Re: parallel port scanner under 2.2.0?

1999-02-18 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:

> I have an HP ScanJet 5100C parallel port scanner.  I would love to make
> this thing work.  Does anyone run a parallel port scanner?  Please give
> me your war stories... =) 

Check out

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Apache children getting out of control

1998-08-17 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
Hi all,

I don't know if this is some kind of DoS attack, and I haven't been able
to grab apache-1.3.0-5 yet; as a matter of fact, I tried switching to
the debianized 1.3.1 from slink, with no success.

Sometimes, one (or more) of the apache processes grows abnormally in
memory (from around 1.3Mb to some 20-30Mb) and starts to take lots of
processor time (load average goes from ~0.1 to 3-4 easily, more if more
processes go "crazy"). Killing the process makes the problem go away, but
it reappears randomly. I haven't been able to figure out what is causing
this, as nothing weird goes to the logs. 

Anybody knows anything about it? How should I try to diagnose the problem

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Re: Several reasons why debian should not use bash for /bin/sh

1998-08-05 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Chris Ulrich wrote:

>   I can think of many reasons why bash should not be used as /bin/sh:
> [...]
> Compatibility: People are tempted to (and in fact do) write scripts that
>use bash specific extensions when explicitly calling /bin/sh.  
>On all other unix systems, /bin/sh does not have bash specific
> [...]
> Any script that needs an extension that is not in traditional Bourne shell
> but which calls /bin/sh is buggy and should be fixed.

Very correct. I wouldn't say this is a serious problem with Debian because
Debian intends to be a very "tied" distribution, and bash is considered an
essential package. But the correct approach in this case would be to have
the scripts call /bin/bash explicitly.

The problem that *I* have with /bin/sh is that I learned *bash* scripting
(with "Learning the Bash shell"), so I don't know when I'm using bash
extensions... Thankfully, I'm not a package maintainer (yet).

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RE: Long text file to edit..

1998-07-21 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Sun, 19 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 17-Jul-98 Carlos Marcos Kakihara wrote:
> >   I want to edit a 700MB text file.
> Ehh?? Are you sure it's 700MB?? And are you sure it's a pure plain text file?
> And, if so, have you thought about what that corresponds to?

How about this possibility: it's a PostScript file for a Imagesetter
(700Mb is not uncommon in this scenario). For some reason, you want to
check the paths of the EPS files that were embedded into it, and possibly
change some of them (say, for OPI post-processing). Sure you may grep
away, find the ones you need to change and write a script, but it *should*
be easier to open the file with an editor, search for the relevant lines  
and, on some of them, make a correction.

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Re: Long text file to edit..

1998-07-17 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Carlos Marcos Kakihara wrote:

>   I want to edit a 700MB text file. vi tells that the file is
> too long, and xemacs tells that "maximum buffer size something.." :)
>   There is a way to view this file?

I never tried, but you may want to check the "beav" or the "le" editors;
the descriptions say they should be able to do that.

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Re: Making modem talk 4........................

1998-07-08 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, phillip Neumann wrote:

> [...] but when i log to my ISP it is extreamly slow. i must wait about 1
> minute to write my login and password!!

This is most likely an interrupt problem. You probably had isapnp set
your modem at COM3, IRQ5 just like windows (that is, 3E8, IRQ 5). Now you
must run (*after* isapnp):

setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 5

See the setserial manpage for additional options. The point is, you must
tell explicitly what irq you're using, as "auto_irq" might not always
work. After that, everything should work normally.

> PD: I guess all this (pnp) configuration stuff goes to my soudcard too 
> isnt?


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Re: Is anacron right for me?

1998-07-02 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Wed, 1 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am wondering if anacron is the right package for me?  My primary
> concern is the proper execution of the /etc/cron.*/ scripts.

Anacron is a script that does this:

1. Checks a list of tasks to see when each was last run;
2. For the tasks that have been run too long ago ("too long" is
configurable for each package), it re-executes them.

The debian config for anacron is setup so that "too long" is 1 day for
scripts in /etc/cron.daily, 1 week for scripts in /etc/cron.weekly and 1
month for scripts in /etc/cron.monthly . This means that, if you shut the
system down today and turn it back on 3 months from now, the daily, weekly
and monthly scripts will be executed *once* after power up. Anacron is
smart enough not to start them all simultaneously.

The anacron installer also removes the daily, weekly and monthy entries in
crontab, so that cron and anacron don't mess with each other. Finally, I
think it puts itself into crontab, so that if your sistem stays up for a
few days in a row, anacron is started every day (night, actually) to check
for "too old" tasks. This means everything should go fine with anacron
even if your system is up 24/7.

What cron gives you that anacron doesn't is exact time. If you want your
logs to be rotated roughly every month, anacron is very fine; but if you
want your system to mail you a reminder for a payment due on the 6th of
every month, anacron can't do that. OTOH, with cron, if the machine isn't
up at the exact moment when the mail should be sent, it will *never* be

Hope this helps,
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Re: Dselect: Is it being redeveloped?

1998-06-26 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Fri, 26 Jun 1998, Rod Troch wrote:

> The real question I pose after all of this dribble is, has Dselect been 
> revised or changed with the advent of 1.3.1 or 2.0?

Dselect is a very powerful tool, but is really hard to understand. I went
through more than 5 debian installs before I felt reasonably comfortable
with it.

