flash plugin.

It is listed. It prints the same value as Iceweasel.

 Then run this command an send here the output:

 update-alternatives --display

$ update-alternatives --display - auto mode
  link currently points to /usr/lib/flashplayer-mozilla/
/usr/lib/flashplayer-mozilla/ - priority 10
Current 'best' version is


 Wait... the above links seems to point that the newer Epiphany is based 
 in GTK3 and thus cannot work with Adobe Flash Player which is GTK2 based 
 so it needs nspluginwrapper. I wonder if this really the problem 
 here :-?

Hmmm ... I've found this post[1]. It signals the same issue I'm
having. I guess I would have to install the 32 bit version of; it looks weird to have a functional 64 bit version
for Iceweasel/Midori but a nspluginwrapper-endorsed 32 bit version for Epiphany.



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Re: any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 08:29 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 Script started on Sun 17 Jun 2012 08:26:58 AM EDT
 jude@stmarys:~$ mdir a:/
 plain_io: Input/output error
 plain_io: Input/output error
 init A: could not read boot sector
 Cannot initialize 'A:'
 jude@stmarys:~$ exit
 Script done on Sun 17 Jun 2012 08:27:37 AM EDT

No, but maybe gives
a hint?! I'm not interested to read it myself.

Google links to several threads, I only take (took?) care about the
O'Reilly link, since O'Reilly usually is a good source.

For some reason I need Windoof, but I only installed it as guest to a
virtual machine. IMO everybody should get rid of Windoof, if possible.
Linux already is a PITA, for me there's no need to care for Windoof too,
since it's more than just a PITA. If possible do yourself a favorer and
drop Windows, if possible.

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Re: Flash plugin not working in Epiphany

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:55:46 +0300, Razvan Deaconescu wrote:

 Camaleón writes:

 Wait... the above links seems to point that the newer Epiphany is based
 in GTK3 and thus cannot work with Adobe Flash Player which is GTK2
 based so it needs nspluginwrapper. I wonder if this really the
 problem here :-?
 Hmmm ... I've found this post[1]. 

So finally it seems the above holds true, how bad :-(

 It signals the same issue I'm having. I guess I would have to install
 the 32 bit version of; it looks weird to have a
 functional 64 bit version for Iceweasel/Midori but a nspluginwrapper
 -endorsed 32 bit version for Epiphany.

Yup... and the worst thing is that nspluginwrapper used to be quite 
problematic (leading to browser freeze) or at least that's what I recall 
when we had to use it because no native flash player plugin was available 
for 64 bits.

I wonder if Adobe is going to do something right any time. What a 
deficient company, gosh...



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Re: Flash plugin not working in Epiphany

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 13:11 +, Camaleón wrote:
 deficient company

deficient + company = unfortunately a tautology nowadays
There's no reason for even market economy to be evil. Of course, there's
a small border between social market and vanilla market economy.

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Re: Syslogd message...............

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 08:43:49 +1000, Charlie wrote:

 On Sat, 16 Jun 2012 17:13:26 + (UTC) Camaleón
  suggested this:

Being USB volumes in external enclosures it can be that they were badly
umounted and thus the message. I would run fsck over the umounted
volumes to check for any errors in the filesystem.
 True, and I am reluctant to bring the devil to the door by saying that
 I've never yet forgotten to unmount a file system before pulling the
 plug. Because should I do so, it would happen almost instantly that I
 would do just that.
 I did run fsck over it, thank you for the suggestion and there were no

Good then.

 Furthermore for the last few mounts, it has mounted correctly as
 /dev/sdb1 but here's the trick:
 I've always recorded that volume in /etc/fstab by its UUID, and doing
 that suddenly developed the problem. It would mount and suddenly drop
 out, and not be remountable. Even if I reworked /etc/fstab and changed
 the device allocation as it showed up in blkid.

I don't see how this can be the source of the problem. The new device 
naming has to be used yes or yes if you are attaching a removable 
device to a new kernel, otherwise the location of the volume can change 
after every boot.
 I have abandoned UUID and now record it as /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab and
 it would appear after 10 mounts, that the problem is no more.

But other problems can arise... you better return to the UUID and if the 
problems comes again, investigate it.

 That could be coincidence, because the system now always correctly
 identifies the disk as /dev/sdb1 no longer on occasion as /dev/sdd1.

I wouldn't rely on a random behaviour, better stick to what is known to 
work and should fails, report it.

 So further to this. If I also put say, a card reader into another USB
 port, and try to mount it as /media/usb0 and have the USB connected
 external harddisk mounted. The message is that /dev/sdb1 is already

Logs, sir, logs are always necessary to debug these kind of issues.

 So in my /etc/fstab I have included the card reader as /dev/sdc1 and
 both work at the same time. I haven't yet tried mounting both external
 hard drives at the same time, but don't expect any problems now.


