efax (won't dial modem)

1999-09-20 Thread NatePuri
Hi everyone!

I just started to try and get efax to work.  My modem is a 3Com 
Megahertz 56k Cellular modem (pcmcia) on /dev/ttyS2.

When I try to run a test fax, efax gives me the following error

host:/home/me# efax -d /dev/ttyS2 xxx testfax
efax: Mon Sep 20 14:00:19 1999 efax v 0.8a (Debian release 08a-6) Copyright 
1996 Ed Casas
efax: 00:19 opened /dev/ttyS2
efax: 00:20 Error: wrong response after command:  +FCLASS=2
efax: 00:20 Warning: wrong response after command:  +FDCC=1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0
efax: 00:20 Warning: wrong response after command:  +FLID="
efax: 00:20 done, returning 3  

What is this telling me?  Is this modem incapable of sending faxes?


NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
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Re: How does it...

1999-09-18 Thread NatePuri
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 08:47:19PM -0500, Fredrick Schmitt wrote:
> Is the setup text based or graphial? What are the extra features this
> opperating system has over my RH6 box? What system would be the
> cheeziest I could run it on?

Oh boy, you have hit a nerve.  You will get quite a lot of responses here.

First of all, you can run debian 2.1 (slink) and potato on something as
small as a 386 if you wanted a minimal install.

What debian offers over redhat is the following (from my point of view)

1.  More secure.  Debian has a lot more security bug fixes, and is arguable
the most secure linux.
2.  Internet upgrades work.  Apt-get utility makes upgrading over the internet
a dream come true.  Simply type 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get dist-upgrade' 
   and all updated packages will be downloaded and installed.
3.  Dependencies resolved.  You will not get error messages that rpm gives
you when a dependency is not met.  Instead the apt-get utility will
resolve all dependencies and download an install in the order of 
dependencies.  For example, 'apt-get install navigator-smotif-451'
will download libc5, xlib4g, and all the other debian packages that
netscape requires.  It doesn't get any better than that.  If there
is a missing dependency; which does happen, usually 'apt-get -f install'
and 'dpkg --configure -a' will download missing dependencies and
configure the unconfigured software.
4.  Menu integration.  When ever you install an X app dpkg will update
your menus in all you window managers. Whether you use KDE, GNOME,
icewm or fvwm your menus will always reflect the packages you have
installed. No hand editing of menu scripts needed.
5.  Fully scriptable.  Just like slack or BSD or RH, Debian does not take
the config files away from you.  If you want to manually edit
config files, there is no problem.
6.  Real install scripts.  Debian packages are the highest quality, when you
install, say, squid, the install script will prompt you to enter
basic settings so that it will work right after the install.  
7.  No distribution mangling.  When you want to get rid of something
'apt-get remove package' will remove the package and the dependencies
that are no longer in use by another prog.  It's much harder to 
break your system.

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

Description: PGP signature

Re: Leafnode question...

1999-09-17 Thread NatePuri
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 06:38:41PM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:
> Unfortunately, I get the same results. =(

I forgot to inform you about something.  Leafnode only knows to fetch
news that you request with a news read (i.e., tin or trn).  When the nntp
server (leafnode) gets a request it will mark the group for the next time
you run fetch -vvv.  So use a reader to request a group, then go and 
run fetch -vvv.  If that doesn't work, then I'm at a loss.

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

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debianized slash?

1999-09-16 Thread NatePuri
I hate to be knock-off of someone elses deal.  But I really need the
functionality of slashdot's app to make it easier on me to post URL
for my users.

Is there any debianized slash app that is configured to work right out
the dpkg?  I've downloaded and tried to make sense of the raw source 
from the Mother of Perl himself, but I simply can't. 

Anybody know about this?  Thanks
NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

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Re: spreadsheet?

1999-09-15 Thread NatePuri
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 06:20:36PM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
> 18:15 ~ $ /usr/bin/gnumeric 
> /usr/bin/gnumeric: error in loading shared libraries:
> /usr/lib/libgnomeui.so.32: undefined symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info

GNUmeric is arguably one of the best if not the best spreadsheet.

