Re: [HS] Debian a-t-elle la patate ? [était] Re: Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 23 Nov 2013 19:25:14 +0100
Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

   Euh, c’est de l’ironie ?  Sinon, allume ta télé :
   (C’est (au moins) la deuxième campagne. Il y en avait déjà eu 
 une il y a quelques années.)

'ffectivement, y'en a juste une qui vient de passer sur la 12.

Ari En java, l'exception c'est la règle...

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Re: [HS] Debian a-t-elle la patate ? [était] Re: Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread Guy Roussin
Le 23/11/2013 19:39, Guy Roussin a écrit :
 Le 23/11/2013 19:25, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 17:33:28 moi-meme a écrit :
 à moitié HS
 un produit valable n'a pas besoin de pub et il joue le long
 terme. Y a t'il de la pub sur pommes de terre ?
 /à moitié HS
   Euh, c’est de l’ironie ?  Sinon, allume ta télé :

   (C’est (au moins) la deuxième campagne. Il y en avait déjà eu 
 une il y a quelques années.)

 En plus toutes les variétés de patates sont issues d'hybrides
 qui appartiennent à des sociétés commerciales. Impossible
 et interdit de multiplier soit-même ces variétés ... En plus, pour
 être vendue pour la plantation, une variété de patate doit être
 inscrite sur le catalogue des variétés: ce n'est ni simple, ni
 Je pense même que le troc de patate-semence est interdit
 (si vous êtes jardinier averti et que vous voulez échanger
 vos trouvailles avec votre voisin)

 On est encore bien loin de la patate libre :-(
Désolé je vois qu'il y a quelques rares variétés libre de droit :

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Re: Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 23 novembre 2013 19:28:25 Jean-Michel Gaillard a écrit 
 J'ai lu un article récemment qui montre que Debian est passé
 de ~27% à ~ 32% d'utilisation sur les serveurs. chez les
 particuliers je ne sais pas par contre.

  Bah, comme il n’y a pas de chiffres de ventes, on est loin 
d’avoir des données fiables (si tant est que les chiffres de 
vente des produits commerciaux soient fiables).
  La plupart des chiffres partent des statistiques Web ou 
d’études opaques (Gartner…).
résume le tout et indique que, selon W3Techs, c’est 32% de Linux 
en tout sur les serveurs et 32% de Debian dans les Linux :

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: [testing la démocratie]

2013-11-23 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 06:33:51PM +0100, maderios wrote:
 On 11/22/2013 10:01 PM, Alexandre Hoïde wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 06:24:06PM +0100, maderios wrote:
 De la démocratie dans le développement du logiciel libre, voilà
 qui pourrait faire l'objet d'une thèse ?
L’équivalent « Du régime monarchique dans le développement de la
 démocratie » pour les historiens et philosophes du futur.
 C'est tout le contraire du développement du libre. La plupart des
 monarchies sont tombées, les quelques royaumes croupions qui restent
 ici et là disparaitront à moyen ou long terme.

  C’est bien ce que je dis, Madre de Dios :
  Pour les historiens du futur, où une organisation politique et sociale
issue du Libre (avec un grand L) prédominerait, la « démocratie » ne
représenterait plus que le nom d’un régime historique — par opposition à
l’idéal politique, quelque peu malmené dans son implémentation V2.013.

  Claro ? ;)

| $ post_tenebras ↲ |   waouh !
| GNU\ /|  /
|  -- * --  | o
| $ who ↲/ \|_-- ~_|
| Alexandre Hoïde   |  _/| |

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Re: [HS] Debian a-t-elle la patate ? [était] Re: Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread S L
Le 23 novembre 2013 à 19:39, Guy Roussin a écrit :
 En plus toutes les variétés de patates sont issues d'hybrides
 qui appartiennent à des sociétés commerciales. Impossible
 et interdit de multiplier soit-même ces variétés ... En plus, pour
 être vendue pour la plantation, une variété de patate doit être
 inscrite sur le catalogue des variétés: ce n'est ni simple, ni
 Je pense même que le troc de patate-semence est interdit
 (si vous êtes jardinier averti et que vous voulez échanger
 vos trouvailles avec votre voisin)
 On est encore bien loin de la patate libre :-(

Le 23 novembre 2013 à 21:02, maderios a écrit :
  Impossible et interdit de multiplier soit-même ces variétés ..., c'est
 inexact. Je cultive des patates depuis longtemps et comme beaucoup de
 jardiniers, je n'achète pas de plant. Je prélève sur ma récolte annuelle une
 centaine de petits tubercules de bien meilleure qualité que ce qui est vendu
 dans le commerce. Garanti bio 100%, donc non traité et sans maladie. Cela
 marche ainsi depuis des années, sans pesticides ou parasites.  Tout dépend
 de l'équilibre biologique du sol. Quant à une éventuelle interdiction,
 aucune preuve.
 Ma patate préférée
 PS: la 1° Debian que j'ai installée se nommait Potatoe.
 Ce fut vraiment une révélation, après avoir testé successivement une
 Redhat-5.2 (redhat marchait pas mal à l'époque), Suse, Mandrake (devenu
 Mandriva). J'ai découvert que Debian était vraiment simple malgré tous les
 on dit. Distro huilée et surtout infiniment plus stable que la
 concurrence. Cela n'a jamais changé depuis.

Le logiciel libre et les semences libres : même combat !
Conférence de Richard Stallman et Jean-Pierre Berlan sur Les
enclosures des biens communs : du vivant aux logiciels le 23 Février
2008 à La Cantine (devenue le NUMA au 39 rue du Caire, 2e arrt )
JP Berlan a préfacé le catalogue Kokopelli que je peux prêter aux
Debianeux d'IDF afin qu'ils y admirent de magnifiques cucurbitacées
aux formes tarabiscotées et aux couleurs chatoyantes.
Je l'ai acheté sur un stand et ils semblent être libristes convaincus.
Il ne faut pas gâcher la nourriture, mais bon :
Librement, Stef

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[HS] Langages interprétés, vos avis

2013-11-23 Thread Bzzz
Chalut liste,

je tâche de reprendre le cours une vieille arlésienne dans mes
projets et je m'interroge sur le langage (interprété) à utiliser.

J'ai besoin de pômal de libs: TCP/IP, PostgreSQL, XML, graphic
plotting, génération de PDFs (là, ptêt en PHP, à cause de la 
qualité des frameworks que je ne n'ai retrouvée nul part), SSL,
templating/génération de HTML, ORM, etc.

Pour bâtir un svr d'application qui tournera sans doute sur une
machine récente, mais doit pouvoir, le cas échéant, tout autant
tourner sur un vieux bousin (P3-800MHz par ex.) avec peu de RAM.

Python semblait un bon concurrent, mais s'il est blindé de libs,
il est très lent et surtout ne semble tjrs pas scaler sur les
multi-cores (et les espaces sont _vraiment_ chiants), et bouffe
de la RAM, donc exit.

Dans les autres, reste donc (à vue de libs): Perl, Ruby, 
(à vue de nez) TCL  LUA; plus ceux que j'ai oublié.

Java est bien évidemment non-envisageable.

La chose devant être un genre d'openerp (tout du moins être
modulaire, avec gestion des dépendances, une partie admin
(implantation des modules) et une partie user), ça serait
bien que le langage ne soit pas trop verbeux (un peu comme
python) et rapide.

Mon but est d'éviter de me planter pour ne pas avoir à 
recommencer de zéro dans qq mois et d'éviter d'avoir à
ré-écrire la roue.

Natsumi : J'comprends pas la polémique qu'il peut y avoir autour de la
  chirurgie esthétique, ça reviens juste à un changement de skin

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Re: Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 23/11/2013, frederic a écrit :
 Petit passage au VMWare tour à Toulouse  (je sais , c'est MAL).

 On retrouve dans les présentations des partenaires les citations des
 serveurs sous Opensuse, redhat, .
 Debian  n'apparait nulle part.

 Je vais au capitole du libre ce week-end à Toulouse.
 On y trouve Ubuntu, Mint, Opensuse mais point de Debian.

 Mais ou est passé  Debian ?

Où est le problème ? Debian n'est pas obligée d'être présente dans
toutes les manifestations et expositions (liées à l'informatique de
façon général mais aussi à Linux, aux logiciels libres ou à code
ouverte) de France et de Navarre.

Rappelons que Debian est une distribution non lucrative basée sur des
volontaires bénévoles.

Ce qui est valable pour l'empaquetage des divers logiciels l'est
également pour des opérations de communication ou de démonstration.

Et puis, à part SuSE, RedHat, Ubuntu et Linux Mint, qu'est-ce qu'on
trouve comme autres distributions.

De même, chacune de ces mêmes SuSE, RedHat, Ubuntu et Linux Mint n'est
pas forcément présente dans toutes les manifestations et expositions
(toujours de France et de Navarre).

 On voit toutes les distributions se battre à coup de distribution
 s de stickers, affiches, DVD, autocollants divers et variés ...
 Debian garde sa traditionnelle sagesse mais commence à se faire distancer.

Les DVDs peuvent être utiles mais en quoi la qualité d'une
distribution - cela dépasse le seul cadre de Debian - doit-elle se
baser aussi sur l'existence (et la distribution) de stickers,
affiches, autocollants ?

Franchement, ces sympathiques choses ne manquent pas vraiment... :-/

Je vois cinq choses - bien plus utiles - permettant à Debian de se
répandre auprès des utilisateurs (entreprises, administrations et
particuliers) :
 a) la consultation de son site .
 b) l'essai de la distribution par l'intermèdiaire d'un système
autonome (ou live) à l'aide d'un DVD, CD ou clé USB, histoire de se
faire une idée sur ce que peut offrir la distribution et de se
convaincre, le cas échéant, de l'installer sur son ordinateur.
 c) la présence dans diverses évènements (quand il y a des volontaires
qui acceptent d'y être présents) - et oui, cela arrive parfois, voir
le lien suivant .
 d) la publicité par la bouche à l'oreille voire la démonstration
chez une connaissance familiale, amicale (voire plus si affinités) ou
 e) la réaction de la presse spécialisée (informatique mais surtout
linuxienne, pro-logiciels libres ou à code ouverte) traditionnelle ou
numérique, en général après la publication d'un nouvelle version
stable par Debian.

Note 1 : à propos des réactions de cette même presse, certaines sont
positives mais d'autres sont plus mitigées.

Note 2 : quand j'entends presse traditionnelle, je parle des revues
et périodiques que vous pouvez trouver chez des marchands de journaux
- attention, certains sont plus ou moins dotés - et quand j'entends
presse numérique, je parle de celle que l'on peut consulter sur
Internet (exemple parmi les sites francophones :

Il me paraît quelque peu réducteur de vouloir spéculer de l'avenir
de Debian à partir de son absence aux deux évènements à Toulouse.

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [HS] Langages interprétés, vos avis

2013-11-23 Thread S L
 Le 23 novembre 2013, Bzzz a écrit...
  Java est bien évidemment non-envisageable.

Le 23 novembre 2013 22:09, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :
 Euh ? Pourquoi donc ? jm

...parce que Java c'est le *mal cf ces liens
sylvain dot bertrand at gmail dot com
(gmail c'est le *mal* aussi)

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Re: [HS] la patate ?

