Re: Marking as spam

2024-04-18 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 18/04/2024 12:43, Hans wrote:

But the "Sorry" mail I did send without the spam tag. However, I get it WITH
the spamtag, as all mails get the DCIM=false tag in the header (created by the
debian servers) and add the SPAM tag.

Or you could use a less shitty mail service, because failed DKIM (I 
assume that's what you mean by DCIM=false) does not mean that an email 
is a spam.

Conversely, I see a lot of spams that have a valid DKIM signature.

Moreover, I don't think the Debian list servers validate DKIM. It's 
probably your host that is doing so.

And finally, your own mails fail DKIM, so for a mail server that seems 
to give so much importance to DKIM, they could at least set it up right.

Nothing can be done in one trip.
-- Snider


Re: ConsultaInstalaciónDEBIAN

2024-04-04 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 El miércoles, 3 de abril de 2024, 19:36:18 ART, Daniel Abaurrea Ruiz 

Hola, aquí Daniel Abaurrea Ruiz desde Barcelona en España. Tengo cincuenta años 
de edad. Estudié arquitectura. 

Mi nivel de conocimientos de hardware y software es el de usuario. Siempre me 
ha interesado mucho saber como funciona todo lo que me rodea. Por esta razón me 
gustaria aprender a instalar un sistema operativo debian en un ordenador 
portatil nuevo, comprado sin un sistema operativo windows instalado de serie.

He puesto este mensaje en vuestro sitio web porque estoy tratando de encontrar 
un curso en el que aprender a rea lizar el tipo de instalación que he descrito. 
He buscado información al respecto en internet pero me he perdido en la 
cantidad de información que he encontrado. 

Existe algun colectivo de usuarios de debian que organice un curso en el que 
pueda aprender a realizar el tipo de instalación que he propuesto?

Dispongo de un ordenador portatil que puedo utilizar para practicar la 
instalación antes de intentarla en un ordenador portatil nuevo.

¿Alguien puede ayudarme a conseguir el obejetivo que me he propuesto?
No dudeis en contactar conmigo a traves de:

La instalación de un LINUX (casi cualquier distribución) es muy fácil.
Se puede hacer desde CD/DVD o mejor aún desde PenDrive (cosa que recomiendo).

Te bajas una "distro" instalable, la grabas en un pen drive lo colocas en el 
ordenador y lo enciendes teniendo la precaución de hacer que el ordenador 
bootee desde el pen.

Luego el mismo instalador te va guiando.

Fácil si quieres una instalación "normal".
Si la quieres más personalizada medio que se complica.
En máquinas "viejas" no suele haber problemas con los drivers porque las distro 
actuales ya tienen TODOS los drivers (o casi) en máquinas más modernosas o con 
placas ultra nuevas quizás haya problemas.

Bájate una distro con un entorno de escritorio "liviano" (por ejemplo XFCE o 
LXDE) porque algunos entornos más "lindos" serán muy lindos y vistosos pero... 
te consumen un monton de recursos.

En media horita se instala... y cuando se instala... anda SIEMPRE y NO se 
cuelga NUNCA.
Yo tengo una máquina con una distro que instalé hace 10 años (Ya ni tiene 
soporte) pero NO instalo otra porque la máquina en estos 10 años NO ha dado 
ningún problema (ni cuelgues, ni virus, ni nada)

LINUX es "lo más". 

El único problemilla con LINUX es encontrar programas aplicativos... para 
algunas cosas hay muchos pero para otras cosas NO hay casi nada y lo que hay es 
deficiente. Por ejemplo para aplicaciones de Video profesional o 
semiprofesional NO hay nada bueno (salvo el KENLIVE y algún otro) y en 
gráfica... medio que tampoco... te dirán que el GIMP está bueno pero... NO es 
de lo mejor... y para colmo tiene mucha programación en Python lo cual lo hace 
tremendamente lento.

Para navegar por la WEB... Firefox u Opera son de lo mejor.

Y para el paquete de oficina tienes el LibreOffice que es MUY lento... 
(justamente porque tiene mucho Python y Java) pero... otra cosa... medio que NO 


Re: OT: Lista de correo sobre HARDWARE

2024-03-30 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 El 2024-03-26 a las 16:23 +, Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena escribió:
> Estimada gente:
> Disculpen el OT...
> ¿Conocen alguna lista de correos o foro web sobre Hardware?
¿De hardware en general o buscas algo más concreto?

> Antes había muchos pero ahora... parece que han desaparecido o por lo menos 
> los que yo conocía.
> Y en la WEB... la información que suelo buscar seguramente debe estar pero... 
> con tanta página y sitio con información pobre y claramente comercial, es 
> difícil encontrar algo técnico que seguramente debe estar... como lo puede 
> estar una aguja en un pajar.


El viernes, 29 de marzo de 2024, 05:25:25 ART, Camaleón  
Cómo echo de menos NNTP ;-(

En fin, no sólo han ido desapareciendo servicios como Usenet y/o
servicios vinculados (Gmane), también existen cada vez menos listas de
correo y foros especializados abiertos y accesibles y más páginas
cerradas de infumables redes sociales como TikTok-Instagram-catapom.

Echa un vistazo a servicios clásicos como The Mail Archive y busca por
algún grupo o lista de correo de hardware que te guste (especializado o

De momento localizo el clásico:

Y parece que sigue vivo:

En cuanto a foros de hardware tienes más opciones (en inglés y español):



Ah, OK.
GRACIAS por responder.
Tal parece que las buenas listas de correo y foros han ido desapareciendo.
Ya me parecía a mi eso... 

Ahora hay mucho "Youtuber" "TiTokero" de los que se rescata poca cosa.
Y para colmo las páginas "técnicas" ya casi están sepultadas por el motón de 
páginas inservibles (copias de copias de copias) que aportan casi nada.

A fines de la década de 1990 comienzo de la del 2000 había menos sitios pero... 
tenían información de buena calidad técnica. Ahora prácticamente son páginas 
"comerciales" que dicen poco y nada.

Bueno... es así...

OT: Lista de correo sobre HARDWARE

2024-03-26 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
Estimada gente:

Disculpen el OT...
¿Conocen alguna lista de correos o foro web sobre Hardware?

Antes había muchos pero ahora... parece que han desaparecido o por lo menos los 
que yo conocía.
Y en la WEB... la información que suelo buscar seguramente debe estar pero... 
con tanta página y sitio con información pobre y claramente comercial, es 
difícil encontrar algo técnico que seguramente debe estar... como lo puede 
estar una aguja en un pajar.


Re: Bind9 local DNS not forwarding query to public DNS

2024-03-12 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 12/03/2024 12:48, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

   Dear All,
Need your experience advice, We have a BIND9 DNS server that operates 
both privately and publicly for the domain example 
<>. I use the private DNS for certain secure nodes on our 
local network. I want all VPN users to be able to resolve these secure 
nodes using our local DNS, which is functioning correctly.

So I force assign all VPN user local DNS so that they can access the 
secure records and local DNS can forward their query to public DNS in 
case the record is not found in the zone file.

  locally everything is working just fine, the issue arises when a VPN 
user queries an A record that is on public. For example, if 
" <>" has a local entry in the zone 
file, it works as expected. However, when the entry is not present, I 
expect BIND to conditionally forward the query to a remote DNS server 
and resolve it for the VPN client. Unfortunately, this is not happening. 
BIND only searches for entries that are available in the local zone file 
and then times out. Here are my configuration files.

here is my bind config

  options {
              directory "/var/cache/bind";
              recursion yes;                   // Enable DNS recursion
              allow-recursion { localhost; };

You're only allowing recursion from localhost. I guess you need to allow 
the internal VPN addresses here. Maybe that's the (commented) acl below, 
so try something like

allow-recursion { "trusted"; };

(Maybe the acl needs to be defined before it's used, I'm not sure.)

              //acl trusted {; };

But remember to add localhost to the acl, so that local processes can 
also use the recursive server.

              querylog yes;
              allow-transfer { none; };       // Disable zone transfers by 
              allow-query { any; };           // Allow queries from any IP 
              forwarders {
              dnssec-validation auto;
              listen-on-v6 { any; };

       zone "" {
           type master;
           file "/etc/bind/";
           forwarders {
     ;                    // Additional forwarder (optional)



A federally insured chain letter.


Re: Seeking a Terminal Emulator on Debian for "Passthrough" Printing

2024-01-22 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 22/01/2024 10:57, Stefan Monnier wrote:

So: have you considering replacing the whole system?

You mean, fix this one well-understood problem, and replace it with an
unknown number of unknown problems?
Sounds great!

How about "Replace a locked-in solution with an fully open source 
[hopefully] solution"?

It definitely looks like there is no ready open source solution to the 
component the OP wants to replace. It might be possible to adapt an 
existing terminal emulator to include the necessary functionality, 
solving the immediate problem, but the next part that they want to 
replace might end up with the same problem.

BASIC is the Computer Science equivalent of `Scientific Creationism'.


Re: Seeking a Terminal Emulator on Debian for "Passthrough" Printing

2024-01-22 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 11/01/2024 21:27, phoebus phoebus wrote:

[snip description of problem]

I'm on the category of people that haven't fully understood the 
requirements. Maybe because I do not have experience in this specific 
area, and also probably because I haven't read each email carefully.

But that's ok, because I want to talk in more general terms. You 
probably won't like the suggestion, though.

It seems that the system you have has become quite complex and its many 
components depend on each other in very specific ways. It has become 
something rather peculiar. Maybe it's not unique, maybe many retailers 
have similar systems, but they all depend on the same vendor or couple 
of vendors.

You now want to replace of the components, but since it's very dependent 
on the rest of the system, you are having a hard time finding a 
replacement. It's even difficult to describe the requirements, because 
it's something really unusual.

So: have you considering replacing the whole system?

Sure, in the short term it will be costly.

It'll be difficult, and cause disruptions. The users will have to be 
trained in the new system, productivity will decrease a little until 
they get proficient in it, there might be the need for some downtime, etc.

So I totally understand that what I'm proposing is not something easy to 
ask. But given that the difficulty you are having in replacing this one 
component will likely be repeated when some other part needs to be 
changed, I do not think it's entirely unreasonable that this option is 


Re: Thunderbird filters

2024-01-15 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 14/01/2024 20:10, Felix Miata wrote:

Most likely the location is the same as in SeaMonkey, where there is one filter
file per account, which is by default, thus:


I believe in TB the default may be:


Mozilla profiles located in other locations are supported. They need not be
anywhere in /home/ if properly configured and permissioned.

I generally stay away from Gene threads, because they lead to nowhere, 
but I found out that in the same directory that msgFilterRules.dat 
resides there's a filterlog.html file that might contain information 
about run filters. (I can't say for sure because I don't use Thunderbird 

Unfortunately, Gene may have already deleted his whole home directory, 
including ~/.thunderbird (or not - who knows), so the log is gone.

In my system the directory is actually


You are destined to become the commandant of the fighting men of the
department of transportation.


Re: Seeking a Terminal Emulator on Debian for "Passthrough" Printing

2024-01-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 13/01/2024 11:00, phoebus phoebus wrote:

I will now discuss this information with our project team to determine the best 
way to incorporate it. This includes considering presenting the idea to our 
management and potentially engaging a qualified third party to design a 
prototype. The goal would be to further develop these features beyond the 
initial stage, so that the PuTTY project team can seamlessly integrate them 
(ideally in the form of a ready-to-use patch).

I'd just suggest checking with the PuTTY team before hand if they'd be 
interested in adding the functionality. Sure, a ready-to-apply patch 
increases the chances, but this seems like a very specific feature that 
very few people seem to need, so they might not want to add extra 
complexity to the software.

Everything bows to success, even grammar.