What you should to is 'dpkg --configure -a' then 'apt-get -f install' 
to fix whatever you broke.  If that doesn't work 'apt-get remove gnumeric'
'dpkg --purge gnumeric' 'apt-get install gnumeric'  this should install 
gnumeric and it's dependencies.  This is assuming you have you 
/etc/apt/sources.list set to slink only.

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

Description: PGP signature

kde's high color icons?

1999-09-15 Thread NatePuri
Do the KDE1.2 high color icons come with the regular install of kde
or are there separate packages for this?  Where are they?  Thanks.
NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

Description: PGP signature

Re: To the Debian Project, IMHO

1999-09-14 Thread NatePuri
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 04:53:04PM -0700, Craig H. Block wrote:
> After reading the last few months worth of newsletters at debian.org, I am
> concerned that the Debian project may be buying into this foolishness.  My

I think that the debian project will have the best of both worlds.  There will
always be the community driven distribution that we all use.  The corporates
(i.e., Corel) will also have dumbed down packages for the newbie types.

Conceptually it works in a traditional manner.  First, there is the console 
app with all its command-line flags and options.  Then there is the 
graphical front-end (the X version).  This version is more or less about
as hard as the command-line version depending on experience, but equally
as powerful and scriptable.  Then there is the dumbed-down KDE or GNOME
versions that are aimed at newbies.  These versions may have all the 
options of the earlier versions but the basic functions that a newbie would
want are right there on the toolbar.  

I don't see this as a problem.  Use of the KDE/GNOME version does not negate
use of the console version or the X versions.  What I would like to see for
all apps is the following.

One console version package.  One X package. One Gnome and one KDE package.

Then, there could be the really big 'all-in-one' package.  This would come
in two versions.  One ends in KDE; one ends in GNOME.  This is for people
who like to use different things at different times, and it would install
the console, X and (DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT) versions simultaneously.  This is
sort of how the gmc package works.  It installs the console Midnight
Commander and the GNOME/X Midnight Commander at the same time.  This gives
you the flexibility of the console MC, and if you want to toss icons around
you have that option (sometimes it's just easier).

One the one hand, you can say 'damn that's just way too many packages to 
support.'  But wait, we already support multiple versions in this exact manner.
This will be an effort in consolidation and collaboration.  It will also
keep the newbies talking to the vets (i.e., the student/guru relationship)
which is good for everyone.

> hope is that Debian sticks to their guns as a distribution for power users
> and does not jump on the grandmatization bandwagon.  To the Debian
> organization; please don't worry about the unimportant aspects and concentra
> te on the important ones.  I want control, flexibility, stability, and
> content.  I DO NOT care how difficult or time consuming (barring
> problematic) an installation process is.  If my refusal to compromise any of
> these important aspects means I have to spend more time answering questions
> and entering configuration choices during an installation process or even
> editing configuration files by hand, then so be it!

This addresses another issue, configurability.  Just because a package is
installed in a default state (for the newbie) does not prevent you from 
getting into the docs/HOWTOs and learning how to edit the config files by hand.

I would prefer a default installation for newbies, because in general the
person who wrote the default config knows what he/she is doing and can give
a newbie something secure to work with.  After that, I don't have to make
innumerable changes to the lines in the files.  Perhaps I would have to change
just a few.  That's ok by me.

'Configurability' and 'security' issues brings up a recent thread on /. about
whether we should distribute linux in server and workstation versions.
Rather, the server version would just like the workstation version except
with nothing omitted. Another way to say this is that the workstation version
is the newbie version with some of the more difficult and security risky
server packages omitted.  

(just my $0.02)

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

Description: PGP signature

test ignore

1999-09-08 Thread NatePuri

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

test ignore

1999-09-08 Thread NatePuri
NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: office.ompages.com #ompages

fixing lpr printed margins

1999-08-25 Thread NatePuri
How can I change the margins for text documents that are printed via lpr.

Right now I can only print 1/4 in margins.  I would like the traditional
1' in margin.  I would like to keep the 12pt font that it currently prints

Thank you.

