Re: Mouse functionality

2002-01-15 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/15/02 22:47:35 -0500, dman wrote:
> I'll disagree :-).  People seem to have lots of trouble getting gpm
> and X to play nicely together, but once you know the basics it is easy :
> 1)  pick the right protocol in gpm
> 2)  set gpm repeat_type to 'raw'
> 3)  use the _same_ protocol in X
> If you do that you'll have no problems.

I'll second that. This is how I have mine configured. The mouse (MS
Intellimouse Explorer) works wonderfully in X and at the console. The
only gripe I have is that if I switch between workstations with my KVM
switch, something happens to the mouse support when I come back to my
Linux box. I have to restart the gpm daemon for things to correct
themselves. I bit of a pain, but it's not too difficult to get to the
console and restart gpm. Before setting it up this way, I had to kill
the X session with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and restart.  

Mark Wagnon

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Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/13/02 14:28:21 -0600, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> No, they couldn't have! ...RTFM'ing... They didn't.
> Modelines are optional in X v.4 because it can automagically configure
> itself on modern hardware. But you can still have them. 
> Man XF86Config-4 is your friend.


Yeah, I had to tweak my setup a little after getting things
straightened out. All better now. I didn't think of reading the
manpage for XF86Config-4 (had always looked at the one for XF86Config,

Thanks for your help!
  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/13/02 02:18:58 -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 10:03:57PM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> > On 01/12/02 10:03:03 +0100, Joachim Fahnenmueller wrote:
> > > Edit your XF86config-4 file, look for lines like these (see below).
> > > Insert the correct frequency settings for your monitor, and the
> > > resolutions you want.  BTW, if you specify more than one resolution,
> > > you can switch them on-the-run by pressing Ctrl+Alt+'+' or
> > > Ctrl+Alt+'-'.
> > 
> > Hi Joachim,
> > 
> > I posted my XF86Config-4 file at,
> > if you'd like to take a look.
> > 
> > In responding to another message in this thread, I discovered that if
> > I run X as a normal user, everything is okay, but when I run it as
> > root, I get the weirdness. I don't run X as root, so it's probably no
> > big deal, but still, I'd like to resolve the problem. X is pulling
> > this info from somewhere, if not from the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.
> WAG (wild-assed guess), but this sounds like something I experienced a
> few months ago.

Well, just keep WAGging! I normally copy/move files I'm working on to
the /root dir for safe-keeping. Whether or not it's good idea or not,
I've done it over the last several versions of Debian and X without
problems. I never knew that X would grab a config from ~/,
interesting. I created a dir and moved them to that and X started up
fine! The funny thing is that the resolution X was running at wasn't
coming from the config files, but I had a XF86Config and an
XF86Config-4 file there, so maybe X became confused and decided to do
it's own thing.

It's a good thing to know you're not going crazy...

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Fetchmail Problems with Retrieving Mail

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/13/02 01:07:05 -0800, Dmitriy wrote:
> On a retreival of a certain message server drops connection.
> You have to go into webmail account (which may be inaccesible for
> around 10 mins or so after attempt), and move all messages to a
> different folder.  Then go through all of them until u see a "You
> browser sent a malformed request to the server".  Delete move that
> message.  All the messages you could read through web interface are
> safe to move back into Inbox and receive with fetchmail. After a while
> problematic message gets accesible again. I have no Idea what is
> causing this a effect, by message from certain people on the list seem
> to "become problematic" more often then others.

Ah, so maybe a mangled message seems to be the culprit? I wasn't as
thorough as you in tracking down the problem. I just kept messages
essential to solving issues on my system and deleted the rest.

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Fetchmail Problems with Retrieving Mail

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/13/02 00:38:08 -0800, Brian Nelson wrote:
> Setup a system-wide /etc/fetchmailrc file.  See the stuff at the top of
> /etc/init.d/fetchmail.

I saw the instructions there and placed a system-wide config file
under /etc, but it didn't look like it was working. There was no
feedback when I started|stopped|restarted the service. I decided to
remove the file and continue to use the previous fetchmail retrieval
methods. I'll give it another shot now that I the problem with
retrieval solved (to a degree).

> It's probably a problem with yahoo.  Use a real email account.

It sounds like that's the case. You may be right, but I haven't moved
my account over from my Windows box yet as I receive a ton of stuff
from friends|family|work that require me to use Windows to view|use
them. I may just flip-flop accounts when I get moved from the @home
network to my ISP's new network, which involves an email change.

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Fetchmail Problems with Retrieving Mail

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all-

Well fetchmail seems to be acting up on me here. I'm running 5.9.6-2,
and haven't figured out how to run it as a system wide daemon yet, so
I'm still doing the fetchmail -d 300 when I log in. Anyway, for some
reason it stopped retrieving mail. I killed the process and tried
running it with the -vvv options to see what I could see. Well, it
would see a bunch of messages (around 220) and crap out when it
started to retrieve them. I wish I had saved the output, but I didn't
(sorry). I did a little looking around in the archives and found a
reference to an issue with it when retrieving a lot of messages. I use
my Yahoo mail account for the list so I just logged in via http and
deleted a bunch of the list messages. I then tried running fetchmail
again, and it worked like a champ, grabbing the 5 messages with ease.

My question is...anyone else experiencing this and know how to address

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/12/02 10:03:03 +0100, Joachim Fahnenmueller wrote:
> Edit your XF86config-4 file, look for lines like these (see below).
> Insert the correct frequency settings for your monitor, and the
> resolutions you want.  BTW, if you specify more than one resolution,
> you can switch them on-the-run by pressing Ctrl+Alt+'+' or
> Ctrl+Alt+'-'.

Hi Joachim,

I posted my XF86Config-4 file at,
if you'd like to take a look.

In responding to another message in this thread, I discovered that if
I run X as a normal user, everything is okay, but when I run it as
root, I get the weirdness. I don't run X as root, so it's probably no
big deal, but still, I'd like to resolve the problem. X is pulling
this info from somewhere, if not from the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.

Thanks for the help!
  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/12/02 14:51:51 -0600, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> * Mark Wagnon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> ...The problem is that it's
> > driving my monitor at a resolution that 1) renders everything too
> > small to read, and 2) that AFAIK, is outstide my monitor's
> > capabilities.
> If it's a CRT monitor, max resolution depends on refresh rate. 
> Your manual may list [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the max, but the monitor 
> will work at e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Max refresh rate on the video
> card also depends on the number of colour bits per pixel: higher
> bpp -> lower refresh rate. Oh, and lower refresh rates are bad
> for your eyes. Fluorescent lights flickering at 50Hz and monitor
> flickering at 56Hz is a particularly nasty combination.

It is a CRT. I always thought that driving your monitor harder than
what its specs call for will result in a smoking paper weight. I
usually shoot for a refresh rate around 70 Hz.

> There's a program called xvidtune, try it. Also, try pressing
> Ctrl - Alt - Grey + (or Grey -) to cycle through video modes.

I've used xvidtune to fine tune my modelines in the past. There
doesn't seem to be the traditional modeline in the XF86Config-4 file.
Also, I generally set my monitor to use just one resolution. Maybe a
bad idea, but in any case, I cannot cycle through resolutions using
the Ctrl-Alt-+/- keys.

> Modern monitors go blank if you try driving them outside the
> specs. Old ones may go titsup.

My monitor (a Sony Multiscan 200ES) is more than a couple years old. I
would prefer it to keep its tits down ;-)

That just reminded me of something. When I run xvidtune, it recognizes
my monitor. Okay, this just got weirder. I fired up X just now to run
xvidtune again. I ran it using my normal user account and X ran fine
(at the correct resolution and everything). I had been running it as
root before when I was receiving the incorrect resolution. Yep, still
wrong as root. What the heck??? This is a nice little puzzle.

> As for fonts, you can tell X to use bigger fonts.

heh. Those are going to need to be some BIG fonts for me to see the
text without squinting.

Thanks for the help. If you think of anything else, please let me
  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-12 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/12/02 09:47:56 -0600, Donald R. Spoon wrote:
> I have been on the same "learning curve" as you jsut a short while ago. 
>  I recall somewhere that the "preferred" method of creating the 
> /etc/Xll/XF86Config-4 file IN DEBIAN is to use one of the Debian config 
> tools.  The only one I have been able to make work here is the 
> "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" command, which brings up the debconf 
> utility you see when you install Debian.  It seems that Debian is 
> constantly improving the debconf utility, and the last time I used it 
> for configuring X (about a week ago) it had a few extra questions I had 
> not seen before about creating special "debconf-only" sections in the 
> resulting XF86Config-4 file.  Anyhoo, here are some recollections from 
> my faulty short-term memory that might relate to your resolution "problem".

Hi Donald,

Yes, I went through the Advanced setup using debconf too. I set my
system up to run at 1024x768 @ 16bpp. For some strange reason though,
X is running at a much higher resolution--1400x1050 or something like
that. I've placed my XF86Config-4 file on my web page. It can be
viewed by pointing your browser here:

I entered my monitor specifics also. This is really weird. I expect X
to start using 1024x768 and that's it. Why it's selecting the higher
res is beyond me. 

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-11 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/10/02 20:36:22 -0900, Greg C. Madden wrote:
> If you don't have a XF86config-4 file you don't have a complete Xfree
> 4.x install. It seems to me when I did this I had a mix of Xfree ver 3 &
> 4, no XF86config-4 just an XF86cconfig file. I can't remember exactly
> how I fixed this but maybe using 'dselect' and removing all
> Xfree-ver.3.x packages and making sure  you have alll Xfree 4.x version
> packages.


Thanks for the response!

I am able to create an XF86Config-4 file using debconf. It's tailored
to my system's specs, and X is functional. The problem is that it's
driving my monitor at a resolution that 1) renders everything too
small to read, and 2) that AFAIK, is outstide my monitor's
capabilities. I would expect that my monitor would display some kind
of "out of range" message, but it doesn't. My manual specifies that it
is capable of 1280x1024, however X is driving it at a much higher

Also, I beleive that I have only verion 4 files on board because I
installed X after upgrading from potato. I could be wrong about that

I'm not sure where else to look. I've hunted down and renamed all my
XF86Config* files with the exception of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. I just
don't understand where it's pulling the resolution setting it's using from.

If anyone thinks of anything else...please share ;-)

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm trying to get a dist-upgraded woody system to run X correctly.
I've read through a previous thread about running dpkg-reconfigure
xserver-xfree86, but I still seem to be having a few problems. First,
my monitor is being driven at resolutions I know will burn it up, but
when configuring X, I selected to have a more modest 1152x864 at 16
bit color. However X is running at something like 1400x1050 (something
really strange).

I think I'll stick with this one problem for now, as it's the one that
concerns me the most.

Is this info stored anywhere else, because none of my modelines have a
setting that high in my XF86Config-4 file.

I've been poking around in the docs, but am not making much headway.

