Re: Xterm and TERMCAP

1996-10-27 Thread Zlatko Rek
> Zlatko Rek wrote:
> >I have problems with xterm. When it is opened the TERM and TERMCAP
> >environment variables are set to:
> >
> > TERM=xterm
> > TERMCAP=co#80:li#24:
> >
> >I use Jed editor and if I want to edit file the "Terminal not powerful
> >enough for SLang." message appears. When TERMCAP is unset Jed works OK.
> TERMCAP can be set to either the name of a termcap file (a file
> containing termcap definitions for many terminals), or a literal
> definition for a single terminal. In your case, TERMCAP is defined for
> very nearly the dumbest possible terminal definition.
> The fact that Jed works with TERMCAP unset means that it is successfully
> picking up the system-wide termcap file. You need to find out where
> TERMCAP is being erroneously set and unset it. It might be in your
> .bash_profile (or other profile, depending on your shell), or possibly
> in a system-wide set-up file, such as /etc/profile.

TERMCAP is not set in any set-up file. If I login on console then 
TERM is set to linux and TERMCAP is unset. I think that TERMCAP is set
by xterm. Now I've put TERMCAP=/etc/termacap in csh.login.

> >Another problem is that command history keys ( up/down arrows) dont
> >work. Next or previous command is appended to the current instead 
> >of replace it.
> The correct behaviour depends which shell and editing mode you're using,
> and whether your particular terminal type is supported properly. Please
> give details.

I use tcsh 6.06.00 (tcsh-6.06-3.dpkg). Here is my /etc/csh.login file 
(I dont use ~/.cshrc and /etc/csh.cshrc is empty)

# /etc/csh.login: system-wide .login file for csh(1)/tcsh(1).
# $Id: csh.login,v 1.1 1994/04/24 15:08:50 imurdock Exp $

if ($?prompt) then

umask 022

if ( `whoami` == root ) then
set prompt="%~%# "
set prompt="%~%% "

set path = ( $path /usr/bin/X11 /usr/local/bin /usr/games . )
set autologout=0
set noclobber
set autolist
set ignoreeof
set correct=cmd
set matchbeep=nomatch
set cdpath=( . ~ )
set notify
set history = 100

setenv PAGER less
setenv EDITOR /usr/local/bin/jed
setenv MANPATH /usr/local/man:/usr/man:/usr/X11R6/man
setenv TERMCAP /etc/termcap

alias   lf  ls -F
alias   ll  ls -l
alias   dir ls -al
alias   cls clear
alias   clr clear
alias   lo  exit
alias   his history 
alias   cp  "cp -i"
alias   mv  "mv -i"
alias   rm  "rm -i"
alias   ma  'mount /a'
alias   ua  'umount /a'
alias   tis 'lynx'

if ( $TERM == 'xterm' ) then
alias cwdcmd  'echo -n "]2;${HOST}:$cwd"'
set prompt='%# '


Dr. Zlatko Rek  | Phone:+386 61 177 3746
Jozef Stefan Institute  |   +386 61 177 3900 
National Supercomputing Centre  | Fax:  +386 61 219 385 
Jamova 39, P.O.BOX 300  | E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
SI-1001 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA |

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Re: Xterm and TERMCAP

1996-10-09 Thread John E. Davis
On Thu, 3 Oct 1996 12:43:36 +0100, Casper BodenCummins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 : >TERMCAP=co#80:li#24:
 : >
 : >I use Jed editor and if I want to edit file the "Terminal not powerful
 : enough 
 : >for SLang." message appears. When TERMCAP is unset Jed works OK.
 : TERMCAP can be set to either the name of a termcap file (a file
 : containing termcap definitions for many terminals), or a literal
 : definition for a single terminal. In your case, TERMCAP is defined for
 : very nearly the dumbest possible terminal definition.

It is my understanding that the problem is caused by xterm itself.
Since many people have pointed out this xterm flaw to me, I have made
changes to slang 0.99-35 such that it will ignore TERMCAP if TERM is
John E. Davis   Center for Space Research/AXAF Science Center
617-258-8119MIT 37-662c, Cambridge, MA 02139

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RE: Xterm and TERMCAP

1996-10-03 Thread Casper BodenCummins
Zlatko Rek wrote:

>I have problems with xterm. When it is opened the TERM and TERMCAP
>variables are set to:
>   TERM=xterm
>   TERMCAP=co#80:li#24:
>I use Jed editor and if I want to edit file the "Terminal not powerful
>for SLang." message appears. When TERMCAP is unset Jed works OK.

TERMCAP can be set to either the name of a termcap file (a file
containing termcap definitions for many terminals), or a literal
definition for a single terminal. In your case, TERMCAP is defined for
very nearly the dumbest possible terminal definition.

The fact that Jed works with TERMCAP unset means that it is successfully
picking up the system-wide termcap file. You need to find out where
TERMCAP is being erroneously set and unset it. It might be in your
.bash_profile (or other profile, depending on your shell), or possibly
in a system-wide set-up file, such as /etc/profile.

>Another problem is that command history keys ( up/down arrows) dont
work. Next
>or previous command is appended to the current instead of replace it.

The correct behaviour depends which shell and editing mode you're using,
and whether your particular terminal type is supported properly. Please
give details.

Casper Boden-Cummins.


Dr. Zlatko Rek  | Phone:+386 61 177 3746
Jozef Stefan Institute  |   +386 61 177 3900 
National Supercomputing Centre  | Fax:  +386 61 219 385 
Jamova 39, P.O.BOX 300  |
SI-1001 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA |

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