
2014-06-01 Thread Zuthos Oddy

J'essaye d'installer italc. Comme vous l'avez deviné, cela ne se passe pas
très bien.

Je fais un essai sur un poste pour ensuite déployer.

J'ai donc fait un
# aptitude install italc-client italc-master
# ica -createkeypair

J'ai changé le group du repertoire et de tous les fichiers pour un group
qui contient tous mes utilisateurs

Je fait ensuite:
% italc

J'ai un premier message d'alerte pour m'indiquer que je dois créer un
professeur et une salle. Jusque la tous va bien.

Puis, un deuxième message m'indiquant qu'aucun service italc n'est lancé.
EN même temps, c'était un peu cela que je voulais faire. Me voila donc
dans une position pour le moins dubitative.

Quelqu'un aurais une petite idée? D'avance merci

Quiconque s'agenouille devant Dieu
 se façonne `a se prosterner devant un roi.
(Joseph Joubert / 1754-1824 / Carnets, tome 1)

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-06-01 Thread Fabien R
On 31/05/2014 19:38, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 Périphérique Amorce  DébutFin  Blocs Id  Système
 /dev/sdc12048  3907029167  19535135607  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
 Ce qui semble correct, non ?

fdisk indique que le dernier secteur est 9167 mais pour mount c'est 7118...
 Il doit y avoir une subtilité quelque part pour que fdisk voit quelque
 chose et pas gparted ...

Je pencherais plutôt pour une erreur disque ou une difference de
traitement entre windows et linux.


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Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-06-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:21:58 +0200
Fabien R a écrit:

 On 31/05/2014 19:38, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Périphérique Amorce  DébutFin  Blocs Id  Système
  /dev/sdc12048  3907029167  19535135607
  Ce qui semble correct, non ?
 fdisk indique que le dernier secteur est 9167 mais pour mount c'est
  Il doit y avoir une subtilité quelque part pour que fdisk voit
  quelque chose et pas gparted ...
 Je pencherais plutôt pour une erreur disque ou une difference de
 traitement entre windows et linux.

J'ai fait une vérif sous Windows 7 et il n'a pas vu de problème.
D'ailleurs il fonctionne très bien sous Windows ...


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Re: GPT détecté sur un disque partitionné MSDOS

2014-06-01 Thread Pascal Hambourg
prego jérémy a écrit :
 Le 31/05/2014 23:13, Jean-Marc a écrit :
 En fait, j'ai l'impression que le disque est flaggé erronément comme
 ayant une table GPT mais qu'il a bien une table MSDOS.

 ça, je ne pense pas que cela soit possible

Tu penses mal. C'est précisément ce qui se passe si on recrée une table
de partition au format MBR sans avoir effacé les en-têtes GPT primaire
et secondaire contenus dans les second et derniers secteurs du disque.

Le programme fixparts inclus dans le paquet gdisk permet de supprimer
ces restes. On peut aussi le faire manuellement avec dd si on est sûr de
soi. Attention au dernier secteur s'il appartient à une partition (ne
semble pas être le cas ici, la dernière partition s'arrête avant la fin
du disque).

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Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-06-01 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Fabien R a écrit :
 On 31/05/2014 19:38, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 Et fdisk -l me donne:
 Disque /dev/sdc : 2000.4 Go, 2000396746752 octets
 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste, 243201 cylindres, total
 3907024896 secteurs Unités = secteurs de 1 * 512 = 512 octets
 Taille de secteur (logique / physique) : 512 octets / 512 octets
 taille d'E/S (minimale / optimale) : 512 octets / 512 octets
 Identifiant de disque : 0x0002de0f
 Périphérique Amorce  DébutFin  Blocs Id  Système
 /dev/sdc12048  3907029167  19535135607  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

 Ce qui semble correct, non ?

Non : la fin de la partition (3907029167) se situe après la fin du
disque (3907024896). Il y a une erreur soit sur la fin de la partition,
soit sur la taille du disque.

 fdisk indique que le dernier secteur est 9167

Par rapport au début du disque.

 mais pour mount c'est 7118...

Par rapport au début de la partition qui est à 2048, donc ça correspond.

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Re: Italc

2014-06-01 Thread Louis Wiart

Tu pourrais nous mettre les messages d'erreurs que tu obtiens, je pense que
ça aidera à résoudre ton problème ;-)


2014-06-01 9:39 GMT+02:00 Zuthos Oddy

 J'essaye d'installer italc. Comme vous l'avez deviné, cela ne se passe pas
 très bien.

 Je fais un essai sur un poste pour ensuite déployer.

 J'ai donc fait un
 # aptitude install italc-client italc-master
 # ica -createkeypair

 J'ai changé le group du repertoire et de tous les fichiers pour un group
 qui contient tous mes utilisateurs

 Je fait ensuite:
 % italc

 J'ai un premier message d'alerte pour m'indiquer que je dois créer un
 professeur et une salle. Jusque la tous va bien.

 Puis, un deuxième message m'indiquant qu'aucun service italc n'est lancé.
 EN même temps, c'était un peu cela que je voulais faire. Me voila donc
 dans une position pour le moins dubitative.

 Quelqu'un aurais une petite idée? D'avance merci

 Quiconque s'agenouille devant Dieu
  se façonne `a se prosterner devant un roi.
 (Joseph Joubert / 1754-1824 / Carnets, tome 1)

 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: AVISO: Java (NPAPI) en chrome 35.0.1916.114 Fin de soporte

2014-06-01 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 31 May 2014 12:59:37 -0500, Hector Garcia escribió:

 El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 12:34, Camaleón


 Hay muchos bancos que también usan java para realizar gestiones, y
 también se usa para acceder a sistemas integrados (appliances) o
 conexiones remotas a sistemas virtuales, no sé si Chrome va a poder
 soportar la situación sin java por mucho tiempo porque la opción de
 usar una versión anterior que tenga problemas de seguridad no creo que
 le haga gracia a nadie.


 Por el momento, en lugar de desinstalar chrome y voltear la mirada,
 tomé el camino posiblemente inseguro. Instalé la version 34.
 Java y Silverlight (pipelight) funcionan, aunque hay algunas páginas
 del portal a las que no puedo acceder. Ésas tareas se las voy a dejar
 a mi contador, y su flamante Windows XP.

Les haces un favor a costa de poner en riesgo tu seguridad pero entiendo 
que cuando un navegador te gusta cuesta dejar de usarlo.

Sinceramente, si estuviera en esa situación no sé lo que haría, 
seguramente mantendría la versión del navegador actualizada (sin java) y 
usaría el equipo con windows en caso de que fuera necesario. Y si tardaran 
mucho en solucionarlo y necesitara java en el navegador, me replantearía 
cambiarlo por otro.

 Me llama la antención de algunas opiniones (actuales y anteriores)que
 se han presentado en el foro de desarrollo de chromium sobre el tema
 Personalmente, ésas opiniones me parecen poco propositivas para la
 comunidad de SO. Si los desarrolladores de los navegadores comparten
 ésa opinión, me daría preocupación.

Supongo que eso sólo puede decir un usuario que habla sin conocimiento de 
causa. Nadie que trabaje en Google sería capaz de decir semejante barbaridad 
con lo que le debe Google al software libre... y a linux.



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Re: Servidor FTP (vsftpd) y enlaces simbólicos

2014-06-01 Thread sio2
El Tue, 27 de May de 2014, a las 09:32:17AM +0200, Francesc Guitart dijo:

 No estoy seguro de haverlo entendido bien y además me parece que mi
 solución es tan evidente que supongo ya la habrás probado, pero... ala

Siento responder tan tarde, pero no me ha acompañado la salud...

No, no se me había ocurrido. Es una solución bastante guarretera, pero
creo sí es solución (no lo he probado). Miré el RFC que me dijo
Camaleón, pero no llegué a comprender del todo por qué se comporta el
servidor FTP con los enlaces simbólicos del modo en que se comporta:

Creo que la posible explicación está en 7.5.2, pero no saco nada en
claro. Comprobé que si el enlace simbólico y el fichero real no tienen
el mismo nombre, no funciona el enlace dentro del FTP, aunque use ruta

Muchas gracias.

   Flérida para mí dulce y sabrosa,
más que la fruta de cercado ajeno.
  --- Garcilaso de la Vega ---

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varnish y cookies...

2014-06-01 Thread sio2
Hola listeros:

Necesito alterar las rutas de todas las cookies que las aplicaciones web
envían al cliente. El problema es que las cookies se envían al cliente
en distintos campos de la cabecera HTTP:

Set-Cookie: cookie1=valor1 ; expires=... ; path=/ruta
Set-Cookie: cookie2=valor2 ; expires=... ; path=/ruta
Set-Cookie: cookieN=valorN ; expires=... ; path=/ruta

y en varnish no existen bucles. Tengo instalado el módulo
libvmod-header, que permite manipular campos de cabecera con un mismo
nombre, pero no se puede iterar sobre ellos, simplemente escoger uno u
otro usando una expresión regular.

Yo lo que necesito es que *todas* esas cookies enviadas acaben con

¿Se le ocurre a alguien alguna solución?

   Si quieres ser rico, no añadas dinero: quita codicia.
  --- Epicuro ---

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2014-06-01 Thread Marcxelo Garacciolo

hola si estoy teniendo un par de lios para instalarlo.


El Fri, 30 May 2014 22:40:39 -0300, Marcxelo Garacciolo escribió:

hola alguien uso/SNEZ/ una interface gráfica web para Snort.



SNEZ is a web interface to the popular open source Intrusion Detection
System SNORT®. The main design feature of SNEZ is the ability to filter
and classify alerts. SNORT® is a registered trademark of Sourcefire, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Pues no... ¿te da algún problema al instalarlo, quieres preguntar algo en
concreto, tantear? :-?


-- Camaleón

Garacciolo Marcxelo

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Re: snez

2014-06-01 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 01 Jun 2014 08:37:21 -0300, Marcxelo Garacciolo escribió:

(corrijo el top-posting y el deshilado, no sé por qué le has cambiado el 
asunto al correo ni por qué has enviado un correo nuevo...)

 El Sat, 31 May 2014 17:15:30 +, Camaleón escribió:

 El Fri, 30 May 2014 22:40:39 -0300, Marcxelo Garacciolo escribió:
 hola alguien uso/SNEZ/ una interface gráfica web para Snort.
 SNEZ is a web interface to the popular open source Intrusion Detection
 System SNORT®. The main design feature of SNEZ is the ability to filter
 and classify alerts. SNORT® is a registered trademark of Sourcefire,
 Inc. All rights reserved.
 Pues no... ¿te da algún problema al instalarlo, quieres preguntar algo
 en concreto, tantear? :-?

 hola si estoy teniendo un par de lios para instalarlo.

¿Y esperas que la gente *adivine* lo que te pasa o vas a decir de qué par 
de líos se trata, qué error te da, qué has hecho para instalarlo, desde 
dónde lo has descargado...? :-)



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Re: snort

2014-06-01 Thread Roberto Quiñones
El jun 1, 2014 7:37 AM, Marcxelo Garacciolo escribió:

 hola si estoy teniendo un par de lios para instalarlo.


 El Fri, 30 May 2014 22:40:39 -0300, Marcxelo Garacciolo escribió:

 hola alguien uso/SNEZ/ una interface gráfica web para Snort.



 SNEZ is a web interface to the popular open source Intrusion Detection
 System SNORT®. The main design feature of SNEZ is the ability to filter
 and classify alerts. SNORT® is a registered trademark of Sourcefire, Inc.
 All rights reserved.

 Pues no... ¿te da algún problema al instalarlo, quieres preguntar algo en
 concreto, tantear? :-?


 -- Camaleón

 Garacciolo Marcxelo

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

La pregunta es justamente esa ¿que o cuales son lo problemas que
tiene?¿fundamente con detalles?


Re: varnish y cookies...

2014-06-01 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:38:26 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:

 Necesito alterar las rutas de todas las cookies que las aplicaciones web
 envían al cliente. El problema es que las cookies se envían al cliente
 en distintos campos de la cabecera HTTP:
 Set-Cookie: cookie1=valor1 ; expires=... ; path=/ruta 
 Set-Cookie: cookie2=valor2 ; expires=... ; path=/ruta .
 Set-Cookie: cookieN=valorN ; expires=... ; path=/ruta
 y en varnish no existen bucles. 

Cierto, al menos eso dicen en su documentación aunque sí permite trabajar 
con expresiones regulares. Supongo que lo harán por motivos de seguridad 
(un bucle mal puesto puede destapar las vergüenzas del servidor web o 
dejar colgada una aplicación).

 Tengo instalado el módulo libvmod-header, que permite manipular campos
 de cabecera con un mismo nombre, pero no se puede iterar sobre ellos,
 simplemente escoger uno u otro usando una expresión regular.
 Yo lo que necesito es que *todas* esas cookies enviadas acaben con
 ¿Se le ocurre a alguien alguna solución?