If you are loading a DE (like gnome or kde) by default external USB 
devices are going to be automatically handled by the desktop, that is, 
they will be detected and mounted under /media/whatever as it happened 
with the card reader. 

You have to instruct your system what kind of method you prefer for any 
single device and if having an external USB disk that you usually have it 
attached to your system, it's preferable to go with a static mount point -
as you did- defined in /etc/fstab but using UUID/ID/LABEL or PATH and 
never use the old device naming (/dev/sdx) because you can experience 



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Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64
arch. But I see no, say


package, but





What should I install - for amd64 arch then?

Thanks for Your time.

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[OT] Thoughts on Adobe (was Flash plugin not working in Epiphany)

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:24:05 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 13:11 +, Camaleón wrote:
 deficient company
 deficient + company = unfortunately a tautology nowadays There's no
 reason for even market economy to be evil. Of course, there's a small
 border between social market and vanilla market economy.

The problem is that Adobe does nothing well while other companies _do_ 
and this remains true not only for their linux apps but also for their 
windows product line so this is not a casualty, something fails within 

P.S. Ralf, I like to see deviations from the main subject but consider in 
tagging your replies as such.



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unable to install Debian using syslinux 4.05(stuck in Load installer components from CD step)

2012-06-17 Thread Martin T

I'm trying to install debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso from USB
memory-stick. The problem is, that Debian-Installer is not able to
Detect and mount CD-ROM during the installation process. The USB
memory-stick is a 2GB model containing MBR and FAT32 file system:

# fdisk -lu /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 2013 MB, 2013265920 bytes
62 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1022 cylinders, total 3932160 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x4a02df63

  Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *  62 3928567 1964253b  W95 FAT32
# file -s /dev/sdb1
/dev/sdb1: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x58, OEM-ID SYSLINUX,
sectors/cluster 8, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 62, sectors 3928506
(volumes  32 MB) , FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT 3832, serial number
0x4373da42, label: debian64   

MBR has code needed for booting(first 440 bytes) and syslinux(4.05) is
installed to mentioned partition. Syslinux configuration(syslinux.cfg)
is very simple:

# cat syslinux.cfg
DEFAULT vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=initrd.gz iso-scan/filename=/debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso

Debian-Installer starts successfully and I'm able to specify locales
and keyboard layout, but Detect and mount CD-ROM fails. If I start
the ash(Execute a shell option in Debian-Installer menu) and mount
memory-stick FAT32 partition to /cdrom using BusyBox mount utility,
I'm able to pass the Detect and mount CD-ROM step, but then I'm
stuck in Load installer components from CD. I even copied entire
content of the debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso image to a
debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso_content directory in memory-stick and
then mounted this debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso_content directory to
/cdrom using the Debian-Installer shell(, but this didn't
help either to pass the Load installer components from CD step.

Any ideas how to proceed here? Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 20:29 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64

Google unfortunately still is the best choice, when searching the web.

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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 20:29:55 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64 arch.
 But I see no, say
 package, but
 What should I install - for amd64 arch then?


Maybe is that there are no native 64 bits packages (multiarch)? :-?



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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Sthu,

Sthu Deus wrote:
 What should I install - for amd64 arch then? lists a package for amd64, and so
does apt-cache show wine. Having a look at this package then gives you:

Depends: wine-bin (= 1.4.1-1) | wine64-bin (= 1.4.1-1)


# rmadison wine64-bin 
 wine64-bin | 1.4.1-1 | sid | amd64, kfreebsd-amd64
# rmadison wine-bin 
 wine-bin | 1.0.1-1   | lenny   | amd64, i386
 wine-bin | 1.0.1-3.1 | squeeze | amd64, i386
 wine-bin | 1.2.3-0.3 | wheezy  | amd64, i386, kfreebsd-i386
 wine-bin | 1.4.1-1   | sid | i386, kfreebsd-i386, powerpc

So just install wine64-bin (which should be installed automatically
if you were installing wine).

Best regards,

Q:  What is printed on the bottom of beer bottles in Minnesota?
A:  Open other end.  telnet 4242

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Thoughts on Adobe (was Flash plugin not working in Epiphany)

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 13:34 +, Camaleón wrote:
 P.S. Ralf, I like to see deviations from the main subject but consider in 
 tagging your replies as such.

Apologize for not adding OT to the subject.

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re: any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread Jude DaShiell
I think the floppy in this machine is defective.  The information on bsd 
wasn't useful in fact, as root I was prevented from changing permissions 
on the /dev/fd0 device.

