Re: apt showing all dependencies?

2004-08-17 Thread dircha
Michael wrote:
I wondering if there's a way to show all the dependencies and sub-
dependencies of package foo?
apt-cache will show the dependencies for a particular package, but it doesn't 
show the dependencies of those dependencies.
If I get your meaning, apt-rdepends is the package you want:
"Description: Recursively lists package dependencies
 This utility can recursively list package dependencies, either forwards
 or in reverse.  It also lists forward build-dependencies.  The output
 format closely resembles that of `apt-cache depends`.  As well, it can
 generate .dot graphs, much like apt-cache in dotty mode"
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Re: apt-get dist-upgrade

2004-08-09 Thread dircha
Jeff Elkins wrote:
The following packages will be REMOVED:
blt-common epiphany-browser gimp-nonfree
kdelibs4-dev libcupsys2-dev mozilla mozilla-browser
mozilla-mailnews mozilla-psm mozilla-xft
I'm in a similar situation. aptitude (non-interactive) wants to remove 
libnss4 and libnss3 and automatically remove my mozilla packages. The 
situation is similar for apt-get, taking account of no tracking of 
automatically installed packages.

Newer versions of libnspr4 and libnss3, as well as the mozilla-* 
packages are available. If you'll notice, also, the new mozilla-browser 
package adds about 6 new dependencies.

Fortunately - running unstable here - I can resolve the situation by 
issuing the command:

# aptitude -tunstable install mozilla-browser
# apt-get -tunstable install mozilla-browser
Now, I consider my situation resolved. Perhaps something similar will 
work for you.

You say that you have gone some time without updates. Perhaps you are 
running testing. I believe mozilla-xft as a separate package has been 
obsoleted for quite some time now in unstable.

In your case the appropriate action may be:
# apt-get install mozilla
Of course use -t or specify a version if you want to override apt pinning.
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Re: Loading kernel modules at startup

2004-08-08 Thread dircha
John Van Lierde wrote:
But I'm absolutely baffled as to how to get the modules to load
automagically at boot. There are a bunch of utilities (some apparently
obsolescent) and files (all of which seem to say that they are generated and
not to be edited). I've poked through all the man pages that seem relevant,
but it's just not making sense. What the lm_sensors documentation recommends
doesn't fit what I've got.
$ apropos modules
modules (5)  - kernel modules to load at boot time
$ man modules
The manual page should come with either the modutils or 
module-init-tools packages.

Is that what you were looking for?
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Re: Sid is Sid, before or after a release, right?

2004-08-07 Thread dircha
William Ballard wrote:
I run Sid.  Whenever Debian makes a major release, it doesn't affect
me at all, right, because in theory I'm already running the same or
later versions of everything that's being released.
"The code name for Debian's development distribution is "sid", aliased 
to "unstable". Most of the development work that is done in Debian, is 
uploaded to this distribution. This distribution will never get 
released; instead, packages from it will propagate into testing and then 
into a real release [1]."

I think as much is said somewhere more officially and more explicitly, 
but don't know just offhand.

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Re: Home button not working in shell

2004-08-04 Thread dircha
Jacob Friis Larsen wrote:
How do I make the Home button work as expected?
Supposing you are referring to Bash, I'm going to guess the expected
behavior when depressing the "Home" key is for the cursor to move to the
first character of the editing (not necessarily visual) line.
The simplest solution might be to become accustomed to using:
-A: move cursor to first character
-E: move cursor to end character
Then see section Readline Command Names of the Bash manual (man bash)
for additional default key bindings. They are similar to Emacs key 
bindings. Although you can also configure Bash to provide line editing 
similar to how vi would.

But to actually fix the issue with the Home key, given your email
host name, this may be a key map issue. I think we would first need to
know whether you are using a shell through an X terminal emulator, or on
the virtual console.
If the former, I would look to solve the issue with 'xmodmap'. If the
later, I would look to 'loadkeys'. Although there may be better or more
appropriate solutions.
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Re: Toshiba suspend from command line

2004-08-01 Thread dircha
Ian Knopke wrote:
How would I adjust the permissions so apm -s could be run by a normal
user? Does this require me to adjust permissions to the /proc
directory? How would I do that anyways?
Since this is a laptop, I don't see any harm in adding the following 
line to you sudoers file (edit with visudo as root) to accomplish this:

username   ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/apm -s
Substitute for username, and the path to the apm binary if that isn't 

I suppose you could also substitute your hostname for ALL.
And, for my own curiosity, why can a windowmaker applet cause a
suspend when the normal user can't?
I imagine the executable is setuid root. It's hard to say for certain, 
not having used or seen it.

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Re: Toshiba suspend from command line

2004-08-01 Thread dircha
Ian Knopke wrote:
I'd like to be able to put my toshiba laptop in suspend mode from the 
command line. Currently I can do it using the wmtuxtime applet in 
Windowmaker, that comes in the toshutils package. Is there a way to do 
this without the applet?
I'm not familiar with that applet. Are you using APM or ACPI?
Also, do you mean suspend to RAM, or suspend to disk?
If you are using APM, see 'man APM' for the list of commands you can use 
with the command-line client 'apm' for 'apmd'.

If you are using ACPI, 'echo [n] > /proc/acpi/sleep' where 'n' is the 
sleep state you desire to put the machine into.

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Re: vim place marker

2004-07-30 Thread dircha
Craig Jackson wrote:
I have read through the vim docs and definitely missed something
(it's a tome). How do I configure vim to place a marker for each file
edited and then open the file at that place the next time it is
Not a Debian question, but the kind of thing all debpeople should
Surprisingly enough, I believe I answered this here not 2 weeks ago.
Rather than copying and pasting, to find the answer execute:
:help position
The solution there worked for me, at least.
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Re: script/app to compile statistics about disk usage?

2004-07-29 Thread dircha
Silvan wrote:
I'm running out of room, and I'm sure I must have gigabytes of stupid
junk laying around, but I'm not sure where I left all of it.
- Every month or so I inspect my non-stable systems using the "cruft"
- For packages not already managed by aptitude, repetitive applications
  of deborphan can be useful.
- "apt-get clean"
But then maybe these items are small potatoes to you. I have a difficult
time filling up 5GB.
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Re: can't read my mail

2004-07-29 Thread dircha
my screen is half the size of normal. this ha[ppens every  nite
Are you running X? Please elaborate on what you are doing leading up to 
the time you encounter this problem.

Is either APM or ACPI involved? In the past I've had problems where 
after resume when X is running, only the top half of the screen will be 
visible, or the bottom half will be a mirror image of the top half. 
Usually this can rectified by switching to a virtual console and then 
back to X.

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Re: Thanks for Debian Installer

2004-07-29 Thread dircha
Steve Witt wrote:
I used beta4 and it ROCKS! I really wanted to install woody on this
machine but the woody installation couldn't deal with the IDE
configuration of this computer, so I tried the new installer with
sarge and it worked great.
Is there an advanced option in the new installer to install woody? I 
swear I remember seeing at least an advanced option to install sid directly.

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[OT] pci, 2d video card, with Free driver Xinerama support

2004-07-28 Thread dircha
It has been a while since I've used or put together any new computer 
other than pre-configured laptops.

I've tried to create a little list of what I am aiming for. If anyone 
has had success along these lines, I would really appreciate any advice 
or recommendations:
- Can drive 1792x1344 at a non-seizure inducing refresh rate
- Reasonable 2d quality for development and productivity app usage pattern
- Hardware 3d acceleration is not an issue; I don't need it, so nothing 
- PCI (so that I can install 2)
- Can install 2 and drive 2 monitors with Xinerama support
- (Preferably) compatible driver in Debian sid XFree86, or will not 
taint kernel
- ACPI suspend compatibility would be nice, but not required
- Something I can still hope to find at a brick-and-mortar retail store 
would be nice as well, but not required
- $80-100 USD per card (or less) if that is reasonable. Is it reasonable?

This will be for a development workstation I am piecing together.
Apart from 3d performance for games (which I can't bring myself to spend 
time on any longer), I find that I do not even know which brands or 
product lines to look to.

Thank you for any advice, folks.
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Re: Help Installing / Upgrading Cron

2004-07-28 Thread dircha
Aaron B wrote:
Hi all. I've recently had problems installing / upgrading cron from 
apt-get. It seemed to be a problem with not being able to 
find /usr/bin/crontab while upgrading - so I removed cron, and then 
attempted to install it. Here is the output:
Perhaps the most effective action you can take is to install 
apt-listbugs. Had you, you would have been alerted to this grave bug at 
the time of upgrade and could have elected to hold the package at its 
current version.

When you do encounter bugs, the first, best place to look is usually the 
Debian bug tracking system [1]. There, you can lookup outstanding bugs 
against any package in the official Debian repositories.

The bug you have identified is already reported against the cron package 
[2]. The page for this bug [3] lists an immediate solution. 
Alternatively, you can wait until the corrected package becomes 
available in the main repository or on your local mirror.


Best of luck then,
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Re: Future of proprietary software [was: Is Linux Unix?]

2004-07-23 Thread dircha
Paul E Condon wrote:
Or look at the situation another way. In the Open/Free software
community there are a lot of true believers in a social mission for
software. They seem to produce and maintain software for non-monetary
reasons. In the business world there are a lot of people committed to
paying their suppliers the least possible amount for the supplies that
they need to operate their business. Open/Free software costs less
than commercial software. Some businesses will move to using Open/Free
software. They will reduce their cost structure. They will become more
competitive in their respective industries because of their lower cost
structure. The customer base of commercial software enterprises will
wither and die. (Or maybe not die, just be bought out by a competitor
with a lower cost structure.) Alternatively, commercial software
houses might retool as suppliers of IT staffing and management for
corporations. But they will give up on their licensed software business
because they can't make money at it in the face of GNU/Linux
Prior to actually getting out of the business, they will give all
sorts of self serving arguments as to why they are having trouble, but
the truth is that the Open/Free software community doesn't need their
services at the prices that they need to charge.
Certainly there exists commercial, proprietary software today which 
tomorrow will be replaced - at least sufficiently replaced - and will no 
longer be profitable to produce.

But unless you are making your software available under a license which 
prohibits or restricts commercial use, requires release of modified 
source as a condition to modified distribution, or requires release of 
modified source as a condition to even modification without 
redistribution, then it is difficult to see how your Free/Open 
development is doing anything to erode the future of proprietary software.

Proprietary software developers today can develop and market their 
software for and on more platforms than ever before, and increasingly 
they can acquire high quality tools, and build upon powerful frameworks 
and libraries for free and without giving back to the community.

But even _if_ Free/Open software development is exhausting the set of 
unsolved technological/software problems this means very little in an 
economic environment where producers thrive at least as greatly creating 
and marketing new _problems_, as they do solving legitimate ones.

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Re: See what a weak password will get ya?

2004-07-22 Thread dircha
Scarletdown wrote:
|<  == K
 >< == X
|> == P
Anyone else care to add to this little list?
0 == O
$ == S
|-| == H
|_| == U
|_ == L
\/\/ == W
/\/\ == M
|V| == M
|\| == N
|-o-| == tie fighter
{-o-} == tie interceptor
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Re: Detaching and reattaching a process to different terminals?

2004-07-22 Thread dircha
Jon wrote:
As I said, as you have to run screen first, this won't help with your
current problem, but in the future it may.
See the "detachtty" package.
This should allow you to detach and reattach the already running process.
And it doesn't carry with it all of the excess functionality of screen 
that it sounds as though you have no need for.

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Re: Tiny X pointer

2004-07-15 Thread dircha
Kirk Strauser wrote:
> I use X 4.3.0 on a Debian/unstable system.  It's running at 1600x1200
> (at 85Hz :) ) on a 19" monitor, and the display is perfect except
> that my mouse pointer is tiny (smaller than 12pt fonts).  I've been
> using X for years but it's never occurred to me to want a large
> pointer.  Where should I look for that setting?
Albeit you never would have guessed there is a package to do it. I 
didn't either, so I went to Google first.

Give the big-cursor package a try; works for me.
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Re: Mozilla T-bird upgrade - wheres all my stuff!!??

2004-07-11 Thread dircha
Michael Sullivan wrote:
I just upgraded mozilla thunderbird using apt (I run unstable) and now 
my folders and accounts and address book are not seen by the upgrade!!.  
Is it broke??

I can see my old info in ~.mozilla-thunderbird but the program isn't 
seeing the info as something it needs to use.

I'm not looking forward to starting out with a clean slate.   that would 
be bad.
I guess you didn't happen to see the warning I posted to the list about 
this before upgrading.

There is a manual fix listed in the second bug report [1] on this issue 
against the mozilla-thunderbird package.

If you install apt-listbugs, at the time of upgrade or installation you 
should be notified of outstanding serious bugs against any affected 

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Re: Image viewer that support keyboard panning and zooming

2004-07-10 Thread dircha
* Tong* wrote:
Is there a ready-made debian image viewer package/tool that supports
keyboard panning and zooming? 
'display' in the imagemagick package should do what you want. You'll 
want to at least look at the manual page before you do anything with it, 
or you will be frustrated.

