Re: passar de paquets instal.lats localment a repositoris estàndard?

2014-05-03 Thread Etemenanki
On Miércoles 05 febrero 14:13:07 escribió:
  Jo em limitaria treure la linia del repositori de deb-multimedia, així
  tot quedarà tard o d'hora debian, doncs es faràn noves versions que
  reemplaçaran les teves actuals.
 Gràcies Hubble,
 La línia deb-multimedia ja estava treta del repositori des de fa mig
 any. Precisament per això, pensava que els paquets als repositoris de
 testing ja haurien superat als antics de deb-multimedia.
 M'ha sorprés que cap eina m'ensenyés els paquets del repositori de
 testing quan tinc instal.lada una versió d'unaltre repositori. Estaria
 bé una eina que em deixes veure les diferents versions d'un mateix
 programa que tinc disponible a varis repositoris, quan ja tinc aquest

I tant que ni han eines, uns exemples: 
aptitude versions paquet
aptitude versions --group-by=archive paquet

Mira el man de aptitude, concretament la part versions i la --group-by i
disfruta. :)

PD: Perdó per contestar uns mesos tard, pero crec que et valdrà la pena (si no 
has descobert abans xD).

 Crec que l'opció de reinsal.lar és la que es perfila com a més senzilla
 i ràpida, com tu comentes, però probaré d'anar instal.lant amb dpkg i
 aptitude paquets que em descarregui de la web de Debian per veure si
 aprenc una miqueta del tema de resoldre dependències, que el porto molt

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Re: passar de paquets instal.lats localment a repositoris estàndard?

2014-05-03 Thread Etemenanki
On Miércoles 05 febrero 14:13:07 escribió:
  Jo em limitaria treure la linia del repositori de deb-multimedia, així
  tot quedarà tard o d'hora debian, doncs es faràn noves versions que
  reemplaçaran les teves actuals.
 Gràcies Hubble,
 La línia deb-multimedia ja estava treta del repositori des de fa mig
 any. Precisament per això, pensava que els paquets als repositoris de
 testing ja haurien superat als antics de deb-multimedia.
 M'ha sorprés que cap eina m'ensenyés els paquets del repositori de
 testing quan tinc instal.lada una versió d'unaltre repositori. Estaria
 bé una eina que em deixes veure les diferents versions d'un mateix
 programa que tinc disponible a varis repositoris, quan ja tinc aquest

I tant que ni han eines, uns exemples: 
aptitude versions paquet
aptitude versions --group-by=archive paquet

Mira el man de aptitude, concretament la part versions i la --group-by i
disfruta. :)

PD: Perdó per contestar uns mesos tard, pero crec que et valdrà la pena (si no 
ho has 
descobert abans xD).

 Crec que l'opció de reinsal.lar és la que es perfila com a més senzilla
 i ràpida, com tu comentes, però probaré d'anar instal.lant amb dpkg i
 aptitude paquets que em descarregui de la web de Debian per veure si
 aprenc una miqueta del tema de resoldre dependències, que el porto molt

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Disculpes per la repetició

2014-05-03 Thread Etemenanki
He comés el error de pensar que no s'havia enviat i he enviat de nou el post 

Aunque fa molt temps que segueixo maillists de Debian, mai havia enviat cap 


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Re: Re : Re: Adopter un package

2014-05-03 Thread Fabien R
On 01/05/2014 22:36, ray magini wrote:
 Je lis beaucoup de chose sur la participation à debian mais ça semble 
 toujours des efforts intenses pour avoir le droit de participer (cooptation 

Tu rencontreras peut-être moins de problèmes si tu lances ton propre paquet.


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Re: Prise en charge à long terme pour Debian 6.0

2014-05-03 Thread andre_debian
On Friday 02 May 2014 19:45:14 jean-pierre giraud wrote:
  Important à savoir :
 c'est au regard du succès de Squeeze-lts que sera évaluée la viabilité
 de la prise en charge à long terme de Debian 7 (« wheezy ») et Debian 8
 (« jessie »).

Très bonne initiative et bravo à l'équipe de bénévole,
en espérant que Wheezy et les futures versions de Debian
seront LTS.
Les versions LTS sont bien pratiques pour les serveurs.


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Re: Restauration carte graphique nvidia

2014-05-03 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2014-04-20 21:40:52 +0200, Bzzz wrote:
 On Sun, 20 Apr 2014 21:26:45 +0200
 Baptiste Cambon de Lavalette
  subit de *grosses difficultés* (patates lors du démarrage...
  jusqu'à un *écran bloqué  avec rayures horizontales* noir / blanc
 Mauvais ça, c'est en Gal signe de corruption de la RAM graphique
 (donc, CG HS); maintenant, ça peut aussi être signe de corruption
 d'un programme|d'une lib (bcp plus rare).

J'ai le même genre de choses avec le driver nouveau, mais sans
blocage. Quand je me délogge, des parties d'images de mon bureau
(données pouvant être confidentielles) restent parfois affichées
en fond d'écran avec lightdm. C'est connu pour être un bug du

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Restauration carte graphique nvidia

2014-05-03 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 3 May 2014 14:24:36 +0200
Vincent Lefevre wrote:

  C'est connu pour être un bug du

Ah bon? _Jamais_ eu ça avec nouveau.

Cyborg :   moi j'suis fan de Jean claude Van-Damme
CitizenKaine : houla, c'est presque une maladie ca...
Wantedd :  ouep, la Grippe Aware probablement...

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Re: Restauration carte graphique nvidia

2014-05-03 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2014-05-03 14:31:27 +0200, Bzzz wrote:
 On Sat, 3 May 2014 14:24:36 +0200
 Vincent Lefevre wrote:
   C'est connu pour être un bug du
 Ah bon? _Jamais_ eu ça avec nouveau.


Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Postfix y jabber

2014-05-03 Thread Alberto
El 02/05/14 20:41, Jose Pablo Rojas escribió:
 Hola Lista, de casualidad saben si es posible integrar jabber con un
 servidor postfix autenticando por mysql por medio de saslauthd?

son cosas distintas, que entiendes por integrar?

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Re: [OT] Navegar con las flechas en mc.

2014-05-03 Thread Flako
El día 1 de mayo de 2014, 18:57, Alberto Vicat escribió:
 El 01/05/14 18:44, Alberto Vicat escribió:

 Bué... me respondo yo nomás. Ahora bien despierto.
 Lo encontré. Pasa que cambiaron la opción estilo LynX del submenú
 Configuración a Paneles, dentro de Opciones. Ya lo probé, reinicié mc por
 las dudas, y sigue funcionando.

 ¡Feliz día del Trabajador!

Gracias, desde que reinstale... extrañaba esa opcion...

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Re: [OT] Navegar con las flechas en mc.

2014-05-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 May 2014 20:05:55 -0300, Alberto Vicat escribió:

 El 02/05/14 14:50, Camaleón escribió:


 ¿?¿? Acá sí que me perdiste. ¿Porqué decís que hay dos?

 Me refiero al archivo de configuración (ini), tengo dos variables que
 se llaman igual (navigate_with_arrows) pero están duplicadas en
 secciones diferentes: una aparece dentro (debajo) de la sección
 y la otra la tengo dentro de [Panels].

 Bueno, pues he revisado los dos inis, el de root y el del usuario, son
 casi idénticos, pero la variable aparece una sola vez, en [Panels]. En
 [Midnight-Commander] no existe. Ni buscando a ojo ni con el buscador
 (F7) del mcedit.

La que está dentro de [Panels] es la correcta. Seguramente en mi caso, al 
tratarse de una Debian testing con varios años de actualizaciones a sus 
espaldas, se tratará de un problema de configuración obsoleta.

 Respecto a que no se pueda cambiar por obra de algún maligno fantasma,
 te cuento: la ponía en true con el mcedit (F4) desde mc, grababa (F2),
 cerraba mc (F10), hacía un cat del archivo ini, donde aparecía
 efectivamente en true. Arrancaba de nuevo mc y ya las flechas no
 funcionaban. Miraba desde dentro de mc (F3) el archivo ini... ¡y estaba
 en false!


No hagas eso :-), a mí me pasó lo mismo (informé en el BTS de Debian¹) y 
por eso te dije que te aseguraras de que cambiabas el valor de la 
variable con el MC y mcedit *cerrados*.

Moraleja: no existen los fantasmas (buuhh) y si quieres editar 
manualmente el archivo de configuración de mcedit o de mc es mejor usar  
otro editor de texto.




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Re: Anormalidad desconocida en Debian

2014-05-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 May 2014 21:31:50 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 El día 2 de mayo de 2014, 9:15, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 01 May 2014 20:53:37 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 El programa provocó el fin de la conexión
 El programa provocó el fin de la conexión
 El programa provocó el fin de la conexión

 ¿y eso de qué se trata?
 Y cuando veo, ¡PUFF! ¡MI PARTICION SE HA IDO! ¿eso de qué se trata?...

 ¿Pero, se ha ido *de verdad*? Ejecuta mount para comprobarlo.


 A la fecha 2014-05-02 21:22pm dice:

Bueno, interesaba saber si cuando te salía el error la partición estaba 
montada o no. Que no esté montada el 02/05/2014 a las 21:22 puede ser 
irrelevante :-)


 /dev/sda5 on /media/DATOS type fuseblk 

Ahí está.


 En cuanto al error que te aparece, Google apunta a un problema de Java,
 así que yo empezaría a investigar por ahí.

 Eso sí es cierto. Todo es parte del gran proceso para llevar las distros
 GNU/Linux a varios idiomas. Mi error. Aunque trato de aportar la mayor
 cantidad de datos que me da la Internet. Y no, no es un error de Java,
 es parte de un archivo que tenía de hace mucho. 

El error que te aparecía apuntaba al JDK.

 Por ello, recordando mis mensajes, buscaba algo que me leyera toda la 
 unidad y me la mostrara con gráficos, pero que fuese del estilo Tuneup 
 Disk Space Explorer, que es realmente elegante :-/, aunque baobab hace 
 lo suyo, intentaré descifrarlo...

Ah, entonces estabas intentando ejecutar una aplicación escrita en Java 
(VirtualStore) desde la partición que tenías montada. Sea lo que fuere
lo que haga esa aplicación, parece que el origen de tu mensaje se centra
en ella, yo investigaría por ahí.



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Re: Conectarse dentro de una red.

