Reconnaitre un gros disque dur

2004-04-05 Thread Greg
limité à 20 GIG. Il me semble avoir lu qque part que Linux ne se sert pas des informations matérielle contenue dans le BIOS. Vrais/faux? Si quelqu'un pouvait me pointer dans la bonne direction, j'apprécierais. -- Greg

Question sur les possibilitées d'un serveur de email

2004-04-05 Thread Greg
. -- Greg

Re: Reconnaitre un gros disque dur

2004-04-06 Thread Greg
-- Greg

Re: Reconnaitre un gros disque dur

2004-04-06 Thread Greg
On Monday April 5 2004 03:50, Frédéric Bothamy wrote: La bonne direction : ( en anglais) Fred Merci Fred, pas mal comme document -- Greg

Re: Question sur les possibilitées d'un serveur de email

2004-04-06 Thread Greg
: fetchmail ou getmail ? Merci encore -- Greg

Re: Reconnaitre un gros disque dur

2004-04-06 Thread Greg
qu'il n'y a pas de second disque dur, Linux le reconnait sans problème et je peux l'utiliser. -- - Jean-Luc Je ne veux que remplacer que le /home qui lui est déjà sur un disque à part. Le disque de boot reste un dd de 2.8G Je crois que je vais m'en sortir ;) -- Greg

Re: Pb grub qui plante sur le 2ie m OS linux installé

2006-03-22 Thread Greg
Essaie de booter sur un(e) live-cd type knoppix, ou plutôt puppy linux pour une config comme la tienne #mounte ta partition ou est installé ton pinguin mout /dev/hda1 /mnt/quelquechose #change la racine de ton systeme chroot . #verifie ton chroot ll /root #tu devrais voir tes précédents fichier

impossible de monter un second disque VFAT avec un noyau installé via apt-get

2006-03-22 Thread Greg
hda2 et hda4 correctement monté en VFAT mais refuse de monter hdb qui est VFAT aussi si je fais mount /dev/hdb1=error alreadymounted or /mnt/disk3 busy Si je boot sur le kernel 2.2.20-idepci d'origine aucun problème. Si je boot sur le kernel installé par apt-get, impossible de le

Re: Criez pas, on est pas sourds !!!

2006-03-27 Thread Greg
Je suis désolé mais je n'avais pas confirmé mon inscription en cliquant sur le lien ! Du coup, mes messages n'apparraisaient pas jausqu'à ce que je l'ai fait. Excusez mon manque d'expérience an mailling lists. Du coup pas de réponse non plus... De plus, quand je poste avec thunderbird et un

Problème de lecture de son : Lecture au ralentie.

2006-06-02 Thread greg
Bonjour, J'ai un petit soucis avec la lecture de mes musiques en console. Le son est joué au ralentie, je comprend pas alors que quand je les lance en mode graphique avec XMMS ca marche nickel. J'utilise ALSA. J'ai installé mpg321 et blastermp3 je crois. Si qqu a une idée ? MEric de votre aide.

Upgrader son noyau avec APT-GET

2006-06-03 Thread greg
Bonjour Est il possible d'upgrader son noyau par apt-get et utilisez le noyau par defaut sans recompiler ? MERCI à vous. PS : Personne n'a d'idée pour mon problème de son ? -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Vous pouvez aussi

Re: Etch - dovecot Imap

2007-04-27 Thread Greg
plein de choses. Il me semble avoir aussi vu passer un package debian pour cette version sur la mailing list de Dovecot. Greg

Re: Mon adresse mail est usurpée que faire.