I just use xloadimage, but that doesn't support keyboard panning.
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Re: what's the diff between 'aptitude upgrade' and 'aptitude dist-upgrade'?

2004-07-05 Thread dircha
cwinl wrote:
hi all,
i'm confused about several aptitude param.
thank you all.
I see that while dist-upgrade is documented in the aptitude 
documentation, it is not mentioned in the manual page.

The aptitude manual page references the apt-get manual page ('man 
apt-get'). I suggest you take a look at that. The command descriptions 
are more complete, and as far as I am aware, accurate for aptitude as 
well. The differences between upgrade and dist-upgrade are described 
there as well as I could explain them to you.

Note that the difference _is_ well documented in the aptitude 
documentation as well. You just have to look further. As you can see, 
the full aptitude documentation is referenced in the See Also section of 
the manual page as:

An equally adequate reference is available as:
If you still have questions about the respective behavior of these 
commands, feel free to ask.

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Re: apt-get dselect-upgrade

2004-07-04 Thread dircha
Sam Halliday wrote:
well i could easily use aptitude to purge packages... but since that is a pain
if i have more than 5 packages which i uninstalled, i'd prefer to use a scripted
approach. it's all too easy to type - instead of _, especially since _ on a
packge will only - its dependencies.
That you mention '-' and '_', I assume you are using aptitude in 
interactive (GUI) mode. Use the non-interactive mode:
# aptitude purge ~c

This will removed packages which are uninstalled, but still have 
configuration files (not purged). As I understand it, this is what you 
asked for.

From /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README:
Matches packages which have been removed, but whose configuration
files remain on the system (ie, they were removed but not purged).
If you have installed the packages with "aptitude install" in the first 
place, then automatically installed dependencies will be removed as 
well. Even if you didn't install the packages with aptitude, you can use 
"aptitude markauto" to manually specify automatically installed packages.

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Re: Uh Oh... Prof requires ms word format

2004-06-27 Thread dircha
cecil wrote:
cecil wrote:
I just looked on the upcoming syllubus for my CS class. The prof 
requires ms word format zipped files for the assignments. What do I do 
to do that on linux? I guess I HAVE to install X now. :(
Maybe I should get a different laptop? Is a 150 mhz machine with 2 gig 
hd and 32 meg ram going to be able to do the job? I'm worried now.
There's nothing wrong with installing X. It's all Free, so use the best 
tool for the job.

For many tasks I have nothing open but a single fullscreen terminal with 
no window decorations, but it is an xterm. For me, text in an xterm is 
faster, crisper, and at 1600x1200 is higher resolution than anything I 
can get on the console with my video card.

I feel that I mentioned this a week or two ago when we were having a 
similar conversation on the list, but even if you were to use, whenever you need to turn in a .doc file converted from 
 OOo (rather than a printed document), you are going to want to preview 
the .doc document on a machine running Windows, in genuine MS Word, and 
preferably the same version your instructor will be running. Either you 
will need to use a lab computer to do this, or use a friend's computer. 
Because if something doesn't work right, there are no excuses. You had 
access to a lab computer just like all the people who don't even have a 
personal computer, and you had access to the prescribed tools on those 
lab computers.

Which operating system you will be running is going to be the least of 
your worries. You're _never_ going to get a higher grade because your 
completed assignment went through n esoteric conversions and was keyed 
in on a front panel. And if you have to worry about that, you are either 
going to need to spend that much more time on the assignment than 
everyone else, or you will be stressed and start to miss things.

It is almost never worth accepting a lower grade because you did not use 
the prescribed tools for the job. CS has very little to do with learning 
how to operate any particular operating system. You will find many 
successful CS students who use only Windows, and the odds are that many 
of them will be smarter and more successful in school than you. It just 
doesn't matter that much. It really doesn't. Do something Linux or UNIX 
related at the hobbyist level, in school IT employment, or in an internship.

I think you have 4 good options, which have already been covered:
- Ask the professor whether you can turn in completed assignments in PDF 
 format, and explain to him or her why you would prefer to.
- Compose documents with LaTeX and convert to rtf. Then go to a lab 
machine and convert rtf to doc with MS Word, preview the doc file in MS 
Word and cocrrect any formatting issues, zip it, and turn it in (see 
packages latex2rtf and latex2rtf-doc).
- Buy a slightly faster machine and from your campus computer or book 
store buy educational license copies of Windows 2000 and Office 2000 (or 
- Use a lab computer, and keep your machine for tinkering and other 
free-time pursuits, or for those assignments where it doesn't create 
more problems than are worth hassling with.

Remember, even if you chose to buy a faster machine to run, at risk of getting a lower grade when it fails to open 
correctly or format just right, or display things in the right order, 
you will still need to go to a lab machine and preview the converted 
.doc file. And again, it is almost never worth taking that risk.

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Re: How to setup sound under Debian

2004-06-26 Thread dircha
I would like to understand how to setup sound under Debian. I am
using a 2.6.6-1-686 kernel and I have noticed that there are no alsa
modules for this kernel on the online repositories that I am using.
So, how do I set it up? Are there any updated howtos?
I see. You must mean that there is no alsa-modules-* package for 
2.6.6-1-686 in the repository.

I'm not using a Debian kernel image so I cannot say for certain, but 
probably the alsa modules were compiled with the kernel and included 
with the kernel-image-* package you are using (and are now in 
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/[...]

If you are running stable, you'll probably want alsa-base and alsa-utils 
and alsaconf. If you are running testing or unstable, alsaconf should be 
included in alsa-utils.

Install these packages and run /usr/sbin/alsaconf.
From the alsaconf manual page:
  Alsaconf is a simple shell script which tries to detect the sound
  cards on your system and writes a suitable configuration file for
  ALSA. It will try to guess what GNU/Linux distribution you're
  running, and will act accordingly to the standards of that
  distribution, if specific sup- port is available.
  Alsaconf will write a modutils snippet which can be then used by
  modutils to load the correct parameters for your sound card.
If successful, it may significantly reduce the time you need to spend 
getting it working.

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Re: Well, time to cut to the bone...

2004-06-26 Thread dircha
cecil wrote:
Setting up power management, I can read up on it. 
Your mainboard's BIOS may or may not support ACPI, and may or may not be 
buggy. You might need to use APM, and you might only get partial or 
minimal support. Search the 'net for "Linux" + [your laptop make and model].

The memory, that too can be worked around. But does anyone know how
much space the "base" install for debian takes up?
I installed woody on a 486 laptop (8MB RAM) on Friday. Well, actually I 
took the hard drive out and imaged it on another machine, but anyhow... 
I'd have to look to be sure, but it was at ~88MB. It's a work in 
progress, and probably will end up with a source based distro on it 
(compiled on another machine).

I'll probably install mozilla, xmms, and gnome, unless its too big. Some 
sort of simple office suite also, I guess.
Disk footprint isn't the issue here: RAM is. But it will run. Perhaps 
someone can recommend a browser optimized for embedded/handheld devices. 
You might try one of the old Netscape Navigator/Communicator binaries. I 
believe they are available in the Debian contrib repository. There is 
also Dillo [1], which has an official Debian package as well. I'd like 
to know too for my 486 laptop.

But I for one am doubtful OOo will even run in 32MB RAM.
Have you considered EMACS or VI, and LaTeX?
Hey, it only cost me 71 bucks for it; it's hard to beat that for a 
school computer.
That is awesome for a functioning laptop.
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Re: XTerm resources: disabling bold characters

2004-06-24 Thread dircha
Thomas Dickey wrote:
dircha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
However, when I use the XTerm menu to change (as I do regularly) the 
font to Huge (10x20) or anything else and then later back to 7x14 
(Medium, and also Default now), text is rendered using bold characters 
or overstriking (whichever of the two it is).
I can reproduce this - looks like a bug.  Essentially what's happening
is that the first time it's using the resource settings, but the logic
as I rewrote it around patch #181 (2003/10/26), lost the value of the
bold font in the menu logic.
.Xdefaults contains:
!! Use colors
XTerm*VT100*colorMode: on

!! Don't overstrike when font and boldFont are the same
XTerm*VT100*boldMode: off
That should work - my trace says both are the same size:

xtermLoadFont normal 7x14
same_font_size height 14/14, min 7/7 max 7/7
Will use internal line-drawing characters
Will not use 1-pixel offset/overstrike to simulate bold
XTerm*VT100*font: 7x14
XTerm*VT100*boldFont: 7x14
when switching back, it shows
SetVTFont(i=4, f_n=, f_b=)
xtermLoadFont normal 7x14
...derived bold -Misc-Fixed-bold-R-Normal--14-130-75-75-C-70-ISO8859-1
same_font_size height 14/14, min 7/7 max 7/7 a matching bold font
same_font_size height 14/14, min 7/7 max 7/7
Will not use internal line-drawing characters
Will not use 1-pixel offset/overstrike to simulate bold
but see the f_b=, which tells me that it isn't using the original
bold resource (will have to study & fix that).
But the choice of bold font shouldn't be directly related to color.
My trace shows me that colorAttrMode is initially off.  Also colorBD
(which I assume you meant to set).  Setting those, I do get color for
the bold attribute.  So you can do that, and it should work.  (The
bug is still a bug - I'll fix that).
This does what I wanted.
There are enough options that I figured the odds were there was 
something I had missed.

Thank you.
And you're right of course. I will go ahead and copy the relevant text 
to against the xterm package so that it will be there in 
the event someone else encounters the actual bug here.

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XTerm resources: disabling bold characters

2004-06-23 Thread dircha
I am struggling with consistently disabling the use of bold characters 
in XTerm (xterm).

When starting a new xterm (with no options) from an existing one, text 
is correctly rendered without bold characters and overstriking.

Launching an xterm from my WM as:
"xterm -font 7x14 -rv -sl 1000 -geometry 80x60+0+0" also results in the 
desired rendering.

However, when I use the XTerm menu to change (as I do regularly) the 
font to Huge (10x20) or anything else and then later back to 7x14 
(Medium, and also Default now), text is rendered using bold characters 
or overstriking (whichever of the two it is).

Since I have color, and since at small sizes the bold characters are not 
well defined and are difficult to read, I would like characters with the 
bold attribute to render simply as color characters rather than bold 

I believe I should be able to accomplish this with the colorBDMode 
option, but this does not produce the expected results.

Instead, I have gotten it to work (in the limited way described above) 
with a combination of boldMode, font, and boldFont, where boldMode (off) 
as I understand it prevents the rendering of bold characters when font 
and boldFont are the same.

Note: toggling the value of boldColors has no effect (which I suppose is 

I'm not using TrueType fonts.
I'd appreciate any help or direction.
System and Configuration Info:
XFree86 and XTerm from unstable.
I start X from a console as:
$ startx & logout
.xinitrc contains the line:
xrdb .Xdefaults
.Xdefaults contains:
!! Use colors
XTerm*VT100*colorMode: on
!! Don't overstrike when font and boldFont are the same
XTerm*VT100*boldMode: off
XTerm*VT100*font: 7x14
XTerm*VT100*boldFont: 7x14
XTerm*VT100*boldColors: off
!! Display bold attribute as color instead of bold characters
XTerm*VT100*colorBDMode: on
!! Change definition of "Medium" font
*fontMenu*font4*Label:  Medium
*VT100*font4:   7x14
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Re: Pros/Cons Kde vs Gnome?

2004-06-20 Thread dircha
Steve Lamb wrote:
Daniel Barclay wrote:
Actually the shell is, for cases like "rm *.o".  (That's why I wish
graphical shells retained the advantages of command lines when they
added the graphical advantages.
I should have said "partial, non-continuious selections across a
large list."  Simple cases like *.o, yeah, shell does fine.  I mean
like a list of, 2-300 files which have no common denominator.
Suddenly the globbing gets rather convoluted or you need to go
through several passes whereas in a GUI selection you can just go
down the list holding CNTL and SHIFT-select ranges and then execute
one operation at the end.
Right. That's when you bring up a dired buffer in emacs.
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Re: how to comfig vim to hold the position that last access?

2004-06-16 Thread dircha
cwinl wrote:
hi all, vim in redhat can 'remember' the position that you open a 
file  last time. how to config vim in debian to do the same thing?
Check :help position
<   *last-position-jump*
This autocommand jumps to the last known position in a file
just after opening it, if the '" mark is set: >
   :au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$")
| exe "normal g'\"" | endif:
See also :help au
If you add :autocmd!, be sure to include it at the start, not end
of your .vimrc.
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Re: getting started with LISP

2004-06-16 Thread dircha
Phillip Garland wrote:
"LISP" is a family of languages. There are three main existing LISP 
dialects: Common Lisp, Scheme, and Emacs Lisp.

I use Common Lisp the most. If you want to learn Oommon Lisp I'd 
recommend installing the sbcl package, which is a Common Lisp 
compiler, and getting SLIME, a Lisp IDE for Emacs 
( from CVS (it isn't packaged 
for Debian yet since it hasn't had a real release yet). There are
also numerous Common Lisp libaries in Debian that you can find with 
apt-cache search.
Is Scheme a proper subset of Common Lisp? What do you make of the 
available Free software runtimes, compilers, and libraries for each: is 
Scheme primarily an "academic" language, whereas Common Lisp is where 
you need to go to find mature library support for database interaction, 
sockets, and X11 toolkits?