Re: Request advice on Optimal Combo-usage of Gmail and Mailman, as mentioned in Msg-Id. "2023/11/msg00443"

2023-11-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 13/11/2023 14:50, Anssi Saari wrote:

The Wanderer  writes:

And those are getting rare, I can't find a nice MUA for Android with
proper threading.

If you ever do find one, please let me know. The lack of such a thing is
the primary reason why I don't do E-mail on Android *at all*.

Possibly FairEmail would fit the bill. They advertize "conversation
threading" but I don't really if it's proper or not. The author is
responsive though.

Unfortunately doesn't look like so, this "coversation" threading is what 
gmail does, a linear sequence of messages.

"We shall reach greater and greater platitudes of achievement."
        -- Richard J. Daley


Re: Request advice on Optimal Combo-usage of Gmail and Mailman, as mentioned in Msg-Id. "2023/11/msg00443"

2023-11-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 13/11/2023 11:10, The Wanderer wrote:

On 2023-11-13 at 08:57, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

It's not only google, I'd say it's the norm, except for "advanced"
users that use good MUA.

And those are getting rare, I can't find a nice MUA for Android with
proper threading.

If you ever do find one, please let me know. The lack of such a thing is
the primary reason why I don't do E-mail on Android *at all*.

There's ProfiMail Go 
Seems to be still installable, but it's old and not really maintained 
anymore. Occasionally I stumble on some minor bug, but it's usable.

The pollution's at that awkward stage.  Too thick to navigate and too
thin to cultivate.
-- Doug Sneyd


Re: Request advice on Optimal Combo-usage of Gmail and Mailman, as mentioned in Msg-Id. "2023/11/msg00443"

2023-11-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 13/11/2023 09:31, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Mon, 13 Nov 2023 12:04:47 +
Andy Smith  wrote:

Hello Andy,

{gmail web interface}

that people put up with that.

If they've always used google (and let's face it, there are plenty of
people that fall in to that category), then they have no experience
of anything else and quite possibly know no better.

It's not only google, I'd say it's the norm, except for "advanced" users 
that use good MUA.

And those are getting rare, I can't find a nice MUA for Android with 
proper threading.

"Humor is a drug which it's the fashion to abuse."
-- William Gilbert


Re: Shell-script variable name case [WAS: Re: can you parse and "tail" at once? (and if you can't why not?)]

2023-10-23 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 23/10/2023 10:56, David wrote:

Hi, for your info, this convention is specified by POSIX:

Which says:
   Environment variable names used by the utilities in the Shell and
   Utilities volume of POSIX.1-2017 consist solely of uppercase letters,
   digits, and the  ( '_' ) from the characters defined in
   Portable Character Set and do not begin with a digit.

   The name space of environment variable names containing lowercase letters
   is reserved for applications. Applications can define any environment
   variables with names from this name space without modifying the behavior
   of the standard utilities.

That's good to know, and pretty much invalidates everything I said.

BOFH excuse #239:

CPU needs bearings repacked


Re: can you parse and "tail" at once? (and if you can't why not?)

2023-10-23 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 22/10/2023 23:13, Greg Wooledge wrote:

2) All-caps variable name IFL.  All-caps variable names are reserved, by
convention, for environment variables (e.g. PATH) and special shell
variables (e.g. IFS).

While I don't disagree with the suggestion of using lower case for 
variables (and have even started doing so myself), it seems that this 
"convention" is far from universal.

I did a quick search on the bash manual page and found no suggestion on 
how to name user variables, or that uppercase names are reserved (but it 
was a very quick search - I might have skipped something).

Even an internet search shows that people seem to be divided: this style 
guide[0], for example, suggests lower case variable names (for the same 
reason), but suggests that if the variable is actually a constant, it 
should be upper case. (This seems to be influenced by Java conventions.)


This guy[1] even says that all variables should be uppercase.


It's certainly very common (even if unfortunate) to use all uppercase 
variables, as you certainly know.

So while I agree that it's a good idea to use lowercase variable names, 
the way you put it seems a bit too strong. I'd call it a preference, or 
even a matter of style, but convention to me implies something that's 
more widely agreed upon or more widespread, which it's not (unfortunately).

Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.
-- Beckett


Re: Intermittent WiFi on Network Manager

2023-10-09 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 07/10/2023 08:11, gene heskett wrote:
Another possibility is a leaky microwave oven in the vicinity. As 

Also check the color of the microwave: if it's bright magenta, change it 
to a black one.

No, wait, that's SATA cables. Never mind.

Wedding rings are the world's smallest handcuffs.


Re: Debian will not boot any more, wrong UUID

2023-10-01 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 01/10/2023 14:08, Hans wrote:

The kernel is still starting, but does not find the root partition, as the UUID
is wrong.

And I can not get the correct UUID, as no Linux livefile does see the /dev/nvme

I don't think the problem is an incorrect or changed UUID, but simply 
that you SSD is not being detected, and so it cannot find the partition 
with the given UUID (it can't find any partitions, I'd guess).

Sorry I can't be of more help.

The only difference in the game of love over the last few thousand years
is that they've changed trumps from clubs to diamonds.
-- The Indianapolis Star


Re: OT: Debian KDE no me abre enlances de whatsapp

2023-10-01 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Uso Chrome, perdón por no especificar antes

OT: Debian KDE no me abre enlances de whatsapp

2023-09-30 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Tengo un problema menor pero muy molesto.

Encuentro muchas páginas, como esta que tienen links a sus propias whatsapp

cuando hago click abajo a la derecha en WhatsApp y posteriormente ir al 
chat me dice

"Parece que no tienes instalada la aplicación WhatsApp."

Me da la posibilidad de usar whatsappweb, pero le doy click ahi y 
tampoco funciona.

Alguna idea?

Gracias a la lista

Re: LaTex Unicode entry issues

2023-08-26 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 26/08/2023 09:08, Haines Brown wrote:

The question is: if my system has access to a character in that it can
be pasted, why cannot LaTeX do so as well.

Because TeX dates from before Unicode was even being discussed, and does 
not use the libraries for handling Unicode that the other software in 
your system does.

That's not to say it has not been modified to add at least partial 
support for Unicode (utf8 is even the default encoding since a couple 
years), but it's not the same as something built from the start to 
handle Unicode.

On the other hand, luatex and xetex are evolutions of tex that have a 
much more modern and native Unicode support. Use them instead of pdf(la)tex.

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the double lock will keep;
May no brick through the window break,
And, no one rob me till I awake.


Re: git setup

2023-08-26 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 25/08/2023 19:36, Russell L. Harris wrote:

But for me, the only purpose of the backup repository is to ensure
against data loss due to a catastrophic event such as drive failure on
my production host.

If pushing from PRODUCTION is more reliable or less trouble-prone than
pulling from BACKUP, kindly explain to me, and I shall change.

They're equivalent. One small advantage is that you can push directly 
from your working computer; to pull from the backup computer you have to 
ssh there first.

However, pushing to a central repository is the workflow generally used 
when multiple people are working on a project. You may be only one using 
the repository, but if you follow the common procedure, it'll help if 
you ever find yourself working in a multi-user project.

If a bare BACKUP is more reliable or less trouble-prone than
a non-bare BACKUP, kindly explain to me, and I shall change.

The reliability should be the same, but you cannot push to a non-bare 
repository. At least not in the standard configuration, but git being 
git I'm sure there's a way to override that.

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have
much of anything to do with it.


Re: /etc/resolv.conf changes every booting time

2023-08-08 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 07/08/2023 23:45, gene heskett wrote:

On 8/7/23 21:47, Greg Wooledge wrote:

Start a new thread, and treat the problem seriously.  Show us the
commands you're running and their output.  Show us the relevant
parts of your configuration.

That particular problem has been solved, Greg, and 60 days later there's 
no way I can recreate all that.

There is at my age some considerable truth in the remark that I can't 
remember what I had for breakfast or if I even had any.  It might be 
funny to the younger folks here, until they can't recall it either...

Don't just tack it onto a different thread and make vague statements.
That won't solve anything.

Go back and look at me vs digikam. 

> [snip]

He just told you to not hijack threads, and there you go and your 
immediate reply is to start talking about something completely unrelated 
to the rest of the discussion.

If little else, the brain is an educational toy.
-- Tom Robbins


Re: /etc/resolv.conf changes every booting time

2023-08-06 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 06/08/2023 00:26, Greg Wooledge wrote:

I'm also forced to relegate the chattr solution to the end of the page,
and couch it in caveats, because some people think that it's wrong.
They can't say WHY it's wrong, of course.  Maybe because it's too simple
and effective.  I dunno.

How about the fact that it just solves the symptom but not the real problem?

/etc/resolv.conf does not change by itself, some tool must be making the 
(possibly undesired) changes, so in most cases, I'd say it's better to 
configure that tool to stop changing resolv.conf, or to add the 
nameservers you want instead of whatever the tool auto discovers. Or 
perhaps you don't even need that tool (in a server with static IP, for 

I'm not saying that chattr +i should never be used, but it should be the 
last resort, and the user should know what they're doing and possible 

The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest.


Re: No puedo ejecutar openvpn desde la terminal

2023-08-04 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Gracias estimado.

Quedo en deuda con Ud.

No puedo ejecutar openvpn desde la terminal

2023-08-03 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


ejecuto $ openvpn ejemploopenvp.ovpn

y me dice

bash: openvpn: orden no encontrada

Debe ser una tontería pero no se como resolverlo


Re: Is it possible to downgrade openssl?

2023-07-29 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 28/07/2023 17:04, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
I have an AppImage from Creality which segfaults with a QT ssl error. 
Googling tells me that the latest version of OpenSSL (3.x) omits some 
X509 functionality, which can be found in OpenSSL-1.1. (And someone 
reports that installing it solves the problem.) But I can't find that 
package. Is there any way to revert to an earlier version of OpenSSL? 
I'm on an up-to-date bookworm system.

AppImages bundle all the libraries used by the application, so changing 
the "system" version of openssl probably won't work.


Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-19 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Bueno sí, sí hay más... hay paquetes como firefox o thunderbird que si
puedes instalarle el paquete específico en argentino.

Si, esos los tengo instalados.


Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-18 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Encuentro esto, quizás ayude

ejecuto el comando locale y me dice

locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-18 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Entonces tendrás que dejarlo como estaba, o configurarlo desde KDE como
hiciste antes y dejarlo así para que te mantenga el idioma es_AR en
todo el sistema (consola, entorno gráfico).


Eso quiero, dejarlo como estaba. Pero no lo logro...

Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-15 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

# generated by KDE Plasma Region & Language KCM
es_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

Puedes probar a comnentar esas líneas «#» para que no se carguen,
regenerar el arhcivo, reiniciar el sistema y ver qué te dice KDE.

Tampoco funciona.

Y ahora encuentro parte del sistema en inglés. Algunas aplicaciones kde 
salen en inglés.

Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-13 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

El 13/7/23 a las 14:10, JavierDebian escribió:

Fijate ésto:
# cat /etc/default/locale

Debería responder:
#  File generated by update-locale

Efectivamente dice eso mismo.
Pero en moneda me sale euro y en Idioma me sale español de españa.
Lo que hice para solucionarlo en cambiar a mano, en opciones de idioma 
de kde (graficamente) la moneda y listo.

No era la solución que yo quería.
Gracias amigo--

Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-13 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

# export LANGUAGE=es_AR.UTF-8
# export LANG=es_AR.UTF-8
# export LC_ALL=es_AR.UTF-8
# locale-gen es_AR.UTF-8
# dpkg-reconfigure locales


Tampoco funcionó...

Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-13 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

En principio todo parece correcto.

¿Qué síntomas tienes, exactamente?

¿Aparecen mensajes en español de España en KDE o también desde la consola
o terminal?

Lo que aparece es la moneda Euro y en idioma en el escritorio me dice 
"Español de España"

Mira a ver qué te devuelve la orden «locale».