Any help will be greatly appreciated...
  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Mouse trouble in X using a KVM switch

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 12/17/01 10:14:44 -0600, Kent West wrote:

Thanks for the reply Kent.

> This isn't a solution, but it might be a work-around.
> Try "apt-get install gpm" (and if necessary "gpmconfig") to set up gpm. 
> Change your XF86Config-4 file to:
>Option"Device"  "/dev/gpmdata"
> Then when your mouse dies, you can probably just restart gpm 
> ("/etc/init.d/gpm restart") without having to restart X.

I'll give it a shot. I just noticed something though. When I swithed
to my Linux box, I didn't immediately grab the mouse and start
clicking. I let it sit for about 5 seconds and then tried to use it.
It seems to be working okay right now, and that's after nearly 18
hours of not being used. Maybe I just need a little patience.

I'll continue my experiment, but if it seems like the rodent is going
to get out of hand again, I'll give gpm a go.

Thanks again!

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Mouse trouble in X using a KVM switch

2001-12-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I've set up two computers to share a monitor, keyboard, and mouse with
a Belkin OmniCube 4-port KVM switch.

The problem is that if I cycle through the ports on the switch, my
mouse works fine so long as I return to my Linux box within 10 minutes
or so (the period is just a guesstimate). If I leave the switch set to
my Windows system and return to my linux system after an hour or so,
the mouse behaves erratically. I have to restart X to tame it.

My mouse is an MS Intellimouse Explorer. It's optical and has a wheel.
It's also a USB model, but I'm using an adapter to contort it to PS/2.
Here's how I have it configured:

  Section "InputDevice"
  Identifier  "Mouse0"
  Driver  "mouse"
  #   Option  "Protocol" "PS/2"
  Option  "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
  Option  "Device" "/dev/mouse"
  Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
  Option  "Emulate3Buttons"
  Option  "Emulate3Timeout" "50"

Originally it was setup to use the PS/2 protocol, but I needed the
added functionality of the scroll wheel. Before changing the protocol
and adding the ZAxisMapping entries, the mouse worked fine, even
leaving my switch on the Windows box for an extended period of time.

I was wondering if anyone else out there has had this problem and
managed to find a solution.

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Copying Linux to a new drive

2001-07-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/29/01 17:47:03 -0700, Santiago del Roi wrote:
> How does one copy a complete Linux install from one hard drive to
> another?  I've tried using the cp command with various parameters,
> but to no avail.  There seems to be lots of special files and
> directories (/proc for example) that cp can't handle.  Any
> suggestions?

Hi there,

I recently did this using the Hard Disk Upgrade Mini How-To as my

Everything went smoothly for me (that's saying a lot 8^) ), so you
might want to start there.


Re: Debian Issues!!

2001-07-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
This was posted earlier in the week:

Don't forget to donate to the cause if you find yourself liking Debian
(and you will).

Good luck!

Re: A NEWBIE inquiry......

2001-07-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/26/01 22:40:52 -0500, d wrote:

> I am running Windows SE 98+! V4.10.a on a PCChips PC100 MBD/w AMD K6 II 
> 3D 400meg, 163.48meg RAM, USR 56k INT MDM plus a PCTEL WinModem (that is 
> NOT being used at this time), two 8.4 gig IDE H/D's.  One is setup to run 
> WinBlows 98 the other I have set to 7 partitions, three for Debian v2.1 and 
> three for Mandrake v7.0, there are 6 of them the other is just FREE 
> SPACE.  Hope to be able to access that from which ever one needs added space.
> Now my question is what would I have to do to set these up so I can access 
> one from the other?  I can now access the WinBlows from Mandrake, have NOT 
> set things so I can do that from Deb just yet.  The other is how can I get 
> both of them to acknowledge my USR MDM, neither one will recognize it and 
> MD never has even from my first install?  I know there are HOWTO's and many 
> other MAN pages and various other thingys, I spend most of a day just 
> attempting to keep up with these messages.  THE END.  This has gone on far 
> enough, I am going to give you the chance to do what most people DREAM of 
> being able to do, TELL ME WHERE TO GO to reach my END.

I can't help with your modem, but for accessing your other partitions 
I think what you might want to look at is the mount command and also
the /etc/fstab file. The mount command is use for er, mounting
partitions. The /etc/fstab file makes mounting filesystems much

check out the man page for mount.

You might want to post some more info about how you have your Linux
installations set up. One way to do this is to run the df command
whick will give you output like this:

mwagnon @ mordor:~/files/latex $ df
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1   198313 27166160893  14% /
/dev/hda5  1007960 53996902760   6% /var
/dev/hda6   495876   919469356   0% /tmp
/dev/hda8 27201348961324  24858260   4% /usr
/dev/hda3  5039592370716   4412872   8% /usr/local
/dev/hda4  4911728249828   4412396   5% /home

Try not to laugh too much at my partition scheme, I was just messing
around and not too sure how to allocate all the space on this monster
sized drive 8^)

> ONE more for the ROAD, please.where is a GOOD place for a NEWBIE that 
> is NOT a programmer nor very familiar with UNIX or Linux to learn how to 
> get started.  I Know READ, READ, READ, etcetera, at 61 I do NOT have that 
> much time left to do all of that.

I don't think you're going to be able to get away from reading. I
sounds like you already have an intro book, but Running Linux
published by O'Reilly is a good book for getting a handle on the
basics. You might take a look at local community colleges in your
area. I took a UNIX class that was taught using Red Hat. It was a good
intro to some of the basics and let me see what some of Linux's
capabilities are. You might also look for any Linux User's Groups in
your area. Check out for

I just found a LUG in San Antonio. Web site at:

Good luck, and hey, you've already tapped one of the best sources of
info--this list!

Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/26/01 20:20:05 -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:

> I notice you've already applied another solution, but I hope I can
> provide some direction should you (or anyone else) decide they'd like
> to do it yourself:
> I have found that the most useful thing in setting up ipchains or
> iptables is to see and understand the diagrams representing packet
> flow in the kernel code. Maybe that's not for everyone, and I'm more
> of a visual learner (or something). Anyway, for ipchains, it looks
> like this:

<<< Diagram snipped >>>

> It's a little burly for your purposes. All you're talking about is a
> packet filter, with no forwarding (and hence no masquerading, etc.) So
> let's take out what's unimportant and reduce it to this:

Yeah, I had read through the IPChains Howto, and I think I got some of
the fundamentals down. I tend to learn by example, so as a newbie, I
had some trouble applying what was going on with the real world
example given in the howto to my own needs.

> ---
> |ACCEPT/ lo interface |
> v   REDIRECT  |
> --> C --> S --> __ -->  -->    ___ -->
> h a|input |{Routing } |output |ACCEPT
> e n|Chain |{Decision} --->|Chain  |
> c i|__|   |   |___|
> k t   |   |   |   |
> s y   |   |   |   |
> u |   v   v   |   v
> m | DENY/ Local Process   | DENY/
> |   DENY  -
> v
> That's a bit more manageable, no? All you need to worry about are the
> input and output chains. I'm going to recommend a very simple ruleset
> for you; no need to mess around with all kinds of user-defined chains.
> You might want (after reading some more and getting the hang of what's
> going on here) to add some logging capabilities to the setup, but for
> now, let's just roll a simple script:

Ah, yes. That was one of the problems I had. The example revolved
around forwarding packets, which then quickly got out of hand for me
when trying to figure out what I needed to do. I think I understood
most of what was being discussed, and when I do get around to setting
up a gateway machine for my home network (coming soon), I'll draw from
it. I think I'll go back and re-read it and focus on what each was
trying to be accomplished.

> (I've been (happily) immersed in the iptables world and haven't used
> ipchains in a while (and don't have a machine to test it on, either),
> so if it has a couple of syntactical glitches in it, please bear with
> me.)

No problem, just a great big "thank you" for taking the time to
explain this to me and others.

<<< firewall script snipped >>>

Thanks again, I've already added your message to my Saved folder!

Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/22/01 17:27:58 +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
> Have a look at 

I'm sure I'll be using this to decipher logs in the near future.
Thanks for the link!

Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/22/01 02:27:26 -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> I'm not a big fan of it but pmfirewall is a popular starting point for
> people new to setting up firewalls.  It can be found at

Thanks for the link. I used to to get set up and now I'm in the
process of looking through the scripts too see what it did. Hopefully
I'll be able to get ipchains set up on my own one of these days.

If I may ask, why do you not like it? Is there something functionally
wrong with it? Is it that the user is placing trust in someone else
for securing a system? Are you a nuts-and-bolts, do-it-yourself kind
of guy?

Thanks again!

ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm playing around with ipchains, but I'm just not getting the
example given in the IPCHAINS-HOWTO. It's based on a system that's
forwarding packets, but I'm not doing that. All I have is a single box
connected to the world with a cable modem connected to eth0.

It doesn't seem to be that difficult, and I'm feeling really stupid
for not being able to figure it out. I think what has me confused is
the HOWTO author's use of user-defined chains and then compounding the
difficulty is that he has set up most (all?) jumps from the forward

Are there any docs for the simple minded? I've searched on Google and
have found a lot of examples pertaining to forwarding.

Thanks in advance for any direction on this.

Re: Exim & fetchmail & procmail ...

2001-07-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/20/01 20:51:35 -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
> I looked at what I sent, and half the message is missing.  Sorry about that 
> -- I'm still trying to get used to using emacs with mutt.
> Here's another go at displaying fetchmailrc:
> poll ""
> protocol auto
> username "camellison"
> password "xx"
> set syslog
> mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %s"
> Any ideas will be gratefully received

Are you having problems filtering your mail? For me procmail was a
pain. I discovered (through this most excellent list) that exim has
filtering capability via a .forward file in your home directory. You
might want to take a look at the filter.txt.gz file in the exim docs
directory. Using that as a guideline, I was able to configure exim,
fectmail, and mutt to do what I need for email.

If you're having problems with retrieving mail, then maybe you could
run fectmail with the -v option and then inpspect the output.

I can't reælly tell what you're requesting help with. Did you make
an earlier post with more details?


Re: Cannot play Audio Cds but Data Cds are fine (used to work)

2001-07-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/19/01 23:15:43 +0100, Wayne wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone help me with this problem:
> I have an IDE cdwriter (Ricoh mp7080a) and have succesfully recompiled the 
> kernel with scsi emulation etc and can now burn cds. (great) BTW I am running 
> Potato 2.2.19pre21.  Before doing the above audio cds worked fine, now when I 
> put one in to play, start up say GCD nothing happens at all.
> I seem to remember deleting /dev/cdrom  and have tried recreating it as a 
> symlink to scd0 but I have a feeling this is incorrect. The line looks like 
> this:
> lrwxrwxrwx1 root  root4 may 21 20:25 scd0 -> scd0
> I have added a line to my /etc/lilo.conf like this:
> append="hdc=ide-scsi"
> which is below the Linux Stanza.
> I altered the /etc/fstab file like this:
> hashed out existing /dev/cdrom line then added a line:
> /dev/scd0   /cdrom   auto   defaults,ro,noauto,user,exec   0   0
> TIA 

Hi Wayne,

Are you able to listen to audio CDs as root? I had that problem, and
what I ened up doing was changing the group for my device (/dev/hdb)
to the cdrom group. I then added myself to the cdrom group and was
able to play (and hear!) audio CDs as a normal user.