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: ompages.com #ompages

Description: PGP signature

Re: leafnode won't fetch

1999-08-17 Thread NatePuri

On Tue, Aug 17, 1999 at 07:02:15AM -0230, Chris Gushue wrote:
> Thus wrote NatePuri ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [99.08.17 06:21]:
> > I'm trying to setup leafnode.
> > 
> > I have configure /etc/leafnode.conf to use my isp's nntp server (i.e.,
> > news.myisp.net).
> > 
> > When I run the command 'fetch' absolutely nothing happens.  Why is this?
> As of leafnode 1.9.4 (I think), fetch has been renamed to fetchnews.
> Reasons for this are in the documentation. Or, if that isn't the
> problem, try running it with -vvv to see extra output.

The -vvv thingy did the trick ... thanks
> -- 
> -- Chris Gushue - ICQ:409207 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
> GCS d- s+:- a23 C++>$ UL+++ P+>++ L+++ E W++ N++ o-- K- w--- O-
> M-- V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP+ t++ 5+ X++ R- tv+ b++ DI+ D+ G++ e h! r y+
> -- http://seymour.napalm.net --- http://owirc.napalm.net --

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: ompages.com #ompages

Description: PGP signature

leafnode won't fetch

1999-08-17 Thread NatePuri
I'm trying to setup leafnode.

I have configure /etc/leafnode.conf to use my isp's nntp server (i.e.,

When I run the command 'fetch' absolutely nothing happens.  Why is this?
NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: ompages.com #ompages

Description: PGP signature

Re: xawtv (no /dev/video)

1999-08-10 Thread NatePuri
On Tue, Aug 10, 1999 at 12:09:55PM +0200, Bernhard Rieder wrote:
> NatePuri wrote:
> > > > I don't have /dev/video0 either.
> If you did already MAKEDEV video and it didn't work
> then you have to make your video device manually
> mknod /dev/video0 c 81 0

Ok, I did this...

> Also you should be shure that the kernel loads
> msp3400 and tuner. The depencies in the kernel
> seem to be broken so this isn't always loaded.

I loaded these manually. 

Now the problem that I'm having now that it starts up, and I have
edited the .xawtv file with my channels in it, I just get a blue screen
and no video.  I get a lot of this line from the xterm when I change

ioctl VIDIOCSAUDIO: Invalid argument

Anyone know what this means?  Thanks...
> Bernhard
> -- 
>__ ___
>   // )___--"""-.
>  \ |,"( /`--""  `.Bernhard Rieder
>   \/ o\
>   (   _.-.  ,'";  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>| \  ' .'`.; |  |   \.__
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> '''"   _-'.'   ___"-   )
>   '''"'''---~""
> -- 
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NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
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Re: xawtv (no /dev/video)

1999-08-10 Thread NatePuri
On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 10:19:40PM -0700, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, NatePuri wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 10, 1999 at 04:48:21AM +0200, Bernhard Rieder wrote:
> > > ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video
> > 
> > I don't have /dev/video0 either.
> Did you compile your kernel with support for your video grabber card?

I compiled the kernel to have support of the bttv driver as a module.

> Thanks. Syrus.
> -- 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>UCSD Physics Dept.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: ompages.com #ompages

Re: xawtv (no /dev/video)

1999-08-10 Thread NatePuri
On Tue, Aug 10, 1999 at 04:48:21AM +0200, Bernhard Rieder wrote:
> ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video

I don't have /dev/video0 either.

> -- 
>__ ___
>   // )___--"""-.
>  \ |,"( /`--""  `.Bernhard Rieder
>   \/ o\
>   (   _.-.  ,'";  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>|\"   /`. \  ,  /   |
>| \  ' .'`.; |  |   \.__
>  _-'.'| |--..,,,\_\""""""""""""
>     '''"   _-'.'   ___"-   )
>   '''"'''---~""
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: ompages.com #ompages

xawtv (no /dev/video)

1999-08-10 Thread NatePuri
When I open xawtv from an xterm I get this error

can't open /dev/video: No such file or directory...
  no video grabber device available.

When I did a ./MAKEDEV from /dev directory the proggy said
./MAKEDEV: don't know how to make device "video".

Do I have make the device 'video'? Or do I have to change some setting
in xawtv?

I'm running the 2.2.10 kernel on slink.  Thanks.
NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
PGP: http://www.ompages.com/PGP.html
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: ompages.com #ompages

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