Y acuérdate de reiniciar el sistema para que se apliquen los cambios que
hayas hecho tras añadir algún idioma o reconfigurar la localización.


Estoy reiniciando

Re: Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-12 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

El 12/7/23 a las 11:11, JavierDebian escribió:

Buen día.

# export LANGUAGE=es_ES.UTF-8
# export LANG=es_ES.UTF-8
# export LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8
# locale-gen es_ES.UTF-8
# dpkg-reconfigure locales

Gracias por responder.
Prefiero preguntar antes de modificar algo.
Con esos comando vuelvo todo a español Argentina? eso quiero 
hacer... porque me parece que debería ser asi

# export LANGUAGE=es_AR.UTF-8
# export LANG=es_AR.UTF-8
# export LC_ALL=es_AR.UTF-8
# locale-gen es_ES.UTF-8
# dpkg-reconfigure locales

Corregime si me equivoco

Debian 12 problema con Español de Argentina

2023-07-12 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Hola estimados.

Borré haciendo algunas pruebas el idioma español de argentina y ahora no 
puedo recuperarlo, no puedo configurarlo nuevamente.

Probé con dpkg-reconfigure locales. Me sale el idioma que yo quiero pero 
el sistema me sigue saliendo en español de españa

Les paso algunos logs

cat /etc/default/locale
#  File generated by update-locale

cat  /etc/locale.gen
# This file lists locales that you wish to have built. You can find a list
# of valid supported locales at /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED, and you can add
# user defined locales to /usr/local/share/i18n/SUPPORTED. If you change
# this file, you need to rerun locale-gen.

# C.UTF-8 UTF-8
# aa_DJ ISO-8859-1
# aa_DJ.UTF-8 UTF-8
# aa_ER UTF-8
# aa_ER@saaho UTF-8
# aa_ET UTF-8
# af_ZA ISO-8859-1
# af_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# agr_PE UTF-8
# ak_GH UTF-8
# am_ET UTF-8
# an_ES ISO-8859-15
# an_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8
# anp_IN UTF-8
# ar_AE ISO-8859-6
# ar_AE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_BH ISO-8859-6
# ar_BH.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_DZ ISO-8859-6
# ar_DZ.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_EG ISO-8859-6
# ar_EG.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_IN UTF-8
# ar_IQ ISO-8859-6
# ar_IQ.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_JO ISO-8859-6
# ar_JO.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_KW ISO-8859-6
# ar_KW.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_LB ISO-8859-6
# ar_LB.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_LY ISO-8859-6
# ar_LY.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_MA ISO-8859-6
# ar_MA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_OM ISO-8859-6
# ar_OM.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_QA ISO-8859-6
# ar_QA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_SA ISO-8859-6
# ar_SA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_SD ISO-8859-6
# ar_SD.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_SS UTF-8
# ar_SY ISO-8859-6
# ar_SY.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_TN ISO-8859-6
# ar_TN.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ar_YE ISO-8859-6
# ar_YE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# as_IN UTF-8
# ast_ES ISO-8859-15
# ast_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ayc_PE UTF-8
# az_AZ UTF-8
# az_IR UTF-8
# be_BY CP1251
# be_BY.UTF-8 UTF-8
# be_BY@latin UTF-8
# bem_ZM UTF-8
# ber_DZ UTF-8
# ber_MA UTF-8
# bg_BG CP1251
# bg_BG.UTF-8 UTF-8
# bhb_IN.UTF-8 UTF-8
# bho_IN UTF-8
# bho_NP UTF-8
# bi_VU UTF-8
# bn_BD UTF-8
# bn_IN UTF-8
# bo_CN UTF-8
# bo_IN UTF-8
# br_FR ISO-8859-1
# br_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8
# br_FR@euro ISO-8859-15
# brx_IN UTF-8
# bs_BA ISO-8859-2
# bs_BA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# byn_ER UTF-8
# ca_AD ISO-8859-15
# ca_AD.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ca_ES ISO-8859-1
# ca_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ca_ES@euro ISO-8859-15
# ca_ES@valencia UTF-8
# ca_FR ISO-8859-15
# ca_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ca_IT ISO-8859-15
# ca_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ce_RU UTF-8
# chr_US UTF-8
# ckb_IQ UTF-8
# cmn_TW UTF-8
# crh_UA UTF-8
# cs_CZ ISO-8859-2
# cs_CZ.UTF-8 UTF-8
# csb_PL UTF-8
# cv_RU UTF-8
# cy_GB ISO-8859-14
# cy_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
# da_DK ISO-8859-1
# da_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_AT ISO-8859-1
# de_AT.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_AT@euro ISO-8859-15
# de_BE ISO-8859-1
# de_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_BE@euro ISO-8859-15
# de_CH ISO-8859-1
# de_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_DE ISO-8859-1
# de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15
# de_IT ISO-8859-1
# de_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_LI.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_LU ISO-8859-1
# de_LU.UTF-8 UTF-8
# de_LU@euro ISO-8859-15
# doi_IN UTF-8
# dsb_DE UTF-8
# dv_MV UTF-8
# dz_BT UTF-8
# el_CY ISO-8859-7
# el_CY.UTF-8 UTF-8
# el_GR ISO-8859-7
# el_GR.UTF-8 UTF-8
# el_GR@euro ISO-8859-7
# en_AG UTF-8
# en_AU ISO-8859-1
# en_AU.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_BW ISO-8859-1
# en_BW.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_CA ISO-8859-1
# en_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_DK ISO-8859-1
# en_DK.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15
# en_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_GB ISO-8859-1
# en_GB.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15
# en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_HK ISO-8859-1
# en_HK.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_IE ISO-8859-1
# en_IE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_IE@euro ISO-8859-15
# en_IL UTF-8
# en_IN UTF-8
# en_NG UTF-8
# en_NZ ISO-8859-1
# en_NZ.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_PH ISO-8859-1
# en_PH.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_SC.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_SG ISO-8859-1
# en_SG.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_US ISO-8859-1
# en_US.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15
# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_ZA ISO-8859-1
# en_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# en_ZM UTF-8
# en_ZW ISO-8859-1
# en_ZW.UTF-8 UTF-8
# eo UTF-8
# es_AR ISO-8859-1
es_AR.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_BO ISO-8859-1
# es_BO.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_CL ISO-8859-1
# es_CL.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_CO ISO-8859-1
# es_CO.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_CR ISO-8859-1
# es_CR.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_CU UTF-8
# es_DO ISO-8859-1
# es_DO.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_EC ISO-8859-1
# es_EC.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_ES ISO-8859-1
# es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_ES@euro ISO-8859-15
# es_GT ISO-8859-1
# es_GT.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_HN ISO-8859-1
# es_HN.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_MX ISO-8859-1
# es_MX.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_NI ISO-8859-1
# es_NI.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_PA ISO-8859-1
# es_PA.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_PE ISO-8859-1
# es_PE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_PR ISO-8859-1
# es_PR.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_PY ISO-8859-1
# es_PY.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_SV ISO-8859-1
# es_SV.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_US ISO-8859-1
# es_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_UY ISO-8859-1
# es_UY.UTF-8 UTF-8
# es_VE ISO-8859-1
# es_VE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# et_EE ISO-8859-1
# et_EE.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15
# et_EE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# eu_ES ISO-8859-1
# eu_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8
# eu_ES@euro ISO-8859-15
# eu_FR ISO-8859-1
# eu_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8
# eu_FR@euro ISO-8859-15
# fa_IR UTF-8
# ff_SN UTF-8
# fi_FI ISO-8859-1
# fi_FI.UTF-8 UTF-8
# fi_FI@euro ISO-8859-15
# fil_PH UTF-8
# fo_FO ISO-8859-1
# fo_FO.UTF-8 UTF-8
# fr_BE ISO-8859-1
# fr_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8
# fr_BE@euro ISO-8859-15

Re: problemas con apt upgrade

2023-06-27 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

¿Qué intentaste instalar?


Instalé varios paquetes con la instalación limpia.
No podría identificar un paquete en especial

Marcelo E. Giordano
/Contador Público/
*(2634) 4***17505**

Pedro Molina 574· San Martín - Mendoza

Re: problemas con apt upgrade

2023-06-27 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Seguramente la solución pase por esperar a que saquen alguna


Gracias, esperaré

problemas con apt upgrade

2023-06-26 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano
Estimados: Se que este es un error basico pero no se solucionarlo. 
Instalé un paquete viejo imagino en Debian 12 y me sale esto que copio 

Gracias por la ayuda.

Feliz con mi Debian 12

dpkg:error al procesar el paquete ca-certificates-java (--configure):
el subproceso instalado paquete ca-certificates-java script 
post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1
dpkg:problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de 
openjdk-17-jre-headless:amd64 depende de ca-certificates-java (>= 
20190405~); sin embargo:

El paquete `ca-certificates-java' no está configurado todavía.

dpkg:error al procesar el paquete openjdk-17-jre-headless:amd64 

problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
dpkg:problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de 
openjdk-17-jre:amd64 depende de openjdk-17-jre-headless (= 
17.0.7+7-1~deb12u1); sin embargo:

El paquete `openjdk-17-jre-headless:amd64' no está configurado todavía.

dpkg:error al procesar el paquete openjdk-17-jre:amd64 (--configure):
problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
dpkg:problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de default-jre:
default-jre depende de openjdk-17-jre; sin embargo:
El paquete `openjdk-17-jre:amd64' no está configurado todavía.

dpkg:error al procesar el paquete default-jre (--configure):
problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
dpkg:problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de 
openjdk-17-jdk:amd64 depende de openjdk-17-jre (= 17.0.7+7-1~deb12u1); 
sin embargo:

El paquete `openjdk-17-jre:amd64' no está configurado todavía.

dpkg:error al procesar el paquete openjdk-17-jdk:amd64 (--configure):
problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
dpkg:problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de 
openjdk-17-jdk-headless:amd64 depende de openjdk-17-jre-headless (= 
17.0.7+7-1~deb12u1); sin embargo:

El paquete `openjdk-17-jre-headless:amd64' no está configurado todavía.

dpkg:error al procesar el paquete openjdk-17-jdk-headless:amd64 

problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
Se encontraron errores al procesar:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


Marcelo E. Giordano
/Contador Público/
*(2634) 4***17505**

Pedro Molina 574· San Martín - Mendoza

SOLUCIONADO Re: OFF TOPIC - openvpn en Debian 12 error

2023-06-25 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Gracias estimado. Me funcionó perfecto.

Pero tuve que hacer algunas cosas que yo no sabía:

primero modifiqué el archivo ovpn directamente y no el archivo que 
estaba alojado



Re: OFF TOPIC - openvpn en Debian 12 error

2023-06-23 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Le agregué


al archivo /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/vpn.nmconnection

que estaba vacio y no cambió nada.

alguna otra alternativa?

OFF TOPIC - openvpn en Debian 12 error

2023-06-21 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


Usaba debian 11 con una VPN sin ningún problema. Realizo una instalación 
limpia de Debian 12 y ahora me sale esto

2023-06-21 09:56:28 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. 
Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets 
are not compressed unless "allow-compression yes" is also set.
2023-06-21 09:56:28 Note: --cipher is not set. OpenVPN versions before 
2.5 defaulted to BF-CBC as fallback when cipher negotiation failed in 
this case. If you need this fallback please add '--data-ciphers-fallback 
BF-CBC' to your config

uration and/or add BF-CBC to --data-ciphers.
2023-06-21 09:56:28 OpenVPN 2.6.3 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] 

2023-06-21 09:56:28 library versions: OpenSSL 3.0.9 30 May 2023, LZO 2.10
2023-06-21 09:56:28 DCO version: N/A
2023-06-21 09:56:28 WARNING: No server certificate verification method 
has been enabled.  See for more info.