2013-11-23 Thread moi-meme
Le Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:10:02 +0100, maderios a écrit :

 Je prélève sur ma récolte
 annuelle une centaine de petits tubercules de bien meilleure qualité que
 ce qui est vendu dans le commerce. Garanti bio 100%, donc non traité et
 sans maladie. Cela marche ainsi depuis des années, sans pesticides ou
 parasites.  Tout dépend de l'équilibre biologique du sol. Quant à une
 éventuelle interdiction, aucune preuve.

attention :

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Re: Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 23/11/2013, Yves a écrit :
 Les logiciels commerciaux ont souvent eu tendance à n'aller
 que sur les distributions commerciales, Suse et Redhat en
 tête... ça doit faire 15 ans que ça dure.

Euh, notons qu'il existe des distributions non-commerciales (en
parallèle avec SuSE et RedHat) : OpenSuSE ( )
et Fedora ( ).

D'ailleurs si voulez savoir sur mon expérience personnelle avec
GNU/Linux, sachez qu'elle a commencé par SuSE (devenue par la suite
OpenSuSE) que j'ai achetée en l'an 2000 et que j'ai utilisée pendant
plus de 10 ans (à travers des versions successives, bien sûr) avant de
passer à Debian à l'occasion de la sortie de Squeeze en tant que
version stable.

D'ailleurs, comme j'utilise le logiciel de virtualisation VirtualBox
(fourni par Debian), il se pourrait que je revois mes premiers amours
à travers une machine virtuelle. ;-)

 Mon expérience autour de moi, c'est que les gens essaient
 ceci et cela, et le jour où ils installent une Debian sur un
 serveur, elle reste (sur desktop, ils sont plus à même
 d'accepter de tout réinstaller à chaque changement de
 machine... chacun son truc).

de tout réinstaller à chaque changement de machine : ben, quelque
part, on est bien obligé, non ?

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [HS] Internet par satellite

2013-11-23 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 23 Nov 2013 22:56:08 +0100 wrote:

 Je vois cette offre (je ne connais pas du tout ce FAI),
 29,90 /mois + location parabole 10 Euro/mois + 50 Euro frais de
 dossier, trafic limité de 10 à 20 Go, download 20Mo, upload 2 à 6Mo

Attention au diamètre de la parabole; comme pour une certaine chaîne
crypté situé entre fr3 et fr5, ça n'est pas avec une assiette qu'on
va recevoir (ni émettre) correctement le jour où il pleut des cordes
(diamètre ~80cm mini).

Helgrind Un gars du Ku Klux Klan, quand il est dépressif, il broie du noir ?

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Re: [HS] Langages interprétés, vos avis

2013-11-23 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:45:11 +0100
Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

 Pourquoi se restreindre aux langages *interprétés* pour coder un
 Il me semble qu'Ocaml avec Ocsigen d'une part, et Opa d'autre part ferait l'un comme l'autre tout à fait
 l'affaire, et tous deux sont faits pour des applications web tels
 que les ERP.
 Il y a plusieurs avantages à utiliser un langage compilé comme
 Ocaml +Ocsigen ou Opa. D'abord, c'est généralement un peu plus
 efficace (encore que certains interprètes utilisent des techniques
 JIT qui peuvent être efficaces), et surtout, ces deux langages
 sont fortement typés et ça facilite la programmation (le typage
 fort trouve souvent les bogues triviaux à la compilation, ce qui
 facilite un peu la vie en forçant la discipline du programmeur,
 sans être miraculeux).

'ffectivement, je viens de me documenter un poil, ça paraît concis,
très rapide et avoir une faible empreinte mémoire.

Pas trouvé d'ORM autre que pour SQLite par contre, mais comme me l'a
fait remarquer Sylvain, il est sans doute préférable que j'utilise
le bon langage pour le bon secteur d'application.
 Et puis, cocorico, Ocaml+Ocsigen comme Opa sont des produits
 libres et français. est intéressant à lire,
bien qu'il dise au moins une connerie à propos de l'immutabilité;
mais il est intéressant de noter qu'il l'utilise aussi dans la

 Il y a aussi Kaya en perte de vitesse et
 Donc je ne comprends pas pourquoi écarter les languages compilés.

C'est vrai que je pensais à ça plus par facilité, mais rien
que la faible qté de RAM consommée peut faire la différence,
en plus de la vitesse.

 (Et je n'ai même pas parlé de common lisp avec SBCL qui compile en du code natif machine de manière

Nan, j'y suis allergique depuis autocad (en 3 diskettes).

 ni de Haskell que je connais mal ...)

Moinanplu, mais déjà sous sid, il semble beaucoup moins fourni
en libs qu'ocaml.

J'aurais bien aimé trouver des typages bornables comme sous ADA
(genre: Temp [-20..45])


domi tiens regarde mon site : http://localhost:8080/

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Re: Rép : Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 23/11/2013, a écrit :
 la com c'est du vent 

Pourquoi ? Debian, d'une certaine façon, fait aussi de la
communication, la preuve (rien que sur son site Internet) :
 a) À propos de Debian : .
 b) Raisons pour choisir Debian : .

Est-ce que c'est aussi du vent ?

 nous devons aller vers ceux qui ne font pas de pub, car nous la payons dans
 les prix.

Et pour ceux qui bénéficie de la publicité gratuite genre bouche à
l'oreille par exemple ?

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [HS] Debian a-t-elle la patate ? [était] Re: Debian en perte de vitesse ?

2013-11-23 Thread Guy Roussin

 En plus toutes les variétés de patates sont issues d'hybrides
 qui appartiennent à des sociétés commerciales. Impossible
 et interdit de multiplier soit-même ces variétés ... En plus, pour
 être vendue pour la plantation, une variété de patate doit être
 inscrite sur le catalogue des variétés: ce n'est ni simple, ni
 Je pense même que le troc de patate-semence est interdit
 (si vous êtes jardinier averti et que vous voulez échanger
 vos trouvailles avec votre voisin)

 On est encore bien loin de la patate libre :-(

  Impossible et interdit de multiplier soit-même ces variétés ...,
 c'est inexact. Je cultive des patates depuis longtemps et comme
 beaucoup de jardiniers, je n'achète pas de plant. Je prélève sur ma
 récolte annuelle une centaine de petits tubercules de bien meilleure
 qualité que ce qui est vendu dans le commerce. Garanti bio 100%, donc
 non traité et sans maladie. Cela marche ainsi depuis des années, sans
 pesticides ou parasites.  Tout dépend de l'équilibre biologique du
 sol. Quant à une éventuelle interdiction, aucune preuve.
 Ma patate préférée

Tu as en partie raison, regarde bien le paragraphe
A t-on le droit de ressemer sa récolte? de ce lien :

 Ainsi de nombreuses variétés de pomme de terre sont
  protégées par des COV français, et les producteurs
  faisant leurs semences de ferme sont régulièrement
  poursuivis pour contrefaçon. Depuis la loi COV de
  décembre 2011, la semence de ferme est toujours en
  principe interdite, sauf pour 21 espèces (voir ci dessus)
  et à condition de rémunérer l'obtenteur.

La patate fait bien partie des 21 espèces donc elle n'est plus
a priori interdite de ressemer depuis 2011, il te suffit donc
de rémunérer l'obtenteur initial de ta patate (la multiplication
de la patate étant végétative, la patate que tu cultives est
un clone (=même individu) de la patate que tu as acheté
initialement (la Nicola)
Tu dois donc verser ton obole annuelle à  Europlant Pflanzenzucht GmbH

Re: adaptador bluetooth

2013-11-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Nov 2013 18:50:39 +, Lucho Lopez escribió:


 * hciconfig hci0 piscan Can't set scan mode on hci0: Connection timed
 out (110)

 Ejecuta (en este orden) y manda la salida de los comandos:

 hciconfig hci0 down hciconfig hci0 up hciconfig -a hciconfig hci0
 piscan dmesg | tail -30
 No ha dado resultado...

No tiene que resultar nada, son comandos de los que interesa ver la 
salida, nada más.

 Aunque curiosamente me tope con una herramieta que no habia visto
 antes... _hcidump_
 que al ejecutar el escaneo en otro terminal me arrojo esto:


Ahora espero la salida de los comandos anteriores ;-)



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Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 22 de noviembre de 2013 16:45, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 22 Nov 2013 16:33:47 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas, me voy a montar un servidor de correo para enredar un
 poquitito este fin de semana en casa.



 SMTP: postfix si o sí

 Y para LMTP también.

 IMAP: courier o dovecot

 ¿Has considerado Cyrus? O:-)

No lo he considerado, te parece mejor opcion cyrus?? más seguro??

Por qué dovecot y no courier?

He usado courier y va muy bien también.

 Entre tus dos opciones me quedo con Dovecot.

 WEBMAIL: roundcubemail, squirrelmail o horde.

 No te recomiendo ninguno porque no uso (ni permito) webmail.

 Sólo te recomendaría que eligieras un webmail que sea compatible 100% con
 el servidor imap que elijas para evitarte problemas.

Pero si estoy en otro pc y no tengo un cliente de correo, me gustaría
acceder via webmail. Me gusta roundcubemail aunque va más lentillo que
squirrelmail por el php, roudcubemail con ajax va más lentillo.

 ANTISPAM: spamassasins

 Sí, funciona razonablemente bien.

 ANTIVIRUS: clamav, amavisd-new

 ClamAV es un AV, Amavisd-new actúa como una especie de pegamento entre
 todos los elementos del servicio de mensajería. Ambos me parecen buena

Me recomiendas algun panel web de administración para ver los correos
retenidos, por spam, virus...etc?

 SERVIDOR WEB: me gustaría usar nginx, en su defecto apache.

 Apache2, como toma de contacto con la administración de un servidor web
 no me parece mala opción por la cantidad de ayuda, tutoriales y
 documentación que existe.

Estoy de acuerdo, hay más documentación y a priori es más
fácil...Hasta que usas nginx, es muy facilito de configurar, su
archivo de configuración también es muy fácil y cad avez se implementa
mucho más...

Según reviews y comparativas, le da unas cuantas pataditas a apache en

 BAKEND: mysql

 Hum... siempre que se trate de un número reducido, yo prefiero otro
 sistema de gestión de usuarios.

Mysql me parece ideal, también tendré owncloud, phpmyalbum, y
necesitaré mysql para realizar unas pruebas así que me viene al pairo
mysql para todo.

 Por experiencia que ya lo he montado antes por piezas, sé que amavisd y
 clamav pesan como vacas...y la maquinilla no es muy potente. Pero lo que
 quiero es más que nada por aprender.

 Usan mucha RAM, cierto.

CPU también, al menos clamav.

 Muchos de ustedes estarán de acuerdo conmigo en que cuando te lo
 gestiona un panel como ispconfig, zimbra...No tienes el total control
 como cuando lo montas por piezas...Te añaden configuración por defectos
 en los ficheros de configuración...

 Personalmente huyo de soluciones premontadas, sólo me lo plantearía si
 tuviera que gestionar un servicio de hosting con miles de usuarios, para
 facilitar el montaje. Para aprender un bueno y bien, mejor configurar los
 servicios por separado.

Estoy de acuerdo, lo montaré a piezas, por trozos jeje se aprende más
y te queda a tu gusto.



Gracias por todo Camaleón como siempre.

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Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 22 de noviembre de 2013 16:50, Yoandy Madrazo Gómez escribió:

 El 22/11/2013 10:33 am, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas, me voy a montar un servidor de correo para enredar un
 poquitito este fin de semana en casa.

