Problems using php4

2000-10-07 Thread Steve Simons
Hi all,

I apt-get installed php4 and apache recently (running potato, by the way).
Apache works fine, but when I try to display a simple php page, Netscape
wants to download it as a file. :-(

Here's what I have as part of /etc/mime.types...

text/html   html htm
application/x-httpd-php phtml pht php
application/x-httpd-php3-source phps
application/x-httpd-php3-preprocessed   php3p

...I have these in /etc/apache/httpd.conf...

LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php.source .phps

What must I do to get a php page to display properly?

Re: Problems using php4

2000-10-07 Thread Andrei Ivanov
I guess try to look through the mime types in Netscape adn see whether
there is any conflict there between several mimes, maybe there is one
there that wants to save it instead of executing it.

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Then came Expedition.
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Andrei Ivanov