I don't think the fstab entries have much to do with it. I think they
just set you up so you can mount the drive easily, and I don't think
you need to mount audio CDs to play them.

I'm going to follow this thread closely, because I too have an IDE
burner that I haven't gotten around to setting up yet. What's said
here may help me dodge a bullet when I get ready to try. It's been too
easy to reboot into Windows, are burn a disc when I need to. However,
last weekend I reached the limit of my tolerance for the crashes and
yanked the Windows drive. ;^)

Good luck!

Re: Setting up printing

2001-07-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/16/01 11:27:32 -0400, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> ), and it actually


I tried getting printing set up on a potato system with the
instructions found at the above URI, but I seem to be having a bit of
a problem. All apparently went well with installing the cups package
and creating/installing the filters. I am even able to configure the
printer (an Epson 880) via the web interface. 

I checked out the logs and here's part of a abended print job:

  I [17/Jul/2001:22:31:14 -0800] Job 5 queued on 'Epson880' by ''.
  I [17/Jul/2001:22:31:14 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 4839) for job 5.
  I [17/Jul/2001:22:31:14 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster 
(PID 4840) for job 5.
  I [17/Jul/2001:22:31:14 -0800] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter (PID 4841) for job 5.
  I [17/Jul/2001:22:31:14 -0800] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel 
(PID 4842) for job 5.
  E [17/Jul/2001:22:31:15 -0800] PID 4841 crashed on signal 11!

My /etc/printcap contains the following:


That's it! That doesn't look like any printcap I've ever seen! Is this
normal with CUPS?

Anybody able to offer suggestions?


Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/18/01 01:00:19 +, Robin Gerard wrote:
>  Have a look at the attached mail that I send you.
>  HTH  

That was really nice. I've saved that message for future reference. It
worked like a charm and I'm in business and my system is safer for it



Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/17/01 13:55:01 -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> excerpted from usermod(8):

Yeah I read that. That was before I realized I could take a look at
the /etc/group file to see what groups I belonged to (and I'm sure
there's a more refined method for that too ;^) ), so I wasn't really
sure what groups I was a member of, and omitting one by mistake didn't
sound too appealing.


Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/16/01 21:12:16 -0400, Andy Saxena wrote:

> The easiest way I know is to manually edit the file /etc/group.

Hmmm. I didn't think of that! ;-) Okay, will do.


Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/16/01 07:20:47 +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
> Better is: add your user to the cdrom group and chmod the device to that
> group instead of disk.  

Thanks for the heads up. I know how to add a user to a group, but how
does one remove a user from a group? I'm looking at the man page for
usermod right now, and not really feeling too confident that it's
going to do what I want. I don't want to remove myself from other
groups, especially my default group.

Can you (or anyone else) give me a hint?

Thanks again!

Re: Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/16/01 00:18:38 -0400, Ari Pollak wrote:
> Perhaps the problem is that you are trying to access an IDE device
> (/dev/hdc or whatever your CD-ROM drive is) as a normal user that is not
> part of the disk group? Try adding yourself to disk, and see if that
> helps.

I saw that the device I was trying to access belonged to the disk group.
I didn't add myself because I wasn't sure about it from a security
standpoint. Also, I didn't know if there was a different approach.

I just added myself and logged in again. I'm now able to play my audio

Thanks for the help!

Audio CD Problems with Potato

2001-07-15 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm having some trouble getting audio CDs to play as an unpriviledged
user. I am able to do so as root though, so it looks to me like a
permission problem. I am able to send various audio files to /dev/dsp
and /dev/audio as root. I have sound working in Ximian GNOME as a
normal user. I added my normal user account to the audio group,
thinking that this would solve the problem, but it didn't seem to. I
have changed permissions on a couple of the audio device files, but I
still seem to be having some trouble. changing the file access
permissions for /dev/mixer to 666 allowed me to start gmix (I was not
able to before). I'm just a little leary of changing all the files'
permissions, which was the primary reason for adding myself to the
audio group.

Here are some listing for [all|some|???] my audioi-related files.

mordor:/dev# ls -l /dev/mixer*
crw-rw-rw-1 root audio 14,   0 Nov 30  2000 /dev/mixer
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  16 Nov 30  2000 /dev/mixer1
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  32 Nov 30  2000 /dev/mixer2
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  48 Nov 30  2000 /dev/mixer3
mordor:/dev# ls -l /dev/midi*
crw-rw1 root audio 35,   0 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi0
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   2 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi00
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  18 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi01
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  34 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi02
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  50 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi03
crw-rw1 root audio 35,   1 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi1
crw-rw1 root audio 35,   2 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi2
crw-rw1 root audio 35,   3 Nov 30  2000 /dev/midi3
mordor:/dev# ls -l /dev/audio*
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   4 Nov 30  2000 /dev/audio
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  20 Nov 30  2000 /dev/audio1
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  36 Nov 30  2000 /dev/audio2
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  52 Nov 30  2000 /dev/audio3
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   7 Nov 30  2000 /dev/audioctl
mordor:/dev# ls -l /dev/dsp*  
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Nov 30  2000 /dev/dsp
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  19 Nov 30  2000 /dev/dsp1
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  35 Nov 30  2000 /dev/dsp2
crw-rw1 root audio 14,  51 Nov 30  2000 /dev/dsp3

All this is on a self-rolled 2.2.19pre17 kernel.

Any clues? Thanks in advance!

Move Installation to Larger Drive?

2001-07-11 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I know this is off-topic, but figured this would be the place to get
an expert opinion. I just purchased a 30 Gig drive and want to know if
it's possible to move my current installation over to it? If so, does
anyone have any links to documentation detailing how?


Re: Scroll Wheel

2001-07-09 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/09/01 16:09:37 -0700, Mike Pfleger wrote:
> Sorry to intrude, but I couldn't pass this up.  I'm running testing
> and I'm having trouble getting my USB mouse scroll wheel to be seen.
> I have this setup in my XF86Config-4 file, but nothing seems to
> register the scrollwheel.  I even tried xev, and the scroll wheel
> only generates an event when pressed.  Rolling it generates no
> events that xev reports.
> I am using a 3 button USB Logitech mouse with the combo scroll-
> wheel and center button.

It sounds like you have the same type of mouse as I do. I haven't put
much effort into figuring out how to add support for the wheel, but
this thread prompted me to try a few of the suggestions. Here's the
Pointer Section of my XF86Config-4 file:

# **
# Core Pointer's InputDevice section
# **

Section "InputDevice"

# Identifier and driver

Identifier  "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
#Option "Protocol""PS/2"
Option "Device"  "/dev/mouse"

# Added by Mark Wagnon on 7/9/01
   Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
   Option "Buttons" "5"
   Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

The rest of the section is omitted, since it's all commented out in my
file. Anyway, I added the noted entries one at a time until I got it
to work. I started with the ZAxisMapping, then Buttons, and finally
the new Protocol. After changing the protocol I was able to scroll
within gmc and Opera. I'll check out a few more in a bit, but I can't
believe it was this simple.

I hope this helps you get yours going.

Good luck!

Re: [users] Mail from OE to linux and more

2001-07-09 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/09/01 02:31:03 -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote:
> Hi! This is a little long-winded, so bail now if you're not interested
> in newbie mail setup woes...

I hope you can make some sense out of my reply. It's a little "all
over the place". The bulk of my reply is at the bottom...

> I'm yet another person who'd love to completely transition from Windows
> to Linux. And yes, I use Outlook and yes, getting mail really working on
> Linux is the biggest obstacle to my completing the transition.

Yeah, mail is pretty important. I'm in the process of documenting my
mail setup experience to share with others.

> I like Mutt. I'm willing to learn it. There've been very cool posts to
> this list about customizing it. But despite reading the fetchmail man
> pages and the relevant sections of Running Linux, the Network
> Administrator's Guide, and Linux in a Nutshell, I'm still confused.
> Here's what I'm trying to do, advice on both stategy and technique is
> appreciated:
> Task 1. While logged in to my debian system as 'paul', get my @Home mail
> and send all outgoing mail through @Home's smtp server with
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' as the return address. As I understand it, I
> should be able to do this without just fechtmail and mutt.

Do you mean "with" or "without"? I'm a little confused. Mutt has some
option to change the from header for outbound mail. I don't use it, so
I can't pin it down for you. Fetchmail is used to fetch mail. It
doesn't send mail. 

> Progress: I've successfully set up a .netrc file in my home directory to
> handle the username & password. My.fetchmailrc file is:
> poll proto pop3 user "pmackinney" is "paul"

That looks okay to me.

> and I invoke fetchmail with just the -k argument (because I'm testing).
> But outbound mail doesn't get sent.

Try it with the -vvv option too so you can see any errors that might
pop up.

> Task 2. Use exim to forward all administrative and local mail to user
> 'paul', to a mailbox that mutt can access. This is not working at all,
> I've run eximconfig trying each of the 6 default options. As near as I
> can figure, the only domain I should really have to set in the exim
> config file is localhost, and make sure that the alias file points
> everything to 'paul'. But it ain't working.
> Once the two above tasks are accomplished, I'll get to work on
> customizing mutt, use procmail to sort incoming mail into different
> mailboxes, and configure exim/mutt so that messages sent to the local
> system get sent with the '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' return address. But these 2
> tasks essential for me to feel comfortable in migrating my email from
> Windows.

I have a very similar, if not identical setup as you. 

The first thing I did was get exim configured. You need to run
eximconfig.  I selected option 2 and then proceeded through all the
questions. I accepted the defaults with the exception of the smtp host
which I set to and sending the postmaster and
root mail to my user account. 

You then might want to take a look at the exim.conf file and make sure
the your local_domains has localhost and your hostname listed. Also,
look for trusted_users and add your local account name there. Mine
looks like this:

  trusted_users = mail:mwagnon

This apparently will make it easier on your Outlook using friends when
replying to you ;-)

After that, you're going to need to get the rewriting stuff taken care
of. Look at the REWRITE CONFIGURATION at the end of the exim.conf
file. You set up those aliases in /etc/email-addresses.

Assuming you're able to get mail without any problems with fetchmail,
you're almost set. For me, procmail is a pain. I use a .forward file
in my home directory to filter mail. Here's a snippet of mine:

  #   Exim filter   <<== do not edit or remove this line!
  if error_message then finish endif

  elif $h_Resent-From: contains "debian-user"
then save $home/Mail/IN.Debian-User

  else save $home/Mail/Inbox


You might want to check the filter.txt.gz file in /usr/share/doc/exim
for more info on this.