I'd really appreciate any comments you have about that. I've been 
forcing myself to use and learn Emacs here even though I'm quite handy 
in vi/vim. Without learning Emacs Lisp, I'm really no better off with it 
than I was with vi: set a few trivial configuration options and master 
keyboard shortcuts to take advantage of built-in functionality.

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Re: Pros/Cons Kde vs Gnome?

2004-06-16 Thread dircha
William Ballard wrote:
Desktop 1 w/ 4 gnome terminals & Gbuffy.
Desktop 2 w/ Firefox full screen.
Since you've given us all a look at your workspace, I'll make a few 
friendly recommendations. Maybe others have ideas as well.

If you don't use anything like Gaim or GIMP, you might consider 
switching to ratpoison or ionII. The space between windows is really a 

Of if you do, or just prefer something more conventional, if fluxbox 
allows you to you might disable the bottom toolbar and window tabs. 
Together these waste a considerable amount of valuable screen real 
estate. Also, I would disable window decorations altogether for the 
maximized firefox window.

Or if fluxbox doesn't allow you to, you might consider switching to 
openbox (3.2 is in unstable). I think you'll find it has all of the 
features of fluxbox, without the ugly toolbar artifact from blackbox, 
and without the window tabs. It has changed a lot since 2.x.

I frequently like to have several of my virtual desktops contain nothing 
but  a maximized, undecorated xterm (with large font, for my straining 

And that brings up a second point. Why gnome-terminal? It's really a 
terrible waste of memory and processor resources, and from what I can 
see does nothing to justify its existence beyond integration with the 
full GNOME environment. Check top while you have output scrolling in one 
of the gnome-terminals. I think you'll be surprised.

I recommend xterm or rxvt. You can change the font with the -font 
option. There are plenty of other useful options such as storing x 
number of lines for scrolling, and disabling scrollbars and using the 
keyboard/mouse wheel.

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Re: Pros/Cons Kde vs Gnome?

2004-06-15 Thread dircha
Micha Feigin wrote:
Gnome and KDE are also bloated everywhere else, not just memory, they
kill your cpu in the process also.
No doubt. Is there anything worse than seeing top run in GNOME's 
terminal emulator consume ~4-6% CPU on a P4 1.7 Ghz machine? It has been 
a while now since I last tried GNOME, but I do remember that vividly.

I like my xterm full screen (without window decorations) and snappy, 
thank you.

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Re: Pros/Cons Kde vs Gnome?

2004-06-14 Thread dircha
Cecil wrote:
I am curious as to what the pros and cons would be of picking just one 
desktop and deleting the other. Please tell me which you prefer, and 
resons why.  I have bothe kde and gnome now. Thanks,
In GNOME try printing in the default installs of gpdf (PDF), ggv 
(Postscript), Epiphany (web browser), or Abiword (word processor) to 
name a few.

Unless something has changed since last I checked, you get nothing but a 
text field that takes a command string for lpr. That is to say, you 
don't get a drop down list of configured local or network printers. 
That's awfully backward for a modern GUI environment.

I choose neither. There are too many layers of automated cruft such that 
when something breaks or fails to work (and it always does), fixing or 
even identifying the problem is no simple proposition. The resource 
usage is sick. Just let me have a top level dot file in my home 
directory, one where I don't have to hassle with the redundancy of xml 
tags and 4 levels of nesting to modify simple behavioral attributes.

Also, as a matter of principle I simply can not deal with a monstrous 
settings daemon wasting more resources than many GUI applications. 
Perhaps this can be taken care of at compile time, but the reason I 
don't use a source based distribution is because I'm not willing to take 
the time to hassle with that.

So I do without, and don't much mind it.
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Re: how to upgrade a debian system not connected to network

2004-06-13 Thread dircha
J.S.Sahambi wrote:
I have a two debian/unstable systems (let us name them PC-A and PC-B). 
Both have got different packages installed. PC-A is connected to 
internet with 2 MBps link and so there is no problem in upgrading it 

PC-B is not connected to internet. So I whenever I need to upgrade the 
system I download the 5 CD's of sid form ,
burn then in RW-CDs and then upgrade the system.

I want to know is there any method by which I can download the packages 
requiring upgrade for the PC-B in PC-A (remember PC-A and PC-B have 
different list of installed packages!)?

If I can do that, I can copy the .deb files to  /var/cache/apt/archives 
of PC-B via a portable usb-dsik and execute apt-get upgrade.
Right, as was said already if there is any way you can connect the 
isolated computer to the internet connected computer, you could save 
yourself a lot of hassle.

But if for whatever reason it must remain unconnected, then you'll want 
to get the .deb packages downloaded on PC-A for transfer to PC-B.

apt-get has a -d option:
apt-get -d install [package] which downloads a .deb to 

So to upgrade everything on PC-B:
1. Get a list of packages (to upgrade) on B, to A.
2. apt-get clean on A to clear current package cache.
3. Feed the list into "apt-get -d install [...]".
4. Burn .deb packages from apt cache onto CDs.
5. Don't forget the repository list files.
At that point I'll leave it. Really at 4 there you should figure out how 
to create an apt repository cdrom (similar to the Debian installation 
CDs). But I've never done that.

Perhaps the debian-cd package is you need for this.
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Re: Getting boot not to hang if ethernet not plugged into modem

2004-06-13 Thread dircha
Kent West wrote:
Cheryl Homiak wrote:
Is there something one can put in /etc/network/interfaces or somewhere 
so that ethernet card coming up will be conditional.?
Not really the best answer, but perhaps it might work in your case. You 
should be able to hit Ctrl-C when it hangs, and that particular script 
will abort, and the rest of the boot will then finish out.
Well, since interfaces are brought up by /etc/init.d/network, I think 
you could also solve this by appending '&' to the two 'ifup -a' 
statements in the 'start' case of that script.

Then your DHCP requests (which will go unanswered) happen in the 
background while boot continues.

The only issue is if you have something else in the boot process that 
expects a network connection. On normal boot, when you are connected, 
these things might not happen properly if you don't wait for the network 
interfaces to be brought up.

Maybe you could modify the script to bring up the 'lo' interface first, 
and then background the interface connected to the cable modem.

I guess that makefile based bootup that was on Slashdot (I think) a few 
months back would come in handy here.

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Re: ccing

2004-06-13 Thread dircha
Paul Scott wrote:
s. keeling wrote:
Or go with some 58 Mb monster that purports to be able to do
everything.  Choose your poison.
A bit of exaggeration?  I don't read my mail with OpenOffice which is 
about that size.  Thunderbird is an order of magnitude smaller at under 
8 Mb.  Mutt and exim together are just under 1.5 Mb.
And that "monster" can handle reading my mail on a remote/central imap 
server over ssl without dying and complaining about gnutls "something 
something" errors every few minutes, and without making me use imap as 
if it were pop.

I used to use mutt when I did everything on a pop account, but when I 
switched, it failed, and I wasn't willing to take any more time to 
hassle with it.

One of these days I might take the time to give it a second chance, but 
I hear emacs calling me...

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Re: Save to Live CD

2004-06-13 Thread dircha
Keith O'Connell wrote:
Ian Melnick wrote:
I'd like to use a "live" cd and be able to save my stuff to it without
requiring a separate medium. What I'd like to happen is partition a
cd-rw so that the first part is from the iso that I'd download from
somewhere, and the second part would be a writable filesystem (udf?)
that I'd be able to mount as /home.
First of all, given the speed that these things write/read at, is this
idea realistic/possible?
I know you said "without requiring a separate medium", but wouldnt an 
easier solution be a USB keyring drive for /home, /etc and other 
volotile files rather than what you are suggesting. I know its not what 
your asking, but it does go a long way towards whay you are trying to 

You speed issues with RW-CD would no longer be a problems as the CD can 
be RO from the start
I checked the CD-Recordable FAQ [1], as I didn't quite know about this 
either. But I'm still not entirely sure what the correct way to do this 
is, or the correct terminology.

You don't want to rewrite the entire disk every time; just your changes.
Since there are no other takers, I'll tell you what I got out of it.
So first, I think you want to write the boot image as the first session, 
and then close that session.

The problem is that when you mount the disk, as I understand it, you 
will only get the last session written.

The FAQ describes later sessions linking to files in previous sessions:
"Most of the popular CD creation programs allow you to "link" one or 
more earlier sessions to the session currently being burned. This allows 
the files from the previous sessions to appear in the last session 
without taking up any additional space on the CD (except for the 
directory entry). You can also "remove" or "replace" files, by putting a 
newer version into the last session, and not including a link to the 
older version [2]."

So what you need to do, I gather, is include the files for /home in a 
later session. And then always "link" the files from the first session as /.

When it's time to save changes, then use the cdrecord "blank=session" 
option to blank the previous session, and rewrite it including the 
links, and including the newer files.

Can anyone tell us whether we are on the right track here?
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Re: Please advise me...

2004-06-12 Thread dircha
Cecil wrote:
On Saturday 12 June 2004 08:33 pm, dircha wrote:
But how does OS X perform for the following things:
Coding(various languages and sorts of apps)
Can I run linux apps on it?
I will be mainly coding on this little thing, email, and the usual 
things(research, research papers, etc)
Does anyone code on this? Am I wasting my time thinking about using this as my 
code machine for the next 4-5 years?
Well, I guess I didn't know what type of user you were. That you say you 
will be doing a lot of coding, I assume, from what you said above, that 
you are entering a Computer Science or Engineering program.

Absolutely it is fine as a development machine. I've never owned an 
ibook, but even a Pentium (as in "586") is fine as a development 
machine. Performance isn't an issue here for what you will be doing. You 
just need to run vi, or maybe vim or emacs (if you want to really go all 
out). For the type of applications you will be writing for classes, 
compile performance isn't an issue either, and when it is, you will have 
access to more powerful remote machines.

But since this is a major purchase, I wouldn't want you to end up 
disappointed, or at least not have unrealistic expectations.

If you run Debian/Linux as your primary OS, the odds are that you will 
get no support from your school's IT support services. On your own you 
will have to figure out how to print on their (probably) Windows network 
to their Windows printer shares, and probably access file shares on a 
Windows network. If your school has a local Linux Users Group, perhaps 
you can go there for help with issues specific to your school's network 

Also, you may have to turn in electronic documents that will 
render/format correctly as .doc documents in MS Word. There are little 
issues that come up with things like bulleted lists, outlines, and 

But if you're prepared to deal with these issues as they come up, and 
willing to spend the time on them, I can't think of a platform more 
amenable to education than one for which you can change and see for 
yourself how it works and how it is coded right down to the bare metal. 
Linux/Unix familiarity or expertise have value in the workplace, too, 
and may qualify you for positions or opportunities that your classmates 
do not.

I'll leave any advice on Mac OSX performance to someone else, as I'm not 
a mac person.

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Re: Please advise me...

2004-06-12 Thread dircha
Cecil wrote:
I will be buying a new laptop for school. I would like to wipe windows off and 
put just debian on. I need a laptop that linux has full support for. I plan 
to make this purchase within the next 2 months. Can anyone advise me? The 
only other alternative is buying an apple ibook and they are pretty pricy.
The main performance/efficiency bottleneck for Firefox/Thunderbird, and the GNOME and KDE desktop environments and 
applications is initial load time.

So be sure to get at least 1GB of RAM. A 1.2Ghz or 1.5Ghz Pentium M 
processor will do fine once applications are loaded.

Then, rather than closing those monster applications or rebooting, you 
just suspend to disk, and resume. You should be able to be up and 
working for what is (should be) a power off state in less than 30 seconds.

And so that brings me to my point. The most important thing for a laptop 
intended to run linux is that ACPI works and suspend-to-disk (whether 
that is software, or bios-helped) functions properly.

Absolutely, your laptop's power management must be compatible with at 
least software suspend to disk under Linux.

If you can include suspend-to-disk and resume into your regular usage 
pattern, you can go for one of this ultra portable 1.2Ghz or 1.5Ghz x86 

I recommend against a "performance" laptop. The most important things 
for an education laptop purchase is portability/mobility and battery life.

The 15.4", 1600x1200 screens on Dells are very nice, but when you have 
~2-2.2hour (tops) real world battery life, it isn't worth it.

Also, and trust me on this, you don't want your fans blowing away at 
high speed in a small lecture room. It irritates everyone else, and 
irritates you while you're at it. Fortunately I was able to keep my fan 
usage to a minimum by tweaking thermal behavior with the i8k (Dell 
laptop) kernel module.

But in my experience, you will get significantly WORSE battery/thermal 
performance under Linux than Windows, and much more so if you plan to 
run something like GNOME 2.6 or KDE.

When running top in your terminal emulator causes 4-6% constant CPU 
usage, you know you have a case of bloat on your hands.

