Re: hylafax?

1997-01-19 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Sat, 18 Jan 1997, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> What happened to the gentleman who was going to provide Hylafax
> packages?

That's me. I've been running it internally for 6 weeks or so now (as a 
very messy package). I'm in the midst of converting it to use debmake as 
the minute and will be uploading it to master in a day or so (just 
started a mass package upload!).

Sorry for the delayI had to get it working here quickly and once the 
pressure eased I never got around to tidying it up.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Looking for volunteer to maintain DNEWS package

1997-01-09 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Leander Berwers wrote:

> Is there anybody out there who would like to maintain a Debian package for

Funnily enough I've just set up DNEWS on one of our Debian boxes. As it 
was a rush job I didn't create a package but I'd did wonder whether it 
was worth doing one. I suppose we'd need the permission of the authors.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: exim and virtual domains

1996-12-17 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Mon, 16 Dec 1996, Tim Sailer wrote:

> Now that exim is making it's debut in Debian, I'd like to try it out quickly.
> I looked at the docs from it's home site, but the Virtual Domain stuff
> was not real obvious.  Can someone who is using it (anyone?) post
> a quick example on setting up a virtual domain? The box I'd like to
> try it out on has 3 virtual domains and a fairly busy mailing list.
> Currently sendmail is using for the domain names, and
> /etc/maildomains.db for mapping the [EMAIL PROTECTED] to local users.

I've been running exim on Debian for approx. 3 weeks now.

We do virtual domains with POP3 here by using a custom local mailer 
and a modified version of qpopper.

The first step is to create a virtual_pop transport, then a virtual_pop 
director, e.g.

  domains = partial-dbm;/etc/virtual-domains,
  driver = smartuser,
  transport = virtual_pop;

In /etc/virtual-domains you list the relevant domains, one per line and 
then use exim_dbmbuild.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Goodbye, all!

1996-12-03 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> These are the 1.1 boot disks from 6 months ago with "initrd" added and a
> few bug-fixes like keyboard configuration. It's not like it's a brand-new
> program.

Has the problem with the nfs module been fixed - the last few boot disks 
I made wouldn't load that module so I had to do FTP installs.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Linux-ISP] radiusd

1996-11-19 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, Ricardo Kleemann wrote:

> Is there a HOWTO or detailed info on how to setup radiusd?
> I tried a web search but it returns basically 1,000's of ASCEND and 
> portmaster realted stuff... nothing really on how to setup and configure 
> it.

It you look in you will find my Debian 
package of Merit Radiusd 2.4.23. I hope to release it shortly (just 
finishing the testing).

As for how to configure the Radius server, you'll just have to read the 
man pages :-) If you have any specific questions then drop me an email 
and I'll see if I can help.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Lilo problem after kernel upgrade to 2.0.25

1996-11-15 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Bryn Paul Arnold Jones wrote:

> On 12 Nov 1996, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> That's only with resent LILO's, version 19 and over (I think 19, could
> be earlyer, but 19 is definatly ok).  If you try to use a LILO that dosn't
> have bzImage (and initrd) fetures added, you'll not get anywhere (tho I
> think you can still dd the bzImage to a floppy ).

That was the problem - I'm using the stable release of Debian which has 
version 17 of LILO. I built the 2.0.25 using kernel-package (a Debian 
thing :-) so it must have made a bzImage. I updated to version 19 of LILO 
from the development version of Debian.



Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Lilo problem after kernel upgrade to 2.0.25

1996-11-11 Thread Dermot Bradley
I just built 2.0.25 for a machine currently running 2.0.22 and did a 
reboot. LILO starts up and then I get the following:

LILO Loading linux
Wrong loader, giving up...

I've never seen this error before. Rebooting and picking the older kernel 
from Lilo works okay.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Apache config error

1996-11-10 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Fri, 8 Nov 1996, Ronald van Loon wrote:

> I think I may have found why people are so unhappy with the new release of
> the Apache httpd: when it moves the directories, they become owned by root,
> rather than the special user 'www-data'. The new directory that is created,
> /usr/lib/httpd, gets the permission of 700, which means that apache cannot
> access any cgi-bin scripts or icons in that directory.

I've dropped the Apache maintainer a couple of emails detailing some bugs 
I've found but so far I've not heard back from him.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: ETA of the new X packages

1996-11-07 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Mon, 4 Nov 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> The code-freeze for 1.2 happens today.