 Quería pedir consejo, porque me gustaría que tuviera aparte de
 webmail, imap, smtp, backend usuarios mysql por ejemplo, que también
 tuviera antispam, antivirus...

 He pensado en ispconfig, pero también esta la opción de montarmelo en
 zimbra(aunque muy pesado el ajax) o montarme las piezas manualmente
 tirando de algún tutorial:

 No trato de que me digan como se monta, para eso estoy yo, lo que
 quiero es consejo porque me gustaría que fuera ligerito y no fuera muy


 SMTP: postfix si o sí
 IMAP: courier o dovecot
 WEBMAIL: roundcubemail, squirrelmail o horde.
 ANTISPAM: spamassasins
 ANTIVIRUS: clamav, amavisd-new
 SERVIDOR WEB: me gustaría usar nginx, en su defecto apache.
 BAKEND: mysql

 Por experiencia que ya lo he montado antes por piezas, sé que amavisd
 y clamav pesan como vacas...y la maquinilla no es muy potente. Pero lo
 que quiero es más que nada por aprender.

 Muchos de ustedes estarán de acuerdo conmigo en que cuando te lo
 gestiona un panel como ispconfig, zimbra...No tienes el total control
 como cuando lo montas por piezas...Te añaden configuración por
 defectos en los ficheros de configuración...

 Cualquier sugerencia se agradece.


 Puedes usar Iredmail, es bastante bueno.

Sí lo probé hace tiempo, pero la versión opensource viene muy puede shacer apenas nada en el panel de control y
además huyo un poco de los paneles de control, si puedo claro, depende
de la necesidad.

Lo que me gusta de iredmail es que te permitía configurarte el backend
con ldap, que para mi parecer ldap es uno de los servicios más
difíciles y complejos de configurar/adminsitrar.

Gracias por tu consejo/sugernecia.

 Saludos, Yoandy

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Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de noviembre de 2013 15:34, Maykel Franco escribió:
 El día 22 de noviembre de 2013 16:50, Yoandy Madrazo Gómez escribió:

 El 22/11/2013 10:33 am, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas, me voy a montar un servidor de correo para enredar un
 poquitito este fin de semana en casa.

 Quería pedir consejo, porque me gustaría que tuviera aparte de
 webmail, imap, smtp, backend usuarios mysql por ejemplo, que también
 tuviera antispam, antivirus...

 He pensado en ispconfig, pero también esta la opción de montarmelo en
 zimbra(aunque muy pesado el ajax) o montarme las piezas manualmente
 tirando de algún tutorial:

 No trato de que me digan como se monta, para eso estoy yo, lo que
 quiero es consejo porque me gustaría que fuera ligerito y no fuera muy


 SMTP: postfix si o sí
 IMAP: courier o dovecot
 WEBMAIL: roundcubemail, squirrelmail o horde.
 ANTISPAM: spamassasins
 ANTIVIRUS: clamav, amavisd-new
 SERVIDOR WEB: me gustaría usar nginx, en su defecto apache.
 BAKEND: mysql

 Por experiencia que ya lo he montado antes por piezas, sé que amavisd
 y clamav pesan como vacas...y la maquinilla no es muy potente. Pero lo
 que quiero es más que nada por aprender.

 Muchos de ustedes estarán de acuerdo conmigo en que cuando te lo
 gestiona un panel como ispconfig, zimbra...No tienes el total control
 como cuando lo montas por piezas...Te añaden configuración por
 defectos en los ficheros de configuración...

 Cualquier sugerencia se agradece.


 Puedes usar Iredmail, es bastante bueno.

 Sí lo probé hace tiempo, pero la versión opensource viene muy puede shacer apenas nada en el panel de control y
 además huyo un poco de los paneles de control, si puedo claro, depende
 de la necesidad.

 Lo que me gusta de iredmail es que te permitía configurarte el backend
 con ldap, que para mi parecer ldap es uno de los servicios más
 difíciles y complejos de configurar/adminsitrar.

 Gracias por tu consejo/sugernecia.

 Saludos, Yoandy

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Umm me gusta mucho este tuto, tiene todo lo que necesito, lo comparto
con ustedes:


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Re: Mensaje de acpid al cambiar a una terminal tty

2013-11-23 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Nov 2013 15:53:08 -0600, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 El día 22 de noviembre de 2013 10:30, Camaleón


 Prueba con locate syslog

 No tengo instalado locate, pero a ver si un find sirve:
 find / -iname *syslog*



Me sigue pareciendo rara tu salida, como si faltaran datos.

Además, dices que no tienes instalado ningún servicio de registro de 
eventos (rsyslog, syslog, syslog-ng, systemd...), ni tampoco locate que 
son paquetes casi esenciales en cualquier sistema.

 No veo ningún ejecutable.

Yo tampoco, pero sí veo actividad de un servicio de registro de eventos.



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Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Guido Ignacio

 Umm me gusta mucho este tuto, tiene todo lo que necesito, lo comparto
 con ustedes:


Colaboro con uno tuto que siempre uso como base, es muy útil y muy
bien explicado [1] al igual que el que compartió Maykel. Si bien está
basado en lenny los paquetes siguen siendo los mismos.


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Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:32:40 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 22 de noviembre de 2013 16:45, Camaleón


 ¿Has considerado Cyrus? O:-)
 No lo he considerado, te parece mejor opcion cyrus?? más seguro??

Cuando hace 8 años buscada el compañero perfecto para mi Postfix, me di 
de bruces con Cyrus. En la documentación se podía leer (bueno, puede, 
porque veo que aún sigue ahí) Not for beginners., y yo que era novata 
total, dije: este es el mío :-P

Ahora en serio, lo elegí porque buscaba un servidor imap/pop3 que no 
usara la base de datos de usuarios del sistema, quería independencia 
total. Cuando empecé a leer sobre Cyrus vi que era un monstruo que 
aguantaba todo tipo de configuraciones y cargas de trabajo, preparado 
para configuraciones en HA y desarrollado por una institución de 
prestigio. Me lo quedé... y con él sigo hasta hoy.

 Por qué dovecot y no courier?
 He usado courier y va muy bien también.

Porque sólo permite imap/pop3, mientras que Courier-IMAP también dispone 
de smtp y no me gustaría que se diera de tortas con Postfix.

Sólo lo pondría como solución única, es decir, que él solo se encargara 
de todo el meollo: smtp/pop3/imap/webmail.

 Entre tus dos opciones me quedo con Dovecot.

 WEBMAIL: roundcubemail, squirrelmail o horde.

 No te recomiendo ninguno porque no uso (ni permito) webmail.
 Sólo te recomendaría que eligieras un webmail que sea compatible 100%
 con el servidor imap que elijas para evitarte problemas.
 Pero si estoy en otro pc y no tengo un cliente de correo, me gustaría
 acceder via webmail. 

Para eso no necesitas un webmail. Ya tienes imap, recuerda ;-)

 Me gusta roundcubemail aunque va más lentillo que squirrelmail por el
 php, roudcubemail con ajax va más lentillo.

Roundcube es más agradable, visualmente hablando, pero asegúrate la 
compatibilidad con el servidor pop3/imap, no olvides que el webmail es 
sólo la máscara que ve el usuario, pero detrás va a estar el servicio que 
hace el trabajo real.


 Me recomiendas algun panel web de administración para ver los correos
 retenidos, por spam, virus...etc?

Yo no uso ninguno, no me fío mucho de las GUI para configurar servicios 
serios, pero si tuviera que elegir alguna solución quizá iría por webmin 
aunque no sé si permite ver las colas de los mensajes.

 SERVIDOR WEB: me gustaría usar nginx, en su defecto apache.

 Apache2, como toma de contacto con la administración de un servidor web
 no me parece mala opción por la cantidad de ayuda, tutoriales y
 documentación que existe.
 Estoy de acuerdo, hay más documentación y a priori es más fácil...Hasta
 que usas nginx, es muy facilito de configurar, su archivo de
 configuración también es muy fácil y cad avez se implementa mucho más...
 Según reviews y comparativas, le da unas cuantas pataditas a apache en

Para un uso casero el rendimiento no debería ser un factor decisivo ;-)

 BAKEND: mysql

 Hum... siempre que se trate de un número reducido, yo prefiero otro
 sistema de gestión de usuarios.
 Mysql me parece ideal, también tendré owncloud, phpmyalbum, y necesitaré
 mysql para realizar unas pruebas así que me viene al pairo mysql para

¿Y LDAP? A mí es que me gusta tener cada servicio por separado, para que 
en el caso de fallo de alguno de ellos no me deje tirado todo (es decir, 
que si cae la bdd el correo electrónico siga operativo).

 Por experiencia que ya lo he montado antes por piezas, sé que amavisd
 y clamav pesan como vacas...y la maquinilla no es muy potente. Pero lo
 que quiero es más que nada por aprender.

 Usan mucha RAM, cierto.
 CPU también, al menos clamav.

Es posible... lo tengo ejecutándose en un dos Xeones y claro, en cuanto a 
CPU ni se entera, pero el uso de RAM sí porque se la asigna y ya no la 


 Personalmente huyo de soluciones premontadas, sólo me lo plantearía si
 tuviera que gestionar un servicio de hosting con miles de usuarios,
 para facilitar el montaje. Para aprender un bueno y bien, mejor
 configurar los servicios por separado.
 Estoy de acuerdo, lo montaré a piezas, por trozos jeje se aprende más y
 te queda a tu gusto.

Sí, además es lo que te decía antes: si cae postfix los usuarios pueden 
seguir accediendo a su correo vía imap limitando los daños en caso de 



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Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de noviembre de 2013 16:24, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:32:40 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 22 de noviembre de 2013 16:45, Camaleón


 ¿Has considerado Cyrus? O:-)

 No lo he considerado, te parece mejor opcion cyrus?? más seguro??

 Cuando hace 8 años buscada el compañero perfecto para mi Postfix, me di
 de bruces con Cyrus. En la documentación se podía leer (bueno, puede,
 porque veo que aún sigue ahí) Not for beginners., y yo que era novata
 total, dije: este es el mío :-P

 Ahora en serio, lo elegí porque buscaba un servidor imap/pop3 que no
 usara la base de datos de usuarios del sistema, quería independencia
 total. Cuando empecé a leer sobre Cyrus vi que era un monstruo que
 aguantaba todo tipo de configuraciones y cargas de trabajo, preparado
 para configuraciones en HA y desarrollado por una institución de
 prestigio. Me lo quedé... y con él sigo hasta hoy.

Muy atrevida jejeje. Así mola.

 Por qué dovecot y no courier?

 He usado courier y va muy bien también.

 Porque sólo permite imap/pop3, mientras que Courier-IMAP también dispone
 de smtp y no me gustaría que se diera de tortas con Postfix.

Vale, eso me convence. Usaré dovecot. Has visto el enlace que he
puesto? Me parece gran tuto.

 Sólo lo pondría como solución única, es decir, que él solo se encargara
 de todo el meollo: smtp/pop3/imap/webmail.

 Entre tus dos opciones me quedo con Dovecot.

 WEBMAIL: roundcubemail, squirrelmail o horde.

 No te recomiendo ninguno porque no uso (ni permito) webmail.

 Sólo te recomendaría que eligieras un webmail que sea compatible 100%
 con el servidor imap que elijas para evitarte problemas.

 Pero si estoy en otro pc y no tengo un cliente de correo, me gustaría
 acceder via webmail.