If you can compare my recommendations to what you did and get back to
the list, we can get a better jump on setting your mail system up.

Good luck!

Re: Microsoft Reader... argh!

2001-07-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/08/01 10:26:34 -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> I'd like to assign a book for a class this fall that is published only in
> hardcover and in something called "Microsoft Reader" format. The MS
> Reader format is about 1/2 the price, which matters (I don't like to make
> students pay more than necessary, particularly at a public
> school.).  According to Amazon, the MS Reader is available only for
> Windows. Does anyone else know about this gizmo, what the format is,
> etc? I'm not willing to let Microsoft have a monopoly on my class, so if
> in fact it's Windows-only I'll either not assign the book (and let the
> publisher know!) or make them go with the expensive hardback.

As a continuing student, I'm glad to hear that professors like
yourself think about students' bank accounts. Thanks! 

Personally, I like to have access to a nice text with actual pages. I
can take it anywhere and not worry about hosing my PDA/eBook reader or
whatever, and I'm not be chained to my computer (although some in my
family believe that's happened ;-) ). If the eBook was in HTML or some
other format easily decipherable by other party's technologies, I'd
say go for it, but since it looks like it's MS' attempt to secure the
eBook market for itself, I would avoid purchasing/recommending it in
that format.  Can you imagine a world where trees are no longer cut
down to produce paper for books (yay!), yet the only format available
is MS' (boo!)?  If MS disagreed with a publisher's views, they could
yank their licensing.  Scary stuff. 

I would write the publisher and let them know how you feel whichever
way I went though. 

Just my two pennies.

Re: [users] Re: Mail from OE to linux and more

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/04/01 10:00:37 +0200, Martin F. Krafft wrote:
> are you kidding me? OE can *import* everything, but export only to
> Outlook. Now why would micro$oft provide a feature that would
> facilitate switching away from their product???

Yeah, I forgot about the black hole located at Redmond, WA, USA. ;-)

Re: GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/04/01 19:45:39 +0300, Amardeep Singh wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> i think it is a known problem (check gnome mailing lists archives or
> google). it occurs when esd is not present or improperly configured.
> installing esd should make the problem go away.

Ah, okay. I installed the esound package this morning and all is well.


Re: GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/04/01 12:02:24 -0400, D-Man wrote:

> | I did an upgrade tonight and decided to take a look at GNOME after a
> | brief stint with KDE. Anyway, I noticed that things were pretty slow
> | when it came to GNOME-ified apps. The control panel and gmc took their
> | sweet time in launching and moving from section to section under the
> | control panel was equally slow. I decided to take a look at the
> I don't know why it would be slow for you.  It is nice and fast for
> me.  I really like GNOME (with Sawfish as window manager).

Same setup, but it seems to have corrected itself overnight. The
upgrade I performed downloaded some 40+ packages, so maybe it was
doing some behind-the-scenes organization for a little while.

> I ignore these.  I see lots of similar messages from a lot of
> GTK/GNOME apps.  They are just warnings, but the app probably ought to
> check the condition first so you don't get the warning.

Normally I would've. I've seen similar messages before, but since this
was a new install, I assumed a cause-and-effect relationship. 

> Yes "Enlightened Sound Daemon".  I don't have a sound card in this

Ah, thanks. I wonder why my search for esd didn't turn this up. Oops,
now I know. I searched the package directories instead of the
contents. I must have been more tired than I thought. I've installed
the esound package and the abherrant behavior has ceased.

Thanks for the help!

Re: GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/04/01 16:34:08 +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:

> > I did an upgrade tonight and decided to take a look at GNOME after a
> Did you use dselect?

well, not dselect exactly, apt-get.

> Well, it's designed to compete with microsoft windows.  Try to follow
> the same hardware specifications.  Or install fvwm.  :-)


It shouldn't have too many problems runnnig as I have an 800 MHz
Athlon with 256M of RAM. Actually, this morning it seems a LOT

> >   /bin/sh: esd: command not found
> It expects the package "esd" installed on your system.  If you see these
> messages, there should have been a depends: esd in the package that emits
> these messages.  Instead there is probably just a suggests: esd somewhere.
> If you do not use dselect, you might not have noticed these "details".

Shouldn't APT and dselect get the same results? I though APT was a
front-end to dselect. Well, I found and installed (via APT) the esound
packages and all seems to be well now.


GTK Errors using GNOME in Testing

2001-07-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I did an upgrade tonight and decided to take a look at GNOME after a
brief stint with KDE. Anyway, I noticed that things were pretty slow
when it came to GNOME-ified apps. The control panel and gmc took their
sweet time in launching and moving from section to section under the
control panel was equally slow. I decided to take a look at the
console I started the X session from and there was a screenfull of
error messages like so:

  Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data(): could not find handler 
containing data (0xE23EADO)

Interspersed were a few of these messages:

  /bin/sh: esd: command not found

Does anyone know what might be the culprit for the first? And just
what is esd? I searched the package directories on the Debian site and
came up empty handed. It is that sound server thing? 


Re: Mail from OE to linux and more

2001-07-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/04/01 03:29:53 +, Lambrecht Joris wrote:

> Any hints on what i might be overlooking ? I don't want to get stuck
> with some mailclient eating up my mail without a chance to export it
> later on . . . hence i chose the fetchmail/sendmail combo.

I dunno. I tried to configure sendmail once on a Redhat box. I gave
up. For me, setting up exim is *much* simpler. Plus you don't have to
mess with procmail. Have you tried taking a look at any log files that
sendmail may be leaving behind? Check out /var/log/ and look for
references to sendmail, mail, or something along those lines. There's
probably some info hiding there somewhere that might get you closer to
solving your problem.

> Also, i want to import my OE mail and adress book into my Linux
> system, any good hints on what software/procedure to use ?

Doesn't OE have some kind of export feature for this stuff? I never
warmed up to OE very much. On the Dark, um, I mean Windows side, I'm a
Eudora user. I would think that if you could get the address book into
a text file, you should be able to copy and past it into an address
book under Linux. Not so sure about the mail though, with different
mailbox formats and all. I'm sure someone here can help though.

> As for mailclients on X11. I have tested Mahogany
> (, CSCMail ( , Spruce
> ( but none of them look satisfying for the
> time being. To slow, to unstable, to barebones ... I'm not really
> fond of MUTT but am using it in the meantime, i need that daily
> dose. 

Mutt is it for me. I've tried other gui clients, and while impressive
looking and all, they had their little quirks and instabilities. I
think Mutt just plain kicks booty. Plus, if for some bizarre reason
you can't start an X session, you can still read your mail with Mutt.
With those others, you're SOL.

Not of much help was I?

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-03 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/02/01 23:11:38 -0700, Norbert Froese wrote:
> Thank you so much for CCing this to the list.

You're welcome. I'd figured there'd be lurkers interested. I can't be
the only one with the same problem (can I?). 

> I have been completely baffled as to why I could not get so much as a sound 
> out
> of my printer since I installed debian.  This was despite dmesg output very
> similar to yours, including my EPSON 777 being recognized.
> By booting with the printer off (which I never even considered doing before) I
> am now able to print by sending a text file directly to /dev/lp0.

Neither did I. This printer is a relatively recent purchase for me. I
had an HP Laserjet 6L before that would power down automagically. I
don't know if that was why I was fortunate enough to to have this
problem then, or if it's something screwey with Epson printers. 

> Now on to trying to get the filter right.  I'm sure I'll have to resort to
> asking the list for help, but I'll take some time to try to muddle through
> myself.

Yeah, I'm doing this too. I'm still unable to print postscipt docs,
which is kinda weird, because it looks like the CUPS filters converto
to ps from other formats before printing. 

Another puzzle to figure out...

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi Larry,

I CCd this to the debian-user list in order to preserve the thread.

On 07/02/01 23:16:38 -0500, Lance Simmons wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 08:35:35PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> > My parallel port is still being detected at boot, here's the excerpt
> > from dmesg:
> > 
> >   parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP]
> >   parport_probe: succeeded
> >   parport0: Printer, EPSON Stylus COLOR 880
> Are you sure this line identifying EPSON was displayed when you
> couldn't print to /dev/lp0? I have an EPSON Stylus COLOR 900,
> and sometimes the appropriate dmesg line _doesn't_ appear, and
> when that happens, I can't print. I haven't figured out a way to
> fix that without turning off the printer, rebooting, and turning
> the printer on. I haven't noticed any pattern to when it fails
> to be detected.

Yes, that came from dmesg on my last reboot, and I wasn't able to
print. I took your advice and turned off the printer and rebooted.
After logging back in, I was able to print. That's strange. But
knowing about it is half the battle.

I'm able to print text and pdf files, but I'm having some problems
with ps. I'll look into that tomorrow. At least I know I'm not going

> If you can dual boot into Windows, you might check to see if you
> get an error message when you try to print. A couple of times
> I've tried this and discovered the windows driver was reporting
> a paper error (even though the paper looked just fine to me).
> When I jiggled the paper and got the windows error messages to
> go away, and then rebooted into linux, I could print again.

I didn't get that far, it started behaving after a reboot.
> I hope someone has some good suggestions, so I can figure out
> how to get my printer to work without having to reboot!

Yes, it would be nice to get to the bottom of it. Thanks for the

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all, again:

This is starting to drive me crazy. I decided to give CUPS a spin,
since I haven't been able to get plain text files to print with the
lpd/magicfilter combo. Anyway, before installing CUPS (maybe sooner,
but I have tried to print anything since playing with this yesterday),
I was able to send a file directly to /dev/lp0 and receive output. Now
I can't. What gives? If that worked before, shouldn't that work now?
My parallel port is still being detected at boot, here's the excerpt
from dmesg:

  parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP]
  parport_probe: succeeded
  parport0: Printer, EPSON Stylus COLOR 880
  lp0: using parport0 (polling).

CUPS seems to be receiving print jobs, but I'm getting errors like

  E [02/Jul/2001:19:47:59 -0800] PID 552 stopped with status 1!
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Job 12 queued on 'epson' by 'root'.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops 
(PID 737) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 738) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster 
(PID 739) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoepson (PID 740) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel 
(PID 741) for job 12.

Sorry for the long lines.

I'm using the plain jane stcolor.ppd, for all this even though I have
an Espon Stylus Color 880. I've played around a little more, and I'm
not getting the error message like on the first line above.

I'm thinking that there's something screwey with my /dev/lp0, now. Any
ideas why I'd suddenly be unable to send files to this device

Thanks a TON in advance.

Re: newbie doc volunteers

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi Will,

I'm interested. I've been reading the docbook documentation and
putting together an account of my experiences getting exim, fetchmail,
and mutt to play on my system. I signed up for a sourcefoge account, I
just haven't joined up yet. I'll get back to you (maybe off list) when
I get it together. Hopefully that won't bee too far off, but I'm
prepping for an interview in the next week, so I may not devote much
time to it until after that.