Any chance that 1.2 will have a recent kernel (like 2.0.23 or 2.0.24)? 
2.0.24 has the big ping fix which I consider important, however I've 
heard some applications have problems with .24 due to a change in a 
network struct.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Hylafax packages?

1996-11-05 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Tue, 5 Nov 1996, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> What is exactly conflicting?

mgetty and hylafax both provide a binary called sendfax in /usr/sbin


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Hylafax packages?

1996-11-05 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Tue, 5 Nov 1996, Craig Sanders wrote:

> You mentioned that one of your hylafax packages conflicts with mgetty - are
> you working on fixing that?

It has been suggested that I use "diversions" to handle the conflict. 
Anyone got a example of a diversion?


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Hylafax packages?

1996-11-05 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Mon, 4 Nov 1996, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> I have no experience with multi-binary packages. If someone else wants to
> do it then tell me. Otherwise I have to make debmake multi-binary aware.
> Can you send me a summary of your experiences so I can improve my package?

Sure, I like debmake :-)

For hylafax I need to create 2 packages, hylafax-server and 

In your example rules file I've changed the line "make
install PREFIX=debian/tmp" to "make install SERVERPREFIX=debian/server 
CLIENTPREFIX=debian/client" and edited the Makefile(s) appropriately. 
Then later I do "dpkg-gencontrol -phylafax-server -Pdebian/server" and 
the same method for the client package. No big problems (the control file 
has separate sections for hylafax-server and hylafax-client).


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Hylafax packages?

1996-11-04 Thread Dermot Bradley
On 3 Nov 1996, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> Somebody a few weeks ago had mentioned that they were preparing hylafax
> as packages?

That was myself. I was almost finished and then I discovered debmake :-) 
I've spent the past week or so getting to grips with it.

The finished packages should be available in a matter of days.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Faxing?

1996-10-28 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, Dermot Bradley wrote:
> > Just to let everyone know, I'm finishing up Debian packages for
> > hylafax-server and hylafax-client. They should be ready within 7-10
> > days.
> does it work with mgetty?

hylafax and mgetty both have apps called sendfax. As a result my 
hylafax-client package has a Conflicts: mgetty control setting.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Faxing?

1996-10-27 Thread Dermot Bradley
On 26 Oct 1996, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> Has anybody summarized the differences b/w EFAX and Hylafax?

Just to let everyone know, I'm finishing up Debian packages for 
hylafax-server and hylafax-client. They should be ready within 7-10 days.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Kernel more recent than 2.0.6

1996-10-06 Thread Dermot Bradley
Is there any particular reason why neither buzz nor rex has recent 
kernels? I got the impression that 2.0.21 was pretty rock solid.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Director   Tel: +44 1232 572003
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Re: Linux as a 100Mb/sec router?

1996-08-11 Thread Dermot Bradley
Hi Gordon (Gordon works for my NSP :-)

On Fri, 9 Aug 1996, Gordon Henderson wrote:

> Anyone using Linux with Dec ethernet 100Mb ethernet cards? I'm wondering
> if it's suitable as I have an application that might need 2 x 100Mb ports
> and a 10Mb port - thinking of running it on a P120. 

Haven't tried 100Mb yet but the best bet seems to be cards based on the 
DEC Tulip chipset - like the SMC EtherPower 10/100

> It would need to run gated & take a full routing table ( >37K routes). Is 
> Linux up to that yet - I havn't been following any of the networking or 
> routing lists as of late - still running 1.2.13!

I'll let you know in a week or two :-)

I've almost finished getting gated 3.6a2 going under Debian. Large 
routing table don't appear to be a problem as of 1.3.x as a new radix 
tree-like method was implemented. Indeed I've been let to believe that 
37K routes would only take up about 8Mb of memory.

I'm planning to buy a Sangoma sync card and try full BGP4 peering with it 
via a new Internet link I'm going to order. Then I'll be building 
another box to connect to VBC ;-)

Drop me a private email and I'll bring you up to speed.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Director   Tel: 01232 560552
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Belfast & Derry, Northern Ireland WWW:

Re: How can I submit packages to be included in the distribution?

1996-08-06 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Sat, 3 Aug 1996, Craig Sanders wrote:

> hylafax would be great!