To address that, a new tools is being developed; it will have interfaces 
for both the console and for X, and is supposedly easier to understand;
but it will only be available on debian 2.1. Dselect will continue to be
available to those who want it.

> I think I can get over the changes in how the /etc/rc.d/ startup
> scripts behaviour as compared to Red Hat linux [...]

There's a standard that defines how this stuff should be organised; it's
the sucessor of the FSSTND 1.2, don't remember the name of it (check the
debian web site). Debian up to version 2.0 complies with the FSSTND 1.2;
debian 2.1 will be compliant with the newer standard, and I think that's
closer to the way RedHat does things.

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Re: older debian release?

1998-06-25 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, peter wrote:

> hi, i've got what may seem a strange request.. i'm looking for an older
> release of debian. i have a laptop w/ only 2MB RAM and i've been told that
> one of the older releases of debian will run under 2MB.

Try using an older kernel; The 1.2.13 is smaller than 2.0.X, and has
support for ELF binaries. With it, I guess debian 1.3.1 should be OK. And
you might want to use 1.0.9, smaller still, but I don't know about ELF,
maybe you'd have to use debian 0.93R6 which was a.out.

Also, you may want to check out .

I don't know if this address is still valid!

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Re: memory usage and Netscape

1998-06-24 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Mark Panzer wrote:

> While running netscape ver 4.05 I commonly run out of memory after two
> hours.  I have 32Mbytes of RAM and a 50Mbyte swap.

Netscape for linux leaks memory like hell; you may want to install
netscape using the debian installer package, it preloads (or used to,
don't know if this is the case still) some libraries tha alleviate (but
don't solve) the problem. There's not much more you can do about it. I
*think* what really kills memory fast are animated gifs, since it
actually "reloads" the gif indefinetely, so "ESC" should help also.

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Re: error de instalacion

1998-04-08 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Fri, 2 Jan 1998, pirusta wrote:

> me sale el error
> hdd:irq timeout:status 0x50 cuatro veces, luego hdd:ATAPI  reset
> complete, y
> despues de salir otras cuarto veces el otro, me sale end_request:I/O
> error,dev 16:40,sector 0.
> En principio parece ser problema del CD(hdd), pero no se porque, ya que
> arranco el PC desde el cd-rom y me arranca bien.

Are you sure the CD is configured as hdd? Is the CD (not the player, the
disk) OK? Is it a "true" CD or a CD-R? Some CD-ROM's have difficulties at
reading CD-R's. Anyway, this is *definetely* a hardware-related problem;
I'd bet on the CD media being defective. If the CD-ROM s configured as hdd
but there is nothing as hdc, you may consider changing that, putting the
CD-ROM as hdc (these kind of thing vary greatly depending on the hardware,
BIOS, motherboard etc).

> He decidido instalar LINUX porque tengo buenas referencias de este
> S.O., pero como empecemos asi con la instalacion, lo mando al carajo.

Take it easy, man! If you come from a Windows-like background, linux takes
a lot getting used to. And you will, now and then, face problems,
specially during the initial installation, when not everything is
correctly configured yet.

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Re: Which Linux should I install?

1998-03-30 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, [iso-8859-1] Leandro GuimarĂ£es Faria Corcete Dutra wrote:

> >I'm
> >not sure about RH or Debian. It's because here in Brazil Debian is not
> >used a lot. No local support or consultant.
> Perhaps we could set a local mailing list?

I don't think that's really a good idea... there's already a local list,
linux-br hosted by conectiva. For debian-specifics, there is this list,
and there *are* debian users on linux-br (like me ;-). I'd say debian
forces you do things "the right way", which may get you pissed in the
beginning, but will make you happy later when you realize you *didn't*
mess anything during the first install.

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Re: Design of Debian web site

1998-03-29 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Sat, 28 Mar 1998, cleto wrote:

> Please do not forget that there are users who access the site
> using text-based browsers like Lynx. Navigation bars and like make a site
> more difficult to navigate for them.
> On Sat, 28 Mar 1998, Thomas Apel wrote:
> > To make it more clear what I mean: I think of home page with a
> > navigation bar on the left and a text column on the right. [...]

It's possible to design a good-looking page on a GUI that doesn't take
forever to download which still works ok for lynx, Netscape 1.0, Mosaic
etc. Even frames are not that bad: if you are careful, it will only
require a few more "clicks" or the like from the user. In fact, I haven't 
checked the details, but I believe HTML 4.0 is an attempt to standartise
the various HTML "enhancements" in a way reasonably compatible with older 

I don't mean we should make the page a fireworks show, but I do believe
it would benefit from a little more attention to visual design. Also, the
structure is *not* that good IMHO (differently from someone else said
before); that doesn't mean it's bad, it's just not the best.

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Re: TRANSLATION Re: the instructions for win95 under dosemu

1998-03-24 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Tue, 24 Mar 1998, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Mar 1998, Wesley Hart wrote:
> > And Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella spake, saying:
> > > 2.B) he is lying
> > >  To lie is a bad thing, but people do it. Things that make me
> > 
> > Let's not forget how close we are to April 1st - I think we've been
> > the victims of a (fairly sucessful) April Fools prank.
> Nope... it was me who first posted this to the list, and I was *not*
> trying to fool anybody; 

That's me again, these are the relevant points he mentions in the HOWTO
(don't remember if the translation posted included everything):

1. Dosemu must be run as root; he mentions running as root or using "su";
Since he doesn't mention running suid, maybe dosemu acts differently
running as root from running suid root (??).

