Here's the nature of the problem:

I go through the Access, Update, and Install steps of dselect.  Access
works fine, Update works fine, but on Install I get this message:

-- cut here --
Usage: mount [-hV]
       mount -a [-nfFrsvw] [-t vfstypes]
       mount [-nfrsvw] [-o options] special | node
       mount [-nfrsvw] [-t vfstype] [-o options] special node
A special device can be indicated by  -L label or  -U uuid .

installation script returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.
-- cut here --

Any clues?  I would simply copy both CD's to my hard drive except there's
hardly any space left (I'm installing Debian on a laptop).

I'm using the multicd set pressed by Linux Central.  I had exactly the
same problem with Cheapbytes' multicd set.


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