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Re: Best Window Manager for the Job

2004-06-11 Thread dircha
Carl Fink wrote:
On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 09:56:24PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
No need to run a wm at all. I'm not sure how to set it up for all users, 
but for any one user, just set the ~/.xinitrc to have the single line in 
it "mozilla-firefox".
I thought of that, too, as I posted, but what if a popup window
opens?  With no WM it'll have no controls, making it hard to close
and impossible to move.  Also, if someone exits they'll find
themselves sitting at the shell prompt (or display manager prompt)
and not know what to do.
And once you allow popup windows, you need a taskbar (i.e. window list 
button bar).

Errors, especially with javascript, with trying to force _everything_ to 
open in a new tab rather than a new window also I think give need for a 

Now, to add something to the discussion, I'll suggest you use two tools:
- oroborus as your window manager
- fspanel or fbpanel as your taskbar
oroborus doesn't do much more than manage windows; about as minimal as 
you will find that still behaves as a standard window manager and looks 
modern (that is, not ratpoison). No GTK or QT dependencies.

fspanel is a taskbar, and nothing more; it has no GTK or QT 
dependencies. It will work fine if you don't use "virtual" (read: 
multiple) desktops.

If fspanel is too quirky, then try fbpanel.
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Re: Upgraded to unstable - lost network connectivity

2004-06-05 Thread dircha
Bingo! Running "lsmod" in the working vs non-working config shows
that a whole bunch of drivers are no longer being loaded after the 
dist-upgrade. Running modprobe to force the network drivers to be 
loaded restores network connectivity.

So the question now is: why did dist-upgrade from testing to unstable
mess around with the list of modules that are loaded at boot time? 
That's sort of a rhetorical question; I don't hugely care as I now 
have a working system [at least I can manually force the necessary 
drivers to be loaded on boot]. But presumably other people will be
bitten by this too...
I had thought perhaps your dist-upgrade had replaced your modutils with
module-init-tools. Unless things have changed, modutils is for modules
and 2.4 kernels. module-init-tools is for 2.5 and 2.6 kernels.
If both are installed, there should be a script for each in
/etc/init.d/ and by default linked into /etc/rcS.d/.
Both use /etc/modules.
Although as I understand it, if both are installed and you are using a
2.4 kernel, the module-init-tools script should fail and the modutils
script will be used.
To be sure, you could try putting an "exit 0" at the top of
/etc/init.d/module-init-tools, or just temporarily remove it from
/etc/rcS.d/. This way, I believe, you could ensure that modutils is
being used.
Note: This may all be different if you use modconf; I don't have that
installed and don't remember whether it uses a different modules list.
If this doesn't help, hopefully someone else will see this thread who
would know right off just what you need.
Presumably the list of modules to load on boot is just a config file 
floating around somewhere like in /etc. Or is it dynamically 
determined during booting [in which case the dynamic detection has 
been broken]?
Well, that depends. Probably it is listed in /etc/modules. But see my
above note on modconf. Also, if your nic is a pcmcia device, it might
be being loaded with hotplug and listed in /etc/pcmcia/config.
Or if you have something like the kudzu or discover packages installed,
it might be being autodetected and configured during the boot process.
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Re: Upgraded to unstable - lost network connectivity

2004-06-04 Thread dircha
Simon Kitching wrote:
I recently added unstable to my sources.list, and did a dist-upgrade.
After some mucking around, I now have a working system again - except
for networking.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can get network connectivity back
again? Where might I start diagnosing this problem?
You sound like someone who has probably thought of this as the possible 
cause of the problem, but did you upgrade your kernel as well?

Or even if you have not upgraded your kernel, but if the kernel driver 
for your nic was compiled as a module, have you checked whether the 
module is being loaded (lsmod), and if so, is it?

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Re: Apt-announce

2004-06-02 Thread dircha
Pedro M. (Morphix User) wrote:
It would be very intesting the user could utilize Synaptic to recieve
 automatically information about the update of certain packages, to 
upgrade them .

This is, mark the packages to recieve information about the package 
update (only of this/these package/s).
While I've never used it, the apt-watch package looks promising. Have 
you checked whether it is similar to what you are looking for? Perhaps I 
didn't understand what you meant.

Package: apt-watch
Description: Monitor apt sources for upgrades
 apt-watch is a GNOME applet which will inform you when upgrades are
 available for your computer. It is similar to Windows Update or the Red
 Hat Network applet.
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Re: Thanks; introductions; my question.

2004-06-01 Thread dircha
Pigeon wrote:
On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 10:51:16PM -0500, dircha wrote:
The case for (b) is inaccurate... the filesystem *will* be readable
under Windoze, but will contain a whole bunch of files and directories
as opposed to a single file called something.iso.
I'm betting it's (a), and all you need to do is copy the .iso file
back off the CD onto your hard disk, then burn another CD from the
file on the hard disk, but this time tell Nero to burn it as an image.
I stand corrected. Is the Debian installer image just a ISO9660 file 
system? I guess I've never (myself, explicitly) mounted (or "loaded", as 
it were) one under Linux or Windows; I ordered my Woody CDs by mail back 
when and went from there.

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Re: Thanks; introductions; my question.

2004-05-31 Thread dircha
Howard Levine wrote:
I have learned that the CD that I had burnt at the public library is
an ".iso" image and is unusable, whereas I could have programmed NERO
to reinterpret the image when it was created.  Is the ISObuster
utility proper to make this usable or must I download again?
Perhaps your problem will be obvious to someone here who has used NERO, 
and if so I will yield to their advice.

So you've downloaded a Debian installation image as an .iso file.
Your scenario would seem to be one of the following two, although I'm 
not quite sure which, and I don't quite understand why you would need to 
use this ISObuster utility (which I've never heard of, actually, but 
just looked it up).

a) You now have a CD with a regular, Windows-readable filesystem, that 
contains a file named [name].iso.

b) You now have a CD which does not have a Windows-readable filesystem, 
but rather an image written from a .iso.

If (a), then you already have the .iso file. You don't need to 
re-download anything, you just need to write it to a CD as an image 
rather than as a file in a filesystem. (Perhaps you meant "write again"?)

If (b), then, assuming you have downloaded a Debian installation image, 
and the image file is not corrupted, you should be all set to install 
Debian. If your computer supports booting from CD (BIOS setting), 
configure your BIOS to boot from the CD drive, insert the CD, and you 
can begin the installation.

Did I understand your meaning? Feel free to ask here for any 
installation questions, and someone will be glad to answer your question 
 or direct you to the proper resource.

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Re: problems with sound

2004-05-31 Thread dircha
Eric Cheney wrote:
Hi People. I am trying to get a box up and running and am stuck with
sound problems. I compiled a new 2.6.6 kernel and the
kernel seems OK. The sound card is a sound blaster live and I 
compiled that into the kernel; along with the mixer and stuff. I'm 
using ALSA. On boot, the kernel recognizes the sound card. However,
when in GNOME I test the usage of the card with XMMS. I get an error
message that pops up that says

o   You sound card is configured properly
o   You have the correct output plugin selected 
o   No other program is blocking the sound card

OK, I checked /dev/dsp and it is there. Also, I'm doing this as root,
so I don't think it is a permission problem. I've searched the net
via google and the debian mail archive and either I'm missing points
people have made, or  I dunno. I'm stuck.
I've heard good things about alsaconf (in alsa-utils), although I've 
never used it myself. It will attempt to automatically generate a 
configuration for your card.

You'll need to execute it as root.
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Re: Reset sound card in alsa?

2004-05-31 Thread dircha
Paul Galbraith wrote:
Every once in a while when I boot my machine, my sound card only 
produces noise and I need to reboot again to get it cleared up.  Does
anyone know of a way to reset (for lack of a better word) my card so
that I don't need to reboot the machine?  I'm using 2.4.25 kernel
with sarge alsa packages.
If it's actually a physical state of the card needing to be reset, then 
I suppose you would need driver support for that.

Have you tried just removing and reinstalling the modules, e.g. modprobe 
and modprobe -r?

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Re: Thunderbird/Firefox rendering without borders and scrollbars

2004-05-31 Thread dircha
Kent West wrote:
dircha wrote:
[borders in gtk+ apps not showing up after a suspend/resume]
Have you tried a different window manager? Have you tried a different
user? These quick tests might give you a clue as to where the
problem lies.
Good idea; I tried a few additional things here.
I'm starting X with startx.
Test 1:
On your recommendation, I tested this as root user without any window 
manager. I removed the X related . files from /root; there are no GTK+ 
or X app related . files in its home. To test without a window manager 
as root, I put the following in /root/.xinitrc:

xterm -geometry 80x60+600+0 &
I then started X as root, executed a suspend-to-disk, and then resumed. 
The rendering errors still exist in mozilla-firefox.

Test 2:
Start X as my normal user. Start mozilla-thunderbird. Execute 
suspend-to-disk. Resume.

Then, I kill X and restart it. GTK+ applications render correctly again.
So, while simply restarting the application does not solve the issue, 
reboot also is not necessary.

I suppose this means it is something stored in the X server. I don't 
know much about this, but as I recall hearing, widget components are 
stored in the X server as "pixmaps". I assume this would include things 
that are missing such as scrollbar "up" and "down" arrow faces. And yet 
icons in the application still display. Also, how would this explain the 
lack of borders (which I assume are just drawn as primitives)?

This is really beyond me. Perhaps this is a genuine bug?
I no one has any ideas, I'll try cross-posting this on debian-laptop. 
It's more likely there that I would find people who might have 
experienced something similar I imagine.

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Re: Thunderbird/Firefox rendering without borders and scrollbars

2004-05-30 Thread dircha
dircha wrote:
After resuming from suspend-to-disk (ACPI sleep state 4), Thunderbird 
(mozilla-thunderbird in sid) and Firefox (mozilla-firefox in sid) render 
their interfaces without borders and scrollbars. Both applications 
otherwise function correctly.
Another update on my troubleshooting efforts.
I didn't have any other gtk+ applications installed. So, I tried install 
gvim (vim-gtk). The rendering error after resume is present in gvim as 

And so, this is not an XUL issue, but rather a gtk+ issue.
Has anyone else encountered this?
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Thunderbird/Firefox rendering without borders and scrollbars

2004-05-30 Thread dircha
After resuming from suspend-to-disk (ACPI sleep state 4), Thunderbird 
(mozilla-thunderbird in sid) and Firefox (mozilla-firefox in sid) render 
their interfaces without borders and scrollbars. Both applications 
otherwise function correctly.

I'm using the default themes for both applications (whichever is 
installed by default), and the default theme for gtk+ (whichever is used 
when you have no theme packages installed).

Dialogs which popup in the applications also are rendered without 
borders. However, default submit-style buttons are rendered correctly 
once they have been activated by moving the mouse over them. As are 

Restarting the applications does not solve the problem.
Executing xrefresh does nothing either.
Resizing and similar operations have no effect.
However, rebooting does solve the problem. Obviously this is not an 
ideal solution, as I use suspend-to-disk to avoid rebooting.

I'm not sure just how to figure out what is going wrong here. Is there 
some way to force a library to be reloaded from disk?

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Re: OT - trivial programming language

2004-05-29 Thread dircha
Micha Feigin wrote:
On Sat, May 29, 2004 at 04:50:09PM -0500, dircha wrote:
Actually the best method when collaborating on someone else's work is
to adopt their coding style. If its a joint work then you should a 
agree on a coding style in the first place.

On my last job, every new programmer had as part of the training to 
read the coding style specifications for the company, and in properly
collaborated projects its supposed to be very hard to notice which
parts were written by which programmers.
I concur!
Hence, I conclude:
The best proposal is to mandate a fixed tab width or spaces per
indent level, and mandate wrapping for a fixed column width.
I'm ready to argue that this should generally be 4-character spaces
and 80 column wrapping.
But then probably no one else would have read through to the end of my 
post either - better your succinct summary.

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Re: OT - trivial programming language

2004-05-29 Thread dircha
Kai Grossjohann wrote:
Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
if (foo){
 if (bar){
   foreach $foo (@bar){
 while $foo < $baz{
   some really long and convoluted computation here
Now expand that out to someone's preferred 8 per line (ew) and
you'll see that the "some really long and convoluted computation
here" is wrapping. On my screen it looks reasonable, on someone
else's it looks like crap.
Well, nothing that couldn't be solved with a somewhat wider window. 
Many people like to have windows wider than 80 columns.  (I prefer 80
columns, myself.)
This is not an adequate response to scenario's similar to what Steve 
illustrates here. I will elaborate below.

It is because of this mixing of tabs and spaces that people rigidly
say that tabs should never be changed from 8 character widths.
The style I'm proposing is designed to make it possible to change tab
It does not work.
Consider the problems created with a code file created by a user who 
prefers 8-character-width tabs _and_ 80 columns.

Now, when someone who prefers 4-character-width tabs and 80 columns 
wishes to collaborate on this document, he or she will find lines 
wrapped at ~65-75 characters as they were originally wrapped for 
8-character-width tabs and 80 columns.

In this case the 4-character-width tabs user has only one option to 
retain a style acceptable for use by the 8-character-width tabs user. He 
or she must wrap lines such that for a given line, were it displayed 
with 8-character-width tabs, it would still fit within 80 columns.