Entiendo que lo que buscas es que varnish intercepte la galleta antes de 
llegar al cliente y modifique la ruta definida por el servidor. ¿No es un 
poco peliagudo? Lo digo porque si el servidor web (la aplicación) tiene 
que volver a leer la galleta y piensa que está en una ruta cuando está 
otra dará error ¿no? :-?

Pues no se me ocurre nada, salvo que el servidor web envíe la galleta en 
la ruta correcta, que entiendo sería lo más apropiado. Además, en Google 
sólo he encontrado un hilo¹ donde mencionan la posibilidad de manipular 
varias cookies en una misma petición:

¹Multiple Set-Cookie Headers



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Re: Servidor FTP (vsftpd) y enlaces simbólicos

2014-06-01 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:25:50 +0200, José Miguel (sio2) escribió:

 El Tue, 27 de May de 2014, a las 09:32:17AM +0200, Francesc Guitart
 No estoy seguro de haverlo entendido bien y además me parece que mi
 solución es tan evidente que supongo ya la habrás probado, pero... ala
 Siento responder tan tarde, pero no me ha acompañado la salud...
 No, no se me había ocurrido. Es una solución bastante guarretera, pero
 creo sí es solución (no lo he probado). 

Hum... pero si antes me dijiste que eso no funcionaba, pillín ;-)

 Miré el RFC que me dijo Camaleón, pero no llegué a comprender del todo
 por qué se comporta el servidor FTP con los enlaces simbólicos del modo
 en que se comporta:
 Creo que la posible explicación está en 7.5.2, pero no saco nada en
 claro. Comprobé que si el enlace simbólico y el fichero real no tienen
 el mismo nombre, no funciona el enlace dentro del FTP, aunque use ruta

A mí tampoco me queda claro, de hecho la sección que indicas no parece 
mencionar problemas con enlaces simbólicos por lo que deberían respetarse 
siempre y cuando el sistema los admita y por eso creo que sería relevante 
la información que te preguntaba en un correo anterior:

Es decir, si (en teoría) el servidor ftp puede trabajar con enlaces 
simbólicos a los que tenga acceso -que estén en su ámbito- como parece 
ser el caso, sería interesante saber qué error registra cuando se intenta 
sobrescribir un archivo que está apuntando a otro archivo.



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Re: varnish y cookies...

2014-06-01 Thread sio2
El Sun, 01 de Jun de 2014, a las 03:40:12PM +, Camaleón dijo:

 Entiendo que lo que buscas es que varnish intercepte la galleta antes de 
 llegar al cliente y modifique la ruta definida por el servidor. ¿No es un 
 poco peliagudo? Lo digo porque si el servidor web (la aplicación) tiene 
 que volver a leer la galleta y piensa que está en una ruta cuando está 
 otra dará error ¿no? :-?

Sí, quiero hacer eso. La ruta la usa el navegador para elegir qué
cookies envía al servidor, ¿no? A la aplicación web lo que le interesa
es el valor de esa cookie. Hice pruebas con una aplicación que mandaba
como ruta /mrbs en su cookie y yo la cambiaba por / y no daba problemas.
De todos modos, si los diera, haría también el cambio inverso y santas
pascuas. No veo problema a eso.

En realidad lo necesito porque el servidor puede recibir peticiones por
dos conexiones distintas que tienen asociadas ruta y dominios distintos.
Por ejemplo:


lo cual complica muchísimo la configuración del servidor web. Incluso
hay aplicaciones que te piden durante la configuración cuál es el nombre
del dominio (por ejemplo, wordpress) y luego hay recetas para cambiar
ese dominio. Así que he pensado que lo más sencillo es que varnish
cambie la petición de manera que al servidor web (nginx) le llegue
siempre la petición:


Cuando el servidor web responde, sólo hay dos problemas: el campo
Location (o sea, una redirección), lo cual me ha sido fácil de resolver
o las cookies, que tienen el problema de que pueden ser varias. Y en
esas estoy.

Supongo que habrá forma de hacerlo escribiendo el código en C, pero soy
incapaz: apenas recuerdo nada de C y, además, no sé cuáles son las tripas de
esto. Si a eso le sumamos que cualquier error en C, tiene consecuencias
catastróficas, tenemos montada la fiesta.

 Pues no se me ocurre nada, salvo que el servidor web envíe la galleta en 
 la ruta correcta, que entiendo sería lo más apropiado.

Bueno, ya sabes la razón de por qué no envía la ruta apropiada... por
una de las conexiones.

 Además, en Google sólo he encontrado un hilo donde mencionan la
 posibilidad de manipular varias cookies en una misma petición:

Ya había dado yo con él. Pero no es útil en absoluto.


   Los grandes hombres solemos ser modestos.
  --- Juan de Mairena --

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Re: Servidor FTP (vsftpd) y enlaces simbólicos

2014-06-01 Thread sio2
El Sun, 01 de Jun de 2014, a las 03:50:14PM +, Camaleón dijo:

 Hum... pero si antes me dijiste que eso no funcionaba, pillín ;-)

Mis disculpas. Dije que el problema no estaba en que el enlace
apuntara fuera, porque, de hecho, no apunta fuera. Efectivamente se hace
un mount -o bind, pero no se hace para que funcione el ftp, sino para
que funcione todo lo demás. Me explico: la cutre solución sería hacer
los enlaces mal. En vez de esto:

f.txt - /srv/ftp/Almacen/f.txt


f.txt - /Almacen/f.txt

que es lo que ve el ftp, puesto que está enjaulado. Ahora el enlace
funcionaría en el ftp (o eso creo, no lo he probado). Lo que no
funcionaría es en el resto del sistema. Así que creamos un /Almacen y
hacemos en mount -o bind.

 A mí tampoco me queda claro, de hecho la sección que indicas no parece 
 mencionar problemas con enlaces simbólicos por lo que deberían respetarse 
 siempre y cuando el sistema los admita y por eso creo que sería relevante 
 la información que te preguntaba en un correo anterior:
 Es decir, si (en teoría) el servidor ftp puede trabajar con enlaces 
 simbólicos a los que tenga acceso -que estén en su ámbito- como parece 
 ser el caso, sería interesante saber qué error registra cuando se intenta 
 sobrescribir un archivo que está apuntando a otro archivo.

A ver. Intentaré dar respuesta. Los ficheros en el servidor son estos:

/srv/ftp/Almacen/Curso_2013-2014/f.txt - ../Contenedor/f.txt
/srv/ftp/Almacen/Curso_2013-2014/f2.txt - ../Contenedor/f.txt
/srv/ftp/Almacen/Curso_2012-2013/f.txt - /srv/ftp/Material/Contenedor/f.txt
/srv/ftp/Almacen/Curso_2012-2013/f2.txt - /Contenedor/f.txt

El ftp está enjaulado en /srv/ftp/Material y f.txt contiene Hola.

En el cliente creo dos ficheros f.txt y f2.txt ambos con el texto

$ ftp
ftp cd Curso_2013-2014
ftp put f.txt
226 Transfer complete.

Vale, sobreescribe el fichero apuntado (el enlace simbólico, intacto).

$ ftp
ftp cd Curso_2013-2014
ftp put f2.txt
226 Transfer complete.

Vale, sobreescribe el fichero apuntado.

$ ftp
ftp cd Curso_2012-2013
ftp put f.txt
553 Could not create file.

Falla. En el servidor el error es:

FAIL UPLOAD: Client XX.XXX.XXX.XXX, /Curso_2012-2013/f.txt, 0.00Kbyte/sec

$ ftp
ftp cd Curso_2012-2013
ftp put f2.txt
226 Transfer complete.

Vale, como era de esperar, sin ni siquiera haber hecho el mount ni
creado /Contenedor. Ahora bien, si se quiere que esos ficheros sean
descargables por web, no hay más remedio que hacerlo, porque en el
sistema el enlace simbólico no funciona:

$ cd /srv/ftp/Almacen/Curso_2012-2013
$ cat f2,txt
cat: f2.txt: No existe el fichero o el directorio

Creo que no hay ninguna incoherencia en lo que hace el servidor FTP con
los enlaces simbólicos. El problema es que al subir un fichero, busca el
fichero apuntado, en vez de sobreescribir el fichero-enlace. Por eso,
cuando el enlace apunta a ningún fichero (para el ftp la ruta absoluta
del enlace no existe, porque su directorio / es otro), falla.

Quizás esto tenga que ver con lo que dice el RFC. Creo entender que
cuando hay varias rutas alternativas a un fichero, para el FTP hay un
fichero, nada de un fichero regular y un enlace simbólico que apunta al
fichero regular: un fichero al que se accede por dos rutas diferentes.
Por eso intenta sobreescribir el fichero enlazado. Esa es la explicación
que quiero darle.


   El hombre que se ríe de todo es que todo lo desprecia. La
mujer que se ríe de todo es que sabe que tiene una
dentadura bonita.
  --- Enrique Jardiel Poncela ---

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Firefox Derivados

2014-06-01 Thread Diddier Hilarion
Hola a todos.
¿Han usado algún derivado de firefox?, ¿como les ha ido con el rendimiento
y compatibilidad de plugins?

 Diddier A Hilarion B.

Re: Firefox Derivados

2014-06-01 Thread Allan Aguilar

El 01-06-2014 16:13, Diddier Hilarion escribió:

Hola a todos.
¿Han usado algún derivado de firefox?, ¿como les ha ido con el 

y compatibilidad de plugins?

Hola, Diddier.

Si utilizas Debian, entonces ya tienes Iceweasel. Es casi idéntico a 
Firefox; la únicas diferencias son su nombre y el logotipo.[1]


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Re: Conectar a dispositivo de mídia (MTP)

2014-06-01 Thread China
MTP é mais moderno e seguro do que Mass Storage Device usado em discos
USB como pendrives. Ele o computador não escreve diretamente no
telefone, quem escreve é o próprio telefone.

Eu uso Debian 100% unstable e o GVFS já tem suporte para protocolo
MTP. Eu apenas plugo meu Nexus 4 e o gerenciador de arquivos do Gnome
exibe o conteúdo e pronto.

Mais informações podem ser lidas aqui!topic/linux.debian.user/2ICE3Zn4gwk

Em 31 de maio de 2014 14:31, Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro escreveu:
 Caros colegas,

 tenho um celular Moto G e não tenho conseguido conectá-lo ao Debian. O
 celular me dá duas opções de conexão:
 - PTP, pela qual ele funciona como se fosse uma máquina fotográfica. No
 Debian, tenho acesso apenas às pastas de fotos, pelo Shotwell ou pelo
 - MTP, pelo qual eu teria acesso ao dispositivo como se fosse um pendrive
 (pelo menos é assim no Windows), me dando acesso a todos os arquivos. Quando
 conectado por esse método, o Debian sequer acusa sua presença.

 Como faço para ter meu celular reconhecido no Debian? Tem como?

 - - - ·

 Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro

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Re: (off) militares hackers

2014-06-01 Thread Jack Jr
O fato de a responsabilidade não estar terceirizada para a Microsoft também 
obriga a não ficar se bobeando. Já auxilia o auto-cuidado com as nossas ações.

On 31 de maio de 2014 09h05min04s BRT, Antonio Novaes wrote:
Segurança é um estado, não uma característica. Você esta seguro até
encontrarem uma brecha. Então... Quanto mais rápido de corrigi uma
mais rápido o estado de segurança se restabelece.
Em 30/05/2014 23:47, Listeiro 037

 Muitas empresas preferem software de código fechado porque se der
 problema elas tem quem responsabilizar, quem apontar e culpar. Entre
 M$ e qualquer outra menor, qual nome pesa mais?

 Ok, temos Red Hat e a Oracle, mas não é apenas sistema operacional.
 mais programas para manter suporte e culpar alguém em caso de falha.

 Tem uma matéria que saiu há um tempo na Linux Magazine de um desses
 gurus do open source que me fugiu o nome. Perguntado sobre o mesmo,
 sobre se software livre é mais seguro, ele respondeu (na prática foi
 não) que apenas se aumentava a chance de se localizar e corrigir mais
 rapidamente falhas.