2014-05-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 May 2014 22:16:23 -0500, esmunarriz escribió:

 Estimada comunidad, gracias por vuestra ayuda e interés. En casa tengo 
 un router en el cual están varias maquinas conectadas a él, unas 
 mediante cable y otras mediante wifi. En Thunar tengo una carpeta de 
 red en la cual veo dos maquinas, una por cable y otra por wifi, no sé 
 como acceder a ellas o como debo hacerlo, ¿me podéis ayudar?.

Pues dependerá de lo que quieras conectar pero básicamente:

Para linux → linux puedes usar sftp.
Para linux → windows puedes usar samba.

Pero mejor si das más información , así te podremos indicar mejor el 
camino a tomar.

 También tengo una PSP3 por wifi  y ni la veo y me gustaría poder 
 conectarme a su disco duro, ¿podéis ayudarme?
 Tengo debian wheezy. Gracias.

Sobre la PS3 ni idea pero en Google tienes información para aburrir ¿qué 
te interesa concretamente? ¿Acceso a los archivos, streaming...?



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Re: Postfix y jabber

2014-05-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 May 2014 12:41:03 -0600, Jose Pablo Rojas escribió:

(ese html...)

 Hola Lista, de casualidad saben si es posible integrar jabber con un
 servidor postfix autenticando por mysql por medio de saslauthd?

Si te refieres a autentificar a los usuarios de Jabber vía Postfix, por 
aquí tienes algo:

ejabberd: authenticating with crypted passwords (MySQL)

Si te refieres a una especie de pasarela de notificaciones xmpp→smtp, 
algo he visto por Google pero todo son scripts y/o módulos antiguos:

Jabberd 2 with smtp



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Sobre estadísticas de container OpenVZ y firewall en el container

2014-05-03 Thread ciracusa

Hola Lista.

Tengo creado un container OpenVZ.

Es posible desde el anfitrión ver los parámetros con que fue creado 
oportunamente? (memoria asignada, etc, etc).

Por otro lado, al ejecutar un nmap contra el container openvz desde otra 
pc de la red veo:

21/tcp   open  ftp
22/tcp   open  ssh
80/tcp   open  http
631/tcp  open  ipp
1025/tcp open  NFS-or-IIS
1026/tcp open  LSA-or-nterm
1027/tcp open  IIS
1028/tcp open  unknown
1029/tcp open  ms-lsa
1030/tcp open  iad1
1031/tcp open  iad2
1032/tcp open  iad3
1033/tcp open  netinfo
1034/tcp open  zincite-a
1035/tcp open  multidropper
1036/tcp open  unknown

Será necesario securizarlo?

Muchas Gracias.


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Re: Anormalidad desconocida en Debian

2014-05-03 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 09:31:50PM -0430, Miguel Matos wrote:
 /dev/sda5 on /media/DATOS type fuseblk

¿Por qué no pones esa partición en el /etc/fstab con el tipo que tenga
de verdad? (ext4, vfat, etc)

Parece que estás accediendo a ella con fuse (posiblemente nautilus),
y a nautilus se le ha ido la olla.

  ls: no se puede acceder a /media/DATOS/[...]

Por cierto, quien da ese mensaje es la orden ls, que para eso sale
al principio del todo en el mensaje de error. No puede ser un problema
de Java. Simplemente ha dado la casualidad de que ls ha fallado al
leer ese fichero.

Es como si hago ls mi-nombre y en ese momento se produce un error de
lectura en el disco. No por eso tengo que ir al médico.

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Re: Sobre estadísticas de container OpenVZ y firewall en el container

2014-05-03 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 03 May 2014 11:04:32 -0300, ciracusa escribió:

 Hola Lista.
 Tengo creado un container OpenVZ.
 Es posible desde el anfitrión ver los parámetros con que fue creado 
 oportunamente? (memoria asignada, etc, etc).

 Por otro lado, al ejecutar un nmap contra el container openvz desde
 otra pc de la red veo:
 21/tcp   open  ftp
 22/tcp   open  ssh
 80/tcp   open  http

 Será necesario securizarlo?

Si está configurado para ser un equipo más de la red (es decir, si no 
está aislado) tienes que tratarlo como un equipo real más y tomar las 
mismas precauciones de seguridad.



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Re: [OT] Navegar con las flechas en mc.

2014-05-03 Thread Alberto Vicat

El 03/05/14 10:29, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 02 May 2014 20:05:55 -0300, Alberto Vicat escribió:

El 02/05/14 14:50, Camaleón escribió:


¿?¿? Acá sí que me perdiste. ¿Porqué decís que hay dos?


Me refiero al archivo de configuración (ini), tengo dos variables que
se llaman igual (navigate_with_arrows) pero están duplicadas en
secciones diferentes: una aparece dentro (debajo) de la sección
y la otra la tengo dentro de [Panels].


Bueno, pues he revisado los dos inis, el de root y el del usuario, son
casi idénticos, pero la variable aparece una sola vez, en [Panels]. En
[Midnight-Commander] no existe. Ni buscando a ojo ni con el buscador
(F7) del mcedit.

La que está dentro de [Panels] es la correcta. Seguramente en mi caso, al
tratarse de una Debian testing con varios años de actualizaciones a sus
espaldas, se tratará de un problema de configuración obsoleta.

Respecto a que no se pueda cambiar por obra de algún maligno fantasma,
te cuento: la ponía en true con el mcedit (F4) desde mc, grababa (F2),
cerraba mc (F10), hacía un cat del archivo ini, donde aparecía
efectivamente en true. Arrancaba de nuevo mc y ya las flechas no
funcionaban. Miraba desde dentro de mc (F3) el archivo ini... ¡y estaba
en false!


No hagas eso :-), a mí me pasó lo mismo (informé en el BTS de Debian¹) y
por eso te dije que te aseguraras de que cambiabas el valor de la
variable con el MC y mcedit *cerrados*.

Moraleja: no existen los fantasmas (buuhh) y si quieres editar
manualmente el archivo de configuración de mcedit o de mc es mejor usar
otro editor de texto.



¡Sniff, sob! :'(
Me has destruido la ilusión de haber descubierto el primer fantasma 

¡Buen finde!

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erro na partição home

2014-05-03 Thread Luis Augusto Teixeira
boa tarde amigos,
meu sistema estava funcionando perfeitamente até 8 dias atrás qdo viajei,
hoja para minha surpresa não consigo fazer login. dei boot com um cd do
ubuntu e simplesmente descobri que o problema está na minha partição home,
qdo tentei acessar a aprtição deu a seguinte mensagem:
DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply.
Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the
message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired,
or the network connection was broken.

alguém pode me ajudar a resolver este problema?

desde já agradeço

até mais

Luis Teixeira

*.ºvº*. | Linux, porque eu amo a liberdade!
*/(L)\* | Linux User: #420124
*.^.^.*| *Socialmente justo, economicamente viável e tecnologicamente

Re: erro na partição home

2014-05-03 Thread Antonio Novaes
Coloque os procedimentos que fez para acessar e tambem o resultado, bem
como resultados do fdisl -l, blkid, tune2fs -l /dev/sdX

Antonio Novaes de C. Jr
Analista TIC - Sistema e Infraestrutura
Pós-graduando em Segurança de Rede de Computadores
LPIC-1 - Linux Certified Professional Level 1
Novell Certified Linux Administrator (CLA)
ID Linux: 481126 | LPI000255169
LinkedIN: Perfil Público

Em 3 de maio de 2014 14:22, Luis Augusto Teixeira

 boa tarde amigos,
 meu sistema estava funcionando perfeitamente até 8 dias atrás qdo viajei,
 hoja para minha surpresa não consigo fazer login. dei boot com um cd do
 ubuntu e simplesmente descobri que o problema está na minha partição home,
 qdo tentei acessar a aprtição deu a seguinte mensagem:
 DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply.
 Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the
 message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired,
 or the network connection was broken.

 alguém pode me ajudar a resolver este problema?

 desde já agradeço

 até mais

 Luis Teixeira

 *.ºvº*. | Linux, porque eu amo a liberdade!
 */(L)\* | Linux User: #420124
 *.^.^.*| *Socialmente justo, economicamente viável e tecnologicamente

Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Charlie wrote:
 On Sat, 3 May 2014 01:12:23 -0400 Tom H sent:

 And the message:
 Try running the command
 to make things work again for the time being.

 That's what I did:


For x86_32:

For x86_64:

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread filip
On Fri, 02 May 2014 22:25:34 -0400
Tom Roche wrote:

 For background on my problem (and why I very much need to solve it),
 But the essence of the problem appears to be
 me@it ~ $ /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin
 bash: /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin: No such file or
 directory [127]me@it ~ $
 lsalh /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin -rwxr-xr-x 1 root
 staff 44K Mar  6  2012 /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin

Try the following: 

file /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin
ldd /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin

The first command will tell you what kind of file it is, and the second
will list the shared libraries that it is linked to (assuming it
actually is a dynamically linked executable).

This is a completely non-standard installion, and my guess is that the
dynamic linker doesn't have the path to the libraries. 

Look in /etc/ and /etc/ what path names are
configured in the dynamic linker. You probably need to add a new path
with the location the non-standard firefox libraries. Try to find where
the libraries are installed (somewhere under /usr/local/share maybe ?),
and create a new .conf file in /etc/

After that, run ldconfig -v to rebuild to cache.

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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 02:02 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Charlie wrote:
  On Sat, 3 May 2014 01:12:23 -0400 Tom H sent:
  And the message:
  Try running the command
  to make things work again for the time being.
  That's what I did:
 For x86_32:
 For x86_64:

From the manual page:

   gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders [--update-cache] [MODULE...]

   gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders collects information about loadable
   modules for gdk-pixbuf and writes it to the default cache file
   location, or to stdout.

So  /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
likely can be replaced by --update-cache, since I guess those
locations are the default cache.

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Re: sudo in X-environment

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:35 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 07:24 +0200, Slavko wrote:

 sux was removed from testing and unstable, then it is not a solution to

 It's just a short script everybody could copy  paste from any other
 distro or from upstream, .

A change in su has broken sux:

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Bret Busby

On Sat, 3 May 2014, Scott Ferguson wrote:

No wonder 'we' are not winning the desktop war. (sigh)

I dunno.

I think this thing about not winning the desktop war, may be an urban 
myth, or, may otherwise be proven wrong.