2005-09-10 Thread Greg
Le Sat, 10 Sep 2005 21:34:15 +0200 greg Makowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit: Bonjour, Je viens de recevoir un message non désiré avec comme provenance ma propre adresse email. Que faire?? Envoyer le mail à) Sachant que moi je suis gmakowski Honnêtement, ça n'est pas

clamd = 100 % CPU

2008-04-15 Thread GREG
les logs (/var/log/messages /var/log/mail.err /var/log/mail.log ...) Avez vous déjà eu cette problématique ? j'ai cherché dans les bugs reports de clamav mais rien de probant. Merci par avance, Greg -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

[Fwd: Re: [HS] faire cesser des attaques incessantes]

2008-08-26 Thread GREG
Bonjour tu peux déjà identifier le provider de ton attaquant via : whois ipdelamachinequiattaque tu dois avoir dans le résultat un mail style [EMAIL PROTECTED] tu fais un mail à son fournisseur d'accès en précisant que tu as des attaques en provenance de l'adresse ip en question. (indique

Re: aggregation de mails sous forme de fichiers de log

2009-07-22 Thread Greg
:// -- Greg -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To: Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe vers debian-user-french-requ

Re: aggregation de mails sous forme de fichiers de log

2009-07-22 Thread Greg, faire un alias dans /etc/aliases : moulinette: | /usr/local/bin/ et ce script qui fait ce que tu veux de ce mail. Ya des exemples qui traine sur le net, demande à Google. -- Greg -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : http

Re: [HS... Quoi que...] Rien n'est dans le sujet...

2009-07-23 Thread Greg
l'impression de relire les mêmes coups de gueules depuis 1998 :o) -- Greg -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To: Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet

Re: systeme de fichier sur plusieurs disques

2009-08-26 Thread Greg
sources ! -- Greg -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To: Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe vers debian-user-french-requ

Re: Réalisation d'un installateur debian

2009-09-02 Thread Greg
:) -- Greg

crash apache2 depuis quelques semaines

2009-09-11 Thread Greg
: double free or corruption (out): 0x7fff4f81cf40 *** *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/apache2: double free or corruption (out): 0x7fff4f81bec0 *** [Fri Sep 11 09:50:14 2009] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down -- Greg -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : http

Re: Limiter le nombre d'applications par utilisateurs

2010-06-04 Thread Greg
(par défaut sur Debian). -- Greg -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe vers En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS listmas

Re: [CD-ROM personnalise]

2008-02-12 Thread Greg
Le mardi 12 février 2008 15:14, Alain a écrit : Bonjour la liste, Hello, J'ai bien téléchargé tous les paquets dont j'ai besoin, tenté de créer un fichier preseed.cfg et modifié le fichier isolinux.cfg pour qu'il utilise ce fichier, Pas besoin de toucher isolinux.cfg pour ça. Si le fichier

Re: [CD-ROM personnalise]

2008-02-25 Thread Greg
commande 'deconf-get-selections --installer' (package debconf-utils) et regarder les options qui peuvent t'intéresser. Greg

Re: more serious

2002-03-05 Thread greg
'greg' Galazka | gg #1835019 do zrobienia smutnego grymasu potrzeba az 42 miesni, a tylko 4 do wyprostowania srodkowego palca i powiedzenia im, ze moga mi skoczyc

optymalizacja na i686

2002-04-10 Thread greg
galazka -- Grzegorz 'greg' Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 do zrobienia smutnego grymasu potrzeba az 42 miesni, a tylko 4 do wyprostowania srodkowego palca i powiedzenia im, ze moga mi skoczyc -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: ile plytek ?

2002-04-11 Thread greg
mi sie sciagac wszystkich 8 plytek. pierwsza + pociagnij sobie paczki ktorych tam nie ma (+ dependencies) z netu :) i zamiast wu-ftpd postaw proftpd Mam nadzieje ze wkacu dotrze do mojego miasteczka jakis normalny Provider i bede mial normalne lacze :) nie Ty jeden... g -- Grzegorz 'greg

Re: Kompilacja kernela po upgradzie

2002-04-25 Thread greg
_starszymi_ wersjami jadra... sproboj skompilowac 2.4.18 greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 do zrobienia smutnego grymasu potrzeba az 42 miesni, a tylko 4 do wyprostowania srodkowego palca i powiedzenia im, ze moga mi skoczyc -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Problem z kompilacja