 Em Fri, 30 May 2014 22:18:42 -0300
 Antonio Novaes escreveu:

  Olá Rubens!
  Sobre a pergunta: Vcs acham q softwares livres estão + vulneráveis
  espionagem pelo governo? Sei q softwares proprietários geralmente
  espionam seus usuários.
  A resposta é não: o código é auditado por muita gente e
praticamente o
  trabalho não pára. Enquanto os brasileiros vão dormir, os japoneses
  continuam trabalhando.
  A M$ costuma liberar atualizações importantes de segurança na
  terça-feira, ou seja.. se foi descoberta na quarta, espere até
  para ficar seguro. Mas o que foi pior é a falha de segurança que
  afetou os navegadores IE do 7 à 10.
  O OpenSSL foi corrigido em uma velocidade impressionante.
  Qual o problema? SL trabalha por prazer e para fazer o melhor. Pago
  trabalha para ganhar seu salário no final do mês e manter sua
  clientela. Note que são episódios isolados. Não são frequentes como
  o caso de outros órgãos.
  Quando há uma vulnerabilidade é lançada a correção muito rápido.
  Lembre-se que o código que auditado muito e também estudados por
  tipo de pessoa.
  Terça-feira da M$:
  O termo *Patch Tuesday* é um pacote de atualizações da Microsoft
  os seus produtos. Estes pacotes vêm pelo Windows Update atualmente, e são
  lançados em todas as segundas Terça-Feira de cada mês.
  O Patch Tuesday é lançado aproximadamente entre 17:00 e 18:00 (UTC Às vezes, há alguns patches de
  segurança lançados em mais de uma terça-feira no mês.
  Aparentemente a Microsoft tem um padrão de liberação de um maior
  número de atualizações em meses pares, e menos nos meses ímpares.
  Antonio Novaes de C. Jr
  Analista TIC - Sistema e Infraestrutura
  Pós-graduando em Segurança de Rede de Computadores
  LPIC-1 - Linux Certified Professional Level 1
  Novell Certified Linux Administrator (CLA)
  ID Linux: 481126 | LPI000255169
  LinkedIN: Perfil Público
  Em 30 de maio de 2014 19:49, Listeiro 037
   Quais são as melhores estratégias de segurança a serem
   implementadas? Não clicar em links de phishing é uma delas.
   Há o manual que vem no pacote harden. É suficiente?
   Ultimamente pesquisei sobre portscans e políticas de segurança. O
   que mais há de possível para eu implementar/inventar?
   * Configurar firewall com proteção contra os portscans mais
   * Forçar o firewall a permitir que a máquina apenas se conecte
 mirrors durante o update/upgrade;
   * Configurar um proxy;
   * Desinstalar ferramentas de desenvolvimento e outros pacotes
 desnecessários (gcc, binutils etc.);
   * Alterar todos os arquivos com suid ativado para execução sem
   * Manter certos diretórios do sistema montados com 'nodev',
   'noexec', 'nosuid'. Ex: /usr/..., /tmp, /var/...;
   * usar chattr em arquivos-chave de configuração para mantê-los
   * Mudar o arquivo de configuração do APT para não dar erro com
   alguma dessas configurações;
   * Configurar o loopback para barrar com endereços de sites de
 propaganda, adware...;
   * Usar SELINUX;
   Há certo exagero. Li um comentário dizendo que SELINUX não
   certos problemas. Deve ser pela /N/S/A/.
   Muita coisa não deve ser necessária, mas onde encontrar algo que
   funcione, se há um sociopata me monitorando?
   Bem, hoje após mandar essa mensagem, *coincidentemente* recebi
   enxurrada de tópicos da sobre
   em debian mirrors. Pelo menos umas 40 mensagens até agora que


2014-06-01 Thread Paulo


É possível ter grupos de IP e grupos de usuários (autenticados) ao mesmo 
tempo ?

Tentei com isto:

# ACL para autenticacao

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/squid_passwd
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm ENTRE COM SEU LOGIN E SENHA.
auth_param basic casesensitive off
acl autenticacao proxy_auth REQUIRED

# Permite a navegacao para IPS especificos

acl grupo src /etc/squid/ips_a
http_access deny !grupo

# ACL de Liberacao e Bloqueio de sites

acl hp_livres url_regex /etc/squid/livres
acl hp_bloq url_regex /etc/squid/bloqueados

# Permite a navegacao para todos usuarios logados

http_access allow hp_livres autenticacao
http_access deny hp_bloq autenticacao

# Permite a navegacao somente para os IPS

http_access allow hp_livres grupo
http_access deny hp_bloq grupo

# Bloqueia todo o resto

http_access deny all

Mas o navegador fica pedindo login toda hora.
Tem alguma forma de melhorar ?

Desde já agradeço,


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Re: Conectar a dispositivo de mídia (MTP)

2014-06-01 Thread Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista
Segue o que tem nesse link que funciona.

Eu também utilizo MotoG

Debian Wheezy 7.5

Em 1 de junho de 2014 09:28, China escreveu:
 MTP é mais moderno e seguro do que Mass Storage Device usado em discos
 USB como pendrives. Ele o computador não escreve diretamente no
 telefone, quem escreve é o próprio telefone.

 Eu uso Debian 100% unstable e o GVFS já tem suporte para protocolo
 MTP. Eu apenas plugo meu Nexus 4 e o gerenciador de arquivos do Gnome
 exibe o conteúdo e pronto.

 Mais informações podem ser lidas aqui!topic/linux.debian.user/2ICE3Zn4gwk

 Em 31 de maio de 2014 14:31, Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro escreveu:
 Caros colegas,

 tenho um celular Moto G e não tenho conseguido conectá-lo ao Debian. O
 celular me dá duas opções de conexão:
 - PTP, pela qual ele funciona como se fosse uma máquina fotográfica. No
 Debian, tenho acesso apenas às pastas de fotos, pelo Shotwell ou pelo
 - MTP, pelo qual eu teria acesso ao dispositivo como se fosse um pendrive
 (pelo menos é assim no Windows), me dando acesso a todos os arquivos. Quando
 conectado por esse método, o Debian sequer acusa sua presença.

 Como faço para ter meu celular reconhecido no Debian? Tem como?

 - - - ·

 Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro

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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 1/06/2014 3:46 PM, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere
 - [T]he [A]mnesic [I]ncognito [L]ive [S]ystem (based on Debian)
 - this is a TOR project.
 How is Tails relevant to answering my question?

Just how they handle this kind of data in a persistent manner and from a
user point of view, not from a system point of view.  Saving WiFi keys
and the like.  It's quite neat.

I won't go in to details of how the data is saved, but it is fairly easy
to see if you try it out.

 Are you a troll?

Are you kidding?

Kind Regards

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package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread lina

I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal to
help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a licensed
software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.

Thanks ahead, lina

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Filip
On Sat, 31 May 2014 22:50:04 -0700 (PDT)
Horatio Leragon wrote:

  From: Ralf Mardorf
 Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 1:24 PM
 Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick
  PS: Also read
  man chown
  man chmod
 I have read those man pages whose contents are only useful to those
 with a background in IT and computer science.
 What I see in them are just heaps of formulae which I do not know how
 to apply.
 What I need are examples of how to use those formulae. Unfortunately
 man pages are lacking in them.

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Re: How can I benchmark my brand new usb 3.0 WD My Passport hdd

2014-06-01 Thread Rick Thomas
Another measurement you might like to make would be random reads and/or writes.

Take a look at the debian package called bonnie++ 

 Provides: bonnie, zcav
 Description: Hard drive benchmark suite.
  It is called Bonnie++ because it was based on the Bonnie program.
  This program also tests performance with creating large
  numbers of files. Now includes zcav raw-read test program.
  A modern hard drive will have more sectors in the outer tracks
  because they are longer.  The hard drive will have a number
  (often more than 8) of zones where each zone has the same number of
  sectors (due to the need for an integral number of sectors per track).
  This program allows you to determine the levels of
  performance provided by different zones and store them in a
  convenient format for gnuplot. 

On May 29, 2014, at 3:36 AM, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

 I have purchased a WD my passport 2.5 inch external portable usb 3.0 hdd.
 I wanted to benchmark the drive after connecting it to my usb 3.0 port.
 I did the following two test already.
 sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sdc
 Timing cached reads:   10856 MB in  2.00 seconds = 5431.12 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 304 MB in  3.01 seconds = 101.00 MB/sec
 and also this one:
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/My\ Passport/output bs=8k count=10k; rm -f
 /media/My\ Passport/output
 10240+0 records in
 10240+0 records out
 83886080 bytes (84 MB) copied, 2.03511 s, 41.2 MB/s
 I tried gnome-disk-utility but it says that since the disk contains a
 GPT, it cannot benchmark the disk.
 Are there any better ways to find out about the read-write speeds of my disk?
 Anubhav Yadav
 Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread Francesco Ariis
On Sun, Jun 01, 2014 at 02:52:36PM +0800, lina wrote:
 I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal to
 help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a licensed
 software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.
 Thanks ahead, lina

If you like text interface, I recommend ^remind^ [1], which I find very
versatile (short intro to it [2])


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Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread ken

On 06/01/2014 04:43 AM Francesco Ariis wrote:

On Sun, Jun 01, 2014 at 02:52:36PM +0800, lina wrote:


I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal to
help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a licensed
software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.

Thanks ahead, lina

If you like text interface, I recommend ^remind^ [1], which I find very
versatile (short intro to it [2])


I've used the diary package within emacs for this kind of thing.  For 
the past several years I use korganizer which can pop up reminders at 
specified times... and much more.

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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Joe
On Sat, 31 May 2014 22:50:04 -0700 (PDT)
Horatio Leragon wrote:

  From: Ralf Mardorf
 Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 1:24 PM
 Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick
  PS: Also read
  man chown
  man chmod
 I have read those man pages whose contents are only useful to those
 with a background in IT and computer science.
 What I see in them are just heaps of formulae which I do not know how
 to apply.
 What I need are examples of how to use those formulae. Unfortunately
 man pages are lacking in them.

Man pages are quite terse, and are intended mainly as reminders for
people who basically know the principles but have forgotten the exact
syntax and options. If you have Internet access, and need to know
something new, then a search with the word 'tutorial' added will be
more useful.

Specifically, in the case you ask about, you can forget about changing
file permissions for large numbers of files, and make sure that
whatever backup method you use preserves the original permissions, even
on a filesystem which doesn't have them. Many programs check the
permissions of security-sensitive configuration files and will not run
if they are incorrect.

No offence intended, but if you do anything more than email and
web-surfing, you will need to know about file permissions, ownership
and how to obtain root privileges by means of su, sudo or other means
built into your GUI environment (you may find 'File Manager As Root' or
'..Super User' or similar in your menus).

This isn't a Linux thing, every version of Windows except 3, 95, 98 and
Millennium has used file permissions, though they are hidden in the
domestic versions and are only accessible in Safe Mode. Most USB sticks
are pre-formatted with one of the old FAT filing systems for
compatibility, and FAT doesn't do permissions, so Windows users
sometimes have the same troubles. Windows has a much more complex set
of user permissions and file access controls than the basic Unix system,
but domestic users generally don't see that, and many of them run with
administrator privileges all the time.

To answer another question, Debian and its derivatives use the Apt
package management system, and have their own policies about the
locations of certain types of file. Pretty much everything else about
Debian is the same or extremely similar to almost any other Linux
distribution, so you don't generally need to look for Debian-specific
information. Certainly the basics of users and permissions will apply
to any distribution that hasn't had extra access control features
deliberately added, as some business-oriented distributions might have.
What you do need to be careful about is that the information is fairly
recent, as Linux and Windows have both evolved considerably over time,
and much Internet information is now either only partly correct or
completely wrong.


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Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread Adrian Fita
On 06/01/2014 09:52 AM, lina wrote:

 I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal
 to help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a
 licensed software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.

 Thanks ahead, lina

Hi. Zim is perfect for this. Try it out.

Adrian Fita

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Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread lina
Thanks, have installed the remind and will also try Zim.

Best regards, lina

On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Adrian Fita wrote:

 On 06/01/2014 09:52 AM, lina wrote:
  I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal
  to help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a
  licensed software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.
  Thanks ahead, lina

 Hi. Zim is perfect for this. Try it out.

 Adrian Fita

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Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sun, 1 Jun 2014 14:52:36 +0800 lina

 I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal
 to help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a
 licensed software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.
 Thanks ahead, lina

You can try the RedNotebook, which i am using for semi-daily notes or
GTG for Getting Things Gone style. The latest one is originally named
with Gnome in name, but it nice works without Gnome.

The nice can be the Orage - especially the VJOURNAL type (iCalendar)
items, but i never used this type of items here. BTW in last month i
was success to connect (and synchronize) the Orage to calendar server
via the python-vdirsyncer (not in Debian).

If you are using the Icedove for emails, you can try the Lightning
extension as calendar app, but i am not sure, if it supports the
VJOURNALs. But using the Icedove only for calendar is too heavy.

The Orage and The Icedove+Lightning both support reminders (sound,
popup window, etc).



Description: PGP signature

Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 4:52 PM, lina wrote:
 I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal to
 help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a licensed
 software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.

I just keep a text editor open all the time, as I'm a programmer; the
first tab is my current working file (saved as ~/cwf), and in that, I
keep all those sorts of notes. For example, the top of cwf on this
computer currently reads:

* Find an excuse to learn Cython.
* Deploy MOTD - maybe through MPN
* Dewey mail Pigeon
* Add another terabyte to huix:/video and move the burner to Ollie
* Look at Bernard's TTD and see if it's run from git. If it is, see if
my patches are there and can be format-patched.
* Learn the 2to3 parser and use it for source code transformation - cf
* Clip S'net GD So ends my dream

Sometimes, a low-tech solution is the easiest :)


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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread David Dušanić
31.05.2014, 18:59, Steve Litt
 On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
 Tony Baldwin wrote:
  Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
  manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel,
  which I think JWM has by default.

 You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've switched
 over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one thing: the fonts
 look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very bad vision, so this
 isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which I work. Do you know of
 a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the ones on Xfce?