With things like Windows 8, that I have found to be designed to prevent 
funtionality (does it ever allow a user to do what the user wants?), I 
believe that even MS Windows 3, was more useable than Windows 8.

Ah, if only GNOME 2 would still be available for the curent versions of 
operating systems, it would be supreme )?) .

One thing that I note - in using the xfce version of the Debian 7.4 
amd64, I could not find (without entering the installation component) a 
hard disk ustility, for partition work on the hard drive (like gparted, 
I think it was, in GNOME 2 on Debian 6.x), to edit the partitioning on a 
Win 8 computer, before installing anything else on that computer. I 
looked in both the Systems - Admin and Systems - Preferences, and, in 
the System Utilities components of the menus, for a disk utility, for 
editing the partitions, but, could not find one.

Returning to the issue of the desktop wars, I have found GNOME 2 
easier to use, than the MS Windows desktop, for years, but, I may have 
become so accustomed to using GNOME 2 and the command line, that I 
simply can no longer cope with MS Windows. And, Windows 8, is, to put it 
euphemistically, frustrating, and obstructive, from my experience, like 
trackpads on laptops, that go selecting and running things, when I am 
just trying to use the trackpad to shift the mouse pointer.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts,
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 07:48:45AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Thu, 2014-05-01 at 22:56 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
  On 05/01/2014 02:37 PM, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:
   At the time, I didn't check to see if the file
   existed.  I also didn't run the command
   However, I checked just now and that file exists, with a non-zero size.
  I've seen this several times myself.
  My experience seems to suggest that during the course of upgrading some
  packages, this 'loaders.cache' file temporarily does not exist, and
  later in the process this command gets automatically run and the file
  re-created. At some point in the middle, however, something which
  expects the file to exist gets run, and when it doesn't find the file,
  that error gets printed.
  IOW, as long as the file exists after the apt-get or dpkg run has
  completed (which it always has in my experience), this appears to be a
  false-positive warning.
 It was an issue for the OP. It's disputable if somebody who can't solve
 such an issue on her/his own, should use testing, instead of stable.

The issue is not whether one can solve it, but whether one should have
to. I don't even use GNOME, so shouldn't even see the
message. It gave the impression that your system would be horribly
broken if you didn't run the command, and yet the command doesn't even
exist on your system! 

This goes against the grain of having a system that just works. On one
hand you have the DIY NetBSD style where this style of information is
acceptable, while on the other hand you have a system with systemd,
pulseaudio, GNOME, where the user can be a newbie and not have to worry
about all that.

It's like two 'opposing camps' trying to live under the one roof.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 08:10 +0200, filip wrote:
 Look in /etc/ and /etc/ what path names are
 configured in the dynamic linker. You probably need to add a new path
 with the location the non-standard firefox libraries.

If the OP should add /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/ to a file
in /etc/ the libraries likely will conflict with regular
libraries. I suspect that this install is something that IMO belongs
to /opt. However, the libraries likely are static libraries.

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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Charlie
On Sat, 3 May 2014 02:02:49 -0400 Tom H sent:

 On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Charlie
  On Sat, 3 May 2014 01:12:23 -0400 Tom H sent:
  And the message:
  Try running the command
  to make things work again for the time being.
  That's what I did:
 For x86_32:
 For x86_64:

Thank you, now I understand. So I could get rid of, purge

and run that command and it would work?

I'll try it.

Thanks again.
Registered Linux User:- 329524

I have lived some thirty-odd years on this planet, and I have
yet to hear the first syllable of valuable or even earnest
advice from my seniors. Henry David Thoreau


Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic


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Re: Upgrade debacle....

2014-05-03 Thread Charlie
On Sat, 3 May 2014 02:02:49 -0400 Tom H sent:

 On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:33 AM, Charlie
  On Sat, 3 May 2014 01:12:23 -0400 Tom H sent:
  And the message:
  Try running the command
  to make things work again for the time being.
  That's what I did:
 For x86_32:
 For x86_64:

Firstly purged: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev

Then removed:

and replaced it with a loaders.cache empty file in that directory as
was the case when I hit the wall.

Rebooted and discovered that my system wasn't quite as damaged as it
was in the first instance. Claws-mail actually worked gkrellm wasn't
there and couldn't be brought up though as previously and icons had a
red x in a black outline as previously.

I then ran as root:


And rebooted.

The loaders.cache file was 4573, is that bytes? Whereas the former on
was 4572 bytes or whatever it is.

So it worked a treat, and thank you Tom, you allowed me to get rid of a
lot of dev stuff I didn't need on my system.

However, I am still grateful to Ralf, as he got me up and running
quickly and my system was almost but not quite a basket case when he
did that.

Thanks again to you both,
Registered Linux User:- 329524

And all the loveliest things that there be; come simply, so it
seems to me. ___Edna St. Vincent Millay


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Re: sudo in X-environment

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 02:15 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:35 AM, Ralf Mardorf 
  On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 07:24 +0200, Slavko wrote:
  sux was removed from testing and unstable, then it is not a solution to
  It's just a short script everybody could copy  paste from any other
  distro or from upstream, .
 A change in su has broken sux:

Oops, the same on Arch Linux.

I didn't notice it since I use xhost.

Btw. xhost is needed when using gksudo:

$ chuser firefox
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
Error: cannot open display: :0
size == 0' failed
$ cat /usr/local/bin/chuser

# /usr/local/bin/chuser - /.chuser/bin/chuser

#xhost +
gksudo -u chuser $*
#xhost -

$ sudo nano /usr/local/bin/chuser 
$ chuser firefox
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
$ cat /usr/local/bin/chuser

# /usr/local/bin/chuser - /.chuser/bin/chuser

xhost +
gksudo -u chuser $*
xhost -

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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Charlie
On Sat, 3 May 2014 18:25:59 +1200 Chris Bannister sent:

 The issue is not whether one can solve it, but whether one should have
 to. I don't even use GNOME, so shouldn't even see the

I don't use gnome, my prejudice is that I have never liked it on my
desktop, but do like some of its apps.

I think gedit is a gnome app, so I maybe that set into the path of
something like this problem?

I now use Xfce and prior to that, fvwm.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524

Wherever a man goes, men will pursue him and paw him with their
dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong
to their desperate odd-fellow society. Henry David


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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 17:25 +1000, Charlie wrote:
 I don't use gnome, my prejudice is that I have never liked it on my
 desktop, but do like some of its apps.
 I think gedit is a gnome app, so I maybe that set into the path of
 something like this problem?

Are you sure you still like the current stable release 3.12.1 from

3.12.1 is available by the Debian repositories too, for jessie (testing)
and sid (unstable).

I guess you like this design:

But most GNOME apps and Firefox/Iceweasel too, nowadays come with this

You should consider to use Pluma (it's quasi Gedit), Sublime Text or
Kate in the future.

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread filip
On Sat, 03 May 2014 08:27:48 +0200
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 If the OP should add /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/ to a file
 in /etc/ the libraries likely will conflict with
 regular libraries. 

I don't expect this. Multiple architectures can coexist, and libraries
are versioned. 

If it worries you, you can also set the library location temporarily
with in environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead.

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libraries:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

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Re: Upgrade debacle....

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 17:19 +1000, Charlie wrote:
 The loaders.cache file was 4573, is that bytes? Whereas the former on
 was 4572 bytes or whatever it is.

ls -l does show bytes ls -hl does convert to better readable values.

One byte more likely is a space-sign more. Perhaps the 4572 bytes were
generated by --update-cache and one byte more, when you redirected

You are aware that the  does redirect the standard output?

Try this:

[rocketmouse@archlinux Desktop]$ touch 1.txt 2.txt
[rocketmouse@archlinux Desktop]$ ls
1.txt  2.txt
[rocketmouse@archlinux Desktop]$ ls  3.txt
[rocketmouse@archlinux Desktop]$ ls
1.txt  2.txt  3.txt
[rocketmouse@archlinux Desktop]$ cat 3.txt 

So when you used --update-cache the executable generated the file
directly, while  redirected the output and a space or whatever at the
beginning or end might cause one byte more.

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icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread François Patte

I have a problem with icedove: the default locale on my machine is

On every opened window everything is in French (fichier, Edition,
Affichage... etc.) except for icedove which is in English on only one
user account (on other accounts, icedove is in French).

Where does icedove reads its language config on a user account?

I searched in .icedove directory but did not fing something relevant...

On the user account echo $LANG returns fr_FR-utf8 as on every other

Could someone give me a clue?


François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 02 May 2014 21:45:01 Paul E Condon wrote:
 But, so far, Jessie is functioning no worse than Wheezy
 for me. Except that I have no sound where I did definitely have sound
 with Wheezy. Oh well...

I had that happen from Squeeze to Wheezy.  The problem was in the mixer 


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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 03 mai 14, 18:25:59, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 07:48:45AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  It was an issue for the OP. It's disputable if somebody who can't solve
  such an issue on her/his own, should use testing, instead of stable.
 The issue is not whether one can solve it, but whether one should have
 to. I don't even use GNOME, so shouldn't even see the
 message. It gave the impression that your system would be horribly
 broken if you didn't run the command, and yet the command doesn't even
 exist on your system! 
 This goes against the grain of having a system that just works. On one
 hand you have the DIY NetBSD style where this style of information is
 acceptable, while on the other hand you have a system with systemd,
 pulseaudio, GNOME, where the user can be a newbie and not have to worry
 about all that.
 It's like two 'opposing camps' trying to live under the one roof.

I don't think this is entirely fair, this is about testing after all, 
not stable.

Kind regards,
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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 10:00 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Friday 02 May 2014 21:45:01 Paul E Condon wrote:
  But, so far, Jessie is functioning no worse than Wheezy
  for me. Except that I have no sound where I did definitely have sound
  with Wheezy. Oh well...
 I had that happen from Squeeze to Wheezy.  The problem was in the mixer 

IOW some alsa settings were reset, it wasn't a pulseaudio issue IIRC?
That by the way is too funny, for Linux pro-audio you likely experience
uncountable many issues, but pro-audio cards are used every day by
adjusting mixer settings, no pro-audio user will run into issues for
desktop sound, because some alsa mixer settings were reset. For RME
cards, the default startup alsamixer settings anyway are irrelevant.