Script started on Sun 17 Jun 2012 09:45:57 AM EDT
root@stmarys:~# dmesg | regrep fd0
[1.083042] Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
[ 2261.544104] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2264.552113] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2264.552496] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2267.560113] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2267.560565] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2270.568111] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2273.576111] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2273.576673] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2276.584112] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2276.584745] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2304.976115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2307.984116] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2307.984971] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2310.992114] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2310.993027] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2314.000110] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2317.008111] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2317.009136] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2320.016115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2320.017221] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 2520.200025] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2520.224026] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2620.576114] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2623.584114] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2626.592112] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2629.600113] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2632.608108] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2699.128112] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2702.136115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2705.144111] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2708.152112] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2711.160113] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2714.168109] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2717.176112] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2720.184114] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2723.192112] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2726.200115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2729.208110] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2732.216117] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2757.000115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2760.008117] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2763.024115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 2766.032116] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6780.112112] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6783.128126] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6783.130984] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 6786.136117] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6786.139003] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 6789.152115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6792.160116] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6792.163046] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 6795.168118] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6795.171078] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 6827.584116] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6830.600118] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6833.608114] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6833.610603] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 6836.616115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6836.618543] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 6893.696116] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6896.704116] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6896.705469] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
[ 6899.712115] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
[ 6899.713383] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
root@stmarys:~# exit

Script done on Sun 17 Jun 2012 09:46:21 AM EDT

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 15:44 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 20:29 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
  I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64
 Google unfortunately still is the best choice, when searching the web.

Oops, pardon, correct no
amd64 :(.

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Re: unable to install Debian using syslinux 4.05(stuck in Load installer components from CD step)

2012-06-17 Thread Brian
On Sun 17 Jun 2012 at 16:37:57 +0300, Martin T wrote:

 I'm trying to install debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso from USB
 memory-stick. The problem is, that Debian-Installer is not able to
 Detect and mount CD-ROM during the installation process. The USB
 memory-stick is a 2GB model containing MBR and FAT32 file system:

How did you put the iso on the stick? Any reason you cannot use the
method described in section 4.3.1. at ?

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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Gary Dale

On 17/06/12 09:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 20:29 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64

Google unfortunately still is the best choice, when searching the web.

Just don't download .deb files from untrusted sources. The ones on should always be your first choice.

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Re: Syslogd message...............

2012-06-17 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Charlie.

You worte:

 It changes the device from /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sdd1 and back again.

Oh, I got it now - You did not mention that.

 I am now mounting it as /dev/sdb1. That's what it has always been, and
 then it started to drop out while I was looking through the files and
 wouldn't mount and came up as /dev/sdd1 etc..

Try w/ UUID. You can find it out by

blkid /dev/sdb1

or what ever.

 It keeps shifting, but it's working without error for now.

IT should not shift at all. I would not trust such hardware. I
recommend You to find the culprit still. You probably need a desktop to
repair FS and solve what to do w/ the adapter (USB-*ATA) - may source
power is weak for the device? If You have no poser source for the
adapter (supplying power from USB) - it may not be sufficient though
the adapter manufacturers' may claim it.


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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 10:00 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 17/06/12 09:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 20:29 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
  I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64
  Google unfortunately still is the best choice, when searching the web.
 Just don't download .deb files from untrusted sources. The ones on should always be your first choice.

1. I was mistaken, but linked to Debian.
2. Third party not always is bad, especially because there's a small
line between official and third party. What e.g. is Debian

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re: any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread keith
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 09:49 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 I think the floppy in this machine is defective.  The information on bsd 
 wasn't useful in fact, as root I was prevented from changing permissions 
 on the /dev/fd0 device.
Looks like the FAT is corrupt. If the data is important to you, try
gddrescue, then attempt to loop mount the image. If that fails, I think
you will have lost your data,  will just have to try re formatting the

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re: any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread Jude DaShiell
The floppy won't even refoprmat.  Also, putting a never used floppy in 
that drive and attempting to format it fails as well.

On Sun, 17 Jun 2012, keith wrote:

 On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 09:49 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
  I think the floppy in this machine is defective.  The information on bsd 
  wasn't useful in fact, as root I was prevented from changing permissions 
  on the /dev/fd0 device.
 Looks like the FAT is corrupt. If the data is important to you, try
 gddrescue, then attempt to loop mount the image. If that fails, I think
 you will have lost your data,  will just have to try re formatting the

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Brian
On Sun 17 Jun 2012 at 16:10:18 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 2. Third party not always is bad, especially because there's a small
 line between official and third party. What e.g. is Debian

The gulf is large. Debian software comes with guarantees; Third Party
software doesn't.

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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Gary Dale

On 17/06/12 10:10 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 10:00 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:

On 17/06/12 09:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 20:29 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64

Google unfortunately still is the best choice, when searching the web.

Just don't download .deb files from untrusted sources. The ones on should always be your first choice.

1. I was mistaken, but linked to Debian.
2. Third party not always is bad, especially because there's a small
line between official and third party. What e.g. is Debian
Yes, but your point about google can lead to untrusted sources. And 
debian-multimedia often conflicts with the official packages. While I 
like the packages in debian-multimedia, I find I can't use them because 
they cause problems. This may be less of an issue when you're running 
the current stable release but I run testing.