First, this requires that the user perform a tab width calculation for 
each wrapping to determine where it would wrap were it displayed with 
8-character-width tabs. Second, this defeats the original intention of 
the 4-character-width tabs user in using 4-character-width tabs: to use 
a indent width he or she can more easily follow visually and while at 
the same time making more effective use of 80 columns for complex code.

As illustrated by Steve's example above, in either direction of 
conversion, your proposal may as well be to mandate that the tab width 
and column width of the original environment for all collaborating 
users, because for your proposal to work, you must deny the user the 
ability to reap the advantages of his or her preferred environment.

The best proposal is to mandate a fixed tab width or spaces per indent 
level, and mandate wrapping for a fixed column width.

I'm ready to argue that this should generally be 4-character spaces and 
80 column wrapping.

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Re: OT - Tabs vs. Spaces in a Debian system

2004-05-28 Thread dircha
Micha Feigin wrote:
On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 12:00:03PM -0600, Monique Y. Mudama wrote:
On 2004-05-28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] penned:
Your editor may not display tabs as the same number of characters
as my editor does.
Then set it to that if you wish to read the file. Both vim and emacs
as examples also let you set tab size for only the current file and
also set it in a comment so it will always use that tab size when you
open that file.
Looking at the previous 10 messages in my debian-user list folder, I 
think it's time we call this what it is and put a stop to it. Hence, the 
subject line.

For editing any reasonably complex and interesting code the problem of 
tabs and spaces is nullified due to the necessity of line wrapping.

Changing the number of spaces per indent level requires re-parsing the 
document and re-wrapping.

Changing the number of tabs per indent level requires re-parsing the 
document and re-wrapping.

However, many other text processing utilities either do not provide for 
the adjustment of the character width of tabs, or the means of doing so 
is obscure or not well documented. Using tabs requires additionally the 
configuration of these other utilities.

Further, while tabs can reduce uncompressed document size, if you are 
concerned about document storage size then you will compress the 
document. Compressed, the difference between using tabs and using spaces 
is insignificant.

4 spaces per indent level and 80 columns.
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Re: books on debian

2004-05-27 Thread dircha
Fernando Cardenas wrote:
I am still new to linux, can somebody suggest me books on debian? 
Have you checked the Debian Documentation page [1] yet?
There are very few Debian-specific books - and I know of none more 
useful than what is already available electronically.

Look in /usr/share/doc/[package] for documentation on installed 
packages. Some packages have a separate [package]-doc package with 
additional or full documentation on [package]. These separate 
documentation packages are usually listed in the "Suggests:" field for 
the package they provide documentation for.

Use the apropos command to search installed man pages.
The manpages-dev package may be useful to you as well.
Is there anything more specific you are looking for?
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Re: Dynamic DNS Setup

2004-05-19 Thread dircha
Paul Johnson wrote:
Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Can debian support dynamic dns ? Where can I find the info and how
to configure it ?
If we're talking about's services, I would suggest or nntp:// for 
more information.
As I recall I used the ddclient package when I needed to use 
for a while. There were no problems.

The help links from your account page will get you to the 
configuration help. I don't have an account any longer I'd have a better 
link for you.

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Re: I would like to have my own sources.list

2004-05-17 Thread dircha
Juan Carlos León Centurión wrote:
We have some packages .deb and want to have our own sources.list like
deb ./
Can anyone send me any howto about it?
It's somewhat confusing that you say, "to have our own sources.list".
Do you mean that you want to set up your own apt repository - i.e. that 
you would include in the sources.list file and could use apt-get to 
install packages from?

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Re: Debian, rpm and corporate world

2004-05-17 Thread dircha
Paul Johnson wrote:
Dominique Dumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Currently there is big chicken and egg problem with Debian in the 
corporate world. Corporate guys want to be able to install software
 from ISV (like Oracle).

ISVs only provide their proprietary software as rpm because not
many corporation ask for Debian. Corporation do not ask for Debian
because most ISVs don't provide Debian packages.
IMHO, the only way to break this circle is to provide a way to
install rpm that doesn't look like a hack.
What's wrong with, "Make me a Debian package or lose a customer?"
I'd venture to guess:
We're sorry, but we can not presently justify the costs of maintaining a 
Debian port. Perhaps if one of our larger customers express an interest 
in it...

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Re: exim removed ?

2004-05-16 Thread dircha
Support wrote:
How to removed exim from Debian server ? When I try using dpkg to 
removed it show there was some program is need ..
I interpret you to mean that you are attempting to remove the exim 
package using the dpkg tool, without installing an alternative MTA.

I assume you are using dpkg to attempt to remove the package because you 
have already tried to do so unsuccessfully with apt-get.

dpkg will likely report that other installed packages depend upon exim 
or an alternative MTA and none are to be installed.

If you actually wish to remove dpkg and install no alternative MTA, 
execute as root:
# dpkg --force-depends -r exim

This should cause the dependency error messages to be treated only as 
warnings, and removal of the exim package will proceed. If other errors 
arise, see the dpkg manual page for other --force- options.

However, I would suggest as an alternative to package removal that you 
merely prevent exim from running.

To prevent exim from running at system initialization, execute as root 
and approve each of the following:
# rm -i /etc/rc*.d/*exim

To prevent the exim cron job from running remove /etc/cron.d/exim or 
comment out its contents.

To de-configure exim, execute as root:
# dpkg-reconfigure exim
and choose option '5' to leave exim unconfigured.
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Re: How can I install with unmet dependencies

2004-05-16 Thread dircha
Michael D. Crawford wrote:
dircha said to try apt-get update again.
I did, and it didn't help.  I think maybe the packages are OK for i386, 
but not for the powerpc which I'm using.  It was just an hour or two ago 
that I previously updated.
I'm baffled on that. The mirror I use as well as 
reports a libxft-dev that depends libxft2 (= 2.1.2-6) for all 
architectures except hurd-i386.

I also tried "apt-get install libxft-dev", which I wouldn't have 
expected to do anything, as it was already installed, but it did try to 
install it.  However, it didn't work, because overwriting Xft.h with 
Xft1.h is not allowed:

Preparing to replace libxft-dev 2.1.2-5 (using 
.../libxft-dev_2.1.2-6_powerpc.deb) ...
diversion of /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xft/Xft.h to 
/usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xft/Xft1.h by libxft-dev
Removing `diversion of /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xft/Xft.h to 
/usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xft/Xft1.h by libxft-dev'
dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting 
`/usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xft/Xft.h' with  different file 
`/usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xft/Xft1.h', not allowed
dpkg: error processing 
/var/cache/apt/archives/libxft-dev_2.1.2-6_powerpc.deb (--unpack):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2
This appears to be reported already in the bug database for libxft-dev [1].
Installation should work, but some upgrade scenarios appear not to.
You could try installing the deb with:
# dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archi...
(it's either --force-overwrite or --force-overwrite-diverted that you need)
Or remove it then reinstall:
# dpkg --force-depends -r libxft-dev
# apt-get install libxft-dev
That should be correct. You might need to check the dpkg manual if it 
complains about something else.

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Re: How can I install with unmet dependencies

2004-05-16 Thread dircha
Michael D. Crawford wrote:
Testing for powerpc has broken dependencies.
I'm trying to install clamav, but both apt-get and dselect complain that 
the wrong version of libxft2 is installed.  libxft-dev depends on it.  
Neither of these have anything to do with clamav, so I tried removed 
libxft-dev, but then that set off a chain reaction that would likely 
have uninstalled half my system.

How can I install clamav in the face of broken dependencies?  Trying the 
suggested apt-get -f install doesn't help.

Here's my messages:
pishi:/home/mike# apt-get -d install clamav libclamav1 clamav-freshclam 
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libxft-dev: Depends: libxft2 (= 2.1.2-5) but 2.1.2-6 is to be installed
W: No priority (or zero) specified for pin
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or 
specify a solution).
Try "apt-get update" again.
libxft-dev: Depends libxft2 (= 2.1.2-5)
is no longer true.
libxft-dev is now at 2.1.2-6 and depends on libxft2 =2.1.2-6
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2004-05-15 Thread dircha
Ramona Piotrkowski wrote:
APT, I do not know how in the hell you installed this Filesystem into
my computer?  I never ordered it or wanted it in my system but it's
there and it's causing me a great deal of problems? Please send me a
link allowing APT to be removed from my computer, I do not want to
have to get in touch with the company that deals with companies that
hack into other company by placing files into others company.  While
you are doing this could you find out what the hell is a Captexe,
until this evening this also was never in my computer which is also 
cause me a great deal of problems, I have checked throughout the
internet looking for it's home until I ran into you. Correct these
problems by May 18, 2004 for I will have to report you as a hacker.
Welcome to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] [1] mailing list. This is a 
public, non-moderated list for the discussion of use and support of the 
Debian operating system [2].

"apt" is a package within the Debian operating system. It contains tools 
which facilitate the installation, removal, and manipulation of other 
software applications within a Debian system.

To remove apt [3] from your Debian system, from a root prompt execute:
# apt-get --purge remove apt
You will see a warning message indicating that the operation you are 
about to perform is dangerous and could leave your Debian system 
inoperable. You should not proceed unless you are certain you understand 
what you are doing.

To remove an extraneous Filesystems from your computer I recommend you 
install the parted [4] package. For a thorough discussion of the use and 
limitations of parted, see also the parted-doc [5] package.

As an interim solution you may wish to consult the manual for the "dd" 
command. To destroy an extraneous Filesystem and its contents, I believe 
from a root prompt you might execute:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd[a][n]

Where for [a][n] is substituted the alphanumeric-numeric pair denoting 
the hard disk partition on which the extraneous Filesystem resides.

**Warning** This will destroy all data in and including the Filesystem 
residing on the specified partition.

Please note that executing either of these commands against the 
Filesystem containing your Debian system may leave your Debian system 
unbootable or otherwise inoperable. It is seriously recommended that you 
not do this unless you are certain you understand what you doing.


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Re: Can rpm packages from other linux distribution be used on Debian?

2004-05-15 Thread dircha
On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 05:40:51PM +0800, Rick wrote:
Hello People:
Our product is base on redhat,I will porting it to Debian,but in this
system,many procedure depend redhat rpms,for example:
glibc-2.3.2-11.9.i386.rpm, perl-5.8.0-88.i386.rpm,etc..
   At the start,I wanted to try install these rpm packages(from redhat) On
debian,but I found that thers is a lot work to do,some rpm packages even can't
be installed on it.(perhaps these rpms packages from redhat can't be used on
debian at all).I think 2 ways to settle this problem,But I am not sure these
ways is doable,and I wish to get some advices about it.these problem are:

1. Use a certain tool to translate these packages(glibc*.rpm..) from redhat
to rpm packages that can be used on debian.Is there such tools exist on
2. On Debian,after I install rpm,rpm DB and deb DB exist,Can I make some
mapping bettwen betwwen rpm DB and deb DB? when I run rpm command,the OS will
invoke debian DB.for example:
# rpm -qv gcc
package gcc is not installed
#dpkg -l |grep gcc
ii  gcc- GNU C compiler.
this means gcc*rpm isn't installed but gcc*deb is installed on debian. after I
make this mapping,I can use rpm to access deb DB.
# rpm -qv gcc
if this way is feasible,How to do it?
I am a new debian user,not too familiar with this OS,   If above ways are
impossible,is thers other ways to attain my purpose?
As someone else mentioned, look at the "alien" Debian package for 
conversion from .rpm .deb. But that is hardly adequate for reliable, 
professional software.

You should consider a more realistic option:
3. Genuinely *port* your software to the Debian platform. While glibc 
2.3.2 and perl 5.8 are not available in the current Debian stable 
release (Woody), it's rather unlikely that your software *needs* those 
components in those versions - i.e. whether it is more or less a matter 
of recompiling. But then you know that.

Or even if not this, somehow you're going to need to provide security 
updates for these libraries your software needs. These packages aren't 
going to reliably install with alien or rpm unmodified. So if you're 
going to officially support the port of your software to Debian (which 
seems to be part of the definition of "port"), you are going to need to 
distribute these packages to your users yourselves, and distribute 
security updates of these non-official packages yourselves.

Since you will be doing this anyhow, why not simply maintain these 
packages as .deb packages in the versions your users will need, in the 
form of backports [1] for Debian stable (Woody)?

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Re: Back up a Windows box w/o Samba?

2004-05-14 Thread dircha
Silvan wrote:
Here's the deal.  Dad has two boxes.  His computer, a WinME box, and Mom's new 
computer, which is running Debian Sarge.  She's learning how to use a 
computer for the very first time, and learning Linux from day one.  Kinda 
cool.  :)

He wants to back up about 10 MB of stuff to her computer periodically.  

The trouble is Samba.  I started setting that up, and it didn't take long 
before I got sick to my stomach.  I know it can be done because I've done it 
before, but it just sucks.  Everything about networking with Windows is 

Basically anything I could run on Cygwin and then wrap up in such a fashion 
that Dad can click on and icon and have the process happen by magic.  Better 
still if I can get Cygwin to mail me (locally, or via SMTP) to let me know 
how it's going.
OK: user-initiated transfer of files from (A) a WinME machine to (B) a 
Debian Sarge machine.