2. EMS, XMS and DPMI should have 64M configured each.

3. You must have at least 200M swap.

4. You should umount all dos partitions that are to be used by dosemu.

5. He says you should leave X before running dosemu (?).

6. To switch virtual consoles, first open a DOS session under win95.

7. Formatting a disk and accessing the CD-ROM don't work for him, and only
SB16 audio card is expected to work.

8. The rest is in his dosemu configuration file:

Note that his video card is a Trident-based card, which is a very common
card in Brazil, but maybe not that much in the US.

I would also point that maybe there are problems with svgatextmode, since
it reconfigures the video hardware in a way that may make dos7/win95
choke. He also noted the problems with codepage and country setup on an
email later. Finally, the fact that his dosemu is set to boot from drive
A: may have some meaning; you may try to create a bootable win95 disk
(really bootable, not the "emergency disk" win creates; try copying all
files from the HD's root dir to a diskette, except for the swapfile,
don't forget the system and hidden files). He says exploder/netscape
worked, which kinda puzzles me. And he uses slackware, who knows if that
may mean something...

Well, that's it. If this is just a joke, I'm sorry I was the one who
brought the subject up here...

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Re: TRANSLATION Re: the instructions for win95 under dosemu

1998-03-24 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Sat, 21 Mar 1998, Wesley Hart wrote:

> And Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella spake, saying:
> > 2.B) he is lying
> >  To lie is a bad thing, but people do it. Things that make me
> Let's not forget how close we are to April 1st - I think we've been
> the victims of a (fairly sucessful) April Fools prank.

Nope... it was me who first posted this to the list, and I was *not*
trying to fool anybody; and puma (the howto author) posted this to the
Brazilian linux list about a month ago, so nothing to do with april 1st.
He is an active contributor to that list, and I seriously doubt he'd be
joking, *but* he stated some people had trouble to do it, while some
others had success. He also noted the codepage and country setup for
Brazil prevented it to work for some people, who then took the info off
config.sys/autoexec.bat and managed to make it work, while others simply
had no luck.

I'd like to point out that Winblows puts the video card in graphic mode
and accesses it through third-party drivers. So, the video card can play a
major role in this scenario. I bet this is so even with "standard" VGA

Of course, you may think that I'm *really* trying to make you all look
like fools ;-) , but that's not it, I just don't have first-hand
experiences to share. And since I suspect that I wouldn't be able to make
win95 TCP/IP work under linux, I didn't bother any longer (I need it
around here for a couple of reasons).

Has anybody tried "safe mode"?

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Re: I am leaving Debian

1998-03-20 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Bruce Perens wrote:

> I would counsel against panic. There are 300 developers, and some of them
> are _smart_. Nobody was essential, especially me.

Ok, I tried not to get into this, but I feel the need for some information
on the issue.

I'd like to know if what Remco Blaakmeer mentioned is indeed the problem
point, namely the fact that the developers are more interested in
developing a great hacker system and not a general purpose user system
and, if so, I'd appreciate a little more enlightnment on the pratical
problems etc. And, if that's the point, I'd like to know what's the
future actions of SPI towards this goal (general purpose user system).

I feel the lack of presence of SPI outside of debian, which will probably
change now (AFAIK, SPI doesn't even have a web page!). I myself enjoy
editing config files with a text editor instead of a nice GUI program ;-),
so I guess debian will continue to be my distribution of choice; however,
I *really* want to see GNU/linux become a viable alternative for the
desktop, we are already very close!

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Re: Windows under DosEmu

1998-03-19 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Norbert Veber wrote:

> ok, how about this:
> someone try it, and tell us if it works, I would but I erased w95 from my
> computer about 6 months ago, and I don't want to re-install unless someone
> confirms this..

As I said: it works for some people and doesn't for others (different
hardware, different setups...). If you want it, you'll have to give it a
try yourself. If you don't feel adventurous, don't try it.

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Re: Windows under DosEmu

1998-03-18 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 17, 1998 at 01:41:52PM -0300, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:
> > I think win95 will accept to run
> > under DMPI, which dosemu emulates, and that's the "trick".
> Could you elaborate a bit on the term DMPI? What does it mean and what is it
> telling Win95?

Well, since this doesn't really belong much in debian-user (and since I
don't know the details ;-), I'll be very brief.

DPMI is a dos-world invention, it stands for "Dos Protected Mode
Interface". You get a program like qemm386 and load it in config.sys; it
puts the cpu in protected mode, becoming the "master" of the cpu; then it
opens a virtual 8086 machine and runs dos inside it. From within this dos
virtual machine, you have access to some basic features from the protected
mode cpu using a software interface to talk to qemm386. This software
interface is DPMI. Autocad for DOS, ghostscript for DOS and some games and
compilers for DOS are examples of programs that make use of DPMI; it
allows these programs access to the total memory of the system (not only
640K) while still running inside dos. When a "normal" dos service is
needed, everything runs inside the virtual 8086 dos machine.

I think win95 usually "takes control" of the cpu (as much as it can, which
is not much ;-), but can also work under DPMI (so it will work if you have
Qemm386 in config.sys). This is what allows it to work under dosemu.