Started work on it last night - just a bit confused with libgr/libgr-dev 
versus libtiff3/libtiff3-dev/zlib1 needed for building it.

> > - nocol Network monitoring package
> that sounds interesting.  where can i find information on what exactly it
> does?

Have a look at in /pub/vikas

> > - gated (for internal use - Gated have strict
> > redistribution policies!)
> if you do create a package for this, could you distribute your debian.*
> files? maybe in a package which contained just the debian.rules etc,
> and either a pointer to where to get the source from, or a script to
> fetch the would be great if it were possible to make the
> build/install process as simple as:

Sounds fine..just have to find out in which linux distrib/source
/usr/include/netinet/ip_var.h lives as gated needs it.


Re: How can I submit packages to be included in the distribution?

1996-08-06 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Sat, 3 Aug 1996, Craig Sanders wrote:

> hylafax would be great!

Re: syslogd stopped working

1996-08-06 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Sat, 3 Aug 1996, llucius wrote:

> Make sure you have a domainname set or apply patch found in bug #3526.

Hmm #3526 isn't on the UK bugs site.


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Director   Tel: 01232 560552
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Belfast & Derry, Northern Ireland WWW:

syslogd stopped working

1996-08-03 Thread Dermot Bradley
I'm running Debian 1.1 on a machine here and as of a few days ago syslogd 
has stopped working. If I run the daemon manually it runs for about 30 
seconds and then stops. I've tried removing the sysklogd package (using 
the --force option) and re-installing it again to no avail.

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Communications Director   Tel: 01232 560552
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Belfast & Derry, Northern Ireland WWW:

Re: How can I submit packages to be included in the distribution?

1996-08-02 Thread Dermot Bradley
On Fri, 2 Aug 1996, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Aug 1996, Dermot Bradley wrote:
> > Look at Squid instead - an old version can be found in rex/unstable. It's 
> > a few version behind.
> Never heard of Squid. Speedwise I have seen no other software that could
> compete with Harvester.

Squid started out as patches for Harvest whenever its (free) development 
stopped. However squid now has more functionally than Harvest cached - in 
the same way as Apache started from NCSA's httpd. Have a look at

> > I've also been working on a few packages myself:
> > 
> > - analogWWW stats program
> > - apache + php + webcounter Apache with several additional modules
> There are webcounter cgi-bin thingies that we are using on our site.

I'm using the webcounter module as it's neater.

> The most important stuff for you will probably be the apache source code.
> I'd really like to see someone maintaining it and keeping it current.

Creating a debian package of apache1.1.1 is simple - I just used the 
debian.* files out of the old package as a basis. That's when I started 
added extras like the webcounter...

> > - gated (for internal use - Gated have strict
> > redistribution policies!)
> I know. Perhaps you can just publish the patches and have debian.rules do
> an automatic ftp from the gated site?

Can do. I haven't started on it yet - hopefully within the next week. A 
few header files gated needs seem to be missing (like 
/usr/include/netinet/ip_var.h) and I believe that libc5.3.x should have 
them so I may need to upgrade parts of my system to "unstable".


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Director   Tel: 01232 560552
Genesis Project Ltd   Fax: 01232 560553
Belfast & Derry, Northern Ireland WWW:

Re: How can I submit packages to be included in the distribution?

1996-08-02 Thread Dermot Bradley
On 2 Aug 1996, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> Planned .deb package from our site (Please tell us if this is anywhere
> already available!) We are running a full Campus Setup here and we will
> produce the following packages for our setup:
> - Harvester   Caching Daemon

Look at Squid instead - an old version can be found in rex/unstable. It's 
a few version behind.

> - procmailwith Full Sendmail Integration

Isn't this part of buzz/stable?

> - hylafax Fax Receive and Send with Sendmail Integration

You could also use efax which is part of buzz. Someone is working on qfax 
(multi-user extensions to efax).

I've also been working on a few packages myself:

- analogWWW stats program
- apache + php + webcounter Apache with several additional modules

I'm hoping to do the following:

- merit radius
- nocol Network monitoring package
- ldap
- gated (for internal use - Gated have strict
redistribution policies!)


Dermot BradleyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Director   Tel: 01232 560552
Genesis Project Ltd   Fax: 01232 560553
Belfast & Derry, Northern Ireland WWW: