suppressing ip-up/down scripts with pppd?

2000-07-30 Thread Chris R. Martin
Is there any option you can give to pppd that will suppress the running of 
the scripts in the ip-up.d and ip-down.d ?? I'm trying to set up a vpn 
using ppp but it seems like that this will cause a problem when I start the 
second pppd process (I use a dynamic DNS service, and I definitely don't 
want that script to run again).

"I chose not to choose Life. I chose something else."
-- Renton, Trainspotting

PLEASE help me with apache package

2000-07-15 Thread Chris R. Martin

I've installed Apache 1.3.9-13.1 (from frozen)

I can access the default page from my windoze box, but any other page 
(including the links on the default page) gives the client 403 Forbidden. 
I've checked and all the directories and files should be world accessible 
(read, execute world).

Why is the debian package configured like this by default? How can I set it 
up so it works "normally" ?

Chris Martin
"I chose not to choose Life. I chose something else."
-- Renton, Trainspotting

Apache default configuration?

2000-07-06 Thread Chris R. Martin

I've installed Apache 1.3.9-13.1 (from frozen)

I can access the default page from my windoze box, but any other page 
(including the links on the default page) gives 403 Forbidden. I've check 
and all the directories and files should be world accessible.

Why is the debian package configured like this by default? How can I set it 
up so it works "normally" ?

Chris Martin
"I chose not to choose Life. I chose something else."
-- Renton, Trainspotting

pty-redir package?

2000-07-01 Thread Chris R. Martin

Is there a debian package containing the pty-redir program?

Chris Martin
"I chose not to choose Life. I chose something else."
-- Renton, Trainspotting

Re: no ssh in frozen?

2000-03-28 Thread Chris R. Martin
Just to answer my own question, I *DID* find the ssh package in frozen.. I 
forgot to look at a non-US mirror. Stupid export laws.

Chris Martin

no ssh in frozen?

2000-03-27 Thread Chris R. Martin
I noticed there is no ssh package in frozen.. is it not to be included in 
the next release? Can the ssh in stable be used with the other packages in 


Apache "initial" webpage

2000-03-21 Thread Chris R. Martin
I've installed Apache 1.3.9-12 and apache-doc 1.3.9-12. The initial web 
page that Apache installs has a link to the documentation, but I get "403 
Forbidden" when I click on it.

I've tried creating symlinks to the documentation from /var/www to 
/usr/doc/apache, but no matter what I do, I always get the 403. I tried 
creating a directory under /var/www/ and copying the initial index.html 
there, and I still get 403. Permissions look okay, though.

Please cc: me when replying to the list.

Chris Martin

please help with new samba

2000-02-19 Thread Chris R. Martin
I upgraded my samba package to frozen (2.0.6), and now it doesn't work with 
my old smb.conf file. I've been up and down the samba docs and I've tried 
all sorts of options which don't seem to have any effect (which probably 
means I'm missing something basic). I can't even list the shares on the 
server itself:

server:/etc/samba# smbclient -L server
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a
Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

From a windoze machine, I'm asked for a password for \\SERVER\IPC$ 
connection, and I can't browse the shares. This used to all work fine with 
the old samba. Basically I want the windoze PCs on the local network to 
have complete password-free access to /public, and still keep home 
directories private. Here's my (old) smb.conf:

; Make sure and restart the server after making changes to this file, ex:
; /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb stop
; /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

; Uncomment this if you want a guest account
   guest account = ftp
   log file = /var/log/samba-log.%m
   lock directory = /var/lock/samba
   share modes = yes
   workgroup = ACMELABS
   security = share
; added EnablePlainTextPassword to Win98 registry
;   encrypt passwords = yes

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   read only = no
   create mode = 0750

   comment = Temporary file space
   path = /public
   read only = no
   public = yes

please, if there's anything I'm missing, let me know... this has been the 
only "problem" I've seen with potato.. but it's a biggie for me.


login.access v. login-PAM

2000-02-13 Thread Chris R. Martin
I recently upgraded my server to frozen, however now I cannot telnet in as 
root from my local network. In my old login.access I had:


What is the equivalent for login-PAM?


setting up new samba

2000-02-05 Thread Chris R. Martin
I recently installed the 2.0.5a-1 version of samba, and now I've seemed to 
lost access to shares stored on this machine from my win98 boxes. I'm using 
the same smb.conf file, but windoze either says "no permission to access 
resources" or asks for a password for "//SERVER/$IPC" or something like that.

Basically I want all directories to be publicly accessible except for 
users' home directories (which is what I had before).

What are the important parameters to set for this kind of access?


bad modem?