I'm sure the above explanation has lots of flaws, but you get the idea...
But the best thing to do is backup everything and experiment with it! From
the reports, performance is quite ok (no objective testing, but the system
feels "as fast as usual"). And since you still get your win crashes now
and then, you won't notice the difference ;-)

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Re: Windows under DosEmu

1998-03-17 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 16 Mar, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:
> > On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, Asher Haig wrote:
> > 
> >> I'm told that it's possible to run Windows under DosEmu. What's the truth 
> >> in this?
> > 
> > The DOSEMU documentation mentions how to run win3 under dosemu; there's a
> > Brazilian linux user that wrote a mini-HOWTO (in portuguese...) on running
> > win95 under DOSEMU, and others reported success (and failure ;-).
> Do you have a URL of the mini-HOWTO?

For those interested, this is the URL for the mini-HOWTO on running win95
under Dosemu. It has a copy of the dosemu.conf file the author used. As I
mentioned, the "catch" is to open a DOS prompt in win95 before trying to
switch virtual consoles, probably switching from graphics mode to text
mode directly doesn't work for some reason.

Hope this helps,
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portslave and cistron radiusd packaged for debian

1998-03-17 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

I've found out that neither portslave nor cistron radiusd are packaged in
debian format; they are not in debian's ftp and are not packaged on the
original site. Since the author is a debian developer and the changelog
file is in debian's format, this surprises me. Am I missing something or
should I start packing them myself ;-) ?

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Re: Windows under DosEmu

1998-03-17 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 1998 at 04:03:30PM -0600, Jeff Noxon wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 16, 1998 at 06:56:30PM -0300, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:
> > > The basic trick for win95 is to create a 64Mb swap partition for linux and
> > > configure DOSEMU to report 64Mb of expanded/extended memory to
> > > applications. Then allow full direct access to the HP partition where
> > > win95 lives in. To switch from win95 to another Virtual Console, *first*
> > > open a "dos prompt" under windows and then try CRTL-ALT-Fx ; this probably
> > > has to do with the video mode.
> > 
> > Are you saying that Win95 will run under Dosemu?  Really?  Please?  :)

Yes, that's exaclty what I'm saying.

> Sure. And Linux does infinite loops in 5 seconds.

Yep, everybody knows linux is really cool :-)))

> Oh, come on, guys. Win95 runs in ring 0, this is a no-no under Linux,
> because this is kernel mode.

Well, I thought so also, but I've seen reports of success from people that
wouldn't be spreading misinformation. I think win95 will accept to run
under DMPI, which dosemu emulates, and that's the "trick". There have been
reports of success and of problems, but quite a few people seem to have
done it, and they state it runs ok. They have also reported a few
filesystem wipe-outs before success too ;-) .

Now, the problem is that you have to give direct access to the win95
partition, which means if win95 goes south (I think this happens
sometimes ;-), linux is not able to "protect" that filesystem, and you
don't have permissions etc. The only advantage of doing this is not
having to reboot (which is cool enough).

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Re: Windows under DosEmu

1998-03-16 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, Asher Haig wrote:

> I'm told that it's possible to run Windows under DosEmu. What's the truth 
> in this?

The DOSEMU documentation mentions how to run win3 under dosemu; there's a
Brazilian linux user that wrote a mini-HOWTO (in portuguese...) on running
win95 under DOSEMU, and others reported success (and failure ;-).

The basic trick for win95 is to create a 64Mb swap partition for linux and
configure DOSEMU to report 64Mb of expanded/extended memory to
applications. Then allow full direct access to the HP partition where
win95 lives in. To switch from win95 to another Virtual Console, *first*
open a "dos prompt" under windows and then try CRTL-ALT-Fx ; this probably
has to do with the video mode.

See ya,
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Re: How do you e2defrag?

1998-03-11 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Wed, 11 Mar 1998, Mark Phillips wrote:

> /dev/hda1: 37745/208896 files (6.0% non-contiguous), 733081/833584 blocks
> Does this mean that 6 percent of the files are fragmented, or that 6
> percent of my total disk space is fragmented?  I presume this means my
> disk is not too bad? 

I don't know the answer to the first queston, but I suppose that "6%
non-continuous" refers to the files. The answer to the second question
is "yes" :-)

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Re: How do you e2defrag?

1998-03-10 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Mark Phillips wrote:

> I have debian installed on a single partition, a partition which
> I suspect is greatly fragmented (is there an easy way to tell?).  I wish
> to use the program e2defrag to defragment it, but have realized this could
> be more difficult than I first thought.

Linux usually is smart enough to prevent partitions from being too
fragmented, so defragmenting is usually unecessary; if you run e2fsck -n,
it will not alter your filesystem in any way (so you don't need to umount
it first) and report the fragmentation. From my box, which has been nearly
full and has not been defrag'd since it was born several months ago:

/dev/hda1: 35420/266240 files (6.0% non-contiguous), 801757/1064416 blocks

> I see that the partition will need to be dismounted first, which puts me
> in a catch 22 situation.

Try going into single-user mode (init S); then 'mount -n o,remount,ro /'
so the filesystem is  read-only. After defragmenting,
'mount -n -o,remount,rw /' and "init 2" to go back to multi-user mode.
NOTE: This is all "theoretical", meaning I've never tried it by myself.
Specially the "init S" doesn't seem to do exactly what I expected...

See ya,
That's Internet!

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Re: TimeZone Date String conversion?

1998-03-07 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Fri, 6 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does anyone know of a utility which will take a time-zone dependent date 
> string
> such as
>Thu, 5 Mar 1998 12:33:00 -0500
>Tue, 3 Mar 1998 08:12:00 EST
> and convert either to GMT/UST?

date -d "Thu, 5 Mar 1998 12:33:00 -0500" will return the date in your
local timezone; if you really want GMT, you might set the variable TZ=000
in the environment for it (maybe there's a better way, but I don't know).