The bloated-DE-fans should fix this, or simply drop that trash and
recommend the Linux pro-audio-style, for averaged desktop sound too.
Pro-audio isn't rocket science, but seemingly averaged desktop audio is
harder than rocket science.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Not by Ralf, by somebody how hacked Ralf's account

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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread filip
On Sat, 03 May 2014 10:14:56 +0200
François Patte wrote:

 On every opened window everything is in French (fichier, Edition,
 Affichage... etc.) except for icedove which is in English on only one
 user account (on other accounts, icedove is in French).
 Where does icedove reads its language config on a user account?

The iceweasel language package (iceweasel-l10n-fr for French) needs to
be installed.

Go to about:config, and check the following settings:


intl.locale.matchOS is true by default, which means it takes the
settings from the environment variables. If false, it takes the setting
from general.useragent.locale. 

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 03 mai 14, 14:28:32, Bret Busby wrote:
 One thing that I note - in using the xfce version of the Debian 7.4 amd64, I
 could not find (without entering the installation component) a hard disk
 ustility, for partition work on the hard drive (like gparted, I think it
 was, in GNOME 2 on Debian 6.x), to edit the partitioning on a Win 8
 computer, before installing anything else on that computer. I looked in both
 the Systems - Admin and Systems - Preferences, and, in the System
 Utilities components of the menus, for a disk utility, for editing the
 partitions, but, could not find one.

Not by default, but what prevents you from installing gparted?

Kind regards,
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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 12:06 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 03 mai 14, 18:25:59, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 07:48:45AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   It was an issue for the OP. It's disputable if somebody who can't solve
   such an issue on her/his own, should use testing, instead of stable.
  [chris I like you, but I anyway snip your reply]
 I don't think this is entirely fair, this is about testing after all, 

I completely agree with Andrei here.

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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 11:15 +0200, filip wrote:
 The iceweasel language package (iceweasel-l10n-fr for French) needs to
 be installed.

On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 10:14 +0200, François Patte wrote:
 On every opened window everything is in French (fichier, Edition,
 Affichage... etc.) except for icedove which is in English on only one
 user account (on other accounts, icedove is in French).

filip, on François' install Icedove is in French for most installs! Just
one install is broken!

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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 11:28 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 11:15 +0200, filip wrote:
  The iceweasel language package (iceweasel-l10n-fr for French) needs to
  be installed.
 On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 10:14 +0200, François Patte wrote:
  On every opened window everything is in French (fichier, Edition,
  Affichage... etc.) except for icedove which is in English on only one
  user account (on other accounts, icedove is in French).
 filip, on François' install Icedove is in French for most installs! Just
   ^^^ users
 one install is broken!
 ^^^ user's Firefox

English is terrible :D.

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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread François Patte
Le 03/05/2014 11:28, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
 On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 11:15 +0200, filip wrote:
 The iceweasel language package (iceweasel-l10n-fr for French) needs to
 be installed.
 On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 10:14 +0200, François Patte wrote:
 On every opened window everything is in French (fichier, Edition,
 Affichage... etc.) except for icedove which is in English on only one
 user account (on other accounts, icedove is in French).
 filip, on François' install Icedove is in French for most installs! Just
 one install is broken!

Yes! And this problem concerns ice*dove* not ice*weasel*

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 02 mai 14, 22:13:02, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Friday 02 May 2014 21:29:43 Brian wrote:
  Choosing a DE *after* booting d-i is not possible and, as far as I can
  remember, there has never been such an option.
 You and I clearly mean different things by booting.  I have done it 
 frequently over the years in several different versions.

The menu that you see immediately after the BIOS finishes is presented 
by syslinux, which is the bootloader used by the Debian images. At this 
point the installer is technically not running.

Depending on the menu entry used the installer is then loaded (booted) 
with parameters like 'expert' or 'desktop=xfce' that determine what 
options are presented *during* the install or what is meant by the 
Desktop Environment entry presented later.

As far as I remember (I haven't done an 'expert' install in a while), 
during the install there is no easy[1][2] way to chose what desktop will 
be installed as part of the Desktop Environment task.

[1] it can probably be done by switching to a console or so
[2] I seem to recall a Select individual packages check-box, but this 
was probably the installer for sarge and it would be a stretch to call 
that easy :)

Kind regards,
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OT: Roxterm US English compatibility

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
$ roxterm --help | grep max
  -m, --maximise   Maximise the window, overriding profile
  --maximize   Synonym for --maximise

$ xfce4-terminal --help | grep max
  --startup-id=string; -I, --icon=icon; --fullscreen; --maximize;


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Re: How do I mount under /run from /etc/fstab in 7.0/wheezy?

2014-05-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 02 mai 14, 12:33:12, Jacob Anawalt wrote:
 For some time now and at least through all of Debian 6.0/squeeze I
 have had some mount points under what use to be /var/run.
 After upgrading to Debian 7.0/wheezy these mounts broke. I have come
 to conclude that this is due to a combination of the run directory
 release goal for 7.0 [0] and my use of boot-time mounting under the
 /run directory via /etc/fstab entries.
 I believe the failure is due to mounting fstab entries
 before creating the /run tempfs but it has been a little tricky to
 track down because mounts like /run are handled in code and not
 specified in fstab [1].
 What is the best way to get my fstab mounts under /run to
 automatically mount on boot again?

What are you actually trying to achieve? This feels a lot like the XY 

Kind regards,
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Re: How do I mount under /run from /etc/fstab in 7.0/wheezy?

2014-05-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
[forgot to CC Jacob]

On Vi, 02 mai 14, 12:33:12, Jacob Anawalt wrote:
 For some time now and at least through all of Debian 6.0/squeeze I
 have had some mount points under what use to be /var/run.
 After upgrading to Debian 7.0/wheezy these mounts broke. I have come
 to conclude that this is due to a combination of the run directory
 release goal for 7.0 [0] and my use of boot-time mounting under the
 /run directory via /etc/fstab entries.
 I believe the failure is due to mounting fstab entries
 before creating the /run tempfs but it has been a little tricky to
 track down because mounts like /run are handled in code and not
 specified in fstab [1].
 What is the best way to get my fstab mounts under /run to
 automatically mount on boot again?

What are you actually trying to achieve? This feels a lot like the XY 

Kind regards,
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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Brian
On Fri 02 May 2014 at 23:15:30 +0200, filip wrote:

 I never install the desktop environment from the iso installer.
 Just install the base system, and after the system had booted, and
 assuming the network is configured correctly just run aptitude, and go

If networking in d-i had been set up to use wifi the assumption breaks
down as, without a DE, there is no connectivity for the booted system.
This would most likely leave an inexperienced user completely stuck.
Even an experienced user might find it frustrating to have to deal with
/etc/network/interfaces at this stage.

 tasks-End user, and select one of the desktop environments.

A little thing: isn't it Tasks?

 Or just run one of:
 apt-get install task-xfce-desktop
 apt-get install task-gnome-desktop
 apt-get install task-kde-desktop
 apt-get install task-lxde-desktop

The benefit of not selecting a desktop task at the start of the install
or accepting the Debian default DE during the install is unclear. It
implies the user is experienced enough to know where they are going; the
objective might be apt-get install xfce4, which gives a different set
of packages from apt-get install task-xfce-desktop.

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Re: sudo in X-environment

2014-05-03 Thread Johann Spies

 xhost +
 gksudo -u chuser $*
 xhost -

Thanks for all the answers.  I have learnt a lot.  I have never used
gksudo  before but for me it works without having to use xhost.

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 03 May 2014 10:40:28 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Vi, 02 mai 14, 22:13:02, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Friday 02 May 2014 21:29:43 Brian wrote:
   Choosing a DE *after* booting d-i is not possible and, as far as I can
   remember, there has never been such an option.
  You and I clearly mean different things by booting.  I have done it
  frequently over the years in several different versions.

boot (third-person singular simple present boots, present participle booting, 
simple past and past participle booted)

(computing) To bootstrap; to start a system, eg. a computer, by invoking 
its boot process or bootstrap.

When arriving at the office, first thing I do is booting my machine.

I feel happy to continue using boot in te meaning in which wiktionary uses it.

 The menu that you see immediately after the BIOS finishes is presented
 by syslinux, which is the bootloader used by the Debian images. At this
 point the installer is technically not running.

 Depending on the menu entry used the installer is then loaded (booted)

Loaded and booted are not synonyms.

 with parameters like 'expert' or 'desktop=xfce' that determine what
 options are presented *during* the install or what is meant by the
 Desktop Environment entry presented later.

 As far as I remember (I haven't done an 'expert' install in a while),
 during the install there is no easy[1][2] way to chose what desktop will
 be installed as part of the Desktop Environment task.

 [1] it can probably be done by switching to a console or so
 [2] I seem to recall a Select individual packages check-box, but this
 was probably the installer for sarge and it would be a stretch to call
 that easy :)

 Kind regards,

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 2:10 AM, filip wrote:
 On Fri, 02 May 2014 22:25:34 -0400
 Tom Roche wrote:

 For background on my problem (and why I very much need to solve it),

 But the essence of the problem appears to be

 me@it ~ $ /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin
 bash: /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin: No such file or
 directory [127]me@it ~ $
 lsalh /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin -rwxr-xr-x 1 root
 staff 44K Mar  6  2012 /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin

 Try the following:

 file /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin
 ldd /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin

 The first command will tell you what kind of file it is, and the second
 will list the shared libraries that it is linked to (assuming it
 actually is a dynamically linked executable).

 This is a completely non-standard installion, and my guess is that the
 dynamic linker doesn't have the path to the libraries.

 Look in /etc/ and /etc/ what path names are
 configured in the dynamic linker. You probably need to add a new path
 with the location the non-standard firefox libraries. Try to find where
 the libraries are installed (somewhere under /usr/local/share maybe ?),
 and create a new .conf file in /etc/

 After that, run ldconfig -v to rebuild to cache.

It would be better to prepend ldd ... (and the actual firefox
command) with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28:standard_path
rather than add /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28 to the system path.

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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 2:13 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 02:02 -0400, Tom H wrote:

 For x86_32:

 For x86_64:

 From the manual page:

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders [--update-cache] [MODULE...]

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders collects information about loadable
modules for gdk-pixbuf and writes it to the default cache file
location, or to stdout.

 So  /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
 likely can be replaced by --update-cache, since I guess those
 locations are the default cache.

You're right but the command with  are from the postint.