2002-08-21 Thread greg
nie chce mi go skompilować. Czy brakuje jakiegoś pakietu? Kompilator C++ zainstalowany poprzez tasksel. a skad to wytrzasnales? ten drv. powinien byc w zrodlach jadra wiec stamtad go skompiluj greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 () ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail

Re: Problem z kompilacja

2002-10-06 Thread greg
checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables czego mi brakuje w systemie ze nie potrafię skonfigurować tego źródełka?? linkera nie masz apt-get install binutils greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 () ascii ribbon

Re: Mplayer i fullscreen oraz czcionki.

2002-10-06 Thread greg
innego rozwiazania niz zmiana ,,device'a'', jesli ktos zna rozwiazanie i chce mu sie odpisywac to poprosze o jakies sugestie, jesli nie to kiedys pogooglam w wolnym czasie... mplayer -vo sdl greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 () ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail

Re: WMaker

2002-10-06 Thread greg
On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 13:00:36 +0200 Wiktor Warmus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jak zrobic aby WMaker byl wlaczany domyslnie (zamiast np. kdm)?? $EDITOR ~/.xsession wklepac w pliku 'exec wmaker' greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 () ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail

Re: nie moge uruchomiæ graficznego interfejsu

2002-10-07 Thread greg
On Sat, 5 Oct 2002 19:01:20 +0200 Darek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: zainstalowalem wood'iego z jadrem bf2.4. ale nie moge uruchomic graficznego interfejsu. prosze o pomoc zalaczam log z bledami a odpal X-y na driverze od swojej karty graficznej a nie na vga_drv.o greg -- Grzegorz Galazka

Re: avi-avi

2002-10-21 Thread greg
to zrobic? jakis tools z mplayera? mencoder? greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 () ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail /\- against microsoft attachments

Re: poczatkujacy

2002-11-05 Thread greg
win* soft bedzie brzebal w MBR to nic nie zepsuje. greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 Life is a bitch and then you die.

Re: zamiast modprobe ip_masq_ftp

2002-11-05 Thread greg
ip_nat_ftp greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 Life is a bitch and then you die.

Re: zazadzanie pakietami...

2002-11-06 Thread greg
ktore maja zostac greg -- Grzegorz Galazka RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 Life is a bitch and then you die.

Re: zdlane x-sy

2002-11-07 Thread greg
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002 21:55:18 +0100 hipiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: jak podlaczyc sie zdalnie przez ssh spod windowsa (XP) do serwera i odpalic x-sy i moc ogladac wyniki u siebie??? afair musisz uzyc cygwina greg -- Grzegorz Galazka greg__(at)jabber(dot)org RLU #219601 | gg #1835019 Life

Re: Kazaa2

2002-12-06 Thread greg
przepustowosci lacza. Ogranicz wiec usera do takiej przepustowosci i juz greg -- Grzegorz Galazka greg__(at)jabber(dot)org RLU #219601 | gg # __use_Jabber() Life is a bitch and then you die.

Re: zablokowanie dostepyu do katalogow innych uzytkownikow

2002-12-13 Thread greg
a na home 700 greg -- Grzegorz Galazka greg__(at)jabber(dot)org RLU #219601 | gg # __use_Jabber() Life is a bitch and then you die.

Re: problem z .bin bylo:

2004-03-29 Thread Greg
. dzieki ,,romek. prezesylam odpowiedz elo ziomal to fajnie ze sciagnales musisz zrobic chmod 755 plik.bin i ./plik.bin nie ma sprawy trzymaj sie! greg bleh -- Grzegorz Galazka # catch me via Jabber: RLU

Re: blad libpam-runtime

2004-04-14 Thread Greg
On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 10:04, MRH wrote: mam podobnie, próbowałem też # dpkg --configure libpam-runtime ten sam błąd. Chyba coś spsutego w pakiecie, zobaczę za kilka dni. greg -- Grzegorz Galazka # catch me via Jabber: RLU #219601

Re: iptraf.

2004-05-22 Thread Greg
, a wystawienie go na www. greg -- Grzegorz Galazka # catch me via Jabber: RLU #219601 # greg__(at)jabber(dot)org God is always invented to explain those things that you do not understand. / R.Feynman /

Re: Sid ?

2004-06-15 Thread Greg
wiecej) wady: czasem (rzadko, ale zawsze, zwlaszcza jak nowe rzeczy wchodza) potrafi mniej lub wiecej sie popsuc. Ja uzywam od paru lat i nie narzekam. greg -- Grzegorz Galazka # catch me via Jabber: RLU #219601 # greg__(at)jabber(dot)org God is always invented to explain those things

Re: LILO - jak uniemożliwić hidden partycji

2004-06-28 Thread Greg
On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 20:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jeśli ktoś wie, w czym tkwi problem to proszę o pomoc. wpisz do lilo.conf change-rules reset (ja to mam przed linią # Boot up Linux by default. ) greg PS. nie zapomnij zrobic /sbin/lilo -- Grzegorz Galazka # catch me via Jabber

Re: debian 2.0 cd from lsl

1998-10-02 Thread Greg
Their site is up again... Rahul Sood wrote: 2 weeks ago I ordered the Debian 2.0 CD from Linux System Labs in Michigan, US, and included a $50 contribution to Debian with my payment. I haven't heard from them since, and their web site, is down. Has anyone bought from lsl

Re: can't install debian

1998-10-04 Thread Greg
More information, if you please... Nir wrote: Hi My machine rejects every attempt I make to install debian Is there solution avaliable? -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

Troubles with compiling Oracle 8.0.5 on Potato

2000-06-20 Thread Greg
We need to install Oracle 8.0.5 on Potato but compiler reports some errors due to incompatibility glibc2.0 with glibc2.1 at the source level. On Slink everything was ok. My chief said, that there is a package for RedHat, solving that kind of trouble. (compat-glibc 5.2- Is there Debian

How can I upgrade

2001-08-22 Thread Greg
*formerly GECOS * SUCCESS --- `aptget' is a work of art...thanx

Re: IRQs

2001-08-23 Thread greg
David Frischknecht wrote: Hello, I was wondering how I could specify my soundcard to use IRQ 5. I looked at the configuration in Windows, and that's what it uses. Thanks a bunch. = David A. Frischknecht

Re: Help - Large Files Support

2001-08-23 Thread greg
Thomas Zimmerman wrote: On 23-Aug 01:08, David McNab wrote: Hi all, I've just now managed (after a few attempts) to install deb testing/unstable, and find Debian to be unquestionably the best Linux distro to date. One thing I need help with is in getting large files support

Re: X server can't find mouse

2001-08-23 Thread greg
David Roundy wrote: On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 10:45:46PM -0700, David wrote: If problems persist, you may want to consider dumping gpm all together. It was giving me problems once upon a time, and I've never missed it any time I've removed it. It doesn't seem to provide much functionality


2001-08-23 Thread greg
Would anyone tell me how I can verify my downloaded debs ?

Re: dual boot from two hdd

2001-08-24 Thread greg
V.Surya Narayanan wrote: Hello How can I boot my system with dual boot like having windows in one harddisk and linux on another harddisk. How to configure my lilo. please help me to solve this problem. Thankz V.Suryanarayan

Re: apt-get

2001-08-24 Thread greg
greg wrote: Would anyone tell me how I can verify my downloaded debs ? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] It does it as you download...don't ask me how...

Re: HELP: bootloader problems....

2001-08-24 Thread greg
Bruno Boettcher wrote: On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 09:07:08PM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote: Hello! now after several successful reboots with grub, and having changed nothing at the booloader, now the thing stops at stage 2 with a error no 21 BTW i switched to grub, because there was

Re: magic sysrq key

2001-08-24 Thread greg
Cyan Ogilvie wrote: On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 12:53:26AM +0200, thomas wrote: Is there a way to enable the magic SysRq key without compiling a custom kernel? Why is it not built in the Debian kernel? If policy demands that it should be disabled by default then this could be done via

Re: apt-get

2001-08-24 Thread greg
John Galt wrote: debsums On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, greg wrote: Would anyone tell me how I can verify my downloaded debs ? -- The early worm gets the bird. Who is John Galt? [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who! ...thanx ... i'll try it ! ...g.b...

Re: audio works, but only as root

2001-08-24 Thread greg
Timeboy wrote: On Fri, 24 Aug 2001 08:04:15 -0500, Rich wrote: **Howdy all, ** ** I've got my soundblaster card working, with appropriate entries in ** /etc/modutils, but it will not autoload, and I have to do: ** ** su -c modprobe sb ** ** to get it to work. My /etc/group


2001-08-24 Thread greg
Professionally Coded Idiocy


2001-08-25 Thread greg
will force on demande d from msspider


2001-08-25 Thread greg
wimps donut reply

[Fwd: IDE tape drive]

2001-08-30 Thread greg
Original Message Subject: IDE tape drive Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 19:49:01 -0700 (PDT) Resent-From: Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 04:46:54 +0200 From: Martin F Krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: debian users hi guys, i have a

[Fwd: Re: sockets without processes]

2001-08-30 Thread greg
Original Message Subject: Re: sockets without processes Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 19:36:51 -0700 (PDT) Resent-From: Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 19:28:27 -0700 From: Bob Galloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Martin F Krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED],debian users


2001-08-30 Thread greg
How about adding a security section to the distribution page ?

file permissions fix

2001-08-31 Thread greg
I have managed to clobber my /var directory with a paranoid `chmod' command. I've reset everything with `chmod -R 777 /var' and am waiting for 6:30 am EDT to see if `cron' does the crash'n'burn. Any suggestions ? I'd be quite thankful...g.b...


2001-08-31 Thread greg
I've tried to install and use PGP but I'm having problems finding a suitable package for my Debian/GNUlinux 2.2 system. Would anyone point me in the right direction ?

Re: XFree 4.1 and DRI stability

2001-08-31 Thread greg
Herbert Pirke wrote: Hi Debian Users, I just got the whole DRI thing working and to try it out, I installed Q3-Arena. I'm running an 2.4.8 SMP-kernel and XFree 4.1. on a Voodoo3. The thing is, that this configuration is extremly instable. I can reproduce crashes (complete system

Re: PrettyGoodPrivacy

2001-08-31 Thread greg
Danie Roux wrote: On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 09:05:16AM -0400, greg wrote: I've tried to install and use PGP but I'm having problems finding a suitable package for my Debian/GNUlinux 2.2 system. Would anyone point me in the right direction ? Use GnuPG. It's compatible with PGP and patent

Re: wu-ftp vulnerability

2001-11-28 Thread greg
Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 12:35:13PM +1100, John Griffiths wrote: At 05:22 PM 11/28/01 -0800, Greg Wiley wrote: Debian 2.2 is on the list. Does this effect wu-ftpd's that don't allow anonymous access? i.e. if only user's can log on, and I trust

Re: Computer won't power off

2001-11-29 Thread greg
check to make sure that your module config hasn't changed. i.e., check for the apm module in /etc/modules. -=greg

Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-05 Thread Greg
Richard Lyons wrote: On Friday, 30 December 2005 at 21:55:27 -0700, Jules Dubois wrote: On Friday 30 December 2005 09:24, Richard Lyons [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: On Thursday, 29 December 2005 at 22:12:26 -0700, Jules Dubois wrote: [...] SCSI emulation is not required in

Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-14 Thread Greg
Seeker5528 wrote: On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 16:32:17 -0400 Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: My experience, FWIW, Simply put: In kernel 2.4, ide-scsi module, we got used to the scsi-emulation concept. Whereas, In kernel 2.6, we were (somewhat confusingly, IMO) told the above, i.e.: SCSI emulation

Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-15 Thread Greg
Seeker5528 wrote: On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 20:17:50 -0400 Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Don't you think it would be more confusing to tell people that SCSI emulation was built in to ide-cd. If you tell them that then they will be expecting to have srX devices for their drives 1) I have symlinks

Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-15 Thread Greg
Joris Huizer wrote: Greg wrote: Seeker5528 wrote: On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 20:17:50 -0400 Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Don't you think it would be more confusing to tell people that SCSI emulation was built in to ide-cd. If you tell them that then they will be expecting to have srX

Re: thumderbird web links in firefox

2006-01-15 Thread Greg
4 now, Greg. #| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] # # --o-o-0-o-o-- Linux and Internet since 1992# # To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Leave A Legacy. # AlexJones,NoamChomsky,9/11,Oil,Arms,Drugs,GREED. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe

Re: kernel 2.4.* vs 2.6.* and ATAPI dvd question

2006-01-16 Thread Greg
Joris Huizer wrote: Greg wrote: which device do you write to ? (there's a reason I ask, I'll elucidate when sober...^hic)};) I call cdrecord as follows: cdrecord --force dev=ATA:1,0,0 that means, the ATA:1,0,0 device hmm, as I think of that, I guess that's a scsi naming scheme; I think I

Re: bittorrent query?

2005-09-28 Thread Greg
Brendan wrote: On Tuesday 27 September 2005 10:25 am, Paolo Alexis Falcone wrote: On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 10:12 -0400, Ishwar Rattan wrote: I just installed bittorrent-3.4.2-5 from testing. What is the command to invoke it? man btdownloadcurses -- if you want the ncurses-based UI man

Ready to join the club..

2005-10-21 Thread Greg
on the other drive and will itput the boot loader file on the main drive, the one that holds WinME? I've sorted for this topic what wasn't able to find information on my setup. Thank you in advance, Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Ready to join the club..

2005-10-21 Thread Greg
. Not what I was hoping for. Is there a way to install the desktop environment with doing a whole re-install. Again, thaks to all. Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ready to join the club..

2005-10-21 Thread Greg
+ scroll wheel. Any help you can provide would be great. Thank you, Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ready to join the club..

2005-10-21 Thread Greg
I got the mouse and desktop to work. I will post tomorrow regarding how I did it. I have a few more things to fix (wireless networking, etc), but I like what I see so far. It seems to be a very elegent operating system. Good night. Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Ready to join the club..

2005-10-22 Thread Greg
Okay. I played with some of the mouse settings and was able to get into X but mouse wouldn't work. I googled some and found this from Kent West; If you're in X, press Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get to the second virtual terminal; if you're not in X, you're fine where you are. apt-get install gpm Tell gpm

Re: Ready to join the club..

2005-10-22 Thread Greg
Yes, GB not MB. My bad. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ready to join the club..

2005-10-22 Thread Greg
. When I'm at the command line and I turn on my camera, it recognizes that it's a Sony (DSC-V1), but not which model. I can't download photo's or even list the files on the camera. Same situation in desktop environment or command line. Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED

Wireless Help

2005-10-22 Thread Greg
on the files, not much happens. How do I install this? I know binary files should be easier to install than source packages, which are supposed to be compiled prior to installation. Thank you in advance, Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble

Re: Ready to join the club..

2005-10-22 Thread Greg
Kent West wrote: 3) This list generally discourages top-posting (putting your reply about the text of the message to which you're replying). Interspersed contextual replies are preferred... Understood. Etiquette is import. Again, thanks for the help. Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Re: Wireless Help

2005-10-23 Thread Greg
in my pc. When I run a line to my router I can surf the net, etc, from Debian. So my main goal is to get the system to see and use the wireless card. Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wireless Help

2005-10-29 Thread Greg
=viewarticleartid=500 Thank all for their help. Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Changeing capslock to control

2005-12-07 Thread Greg
Bob Vloon wrote: Hi Ed, Is there an userspace application to change the capslock to control? ^^ In the old days it was the xf86Config file, but doesn't seem to be now. Please advise and thanks, On Sarge, in my

Re: Debian 5.0 On Dell Latitude CP 233MT

2009-03-02 Thread Greg
added debug to the logging level of udev, which gave me a ton of messages, but they don't show up in dmesg, just the screen as its booting, how can I log these messages to a file? -- Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble

Re: apt-get dist-upgrade gave me emacs

2005-06-15 Thread Greg
David Jardine wrote: I woke up this morning to find that apt-get dist-upgrade, which had been running since the night before, was downloading emacs packages. - I've never had emacs on this machine. HearHear, Snap! - A subsequent dpkg -l showed no sign of emacs. Cool Bananas, - There

Re: How to capture bootup messages?

2005-06-15 Thread Greg
Paulo M C Aragão wrote: Colin Ingram wrote on Jun, 15: This is curious. I'm running Debian stock kernel 2.4.27-2-686 and neither: CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS=y CONFIG_LEGACY_PTY_COUNT=256 I don't think these are needed or that they are the problem seem to be configured (checked

Re: Fun with grub

2005-06-20 Thread Greg
Rob Bochan wrote: On Sunday 19 June 2005 12:21 pm, Hans Hofker wrote: Well, grub does have a 'cat' command (see 'info grub'), but apparently it is only valid on the command line and in menu entries, NOT in the global section of the menu. So, it is not what you are looking for :-( No,

Maxtor IDE controller cards not working

2004-03-05 Thread Greg
information that anyone needs, then I would be happy to supply it. Any assistance would be appreciated. TIA, Greg dmesg: Linux version 2.4.21 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.2.3 20030316 (Debian prerelease)) #1 Sun Aug 3 20:15:59 PDT 2003 BIOS-provided physical RAM map: BIOS-e820

RE: Maxtor IDE controller cards not working

2004-03-06 Thread Greg
and does not have a /usr/src/linux/Documentation file, but I think I can use something else - just don't know what. But thanks on the MAKEDEV tip - I really appreciate it. Greg -Original Message- From: Greg Folkert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 1:09 AM

RE: Maxtor IDE controller cards not working

2004-03-06 Thread Greg
You are correct. Thanks. However I am now working on creating /dev/hd0 and /dev/hdm (MAKEDEV only goes so far up the alphabet). I think mknod is the answer. Greg -Original Message- From: Jamin W. Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 1:43 AM To: [EMAIL

RE: Maxtor IDE controller cards not working

2004-03-06 Thread Greg
. Is there a limit to devices - perhaps in the kernel ? On the box in question I am running a hacked version of Debian called Libranet but other than some nice GUI apps, it seems that Libranet is just Woody plus some of Sarge's most popular apps (samba, apache, etc). Greg -Original Message- From: Greg

RE: Maxtor IDE controller cards not working

2004-03-06 Thread Greg
Good catch, but the mistake was in the email. I did type MAKEDEV hdo and MAKEDEV hdm on my pc and still no joy .. I really *wish* I had just typed a typo ... I *think* that linux has a limit of 255 devices and perhaps I have reached my limit. I will try deleting some of them and see. Greg

RE: Maxtor IDE controller cards not working

2004-03-06 Thread Greg
Thanks ! I had just looked at man MAKEDEV (if all else fails look at the instructions !) and noticed that MAKEDEV will only make devices from hda to hdl - which would put a serious dent in my fileserver building efforts. Once again, thanks. Greg -Original Message- From: Colin Watson

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