The regular developers have enough problems keeping the packages from 
conflicting without having to add in packages that must be compiled with 
incompatible options. While I appreciate the job Christian Marillat is 
doing, debian-multimedia isn't for everyone.

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Re: Installing squeeze in Virtual box

2012-06-17 Thread Paul Saunders
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 11:48:49 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 06:01:14 +0530, L V Gandhi wrote:
  Any blog or tutorial for installing squeeze in virtual box of
 For something special? I mean, it works as usual :-?
  How to make virtual partitions for root and swap in virtual box?
 What do you mean by virtual partitions? You partition the virtual
 disk in the same way you'd do for a hardware based install.

Agreed. I've installed Debian in Virtualbox plenty of times.

 1. Download and install VirtualBox
 2. Download a Debian Installation CD
 3. Create a new VM, and follow the wizard (defaults are generally
 4. At first boot, VirtualBox asks for path to the installation CD.
 5. Follow Installer.

Paul Saunders

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Floppy disk output errors (was: any ideas?)

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 08:29:39 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Next time use a more descriptive subject to catch the user's attention ;-)

 Script started on Sun 17 Jun 2012 08:26:58 AM EDT 
 jude@stmarys:~$ mdir a:/
 plain_io: Input/output error
 plain_io: Input/output error
 init A: could not read boot sector
 Cannot initialize 'A:'
 jude@stmarys:~$ exit

So you have a floppy disk inserted into the drive and you can't read it.

Some questions:

1/ Does it work under windows?
2/ Can you make a raw copy for its content?
3/ How old is it?
4/ What's the output of mdir and mdir a: commands?
5/ Does it work when run as root?



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Re: unable to install Debian using syslinux 4.05(stuck in Load installer components from CD step)

2012-06-17 Thread keith
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 16:37 +0300, Martin T wrote:
 I'm trying to install debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso from USB
 memory-stick. The problem is, that Debian-Installer is not able to
 Detect and mount CD-ROM during the installation process. The USB
 memory-stick is a 2GB model containing MBR and FAT32 file system:

The first thing I would do is :-

dd if=debian.iso of=/dev/disk-not partition bs=1M

to put the cd image onto your usb stick/pendrive.

(I think that is where you are going wrong.)

Boot your computer from this pendrive  it should see your pendrive as
the cdrom  work as expected.


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Re: any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread Gary Dale

On 17/06/12 10:30 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

The floppy won't even refoprmat.  Also, putting a never used floppy in
that drive and attempting to format it fails as well.

On Sun, 17 Jun 2012, keith wrote:

On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 09:49 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:

I think the floppy in this machine is defective.  The information on bsd
wasn't useful in fact, as root I was prevented from changing permissions
on the /dev/fd0 device.

Looks like the FAT is corrupt. If the data is important to you, try
gddrescue, then attempt to loop mount the image. If that fails, I think
you will have lost your data,  will just have to try re formatting the

It sounds like the drive is defective.

In future, please use more descriptive subject lines. Any ideas tells 
us nothing about the fact that you are having a floppy disk problem.

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Re: Floppy disk output errors (was: any ideas?)

2012-06-17 Thread Jude DaShiell
Script started on Sun 17 Jun 2012 10:44:21 AM EDT
jude@stmarys:~$ mformat a: -f 7020
mformat: init: set default params
jude@stmarys:~$ exit

Script done on Sun 17 Jun 2012 10:45:00 AM EDT
That last line is strange since I did not erase /etc/mtools.conf and 
mtoolstest also reports finding the floppy drive and several others.  I'm 
guessing what may need doing is to copy the configuration mtoolstest 
generates for the floppy into /etc/mtools.conf on a drive a: section.


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Re: Adobe Flash in Chromium out of date: stable debian REPOST OF SOLVED!

2012-06-17 Thread John W. Foster
On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 14:46 -0400, John L. Cunningham wrote:
 dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree

And once again this marvelous list has come thru for me.
Thanks John!!
That did the trick. I'm surprised I have not heard of this b/4 but will
file it away in my tips/tricks area.

BTW: I use several browsers Each with a different intent as they are
'configured ' differently. Yep Iceweasel is LOADED up with plugins  i
use it for a lot of remote editing and web site management. Google
chrome is used when I want to use 'Google apps and other stuff that I
don't mind the entire world knowing about. I use dedian chromium for a
lot of game sites  tools where I need pure speed. It has NO plugins
installed. That is why I was concerned about the flash not working. Also
for those of you that are considering it as a possible reason for my
issue. I have an extremely fast system AMD 64 running a 6 core processor
system with twin crossfired video 1mb cards. The uplink speed is 35mbs 
the downlink is 50mbs. Therefore hardware is not ever going to be an
again I thank you for the solution and the responses.