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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 2:25 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 07:48:45AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Thu, 2014-05-01 at 22:56 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
 On 05/01/2014 02:37 PM, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:

 At the time, I didn't check to see if the file
 existed.  I also didn't run the command
 However, I checked just now and that file exists, with a non-zero size.

 I've seen this several times myself.

 My experience seems to suggest that during the course of upgrading some
 packages, this 'loaders.cache' file temporarily does not exist, and
 later in the process this command gets automatically run and the file
 re-created. At some point in the middle, however, something which
 expects the file to exist gets run, and when it doesn't find the file,
 that error gets printed.

 IOW, as long as the file exists after the apt-get or dpkg run has
 completed (which it always has in my experience), this appears to be a
 false-positive warning.

 It was an issue for the OP. It's disputable if somebody who can't solve
 such an issue on her/his own, should use testing, instead of stable.

 The issue is not whether one can solve it, but whether one should have
 to. I don't even use GNOME, so shouldn't even see the
 message. It gave the impression that your system would be horribly
 broken if you didn't run the command, and yet the command doesn't even
 exist on your system!

It's the wrong impression. I've seen this message often and I no
longer bother running the query loader line - and unity and
gnome-shell still function properly.

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Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Charlie wrote:
 On Sat, 3 May 2014 02:02:49 -0400 Tom H sent:

 For x86_32:

 For x86_64:

 Thank you, now I understand. So I could get rid of, purge

 and run that command and it would work?

You're welcome. And yes.

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Re: sudo in X-environment

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 3:21 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Btw. xhost is needed when using gksudo:

 $ chuser firefox
 No protocol specified
 No protocol specified
 Error: cannot open display: :0
 size == 0' failed
 $ cat /usr/local/bin/chuser

 # /usr/local/bin/chuser - /.chuser/bin/chuser

 #xhost +
 gksudo -u chuser $*
 #xhost -

 $ sudo nano /usr/local/bin/chuser
 $ chuser firefox
 access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
 access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
 $ cat /usr/local/bin/chuser

 # /usr/local/bin/chuser - /.chuser/bin/chuser

 xhost +
 gksudo -u chuser $*
 xhost -

Thanks. As I said earlier, I consider this a bug. What's the point of
using gksu/gksudo if you have do use a wrapper that you could use
around su/sudo?

Maybe pkexec is the solution?

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 May 2014 at 14:46:45 +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:

 On 03/05/14 06:29, Brian wrote:
  Choosing a DE *after* booting d-i is not possible and, as far as I can
  remember, there has never been such an option.
 It's not hard (tasksel), - but if the 'user' wants, they can. It's a
 whole lot less hard to start the install with a plan (based on a little
 research) and choose the desktop at the start of the install.

I couldn't agree more. The research should also lead to appreciating that
not choosing gets you the default DE (Gnome on Wheezy and Xfce4 on Jessie
at the present time).
 NOTE: you don't have to use expert to choose an alternative desktop at
 the start of the install.

You're thinking of desktop=kde on the command line?

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Re: sudo in X-environment

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 06:29 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 Thanks. As I said earlier, I consider this a bug. What's the point of
 using gksu/gksudo if you have do use a wrapper that you could use
 around su/sudo?

You still will get a GUI to enter the password. When running su/sudo by
a launcher, you at least need to run it in a terminal emulation.

Btw. perhaps only a bug for Arch Linux and not for Debian. I didn't make
this test for my Debian install. I'll do it within the next days.

 Maybe pkexec is the solution?

Perhaps it is, but AFAIK I have to launch lxpolkit to use it, I already
prepared my .jwmrc, but it's still commented out.

$ cat .jwmrc | grep lxpol
  !-- lxpolkit is needed when e.g. using pkexec instead of gksudo --
  !-- StartupCommand/usr/lib/lxpolkit/lxpolkit/StartupCommand --

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 6:15 AM, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 2:10 AM, filip wrote:
 On Fri, 02 May 2014 22:25:34 -0400
 Tom Roche wrote:

 For background on my problem (and why I very much need to solve it),

 But the essence of the problem appears to be

 me@it ~ $ /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin
 bash: /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin: No such file or
 directory [127]me@it ~ $
 lsalh /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin -rwxr-xr-x 1 root
 staff 44K Mar  6  2012 /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin

 Try the following:

 file /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin
 ldd /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin

 The first command will tell you what kind of file it is, and the second
 will list the shared libraries that it is linked to (assuming it
 actually is a dynamically linked executable).

 This is a completely non-standard installion, and my guess is that the
 dynamic linker doesn't have the path to the libraries.

 Look in /etc/ and /etc/ what path names are
 configured in the dynamic linker. You probably need to add a new path
 with the location the non-standard firefox libraries. Try to find where
 the libraries are installed (somewhere under /usr/local/share maybe ?),
 and create a new .conf file in /etc/

 After that, run ldconfig -v to rebuild to cache.

 It would be better to prepend ldd ... (and the actual firefox
 command) with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28:standard_path
 rather than add /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28 to the system path.

Sven suggested earlier a i386 chroot and that's probably the best
solution other than using an lxc container or a qemu vm.

I have another suggestion that I've just tested.

ldd /usr/local/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin and install the :i386
packages that correspond to the missing libraries.

I'm pretty sure that I only installed these for that version of
firefox to launch:


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800MiB of archives - only 2 changelogs ?? - debmirror related?

2014-05-03 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Despite 800M of sid updates (since my last update), and dozens
(probably 100s) of package updates, and I only have TWO, 2 or
otherwise known as 1+1, namely (ii) or (II) (that's one less than 3)
changelog entries to read.

What am I doing wrong?

BTW: I update off of a local debmirror repo.


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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread filip
On Sat, 03 May 2014 11:29:43 +0200
François Patte wrote:

 Yes! And this problem concerns ice*dove* not ice*weasel*

Ok, then the language package is icedove-l10n-fr.

The settings for icedove are the same as for iceweasel. Instead of
about:config, go to the 'advanced' tab and select 'config editor'.

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Re: Iceweasel from experimental

2014-05-03 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Samstag, 3. Mai 2014, 06:54:14 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
 does somebody use Iceweasel from experimental? On my Arch I upgraded to
 Firefox 29.0, on Debian I will stay with Iceweasel  29.0, but the day
 might come, when there is no choice anymore and we all need to use =

I use it. Seems fine. With KWalletManager plugin it crashes sometimes on exit 
or during runtime, but this has been so for a while also with older versions 
of it.

 If somebody should use this version of Iceweasel, do you know how to
 select the page style?

No idea where to look for that. But you can check yourself on your Arch 
installation of it, no?

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread François Patte
Le 03/05/2014 12:52, filip a écrit :
 On Sat, 03 May 2014 11:29:43 +0200
 François Patte wrote:
 Yes! And this problem concerns ice*dove* not ice*weasel*

 Ok, then the language package is icedove-l10n-fr.
 The settings for icedove are the same as for iceweasel. Instead of
 about:config, go to the 'advanced' tab and select 'config editor'.

OK! I went there and changed general.useragent.locale to fr_FR or fr-FR
but icedove remains in English

I went to Language in the extension menu and I could see Français
Language pack is disabled version 3.1.1195 in incompatible with icedove 24.

icedove-l10n-fr is installed and seems to provide a wrong version of the
French language pack

or icedove read this language pack from elsewhere (but where?) and this
override the   icedove-l10n-fr

I don't know! How can I find this?


François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 May 2014 at 11:08:29 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 I feel happy to continue using boot in te meaning in which wiktionary uses it.

I should have said:

   Choosing a DE *after* booting d-i's kernel..

That should avoid having to look into the meaning of booting.

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[Resolved] Huawei E3131 dongle unable to connect to internet after dist-upgrade

2014-05-03 Thread arkkimede
Il giorno venerdì 2 maggio 2014 09:30:02 UTC+2, arkkimede ha scritto:
 Hi, I have a desktop with debian testing amd (64bit).
 Before to upgrade my distro I was able to connect to internet using my dongle 
 Huawei E3131. From the first time that I've used this dongle, no installation 
 was required. I've put the dongle in a usb port and immediately it was 
 possible to connect to internet. This just to last dist-upgrade.
 This dongle, in other 3 PCs (2@32bits and 1@64bits) with the same 
 distribution (debian testing) runs correctly, and for this reason I not 
 upgrade these PCs and I suppose that the problem is related to the 
 Please, could you help me?
 Thank you in advance.
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If can be of interest.
During one of the last update, ppp was been uninstalled for an incompatibility  
with gnome.
Now this incompatibility has been resolved an installing ppp all works fine.

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
On my machine /usr/lib/iceweasel/firefox-bin is a link to
/usr/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel . So maybe on your machine
/usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin is a dangling link.
What is the output of

$ ls -lF /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin


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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread filip
On Sat, 03 May 2014 13:49:27 +0200
François Patte wrote:

 Le 03/05/2014 12:52, filip a écrit :
  On Sat, 03 May 2014 11:29:43 +0200
  François Patte wrote:
 I went to Language in the extension menu and I could see Français
 Language pack is disabled version 3.1.1195 in incompatible with
 icedove 24.
 icedove-l10n-fr is installed and seems to provide a wrong version of
 the French language pack
 or icedove read this language pack from elsewhere (but where?) and
 this override the   icedove-l10n-fr
 I don't know! How can I find this?

What does 'apt-cache policy icedove-l10n-fr' say ?
The correct version is provided by the security update repository

If that is ok, there is probably an old version left over in the user
profile that is masking the system-wide package.

Try starting with a blank profile:

quit icedove if it is still running

$ mv .icedove icedove.saved
$ icedove

It will then start with the defaults. If you get the user interface in
French, the extension will need to be purged from the profile.
(check here:

To restore the user profile, exit icedove, and put back the original

$ rm -r .icedove
$ cp -rp icedove.saved .icedove

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

 On my machine /usr/lib/iceweasel/firefox-bin is a link to
 /usr/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel . So maybe on your machine
 /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin is a dangling link.
 What is the output of

 $ ls -lF /usr/local/share/firefox-3.6.28/firefox-bin

The OP's installed an old version of firefox outside of the packaging system!

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Re: sudo in X-environment

2014-05-03 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 3 May 2014 02:15:14 -0400
Tom H wrote:

 A change in su has broken sux:

Doesn't surprise me one bit. I've been telling you all for years that
sux sux!