2000-01-31 Thread Chris R. Martin
I recently got a modem for my Linux server, and it seem to have some 
problems. When I first connect it seems to work okay, but after a varying 
amount of time (5-15 min) I see the following log messages:

Jan 30 18:21:21 server pppd[255]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x8e98729b]
Jan 30 18:21:23 server pppd[255]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0x1742385f]
Jan 30 18:33:21 server pppd[255]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x19 magic=0x8e98729b]
Jan 30 18:33:23 server pppd[255]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x19 magic=0x1742385f]
Jan 30 18:33:51 server pppd[255]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1a magic=0x8e98729b]
Jan 30 18:34:21 server pppd[255]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1b magic=0x8e98729b]
Jan 30 18:34:21 server pppd[255]: rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0x1b magic=0x8e98729b]
Jan 30 18:34:21 server pppd[255]: sent [LCP EchoRep id=0x1b magic=0x8e98729b]
Jan 30 18:34:21 server pppd[255]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1b magic=0x8e98729b]
Jan 30 18:34:21 server pppd[255]: appear to have received our own echo-reply!

During this time it seems ppp/file transfers work fine, and then suddenly 
stop. If I poff and then pon, it seems to work fine again for a little while.

Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do about this?


apt, dpkg, dselect, and deity?

2000-01-16 Thread Chris R. Martin
Forgive me, I've been out of the Debian world for a while. I'm having 
trouble figuring out the relationship between apt, dpkg, dselect, and 
"deity" (which seems to be something in development). I know what dselect 
and dpkg are; dselect acts as a frontend (or used to) for dpkg. How does 
apt and deity fit into that picture? Are they replacements? It seems like 
dselect uses something called "apt-get" now for ftp and such, but why is 
there a dpkg-ftp package?

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.

upgrading multiple machines to 2.1r4

2000-01-15 Thread Chris R. Martin
I'd like to upgrade a few networked machines to 2.1r4, and since I have 
only a slow dialup connection to the net, I'd like to only download each 
package I need once. However, I really don't have the space or time for a 
full mirror. What would be the best way to make sure I can (re)use the 
packages I've downloaded with dselect?

Chris Martin 

fsck output logged?

1999-07-16 Thread Chris R. Martin
I had a power outage and had a server power cycle unattended. I was
wondering, is there any place that the output from fsck is logged when the
machine is coming up?

I'm using Debian 2.0


strange log messages/behavior

1999-03-15 Thread Chris R. Martin
Has anyone ever seen these messages before? Does anyone know what they mean?

Mar 14 17:27:19 server init: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5
Mar 14 17:28:50 server init: Id "2" respawning too fast: disabled for 5
Mar 14 17:29:39 server init: Id "3" respawning too fast: disabled for 5
Mar 14 17:29:42 server init: Id "4" respawning too fast: disabled for 5
Mar 14 17:29:45 server init: Id "5" respawning too fast: disabled for 5
Mar 14 17:29:49 server init: Id "6" respawning too fast: disabled for 5
Mar 14 17:29:49 server init: no more processes left in this runlevel

My server stoped responding to telnet and ftp (it would immediately close
the connection). SAMBA and NFS still seemed to work however. So I got
access to the console, and tried to log in, it gave me the above messages
on the screen (and I found these in /var/log/syslog). Anyway, I did not see
any recourse other than to hit reset, because Ctrl-Alt-Del did not respond

How should I have dealt with this problem? Any ideas how it occured?


Installing GNOME on a server

1999-03-15 Thread Chris R. Martin
I have a server which exports /usr/local/ to several other PCs (which mount
it under /apps/). This has worked several well with the few
applications/libraries I've installed. However, GNOME is a different story.
It uses the "bleeding edge" versions of many basic libraries, like zlib,
libjpeg, libtiff, other libraries which are needed for other Debian
packages which I have installed locally on these PCs (most notably the X
server, but there are others). Since disk space is scarce on some of these
PCs, I'd like to keep big applications like this on the server, and just
the "basics" on the PCs.

My problem is having multiple versions of these libraries availible, one in
/usr/lib (provided by a Debian package) and in /apps/lib (provided by the
server in /usr/local/lib). Although I have /apps/lib in,
/usr/lib is  always searched first it seems.

So, now I need to either re-think my entire arangement or come up with a
way for the libs in /apps/lib/ to over-ride the libs in /usr/lib/.

Does anyone have any advice? 


How to run a script when disconnecting a dialup connection

1999-03-13 Thread Chris R. Martin
I know that ip-up and ip-down are run by pppd when the link is brought up
or down respectively. However, ip-down is run AFTER the link is brought
down. What I'd like to do is run a script or two BEFORE the link actually
goes down.

Using Debian 2.0. Any hints?


cron without cron package??

1999-01-13 Thread Chris R. Martin
I've noticed that on Debian systems without the cron package installed,
there still appears to be some version of cron availible... however I've
been unable to get it to work for anything. I can edit a crontab, but no
cron daemon is running and /usr/sbin/cron doesn't seem to do anything. 

I did a 'dpkg -S *cron* ' but I didn't find where this file was installed
or where it came from. Obviously I couldn't figure out what it does, either.

Anyone know about this?


'time' protocol client/server for Debian?

1999-01-09 Thread Chris R. Martin
Does anyone know of a simple time protocol client/server pair for
Debian/Linux? I am refering to RFC868, not NTP.  It would be simple enough
to write, but if someone has already done the work...


Xfree86 3.3.3 for next Debian release or sooner?

1999-01-09 Thread Chris R. Martin
Just wondering if XFree86 3.3.3 is being considered for the next release
(2.2) or not... I would really like to have XF86 3.3.3 since it contains an
X-server for the Riva TNT chipset. 


XFree86 support for Riva TNT?

1998-11-04 Thread Chris R. Martin
I need a new video card (my Riva128 is acting up) and I was hoping to
replace it with a Riva TNT-based card.. however I need support under

Anyone know if the TNT will currently work under X?


UPS systems and Debian/Linux?

1998-11-02 Thread Chris R. Martin
I am looking to get a couple UPS units to protect my (2) Debian 2.0/Linux
boxes. I don't need a lot of running time; I just want to be able to
shutdown in case of a short power outage. I need a unit with uses a serial
port to communicate its status, but statistics, etc are not needed. Also, I
don't have a large budget for this.

I am looking in the 200-300 VA range, or if it's cheaper to buy one
"bigger" one, in the 600-700 VA range.

Thanks for any advice,

why does dselect read entire CD?

1998-08-29 Thread Chris R. Martin

I finally got a Debian 2.0 CD, and upgrading has been really easy. However,
why does dselect feel the need to read every package file and say "skipping
deselected file" ?? This really slows down the upgrade on my slower CD-ROM,
since it aparently has to perform an access for every package file whether
I want it or not. 

Is there some way to prevent dselect from doing this?


XDM setup, how to change default color depth

1998-08-23 Thread Chris R. Martin
How can I convince xdm that I want to run at a 32-bit color depth by
default rather than 8 bpp?  Do I need to 'hack up' my XF86Config file so
that 32 bpp is the only one availible, or can I somehow pass a parameter to
the X server when it is started up?


DVD-RAM, CD-RW support under Debian

1998-08-23 Thread Chris R. Martin
I am looking into getting either a DVD-RAM (most likely) or a CD-RW drive,
and I curious whether there is any 'packet writing' support under Debian 2.0. 

Also, can I do a 'burn, erase, burn' cycle under Debian using a CD-RW or
DVD-RAM disc? For that matter, is DVD even supported for writing? 

Thanks for any information you can give me.


problems with PPP & Debian 2.0 beta

1998-07-15 Thread Chris R. Martin
I recently upgraded my 'base' system to 2.0 beta, and also installed PPP
2.3.5-2. However, when I did this, ppp stopped working. It will dial, and
it fails with the message "peer refused to authenicate". Obviously this
didn't happen before...

I've checked pap-secrets  and that looks the same.. in fact everything
looks the same that it did before.

Any ideas?


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problem with libpam0 and libpam-util in stable

1998-07-09 Thread Chris R. Martin
I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I can't seem to get
libpam0 and libpam-util to install, because aparently they depend on each

Do I need to use dpkg --force ??


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Need help upgrading to hamm (libc6)

1998-06-21 Thread Chris R. Martin

I am having trouble installing libc6_2.0.7pre1-4.  Here is the error
message I'm getting from dpkg:

libc6 conflicts with libc5 ( <<5.4.33-7 )
version ( 5.4.33-3 ) installed

I have been unable to find libc5_5.4.33-7 -- I can only find up to revision
6 in stable. 

Where can I get the version of libc5 I need to install libc6 ??


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as vs. as86

1998-06-18 Thread Chris R. Martin
I noticed that I have both as (GNU assembler provided by binutils) and as86
(provided by bin86).

What is the difference between these assemblers?

I have a seperate machine where I've compiled the lastest GNU binutils and
I would like to compile as86 as well, but I've been unable to figure out
where the source comes from.. can anyone tell me?


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How to organize NFS server?

1998-05-01 Thread Chris R. Martin
I have an old 486 with a few hard drives in it that I want to use as a
server. I'd like to store debian-packaged apps such as gcc, x11, xemacs etc
on the server, yet keep some functionality on my local drive so I don't
need the server all the time.

what is the best way to do this under debian? I thought of
exporting/mounting /usr on the server, but will that cause major problems?
What if I have a local /usr directory? Will I still be able to access it
when not using the server?

Also, what does the group think about using a /apps directory instead of
/usr ? I know it's not filesystem standard, but it seems this might get
around a lot of problems of mounting /usr remotely. 

btw I have about 500MB of local space and up to 4GB on the server. 

Thanks for any advice you can give me!


please cc: me via email. Thanks.

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CVS for debian?

1997-11-21 Thread Chris R. Martin

Just wondering if there is a CVS package for Debian. I looked through the
Packages files but didn't see it.