Enter Private Key Password: 
2023-06-21 09:56:33 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in 
memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this
2023-06-21 09:56:33 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: 

2023-06-21 09:56:33 UDPv4 link local: (not bound)
2023-06-21 09:56:33 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
2023-06-21 09:56:33 VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=CA signature digest 
algorithm too weak: C=AR, ST=MZ, L=Mendoza, O=DIC, CN=server,, serial=465
2023-06-21 09:56:33 OpenSSL: error:0A86:SSL routines::certificate 
verify failed

2023-06-21 09:56:33 TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error
2023-06-21 09:56:33 TLS Error: TLS object -> incoming plaintext read error
2023-06-21 09:56:33 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
2023-06-21 09:56:33 SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting
^C2023-06-21 09:56:34 SIGINT[hard,init_instance] received, process exiting

Alguna idea?

Re: chroot: can't execute command "/bin/bash": No such file or directory

2023-06-18 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 18/06/2023 06:02, Mario Marietto wrote:


Maybe a little problem for you,but a bigger problem for me. I've 
debootstrapped jessie on Ubuntu 14.04 with this command :

debootstrap --foreign --arch=armhf jessie jessie-armhf <>

and it worked ok,but when I try to chroot within it :

chroot ./jessie-armhf /bin/bash

it gives the following error :

chroot: can't execute command "/bin/bash": No such file or directory

but I see the file bash within the directory /bin of the debootstrapped 
directory called "jessie-armhf". What could be the problem ? thanks.

Just to be sure: is your Ubuntu (and your system) armhf?

If not, you'll need something like qemu-user to emulate armhf.

(I'd expect I different error message in case of trying to run a binary 
for another architecture, but one never knows...)

  Goes (Went) over like a lead balloon.



2023-06-14 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Instalo debian 12 y me dice..

se obtuvo un error cuando se intonto instalar el nucleo en el sistema 

Paquete del nucleo "linux-image-amd64"

compruebe el fichero /var/log/syslog o la conssola virtual numero 4 para 
los detalles

Que podrá ser? traté de instalarlo desde 2 pen drive pensando que podia 
estar ahi el error



2023-06-05 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Yo igual

Re: Firefox resource utilization (was Re: A case for supporting antiquated hardware, was Re: A hypervisor for a headless server?)

2023-06-04 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 04/06/2023 05:17, Bret Busby wrote:

On 4/6/23 14:32, Max Nikulin wrote:

I believe, web site creators should be blamed more aggressively than 
browser developers for RAM requirements of contemporary web applications.

That was the point that I was making - I had not, as a twisted response 
indicated, criticised Firefox regarding the misuse of resources - I 
explicitly referred to malignant web application developers (for those 
that do not understand the term, a web application is the application, 
on the web application hosting server, that the user accesses, using a 
web browser, not the web browser itself) that steal users' resources 
using client-side processing (by using malware such as javascript using 
client side processing), rather than properly and ethically using 
server-side processing, such as .jsp or Perl .cgi applications.

The problem is that some web developers (and, especially, their 
employers) offload the processing that should be done on the business 
web application hosting server, to the victim users' personal computers. 
It is a malignant exploitation, like the "gig economy".

With no client-side javascript, it's not possible to change just a part 
of a web page[0]. The server must send the whole web page to be rendered 
by the client. So while it decreases CPU usage in the client, it 
increases network usage. Isn't it unethical to also "steal" more 
bandwidth than necessary?

[0] There are frames (now deprecated) and iframes, but they only get you 
so far. And each (i)frame must be a complete html page.

And even with regards to CPU usage your model might not be so great. 
Instead of re-rendering just the part of the page that needs to be 
changed (say, the message pane in a webmail application), with no 
client-side scripting the whole interface must be re-rendered, which can 
be resource intensive. So while I'd agree that with client-side 
scripting resource usage in the client is higher, it might not be as 
higher as you think.


Re: ssh-keygen as a regular user

2023-05-12 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 12/05/2023 09:36, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2023-05-12 18:23:41 +0800, jeremy ardley wrote:


mkdir .ssh

chmod 700 .ssh


Is there any reason why ssh-keygen doesn't create a .ssh directory
(with the right permissions) if it doesn't exist yet?

It does, and even let's you know it did:

$ ssh-keygen 
  Generating public/private 
rsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ekalin/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/ekalin/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/ekalin/.ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /home/ekalin/.ssh/

 no BSD fans ?
 Elric: it's hard to be a gamer and a bsd fan :p


Re: repeat of previous question that has gone unansweredseveraltimes.

2023-05-07 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 07/05/2023 12:26, gene heskett wrote:
There is a light at the end of this dark tunnel, IF you are willing to 
change the brand name on the printer. But in your case you've already 
done that.  So now do a search for brotherusa, go there and download 
their driver installer, unpack it, run it sudo if needed. It will ask 
you for the model # of your printer, enter it EXACTLY, the script will, 
if you've net access, goto brothers site, download the exact driver your 
printer needs, install it, integrating with cups perfectly but you will 
probably need to disable cups-browsed as it will make the default driver 
the everywhere driver, crippling 95% of the printers abilities.  And 
from the machine the printer is plugged into, and assuming browsed is 
stopped so you can use the brother driver, it Just Works.

Please stop spreading misinformation. I have a Brother MFC-L2740DW 
(which I believe is the exact model you have, or if not very similar) 
and it works perfectly with the "driverless" approach, both with the 
cups ppd generator (everywhere) and the cups-filters pps generator 
(driverless). The first one leads to slow printing for some reason, and 
I had to select "high" quality to get standard quality; the second one 
is as fast as the proprietary driver. Auto discovery with cups-browsed 
also works. There might be some specialized options only available in 
the proprietary driver, but everything needed for general use (tray 
selection, duplex, etc) is available in the driverless driver.

The proprietary driver is fine and works well, if it suits you, feel 
free to use it. Just be aware that it's only available for i386, not 
amd64, so in a desktop pc you'll need to add the i386 architecture. On a 
Raspberry Pi or other arm computer you won't be able to run the 
proprietary driver.

But please don't say it's the only option because you've been unable to 
use the other ones.

Ban the bomb.  Save the world for conventional warfare.


Re: repeat of previous question that has gone unansweredseveraltimes.

2023-05-07 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 06/05/2023 20:02, Alex King wrote:
Implying the user is at fault (which Brian isn't necessarily doing 
here,) or acting surprised when someone has trouble printing, is like 
gaslighting.  Maybe it works OK for you, but please understand that is 
not the general case.

Take not of this, it'll be important later.

 Debian can't support every printer for every 
user, but knowing that, CUPS should come with a health warning:  "We 
supply this software as-is in the knowledge that it has known faults, 
and will not work reliably for all users.  We wish there were a way that 
Debian users could reliably print, but there is not.  You may get some 
help on Debian User, but in general printing is not supported."

This proposal is as bad as what you criticized in the first quoted 
segment. It might say the opposite, but it's still an overly wide 

Pretty much everything in Debian is provided as-is and with no 
warranties (it's explicitly said so in the license), but the maintainers 
do try to make the software work as well as possible (and other people 
can step in if the maintainer is unresponsive).

Since we're talking about anecdotes, I have a very similar printer to 
yours (a Brother MF-2470DW - I believe the engine is basically the same, 
but my model has a scanner and maybe fax), and I've used it with cups 
with no issues for years, both with the Brother proprietary driver and 
lately with the "driverless" feature (which should really be called 
"universal driver" or something like that, but that's another issue). 
Before that, I've had at least three other printers (Lexmark, HP and one 
that I can't remember) that also worked with no problems. This doesn't 
prove anything, but neither do your bad experiences.

I'd guess that more people can print than can't (provided the printer is 
supported), so even if "cups works fine and printing is supported" isn't 
always correct, it's probably more correct than "in general printing is 
not supported".

Not everything worth doing is worth doing well.


Linux sobre una Notebook VAIO

2023-04-23 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena

Tengo desde hace tres días una Notebook VAIO Fe 15 15.6" Intel Core I7 nueva.
Intel i7, 8 GB de RAM, 512 GB de disco SSD

Ha venido con Win11 con Office y demás cosillas.

Funciona bien y rápido (por ser un Windows)

¿Como la ven ven instalando un LINUX?
¿Alguna recomendación para la instalación?
¿Algún problema conocido? (No sea que luego falte el driver del cable de 
interfase del pirulo que va al coso y que hace funcionar el que se yo)

¿Salió algo mejor que el LibreOffice? (es bastante lenteja y malote) ¿Me tengo 
que conformar con el LibreOffice?

La idea es dejar la máquina lo más segura, estable y rápida que se pueda 
(traducido: que no se cuelgue y que vaya como tiro) por lo que prescindo de 
cualquier cosa "bonita" (que luego consume recursos a lo pavote)

La máquina se usará exclusivamente para trabajar fundamentalmente con Navegador 
(Firefox / Opera) para accesar páginas que prácticamente son puro texto (sin 
videos, poquísima gráfica), un programa "propietario" en JAVA (el 
TraderWorkstation) que funciona de maravillas en cualquier SO y planilla de 
cálculos (que espero no sea la de LibreOffcce que es una carreta)

¿Qué tecla debo tocar para que la notebook botee desde pendrive? (ESC, F10, 
F12, F324)

Bueno eso...
Esta semana voy a sufrir un poco con Windows (hace más de una década que no lo 
uso pero los ingratos recuerdos todavía perduran). Espero comentarios 
varios/consejos hasta el viernes porque el fin de semana me pondré a instalar 

No les voy a preguntar si conocen algún programa de edición de video 
PROFESIONAL y de conversión bueno (por lo menos que sea la mitad de bueno que 
el SonyVegas) porque ya me di por vencido (hace 15 años que lo busco y no hallé 
ninguno para Linux). Ahora, si lo conocen avisen así me voy tomando una 
pastilla para el corazón porque encontrar de golpe algún editor profesional de 
video para Linux me podría  provocar un patatús por la emoción.

Desde ya muchas gracias por su atención.


Mate y conexiones inalámbricas

2023-04-23 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Estimados tengo debian 11 instalado en un notebook lenovo con MATE.

Hago click en el ícono arriba a la derecha de wireless y no responde. 
Después de apretar muchas veces con botón derecho e izquierdo responde.

Que puede estar pasando?

El sistema está recién instalado


Re: Am I infected with a rootkit?

2023-04-16 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 16/04/2023 09:19, Jesper Dybdal wrote:

And there in the bash history were 4 lines that I had not written :-(

I am certain that nobody had been in my apartment while I was gone. And 
even if they had, nobody with a key to my apartment would dream of 
writing things like the 4 lines that I found in the history file.

The 4 lines were:

sp md5users
sp /x/md5users
ps /x/md5users
There is no file named "md5users" or directory named "/x" or command 
named "sp" on the Debian machine.

Which shell do you use, and how is it configured? Note that bash by 
default does not share history between sessions, so even if someone 
logged in as root (via other ssh session) and typed them, they would not 
appear in your ssh session.

See, or wait for Greg to chime 
in with details and corrections.


Re: Apt sources.list

2023-04-16 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 15/04/2023 19:54, davidson wrote:

On Sat, 15 Apr 2023 wrote:

On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 12:18:57PM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:

It's nice not to be telling everyone who can sniff a plaintext
connection which packages you are installing,

Without doubt, this is an advantage of a TLS connection. If you
do care about that, here would be one reason.

In case you wish to obscure what software you *install*, but need not
conceal the software you *download*:

  Step one: Make a list of the packages you want, and then augment it
  with as many plausible alternatives and red herrings as you like.

  Step two:
  $ apt-get -d install 

This downloads the packages only, so you can download packages you
will *not* install, along with ones you will. Then install the proper
subset you want installed, without the '-d' option.