/* Litt ducks and runs */

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread filip
On Sat, 3 May 2014 10:53:51 +0100
Brian wrote:

 If networking in d-i had been set up to use wifi the assumption breaks
 down as, without a DE, there is no connectivity for the booted system.
 This would most likely leave an inexperienced user completely stuck.

There are many places where an inexperienced user can become stuck. It's
an opportunity to become an experienced user.

 Even an experienced user might find it frustrating to have to deal
 with /etc/network/interfaces at this stage.

Do not be afraid of /etc/network/interfaces ;-)

In that case, just plug it in to the wired network, and make sure the
following lines are uncommented in /etc/network/interfaces

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

and run:
service networking stop
service networking start

The time to get frustrated, is when the interface doesn't come
up because the card is not supported by the kernel ;-)

 The benefit of not selecting a desktop task at the start of the
 install or accepting the Debian default DE during the install is
 It implies the user is experienced enough to know where they
 are going;

You are correct, I am an experienced user who knows where he is

I like to do it in stages. First get the operating system installed,
and worry about the applications afterwards. Otherwise, you can waste a
lot of time waiting for the application packages to install, and then
discover that you made a mistake during installation and it doesn't

 the objective might be apt-get install xfce4, which
 gives a different set of packages from apt-get install

tasks-xfce-desktop is a meta package that includes xfce, and also a set
of additional packages that are typically used on a desktop system,
like libreoffice and iceweasel. Also, I'm not sure if package xfce will
install a display manager for you. The desktop task packages do.

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Re: Iceweasel from experimental

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 13:00 +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  If somebody should use this version of Iceweasel, do you know how to
  select the page style?
 No idea where to look for that. But you can check yourself

I did and I didn't find it. I also made Internet researches and didn't
find useful information. I also send a request to the Arch mailing list.

What I still could do, is send a request to upstream, but I guess I
simply drop Firefox and in the future I simply drop Iceweasel too.
QupZill is already the browser I use most of the times on all of my
Linux installs, unfortunately QupZill is missing some options too.


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Decent screenshot site. (was ... Re: JWM )

2014-05-03 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 10:40:39AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I'm not booted to my Debian now, so here's a screenshot of my Arch's JWM:


try this

tal% wget ''
--2014-05-04 01:01:20--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2014-05-04 01:01:21 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

aarg! try this
tal% wget -U 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4'

tal% file jwm.1399019915.png
jwm.1399019915.png: HTML document, ASCII text, with very long lines

Peruse jwm.1399019915.png

tal% wget -U 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4'
href= Scheme missing.

give up

Is there a place where someone can upload screenshots where the
downloader doesn't have to jump through hoops?

Remember, these posts are archived. If the image is only a few k, then
just attach it.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 3 May 2014 14:28:32 +0800 (WST)
Bret Busby wrote:

 Ah, if only GNOME 2 would still be available for the curent versions
 of operating systems, it would be supreme )?) .

Yes, it certainly would be. Why the Gnome people threw their success
down the drain and switch to a hunt and guess user interface is
beyond my wildest imagination. I love Xfce and OpenBox to death, but if
Gnome2 were still a viable alternative, I'd use Gnome2 on all my
big-RAM machines. I LOVE, and sorely miss, Gnome2's use of nested
drawers in panels.

That being said, Xfce, OpenBox, and LXDE are all very cool in their own


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: `ls` shows file, `bash` says No such file ???

2014-05-03 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 02 May 2014 23:49:03 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 02/05/14 10:25 PM, Tom Roche wrote:

  How is it possible that `ls` can list a file, but `bash` says No
  such file?

 The problem you have may be related to the firebox-bin not being able
 to find the files it needs. Bash may be finding the firefox-bin file
 but not an essential library.

I *suspect* that Gary's right, but before doing a lot of difficult work
based on the various speculations enumerated in this thread, why not do
a couple one minute diagnostic tests:

1) Run ./firefox-bin from directly inside the directory

2) Rename firefox-bin to, and create the following
   shellscript permissioned execute-all and named firefox-bin:

echo = BEGIN $0 ===
let argno=0
let argc=$#
echo Stdin content follows:
perl -n  -e 'print $_'
Environment vars follow:
echo Args follow, there are $argc args:
echo Arg0 is $0
while test $argno -lt $argc; do
    echo Arg$argno is \$1\
    let argno+=1
#echo -n Type in return value: 0 to 99:
#read rtrn
let rtrn=1
echo =  END  $progname ===
exit $rtrn

You might want to comment out the call to env because it produces a lot
of output that isn't likely to be relevant in this particular case. If
the preceding shellscript runs even though the original failed, that
gives a lot of credence to what Gary (and a lot of others commenting on
the thread) said.

If it starts looking like what Gary says is what's going on, I think
you could run the original firefox-bin in gdb and it might reveal a
little more about what's going on, but do the two one-minute tests
first to avoid the possibility of going on a wild goose chase.

By the way, the preceding shellscript works wonders any time one thing
is forking/spawning another and you need to see what's going on inside
the fork/spawn.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 May 2014 at 15:11:04 +0200, filip wrote:

 There are many places where an inexperienced user can become stuck. It's
 an opportunity to become an experienced user.

A user who has read the Release Notes and the Installation Manual and
who has correctly set up networking during an install is now dropped,
completely against their expectations, into a deep, dark hole. I can
think of better ways of forcing experience on someone.

d-i was designed to produce a network capable (if desired) machine. With
wifi and without installing a DE it does not. Advice to not go for a DE
is best taken by those using a cable to install.

 Do not be afraid of /etc/network/interfaces ;-)

Fear does not come into it. The problem is time and effort, either to
rectify the situation afterwards or to be aware it will happen and head
it off by manipulating the installer before finishing with it.

 In that case, just plug it in to the wired network, and make sure the
 following lines are uncommented in /etc/network/interfaces

Which wired network? Plug the machine in? Aren't you making another
assumption or two?

 allow-hotplug eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp

Yes, with a cable connection this would be the optimum solution. The
lines would have to be typed because they are not there to uncommment.

For wifi the station name and PSK have to be given in addition. In
theory this is little extra work. But now think in terms of typing in a
63 random character PSK without making a mistake. Please don't suggest
using gpm - it isn't installed.

 and run:
 service networking stop
 service networking start
 The time to get frustrated, is when the interface doesn't come
 up because the card is not supported by the kernel ;-)

That may be one reason you had chosen to use wifi. Two frustrations in
one day is too much for a body to bear. :)

 You are correct, I am an experienced user who knows where he is
 I like to do it in stages. First get the operating system installed,
 and worry about the applications afterwards. Otherwise, you can waste a
 lot of time waiting for the application packages to install, and then
 discover that you made a mistake during installation and it doesn't

Ok. This is what I do myself. But not with a wifi install.

 tasks-xfce-desktop is a meta package that includes xfce, and also a set
 of additional packages that are typically used on a desktop system,
 like libreoffice and iceweasel. Also, I'm not sure if package xfce will
 install a display manager for you. The desktop task packages do.

The Xfce4 metapackage doesn't install a DM or libreoffice or iceweasel.

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need a flac utility

2014-05-03 Thread Frank McCormick

I need a utility to allow me to breakup a FLAC sound file. It's
apparently a collection of flac files merged together.
I also have a file which ends in the extension .cue
It's a formatted listing of the individual files in
the larger flac file.

Is a utility available for Debian (Sid) ?


When the rich get richer they get more powerful
and that puts them in the position to lobby for policies
to make them even richer.
- former Clinton advisor Larry Summers

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Is this a bug against ledgersmb? (was: getting started with ledgersmb)

2014-05-03 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Friday 02 May 2014 16:22:10 Thierry Chatelet wrote:

 Hi list
Trying to install ledgersmb from sid I got error 404: no such file..., when 
doing localhost/ledgersmb/ 

I read the Debian doc a bit more and I found in file: 
/usr/share/doc/ledgersmb/faq.html the following:

About installation
The easiest is to use the script as root. You don't need to 
know very much about

So I did and got the following error:

Error: No workflow script specified
Compilation failed in require at line 8. :


use FindBin;
  lib-import($FindBin::Bin) unless $ENV{mod_perl}

require '';

So it's calling at  line 8

Here it is:

=head1 NAME - The LedgerSMB Request Handler

This file receives the web request, instantiates the proper objects, and 
execution off to the appropriate workflow scripts.  This is for use with 
code only and should not be used with old SQL-Ledger(TM) code as it is 
architecturally dissimilar.


Copyright (C) 2007 The LedgerSMB Core Team

This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)  version 
2 or 
at your option any later version.  A copy of the GNU GPL has been 
included with
this software.


package LedgerSMB::Handler;

use LedgerSMB::Sysconfig;
use Digest::MD5;
use Error qw(:try);

$| = 1;

binmode (STDIN, ':bytes');
binmode (STDOUT, ':utf8');
use LedgerSMB::User;
use LedgerSMB;
use LedgerSMB::Locale;
use Data::Dumper;
use LedgerSMB::Log;
use LedgerSMB::CancelFurtherProcessing;
use LedgerSMB::App_State;
use strict;

my $logger = Log::Log4perl-get_logger('LedgerSMB::Handler');

# for custom preprocessing logic
eval { require; };

$logger-debug(getting new LedgerSMB);

my $request = new LedgerSMB;

$logger-debug(Got \$request=$request);

$request-{action} = '__default' if (!$request-{action});

$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} =~ m/([^\/\\]*.pl)\?*.*$/;
my $script = $1;
\$request-{action}=$request-{action} \$script=$script);

my $locale;

if ($request-{_user}){
$LedgerSMB::App_State::User = $request-{_user};
$locale =  LedgerSMB::Locale-get_handle($request-{_user}-
$LedgerSMB::App_State::Locale = $locale;
} else {
$locale = LedgerSMB::Locale-get_handle( 
${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::language} )
   or $request-error( __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . : Locale not loaded: 
$!\n );
$LedgerSMB::App_State::Locale = $locale;
if (!$script){
$request-error($locale-text('No workflow script specified'));
$request-{_locale} = $locale;

$logger-debug(calling $script);

call_script( $script, $request );
$logger-debug(after calling script=$script action=$request-
{action} \$request-{dbh}=$request-{dbh});

# Prevent flooding the error logs with undestroyed connection 
if defined $request-{dbh};

sub call_script {
  my $script = shift @_;
  my $request = shift @_;

  try {
$request-{script} = $script;
eval { require scripts/$script } 
  || $request-error($locale-text('Unable to open script') . : 
scripts/$script : $!);
$script =~ s/\.pl$//;
$script = LedgerSMB::Scripts::$script;
$request-{_script_handle} = $script;
  || $request-error($locale-text(Action Not Defined: ) . $request-
$script-can( $request-{action} )-($request);
  catch CancelFurtherProcessing with {
my $ex = shift;
$logger-debug(CancelFurtherProcessing \$ex=$ex);
 $LedgerSMB::App_State::DBH-rollback if 

I put the code returning the error in between 2 lines so you can spot it 
easily. And I am sure it come from these lines as I change the message 
and ran again and got my new message as and error. Now my 
understanding of perl script is nowhere good enough for me to known 
what's wrong.
Thank you for help; advices...