Hope this helps,
That's Internet!

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Re: Question about Debian configuration

1998-03-06 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Ionut Borcoman wrote:

> Question: How do I set the X mouse to see the third button (now I am
> using the emulation, but I don't like that) ?

When running xf86config, it asks you:

"Do you want to enable ClearDTR and ClearRTS?"

I guess that's the trick, though I never needed it, so I don't know what
string it would put in /etc/X11/XF86Config . If this doesn't work, someone
pointed a solution using gpm -R that should work.

> Question: Where can I find a good free ANSWERING MACHINE software ?


> I have some packages from the net that are tar.gziped.
> Question: How do I integrate them in the dselect (to be able to upgrade
> them, etc.)?

You must convert them to .deb format. Fortunately, that's easy with a
proggie named alien.

Hope this helps,
That's Internet!

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Re: dotfile locking, NFS and lockd

1998-03-06 Thread Nelson Posse Lago
First of all, thanks a lot for the clarification (and for all the work on

On 4 Mar 1998, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Nelson Posse Lago <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >that while all debian programs
> >(or all mail related programs?) agree in using dotfile locking, many of
> >them used the "wrong" function to implement that, since the commonly used
> >function is not atomic over NFS (meaning locking could fail over NFS on a
> >busy machine).
> Yes, using open("file", O_WRONLY|O_EXCL) is not atomic over NFS.
> [...]
> There is a way around it however; you can install
> the libnfslock package. It's a preloaded library that intercepts the
> open() call. If you use O_EXCL, it does an NFS safe file create using
> a temp file and the link(2) system call.
> [...]
> The libnfslock solution is good enough for now, and when all programs
> use the same locking protocol (which is dotlocking, or file based locking
> according to the Debian policy) you can remove libnfslock from your
> system. Note that it doesn't buy us much to move to fnctl() based locking
> with the kernel lockd, since as I said the most difficult part is to
> get all programs to just do locking in the same (safe) way, whether that
> is dotlocking or fnctl() locking.

 Just to see if I got it straight:

By reading the material pointed on this list to me at , It's my understanding that
the real usefulness of the lockd is that one can make "shared" locks
(everyone reads the file simultaneously, as long as everyone agrees
not to mess with the file while others are reading it) and posix locks
(to lock only a portion of a file, I guess that's important for
databases) work over the network, which is not possible now, but which is
not important for email. Correct?

Thanx again!
That's Internet!

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dotfile locking, NFS and lockd

1998-03-04 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

Quite some time ago (somewhere around debian 1.1 and 1.2), it was pointed
out (by Miquel Smoorenburg, I think) that while all debian programs
(or all mail related programs?) agree in using dotfile locking, many of
them used the "wrong" function to implement that, since the commonly used
function is not atomic over NFS (meaning locking could fail over NFS on a
busy machine).

So, I'd like to know the status of that; is this solved in 1.3.1? What
about 1.2 (I haven't upgraded yet, I'm lazy ;-) . Or, putting it
differently: can I export my mail spool thru NFS and sleep at night if
all systems involved run debian?

On the same line, I think the new (2.1.x) kernel-supported NFS server is
supposed to have the hooks necessary to implement a really cool lockd for
linux which would solve this kind of problem and allow for reliable NFS
locking among linux and other Unixes etc. Quite misteriously, I don't see
mentions to this when people talk about the improvements of the new
kernels, why is that? And is the lockd really being developed? If so,
should I expect it to be available when the newer kernel "freezes"?

Thanks in Advance,
That's Internet!

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Re: NEED info concerning "US Robotics" modem

1997-05-28 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Tue, 13 May 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> On Mon, May 12, 1997 at 01:27:32PM -0300, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:
> > The Sportster Si (I think only 14400 versions exist) is a RPI model, and
> > therefore doesn't work under linux as well.
> I doubt USR would be making RPI (Rockwell Protocol Interface) modems.
> Probably it is a form of WinModem. Same effect though.

Sorry for the delay, I've been away from my mail these days...

I'm pretty sure about it, the Sportster Si 14400 is RPI. I think it's the
only RPI modem they make, their other crap models are Winmodems. It came
out before they "invented" the winmodem, when they needed some low-end
model to compete with the "glue'n'go" manufacturers that were selling a
lot of RPI modems, thanks to lack of customer information. The price
difference from a Sportster to a Zoltrix was somewhat big (at least here
in Brazil), and people had a hard time to follow my advice of not buying
the RPI's... Thank god, RPI seems to be forgotten nowadays, only the
winmodem is still here.

See ya,
That's Internet!

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Re: NEED info concerning "US Robotics" modem

1997-05-12 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Tue, 6 May 1997, ychim wrote:

> The only modem from US Robotic not works under Linux is WinModem :)

The Sportster Si (I think only 14400 versions exist) is a RPI model, and
therefore doesn't work under linux as well.

See ya,
That's Internet!

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Another syslog problem: "Bad File Number"

1997-04-06 Thread Nelson Posse Lago


I've setup debian on a friend's box and syslog puts the message:

syslog: don't-remember-what Bad File Number

on /var/log/messages, then it says "last message repeated 437835 times"
several times and keeps the load average at around 1. Anyone knows what
is this? This is a 486 with an ide disk, Debian 1.2, nothing "weird" about
it, just a normal installation.