Assuming they are both on the same local network, you don't have to 
worry about saving bandwidth. And 10MB is not much. So unless you know 
of a standard free rsync for Windows, just use the PuTTY package. Don't 
bother with cygwin.

1. Install ssh daemon on (B).
2 Install PuTTY on (A).
3. Choose (3a) or (3b).
3a. Put .bat script on (A) to zip files, prompt for password, and 
transfer files with command-line scp from PuTTY.
3b. Generate SSH keys. Put .bat script on (A) to zip files, and transfer 
files with command-line scp from PuTTY.
4. Make shortcut on (A) to .bat script.

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Re: Script execution at boot time..

2004-05-14 Thread dircha
Ishwar Rattan wrote:
I understand that there is documentation. I have looked at it but
have not had success. If you can help, please do so.
# vi /etc/init.d/rclocal
/etc/init.d/ssh start
Make it executable:
# chmod ug+x /etc/init.d/rclocal
Symlink the script to run on multi-user boot
# ln -s /etc/init.d/rclocal /etc/rc2.d/S99rclocal
By default, your system boots into runlevel 2. Runlevels 3, 4, and 5 are 
not used on your Debian system unless you choose to configure and use them.

But I should ask: why did you choose this rclocal method rather than 
simply placing a symlink to /etc/init.d/ssh in the desired runlevel? In 
fact, at package installation time, ssh should have created such links 
for you.

Going the route you are, will you be doing anything to ensure that your 
ssh daemon is properly stopped at reboot (runlevel 6) and halt (runlevel 0)?

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Re: Xserver

2004-05-14 Thread dircha
Hasse Bylov wrote:
I've tried SuSE Linux and it worked perfect for me, but a friend told
me some great things about Debian, so I wanted to try it out...
The whole FTP-install went perfect.

Well now I've got this problem with the X-server (see the log-files
attached. Btw, I think it's the XFree86.0.log you might wanna have a
look at) - Linux won't start X while the display settings are false.
I couldn't identify any drivers for my (onbord ASUS) graphics card. I
tried selecting VGA, but it didn't go well. With SuSE there was no
problem at all (except it couldn't find a "real" gfx-driver, but it
worked fine all right - in a res. of 1280x1024, 24bits @ 75Hz).
Apparently you are installing woody. You may have to investigate for 
yourself (Google, etc.) whether XFree86 4.1.0 supports your graphics 
card (I assume you know the make and model). 4.1.0 is a few years old now.

If your card is relatively recent or common, your best bet may be to 
post a thread to the list with its make and model in the subject line. 
Hopefully you'll be able to get in touch with someone who is 
successfully running a similar card.

But do try giving Google a go first.

I don't think anyone here is going to pretend that automated detection 
or present (or even past) hardware is one of the strengths of woody.

If it turns out that your card is not supported under 4.1.0, you'll need 
to look into either pulling Xfree86 out of unstable, or (more 
preferably) using a back port of a new version of XFree86. Feel free to 
ask about that here.


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Re: apt-get dist-upgarde error: can't perform configuration on initscript

2004-05-13 Thread dircha
Aryan Ameri wrote:
I downloaded the weekly debian Sid CDs produced by and added those 14 
CDs to my sources.list using apt-cdrom. Then I proceded to upgrade my woody/
Sarge/Sid mixture to Sid. Everything seemed to work fine, I resolved a couple 
of problems with 'apt-get -f install' and then issued the 'apt-get 
dist-upgrade' command, it asked me to put the first CD in the drive, I did, 
everything seemed to go fine; but then I received the following error:

E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on 

I Googled a bit and followed the instructions on
mailinglists/archives/vox-tech/2003-06/msg00339.html which means I installed 
a couple of libdb3 and libpam packages using dpkg -i. But my problem wasn't 
solved and I couldn't find any more meaningful reference using Google.
Your situation is not good. It's difficult to know just in what state 
your system is in, and so I'm not sure that I can give the best advice. 
You've encountered a serious error.

The general idea is to get your system back to a state where you can 
install and upgrade packages again. You should get your system 
functioning again first, and only then worry about completing the upgrade.

Is your system in the process of attempting to install the version of 
the "initscripts" package? If so, it appears that the sid version you 
have of the package is broken.

To remove the initscripts package you might try:
# dpkg -r initscripts

# dpkg --purge initscripts

You may need to add the appropriate --force-[] or --force-all option 
- it's all risky.

If you aren't familiar with it, take some time to read through "man 
dpkg" so that you can be confident in what you are doing.

"initscripts" does not exist in woody. I believe in woody its 
functionality is provided as part of the woody version of the "sysvinit" 

However, if you remove "initscripts", you will want to put "sysvinit" 
back. If sysvinit has already been upgraded to its sid version, then 
your situation is even worse, because one thing that Debian does not (in 
my experience) handle well is downgrading packages.

In this case, you would need to remove sysvinit, and then install the 
woody version of sysvinit again by either:

# apt-get -tstable install sysvinit


# apt-get install sysvinit/stable

Note that this could leave your system unbootable. Be sure that you have 
a recovery disk with "chroot" handy. So long as you have this, you can 
almost always recover your system. It is just a matter of how much 
tinkering you are willing to do.

If you can get your system back to a state where you can install and 
upgrade packages, try performing an "apt-get upgrade" before you do 
"apt-get dist-upgrade" (if you do at all).

Note that if you have limited bandwidth, trying to keep up with updates 
in sid may not be realistic, and may leave you with a system that is 
substantially less secure than your woody system.

There are other options than a full dist-upgrade for installing newer 
packages for selected software.


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Re: rpm and Debian

2004-05-12 Thread dircha
Rick wrote:
Can I use rpm command to access deb DB?
rpm is available in the Debian package of the same name (rpm). However, 
any packages you install with the rpm command will not be managed by the 
Debian package management system. .deb is the native package format of a 
Debian system.

You can attempt to convert .rpm packages to .deb packages using the 
tools available in the alien package. However, conversion will not 
always be successful and may not produce the results you expect.

It is best to install software on your Debian system from .deb packages.

If you can not locate a .deb package for the software you wish to 
install in the official Debian repositories [1], you can also try [2] for third-party apt repositories of all types or [3] for third-party apt repositories for the stable 
distribution only.

If you need assistance configuring your system to install software, feel 
free to consult the Debian manual [4], search the list archives [5], or 
ask here on the list.


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Re: suggested/recommended packages

2004-05-12 Thread dircha
Rick Pasotto wrote:
Packages often suggest or recommend other packages. Is there a program
that will check what I currently have installed for any suggested or
recommended packages that I do *not* have installed?
When a program is initially installed I may have no need for one or more
of the suggestions but then not be aware of it when it becomes useful.
List any package which suggests packages not installed:
$ aptitude search ~i~Bsuggests
List any packcage which recommends packages not installed:
$ aptitude search ~i~Brecommends
Then, to see whether you are missing anything good:
$ aptitude show [package]
On woody you may need to use apt-cache for the "show" operation. I don't 
think the woody version of aptitude supports it.

Is this what you had in mind?


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Re: Installing Debian Stable with Software RAID

2004-05-11 Thread dircha
Jeremy Brown wrote:
Does anyone have any pointers on getting software RAID working in 
Debian, preferably pre-install?  Can it be done at all?
You could try the "Software Raid Documentation" message [1] posted last 


As for whether the referenced document is useful or not, that isn't 
something I can answer.


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Re: Installed webmin using apt-get

2004-05-11 Thread dircha
Michael Banta wrote:
So I guess I either don't run an ldap module for webmin, or I
uninstall the .deb package and download a tarball of the lastest
version that supports the ldap module.
If I choose option number 2, then I will not be able keep webmin
update via apt-get, right? I would have to just reinstall new tarball
versions as they become available, right?
Looking at the dependencies of webmin in the official unstable 
repository, you may be able to install webmin from unstable without 
needing to upgrade more than libpam-runtime. But I am not sure of that; 
you would have to try it out.

Better, a search for webmin at [1] turns up an apt 
repository with webmin 1.110 for woody.

Are you familiar with using non-official apt repositories?

Ask here if you need help making the decision.



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Re: edit pdf's

2004-05-11 Thread dircha
Kevin Mark wrote:
On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 01:01:16PM -0400, Matt Price wrote:
thanks for the flues folks.  pdftohtml -- which I confess I *did*
already know about, sorry, should havesaid so -- won't work so well
for me, i odn't think;  these are scanned-in texts from the jstor
journal collection, and it's important I keep the pages in order...  

as ,er, someone mentioned earlier (don't have the thread in front of
me at the moment), a complex process involving gimp and pdftops seems
to be the best bet, but it's insanely labour-intensive for long
documents, so I may forego the whole project.  thx all though.  
you mentioned something that caught my eye as it relates to a need in
FOSS that a friend of mine is looking for. A replacement for the
PAPERPORT product that allows for scanning in multipage docs, with the
ability to annotate pages, store ocr data with pages and to search the
archive as well as have a 'desktop environment app' that can show the
virtual folders of document with document thumbnails. PAPERPORT uses pdf
as their new format. Has anyone considered making such an apps? There
are many lawyer offices that would like this as well as people who deal
with large collections of document repositories.
I don't seem to have the root of this thread any longer.

However, have you looked into using pdfimages to extract the images and 
then gocr to extract the text from the images? You might want netpbm too 
if you go that route.


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Re: aptitude farted?

2004-05-11 Thread dircha
Silvan wrote:
-aptitude install checkinstall
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
The following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:
  kapptemplate kbabel kbugbuster kcachegrind kdesdk-kfile-plugins
  kdesdk-misc kdesdk-scripts kompare kuiviewer poxml umbrello valgrind
The following NEW packages will be automatically installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  checkinstall installwatch
0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 13 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 46.9kB of archives. After unpacking 20.9MB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]
Do I want to continue?  Of course not, dolt.  Back to apt-get.
Execute the following to list packages considered to to automatically 
$ aptitude search ~M

This can happen in cases where you've installed several applications as 
part of a "meta" package - a package which exists just to make 
dependencies on a group of apps - and then uninstalled the top level 
meta package. This is the expected behavior.

I don't use KDE, but I know there are a number of Debian KDE packages of 
this sort.

Correct this manually by executing:
# aptitude unmarkauto [package]
If you think that you can track this down to a legitimate bug, that 
would be a helpful thing to get fixed. I have not encountered a similar 
error, myself.


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Re: 2.6.5 -- I broke the internet

2004-05-10 Thread dircha
Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
smeagol:~ 19:49:46 $ sudo ifdown eth1
Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1.
smeagol:~ 19:50:48 $ sudo ifup eth0
Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.
That error almost always indicates that you lack the appropriate line 
for the device in /etc/network/interfaces. Are you certain that your 
eth0 line hasn't been changed or commented out?

So long as the line is there, even if you do not have the correct kernel 
module for your card loaded, you usually will not get that error. You 
would get something like "No such device", or "Bind socket to interface: 
No such device".

> smeagol:~ 19:50:33 $ sudo /etc/init.d/pcmcia start
> Starting PCMCIA services: cardmgr[2318]: watching 3 sockets
> done.

> smeagol:~ 19:50:59 $ sudo ifup eth1
> ifup: interface eth1 already configured
, probably hotplug has attempted to configure your wireless card, and 
has done so incorrectly. Does the configuration displayed by the 
intervening "ifconfig" have the correct parameters for your wireless 

But that's another issue. You should determine what is wrong with your 
(PCI?) ethernet card first, as that is more likely a much simpler issue.


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Re: HD recovery & debian installation mirroring (& others)

2004-05-10 Thread dircha
Paladin wrote:
I'm sorry for this type of mail, but I can only use webmail...

I don't think I will be able to get that file now... unless doing
some hard recovery of the disk. I was able, in the begining, to read
the full disk and I did a "dpkg --get-selections" and saved the
result, but I think this won't be enough, right?
Hrm. So far as I know dpkg --get-selections should be the same as dpkg 
-l, which lists all currently installed packages. The output from both 
is identical on the system I am sending this from.

I have a operable Debian system, I'm using it to try to recover the
disk. But without that file maybe I could grep it? Does recover
work on a disk without partitions?
I'm sure there are many sophisticated tools for recovering data from 
faulty disks and corrupted file systems, but I have no experience with them.

You can, however, use the "dd" command to get at the raw binary data and 
then see whether you can track down the file you need.

But I'd recommend against this. Instead, you might want to start a new 
thread (or rename this one) with a name like "Recovering data from a 
corrupted disk".

Good luck.


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Re: Secure OS's

2004-05-10 Thread dircha
I guess what I mean by a secure os is an os whose packages themselves
are secure, obviously if someone doesn't set up a server securely, it
doesn't matter how secure the packages are.  Like wise, if a person
set up a server keeping security as a priority, all their efforts are
for naught if the package is built insecurely, (like the common
buffer overflow).
I know that debian releases security patches that solve many of these
 issues, when the come up.  However, this process leads me to believe
 that the packages in general are not built with security in mind 
(which makes sense because most people programming an editor are 
probably not terribly concerned about curious users monkeying around 
with their programs too much).