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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Go Linux

On Sat, 5/3/14, Steve Litt wrote:

 Subject: Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments
 Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014, 8:14 AM

I LOVE, and sorely miss, Gnome2's use of
 nested drawers in panels.

  I have entries in the XFCE panel that pop open to multiple launchers just 
like Gnome 2's drawers.  Maybe you're talking about something else?

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread filip
On Sat, 3 May 2014 15:31:52 +0100
Brian wrote:

 I can
 think of better ways of forcing experience on someone.

I'm not forcing anything on anyone. I'm just sharing what works
consistently for me.

You can do it in whatever way that makes you happy.

 The Xfce4 metapackage doesn't install a DM or libreoffice or

Which is exactly, why I recommended to install task-xfce-desktop

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 May 2014 at 16:56:24 +0200, filip wrote:

 On Sat, 3 May 2014 15:31:52 +0100
 Brian wrote:
  I can
  think of better ways of forcing experience on someone.
 I'm not forcing anything on anyone. I'm just sharing what works
 consistently for me.

I was not thinking in terms of you forcing anything on anyone. It the
situation with d-i, wifi and no installed DE which brings about the
problem. It's worth being aware that your experience in consistency of
installation is a consequence of not using wifi. 

 You can do it in whatever way that makes you happy.

I've already said how I generally do an install. In fact, I can get
a consistently good experience with wifi and no DE by jumping through a
few hoops. A novice wouldn't even know the hoops were at hand.

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 3 May 2014 07:45:40 -0700 (PDT)
Go Linux wrote:

 On Sat, 5/3/14, Steve Litt wrote:
  Subject: Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments
  Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014, 8:14 AM
 I LOVE, and sorely miss, Gnome2's use of
  nested drawers in panels.
   I have entries in the XFCE panel that pop open to multiple
 launchers just like Gnome 2's drawers.  Maybe you're talking about
 something else?

Close, but no cigar. Your idea of putting multiple entries in one Xfce
launcher, and then configuring that Xfce launcher so the arrow is
inside the icon goes a long way to helping conserve screen real
estate, and from now on I'll use it. Thank you!

But the key distinction between multiple program Xfce launchers and
Gnome 2 drawers is that you can't include a launcher as one of the
items in your launcher (can you???), but you can put Gnome2 drawers
inside of other Gnome2 drawers. This means that with one icon on your
Gnome2 panel, you can have your own multilevel, drill-down point and
click menu of every program you use frequently.

Thank you very much for showing me the value of multiple programs in a
single launcher! I just got rid of an annoying self-hiding panel on the
left side, which was forever springing to life when I moused near the
left, and replaced it with a single icon on the top. Well worth one
more mouse click.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: need a flac utility

2014-05-03 Thread Jochen Spieker
Frank McCormick:
 I need a utility to allow me to breakup a FLAC sound file. It's
 apparently a collection of flac files merged together.
 I also have a file which ends in the extension .cue
 It's a formatted listing of the individual files in
 the larger flac file.
 Is a utility available for Debian (Sid) ?

My web search suggests that shntool can do this:

shntool split -f $cuefile -o flac *.flac

I didn't try it myself.

If you do not move for long enough, you might see a rat.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 03 May 2014 16:26:08 Brian wrote:
 A novice wouldn't even know the hoops were at hand

For as long as Debian sticks to its recent policy of only free software in the 
basic .iso, including in the installer, hoops or an old computer will be 

We all have our own ways of getting round it or living with it.  None of these 
would be easy for a novice.

I am a great fan of Debian, in fact I am probably something of an addict.  But 
as I get older I do sometimes wonder what an easy life and CrunchBang or LMDE 
would be like to live with


Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Go Linux

On Sat, 5/3/14, Steve Litt wrote:

 Subject: Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments
 Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014, 10:49 AM
 On Sat, 3 May 2014 07:45:40 -0700
 Go Linux
  On Sat, 5/3/14, Steve Litt
   Subject: Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments
   Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014, 8:14 AM
  I LOVE, and sorely miss, Gnome2's use of
   nested drawers in panels.

    I have entries in the XFCE panel that pop
 open to multiple
  launchers just like Gnome 2's drawers.  Maybe
 you're talking about
  something else?
  But the key distinction between multiple program Xfce launchers and
  Gnome 2 drawers is that you can't include a launcher as one of the
  items in your launcher (can you???), 

I'm not in XFCE right now (on Squeeze/Gnome 2) but I'm pretty sure that I have 
custom launchers within a launcher.  Give it a try!

  but you can put Gnome2 drawers inside of other Gnome2 drawers. 

Didn't know that.  I always found the Gnome 2 panel launchers slow to open and 
kind of clunky.  I imagine nested drawers would be even slower.  XFCE opens the 
'drawers' much faster.  Will soon FINALLY move to wheezy on my production 
machine via refractasnapshot and refractainstaller.  It's all pimped out and 
ready to go on another machine . . .

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Bret Busby

On Sat, 3 May 2014, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Sb, 03 mai 14, 14:28:32, Bret Busby wrote:

One thing that I note - in using the xfce version of the Debian 7.4 amd64, I
could not find (without entering the installation component) a hard disk
ustility, for partition work on the hard drive (like gparted, I think it
was, in GNOME 2 on Debian 6.x), to edit the partitioning on a Win 8
computer, before installing anything else on that computer. I looked in both
the Systems - Admin and Systems - Preferences, and, in the System
Utilities components of the menus, for a disk utility, for editing the
partitions, but, could not find one.

Not by default, but what prevents you from installing gparted?

Kind regards,

I was running it from the LIVE ISO disk - I wanted to repartition the 
HDD, before commencing the installation (I wanted to try to install 
another OS, before installing Debian Linux 7, so that I could pick up 
the extra OS, with the GRUB bootloader scanning, when I installed Debian 
Linux 7).

I intend to look at it again, during next week; I believe that the 
partitioning during the (aborted) installation process, should have 

From memory, gparted was included in the Debian 6 and/or Debian 5 LIVE 

ISO images, but, I could be wrong in that belief.

I assume that the ommission of gparted from the Debian 7.4 amd64 xfce 
LIVE ISO, is because gparted is a utility from the GNOME desktop 
environment, and that xfce does not have an equivalent utility. Once 
again, I could be wrong in that perception.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts,
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: icedove strange language behaviour

2014-05-03 Thread François Patte
Le 03/05/2014 14:58, filip a écrit :
 On Sat, 03 May 2014 13:49:27 +0200
 François Patte wrote:
 Le 03/05/2014 12:52, filip a écrit :
 On Sat, 03 May 2014 11:29:43 +0200
 François Patte wrote:

 I went to Language in the extension menu and I could see Français
 Language pack is disabled version 3.1.1195 in incompatible with
 icedove 24.

 icedove-l10n-fr is installed and seems to provide a wrong version of
 the French language pack

 or icedove read this language pack from elsewhere (but where?) and
 this override the   icedove-l10n-fr

 I don't know! How can I find this?

 What does 'apt-cache policy icedove-l10n-fr' say ?
 The correct version is provided by the security update repository

This is OK
 If that is ok, there is probably an old version left over in the user
 profile that is masking the system-wide package.
 Try starting with a blank profile:
 quit icedove if it is still running
 $ mv .icedove icedove.saved
 $ icedove

This was not the problem! In fact icedove read some extension from an
old .mozilla/firefox directory which overrided the icedove-l10n-fr
But, as all these extensions have quite cryptic names, I had to remove
the whole .mozilla directory and reconfigure iceweasel! Why make simple
things when you can make them difficult!

Thank you for helping

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: need a flac utility

2014-05-03 Thread Frank McCormick

On 03/05/14 11:51 AM, Jochen Spieker wrote:

Frank McCormick:

I need a utility to allow me to breakup a FLAC sound file. It's
apparently a collection of flac files merged together.
I also have a file which ends in the extension .cue
It's a formatted listing of the individual files in
the larger flac file.

Is a utility available for Debian (Sid) ?

My web search suggests that shntool can do this:

shntool split -f $cuefile -o flac *.flac

I didn't try it myself.

   Installed it...and after some fiddlingit worked.
I will have to rename the didn't keep the original file
names in the cue sheet for some reason...but I am 95% there.

Thanks very much.

When the rich get richer they get more powerful
and that puts them in the position to lobby for policies
to make them even richer.
- former Clinton advisor Larry Summers

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 May 2014 at 16:51:38 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Saturday 03 May 2014 16:26:08 Brian wrote:
  A novice wouldn't even know the hoops were at hand
 We all have our own ways of getting round it or living with it.  None
 of these would be easy for a novice.

That is much too generalised for my taste. A non-free issue such as
firmware in d-i is well documented in the Manual. It may be a bit of a
pain but it is the way to go. Easy or not there is a route to follow and
someone new to Debian really has no cause for complaint.

When there is a complete lack of documentation on something as basic as
an aspect of networking in d-i I'd suggest even an experienced user
would be, at the very least, puzzled.

In case filip thinks I was being being over-critical of his suggestion
that was not my intention. Installing a task after a first boot is not a
bad idea for the reason he gives; given the proviso I mentioned.

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 09:06 -0700, Go Linux wrote:
 I'm not in XFCE right now (on Squeeze/Gnome 2) but I'm pretty sure
 that I have custom launchers within a launcher.

I'm also not in Xfce4, but running Jwm at the moment.
There are launchers that provide a menu including launchers.