 Para eso no necesitas un webmail. Ya tienes imap, recuerda ;-)

Si tengo imap, pero necesitaré algún mecanismo/cliente para poder
conectarme. Y usar un navegador me parece muy rápido, con https y todo
el rollo. Además el webmail puede estar en otra máquina.

 Me gusta roundcubemail aunque va más lentillo que squirrelmail por el
 php, roudcubemail con ajax va más lentillo.

 Roundcube es más agradable, visualmente hablando, pero asegúrate la
 compatibilidad con el servidor pop3/imap, no olvides que el webmail es
 sólo la máscara que ve el usuario, pero detrás va a estar el servicio que
 hace el trabajo real.

Roudcube lo he usado con courier y dovecot. En teoría, ninguna pega.


 Me recomiendas algun panel web de administración para ver los correos
 retenidos, por spam, virus...etc?

 Yo no uso ninguno, no me fío mucho de las GUI para configurar servicios
 serios, pero si tuviera que elegir alguna solución quizá iría por webmin
 aunque no sé si permite ver las colas de los mensajes.

Webmin es uno de los que nom e gusta. No sé actualmente como estará
pero dejaba comentarios y enguarreba bastante los cfg de los
servicios. Si desde webmin puedes ver la cola de mensajes. De hecho,
el apartado postfix en webmin es bastante completito.

 SERVIDOR WEB: me gustaría usar nginx, en su defecto apache.

 Apache2, como toma de contacto con la administración de un servidor web
 no me parece mala opción por la cantidad de ayuda, tutoriales y
 documentación que existe.

 Estoy de acuerdo, hay más documentación y a priori es más fácil...Hasta
 que usas nginx, es muy facilito de configurar, su archivo de
 configuración también es muy fácil y cad avez se implementa mucho más...

 Según reviews y comparativas, le da unas cuantas pataditas a apache en

 Para un uso casero el rendimiento no debería ser un factor decisivo ;-)

Cierto ya que lo voy a usar sólo yo, pero créeme nginx se nota mcho.

 BAKEND: mysql

 Hum... siempre que se trate de un número reducido, yo prefiero otro
 sistema de gestión de usuarios.

 Mysql me parece ideal, también tendré owncloud, phpmyalbum, y necesitaré
 mysql para realizar unas pruebas así que me viene al pairo mysql para

 ¿Y LDAP? A mí es que me gusta tener cada servicio por separado, para que
 en el caso de fallo de alguno de ellos no me deje tirado todo (es decir,
 que si cae la bdd el correo electrónico siga operativo).

Si esto me recuerda mucho al active directory de microsoft, que
centralizas todos los servicios contra active directory y cuando se
cae plofff todo a tomar por...saco.

 Por experiencia que ya lo he montado antes por piezas, sé que amavisd
 y clamav pesan como vacas...y la maquinilla no es muy potente. Pero lo
 que quiero es más que nada por aprender.

 Usan mucha RAM, cierto.

 CPU también, al menos clamav.

 Es posible... lo tengo ejecutándose en un dos Xeones y claro, en cuanto a
 CPU ni se entera, pero el uso de RAM sí porque se la asigna y ya no la


 Personalmente huyo de soluciones premontadas, sólo me lo plantearía si
 tuviera que gestionar un servicio de hosting con miles de usuarios,
 para facilitar el montaje. Para aprender un bueno 

Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Nov 2013 17:59:58 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de noviembre de 2013 16:24, Camaleón


 Por qué dovecot y no courier?

 He usado courier y va muy bien también.

 Porque sólo permite imap/pop3, mientras que Courier-IMAP también
 dispone de smtp y no me gustaría que se diera de tortas con Postfix.
 Vale, eso me convence. Usaré dovecot. Has visto el enlace que he puesto?
 Me parece gran tuto.


Sí, lo he visto, muy cuco. 

Sólo le falta Amavisd-new (veo que prefiere usar milters a gogo junto con 
el binomio spamd/spamc pero estos dos no te los recomiendo) y su 
configuración no es moco de pavo :-)

 Pero si estoy en otro pc y no tengo un cliente de correo, me gustaría
 acceder via webmail.

 Para eso no necesitas un webmail. Ya tienes imap, recuerda ;-)
 Si tengo imap, pero necesitaré algún mecanismo/cliente para poder
 conectarme. Y usar un navegador me parece muy rápido, con https y todo
 el rollo. Además el webmail puede estar en otra máquina.


Cualquier cliente de correo con imap. Sí, ya lo sé, es más sencillo 
iniciar el navegador y a correr pero también añades dos capas adicionales 
de vulnerabilidad (el navegador y el webmail) :-)

 Me recomiendas algun panel web de administración para ver los correos
 retenidos, por spam, virus...etc?

 Yo no uso ninguno, no me fío mucho de las GUI para configurar servicios
 serios, pero si tuviera que elegir alguna solución quizá iría por
 webmin aunque no sé si permite ver las colas de los mensajes.

 Webmin es uno de los que nom e gusta. No sé actualmente como estará pero
 dejaba comentarios y enguarreba bastante los cfg de los servicios. Si
 desde webmin puedes ver la cola de mensajes. De hecho,
 el apartado postfix en webmin es bastante completito.


Toda aplicación con GUI es susceptible de dejarte los archivos de 
configuración hechos un desastre por eso para instalaciones sencillas de 
pocos usuarios prefiero hacer los cambios manualmente, añadiendo 
comentarios en los mismos archivos de configuración explicando el motivo 
del cambio.

 ¿Y LDAP? A mí es que me gusta tener cada servicio por separado, para
 que en el caso de fallo de alguno de ellos no me deje tirado todo (es
 que si cae la bdd el correo electrónico siga operativo).

 Si esto me recuerda mucho al active directory de microsoft, que
 centralizas todos los servicios contra active directory y cuando se cae
 plofff todo a tomar por...saco.

Algo así. La centralización es una ayuda para el administrador pero 
tienes que pensar en un plan B por si el servidor primario que facilita 
ese recurso centralizado está inaccesible o se cae. Por ese motivo 
prefiero separar los servicios siempre y cuando su administración no 
resulte un impedimento aún mayor.



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Re: Consejo sobre servidor de correo para uso doméstico

2013-11-23 Thread Pedro Gras
Hash: SHA512

On Sat, 23 Nov 2013 13:12:09 -0200
Guido Ignacio wrote:

  Umm me gusta mucho este tuto, tiene todo lo que necesito, lo
  comparto con ustedes:
 Colaboro con uno tuto que siempre uso como base, es muy útil y muy
 bien explicado [1] al igual que el que compartió Maykel. Si bien está
 basado en lenny los paquetes siguen siendo los mismos.

Sin poder aconsejar debido a mi falta de experiencia , añado otro
tutorial que además van actualizando desde el 2004 , la última vez es
de este año, y ahora está orientado para Ubuntu, con lo que supongo no
será demasiado difícil adaptarlo a mamá :

Ánimo y un saludo 

- -- 
Pedro Gras

GPG key: 0x3A146D41

Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Mensaje de acpid al cambiar a una terminal tty

2013-11-23 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2013/11/22 Marcos Delgado

 ls /etc/rsyslog.conf
 ls: no se puede acceder a /etc/rsyslog.conf: No existe el fichero o el

 ls  /etc/default/rsyslog
 ls: no se puede acceder a /etc/default/rsyslog: No existe el fichero o
 el directorio

Rsyslog es el demonio de syslog por omisión de Debian pero ciertamente
no el único. Probablemente tienes instalado algún otro.

Un `apt-cache search syslogd` te da la lista de los que hay, chequea
si tienes instalado algún otro. O tal vez ninguno, por lo que veo con
`aptitude why rsyslogd` solo esta como recomendación para otros
paquetes, intenta instalaro si es así.

A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Instalé Debian y desapareció Windows

2013-11-23 Thread alberto moreno martinez
Hola chicos. 

Pues como el título lo dice, instalé Debian 7 y no aparece la opción de 
arrancar Windows 7 home premiun.
Tengo un disco duro de 1 Gb, y antes instalar Debian  le hice su espacio para 
montarlo, o sea que debian se monto en una partición vacía, no toqué a a la 
partición de Windows para nada.

Información: el paquete  grub2,  aparece como no instalado en Synaptic, y el 
paquete os-prober version 1.58 esta instalado.
Les agradecería muchísimo que ayudaran a solucionar esto porque cada rato me 
echan la bronca por el condenado Windows.

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Re: Instalé Debian y desapareció Windows

2013-11-23 Thread consultor
On 23/11/13 02:09 PM, alberto moreno martinez wrote:
 Hola chicos. 

 Pues como el título lo dice, instalé Debian 7 y no aparece la opción de 
 arrancar Windows 7 home premiun.
 Tengo un disco duro de 1 Gb, y antes instalar Debian  le hice su espacio para 
 montarlo, o sea que debian se monto en una partición vacía, no toqué a a la 
 partición de Windows para nada.

 Información: el paquete  grub2,  aparece como no instalado en Synaptic, y el 
 paquete os-prober version 1.58 esta instalado.
 Les agradecería muchísimo que ayudaran a solucionar esto porque cada rato me 
 echan la bronca por el condenado Windows.

Te respondo, solo por que estas apurado; yo no uso Grub, uso LiLO.

como root: # update-grub o grub-update

Si mal no recuerdo, lei que hay que entrar a Debian y correr ese comando.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Duda al bajar ISO netinst ¿amd64 ó i386? [RE SOL UCIONA DO]

2013-11-23 Thread Ariel Martin Bellio

El 22/11/2013 01:12 p.m., Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:30:46 -0300, Ariel Martin Bellio escribió:

Tengo un host con este micro:


En un sitio [1] mencionan que si en los flag sale algo con lm (long
mode) es de 64 bits... ¿es verdad?


En caso de ser así debería bajar la ISO netinst amd64 para un Intel ¿?

No necesariamente. Que tu micro admita las extensiones de 64 bits no
significa que tú las necesites ;-)

¿Cuánta RAM tienes instalada y qué uso piensas darle al equipo?


Tiene 1Gb de RAM pero va a reemplazar a un servidorsito con 512Mb de RAM

con el siguiente cpu:

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 6
model   : 7
model name  : AMD Duron(tm)
stepping: 0
cpu MHz : 1200.082
cache size  : 64 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge 
mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow up

bogomips: 2400.16
clflush size: 32
cache_alignment : 32
address sizes   : 34 bits physical, 32 bits virtual
power management: ts

que funciona perfecto con virtualmin/webmin/usermin y con esto unos 
cuantos servicios, menos el tincd que se cae solo... además el gabinete 
que tiene al ser de 3 bahías (donde irían los CD-ROM/DVD o discos 
rigidos extraibles) tiene la fuente para abajo entonces recalienta (esta 
funcionando semi desarmado)

igual la ISO netinst que hay ahora sirve para las 2 arquitecturas así 
que se va a instalar lo que va... por eso este caso está solucionado. Te 
respondo por cortesía.

Saludos y gracias!

Este mensaje no contiene virus ni malware porque la protección de avast! 
Antivirus está activa.
attachment: sisisisol.vcf

Re: [Off Topic] has received bounces from you

2013-11-23 Thread Magno

Bom dia Todos
Recebi esta notificação, e meu email tbm esta no gmail. Esta acontecendo 
algum problema de recebimento no gmail?

On 11/22/2013 11:45 AM, Samir Patrice wrote:

Também recebi, algum problema relacionado com o gmail.

2013/11/22 P. J.