This consumes more resources than using TLS, and increased resource 
usage was one the arguments made against the need for TLS everywhere.

BOFH excuse #377:

Someone hooked the twisted pair wires into the answering machine.


Re: Debian 12 RC1 se va a ir actualizando?

2023-04-13 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano
Gracias estimados. Entonces me quedaré el bullseye hasta que salga 
definitivamente debian 12. No quiero hacer lios. Pasa que quería 
formatear y aprovechar para poner debian 12.

Saludos a la lista

Debian 12 RC1 se va a ir actualizando?

2023-04-13 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


Si Bajo Debian 12 RC1, cuando salga definitivamente la versión de Debian 
12 yo si actualizo los repositorios voy a tener la misma versión que si 
la hubiera bajado originalmente cierto?

Medio enredado.

Es básica la pregunta pero no lo se

Re: OT - Pero absolutamente OT (Es más, lo publico a riesgo de ser bloqueado)

2023-04-11 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Me encantó. Estas cosas le dan mucha vida a la lista.


Re: choose the right email address to send to the lists

2023-03-10 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 10/03/2023 09:09, wrote:

On 10/03/2023 19:30, wrote:

I saw some people using email addresses like yahoo, AOL, to
post messages to the lists (such as debian-user, postfix-user etc).

I am thinking those addresses which have the strictest DKIM setup are
not suitable to send a list mail, they will be blocked by many
recipients (list members).

For example, yahoo has this DMARC setting:

v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=100;;;




v=DMARC1; p=reject; sp=reject; fo=0;;

The all have "p=reject" rules which mean when DKIM (most modern email
providers have this enabled) break at the recipient end, this mail
will be rejected by the recipient MTA.

As we know DKIM will fail due to:

1. SPF fail (for the From: address in header) - this will 100% happen
regardless list server implements SRS or not.
2. DKIM fail (for header address as well) - this will most probably
happen since some list servers change the message content by adding a
signature etc.

So we should choose a email address which at least has no "p=reject"
in their DKIM policy.

I am sorry for the typos. What I meant is DMARC, not DKIM. :)

This list does not modify the contents, except for adding List-* headers.

So as long as these are not part of the signature, DKIM should pass. 
Your emails, for example, had a valid DKIM signature. So should this one.

This is enough to satisfy DMARC.


Re: Debian 12

2023-03-05 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Gracias Roberto y Camaleón.

Que buena noticia que salga la nueva versión

Debian 12

2023-03-04 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


Como viejo usuario de Debian entiendo que las versiones salen cuando 
está terminada la mismo, pero escuché versiones que a mediados de año 
sale la versión 12.

Hay algo de cierto?


Re: dmesg ... XFS (sdb1): log I/O error ...

2023-02-27 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 26/02/2023 18:56, Albretch Mueller wrote:

  I started using another power cable and so far so good, but I would
not be too happy too soon. It may sound more than half way off to you,
but it is physically possible and it has been actually demonstrated
that "they" have been hacking into computers through the power supply
lines . . .
  What physical means do we have to avoid that? Would some sort of
"denoising"/"gray noIsing" power surge protector help?

Maybe putting a tiny tinfoil hat on the power cable?


Re: lpr hangs on emojis

2023-02-17 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 17/02/2023 00:46, Greg Marks wrote:

When trying to print a file that contains emojis with the lpr
command, not only do the emojis not print, nothing following the first
non-printing emoji prints.  (This makes it a hassle to print certain
e-mails piped to lpr using mutt.)  As a small example, after entering
the command:

echo -e "Hello\n\0360\0237\0230\0212\nGoodbye" > /tmp/test.txt && cat /tmp/test.txt 
&& lpr /tmp/test.txt

only the first of the three lines prints.

I find it highely unlikely that the printer understands UTF-8, let alone 
that its built-in fonts contains emoji. Maybe it supports the whole 
ISO-8859-1 character set, but probably only ASCII.

It might be trying to interpret the non-ASCII codes as control 
sequences, or it just doesn't know what to do with them.

Does anyone have a good way of printing text that contains emojis?

You can convert it to PDF. Or open the file in word processor and print 
from there. Even if it's just plain text, it'll be converted to a format 
that the printer understands, including extra fonts.


Re: Consulta sobre debian xfce

2023-01-18 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 Para manejar el MODO NOCHE y hacer otras cosas más puedes usar Redshift
sudo apt-get install redshift

También existen otros paquetes como el "f.lux", Gammy, IrisMini, DesktopDimmer, 
Calise, etc...

Hay que tener presente que algunos programejos consumen más recursos que otros 
llegando el caso a consumir mucha CPU en PC algo viejas. Así que cuando 
instales alguno, controla el consumo de recursos y si ves que es mucho 
desinstala y prueba otro.

ANTES de que PROTESTEN: En Yahoo Mail NO se puede postear debajo. El 
miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 18:43:30 ART, 
 Hola buenas noches, mi consulta va relacionada con el escritorio de 
debían xfce. En concreto me gusrtaría saber si este escritorio tiene 
algún paquete para instalar o dispone de la función de LUZ NOCTURNA, 
para mitigar por las noches la intensidad de la luz azul de las 
pantallas led, por ejemplo en gnome si dispone de dicha opción en 
/herramientas/pantallas, pero he estado rebuscando en xfce y no 
encuentro nada parecido, ni tampoco, si se le puede instalar algunos 
paquetes que te den esta opción.


Re: debian sid no boot after this morning's update

2023-01-05 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 05/01/2023 11:12, Frank wrote:
Is there a way to reinstall lightdm and the greeter from Fedora ?? 
Perhaps using chroot

which I have zero knowledge of.

Since the problem seems to be the display manager/greeter, there's a 
good chance that you can press Ctrl+F1 (or F2, F3...) to reach a 
console, so no need to a console to reinstall debian packages. Try also 

To give of yourself, you must first know yourself.


Cambio de fuentes en debian bullseye upgragrade 11.6

2022-12-23 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


Uso Debian kde e hice la actualización a 11.6. Al volver a arrancar noto 
dos diferencias:

1) la mas importante: se me cambió la fuente del sistema, del 
escritorio, de la terminal, etc

2) Algunos íconos en la barra de tareas no me aparece.

Gracias a quien colabore.

Buen año para todos

loginctl unlock session

2022-11-17 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


Después que dejo de usar mi Debian 11 kde me aparece esta pantalla: "

|The screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore. In 
order to unlock switch to a virtual terminal (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F2), log in 
and execute the command: loginctl unlock session c2 Afterwards switch 
back to the running session |

|efectivamente entro a la consola y pongo logictl unlock session 3 y 
aprieto ctrl + alt + f9 y vuelve a mi sistema, pero es muy molesto.|

|Intenté reiniciar y actualizar sistema y no hay manera|

|Tengo un procesador 3000h con radeon vega graphis, 16 gb ram|


Re: gpg says no user ID

2022-11-16 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 16/11/2022 13:55, Thomas George wrote:
I am giving up and will proceed with the netinst. Thanks everyone for 
the many helpful comments and recommendations.

I stripped the spaces from the fingerprint and equated it RSA key. They 
matched. So every thing is correct until the last step

Dragonette:/home/tom/Downloads/debian# gpg2 --verify SHA512SUMS.sign.txt 

gpg: Signature made Sat 10 Sep 2022 07:00:08 PM EDT
gpg:    using RSA key DF9B9C49EAA9298432589D76DA87E80D6294BE9B
gpg: BAD signature from "Debian CD signing key 
" [unknown]

That will never work: you're attempting to verify that the ISO file is 
signed with the signature in SHA512SUMS.sign.txt. It will never match.

There is no signature for the ISO file. Instead, it's sha512sum is 
listed in SHA512SUMS, and that file is signed.

First, verify that the hash matches:

$ sha512sum -c SHA512SUMS

And then verify that the hash file is properly signed:

$ gpg2 --verify SHA512SUMS.sign SHA512SUMS

Actually, the order does not matter.

When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder.
-- James H. Boren


Re: version de Bullseye

2022-11-01 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Gracias. me funcionó perfecto

El 31/10/22 a las 22:04, Gerardo Braica escribió:


cat /etc/debian_version

El 31/10/22 a las 19:28, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

Hola amigos.

Quiero saber mi versión de Bullseye, o sea 11.x

Que comando puedo ejecutar? Probé lsb_release -a pero me dice 
solamente bullseye.


*/Gerardo Braica


Marcelo E. Giordano
/Contador Público/
*(2634) 4***17505**

Pedro Molina 574· San Martín - Mendoza
_c <>

version de Bullseye

2022-10-31 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Hola amigos.

Quiero saber mi versión de Bullseye, o sea 11.x

Que comando puedo ejecutar? Probé lsb_release -a pero me dice solamente 


Re: sigc++ library missing object.h file

2022-10-08 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 08/10/2022 13:17, Gary L. Roach wrote:
The one idea that is intriguing is to find another distribution that 
contains the missing file and add it to my sigc++ directory.

That's unlikely to work.

What you can try is to include the main header:


And see what happens. If the only changes were in how the headers are 
organized, this might work. If there have been API changes, then you'll 
need to adapt the code.


Re: placa de sonido ALC887-VD no detectada

2022-09-28 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


Milagrosamente funcionó. Pero lamentablemetne no se que toqué. Probé 
tantas cosas. Algo funcionó.

Gracias a la lista que siempre ayuda. Feliz de estas en Debian


Re: placa de sonido ALC887-VD no detectada

2022-09-24 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

No encuentro solución a este problema pero sigo intentando.

que les parece esto que encuentro? Si ejecuto el comando "pulseaudio" 
pasa lo siguiente. Gracias desde ya a todos

E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Ha fallado pa_pid_file_create().

bug al actualizar Debian 11

2022-09-08 Thread José Eduardo Niño
Hola. Soy José Niño.
Tengo un problema particular con el hardware de mi computadora,
específicamente con la ranura lectora de memorias SD y microSD.

Con Debian 11.0 funciona perfectamente. Pero, al actualizar con apt upgrade
comienza a fallar.

Con Debian 11.4, al insertar la memoria SD en la ranura interna de mi
laptop no la detecta. Debo reiniciar o suspender la computadora con la
memoria insertada para que la pueda detectar.