Thanks, Chris

please cc: me in your reply

Chris R. Martin email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineeringweb:
Texas A&M University"... I'm a 21st century digital boy, I don't know
 how to read but I've got a lot of toys." 
  -- Bad Relgion

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

wierd ld problem

1997-10-30 Thread Chris R. Martin

here's my problem:

ld -o utils.o args.o doubleint.o finddisp.o flsbuf.o geometry.o getrect.o
hash.o heap.o list.o lookup.o lookupany.o lookupfull.o malloc.o match.o
path.o pathvisit.o port.o printstuff.o stack.o strdup.o dqueue.o
runstats.o saveimage.o set.o show.o touchtypes.o  -r -lm 
ld: cannot open -lm: File format not recognized

what am I doing wrong? according to the man page, this is correct syntax
for ld..

Please help me out here...

I have libc5(-dev) 5.4.33-6, ldso 1.8.12-1, binutils

any clues?


Chris R. Martin email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineeringweb:
Texas A&M University"... I'm a 21st century digital boy, I don't know
 how to read but I've got a lot of toys." 
  -- Bad Relgion

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

HELP: Using sgvalib and ARK 2000 chipset

1997-10-22 Thread Chris R. Martin
I am having a really hard time getting SVGALib working with my Stingray
64/V. I have the svgalib package in stable installed. I believe the
Stingray uses the ARK 2000PV chipset

XFree86 works fine. However, whenever I try a SVGAlib program, it either
causes my monitor to 'sleep' or gives me a seg fault. I have copied my
clocks from the XF86Config file. It just isn't terribly clear how I need to
setup up different modes. Do I need a 'define' line for every mode I want
to support? 

An example of a program that doesn't work: snes 9x (SNES emulator).. it
either puts my monitor to sleep, or gives a seg fault. 

I am going to try a few other SVGAlib programs and I will let you all know
the results. I am fairly familiar with monitor timing stuff, so if someone
could provide a working SVGAlib config for ARK 2000PV I could probably
adapt it to my setup.

Chris R. Martin  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineering (EE)WWW:
Texas A&M University "If you must have delusions, at least have the
  good ones..." - Marcus, B5.

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man page for mkfs.ext2 ??

1997-10-15 Thread Chris R. Martin

I'm in the process of copying my Debian system to a new (larger) partition
and I want to tinker with the number of inodes, etc.  The man page for
mkfs refers me to the man page for mkfs.ext2... but I don't have it!

Does anyone know which package this belongs in? I thought I got all the
man pages...


Chris R. Martin email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineeringweb:
Texas A&M University"... I'm a 21st century digital boy, I don't know
 how to read but I've got a lot of toys." 
  -- Bad Relgion

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

thread support?

1997-10-02 Thread Chris R. Martin
I have heard a lot of confusing things about thread support lately. I am
writing a program which will eventually have seperate threads and if anyone
could clear some things up for me, I would really appreciate it!

Does a "stock" Debian 1.3.1 install support threads? If not, what packages
or libraries do I need to obtain?

Are there seperate considerations for X ? I read somthing that was talking
about thread support under X, but I couldn't figure out how it related to
non-X thread support. Does Debian's Xlib or some other package support

Thanks for any light you can shed on the subject. Please, consider me a
complete novice when replying.

Chris R. Martin  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineering (EE)WWW:
Texas A&M University "If you must have delusions, at least have the
  good ones..." - Marcus, B5.

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Installing applixware for redhat under Debian

1997-09-21 Thread Chris R. Martin

I obtained a copy of Applixware for Redhat and I was wondering if it was
possible to install this under Debian. I know that there is a program to
read rpm files (called "alien" or something?) but I'm sure really how to
go about the install process. If anyone has installed Applixware for
RedHat under Debian, please let me know how you did it!

Please Cc: me via email when replying. 


Chris R. Martin email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineeringweb:
Texas A&M University"... I'm a 21st century digital boy, I don't know
 how to read but I've got a lot of toys." 
  -- Bad Relgion

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

playing around with PPP parameters, how?

1997-09-11 Thread Chris R. Martin

I'm running Debian 1.3.1.

I would like to tweak some of the ppp driver parmeters, such as MTU size
and a few others... where do I even start to look for that stuff?


Chris R. Martin email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineeringweb:
Texas A&M University"... I'm a 21st century digital boy, I don't know
 how to read but I've got a lot of toys." 
  -- Bad Relgion

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

problems with "makedepend" and ctype.h

1997-09-05 Thread Chris R. Martin

whenever I try to "makedepend" on a file that #includes  I get
the follow (very strange) error message:

makedepend: warning:  basechar.cxx: 13: # error architecture not supported
by the Linux C library


Has anyone else seen this? How can I solve this problem?

I'm running Debian 1.3.1, with libc5(-dev) 5.4.33-3

please cc to me any responses from the list, as I've had to
remove myself from it temporarily..

thanks for any help

Chris R. Martin email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineeringweb:
Texas A&M University"... I'm a 21st century digital boy, I don't know
 how to read but I've got a lot of toys." 
  -- Bad Relgion

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Iostream.h

1997-08-01 Thread Chris R. Martin
At 10:38 AM 8/1/97 CDT, Kevin J Poorman wrote:
>I have just bought a book titled "On to C++" a book that was recomened to
>me by a freind Now partway into the book when I'm trying some of the
>examples it calls for the statement
>#include  and the compile fails, does anyone know where I can
>get this H file? what packages is it in ... is this a C++ Header file of
>a C Header File?

It is a standard C++ header file.

It's in the libg++-dev package. Look in the directory /usr/include/g++

Also, make sure you use "g++" or "c++" to compile, rather than "gcc" (they
are included with libg++).

Chris R. Martin  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Engineering (EE)WWW:
Texas A&M University "If you must have delusions, at least have the
  good ones..." - Marcus, B5.

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Digest list availible and web archive

1997-01-09 Thread Chris R. Martin

Is the digest debian-user still availible? How do I subscribe to that?

Also, is the web archive for debian-user broken? It seems to be mostly

Thanks, Chris.

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how to upgrade from 1.1 ??

1997-01-07 Thread Chris R. Martin

I have a pretty stable 1.1 installation, and I would like to upgrade to
1.2. What would be the BEST way to do this? I don't have a 1.2 CD (yet)
and I have only a slow (28.8) net connection. Therefore, I'll probably be
upgrading package by package...

So which packages should I upgrade first? I need to keep this system
running as much as possible!

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key upon request www:

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Re: Gold v. Green Debian CDs

1997-01-06 Thread Chris R. Martin
On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Nick Busigin wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Chris R. Martin wrote:
> > Does anyone know which CDs containing Debian distributions are "gold"
> > versus "green" (CD-Rs). My CD-ROM drive does not like CD-Rs very well, and
> > I want to make sure I get something I can read reliably.
> Hi Chris,
> I've never heard of the term "green" CD-R.  Would you please explain
> what this is to me?
> Thanks in advance,
>  Nick

Some CDRs (on the recorded side) are green in color. Aparently (as I have
learned today!!) some are also "gold".  My CD-ROM drive does not read the
two green CD-Rs I have (my old drive read them without trouble). I don't
know if it will read gold ones or not.

Thanks, Chris.

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Re: Gold v. Green Debian CDs

1997-01-06 Thread Chris R. Martin
On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> > Does anyone know which CDs containing Debian distributions are "gold"
> > versus "green" (CD-Rs). My CD-ROM drive does not like CD-Rs very well, and
> > I want to make sure I get something I can read reliably.
> > 
> Well, the blanks I have in stock at the moment are gold, but I have used
> the green before, with no apparent difficulties or differences.

I have two green CD-Rs which are completely unreadable by my cd-rom.

> Does your drive do better with the gold than the green, or is it just
> difficult with all CD-Rs?

I've never used a gold CD-R so I don't know.

> I have, what I consider to be a fairly expensive Philips CD-R and have had
> no problems that traced back to the drive as the culprit. I have had my
> fair share of corrupted files and the odd CD damaged in shipping, but
> nothing drive specific.
> What kind of CD-ROM drive do you have, and how is it interfaced?

It's a Toshiba 8X IDE CD-ROM. It works perfectly with all my CDs except
the two "green" CD-Rs I have. Those two CD-Rs worked perfectly with my old

Any suggestions comments?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Gold v. Green Debian CDs

1997-01-06 Thread Chris R. Martin
On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Thomas Baetzler wrote:

> > versus "green" (CD-Rs). My CD-ROM drive does not like CD-Rs very well, and
> > I want to make sure I get something I can read reliably.
> Well, "gold" CDs are CD-Rs, too. You either meant silver, or 
> that your CDROM-drive doesn´t like the green ones.

I've never seen a "gold" CD-r but I know that my CD-ROM does not like
"green" ones.  Perhaps a "gold" one would work better... *shrug*

Thanks for the clarification.


Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Gold v. Green Debian CDs

1997-01-06 Thread Chris R. Martin

Does anyone know which CDs containing Debian distributions are "gold"
versus "green" (CD-Rs). My CD-ROM drive does not like CD-Rs very well, and
I want to make sure I get something I can read reliably.

thanks for any responses!!


Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1.2 release?

1996-12-13 Thread Chris R. Martin

Will 1.2 be officially released soon? Also, when can I expect to find it
on CD-ROM distributions (I'm NOT downloading all that stuff again...too

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1996-12-13 Thread Chris R. Martin

I can't seem to find the color-ls package. Has it been replaced by
something else?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key upon request www:

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VIM questions

1996-12-12 Thread Chris R. Martin

1) Will there ever be a debian version of Vim which supports -g under X,
or will I have to compile my own?

2) How can I get my keys mapped properly? I want del to delete the
character under the cursor, bs to delete the previous character, home to
move to the beginning of the line, end to move to the end of the line, pg
up to go up a page, pg dn to go down a page, etc... where do I start? I
would like behavior both in console mode and in an xterm.

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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xterm-color : green cursor??

1996-12-12 Thread Chris R. Martin

I recently installed xterm-color, but now ALL my xterm windows have a
nasty green cursor in them... is there ANY way to tell xterm to use a
specific cursor color, either for each window or globally?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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restarting X w/o reboot

1996-12-05 Thread Chris R. Martin

Over the past couple of days I've been playing with my XF86Config file,
and having to reboot each time to see the results really sucks. I'm
positive there is a better way but a check to the xdm man page reveals

Can I just kill xdm and restart it w/o reboot?

Is there a keystroke to restart xdm (and re-read the XF86Config file) ?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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.xinitrc / .xsession / .fvwmrc ???

1996-11-01 Thread Chris R. Martin

This one should be easy, and I think I had figured this out once, but if
anyone could help I would be grateful...

Where do I tell X what apps to start when starting an X session ? I'd like
several xterms in various colors/places etc..  I'm using the debian xdm.

.xsession is just the name of the window manager, right?
.fvwmrc has a bunch of configuration stuff...
.xinitrc appears to be ignored.

Any hints?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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PPP with dialup scripts.

1996-10-29 Thread Chris R. Martin

I am having problems getting ppp to work with a script. It works *fine*
manually, using minicom to dial, and executing 'pppd /dev/ttyS2 38400'

I've tried this as root. 

Thanks for any suggestions you might have!

# tail /var/log/daemon.log
Oct 28 22:25:56 wraith pppd[316]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
Oct 28 22:25:57 wraith pppd[316]: Serial connection established.
Oct 28 22:25:58 wraith pppd[316]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 28 22:25:58 wraith pppd[316]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2
Oct 28 22:25:59 wraith pppd[316]: Serial line is looped back.
Oct 28 22:25:59 wraith pppd[316]: Connection terminated.
Oct 28 22:25:59 wraith pppd[316]: Exit.


# prevent forking
# dynamic IPs
# use modem
# use uucp locking
# hardware flow
# default routing
# NO escaped control sequences
asyncmap 0
# maximum transmission size
mtu 552
# maximum recieve size
mru 552
# PAP computer name
name artmartin
# end options

# Script to initiate a ppp connection. This is the first part of the
# pair of scripts. This is not a secure pair of scripts as the codes
# are visible with the 'ps' command.  However, it is simple.
# These are the parameters. Change as needed.
TELEPHONE="70#,2147446147" # The telephone number for the connection
# Export them so that they will be available at 'ppp-on-dialer' time.
# This is the location of the script which dials the phone and logs
# in.  Please use the absolute file name as the $PATH variable is not
# used on the connect option.  (To do so on a 'root' account would be
# a security hole so don't ask.)
# Initiate the connection

exec /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS2 38400 connect $DIALER_SCRIPT
# end ppp-on


exec chat -v
   TIMEOUT  3  \
   ABORT'\nBUSY\n' \
   ''   \rAT   \
   'OK-+++\c-OK'ATH0   \
   TIMEOUT  30 \
   CONNECT  '' \
# end ppp-on-pap

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Re: Callback Internet Link

1996-10-25 Thread Chris R. Martin
On Thu, 24 Oct 1996, Stephen Pitts wrote:

> Luis,
> Here's an idea:
> Create a script that waits 5 or 10 seconds, then runs /etc/init.d/ppp
> start, or whatever you use. Then add a new user and specify that script
> for its shell. Make sure the script is setuid root. You might want to


I was under the impression that setuid *scripts* are NOT supported under
any version of the Linux kernel.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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resetting a virtual console

1996-10-11 Thread Chris R. Martin

How do I reset a textmode virtual console? I got one messed up the other
day... I had to login to different console. Is there a reset keystroke or

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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ALT doesn't work under X

1996-10-11 Thread Chris R. Martin

This one should be simple...

In X, my ALT key doesn't work. For example, when I run minicom -m in an
xterm, and try to do an ALT command such as ALT-D or ALT-X I just get a
lower case "u" or "." or "a" depending on the command.

I checked my XF86Config and the "alt bindings" are commented out, which
should mean both ALT keys become meta.

What else should I check?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: The X story so far...

1996-10-10 Thread Chris R. Martin

Thanks, Jon!! This fixed it!!

MY question now goes to the Debian maintainers.. WHY is this not WELL
documented?? This should certainly be in a info file somewhere!!

Thanks to all who replied.