I would make an .Xdefaults/.Xresources in your home folder with this e.g.:

Xft.autohint: 0
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault

or install lxappearance to adjust fonts.  
David Dusanic

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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Andrew McGlashan
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

You are definitely a troll.

Why would I want to download almost 900 MB of Tails ISO just to learn how to 
create a backup of system-connections?

Are you crazy?

This is a mailing list for Debian users, not Tails users.

Please stay on topic.

If you are unable to answer my question to the point, please stay away from my 

Go troll someone else's posts.

Re: no plugins under Chrome

2014-06-01 Thread Mike McGinn
On Sunday, June 01, 2014 01:27:07 Patrick Bartek wrote:
 On Sat, 31 May 2014, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  I have been trying to get pipelight to run under Sid and Chrome, in
  order to use Netflix, to no avail, when I stumbled upon this:
  Which says in effect release 34 removed the complete NPAPI plugin
  interface, so its not possible to use any other plugins (besides the
  integrated PepperFlash one) anymore.
 That's Cnrome v35 that's without the NPAPI, not v34.  You need to
 read more carefully.  Downgrading to v34 is the fix.
  If you need plugins other than PepperFlash, forget Chrome. Too bad.
 I just updated to v. 35 a week or so ago, and just noticed today that
 VLC and its plugin don't work, but do work in Iceweasel. Wondered what
 happened. Now I know.

What a mess! I have been forcing the version in Synaptic on chromium-browser 
to 34.0.187 ... and it says that is what is installed after doing a complete 
removal. But about on the browser still reports 35.

Mike McGinn KD2CNU
Be happy that brainfarts don't smell.
No electrons were harmed in sending this message, some were inconvenienced.
** Registered Linux User 377849

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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Filip
Cc: Horatio Leragon 
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

That URL links to something quite informative.


Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Joe
Cc: Horatio Leragon 
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 If you have Internet access, and need to know something new, then a search 
 with the word 'tutorial' added will be more useful.

 What you do need to be careful about is that the information is fairly 
 recent, as Linux and Windows have both evolved considerably  over time, and 
 much Internet information is now either only partly correct or completely 

Thanks Joe, for taking the time to write a rather detailed explanation.

Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Pete Orrall
On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
 Tony Baldwin wrote:

 Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
 manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel,
 which I think JWM has by default.

 You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've switched
 over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one thing: the fonts
 look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very bad vision, so this
 isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which I work. Do you know of
 a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the ones on Xfce?

Install the obconf package if you haven't already.  It's an easy to
use preference manager for Openbox.  You can adjust fonts and sizes
there, along with themes and other stuff without needing to edit
config files.

# apt-get install obconf

Hope this helps!

Pete Orrall
If there isn't a way, I'll make one.

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Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. enable internet access)?

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon
Below is a scenario:

1. I do not have internet access during installation of Debian. The install 
routine will skip the steps of auto-configuring my network adapter.

2. After installation, I am able to find a place where internet access is 

3. What are the commands to type to tell my installed Debian to auto-configure 
my network adapter?

4. Do I have to type the commands in a console tty1 or Gnome3 environment?

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 31/05/2014 2:51 PM, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 I would like to back up system-connections (full path is
 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections) on to a USB stick.
 The folder in question contains the imported profiles of several OpenVPN
 config files.
 I tried to drag the said folder to my USB stick unsuccessfully. The
 error message is Permission denied.

The most simplest of answers have already been provided.  Perhaps you
need to do a bit more work yourself now.

If you don't have root access to the device, then you shouldn't be
copying the configs -- if you do have root access, this shouldn't be
difficult to achieve what you need using basic GNU tools provided as
part of most distributions, including Debian.

A Debian Live CD/DVD/USB might be useful if you don't have the root
password and you are able to boot from other media.


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Re: no plugins under Chrome

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 1/06/2014 9:43 PM, Mike McGinn wrote:
 What a mess! I have been forcing the version in Synaptic on chromium-browser 
 to 34.0.187 ... and it says that is what is installed after doing a complete 
 removal. But about on the browser still reports 35.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your view, this is how Chrome
works.  As part of the *security/update* model, the product does
automatic updates -- you may be able to turn off automatic updates, but
it might give you grief when it comes to safety and/or security.

I know we are all just meant to trust Google, but I don't think we
should be doing so blindly.


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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-06-01 Thread Nuno Magalhães
On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 The German problem
 is, that we don't have our own Internet/ISPs/nodes.

German? ICANN is american, the root servers are managed by the US
Department of Commerce, the .gov TLD is american... the net is
american (unless you wanna know 4 octets by heart by the thousands).

Incindentaly, what are the (viable and realistic) alternatives here?


On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

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Re: [SPAM tagged by PCNET] Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-06-01 Thread Curt
On 2014-05-31, Richard Owlett wrote:

 tasksel tasksel/first seen false

 That's one of the failures.
 Has that worked for anyone?

I dunno.

How about:

tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, desktop
d-i preseed/early_command string . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule; db_get
debconf/priority; case $RET in low|medium) db_fset tasksel/first seen
false ;; esac

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Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Jörg-Volker Peetz
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

Thanks for your help, Jorg.

 The aptitude command offers some help:

I read somewhere on the internet that Debian discourages its users to use the 
'aptitude' command. Debian encourages us to use the 'apt' command. Is that 

 $ aptitude search '~c'

What is the equivalent 'apt' command?

 $ aptitude purge '~c'

The equivalent of the above using 'apt' command is...?

 $ aptitude purge $(aptitude -F %p search '~g')

And the equivalent of '$ aptitude purge $(aptitude -F %p search '~g')' using 
'apt' command is.?

Re: fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 31 May 2014 17:11:16 +1200
Chris Bannister wrote:


 ... no HDMI cable, doesn't play .webm videos. You have to use youtube-dl
 not 'cclive -s best' to download the video from youtube yielding in
 a 'lower quality' exoerience. Putting all that aside, it's basically

Can you explain? What does cclive do that youtube-dl doesn't?


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Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread green
lina wrote at 2014-06-01 01:52 -0500:
 I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal to
 help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a licensed
 software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.

If it is for tasks, try taskwarrior.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. enable internet access)?

2014-06-01 Thread Brian
On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 05:06:33 -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:

 Below is a scenario:
 1. I do not have internet access during installation of Debian. The install 
 routine will skip the steps of auto-configuring my network adapter.
 2. After installation, I am able to find a place where internet access is 
 3. What are the commands to type to tell my installed Debian to 
 auto-configure my network adapter?
 4. Do I have to type the commands in a console tty1 or Gnome3 environment?

If you have GNOME you'd be as well using the software it provides, Network
Manager. Otherwise there is interfaces(5) (man interfaces). It has oodles
of examples to look at.

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Freezing screens while using multiple LCD screens

2014-06-01 Thread Uroš Jarc
Hello, I'm having problems with multiple LCD screens. While using 2 LCD one
screen goes dark every 6 second for 400 ms, while other freez for 400 ms.
When using only one LCD and go restart the OS every thing runs smooth. When
I'm using second LCD with my laptop I dont have this problem. I have Nvidia
Quadro FX 1800 on PC and Intel
graphic card on laptop.

How can I fix this problem?

Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-06-01 Thread Richard Owlett

Richard Owlett wrote:

Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide
   Appendix B. Automating the installation using preseeding
 B.5.2. Using preseeding to change default values
 B.2.2. Using boot parameters to preseed questions
suggest that I should be able to accomplish my goal. I need some
actual example to understand what the text is saying.
[snip red herring producer]

B.5.2 states
/begin quote
 It is possible to use preseeding to change the default answer 
for a question, but still have the question asked. To do this the 
seen flag must be reset to “false” after setting the value for a 

d-i foo/bar string value
d-i foo/bar seen false
/end quote

Does anyone have any known example of this working for any value 
of foo/bar?

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Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-06-01 Thread Brian
On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 08:27:09 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Richard Owlett wrote:
 Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide
Appendix B. Automating the installation using preseeding
  B.5.2. Using preseeding to change default values
  B.2.2. Using boot parameters to preseed questions
 suggest that I should be able to accomplish my goal. I need some
 actual example to understand what the text is saying.
 [snip red herring producer]
 B.5.2 states
 /begin quote
  It is possible to use preseeding to change the default answer for a
 question, but still have the question asked. To do this the seen
 flag must be reset to “false” after setting the value for a
 d-i foo/bar string value
 d-i foo/bar seen false
 /end quote
 Does anyone have any known example of this working for any value of

Yes. Do you have any known non-working examples?

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Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-06-01 Thread Brian
On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 05:49:24 -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:

 I read somewhere on the internet that Debian discourages its users to
 use the 'aptitude' command. Debian encourages us to use the 'apt'
 command. Is that correct?

No. The context you probably saw that in is important.

  $ aptitude search '~c'
 What is the equivalent 'apt' command?

Please see apt-cache(8).

  $ aptitude purge '~c'

 The equivalent of the above using 'apt' command is...?

Please see apt-get(8)
  $ aptitude purge $(aptitude -F %p search '~g')
 And the equivalent of '$ aptitude purge $(aptitude -F %p search '~g')' 
 using 'apt' command is.?

apt-get purge $(aptitude -F %p search '~g')

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Re: no plugins under Chrome

2014-06-01 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Patrick Bartek wrote:

On Sat, 31 May 2014, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

I have been trying to get pipelight to run under Sid and Chrome, in 
order to use Netflix, to no avail, when I stumbled upon this:

Which says in effect release 34 removed the complete NPAPI plugin 
interface, so its not possible to use any other plugins (besides the 
integrated PepperFlash one) anymore.

That's Cnrome v35 that's without the NPAPI, not v34.  You need to
read more carefully.  Downgrading to v34 is the fix.

v34 has the problem too, as per other bug mentioned in the report. I ran 
into tht when Sid upgraded to v34 on April 6 of this year.


If you need plugins other than PepperFlash, forget Chrome. Too bad.

I just updated to v. 35 a week or so ago, and just noticed today that
VLC and its plugin don't work, but do work in Iceweasel. Wondered what
happened. Now I know.


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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 1/06/2014 9:40 PM, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 Why would I want to download almost 900 MB of Tails ISO just to learn
 how to create a backup of system-connections?

On reflection, it was clearly the wrong advice for you.  How about you
start with something like this first [1] ?

 Are you crazy?


 This is a mailing list for Debian users, not Tails users.

Yes and as a matter of fact, Tails IS a Debian based distro.  It has
your answers and more -- but again the advice was wrong for you, you are
so lost.



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Re: best way to backup USB stick (2)

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 15/04/2014 12:34 AM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 PaulNM wrote:
 On 04/13/2014 10:16 PM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Specifically: usbDrive=/dev/sde1

 You're not backing up and restoring usb drives, you're backing up and
 restoring a partition on usb drives.  The partition table and bootloader
 aren't handled by your script.  No bootloader=no booting. :)

 I'd suggest getting the whole device (/dev/sde) unless you're planning
 to restore to a drive with other partitions you want to preserve.

The other thing to realize is that you can have two different USB
sticks, but they present differently to the OS and/or BIOS.

For instance, I have a cheap 64GB Sandisk stick that /looks/ like a
fixed drive and another 64GB Silicon Power [SP] stick that presents as
removable (under Windows in this case).  Consequently a backup tool
provided by Toshiba to backup the Windows 8 installation only works on
the SP drive.  Both are overkill for storage, but I would have been
happy to use the slower and otherwise less useful Sandisk device for the

I did a copy of the SP drive to the Sandisk one (using dd), it did boot
okay, but it failed to do recovery when I tested it; the original backup
on the SP stick works flawlessly.

As an aside, the Windows backup is probably never going to be used, but
I want it just in case.  Already had Kali linux installed and I will be
trying other distros until I settle on one, but I definitely won't be
using Windows 8 on the machine.

In AU we had an advert which said:
  Oils Aint Oils Sol ...
  -- we can say the same about USB sticks.


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Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-06-01 Thread Joe
On Sun, 1 Jun 2014 05:49:24 -0700 (PDT)
Horatio Leragon wrote:


 I read somewhere on the internet that Debian discourages its users to
 use the 'aptitude' command. Debian encourages us to use the 'apt'
 command. Is that correct?

For the last few upgrades (to my knowledge, maybe always) from one
version of Stable to the next, Debian has recommended that one is used,
as it will deal better with dependencies. As I recall, apt-get was
recommended for the upgrade to Wheezy, and aptitude for the last couple
before that.

Other than that, it is a matter of personal preference. Aptitude has
a command-line text mode and an interactive text-graphics mode, apt-get
is older and is purely text. Aptitude merges various tools under one
command, apt-get, apt-cache and others make up a small suite to do
(roughly) the same jobs. If you have a GUI installed, Synaptic is also
an option.

They have their own meta-data for package status, such as which are held
back from upgrade, so mixing the tools if you are doing anything unusual
is not recommended. When you upgrade versions, for example, it is
recommended to use *both* apt-get and aptitude to remove holds and
verify package status.

Not wishing to add confusion, but you may also find references to
'dpkg'. This is the low-level package tool that all the apt tools are
front-ends for. It does no dependency checking, and will do exactly
what you tell it to do, so it is somewhat dangerous to use. It can do
things the apt tools cannot, however, (the man page is quite large) so
you may occasionally need to resort to using it, *carefully*. 