How important of an issue do you guys feel this is and do you think 
projects like bastille are important towards this effort?  Also,  I 
do not know of any other debian compatible security packages and 
would love to learn more about them.
Whether or not a software application itself is security-minded is 
primarily a judgment call about the application's developers, its 
security model, and its maturity.

You say, "all their efforts are for naught if the package is built 
insecurely, (like the common buffer overflow)". This is usually not the 
domain of the distribution or packager.

When 99.9% (eh?) of the development work is done by the upstream 
developer, looking elsewhere to make security judgments about the 
software would seem to be a mistake.

Just because a software application has been packaged in a distribution 
for 6 years, does not mean that it is in any way secure or even "more 
secure". It may have a user base of 10 people. That the software is 
available as a .deb tells you very little beyond an expectation that it 
will be version compatible with the rest of the distribution.

The distribution package - the .deb - is security neutral.

Further, I do not believe there is a 1:1 correspondence between software 
which is packaged and software which it is worthwhile to divert people 
resources to for development or testing.

Shouldn't development and testing resources be allocated by the upstream 
developers and those who fund them?


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Re: HD recovery & debian installation mirroring (& others)

2004-05-10 Thread dircha
Paladin wrote:
Where can I get a detailed list of all packages installed and how can
I use it to reinstall Debian? And, if its in /var, what programas do
you suggest me to use for recovering this directory from the broken
HD? Since Saturday its state has just got worse and even gpart
doesn't recognize the partitions due to some bad sectors!

Look for packages with a "Status:" field of "install ok installed". The 
"Package:" field is the name of the package.

Do you have an operable Debian system that you can look at to get the 
format of records in this file so that you can write up a quick script 
to do it for you?

Can you still mount the partition?


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Re: [SPAM] Re: openldap and debian

2004-05-08 Thread dircha
Michael Banta wrote:
I'm using apt to try to install openldap.  However it shows packages
that need to be installed that do not make sense to me.  Like:
xfree86-common xlibs

I don't run x-windows, why would it need a xfree86 anything?

Also I assumed that it install Berkeley db for a database(as a
dependency).  It does not attempt to do do.

I am installing from official sources(debian).

I did apt-get install ldap-server and apt-get install slapd, both say they
need to install these files.  The xfree86 stuff.  I don't even have x
OK. ldap-server is a virtual package provided by slapd. Using 
"apt-rdepends slapd" (package: apt-rdepends), it appears that the X 
dependencies are being pulled in by the libiodbc2 package.

Basically this should be considered a bug. However, for what it's worth, 
libiodbc2 only has this dependency in stable/woody. The libiodbc2 
library does not list these dependencies in the unstable version.

I assume that the xlibs and libgtk1.2 dependencies for libiodbc2 are 
just compile time options for libiodbc2.

So, that leaves three options. One is to use libiodbc2 from testing or 
unstable. However, since pulling in libiodbc2 from testing or unstable 
would (from what I can tell) involve upgrading your libc6 to testing or 
unstable, that really isn't an option.

A second option is to recompile the libiodbc2 package for woody and 
configure whichever compile-time options are needed to not include 
support for whatever is pulling in those dependencies.

A third option is to download the .deb for your architecture from and force install it 
with dpkg without installing those dependencies. I would think it should 
still run.

Maybe others see something that I've missed.

Which of these options sounds best to you? Ask here if you need 
assistance with whatever you choose.


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Re: openldap and debian

2004-05-08 Thread dircha
Michael Banta wrote:
I'm using apt to try to install openldap.  However it shows packages
that need to be installed that do not make sense to me.  Like:
xfree86-common xlibs

I don't run x-windows, why would it need a xfree86 anything?

Also I assumed that it install Berkeley db for a database(as a
dependency).  It does not attempt to do do.
What is the name of the package you are attempting to install, and are 
you installing it from an official debian source, or a third party apt 
repository? This will be helpful to help figure out how to get it to do 
what you want.

Using "apt-cache show [package name]", does the package you are 
attempting to install list xfree86-common and xlibs as Depends: or only 
as Recommends:?

If this is the problem, while for aptitude I know the /etc/apt/apt.conf 
option to prevent treating recommended packages as dependencies, I do 
not recall how to do this with apt-get. I believe that dselect provides 
for this as well. Are you handy with dselect?


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Re: Openssh

2004-05-08 Thread dircha
Michael Banta wrote:
I just installed a new Debian box and I want to add OpenSSH (server
and client) to the machine.  I have an updated list of apt packages,
but I cannot seem to find the package.
apt-get install ssh does not work.  I have been searching on the
internet for which source list I should add to sources.list, but have
been unsuccessful.
deb woody main

(substitute country code as appropriate)

In order to receive security updates be sure to include:

deb woody/updates main

These two lines are all you will need if you want to stay with official 
debian stable.


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Recently-used document list

2004-05-08 Thread dircha
Is there a desktop environment independent way of getting a recently 
used file list... something that might complement Debian's menu system 
(package: menu)?


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Re: google type of search for a desktop

2004-05-08 Thread dircha
Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
Hi all
  I am wondering if there is a software which performs google's search 
on (and only on) the files of a desktop running debian linux? I am aware 
of utilities such as grep, find, locate etc, but prefer a google's 
interface. For ex, I can seach for a string, and then click on the link 
to access the file etc.,

Is there any program which does this or some variation of it?
What type of files are you looking to index? If you want to index the 
txt and html documentation in /usr/share/doc/*, I suppose I can see 
something beyond grep, find, and locate as being useful.

You might check whether the htdig and htdig-doc packages meet your needs.

A full search-engine/indexing system such as this is easily scalable to 
multiple systems.


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Re: Newbie-ish question: centralized debian place for X startup programs?

2004-05-02 Thread dircha
Jaime Herazo B. wrote:
Hi. This is a kinda newbieish question. I'm fond of wmaker, but from
time to time i get and try out other windowmanagers, mostly in my quest
for The One True Flashy Desktop, something to show-off linux to other 
people so they all go "wow!" :) 

The problem is that i want to keep starting some stuff on X startup,
like a messaging client, some monitoring stuff, and other things. But i
wanna do it independently of the windowmanager chosen.
Is there a standard debian place for stuff like this? like a
$HOME/.startup file or something like that? that isn't dependant on the
windowmanager? if not, what would be a good place to start looking for
Use .xinitrc or .xsession. I believe using .xsession is supported by the 
most startup options - i.e. whether you use xinit, startx, xdm, or 
whatnot (but then why bother with a display manager for a personal system?).

For an example with a very informative (and thorough) explanation, see 
/usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/examples/xsession.gz (on sid, but should 
be there in woody too).

I usually start X with startx on this computer, and currently my
.xinitrc looks like (a few lines commented out I don't use anymore):
#xsetroot -solid black
xloadimage -center -onroot -border black img/Fire_eye_1600x1200.jpg
xset r rate 250 40
#wmcpu &
#wmitime &
#wmnd &
X will close once the openbox process is terminated. If I wanted to, 
say, after the xset line launch xclock or maybe xload, I would write it 
as "xclock &". The '&' (background) is important for anything that does 
not return immediately (xloadimage and xset return immediately after 
performing the specified operation). Otherwise execution of the script 
would stall on xclock and not get to openbox until xclock terminated.

It should be fairly straightforward, but ask if you have any questions, 
or have in mind any nifty things that you would like to be able to do 
with it. Debian really supports a very large number of window managers 
and X utilities apart from standard GNOME and KDE bulk.

And if you want to run openbox3, I will gladly sing its praises! 
Although for me it is a close call between openbox, window maker, 
fluxbox, and afterstep.


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Re: spawn of debian: choosing a live-boot CD distro

2004-05-02 Thread dircha
Will Trillich wrote:
ultimately what we're after is a debian-based install that does
server functions (email, web, database) that has GOOD DETECTION
ROUTINES at install, such as
any opinions on using these to detect hardware, install, and
serve, serve, serve?
we have direct experience with knoppix and morphix -- both have
good hardware detection, but insist on installing all kinds of
desktop/gui stuff.
trying to get a woody (or sarge, for that matter) up and running
on our raid server was a morass wed on't want to try again soon.
morphix detected everything, we installed, and then set runlevel
2 to NOT launch any X apps.
isn't there a cleaner way without having to be a brilliant
hardware guru?
It sounds as though your problem is in installing Debian on diverse 
systems rather than having to go through the hassle of installing it on 
a lot of machines, so I'm sure you don't want to here "just image the 

You say that you don't want GUI/desktop software.

With morphix, have you considered using its main/mini module system to 
create a customized morphix boot CD appropriate for headless operation 
with the services you need, or even creating your own mini modules for it?

All of the other live CDs you list bill themselves as Desktop distributions.


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Re: debian running out of threads

2004-05-02 Thread dircha
dircha wrote:
You might need to recompile glibc. But first you should do some sanity 
checking to be sure that you are running up against hard limits.
Oh, and before you start looking into that, don't overlook just lowering 
the value of -Xss passed to the JVM.

You've probably tried that, but if you haven't, and you think it would 
be helpful, well, I hope your solution is that simple.


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Re: debian running out of threads

2004-05-02 Thread dircha
hanasaki wrote:
executing "ulimit" from the bash shell reports "unlimited" and bash 
"ulimit -a" gives the same output for my account as for root.

I have googled for bugs and found nothing looking relevant.

The JVM memory allocations are much below system resource max.

Know of any way to find out how many threads a process uses and how many 
are free vs. available for use?
Hrm. Well, I can tell you what I know just now for starters.

You might need to recompile glibc. But first you should do some sanity 
checking to be sure that you are running up against hard limits.

To get the number of threads per process:
- In Java: ThreadGroup.getParent() until null, then 
ThreadGroup.activeCount(); should correspond 1:1 with native threads.
- Native: passing -L or -m to ps should get you a threads listing (count 
the lines or write a script to do it for you I suppose).

For hard limits, there is /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max. Or grep 
/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h for 'THREAD'. local_lim.h is "Minimum 
guaranteed maximum values for system limits."

_POSIX_THREAD_THREADS_MAX is threads per process
_PTHREAD_THREAD_THREADS_MAX I think is max total
Precisely how this number is related to /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max, I 
personally am not quite sure.

You can update (echo # >) the value of /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max 
during runtime. But if that doesn't work, and it looks like you are 
running up against the limits in local_lim.h, then probably you will 
need to recompile glibc.


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Re: debian running out of threads

2004-05-02 Thread dircha
hanasaki wrote:
The below configuration is running out of threads.  This is indicated by
Netbeans 3.6 (a Java ide - reporting "out of memory
error, cant make new native thread".  The interesting thing about this
is that it began right after I upgraded from gnome2.4 to gnome2.6  After
killing the netbeans/java task, even simple unix processes cannot get
enough resources to run (ex: kill, ps, ls ...)  It was necessary to goto
a root account to kill the ide process.

debian - unstable
gnome 2.6 - from debian packages
kernel 2.6.5
1 gig ram
AMD Barton 3000+
Free RAM = 20Meg physical and 1gig Swap
Netbeans 3.6
Java JDK 1.5Beta1
I don't use Netbeans, but two things you might try:
- Check that your aren't running up against a limit specified with the 
'ulimit' command (see: man bash).
- If you are doing something like allocating 768+ MB to the JVM, try 
_deceasing_ this value so that there are more resources available for 
native threads.

I'm going to guess that running a GNOME 2.6 desktop takes more resources 
than running a GNOME 2.4 desktop (although I run neither). That it began 
after the upgrade probably indicates nothing other than that it 
exacerbated the problem.


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Re: serious apt error after aptitude catastrophe

2004-04-21 Thread dircha
Matt Price wrote:
gaah, forgot to add:  downgrading libc6 leads to terrible
system-breaking conflicts.
tried switching to aptitude and, while I was't looking, aptitude
started to uninstall a whole slew of fundamental packages from my
computer!  now I have to reinstall them, but the Sid glibc backage
seems to have aserious conflict with sysinit: 

Note, selecting libc6 instead of glibc-2.3.2.ds1-11
Suggested packages:
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 753 not
2 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B/4211kB of archives.
After unpacking 20.5kB of additional disk space will be used.
(Reading database ... 136582 files and directories currently
Preparing to replace libc6 2.3.2.ds1-10 (using
../libc6_2.3.2.ds1-11_powerpc.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libc6 ...
dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.3.2.ds1-11_powerpc.deb (--unpack):
trying to overwrite `/etc/default/devpts', which is also in package
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Is there a trick for getting around a fundamental conflict like this
one?  My system is pretty well disabled at the moment (e.g., I'm
missing "less" and can't install it!any clues?
So you can still run dpkg?

You can see that the package is located at 

And that it is failing on the step '--unpack'.

Look in 'man dpkg' to understand what the --unpack step is.

Then look for the --force- option to try to force it to install, 
if installing it is what you want to do.