Tengo dos adaptadores. Uno muy antiguo que admite varios tipos de memoria y
uno tipo pendrive que sólo admite memorias microSD, ambos para puertos USB
1, 2 y 3. Con el antiguo adaptador es posible leer diversas memorias que no
sean SD ni microSD. Con el adaptador tipo pendrive sí es posible leer esas

Es como si Debian 11.4 tuviese un problema con las memorias SDy micro SD
desde la ranura interna de las computadoras. Todos los demás dispositivos
extraíbles como  pendrives, quemadores de bluray y ratones funcionan

Adjunto dos archivos generados con el comando inxi -v7. Uno cuando no
detecta la memoria SD y otro cuando ha detectado la memoria SD después de
suspender el equipo y reactivarlo.
System:Host: J053DU4RD0-L4P70P Kernel: 5.10.0-17-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 
compiler: gcc v: 10.2.1 Desktop: Xfce 4.16.0 
   tk: Gtk 3.24.24 info: xfce4-panel wm: xfwm4 dm: LightDM 1.26.0 
Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) 
Machine:   Type: Laptop System: SAMSUNG product: 355V4C/356V4C/3445VC/3545VC v: 
P05ABG.008.CP serial:  
   Chassis: type: 9 v: 0.1 serial:  
   Mobo: SAMSUNG model: NP355E4C-A06VE v: BOARD REVISION 00 serial: 
 BIOS: American Megatrends 
   v: P05ABG date: 02/23/2013 
Battery:   ID-1: BAT1 charge: 36.3 Wh condition: 45.4/48.8 Wh (93%) volts: 
11.8/11.1 model: COMPAL PABAS0241231 type: Li-ion 
   serial: 41167 status: Unknown cycles: 193 
Memory:RAM: total: 7.37 GiB used: 4.06 GiB (55.1%) 
   RAM Report: permissions: Unable to run dmidecode. Root privileges 
CPU:   Info: Dual Core model: AMD E1-1200 APU with Radeon HD Graphics bits: 
64 type: MCP arch: Bobcat rev: 0 
   L2 cache: 512 KiB bogomips: 5589 
   Speed: 922 MHz min/max: 777/1400 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 922 2: 
   Flags: 3dnowprefetch abm aperfmperf apic arat clflush cmov 
cmp_legacy constant_tsc cpuid cr8_legacy cx16 cx8 de 
   extapic extd_apicid fpu fxsr fxsr_opt ht hw_pstate ibs lahf_lm lbrv 
lm mca mce misalignsse mmx mmxext monitor msr 
   mtrr nonstop_tsc nopl npt nrip_save nx pae pat pausefilter pdpe1gb 
pge pni popcnt pse pse36 rdtscp rep_good sep 
   skinit sse sse2 sse4a ssse3 svm svm_lock syscall tsc vme vmmcall wdt 
Graphics:  Device-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 7310] 
vendor: Samsung Co driver: radeon v: kernel 
   bus ID: 00:01.0 chip ID: 1002:9809 class ID: 0300 
   Device-2: Microdia WebCam SC-13HDL12639P type: USB driver: uvcvideo 
bus ID: 2-1:2 chip ID: 0c45:c35a class ID: 0e02 
   serial: WebCam SC-13HDL12639P 
   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.11 driver: loaded: ati,radeon 
unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa 
   resolution: 1366x768~60Hz s-dpi: 96 
   OpenGL: renderer: AMD PALM (DRM 2.50.0 / 5.10.0-17-amd64 LLVM 
11.0.1) v: 3.3 Mesa 20.3.5 compat-v: 3.1 
   direct render: Yes 
Audio: Device-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Wrestler HDMI Audio 
vendor: Samsung Co driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel 
   bus ID: 00:01.1 chip ID: 1002:1314 class ID: 0403 
   Device-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] FCH Azalia vendor: Samsung Co 
driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel 
   bus ID: 00:14.2 chip ID: 1022:780d class ID: 0403 
   Sound Server: ALSA v: k5.10.0-17-amd64 
Network:   Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet 
vendor: Samsung Co driver: r8169 v: kernel 
   port: e000 bus ID: 02:00.0 chip ID: 10ec:8168 class ID: 0200 
   IF: enp2s0 state: down mac: 20:89:84:18:07:cd 
   Device-2: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter vendor: 
Samsung Co driver: ath9k v: kernel port: e000 
   bus ID: 03:00.0 chip ID: 168c:0032 class ID: 0280 
   IF: wlp3s0 state: down mac: ce:f1:2c:28:a9:45 
   Device-3: Qualcomm Atheros AR3012 Bluetooth 4.0 type: USB driver: 
btusb bus ID: 4-4:24 chip ID: 0cf3:3004 
   class ID: e001 serial: Alaska Day 2006 
   IF-ID-1: vboxnet0 state: up speed: 10 Mbps duplex: full mac: 
   IP v4: scope: global broadcast: 
   IP v6: fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0/64 scope: link 
   WAN IP: No WAN IP found. Connected to web? SSL issues? 
Bluetooth: Device-1: Qualcomm Atheros AR3012 Bluetooth 4.0 type: USB driver: 
btusb v: 0.8 bus ID: 4-4:24 chip ID: 0cf3:3004 
   class ID: e001 serial: Alaska Day 2006 
   Report: ID: hci0 state: up running pscan iscan bt-v: 2.1 

Re: [OT] Debian decide sobre su política de paquetes firmware «non-free»

2022-08-30 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 El lunes, 29 de agosto de 2022 04:10:01 ART, Camaleón  

> Me cuesta ver algo bueno en recomendar y promover software propietario,
> la verdad :-/
> ¹Lo que se debate ahora en Debian está relacionado exclusivamente con
> el código firmware, no con programas o controladores propietarios.
> Camaleón

A ver...
Tal parece que como LINUX viene de una larga tradición de "licencia pública" 
suele preferirse que todo sea de "licencia pública" y si se puede gratuita cosa 
que a mi me parece MUY bien y muy popular pero... que yo y unos cuantos más 
creamos en ciertas filosofías eso no implica que todos se adscriban a ella.

El universo LINUX (que va más allá de Debian) es magnífico. Linux tiene muchas 
ventajas sobre otros SO, en especial en lo que refiere a la seguridad y 
estabilidad del sistema pero... lamentablemente tiene una gran falta en cuanto 
al software aplicativo disponible que en verdad y en ciertas áreas es 
extremadamente limitado.

Supongo que tales limitaciones se deben justamente a las condiciones de 
"licencia pública" las que hacen que no haya tanto hard ni soft de calidad 
profesional disponible en ciertas áreas como por ejemplo la de edición de video 
en donde tanto las placas de video profesionales como el sofware de edición de 
video es inexistente. De hecho en Linux NO hay un buen software de edición 
profesional de video que llegue siquiera a igualar al SONY VEGAS de hace una 
década (en video, Linux retrasa más de 10 años) y en convertidores multimedia 
NO hay en Linux algo que se asemeje al Format Factory para Windows que 
convierte cualquier formato de audio, video y gráfico a cualquier otro con una 
facilidad de uso y una velocidad de ejecución varias veces más alta que 
cualquier conversor de video para Linux que además son MUY limitados. 

Supongo que en problema esta justamente en que Linux ha tenido una política de 
defensa a lo free que le ha jugado en contra para su evolución.

No hace falta más que darse una vuelta por los repositorios de las APP para 
ANdroid para dar cuenta que hay muchas más aplicaciones para Android que para 

 Linux debería cambiar sus políticas para que las empresas productoras de soft 
y harrd le sea beneficioso producir productos para Linux. Sino... Linux quedará 
rezagado... y en pocos años su entorno quedará sólo relegado a los servidores.  

Re: [OT] Debian decide sobre su política de paquetes firmware «non-free»

2022-08-28 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano
Me parece que linux tiene que ser algo simple para que cualquier pueda 
usarlo. Estamos muy bajos en participación en el mercado, por eso tantos 
problemas con drivers y aplicaciones.

Imaginemos como sería si Linux fuera el SO del 20% de las PCs del mundo.

Saludos amigos de la lista

Re: OT Al instalar Debian borre las particiones incluido la de arranque

2022-08-26 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 El viernes, 26 de agosto de 2022 15:48:28 ART, José Manuel (Abogado) 

Tengo un portátil ASUS F552C que tenía Windows, y quería instalar Debian, me 
descargue la imagen debian-testing-amd64-netinst, y al instalar borre todas las 
particiones incluida la de arranque que tenía el disco duro e instale Debian y 
iba bien hasta que se reinicio y no arranca el sistema, entra siempre en los 
He mirado en Google pero no encuentro la solución, si es que la hay. Por lo que 
me dirijo a la lista para ver si me puede ayudar indicándome si hay alguna 
solución o tengo que dar por perdido el portátil. Gracias de antemano

Espero noticias.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España


A ver...
Yo te voy a hacer algunas indicaciones desde mi experiencia que, advierto, está 
medio desactualizada.
Seguramente otros te darán más precisiones.

Primero... las distribuciones "netinstall" suelen dar más problemas que las 
"completas" por dos razones: la primera es que si la instalación no detecta 
bien el puerto de red... sonaste; la segunda es que si la conexión de internet 
no es fiable y se corta... también sonaste.

Segundo... las distribuciones "testing" suelen ser muy apetecibles para los 
genios de las pruebas pero no tanto para los usuarios comunes.

Dicho ésto propongo:
Bajar la imagen completa de Debian ESTABLE o llegado el caso (yo bajaría las 
dos) Bajar la imagen completa de Debian ESTABLE con drivers NON-free (porque si 
es una notebook podría ser que haya algunos drivers "raros" que necesites por 
ejemplo el de sonido o el de la placa de red)
Usar las imágenes para pasarlas a pen-drive e instalar desde allí.

Luego verás...
Dado que es una Notebook es posible que el SO se instale pero no reconozca 
algunas cosillas de hard... es un tema... de todos modos si se instaló... ya 
tendrás casi todo el trabajito hecho y lo que te faltaría es encontrar el 
driver adecuado.


placa de sonido ALC887-VD no detectada

2022-08-24 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Usando debian 11 kde no logro hacer funcionar la placa de sonido ALC887-VD.

Al ejecutar el comando "aplay -l" me sale la placa, pero cuando hago 
click en el ícono del parlantito no me da la posibilidad de cambiar el 
"Dispositivo de Reproducción" ya que no me aparece.

Gracias desde ya por la ayuda

Re: Instalar Linux a un SSD

2022-08-21 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
 AGRADEZCO a todos los que brindaron ayuda.
Este domingo puse manos a la obra, pero... como la PC en cuestión NO se 
actualizaba desde hace AÑOS pues funciona a la perfección a pesar de los discos 
que aún tiene, al abrir el gabinete me encontré una tonelada de polvo. Así que 
lo que he hecho fue limpiarla de todo el polvo que acumuló.

La PC es una AMD de 6 nucleos, a 3 GHz, con 8 MB de RAM y un disco SSD (ya 
instalado hace tiempo) de 240 GB para "datos" y un disco HD SAMSUNG (modelo 
SP1203N) del año de la escarapela de 120 GB que es el que hace el booteo y 
YA sé que esto NO es lo recomendado pero... cuando lo puse fue de "apuro" y... 
como quedó bien... allí quedó dando vueltas por más de 10 años. Para colmo ese 
disco SAMSUNG YA era usado cuando lo puse así que... es muy viejo pero... aún 
hoy funciona a la perfección.

El Linux instalado hasta ahora también es muy viejo, sólo con decir que perdió 
soporte hace más de 6 años da cuenta que en verdad es muy viejote. Tampoco me 
ocupé de sustituirlo porque en los años que llevo trabajando (más de 10 horas 
por día) en esta PC JAMÁS me dado problema alguno. 

El tema de querer instalar un SO más nuevo viene por el lado de los navegadores 
porque al perder soporte el SO no se actualizan los navegadores cosa que me 
provoca un problemilla para acceder a UNA página con la que trabajo todos los 
días. Tengo un Opera 64 y ahora van por la versión 90.

Mañana haré el PEN booteable con el YUMI a ver que tal.
Voy a instalar el SO a un nuevo SSD de 240 GB 
Veré como me las arreglo... la intención es hacer una instalación lo más simple 
Configurar todo de una vez para que dure así muchos años. La anterior duró 10 
(aprox.) SIN ningún problema.
La verdad que con LINUX las cosas parecen indestructibles y extremadamente 
SUFRI Windows durante mucho tiempo, por sus constantes parches, 
actualizaciones, fallos, virus, trojanitos varios... así que LINUX me cambió la 

Ya les contaré lo que hice.
 El sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022 16:54:22 ART, JavierDebian 

El 19/8/22 a las 17:25, Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena escribió:
> Estimada gente:
> Este fin de semana voy a instalar un linux a un disco SSD.
> ¿Alguna recomendación?
> Me han dicho que NO haga particiones (me parece correcto pero pregunto por 
> las dudas)
> La PC tendrá dos discos SSD (uno de arranque y uno de datos) y eventualmente 
> un disco más de los tradicionales.
> Me gustaría, luego de instalar, anular la escritura de log porque en 
> verdad... nunca los leo y eso que llevo años con linux. ahorraría 
> escrituras/escrituras y un poquito de espacio.
> Para instalar usaré PEN drive booteable creado con el Unetbootin ¿hay alguno 
> mejor?
> Desde ya muchas gracias.
> Saludos.

