I have a slight issue.  I think it can be done, but am not 100% sure,
since im 2000 miles away from the machines if the slightest thing goes
wrong the nearest g uy is about an hour drive ..so i need to ask before i
do :)

In the comming weeks(hopefully this week) we have to change
over to a new Class C.. My main server that handles the websites has about
60 eth0 aliases.  I want to be able to duplicate all those on the new
class C, and use ipfwadm (or rinetd if ipfwadm cant do it, i fear rinetd
wont handle the load that well !) to forward requests from the old ips to
the new ones for the period of time that the DNS servers are updating(a
few days at most i'd imagine) same for my mail server.. mail requests on
the old ip would be forwarded onto the new ip.

What i fear most is the moment when i try to add the route for the new
network. anything special(is it possible?) i have to do to get 1 ethernet
interface to have routes to 2 different networks? (both on the same
router) im just scared if i add the new route, i lose connection and the
machine's routing table will be screwed. While not a huge problem i hate
downtime more then the other admins at this place!

as for the firewall/forwarding, i found this on a website ..i think this
is about what i'd need.

ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S <old ip> -D <new ip>

that look right  ??  the machine is a dual p2-233 so i think it will have
no problem with the extra firewall rules(already got about 60 in here)  i
tried playing with it, but i dont have any other networks that are local,
everything else is bound to other devices in other cities:(

thanks for any/all suggestions anyone can provide :)


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   Vice President Network Operations       http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited      http://www.aphroland.org/
       Everett, WA 425-348-7336            http://www.linuxpowered.net/
            Powered By:                    http://comedy.aphroland.org/
    Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP            http://yahoo.aphroland.org/
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