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Re: any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread Cybe R. Wizard
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:49:31 -0400 (EDT)
Jude DaShiell wrote:

 I think the floppy in this machine is defective.  The information on
 bsd wasn't useful in fact, as root I was prevented from changing
 permissions on the /dev/fd0 device.
 Script started on Sun 17 Jun 2012 09:45:57 AM EDT
 root@stmarys:~# dmesg | regrep fd0
 [1.083042] Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 [ 2261.544104] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
 [ 2264.552113] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
 [ 2264.552496] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0
 [ 2267.560113] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

My Sid installation was getting these messages recently and I don't
even /have/ a floppy drive.  I found the boot sequence in the BIOS had
somehow been re-set to attempt booting from floppy first.  Did I
accidentally re-set it, myself?  Don't know.  Re-setting the BIOS to
disable floppy booting solved it.

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
The Barsoom Project

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Re: Floppy disk output errors (was: any ideas?)

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 10:52:19 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:

 Script started on Sun 17 Jun 2012 10:44:21 AM EDT 
 jude@stmarys:~$ mformat a: -f 7020 
 mformat: init: set default params
 jude@stmarys:~$ exit


Sir, if you remove the portion of the text you are replying to we lost 
the full meaning of your words ;-(
 Script done on Sun 17 Jun 2012 10:45:00 AM EDT 
 That last line is strange since I did not erase /etc/mtools.conf and
 mtoolstest also reports finding the floppy drive and several others. 
 I'm guessing what may need doing is to copy the configuration
 mtoolstest generates for the floppy into /etc/mtools.conf on a drive a:

How about the results of the tests I suggested? Did you try something?



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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 10:32 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 17/06/12 10:10 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 10:00 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
  On 17/06/12 09:44 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 20:29 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
  I want to update wine packages up to unstable versions - for amd64
  Google unfortunately still is the best choice, when searching the web.
  Just don't download .deb files from untrusted sources. The ones on should always be your first choice.
  1. I was mistaken, but linked to Debian.
  2. Third party not always is bad, especially because there's a small
  line between official and third party. What e.g. is Debian
 Yes, but your point about google can lead to untrusted sources. And 
 debian-multimedia often conflicts with the official packages. While I 
 like the packages in debian-multimedia, I find I can't use them because 
 they cause problems. This may be less of an issue when you're running 
 the current stable release but I run testing.
 The regular developers have enough problems keeping the packages from 
 conflicting without having to add in packages that must be compiled with 
 incompatible options. While I appreciate the job Christian Marillat is 
 doing, debian-multimedia isn't for everyone.

Full ACK!

I run tons of Linux distros, to get a DAW and if I use a third party
repository or compile myself, than I (hopefully ;) know what I do. I've
got personal problems with e.g. some developers for Debian Multimedia,
however, they aren't bad, they know what they're doing and they do a
trustful, good job (even if I sometimes disagree ;) and of course, if
multimedia isn't head for your importance, don't add this repo to your
repos. I can't speak for wine, since wineasio is crap and I usually
don't need wine, resp., to run fucking iTunes I anyway need to run
VBox :(.

However, Debian stable is Debian stable is Debian stable with all it's
advantages and drawbacks. The sentence Rose is a rose is a rose is a
rose. was written by Gertrude Stein
perhaps he background isn't very trustful;).

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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 13:14:03 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:

 I am running Testing/Sid amd64 with Multi-Arch enabled (i. e. Acrobat
 Reader and Skype from i386) on a single-user machine and here’s what I
 want to achieve:
 - Programs that process data ‘from the internet’ are only allowed to
   access the files they strictly need to access, plus a $HOME/Desktop
   (to share files with other such processes etc.)
 - The same restrictions apply to childs of these processes - All other
 processes are allowed to do whatever their standard Unix
   permissions allow them to do.
 In the past, I achieved this via AppArmor and custom profiles for
 Pidgin, Opera, Iceweasel and Skype[1,2]. 

I remember AppArmor was installed and ready-to-use in openSUSE, but to be 
sincere, I never bothered in enabling the profiles nor using them: too 
much hassle for a little gain.

And I share the same feeling for SELinux, I mean, a tool that can be very 
helpful when it is properly configured and you know well about its 
possibilities but its setting up is not what we would consider a child 

 However, I just noticed that there don’t appear AppArmor profiles to be
 around for Kernel 3.3 or 3.4, and, aside from that, only Ubuntu appears
 to use it, while SELinux is much more common. A bit more reading in the
 Debian Handbook then illustrated that SELinux is apparently more
 powerful but also more complex than AppArmor.

Debian used to include some support for SELinux but I dunno about the 
status for AppArmor. There's more information here:

AppArmor was firstly developed and maintained by Novell but IIRC it was 
Ubuntu who finally took the control (read it as lead its development) 
over the project.