A few of its options are simple and safe: 
  dpkg --get-selections  a file 
  is a useful way to keep a record of the installed states of packages,
and is probably a good thing to do regularly as part of a backup
regimen. dpkg-reconfigure is a utility to re-run the configuration of
a package that normally happens only at install time.


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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:18:11 +0200
David Dušanić wrote:

 31.05.2014, 18:59, Steve Litt
  On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
  Tony Baldwin wrote:
   Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
   manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a
  panel, which I think JWM has by default.
  You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've
  switched over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one
  thing: the fonts look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very
  bad vision, so this isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which
  I work. Do you know of a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the
  ones on Xfce?
 I would make an .Xdefaults/.Xresources in your home folder with this
 Xft.autohint: 0
 Xft.antialias: 1
 Xft.hinting: true
 Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
 Xft.dpi: 96
 Xft.rgba: rgb
 Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
 or install lxappearance to adjust fonts.  

Hi David,

Before I start asking a multitude of questions, thanks very much for
this information.

You mention making an .Xdefaults/.Xresources in my home directory. Can
I safely assume the slash meant either/or, rather than directory/file?
I already had a .Xdefaults, but it was a config file, not a directory.

I added your lines to the end of my .Xdefaults, and it kinda sorta
seemed to make things better, but it was so subtle this could be a
placebo effect. So I'm thinking, if I could use settings that make my
fonts look like ugly, unmitigated garbage, then at least I know that
changing these values is doing something. Once I know that, I can
experiment to get the very best look. What could I do to the lines you
quote to make my fonts look very ugly, as a test?

Can I safely assume that if I change Xft:dpi 96 to Xft:dpi 48, my
fonts are going to get noticibly bigger if this thing's working? That
would be another test.

Why did you set Xft:hintstyle to hintlight instead of hintmassively
or whatever the hintiest setting could be?

Can you think of any Xft settings I could make to make my letters look
bolder, without using a bold font? My main concern is that the letters
are thin and reedy.

By the way, for the purposes of Openbox on my machine, lxappearance
doesn't work because whatever you set it to isn't persistent. That's
OK, I'd rather have something I could input from Vim anyway.

Thanks so much for the information,


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 1 Jun 2014 07:54:50 -0400
Pete Orrall wrote:

 On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
  On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
  Tony Baldwin wrote:
  Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
  manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a
  panel, which I think JWM has by default.
  You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've
  switched over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one
  thing: the fonts look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very
  bad vision, so this isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which
  I work. Do you know of a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the
  ones on Xfce?
 Install the obconf package if you haven't already.  It's an easy to
 use preference manager for Openbox.  You can adjust fonts and sizes
 there, along with themes and other stuff without needing to edit
 config files.
 # apt-get install obconf
 Hope this helps!

Thanks for reminding me of Obconf, Pete!

It turns out whenever you install Openbox, Obconf comes along for the
ride. But I'm always forgetting to use it because you can't edit
hotkeys with Obconf, and hotkeys are my life, so I'm forever Vimming
~/.config/openbox/rc.xml. However, in this case, the things Obconf can
do, making fonts bigger and the like, turns out to be an attack on the
symptom rather than the root cause, because the real problem appears
(to my bad eyes) to be slight pixelization on the same fonts that look
great in Xfce.

However, for other things, I'm going to use Obconf early and often.

Thanks for helping me with this. If I can get the fonts looking good,
I'll probably go Openbox fulltime. It's snappy, and a keyboarder's


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-06-01 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 6/1/2014 8:34 AM, Nuno Magalhães wrote:

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

The German problem
is, that we don't have our own Internet/ISPs/nodes.

German? ICANN is american,

ICANN is an INTERNATIONAL organization with members from all over the world.

the root servers are managed by the US Department of Commerce,

There are 13 root servers, all over the world.  Root servers are owned 
by various organizations and managed by ICANN.  The US Department of 
Commerce has nothing to do with them.

the .gov TLD is american...

So?  The internet started in the United States as ARPANET (a U.S. 
government project).  It still owns the .gov TLD, but that doesn't have 
anything to do with the internet as a whole.

the net is american (unless you wanna know 4 octets by heart by the thousands).


Incindentaly, what are the (viable and realistic) alternatives here?


I can make you a great deal on tin foil hats.


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Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-06-01 Thread Curt
On 2014-06-01, Joe wrote:

 Other than that, it is a matter of personal preference. Aptitude has
 a command-line text mode and an interactive text-graphics mode, apt-get
 is older and is purely text. Aptitude merges various tools under one
 command, apt-get, apt-cache and others make up a small suite to do
 (roughly) the same jobs. If you have a GUI installed, Synaptic is also
 an option.

Actually what Debian has to say concerning the prickly matter of
package management tool choice is the following:

 Note that apt-get now installs recommended packages as default and is
 the preferred program for package management from console to perform
 system installation and major system upgrades for its robustness.

 Note that aptitude is the preferred program for daily package
 management from console.

I use apt for everything myself. 

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-06-01 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 10:54:27 -0400
Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 ICANN is an INTERNATIONAL organization with members from all over
 the world.

No, is is an international CORPORATION - the difference's huge,
even if it's a non-profit one.
When you wanna control everything, non-profit corps are one of
the best decoy ever…
 There are 13 root servers, all over the world.  Root servers are
 owned by various organizations and managed by ICANN.  The US
 Department of Commerce has nothing to do with them.

No, there are hundreds of them.
 I can make you a great deal on tin foil hats.

May be the best protection against the Outernet :)

Being a woman is a terribly difficult trade, since it consists
principally of dealings with men. -- Conrad

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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Brian
On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 10:48:17 -0400, Steve Litt wrote:

 You mention making an .Xdefaults/.Xresources in my home directory. Can
 I safely assume the slash meant either/or, rather than directory/file?
 I already had a .Xdefaults, but it was a config file, not a directory.
 I added your lines to the end of my .Xdefaults, and it kinda sorta
 seemed to make things better, but it was so subtle this could be a
 placebo effect. So I'm thinking, if I could use settings that make my

Debian doesn't use a .Xdefaults file.

   brian@desktop:~$ grep -r Xresources /etc/X11/
   grep: /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config: Permission denied

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-06-01 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 6/1/2014 11:09 AM, Bzzz wrote:

On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 10:54:27 -0400
Jerry Stuckle wrote:

ICANN is an INTERNATIONAL organization with members from all over
the world.

No, is is an international CORPORATION - the difference's huge,
even if it's a non-profit one.
When you wanna control everything, non-profit corps are one of
the best decoy ever…

A Corporation is a type of Organization.  Corporation is the legal basis 
on which it is formed.  It could have used be any of several different 
legal forms.

There are 13 root servers, all over the world.  Root servers are
owned by various organizations and managed by ICANN.  The US
Department of Commerce has nothing to do with them.

No, there are hundreds of them.

I'll believe this official statement from ICANN over a blog...


I can make you a great deal on tin foil hats.

May be the best protection against the Outernet :)

So, how many do you want?


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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-06-01 Thread Curt
On 2014-06-01, Bzzz wrote:
 There are 13 root servers, all over the world.  Root servers are
 owned by various organizations and managed by ICANN.  The US
 Department of Commerce has nothing to do with them.

 No, there are hundreds of them.
  Root server addresses

  As of February 2013, there are 13 root name servers specified, with
  names in the form, where letter ranges from A
  to M. This does not mean there are 13 physical servers; each operator
  uses redundant computer equipment to provide reliable service even if
  failure of hardware or software occurs. Additionally, nine of the
  servers operate in multiple geographical locations using a routing
  technique called anycast addressing, providing increased performance
  and even more fault tolerance.

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-06-01 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:24:45 -0400
Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 I'll believe this official statement from ICANN over a blog...

¿ my link also comes from the site. 
  I can make you a great deal on tin foil hats.
  May be the best protection against the Outernet :)
 So, how many do you want?

5, with 2 helicoïdal antennas hidden in fake horns (I'm
Breton, fan of Astérix and mobile Internet); the 5th with
2 side holes (it's for the dog).

Politics:  A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.
-- Ambrose Bierce

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Re: no plugins under Chrome

2014-06-01 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Patrick Bartek wrote:
  On Sat, 31 May 2014, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  I have been trying to get pipelight to run under Sid and Chrome,
  in order to use Netflix, to no avail, when I stumbled upon this:
  Which says in effect release 34 removed the complete NPAPI plugin 
  interface, so its not possible to use any other plugins (besides
  the integrated PepperFlash one) anymore.
  That's Cnrome v35 that's without the NPAPI, not v34.  You need to
  read more carefully.  Downgrading to v34 is the fix.
 v34 has the problem too, as per other bug mentioned in the report. I
 ran into tht when Sid upgraded to v34 on April 6 of this year.

Wasn't that bug report for Chromium v34, not Chrome v34?  IRC, all my
non-builtin Chrome plugins worked just fine under v34 with Wheezy


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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-06-01 at 04:42 -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 From: Filip
 Cc: Horatio Leragon 
 Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 3:34 PM
 Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick
 That URL links to something quite informative.  Search term: wiki chmod  First hit:

I for example often prefer to use the ugoa+- options. Search term: wiki chown: First hit: Search term: debian wiki: First hit:


PS: Pleas reply to the list only, don't reply directly to list members.

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Re: package recommendation for daily journal

2014-06-01 Thread Dalios

On 06/01/2014 09:52 AM, lina wrote:


I am looking for a package, which can act as a smart diary or journal to
help me remember the records of small things, such as obtain a licensed
software, not installed yet, uninstall the harden-client.

Thanks ahead, lina

In my case I needed something really cross platform: working properly in 
all kinds of Operating Systems as well as something that would be 
constantly synchronized between many different machines.

I couldn't use web services because of privacy issues and because 
sometimes I have to work on PCs that are not online. The answer is a USB 
stick that I always carry with me and that I backup regularly when at home.

For the software part:
After experimenting for a few weeks with some PIM-on-a-stick stuff 
like GTDTiddlyWiki or WOAS: Wiki on a Stick [1-4] I decided that I need 
something simpler.

I now use a banch of files: mainly .xls, .doc and .txt. The main file is 
an .xls file with many sheets: calendar, todo and some project-specific 
notes and to-do lists. The Microsoft file formats (xls and doc) are 
necessary as in most cases I am not authorized to install the 
appropriate plugins in order for MS Office to be able to open the Open 
Document [5] formats (.odt and .ods).

Maybe something like this would work for you too...



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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:18:11 +0200
David Dušanić wrote:

 31.05.2014, 18:59, Steve Litt
  On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
  Tony Baldwin wrote:
   Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
   manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a
  panel, which I think JWM has by default.
  You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've
  switched over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one
  thing: the fonts look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very
  bad vision, so this isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which
  I work. Do you know of a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the
  ones on Xfce?
 I would make an .Xdefaults/.Xresources in your home folder with this
 Xft.autohint: 0
 Xft.antialias: 1
 Xft.hinting: true
 Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
 Xft.dpi: 96
 Xft.rgba: rgb
 Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault

I added those to my ~/.Xdefaults, and whether I set Xft.dpi to 96, 48,
or 192, it always looked the same, so I doubt that these things are
being read or acted upon.



Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Filip
On Sun, 1 Jun 2014 13:09:11 -0400
Steve Litt wrote:

 On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:18:11 +0200
 David Dušanić wrote:
  31.05.2014, 18:59, Steve Litt
   On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
   Tony Baldwin wrote:
    Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
    manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a
   panel, which I think JWM has by default.
   You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've
   switched over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one
   thing: the fonts look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have
   very bad vision, so this isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed
   at which I work. Do you know of a way to make fonts on Openbox
   look like the ones on Xfce?
  I would make an .Xdefaults/.Xresources in your home folder with this
  Xft.autohint: 0
  Xft.antialias: 1
  Xft.hinting: true
  Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
  Xft.dpi: 96
  Xft.rgba: rgb
  Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
 I added those to my ~/.Xdefaults, and whether I set Xft.dpi to 96, 48,
 or 192, it always looked the same, so I doubt that these things are
 being read or acted upon.
 Steve Litt*
 Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

It should be ~/.Xresources

You can check if they are read with

$ xrdb -query

or load them manually with

$ xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Brian
On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 13:09:11 -0400, Steve Litt wrote:

 On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:18:11 +0200
 David Dušanić wrote:
  I would make an .Xdefaults/.Xresources in your home folder with this
  Xft.autohint: 0
  Xft.antialias: 1
  Xft.hinting: true
  Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
  Xft.dpi: 96
  Xft.rgba: rgb
  Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
 I added those to my ~/.Xdefaults, and whether I set Xft.dpi to 96, 48,
 or 192, it always looked the same, so I doubt that these things are
 being read or acted upon.

Because Debian's X doesn't consult or read ~/.Xdefaults.