But you say that you tried to downgrade libc6? Do you want to install 
this package, or are you trying to set it not to be installed?

Your system is definitely recoverable though, so don't worry.


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Re: NIC War

2004-04-21 Thread dircha
Ian Melnick wrote:
What else can I try?
Try googling for "arp_filter hidden" and related things; there are a few 
archived discussions that will come up, although I don't know whether 
any of them will be useful.

Also, look through some of the other arp related options in the 

This really seems like something you might have better luck with on a 
more specific list (i.e. non-Debian). You might try searching or asking 
on the kernel mailing lists.



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Re: How to 'apt-cache search'&'apt-file search' by distr

2004-04-19 Thread dircha
Just a thought. Do I need to edit my /etc/apt/sources.list (I assume
aptitude is using this too) prior to checking out packages in other
distributions? i.e. do I need to add url for sid in the sources.list
if I want to check out packages in experimental?
Yes, aptitude uses your /etc/apt/sources.list as well. 'aptitude search' 
searches the local cache created by 'aptitude update'. Only packages in 
repositories listed in /etc/apt/sources.list are available to search or 

If you are using packages from experimental, you may need to list the 
unstable/sid repository. experimental, as you might know, isn't a 
complete distribution. Packages in experimental may need to satisfy 
dependencies from unstable/sid.


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Re: How to 'apt-cache search'&'apt-file search' by distr

2004-04-19 Thread dircha
apt-cache show
fontconfigDisplays fontconfig version to be
[code:1:565f94e986]aptitude show ~Astable
[code:1:565f94e986]aptitude show ~Aunstable
[code:1:565f94e986]aptitude show ~Aexperimental
All the above three display fontconfig version to be

Does that mean fontconfig is version 2.2.2-2 in all distributions? Why
the difference in version displayed by apt-cache and aptitude?
That's odd. It certainly may be an error in aptitude. fontconfig 
apparently does not exist in stable. Because joining the two search 
options as you have is supposed to AND the result of each, in the case 
of ~Astable, nothing should be returned.

Also, I'm not sure how to explain the difference in version number 
reported, although it may arise from the following situation reported by

Package fontconfig
* testing (utils): generic font configuration library
  2.2.2-2: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 

* unstable (utils): generic font configuration library
  2.2.2-2: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390
  2.2.2-1: hurd-i386
fontconfig is still at version 2.2.2-1 on the hurd-i386 platform. 
apt-cache must be reporting this version, while aptitude is reporting 
the version for the remaining platforms.

These appear to be errors and inconsistencies in aptitude. I don't know 
what else to tell you. I was not aware of these before.

I will check the bug list for the package and report this if it has not 
been already.


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Re: NIC War

2004-04-19 Thread dircha
Ian Melnick wrote:
 nic1: ipA, macA
 nic2: ipB, macB
On the network attached to nic1 one you send an arp request:
"who-has ipA tell x.x.x.x"
where "ipA" is the ip you believe is assigned to nic1. nic1 does not 
respond. nic2 responds with:
"ipA is-at macB".

Yes, this is what's happening.
Take a look at arp_filter in 
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt (assuming 
/usr/src/linux is your unpacked kernel source).

arp_filter - BOOLEAN
1 - Allows you to have multiple network interfaces on the same
subnet, and have the ARPs for each interface be answered
based on whether or not the kernel would route a packet from
the ARP'd IP out that interface (therefore you must use source
based routing for this to work). In other words it allows control
of which cards (usually 1) will respond to an arp request.
0 - (default) The kernel can respond to arp requests with addresses
from other interfaces. This may seem wrong but it usually makes
sense, because it increases the chance of successful communication.
IP addresses are owned by the complete host on Linux, not by
particular interfaces. Only for more complex setups like load-
balancing, does this behaviour cause problems.
arp_filter for the interface will be enabled if at least one of
conf/{all,interface}/arp_filter is set to TRUE,
it will be disabled otherwise
Namely the description of the default option (0).

Now, I've never come accross this problem myself, but does it seem 
plausible that the default behavior here is creating the problem for 
you? Maybe I misunderstand your situation.


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Re: NIC War

2004-04-19 Thread dircha
Ian Melnick wrote:
The only problem was, external requests coming in weren't going anywhere.
There's some kind of switch at the "main office" that forwards requests
from the "external IP" to the "internal" one, which is what my first NIC
was set up for. When we used arping and other monitoring tools, it showed
the second NIC responding---when a request was made for the MAC of the
first NIC, the second card would respond with its MAC. I think this had
been happening all along, according to arpwatch's flip-flop reports, but
maybe this is different.
This seems to be the problem. Forgetting external requests for now, this 
seems to be something that should not be happening. Let's try to isolate it.

nic1 and nic2 are on the same machine

nic1: ipA, macA
nic2: ipB, macB
On the network attached to nic1 one you send an arp request:
"who-has ipA tell x.x.x.x"
where "ipA" is the ip you believe is assigned to nic1. nic1 does not 
respond. nic2 responds with:
"ipA is-at macB".

Is this what is happening? If this is occurring, and proxy_arp is not 
enabled, doesn't this seem to indicate a serious problem?

At the time of this flip, according to the local machine is the 
assignment still as follows (still correct)?

nic1: ipA, macA
nic2: ipB, macB

The first NIC works fine, AFAIK, since you can use arping to ping it
via its MAC. However, when you ping it via its IP, the other card
responds. Again, I've manually set the arp table on the server machine
and on the client I used to ping it, but it didn't help.
I tried disabling the second nic to see if the first one would then
correctly reply to arp requests again, and it did---only problem was,
external requests still weren't coming in.
I also changed the gateway of the second nic to be the same as the
first nic, to avoid the second one going through it. Didn't help.
What do you think, could this indicate a problem with nic2 or its 
driver? Are nic1, nic2, and nic3 all the same model and using the same 
drivers? Have you tried replacing nic2 with a nic you know to work, or 
if you know nic3 to be working, temporarily with nic3?


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Re: woody to sarge?

2004-04-19 Thread dircha
Sven Hoexter wrote:
On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 11:59:41AM -0400, Sarunas wrote:
What would be the proper way of upgrading a Debian system (2.4 kernel,
sendmail, apache, mysql) from Woody to Sarge?
Is editing /etc/apt/sources.list (replacing stable with sarge) and
apt-get updating + upgrading supposed to do the job?
Yes it is. Hope you know what you're doing with all consequenzes.
Anyway if you would only like to update several packages thing about
backports(.org). Or make yourself familar with pinning.
I echo this. You should really enable apt pinning and keep important 
services such as SSH and your MTA in stable/woody so that you will get 
timely security updates.


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Re: How to 'apt-cache search'&'apt-file search' by distribut

2004-04-18 Thread dircha
David Clymer wrote:
On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 13:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What arguement should I use with 'apt-cache search' and 'apt-file
search' to specific the distribution?
Eg. If I want to search for source packages (or normal packages) in
unstable distribution, what would the complete command for 'apt-cache
search' and 'apt-file search'?
AFAIK, you cant restrict your apt-cache search by branch. I think it
just searches all package lists fetched from the sources in your
/etc/apt/sources.list. However, if you know the package name, you can
use apt-cache policy  to see a list of all available
packages (from all branches) with the specified name along with their
versions, apt-get sources, and installation status. 
aptitude allows you to do this. Used as a command line tool (rather than 
in curses-gui mode) I find it to be a welcome improvement over apt-get 
for most uses.

Following is a simple form to do what you want:

'aptitude search ~Astable~n'

or, 'aptitude search ~Astable~d'

Read /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README for the full list of available 
search modifiers.


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Re: Mozilla Thunderbird questions

2004-04-18 Thread dircha
Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
Hi all,
I switched from pine to Thunderbird last week, and there are two issues 
that are really frustrating me.
I would be using mutt myself but it frequently flakes out for imap over 
ssl, which is unacceptable, so I gave up on it for now.

1) How can I get Thunderbird to insert a text file into the body of an 
email that I'm writing?  In pine this is just Ctrl+R, but in Thunderbird 
the only way I've found is to cut-n-paste from an editor window. 
Needless to say, this is undesirable for large files.  (Selecting Attach 
from the toolbar or File->Attach from the menu only lets me send the 
file as an attachment.)
There isn't any extension [1] available to do this either. Unless you 
have the time to learn how to write this as an extension I believe you 
are out of luck.



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Re: Modular Kernel:Wat should be modules,wat should be built

2004-04-18 Thread dircha
I would appreciate some elaboration on what kernel module loader does
exactly, since none of the modules get loaded automatically during
runtime. Understanding this will perhaps help to decide which
features will stay as a module and which are the ones that will be
built in.
I have never used automatic loading, but from what I have heard, it will 
work in cases such as loading filesystem modules and netfilter 
(iptables) target modules.

I'd imagine it does not work in cases of modules for particular network 
interface cards, because it is not able to unambiguously determine which 
is the appropriate module to load (although perhaps it ought to be able 
to in the event that there is only a single such module).


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Re: Modular Kernel:Wat should be modules,wat should be built-in?

2004-04-17 Thread dircha
When configuring the kernel (via make xconfig), what is the general
guideline as to what should be kept as modules, and what should be
It depends upon what you are compiling the kernel for.

But generally if you are compiling a kernel for a single system, you can 
just as well compile only what your system needs to function, but 
possibly compile as a module:
- modules specific to a removable device (usb, pcmcia, firewire)
- netfilter modules that may or may not always be needed, depending on 
your iptables configuration

You might add to this:
- modules for your display cards
- modules for your sound cards
- modules for your network cards
Anything that you may want to run your system without, or might swap for 
another component.


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Re: eth0 dissappeared after install

2004-04-17 Thread dircha
Sarah Trefethen wrote:
I installed a base image (testing, kernel 2.4.25-1) on a dell Latitude
D500 (laptop with centrino package) with no problem.  Essential hardware
was all detected nicely and I was able to use my ethernet device to
connect to my friendly local DHCP server and download additional packages
and perform a full range of networky type tasks.
After the first reboot, however, trying to bring up the ethernet devices
yields this: "error when getting interface flags, no such device"
Anyone have any hints for me?  I'm new to this.
It has been a while since I have done a "first reboot", but try the 

Do you know which kernel module is required for your network card? If 
so, test it by "modprobe ", and if it works add it to /etc/modules.

If you don't know which module is required, execute 'modconf' (as root) 
to select the module that matches the description of your card.


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Re: print kernel tree from make xconfig?

2004-04-17 Thread dircha
Matt Price wrote:
anyone know whetheri t's possible to print out the lovely display of
the kernel module tree from "make xconfig"?  I would like to have an
annotated copy (what modules are required on which machines for what
purposes, etc...).  
do a screen grab out of gimp maybe ?
unfortunately one screen length won't do it.

I can improvise, but I'd love to have the whole tree printed outi n
front of me sometimes...
The section breakdown and naming information for menuconfig and xconfig 
is specified in the "Kconfig" files in the kernel source tree.

From these files and the generated .config, you can derive the 
structure you see in menuconfig or xconfig, with the configured options.

A script to parse this information and generate an expanded kernel 
config tree to text would be fairly straightforward. I'd recommend perl.


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Re: woody -> sarge dist-upgrade woes

2004-04-16 Thread dircha
Jerry Spicklemire wrote:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  e2fsprogs: PreDepends: libblkid1 (>= 1.34-1) but it
is not installable
 PreDepends: libss2 (>= 1.34-1) but it is
not installable
 PreDepends: libuuid1 (>= 1.34-1) but it
is not installable
  coreutils: PreDepends: libacl1 (>= 2.2.11-1) but it
is not installable
 PreDepends: libattr1 (>= 2.4.4-1) but it
is not installable
  dpkg: PreDepends: dselect but it is not installable
  sysvinit: PreDepends: initscripts but it is not
PreDepends: sysv-rc (>= 2.85-2) but it is
not installable or
file-rc (> 0.7.0) but it is
not installable"
This is after trying synaptic, apt-get, 
dselect, and getting deeper into trouble, 
at every step, with essentially the same
results, a non-functioning system. 
Try installing each of these predepends individually to determine just 
what the problem is, i.e.: "aptitude -t testing install libblkidl".

Once you determine the problem, attempt to resolve it directly. If 
somehow you have managed to your system into a state where 
apt-get/aptitude can not resolve these conflicts, you can resolve them 
manually by removing or installing packages directly with dpkg, and the 
proper --force option if necessary.

It may take some tinkering, but your system should be recoverable. Do 
this before you give up and reinstall the system. I've successfully 
resolved many similar difficulties in this manner.


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Re: Distribution Upgrade

2004-04-16 Thread dircha
Curtis Vaughan wrote:
So, before I reboot, I just want to be sure that I have lilo.conf set up 
What specifically should I do?  Remove the install= line, or put 
something like install=menu.b?
Yes, you should be able to safely remove the 'install=' line if you have 
upgraded to LILO > 22.3 and just wish to use the standard red 
ncurses-like menu to make a selection at boot time.

Then you would probably want to run LILO again: i.e. execute 'lilo' as root.


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