Re: L2 cache etc

1997-03-21 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Tue, 18 Mar 1997, A. Sinan Unur wrote:

> yesterday i decided to go ahead and compile the kernel with sound support 
> and get rid of a bunch of scsi, cd-rom and ethernet drivers. anyway, 
> after the first boot, i checked /var/adm/messages and found some 
> unexpected diagnostics regarding the PCI bus. basically, before i built 
> the kernel, the following two lines used to be logged to the messages file:
> PCI BIOS Rev 2.10
> Probing PCI hardware
> now, in addition to that i get:
> cache L2 not supported
> CPU-PCI posted write not supported
> CPU-Memory posted write not supported
> PCI-Memory posted write not supported
> PCI-Burst not supported

You turned "PCI Bridge Optimization" on. Don't know much more about it,
but that's where it comes from. I suppose the code can't "optimize" your

Hope this helps,

re: LI???

1997-01-08 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Wed, 8 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   On the second of Jan Kendrick wrote ..
> >When I boot my machine, I get LI and a blinking cursor, and it locks up.
> >The machine boots fine from floppy, though.  My system is set up with
> >/dev/hdb1 as the / slice, booting from there.  It gave me a warning when I
> >did that, but I just ignored it, thinking it was nothing.  Does it HAVE to
> >boot from the first physical disk?  My old version of slackware didn't...

Your HD is probably larger than 512Mb. Your bios is set-up to use LBA on 
the drive, and lilo isn't able to do that. Put the "linear" keyword in 
your lilo.conf, this will probably solve the problem. You may need to 
switch LBA off on the BIOS. Or maybe do all this on reverse, since I 
think newer kernels support LBA. Anyway, the problem is related to LBA 
and the disk geometry. There's a "large-IDE-howto" or something laying 
around, search for it.

Hope this helps,

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Re: stablize a debian release

1997-01-05 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

Hello there,

On Sat, 4 Jan 1997, Timothy Phan wrote:

>   I'm a new debian user and currently experiencing some problems
>   with the debian 1.2 release.  I'm wondering if any tests have
>   been performed before each of the debian release.  It seemed to
>   me that all the problems I've encountered could have been easily
>   detected if any test has been done.

Debian *is* beta-tested before release. If you check the ftp site now, 
you'll find a directory named "unstable" or "bo", which is the initial 
draft of the next release. People usually pull the unstable packages and 
test them before the release is marked as "stable". Of course, this is al 
voluntary work... There are a few bugs, but there would be a lot more 
without that. You may check the ftp site, there are already updates to 
debian 1.2.

>   Instead of complaining about these problems.  I'd like to know
>   what can people like me can do to help stablizing the debian
>   distribution.

A little time before final release, Bruce asked for people used to debian 
to test it. You can also download the stuff and contact the maintainers 
or fill the bug tracking system, etc.

Maybe you should join the developer's mailing lists? I haven't done any 
of this, I'm just reproducing what I've read here before.


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Re: Is Trident chipset supported ?

1996-12-31 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Tue, 31 Dec 1996, HongYun Kim wrote:

> my video card spec : chipset->trident 9660, videoram -> 2048k,
> ramdec->sierra sc1148
> my monitor spec : vendor-> samsung electronics, model -> sycnmaster 15 gle
> For 2 weeks, I tried to setup X window. But I failed.
> Common error maeesge is " SVGA : Too little memory for virtual resolution
> 1600 1200"
> But my vdio card has 2M bytes memory.

Add the line

Videoram 2048

To your XF86Config file. At what point in the file to put the line is 
left as an exercise for the reader (since I don't know :-).


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Re: Poppasswd

1996-12-28 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Fri, 27 Dec 1996, Roy C Bixler wrote:

> I checked to see if this is the problem by logging into the server
> directly and changing my password to the same thing I attempted to change
> it to with Eudora and 'poppasswd'.  That worked just fine the first time. 

Hmmm... I really think the problem is that poppassd is expecting some 
string from passwd, but it is giving it another one. Perhaps the newer 
passwd replies "New password" instead of "new password", something like 
that. Check passwd manually then look at the source of poppassd.


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Re: Poppasswd

1996-12-25 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Tue, 24 Dec 1996, Roy C Bixler wrote:

> I was just wondering if anyone out there has had any luck with the
> 'poppasswd' package.  I have tried setting it up on a Debian 1.2 system,
> but it just freezes up when I try to change the password from Eudora.  A
> list of all the processes shows that 'poppasswd' is running along with a
> 'passwd rcb'.  These must be killed manually, otherwise they hang around
> even after pressing the 'Stop' button in Eudora.

This is a very tricky problem. poppassd is a small app that calls passwd 
to change the password. Well, it passes some arguments to passwd and 
expects some responses from it. All very fine. Now, the newer debians use 
a passwd program that does a few checks on the password. If the 
new password is too similar to the old one, or if it is too short, or if 
it has too many repeated characters, etc. it will issue an error message 
and prompt you for a new (hopefully better) password. poppassd was not 
desinged to deal with this. It just waits for passwd to issue the prompt 
"re-enter new password" while password is saying "too simple: try again".
Try entering a very random, 8 chars password to see if it works. To solve 
your problem, you must try to find a passwd program that doesn't do these 
checks (at the expense of security) or hack poppassd to be smarter. I 
don't know if debian has a simpler passwd program.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Debian logo?