Re: Apache config question

2001-07-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/02/01 13:18:23 -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:

> I bet you're running portsentry...
> When you installed apache, portsentry was already listening on pot 80.
> When you rebooted, apache was started before portsentry, so it got the
> port and portsentry left it alone since there's something legit there
> now.

Aha! That's nice to know in case I run into this problem again. 


Re: Apache config question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi Dimi!

Thanks for the reply.

On 07/01/01 17:02:36 -0500, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> What does /var/log/apache/error.log say?

[Fri Jun 29 20:10:47 2001] [alert] apache: Could not determine the server's 
fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[Fri Jun 29 20:10:47 2001] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could 
not bind to port 80
[Fri Jun 29 20:14:12 2001] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could 
not bind to port 80
[Sun Jul  1 10:05:21 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) Debian/GNU configured 
-- resuming normal operations
[Sun Jul  1 10:05:21 2001] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 
[Sun Jul  1 12:27:14 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist: 
[Sun Jul  1 12:28:28 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist: 
[Sun Jul  1 14:11:49 2001] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Sun Jul  1 18:20:12 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) Debian/GNU configured 
-- resuming normal operations
[Sun Jul  1 18:20:12 2001] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 

At 20:14, I set my ServerName in httpd.conf and restarted, but I was
still unable to access my web site. I don't know what was responsible
for the message about being unable to bind to port 80. Then you notice
the next day after I rebooted stuff looks cool with the execption of
the error about /var/www/mwagnon, mwagnon being my local user account.
I've since created a publib_html directory in ~, so I guess that's out
of the way. Then I just rebooted again from Windows at 18:20 and all
looks cool so far.

So, ??? Any ideas?

Thanks again.

Re: Apache config question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/01/01 13:51:29 -0700, Eric G. Miller wrote:

> $ /etc/init.d/apache start ???

Yeah, I did that, several times. That's why I'm scratching my head
wondering what else I may have done.

Thanks though ;-)

Re: Printing Question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
Thanks for the response!

On 07/01/01 11:05:45 +0800, Lamer wrote:

> "install progeny, it does all"

I've had it installed once, but I didn't like it. I may not be that
bright of a guy, but I still like to look under the hood and get my
hands dirty.

> and
> "then upgrade to woody"

Well, that's where I am now. I don't want to start anew. I'm planning
on picking up a larger drive soon, so maybe I'll try your upgrade path
to see how it goes. Until then, I guess I'll just keep pressing the
form feed button on my printer.

Thanks again

Re: Apache config question

2001-07-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all-

Scratch that. I had to reboot for some recreational activities under
Windows last night, and when I came back to Debian this morning,
Apache was working fine. I thought that by simply restarting the
server would have sufficed, but whatever occurred during the boot
process seemed to do the trick. Unfortunately, I don't know what that
was. Bummer, but life goes on.

Printing Question

2001-06-30 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all?

I'm still battling with this. I have lpd, magicfilter, et al,
installed. I'm able to print from various programs without problems,
however, when I print plain ascii text, the printer prints just fine,
but I need to manually eject the page. I've tried to set my printcap
up to send a form feed when done by inserting 'ff', but that hasn't
panned out. Anyway, I'm sure if I want that because ps files are
ejected normally.

I've been poking around in the input filters supplied with
magicfilter, and I noticed that the default filter uses recode like

# Default entry for normal (text) files.  This must be the last entry!
# =
# Please adjust recode's codepage conversion manually according to
# your
# local needs. We apologize for the inconveniences...
default filter  /usr/bin/recode  --silent us..ibmpc 

Actually the 'us' was originally 'latin1'. I've left the file pretty
much alone with the exception of editing to replace 'pdftops' with
'pdf2ps' as it's named on my system. So I figure that maybe the
solution to my problem lays somewhere in recode, although searching
through the recode docs is beginning to change my mind.  Is anyone
doing anything special to print plain ascii text on a woody system
running lpd, magicfilter, etc.?


Re: Apache config question

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/29/01 20:21:41 -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> Is this a sever thing or an apache thing? I've installed apache once

I had a brain fart. Oh well. That should have read is this a network
thing or an apache thing?

Thanks again!

Apache config question

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

can someone point me to where I might find a solution to my problem?
I've been poking around, but don't know if I'm in the right
place or what to really be searching for Here goes... I have apache
installed and running, but when I try to access the server either with
an IP address or a url, I get this error from lynx:

  Unexpected netowrk read error; connection aborted

Is this a sever thing or an apache thing? I've installed apache once
before just to play around and I remember being able to access the
default web page immediately. That was on a potato system. Now I'm
running woody and have no joy :-(

Many thanks!

Re: Old Libs Question

2001-06-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/29/01 09:34:46 +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> There was an installer package called 'netscape3' in potato, but it was
> removed in woody (nobody wanted to maintain it any more, basically).

Probably because they felt nobody was using it. It's a nice little

> Hmm, xpm4.7 was the libc5 compatibility library. Are you sure that's the
> one you want? (This isn't to say it won't be; I forget whether Netscape
> 3 was libc5 or libc6 ... if it was libc5, it indeed won't work with the
> new xlibs.)

Yeah, I have a vague recollection of needing to install the libs with
slink, and maybe even hamm (maybe not though). It doesn't work with
the new libs cuz I have them installed ;)

> It looks like you should be able to at least install xpm4.7 without
> screwing anything up; it installs into /usr/lib/libc5-compat. That seems
> like your best bet if Netscape 3 is libc5.

I went ahead and tried it and it seems to have worked okay. I'll know
more if things start to fail.

Thanks for the push.

Old Libs Question

2001-06-28 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'd like to install the old trusty Netscape 3.04 (that's right!), but
I couldn't locate a deb for it. Bummer. So I downloaded the tarball
from netscape's ftp site. I'm hunting down old libraries because it
doesn't like the new ones. What I need right now is This
actaully exists in the Woody version, but is too new (I guess).
Anyway, an older version is unavailable under 'oldlibs', so I was
wondering how safe it is to install the xpm4.7 pacakge from Potato? Or
should that be avoided? If so, anyone know where I may find compatible


Re: headers in mutt

2001-06-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/26/01 19:40:52 -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> I am using mutt. When I read a message sometimes appears a lot of stuff in 
> the 
> header. I want only the "From:", "To:" and "Subject:" fields. How can I do 
> that?
> Using the option ignore in the muttrc file seems to be endless, because there 
> is a lot of things to be ignored. I think that is better to tell mutt what to 
> keep instead...


What I do is ignore all headers with:

  ignore *

Then I uignore the headers I want to see:

  unignore from: date subject to cc

Re: Getting Mutt to view jpg files

2001-06-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/16/01 15:31:25 +0200, Matthias Richter wrote:

> You'd better set up mailcap (metamail) correctly so any MUA can 
> view jpg attachments.

I had a similar situation this morning. I discovered that I didn't
have an /etc/mailcap file. I had to install the mime-support package
to get one. I then discovered that it was empty, aside from some
comments. I then needed to run "update-mime" to fill out the
/etc/mailcap file. 

Images now are opened with imagemagick.

While it's probably better to set things up manually as you describe
below, I found it quite easy to get set up by doing the above. I just
don't know what was done, but I'm going back in to see what's in the
mailcap file ;-)

> mailcap comes with a default entry for this (/etc/mailcap):
> image/jpeg; display '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
> Do if you have Image Magick installed, "display" will be used to display
> images. You can, of course, change this to your favorite image viewer.

Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-11 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 17:37:44 -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 01:50:16PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> :This started the installation program I put it in
> :/usr/local/bin/soffice52. After the installation finished, I then
> :logged in as an unpriviledged user, and ran:
> :
> :$ /usr/local/bin/soffice52/program/setup
> AFAIR, if you run "soffice" as a regular user it will so the setup
> thing (and then exit so you must run soffice again) 

Never tried that. But that's nice to know if you just tell someone to
run soffice and it sets itself up for you. Cool.

> :Then to run StarOffice, you would then run ~/office52/soffice. You
> :might want to add ~/office52 to your path.
> On my network install I symlinked /usr/local/Office5.2/program/soffice
> to /usr/local/bin/soffice, this works fine and is much simple.  In
> fact I didn't realize I had a ~/office52/soffice, untill you pointed
> that out.

Yeah, I used to do that with the earlier versions of SO that had each
of the programs as standalone apps. I think that was something like
version 3. Ever since it started placing files in ~, I just ran it
from there.

> :You may need to log in as root, startx, then run the main SO
> :installation before running the user installation.
> You don't need to be root, using "sudo" is fine.  If you don't know
> what sudo is, install it and read the man page then ask here, it's
> *very* useful.

I've never used sudo. Whenever I need to do something as root, I use
su. What's the difference? Is one better/more secure than the other?

> :Hope this helps. If you have any questions, I hope I can answer them.
> Wow, you really went the extra mile on this one, much respect.
> -Jon

Well, I take and take, so when I get the opportunity to help, I try.
Thanks for the encouragement!


Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 13:16:15 -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> On 06/10/01 21:47:41 +0200, Frans Schreuder wrote:
> [..]
> > But your install 'sequence' doesn't ring a bell ;-)
> > ?espesially? (memory?) the 'net'-option.
> > 
> > I have the executable. That I my knowledge ends.
> [..] 

Okay, just installed SO 5.2. I made the file so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin
executable with chmod, then I executed it (as root) like so:

# ./so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin /net

This started the installation program I put it in
/usr/local/bin/soffice52. After the installation finished, I then
logged in as an unpriviledged user, and ran:

$ /usr/local/bin/soffice52/program/setup

which then installed the necessary files for me as a normal user
(about 1.6 MB).

Then to run StarOffice, you would then run ~/office52/soffice. You
might want to add ~/office52 to your path.

You may need to log in as root, startx, then run the main SO
installation before running the user installation.

Also, this installation occured on a system running woody, and I
don't have java installed so I don't have java support in SO.

Hope this helps. If you have any questions, I hope I can answer them.

Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 21:47:41 +0200, Frans Schreuder wrote:


> But your install 'sequence' doesn't ring a bell ;-)
> ?espesially? (memory?) the 'net'-option.
> I have the executable. That I my knowledge ends.


I'm downloading it right now. It looks to be a little different from
what I remember. The file has a .bin extension instead of .tgz. Once
the transfer is complete, I'll install and let you know.

The option to install StarOffice as a network installation is to run
the so-whatever.bin file with the "/net" option. I pulled this info
from the following location:

Notice the have it installed under /opt, so you might consider
/usr/local instead. I don't remember what each user must run
afterwards, but I'll fin out in 10 minutes (that's how much time is
left for the download).

Are you unable to install it at all, or are you just looking for some
advice on how it should be installed?

I've CCd the list to keep all others reading the thread informed.

Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 21:18:58 +0200, Frans Schreuder wrote:
> oppurtunity
> could you mention wich commands to follow installing staroffice for debian?
> That is that I wasnot able to find a "convention" for installing non-debian
> software. Reading dutch manual bij Bezemer. (there is a part in
> english).

I haven't installed StarOffice in awhile, but from what I remember,
you just untar it to some place under /usr/local and run the
installation binary (can't remember what it's called off hand) with
the "- (or /, or \ -- again memory fails) net" option. After the
install, each user on the system runs the setup to install the minimal
files/directories under their home directories.

I'll go ahead and do it again and see what happens.

Good Luck! 

Re: dhcp

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 09:17:07 +0200, Guy Geens wrote:


> Use the standard kernel, and install a DHCP client. (Normally, pump
> should already be installed.) Edit the file /etc/network/interfaces
> and add the line:
> iface eth0 inet dhcp


I have a quick question. Where do you specify your hostname when you
try to get your network info from your ISP's DHCP server? On my
system, my hostname is different from that my ISP assigns me. I've
seen lines similar to pump/dhcpclient -h "$DHCP_HOSTNAME" (something
like that), but where does one set DHCP_HOSTNAME?


Re: Upgrade Path From Potato :-(

2001-06-09 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/08/01 17:02:57 -0700, Jeremiah H. Savage wrote:
> >From my experience of upgrading from Potato, I've found it's best to do a
> couple of 'apt-get install [foo]' before doing the whole 'dist-upgrade.' The
> first foo I install is 'dpkg' (fewer segfaults later on that way), then 'apt'.
> Upgrading these two packages will also force a 'libc6' upgrade. Then you want
> to make sure 'perl5.6' is installed. After that, I usually go for the full
> upgrade.
Thanks for the tips. I decided to just reinstall and follow your
advice. I figured it would be the least painless thing to do, plus I
would feel more secure knowing that everything was in order from the
start. So far so good. I'm now ready to install X. 

> > Here's a question. What's the better release to move to, woody or sid?
> depends on how much excitment you want in your debian experience:)


Thanks again for your help. 


Upgrade Path From Potato :-(

2001-06-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm not sure if I've screwed up here, but I decided to upgrade from
potato to woody last night, but now I can't seem to get X
reconfigured.  Looking at dselect, it looks as if I have packages from
both 3.3 and 4.0 versions of X installed. This can't be good, right?
I'm not sure what exactly happened. All I did was change the potato
references in my sources.lst file to woody and ran apt-get update;
apt-get dist-upgrade. I had to repeat this process a couple times with
an apt-get -f install thrown in every once is a while to get all the
dependencies worked out, but now I'm left scratching my head. 

Can I fix this by unintalling all X related packages and then just
choosing a version and stick with it?

Or am I better off just reinstalling from scratch and then upgrading
to sid or just plain waiting until something more stable solidifies?

Here's a question. What's the better release to move to, woody or sid? 

Thanks for the advice.


Re: filtering email via EXIM -- question

2001-06-07 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/06/01 05:41:58 -0500, will trillich wrote:


> 1) is the exim filtering mechanism uncharacteristically
> lethargic? seems like processing takes heap long time forever.
> maybe i missed an option or feature...?

Not sure about that. Mine seems to function normally. I'm not
processing a buch of mail though. Although some would beg to differ
being subscribed to this list! ;-)

> 2) does the exim filtering mechanism somehow bork the timestamps
> on mailboxes? when i hopped into mutt a moment ago, i have five
> boxes with new mail; i checked into one of them, nosed around
> and switched, and suddenly only two were marked as new.
> grok-challenged, here. (what else might munge that datum?)

I think this is a mutt thing. When new mail arrives a mailbox, those
messages are marked as new with the "N" tag. If you switch to another
box and switch back, then those messages are no longer new, they're
old, and therefore marked with the "O" tag. This is to distinguish
them from read messages. Maybe you're experiencing something

> 3) anybody got some high-power, dual-exhaust, chrome-plated,
> twin overhead cam examples of exim filters to get us
> .forwarding newbies off the ground? i've seen the simple ones
> they've got in /usr/share/doc/exim/filter.html ...

I was going to post mine, but yours is more complicated than mine as
you're using regexps. Yeah, I just pulled mine together from the
filtering file in the exim docs. I was looking to make mine a little
more robust, so I hope some post their .forward file examples here.
Aw, what the heck, here's mine:

#   Exim filter   <<== do not edit or remove this line!
if error_message then finish endif

if $h_Reply-to: contains "kplug-newbie"
  then save $home/Mail/IN.KPLUG-Newbie

elif $h_Resent-From: contains "debian-user"
  then save $home/Mail/IN.Debian-User

elif $h_Reply-to: contains "kplug-list"
  then save $home/Mail/IN.KPLUG

elif $h_Reply-to: contains "kplug-security"
  then save $home/Mail/IN.KPLUG-Security

elif $h_From: contains "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
  $h_Subject: contains "Fwd:"
  then save $home/Mail/IN.SBUSD

elif $h_From: contains "Linux news daily mailing list"
  then save $home/Mail/IN.Linux-News

else save $home/Mail/IN.BOX

# --- of .forward file ---

Not too fancy.



Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/26/01 08:45:49 +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:

[my ramblings about my Epson Stylus Color 880 printer snipped...]

> Did you know that Epson have written a Linux driver for this printer? It
> is available from:

No, I wasn't aware of that. Great!

> The quality is superb and the resultant print quality is easily equal to
> that of the Windows driver. The driver is based on ghostscript so fits in
> with lprng or lpr or whatever and just needs a line in /etc/printcap. 

That's excellent. I'm going to visit Epson's site right now.

> I just installed the rpm version onto my Debian box. Caused no problems at
> all.

You did that with alien? I take it there are no deb packages then,

Thanks again for your help. It's my goal to have my printer working
before the day is done. It's drag to have to reboot to print :-(

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Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/26/01 00:29:21 -0700, Mike Egglestone wrote:
> Do you have terminal access?
> Meaning... do you have X?
> therefore you can install printtool.its a .deb package
> (downloadable from debian site)
> If you haven't tried printtool... give it a go...

Thanks for the response. Yes I have X up and running. I've never heard
of printtool. I've take a look at it.

Thanks again!

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Printer Question

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

Trying to get my printer working but having some problems with it. I
used to have an HP Laserjet 6L which I had working on an earlier
Debian Potato installation. Now I have a new installation and a new
printer. My printer is an Epson Stylus Color 880. Still running

Anyway, I have lprng, gs-aladdin, and magicfilter installed as I did
on my previous installation. The device that the printer is showing up
as has seemed to have moved on me. It's now on /dev/lp0 (was lp1).
After configuring my printcap with magicfilgerconfig, I get this when
I print a file:

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'esc880'
Queue: no printable jobs in queue
Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 21:41:46.427
Filter_status: lp is ready and printing

Anyone know what this message means besides the obvious? I am also
unable to send a filer directly to the printer with cat. I would do a
backflip if I could just get garbage to issue from my printer, but it
doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

Any ideas? I've seen several posts on printer issues over the last
week or two. However, they, nor what I could glean from the archives
seemed to improve my predicament.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Re: Novice mail project

2001-05-20 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/21/01 05:00:16 +0100, Keith O'Connell wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe it was in this list within the last week or so that someone
> made the point that the best way to learn Linux was to have goals, or
> better still a project. To these ends I have set my self a project.

I agree. I've made a list of things I want to accomplish. Now all I
have to do is do them. ;-)

> We have a PC each here. My wife and two daughters each run WinMe and I
> have Debian on these two in front of me. The machines all get out
> through a cable modem. I want to have one of the linux machines act as a
> collection point for all incoming email and have each client collect it
> from the local server. I want the four of us to be able to email each
> other with out it leaving the house
> Am I right in thinking that I need something like "sendmail" and
> "procmail" on the server and any old mail client on the Windows/Linux
> machines in order to get this done? Do I need to be setting up any other
> software specifically to make this work?
> I know something like sendmail is probably overkill, but the object her
> is education not ease of setup. Whilst this is likely a trivial task for
> most, it is a starting point for me

Well, Debian ships with exim instead of sendmail as its out of the box
mta. I've kept a link to a Linux Gazette article that you might find
useful, if only to server as a springboard:

I hope that gets you going in the right direction.

Good luck!

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Re: I'm so lost

2001-05-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/13/01 09:46:28 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi guys. I'm sure you get sick of fielding questions from people that 
> must seem braindead but I need some suggestions. 
> I have made the big leap for me and installed Debian. I had a few 
> problems (once it crashed during install) but I'm there, I'm at bash 
> and I don't know what to do. I thought that installing the 
> home/stand alone package would get me to something a little more 
> familier than bash (like some sort of GUI) but I was wrong. I am 
> trying to understand the book that I bought, but I fear it was 
> intended for someone a little more advanced then me. (The book is 
> Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Unleashed-From Knowledge to Mastery) My 
> goal would be to get something like GNOME installed along with 
> some user applications. I simply do not know where to start. 
> Currently I am not logged in as root and I do not even know how to 
> shut down the system. One other problem I noticed during install 
> and in bash is that the keyboard is a little trigger happy. When 
> trying to press one character, I would press multiples, which 
> caused a lot of frustration when trying to come up with a root 
> password.

Hi there,

I'm not sure how much can be done with Debian 2.1 (is that slink?).
Debian 2.2 (the latest/stable release, code named potato) has some
packages that are task oriented, making the installation of packages
pretty easy.

I don't know how fast of an Internet connection you have,
but if you have a quick connection, or know someone who does, you can
download the ISO images and burn them to a CD-R, if you have access to
a CD-Recorder. If not, you can get an inexpensive Debian 2.2 CD from
places like, and others.
Check out for more info.

I suggest moving to 2.2 for various reasons, but mostly because that's
what I'm familiar with. With 2.2, you could easily install the
X-Window system, if you forgot, by typing the following at the command

# apt-get update

This will update the package lists for you. Then type:

# apt-get install task-x-window-system

This would then download (or pull from your CD) all the required
packages needed to run the X-Window system. You'd probably want to
install another window manager, cuz I believe that you only get twm
(tabbed window manager) with that order, and it's a little primitive.
I use WindowMaker.

You might want to read through the man pages for dselect, apt, and any
of the man pages for programs they reference in the SEE ALSO section
at the bottom. Too view a man page, you would type:

   # man apt

If you don't know the name a program/package, but you're looking for
some info on it, try:

# man -k 

So if I typed:

# man -k apt

I'd get a list of man pages with the word "apt" in them. you could
then check them out at your leisure.

Other great sources of information (besides this list) are the Linux
Documentation Project at and the Linux Gazette
at Check the dates on the guides and
HOWTOs because they can become dated really quick.

I hope that my ramblings have helped to head you in a right direction.
Good luck with your Debian experience. 