There's a directory for each launcher and inside this directories there
are the menu entries, the list of sub-launchers provided by the

$ ls -hAl /home/rocketmouse/.config/xfce4/panel/
total 28K
drwx-- 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Mar 31  2013 launcher-10
drwx-- 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Mar 26  2013 launcher-11
drwx-- 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Aug 11  2013 launcher-17
drwx-- 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Oct 25  2013 launcher-18
drwx-- 2 rocketmouse rocketmouse 4.0K Jul 25  2013 launcher-9
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse  492 Apr 28 05:35 weather-16.rc
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse  540 Apr 28 05:31 whiskermenu-13.rc
$ ls -hAl /home/rocketmouse/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-10/
total 16K
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 383 Feb 19  2013 13612813542.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 387 Mar 26  2013 13642938942.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 314 Mar 31  2013 13647307421.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 285 Mar 31  2013 13647309892.desktop
$ cat /home/rocketmouse/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-10/*
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=exo-open --launch FileManager %u
Name=File Manager
Comment=Browse the file system
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=chuser thunar /.chuser/.home/
Name=chuser Thunar
Comment=Browse the file system
[Desktop Entry]
Name=tmount -w q
Comment=Browse the filesystem with the file manager
GenericName=File Manager
Exec=tmount -w q
[Desktop Entry]
Name=tmount -w u1.linux
GenericName=File Manager
Exec=tmount -w u1.linux

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 3 May 2014 09:06:54 -0700 (PDT)
Go Linux wrote:

 I'm not in XFCE right now (on Squeeze/Gnome 2) but I'm pretty sure
 that I have custom launchers within a launcher.  Give it a try!

I'd love to, but don't know how. If I left-click on the top level
launcher, click properties, I get a list of the apps launchable by this
launcher. If I click Add, it gives me a list of things I can add:
Another launcher isn't one of them. If I click the button to define a
new app from scratch, I have no idea what to put in the executable
field in order to implement a sub-launcher. Any ideas?



Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 13:51 -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Sat, 3 May 2014 09:06:54 -0700 (PDT)
 Go Linux wrote:
  I'm not in XFCE right now (on Squeeze/Gnome 2) but I'm pretty sure
  that I have custom launchers within a launcher.  Give it a try!
 I'd love to, but don't know how.

I logged out off my Jwm session and logged in to a Xfce session ;).

Right click on a panel  Select Panel  Select Add New Items  mark
the Launcher (On my machine it includes a description: Program
launcher with optional menu ;) and push Add  Right click on the new
launcher icon in the panel  Select Properties  In the General tab
push the + icon or the paper icon _as often as you like_, IOW you
can add one app or command after the other and a menu automagically is

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[solved] Re: Iceweasel from experimental

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
A right click on the toolbar  Check Menu Bar and Firefox gets back
the menus, including the View menu with the Page Sytle option.

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Go Linux

On Sat, 5/3/14, Steve Litt wrote:

 Subject: Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments
 Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014, 12:51 PM
 On Sat, 3 May 2014 09:06:54 -0700
 Go Linux
  I'm not in XFCE right now (on Squeeze/Gnome 2) but I'm
 pretty sure
  that I have custom launchers within a launcher. 
 Give it a try!
I'd love to, but don't know how. If I left-click on the top level
launcher, click properties, I get a list of the apps launchable by this
launcher. If I click Add, it gives me a list of things I can add:
Another launcher isn't one of them. If I click the button to define a
new app from scratch, I have no idea what to put in the executable
field in order to implement a sub-launcher. Any ideas?


OK.  In XFCE now.   Here's how to do it:

Right click on the primary launcher.

Under the blue (plus) add button, there is a document icon with a yellow star.  
Click on it.

The tooltip says add new empty item ie a launcher.  Presto!  You can now add 
a custom launcher.

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Scanner only does partial scans

2014-05-03 Thread dE

Hello everyone!

This Wheezy upgrade resulted in my scanner failing, the AIO only does 
partial scans after which it stops receiving data from the scanner.

The following is printed in syslog --

May  3 22:44:27 FOSSTS kernel: [ 1250.217183] usblp0: removed
May  3 22:44:27 FOSSTS kernel: [ 1250.217432] Did not find alt setting 1 
for intf 0, config 1
May  3 22:44:27 FOSSTS kernel: [ 1250.217905] Did not find alt setting 1 
for intf 0, config 1
May  3 22:44:31 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 231: unable to read 
Dot4ReverseReply header: No data available bytesRead=3
May  3 22:44:31 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 319: invalid 
DOT4InitReply retrying command...
May  3 22:44:31 FOSSTS colord-sane: io/hpmud/musb.c 2066: Invalid 
usb_open: Permission denied
May  3 22:45:32 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 572: unable to read 
Dot4ReverseData: Inappropriate ioctl for device

May  3 22:45:32 FOSSTS scanimage: invalid mfpdtf fixed header datatype=32
May  3 22:45:32 FOSSTS scanimage: ipConvert error=20
May  3 22:45:34 FOSSTS scanimage: sane_hpaio_cancel: already cancelled!
May  3 22:46:10 FOSSTS dbus[2431]: [system] Activating service 
name='org.freedesktop.PackageKit' (using servicehelper)
May  3 22:46:10 FOSSTS dbus[2431]: [system] Successfully activated 
service 'org.freedesktop.PackageKit'

May  3 22:48:27 FOSSTS AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting due to inactivity
May  3 22:48:27 FOSSTS AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting was requested
May  3 22:49:44 FOSSTS kernel: [ 1568.062329] Did not find alt setting 1 
for intf 0, config 1
May  3 22:49:44 FOSSTS kernel: [ 1568.062694] Did not find alt setting 1 
for intf 0, config 1
May  3 22:50:33 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 172: unable to read 
Dot4ReverseCmd header: Success
May  3 22:50:33 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/musb.c 1933: invalid 
Dot4Credit from peripheral
May  3 22:51:18 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 172: unable to read 
Dot4ReverseCmd header: Success
May  3 22:51:18 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/musb.c 1933: invalid 
Dot4Credit from peripheral
May  3 22:52:03 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 172: unable to read 
Dot4ReverseCmd header: Invalid argument
May  3 22:52:03 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/musb.c 1933: invalid 
Dot4Credit from peripheral
May  3 22:52:48 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 172: unable to read 
Dot4ReverseCmd header: Invalid argument
May  3 22:52:48 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/musb.c 1933: invalid 
Dot4Credit from peripheral
May  3 22:53:33 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/dot4.c 172: unable to read 
Dot4ReverseCmd header: Invalid argument
May  3 22:53:33 FOSSTS scanimage: io/hpmud/musb.c 1933: invalid 
Dot4Credit from peripheral

Trying it out in older versions of Debian works.

Tested using scanimage.


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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-03 at 11:38 -0700, Go Linux wrote:
 The tooltip says add new empty item ie a launcher.  Presto!  You can
 now add a custom launcher.

I suspect you and I misunderstood Steve.

Perhaps Steve wants to get something like this:

Parent Launcher
|__Sub Launcher Menu 1
|  |_Iceweasel
|  |_Icedove
|__Sub Launcher Menu 2

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Robert Holtzman
On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 02:28:32PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
 On Sat, 3 May 2014, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 No wonder 'we' are not winning the desktop war. (sigh)
 I dunno.
 I think this thing about not winning the desktop war, may be an
 urban myth, or, may otherwise be proven wrong.

What's the reason for this conclusion, or is it a hunch?

 With things like Windows 8, that I have found to be designed to
 prevent funtionality (does it ever allow a user to do what the user
 wants?), I believe that even MS Windows 3, was more useable than
 Windows 8.
 Ah, if only GNOME 2 would still be available for the curent versions
 of operating systems, it would be supreme )?) .
 One thing that I note - in using the xfce version of the Debian 7.4
 amd64, I could not find (without entering the installation
 component) a hard disk ustility, for partition work on the hard
 drive (like gparted, I think it was, in GNOME 2 on Debian 6.x), to
 edit the partitioning on a Win 8 computer, before installing
 anything else on that computer. I looked in both the Systems -
 Admin and Systems - Preferences, and, in the System Utilities
 components of the menus, for a disk utility, for editing the
 partitions, but, could not find one.

which parted would tell you if it's on the system at all...or, if all
else fails, look in synaptic..or, if all else *really* fails, just say
the Hell with it and download gparted.

Bob Holtzman
Our company's mission is to enable data-stream 
synergies with confluent bullshit mining,

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Robert Holtzman
 tasks-xfce-desktop is a meta package that includes xfce, and also a set
 of additional packages that are typically used on a desktop system,
 like libreoffice and iceweasel. 

Those packages should be part of an OS install, not a DE, or am I wrong?

Bob Holtzman
Our company's mission is to enable data-stream 
synergies with confluent bullshit mining,

Description: Digital signature

Re: Upgrade debacle........

2014-05-03 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 12:06:21PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 03 mai 14, 18:25:59, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 07:48:45AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   It was an issue for the OP. It's disputable if somebody who can't solve
   such an issue on her/his own, should use testing, instead of stable.
  The issue is not whether one can solve it, but whether one should have
  to. I don't even use GNOME, so shouldn't even see the
  message. It gave the impression that your system would be horribly
  broken if you didn't run the command, and yet the command doesn't even
  exist on your system! 
  This goes against the grain of having a system that just works. On one
  hand you have the DIY NetBSD style where this style of information is
  acceptable, while on the other hand you have a system with systemd,
  pulseaudio, GNOME, where the user can be a newbie and not have to worry
  about all that.
  It's like two 'opposing camps' trying to live under the one roof.
 I don't think this is entirely fair, this is about testing after all, 
 not stable.

Yeah, OK, I retract the last two paragraphs.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 May 2014 at 12:19:50 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:


Snipping of a post is fine but yours has produced one which is divorced
from its parent 

You'll realise this makes it difficult to follow what you are replying
to. Also there is no attribution - so it is doubly difficult.

  tasks-xfce-desktop is a meta package that includes xfce, and also a set
  of additional packages that are typically used on a desktop system,
  like libreoffice and iceweasel. 
 Those packages should be part of an OS install, not a DE, or am I wrong?

I think no, yes would do as a starter.

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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments

2014-05-03 Thread John Hasler
Robert Holtzman writes:
 Those packages should be part of an OS install, not a DE, or am I

Why would you want an office suite and a graphical browser on a
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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