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Re: no plugins under Chrome

2014-06-01 Thread Mike McGinn

On Sunday, June 01, 2014 08:28:40 Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 On 1/06/2014 9:43 PM, Mike McGinn wrote:
  What a mess! I have been forcing the version in Synaptic on
  chromium-browser to 34.0.187 ... and it says that is what is installed
  after doing a complete removal. But about on the browser still reports
 Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your view, this is how Chrome
 works.  As part of the *security/update* model, the product does
 automatic updates -- you may be able to turn off automatic updates, but
 it might give you grief when it comes to safety and/or security.
 I know we are all just meant to trust Google, but I don't think we
 should be doing so blindly.

It might be time to dump chrome.

Mike McGinn KD2CNU
Be happy that brainfarts don't smell.
No electrons were harmed in sending this message, some were inconvenienced.
** Registered Linux User 377849

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Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-06-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/06/14 12:16 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 11:05 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 06:49, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 03:25 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 03:05, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if
nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. 
Gnome and

xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see 
what is
happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part 
I see
in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the 
top of

the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is 

continuing to increase.

That is the number of processes that are running
The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within some
Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the 

one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows the
of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over time. 

(which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just too 
annoying), the
(proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue chart shows 
lots of
spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above the blue spikes. 
On the
disk chart, the brown and blue charts show spikes in xcfe but jump 
to a
solid high level under KDE during the slowdown - although I do 
have one

saved screenshot where the disk activity shows a high number but the
and blue charts are both at a low level.

My interest in reading and helping with the specifics of your problem
pretty much evaporated when you persist in using brown and blue as
identifiers, even after you realise that the colors change depending
on the particular theme you are using. I think you are more likely to
receive help if you make the effort to learn what all the gkrellm
plots represent and present your problem in those terms instead of
talking about the pretty colors. That will both improve your
understanding of what is happening, and make it easier for people to
help you.

If you right-click on the proc plot you can discover that one curve is
load and the other is forks. The fact that one may or may not be
above the other is irrelevant because they both autoscale
Actually I don't discover that at all. That information is hidden 
away in an
info tab when I right-click on the Proc name bar, not in the plot 
area. The
name bar doesn't respond to left-clicks, just to right clicks, while 
chart area responds to left clicks by turning the procs and users 
info on

and off.

It takes a fair amount of interpretation to guess that the line is 
forks while the vertical bars are possibly procs (or vice-versa) 
since the
the line graph goes up and down while the number of procs reported 

constant. Similarly the spikes in the vertical bar chart don't seem to
reflect the stable number of procs being reported.

It would be helpful, but would require a larger interface, to have 
labels for the various graphs, such as a tool-tip style popup 
telling you

what the line or bar is measuring.

In the gkrellm configuration for the proc builtin, you can read the
info tab that explains more about that. Also in the setup of the proc
builtin I have entered this format string
\w1000\e$p\f procs\w1000\e$l\f load\n\e$u\f users\w1000\e$f\f forks

My proc setup was \w88\a$p\f procs\n\e$u\f users. When I try yours, 
it shows
two more numbers in the right side of the chart area. The top number 
between 0.6 and 0.8 from time to time while the bottom number jumps 

between 1 and 6.

It gives more information, but nowhere near what running 'top' offers.
I guess that the gkrellm curve you care about is load, so you
probably need to look at the load average numbers in top. Searching
for information on this will find useful links like these:

Also 'iotop' can tell you what process is doing disk read/writes, this
might be helpful if you feel that the slowdown is correlated with some
process that is disk-intensive.

Once you have the process ID numbers, you can use a tool like 'pstree
-p' to better see what initiates the offending process.

I have no idea about KDE.

Unfortunately, neither top nor iotop identifies a process as doing 
remotely strenuous. However, iotop does confirm that the total i/o 
going on

when the computer is rather a lot. This is what GKrellm also shows in a
nicer format. The processes that iotop shows as doing a little disk 
are the same whether the 

Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. enable internet access)?

2014-06-01 Thread hohe72

Brian wrote (Sun, 1 Jun 2014 14:15:25 +0100):
 On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 05:06:33 -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:
  Below is a scenario:
  1. I do not have internet access during installation of Debian. The
  install routine will skip the steps of auto-configuring my network
  2. After installation, I am able to find a place where internet
  access is available.
  3. What are the commands to type to tell my installed Debian to
  auto-configure my network adapter?
  4. Do I have to type the commands in a console tty1 or Gnome3
 If you have GNOME you'd be as well using the software it provides,
 Network Manager. Otherwise there is interfaces(5) (man interfaces).
 It has oodles of examples to look at.

Note: network adapters defined in /etc/network/interfaces
(interface(5)) will be ignored by Network Manager. 

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Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-06-01 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
My knowledge and experience with aptitude is much better than with
apt/apt-get/apt-cache. As the first document comparing these tools I recommend
the one in the package debian-reference-en (or another language you prefer)
which of course is also available on the debian site.

The search option of aptitude is very versatile and from the man-page of
apt-cache(8) I couldn't find options equivalent to '~c' or '~g'.

apt-get has also a purge option but I haven't tried it on a list of already
removed packages.

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Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-06-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/06/14 01:51 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 01/06/14 12:16 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 11:05 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 06:49, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 03:25 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 03:05, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes 
as if
nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. 
Gnome and

xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see 
what is
happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual 
part I see
in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the 
top of

the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is 

continuing to increase.

That is the number of processes that are running
The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within 

Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the 

one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows the
of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over time. 

(which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just too 
annoying), the
(proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue chart shows 
lots of
spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above the blue 
spikes. On the
disk chart, the brown and blue charts show spikes in xcfe but 
jump to a
solid high level under KDE during the slowdown - although I do 
have one

saved screenshot where the disk activity shows a high number but the
and blue charts are both at a low level.

My interest in reading and helping with the specifics of your problem
pretty much evaporated when you persist in using brown and 
blue as

identifiers, even after you realise that the colors change depending
on the particular theme you are using. I think you are more likely to
receive help if you make the effort to learn what all the gkrellm
plots represent and present your problem in those terms instead of
talking about the pretty colors. That will both improve your
understanding of what is happening, and make it easier for people to
help you.

If you right-click on the proc plot you can discover that one 
curve is

load and the other is forks. The fact that one may or may not be
above the other is irrelevant because they both autoscale
Actually I don't discover that at all. That information is hidden 
away in an
info tab when I right-click on the Proc name bar, not in the plot 
area. The
name bar doesn't respond to left-clicks, just to right clicks, 
while the
chart area responds to left clicks by turning the procs and users 
info on

and off.

It takes a fair amount of interpretation to guess that the line is 
forks while the vertical bars are possibly procs (or vice-versa) 
since the
the line graph goes up and down while the number of procs reported 

constant. Similarly the spikes in the vertical bar chart don't seem to
reflect the stable number of procs being reported.

It would be helpful, but would require a larger interface, to have 
labels for the various graphs, such as a tool-tip style popup 
telling you

what the line or bar is measuring.

In the gkrellm configuration for the proc builtin, you can read the
info tab that explains more about that. Also in the setup of the proc
builtin I have entered this format string
\w1000\e$p\f procs\w1000\e$l\f load\n\e$u\f users\w1000\e$f\f forks

My proc setup was \w88\a$p\f procs\n\e$u\f users. When I try yours, 
it shows
two more numbers in the right side of the chart area. The top 
number goes
between 0.6 and 0.8 from time to time while the bottom number jumps 

between 1 and 6.

It gives more information, but nowhere near what running 'top' 

I guess that the gkrellm curve you care about is load, so you
probably need to look at the load average numbers in top. Searching
for information on this will find useful links like these:

Also 'iotop' can tell you what process is doing disk read/writes, 
might be helpful if you feel that the slowdown is correlated with 

process that is disk-intensive.

Once you have the process ID numbers, you can use a tool like 'pstree
-p' to better see what initiates the offending process.

I have no idea about KDE.

Unfortunately, neither top nor iotop identifies a process as doing 
remotely strenuous. However, iotop does confirm that the total i/o 
going on
when the computer is rather a lot. This is what GKrellm also shows 
in a
nicer format. The processes that iotop shows as doing 

Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-06-01 Thread Curt
On 2014-06-01, Gary Dale wrote:

 Curious. I noticed that nepomuk-server and dolphin both had a number of 
 zombie processes (around 16 each) attached. I killed the parent 
 processes then did a reinstall of dolphin and libnepomukcore4. 
 Nepomuk-server isn't running but I did restart dolphin. No current 
 zombie processes after a couple of hours and no slowdowns either.

Quite a few hits (bugs and threads) when you do an NSA-compatible google
search for high cpu usage with nepomuk.

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Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. enable internet access)?

2014-06-01 Thread Brian
On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 19:57:34 +0200, wrote:

 Brian wrote (Sun, 1 Jun 2014 14:15:25 +0100):
  On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 05:06:33 -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:
   Below is a scenario:
   1. I do not have internet access during installation of Debian. The
   install routine will skip the steps of auto-configuring my network
   2. After installation, I am able to find a place where internet
   access is available.
   3. What are the commands to type to tell my installed Debian to
   auto-configure my network adapter?
   4. Do I have to type the commands in a console tty1 or Gnome3
  If you have GNOME you'd be as well using the software it provides,
  Network Manager. Otherwise there is interfaces(5) (man interfaces).
  It has oodles of examples to look at.
 Note: network adapters defined in /etc/network/interfaces
 (interface(5)) will be ignored by Network Manager.

Both of us are cabable of reading

   As of Debian 6.0 Squeeze, NetworkManager does not manage any
   interface defined in /etc/network/interfaces by default.

   Unmanaged devices means NetworkManager doesn't handle those network
   devices. This occurs when two conditions are met:

I'll let you decide whether you need to modify your statement or the
wiki to conform with reality.

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Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-06-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/06/14 02:20 PM, Curt wrote:

On 2014-06-01, Gary Dale wrote:

Curious. I noticed that nepomuk-server and dolphin both had a number of
zombie processes (around 16 each) attached. I killed the parent
processes then did a reinstall of dolphin and libnepomukcore4.
Nepomuk-server isn't running but I did restart dolphin. No current
zombie processes after a couple of hours and no slowdowns either.

Quite a few hits (bugs and threads) when you do an NSA-compatible google
search for high cpu usage with nepomuk.
Probably, but getting to nepomuk is the hard part. Besides, I wasn't 
having high CPU usage. Whatever the load stats showed, it wasn't CPU 
or memory use. And the high disk i/o didn't show as being caused by 
nepomuk or any other process.

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cryptsetup problem

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan

I am trying to write /dev/zero across an entire RAID1 encrypted volume.

The RAID1 partition is new, I opened it fine with  luksOpen ...
and the next step is to write the /dev/zero across the whole partition.

Right now I am working in a crafted [with extra tools] dropbear
environment, but the same thing occurred in the normal environment.

Some further details follow, any ideas would be appreciated.  My next
inclination now is to allow mdadm to complete the mirroring before
opening the crypt volume and then writing /dev/zero to the whole volume.
 So, not opening the crypt volume until it is fully mirrored.

~/wrk # uname -a
Linux n4800eco-a 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.57-3 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[this is wheezy 7.5]

~/wrk # time pv -tpreb /dev/zero | dd of=/dev/mapper/md1_crypt bs=128M
 148GB 0:50:53 [  12MB/s] [
 = ]

Some operations seem to hang at the point of the failure.

md0 is all good:

# /sbin/mdadm -D /dev/md0
Version : 1.2
  Creation Time : Sat Jun  1 02:40:35 2013
 Raid Level : raid1
 Array Size : 291520 (284.74 MiB 298.52 MB)
  Used Dev Size : 291520 (284.74 MiB 298.52 MB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Sun Jun  1 16:35:06 2014
  State : clean
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

   Name : affinity-n54l-a:0  (local to host affinity-n54l-a)
   UUID : 3e1a27ad:66ade44e:c0e4f5bb:68ae0cd8
 Events : 135

Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
   0   8   170  active sync   /dev/sdb1
   2   811  active sync   /dev/sda1

md1 has problems

~ # /sbin/mdadm  -D /dev/md1
[no response no matter how long I waited]

~ # /sbin/lvm
lvm vgscan
  Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...
[also no response no matter how long I waited]

The disks were previously tested successfully with badblocks _before_
creating any mirrors in the dropbear environment.

All I seem to be able to do is reboot the box and start again, but it
fails every time with the same symptoms.

Here is some more output:

~ # cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md2 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sdd2[0] sde2[1]
  3883658048 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]

md1 : active raid1 sdb2[0] sdc2[1]
  3883658048 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]
  []  resync =  0.0% (3002496/3883658048)
finish=4557145.5min speed=14K/sec

md0 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sdb1[0] sdd1[2] sde1[3] sdc1[1]
  11709312 blocks super 1.2 [4/4] []

unused devices: none

The very small md0 crypt RAID1 volume is happy:

~ # /sbin/cryptsetup status md0_crypt
/dev/mapper/md0_crypt is active.
  cipher:  aes-xts-plain64
  keysize: 512 bits
  device:  /dev/md0
  offset:  4096 sectors
  size:23414528 sectors

But not the md1 crypt RAID1 volume :(

~ # /sbin/cryptsetup status md1_crypt
/dev/mapper/md1_crypt is active and is in use.
[then nothing more again, so just 1 line of output]

dmesg includes this:

[  434.875573] md: resync of RAID array md1
[  434.875582] md: minimum _guaranteed_  speed: 1000 KB/sec/disk.
[  434.875588] md: using maximum available idle IO bandwidth (but not
more than 20 KB/sec) for resync.
[  434.875598] md: using 128k window, over a total of 3883658048k.

Then a bunch of messages like this (until it seems to stop doing
anything further) :

[ 3839.679711] INFO: task kworker/3:3:392 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
[ 3839.679715] echo 0  /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs
disables this message.
[ 3839.679718] kworker/3:3 D 88007d393780 0   392  2
[ 3839.679725]  880036a1d7c0 0046 8800
[ 3839.679733]  00013780 88005aed5fd8 88005aed5fd8
[ 3839.679741]  8800368aff58 000181071069 0046
[ 3839.679749] Call Trace:
[ 3839.679757]  [a00bfb2e] ? wait_barrier+0xd7/0x118 [raid1]
[ 3839.679763]  [8103f6e2] ? try_to_wake_up+0x197/0x197
[ 3839.679770]  [a00c298b] ? make_request+0x111/0xa5b [raid1]
[ 3839.679777]  [a0135712] ? crypto_aes_decrypt_x86+0x5/0x5
[ 3839.679784]  [a0135712] ? crypto_aes_decrypt_x86+0x5/0x5
[ 3839.679791]  [a012523a] ? encrypt+0x3f/0x44 [xts]
[ 3839.679803]  [a00d3d47] ? md_make_request+0xee/0x1db [md_mod]
[ 3839.679809]  [81036628] ? should_resched+0x5/0x23
[ 3839.679814]  [8134e714] ? _cond_resched+0x7/0x1c
[ 3839.679821]  [8119969e] ? generic_make_request+0x90/0xcf
[ 3839.679829]  [a00e92c9] ? kcryptd_crypt+0x1f7/0x331 [dm_crypt]
[ 3839.679835]  [8105b5cf] ? process_one_work+0x161/0x269
[ 3839.679841]  [8105ab7b] ? cwq_activate_delayed_work+0x3c/0x48
[ 3839.679847]  

Re: cryptsetup problem

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 2/06/2014 5:12 AM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
 md0 is all good:

No that is on a different machine not the right /dev/md0


I also get no response back with /sbin/madm -D /dev/md0 on the problem


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Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-06-01 Thread Brian
On Sun 01 Jun 2014 at 20:05:23 +0200, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

 My knowledge and experience with aptitude is much better than with
 apt/apt-get/apt-cache. As the first document comparing these tools I recommend
 the one in the package debian-reference-en (or another language you prefer)
 which of course is also available on the debian site.
 The search option of aptitude is very versatile and from the man-page of
 apt-cache(8) I couldn't find options equivalent to '~c' or '~g'.

I think you are right here. The search functions of aptitude are more
powerful (in the sense that its inteface provides them) than those of
apt-get/apt-cache. ~c would require descending into dpkg, for example.

 apt-get has also a purge option but I haven't tried it on a list of already
 removed packages

It doesn't do anything. You have to resort to dpkg.

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Resizing LVM issue

2014-06-01 Thread Miroslav Skoric


I have encrypted LVM on one of my Wheezy machines, and recently noticed 
that /tmp space was too low for one application (In fact it was about 
350 MB and I wanted it to be around 2.5 GB). So I tried to make /tmp 
space bigger while I was mounted and online, but vgdisplay reported no 
free space for that action (something like that):

sys@localhost:~$ sudo vgdisplay
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name   localhost
  System ID
  Metadata Areas1
  Metadata Sequence No  9
  VG Access read/write
  VG Status resizable
  Cur LV6
  Open LV   6
  Max PV0
  Cur PV1
  Act PV1
  VG Size   297.85 GiB
  PE Size   4.00 MiB
  Total PE  76249
  Alloc PE / Size   76249 / 297.85 GiB
  Free  PE / Size   0 / 0
  VG UUID   fbCaw1-u3SN-2HCy-

Then I decided to shrink /home for some 2 gig and to add to /tmp :

sys@localhost:~$ sudo lvresize --size -2G /dev/mapper/localhost-home
sys@localhost:~$ sudo lvresize --size +2G /dev/mapper/localhost-tmp

According to df, it did so:

sys@localhost:~$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs329233   219069 93166  71% /
udev   102400 10240   0% /dev
tmpfs 304560  756303804   1% /run
/dev/mapper/localhost-root329233   219069 93166  71% /
tmpfs   51200  5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs 609100   80609020   1% /run/shm
/dev/sda1 23319131650189100  15% /boot
/dev/mapper/localhost-home 289312040 11966292 262649508   5% /home
/dev/mapper/localhost-tmp240831511231   2273129   1% /tmp
/dev/mapper/localhost-usr8647944  5745732   2462916  70% /usr
/dev/mapper/localhost-var2882592   916600   1819560  34% /var

It seems that /dev/mapper/localhost-tmp was about 2.4 GB so I wanted to 
resize newly changed filesystems:

sys@localhost:~$ sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/localhost-home
resize2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Filesystem at /dev/mapper/localhost-home is mounted on /home; on-line 
resizing required

resize2fs: On-line shrinking not supported

Similar output was with e2fsck:

sys@localhost:~$ sudo e2fsck -p /dev/mapper/localhost-home
/dev/mapper/localhost-home is mounted.
e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.


Obviously I should not have done that while being mounted (or did not 
know the proper syntax), however it did not complain with resize2fs 

But after the next reboot, it stopped when tried to perform Checking 
file systems:

/dev/mapper/localhost-home: The filesystem size (according to the 
superblock) is 73481216 blocks

The physical size of the device is 72956928 blocks
Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!

/dev/mapper/localhost-home: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.
 (i.e., without -a or -p options)

Anyway, the other segments of the filesystem were clean, so by CONTROL-D 
it was possible to terminate the shell, so to resume system boot.

My question is how to solve that inconsistency issue now? At first I 
tried with dumpe2fs in searching for backup superblocks, then with 
e2fsck -b one_of_those_backup_superblocks_from_the_list, but without 
resolution. I mean the inconsistency is not fixed. Probably I do not use 
e2fsck properly even when /home is not mounted. So the machine still 
keeps stopping during the boot at filesystem check, so I have to 
continue booting by pressing CONTROL-D.

Any suggestion?

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-06-01 Thread Jerry, AI0K

On 6/1/2014 11:42 AM, Bzzz wrote:

On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:24:45 -0400
Jerry Stuckle wrote:


I'll believe this official statement from ICANN over a blog...

¿ my link also comes from the site.

Your link comes from a blog on the site.  Mine does not.

And you have to understand that a root server (or any server, for that 
matter) does not necessarily mean a single machine.  There are things 
like hot backups and load balancers.  Even though they are separate 
physical machines, they can have the same URL and are considered one 
server as far as outside access goes.


I can make you a great deal on tin foil hats.

May be the best protection against the Outernet :)

So, how many do you want?

5, with 2 helicoïdal antennas hidden in fake horns (I'm
Breton, fan of Astérix and mobile Internet); the 5th with
2 side holes (it's for the dog).

No problem.


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Re: Resizing LVM issue

2014-06-01 Thread emmanuel segura
from man resize2fs

   If you wish to shrink an ext2 partition, first use resize2fs to
shrink the size of filesystem.  Then you may use fdisk(8) to shrink the
size of the partition.  When
   shrinking the size of the partition, make sure you do not make it
smaller than the new size of the ext2 filesystem!

i think the correct steps are:

resize2fs /dev/mapper/localhost-home -2G
lvresize --size -2G /dev/mapper/localhost-home

2014-06-01 22:00 GMT+02:00 Miroslav Skoric


 I have encrypted LVM on one of my Wheezy machines, and recently noticed
 that /tmp space was too low for one application (In fact it was about 350
 MB and I wanted it to be around 2.5 GB). So I tried to make /tmp space
 bigger while I was mounted and online, but vgdisplay reported no free space
 for that action (something like that):

 sys@localhost:~$ sudo vgdisplay
   --- Volume group ---
   VG Name   localhost
   System ID
   Metadata Areas1
   Metadata Sequence No  9
   VG Access read/write
   VG Status resizable
   MAX LV0
   Cur LV6
   Open LV   6
   Max PV0
   Cur PV1
   Act PV1
   VG Size   297.85 GiB
   PE Size   4.00 MiB
   Total PE  76249
   Alloc PE / Size   76249 / 297.85 GiB
   Free  PE / Size   0 / 0
   VG UUID   fbCaw1-u3SN-2HCy-

 Then I decided to shrink /home for some 2 gig and to add to /tmp :

 sys@localhost:~$ sudo lvresize --size -2G /dev/mapper/localhost-home
 sys@localhost:~$ sudo lvresize --size +2G /dev/mapper/localhost-tmp

 According to df, it did so:

 sys@localhost:~$ df
 Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
 rootfs329233   219069 93166  71% /
 udev   102400 10240   0% /dev
 tmpfs 304560  756303804   1% /run
 /dev/mapper/localhost-root329233   219069 93166  71% /
 tmpfs   51200  5120   0% /run/lock
 tmpfs 609100   80609020   1% /run/shm
 /dev/sda1 23319131650189100  15% /boot
 /dev/mapper/localhost-home 289312040 11966292 262649508   5% /home
 /dev/mapper/localhost-tmp240831511231   2273129   1% /tmp
 /dev/mapper/localhost-usr8647944  5745732   2462916  70% /usr
 /dev/mapper/localhost-var2882592   916600   1819560  34% /var

 It seems that /dev/mapper/localhost-tmp was about 2.4 GB so I wanted to
 resize newly changed filesystems:

 sys@localhost:~$ sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/localhost-home
 resize2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
 Filesystem at /dev/mapper/localhost-home is mounted on /home; on-line
 resizing required
 resize2fs: On-line shrinking not supported

 Similar output was with e2fsck:

 sys@localhost:~$ sudo e2fsck -p /dev/mapper/localhost-home
 /dev/mapper/localhost-home is mounted.
 e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.


 Obviously I should not have done that while being mounted (or did not know
 the proper syntax), however it did not complain with resize2fs

 But after the next reboot, it stopped when tried to perform Checking file

 /dev/mapper/localhost-home: The filesystem size (according to the
 superblock) is 73481216 blocks
 The physical size of the device is 72956928 blocks
 Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!

 /dev/mapper/localhost-home: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.
  (i.e., without -a or -p options)

 Anyway, the other segments of the filesystem were clean, so by CONTROL-D
 it was possible to terminate the shell, so to resume system boot.

 My question is how to solve that inconsistency issue now? At first I tried
 with dumpe2fs in searching for backup superblocks, then with e2fsck -b
 one_of_those_backup_superblocks_from_the_list, but without resolution.
 I mean the inconsistency is not fixed. Probably I do not use e2fsck
 properly even when /home is not mounted. So the machine still keeps
 stopping during the boot at filesystem check, so I have to continue booting
 by pressing CONTROL-D.

 Any suggestion?

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esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera

Re: Resizing LVM issue

2014-06-01 Thread Jochen Spieker
Miroslav Skoric:
 sys@localhost:~$ sudo lvresize --size -2G /dev/mapper/localhost-home
 sys@localhost:~$ sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/localhost-home

You did it the wrong way round. You have to shrink from top to bottom:
first the filesystem, then the LV (and then possibly the physical volume
followed by the partition).

It is hard to know whether your system already overwrote data previously
in /home after you cut a part off of it and gave that to /tmp/. If that
had happened to me, I would restore from backup. If you don't have a
backup you can try to resize the LV again to its original size and hope
for the best.

BTW, I found it to be good practice to initially use less than 100% of
available space on my PVs for the LVs. That way I can grow filesystems
that are too small easily when I need that space.

I am very intolerant with other drivers.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-06-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 14:18:56 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 Curiouser still. After a reboot, nepomukserver didn't start. Dolphin
 is still creating zombie processes but without nepomukserver, I
 haven't seen any fresh slowdowns. I'm not sure why nepomukserver
 isn't starting, but that's not a priority issue for me.  :)

When it was slow, what did top or htop show as the process taking all
the CPU?


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: fastest linux distro

2014-06-01 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 31 May 2014 00:31:35 Chris Angelico wrote:
 But if you have just 1GB, or 768MB, or 256MB, or
 whatever figure, can you still run a default Debian?

Do you mean with GNOME3?  Of course not!!  But surely choosing your desktop 
isn't that big a deal.  I install with LXDE, and add Trinity, and can run 
comfortably with less than 1GB.


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Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. enable internet access)?

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Brian
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. 
enable internet access)?

 If you have GNOME you'd be as well using the software it provides, Network 
 Manager. Otherwise there is interfaces(5) (man interfaces). It has
 oodles of examples to look at.