2013/11/22 Shutdown -h now

 Achei que era só comigo. kkk

 2013/11/22 Mauricio S. T. Neto

 Uma coisa estranha que percebi é que estou com dificuldades
para receber
 email no  smartfone. Não esta sincronizando automaticamente.

 Em 22-11-2013 09:21, China escreveu:

 Eu também, parece coisa do Gmail.

 2013/11/22 Patrick El Youssef

 Recebi a mesma coisa

 Em 21-11-2013 18:22, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:

 Amigos da lista alguém sabe me informar por que isso acontece?

 Dear subscriber,

 We've encountered some problems while sending listmail to your

 In the last seven days we've seen bounces for the following
 * debian-user-portuguese
  1 bounce out of 34 mails in 7 days (2%, kick-score is 80%)

 (The link above points to a copy of the latest bounce
 and will be valid for seven days.)

 If the bounce-rate passes the kick-score, our
bounce-detection will
 remove your subscription.

 Bounces happen from time to time when spam slips through our
 rejected by your mail provider.  If you are your own mail
provider and
 'Before-Queue Content filtering', you should whitelist
 Content filtering.

 However: You can safely ignore this message (and you will not be
 :-) ) if your kick-score remains low.

 For more information see

 You are welcome to contact if you think
 message was sent in error.

 The Listmaster Team

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Mauricio S.T. Neto

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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| : :'  :
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Samir Patrice
Analista de Rede

Magno Miguel
Praia Grande -SP
Linux User
Técnico em Rede
Administrador Servidores Linux

Re: [Off Topic] has received bounces from you

2013-11-23 Thread thiago.zoroastro
Não é no gmail porque eu recebo isso também. Acredito que não seja problema, porque 'bounces' significa algumas coisas que talvez se refiram à 'movimentação' da lista... 
"Movimentação recebida" ou algo assim..

De: Magno Enviada: Sábado, 23 de Novembro de 2013 08:08Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.orgAssunto: Re: [Off Topic] has received bounces from you
Bom dia Todos Recebi esta notificação, e meu email tbm esta no gmail. Esta acontecendo algum problema de recebimento no gmail?  On 11/22/2013 11:45 AM, Samir Patrice wrote:

Também recebi, algum problema relacionado com o gmail.
2013/11/22 P. J.  2013/11/22 Shutdown -h now

 Ufa,   Achei que era só comigo. kkk 2013/11/22 Mauricio S. T. Neto   Uma coisa estranha que percebi é que estou com dificuldades para receber  email no  smartfone. Não esta sincronizando automaticamente.   Em 22-11-2013 09:21, China escreveu:   Eu também, parece coisa do Gmail.   2013/11/22 Patrick El Youssef   Recebi a mesma coisa   Em 21-11-2013 18:22, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:   Amigos da lista alguém sabe me informar por que isso acontece?  Obrigado<
 br />   Dear subscriber,   We've encountered some problems while sending listmail to your  emailaddress   In the last seven days we've seen bounces for the following list:  * debian-user-portuguese       1 bounce out of 34 mails in 7 days (2%, kick-score is 80%)       (   (The link above points to a copy of the latest bounce  and will be valid for seven days.)   If the bounce-rate passes the kick-s
 core, our bounce-detection will  forcibly  remove your subscription.   Bounces happen from time to time when spam slips through our filters  but  are  rejected by your mail provider.  If you are your own mail provider and  use  'Before-Queue Content filtering', you should whitelist  from  Content filtering.   However: You can safely ignore this message (and you will not be  unsubscribed  :-) ) if your kick-score remains low.   For more inform
 ation see   You are welcome to contact if you think  this  message was sent in error.            Sincerely,  The Listmaster Team --  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to  with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact  Archive:   --  Mauricio S.T. Neto --  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to  with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact  Archive: 

-- |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas. | : :'  : | `. `'` |   `-   Je vois tout
  -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Samir Patrice Analista de Rede

Magno Miguel
Praia Grande -SP
Linux User 
Técnico em Rede
Administrador Servidores Linux

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Erro ao logar Win 7 no PDC samba 3.6.6

2013-11-23 Thread Thobias Oliveira
Boa tarde Pessoal!

Estou levantando um novo servidor controlador de domínio com o samba 3.6.6,
as estações com o Win XP estão logando normalmente porém as estações com o
WIn 7 eu consigo fazer com que elas enxerguem o DOMÍNIO ingressarem no
DOMÍNIO normalmente mas após a reinicialização quando tento logar com um
usuário do domínio está dando o erro: *Falha de relação de confiança entre
a esta estação e o domínio primário*. Fiz tudo o que aconselharam tanto no
VOL quanto em outros artigos encontrados na internet já alterei as devidas
chaves no registro do windows 7 mas esse erro continua. O curioso é que no
meu ambiente de trabalho fiz esse mesmíssimo teste com o mesmíssimo
smb.conf e as estações win 7 estão logando normalmente. Não estou
entendendo nada, alguém poderia me ajudar?

Re: [Off Topic] has received bounces from you

2013-11-23 Thread Rodolfo
Ja recebi isso antes, e ja me explicaram o que era, mas nao lembro, mas
posso garantir uma coisa pra voces, deixem isso pra la, isso nao e nada =D

Como diz a propria mensagem:

However: You can safely ignore this message (and you will not be
 :-) ) if your kick-score remains low.

Traduzindo, voce pode seguramente ignorar esta mensagem ( e voce nao sera
excluido da lista) se seu score for baixo

Terminando, esquece isso galera.


2013/11/23 thiago.zoroastro

 Não é no gmail porque eu recebo isso também. Acredito que não seja
 problema, porque 'bounces' significa algumas coisas que talvez se refiram à
 'movimentação' da lista...
  Movimentação recebida ou algo assim..



 *De:* Magno 
 *Enviada:* Sábado, 23 de Novembro de 2013 08:08
 *Assunto:* Re: [Off Topic] has received bounces from you

 Bom dia Todos
 Recebi esta notificação, e meu email tbm esta no gmail. Esta acontecendo
 algum problema de recebimento no gmail?

 On 11/22/2013 11:45 AM, Samir Patrice wrote:

 Também recebi, algum problema relacionado com o gmail.

 2013/11/22 P. J.

 2013/11/22 Shutdown -h now
  Achei que era só comigo. kkk
  2013/11/22 Mauricio S. T. Neto
  Uma coisa estranha que percebi é que estou com dificuldades para
  email no  smartfone. Não esta sincronizando automaticamente.
  Em 22-11-2013 09:21, China escreveu:
  Eu também, parece coisa do Gmail.
  2013/11/22 Patrick El Youssef
  Recebi a mesma coisa
  Em 21-11-2013 18:22, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:
  Amigos da lista alguém sabe me informar por que isso acontece?
  Obrigado br / 
  Dear subscriber,
  We've encountered some problems while sending listmail to your
  In the last seven days we've seen bounces for the following list:
  * debian-user-portuguese
   1 bounce out of 34 mails in 7 days (2%, kick-score is 80%)
  (The link above points to a copy of the latest bounce
  and will be valid for seven days.)
  If the bounce-rate passes the kick-s core, our bounce-detection will
  remove your subscription.
  Bounces happen from time to time when spam slips through our filters
  rejected by your mail provider.  If you are your own mail provider
  'Before-Queue Content filtering', you should whitelist
  Content filtering.
  However: You can safely ignore this message (and you will not be
  :-) ) if your kick-score remains low.
  For more inform ation see
  You are welcome to contact if you think
  message was sent in error.
  The Listmaster Team
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  Mauricio S.T. Neto
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Samir Patrice
 Analista de Rede

 Magno Miguel
 Praia Grande -SP
 Linux User
 Técnico em Rede
 Administrador Servidores Linux

 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
 unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:

Re: Script to tell if Qpopper is running.

2013-11-23 Thread Account for Debian group mail


Thanks for the hint... mon just alerts you, I have a program that does 
that already BUT monit looks like it might work!

Again, thanks!


On Sat, 23 Nov 2013, Pol Hallen wrote:

Has anyone written a script that will run under a cron job that checks
to make sure that the pop3 server is running and if not will restart it?

apt-get install mon


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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Michael Tautschnig
Hi Andrew, hi all,

 I understand that Debian has a bunch of vulnerabilities as described in
 the following PDF.
 Just a small quote:
 This paper presents the first systematic approach for
 reasoning about and detecting unstable code. We implement
 this approach in a static checker called Stack, and
 use it to show that unstable code is present in a wide
 range of systems software, including the Linux kernel and
 the Postgres database. We estimate that unstable code
 exists in 40% of the 8,575 Debian Wheezy packages that
 contain C/C++ code. We also show that compilers are
 increasingly taking advantage of undefined behavior for
 optimizations, leading to more vulnerabilities related to
 unstable code.

This should be taken with a grain of salt. (I'm doing research in the area of
automated software analysis myself.) It clearly is a well-written paper with a
nice tool. Yet unstable code results from code that would otherwise be
considered bogus anyway (they give a nice list in Figure 3 in their paper), thus
it is not necessarily the case that compilers introduce completely new bugs -
they just might make the existing ones worse. The use of the term
vulnerabilities could be very misleading here: not all bugs yield security
issues - many of them might just lead to unexpected behaviour, and not be
exploitable to gain elevated privileges or the like.

Consider the fact that Debian's source packages contain more than 200 million
lines of code. If we trust Steve McConnell's Code Complete book, industry
average lies at 15-50 errors per 1000 lines of code, which is more than 1 in 100
lines. In a very simplified way of reasoning, I'd dare to conclude that at least
2 million further bugs remain to be discovered.

 This looks very serious indeed, but a quick search of Debian mailing
 lists didn't show anything being acknowledged for this issue should
 Debian users be concerned?

Probably not more than before, but as much as always: you are using code that
hasn't be proved to be correct. But with open-source software at least you know
what code you are using, and which bugs are being found.

Hope this helps,

Description: PGP signature

php 5.2 on debian wheezy

2013-11-23 Thread Roland RoLaNd
An application we're using is in need for php5.2 and we lack the time to make 
it work with the latest version.
google search shows a lot of 5.3 to 5.2 downgrade for squeeze but not for 
wheezy naturally.
May i ask if anyone has done so recently, and if you could provide a how to?

Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Brad Alexander
On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Michael Tautschnig wrote:

  This looks very serious indeed, but a quick search of Debian mailing
  lists didn't show anything being acknowledged for this issue should
  Debian users be concerned?

 Probably not more than before, but as much as always: you are using code
 hasn't be proved to be correct. But with open-source software at least you
 what code you are using, and which bugs are being found.

What I have told people in presentations is that the only truly secure
computer is one that is turned off, unplugged, packed in concrete, and
fired into the sun. Any program at a level not very much above Hello World
in the language of your choice is likely to have bugs. I mean, you would
have to swear off all software, turn off your computers, get rid of your
cell phone, etc. At this point, I'm not quite willing to go that far. As
Michael said, it's something to be aware of, but not something to keep you
awake at night worrying.


Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Joel Rees
Deja gnu?

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

 The following link shows the issue in a nutshell:

 [it refers to the PDF that I mentioned]

 Kind Regards

I seem to remember discussing the strange optimizations that optimized
away range checks because the code that was being firewalled had to
be correct.

Ten years ago, it was engineers that understood pointers but didn't
understand logic. This time around, maybe it's a new generation of
sophomoric programmers, or maybe we have moles in our ranks.

The sky is not falling, but it sounds like I don't want to waste my
time with Clang yet. And I probably need to go make myself persona
non-grata again in some C language forums

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Installing Debian inside Windows 7 utilizing VirtualBox

2013-11-23 Thread Wally Lepore
Hi Members,

I would like to run Debian and test new software packages utilizing Debian
as a virtual environment. inside my Windows 7 OS. I would like to be able
to install Debian in this fashion and have the ability to utilize a Debian
GUI desktop as well.

Question #1 please:
Would kindly like to know if Oracle's VM VirtualBox is the recommended
virtualization software package to install to accomplish this procedure.

Question #2 please:
Which Stable version of Debian (Squeeze or Wheezy) is recommended
that would best serve this purpose?

I have been reading about VirtualBox and studying the steps involved to
install Debian in this manner. I'm sure I will have additional questions
but would simply like to start with my initial questions above.

A couple of how-to links I've discovered:

Installing with a GUI desktop:

Installing without a GUI desktop

Thank you

beaglebone black lxde hdmi problem

2013-11-23 Thread Andre Marschalek
dear folks,

installed debian wheezy 7.2 ( and
additional lxde on a beaglebone black which works everytime as expected as
long as i connect a pc monitor with a hdmi to dvi adapter to beaglebone's
hdmi port

but if i connect the hdmi port to my full hd tv my tv responds no device
connected (even if i reboot beaglebone afterwards)

if i than connect my pc monitor instead of the full hd tv (without a reboot
between) i can see something but its not readable (like a wrong frequency) 

one important note, beaglebone is not able to provide sound with any
resolutions over hdmi so i would need to have different settings

please can you guide me to fix this issue?

please correct me if this is the wrong list to solve the problem

thank you


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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Robert Baron
Aren't many of the  constructs used as examples in the paper are commonly
used in c programming.  For example it is very common to see a function
that has a pointer as a parameter defined as:

int func(void *ptr)
if(!ptr) return SOME_ERROR;
/* rest of function*/
return 1;

Isn't it interesting that their one example will potentially dereference
the null pointer even before compiler optimizations (from the paper):

struct tun_struct *tun=;
struct sock *sk = tun-sk;
if(*tun) return POLLERR;

 The check to see that tun is non-null should occur before use, as in -
quite frankly it is useless to check after as tun cannot be the null
pointer (the program hasn't crashed):

struct tun_struct *tun=;
if(*tun) return POLLERR;
struct sock *sk = tun-sk;

I am under the impression that these problems are rather widely known among
c programmers (perhaps not the kids fresh out of college).  But this is why
teams need to have experienced people.

Furthermore, it is very common to find code that works before optimization,
and fails at certain optimization levels.  Recently, I was compiling a
library that failed its own tests under the optimization level set in the
makefile but passed its own test at a lower level of optimization.

PS: I liked their first example, as it appears to be problematic.

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 Deja gnu?

 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
  The following link shows the issue in a nutshell:
  [it refers to the PDF that I mentioned]
  Kind Regards

 I seem to remember discussing the strange optimizations that optimized
 away range checks because the code that was being firewalled had to
 be correct.

 Ten years ago, it was engineers that understood pointers but didn't
 understand logic. This time around, maybe it's a new generation of
 sophomoric programmers, or maybe we have moles in our ranks.

 The sky is not falling, but it sounds like I don't want to waste my
 time with Clang yet. And I probably need to go make myself persona
 non-grata again in some C language forums

 Joel Rees

 Be careful where you see conspiracy.
 Look first in your own heart.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Script to tell if Qpopper is running.

2013-11-23 Thread Glenn English

On Nov 23, 2013, at 1:43 AM, Account for Debian group mail 

 monit looks like it might work!

Monit runs here. It does restart stuff, among a lot of other cool things...

Glenn English
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Robert Baron
Second question:

Doesn't memcpy allow for overlapping memory, but strcpy does not?  Isn't
this why memcpy is preferred over strcpy?

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Robert Baron wrote:

 Aren't many of the  constructs used as examples in the paper are commonly
 used in c programming.  For example it is very common to see a function
 that has a pointer as a parameter defined as:

 int func(void *ptr)
 if(!ptr) return SOME_ERROR;
 /* rest of function*/
 return 1;

 Isn't it interesting that their one example will potentially dereference
 the null pointer even before compiler optimizations (from the paper):

 struct tun_struct *tun=;
 struct sock *sk = tun-sk;
 if(*tun) return POLLERR;

  The check to see that tun is non-null should occur before use, as in -
 quite frankly it is useless to check after as tun cannot be the null
 pointer (the program hasn't crashed):

 struct tun_struct *tun=;
 if(*tun) return POLLERR;
 struct sock *sk = tun-sk;

 I am under the impression that these problems are rather widely known
 among c programmers (perhaps not the kids fresh out of college).  But this
 is why teams need to have experienced people.

 Furthermore, it is very common to find code that works before
 optimization, and fails at certain optimization levels.  Recently, I was
 compiling a library that failed its own tests under the optimization level
 set in the makefile but passed its own test at a lower level of

 PS: I liked their first example, as it appears to be problematic.

 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 Deja gnu?

 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
  The following link shows the issue in a nutshell:
  [it refers to the PDF that I mentioned]
  Kind Regards

 I seem to remember discussing the strange optimizations that optimized
 away range checks because the code that was being firewalled had to
 be correct.

 Ten years ago, it was engineers that understood pointers but didn't
 understand logic. This time around, maybe it's a new generation of
 sophomoric programmers, or maybe we have moles in our ranks.

 The sky is not falling, but it sounds like I don't want to waste my
 time with Clang yet. And I probably need to go make myself persona
 non-grata again in some C language forums

 Joel Rees

 Be careful where you see conspiracy.
 Look first in your own heart.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

about MS email retrieve

2013-11-23 Thread lina

My work email is Microsoft exchange one. It seems that the Microsoft
exchange can be accessed either via outlook or webpage.

I use icedove, currently has the ExQuilla plugin to retrieve email, but
seems ExQuilla going to expire.

So I wonder, how can I retrieve this email?

what is interesting is that, we share the same account (username as well
as password) in all servers, such as for the login of windows, for the
HPC, for the email, even wireless connection.
I wonder, how can they update and connect these in one big database?
Since they shared the same account, and there is a local server here to
collect Microsoft exchange email, I wonder, can I simply logged in this
server and read these as some directory or something?

Thanks ahead for your suggestions,


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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Oliver Schneider
On 2013-11-23 15:18, Robert Baron wrote:
 Second question:
 Doesn't memcpy allow for overlapping memory, but strcpy does not?  Isn't
 this why memcpy is preferred over strcpy?

IIRC memcpy does not, but memmove does.


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Re: about MS email retrieve

2013-11-23 Thread Erwan David
Le 23/11/2013 16:22, lina a écrit :

 My work email is Microsoft exchange one. It seems that the Microsoft
 exchange can be accessed either via outlook or webpage.

 I use icedove, currently has the ExQuilla plugin to retrieve email, but
 seems ExQuilla going to expire.

 So I wonder, how can I retrieve this email?

What I do at work is use davmail ( There
is a debian package, and is needs that java is installed.

Works fine with a exchange 2010 server through the webservice. Let's
hope your mail admin allows the DAV/Webservice connection.

It also works for calendar with lightning and the caldav definition of

 what is interesting is that, we share the same account (username as well
 as password) in all servers, such as for the login of windows, for the
 HPC, for the email, even wireless connection.
 I wonder, how can they update and connect these in one big database?

It's called a user databas used for authentication of all services. In a
free world you would do this with a LDAP server, in MS world it is done
with Active Directory (based on LDAP among other things).

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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Isn't it interesting that their one example will potentially dereference
 the null pointer even before compiler optimizations (from the paper):
 struct tun_struct *tun=;
 struct sock *sk = tun-sk;
 if(*tun) return POLLERR;
  The check to see that tun is non-null should occur before use, as in -
 quite frankly it is useless to check after as tun cannot be the null
 pointer (the program hasn't crashed):

They do say in the paper that the code possibly dereferences a null pointer,
irrespective of optimisation or not. Thus the code was always broken, it might
just have been missed, because compilers could have considered reordering the
instructions or maybe substitute the expression tun-sk for sk.


Description: PGP signature

Re: about MS email retrieve

2013-11-23 Thread Joe
On Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:22:42 +0800
lina wrote:

 My work email is Microsoft exchange one. It seems that the Microsoft
 exchange can be accessed either via outlook or webpage.
 I use icedove, currently has the ExQuilla plugin to retrieve email,
 but seems ExQuilla going to expire.
 So I wonder, how can I retrieve this email?
 what is interesting is that, we share the same account (username as
 well as password) in all servers, such as for the login of windows,
 for the HPC, for the email, even wireless connection.
 I wonder, how can they update and connect these in one big database?
 Since they shared the same account, and there is a local server here
 to collect Microsoft exchange email, I wonder, can I simply logged in
 this server and read these as some directory or something?

No. Exchange stores email in an encrypted relational database, and if
certain things go wrong, *nobody* can read it. I have failed a couple
of times to restore a broken mailbox, using the official MS tools,
though they usually work. Exchange is a humungous beast, designed to
provide appropriate security for military, medical and legal email
(i.e. only US security services can read it) and everyone else, even a
one-man-band using the Small Business Server, has to live with it as
there are no MS alternatives.

As Erwan has said, login to an MS domain is to a single login server
(with replicated backups in larger organisations) which uses,
basically, LDAP and Kerberos to issue time-limited tickets to authorise
appropriate activities. With the right privileges, fairly standard LDAP
tools can be used to query and manipulate the database. Generally,
users won't have much in the way of privileges, and you shouldn't be
able to login to any server directly.

A couple of other possibilities, if the administrators are friendly:
Exchange can also provide POP3 and IMAP4 connections, but these are not
enabled by default. The Outlook interface, as you probably know, uses
an undisclosed proprietary protocol which changes regularly. Outlook
2013 is not compatible with Exchange 2003 and earlier, for example,
other than by the (probably reluctantly) standard POP3 or IMAP4.


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Re: about MS email retrieve

2013-11-23 Thread Lars Noodén
On 11/23/2013 06:41 PM, Joe wrote:
 has to live with it as there are no MS alternatives.

Not quite.  Citadel and Kolab offer the same functionality, but in a
more secure, modular architecture.  Recently OpenChange is a transparent

though hopefully it is not as insecure and bugridden.  I don't know
when, if or how it would be ported to Debian.


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Re: Installing Debian inside Windows 7 utilizing VirtualBox

2013-11-23 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 24/11/13 01:52, Wally Lepore wrote:
 Hi Members,
 I would like to run Debian and test new software packages utilizing
 Debian as a virtual environment. inside my Windows 7 OS. I would like to
 be able to install Debian in this fashion and have the ability to
 utilize a Debian GUI desktop as well.
 Question #1 please:
 Would kindly like to know if Oracle's VM VirtualBox is the recommended
 virtualization software package to install to accomplish this procedure.

There is no officially recommended virtualization solution for running
Debian on a Windoof host.

My preference is to use VirtualBox, but there is at least one other
application that will do the job.

 Question #2 please:
 Which Stable version of Debian (Squeeze or Wheezy) is recommended
 that would best serve this purpose?

Squeeze is no longer stable, though it's a stable release.
Wheezy is the current stable.

You can install the Debian release of your choice, be it Etch, Squeeze,
Sid, etc, or mixed.