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Dependency Problems with Ximiam-GNOME Install

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi Everyone-

I'm trying to install Ximian GNOME with apt, but I am having some
problems. I've added the following line to my sources.list file:

deb stable main

and then updated the package lists. I follow that up with:

apt-get install task-ximian-gnome

but it reports the following:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  task-ximian-gnome: Depends: codecommander but it is not installable
 Depends: gnome-games but it is not going to be 
 Depends: gnome-iconedit but it is not installable

I guess I'm missing something here, but can't figure out what. I can't
find a codecommander package in stable so I figure it's something that
needs to come from Ximian. Issuing an apt-get install with all the
above packages still complains about codecommander.

Should I be getting my GNOME from somewhere else?

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]   )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: User-Created Menu Entries

2001-05-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/07/01 23:33:48 -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:

> Depends on your window manager.

Well, I was giving BlackBox a whirl, but I just can't get used to it.
Not having easy access to a task list makes switching between apps a
pain, so I'm heading back to WindowMaker.

> I use WindowMaker, and have written my own hardwired window menus.  I
> don't use window menus particularly much, but when I do, I prefer having
> the stuff I use most close at hand.  WindowMaker allows you to specify a
> hook for including other menu specifications, so one of my top-level
> menus is the default Debian menus.
> The last screenshot on the page below shows how the menu appears:
> The associated WMRootMenu line is:
>   ("Debian menus", OPEN_MENU, "/etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook"),

Okay, I'll give that a shot. Seems simple enough of a concept for me
to grasp. I'll do some experimentation and see what I can conjure up.

Thanks for the help! 

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]   )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: User-Created Menu Entries

2001-05-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/08/01 00:24:57 -0600, Bruce Sass wrote:


> /usr/lib/menu has lots of files you can use as templates
> cp one to /etc/menu, tweak it, run (as root) "update-menus"
> With KDE you may need to force the issue with...
>   rm -rf  ~/.kde/share/applnk
> to force the DB to be rebuilt, or maybe just restart KDE.

Thanks, I've taken a quick look and it looks promissing. I'll check it
out in earnest tomorrow. 

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]   )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

User-Created Menu Entries

2001-05-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm reading through the menu.txt.gz file in the menu package
documentation but I'm confused. I read:

  A user can specify his/her own menu entries in the `~/.menu'
  directory.  The files can have an arbitrary file name as long as the
  new syntax for the menu entries is used.  They should start with




  if it's something that isn't ``debian-officially'' installed.  (Any
  ``package'' that starts with ```local.''' is considered installed.)

but I'm still unsure about how to add a menu entry. Has anyone created
any that they wouldn't mind sharing to be used as a template for
creating other entries?

Many thanks!


Re: Staroffice for stable?

2001-04-15 Thread Mark Wagnon
On Sunday 15 April 2001 08:25, Stan Brown wrote:
> Where can I ge (preferably a .deb) to isntall SatrOffice on my
> stable machine?

I'm not sure if there is one, but I downloaded the monster-sized 
file from Sun's site ( and installed it. Just 
install it as root with the /net (something like that) option and 
place it under a suitable location like /usr/local/ and you should 
be fine. Then each user needs to run its setup program to place 
some files in their home directory.

I'm running an up-to-date potato install, but staroffice worked 
fine right off the bat if I recall correctly. Maybe I was lucky?

Are you looking for some sort of task oriented package that will 
install all required libs and stuff so the install goes off without 
any problems, or are you actually looking for a 100 meg .deb 
package containing the whole thing? I'm not sure of the latter's 
existance, but I've been wrong before!



Re: Mail & News Reader

2001-04-02 Thread Mark Wagnon

At 07:54 AM 4/2/2001 +0200, Axel Schlicht wrote:


As far as I know I should have the following to receive and send emails
and participate in usenet newsgroups:
- ISDN for Linux
- a mail retrieval program : fetchmail ?
- a mail transport agent (MTA) : procmail ? exim ?
- a mail reader : tin, mutt ?
- a news reader ?

For mail, I use exim with a .forward file for filtering (I've never been 
able to get procmail to behave), fetchmail and mutt.

For news, I use leafnode to pull a newsfeed down at regular intervals. I 
then read with slrn. slrn-pull also can be used to fetch usenet messages, 
but I've never used it.

Am I correct so far. Would you accept the suggestions above (suggestions
I once received from unix users).

As far as I know, Debian prefers exim as an MTA. Should I stick to this
or use procmail?

I've had problems with procmail, but I can only speak for myself. If you're 
going to use exim, then you can set up a .forward file and filter your mail 


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.243 / Virus Database: 118 - Release Date: 3/30/2001

Re: stupid exim problems (NEWBIE-ish)

2001-04-02 Thread Mark Wagnon

At 10:59 PM 4/1/2001 -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote:


This cursed exim has proved quite painful to set up.  I'm trying to get
it to work through my proxy server, so I ran eximconfig.  I chose
option 2 (receive mail w/ fetchmail, send with smarthost).  I told it 
my  visible mail name = cmatheson (my user name for the account on my
proxy), and then I told it that the smarthost was bowwow (my proxy 
server).  It  doesn't work though (it doesn't even show a connection being 
made to the proxy server when I  send with mailto, etc).  I can send w/ 
Mozilla however (I'm using it  right now (and it shows a connection to the 
proxy server)), which leads me to believe that it is not the proxy 
server's  problem.  Is something wrong with my exim set up (I've tried 
everything  (i think)).  I'll include my exim.conf with this message.

I may be totally wrong, but I think that a proxy is just for web content. 
For your smarthost, you're going to want to add your isp's mail server. 
What did you enter for your mailservers in mozilla? Also, I see that you've 
added cmatheson as your qualifiy domain. I'm not sure that you're going to 
want that. That would mean that any address that you don't put a 
@somedomain on, will become [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not booted to Debian right now, but I have a functional exim.conf file 
I could send you so you can see how I have it set up. There is a rewrite 
section at the end of the file where you would add how you want your email 
address to be written for outbound mail.

I see you found it:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
{$value}fail} frFs

Assuming that cmatheson is your username on your box, you might try:

  cmatheson [EMAIL PROTECTED] frFs

I'm getting ready to check out for the night, but I'll boot into debian 
tomorrow and check what I have and let you know...

[exim.conf snipped]
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.243 / Virus Database: 118 - Release Date: 3/30/2001

Re: exim & mutt

2000-11-23 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 11/24/00 00:36:47 -0200, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a dial-up machine and want to properly configure it to send mail
> using exim (mutt uses it). I receive my POP messages normally with it
> (and other mail clients), but I don't know how can I properly configure
> exim, specially to handle the fact that my machine's hostname is dynamic
> (it tries to use its local hostname, which doesn't exist, since it is
> just "debian"). What should I do? Thank you.

I take it you mean that your email address with your isp is different
that your local email address, is this right?

At the end of the exim.conf file there is a section for rewriting
stuff. I'm not sure of your requirements, but I'm the only use on thsi
system, and so I'm the only one that sends mail from it. I have this
entry in the REWRITE CONFIGURATION section:


Here, my local [EMAIL PROTECTED] My @home email address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] So, I want to rewrite my local email address with
one that the world will recognize in all the appropriate places.
That's what the bcfrF is for. Each rewrites a heading in the email
header like so:

  b - blind copy
  c - courtesy copy
  f - from
  r - reply-to
  F - From

So whenever your local email address appears in any of these headers,
it will be rewritten with your "real" address.



 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: installing Netscape Navigator 4.75

2000-08-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 08/21/00 21:49:25 -0400, John Anderson wrote:
> I've tried installing several versions of Netscape with no luck.  The
> most recent was version 4.75 Stand alone browser for Linux 2.2.  I was
> given the message that I needed the shared library
> .
> I've checked in the internet, but all I find is rpm packages for other
> libraries.  Has anyone been successful?

You didn't mention what version of debian you were running, but I used
the search engine at:

(it's at the bottom of that page) to search for that particular file
and came up with oldlibs/libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1 as the package that
contains it in potato. Hey, it's the same for woody

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: Fortify and Netscape Navigator

2000-08-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 08/21/00 16:48:51 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> be aware that you are probably still vulnerable to at least the java
> security hole in 4.74 and previous since the java files were not
> updated (and i think that is where the bug lies) 
hmm. Okay. There was a java symlink in the directory where the binary
was located. I recreated it, this time pointing it to the jave
directory for the 4.75 version. You wouldn't happen to know where one
might test for this vulnerability or find info on it? I suppose
netscape's web site might be a good starting place?

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: Fortify and Netscape Navigator

2000-08-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 08/20/00 19:13:32 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> its not the debian packages that are at fault, its fortify, fortify
> does not and will not support netscape past 4.72.  you have to do one
> of 3 things to get 128 netscape:
> download the netscape tarball from and extract the
> appropriate binary out and mv it to
> /usr/lib/netscape/473/communicator/communicator-smotif.real.

Thanks for the help. I went with the above option. I stepped up to 4.75
though. I simply copied the netscape binary to the location of the
navigator-smotif.real binary and after backing it up renamed it. It
works nicely and now I have a 128-bit browser! I never would have
thought of that. I just have to remember to check it after doing an
upgrade every now and then.

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: Fortify and Netscape Navigator

2000-08-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 08/20/00 19:13:32 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> its not the debian packages that are at fault, its fortify, fortify
> does not and will not support netscape past 4.72.  you have to do one
> of 3 things to get 128 netscape:

Thanks. I went to Netscape's web site and my browser was identified as: 

  Netscape Navigator 4.73
  English language, [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.17 i686; Nav, Strong 128-Bit  

Here it is supposedly 128-bit already. I used to use the fortify
homepage's SSL check to determine my various browsers' encryption
levels. When I checked my 4.73 deb, it was reported to be 40-bit only.
Maybe fortify's ability to check the encryption level of 4.73 is a bit
off since you mentioned that fortify doesn't support netscape versions
beyond 4.72?

An idea where I might determine my browser's true encryption level?

I'd hate to go through the hassle of getting fortify to work if I've
already got a strong crypto browser.

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Fortify and Netscape Navigator

2000-08-20 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm running fortify 1.4.6-2 and netscape 4.73 that are part of potato,
but I can't seem to get the two to dance. I figure that the netscape
binary is navigator-smotif-473, but fortify doesn't recognize it. Am I
attempting to patch the correct binary? I had to follow symlinks all
over to pin this one down.

Anybody have fortify working on a debianized netscape? Care to share
what you did?

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: font problem

2000-07-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/24/00 22:16:21 -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
> I just ftp installed debian. It's great, but the fonts in netscape and
> terminal windows are so big. What do I do to get them to a normal size?
> thanks

Look back a couple threads. There's one with Huge Fonts in the subject
 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: Huge X-fonts in Frozen

2000-07-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
never mind, it can be set as a command-line option:

startx -dpi 100
 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: Huge X-fonts in Frozen

2000-07-24 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/25/00 00:34:13 -0400, David S. Jackson wrote:
> Then, check your monitor default dot per inch output with:
> xdpyinfo | grep resolution
> It will probably say 75x75 dots per inch.