1996-11-22 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, Karl Ferguson wrote:

>  makes me think of Win95 when you say that - let's install svgalib
> and a gif viewer and instead of watching linux detecting everything we can
> watch a wonderful Debian logo spinning or something :-)

Hey, this would be a nice thing to have! (of course, not in my box, but 
might make some users happier).


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Re: Big IDE drive on old bios

1996-11-15 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Fri, 15 Nov 1996, Stephen Fuqua wrote:

> Will I be able to get lilo to boot off the 1gig drive when I 
> make a root partition smaller than 1023 cylinders?  Can I be 


> pretty sure that I can at least boot the thing with a floppy? 


 Unless there's some kind of crazy incompatibility (it's always 
possible...), create a 20Mb partition, setup the BIOS with the HD 
parameters except for the cylinders and it should boot from this 
partition. The floppy should definetely work. Get the bigger drive, it's 
probably faster too.


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Re: Computer insane behaviour!

1996-11-11 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Indeterminate behavior is generally an indication of a hardware problem.

 I already checked, doesn't seem to be the case. Besides, it's not 
indeterminate behaviour, it's very consistant. The error is always the 
same, even after I erased the disk and re-copied everything. Very weird.

Thanks anyhow,

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Computer insane behaviour!

1996-11-11 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

 Hi all,

 I know this is not debian specific, but anyway...

 I really can't believe my eyes, but I'm under this situation:

 I have 2 identical (Quantum IDE, 1.7Mb) hard disks. I divided one of 
them in several partitions and installed different debian configs on each 
in order to install from it to other machines (one partition for each 
computer). The other HD has a linux and a dos partition. When I copy 
(using cpio -pdm) from one HD to the other, the copy doesn't work right 
(only for this particular disk). The first disk works fine on the same 
computer, though.

 I came across two errors: man reports "can't open /etc/" 
and "can't open". The files are there and are equal to the 
originals. Another error is, when trying to login with my username, it 
says "can't cd to /home/nel: permission denied". The permissions on the 
directory are ok.

 I copied the whole HD 3 times, imagining it should be a copy 
problem, but the errors are exactly the same. What the heck is going 

I'd be grateful if anyone has an idea about this...


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Rearranging partitions WAS: Re: Question??

1996-11-02 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Fri, 1 Nov 1996, Martin Stromberg wrote:

> > What do I need to consider when copying "/" to another partition? Reason
> > I ask is I would like to put it in partition which had dos. Here is what
> > I would like to do:
> > 
> > Old setup:
> > 
> > hda1 -- dos
> > hdb1 -- swap
> > hdb2 -- /
> > hdb3 -- /home
> > 
> > New setup:
> > 
> > hda1 -- / {/etc, /boot, /bin, /lib, /sbin, /proc, /var, /tmp, /cdrom,
> > /mnt,
> > /floppy}
> > hdb1 -- swap
> > hdb2 -- /usr
> > hdb3 -- /home
> >  
> Well, this is how I would do it, supposing you don't have anything on that FAT
> partition you want to keep.
> umount /dev/hda1
> mke2fs /dev/hda1
> mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
> cp -a /etc /boot /bin /lib /sbin /var /tmp /cdrom /floppy /mnt
> mkdir /mnt/proc
> Edit /mnt/etc/lilo.conf so it's using hda1 instead of hdb2 and run lilo.
> Edit /mnt/etc/fstab to reflect the changes.
> Reboot. Now the system ought to boot having the hda1 partition as / and the
> previous / on /usr.
> cd /usr
> rm -fr etc boot bin lib sbin proc var tmp cdrom mnt
> mv usr/* usr/.??* .
> rm -fr usr

 Not very good; you'll have problems with symlinks, special files in 
/dev, etc. Try:

umount /dev/hda1
mke2fs /dev/hda1
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
umount /home
cd /
find ./ | grep -v /mnt/ | cpio -pdmv /mnt

Edit lilo to point to your new root and reboot. After reboot:

mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt
rm -rf /mnt/*
cd /usr
find ./ | cpio -pdmv /mnt
umount /mnt
rm -rf /usr
mkdir usr
mount /dev/hdb2 /usr

 If you don't have enough space in /dev/hda1 to hold everything, you 
can take a few more steps to copy directories individually instead of all 
your tree. The key is to use cpio and to *always* exclude the destination 
directory from the list of files to be copied (otherwise, you'll just 
fill up your disk). Check the line

"find ./ | grep -v /mnt/ | cpio -pdmv /mnt"

 It tells you everything.

See ya,

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Re: Keyboard with X

1996-10-29 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Tue, 29 Oct 1996, Alexandre Lebrun wrote:

>   Hi.
> I tried LyX and sometimes run Netscape, and they show the same problem :
> when trying to erase a character with backspace, the current character is 
> erased instead of the preceding. ( just as DEL does in a Microsoft 
> environment). It's very disturbing, and other apps don't have this 
> problem (they treat both DEL and Backspace as 'backspace' ).

 Take a look at


 This aims at solving this problem. I haven't tried it yet.

See ya,


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Re: shadow passwd?

1996-10-27 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, Robert Stone wrote:

>   is there a shadow passwd system available for Debian 1.1?