On Wed, 9 Oct 1996, John Labovitz wrote:

> Chris R. Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can start X by using "xinit" -- xdm STILL does NOTHING. 
> the problem is probably that xdm is running, but waiting for a
> connection from an X server (or is it client?  argh!).  this seems to
> be the default for xdm; you have to specially configure it to use a
> local server.
> i spent a couple of hours last weekend trying to make xdm work, and
> finally succeeded.  after poring over incomprehensible X manpages, i
> finally found the magic incantation: simply add the following line to
> `/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers' (without the leading spaces):
>   :0 my-x-server local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0
> `my-x-server' in the above line can be anything you want; i suppose in
> a single-user environment it doesn't matter.
> according to the comments in that file, installing xbase should set up
> this file correctly, but it didn't for me; perhaps i didn't specify at
> the time that i wanted xdm to run instead of using the xinit (aka
> startx) method.
> disclaimer: i may have forgotten another incantation that's required
> to run xdm.  i know i messed with a bunch of files, but i do remember
> that this was an important key.
> john

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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The X story so far...

1996-10-09 Thread Chris R. Martin

First of all, thanks to all who had comments, suggestions about my X

I have gotten X to run. It turns out that in /etc/X11/XF86Config the mouse
was setup as "/dev/mouse" when in fact I have no such device. I changed
this line to "/dev/cua0".

I can start X by using "xinit" -- xdm STILL does NOTHING. At bootup, xdm
runs, but there are NO consoles running X (C-A-F1 through C-A-F6 give me
other text consoles, and C-A-F7 through C-A-F12 do NOTHING). ps shows
getty running on consoles 1-6.

I've never used xdm before so I don't really know much about it. I can
kill the original xdm and type "xdm" again but this does nothing.

What sort of things should I be looking for? What configuration files
should I be looking at?

Thanks for all your help.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: problems with X

1996-10-08 Thread Chris R. Martin
On Sat, 5 Oct 1996, Stephen Early wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
> >I have installed Debian 1.1.9 and xbase, xlib, xserver-svga, and fvwm
> >packages. I chose during xbase to use xdm to start x.. and during boot-up
> >I see the message "starting xdm".. however typing "xdm" at a root prompt
> >doesn't do anything. I tried xinit and got the following output:
> If you use xdm to start an X server, then the server should start
> automatically when you boot. If it doesn't then there's something
> wrong. You shouldn't have to type 'xdm' at any prompt.
> >TRANS(SocketUNIXConnect) () can't connect: errno = 111
> >giving up.
> >xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
> >xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
> This is the clue. For some reason, the X server is unable to create
> the Unix-domain socket to listen for local connections. This could be
> because you don't have Unix-domain sockets in your kernel (I don't
> know whether this is a configuration option anymore) or because there
> is something up with the /tmp/.X11-unix directory.
> Try deleting /tmp/.X11-unix (and everything under it) and starting the
> server.

My /tmp directory was empty.

I should point out that the output above is what I get when I type "xinit"
at a root prompt. typing "X" gives me a seg. fault, and "xdm" does

Additional: I added the 75dpi, 100dpi, and PEX fonts in addition to
fntbase -- I still get the above errors (the font messages have largely
disappeared though).

Please, someone help me start X!!


Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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ppp package

1996-10-04 Thread Chris R. Martin

Where are the ppp-on, ppp-dialer, and ppp-off scripts that are supposed to
come with pppd ?? I can make a ppp connection manually, but I have no idea
how to automate the process!

thanks, chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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problems with maelstrom

1996-10-04 Thread Chris R. Martin

I have installed svgalib1, svgalib1-bin, and maelstrom packages. However
when I try to run maelstrom I get the following message:

VGA_FrameBuffer: requested mode not supported

(or something like that)

anyway I have an ARK Logic 2000PV so it SHOULD be supported (Maelstrom
only uses 320x200 ). What's going on? I checked /etc/vga and the config
file, and I couldn't find anything wrong... I can post it if anyone thinks
it will help.

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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problems with X

1996-10-04 Thread Chris R. Martin

I have installed Debian 1.1.9 and xbase, xlib, xserver-svga, and fvwm
packages. I chose during xbase to use xdm to start x.. and during boot-up
I see the message "starting xdm".. however typing "xdm" at a root prompt
doesn't do anything. I tried xinit and got the following output:

XFree86 Version 3.1.2 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6001)
Operating System: Linux 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for 8-bit colour SVGA (Patchlevel 0):
  et4000, et4000w32, et4000w32i, et4000w32p, et3000, pvga1, wd90c00,
  wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33, gvga, vgawonder,
  tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga9000, clgd5420,
  clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426, clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434,
  clgd5436, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e,
  cpq_avga, oti067, oti077, oti087, mx, al2101, ali2228, ali2301,
  ali2302, ali2308, ali2401, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7,
  ct65520, ct65530, ct65540, ct65545, ark1000vl, ark1000pv, ark2000pv,
  realtek, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) Mouse: type: MouseMan, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 1200
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: "Stingray"
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: "MAG17"
(--) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz. Deleted.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/" does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/" does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/" does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/" does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
TRANS(SocketUNIXConnect) () can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.
xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

I tried typing X, and got a Segmentation fault. 