Yo hice un tutorial que tiene en cuenta lo que pensás hacer, detallado 
en 4 casos distintos.

Hacé las particiones.
Te ahorran dolores de cabeza con una reinstalación.
Imaginate que hacés algo que "joroba" el sistema, y debés reinstalar; 
tendrás primero que hacer copia a otro disto de la /home, como mínimo, 
para luego re-formatear el disco nuevamente.

"ahorraría escrituras/escrituras"
Las lecturas no afectan a los SSD.
Sí las escrituras.
Justo hoy estoy actualizando una notebook.
El disco que usaré para el arranque y sistema es un Gigabyte NVMe de 
128GB con una garantía de 100TBW.
Eso implica escribir el equivalente a 21.787 DVD; si tomamos los 3 años 
de garantía, es equivalente a escribir por día 20 DVD.
Salvo que sea un servidor o un criptominador, no lo vas a escribir NUNCA.

La única recomendación: subir los temp a memoria y ajustar swappines.



Instalar Linux a un SSD

2022-08-19 Thread Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena
Estimada gente:

Este fin de semana voy a instalar un linux a un disco SSD.
¿Alguna recomendación?
Me han dicho que NO haga particiones (me parece correcto pero pregunto por las 
La PC tendrá dos discos SSD (uno de arranque y uno de datos) y eventualmente un 
disco más de los tradicionales.

Me gustaría, luego de instalar, anular la escritura de log porque en verdad... 
nunca los leo y eso que llevo años con linux. ahorraría escrituras/escrituras y 
un poquito de espacio. 

Para instalar usaré PEN drive booteable creado con el Unetbootin ¿hay alguno 

Desde ya muchas gracias.


Re: libpq-dev package

2022-07-11 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 10/07/2022 21:30, Igor Korot wrote:

Apparently the package name is exactly libpq-dev. ;-)

Naming convention sucks sometimes... ;-)
It can, but I don't think this is one such case. The library is libpq5, 
and its development headers is libpq-dev. postgresql-client is the user 
tool to connect to a PostgreSQL instance and issue SQL commands. It 
depends on libpq5.

In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls.
-- Lenny Bruce


Re: CVE Applicability Inquiry

2022-06-29 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 29/06/2022 15:30, Griffin Weikel wrote:

Good Afternoon,

I’m writing to inquire about the applicability of a couple CVEs to the 
Bullseye release. The two CVEs below are popping in our Prisma scans as 
vulnerable, however I noticed on the Debian site that Bullseye isn’t 
listed. This seemed to deviate from the majority of CVEs we’re 
reviewing. Are you able to confirm that if a CVE page doesn’t list a 
release in the tracker that we’re to assume the release isn’t vulnerable? 

If you search for the golang packages 
( , and also for 
-1.18) you'll see that they weren't included in bullseye. (Only as 
backports, but these aren't included in the regular security support.)


Re: How to change lightdm background in bullseye? (additional: weird stat behaviour)

2022-06-17 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 16/06/2022 06:47, Christoph K. wrote:

1. touch test.txt
2. stat test.txt -> correct access time from touch
3. cat test.txt
4. stat test.txt -> access time changed due to cat - fine
5. cat test.txt
6. stat test.txt -> still the same access time as in step 4 - caching?
7. reboot
8. cat test.txt
9. stat test.txt -> STILL the same access time as in step 4 - WTF?

1) After a reboot there is no cache to read from.
2) The cat command accesses the file.
3) Stat shows the time of "cat" in the access time stamp.

But 3) does not happen. More precisely: It only happens sometimes.

Question 3:
Could someone please explain to me what's going on here with stat?

Looks like the relatime option, which has been the default for some 


Não tenha pressa, mas não perca tempo

--José Saramago


Re: user perms

2022-06-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 13/06/2022 18:39, Felix Miata wrote:

Eduardo M KALINOWSKI composed on 2022-06-13 16:29 (UTC-0400):

And Gene is one of a few users that never help themselves, even when
repeatedly told what to do and what not to do.

Just wait until your wife of 60 years is gone and you're 89. See how you like
having no one there to talk to any more while your memory is fading from memory.
It may be poor excuse, but it isn't something you can expect to go away through
razzing, if ever. Be kind.

At this stage, I cannot rule out the possibility that Gene Heskett is 
actually a social experiment to figure out how far people on debian-user 
will go in trying to help someone that asks for help, and then ignores 
the actual attempts at help received.

Or maybe it's performance art, as someone else observed.


Re: user perms

2022-06-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 13/06/2022 15:33, Greg Wooledge wrote:

Why the hell do you CONTINUE to make these vague statements with NO
demonstration of what the actual problem is?

And why do you continue asking for the same things, knowing that they 
won't be provided?

Not that your request in invalid - certainly if the user wants actual 
help, they must provided good and accurate details of the problem and of 
what they have tried in order to identify and/or solve the problem.

But the OP in question never provides such details - even after 
repeatedly being asked for them, by you and other equally patient people.

I understand the desire to help, but the user must be willing to help 
themselves - providing details when asked for, showing output of 
diagnostic commands, or just not jumping from unrelated problem to 
unrelated problem in the same conversation.

And Gene is one of a few users that never help themselves, even when 
repeatedly told what to do and what not to do.

In the strict scientific sense we all feed on death -- even vegetarians.
-- Spock, "Wolf in the Fold", stardate 3615.4


Re: Printing problem (was

2022-06-06 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 06/06/2022 10:48, Gareth Evans wrote:

Not sure what's happened though as it worked perfectly with both auto-detected 
and manually-added printer profiles from Bullseye until a week or two ago.  My 
logs suggest no update to system-config-printer.  I did change the printer's 
hostname (on printer console) but both the printer and laptop have been 
restarted several times since then, printers re-added and re-auto-detected etc.

In my case it never worked any other way. But I never dug very deep to 
try to find out why.

Why should adding via the command line work, but not via system-config-printer 
or localhost:631?

I guess adding it in CUPS web interface (localhost:631) should work, if 
the exact same parameters are selected: the ipp:// url and the "CUPS PPD 
generator" (selected by "-m everywhere" option) as opposed to 
"cups-filters PPD generator".

That might be the explanation (at least for my case). From what I 
understand from , there 
are those two options, and "The cups-filters PPD generator is used by 
default with cups-browsed". In theory either should work, but there's 
probably some quirk in the printer and some small difference between the 
two methods.


-- Chapolim


Re: Printing problem (was

2022-06-06 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 06/06/2022 08:19, Gareth Evans wrote:


I have a strange printing problem which can be replicated on two identical 
printers on two different networks, when printing to wireless driverless IPP 
with Brother MFC-L2740DW printers from Bullseye, whether the printer is 
auto-detected or manually added via ocalhost:631 or system-config-printer.

I have this exact printer. Driverless printing works, but not with the 
automatically generated entry included by cups-browsed (or some other 
package), i have to manually add a printer queue using

# lpinfo -v

to get a list of URLs (the one starting with ipp:// is the one 
necessary), and then something like

# lpadmin -p Brother2740 -v IPP_URL_FROM_ABOVE -E -m everywhere

BOFH excuse #201:



Re: (cmake) Could NOT find LibSoup: Found unsuitable version "" ...

2022-06-04 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 03/06/2022 18:51, Albretch Mueller wrote:

On 6/3/22, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI  wrote:

Debian has debug symbols for most (if not all) packages, but they're in
a different repository. See

   Are you saying that debian keeps "instrumented" binary versions of
their packages ready for debugging!? I checked and it doesn't seem to
be the case (and/or I am making some mistake)

No. It has, in that repository, packages with only the symbols, that gdb 
can then use, as if the executables and libraries had debug symbols 
included. gdb should be already set up to automatically find the symbols 
in the locations that the -dbg[sym] packages install them.

$ apt-cache search webkit2 dbg

$ apt-cache search webkit dbg
python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's
Webchannel module (debug extension)
python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module
(debug extensions)

$ sudo apt install webkit-dbgsym
E: Unable to locate package webkit-dbgsym

$ sudo apt install webkit2-dbgsym
E: Unable to locate package webkit2-dbgsym

You have python installed, which is an extra complication layer (and one 
about which I know very little).

But for debugging C/C++ programs, you'd need to find the package that 
contains the actual library you want debugged, and install the 
corresponding -dbgsym package. Hint: library packages are name 
lib. For example, there's

libqt5webkit5 - Web content engine library for Qt
libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 - Web content engine library for GTK

... and others (and other versions). Unfortunately, I don't use Webkit 
or Python, so can't help much more here. But look for installed packages 
related to webkit, and search for the corresponding -dbgsym packages. 
Note that probably there won't be -dbgsym packages for the python 
bindings, since these are just python code, not object files (libraries, 

Caution: Write-protection will not prevent a cartridge being erased by
bulk-erasure or degaussing.
-- HP Ultrium tape drive user's guide, page 12


Re: (cmake) Could NOT find LibSoup: Found unsuitable version "" ...

2022-06-03 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 03/06/2022 14:02, Albretch Mueller wrote:

  Basically, I am trying to compile WebKit2 (on WSL! ;-)) with
debugging symbols included in order to teach my students how to debug,

Debian has debug symbols for most (if not all) packages, but they're in 
a different repository. See 

By all means marry: If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you
get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
-- Socrates


Re: Retirada do email

2022-05-14 Thread Eduardo Freitas
Clique em unsubscrible, depois de escrever seu e-mail no espaço indicado ...

Em sáb., 14 de mai. de 2022 19:12, Rafael Kaminski 

> Esse endereco nao funciona...
> Ja mandei mais de 10 solicitações
> Em sáb., 14 de mai. de 2022 18:53, Jack Pogorelsky Jr. <
>> escreveu:
>> Aqui ninguém entrou forçado. Utilize o endereço abaixo para sair (o mesmo
>> que usou para entrar).
>> Jack Pogorelsky Jr
>> Engenheiro Mecânico
>> Tel/WhatsApp: +55 51 982017877
>> E-mail:
>> Website:
>> Em 14/05/2022 18:44, Gilberto F da Silva escreveu:
>> As listas do Debian são uma porcaria.  Não colocam o nome da lista
>> no subject, não colocam a url de como se descadastrar e por
>> default as mensagens são respondidas ao remetente ao invés de serem
>> respondidas para lista.

Re: No puedo imprimir en impresora en red

2022-04-28 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Seguramente se trata de este bug:

CUPS fails to print to autodetected printers because of cups-browsed

Mira a ver si lo que sugieren para resolverlo te sirve.

No es este bug. El sistema me autodetecta la impresora en red


Tampoco puedo imprimir en una Epson L3110 que esta conectada en red en otra
pc con debian y me dice "la configuracion de la impresora es incorrecta o la
impresora ya no existe"

Esta parece más complicada de instalar. Mira a ver si has instalado los
drivers correctamente y si en el equipo donde está instalada
físicamente imprimime bien.
Lo corroboré y aparte de que el host imprime bien, puedo imprimir desde 
otra pc (cliente) con Arch

Si no es un problema de controladores, revisa la configuración de CUPS,
tanto en el equipo cliente como en el servidor, relacionada con la
compartición de la impresora.
Hay que cambiar algo en cups para imprimir en un servidor? esa solución 
puede ser

CUPS/Printer sharing

Ambas impresoras puedo imprimir perfectamente desde otra pc con Arch

Esta solución es para clientes en Arch cierto? eso entiendo. Igual en 
Arch me funciona bárbaro

Es mas, estuve probando con otra computadora con debian bullseye y 
funciona perfecto todo. Es esa notebook.