 My question is: Would it make sense to deploy SELinux on my system to
 achieve the tasks mentioned above?

Mmm... I'd say no.

 I know that security cannot be absolute, but I would feel much more
 comfortable if an exploit in the MSN handler of Pidgin or a plugin gone
 wild in Opera wouldn’t make my private SSH keys accessible to the world

I find it a valid concern but for a mere user point of view, I would 
prefer having to deal with not that complex utilities to harden the 
system applications, for example, something like the sandbox or virtual 
machine concept, i.e., easy to deploy (some brosers already include a 
sandbox from where they run the dangerous plugins), easy to understand (a 
separate zone that cannot interefere with the host system) and easy to use 
(run  go, or install, run  go) :-)



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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Hahaha :D

women are more careful then men are.

Perhaps Camaleón (as I) does know Suse ;). And IIRC Suse first ships
with AppAmor.

Sorry, who exactly plans a conspiracy? Regarding to the answer AppArmor
might be helpful, if not, it just spam shutdown messages with crap, as
it does for my self-build kernels.

Joe and Sam (most wanted spammers on this list) never ever will have
impact to your Linux ;). Forget AppArmor! Read about ConsoleKit and
other security helpers, we already run much to much threads, when
running Linux.


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Re: unable to install Debian using syslinux 4.05(stuck in Load installer components from CD step)

2012-06-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 16:37:57 +0300, Martin T wrote:


 Debian-Installer starts successfully and I'm able to specify locales and
 keyboard layout, but Detect and mount CD-ROM fails. If I start the
 ash(Execute a shell option in Debian-Installer menu) and mount
 memory-stick FAT32 partition to /cdrom using BusyBox mount utility, I'm
 able to pass the Detect and mount CD-ROM step, but then I'm stuck in
 Load installer components from CD. I even copied entire content of the
 debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso image to a
 debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso_content directory in memory-stick and then
 mounted this debian-6.0.5-amd64-CD-1.iso_content directory to /cdrom
 using the Debian-Installer shell(, but this didn't help
 either to pass the Load installer components from CD step.

I remember some messages about that error in this same mailing list but I 
couldn't remember the workaround (if any), sorry :-P

Anyway, a quick Google has returned this:

cdrom-detect: Need a simple retry or delay to mount USB flash drives

Not sure if it can be related :-?
 Any ideas how to proceed here? Am I doing something wrong?

Jump to a debug console to see what's happening in background.



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Re: Incompatible group permission - Is it a bug?

2012-06-17 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sun, 17 Jun 2012 02:46:05 +0530 Vivek Prakash napísal:

 My point is that there is not some miracle happening here. What
 happens under the hood that the new memberships don't come into play
 if I don't  logout/login or change the group ID of a login session
 using `newgrp' ? Is this behaviour expected? I don't think so. After
 all, /etc/passwd  /etc/group and some other related files are read by
 the functions in libc to check the permission whenever a user wants to
 do something, for example change a directory or write to a file or
 execute a binary, etc. What is it that the new memberships don't come
 into play immediately? Most importantly, is this behavior desired
 after all?

I don't know the background nor understand the sources :-)

But consider this – listing of directory content with thousands files.
You are want to read /etc/passwd for any file in it? This take a lot of
useless disk reads. Then some as caching is here and IMO this is was the
login does for this.



Description: PGP signature

shall I file a bug for package trousers on Sid?

2012-06-17 Thread Eike Lantzsch
Hi y'all:

I had the package trousers installed on an old machine where there is no TPM 
hardware. So the  package makes no sense on that machine. I wanted to 

Deinstalation wants to stop the tscd daemon. Demon does not run because driver 
is not installed. Logically invoke-rc.d comes back with an error, saying that 
daemon is not running.
Well, that's what we want, right?
But install script stops because of an error - not checking the kind of error. 
Not realizing that the error counzts as a success because we DO WASNT that the 
daemon does not run.
Deinstallation fails with error instead of going on.

svae /usr/sbin/invoke-rd.d to
delete all contents of invoke-rc.d and just leave exit 0.

run dpkg -P trousers again.
trousers is deinstalled.

copy back /usr/sbin/ onto /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d

All's well that ends well but is this not a bug?
Should i file a bug against trousers in Sid?

All the best

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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Brian
On Sun 17 Jun 2012 at 18:00:25 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:


 Joe and Sam (most wanted spammers on this list) never ever will have
 impact to your Linux ;). Forget AppArmor! Read about ConsoleKit and
 other security helpers, we already run much to much threads, when
 running Linux.

Consolekit is not a replacement for AppArmor; they have different
purposes. Cannot comment on security helpers because its function is

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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Camaleón,

Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 13:14:03 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:
 And I share the same feeling for SELinux, I mean, a tool that can be very 
 helpful when it is properly configured and you know well about its 
 possibilities but its setting up is not what we would consider a child 

Administrating a computer is not a child game, and, yes, it took me
some time to tweak my custom AppArmor profiles to do what I want.
  However, I just noticed that there don’t appear AppArmor profiles to be
This should read ‘patches’. IOW, the kernel patches distributed with
AppArmor currently don’t apply cleanly to Kernel 3.4 sources.

 Debian used to include some support for SELinux but I dunno about the 
 status for AppArmor. There's more information here:

Unfortunately, that information is rather out of date, as you can see
from the Kernel version numbers, for example. That said, AppArmor
currently runs fine on Linux 3.2 - and I just found what appears to
be kernel 3.4 patches[1]. Nevertheless, my concerns still stand, as
the development model of AppArmor still appears rather chaotic, with
some outdated wiki pages etc.

  My question is: Would it make sense to deploy SELinux on my system to
  achieve the tasks mentioned above?
 Mmm... I'd say no.

Thanks. Please allow me to rephrase the question:
Given the temporary unavailability of kernel patches for AppArmor for
kernel 3.4, the fact that it appears not to be fully merged into the
main kernel, the rather chaotic wiki page which lets one hunt for the
required patches and the lack of official support by major
distributions other than Ubuntu, would it make sense to switch from a
running AppArmor system to a SELinux system?
 I find it a valid concern but for a mere user point of view, I would 
 prefer having to deal with not that complex utilities to harden the 
 system applications, for example, something like the sandbox or virtual 
 machine concept, i.e., easy to deploy (some brosers already include a 
 sandbox from where they run the dangerous plugins), easy to understand (a 
 separate zone that cannot interefere with the host system) and easy to use 
 (run  go, or install, run  go) :-)

Security can never be reached by a run  go concept, simply because
individual requirements differ far too much to cater for all
different needs with default configurations. And while sandboxing is
a sensible approach _within_ the browser, it only handles plugins in
an assumed-as-safe application, not the application itself.
The kernel should do that, and that’s what SELinux, AppArmor etc. are
for, in my opinion: separate processes, users and files as much as

Complete virtual machines for each of the applications (Opera,
Iceweasel, Pidgin, Skype) would
a) probably break my machine’s RAM requirements
b) be rather unusable
c) make it much more difficult to, for example, download a file with
   Iceweasel and then send it to someone using Pidgin.

Best regards,


A wife lasts only for the length of the marriage, but an ex-wife is
there *for the rest of your life*.
-- Jim Samuels  telnet 4242

Description: PGP signature

Re: Rotation of Xorg log files

2012-06-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/06/12 12:53, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 17 Jun 2012 06:23:44 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:

Can anyone tell me what is supposed to be rotating (and cleaning Xorg
log files).  I've just noticed /var/log contains about 540 versions of
the log

I experienced something similar in my Wheezy system... IIRC it happened
when I was testing different settings in xorg.conf and the X server
crashed. I manually removed the extra log files and until now I have
not experienced the problem again.


I should have looked at the dates.  All of them were for the 13 may!

I just deleted them

Alan Chandler

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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Ralf,

Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Sorry, who exactly plans a conspiracy?

Err, what?

 Regarding to the answer AppArmor
 might be helpful, if not, it just spam shutdown messages with crap, as
 it does for my self-build kernels.

It works quite nicely over here. :)

 Joe and Sam (most wanted spammers on this list) never ever will have
 impact to your Linux ;).

So what? I don’t plan to use AppArmor/SELinux as a spam filter, I
don’t think you read my original email.

 Forget AppArmor! Read about ConsoleKit and
 other security helpers, we already run much to much threads, when
 running Linux.

a) ConsoleKit allows non-root users to access various files/devices
to which they otherwise wouldn’t have access. To say the least, it
does the exact opposite of MAC system.
b) I don’t know what other security helpers you’re referring to.
Would you mind to expand on that?
c) I shall think about your advice to forget AppArmor and then,
logically and in line with my original question, deploy SELinux.
d) AppArmor doesn’t add a single thread to a running Linux system.

Best regards,

... an experienced, industrious, ambitious, and often quite often
picturesque liar.
-- Mark Twain  telnet 4242

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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 17:38 +0100, Brian wrote:
 On Sun 17 Jun 2012 at 18:00:25 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  Joe and Sam (most wanted spammers on this list) never ever will have
  impact to your Linux ;). Forget AppArmor! Read about ConsoleKit and
  other security helpers, we already run much to much threads, when
  running Linux.
 Consolekit is not a replacement for AppArmor; they have different
 purposes. Cannot comment on security helpers because its function is

Yes, but it's part of the paranoia ;) and comes withs tons of threads,
on Ubuntu Precise:

spinymouse@precise:~$ ps -eLf|grep console-kit-daemon|wc -l

Won't reboot to Debian now.

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Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 18:45 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:
 AppArmor doesn’t add a single thread to a running Linux system.

So it's a voodoo-ghost and doesn't need resources?

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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-06-17 15:47 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:

 Sthu Deus wrote:
 What should I install - for amd64 arch then? lists a package for amd64, and so
 does apt-cache show wine. Having a look at this package then gives you:

 Depends: wine-bin (= 1.4.1-1) | wine64-bin (= 1.4.1-1)


 # rmadison wine64-bin 
  wine64-bin | 1.4.1-1 | sid | amd64, kfreebsd-amd64
 # rmadison wine-bin 
  wine-bin | 1.0.1-1   | lenny   | amd64, i386
  wine-bin | 1.0.1-3.1 | squeeze | amd64, i386
  wine-bin | 1.2.3-0.3 | wheezy  | amd64, i386, kfreebsd-i386
  wine-bin | 1.4.1-1   | sid | i386, kfreebsd-i386, powerpc

 So just install wine64-bin (which should be installed automatically
 if you were installing wine).

The wine64-bin package is rather useless by itself, it only contains
instructions how to enable multiarch and install the i386 wine-bin


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Re: Looking for wine-bin_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb.

2012-06-17 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Sven,

Sven Joachim wrote:
 The wine64-bin package is rather useless by itself, it only contains
 instructions how to enable multiarch and install the i386 wine-bin

You are, of course, right. I have to admit I didn’t check the content
of the wine64-bin package and was unsure whether Multi-Arch wine was
already in a working state :)

Best regards  thank you,

You will be surprised by a loud noise.  telnet 4242

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Re: Installing squeeze in Virtual box

2012-06-17 Thread Patrick Bartek

 Any blog or tutorial for installing squeeze in virtual box of windows?  How 
 to make virtual partitions for root and swap in virtual box?

Install Squeeze like any other OS.  Start with the User Manual.  Should answer 
all your questions.  It did for me.


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re: any ideas?

2012-06-17 Thread keith
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 10:30 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 The floppy won't even refoprmat.  Also, putting a never used floppy
 that drive and attempting to format it fails as well.
Checked all the connections?
Cables damaged?

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Re: shall I file a bug for package trousers on Sid?

2012-06-17 Thread Jochen Spieker
Eike Lantzsch:
 Should i file a bug against trousers in Sid?


Thy lyrics in pop songs seem to describe my life uncannily accurately.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: AppArmor or SELinux?

2012-06-17 Thread Ralf Mardorf

Regarding to ConsoleKit, POSIX threads?

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Re: shall I file a bug for package trousers on Sid?

2012-06-17 Thread Brian
On Sun 17 Jun 2012 at 12:36:36 -0400, Eike Lantzsch wrote:


 All's well that ends well but is this not a bug?
 Should i file a bug against trousers in Sid?

I have just installed and purged trousers on an unstable machine. No
problems with either procedure. You may want to do some more testing
yourself before considering the BTS.

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Backup system for use when Debian fails.

2012-06-17 Thread peasthope

This weekend I arrived home to find the Debian Squeeze system 
unable to accept a login.  During startup, this line appears.
  Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd failed!

Xdm behaves as though the wrong password is given.  Command 
line login works but then X fails with this error.
  (EE) open /dev/fb0: no such file or directory

Login with telnet on an Ethernet connection gets this 
message repeatedly for about 30 s prior to the command prompt.
  root@joule:/home/peter# ls -l /dev/null
Permissions are easily fixed but are back to the 
wrong values after a reboot. 

I'm shelving the problem for a day to two but want 
to mention that my backup system in such circumstances 
is ETH Native Oberon.

It receives and sends email, browses the Web 
sufficiently for troubleshooting the Linux system and 
is unsophisticated and superbly reliable.  Mentioning 
it only in case others can benefit.

TTFN,   ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Bcc: peter at 

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Re: shall I file a bug for package trousers on Sid?

2012-06-17 Thread Eike Lantzsch
On Sunday 17 June 2012 12:36:36 Eike Lantzsch wrote:
 Hi y'all:
 I had the package trousers installed on an old machine where there is no
 TPM hardware. So the  package makes no sense on that machine. I wanted to
 Deinstalation wants to stop the tcsd daemon. Daemon does not run because
 driver is not installed. Logically invoke-rc.d comes back with an error,
 saying that daemon is not running.
 Well, that's what we want, right?
 But install script stops because of an error - not checking the kind of
 error. Not realizing that the error counts as a success because we DO
 WANT that the daemon does not run.
 Deinstallation fails with error instead of going on.
 ... is this not a bug?
Answer: Yes.
 Should i file a bug against trousers in Sid?
Answer: No! Bug #676828 was already filed and considered solved with the new 
version of trousers.
Should have looked before.
Sorry for the noise.


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