 It's not official, but you can find a debianized version of shadow 
passwords at

 This is the home of shadow passwords for linux. I haven't tried it 
yet (I'm installing 1.1 now, I added shadows manually to my 0.93R6 

See ya,

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Re: Newbie Debian Questions

1996-10-26 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On 25 Oct 1996, Bill Vinson wrote:

> 1)  Does anyone know if an Axel ISA 8/16 bit Combination Ethernet card is
> any good?
> It is supposedly NE2000 compliant...  It supposedly free w/ any purchase
> Datacom Mall mail-order.  

 If it's NE2000 compliant, it should work with linux. NE2000 aren't 
the fastest boards around, but they work fine, specially for a home 
setup. There were problems with them and linux, but that's history.
If you want to know it's disadvantages: it's not very fast (~200K/sec) 
and it puts some load on the main CPU. This would be a problem for a 
heavily loaded server, not to you.

> I want to get an Ethernet connection between my Mac and the Linux box.  I
> hope to get a second IP address from my dial in ISP (Earthlink) so that
> either the Mac or the Linux box can act as a Router w/software daemon?  and
> allow both machines net access over the same modem...Is this possible? 

 Very easy. Put the modem on the debian box, compile the kernel with 
"IP forwarding" enabled, add a route and voila! If you can't get the 
second IP, you can use proxying, transparent proxying or masquerading to 
allow net access to the other(s) computer (in fact, you will be more 
"net-friendly" doing so, as you don't waste IP space).

> 2)  Is there anyway to get the nice coloring of files in the ls commands'
> output the way slackware does?

 There's a package named colour-ls (I think) that does this. If it's 
not in the current debian release, it's at unstable.

See ya,

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Re: modems for Debian

1996-10-15 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Mon, 14 Oct 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have noticed some of those 33.6kbps internal modems for pretty 
> cheap at the local electronics outlets, and I was wondering if anyone 
> knows if any of these will work with Debian.  The hardware 
> compatibility list seems to suggest that just about any modem will 
> work.  Anyone have any thoughts on this subject?

 Any *modem* should work. However, manufacturers are currently 
stretching the meaning of the word "modem". If it's a modem with hardware 
built-in compression, error-correction, etc., you are fine. If, however, 
it's a RPI modem or if it's something like the USR sportster "winmodem", 
which only works under Windows, no way. The problem is that these modems 
are crippled since they don't have everything they need in order to work, 
and so they use the computer's CPU to perform some basic tasks. This is 
only possible through a software driver specially designed for them. 
Since the technical data about that is not published, linux can't work 
with them.

 I think there are no RPI modems faster than 14400, but you never 
know... Check the box of the modem. If it says something like "designed 
for Windows" or "software-based error correction" or "windows driver 
included", you are out of luck. If, however, it says about "v42bis", 
error correction, etc with no mention to software drivers, you're 
probably ok (they may include windows software like QuickLink, but these 
are not drivers so no problem, you just throw the disks out the window).

See ya,

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Re: resetting a virtual console

1996-10-11 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Fri, 11 Oct 1996, Chris R. Martin wrote:

> How do I reset a textmode virtual console? I got one messed up the other
> day... I had to login to different console. Is there a reset keystroke or
> command?

 Try reset :-) (no joke, the command exists and does exactly what you 
want; other distributions have it too).

See ya

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smail does virtual domains?

1996-10-08 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

 Hi all,

 I'm seriously considering changing to sendmail or perhaps qmail, or 
whatever. One of the reasons is that I need virtual e-mail domains. Does 
smail handle this? Is is reasonable to use it for this? How about qmail?
Are there plans to packaging it in .deb format?

 I'm really afraid of sendmail, not for the config files, but because 
of the security leaks that appear every day; hopefully qmail/smail are 
better or, at least, less popular among hackers.


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Re: Which option gets ide-cd into my kernel?

1996-09-28 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Zebedee Mason wrote:

> Just tried installing linux from Infomagics LDR 6CD set it reconises my
> Creative Labs CD-ROM on boot but there appears to be no driver for it -
> presumably dselect wants hd1 for the CD-ROM, but in the /dev directory
> there is no ide-cd which it presumably needs.  All advice will be
> appreciated - am tearing my hair out at the moment.

Try, with lilo, something like:

hdb=cdrom or
hdc=cdrom or

Then check to see if you can mount any of those:

mount /dev/hdc /cdrom -t iso9660

Hope this helps,

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Re: 386 Dx-40

1996-09-25 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Tue, 24 Sep 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   A Q. Q. is anyone out there using still using a 386 dx-40 (running
> Linux) and if so could you let us know what problems you are having if any
> I am considering the purchase of one..

 It runs fine. Of course, depending on the amount of memory, 
speed/size of the disk, presence or absense of memory cache, etc, 
performance may vary widely. Some time ago (with slackware and kernel 
1.2.8), a 386DX40Mhz with 4Mb of ram and 64K cache memory compiled the 
kernel in about 4 hours. More memory means a *big* difference here. I 
even used netscape on this machine (X + static netscape), but it used to 
take a long time for it to startup (again, the main point is memory). The 
speed of the disk is also important; some older disks are *much* slower 
than others.

 Other than that, it's just as stable as linux ever was, i.e., very 
(I *never* experienced a lockup).

See ya,

Re: PS color separations

1996-09-22 Thread Nelson Posse Lago

On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, ciccio wrote:

> Is there a package that allows a device dependent and table-based conversion
> of RGB to CMYK? (to prepare RGB-graphics for output on a typesetter)

 I believe that Gimp has a plug-in that converts RGB-CMYK. Don't know 
if this is exactly what you want.

See ya,