I'd recommend Wheezy, but the recommended release would be determined
by what you want Debian to do. i.e. is it to run production purposes?
if so choose the current stable (Wheezy), does it need to support very
recent hardware? - if so you'd probably find testing or unstable a
better choice. Do you require specific versions of software? Then you
may have to pick the release that supports those versions.

 I have been reading about VirtualBox and studying the steps involved to
 install Debian in this manner. I'm sure I will have additional questions
 but would simply like to start with my initial questions above.
 A couple of how-to links I've discovered:
 Installing with a GUI desktop:
 Installing without a GUI desktop
 Thank you

Installing Debian into VirtualBox is simple, except for a couple of
quick, simple, choose and click options to create the VirtualBox machine
that you'll install Debian into the process is identical to installing
onto bare metal.

Create a new machine, choose Linux as the OS, select Debian as the Linux
type, agree to the default hard drive size or change it to suit your
needs, choose dynamic or fixed for drive size and pick a suitable name
for the machine.

Once the machine is created you can adjust RAM size and various other
machine parameters - similar to how you would select components to make
a new computer. All that is achieved from the Settings option for the

Change or add storage devices and types (hard drives, floppy, cd/dvd
drives). Use either the host CD/DVD or a virtual CD (uses iso images
instead of physical CDs). Choose boot order and start the machine.
Install Debian.


Kind regards.

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RE: Installing Debian inside Windows 7 utilizing VirtualBox

2013-11-23 Thread Stephen P. Molnar



From: Wally Lepore [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 9:52 AM
Subject: Installing Debian inside Windows 7 utilizing VirtualBox


Hi Members,

I would like to run Debian and test new software packages utilizing Debian
as a virtual environment. inside my Windows 7 OS. I would like to be able to
install Debian in this fashion and have the ability to utilize a Debian GUI
desktop as well.

Question #1 please:

Would kindly like to know if Oracle's VM VirtualBox is the recommended
virtualization software package to install to accomplish this procedure.

Question #2 please:

Which Stable version of Debian (Squeeze or Wheezy) is recommended that
would best serve this purpose?

I have been reading about VirtualBox and studying the steps involved to
install Debian in this manner. I'm sure I will have additional questions but
would simply like to start with my initial questions above.

A couple of how-to links I've discovered:

Installing with a GUI desktop:

Installing without a GUI desktop


Thank you


I am running Wheezy and Jessie/sid, in different MS Windows 7 directories of
course, in the current version of VMware Player without any problems


I have also evaluated the Oracle VM, but prefer the VMware player as I have
not run into any problems with installing Debian.


Download the iso and follow the installer prompts. 


Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.Life is a fuzzy

Foundation for Chemistry   Stochastic and

(614)312-7528 (c)

Skype:  smolnar1


Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Mark Haase
The researchers' point was that an attacker might be able to remap that memory 
page so that dereferencing a null pointer would NOT segfault. (I don't actually 
know how feasible this is; I'm just paraphrasing their argument. They footnote 
this claim but I didn't bother to read the cited sources.)

Checking if tun is null is [apparently] a valid precautionary measure -- not 
useless -- except an optimizer might remove it. The order of these statements 
is definitely wrong, but the authors are claiming that this optimization turns 
an otherwise innocuous bug into an exploitable vulnerability. 

Anyway, I don't see what this has to do with Debian. It's an interesting paper, 
but Debian can't find and fix all upstream bugs, nor do I think most users 
would be happy if suddenly everything was compiled without any optimizations. 

Mark E. Haase

 On Nov 23, 2013, at 10:09 AM, Robert Baron 
 Aren't many of the  constructs used as examples in the paper are commonly 
 used in c programming.  For example it is very common to see a function that 
 has a pointer as a parameter defined as:
 int func(void *ptr)
 if(!ptr) return SOME_ERROR;
 /* rest of function*/
 return 1;
 Isn't it interesting that their one example will potentially dereference the 
 null pointer even before compiler optimizations (from the paper):
 struct tun_struct *tun=;
 struct sock *sk = tun-sk;
 if(*tun) return POLLERR; 
 The check to see that tun is non-null should occur before use, as in - quite 
 frankly it is useless to check after as tun cannot be the null pointer (the 
 program hasn't crashed):
 struct tun_struct *tun=;
 if(*tun) return POLLERR; 
 struct sock *sk = tun-sk;
 I am under the impression that these problems are rather widely known among c 
 programmers (perhaps not the kids fresh out of college).  But this is why 
 teams need to have experienced people. 
 Furthermore, it is very common to find code that works before optimization, 
 and fails at certain optimization levels.  Recently, I was compiling a 
 library that failed its own tests under the optimization level set in the 
 makefile but passed its own test at a lower level of optimization.
 PS: I liked their first example, as it appears to be problematic.
 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Joel Rees wrote:
 Deja gnu?
 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
  The following link shows the issue in a nutshell:
  [it refers to the PDF that I mentioned]
  Kind Regards
 I seem to remember discussing the strange optimizations that optimized
 away range checks because the code that was being firewalled had to
 be correct.
 Ten years ago, it was engineers that understood pointers but didn't
 understand logic. This time around, maybe it's a new generation of
 sophomoric programmers, or maybe we have moles in our ranks.
 The sky is not falling, but it sounds like I don't want to waste my
 time with Clang yet. And I probably need to go make myself persona
 non-grata again in some C language forums
 Joel Rees
 Be careful where you see conspiracy.
 Look first in your own heart.
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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Installing Debian inside Windows 7 utilizing VirtualBox

2013-11-23 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 23 Nov 2013, Wally Lepore wrote:

 Hi Members,
 I would like to run Debian and test new software packages utilizing
 Debian as a virtual environment. inside my Windows 7 OS. I would like
 to be able to install Debian in this fashion and have the ability to
 utilize a Debian GUI desktop as well.
 Question #1 please:
 Would kindly like to know if Oracle's VM VirtualBox is the recommended
 virtualization software package to install to accomplish this

On Windows?  No.  Microsoft recommends you to use THEIR virtualization
software -- VirtualPC or Hyper-V -- but OSes other than Windows are
not supported.  Doesn't mean Linux won't run on them, but ALL Windows
software is Windows-centric.  So, there will probably be problems.  Just
use VirtualBox.  It will run most any OS that will run on PC Intel-based
hardware with Windows, Linux or OSX hosts.

FYI:  I could never get GNOME3 to work on VirtualBox running on Linux
hosts -- Fedore 12 and Debian Wheezy, both 64-bit.  Virtual graphic card
problem, I think.  Never bothered to troubleshoot.  I don't like

VMWare is an excellent alternate choice. 

 Question #2 please:
 Which Stable version of Debian (Squeeze or Wheezy) is
 recommended that would best serve this purpose?

If your software needs to run on both, you'll have to compile and test
it on both.

 I have been reading about VirtualBox and studying the steps involved
 to install Debian in this manner. I'm sure I will have additional
 questions but would simply like to start with my initial questions
 A couple of how-to links I've discovered:
 Installing with a GUI desktop:
 Installing without a GUI desktop

Read VirtualBox's User Guide, too.  Excellent.


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Re: autostart for users

2013-11-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 21 nov 13, 12:15:57, Florian Lindner wrote:
 I want to give users the possbility to autostart programms on boot.
 My first idea would be to put a line like that in /etc/rc.local

Not on boot, but on login (into an XDG compliant WM/DE):


Most DEs have GUIs to add things there.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Circular initscript dependency prevents use of aptitude on wheezy

2013-11-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 21 nov 13, 15:22:39, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 Somehow, I seem to have a circular initscript dependency.
 It seems to be complaining about the package mediatomb; furthemore, the 
 problem first appeared shortly after I installed mediatomb.
 I tried uninstalling mediatomb, but it gets nowhere, because aptitude 
 balks upon detecting the circular dependency.
 I ran
 aptitude upgrade | tee mediatomb-problem
 Here's the relevant message, out of all the stuff it produces:
 insserv: There is a loop between service mediatomb and modutils if stopped
 insserv:  loop involving service modutils at depth 2
 insserv:  loop involving service mediatomb at depth 1
 insserv: Stopping modutils depends on mediatomb and therefore on system 
 facility `$all' which can not be true!
 insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
 update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header

You have a lot of cruft on your system. I'd try

aptitude search ~c

and if the list looks reasonable then follow-up with

aptitude purge ~c

If you still have problems you can use 'dpkg -S' to find other 
initscripts not belonging to any installed packages and remove them.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Question about bogofilter -R

2013-11-23 Thread
I'm trying to understand Bogofilter better. I have been using it with so-so 
success for about a year, but always by copy-and-paste of other people's 
scripts from the internet. Now I'm attempting to read the doc.s and understand. 
But --- it's rather slow going:

In 'man bogofilter', under CLASSIFICATION OPTIONS, there is :
The -R option tells bogofilter to output an R data frame in text form on the 
standard output. See the section on integration with R, below, for further 
and 'below' is:
   The -R option tells bogofilter to generate an R data frame. The data 
frame contains one row per token analyzed. Each such
   row contains the token, the sum of its database good and spam 
counts, the good count divided by the number of
   non-spam messages used to create the training database, the spam count 
divided by the spam message count, Robinson´s
   f(w) for the token, the natural logs of (1 - f(w)) and f(w), and an 
indicator character (+ if the token´s f(w) value
   exceeded the minimum deviation from 0.5, - if it didn´t). There is one 
additional row at the end of the table that
   contains a label in the token field, followed by the number of words 
actually used (the ones with + indicators),
   Robinson´s P, Q, S, s and x values and the minimum deviation.

   The R data frame can be saved to a file and later read into an R session 
(see the R project website[5] for information
   about the mathematics package R). Provided with the bogofilter 
distribution is a simple R script (file bogo.R) that can
   be used to verify bogofilter´s calculations. Instructions for its use 
are included in the script in the form of comments.

I have processed some spam and ham to create a bogofilter database. I want to 
use the -R option to create the TEXT data frame and examine its contents.

I use the following:

$ bogofilter -R  bogo-rframe

This should, to my understanding, write a text file in bogo-rframe, but it has 
been running for about an hour and shows no sign of terminating. What is wrong? 
Please help.

There were about 3500 messages of spam and of ham, and the scoring took well 
under a minute. Do I really need to use R to look at what is perported to be a 
text file?


Re: autostart for users

2013-11-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2013-11-23 at 21:04 +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Jo, 21 nov 13, 12:15:57, Florian Lindner wrote:
  I want to give users the possbility to autostart programms on boot.
  My first idea would be to put a line like that in /etc/rc.local
 Not on boot, but on login (into an XDG compliant WM/DE):
 Most DEs have GUIs to add things there.

That's correct, but something completely different ;). A startup of the
system isn't equal to the start of a desktop session ;).

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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Darius Jahandarie
On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Mark Haase wrote:
 Anyway, I don't see what this has to do with Debian. It's an interesting
 paper, but Debian can't find and fix all upstream bugs, nor do I think most
 users would be happy if suddenly everything was compiled without any

Although Debian *developers* can't find and fix all upstream bugs, the
Debian project, as the funnel between code and users, provides an
interesting location to perform this sort of automated static analysis
on all source code flowing through it, and present that information
to both the package maintainers and users of the packages.