No puedo imprimir en impresora en red

2022-04-26 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


Acabo de instalar debian en mi nueva notebook e instalo mis dos 
impresoras y en ambas no puedo imprimir

una impresora es una impresora XEROX B215 que se conecta directamente a 
la red y que me el sistema me la detectó automaticamente. Sin embargo al 
imprimir me dice "No suitable destinacion host found by cups browsed"

Tampoco puedo imprimir en una Epson L3110 que esta conectada en red en 
otra pc con debian y me dice "la configuracion de la impresora es 
incorrecta o la impresora ya no existe"

Ambas impresoras puedo imprimir perfectamente desde otra pc con Arch

Muchas gracias

SOLUCIONADO: indicador de batería para notebook en KDE

2022-04-03 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

La solución era bastante fácil pero bastante bastante rebuscada.

Había que ir primero a "configurar panel" para configurar todos los 
elementos del panel y recién ahí darle boton derecho al ícono de la 
batería y ponerle "porcentaje".

Por suerte resuelto, pero estas cuestiones son las que hay que trabajar 
para que cualquiera pueda usar debian. Un usuario común este problema no 
lo soluciona fácilmente. Es mi opinión

Gracias a todas las buenas personas de esta lista que me ayudaron

Re: indicador de batería para notebook

2022-04-03 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Intenta configurar powerdevil, que es gestor de la energía en KDE (botón
derecho sobre el icono de la batería o en el centro de control de KDE >
opciones de energía).

Al ingresar me sale los datos de mi batería (% de carga, modelo, etc) 
pero no me da la opción de poner ese dato en el panel del escritorio.

En el escritorio sigue apareciendo la batería con una "x".

Como que le falta unir esa información con la gráfica.

Gracias a todos por ayudar

Re: indicador de batería para notebook

2022-04-03 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

El 3/4/22 a las 09:45, Yoel Villarreal escribió:
Tienes instalado acpid? Haz un 'apt search battery' y mira cuantas 
apps relacionadas.

Me sale acpid como app relacionada

Re: indicador de batería para notebook

2022-04-03 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

El 3/4/22 a las 04:06, Camaleón escribió:

El 2022-04-02 a las 22:28 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

No me sale el indicador de carga de la batería para mi notebook en Bullseye.

Gracias por responder.

Mi entorno es kde plasma.

Puse el applet de la batería pero me sale una bateria vacía y con una "x"

Muchas gracias de nuevo

SOLUCIONADO Problema con repositorio

2022-04-03 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Muchísimas gracias

Funcionando 100%

indicador de batería para notebook

2022-04-02 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano


No me sale el indicador de carga de la batería para mi notebook en Bullseye.

Gracias a la lista

(Volviendo al querido Debian desde Arch)

Re: Thunderbird security

2022-03-26 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 26/03/2022 05:50, André Rodier wrote:
I would like to collect, from this thread, your experience and opinion 
about Mozilla Thunderbird, in term of security.

I am registered on The Debian security list, and I see a lot of CVE 
coming, some of them with a high score, mentioning execution of 
arbitrary code or information disclosure.

Most of them seems pretty severe to me, and I am now running 
Thunderbird in firejail. However, I wonder if such vulnerability would 
allow a remote attacker to send an email, and get, for instance, the 
credentials stored in Thunderbird, with or without master password.

This seem habitual to me, compared to other mail clients in Debian, 
like evolution / claws, etc...

In term of security, Which email clients, or which practices, you 
would recommend to me ?

If you search the CVE numbers[0], you should be able to find information 
about the vulnerabilities[1], describing the conditions necessary for it 
to be exploited and the possible consequences. You can then judge if 
they might affect you (some vulnerabilities can only be exploited in 
particular circunstances, which might not apply to your case) and 
evaluate the risk.

But, overall, the fact the vulnerabilities are being found and fixed is 
a good sign: it means that the code is being looked at and problems are 
being solved. The fact that the details have not been released yet 
suggests that those were found by someone well-intentioned, and not 
because they were being exploited in the wild, but on the other hand 
also suggests the risk is high enough that it's better to withhold that 
information until people have had a chance to upgrade to a fixed version.

[0] The announcements on debian-security-announce could be improved by 
having a link to the CVE database. But for now, you'll have to search 
them manually.

[1] Eventually... The last CVEs for Thunderbird are still in the 
"reserved" state. I believe this is meant to give some time for 
distributions to update the software before the details about how to 
exploit the vulnerability are disclosed.

Insomnia isn't anything to lose sleep over.


Re: [OT] Crear PEN con un LiveCD y personalizarlo.

2022-03-21 Thread Eduardo Visbal
Si amigo, justamente los cambios que hago se mantienen. (ojo esto lo hice
desde un windows)

Te dejo este link que fue uno en los que me guie en la creación del live
usb persistente:

*Eduardo VisbalLinuxero #440451*

El lun, 21 mar 2022 a las 19:31, Ramses ()

> El 21 de marzo de 2022 21:56:21 CET, Eduardo Visbal <
>> escribió:
> >Hola Amigos
> >
> >Yo cree un live USB con rufus y está personalizado, y me ha ido bien.
> >
> >Yo en lo personal cuando lo quise hacer con Yumi no me funcionaba.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >*Eduardo VisbalLinuxero #440451*
> >
> >
> >El lun, 21 mar 2022 a las 17:51, Ramses ()
> >escribió:
> >
> >> El 21 de marzo de 2022 14:25:09 CET, Gonzalo Rivero <
> >>> escribió:
> >> >Holas,
> >> >El 21/3/22 a las 09:04, Ramses escribió:
> >> >> Hola a tod@s,
> >> >>
> >> >> Me gustaría crear un PEN con un LiveCD y hacerle algunas
> modificaciones
> >> que se mantuvieran al iniciar con ese PEN en cualquier equipo.
> >> >>
> >> >> ¿Sería eso viable?
> >> >>
> >> >> Si es así, ¿por dónde tendría que atacar el tema?
> >> >>
> >> >> ¿Qué software multiplataforma me recomiendan para volcar el LiveCD en
> >> el PEN y que sea bootable?
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Gracias y saludos,
> >> >>
> >> >> Ramsés
> >> >
> >> >En su momento había un live-helper, buscando cosas encontré esto de...
> >> >2010
> >> >
> >>
> >> >Pero parece que lo sacaron en 2010, y ahora hay un live-build
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Ahora que sabé que hay /algo/, te toca encontrar la documentación,
> >> >leerla y ver si te sirve
> >> >
> >> >pd/ot: este es mi primer mensaje a la lista en varios años, ni busqué
> >> >donde quitar el html del correo. Espero que también vaya la versión en
> >> >texto plano jejeje
> >> >
> >>
> >> He encontrado esto:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Pero el creador del PEN bootable (YUMI) va sobre Windows.
> >>
> >> Comentan que se puede hacer con otros creadores de PEN bootables, pero
> no
> >> sé si funcionará o no.
> >>
> >> De todas formas, no he probado aún a crear el PEN con YUMI.
> >>
> >>
> >> Saludos
> >>
> >>
> Eduardo, ¿pero con Rufus volcaste el LiveCD en un PEN y los cambios que
> haces en el LiveCD arrancando con el PEN se mantienen la siguiente vez que
> arrancas con el PEN?
> Saludos

Re: [OT] Crear PEN con un LiveCD y personalizarlo.

2022-03-21 Thread Eduardo Visbal
Hola Amigos

Yo cree un live USB con rufus y está personalizado, y me ha ido bien.

Yo en lo personal cuando lo quise hacer con Yumi no me funcionaba.

*Eduardo VisbalLinuxero #440451*

El lun, 21 mar 2022 a las 17:51, Ramses ()

> El 21 de marzo de 2022 14:25:09 CET, Gonzalo Rivero <
>> escribió:
> >Holas,
> >El 21/3/22 a las 09:04, Ramses escribió:
> >> Hola a tod@s,
> >>
> >> Me gustaría crear un PEN con un LiveCD y hacerle algunas modificaciones
> que se mantuvieran al iniciar con ese PEN en cualquier equipo.
> >>
> >> ¿Sería eso viable?
> >>
> >> Si es así, ¿por dónde tendría que atacar el tema?
> >>
> >> ¿Qué software multiplataforma me recomiendan para volcar el LiveCD en
> el PEN y que sea bootable?
> >>
> >>
> >> Gracias y saludos,
> >>
> >> Ramsés
> >
> >En su momento había un live-helper, buscando cosas encontré esto de...
> >2010
> >
> >Pero parece que lo sacaron en 2010, y ahora hay un live-build
> >
> >
> >Ahora que sabé que hay /algo/, te toca encontrar la documentación,
> >leerla y ver si te sirve
> >
> >pd/ot: este es mi primer mensaje a la lista en varios años, ni busqué
> >donde quitar el html del correo. Espero que también vaya la versión en
> >texto plano jejeje
> >
> He encontrado esto:
> Pero el creador del PEN bootable (YUMI) va sobre Windows.
> Comentan que se puede hacer con otros creadores de PEN bootables, pero no
> sé si funcionará o no.
> De todas formas, no he probado aún a crear el PEN con YUMI.
> Saludos

Re: Under each of these scenarios, what is the neatest and simplest way to manipulate the /etc/network/interfaces file?

2022-03-19 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 19/03/2022 09:06, Stella Ashburne wrote:

No thank you. I won't touch NetworkManager or its variants with a ten foot 
pole. Why?

Reason #1

[quote] I am sorry but we do not support NetworkManager.

I would go so far as to say do not use it at all .. but Linux distros think it 
is some sort of magic ..[end quote]

Reply by TinCanTech, Forum Team, to the original post "Can connect via terminal, but 
not with NetworkManager" (URL:

Reason #2

[quote] Due to multiple, critical  problems in network-manager-openvpn which after years have not 
been solved we recommend to NOT use it. Please understand that we will not provide support to 
network-manager-openvpn. In GNU/Linux we recommend that you run our free and open source software 
"Eddie", or our free and open source software "Hummingbird", or OpenVPN 
directly [end quote]

A notice posted by the staff of AirVPN under the title "Using AirVPN with Debian 
Network Manager (NOT RECOMMENDED)" (URL:

Eduardo, I do use VPNs frequently in my line of work and always use the 
community edition of OpenVPN to connect to VPN servers directly.

Unfortunately I cannot say whether your use case will work with NM. I 
occasionally use a wireguard firewall, but I don't think I've used 
OpenVPN with NM.

However, note that the posts are from 2014 and 2018. A lot might have 
changed since then.

Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral?  It is because we
are not the person involved.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"


Re: update, reboot required?

2022-03-19 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 18/03/2022 23:47, Lee wrote:

it would be nice if there was some program that would just say that I
needed to reboot

The needrestart package will offer to restart services affected when 
there'a a library update, and it also warns you when the kernel has been 
udpated (and a reboot is necessary). It just doesn't warn you about 
microcode updates, AFAIK.

On-line, adj.:
The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a computer.


Re: Under each of these scenarios, what is the neatest and simplest way to manipulate the /etc/network/interfaces file?

2022-03-19 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 18/03/2022 23:14, Stella Ashburne wrote:


There are instances in which my machine is connected to a mobile hotspot. And 
in some situations, it's connected to a smartphone via USB tethering. And when 
I'm in the office, I may connect it to a LAN cable.

Below are the contents of my /etc/network/interfaces file:


1. At the moment, if I wish to change to using a mobile hotspot from USB 
tethering, I'll edit the /etc/network/interfaces file, uncomment the applicable 
lines under #The primary network interface for wireless connections and place a 
# in front of all the lines under #The primary network interface for USB 

Instead of carrying out the above steps, is there a neater and simpler way?

That's exactly the kind of situation that NetworkManager is made for. It 
gained a bad reputation when it was released, but seems to have improved 
- I've been using it for years without issues.

There's a command-line interface (nmcli), so you don't need a desktop 

On-line, adj.:
The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a computer.


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