How can I start X ?? The XF86Config looks okay.. my card should be set up
right. Why doesn't X start?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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color for minicom?

1996-10-04 Thread Chris R. Martin

I installed the minicom package, but I cannot get any colors to work on
it. The screens always come up in plain grey on black.

I have all the ncurses stuff installed. Is there an env variable I need to
set or something?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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bootup messages

1996-09-25 Thread Chris R. Martin

I recently recompiled, packaged, and installed a 2.0.20 kernel.
I edited /etc/modules so that no modules are loaded at bootup (just using
"auto"). However I now get the following messages at bootup:

 modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-4
 modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
  """modprobe: can't locate module netmask
  """modprobe: can't locate module broadcast
SIOCDSIFADDR: no such device

These messages are repeated 2-3 times during startup. Everything seems to
work okay, including my ethernet card. Could someone please tell me the
nature of these messages, and how to get rid of them??

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using reserved addresses

1996-09-25 Thread Chris R. Martin
On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Ricardo Kleemann wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a client who would like to use the reserved addresses internally 
> throughout his LAN...
> My question is, will the workstations which use reserved IPs be able to 
> go out into the net? If those reserved IPs are not routed "outside", then 
> how would a workstation be able to properly communicate?
> What are the limitations/issues with using the reserved IPs?

It is my understanding that it IS possible to use these reserved numbers
and still be connected to the Internet. However, you have use IP
Masquerading. There is a mini-HOWTO on sunsite.

Hope this helps.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't seem to get internalmodem running

1996-09-24 Thread Chris R. Martin
On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Rob Hanson wrote:

> Hey there everyone,
> I am a bit new to the linux thing, and I seem to be having some trouble
> locating my modem.  It is an internal 33.6 cardinal voice modem, and it
> uses com3 on my win95 setup.  Being an internal com port, I don't think
> it was configured when I added the serial ports to the kernel on
> installation, and the /dev system on unic/linux is taking some getting
> used to.
> If any of you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated,
> as copying .deb files to floppy in win95 then installing them in linux
> really sucks, but until I can find my modem, I can't grab anything while
> in linux.  Also, I have the minicom program ( I think that is what it is
> called, so until I get the net tools and the ppp going, this should do. 
> So basically I just need to find which of the dev choices is my modem,
> and if it is even on that list.

is there any reason why you cannot copy the files directly from your Win95

for example, make directory in your Linux root dir ( /drivec or something
like that)

then, use mount.  

mount /dev/hda1 /drivec -t vfat

/dev/hda1 represents the partition where win95 resides. You'll probably
have to change it to represent where YOUR win95 partition is.

-t vfat tells it to use the vfat filesystem, so you get your long

in Unix: 

/dev/hda   First IDE hard drive on primary channel (master)
/dev/hdb   Second   "  " "   ""   "(slave)
/dev/hdc   First IDE drive on secondary channel(master)
/dev/hdd   Second "   " "" "   (slave)

then, you need to know what the partition number is. you can find this out
in linux fdisk. just type "fdisk /dev/hd? " where ? is the drive in
question. then type "p" to print the partition table.

don't worry, fdisk won't do anything unless you tell it to. Just be sure
to get help if you need it.

I've copied stuff from a DOS drive many times, and with the vfat support,
you even preserve the long filenames.

Good luck!

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

where is kernel-package ?

1996-09-19 Thread Chris R. Martin

I would like to compile my own kernel, but I can't find kernel-package
anywhere on I found kernel-headers, and kernel-source,
but I already have a tar.gz of the source. 

Do I even need the kernel-package? What benifits will it give me?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

no liloconfig?

1996-09-18 Thread Chris R. Martin

Okay, first thanks to all who replied to my questions re man and ae.. It
was late when I started doing this stuff and I panicked a little.. :-)

However, I noticed that liloconfig is not included in the lilo package. At
least, I couldn't find it. I managed to copy it off a Slackware CD I had
lying around, but I was wondering why it wasn't included -- it's not that
big, and is very useful!

Thanks again, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

where's man ??

1996-09-18 Thread Chris R. Martin

I just installed Debian 1.1 and I logged on as root. First thing I notice,
there are no editors installed. Not one. You would think this would be a
"required" thing... 

another thing... 'man' doesn't seem to exist! Logged in as root, typing
'man man' gives "command not found" -- and it's not in /usr/bin.

what gives?? 

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

setserial program

1996-09-11 Thread Chris R. Martin

Is the setserial program contained in any of the Debian packages, or will
I have to install it seperately?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]