Darius Jahandarie

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Re: about MS email retrieve

2013-11-23 Thread Joe
On Sat, 23 Nov 2013 20:08:31 +0200
Lars Noodén wrote:

 On 11/23/2013 06:41 PM, Joe wrote:
  has to live with it as there are no MS alternatives.
 Not quite.  Citadel and Kolab offer the same functionality, but in a
 more secure, modular architecture.  Recently OpenChange is a
 transparent replacement:
 though hopefully it is not as insecure and bugridden.  I don't know
 when, if or how it would be ported to Debian.

I meant 'published by Microsoft'. There are a number of mail servers
available for Windows, most being much less complex than Exchange, most
small businesses not needing anything as complex as Exchange.

But a business using MS servers will move to third-party products
reluctantly. Everything on the machine that isn't part of the server
operating system is a potential accident waiting to happen. The
ecosystem is fragile enough, without foreign software being added. I
would not consider installing even Firefox on a client's Windows server.


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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 11/22/2013 7:34 PM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

the team ran Stack against the Debian Linux archive, of which 8575 out
of 17432 packages contained C/C++ code.  For a whopping 3471 packages,
STACK detected at least one instance of unstable code.

So 3471 Wheezy packages had one ore more instances of gcc introduced
anomalies.  And the kernel binary they tested had 32.

As an end user I'm not worried about this at all.  But I'd think
developers may want to start taking a closer look at how gcc does its
optimizations and creates these anomalies.  If the flaws are serious
they should obviously takes steps to mitigate or eliminate this.

I didn't read the full paper yet, but I'm wondering how/if the
optimization flag plays a part in this.  I.e. does O2 produce these
bugs but OO (default) or Og (debugging) does not?


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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Neal Murphy
On Saturday, November 23, 2013 04:23:05 PM Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 I didn't read the full paper yet, but I'm wondering how/if the
 optimization flag plays a part in this.  I.e. does O2 produce these
 bugs but OO (default) or Og (debugging) does not?

Or -O3...

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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Joel Rees
[Not sure this really needs to be cc-ed to security@]

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 12:09 AM, Robert Baron wrote:
 Aren't many of the  constructs used as examples in the paper are commonly
 used in c programming.  For example it is very common to see a function that
 has a pointer as a parameter defined as:

 int func(void *ptr)
 if(!ptr) return SOME_ERROR;
 /* rest of function*/
 return 1;

 Isn't it interesting that their one example will potentially dereference the
 null pointer even before compiler optimizations (from the paper):

 struct tun_struct *tun=;
 struct sock *sk = tun-sk;
 if(*tun) return POLLERR;

 The check to see that tun is non-null should occur before use, as in - quite
 frankly it is useless to check after as tun cannot be the null pointer (the
 program hasn't crashed):

This one has been thrashed to death.

Yes, the standard (after considerable reworking overseen by certain
groups with an axe to grind) says that, not only is dereferencing
before testing evil (i.e., undefined), but even adding to a pointer
before testing it is evil.

Committees really should not be allowed to define language semantics.
Make suggestions, sure, but actually define them, no.

 struct tun_struct *tun=;
 if(*tun) return POLLERR;
 struct sock *sk = tun-sk;

Yes, this arrangement is less liable to induce error on the part of
the programmer.

The compiler should be immune to such issues of induced error,
especially if it is able to reliably optimize out theoretically
undefined code (which is seriously, seriously evil).

 I am under the impression that these problems are rather widely known among
 c programmers (perhaps not the kids fresh out of college).  But this is why
 teams need to have experienced people.

 Furthermore, it is very common to find code that works before optimization,
 and fails at certain optimization levels.  Recently, I was compiling a
 library that failed its own tests under the optimization level set in the
 makefile but passed its own test at a lower level of optimization.

Completely separate issue.

 PS: I liked their first example, as it appears to be problematic.

As I noted (too obliquely, perhaps?) the my comments why you
top-posted over, this is nothing at all new. The holy grail of
optimization has been known to induce undefined behavior in compiler
writers since way before B or even Algol.

The guys responsible for optimization sometimes forget that falsifying
an argument is not falsifying the conclusion, among other things.

 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Joel Rees wrote:

 Deja gnu?

 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
  The following link shows the issue in a nutshell:
  [it refers to the PDF that I mentioned]
  Kind Regards

 I seem to remember discussing the strange optimizations that optimized
 away range checks because the code that was being firewalled had to
 be correct.

 Ten years ago, it was engineers that understood pointers but didn't
 understand logic. This time around, maybe it's a new generation of
 sophomoric programmers, or maybe we have moles in our ranks.

 The sky is not falling, but it sounds like I don't want to waste my
 time with Clang yet. And I probably need to go make myself persona
 non-grata again in some C language forums

 Joel Rees

 Be careful where you see conspiracy.
 Look first in your own heart.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Joel Rees
On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Robert Baron wrote:
 Second question:

 Doesn't memcpy allow for overlapping memory, but strcpy does not?  Isn't
 this why memcpy is preferred over strcpy?

The reason memcpy() is preferred over strcpy() is the same as the
reason strncpy() is preferred over strcpy().

memcpy() is actually considered a no-no in some circles, and perhaps
correctly so.  (Especially in C++, where classes are supposed to
define their own copying, and it's almost always more optimal to
explicitly copy each member instead of calculating the size, mass
copying, and going back and overwriting the members that are subject
to issues like deep copy. Remember that memcpy() is able to copy an
odd number of bytes, so the size calculation contains a bit more than
is obvious to the programmer.)

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Joel Rees
On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 6:23 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 11/22/2013 7:34 PM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

 the team ran Stack against the Debian Linux archive, of which 8575 out
 of 17432 packages contained C/C++ code.  For a whopping 3471 packages,
 STACK detected at least one instance of unstable code.

 So 3471 Wheezy packages had one ore more instances of gcc introduced
 anomalies.  And the kernel binary they tested had 32.

 As an end user I'm not worried about this at all.  But I'd think
 developers may want to start taking a closer look at how gcc does its
 optimizations and creates these anomalies.  If the flaws are serious
 they should obviously takes steps to mitigate or eliminate this.

 I didn't read the full paper yet, but I'm wondering how/if the
 optimization flag plays a part in this.  I.e. does O2 produce these
 bugs but OO (default) or Og (debugging) does not?

The paper says some of the surprise optimizations happen at even the
default optimization level.

And I remember one that definitely does, although I don't remember
where I put the code where I played with it.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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I have a new toshiba laptop with intel core i7 processor

2013-11-23 Thread GioPims
I have a new toshiba laptop with intel core i7 processor and I’ve already
had installed, but when the system reboots I get this [1511.659335] generic-
usb 0003:0457: 1037.009a: usb*submit*urb (ctrl) failed and if I disable the usb
3.0 I get this port 4 hub 2-1:1.0 disable by hub (eMI?), re-enabling.
I want information
about this or what can i do about it?


Re: MIT discovered issue with gcc

2013-11-23 Thread Paul Wise
On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 3:53 AM, Darius Jahandarie wrote:

 Although Debian *developers* can't find and fix all upstream bugs, the
 Debian project, as the funnel between code and users, provides an
 interesting location to perform this sort of automated static analysis
 on all source code flowing through it, and present that information
 to both the package maintainers and users of the packages.

Some Debian folks are working on that in conjunction with Fedora. We
could use some help, especially with packaging new checkers and with
writing firehose output converters for existing checkers. Please get
involved, links below.

PS: STACK isn't currently possible to package because it needs a
special build of llvm that isn't in Debian yet.


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Setting up wordpress on wheezy using the debian packages?

2013-11-23 Thread Rick Thomas

Can someone point me at step-by-step instructions for going from
sudo aptitude install wordpress
on a freshly scrubbed, newly installed Wheezy system to a working wordpress 
website on the same machine?

I've read the README.Debian in /usr/share/doc/wordpress/ and the stuff in 
examples/ but they are just hints, I think.

I've googled till I'm blue in the face, but all I find is people who insist on 
installing wordpress from the downloadable tarball at the wordpress development 
site and ignore the debian package entirely.  I'd much rather do things the 
Debian way.

Somebody must have done it, I would think -- or what's the point of having a 
Debian package in the first place?  If you have, can you share your recipe?

All help will be appreciated!


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Totem in stable cannot play any type of video, need your help.

2013-11-23 Thread Bo Lan
Hello everybody,

This is my first mail here. I am debian stable user. My Totem cannot
play any type of video, included free format such as webm, ogg, and mkv.
When I open any video, it says, An error occurred: Could not determine
type of stream. Need your help.


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Re: about MS email retrieve

2013-11-23 Thread lina
  What I do at work is use davmail ( There
 is a debian package, and is needs that java is installed.

I have JDK and JRE installed, just a bit hesitated to switch to davmail
since I have been using icedove from beginning and it has been really
long already.

 Works fine with a exchange 2010 server through the webservice. Let's
 hope your mail admin allows the DAV/Webservice connection.

Here is the reply I received days ago from our IT.

Please be advised our email accounts do not run on pop3/imap/smtp. It is
on Microsoft Exchange, so you can only use email clients which has
support for Microsoft Exchange, such as Microsoft Outlook.

 I wonder, how can they update and connect these in one big database?
 It's called a user databas used for authentication of all services. In a
 free world you would do this with a LDAP server, in MS world it is done
 with Active Directory (based on LDAP among other things).

So intelligent.


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Re: Installing Debian inside Windows 7 utilizing VirtualBox

2013-11-23 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 24/11/13 01:52, Wally Lepore wrote:
 Hi Members,
 I would like to run Debian and test new software packages utilizing
 Debian as a virtual environment. inside my Windows 7 OS. I would like to
 be able to install Debian in this fashion and have the ability to
 utilize a Debian GUI desktop as well.
 Question #1 please:
 Would kindly like to know if Oracle's VM VirtualBox is the recommended
 virtualization software package to install to accomplish this procedure.

There is not Debian recommended virtualization solution for a Windoof

I recommend VirtualBox, but there are other working applications.

 Question #2 please:
 Which Stable version of Debian (Squeeze or Wheezy) is recommended
 that would best serve this purpose?

Wheezy is stable, Squeeze is old stable.
Wheezy would, conditionally, be your best choice.

Conditions would be what do you want to do (is the versions of software
important) - you may find you need to run a specific release of mixture
of releases.

 I have been reading about VirtualBox and studying the steps involved to
 install Debian in this manner. I'm sure I will have additional questions
 but would simply like to start with my initial questions above.

Install VirtualBox
Create new machine (Linux, Debian) - follow the prompts changing to suit
you needs (virtual hard drive size, dynamic or fixed size, name of
machine, amount of RAM). Takes two minutes.
Edit the Settings on the new machine to change defaults as required. Add
additional hard/optical drives, change the type of drive, add floppy,
choose sound and network card types, select phsyical or virtual optical
drive (virtual uses ISO images), set network protocols.
Takes 5 minutes to look at all the options.
Choose the boot order and start the VM.
Install Debian as if it was a bare metal install - the documentation on
the *VirtualBox* site is good, but it's unlikely you'll require it as
the process is suitable for chickens if you put a bit of bread on the
Enter key.

 A couple of how-to links I've discovered:
 Installing with a GUI desktop:
 Installing without a GUI desktop

I look to Debian for documentation first e.g.:-

Then the application developer/s e.g.:-

After that I'll consult third-party guides

 Thank you

As for installing Debian into Windoof's VM best ask Mr Jerry Stuckle
about the joys and triumphs of that.

But if you're still keen:-

Kind regards

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