Did you mean that at the console, tty1, I type the following command?

sudo apt-get install network-manager

The installed NetworkManager package will auto-configure my laptop computer for 

By the way I have a thorough look at man interfaces. It contains heaps of 
commands and options but no examples for beginners on how to use them. 

To illustrate what I mean, see the first few paragraphs after I type man 


INTERFACES(5)    File formats    INTERFACES(5)

   /etc/network/interfaces  - network interface configuration for ifup and

   /etc/network/interfaces contains network interface configuration infor‐
   mation  for the ifup(8) and ifdown(8) commands.  This is where you con‐
   figure how your system is connected to the network.

   Lines starting with `#' are ignored. Note that end-of-line comments are
   NOT supported, comments must be on a line of their own.

   A line may be extended across multiple lines by making the last charac‐
   ter a backslash.

   The file consists of zero or more iface, mapping, auto,  allow-
   and source stanzas. Here is an example.
   auto lo eth0
   allow-hotplug eth1

   iface lo inet loopback

   source interfaces.d/machine-dependent

   mapping eth0
    script /usr/local/sbin/map-scheme
    map HOME eth0-home
    map WORK eth0-work

   iface eth0-home inet static
    up flush-mail

   iface eth0-work inet dhcp

   Lines  beginning with the word auto are used to identify the physical
   interfaces to be brought up when ifup is run with the -a option.  (This
   option  is  used by the system boot scripts.)  Physical interface names
   should follow the word auto on the same line.  There can be  multiple
   auto  stanzas.   ifup  brings  the  named  interfaces up in the order

   Lines beginning with allow- are  used  to  identify  interfaces  that
   should  be  brought  up automatically by various subsytems. This may be
   done using a command such as ifup --allow=hotplug  eth0  eth1,  which
   will  only  bring up eth0 or eth1 if it is listed in an allow-hotplug
   line. Note that allow-auto and auto are synonyms.

   Lines beginning with source are used to include  stanzas  from  other
   files, so configuration can be split into many files. The word source
   is followed by the path of file to be sourced. Shell wildcards  can  be
   used.  (See wordexp(3) for details.)

   Stanzas  beginning  with the word mapping are used to determine how a
   logical interface name is chosen for a physical interface that is to be
   brought  up.   The  first line of a mapping stanza consists of the word
   mapping followed by a pattern in shell  glob  syntax.   Each  mapping
   stanza  must contain a script definition.  The named script is run with
   the physical interface name as its argument and with  the  contents  of
   all  following  map  lines  (without the leading map) in the stanza
   provided to it on its standard input. The script must print a string on
   its  standard  output before exiting. See /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/exam‐
   ples for examples of what the script must print.

   Mapping a name consists of searching the remaining mapping patterns and
   running the script corresponding to the first match; the script outputs
   the name to which the original is mapped.

   ifup  is  normally  given  a  physical  interface  name  as  its  first
   non-option  argument.   ifup also uses this name as the initial logical
   name for the interface unless it is accompanied by  a   suffix  of  the
   form  =LOGICAL, in which case ifup chooses LOGICAL as the initial logi‐
   cal name for the interface.  It then maps this name, possibly more than
   once  according to successive mapping specifications,  until no further
   mappings are possible.  If the resulting  name  is  the  name  of  some
   defined  logical  interface then ifup attempts to bring up the physical
   interface as that logical interface.   Otherwise  ifup  exits  with  an

   Stanzas defining logical interfaces start with a line consisting of the
   word iface followed by the name of the logical interface.  In  simple
   configurations  without  mapping stanzas 

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Andrew McGlashan
To: Horatio Leragon 
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 Fuck off idiot, you can lead a horse to water stop calling me a troll.
 You are not just a simple troll. You are a vulgar one at that...capable of 
 hurling expletives.
 I have never asked for you by name to answer my question.
 Instead of answering it directly, you led me on a roundabout by telling me 
 about Tails and such.

 You have wasted my time and that's what trolls do.

 Quite frankly if you are not yet capable of dealing with the situation with 
 all the help you have gotten in good faith ... pay someone to do it for you 
 and stop wasting EVERYBODY else's time.

Who do you think you are? The owner of this mailing list? Dream on.

There are no rules on this mailing list that stipulate no beginners of Debian 
are allowed to ask questions.

If you have nothing relevant to contribute to my original question, stop 

Do yourself a big favor: stop wasting your time.

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Andrew McGlashan
To: Horatio Leragon 
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 Fuck off idiot, you can lead a horse to water stop calling me a troll.

You are not just a simple troll. You are a vulgar one at that...capable of 
hurling expletives.

I have never asked for you by name to answer my question.

Instead of answering it directly, you led me on a roundabout by telling me 
about Tails and such.

You have wasted my time and that's what trolls do.

Re: How to find dirs with single item

2014-06-01 Thread Alois Mahdal
On Thu, 29 May 2014 14:31:03 -0500
Dennis Wicks wrote:

 Can't quite figure out how to do this.
 I'd like to be able to scan a Volume or directory and find 
 all directories that have only one item in them. Either 
 directory or file.
 Any ideas??

This one

 *  wraps around find utility so that you can easily add
further constraints (those will only apply to the directory
you search, not to the child),

 *  works in good-old `sh`,

 *  returns true if found at least 1 (similar to grep),

 *  does not slurp the whole list, i.e. should start
printing matches ASAP instead of waiting for find to finish:


filter_single_item() {
while read path;
test $(ls $path | wc -l) -eq 1  echo $path  rv=0
return $rv

find $@ -type d | filter_single_item

Yes it's quite ineffective as it creates at least 3 processes
per each dir it scans, but it depends on your case if it's

OTOH, if you are sure no dir contains space, you could use
`echo` instead of ls and add -w option to wc.  Eventually you
could even replace wc with some trick with variable expansion.
(probably switching to bash for better tricks).

Alois Mahdal

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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 6/1/2014 8:13 PM, Horatio Leragon wrote:

*From:* Andrew McGlashan
*To:* Horatio Leragon
*Sent:* Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:08 PM
*Subject:* Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

  Fuck off idiot, you can lead a horse to water stop calling me a

You are not just a simple troll. You are a vulgar one at that...capable
of hurling expletives.

I have never asked for you by name to answer my question.

Instead of answering it directly, you led me on a roundabout by telling
me about Tails and such.

You have wasted my time and that's what trolls do.

The only one who has wasted his time is Andrew.  Maybe you didn't like 
his answer - but your question was not at all clear.

It is obvious you have no experience with Linux and expect the people on 
this list to help you with every little nuance for free.

Let me clue you - the people on this list are volunteers, and do what 
they do out of the goodness of their heart.

They are NOT here to provide you with basic training on Linux (or any 
other OS or products, for that matter).

You need to do something which I think is completely foreign to you  - 
take responsibility for your lack of knowledge.  Get a good book on 
Linux and learn the basics.  Or, better yet, take a course on basic 
Linux.  In the U.S., you can find such courses at local community 
colleges at fairly reasonable prices.  I don't know what they have 
available in Australia.  You might also find decent tutorials on the 
internet.  Books are also a good resource.

But if you expect this list to provide you with all the basics of using 
Linux, you are looking in the wrong place.

So take some personal responsibility for a change.


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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-06-01 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 2/06/2014 10:08 AM, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 If you have nothing relevant to contribute to my original question, stop

You have no idea what a troll is.  Calling me a troll is very
inappropriate and very offensive.  Do not answer any further emails from
me and I won't send any to you.


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Re: Test server boot niet meer

2014-06-01 Thread Dirk Schouten

On 6/1/14 2:46 PM, Frans van Berckel wrote:

Sinds een week of wat heb ik een server voor test doeleinden staan.

Mijn probleem is dat deze sinds een paar dagen niet meer boot!

Een probleem wat waarschijnlijk door eigen handelen is ontstaan. Naast
een gewoon, zat er ook een wireless toetsenbord aan. Waar een book op
lag. Paar keer gestart. Gaf een hoop gepiep, waarvan ik niks begreep.

Op een gegeven moment alle stekkers er uit en stap voor stap er weer in.

Wat doe de Acer Altos G5450 server nog wel en wat niet? Hij boot van een
USB stick (grub) naar een DOS image. Hij boot geen Windows CD. En geen
Linux kernel van USB. Althans, hij blijft tijdens de boot hangen. 

De laatste regel is ACPI. De cursor blijf knipperen, maar zet niet door.
Heb al even achter vmlinuz debug gezet, maar bied geen extra informatie.

ACPI zal wel niet het probleem zijn. Ben al tien keer door de BIOS
gelopen. Ook al een keer terug naar defaults.

Hoe zou jij dit aanpakken?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

Nu de goede post, ik vergat nog wat:

Wat ik zou den:
- moederbord boekje lezen
- bios resetten volgens boekje
- Bios settings: default
- geen draadloos toetsenbord aan een server zetten

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Re: Test server boot niet meer

2014-06-01 Thread Geert Stappers
Op 2014-06-01 om 16:33 schreef Frans van Berckel:
 On Sun, 2014-06-01 at 15:07 +0200, Dirk Schouten wrote:
  On 6/1/14 2:46 PM, Frans van Berckel wrote:
   Mijn probleem is dat deze sinds een paar dagen niet meer boot!
   Wat doe de Acer Altos G5450 server nog wel en wat niet? Hij boot van een
   USB stick (grub) naar een DOS image. Hij boot geen Windows CD. En geen
   Linux kernel van USB. Althans, hij blijft tijdens de boot hangen.
  Nu de goede post, ik vergat nog wat:
  Wat ik zou den:
  - moederbord boekje lezen
  - bios resetten volgens boekje
  - Bios settings: default
  - geen draadloos toetsenbord aan een server zetten
 Had vanmorgen de batterij op het main board reeds losgehaald en de Bios
 settings naar default gezet.
 Heb het draadloos toetsenbord sinds dien eigenlijk niet meer verbonden.

Vertel eens meer over 'hij blijft tijdens de boot hangen'.
Verwijder de bootparameter 'quiet' om te zien hoe ver ie komt.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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Re: Test server boot niet meer

2014-06-01 Thread Frans van Berckel
On Sun, 2014-06-01 at 16:58 +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:

 Vertel eens meer over 'hij blijft tijdens de boot hangen'.
 Verwijder de bootparameter 'quiet' om te zien hoe ver ie komt.

Is best veel typen. Heb dus maar even een foto gemaakt ...

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

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Re: Test server boot niet meer

2014-06-01 Thread Diederik de Haas
On Sunday 01 June 2014 19:04:12 Frans van Berckel wrote:
 Is best veel typen. Heb dus maar even een foto gemaakt ...

Misschien een idee om het te down-scalen zodat het geen 6MB is?

GPG: 0x138E41915C7EFED6

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Test server boot niet meer

2014-06-01 Thread Paul van der Vlis
op 01-06-14 14:46, Frans van Berckel schreef:
 Sinds een week of wat heb ik een server voor test doeleinden staan.
 Mijn probleem is dat deze sinds een paar dagen niet meer boot!
 Een probleem wat waarschijnlijk door eigen handelen is ontstaan. Naast
 een gewoon, zat er ook een wireless toetsenbord aan. Waar een book op
 lag. Paar keer gestart. Gaf een hoop gepiep, waarvan ik niks begreep.
 Op een gegeven moment alle stekkers er uit en stap voor stap er weer in.
 Wat doe de Acer Altos G5450 server nog wel en wat niet? Hij boot van een
 USB stick (grub) naar een DOS image. Hij boot geen Windows CD. En geen
 Linux kernel van USB. Althans, hij blijft tijdens de boot hangen. 
 De laatste regel is ACPI. De cursor blijf knipperen, maar zet niet door.
 Heb al even achter vmlinuz debug gezet, maar bied geen extra informatie.
 ACPI zal wel niet het probleem zijn. Ben al tien keer door de BIOS
 gelopen. Ook al een keer terug naar defaults.
 Hoe zou jij dit aanpakken?

Ik zou zoveel mogelijk hardware loskoppelen (harddisk, PCI-kaarten,
muis, etc.) en dan proberen te booten met een Debian install CD

Tegenwoordig gebruik ik ook vaak USB-sticks, belangrijk is wel dat die
zeker goed zijn (op ander systeem testen).

Mocht dat niet werken dan zou ik de overgebleven hardware (toetsenbord,
DVD-speler) evt. ook nog vervangen. Denk ook aan de kabels. Mocht het
niet helpen dan moet er een nieuw moederbord in.

Er is overigens een kernel optie 'noacpi'. Lang geleden was dat wel eens
zinnig. Als je er zin in hebt zou je het kunnen proberen, misschien
geeft het nog een clou.

Bedenk bij het resetten van het bios dat de defaults tegenwoordig vaak
gericht zijn op Windows 8.. Dingen als fastboot en secure boot zet
ik uit, en UEFI meestal ook.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Re: Test server boot niet meer

2014-06-01 Thread Frans van Berckel
On Sun, 2014-06-01 at 19:13 +0200, Diederik de Haas wrote:
 Misschien een idee om het te down-scalen zodat het geen 6MB is?

Dank je. Geeft eens een toelichting. Wat bedoel je precies?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frans van Berckel

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