You wouldn't happen to know where xdpyinfo gets its info? More to the
point, where might one change the default resolution for X?

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: apt-get source?

2000-07-24 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/24/00 22:15:33 -0400, Mike Werner wrote:
> You're way off. ::grin:: But that's okay.  We'll get ya there.  Here's the
> relevant portion from my sources.list:
> deb-src unstable main contrib non-free
> deb-src unstable/non-US main contrib 
> non-free

Aha. Well, that wouldn't be the first time! I just re-checked the man
page for sources.list and guess what, it's in there. I guess I should
have read closer.

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

apt-get source?

2000-07-24 Thread Mark Wagnon
I'm trying to retrieve the sources for mutt with apt-get, but I'm
having a problem. I'm not sure that I'm doing this right. Well
actually I know I'm not cuz it's not working :) I thought that I can
just append "source" to a seemingly all-inclusive entry in my
sources.list, but that doesn't seem to be the case, so I created a new
entry at the end. Here is my sources.list file:

# Use for a local mirror - remove the ftp1 http lines for the bits
# your mirror contains.
# deb file:/your/mirror/here/debian stable main contrib non-free
# See sources.list(5) for more information, especial
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb woody kde2 kde contrib 
deb unstable main
deb unstable main source

Is this how it's done, or am I way off here?

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: Compressed mailboxes with mutt

2000-07-24 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/24/00 08:41:11 -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> AFAIK you'll need to download the patch and apply it.  Use
>   apt-get source mutt
> to get the mutt source ...

okay, I'll try that. Thanks

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-23 Thread Mark Wagnon
Wow, so many choices! Thanks guys, I guess I'll be fiddling around
with these to see which on I like the best.
 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Compressed mailboxes with mutt

2000-07-23 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

Anyone using compressed folders with mutt?

My mailboxes are getting out of hand. I have a couple that are fast
approaching the 10 meg point. I read a thread on comp.mail.mutt that
says one can utilize compressed folders if the source is patched with
some special patch. I was wondering if the debian package (woody, mutt
1.2i) is able to access compressed folders. If so, how might I go
about doing that? 

Thanks a bunch
 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA ((

Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I've been poking around Freshmeat and the Debian package list for
Woody, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. What is it, you

I was wondering if there was a calendar/planner software that would
allow one to enter appointments and tasks, then on any given day,
print out a list of appointments and tasks for that day. At work we
use Novell GroupWise, and it allows one to enter all sorts of info
into a calendar, then print out a fancy page of tasks and appointments
for that day.

Anyone know if anything like this exists for Linux?



Re: mutt domain

2000-07-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/15/00 21:34:09 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Anyone recall how to get mutt to use the domain defined in .muttrc?  It
> has recently changed behavior and everything I have tried has failed.
Hi there,

You didn't mention what you've tried. I use mutt in conjunction with
exim to handle my mail needs. I think that I've had success with the
from command in a .muttrc file. From the mutt manual:


  Type: e-mail address
  Default: "" 

  When set, this variable contains a default from address. It can be
  overridden using my_hdr (including from send-hooks) and

Since I use exim though, I have exim rewrite my headers:


This rewrites my local address to my isp email address for the bc, cc,
from, from:, and reply-to headers.

I don't know how much help I was, but good luck anyway...


Re: exim bewilderment

2000-07-12 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/12/00 08:12:43 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> exim bewilderment
> hey,
> it was with mild suprise that I realized that I have *no clue*
> how to use exim especially with regard to .forward files.  I
> used exim, too, before I upgraded (tho without .forward)
> can someone direct me to good info, and/or fill me in on how
> exim forwards mail from different addresses to my mailboxes?
> I'm going to use an alternative to procmail, btw.


For exim to treat the .forward file as special and not as a regular
.forward file, you need to have the first line like so:

  #   Exim filter   <<== do not edit or remove this line!

The rest is pretty easy. You can check out the
/usr/doc/exim/filter.txt.gz file for more in depth info. Here's mine
though to get you started:

  #   Exim filter   <<== do not edit or remove this line!
  if error_message then finish endif

  if $h_Reply-to: contains "kplug-newbie"
then save $home/Mail/IN.KPLUG-Newbie

  elif $h_Resent-From: contains "debian-user"
then save $home/Mail/IN.Debian-User

  elif $h_Reply-to: contains "kplug-list"
then save $home/Mail/IN.KPLUG

  elif $h_From: contains "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and
$h_Subject: contains "Fwd:"
then save $home/Mail/IN.SBUSD

  elif $h_Subject: contains "[Lockergnome]"
then save $home/Mail/IN.Lockergnome

  elif $h_From: contains "Linux news daily mailing list"
then save $home/Mail/IN.Linux-News

  else save $home/Mail/IN.BOX


I use mutt as my mail reader, so your mail directory my be different.

Hope that helps,


Exim and .forward

2000-06-01 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm trying to get exim and procmail to cooperate, but I'm having a
little trouble. I've read that if you use the procmail transport and
director stanzas in the exim.conf file, you can do without a .forward
file. Well, I have the following default stanzas in my exim.conf:

# This transport is used for procmail

 driver = pipe
 command = "/usr/bin/procmail -d ${local_part}"
 check_string = "From "
 escape_string = ">From "
 user = $local_part
 group = mail

# This director runs procmail for users who have a .procmailrc file

 driver = localuser
 transport = procmail_pipe
 require_files =${local_part}:+${home}:+${home}/.procmailrc:+/usr/bin/procmail

The director comes before the localuser part in the Directors section.
Are these what I need for this to work? Cuz it's not working. Mail is
delivered to my inbox (/var/spool/mail/mwagnon), but test messages are
never filtered into a seperate mailbox in my home directory.

I've been using the examples provided by the Procmail Quick Start
(online document at but I yet
to get the thing to filter. I've tried with and without a .forward

I've done this before, unfortunately I can't locate my notes and it's
driving me crazy looking at a bunch of unfiltered mail :@ If you have
any pointers/suggestions, please fill me in. I'm running
potato(current) and if you could cc me, as I'm trying to resubscribe
to the list, but am still waiting for my confirmation message.

Thanks a bunch,


Re: Help Meeeeeee!

2000-03-14 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 03/14/00 02:47PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have the 2.2.14 kernal running, and can't see all of my ram:
> DIMM1: 128mb PC100 DIMM2: 32mb PC100 DIMM3: 
> I see 64 mb.  The system bios detects 162 and change.
> (If of use: I have oboard 3D AGP graphics sharing 8mb main memory.)
> Help!
> (If adding something to /etc/lilo.conf will help, please show EXACT syntax 
> and position within the file)

You can add a line to your lilo.conf file like so:


I've always seen it before the sections describing the images to
boot. I don't know if it makes a difference, though.

I'm not sure what's up with your BIOS.

 )  Mark Wagnon)  The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the   )
(   Chula Vista, CA   (   grease. Sometimes it gets replaced.   (

Re: Stupid X question

2000-03-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
in 03/08/00 08:23AM, Hausheer, Geoffrey wrote:
> How do I get X to automatically boot to 16bpp (or 24, or 32)?  I have been
> using a '-bpp 16' switch on the command line (or soetimes an alias), but
> what if I want to use xdm?  I have looked through all of my linux
> documentation, howtos, faqs, man-pages, etc, but couldn't find this
> anywhere.  Please help.

You can put DefaultColorDepth ## in your XF86Config in the Screen
section. Check out man XF86Config for more info.

 ) Mark Wagnon   ) "The danger from computers is not that they   )
(  Chula Vista, CA  (   will eventually get as smart as men, but we (
 ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] )  will meanwhile agree to meet them halfway"   )
(   (   -Bernard Avishai(

Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-03-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 03/03/00 07:57PM, Jon Hughes wrote:
> I am attempting to setup my second computer with a new
> network card.  It's an ISA D-Link DE-220PCT card.  I
> can not seem to locate a kernel option to get this to
> work. I'm curious if anyone has gotten this ccard to
> work or can point me in a direction of useful
> information? 

I don't have that or any D-Link cards, but the Ethernet HOWTO refers
to a DE-220-T card that uses the ne driver (+8390, whatever that is

Check it out at:

 ) Mark Wagnon)  Treat passwords like underwear...  Never)
(  Chula Vista, CA   (   let friends borrow them and never leave(
 ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )  them lying about.  And as anybody's mother  )
((   would say, change them often.  (

Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-28 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/28/00 01:10PM, Martin Högman wrote:
> Have you set up a /etc/printcap file? You can do so by running
> > magicfilterconfig --force (as root). I'm not sure if your printer is
> > supported directly, but you maybe able to find a filter that works
> > for the most part. 
> Well, I've got a printcap. Been trying to use the lexmark 5700/7000 drivers, 
> but still no go. Is there any other way to find out what printers it might be 
> compatible with? Or, for that matter, any way to send information to the 
> printer without using lpr, so that it at least might send a test page?

You can try cat somefile.txt > /dev/lp0 (/dev/lp1). As far as
compatibility is concerned, the only thing I can think of is to
search the archives, or go and search there. Hopefully
someone else has a similar printer and can make a better (more
informed) suggestion.

> (actually, some form of printer test program would be a nice addition to 
> debian... Go through all filters, and then some ability to select one that 
> might work... :))

That'd be great. I'd also like to see that Redhat sound
configuration program on Debian too.

 )Mark Wagnon  ) )
( Chula Vista, CA ( VI VI VI The editor of the beast.   (

Re: Wanted: 'Piecewise' Debian Compact

2000-02-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/27/00 12:55PM, Chirag wrote:
> I think I can do this with help from you. I hope Debian does have
> a minimum X less distribution and have split it to pieces of 1.44 MB sizes
> so people can attempt  a  floppy installation. If one of you can email me
> a piece daily, wthin a month I and my friends will have a Debian on our
> systems.

Have you taken a look at They seem to have
many distributions available, including sever Debian products. I'll
admit, I'm not familiar with India's geography, nor it's currency,
but maybe something at that URL will help you?

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: How do I give a 'clear' command when leaving kdm/X?

2000-02-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/27/00 08:47PM, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> How do I issue a 'clear' command to the terminal so that when I leave   
> kdm to shutdown or reboot I have a clean text screen? I need to do this
> to clear up some screen corruption which responds to 'clear'.

How about creating a little script like so (I called it StartX):


make it executable and run it to start X

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Lexmark 3200 colorjet...

2000-02-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/27/00 09:25AM, Martin Högman wrote:
> I just plugged in a Lexmark 3200, and have set up the kernel printer support. 
> It finds the device, but if I run 'lpr foo' nothing happens. 

Have you set up a /etc/printcap file? You can do so by running
magicfilterconfig --force (as root). I'm not sure if your printer is
supported directly, but you maybe able to find a filter that works
for the most part. 

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

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